

Doug Henwood | 232 pages | 09 Jun 2016 | Seven Stories Press,U.S. | 9781609807566 | English | , United States My Turn: Hillary Clinton Targets the Presidency

Well, that would have been "just" a President, incurring the eternal quarrel with Congress. Another version of bankruptcy reform came My Turn: Hillary Clinton Targets the Presidency and this time, forgetting everything she learned from Warren, voted for it. On Hillary's disregard for the disillusioned white male vote before the Democratic primary: ". Paperback Books. La Otra Historia de los Estados Unidos. Learn how My Turn: Hillary Clinton Targets the Presidency enable JavaScript on your browser. If you believe she's for sale to the highest bidder, you'll find proof of it here. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Aug 25, Chaunceton Bird rated it liked it. Still, I at least recommend reading Henwood's piece in Harper's, from which this pamphlet originated. Jul 05, Jane rated it really liked it. She My Turn: Hillary Clinton Targets the Presidency a inoffensive policy machine on most things except war. The Democratic Party needs a complete refresh and need to start growing great new candidates from the soil of specific communities, locales, and interests. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. The lowest-priced brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging where packaging is applicable. The battle over convention rules and superdelegates slated for summer will tell the tale My Turn: Hillary Clinton Targets the Presidency to whether the left that coalesced around Bernie Sanders can castoff the dead hand of . I challenge any Clinton enthusiast to read Henwood's book with an open mind and come out still a supporter. At the moment in mid-March it seems like we may well have a Clinton Trump choice this November. Trade Paperback Books. Along the way Henwood says that Democrats were blocked criticizing Clinton by the idea that Clinton had become "all women" so any critique was inherently sexist p. Best Selling in Nonfiction See all. A high-level overview of the ineffective and wrong type of experience. But, as I argue in this book, if you're looking for a more peaceful, more egalitarian society you'd have to overlook a lot about Hillary's history to develop any enthusiasm for her. Henwood makes this clear, but his most effective chapter on Clinton deals with the and activists reaction to her betweenwhen the book was released. The picture that ultimately emerges of Hillary is of someone without a soul or principles, someone who even by the incredibly low standards of the day is willing one day to call young black men "super predators" and to support de defacto segregation she remained a "Goldwater Girl" into the 90sor to chastise the police for engaging in systemic racism, based merely on nothing more cogent than the results of a focus group. North American Hi See details for delivery est. The book was honestly too short to be comprehensive and there are a lot of points where you have to fill in This wasn't really much of a takedown not because of any fault of the author, but because Hillary has done My Turn: Hillary Clinton Targets the Presidency little. My main criticism is that the book could use more editing. Memories from a Sinking Ship. This book serves its purpose, but is quite short, and does not really get into the weeds where I would assume there is ample material to do so. Other Editions 5. What's remarkable is that for all Hillary's decades of well documented political career, she's still like a Rorschach blot. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Whether you voted for or against Hillary Clinton-or abstained-this is required reading for anyone who is interested in the future of the 2 major parties and our representative democracy. Henwood does a superb job of pointing up the hypocrisy not only of Hillary Clinton and her handlers, but also the Fourth Estate, which enabled her to My Turn: Hillary Clinton Targets the Presidency the Democratic nomination. For me this presents a fairly common lesser of two evils election choice. Quotes from My Turn: Hillary Brand new: Lowest price The lowest-priced brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging where packaging is applicable. Henwood helps My Turn: Hillary Clinton Targets the Presidency how this could be. See all 2 brand new listings. The fact that the elite political class in this country couldn't see that suggests deep rot within the system. Renowned for her practice's exemplary results and low intervention rates, Ina May Gaskin has gained international notoriety for promoting natural birth. Sep 29, Jules Findlay rated it really liked it. Average rating 3. Readers also enjoyed. The problem then highlighted Henwood is a progressive, but his analysis of the political culture that fosters and supports Hillary Clinton will be illuminating for anyone across the political spectrum. Members save with free shipping everyday! Like Shaking Hands with God details a collaborative journey on the art of writing undertaken by two distinguished writers separated by age, race, upbringing, and education, but sharing common goals and aspirations. There are some digressions that seem out of place; one on the Black Lives Matter movement is the worst offender. Highest Recommendation. All in all meh.