Proceedings of the Anaesthetic Research Society Glasgow Meeting July 7, 1979
Br.J. Anaesth. (1979), 51-, 989P PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANAESTHETIC RESEARCH SOCIETY GLASGOW MEETING JULY 7, 1979 EFFECT OF KETAMINE ON TRANSMISSION a 50% depression in the response to carbachol 5.46 x 10~6 1 5 IN SYMPATHETIC GANGLIA mol litre" was determined (IC50 ketamine = 8.5 x 10" 1 mol litre" , r = 0.83). Downloaded from by guest on 29 September 2021 V. MAHMOODI, A. J. BYRNE, T. E. J. HEALY AND In the concentrations used ketamine has been shown to S. Z. HUSSAIN interfere with the sympathetic final common pathway but Department of Surgery {Anaesthesia), Queen's Medical the results do not preclude a central effect at lower con- Centre, University Hospital, Clifton Boulevard, centrations. Nottingham ACKNOWLEDGEMENT An increase in arterial pressure following the injection of We gratefully acknowledge financial support from Parke ketamine is well documented and has been explained by Davis and Co. both central (Ivankovich et al., 1974) and peripheral actions (Nedergaard, 1973). The sympathetic division of REFERENCES the autonomic nervous system is the link between central Hukovic, S. (1961). Br. J. Pharmacol, 16, 188. and peripheral mechanisms for increasing arterial pressure. Ivankovich, A. D., Miletich, D. J., Reimann, C, Albrecht, It was therefore decided to investigate the effects of keta- R. F., and Zahed, B. (1974). Anesth. Analg. {Cleve.), 53, mine on this final common pathway. 924. The hypogastric nerve, hypogastric plexus and vas Nedergaard, O. A. (1973). Eur. J. Pharmacol, 23, 153. deferens of adult guineapigs were dissected (Hukovic, 1961) and mounted in Krebs' solution bubbled with oxygen 95% and carbon dioxide 5% at 32 °C.
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