...... ■ ■ ' * ^ FRIDAY, DECEMBER t, U Manchester Stores Open Until Nine O dock Tonight

ATtrag* Dally Net Freaa Ran Forecast atThe 0. WeatherB. Waatfeer BatOM For tha MoaUi ot Novambar, 1848 loereaetag elondiaeas this altar- Open Until aeon and toalght; set oa caM to­ Open Until 9,796 iiamMter ll^raln night: ' cloudy, enow and slowly Btember ot tha Anttt rising temperntores Sondny. Sanaa of arcolatloiiB Manehester^A City o f VtUage Charm * 9 P . M . i.i.' 1 III* 9 P . M. MANCHESTER, CONN.,SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10,1949 (FOURTEEN PAGiiS) PRICE FOUR CENTS VOL. LXIX., NO. 60 (CtaaaUked Advertlsiag oa rage 18) Saturday Saturday Labor Government Thomas Sentence Proof Found International Ruling "Wew-mp— Russians Got By Australia Vote Heavy Water n ::.. Of Jerusalem Voted Becomes Minority House Un-Ame^ipan Ac­ BEAUTIFUL tivities: Com m ittee Also Thinking of Ques­ In Face of Threats KNIT Liberal-Omntry Surprise tioning Canadian Soon Coalition Wins 64 Washington, Dec. 10—(P)— The United Nations Assem­ Seats in Lower House Twin Genu Budget W ill House Un-American Activities Coffee Prices bly Takes Decisive Ac­ RAYON Of 121 Voting Repre­ committee dug out today what it tion; Warned Cost in sentatives $ Defeat Not Balance considers proof that the Russians T o Stay H igh got 1,000 grams of heavy water- Blood May Be Heavy; GOWNS Conceded by Labor valuable for atomic experiments— in 1S43. Both Israel and Hash- Lawmakers Split on So** The committee also Is thinking Brazilian Reserve Sup­ By Iuxtt«, that will appeal to young Sydney, Sunday,. Dec. 11.— metite Jordan Assert and old. A choice of beautiful col­ luUon of Problem to of calling in the heed of a Cana­ ply Has Virtually Dis­ ors. White, yellow, blue, pink and (/!>—The Australian .peirale dian firm for questioning about Population Will Bat­ coral. Sizes 32 to 42. turned out their Jjabor ^ v - Be Faced by Congress 1,000 pounds of uranium com- appeared, Solons Told ernment in a general election 1. pounds the Soviets got In the tle Trusteeship Rule In January Session spring of ,1943. Washington, Dec. 10 —(P)— yesterday. The Liberal-Oun- I The heavy water was the fourth l « = r American housewives are likely to New York, Dec. 10.—

V v:-, f \ r MANCHESTEB BVEfilWG HEKALD, MAttGHESTElR, CONN„ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1949 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., BATUBDAT, DECEMBER 10,1949 are urged to attend so tbat plans RoUnson, arguing that the state December U at 2:Sa4>. m. at the had not proved Its case “beyond ENOS TONIOlITt "ADAM’S RIB” also "BOBDEB OfOlPENT^.. oan be made for everyone’s con­ on Friday in- Sykes Auditorium to act upon Ex­ Bolton Clarke Trial a reasonable doubt,” contended no wmage. "Adventures in Rsadlng,” tneluda tha foUowbig (p. 228): p. m. venience. "Thara Is no power a p ^ from ateed of their regular data of Da- Fourth Division ^^iickville tension of present contract for one Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kasamaa evidence of “intention to defraud” Rav. OoroUiy W. Psass; hostssssa. Doris Mehr O’ltaUa. God. Omnlpotaaea has all-powar, camber 33rd. O. F. S- 'Senior year with the substitution of in­ have bought a house and land from hpd been introduced. He conceded C. O. Blmpaon,. Mra. Harold Membera meet the same evening. creased Sick Benefit insurance for leL Manchester SM8 Now at End that the Beardsleya may have * "Chicago DeadHaa* SheWB BaBdoj Isr, Mrs. Ralph Orssns and and to acknowledgo Sny other Yets to Gather Open Sundt Burton Starkey on the comer of power Is to dishonor God. Tha the year end bonus. C h e ^ Valley Road and Route 6A, "perbapa unwisely” turned money •t SiM, 9rt8 Mrs. Robert Cos. folds Banquet Bolton’s Grand List as of Octo­ over to Clarke, but Inatsted that If Thursday, 8:00. Blbls discuaalonr lumbls Nasarens ovarthrsw the 10 i(. M. to 6 P. BL Dance Tonight u tm the Starkey home. The young Judge Mellitz to An­ (Churches supposition that sin, slcknass, and United Pentoeoatal Charcli Boston, Dec. 10 — Marking the There will be a roast beef sup­ ber i. 1849, totals 83,682,404 ac­ couple, recently married, are at they did It waa given to him i’for and Study group. death have power. Ha proved ■art Sdnvelgw, Pastor fifth anniversary of the Battle of per and dance ^t the Red Men’s cording to the abstract flled this present living with his people, Mr. hia ovrn use and to be haed as he Friday, 8:00. Brownlaa. Tinker Bnildiag, Blain atreet the Bulge to which they played a This Evenki nounce Ills Decision in 8:80. Chsrub and Chapel chorus them poweriesa.” Starkweather Hall evening for members and week by the Board of Assessors. and Mrs. btax Kasaman on Post saw fit.” Baoasd Cosgrogsttejml C h w * i Bt. Jsmee’a B. O. Church significant part, a delegation of friends starting at 8:30 p. m. Max Hill. Young Kaasman operated the Rav. JohB F. Haaaon, Paster rehearse togsther. Sunday sendees changed to With an additional 60 listings, the Case Next Tuesday North Mate ssd NorU Steaet veterans of the New England Kabrick's orchestra wilt furnish gai:an at Columbia Center. Rav. LeUsd O. Haat, Pastor Rev. George P. Hughes Saturday, 2:80. Church School Ohurch of the Naaarcae Tuesday evening et 7:46. Visiting Chapter, Fourth Infantry (Ivy) Street Grocery iRodcvUle Fire Depart- music for the dancing. list shows an increase of 8220,000 The Boy Scout Financial Rev. Edgar J. FtarreU Christmas party for Kindergarten 466 Mala Street ministers will be present, and all over last year. The great acUvity New Haven, Dec. 10.—MP)—Su­ Warrea D. Waod, W iacUr o« Mssla Div.slon AasoclaUon, wilt present 27 Starkweather St. Cases Assigned Drive for Council D la In progreas r r ix a u y and Juniors. Bev. James R. Bel, Pastor win be welcome. Special music. to Governor Dever of'Massachu­ nuAlt to ‘Have* Hart­ The following cases are assign­ in' new construction and convers­ Iti Columbia. A group of elevan perior Court Judge Samuel Mel- Sunday Masses: Just Off Woodbridge St. ion of farmland to building lo^ Is Suiiday, Deeembar 11. setts an Ivy plant, the symbol of ed for trial at the Court of Com­ fathers and Scout Troop Obmmlt- lltz will announce, his verdict For adulU: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, with 9:80 a. m., Sunday school and tbat dlidslbn which routed the ford Chief to Speak reflected in the list. Despite' a# 9:15 a.ro., Church schooL Oeaoordla Latheraa 8M. John’s PeUeh National mon Pleas to be held on Monday,, teemen met at Yeomans Hall Tuesday as to whether or not the 9:15 and 11:00 a.m,. Morning two Masses at 8 and 10, one In the Adult Bible classes. AU agas. Germans to the fierce Ardennes Meats, Grocerio, December 13, sUrting at 10 a. m. average depreciation of 8200 per fighting main auditorium at 9 for adults Gardes and Winter Streets Tennyson McFall, auparlntandent. Catkotle Church 'Tuesday night to outline the work developer of a proposed housing a worship. and Hurtgen Forest casapaigns. Reekvnie, t)*c. 10—(Spsclal)- with Judge John a a rk Fitsgerald unit, the total automobile figure and to see the troop In action. iTOBAYiMfllE snd one for children at 9 In the Rev. Karl RIehter, Pastor . 10:45 a. m,. Morning Worship. 82 Golwmy Street shows an increase of 813,000 with Proludo— Barclay F. Wood WlU Offldstd* The presentation wlU be made The annual banquet of the Rock' presiding: Stanley Hopowiec vs. Raymond Morris, . neighborhood project in Trumbull misappropri­ reporter basement. Two Masses at 10 Music by the church choir. Ser­ Rev. 8 . 8 . 8 tryjewskl, Pastor Wednesday afternoon, December Fruits, Vegetables *vlUe Fire Department will be held 70 new can being listed this year. A LL IN PERSON "A Lovely Roaa U Blooming” o'clock for adults, one in the main At tho Organ Misa Clara 8 krabacs, Orgaatet Clarence Weber; Joseph Blahusiak commissioner met with- the group ated 854,707, •. Brahms mon by the pastor. 14, at one o’clock on the State -thU evening at 7 p m. at the Rock vs. Nicholas Colaluca. At the Military service exemptions have to explain the purpose of the drive The trial of Richard H. Clarke, church and one in the basement 10:46 a. m., Junior church aea- Froisen Foods also increased about 825,000 bring­ 7k" fOURLtAf [LOVER OT.., Introlt— 8:50 a. m., Sunday school and 6:30 a. m., Mass.'* House grounds following a brief Jvllle Hotel. Chief Henry Thomaa Short Calendar session the follow­ for funds. Columbia has a quota 51, charged with theft and em­ Sion in the lower auditorium. Mrs. and simple ceremony. A call has ing cases are listed: The Cutler ing the total to slightly over ”G ^ From on High Hath Heard” Bible classes. 10:30 a. m., Mass. »of the Hartford Fire Department og 8150, a relatively small amount bezzlement of that amount, ended Hayno Jean Bell, supervlaor. * been IssOed to ail veterans of the Open Daily Until 8 P. M. fa-ill bo the principal epeaker. He Co. vs. Frank A. Black, Default, 8105,000. An additional twenty-one here yesterday, but Judge MelUta B t Bridget’s B. O. Church 10:15 a. m., Morning Worship. 6:15 p. m.. N. Y. P. 8 . prayer for this town which now has > a Hymn— Bev. James P. Tlmmejs, Pastor Order of Service 4th Infantry Division to partici­ { wUl have for hi* subject, the recent Judgment; Eldwln C. Hunt vs. John exemptions were' entered on the splsndid troop of thirty boys un­ reserved his decision over the meeting. , , „ H. Noyes et al. Disclosure of De­ records this year. "O Come, O Come Emmanuol” Bev. Bronislaw OadarowskI aad Prelude—“Chorus From ‘Elijah’ 6:80 p, m., Young People’s So­ Rockvtno Baptist Church pate in the presentation on that four alarm fire at the Areenal Fire der the leadership of Wilbur week-end...... Plalnsong Rev. Robert Carroll, Asalstaats Fsllx Mendelssohn Rev. Adolph Johnson, Peator date, and to attend the meeting of in Hartford. fense, Default, Judgment; Willl- Business inventories have not Clarke is acctised of taking ciety meeting. Msrtsn Janes, SU' Eletcher and Jack Card. Funds mmii A nthM — Anthem—“ Hark! What Mean BeglnaM W. Kent, OrganUt the New England Chapter of the mantlc* Savings A Loan Associa­ There Will be four acU of vaude- materially changed although the raised in the drive helps keep funds from the Bcardsley-Crert BAND pertntendent. AU ages welcome. tion vs. Robert L. Bonin et al. De­ tractor and machinery figure has "AUelula, Kyrlo ChrUU,” Old Masses on Sundsy at 7:30, 9, 10 Those Holy Voices 7" ...... 7:80 p. m.. EvangeUsUc service, 4th (Ivy) Division Association to >-ille presented by entertainers Scouting on a secure basis In this corporation which planned the 43- • ‘BOMCOraaPOlKA* .Piorenoe Turner-Male; Sunday, December 11. Church fault, Disclosure, Judgment. increased 87,000. Appropos of this iTOOT.Todt-Toon ir ■ French Carol, arranged by Gaul S lid 11 a. m. gpecisi ringing snd masssgs by be held Friday evening, December from New York. During the pro- area by providing paid leadsrahip, acre development. He waa gener­ (Junior Choir—-first sarvlce) Offertory—“O, Thou Art Uke J schooL 9:45 a. m. Worship serv­ 16 in the Hotel Bradford, Boston. • gram moving pictures of the fire Honor David Law increase, the horse population has al manager of the company - from tbs pastor. program materials and camp life AIU Solo— Flower” ...... Robert Schumann The Week ice, 11:00 e. m. The 1950 membership drive is at the Princess building on Village 'The Loyal Order of Moose will shown a drop from 30 last year to at Camp Quinnebaug. March, 1948, when ha and mem- S t Fraaete of Asatsl Oiarch Postlude. hold a testimonial dinner on Sun­ 22 as of October 1st Since that ’’O Thou That Tallest Good Tid- 7:80 p. mi, Wednesday, “prayer now underway and veterana of the street will be shown. Ralph H. Wallace Lohr, one o f the mem' bera of the Beardaley family or­ Inga" •...... Handel South Windsor Parents may leave their children 4th Division seeking contact with Qibson will be the toastmaster. day, December 11, in honor of Da­ date two more horses have bowpd ganized it, until his arrest nine Route 902, Near Burnham’s In competent care In the Sunday meeting and Bible study. vid K. Law, the dinner being to the machine age. In 1945 there bers of the unbeaten football team HAROLD PARRj (Mm Catherine Johns — second 7:15 p. m. Saturday, Choir re­ their wartime buddtea are urged Cblldren’s Party months later. Comer school room during the service. Banks to Reopen served at 2. p. m. Mr. Law has were 36 Hbrses in Bolton with the of Windham School, with his fel­ JIMMY GROSSO I MTVlCO) Bev. Edward J. Duffy, Pastor hearsal. Every member needed. to aecure membership forms at the The American Legion Auxiliary low players, was a guaat of the Urges Conviotloa for Theft Offaitory—i ITje Choir wUl meet for rehearssl N. E. Chapter Association'a Office, ? been a member of the Moose lodge figure showing only a slight drop State's Attorney Abraham S. DUN CUMMING 3 SHERVVOOOS i at the close of service. In Branch Roles Will hold a party for the children for many years and was one of the each year to date. Oowa number Uons a u b of WilUmahtic at a Qreak Forth, O Beauteous Heav- 8:80 and 10:30 a. m. Masses Sun­ 35 South St., Boston. The commit­ Ullman, in hia final argiuncnt, The Weeh tee at that address Is Chairman of members on Sunday afternoon, founders of the\Moose Club. 201 this year in contrast tq 200 in dinner at the Nathan Hale Hotel anly Light” Bach day. The Sotvotloa Army December 11 at the Q.A.R. hall In Willlmantic early In the week. urged especially that' Clarke be lOU MARX KtRWIN (Second BerviM) Monday at 6:30 p. m., tha 661 Mala Street Ben Pollack and Ass’t. Chairman Reservations Due 1948 while poultry flocks of over convicted of the theft charges \ Ing Circle will mAt. Gertrude Berggren, contralto, ■Wlnsted, Dec. 10— Soprsmo itolo—Elsie B. Gustafson James W. McKay, Organist stated today. “She has not only New and Used Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Arnold of F tm transportation bus service 6:16 p. m.. Youth Fellowship. S k evening for the convenience of Crewe, Virginia were guests of the woods by Francis Lyman and X Offertory—Prelude on "BeauUful and Choir Dlroetor glorious voice, but to addition, friends. for children whose parents can not Susan Rush will be in charge of Saviour” ...... Edmundsen H om es o f mHIGB AND FUEL Rev. and Mrs. EYShk W. Blake F, Stanley Andrews, two of the It Is Not Too Late To Moke NOW IS THE HObR lo plan your gala-New Year’s bring or send them, or live at a dis­ excellent musicianship and rare Youth pyUowshlp members and will be at the fire­ the worahlp. Betty Whitney will Sermon: ’,‘A Blessed Hunger.” 9:45 a. m.. Church school, earlier this week. tance). present a missionary topic, “Ml interpretative aensitivlty. We are The Methodist Youth Fellowship house on Sunday ,,for inspection part^ at CAVEY’S Postlude. 11:00 I m.. Morning Worship. particularly fortimate to having Outstanding Values Bolton Library Bookmobile will 9:30 a. m., Bible.CIs m for all grants in the U. 8 . A.” The Week SUPERIORITY ______will meet at S p. m. in Wesleyan make its re^ lar monthly trip and sale. CHRISTMAS RESERVATIONS Prelude—“Like As the Hart’ her for this conoert, since she waa hall in Rockville and at 7 p. m. at Kdulta. 7:30 p. m., Epworth League end Monday— ...... inncent Novello la .vaftoaa aartlnas at MAN­ OIL through town on Tuesday, Decern-, Winter weather and Christmas j 10:00 a. m., Nursery Class In the Youth Fellowship will pertlclpete to demand by both Cleveland and the Vernon Methodist church. 3:80 p. m.. Girl ScouU- Processional Hymn—“O Ck>me, All CHESTER. offcnri kf JAR- Correctly designed monoments are products of carefuL her 13, w'ssther permltUng. This season always presents problems Parish House during church wor­ in the Community Carol Sing et Boston for Messiahs being given VIS. Tea aopply oa with At the First Congregational for the post office and the rural and Remember — Let Us Hove 6:30 p. m.. Boy ScouU. Ye Faithful.'" intelUgent study. They have balance, distinction and library service is available to all ship. the Center, returning to the church 6:00 p. to.. Resolutions Commlt- the same evening as ours.” roar oaada. well roppiy ran church at 7 p. q>. the Pllgtim Fel­ residents 'bf the town who cannot mail carrier. Oolumbla people are Anthem—"The Lord My Shepherd meaning: they hare bMUty that will endure. lowship wfil meet with members 10:00 a. mM Dlvlno Worahlp. for ligh^ refreshments. tee. Is” ...... WIU C. MacFerlene Three other distinguished solo­ with the home voa daolra. get bo the library during its regu­ indeed fortunate with the service Your NEW YEAR'S Text: Luke 6 :8a and Luke 10:26b. 8:00 p. m., Beethoven Glee Oub. ists, Florence lackland, soprano, reminded to bring their glfU fqr rendered by those of the U. S. Theme: “ Have Ye Not Read So The Week Offertory Anthem—“May Now Thy 8toeh rta m JARVIS aad Ya Cutting Done Iir Our Own Shop Prom The the food box to be packed to be lar hours or who reside outside a Tueadey— , . , S p irit"...... Fr. Jos. Schuetky Howard Jarratt, tenor, and half-mile radius' from the library. Post Office and should give spe­ Much As This? ^ o w Readest Monday— ShoD F M aad Ba Happy. ^ Rough Stone To The Finished Memorial sent to fjermany. RESERVATIONS Early!! 3:30 p. m.. Junior Choir. All 6:30 p. m.. Brotherhood atmuel Hymn of Praise—“ Watchman, Tell CaralUe Girouard, bass-baritone, The Pilgrim Fellowship of the Anyone who wishes the bookmo­ cial thought to making their tasks Thou 7” Smorgasbord with wives invlUd. Us of tho Night" WiU take part to Sunday’s concert bile to call may contact Mrs. Wil­ easier at this time. 11:00 a. m., Divine Worship in members platming to sing on Union Congregational church will Christmas Sunday must be pres- Guest speaker, Rev. Raymond Sermon: "The Piece of the Bible with Miss Berggren. Jorvis Reolty * liam Hand or Mrs. E. Pierce Her­ Raymond E. Lyman, rural car­ the German language. meet at 6:30 p. m. on Sundpy. onL Hedberg of Now BrlUln, Conn. In the Protestant Church.' Supporting them wiU be a cho­ rick. rier here for more than 25 years 12:80 p. m., 2Uon church is a Wednesday— rus of 250 mixed voices and an Farr’s Dining Room church of the Ihtemational Lu­ 7:45 p. tn., Gleaners Christmas Hymn of Consecration—"O Little Company ■ Manchester Memorial Co. End Coming Slq^ly is a friend to all with a cheery party In the ladles' parlor. 8:15 p. m., Brownies. Town of Bethlehem.” orchestra composed of 65 mem­ smile and pleasant word for every­ theran Hour heard over 1,200 sta­ 7:30 p. m., Emanuel Choir. Maiieheater. Oiaa. ■ A. H. AIMETTl. Prop. 10 EAST CENTER STREET PHONE 3923 tions In 85 Isngimges, 49 terri­ 7:46 p. m., Epworth Circle Postlude— “Thanlcs Be To God.' bera o f the Hartford Symphony, 6M Caator StrMt _ The earth is cotping to an end, one but it might well be different Christmas party at the home of Thuriday-r* . ... _ . . Rubin Segal, head of the violin HARRISON STREET—MANCHESTER at the reception he gets at times, tories and foreign countries, over 2:00 p. m., Ladles Aid C2»rlst- Tet 4112. 2275 or " due to its own rest>iratory system, Columbia WON8 ; at 8:80 p. m. over WBPR, Miss Anna Fllblg, 53 Pearl street. department of Julius Hartt School Eoterpriae 9800 ■ OPP. EAST CEMETERY PHONE 5207 OR 7787 says a French, scientist, but hs such as sifter a heavy snowfall. Pa­ Tueddey— mas party. . Bucldnghein Congregational of Music as concertmaster. Ed­ Springfield. 8:00 p. m., Bible Hour will be Chnreh doesn’t pre p. m., 11:15 a. m.. Chapel Choir. Rev. Ernest Gordon, Minister work to be put upon him. Mrs. 446 CENTER STREET party. Greb-big end Stanley Mre. Jennie Aborn, Organist TRADITIONAL QUALITY SINCE 19*0 0 OIL BURNERS v1tz, vice-president; Mrs. Sold Coi^rroatloR Instruction.. Pel’^ gift exchange. Baptized. WUHam Clark Ander­ a, m.. Women’s Ulaoionary meet­ Blum, secretary; Mrs. Joseph Kap­ Leona Beck, postmaster, asks tbat Wbdneaday. 6:00 p. m„ Ladles’ son, son of Mr. and Mrs. WUHam W’Ufred Kent, Choir Director ing. everyone buy stamps in advance, Starring Wedneadey— lan, financial secretary and Mrs. a m Christmas party. 8:00 p. m., Ward Group Chrlat- Anderson of Cooper street Si»n- Miae FoOy Marshan, Director Wedneaday, December 14, 7 p. and have his or her letters stamped .^Friday, 7:30 p. m., Meeting of of ReUgloaa Education Louis Kaplan, treasurer. The com­ mea party. sori. Harold and Conatance Bralth- m.. Golden Rule Club Cbriatmaa mittee chalrmem will be announced before being put in the box for col­ lurch CounelL walte. party and supper. lection. It is Important too tliat Thuraday— at a later date by the new presi­ DUBALDO BROTHERS 8:00 p. m.. Married Oouplea Club. December 11, Third Sunday one address his envelopes correctly Advent dent who appoints. The officers Manchester’s Own AH Brother Act Friday— will be Installed at the January and completely. Check this point. Methodist Oinrch Oovenant-OongregaGonal Chuidi 9:30 e. m., Sunday school.. St. Mary’s Eplaeopal CAurch Mrs. Black calls attention to the iBard J. McLaughlin, 7:00 p. mn Fifth and Sixth 48 Spruce Street meeting of the Sisterhood. Mrs. \ ★ VocaUst— BRUNO bUBALDO grades Christmas party In the 11:00 a. m.. Service of Worship. Oiurch and Locust Streets. fact that Christmas cards of an Pastor Rev. Oerl M. Hdgeieon. Paetor Hymn—"O Day of Rest end Glad' Re\*. Alfred L. WiUlams, Rector Alexander announced Friday that gym* those of the Jewish faith here will average size this year, unsealed, \ The Voice You Can’t Forget William Brown, Organist Paul Paige, Organlat ness.” Edward A. Kelley, Lay Aaalatant Director 7:00 p. m., Intermediate Depart­ observe the Chanuludi holidays must carry a two cent stamp. ment dirlatmea party in the ban­ Hymn—"Brighteet end Best of the However, cards under three and Sunday, Dec. 11 Sons of the Morning." The Third Sunday to Advent. beginning on December 15. and quet haU. continuing until December 22. A one-half by four and ore-half Inch­ '9:30 a. m.. Sundhy school. 9:50 e. m., Sunday Bible echool, Hymn—"Inunortel Love For Ever 8:00 a. m.. Holy (Communion. SPEC;iALIZING IN SIZZLING STEAKS 7:80 p. m.. New members Join' Kenneth Nelson, superintendent. FulL" 9:30 a. m.. Children's Service dinner party at the synagogue on es or over nine by t'welv* Inches, •UO a. m., Oorob^ied Sunday ing the diureh on Sunday will meet the 15th will open the celebration sealed or unsealed must haVe a school and Worahlp. 11:00 a. m.. Morning Worship Sermon: “ But Last of AU He Sent (Office of. Instruction) with ad­ In the ladlea’ parior. His Son.” dress by Mr. Kelley. Junior choir. In Columbia. The ladies of the three cent stamp. S35.0O - JACKPOT - S35.00 11:00 a. m.. M orn in g Worship Saturday— service. The Junior Choir wiU sing. sisterhood 'will serve the dinner. A rehearsal of those who will (duplicate services). 3:00 p. m.. First and Second This U Worldwide Bible Reading Hymn—“ Ught of the World, We Church school classes follow. It Will be “Rec Night” at Yeo­ sing in the Christmas cantata at Prelude—“ Prelude" ...... Tpepfer grades Chrlstmea party. Sunday, and the Pastor wlU apeak HaU Thee.” » 11:00 a. m.. Morning Prayer, Processlonel Hymn—"Sweet Hour on the topic. "The Best Use of 7:00 p. m., Young People’s Fel' Litany for Ordinations, and aer- mans HSU to-night. Groups will ar­ Columbia Congregational church mon. rive at their scheduled hours as is .called for Sunday afternoon at of Prayer.” \ God’s Word” , using d>e text In lowship. 8:00 p. m.. Special Service, In Miuical outliaa of this service: previously announced. There will 3:30. Song—“There’s a Song In the Air\ Center Congregational Ohurch Psalm 119:9-16. The key verse U be a meeting of skiers at 8 o’clock - Junior Choir Rev. Clifford Oliver Simpson, the eleventh, which reads, "Thy clqding showing of the lUm. ‘‘We Processional—“O Come, O Come, Mr. and Mrs. LaVergne H. Wil­ Shall Rebuild." This film is about Emmanuel!" $249.50 to organize the group for the skiing liams have returned to their home AnthSm-—"Praise Ye the Lord” NUaUtor Word have I hid In mine heart, season. A system of telephone DANCE ...... Gounod BV. Dorothy Welle Peaee, that I might not sin against the work of the lone Ck>mmunlty in Litany Hymn—“ Come, Holy Ghost, on Columbia lake following an au­ Scripture Lesson—St. John 5:37- Scotland under the leadership of , Our Souls Inspire." iMtaOed calling will be set up so. that every­ tomobile trip of a month through ' etor of Edneation Thee” . DANCING TONIGHT 4'L (All reading in unison from erio C. Werner, 7:15 p. m.. Organ Vespers the Rev. Dr. Georga F. MacLeod. Sequence—"Ye C!hristian Heralds, one can be notified of coming triiis the middle west. The couple took / MUSIC BY The little Island of Iona on the (3o, Proclaim!” to various ski areas. There ■wl'l be HIANTI own Bibles); teetor et Mualo Christmas carols and ' gospel 3 Years To Pay M im w ’s Mr. Williama' parents, Mr. and TONIGHT Sermon: “The Book To lA y t By edge of the Hebrides, is the his­ Offertory—"What Of The Night?" checking over of equipment for ;Mrs. Thomas Williams back to hymns, played in an atmosphere of Whlle-Yon-Walt le e e y s w * KRAKOWSKA ORCHESTRA Offertory—“ Allegretto” . .iMerkel Dec. 11, BlblaSunday and White quiet medlUUon. toric center from which Great ...... Thompson safety reasons and help a'vailahle their home in Portland, Ind., aft­ Britain tvas first evangelized. Here Rece8stonal-7-“Lo! He <3oraes!” Shoe Repair for repairs. Safety rules will be New Year’s Eve Party Saturday Night, Dec. 81 Recessional Hymn—"Lord of All GlfU, 9:16 a n d ^ :0 0 services 7:30 p. m., Bhrening service. The er a month's visit here. TO THE TUI 8 A. M. Sunday Power.” ^ St. ColumtMt landed in 563 A.D. 7:80 p. ni., Ehrensong with ad­ Basement reviewed and proficiency cards will The Ebcecutive Board of Colum­ Prelude, "The Journey to Bethle­ pastor wiU speak on the topic, Reaervationa Open Monday, Dec. 12 Poatlude—“Poetlude” ...... West hem” ...... ,.\...Cronheifl Rev. James Cameron of S t An dress by the rector. Boys’ choir. be distributed. If the group wishes, bia PTA met at the home of Mrs. Have You Found God?” The text drewa Scotland, will give an to' Ember Day CWedneeday) officers can be elected. All skiers Hymn, "Angela from the Realm of Is Luke 2:40-03. Irving Lohr Tuesday night. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 9 p. m .-l a. m . 7:80 p. m.. Evening Worship. troductory talk on the Ufe and 10:00 a. m.. Holy Communion.- Miss Jean Natsch, Mrs. Sally TEDDY PAGE TRIO Glory." The Week work of the conummlty. A warm Secular Events Gospel Songs— Anthem, “Carol of the Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., Bible Robinson and Mrs. Mac Miller at­ Come to the Rainbow Club Ballroom “ I Lovo To Tell the Story.” welcome Is extended to aU inter Sunday at 6 p. m., the Young You Wanted Them Back So Here They Are Study and P n y n Hour. Studies in ested to this vitally important D f P £ N D A B L E tended a Pinnacle Girl Scout “ Wonderful Words of Life.” People’s Fellowship will entertain Leaders meeting in Stafford Route 6 and 4 4 Bolton, Conn,— Ample Parkhy Presentation at White GlfU. the Psalms. work. the young people of CSulat Church Scripture Lesson (in unison)—Et Offertory. “Peatorele" ,...B S t R V I C f Springs Thursday night. Hall For Rent For Any Oecasion-yRent Reasonable Peter Ch. 1. Friday, 4:80 p. m.. Junior Choir Comlag Eveata Cathedral, Hartford, while the The Columbia Congregational PIZZA— DELICIOUS AND HOT Anthem, "Gesu Bambino ’ ----- Yon '^ e a rsa l. Tnesday«' December .18, 7 p. m. Graduate Club plans a musical Song—“ Breah Thou the Bread of Children’s Story, “Mary Jonee BRAND N E W church school will hold a food sale U fe." Friday, 7:80 p. m.. Volunteer Men’s supper of the Tolland Ooun' night at the same hour. Gifts of Fine Quality for Him In Yeomans Hall this afternoon, Sound Film—"The Bible, the Book Blblt” workers are invited to help decor- ty Association, to the church base­ Other organisations will meet 6.00 X 16 and 6.50 x 15 opening at three o’clock. for the World Tomorrow,” Hymn. “O UtUe Town of Bethle­ aU the church for Christmas. ment at their regular hours this week Bong—"How Firm A Foundation.” hem” ...... Redner Wednesday, December 14, 10:30 with one exception. Chib Pack 37 Ronson Standard Pocket Lighter...... $ 6 .0 0 AUTOMATIC FUfl John Wlnthrop, governor of the Fun For All— Bring the Family Tho Youmethe wlU meet et 7:00 Sermon, “Hidden Power.’’ ymn. “It Came Upon tho Mid- Christlaa Scieace Society Baaketweave Tie Slide ...... S 5 .0 0 delivers MasMChusetts Bay Colony and a p. m. Masonic Temple founder of Boston, belonged to The Week night a a er” .. • .... • • • • • Basketweave Cuff Link S e t ...... $ 6 .0 0 SKID CHAINS landed gentry of England. Monday, 7:30 p. m.. Official Postlude, "Merch of the Megl from tha <3enUU "The SUr of Sunday eendee, 11:00 a. m. Speidel Watch Expansion'Bracelets ...... $ 1 4 .9 5 Board meeting. Guarantees your healing ^thlehem ” ...... Harker Sunday school, 11:00 a. m. Elgin Watch, 17 Jewels, lOK Gold Filled Case . . . . $ 5 0 . 0 0 Wednesday, 2:00 p. m., W.B.C.B. Wednesday meeting, 8:00 p. m.' NORTH METHODIST worries wM be ever. This is (FULL CHAINS) '9:15. CJhurch SchooL meeting. ’The public is cordially Invited- Diamond OnjTC Initial Ring, 14-Karat Godd...... $ 6 0 .0 0 MEMORIAL TOMORROW EVE. Friday, 7:30 p. m., Oomntlsslon 11:00. Church Time Nursery. our throat to cold, the 4:00. PlljTim Fellowship. “God the Preserve of Man” will CHURCH Prices Include Federal Tax i n , Education, Mrs. W . C. Kratue, be the s u b ^ t of tile Leason-Ber- cewplete service for depend­ Extra Special Oratorio^Chorale chairmen, will meet at the church. 6:00. C x P Club, Miss Jeanne JelM Lead I M. Caauithts mon for Sunday, December 11, R«y. Willsrd J. McLsnghlin able oil heat. HERBERT A. FRANCE, Conductor Friday, 8:00 p. m., Wesleyan Low wUl give an mustreted lecture Marie WIIm s I Ariaae DskI And have the time of your life on her trip to France end England 1949. “MT FKICND I “THB BLACK Service Guild Christmas party. In The Golden Text la from laalah SHOP TONIGHT UNTIL 9 P. M. IMMA” I BOOK" the vestry. the oast summer. “ A Friendly Fellowship” $5.50 Per Set DANCE TO Friday, December 28. Christmas 7:80. Young AdulU heve been 31 ;5. "A s birds flying, ao will the Baadajr: “TA9K POBCB” program of the Sunday school will Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem; invited to visit St. James’s church. defending also he will dell'var It; The Vagabonll Foptot he held. The Week and pasnng over he will preaerve UniTcroal Bible Sunday, Dee. 11, WhUe They last! MESSIAH Monday, 8:80. Loyal Circle of I f MORIARTY 250 Voices— Orchestra of 65 Music You’ll Never Forget Gospel HaS Kings Daughters. Members asked Selections from the Bible In­ to bring glfU to exchange and 9:30—Combined Sundsy School snd Morning Worship. DANCE -MiUer's Hall Soloists 415 Cheater Street clude the following: "Tha blind Sermon: “The Book to Live By.” At The their glfU for Crospore school. receive their sight, and the lame BROTHERS Tolland Turnpike GERTRUDE BERGGREN Wednesday. 3:00. Cherub end walk, the lepera are cleansed, and **On the Level At Modem and Old Fashion .Sunday— Chanel ehoira win reheerae togeth the deaf hear, the dead are raised 11:00—Morning Worship (dupUeste senrice). DaadBg VICKLAND - JARRATT - GHIOUARD 10:30 a. m., Breaking of Bread, Center and Broad” TM p. er. up, and the poor have the goepel Evary Saturday Night! Seats 92.40 and. $1.80 At p. ih., Sunday school. 7:80. Senior chiMr reheereel Mrs. preached to them.” (Matt. 11:5). 7:S0—Evening Worship. / JEWELERS . SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1900 MAMCHCSTCR .rcLEPHONe s i»s OAK GRILL ^ 7:00 p. m.. Gospel meeting. Heniv .Tenseen. cho'r mother. Tel 1S1S5 1:00 to U :00 P. >L Potterton’s-and Box Office Correlative phoaogu from the “The Bible, The Boidt for Tomorrow” / 7:45 p. m., Tuesday, prayer 8:00. Grmrp A. CTi,rirtmea party CairisUan Setenee textbook, “Sci­ 958 MAIN ST. .... OPPOSITE OAK ST. meeting. 'n d games. ence and Health with K ey'to the (sound Aim) 7:45 p. m., Frifia)’, Bible Class' 8:15. Mothers' Club at the par* Scriptures,” by Mary Baker Eddy, r h- 'e ■ J-

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ SAIURDAY, DECEMBER 10,1949 PAGE] y^tm' MAMUUES'I'ISK £V£N IN G HERALD, M A N O lESl'ER, UOWN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1949 I intended, and an should be HNK PHARMACY PINK PHARMACY Warehouse Fire [wrapped in whit* paper. Burnham Quito \merica*a Stake in Europe Fairly stiff winter weather has Loss Is $2,500 been felt her* within the past As Colt Official week or, nsore, the thermometer PIKE PHARMACY I t h on Long Time Basis, I going down to 10 above aero, nudc- Hartford, Dec. 10—W) — Fred­ Vnloo. D*o. Ifr—{*)—Fir* In « I Ing quite a contrast between the m 4 1 charcoal storage warchous* de- temperature prevailing about the erick E. Burnham has resigned as fs Open Sundtty stroysd an astlmated $3,BOO worth |0rst o f Decm ber, when there comptroller and treasurer of Colt’s Pr«# Dfllhrery For All Year Drug NeMs Earth, Peace, Good Will Toward Rep. Ribicoff Declares of tte barlMeu* fu*l her* early to- was ATsen grass, dandelions in Manufacturing company' effective the 864 CENTER STREET TEL. J-9814 Likewise with the Mutual De­ said Burnham wished to accept an Oona.) *f Hartford, booed on temperature, and the lack of day. Some people have hepled out appointment elsewhere. Ids eboarvntlona duiteg n tour fense Assistance Program. This water were unable to prevent the ’ their water shortage by catching PINE PHARMACY PINE is supposed to supply the sinew of Burnham, formerly general ac­ of Woatem Buropean coun- complete destruction of the fare- rain water or melted snow wa­ countant at United Aircraft, had trle* this sununer as an offi­ a solemn, permanent alliance, and house. ter. yet the legislatlo.i is enacted for been with the Colt management cial oAervcr for the Honse The building, one of two storage since 1845.' rorelgn Affairs Committee of only a year at a Ume. Our nation depots was owned by the Union- AkiiMt eiw-fourlli of all which h* la n member. His thus seeks the benefits of a per­ ,1,.. Forest company. t pedertrkm dsathf occur Christmas Carol contact with world statesmen manent alliance while preserving OLD AND DANGEROUS and his |ier*onaI observation* the freedom of a companionate Tolland during ona-tixtMnlh of Facing' Charge have been cryatallzed by the marriage. Again the legislation in­ TREES REMOVED Congreomnna In this serie* of cludes the statement of the right Uebrun The special meeting of the Tol­ ,Nw yaor—botwaan 5 and Of Auto Theft articles. of the Congress to call the whole land Community Building commit­ 8 P. M. in tha six month* Thicklnf, cord wood cut or sold, stove or flreplaco thing off by concurrent resolution. tee has been postponed .from De­ length. If you have woodland to be cleared call us. By Bep. Abraham A. Blblroff A planning committee was cember 18th to their regiilar meet­ of Octobar through Savannah, Qa., Dev. 10 — - In a sense, this Is the result of named at this week's meeting of Horth AmeHoaa Newspaper our structure of government In ing in Janugry when the regular George "Bud”. Gollum la being “ You Name It and We’ ll Do It” Alliance the Citizens' Commission for es­ meeting of directors and commit­ March. held on a charge of Interstate auto the United States it is necessary pecial study of school needs and CENTER PARK tee wilT be held. At the last meet­ Washington, Dec. 10—( ^ — Eu­ for us to elect Congressmen every SMNMl SHirr (NMl theft, the Federal Bureau of In­ NATIVITY SCENE welfare in Hebron, consisting of ing new officers were elected as rope wlU never again have the two year*. President* every four vestigation announced last night. the Jtev. H. R. Keen, Rev. George followsi President, Donald Hurd; Gollum identified himself to U.S. EDWARD WROBEL political and economic balance years, and Senators every, six M. Milne, Mrs. Albert W. HUdlng, vice president, Peter Hodgina; sec­ years. It is certainly true that Commissioner Harry H. Hingson In Phones 2-9986 Or 6547 which was hers during the 10th Arthur F. Higgins, William L retary, Mrs. Donald Dtmcan; treas­ Green'vllle, 8. C., as co-defendant smyone may for these offices, Borat, and alsistant school super­ urer. Mr*. Albert Thomforde. The Century. The past few years have against any particular point in our Manchester with Beulah Overall in a sensation U LA/JO sAsM visor Eric A. Hirst, to complete committee, most of whom are rep- at California trial following the seen the disappearance, as such, foreign policy. The Congress, which the survey of the project. - Miss resentattvea of the various social of two military and naval powers, must be elected every two years, death of her parents’. E /.n Kelly of the Governor’* com - groups in Tolland, and others who Date Rook Ed Mason, ^tecial agent In 7 P.M. Germany and Japan, and the must defend its actions before its mlMlon, was speaker. Another are interested in the project of a Sunday, December 11 charge of the Savannah FBI office, eclipse of a third, Italy. It has constituency. If their a ctic^ have meeting will be held, date to be new Community building for rec­ not met with approval, the vot­ reational and educational pur­ Tonight said Gollum was arrested Thurs­ Annual New Year's Party witnessed the serious economic announced. day in Greenville, S. C., on the aiito and military depletion of two ers win send a man with a differ­ A meeting of the Brownie ’Troop poses. There are 85 members who Fellowship Cluu dance, enter­ Of The UKMSXWSXWflMKlkMSXace have made much progress in rais­ tainment, Masonic Temple, 8 p. m. theft charge. Western powers, England and ent viewpoint to Washington, A* sponsors was held Tuesday eve­ The 23-year-old Clollum is being Manchester Italian-American Club France. The recovery of their a consequence, no foreign policy ning at the home of Mrs. William ing funds by entertainments, auc­ Salvation Army Band and tion and other activities for raising Chorus concert. 8 p. m. Cltadafl held in the Greenrille Jsdl Mason At The Clubhouse former strength is by no means can actually be formulated, at W. Hammond. Mrs. Harry 'H. said. -PROGRAM- assured. It has been seen the least in terms of appropriations, Klrkham was made chairman of a funds for this worthy cause. Sunday, December II thrusting of Soviet power into for an extended period of time. committee to further the troop in­ Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Clough o f Community Christmas Carol Tolland and New London* were re­ Sing Nativity scene at Center Park Get Your Tickets NOW! DEDICATION— Harold Turkington, Mayor of Manchester Central Europe and, for a year, to This situation In American terests, the other members being jauK«c« the Adriatic. Further, the Pollt democracy places the scajor re­ Mrs. Albert Ooolldge, Mrs. Ever­ cent guests of their brother and 7:00 p. m. PRAYER— Adjutant Atwell, Salvation Army buro has extended Its orbit into sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Tuesday, December IS For Ticket Reservations sponsibility on the voter. The ett B. Porter, Mrs. Leroy B. Kin­ M. aough. vast portions of Eastern Asia. ney, Mrs. Albert 8. Taylor. Mrs. Special meeting of EMucationaJ Your Call Any One O f This Committee: BEETHOVEN GLEE CLUB— Frederic Werner, Conductor American ’voter must be fully ’There are about 50 state children aware of what he Is voting for Gardner Q Shorey is leader of the Club Unooln school, 8:30. 1. Dona Nobis Pachem . . . Arranged by Wilson (Grant Us In the same period, the United being cared for in Tolland homes, Wednesday, Dec. 14 States has involuntarily emerged When any party presents a pro­ troop, Mrs. Hammond, assistant. Xmas Gift Ssore Leonardo Aeeto, TeL 7673 several of them aid enough to at­ Military WThist given by the Thy Peace) into the pre-eminent position of gram or a candidate. If the vot­ Meetings are held Mondays after tend public school in town. Nicola Gentikore, Tel. 2-0035 2. Vision.s — Sjobcrg-Balogh power among Western nations. ers do not understand America’s school hours at the town halL The Third and Fourth District Demo­ ARTHUR DRUG STORES Mr. and Mrs, Prospero Bonino, Tel. 2-2982 Many families .on outside farms crats, Hollister school auditorium, ..fe a - This pre-eminence Is Inherent and position in the world today, they troop now numbers 20 members. are taking water from Tolland Mrs. Louise Coda, Tel. 5327 CAROLS cannot be abdicated. It is doubt­ will not be adequately prepared Mrs. George A. Hines of Ams- 8 p. m. 1. Come, All Ye Faithful — Cantus Diversi Center for their homes and for Christmas Party; former Red Mrs. Louise Calandra, Tel. 2-3356 s b ^ ful that history gives us a precise to exercise their franchise in an ton, who has been leader of the their stock as many wells in town Cross Volunteer Nurses* Aide Mrs. Margaret Pedrazzini, Tel. 2-0981 2. The First Noel — Traditional parallel of such a shift in the intelligent fashion. Hebron Girl Scouts; is leaving for are dry, an unusual happening. Let's Take A Ride power situation In so short a pe­ The voter, who is for u* the Glastonbury. Her post la as yet Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson Corps, Country Club, 6:30 p. m. Frank Diana, TeL 8005 I? BEE'rHOVEN GLEE CLUB Also Christmas party and dance riod. Such shifts In power do not ultimate formulator of foreign unfilled. Mrs. Mason 8. Belden is with their daughter, Janet and son Leo Diana, Tel. 6.347 1. Behold That Star — arranged by Cunkle lend thcihselves to fast balance. assistant. The Scouts meet Mon-i. of Cheney Brothers A. A. at Maple In That policy, must recognise that our John, have been recent guests of Grove, Rockville. 2. Schneider’s Band — arranged by Mundy ThB adjustment is necessarily pro­ stake in Europe is a long-term days at the new elementary school Mr. Anderson’s brother. Dr. Ander­ longed over many decades. The after school hours. Thursday, December 15 CAROLS and an expensive one. Western son and family at Westerly, R. L Tall Cedars Christmas party for economic and security problems of civilisation requires our leadership, Mrs. Daniel G. Horton, librarian, Tolland Grange regbiar meeting 1. O Little Town of Bethlehem — Redner Europe—and this nation—will not Douglas Library, gave out 64 children. State Armory—7 p. m. , New 1950 PACKARD and leadership has never been Tuesday evening. December 6 spon­ Friday, December 16 ' 2. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear — Willis b* over in a year or In 25 years. cheap. No person or nation h** books at her first session Tuesday soring "Hob') Night” caused m'lth They will continue to challen Jt at the Hebron EHcmentary School, British American .Club annual It Del...f- f S2.7')9 BEETHOVEN GLEE CLUB been a leader without paying amudcurent as d embers dressed kiddles party. 7 p.m. our wtsest thoughts and best ef­ heavily in time and money. So I to grades 8 and primary, from accordingly, a.s.> the menu and ta' In MAr.i r-UjIER 1. Onward, Chirstian .Soldiers — arranged by Simeone forts' ^ r many years Un come. But the 160 books selected and taken Sunday, December 18 would urge that wc not delude our­ ble were fully represented for the Loyal Order of Moose Children’s For Qiristmas* Qieer CAROLS our tblnklng will not be wise nor selves Into thinking that we have there. She will take about 180 occasion. Beans were served ih the Walter Dawley our striving adequate If we cling books next Tuesday to fit the Christmas Party, Lithuanian Hall, Frederic E. Werner t. Hark, the Herald Angels .Sing — Mendelssohn only an emergency and short-term tin can, with a spoon dipped into 2:00 p.m. to the Illusion that the situation is nbeds of the remaining grades. the can for serving, butter was Conductor of the Beethoven 2. Silent Night — Gruber One of Hartford’s Foremost a transient one or that we can problem. , These books vvlll remain at the Along with the rec^^ltlon of placed in paper ice 'cream cups, ‘ End One-Day Strike I Glee Oub and Director, of the BENEDICTION— Adjutant Atwell Organists turn our backs upon it any time an expensive and long-term school until ita close. They are all and all but two members dressed 52 wedts each year Carol Singing we wish and, at most, in Just a Juvenile*. The location of the new BIG TRADES future, the American people must in Hobo appearance. A pleasant »»m ss»s*s*sssssc»»M S ■\ fewjrears. school, about half a mile from the Louisville, Ky., Dec. 10— — be aware of the necessity for con­ evening of fun and social activities Mailing room emplqyes of The LOW p a y m e n t *. It was quite natural that during library, makes the special sessions was enjoyed by all. The State Mas­ ^tbe tour and survey of European stancy and consistency in foreign there necessary. Courier - Journal and Louisville TRADE TODAY policy. We cannot afford to allow ter. Ira Wilcox and Mrs. Wllcnx, if* qondltlons for the House Foreign Mrs. W. Sherwood Griffin has Times ended a one-day wildcat PHONE 5191 NOW isolationist rabble rousers to lull both members of Tolland Grange, strike last night and returned to AHaln Committee that I should been made publicity committee were present and- gave an Interest­ aso and talk with a great many us to sleep and make us think chairman for Hebron Grange. their Jobs today. The newspapers that our frontier is the Missouri ing experience of their trip to and Bald they accepted a request for eta^m en. both American aikl The ptunp at the old school being present at the 6Sth annual fm ig n . It was reassuring to find River. No voter who I* realistical­ house at the green may now be settlement from the Independent Y(l,arsii6!S#iiairts ly facing the world of fact will be National Grange at Sacramento, International Mallcra union and BRUNNER’S PACKARD Utat\ my. Impressions, yes, even used by those who are suffering Calif. sotna of my prejudices, were con- misled, and it is part of our re­ water shortage, the crisis at the signed a contract calling for terms sponsibility as citizens of this na­ The December business meeting previously offered by management. Chrishmsisa ftroMri by men representing our Douglas Library, the heating sys­ of the ’Tolland Federated church government abroad, such as Ave- tion and the world to make sure tem of which is supplied by the that all the fact# aw known and Ladies’ Aid Society will be held rill Bkrriman, European director well, having been averted. A in the church parlors Wednesday, for BCA (Eloonomic Cooperation well understood. plumber made investigation and The national mind must be made Dec. 14th at 8 o’clock. . Adminlstriitlon), whom I met in repairs and there is no further Edward Meacham continues se­ T H O R T / london and again in Paris. up. We must recognize that there need of conserving the water un­ riously ill in Rockville City hos- Have You A Alaa Ambassadors David Bruce are a number of cherished idea# less things get worse instead of pital. In Btngland and James Dunn in which------must be branded asi. t lllu- tt. I better. The heavy snows, thaws, V Italy were' helpful 'both in infor­ slons. We must recognize that the i gome rain may have helped Sewer Disposal Problem? mation and in facilitating my most dangerous illusion of our | gome what in the water famine. THEN * work. 1 talked with a great present situation Is the one that People who used the well here many others, not to mention the tells us that short-term and ahort- came from some distance in a few Chrisfmas Trees cabbies, the ivorkers, the waiters nm investments pay higher divi­ cases, some from Amston, two or CONSULT A SPECIALISE! and 'the others who represented dends than long-term securities. three miles from the green, others { For Sale the little people of Europe. And The American people must be nearer by. McKINNEY BROS. SEWAGE DISPOSAL COMPANY then there w*re Pertlnax. the willing to pledge the same stead- People sending Christmas cards | Every Day and Night . 130-1.32 Pearl Street. Manchester, Connecti^cut great French Journalist, and Gas­ factness of policy and concern that are again reminded that postage ton Palewski, one of DeGauUe’e It expects from Its friends. We on the same will be two cents in­ Until Christmas lieutenants In Frtoce. cannot afford the luxury of con­ stead of 1H cents, even If enclosed Reasonable Prices • SEITIC TANKS INSTALLED AND CLEANED Last but not leut, the assistance stant shifts and changes of mind. In unsealed envelopes. • SEWER LINES INSTALLED AND ELECTRIC­ of David Zelierba^h, ECA director 1 do not think we will change our The Rev. George M. Milne, pas­ Hutchinson and Gaal ALLY CLEANED in Italy; Milton Katz, Harriman's mind once we realize the new and tor of Hebron and Gilead Congre­ Main Street deputy and John ' Kenney, ECA • DRAINAGE DITCHES AND* DRY WELLS IN­ different character of today’s gational churchdb, gave an illua- Between TYiple X Store and director in London and all of their world. trated lecture on Scotland Tuea- STALLED capable staffs made It possible for day at a Tolland Couhty Home Salvation Army me to cram into a relatively short Economics committee meeting at Call 4728 FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL MANCHESTER 5i^08 stay a great fund of information the home of Mrs. Kenneth A. OR Europe’s stattu, its future and About Town Downing, South Coventry. These the role we, as the m'ost powerful pictures In color were taken by Beethoven Glee Cliih— Celebrating Their 25th Anniversary Season state in the world, must assume Mr. Milne while he was In Scot­ for world peace. The annual Christmas party of land last year taking a apecial What the United States wants the Manchester Garden Club will course in theology at the Univer- HILDITCH for Europe la not that It be a co­ be held in the Robbins room of Bity of St. -Andrew. Misa Cora H. I lonial possession of ours but rather Center Church house, Monday eve­ Webb, home demonstration agent, that it be an independent associa­ ning at eight o’clock, with e was in charge -of the . meeting. MARKET tion of nations living in peace and change of 25-cent gifts and re­ Seventh and eighth graders of Summer St. harmony with each other and with freshments. the elementary school gave as a present to the kindergarteners a j What Russia wants is that EUr- The PoUata American Club will OPEN ALL DAY epe become a colony of the Krem­ fine picture of Santa. Claus, made hold Its annual meeting on Simday, especially for the occasion b y ! $1 per week can buy one lin. By so doing, Europe would be December 18, instead of tomorrow SUNDAYS able to produce for the Russian Si^y Scranton, who has consider­ as originally planned, at one able promise as a budding artist. people and Europeans would live o’clock, at the clubhouse, Blectidh u n t il ' x m a s For •*Full‘Measure*’ Values IJt in a slave labor camp. It would Church attendance was affect­ of officers for the coming year ed Sunday by tha cold, diaagree- further provide Russia with the will take place. The tmployere’ Croup offer* you «he opportunity for Jumping to the able weaUier. There was a serv­ See Our Toy Dept. chance co rid youricif ot the hnuKial ice of Holy Communion at St. Western Hemisphere and ulti­ Miss Sylvia Ellen Keith, daugh­ uorriet that go along with t moeigigt. mately bringing to fruition the Peter’s, the Rev. H. R> Keen offi­ /The new Oumr,' Oiisbitiry policy ter of Mr. and Mra. ESverett T. ciating.- The Rev. George M. will pay your Monthly Mortgage Note if \ Communist dream of world revo­ Keith of Pitkin atreet and a stu­ lution and domination. Milne, at the Congregational you ihould be iicic or ditabled by an acci­ dent at Stephens College, Colum­ dent Give ui a ring and we’ll cell you all Without Europe, Rusaia !s con church, preached the second of LET US bia, Mo., will spend the Christmas three, leading up to Christmas, atoui it in two minutes. tzined. With Ehirope, Russia will holidays at her home. The Christ­ Potterton’s entitled "The Dimples and Their SIMONIZE ‘ be able to gain absolute hegemony mas vacation at Stephana College THI IM noriSS’ OROUP MAN IS over the peoples of this planet. Master.” YOUR CAR will begin December 14 and class­ Attention is called again to the Tht Atan with thr Plan 539-541 MAIN ST. * The European peoplee themaelveq, es will resume January 5. The for­ have a vague recognition that this annual "white gift” service to be (Or Afly Method Ton Prefer) Henry Escott Agency, 266 High St. W. Tel. 3683 mal Christmaa dinner on Tuesday held at the Hebron Congregation­ is the case. They don’t want, to night win be followed by the tradl go to Russia, but they are not al church on Sunday, Dec. 18. The Batlstacttoa <|oaninteed tional Christmas program present­ usual donations of packages con­ quite sure that the United States ed by the student (diorus. Prieea Ft«m $8.00 Up hss the plan or the understanding taining articlea which are Intend- iii^ SR aiy g** a i y x ascessary for their salvation. The EducaUonal dlub. of which ins, or any deprived people, such The constant debate we conduct Mias CTatherine Shea la president, Bantly's Servicenter with ourselves — whether or not as those in hospitals or convales­ will hold a special meeting Tues­ Phone 7258 to participate in the affairs of day afternoon at 3:30 at the Lin­ cent homes, is called for. These Europe — Is only a dilemma of the coln school for the purpose of dl» packages should contain such We PIch Op and Deliver things as small useful gifts, can­ mind. In the real situation, there cuaaing ths poaslbillty of bring­ HOW ABOUT\ THIS? is no choice, no place else to go. ing to this town early In the spring dy, soap, perfumery, handker­ We are not willing to submit to the chUdren’a opera. "The Gooee- chiefs, or . anything which might We will furnish all the necessary materials, above the foundation, for a 12 ft. failure aa a power and to abdicate bring cheer. Gifts in this line may herd and the Gohlln,” produced by FOR SALE the leadership which has been the JuUua Hartt School of Music, be made more personal If desired, X 20 ft. single car garage for the total sum of $239.50 (leps 5% cash discount— thrust upon us. The difficulty is under the direction of Moahe Par- in which case Mrs. .Mbert S. Tay­ that In keeping alive the Illusion anov, for three performance# ao lor may be contacted. Besides |)lus State Sales Tax).' Time payments can be arranged at approximately that we might do so we reduce Ihe this donations of money are asked effectvieness of our efforts in that atudenta in the third, foiwth, XMAS $10.50 per month. fifth and sixth grades may be able to be turned Into the fund for the World leadetship. Veterans of the Cross,” or re­ to see the opera. The Educational If an estimate is desired on a completely erected basis we will be glad to recom­ We still like to woo constancy Club which is composed of teachers tired Congregational ministers, TREES wUh philandering words. In enact­ and others, la an entirely separate who now have a pension of about mend one of a number of high-grade contractors. ing the European R*overy Pro­ organization from the Manchester 8500 yearly. This Is perhaps suf- • The Theme o f the Christmas Season as Portrayed by the Nativity Scene gram we reserve our position not fleient If these persons have fam­ FREE DELIVERY Education Aaaoclation. Sponsored by the Tall Cedars as a Community Project only with respect to the sequel ilies with whom to live, but would Ah and Cliff Eagleson For Complete Details but also during the term of the The Beethoven Glee Club «ill hardly be adequate in caseq of Program itself. Thiu, we make the have a rehearsal, Sunday evening severe or prolonged illness. A , leadership effective for only a att 8:6:15 in Center church, preceding third purpose is the gift of cloth­ DIAL 5145 ^ .‘Fear at a time, and each spring the 1hymn-alng in Center Park. ing for needy or displaced per­ DOUGAN'S ^^^oagress renews Urf* debate not sona, Including children. -'These This Advertisement Sponsored by the Following: „ SERVICE STATION L _ ^ y as to the amount to be spent Children of Mary of St. James’s should be whole and clean but BS Patterson’s Market—Nelly Don, Tim B. Kehler, New England Representative—Bantiy Oil Co., Inc.—Manchester Memorial Co., A. Almettl, Proj^Ander- ai the ensuing year, but also upon church “will receive communion In need not be new. In many places 348 CHARTER OAK ST. Murphy Restauran ouchie Custom Built Homes, General Contractor—Sage-Alien & Co., Inc.— Burt Lehman’s Atlantic Service Station— Michaels Jewelers A Silveram l^ jylhh question of whttber ths Pro- a body tomorrow nu>ming at the all over the world there is great The Manchester Lumber and Fuel Co. ^ is to be continued oh to be nine o’clock! mass. In the afternoon need of clothing and an effort Select Your Tree Now For ShoA-Bum n-W ,™ . Iac-L .r«i.'. Feed * Hardwar. Ca-Balch-Pontiac lac-W . G. Gl«uw O . ly dropped. Voreofer, the at two o'clock the group will meet will be made to place these dona­ Future Delivery I 255 CENTER STREET It legislation reservea the tions where moat needed. AU arti­ —Gustaf Anderson, Upholsterer—Andrew Ansaldi Co. - - In St. James’s school hall for a . . " i the Gepgress to back out Christmas party and axchanga of cles of this kind should be marked 5901— Tclephtmen—2-1370 «U off ^ program by ooa- grab-bag I gifts. aa to the ui^ (or Mdtlch they, are

la „. ■ t-ii .r'-r

* FAG CO BVW r MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. l^ C H E $ X iU ^ N N . SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 194$ i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10,194t I 1 nVlAlH Deal apeechaa, especially In re­ dividual beneflta when ha takes to maka one of Uielr Chriatmas gard to Income tax legislation, preaants a contritratioa toward our I ^ U Uncrowned Present Vjews parata redoubt, where they hope money from one pocketbook sM Thomas Now have won her nationwide atten­ puts it Into another juat bafora he organ fund. IrraapaoUva .of the tion. Harrison's iUinrlfestrr to keep their cauae aUve. To the spends It. Honestly mealOng. It ■lae o f tha contribution wo feel Ztr.'Z Today's Radio Chlneae OommunlsU, this is their that the donors win gat a glow of WURU - 1990 WMAYWHAV - - 9I9 919 O n T a ir Deal^ Former BUte Senator Alfred M. Connecticut The Open Forum is no banefit at all. Some Con- WIMMJ - 1999 At D anbury blngham, of Salem, aupported the FOE Stinting ^pralil last military challenge, which necUcut towns will be benefited by satisfaction in halplng in this Btabdartf Itma WYMA— 199.1 laudlhle effort. WONR- 1910 negative with Mra. DrtecoU, an they. are obvtpuSIy burning to the program, and aome- will he PERSONALIZED 5S“ « a Yankee Uommunloatlons for publications In ths Open Forum will not penallaed, or .perhapa It should be Cdntributlona can he aent to Vivien K ellem s and Mar* attorney who Is Isgtelstlve -agent u BMU SUMt, sra^cate. And to ua too, the is­ Box 14S, WetheraSald, Conn. 1:09— a 7:45— I !]longre»8inan just An* from tha State d O councU. lUoebMtcr, Oo»*- bs guaranteed publication if they contain more than SOO words. phrased that m y wlU be bleated WTHT—Saddle Rockin' Rhythm CHRISTMAS land of Formosa la something im­ B j A H. O. TfW Htrald reservea the right to decline to ^nibUsb any matter with the opportunity of building Edwin J. Donnally, Presidant, WDRC—N«wa. garet Connors Dris* "A depression worse than sny^ THUMA8 rSROUaUN, CbnnocUeut Stata Priaon weXX: — Inauranca Man Dteo 9:00— other Prisoner at Fed' think we esw In the SOe” or war te Trwa.. 0*«*l portant not because the Chlnsse that nsay be libelous or which Is In bad tashv F w exprasalon Bchoola for their neighbora, but W DRC-Oene Autry. CARDS of poUUoal views la dastnid by contributions t f this charaetar Manchester la neither too big nor Sunday School Teachera Aa- » Jockaya. epU on Opposite Sides what the poUclee of the Truman roundMI Oetobw 1. UP. NatlonaUsU happen to be on It aociation. w nC -^B tar Theater. eral Institution We haven’t the slightest specific but Istters which are defamatory or abusive wifi be rejected. too small, neither too poor nor too WTHT—Naws. administration are heading for, rubItfbM Bvmint but because the Island itself Is lo­ MEN’S HALF WKNB—Nawa; Parade of Hits. WONB—Twenty Queetlone. Stonington, Dec. 10—WT— Two avowed Mtee KeUems. 24 Hour Service recollection of the wonders the wealthy, hut Just right, and Just WTHT—1940 Annual Citizens cated athwart the post-war net­ right In the amount of building it 1:15— , Danbury, Dec. 10—(iV -J . Par­ Factore Preventing RooeeMea Pop o«M» »t lluicliMtor, Oonn.. u firm of Benton A Bowles perform­ Connecticut Yankee in hla column. Hadassah to Meet Award. prominent Connecticut women who work of sea and air bases we have SUte Aid “ A Great Good" was going to do anyway, to break WDRC—It’s tha Tops. nell Thomaa, though atlU a mem­ Hcrntt CU»» M«ii Itottw, ed during the days when It was In view of the great disparity of Rubber Heeb WTHT—Speaking of Animals, ber of Congresa, was Just another sit on opposite sides of ths political Not so, ehot back Mrs. Driscoll, for sad Op about even on the state program. who said the only factors keeping 25 $1.00 ■UWlUiUPTION BAT«8 established as our new front line functioning in the noble American atse, wealth, etc. among the many w n c — National Farm and WTHT—Jane Plckena Show. Ijriaoner today to officiate of the fence hold opposite viewa about effort of persuading houaewivss To the Editor: With Sisterhood the country from s receesion now Oat Tttf by 1*^ ...... J*®-®® in the Pacific. towns of Connacticut I fael that Fund For Frieoa Organ Home Hour. 9:90— federal CorrtcUonal inatitutlon the effecCa of President Truman's ■U aMBtlit by Mbll ...... | J-®® they had to have things they didn’t Manchester is Indeed fortunate atate aid for education la not an 59c WON8—Jerry and Skyt. WONB—Take a Number, hare. "Fair Deal” administration. One are eoclal eecurity, old age asatet- If we do not InUrfsre, the C3il- To the Editor of The Mancheater ance, unemployment iiuiirance and Ont noatb by Mbtt ...... J *■" really need. that a state aid for school build­ evil but a great good. Education The Manchester Chapter of WDRC—PhlUp Marlowe. Mys­ ^ The New "Jersey Republican, says hte policies wlU lead to de- nsse CommuniaU are almost cer­ But we say, here and npw, that ing program was .finally agreed Herald: Hedasaah and the Sisterhood of other poltclee estabUebed under the should be as nearly equal aa we How true it la that one half does WTDRO—Give and Take. tery...... seiitenced to servt aix to 18 months praaalon or war; the other that Harrison's ■ubt. dtllrtfbd. Oo« ...... I‘ J®® tain to take over Formosa. If they never In their palmiest, most In- upon by the General Aaterably can make it for children in differ­ Temple Beth Sholom wlU hold a WOOD—Newa; Inauraince Men WTHT—Dancing Party, for defrauding the government, ar­ they are saving the nation from New Deal qnd continued by the spirsd___ pionesring...______„ _____ days In the after many months of, delay. In not know how the other half Uvea. loin meeting on Tuesday, Decem­ w n c —Truth or Consequences. preeent admlntetratlon. WMt of him. rtrtifD ...... b*®-®® do, our military will consider our ent areas of our state since we are A recent news Item atated that HEEIS ATTACHtO DIac Jockaya. rived at the Institution Just before such disastera. FOR science of obtaining acceptance for I view o f our extensive school bulld- by no means able to live in ber 18, at the Temple. WTHT—Old, New, Borrowed WHAY—Music. Mtea Vivien Kellema and Mrs. "When government etepa in, MSHMK OF position in the Pacific strategical­ inmates of Ckmnectlcut State WHItf YOU WAIT AT 6:80 p. m. (e s .t) yesterday. He a brand name or for a comfort I Ing program we are certain to vacuum. The votes of the dtlaens Mrs. Abraham J. FeldmAn, wife Blue. 9:49— Margaret Connors DrtecoU voiced private Industry atrophies,” said THS ASaiHTIATBD PKCBb ly impaired. Therefore, they want Prison had offered three days' of Rabbi Feldman of Temple Betb had come by train from Washing­ Tht AMcetattd Prett it txclutiTtly concept did they ever operate I benefit very materially from the of a poor town can have a direct wages for a fund that one of the Shoe WHAT—Eddie Duchln. WHAT—Nawa; BporU. ton, where Faderal Judge Alexan­ their opinions last night at the Curtiss, Identifying the admlnia- EATON . tntltM to *J» utt ol rtpuolieatioD of to defend Formosa against the more smoothly pr with such | grants which will be made avail- effect on the dtlaens of another Israel, West Hartford, will be the Repair Dept. ..wNS—campus Baluto. 9:99— tratlon policy aa one o f “tax, spend Inmates who was accidentally guest speaker. Mrs. Feldman, who WON8 der Holtzoff pronounced sentence, Stonington town hall forum in a all btwt dlipttcbta crtdiled to it or Chlneae Communists. toundlng success as In their ban-1 able to Manchester, wealthier neighbor. kiUed might have a Christian WKNB—840 Club. WDRC—Oangbuatera. debate on thte queation: and waste.” not otbtrwitt ertdittd in tw» P»P*r has recently returned from Israel, WHAY—Moonlight Matinee, to Bridgeport, and from there was But if we enter the laat phase dling of their first joint poUticiU Thi« aid program, although vl- Under Connecticut's present aet burial. 11 brought to Danbury by automo­ "Are the present government Speaking for the liberals, Bing­ STATIONERY and alto U»t loeai otwt publlihed bore. WlU have a very Umely message Your Hit Parade. All mutt of rtpublication ol tptcial of the Chinese Civil War and now account 1 tally necessary to the well-being up the votes of.a few people in a ThIa la not the first time that WHAY—Babe Ruth.' w n c— bile. economic policies endangering in­ ham said "the policies of Ameri­ for the combined membership of w n O —Juke Box Jlnglex WONB—Meet Your Match. dltpairlMa htftm art alto fttervtd. Here their triumph was stupsn- of our 'school children, was treat- few small towfia can be very these forgotten men have shown these two organizations. MUWS AttendanU in the office of dividual liberties 7" can eonaapvatives are the greatest use American troops against the dous. It would be comparable to U g •• a political football for a the charity in their hearts. Dur­ IN THE BASEMENT 0:50— asset Russia haa in her quest for Full tartlet elltnt of N. ■ A. Sort. powerful. If we close our eyes to A special attraction of the meet­ 2:99— Warden Allen L. Shank had told Curtiss and Bingham Appear Chinese Communists, dur possible Selling a slice of the moon as a I disturbingly lo'ng period. Its final educational conditions outside our ing'the war a number of Inmates W DRO-Oounty Fair. w n c—Dennis Day. Alan Curttex a Waterbury exe­ world domination.” lot, Ine. ______ing wUl be a candlelighting cere­ WOOO — Inauranca Olris Diso WONB—Guy Lombardo Show. reporters and photographers in long range diplomatic policy commercial Cheddar, or to turning I passage may be attributed to two own bailiwick at,d say in effect. volunteered their aervlces to act mony to commemorate the birth­ advance that It would be useless cutive, upheld the affirmative with publithtra Ktpr«»«nuti»et: Tht America’s wimen back from waidi- factors, 1 believe. One was the Let them worry about paying for 4s guinea pigs for experiments the Jockeys. WDRC—Broadway’s My Beat. The emerald te a alUcate, of would be the first casualty of such day of Henrietta Szold, founder of PPDIT—MetropoUtan Opera. for them to be on hand. Mtea Kellems, local cable grip Jullua lUUitwt Spaelkl Apeney “ "*• Ing machines to the tin tub. i patient determination showed by their children’s schooling, What do Army and Navy . medical corps 10:00— aluminum and beryllium. Tork. Chioapo. DttroU and Boaton. an Amcrican-Chineae Communist Hadassah. WHAY—Hawaii^ The Institution provides no In­ manufacturer, whose anti - New W.e refer to the successful Governor Bowles in insisting that wo care” we are also closing our wished to make. AU membera are cordially In­ WDRC—Bing It Again. WKNB—News; NBH8 Choir. WONB—Chicago Ineater of the formation about Individual prison­ MSMiOMI AUTHT BURBAO OF war. launching of the concept that Mr. the school aid muat be considered eyes to the possible effects upon The majority of Inmataa offered vited to attend. time and again thair blood to aug­ WONB—Music Mskers. Air. ers, they said, and Thomas would ClItCUUATlOWB. ______There are no pleasant, easy Benton, ss Governor Bowles’ ap-1 and a suitable agreement arrived ourselves of poor schools and low be regarded as just another in­ choices for us In the Chinese sit­ polntee to the United States San-1 at by the Senate and the House, standards anywhere In our atate. ment the blood banka In tha city w n c —Judy Ouiova Show. Tht Htrald Pnntmi i^inwhy' of Hartford. They not only bought **wiiw B—Requeat Matties. WHAY—News; Moonlight Mat­ mate. Warden Shank was “out of There’s Nothing Better Than attumea no nntndtl retpontiblllty for uation. If we are going to have a ate, ia a political “ independent” There is all too often a wide The cessation of atate aid for town for tha day and not expect­ typographical trron appearing In ad- quite a number of war bonds but inee. general, long range policy which Now the word “ Independent” | gsp between the sort of promises education coUld result in the fair­ subscribed very generously to the **lW R O —Btara Over **® 9yw ^ 19:90— ed back.” ftrtlaamtnta and other reading matter, la a highly valuable trade name heard at election time and the ly rapid deterioration of many In Tht Manehtater Baening HeralU. Ik conalatent, wo art going to Red Cross. WOOO—News; Ineutanee Girls W n C -G ra n d Old Opry. Thomas, who was convicted of After eopieos qnsatlttea of vaseline failed to grease the wmya sad $1*00 anBnp In the political world, and the actual performance of these offi­ small towns whose whole economy The Connecticut State Prison padding hla oSlca payroll with free tO-montha-old PblHp Barrows from a Junior toUet aent he tried cials after .election, as the voters niae Jockeys. WTHT—Newspaper of the Air. Monogrammed Free . SAturtfby, December 10 have to make aoma particular de­ firm of Benton A Bowlea la not would be dlarupted by lose of popu­ Simday School Teachers AaaoclS' WHAT— Keyboard Kapers. 10:45— non-working employes and collect­ to wear os a erowo, Bremen quickly got to thb seat of the trouble. O t u M * cisions which are painful. Behind to be blamed for taking a ehanoe are becoming Increasingly aware lation. People who have a choice tion, a non-denominatlonal group, w n O —Hartwlck Oollege Radio ing for hlmaelf more than 18,000, They used a hacksaw to get the youngster out of hte predicament at In many cases the simplest wray WTHT—Saturday Night Danc­ the scenes In the Cabinet It will, tut at A. But somehow, by tend to move Into a town with who for 75 years have brought Choir. ing Party.. bad his last conUct with reporters Hollywood, Oaltf., recelTlng hospital. ______- out for an executive who is hav­ a good school system—and to leave A.China Policy we suspect, be Acheson against some subtle talent of public re­ cheer and comfort to the inmates, Money Worries. . WHAY—Time, Place, Show. during the brief transfer from ROASTING CHICKENS lationship which we have not ing difficulties trying to put when the schools are below par. would Uke to Install an electric **WHAY—Bemlnlicent Rhytom, 11:00— train to auto at Bridgeport Harrison's the military once again. through leglalation carrying out Monday night, December 12, at the All but one phase of the CJil- been able to Isolate or diagnose, Support of universal free edu­ organ at the priaon for Christ­ Finance your home the nietf- WTIC—Bblne Smith’s Chriatmas News on all etatlona. There he would answer only one hia platform la one of wrlthdrawal cation becomes a hollow catchword mas. They feel that thia would Consolidate school. A Christ­ Now is an excellent time to eat chicken. Prices are neae dvll war la over, with the this chance bold tUt hM won WMKINS era way with a 4% mortgas* 'pEfty# 11:96— question: What did ha think of his Ellington mas program la planned and mem­ FOR . wldesprend sortnee acceptance. after an aaaertlon of hla continued when we do not also consider that give a great lift to the inmates ■ ROTHBM. INC. hmn under U. I. BIU at Eights. WOCC—Dancing Party. WHAT—Moonlight Matlnex wifa’a chances to auccced him in lower this week, but the fine flavor and expert dressing Clilneaa pmwnunlsU the vlctora. belief In hla principles. “Tm aor- this education should be uniformly and show them that they were not bers will bring small gifts to be Fntncc Takes Her Tom The only assist Benton A Bowles WDRC—Music. . _ 11:15— Oongreaa? Sunday night, December 18^ the sent to the Newington Home for of our chickens is unchanged. ’ STANDARD They are vlctora not because we tled” will available to aU. If X might sug­ forsaken. f u n e r a l OnnatmetioB l-oaas avallabla. WKNB—Nawa; Request Mstl- WDRC—World Tonight; News had In promoting acceptance of *®y ***Pi?i* gest a policy for our state legisla­ We are making a short seven Thinks Wife WlU Win Efflington Congregational church Children. refused to help Nationalist China, Delaying the Austrian peace this concept cam* from those Oon- ‘ bout sum up this attitude, Mortgage financing tbmugb U. WONB—Dance Orebastra. “I think shell win,” he replied tors to follow under all iclr«*®* day campaign aricing the citizens SERVICE and Sunday acbool will TOmbln* In The net proceeds to date of the We are selling Christmas trees for the but because the help we did give, treaty U a r e v o lv ^ game. The necticut Democrats who protested On the other hand, the execu- X F. H. A. or ooaw o Eaaal WONB—^Bddy Howard’s Orcb. WTIO—Morton Downey. Ellington worosn's Club Christ­ DIARIES FOR stances, it w’ould be "L jve thy Bank Loan. ■Imidy. a Cbriatmaa program which will be Gfange building fund. the guns we did provide, the sol- Ruaaiana have done It moat fre­ the Benfon appomtment not be- Uve who keeps plugging away at neighbor aa thyself” which pres- 9: 11:95— Thomas haa resigned, effective held in the auditorium to which all mas Bazaar te over $200 which,is cauae they suspected hla inde- what he beUeves to be necessary Onund XWeit WCOC—Newa; Dancing Party. WDRC—Public Service Pro­ Jan. 2. After hla sentencing yesUr- a great pleasure to the entire club. ditra wa did train, all went over quently. We have done It In our enuy seems to be honored more In Fuads also avallabla fat femaa townspeople are Invited to attend. 1 9 5 0 pendence, but merely because they In spite of determined and often lU n ctor WONB—Caribbean gram; Sign Off. day, Mrs. Thomaa, though Inex­ The first half of the program will The club haa projects In view In turn. And now the treaty, which the breach than in the obeervence. repairs, modemixstina. ala. EM in one way or another to the C5il- resented hla lack of work In the wlUful oppdsiUon should be highly The Golden Rule could be profit­ FILL ua for complete detalto lagard* WHAT—Acroaa the FooUlghU. 1140— perienced In pollUca, announced conatet of carols and choral read­ the offing and the sum will be for ROGER OLCOTT The Perfect Office Gift nese Oommunlata. They are vic­ aeemed turn weeks ago almost Connecticut division of the political commended when his continued ably and practically applied In ao Ing a new loan or the etream* WONB—Dance Bend, ■be would seek the nomination in ing by the claases in the Sunday use during the year. torious becauaa, whatever the ready, la being delayed again vineyard to which he obviously be- effort bears fruit. When he says many instances of government VOFH rOAl. BIN lining of an exM ing loan. **WCOC—Big Brother Bljl ww xiv n c —Dance Music. the apeclal election to be held In school. The play which follows Is The weekly choir rehearsal was 403 West Center Strict, Telephone 7853 longed. i effect “This must be done and that I shall not attempt to Uat any VPKNB—News; Sports NewsreeL I )j,g o — New Jersey to name bis aucces- enUtled, "How The Great Guest omitted thte week due to the an­ perils and evils of Communiam, Routine newspaper stories almost nual church meeting and roll call. And Mr. Benton’s own proof of I’m going to see to it” he Is obvl- specific examples. But it does seem NOW This te a traa Jarvis aarvlea 4:99— w n c —News; Music. •or. . . Came.” It 1a a royalty play, based its promises and Its conduct in automatically blamed the new de —No charge to tba borrawar. Farquency BMulativii on Edwin Markham’s poem of the Harrison's his “ Independence” was merely hla oualy carrying out his duty to the rather obvious that in this respect WHAT-r«®>?« Chdr. “ Thomaa, termed by hte Uwyar a China have seemed relatively lay on the Russians. But, accord citation o f the fact that he had | people much more efficiently. the General Assembly spent most l,()WF.sr PRU FS w n c —UpiMUa Collage < WDRC—FM 05.1 UO. man broken In body and In spirit’ same title. The characters are good to the Chinese people. Ing to the magaaine Newsweek, voted for Roosevelt In 19S2, 1936, In cases such as this where the of the past session going off the WKNB—News; Sport*- WFHA—105.1 MC. WlU be ellgibte to apply for parole adult membera of the church. The FOR WONB—Dunn on Dlece. WTHT—FM 109.1 M a program will be followed by the this time It was France. Now it 1940, end 1944, and worked and differences of opinions are pro­ gold standard. 7A* Sign a# • J A R V I S ixsxt June proirided he paya the We did not want this to hap­ longed and often bitterly express­ Sincerely yours, - 8-9 p. m. Bams as WTHT. White Gift service by the chil­ Is France wants to delay the voted for Tniman In 1948. ROCKVIFLF WHAT—Jukebox Bavlfw, 110,000 fine imposed in addition to BUXTON, ROLFE pen; m gave a lot o f money and If this Is the record of an ’’In­ ed the method of negotiation and Katherine D. Bourn. WORTHY SCRVICC 9:00-«bowUma. hla priaon sentence. dren. Following thte ell will bo Austrian treaty Indefinitely. R E A L T Y C O e 9:80—Bereno OammaU; Waath Invited down to the Lecture room advice trying to keep It from dependent,” then such a one as compromise In arriving at needed 129 Parker Street. CRAIN \ (OAI. CO. 142 Bast renter S t Hla pby sx n congraasman be- // 954 CBN’TBE R . WHAT—Bslon Berensde. er. where the children will enjoy a // BILLFOLDS h^pening. We loat. There Is no Wliat France haa suddenly de­ Alben Barkley la also an ■ Inde­ legiriation la not only necessary li.l. I.N n.Ul'KI^i. '''.c.. WTHT—Tea w 4 Cnimpeto twoan now and Jan. 2, ^ eftec- Editor's Note: Manchester Is per­ M anchastar Fboaa 9119 Or 791S 9:45—Ooncart.Hour. party. Mrs. Horace S. McKnlght apparent way in which what has cided is that thera ought to be a pendent. but wise, compromise la indeed an w n c —Jimmy Dunuite Christ­ tlve date of hte dealgnaUon, wUl and Mrs. Gordon Dimock are co- The final subtle touch came In integral part of our democratic haps even more fortunate Uian 8:00—Samo as WTHT s. m. bring him somewhat more tllan been done can be undone. Chinese clause In the treaty permitting, mas Party. w n O —FM 09A MC. chairman. ti'.at Interview In which some one, system of government as it is also Mrs. Bourn realizes, or even more 11,000. Conununiam will have to run Its the immediate creation o f a new perhaps mocking the ’’Independ­ a part of our daily routine of liv­ fortunate than her generoua im­ g:99 WDRC—FM on the air 1 p. m . -‘The Ellington Center Parent- WDRC—Old Record Shop. Teacher Association will meet coarse in China. We cannot forbid Austrian army. Whether France ent” theme, asked the burlesque ing. pulses would have It be. Man­ 11:25 p. m. TIE-UP chester la classified as one of the WHAT—UJl. Navy Band. thinks Bwdi an army would be a question of whether or not ’’In- ’The second factor responsible for Sams as WDRC. it to do so; we cannot throw communiUes Ukely to “break even” WONR-^DIac Data, c ^ WFHA Storm Causes out. Our peUoy, if It la realistic, bulwark agalnat the Ruatiene, or pendent” Benton would sit with the successful passage, of the w n c —Report en America. school aid leglalation was the on the aUte aid for school build­ Pe Mi one agalnat the possible revlvid the Democratic side of the Senate ing program. To be specific, Man­ 2:00—BporU Parade. . is restricted to the question of In Washington, end “Independent” public preasure exerted by Inter­ il48— Loss of Lives m /srm s WHAT—Sports.^ how we shall deal with an exist­ of mlUtariem In Germany is not chester la likely to get back bfi 0:00—Racing and BporU. PRESCRIPTIONS Benton; responding thoughtfifily ested citisena from all over the grants Just about the same amount w n c —Animal Foundation. clear. In any case, It ia a propos­ 8:15—Ink BpoU; Weather. For Men or Ladiea ing thing. and aoberly, aald that he would. state. Educators, parents, organ­ It contributea in taxes to the aUte 9:09— 9:80—Between the lines. CALLED FOR iiiaslorploro of adverna* isations—all did thair part In con­ BeoqL Koiva, Dec. 10.—< ^ A That problem. In itself, la very al which neither, the United States ______to finance the sch ooled program. WTXO—Newx 9:45—Tropleona. violent, sudden storm ripped From $3.50 Plihi Thx nor Russia Is willing to accept Itl tag tecliBdqne vincing----- the General , , Assembly that The result w l« b a ^ t Manches­ WHAT—News. 7:00—News; Candle A Silver. AND compUeated, and the debate on It Into the commeiidatory edltortala the need exUted. In tWa way the throu;^ the Korean east coast ter finances Its own Mhoola, as be­ WTHT—BporU; Music at Bis 7:50—Vaughn Monroe. cuttlefish fleet laat Sunday, caus­ Year*Around Favorites is heavy and hot with ideological blocta the compleUon of the Mtlonal mwepapers as dtlaens, too, have done their pert fore, but that the state does WONB—Nawa. DELIVERED 7:45—Name Band. ing X heavy loss of Uvea and an cteaenteoas passion. No course of conduct for treaty, which is all right with Herald ’Tribune in providing ...... for their ...... needs share of the tax collecting done W DRC-Newe. 8:00—Newa; Anything Goes; for the Man You Favor through intelligent participation To aay boats. us can be simple. Wa may, hap­ French policy, since the absence am) the New York Times. Ap* from Manchester people, 9tl5— News. Estimates of fataUUes ran aa Harrison's of a treaty means that western parently. Benton A In the governmental process. that “we are certain to beneni ve w n C -B b b Steele, BtricUy WTHT—FM on tha air I R BB.-11 PINE pily, decide on some broad general One further remark should be materially from the grants whl< high aa 600. Tha Marino bureau troops retain their gerrleon posl- | BporU; Weather. R m ______of the Korean Commerce depart­ You just can’t miss pleasing him principle to follow. But that broad made In response to some of the wUl be made available to Ms WDRC—Record Album. PHARMACY FOR Uons In Austria. Same aa WTHT. ment eald, however, official re­ general prlnclplo. whatever ■atton-wtde, the p ren te that discussion of state aid by tha cheater” te Uke saying that an te' WONB—Tropicana. w n c —FM on tha air 6:25 a. m.-l 604 Center Street when you choose one of these popular It was in the fall of 1943, at the porta were Incomplete. CERAMIC xnay be, will have to be carried Mur one who voted toe Roosevelt WHAY—Supper Serenade. a. m. ____ The flist word of the tragedy TcL ^9814 patterns. WTHT—Newa. out by poUdea which may look first Moscow Conference, that the four tlmee le automatically Same as w n C . ' came only today from the Kang- a G A R E T T E allies gave their clear pledge that 'Hndependettt” 9 4 » — Televtalon nung correspondent of The Kore­ like opportunistic temporixlng “Indepeadenee,” It’s wonderful. W n r r —BporUpage. Austria would be treated aa a W N H O -TV an Padfle Preaa. He said 9t least SETS and evasloa. and which may, 0i99— Hitler victim, not aa an ally. But w n O —Symphony Orchestra. P. M. 100 small boats were lost. the particular, seem self-contra­ ^^heufcuseketi Morntment 6:00—Teletunea. Medical parties were dlapatcbed ® Hand Made ever since they have taken turns WONB—Mtl Allen, flporU. dictory. Cowboy Outfit WTHT—Harry Wtemer BporU 5:80—Red Barber’s Clubhouse. to the area from Seoul. A suggestion of the broad gen, in blocking the treaty by which Let at, tbtoogh pu Monoment 6:45—Pup Resume. Most of the boaU were caught APPLES Show. 7:00—Lone Ranger. about 20 miles off the coast oppo­ eral policy Secretary of State they would cease treating Austria Sought by Boy Scfvioc, bring you ibe help of WDRC—Red Barber SporU Re­ HANDPICKED as an enemy. Bute Ctsfamen, dcsigDen of fia- 7 :80—Hollywood Screen Teet. site Seoul when the storm struck Achason would like to pursue has view. at 1 a. m. Cuttlefish are caught at MeINTOSH ew monnwena. 8:00—Spin the Picture. been given In the Consul Ward Austrian atatesmen are bitter, 0:00—Meet the Preea. night. Dried cuttlefish are cut In­ Buffalo,. N. Y., Dec. 19— AI The Isdliig bcaicy of Bern Moo- **i 8t h T—Harmonalree. case, and in United States con understandably ao. nln6»y#Rr“0ld boy iB Cottnty Down, j 9:80—Who Bald That. to fancy shapes and served as an ameno theniie tolable WDRC—News. 75c Bu. duct during United Nations de, Ireland, addressed this plea to W HAY-Keynotes by Csrle. 10:00—Sport Film. appetizer. choice for this most impottaat 11:00—Wrestling. bate and voting on the China “Poatmastergeneral, Buffalo, N. 1 1:00— Getting Painted Helps Y.”: ..tribute to those who have passed WONB—Americsn Bar Aaaoeis- Nice Fishing 'question. In both instances. Unit Dleo LOUIS BOTTI $ 2 .9 5 Set "Could you please send me a IM—oc to events to be marked tlon. Btebop o f Ns ed States diplomacy' exercised Newspapermen are brought up cowboy outfit I am 9. I hope you Flaherlea, next to agricultural on the harsh, realistic creed that thiough tbs ages. WTHT—Remember. and SONS some restraint, being careful not have my fit . . . I’m sure you WDRC—Toura Truly, Johnny Nssssu, Bahamas, Dec. 10.—l/P) products, produce the roost Im­ lecW help you ia making dris portant source of food for man, Bush Hill Road to rush into outright and irre­ 'nothing is as dead as yester* won’t ndnd sending this to Santa | * DoUsr. I—Thte British colony today day's headline.” where the cowboys live ’cause we Btost impomnt sclecrion an an- , WHAY-r^ymphony Hmll. I mourned the Most Rev. Bernard with an annual fetch of about TeL 2-1001 trievable enmity to the new Oii- have none here. Our Santa had no 1 during monument of KevenhoesUr. blahop of Nassau, 30,000,000,000 pounds. Harrison's nese regime. In both instances, Then they spend their Uves 7:15— cowboy outfit laat time." appropriate detigo WTHT—Bert Andrews. I who died last night at Uie aga of Clipping and storing yesterday’s 80. Bishop Kevenhoestor was the FOR the United States seemed to 'be and tuitabla coat. 1 4 8 — qware of llussian booby-trepe. set heqdllnea. WDRC—Vsughn Monroe. first head o f the CsthoUe church [in the Bahamas to bear the title BAR CRYSTAL . to provake open enmity between Wa rezUza that, pariedteaUy, en You Can’t Place Bdfor* yoR gtsrt aialdnf tha rooada looking at WTHT—BporU. WONB—Quick aa a ' Flash, of blahop. Under hte direction, Cocktails, Wines, Pilsners I the new China'and ourselves, with those occasions when we get CathoUc mlaalona and education painted. And sometimes not even SAPORITI MEMORIAL CO. different honaes for saie, ask a friendly Manches­ News. the Russian purpose of seeing 410 CENTER STREET OPEN SUNDAYS DIAL 7782 w n c —Richard Diamond, Pri In 'the colony were developed and getting painted cures ua. A num­ ter Tmat officer aboat our tlirifty home financing expanded. that the. new China was thus HEARING COMFABE and SAVE ^ vaU DeUcUvo. bound more closely to Moscow. In ber of yeara ago wa got painted plana- H vadi^ of aatlified home ownere in and both instances,, the United States i we were very zealous, then, On a Price Basis acted te preserve its long range about pfeeervlng cUpplngz and around Mancheater.-have obtained their mort- ’ 7 chance of doing the one thing in tears we were sure would be of loans here. HOBBYING MANCHESTER which tne native components o f immortal reference service to ua. $200,000 We have 89veral 4 room Chinese life and philosophy and The next Ume we saw these care- Cant Day Natoral Baaring BUT potiUca mqy help us—the eventu­ fuUy treasured, dust-covered sr- . . .for a very aroall tracUon. a ^ Featuring Capo Cods in enrious good seriions of town. Pricss al driving of a wedge between chives was the other day, when leadlBg hearing-aid maanfaotarer Train Accessoriet we WMe getting ready to be haa developed as a result of yeara range from $10,500 up. Can Communist China and Communist of reaeareb, a aew, small hearing Talking Station Not Exactly aa Russia. painted again. And In that Ume TYPICAL MORTGAGE LOANS be purchased with down aid . . with NO RECEIVER BUT- Tunnels ^ payments as low as $300 to What a delicate game this will before, when we devoted ao much TON IN THE EAR. Thia bearing Each 3 9 c Pay Monthly Log Loaders *be to play can be suspected from zeal to these collections of things laid OW TS MORE TO PRODUCE Anwuiit $800 aad up. Wa will consid* Of Leea If-Yr. Flan 20-Yr. Pten WhtotUng Billboard er exchanging your prasent Itqdy of the development of the wa were always going to need I hut gives the bealto aad bappi Switches, Cross overs LARGE VARIETY aome Ume, we bad been Ineon neea that eaa ebeuld exeept frem| property. wedge between Russia nad Yugo­ a better product. 99944 955.00 American Flyer Trains and slavia. Wp had very little direct­ celvably careless of our moat OF STYLES Harrison's We are ao proud of this new I SJHM 4145 80.60 Truck « Treat Yourself ly to do with the creation ol this prised heirloom and poaaesaion, A m FABRICS product we are not afraid to tell I Bridges M ANCHESTfH FOR wedge. The probability is that If something we had always bean i j m 5549 4640 tito publie that It te FEICSgO Imitetfon Grass, Cosl and 6 room dwelling with Come in today and choose from a counterfull of smart lies. we had deftnltely tried to do sure to need every day In every SUGHTLY HIGHER THAN OR­ Gravel WOODEN WARE something about it. too early, we year, our cherished feather dust­ DINARY REARINO AID*. Ordi­ basement garage, good lo* to a Holiday Pleasingly priced. would merely have driven Tito er, made from a goose killed for nary hearing aids give about cation, stiiam hast, oil equal hearingi deafened pMple| FROM back to the arms of Moscow. the appeUte of George Washing­ burner. Sale price $9300. Why not send your complete wash here want something BETTER Open Thursday Evenings Did You Know? Down ' payment required It is, looking to the future, ton. We kept our clippings, and has been a^'sUsble. CAUFORNU « to 8:00 P. M. • We sre open every evening about $3,000. next washday? We will do the entire general policy which will demand lost our-feather dupter. which until 9 P. M, ' THIS WEEK’S SPECIALtt perhaps for long spans of Ume, was a bad eachange for us If COMPARE • We have a nice selection «f job. Yon can enjoy a day of relaxation. that wa do nothing in particular, there aver was one. Country homo about 23 Witbent obHgatlea . . a fblly I toys. You’ll marvel at the clean, crisp whiteness at Issst nothing that is overt This time, we have been rigor­ trained representative will let you • Model Airplanes, Motors. miles fBom Hartford, Route 3000 KNIT TIES If we surmise that this is the ously sensible. We have drawn a compare In your natural ear-1 6. Excellent now 7 room • Boats. of your linen, shlHs and other washables. Stripes and Plain Colors—$1.50 Quality policy which gserttary Acheion firm line, baswl on the that T h e M a n c h e s t e r • • • • dwelling (5 flniahed down has ehactsd for hlmaelf, and the thte Is, after all. a new century. YOU and oaly yvu wUl ba and 2 unfinished up). Gar­ policy which Mr. Jesaup is likely AU material dated before 1900 We have an automatic train age. fireplace, hot water r Judge. display. to recommend after his study of has been sacrificed ruthlessly. heat with

l0,1 ■ ■ • ’ • \ ...... Jiatk»allatB,.thia ia thair laat deii- helps. ulty Phone 3233 ;■ / B P K ^ E r ^ : ■' V';,:':-'!'.^i'A-, » MANCHESTElt EVENING HERALD, MANCHES'IBK, CONN., SATLTlDAY, DECEMBER 10,1949 PAOR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10,1949

unemployment companaation ax­ plnea, prsaident of the United Na­ hausted their benefits. P roof Found tions (jeneral Assembly, said that Schopl Panel Raps Proposed Connecticut’s employars art con­ Eviction Laws New H eroes the Aasembly “has ke|>t aflants stantly seeking methods to in­ ths torch of frsedom and peace. crease Job opportunities. Tbs Russians Ck>t “The torch Niall (emaln light­ Christmas Store ForKiwanis Assemb] average coat of craating a new MANCHESTER DIRECTORY Now Satisfy ed," he said, “for there Is an inex­ Job raqulrea from $4,000 to $3,000 haustible reservoir, of b ( ^ and en­ ' " • ci invastment We believe employ­ Heavy Water deavor by which the flame ehalj be DiscuM ion o n **Comnion Fourth Special Session ees are more interested in Jobs nourished like vestal fire." Schedule than In doles taken from tha un­ WoiUng for Both Ten­ Hs declared that “ manklnd'a de­ Leaiiiings’* to Con­ Of Legislature Not employment compensation fund. ants end Landlords to (Ooattaaed (m n Fags Oae) sire for peace will not be denied." (Furnished by Merchants' Division, Manchester Monty wasted tn unneceasaty dotes OF BUSINESS s e r v i c e s The -assembly's meeting this Chamber of Commerce) ducted on Monday Needed, Executive Says is no longer avsllable to eraats Their Satisfaction Uonal Association of Manufactur­ fall, he said, has “fuIfUIed iU jobs. ers in New York that Americana primary duty to mankind” by af­ Members of th# Klwanta club Hartford, 0 * c. 1 0 - “There is no “If they ars not handicapped by should assume Russia has the Open Wednesday aftemodns until Christmas. , Hartford, Dec. 10—BvlcUon pr^ firming that desire" and by “pro­ will hear s dlscuselon on "Com­ sound reaaon for calling a fourth unduly restrictive labor lawa and atomic bomb—and should consid­ ceeding resolutely to lay the solid special session of the General -As­ taxes, ConnecUeut employers may vUtoiu underth* 1040 Houelnf and mon Lesmlngs" at their meeting W HY NOT er the possible consequences! That foundation of that peace." Open until 9 p.m. Decembei 10th, 16th, 17th, 19th, 20th, Monday noon at Cavey’s ResUur- sembly to consider labor legisla­ be depended upon to match and *Mugs* HIb CuBtomers Bike Makes I tion. Such a procedure would be surpass any oUier atata la pro­ W olcott Kind funt Act are woritlnjs for the'first time in history, we 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Stores will‘ close Christmas anU The program will be preserit- PATCH YOUR PERM torUy for tenants and tandlonw, may be threatened with “com­ ed by Inembere o f Manchester both, lUogteal and improper under viding employment. Acting Kent Director James L. plete annihilation.” Eve at 6160. Food stores wUl observe their regular High School-and Cheney Techni­ the iOonnectlcut constitution," de- Special Gift WITH A FEW SHORT NAPE AND SIDE CURLS TO Red Magazine cisrsd Norris W. Ford. Executive Is Tree Tops DeLucla said today in revle\^g The House committee atarted dosing hour of 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Thursdays. cal School faculty. The presenta­ INSURE A SMART HOLIDAY-COIFFURE the handUng of evlcUon cases since looking into atomic shipmenta to tion is being arranged by Edson Vice President of The Manufactur­ Additional Books For those o f you who have chil­ Russia more than a year ago. Its Being Pushed M. Bailey, principal of Manches- ers AosocisUon of Connecticut, In- Wolcott’s Frehh Cut Christmas ^he purpose of eviction control cerporated, in comment yester­ dren in the family the problem of information indicates that: Stores will close Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 4th. teifHIgh school. Trees win be on sale December if to protect tenanU against The first shipment was 420 day on Governor Bowles' latest At Cheney Library (Christmas glfU wlU a simple (CoatUoed from Page One) Several Klwanlana have been proposal. He aatd thU would serve 15th at ISO Main atVaat again this rent boosts or evictions in _bad pounds of compoimds the Riiu- named offlceni or to committees one—Just drive over to Bill’s Re­ faith while permitting landlords Jo slans got from an American com- no purpose other than to provide a yaar. Tbasa trass are moatly pair it Tlrs Shop located at 160 cents a copy. Recently, a num­ for the Little Baseball League be­ rehearing of the Governor’s un­ New Books recently received at ICM gain possession of rental u w s pw y, under official U. S. govern­ ing sponsored by the local service aproce, as thay maka the most under specified conditions. Mr. De- ber of American schools have re­ sound propossis thst were fully the >lary Cheney Library Include Spruce street end ssk Mr. Green 99 Bast Center Street ment permission. clubs to provide baseball com­ Fiction as follows: Journey into shapely trees, also a f«w balsams, shout one of thoss glesmlng Co- v> Lucis explained. The sceond was the 1,000 pounds ceived free copies for their libra­ considered end rejected at the laat and are northern grown trees ries. The magazine has been Paint Frozen petition in town for youngsters 8 Christmas, Mrs. B. 8. Aldrich; lumbU blcydss. Nothing you In the eight months under the about which the committee wants regular session. "Thers Is no 'spe­ fresh from the forest and guaran­ present A ct the Hartford office barred from schools in Bprlngfleld to 13 years of age. Edgar Clarke cial emergency' as required by the iS»ry, by Shoiem Asch; White could possibly chooee for any boy to ask Borle Pregel, head of the The ia secretary. Dr. Eugene Davis Is Ball, 8. W. Bassett; Flames of teed not to be cut before Pacam- has issued 687 certificates reUUng and Fall Rlvsr, Maaa, Columbus, constitution,” Mr. Ford continued. bar 8th. or girl will glvs them ss much supplying company, the Ouiadian O., and Washington. ' During Night chairman of the finance committee, "Furthermore, business is definite­ Empires, Peter Bourne; Closk of pleseure ss s new Columbia btej'- to eviction. Most of these have Radium and Uranium corporation Tha proverbial story about the BILL'S TIRE The current issue of the buUeiin Cntarles Crockett is on the Coiietl- ly on the upswing." Folly, Burke Boyce; Bridget Mai- cle. Not only wUl It be a wonder­ Tropical Fish been issued for purchasers seeking Seven-months-oM Joan Claburrl rrata la the arms of Fire Oapt. O im Im of New, York dty. batter mouaatrap haa bean proven contains artlclss with titles like: Doctor tution and by-laws committee, and Mr, Ford's further commenU wyn, Martin Boyd; Plum Tree, M. ful gift on Chriatmas Day but It AND to occupy newly purchased homes Tracey after Fireman Raymond Hogan had carried her down a ladder by Mr. Wolcott, for ha atarted mv- The third waa some two pounds “Vysinsky Proves U. S. Atom Con­ Ruasell Paul la on the nUnaging wer* as follows; "The Connecticut E. Chase; Family Fortunes,. Gwen will be a source of pleasure for or owners who wanted to provide from a burning building In New Haven. The yonngster’a pareata had of Impure uranium metaL Zero Weather Nearly eral years ago to get batter Chriat- housing for members of their im­ trol Plan Aids Monopoly, Not board. Unemployment Compensation Law Davenport; Ruth, Irving Fineman; maa trees, ^ a a that would hold years to come. REPAIR SHOP Goldfish waited in their second-door flat for U * flremea's arrival rather than All these were in 1943. - The attendance priae ia to ba . _ — ill You will find a full assortment mediate families. Psacs.*' Puts Indian Sign on was enacted to assist people in Signature of 'Hme, Walter Havig- the needles and not dry out enough Wm. H. Green. Prop. risk smoke-ftlled halls from lire on first floor. Evidence o f Shipment Says: furnished Monday by W. Osorge hurat; My Son and Heir, laabella of bicycles at Bill Green’s shop at Office Procedure One atory—a reprint from the meeting their obligations during to be a lire hazard over the holi (Columbia Ricyclee Supplien, Food and Evidence of a shipment of Chilian’s Show Qlenney,' periods of temporary imemploy- Holt; C!all - it Treason, Osorge days, iloat every peraon who 180 Spruce street In a wide price The Rent Director emphaslred Soviet "New Times" entitled “Tito range, and no matter whether you Planin' that the Office of the Housing Ex­ youth actlidties programs con­ heavy water turned up in old lend- Sells Refugee Children”—starts: Uae Artificial Beaplratloa to AM ment, The Governor's program Howe; Peaceable Kingdom, bought trees came back each year U, S. and Fink Tirea lease records supplied the com­ choose the regular Columbia bicy­ pediter does not issue the eviction ducted at the Center. “Worried about the situation in Carbon Monoxide Vlettmo Hartford, Dec. 10.—(S*)—21ero would turn the money paid entire­ Ardyth Kennelly; Dardanelles aince than and more and more peo­ Repairs Service mittee by the State department cle or the deluxe model you are order, but merely certifies that the South Coventry A special meeting of Couple's Yugoslavia and Greece, the Brit­ \.'eather took a cruel poke at Po- Fanner Prevents ly by employers for this purpose Derelict, VanWyck Mfson; Sleep­ ple cams la asking for thero frMh- Accennories They contain a “Report on Pro­ Into a welfare fund. If this pro- ing Trees, Gilbert Maxwell; (Mm ,y cut trees until the demand has certain to get your money's worth proposed eviction does not violate Ufa. Pauline Little Club of First Congregational ish and American cliques that rule By Edwin P. Jerdaii, M. Dw cahontaa and aeven other “red­ when the bicycle you chooee U a Kelly’ s Aquarium rent regulations. If the tenant gram Licensea Covering Ship­ three countries against interests Written for NEA S m loo skins" this morning and nearly ggsm.is adopted, it will eventually for the Baron, Anthony Morton, rolled up like a huge snowbaU. Wllllmantlc Ex. Phone 88II6-WI church will be held in the church ments to the U.S.S.R., O ct 1-Dec. Passenger Wreck Oilumbla bicycle. The new' deluxe 180 Spruce Street has not moved In the period pro' basement at eight tonight. Plans of their people are now working to The danger from carbon monox­ succeeded in putting the Indian lead to the dissipation of the fund {Meud.; Show Must Go On. Elmer Mr. Wolcott remembels back 50 ' 29 SUNSET ST. 31, 1948.” ilice; Divine Mistress, F. O. model has a spring fork which scribed in the certificate, the land­ will be made for a Joint gathering Contrive a Belgnide-Athens Fas- ide poisoning is always greater sign on a long-awaited stage to the point that money will no years ago going out into the woods Phone 2-0669 Rev. Harold E. Parsons of First Tucked In between listings of Slaughter; Square, Haldee Terrill; to cut a tree a few days before means muefi easier riding for there lord has remedies under local law. of the club with the Men’s Club cist-poUce ’axis.’ in winter th w In summer. Be­ show sponsored by the (Children’s Tampa, Fla., Dec. '10—UP)~A. longer be available for the pur­ Is less road shock," however, this Mr. DeLucia explained that the Congregational church will use as shipments of stop watches and farmer, W. C. Peters of Istscliat- pose orlginaliycontemplated in the Passionate Pilgrim, Claries Ter- (3iristmas, a tree he had marked during the Christmas program drugs is this: The story teiU of western ef­ cause of the cold weather housea museum. may ^ added to a regular model State eviction law not only sets up his Sunday 10:46 a. m. sermon scheduled December 16 at 8 p.m*. When the cast of the Clare Tree ta, is credited with preventing a law. rot; Ciy and the Covenant, Mortoq as a perfect one during the sum­ Program License No. 339. Ma- forts to achieve better relations be­ and garages are likely to be shut mer. In thoae days candles were If you wish. certain procedure that must bo topic: “Jesus Used No Alibis." In the auditorium and the base­ tween Yugoslavia and Greece, and Major (Children’s theater arrived serious wreck by flagging clown fltate Laws Llbeiwl Thompson; Abe Lincoln of Rlgeon berlal, bdavy water. Units, 1000 up- tight and fresh air does not Creek: W. 8. Wilson; ChlneM Mt into a tin clamp and put on If you have a bicycle that Is too SERVICE j. R. Broithwdift followed, but in addition limits the The children's story will be “The ment of the church. aays that one bairis for agreement circulate as it does in the summer. here’ from Providence, R. I.,' last the Atlantic Coast line’s crack “ Let’s have a look at the long small for your boy or girl you may cases where landlords can evict grams. (Shipping) weight 41 passenger train, the Soutbtand. range effict of such proposals Chop, Mrs. J. (B.) Wolfe. ' tha tees; sometimes the candles r« aaairt wtaea fua aav« roan Story of Jesus’ Birthday." Chrlst- Coventry Junior 4-H girls will pounds. Value, $3,250. already has been found. This means that a furnace, heater night for today’s presentation of burned some of the needles off turn this In toward a new (Colum­ trooMo* wr haw 3 Wrwk^r* Keys Made. I.nrkn Repaired tenants to certain specific grounds. ma.s activities include the follow­ “The Yugoalav Gcstapo-ltea are or running motor eff an automobile the play “Pocahontaa" at Weavir just short o f a hugh log athwart rather than to the next election. Mon-Fiction, Global Mission, H. give a Mothers Tea Sunday, Dec. The records don't Indicate from H. Arnold;- (Jhina Shakes the overhanging branches but because bia bicycle at Mr. Green’s. You iiHl S SarvWw rniFlu at vnin TOerefore, a landlord who wants ing: Candlelight Service at 7:30 11 at 3 p.m. at the Nathan Hale prepared to deliver to the royal- in a closed garage will produce High school at 10 a.' m. and 2 p. the track. ' Already the Unemployment Com­ are always sure of a fair allow­ Tonto ftround to evict a tenant must meet all whom the Rede bought the heavy pensation fund in two neighboring World, Jack Belden; Best Plays Of tha tree was fresh and green and w rrh* aad tor roar onavna- m. December 18. to be completed Community Center, downstairs water or how it went out of the lot-Fascist authorities the children carbon monoxide which Jinsy not tn., they left their acenery-Iadened A member of the train crew said iU needles not dried out a firs was ance when turning in a bicycle at ■euro. of the requirements of both the within one hour and to include of Greek patriots who took refuge truck parked outside and tumbled "it would have scattered the I atatos, Maasachiieetts and Rhode 1948-1949, John Chapman, oditor; Blll’e Tire A Repair Shop. Federal law and the State law. clubroom with Mrs. Ralph C. Hoff­ country. The State department be promptly diluted with good Desperate Voyage, John ChUdweA; averted as green needles wlU bum Lawnmowera Sharpenad simple service featuring Christmas man, leader, assisting. Committees had nothing to do with the ehip- in Yugoslavia from the X-banda fresh air. Into their beds at a hotel without Southland all over the w*ood8" If it Island, is being rapidly axhausted. only in a hot lira. From this ex- For those youngsters who have STA110N OPEN DAY Under the SUte law, the tenant had struck the log. Connecticut’s labor laws are among (Complete Book of Doll Making hymns and carols; “ A Christmias In charge- follow: Refreshments, ment It. merely took over the and other Fascist cutthroats, who The exhaust of a car, for ex­ further thought. pariance came tha idea of the new bicycles wTiat better present Eleetriea) Ulilittee may also ask the court ’or addi­ Story” pageant portrayed by mem­ not spare the children. A couple of hours before morn­ Peters saw the log roll trom a the isost liberal in the country- and (JoUccUng, Catharine Oiriato- for them than a fewr of the accea- AND NIGH1 tional time to locate other quartera Lee Scully, Irene Mayer; enter­ flies and tag ends of the Lend- tip ample, pushes carbon monoxide freshly cut Chriatmas trees and bers of Sunday school. December tainment, Constance XTpton, Ruth Lease administration. The magaalne'a full-page appeal ing show time, the 19 to 22-year- timber train on an adjoining Connecticut industrialists would pber; Plant Maintenanca Manual, tha people of Manchester have Ut- sories that are carried at Bill’s Ke-Condtl toned and the court is authorized to into the air. This is sn odorless not wish to have it otherwise. E. J. Clement and C. C. Harring­ 23 at .6:30 p. m. Sunday school Moreau, Alice DeWltt; decora­ The committee's senior investi­ for wider circulation is addressed old actors, several of them from track. He said he knew the South­ erally beaten a, pathway to Mr. "I'aklBg B rip from the old-fBohloned hBrber shop with Its aholf of por- Tire A Repair Shop? These ac­ COOK*S grant, such request up to a period Christmas party with carols; mov­ gas. IVhen breathed in., this gas However, such a program must be ton; Smorgasbord CboklxxA, A. O. cessories are reasonably priced Gone Repaired tions; Dorothy Murzyn, Carole gator, Louis J. Russell, said at a “ Dear Reader” and goes "on: combines with- a portion of the the southern and southwestern land was due shortly, and ran Wolcott's door in order to buy aonel ahBvlag muga, Chicago reataurBiit operator Norman Massing of one year. ies to be shown by James T. Laid- .several hundred yards to warn it well balanced to insure all workers Coombs; Lifa Among the Doctors, and If you are In doubt as to the .SERVICE STATION “Every proposed eviction must Ploufe, Shirley Pender. hearing Monday that an inquiry “The postman brings ue dally blood known as hemoglobin which states, showed up at the Weaver these freshly cut trees. keeps B supply of “ parsonBllzed coffeo cupa" for hK regular custom- law; distribution of presents by was being renewed into the activi­ evidence that many thousands of auditorium to get the set up and In time. the greatest good. P.H. De Krulf; Handicrafts of There hat bean a great deal of current favorite accessories among Maaebeutot Qiaee Wkhw 8MI 52 Pearl SL Phone 4900 be brought to the attention of the Santa Claus; committee in charge, normally carries oxygen to the tis­ “Our Unemployment Compensa­ New England, A. H. Eaton; eta. Each cup bean the name or nlcknaioc of one of the regulars. the younger set, Mr. Green will be ties af the head of the Canadian Americans are eager for more sues. If carbon monoxide replaces their red-brown Indian makeup Istachatta is about 40 miles experimenting done to fireproof Massing Is seen sening n peraonnl cup to office worker Rose Marie Area Rent Office," Mr. DeLucia Mrs. Dayton H. Whipple, chair­ north of Tampa. tion Law, along with twelve other Guesta of the Kremlin; R. O. Em- trees with chemicals but none have able to answer that question. Lit­ said. "In many cases, moreover, uranium firm. truth, more facts about the Union oxygen in the hemoglobin, the tis- on. man; Mrs. Thomas Moran, Miss S. C. Choral Club When the committee first start­ states, provides a maximum of mens; Man Around- the Houm, been satisfactory. The»best and Nnrinl. erally hundreds of boys and girls the landlord must obtain a “cer­ of Soviet SoclaUst RepubUcs, ties are starved for Hfe-giving Shortly before curtain time, twanty-Blx weeks. The thirty- Grace Y. White, Miss Eleanor Gra­ ed the investigation more than a they were still huddled about a Norbert Engels; Public Speaking safest way is to depend upon Wol­ here In Manchester depend upon GIBSON'S tificate relating to evlcUon” be­ ham and Mrs, Marjorie McLean di­ To Give Program year ago, Russell said, it was called “ Mail received in the office of oxygen. It quickly causes uncon- fiVf remaining states allow a lesser Without Fear and Trembling, cott's Freeh Cut C3irUtmas Trees. Mr. Green for all of their Weyde DON W ILLIS fore proceeding with the eviction. recting oarol singing. the USSR Information Bulletin aV scioutness and death soon after. radiator topped with a Jug wait­ Hospital Notes number of benefit weeks. The Mark Hanna. off When the State department said ing for the heat to undo the mis­ Until this year Mr. Wolcott was needs end he knows the trend In GARAGE Tlw certificate ie neceaaary in all The Ladles' Association Christ­ the Canadian government had pro­ tests to this hunger—and it is ex- Watch For Symptoma range ia from twelve weeks to Sam Higginbottom: Farmer, able to gat trees locaUy but after Singer Sewing Center current popular accessories. Plan case* where the eviction ia Tor chief of the elements. a. a. otbaoB. fnr mas party with- a covered dish The S. C. Choral Club, under the tested for security reasons. piossed in letters and cards that When only small amounts of Patients T oday...... 140 twenty-six with ntneleen. states Sam Higginbottom; Queen New diligent search Mr. Wolcott found now to make B trip over to Bill GARAGE the convenience or benefit of the are sincere, honest and friendly. carbon monoxide are present Their gallon Jug of Indian body having a twenty week UmU. Orleans. H. T. Kane; Ckilonial WU- Green's to do your ciiristmas shop­ luncheon is scheduled during an direction of Warren Wood, will May QuesMoa Pregel paint had frozen solidly during Admitted yesterday: Judith Ben­ a oourca of supply where the cut­ property owner.” ' all-day gathering December 21 in Now there are indications the “ We know, as you do, that this Warning symptoma may be pres­ “In Connecticut and oiie other Uamsburg, A. L. Kochar; Ckiod ting would be dona after Decern- - Features Special Gifts ping for your children and make 18 Main St, Phone 2-4531 Teoeat's Obllgetlons present a Christmas Candlelight correspondence is only a mere the night. nett, 39 Lyness Street; Mrs. Bev­ the basement. Each member is way may be clear for the commit­ ent. These are usually headache, erly Sohmelinger, 34 CJooper state tha maximum weekly benefit HouMkeeping Guide to Musical her 8 and by trucking tham himself | it a really “ super” (Christmas Day When the tenant fails to pay the Carol Service at the Second Con­ sampling—a drop in the bucket— for an amployee with two depend- asked to bring one guest. All tee to question Pregel. dizziness, desire to vomit, muscu­ street; Raymond Overton, 64 Enjoyment, G. R. Marek; Coral he is able to give hie customers for them. Spedallsiiig ta legal rent or continuea to commit persons attending are to bring a gregational church on Sunday, De­ Russell and Investigator Court- of the real store of friendship held lar weakness, and a generally un • ent children ia $30.00. In two states Sea, Midway, and Submarine Ac­ better Otriatmaa trass, trass that Christmas really offers no prob- • sewing course at the Singer Sew- a nuUanoe or violate the oblige- Lyness street; Mrs. Barbara Farr, gift for exchange and if desired, cember 18, at 8 p. m. aey Owens have just spent two for the USSR by the American comfortable feeling. It is only Free Taxi Service it is $31.00. In alt other states tions, S. E. Morison; How to Re­ are ahoohitsly Yraali and green, al­ lem at all If you visit your Singer Ing Center will bring happiness— BRAKE SERVICE tiona of tenancy after receiving an extra gift may be brought for public. Thousands upon thousands 915 Main street, Reginold Pelle­ the amount ia leas. Only 'nina though tha cost to. him la graaUr. Sewing Center located at 832 Main • stop In and see the ■wide range of The program, which will include days in Canada. The purpose of when large amounts of carbon member Names and Facaa, R. H. written notice from the landlord, distribution after the party. These do not know where to write for tier, 22 Tyler circle; Mrs.. Marie states, including Connecticut, pay Nutt; Christmas Oookla Book, T. Do your Christmas traa shopping street. ThU store has been re- glfU your Singer Sewing Center many familiar carols, Christmas the trip hasn’t been announced. ' monoxide are present that the vic­ Lassow, Rockville; Barbara Hills, landlords are free to swt according are to be given to those children In another atomic development information." tim becomes drowsy and uncon Boosts Attendance mora than $25.00. 8. Pasley; Families of America, at John W doott’s, l80 Main street, decorated and N. W. Stewart, the i has gathered together for your Front End Ali|piment| anthems, and carols of other lands, 25 Orchard street to local, law, after giving proper of the community who might not involving Canada, the. Atomic Then it urges its readers to send scious so fast that these other Many Be-Emph>]rsd O. S. Perry; Wortd’s Greatest soon sftsr Deesmber 15th for the manager, has gathered together a Christmas glrtng. S p c n c c r l notice. This also applies when the otherwise receive gifts. Associa­ has been arranged around three subscriptions to their friends as Admitted today: Austin Wel- "Tile mere statement that 45,000 supply of trees wlU go like "hot- wonderful assortment of gifts that General Rapair Work 186 Main S t • PhoBO MIS main themes: "The Light of Pro­ Energy commission said last night symptoma may be passed by. Springflcld, 111., Dec. 10.— diristmas Stories, Eric PosmU, tenant la ualng the dwelling for tion officers will be nominated and that American experimenters now Christmas gifts. UP)— man, Jr., 46 Portland street; Al­ persons have established their uu editor: Professional Salesmanship, skes." win fit into a price range sure to HawBllBn KBinfall ’ J It give* aew keealy illegal or immoral purpoaea. No phecy," "The Li^ht of God's A person who has been exposed Attendance at the Stuart Street —gracetal pettare— elected at this session. will be able to get Canadian radio­ Valentine A. Sorokin, second- to carbon monoxide should be re­ bert Gustafson, 8 Middle Turn­ employment compensation benefits C. B. Roth; Science Subjacts Made suit everyone. eerafleate is required in such At the Second Congregational Glory,” and "The Light of the (Jhristlan church Sunday night pike, west. On Mount Waiaieale, in Hawaii, re e tfa l sappert. World.” It will be followed by a active isotopes for medical and secretary of the Russian embassy moved from the bad air at once. since January 1 is meaninglesa. Easy, H. T. Schntttldnd; KiUers of First of ail are thoae famous cases. church Sunday at 11 a. m. serv­ scientific research, as well as and official in charge of the bul­ 'Happy Hour” has increased since Discharged yesterday: Jame.s Many thousands of these have Singer sewing machines in all the average annual rainfall is 451 M VtoN Xaaes FaraW AOMakaaof Service of Lights in which the en­ Artificial respiration and giving inauguration of free taxicab serv­ the Dream. Lillian Smith; Happily Skill Required In these end other cases requir­ ices Rev. Norman Weed of Orange- American ones. letin, said yesterday he doesn’t un­ Flannagan, 41 Lyness street: Wil­ been re-employed. Many more Eh^er After, Hartsetl Spence; Lit­ styles and m ^els, cabinets, con­ Inches, but at sea level, only 14 tan aad FIrw Oev- ing notice only, the landlord must tire congregation will participate. oxygen as soon as possible are ice. bury, N. Y„ a candidate, will derstand why the publication is liam Rublnow, 192 East Center thousands are married women who erary History of the United soles, portables at prices that are miles away, the yearly rainfall is . cliee**. tMiBg S i r / e I provide the Rent Office, within preach. The Church Supply com­ Members of the chorus who will desirable. Fire department crews, The plan to give free cab serv­ 11 Inches, about that of regions In SEWING being ke'pt from American school police, and gas company employes street; Mrs. Rebecca Chambers. once laid off have withdrawn from States, R. E. SplUer and others, In Icy Driving •caled to fit into your budget. Re­ ••‘l SPENCES twenty-four hours of serving mittee has also arranged to have take solo parts include: Mrs. Doris ‘ C o m plete Annihilaiion* children. He asked if school super­ ice to persons destring to attend the labor market when their bene­ member. too, with the purchase of Arizona. / {[I Individually Deelgned laurga AMiirtnuat Steiner, Miss Jane Nackowski,, are usually trained to give rapid 677 Center street; Mrs. Looksday editors; Devil in Maseachusetts notice to the tenant, a copy stating Rev. Reginald Merrlfleld of South intendents are a '"kind - pf Judge" the services waa started two Hille, South Windsor. fits were exhaiuited. Many other# M. L. Starkey; Rooaevelt and the a new machine you will receive a SUPPORTS of Fte* Float Oov- MACHINES Mrs. Constance Crosby and Miss ThreMen* Nation emergency treatment for this form weeks ago. The attendance has New Haven, Dec. 10—Driving in the reaaon for eviction and sub' Woodbury, Vt.. occupy the pulpit over reading matter for Ameri­ are men aged sixty-five and over Russians, E. R. Stettlnius; Avia­ courro of free ieaaon.a guaranteed artaa. Oall Ou fm stantlatlng facts, and the date on December 18. Rev. Merrifleld Dawn Muraski, sopranos; Mrs. New York, Dec. 10—(/P|—-Lieut. of poisoning. increased by 60 each Sunday, said who have retired. Less than three the Ice and snow of winter le a to teach the veriest novice how to MARY F. McPABTLAND Expertly ftcpalrad cans. If there is such a thing as chron­ tion Mechanic’s Aircraft Manual when the tenant inuat give poases' is a graduate of the Bangor Theo­ Katherine Johns, contralto; Robert Gen. Leslie R. Groves says that Sorokin wouldn’t tel! a reporter the Rev. Donald Finley. par cent of those exhausting their UcklUh business which requires sew. Apt. 84G Garden Olive Sion. If the landlord goes to court logical Seminary in 1933 and was Taylor, tenor; and Gerald Chap­ the nation today is threatened with ic poisoning from carbon monox­ J. W. Vale; Every-woman's Book sklU and constant alertness, ac­ FhoBBlS54erS-358S whether paid su)»criptlonB support Mr. Finley said the money Public Setback Party benefits ars later found on relief of Househoid Repidrs, H. L. WU Singer dress forms make a gift to secure possession, he must noUfy ordained in 1935. He has been a pell, bass. Mrs. Warren Wood the possibility of "complete anni­ ide, one would expect It to be spent on taxicab fares about rolls of the tovros. Aside from the cording to the advice of Joseph that will prove invaluable to the JONES* will accompany at the organ. the magazine, or how large a cir­ llams and Ottalie K. WllUamt. Singer the Rent Office of the title and pastor in Canada for a number of hilation," but that the people culation it has. Besides subscribers, found in people who are exposed equals the increase in offerings. Army & Navy Club Aui. political benefits that- always ac- Lamoureux, service manager of peraon who sews constantly; ask S i l e n t /^ u t M u i G c number of the case, the court in years. He and Mrs. Merrlfleld The service is designed to tell aren’t really worried about it. to small amounts of carbon mon­ “We come out even on the erua trom giving away the other the Connecticut Motor Club, af­ Mr. Stewart about giving a gift FURNITIfRE STORE he said, "journalists, congresamen, Monday—8 P. M. No DeportatloB OoB nai'bw Prop. Sewing Center which flled, name and address of have two children. the Christmas Story In word and The wartime bead of the atom foreign ambassadors and ministers oxide for long periods of time, coat,” he said. "It’s working fine fellowr’s money,' there is no merit filiated with the American Auto certificate for one of these dress O l l i H E A T tenant, and the ground for eviction. The church choir will meet there music. The various choral num­ bomb project told American busi­ such as those working in certain mobile Association. forms. >S Cab Street. Maarbeetet. Ot 832 Main SL TeL'8888 here" get copies of the bulletin, and we’re going to make-it per­ Prizes! Refreshments! in a rstrial of the Governor’s om: A naturalized citizen of the ' on suRNUS • on>inNAC(t . • Tjie Rent Director said that the at 7 tonight. bers "have been selected with this ness leaders yesterday that the mining operations, about furnaces, "The most Important fact to re­ watir heaters Pboae 9-1041 free. manent.” Admission 50c rejected program. Even in the United States cannot legally be A present for the home is an on soniRS • Mancheeter main facts about eviction are Mrs. C. Irving Loomis will lead in mind, and they will be supple­ public has not awakened to the The State department has said, or in garages. One taxicab company provides full employment year of 1948 20 member about -winter driving," idea that has gained favor-during given in a fact sheet which his Christian Endeavor service Sun­ mented with short scripture read­ danger posed by Russia’s posses­ deported to the country of his the club offidal declared, “la the the past lew years and your Sing­ in response to lnqulrle8.-that It has the transportation to and from per cent of the persona drawing birth, or to any other country office will mall to any tenant or day, Dec. 11 at 7:30 p. m. at the ings. The Impressive Service of sion of the A-bomb. no authority to prevent nubllca- Note: Dr. Jordan is unable the church at reduced rates. necessity 'of avoiding rapid or er Sewing Center suggests one of landlord requesting it. Church Community House in North Lights, which concludes this ob­ “Never ' before In history,” to answer individual questions American cltisena, whether nat- sudden aeroleration In the Ice and their Singer vacuum cleaners, the servance, is an especially beautiful tlon of the magazine, and would urtl-bom or naturalised, are not Coventry. Topic; "Different Men Groves said, "have we been threat­ not be Itkely to do so anyhow, from readers. However, each snow. It’s equally Important to really___ new Idea in superior clean- Proudly Sold and Installed By Frigidaire T. P. Holloran in the Bible." Members of the so­ ceremony in which the members of ened with complete annihilation.” day he will answer one of tbs Fhr Young Girls subject to the Immigration lawa apply brakes slowly; when coming | ing. ------Also the hand vacuum with Norwich Hospital the congregation, lighting their since this country stands for free Your FUNERAL BOMB ciety will participate in an in­ But, he said, the American exchange of International infor­ -most frequently asked ques­ Armistice Day to a stop. Violation o f either 'rule 1 it* attachments that make hard- Sales and Service formal panel discussion. candles from one single flame. All people “are not convinced in their tions In his column. can lead to a dangerous skid.” j to-g«t-to places simple to clean. Oil Heat and the church with brilliance. mation. Plumbing and Heating Christmas Plans Arrangements have been made hearts there Is anything to worry The Doctor Answers Committee to Meet Xma$ Gift Store He said that getting out of aJ For Ironing. Mr. Stewart sug (deaOy locatotf- -eoauaBlaMr o a i about.” > ^ Hot News ! for a Christmas concert at 8 p. m. By Edwin P. Jordan, M. D. skid can be accomplished by keep-1 gesU a Stesm-O-Matlc Iron, o reg- Work Of AD Kinda awa.v t n t o tae baev Hiaena el i Security Not Sound Enough ing your foot off the brake. As b ulatlon weight iron or the light Engineering, Inc. Friday, Dec. 16, at the Church (Question: What will stop or rem­ ARTHUR DRUG STORES faia. OtaMaeOec aarvtoa Mud- Norwich, Dec. Id—Plans for _ The retired Army general told' Shot to Death edy a bad circulation in the left The Permanent Armistice Day matter of fact, he said. It Is gen- ] weight ‘—iron, and for those who who Merry Christmas at Norwich State Community House with Miss Lor­ Coffee Prices etta McKinney directing. On De­ a closing session of the Natlo'nal arm or hand which has been pres­ committee will hold its final meet­ eralfy safer to sUp onOB the gas travel a lot a handy traveling Iron 887 Main Street Vincent Marcin ore FacimNa Hospital are already under way ac­ Association of Manufacturers that ing of the year Wednesday eve that folds right up. cording to a fiport received today cember 18 the Christian Endeavor To Slay High Near His Home ent for several months? and turn your steierliig wheel in PLUMBING AND HEATING the natl^'s security is "not as Answer: I cannot tell without nlng, December 14 at 8 o’clock in the direction your car to skidding. What could make a better . Phone 2-1166 Or 5918 OCNTRACTOR by the Joint Committee of State Society will conduct a White Gift Christmas surprise than a Toast­ a m b u l a n c e s b r v ic b Service In the Church. On Decem­ sound as I would like to have It." knowing the cause of the poor cir­ the Army and Navy club. Secre “Of couree, chains are a great nUGIDAIRB DEAlJSn Mental Hospitals at 65 Wethers­ He said that the mere threat (CoatlBued from Page One) master under the tree? Perhaps DAT AND NIGHT > field avenue, Hartford, the central ber 24 the Society is sponsoring a (Continued from Page One) culation. This should be Investi­ tary Matt Mere urges ail member help in winter driving, aad should 305 North Main Street that fn atomic bomb might be used organizations to have representa­ a heater with a fan to circulate office for the mental institutions. Christmas Eve aer\’ice In the gated before any treatment like SERVICES be used especially la hlUy coun­ the warm air for chilly corners ally from lower production and against this country means that a state's attorney investigators, ad­ massage or special exercises should tives present. try,” be said. "On level ground, Tclepboae 4848 175 Center 8L Phone 8000 In response to an inquiry made church. drolsion will have to be made on vanced the theory that the killing will answer your question of what ^ Mrs. C. N. Gregory, of 9 Au­ higher consumption at the same be tried. This is an Important meeting as the driver can get along without Coventry Methodists are invited the question of decentralizing the may have been a case of mistaken That interpret the ivishes to give Aunt Jane. Sewing cabi­ — — burn road. West Hartford, who is to the United Methodist Church time,” Almedia said. all expenditures connected with them, but there are few piaces nets and sewing boxes are sure of local chairman for Greater Hart­ Rio dispatches told of retail cot- nation's industrial plants. Identity. Gilbert said early inves­ Mrs. Margaret Chase Smith (R. the Armistice Day exercises must which are Sat enough for safe of Bolton services Sunday, Dec. 11. This can not be accomplished as tigation disclosed there apparently of the family. a warm welcome and the new Sew*- ford, Dr. Roland H. Kettle, super­ at 10:45 a. m. Rev, Frank W. fee prices there of 59 to 62 cents Maine) is the first woman to serve be approved. Several other busi­ driving without chains in the 1m Ing Book bv Mary Pitkin which Christmas Trees intendent, described the extensive a pound, as compured with a little painlessly as “iiresponsible plsn- was on motive for the sla^ng. in 'both the United States Senate ness matters.-must be disposed of Blake will use as his sermon topic: ners" suggest, he said. He added Mrs. ChrUte’nson also said she or enow.” coeU but $3.95 and is fully illus­ preparations for Christmas. The "Can You Recommend Your Re­ over 22 cepts two months ago. and House of Representatives. at this time. The AAA official streoeed that trated. covers sewing In Its entire­ miperintendent said that his nurs­ that it would mean total disrup­ knew of Jio reason for her hus­ -VtUas«®i«'2, ligion?" At the church on Monday Ebb In Reserve Main Factor tion of the industrial economy and John B. Burke pairing other care on Icy curvea ty, Including taflorlng, mak ng new a leoa af I ing and occupational therapy band's murder. He had served four prwarito II Boy Scouts meet at 7 y. m.; Tues­ Like El wood, Albert M. Proster- a lowered standard of living for years as an assistant state’s at­ or on upgrade or downgrade high­ slipcovers, drsperies. Is something The Best In Home Apptlannaa staffs are already planning the FUNERAL HOME ways to courting dtoaster. He every person who sews will wel­ stock eea*Metl*a Christmas program schedules. day, Youth Fellowship, 7 p. m., man, a Commerce department the American people. torney . under State’s Attorney freshly u a w « choir rehearsal at ,7 p. m.; Wed­ The alternatives, he said, 'were Thomas J. Courtney, now a Su­ 81 East Ceater St. TeL 6868 urged all motorists to drive sane­ come. A gift certificate for Maaebeator'a Dealer For Gifts prepared by the hospital commodity specialist, said the main ly and slowly this winter and ra- nesday, Junior choir rehearsal, 7 factor in rising, prices is tlie ebb either to keep industry Intact and perior court" Judge. In 1940 he was cut Dee. 8 as well as those received through Ambnianee Service duec the toQ o f traffic accidents. the sponsorship of the Joint Com­ p. m.. W.S.C.8., 8 p. m. of Brazilian reserve coffee stocks. incur the risk of multiple destruc­ elected as assessor and a town of Spruce A BLACKSTONE mittee will provide an individual Public school classes will be ex­ tion, or to partially decentralize It trustee in Cicero. Ho served two WESTOWN PHARMACY Balsam. Shiny ffW A N C T "The day of huge coffee sur­ Nai > For Oria OoOsettea QUALITY Automatic Waahaea and personal package for each pai cused on Monday, Dec. 12, at 1 p. pluses is over, at least (or the by better placement o f new plants. terms before retiring in 1948. HARTFORD ROAD—COR. McKEE ST.—TEL. 2-9946 needles cling to Oat* Tbasle* ttM#. tient. These gifts serve to high­ m. A special faculty meeting at present,'’ he told a repiorter. "Now He advocated the latter course. In 1946 Christenson and Kasper- PRINTING! t*« Plaoe. PUear and Dryera light the festivities which are the new school, on Cross street wll|, Only safe Assumption ski started a drive against gam­ Rome — (A) — The Italian Min­ the tree thru XMAS Me. M the' demand ia Just about equivalent istry Education has inherited] fhe pilattog Ummm planned to reach every one of the take place immediately thereafter to the supply.” Groves said the only safe way bling in the western suburb, charg­ and part of the NEW L44S0 845 MAOt S «. wards during the Christmas sea­ to "consider the curricula of Cov­ to regard th e,. recent reported ing that law enforcement had one of the world’s most valuable] M> we 4n ter I YEAR. You pay little son. Each package contains two In 0)ca Raton, Fla., the Na­ atomic explosion in Russia is to coUections of coins, but says It VAB will' entry Public school for the cur­ broken down. They headed a drive TOYLAND Drawings cannot find a horns for It. It is ^^more, if any, for a tree or three items such as toothbrush, tional Coffee association heard assume the Russians have an that was climaxed bv a reform nrove eatfs- rent school year.” that the United States is becoming the 120,000-pleoe collection of the fari nry “-be- face cloth and soap, handkerchief Members of the Explorer Post atomic bomb as good as the first campaign headed by John Stoffel, freshly cut. Drive in any a greater tea-drinking nation, than 900 Square F^t Solely Devoted to late King victor Emmanuel n i, and perhaps a pack of cigarettes of Boy Scouts Troop 57 have al­ one the U. S. exploded in New former Cicero president Tonight At 8:30 .M oe N wUi Jime on or after Dec. 15th to Tree Pruning HIGH GRAD E ever before. who left It behind when he abdi­ he prndaeed oadar' the OMBl or tobacco. It will take 7,000 of ready started their project of re­ Mexico. Oat do your selecting for the XMAS such items to fulfill the needs of And the little nation of-Salvador Groves made only slight refer­ Toys at Lowest Prices. cated in 1944. He began collect­ Modera. eSIcImt metboda moving plaster and lath in the On These 10 Prizes Offered ing coins when he -was a boy, and oar eattmata HOLIDAYS and Removal the Christmas Gift Committee at basement of the Booth-Dlmock reported that its coffee crop thU ence to congressional investiga­ Now to tbu thau to prone tbe PRINTING the hospital. -As Our Opening Special! became a leading authority on UspeadaMe QaaStv > Ssreleai A Memorial Library under super­ year was cut to 12 per cent below tions of reports that atomic in­ numiamatlcB. duad aad dizoaued braochos fOB AND CUMMBRCIAI Mrs. Gregory of the local com­ last year's supply by heai’y October formation leaked to Russia dur­ 1. One Mobil Tire T tran yoer abade treea It to mittee urged that Individuals and vision of Post Advisor Albert J. Right now it to closed up In 28 WILMAM H. SCHIKI-WJIfi PRINTING Booth and Assistant Post Advisor rains and November winds which ing the war. FUEL OILS Open All Day Sunday JOHN S. WOLCOTT also ttme 9e romove dead and steel cabinets and 13 cases In the 135 Ppraro street PM aaae Prompt ood Efllttoni PitutMe organizations to try, if possible, to stripped the trees of coffee berries. He called for a thorough sifting 2. Car Fire Ext. (Power OBwanted trues. For prompt and send their gifts in by December 18. Albert H. Boudreau. The Post cellars of the quirlnale, former roy­ A SON, 180 Main St. of AO aiBdu o f evidence relating to sUch re­ Pak) 5434 uWIcluat aoi vtou eoR Gifts may be left at 9 Auburn road. meeting room on Mason street has Mobil Heat 1-4 vt*4 al pUace and home of the Popes Entrance directly been completely, relined, through ports. 3., 5 Gal. Freezone ilch to now occupied by the pres­ West Hartford, or 68 Wethersfield Groves was the last of the after­ opposite Henry St. COMMUNITY PRESS avenue, Hartford. cooperation of a work party com­ Public Records Famous Brand Heating Oil ■ By Bus Burnett By Mrs. Anae Cabat ident of Italy. CARTER TREE prised of troop committee mem­ noon speakers at the closing bus­ 4. One Mobil Tpbe Every little girls loves a new, Guard your hands from nasty I. 99. Baro A CX UfeuB bers, with the exception of the iness session of the NAM’s 54th Clean, Hot. Economical 5. 10 Gallons Gas party dress—this one to sure to burns by hanging those amusing E 99. aan annual Congress of American In­ EX PER T CO . Oar. Ma Mala aad Wn geSaat chimney. Quitclaim Deeds Watch For Opening please the tots of one to six. Tiny potholders near the atove. They dustry. Plus time-saving, troisMe-savIng 6. oil Change are fun to make as well as simple ‘ PHONE Idas The Explorer Post and the regu Harold E. and Eula A. Crozier service scalloped sleeves are edged in nar­ TELEVISION Personal Notice At the closing dinner last night, Announcement 7. Lubrication row toce or ruffling to match the and inexpensive, for all you need lar Troop 67 members Joined Fri­ to Sara Symington, property on Carlos P. Romulo, of the Philip- day night for a rehearsal of Anderson street. neckline. Add a row of buttons on are workbasket fabric scraps and EFFICIENT WEATHEK- 8. Lubrication the front. odds and ends of embroidering RADIO Card of Thanks Christmas Carols to be sung dur­ Warraatce Deeds T" ing the week preceding Christmas WATCHING SYSTEM, PROMPT, 9. Lubrication Pattern No. 8423 is m sew-ritc cotton. Manchester Sarah Symington to Allen F. AUTOMA’n c FUEL perforated pattern in aises 1, 2, 3, Pattern No. 5484 'consists of ap- Highest Th« family of th» late Bainu'l W. and on Christmas Eve. The Sim- and Phyllis P. Watts, property on Home Appliances Friend wish to thank all buslnesa as- DEtJI'ERIES. F1TLL aiEASURB 10. Motor Tune-Up 4, 5 and 6 years. Bise 2, l*s yards pUque pattern for three pothold- PLAN NOW day movies sponsored by the Post Anderson street. soelatas. nalfhbora and friends, (or at the Nathan Hale Community GUARANTEED One Ticket With Every of 38 or 89-lnch; yards trim­ ers, se v ^ g Instructlcms, color nig- BALBa. BEMVICB Dry Cleonert , thair kind expresstona of sympathy dur- V. (Charles Ohaneslan to Alexan­ ming. , gestlons and embroidering direc­ FOR W INTER Prices Poid tag tbatr raeant beeaaTcment Center auditorium at 7:15 p.m. will der Jarvia, property at 582 Center $1.00 Purchase aad > tNBTAIXA’nONS feature the “American Empire*' FILMS For this pattern, send 25 cents. tions for features. 98 Wala Bfcreal street When you need fuel :ft coins, your-name, address, slse Bend 30c in coins, your name, y FOB RAGS. Ura Samuel W. Friend with Richard Dix and Preston Fob-. Adminiatrator’a Deed DEVEM)PED AND Last Day Today To Get PUBLIC (UNtKEtM aVSTEMB | Have a pair of tires re­ aad fapiUy. ter. The serial will also be eon-, RADIO » d'.aired and the Pattern Number address and the pattern .lumber to FOR BENT treaded with our famous Talapheat TIM John J. Brozowski, administra­ PRINTED quickly SOMdaai. AsflXMhRwOtsfdmOssMr Your Tickets to Sue Burnett (The Manchester Anne Cohot, lOie Manchester Eve­ SO U P METALS. Etc. tinned In addition to short features. 24-HOtIR SERVICE Snow Caps. b Memoriaai Ernest J. Starkel, Albert F. Kal- tor of the estate of Anna Brorow- 'venlng Herald) 1150 Ave. Amer- ning Herald. 1150 Ave. Americas, Gaaraatea* Bepalt asrrtes sky .to George J. and Minnie A.' Oa an M aksaaad Medsto ber 8nd'Anton M. Lassen have Pilnl Deposit Bog Call 4 1 4 8 ■ cas. New York 19, N. Y. New York 19, N. Y. CaO or WriU Is lovlsg memory of our dear kus- been appointed by the Nathan Hale McCann and Frank and Olga A. UNTIL THEN Don't m(*« the new Fashion, ^ Needlework Fans — Anns Cab­ Expert Dry baad and fatbar IloraaBtek Clgnetto, Savino, property on Birch street At Store Entrance MAPLE rha Fall and Wlntsc Issua wlU de­ ot’s Wg now algum to here. Doa- MANCHESTER TIRE erho paaaati away Dae. 10, Community Center Association to Johnson Point Co. work with Rev., John F. Tehan Peradta SUPER SERVICP light you with its up-to-tha-min- jem o f faaelnatlng new derigns. M A L O N ir S and RECAPPING CO. Wm. Ostrinsky BUSINESS AS USUAL ute, easy to make frocks for sU Christmas gifts, decorations and 699 MAIN STREET MANt!HE8TER ffbough sbaaat, you an ... and Rev. Harold E. Parsons, co­ RolUng Park, Incorporated, nine STATION RADIO a APPtJANCB 182 RlapellSt. Tel M7» :WM-€UtNt9ya the family. Free filft pattern ’special' features . . . Plus 4 gift 9-1046 295 Broad St. Tel. 2> 4224 Still loved, Btlll mltaed and directors of the Center Youth Ac­ new single four room dwellings at KEMP'S 220 Spruce St, Tel. 3996 Walnut e c r u t I tivities Program, on the project $9,000 egch for Roiling Park E.i- AT THE ^AME OLD STANDI printed inside the.book. 25 cents. patterns apd directions. 1|5 cents. Wife and family. ef fiirnlshlnv automatic miwc for tatea. ■ nt asMWSt - MANCirESTBB EVENING HBRAUD. UANCRESTrER. CONM^ SATUR^AX, P|Uor Gov^r|iiii€ip4 Skating Here 1950*8 March of Dimes Girl Deed Provides Com Wostkor Is Kotptaf ise Obituary Stork Awsy Frost T smr By Australia Vote Not Allowed For New Tract W ill The stork in Manohestsr is Becomes Minority Allen Leads Nassiffs to 71 to 55 Win Omr Waterbary presumed to be frozen at his Deaths Jarvis Purchase Allows post. No births have been re­ Not Balance Park Superintendent ported at Manchester Memori­ ( f i l m e d frese Psga Oae) F or. Development of al hoapital since Wednesday, Clarence 8. Barlow Declares Ice Not Safe December 7—four da}^ ago. IkMB r s s « Om > Zealand ia -the British oommon- BuUets Hope Meclmmcs Top I |jp J 9 P o m t s Clkrence 8. Barlow of 05 Hamlin Large Section Usually the stork ip active By street, local business man, who for the Week-End wealth trend to the right. East Hartford Tops MO,000 in til* n*w budgtt and that daily at the Haynes street in­ died late yesterday afUrnoon, was stitution. Robert Gordon Mesaiea, the Ub: To Upset GrUl EAR L W . Lebanon 4 l-2 o r? r n a a. m ay h*lp Mr. Truman bring toUl bonl In Greenwich, Mass., the son Superintendent of Parks Horace A warrantee deed recorded today era] leader, who wUl become piflnu BERALD outlan down aomewhat. However, of the late Francis and Oara Murphey announced this morning, at the office of the toWn clerk In- minister, comm ent^'M tor bearing High Quintet, 43 to 41 YOST liti hj. L. Cage Contest they aUU are likely to exceed the (Sanborn) Barlow. He came to that there will vHli be no skating dicates that Alexander-Jarvla has the New Zealand results last wsek: Sports Editor Grimm, Buckler, Le> Treaauty'a Income, estimated at Manchester about 35 years ago. purchased the property at 582 Paired ,in First Game at Center Springs Pond over the ”The Socialists were brought to ANGLE about 138.000,000,000 this year. He established the first tire vul­ Center street fomierly held by V. power in New Zeeleni), Aumalis Tonight; Silk Qty, gault Pace Cheney At* Veteran New York Ball Washington Is doing a lot of canizing plant here, and was tiie weekend. He said that only four Charles Ohanesian. The property, and Great Britain in that aider. Bukel by Whaplc ln| Two in a Row owner of the last curb gasoline and a half finches of black and west of the Junction of McKee News Tidbits This dramatic result sesms a hSppy Bowling Braves Ticket Plan -zPlasa, Vendome, Avery and Oon- tack in Schoolboy Tilt guessing about the budget. Many Eagles in Nightcap ' tlnentat The plan to help Harvard Players No Match for ^ r e think mlUUry expenditures pump in town, which was removed snow ice is available and it ia too street and Center has a consider­ Colled Front UPf W ires Oman that they will go out in thi Last Twenty Seconds There’s several inches o f snow 1i able depth, reaching southerly from ! student football players came as Noesltt Arms (71) will bo cut back to 313,000,000,000 from his place of business. A few smad a margin of aafety for the same order.” ' Standings -Va) has suggested cuts Britain eince XM5. Cravat Leaga* Nasslff Bullet* <. 1 ' 1 .600 mailbag produced a letter from ! The hotel men believe they can 0-Tedford, c ...... 3 2-3 Basketball as predicted — run, low of Tampa, Florida; a daughter snowstorms that might bbeak out, south 400 feet from Center street who once served as crewman On play by Billy Whaples provided the , Coach Joe Mcauakey's team 8 : of 33,000,000,000 In civilian out­ (Alice), Mrs. William Caywood of to a point about 100 feet-east of 'ream No. 1 (S) Italian Amerks . . 1 3 .338 BlUy Sullivan of toe Boston No- j help the football situation—and al­ held a comfortable 17 to 5 lead at 2-Yost, rg ...... 1 0-1 2 ; hand-off, cut and go from start to he expects that there will be skat­ noted whaling vessel, CharlM margin of victory iast night Off I lays of various kinds and 31.300,- Cleveland, Ohio; two brothers, ing sometime next week. the end of Coolidge street This Morgan, dies at UtUe Compton, Wilson ...... M W SUk City ...... 0 2 .000 tional League Baseball Otm. | so build up better business for halftime. Grimm was also out­ 3-B. BycholakI, rg .. . . 2 2-2 6 finish and at the final gun laat Buntalda Bogles . 0 3 .000 000,000 in veteran payments. George Barlow of Worcester, Mass., Experiment a Failure right of v)ay is included in the R. I., home ...... Gov. Frank J, Cliiiiese Lo»e ^ East Harttord High downed Man-1 Davits ...... » - *9 BlUy, chief tub-thumper for the themselves. standing on dafsns*. The team as 2-Allen, Ig ...... 8 3-3 19 : night the score read Nasaiff Arms Mr. Truman. Isn’t likely to pay and EJIIs Barlow of Brookfield, Mupbey also reports that the property transferred to Jarvis. Lausche of Ohio is asked to par­ chestor High 13 to 41. Kleinschmldt 104 104 Braves, passes /.along the 1960 Shots Here and There a whole worked well together and 0-Burke, I g ...... 0 0-0 0 171, Waterbury Coppers 66. Th# much attention to Byrd’s sugges­ Mass., also five grandchildren. With the acquisition o f this don Ralph Baches, Oiiio peniton- Murray . . . . 138 108 WiUto’a OrlU will rtoW to*lr first beseball eesson ticket plen of toe Judge James Dooley, president showed great punch at times. Die house was good and the fans wars test to pump water from Onter More Ground Tha ator of the game was Cap­ ptocs Rso Lsagu* standing tonight tions. And be may have some new Private funeral services will be Springs Pond to the hockey rink property, Jarvis has an oppor­ tlary Inmate whose conviction on tain Charlie Stetson, IBast Hartford B. Schubert , . 9 3 96 Boston organixation. of Narragansett Park, acting as win waa the second In four starts. 12 T o ta ls___ 29 13-19 71 treated to a mighty fine ball game programs in mind which will take held Monday afternoon at two tunity to make an interior road armed robbery charge is termed at toa School Street Gym m the Best plan offered by the Braves representatives of the racing as­ Waterbury Coppers (55) that was handled very commenda- above the Lodge waa a failure. The forward, who threw in 21 points. first gam* of a twin bill sgAinst The locals also won the Jayvee up most of the savings made in o’clock at the Holmes Funeral equipment used was inadequate to connection from Center street to mistake by James E.'Rsed, maa IGesUfues iram HerhBrown, A1 Morgan and Bddl* Tbtals 496 526 1580 la toe "Variety Special.” For sociations operating at Narragan­ 6-Shapiro, rf ...... 3 2-3 8 bly by the two officials, Albis the U utU t Arms. This game wUl game, 34 to 28. Howard August 2-Dolgoff. rf ...... 7 1-1 15 military and foreign aid outlays. Home, 400 Main street. Rev. Fred pump from the pond level to the property he towns farthsr west who pvoaeoatod the ease-. .Osmdr. Mosk* all soorsd la the double fig* » (*), 126.20, the purchaser may procure sett Park and Lincoln Downs in Booth and Juli* Shanbrom. In R. Edgar of the South Methodist u d which has a dsfs a s iiljh ^ « k- AHoaso M ania Maseatl. African 119 94 87 8 get underway at 7 o’clock and the Rhode Island, Suffolk Downs in threw in 20 points for the Me­ 1-Rothbart, I f ...... 3 1-3 7 typical New York fasbion to* hockey rink. An attempt is being urea for the loaera with -Brown Ditto .... a pair of tickets to see each of chanics. church will officiate and burial tension. explorer of last century, dim In -^eserted and seized both that Suprenant 97 43 97 3 Second tilt wiU find the Silk a t y toe Braves seven National League Massachusetts and Rockingham l-BuUer,lf ...... 1 0-0 2 game was played so fast that there made to locate other equipment high with 13 points. . Oleary Tech (41) 2-Benson, c ...... will be in the Bast cemetery. that might be used to pump the Rome. *ts provlncs,' Yuniiah, for Tedford ..- . 85 110 103 3 A. C against th* Btantsld* Eagies. opponents in one game. And as a Park in New Hampshire, has re­ .. 7 1-5 15 wasn’t time for fouls, attested to Faniiue Uaiign (Joaeh Will caarke’s team held a 3-Brucker, r g ...... 4 0-0 water and if it is found another City council of Rockford, 111., 22 to 20 lead at balfUme and Magnuaon .110 114 131 3 A win over toe drill would special premium, toe purchaser leased the racing dates for the 8 by the number of personals called, Mrs. Lydia A. B. Qllmore considering petition of city lead­ .110 102 127 8 create a five-way tie in to* InupM 1960 season. They follow: Lincoln Legault, rf . 2-DuBow, Ig ...... 0 0-1 0 28. The win was th# second In test will be made. The test waa a Pictures Hiss onerMm* upped tbe count to 34 to 31 at the Bengaton . will receive an opportunity to buy Baranowski, rf Over Miners Mrs. Lydia A. B. Gilmore, widow success in this aspect, that, water ers who charge that contraceptives quarter. With five and one-half for the top rung and toe Bulmq a ticket for one World Series con­ Down*—March 25 to May 4, Oct. succeaiosn for the locals. of Edward E. Gilmore, died this are sold In slot machines . . . KaLShrtt* 52 513 535 1689 will be ftrliig with both barrels for 30 to Nov. 25; Suffolk Downs — Johnson, if , 16 T o U ls ...... 25 5-13 55 This new Nasslff squad seems to can be drawn from the pond to the minutoe remaining, Manchester Totals test, providing that toe Braves Score at half time: 27-20 Noe- morning at the home of Ivir niece, As Her Rival China’s top Communist, Mae TZe- ■ra* deserters seized 12 pishes was out front, 38 to 31 and things toe victory. Thto game ebould -be April 22 to June 10, July 10 to August, If . gain momentum as toe .gam* pro­ (CkMtlBiwd from l^ge One) Miss Marlon W. Brookings, of 113 public skating rink. Public skaters win Jlie flag. EllU, c ----- siff's; referee, Booth; Umpire, will not be allowed on the hockey Tung, has sent his portrait to 'I^*'®*'**' Later, on* Of looked dark for Coach Howard Team No. t (1) on* of the best of the season and Aug. 6; Narragansett—June 12 to gresses. The first quarter was Park street, after a long Illness. thus far there has been at least Sullivan, in his Hot Stove Grimm, rg . Shanbrom. rink but will have their own priv­ OoWteueS from* Pag* Oae StaBa and It to now hanging In * »w n b y (Tapt F. B. « r k - Godlng’s home forces. But the Hor­ Nickerson July 8, Sept. 1 to Sept. 80; Rock­ closely contested with the Arms seven told of feeding her family Born in Woolwich, Maine, the F ^ c le c o , roared away one thriller In to* night’s of league League istoe o f the "Brave* Bul- Buckler, Ig finding themselvea behind by a ate skating grounds on the pond. Moscow’s Museum of the Revolu­ nets fought back. Murphy . leUn,” say* thirteen players, best ingham—Aug. 7 to Sept. 4, Oct. 2 on bread, potatoes and beans for daughter of Gardner H. and Susan tion . . . Francis (Ordinal Spell­ under lire Only one buUet hit It ptey* Scarlato, Ig jxiint, 13 to 12, at the gun. Jackie a Bimilar period, then added, "to­ (.Shaw) Brookings, she had been Once again a reminder that no Noel Field away from my organi­ Leading 41 to 37 with three min­ Connors . new crop In Braves history, will to Nov. 1 . . . Frank Tripucka. skating will be allowed in town zation into yours.’ man tells his parishes to pray f i t A Skymaster of the Pacific Over­ NsaaifPs will depend on the fancy-ball handling quarterback Allen lit out on a scoring spree, day for a change we had cubboge a . resident of Manchester for near­ seas Air service It .carried 57 pas- utes remaining, Manchester lost A1 Kroll . . . . don Tribal uiilforma for the first 7-18 41 until there is stifficicnt and safe "And he said, 'So you are this rata for New York .... Newly heavy sboring of Fred Booth, Qu* with the Detroit Liotis and former 16 Totals netting himself 11 points in the for supper.” ly 30 years. She was a member ^ Hong Kong. A n o t ^ Morgan via the persortal foul route. Brennan . Gaudlno, Carl MIkolowski and their time at Bradenton next March, Lebanon Local Sport • first half on some spectacular ice. The announcement to the ef­ famous girl that U trying to get formed International CJonfedera- Morgan's loss hurt the locals as be Notre Dame star, explains the dif- During the hunting season min­ of the South Methodist church took » passengers to Hong Kong. new comer, Roger LaFranc*. Booth Included among the 13 players P. B. shooting. Waterbury coUld not and of its Willing Workers and fect that skating is to be allowed Noel Field away from me,' and 1 Uon of Free Trade Unions ends had don* a remarkable Job on tbe ___ 807 607 816 1629 fereace between college and pro ers took up their guns and brought S i Lani* LutKins of TotaU heads the Bullcta with 29 points are and Bob Addis, 0 Davis, Tt ...... 2 get inside the local defense and had back four deer, sharing the game Study Groups; also of the local will come from Murphey's office. said, 'Yes.' organization session tn London Port Chester, N. Y„ just had been boardA Two free throws and a T^m No, 4 (8) , two much sought after minor ball in this way; "I seldom got my Chatter to be content with set shots. Hilty with pledge to Sght all totalitar- with Mikolowskl. Hia first year as 1 Grabber, If . . . .1 with destitute neighbors. branch of the Women’s Christian Wanda W’llry, elght-year-oM danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. WUey, "He said, ‘Wall, we will see who riven e farewMl dinner by Gov. basket ,by Stotoon knotted the Mlnnich ..88 80 105 1 a semi pro player has swished toe league stars. Dick Donovan, Hank pants dirty while playing for the Shapiro and Norm Brucker pep­ Temperance Union and Ever of Austin, Tcx„ is 1950’s March of Dimes paster glrL Her picture is going to win.'. laalaaa . . . Buckingham palace dis­ count at 41-all with two minutes 105 122 118 i Fighting Irish. Now it’s different. 4 Adams, If . . . . 3 Eddi* Vilga, a leading member One of the neighbors said, "I He nuto being Sown to Verona - cords for 30 points for second Ertman and Jack Daniels, all with 4 . . . 1 pered away In toe first period and Ready Circle of King's Daughters, will spearhead the annual drive of the National Foundation for In­ "A t this point, I said, 'You real­ closes that Prince Cfiiarles is i«- Hainan. There waff no Indleatlon remaining, Whaples’ basket in tbe ...... 77 86 96 : It doesn’t take very long for the Standish, c . of the Laurels and Polish Ameri­ • never cared much for venison, but International Rule Metcalf place honors. toe Hartford Oilef* last year, are 0 Rinn, c ...... 1 Ralph Dolgoff, former St. John’s It was the first fresh meat In this of which she was made a life fantile Paralysis. Here she walks with a pet dog, although 18 months ize that you are competing with a ooverlag from acute tonsilitto. how many Amerlenne were eVKun- closing seconds then decided the 109 134 108 ! opposition to advise that you are can basketball teams last season, star and the Coppers’ playing member. Adamy . As for th* OrlU their < scoring also listed on the rookie roster. 1 Andrews, rg . . . 0 bouse in three months." ago she was voinpletcly paralyzed. woman,’ at which either be or I Shah of Iran ending his skiing ming. tight non-league game. Schuliert . 116 96 186 ! There’s nothing like beating in a ball game.” .. . In Connecti­ is now in California. He plans to coach, assisted in the scoring col­ Besides the niece with whom she power will depend upon- Fred 0 Crulchshanks. Ig 1 The owner of the mine, H. A. Passes in Face said—I forget which of us said it, at Sun Valley, flying to San Fran­ ^^^^w niuntot dispatch reported Ees^^Hartlord also won toe sec­ "Snsp” Server who has Ut# most the gun, getting-naseball publicity cut there were five fatal hunting attend a college on the West Coast. umn. * Non* could, however, cost lived, she leaves two other nieces, but it was either be or I— 'Whoev­ the Reda’ spearhead was aMy’ sIx ond gaine. 28 to 21. ,*494 "s i? 652 1663 accidents last season, two of which 0 Leviers, Ig . . . . 0 a shadow on Allen, and the Arms Marshall, said from a hospital bed bate that hia country would resist cisco . . . Fonrteea-year-oM boy In Totals points thus far in th* league, 82 out long before toe season starts. — , in nearby Cumberland, Md., he Mrs. Thomas J. Cordner, of 26 Of Open Threats Housing Director er is going to win, we a n working Forth Worth. Tex., who killed the miles from Chengtu. Summary: were due to Inaccurate sighting. Kenny Chapman nas proven to held a 27-20 advantage at inter­ OreenhIU street, this tovra; Mrs. U. N. rule. for the same boss.* with hia running mate. Coach Wal­ Help Offered Johnnie's 10 Total* ...... 9 5-17 23 . plans to ■■ resume operations but brother who made fun of hto de­ (But In Cniengtu, radioed Associ­ East Hartford (48) Pest Office League ly Parciak, boasting 22 markers. The National Society for the Pre- be a big gun in games played by mission. R. L. Watkins, of Moultris, Geor­ His stand thus further defined Remembered DIstinctlj ated Press Correspondent Spencer B r Pt* Four Metropollian hotels in Bos­ Score at half time. Muzzy Gets Hot doesn’t know when. He is recover­ gia, and a nephew. the differences that have develop­ ' Seeks Place to Live formed left hand will be put on Flat-Feet (4) In the ffecond tilt both club* will ton-, have come up with a plan In­ vention of Blindness claims that i the Laurels to date. Chappy played (Contlaued from Page One) "This sentence 1 remember very Mooea, the Natlonallats o tu ra ^ ly StetsotL lf...... 2 3 21 . 82 96| 91—269 sutlstics shjw that the number Tech, ing from a minor ailment. The funeral of Mrs. Gilmore will ed between King Abdullah's Arabs some sort o f probation . . . Chinese McCann be in quest of their first victory as tended to help Harvard University last season at tbe University of Charlie Muzikevtk unloaded In He explained the mine was distinctly because it was very Im­ Nationalist troops dsserting to maintained the Co dununiats were Longo,-)f ...... 0 0 0 107 94 104—309 of people not wearing glasses who Connecticut. His height and scor­ the next stanza along with Alien. be held Tuesday afternoon at and those of Egypt, Syria, Saudi no nearer than 50 miles at Moria^y they have a record of two loeaes geL a winning football team. The Cheney Techr Jayvee (84) closed b ^ u s e orders fell off. beaten on every project. Jordan New Haven, Dec. 10.—(Jf)— portant.’' Communist fire on transport plane Jordan: r f ...... 2 1 5 Jacobs . . 9 3 89 88—248 ■n/t no victories. The Eagles, with ought to be, is almost as great as ing ability has been mosrhelpful to Slowing the pace down somewhat, o’clock at the Holmes Funeral had a voice In committee debate Arabia, Iraq and Yemen. I Tzeyang, to the a o u th * ^ hotels have promised preferential B. Western Maryland coal is general­ Robert T. Wolfe, who works ^ Hiss, 45, one-tlm,e trusted advis- carrying Americans . . . Massachu­ Walsh, r f ...... 0 0 0 Cowles . . 109 88 102—299 a full team, hold the edge over the the humber who do not have the Laurels in Rec League play. the locals moved the ball until Home, 400 Main street Rev. Fred but no vote in the decision since Assembly Pres'dent Carlos P. (However, Mooea said. uhoM- 91 136 89—305 treatment toO im spn grid players T. Stratton. rf .0 ly regarded as Inferior to that pro­ in New Haven, would like to - er of th# late President Roosevelt, setts Department of Education Whaptoa, o ...... 3 3 8 Farr .. - Silk a ty boys but Bemle August glasses among hunters. Prevent ac­ someone broke loose, usually Allan R. Edgar, minister of the South Abdullah’s application for U.N. Romulo meanwhile was presain- have his wife and two chil­ I lias denied be ever met Mrs. Moss- firmed rumors placed the Reds Slowlk, o , 2 1 5 seeking part-time Jobs. August, rf .. . . .10 or Muzzy, and the Antie length­ duced in neighboring West Vlrgin- Methodist church, will conduct the toward an adjuurnnient of the As­ says thst parochial and private and hi* charges wlU still, depend A spokesman for the hotels said cidents—wear your glasses while A gallon of ice cream will be It fields, and often it is so diffi­ membership has been vetoed by dren her? witli iiim for only 35 mUes away—on the east­ Wilson, I g ...... 1 2 4 482 494 474-1450 Lukas, if .. ... 1 ened the lead to 44-81 at the on­ service and burial will be In the Russia. sembly around noon today. I InK. school children using state-fi­ ern aide o f the Water Dragon Total upon Harry Smith and Bernie that this setup would be good bus­ hunting . . . Ralph Kaplowltz, play- given kway free to the holder of cult to mine that small Maryland East cemetery. Christmas, but he can’t find ! He is charged with lying when nanced bus transportation com­ Wetonef, I g ...... 5 0 City Sekemers (4) Fisher to bring them a *?lctor>'. er-coacM of the Hartford Hurri­ Baranowski, If tile lucky 'number at all future set of the final [leriod. Ken Good­ The Soviet union and the Slav a place to live. I he told a Federal grand Jury be hills. That greaUy Increased tos Fogarty. rg...i..,,,0 0 ® 102—804 iness all around, explaining that it Crawford, c win, who definitely had one of bis operators cannot compete with Friends may call at the funeral prise only 7.S per eeat of those McGuire Thl* tilt should also be a hair-1I would bring more fans into Boston canes in the American League, has home games of th? Nasslff' Arms’ bloc voted down the line for Inter­ I never gave government secrets to suspense in (Thengtu. 93—276 Scarlato, rg poor nights, contributed seven prices offered by large scale com­ home Sunday evening from 7 to Intermt^ional Regime While they wait in (Tohas- riding at public expense . . George DiManno . raiser. for Harvard games and would al­ hit on 29 shots in 31 attempts basketball team. The ice cream will national control. Yugoslavia voted set, Maas., Wolfe has searched ; Ex-Ckimmunlst Spy Courier Whit (Virtually eU traffic In Cheiigtu Total* ••...... 17 9 43 113—313' Undell, Ig points to open up a big gap. Bob panies. 0;30. against. > F. Kennen. erstwhile top planner was military — troops withdraw­ McGregor so boost tbe hotel trade. from the free throw line. That's be donated by Bergreh's Dairy. About M Bhallmar miners were Will Be Fought and aearched for three weeks i taker Chambers. of U, S. Russian policy, naay realgn Moacheeter (41) 85—248 Tedford and A1 Palmleri also touM Splits Over Question ing from the northwest Sowing Artgnone . 'pie four hotels are the Copley- big league shooting Henry Grzyb, manager of the Man- the hoop on several occasions and thrown on relief when tbe mine Joseph Campbell Jerusalem, Dec. 10 —(/P)—Th'. with no luck. Mrs. Massing to the first witness from State department. B F 101—336 12 Totals 16 2-5 34 The British commonwealth spilt Into the already Jaipmed olty.* 1 Martin .. Hockey Contest cheater branch of the dairy, made the Arms soon held a 21 point lead. oloMd down, but unemployment Joseph Campbell, of 43 Sergent m a^r of the Jewish section of Wolfe has done the search­ I to give direct "Corroboration to Brown, rf ...... 6 Lebanon Jajwees (28) the amiouncement. over the question, with Canada Most were tfoot—but some ...... 1 3 B. F. Waterbury gave up, failed ' to compensation payments ran out street, - Springfield, Mass, died Jerusalem today said his govern­ ing in whatever time he can I Chambers’ claims that Hiss once squeezed sardine-tight into toueks. Zwlek, Ig .. Total 601 508 498-1497 aftar six m ont^ for most of them. and South Africa opposing, and Morgan, c . •*•«••••« B 1 cover their men, snd played half- Thursday afternoon. He is sur­ Australia, India and Pakistan in ment would fight—"with all the spare from his Job—director I served a Red underground. At Coliseum icc P q JJqJj Amcrks Play Lavallee, rf .. .. 2 1-1 Billy Brown returned to the ring vived by his wife, Mrs. Rose Mo- of the New Haven Housing Chambers has named Field as a Street* Look SMstor Day, c . . . . ••••*•••• 0 0 I Shibenzkl, rf .. 3 2-3 court basketball throughout toe OaUeetlng Relief Supplies favor of internationalization. New means at our dispose), and If nec­ Ruth Milieu (CiviUena locked themselvea tn Short-Paid (2) wars laat night and acored a 10- War veterana smd fraternal or- eonvllle Ompbell,'' of Summit essary with arms” - any attempt authority. I member of the prewar Red spy ap- Kelley, Tf . • •••*•*•• 3 ___ 115 103 102—320 Opening the second round of Maine, If ...... ® 3'* final four mlhuto* In an effort to Zealand, with a recent govern­ for the night. Doors and windows 0 Nyqutst .. 'X 1 round feature event decision over reduce the score.'- Even at that 'gaalsatlona from nearby oommu- street, this town; two daughters, mental overturn, abstained from to establish an international ' paratust Field mysteriously dls- Shea, rf . . . *•••••••• 0 H a r t...... 90 99 ------189 pUy, the Manchester Hockey CTub Fargo. I f ...... 0 I Pete Zaduk of Toronto at John- Mrs. Lillian Andersen of Hartford, appeared a few weeks ago while Daughter of "Fahappy Mother* were shuttered. Streets looked 3 87—304 i the local subsUtutes found tlma to nittaa have been collecting relief voting but said It supported Inter- regime in Jei-usalem. eerie, sinister: The only light in Moek*. U ...... * Armstrong 109 108 faces the Springfield News sextet Kelley, c ...... 0 0-i QI son a ty , N. Y. The local pro Mrs. Mary Griffith of Coventry, The Jewish mayor. Dr. Daniel > traveling in eastern Europe. Has A Few Things to Lear* 63 — 120—203 Bristol Saints Here Duntz, c ...... 0 0-i pour in a load of points, 28 to ba supplies and the county commts- I national rule. the streets came from square-pa­ Anderson . at the Weat Springfield Collaeum g I middleweight came in at 161, one exact In the fourth quarter. Dol­ sfonem have raised funds to pro­ and two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Auster, said there would be ”no Hiss has said he never waa a Totals ...... 18 9 41 Backus ... — 130 102—222 at 1:46 tomorrow. The IbcaU Rechlin, r g ...... 0 0-j There was as definite a split About Town I am writing this column for per lanterns which shopksepora 0 j pound heavier than his opponent. goff and Mason Benson .each gar­ vide lunches for the school chil­ Boyle and Mrs. Mary Scranton, among the Latin American coun­ entry for anyone coming to Jeru­ Communist, and never had any 8coro"at half Ume, 22-20, Man­ Twaronlte 118 133 104—355 win be out to avenge the 4-3 le- Miller, rg ...... 0 0-( both of this town. dealings with the party. How­ one particular 18-year-old glrl- are required to hang outside their league competition and are lead- 0 6 nered four hoop# after the game dren. tries. Costa Rica, Guatemala and salem to implement the interna­ doors. chester. feat of last week by the same club. Launch Home Campaign ing the league. Heading the S t., 0 Adams, ig ...... 0 0-( Murry Yorker,- Hartford Hurri­ Funeral arrangementa are In The CTYP Club of Center chin oh ever, he says, he knew Field in though It may bit home to a num­ ...... 516 516-1593 0 had been decided to halt toe ruiv- But Andrick said "conditions Uruguay voted against the reso­ tionalization decision” of the Uni­ entree American miasionarles- Total Pans who have been looking for A t F a s t S i d e S u i l d u v : Stans are such well-known ball i Gagne- >8 ...... ° cane owner, was a visitor at the charge of the O’Donnell Funeral ted Nations Assembly In New . ilJ luctt tci.ioiTow evening at 6 1935 and 1936. ber of other teen-agers. 0 away scoring Arms. may get worao before they get lution. Chile, l^nduras, Panama j y clock. Mi.is Jeanne Lipw, Man- all women—who had all but aban­ Mls-8«rta the Manchester section at the Coli­ ' ’ player.-! pa A1 Spooner, Bill Tj'ska, i 0 Puollo, ig ...... 0 armory lasts-night. eH had his eyes better.” Home In Springfield. W e funeral York. Mrs. Maussing waa positive in Your mother, who 'sounds like 98—280 Allen led aU scorers with 19 will be held at 8 a. m. Monday and the Dominican republic ab­ >-i!istei- High school teacher, will her Identification of Hiss, al­ doned hope of being evacuated, LaFrance Paces O’Connell . seum are reminded that the south Parciak, Staum, Kose, high Bi oriiig forward, and Harry j — OB Ken Goodwin, local center. Aaked what she planned to do stained. So did The Netherlands "One hundred thousand Jews o ' an intelligent woman, signs her were flown out on a transport Blanchard 83—286 side of tbe rink usually seats the Wale.s, who is one of the best ball' 5 Totals 11 6-14 28 Yorker was given toe cold should­ points. He received plenty at from the Sacred Heart church in i .-lio./• ),lctuies and speak on her though she said she had never letter "An unhappy mother,” 88—267 time, 15-13, a*slatance,jWith Goodwin and Muz­ for Christmas, one housewife re­ Springfield. Burial will be In St. and Thailand. Jerusalem, in whose name T j trip to France. seen him after the meeting in 1935 which slipped in during the night). BuUet Victor^ H aw h .. • majority of local followers, tn aec- Zamaitis With Locals players in the fast New Britain In- Score at half er by the elongated stai'. . Good­ plied. *T haven't thought about The Scandinavian nations—Den­ speak, cannot recognize laat And what to m ^ in g her unhap­ Tile imminent fall of Chengtu Rodonls ■ 100—304 flona thirteen and fourteen. dustnal League. Cheney Tech. win will have a three-day tryout zy hitting double figures, 14 aad James’s cemetery, Manchester. until they met at the grand Jury py? You are. You and your scorn­ 112—357 11 respectively. Palmleri, Tsd* Christmas. For the past several mark, Norway and Sweden, and night's vote,” Auster declared. Plans for the New Year’s eve investigation last year. will mark the end of organised Aceto .. • Starting for the locaU tomor­ Tomorrow’afternoon at 3 o’clock The preliminary game which al- with the Baltimore Bulleto of the weeha I’ve been more worried Turkey and Iceland cast the re­ ful attitude toward the kind of Nattonaltst rcatotonce on the China ' Roger LaFrance and Freddie row win be Bill Greene at cen way.i provides plenty of excite- - National Basketball League Mon­ ford and Big Buck and Coach party at the Italian-Anaerican Club She said that Hisa then told her education for living she has trisd Pv I at the Ea.st Side Rcc, the Polish- Earl Yost played valuable sup­ about tbe next meal.” maining votes against the success­ have been completed. Members he did not recognize her or recall mainland—and bagln an era of Booth- led toe Nasaiff BuHeU to Total 518 446 81-1444 ter. with Red Donahue and ment and is a real crowd plcascr, yilleiiiaiii Wins day, Tuesday and Wednesday. Fnnerab ful proposal. Last Bulgar , and their guests may make reser- meeting her before, and that she and to still trying^ to Instill in you. guerrilla warfare for them. a convincing 45-89 viatory over toe Thompson on the wing*. Tom Mc- American basketball team will pits the outstanding Polish-Aineri- However, Ken has found employ- porting roles. Dolgoff and Ben­ Charles Malik, of Lebanon, led 1 vations by contacting any mem- told him all about himaelf in an Do you know what she says of (It waa ks guerrillas that the St. Augustine's of Hartford in th^ Cheney Auxiliary Cuskor and Jack Donahue will inaugurate its home s?a.*on in the can girls against the Bristol las- Over LaMolla . ment In this area and said laat son each collected 16 point# "to the fight to keep the subject alive. you? "In her estimation I am Just Mike* (1) State Polish league against the lead the visitors In the aeoilng. Jewels Sought * Georgy Janes , ber of the committee. Reserva­ effort to remind him of the circum- Communists launched thslr cam­ first game at the armory last start at defense with Herb Cruick- • night he felt certain he would re­ He demanded and got the final Pleajils Guilty tions should be made early as the stancea an old fogey and nc other mother paign that reached its gi'eat suc­ nighL Facing a 10-12 deficit at Demko ...... 78 78 93—249 abank* in the goal. Bristol St. Stans. The Poles are Manchestcr has the best girls’ turn to Manchester for the bal­ Flay Home Friday Funeral services for George decision in this assembly on U.N. requires the thlnge thst I do. halfUme, the Bullets used speed Birmingham . 81 96—269 'DekeU for the game may be after their first victory In the_ team in the league, being unde­ New York, Dec. lO—(ff-j-RapW Janes, of 48 Fairfield street, will I capacity of the clubhouse is llm- "He was very friendly and po­ cess this year—engulfing now some ance of the season. ” ^Tomorrow afternoon toe Arm* After Suicide demands voted In 1947 and 1948 I tted. lite,” she said, "and thanked me "She Is an intelligent girt doing 90 |>er cent etltlon. Robert Vlllemain officially has be held at two o’clock this after­ (Continued from Page One) er to Meriden laat week. hit the road again, tola time in that Jerusalem — with its Christ­ for being so helpful." well at school, but her attitude at (At Talpeh. Formosa^ new Na­ on to register their second straight Moorchouse .. 86 96—267 players. The club will practice These lassies- always draw plenty evened his score wlUi Jake 1^- There .will be no reserved sesls Torrlngton where they meet to* noon at the CJhurch of the Naza- ian, Moslem and Jewish shrines — The Young Adult-gz;odp of Cen­ She said that she had put on home Is almost unbesrable. Leading the ainton street quin­ of complimentary remarks from MoUa. Now the scrappy ||^Ge (Oenttmed from Page One) rene. Rev. James R. Bell, pastor, mler Traicho Kostov, No. 1 ac­ tionalist headquarters-"-the -Air win in toe armory. Joe Young dlo today at the Porter street pond for any home game of the Nasaiff defending champions, the Torring* be placed under a U. N. commis­ ter OongregaUonai church will weight and begun wearing glasses "She treats everything at home, a fine defensively on Pomroy, 848 326 392 1066 and tickets may be picked up there tet will be Pete Staum, ably .“lup- tlie crowd for their great play­ Frenchman wants the middle­ will oSiclte. Burial will be In the cused, who Is al.so charged with Force reported all-of its transports ported by "Snap” Server, Ed Rose, Arms’ entry in the Eastern Pro ton Howards at 8 o’clock tn tbff sioner. meet tomorrow evening at 7:15 since the 1935 meeting, but that including the furnishings, with were being sent to Chenftu . to high scoring canter, holding him to Grinders (8) or will be delivered to anyone con­ ing. weight champion to put him uue Basketball League this season. armory. Last season Torrlngton secretary to refet- to a code con- East cemetery. The bearers will Sharrett reiterated that Israel plotting to murder the late Pre­ and leave immediately for SL her appearance had not otherwise Hogan ^m altis and Wally Par­ High scoring "Mike” Reichle and on the Une. He may get hia wish. eeniing gems he had received from contemptuous scorn. Her room Is evacuate troops. but one'hoop from the floor. Kington ...... 8T 84 79-280 tacting Jack Donahue. Business Manager Art Pongratz and Manchester hooked up in some be James Wilson, Edward Swain, would yield to U.N. control only mier Georgi Dimitrov and to take James's church where they will be disorder itself. She cares nothing ciak, who -last year copped the Alice Zagoraki will lead the locals Robert, a 5 foot, 6*4 inch bundle Mew York dealers and asked his over tlie Bulgarian government changed. (Nationalist officlsls —alrqsdy Box Score:. Rice ...... 79 89 89—257 annoimced this morning that there of the best duels in to* league Tennyson McFall, Nelson Kilpat­ over the holy places. He said he conducted through the edifice. The about keeping it tidy and If I clean league’s Most Valuable Player who are trying to annex another of perpetual motion, poured It on Wife’s "forgiveness” for taking his himself.) in their fifth capital o f the year- Nasslff Bullets (45) J. Mordavaky ..109 116 94— 818 Proposed Dlvlstons award. Chet Kurlowlcz and Char­ la only limited Interest for re­ aith all contests being decided by rick, William Fish and Willis Kil­ would vote for an llto group will return to Oeiiter church It up for her the moment Mie steps F 'P t * league victory. the slowed up Bronx bull iMt own life. patrick. Principal among those heard expressed confidence they could Vittuto ...... 1 0 0 99 127—326 New York, Dec 10—(P)--This la ley Parciak along with Gunner The preliminary game gets un­ served aelits. a few polnU. Bernie OrinTelsky. hour resolution offered by Sweden for refreshments at the conclusion' Into the room clothes, shoes, books, Mikplowaki, rf 0-1 how It ia believed the new 13-club night to win a unanimous 10- Relatives said that Bessler, the and The Netherlands to provide yesterday waa a foVmer counse­ of their visit. To Sing Carols hold Formosa tliree to six nmith* Hilinski make up the remainder of der way at 2:30 o’clock. Torrlngton's buslnesa agent, father of a three-year-old son, had papers, etc., are scattered an over without V. 8. mid. Beyond that, Hubilard, rf . . . 375 387 389 1161 National - American Football round decision in Madison Square ports many seats available to t to* bliss Elizabeth Smith for the limited objective. lor In the Yugoslav embassy In the squad. Hilinski is a new ad­ Garden. It was a big win for VUle- been under psychiatric treatment Funeral services for Miss Elisa­ Bona, Blagoi Hadjipanzov, who the be4 and floor.” they said, both economic resources Booth, If ...... hfonkey Wrenebea (0) League-will be divided: dition this year and has shown to Baseball Wants big following the Arm* usually points to High Cost Tile annual meeting a>f the Zlp- On Depot Square Not a Pretty Picture Buckmlater, If . National Division—Washington. m a ln . a 3 to 1 underdog In the hi recent montt)s. His condition, beth Smith, of 781 Main street, The Israeli -foreign minister said he was ordered in Belgrade aer club has been poat^ned from and military supplies would be so T ed ford ...... 87 97 93—277 advantage. have on the road. Arnold Jonez they said, developed from his war There to more, but that should Yoimg, c ...... Miller ...... 81 96 90—267 Philadelphia, Chicago Bears, New Ih e Poles poeaesa plenty of Beard Proving betting. / Joined the Howards on Thureday will be held privately this after­ pointed to the high coat of try­ to flee to Bulgaria after toe Com- tomorrow afternoon until next heavily taxed that defense would That squared accounts for the More Night Ball experiences as a pharmacist’s mate noon at Watkins Funeral Home, infonrt split with Tito. He was to (Thief John M en of the MFD and be snough to givs you a picturs of be greatly Impaired.) LaFrance, rg .. Alcock ...... 113 80 89—201 York GlanU, PitUburgh and height, shooting ability and with night after drawing hU release ing to work out what he said Sunday, December 18, at two p. m. how you look to your mother. 25-year old Parlalan who licked in the Pacific. 142 East Cejiter street. Rev. would be unworkable — at least pose as an antl-Titoist, he said, in at the clubhousa . also chairman of the Christmas Yunnan, which fell today, was Roach, r g ...... M cO u d en ...... 05 80 104—293 Green Bay. Parciak and Zamaitia working the Star in Pro Loop from the local*. H# will be In Bessler came here several years committee of the Manidieator Im­ It isn’t a very pretty picture, U WilUams, Ig .. American Dlylslon— Baltimore hoards hope to be an out.atanding Jake in toe Garden laat March but New York. Dee. 10,—((P)—Just the starting lineup that includae Clifford O. Simpson, of Center 334.000,000, a figure approaching- order to carry on- espionage for the Nattonaltota’ Last' pfovinee in lost the decision. The verdict, ont ago from the west coaet. Police Congregational church, will offi­ Yugoslavia. He said he got his in­ provement Association, disclosed ItT Of course, I ha-ven't beard your China. In the extreme southwest, Behrcnd, Ig .. • 376 366 878 1128 aevcland, Oiicago (Cardinals, De­ team In the league again. to prove that baseball played un­ Jackie Foerst, Jack Olmler, Henry the 342,000.000 total budget which Police reported hero today that of the rankest in years, der lights la more popular than said the merchant apparently at­ ciate and burial will be In the the assembly was asked to ap­ structions from Moshe Pijade, today that a carol sing will be held side of the story. And you are it ))orders IndoChina and Burraf. CaUpars (4) troit, San Francisco, Los Angeles The Bristol lads come Into town Bv The Associated Press Jaycox, Johnny Dubrutsky, an­ lost night’s cold snajpped between TotaU 19 7-17 45 ‘ boasting a two game win streak In In the suspension of th# two offi­ ever, the majors not only are en- tempted to keep his busineaa mov- East cemetery. Bearers will be prove for all its basic work in 1950. Tito’s leading Communist theo­ 3 a. m. and 6 a. m. In those hours, at Depot Square near the Christ- bound to have a side.. .’Ilie newspaper Rung- Sheung 12 Smith ...... 96 93 95—283 and New York Bulldogs. RMph Beard, flve-foot-ten guard other former Guards star, and wg by pawning the diamonds of retician. moffdisplay on Wednesday evening, But 'whatever it to— you are St. Augustine* (24) Fawcett ...... 92 95 101—288 with the Indianapolis Olympians of cials who voted for LaMotta. vialonlng'a heavier night game John aifoni. members s>f the family. Britain. Norway. Sweden and it was reported the temperature Man Po.said .Ute Communists had B F "I wont LaMotta to fight me on* wholesaler to pay for consign "I split with Tito at instruc­ De(;ember 21 at a time to be sui- giving your mother some very bad Dancoese ...... ,96 06 108—300 the National Baaketball Associa­ schedule next sea-son but a plan The next home eontebt for Nm - ments of another. ^ 1 The Netherlands all aaked the Aa- dropped seven degrees here. launched a drive into the Luichew Vllleux, r f ...... 2 4-4 for the champlonahlp now,” said Is-afQOt to turn on the lights for aembly where it could get troops tions from Belgrade,” Hadjipan­ nounced later.. G. Albert Pearson yeara. . peninsula opposite Hainan inland. Krajewski ...... I l l 101 116—827 tion, ia proof that a little man can slff Arme will . be next Friday He appeared ’ to live modestly, wilt direct the musical festivaL It isn’t easy to bo young, $s any- Settlfio, rf ...... 2 0-1 Four Year Football War play a big man’s game. the smiling VUlemsln after hi* all day games threatened by night against the Danbury Hat­ needed to control the area against zov said. "... There was hardly A meeting of the executive board Nationalist Gen, Pet . Chung-Hsl victory. "1 won the last time, too, they said, in the Back Bay section Christmas Baskets the’ wishes of its population. any person in toe Yugoslav em­ It Is expected that an instru­ on# who has outgrown youth, fully McCarthy. If . . . 8 0-2 394 385 419 1198 The fine performances of Beard darkness. ters. of the Soroptimist Club will take has concentrated a conaldsrable but this time I get the decision. I Following the action taken by of Boston not far from his busl- But the Assenybly left no doubt bassy not engaged in intelligence mental quartet from the Salvation realizes. But it Isn't nscessary for riotsson. I f ...... 0 0-0 may have been overshadowed by lieas establishment. place Monday afternoon at five number of troop* on the peninsula Pomroy, c ...... 1 8-4 Hacksaws (1) Ends As Leagues Merge am very happy to win. I will bring the American .Association, the big For Town’s Needy of its temper. It swamped any work.” o’clock at the office of the presi­ Army Band will provlifo the ac­ a girl to trsat her mother an4 her for evacuation to Hainan. Kscinski ...... 8 3 80 90—263 the sensational play of hi* team­ Bishop, rg . . . f . S 2-2 mate, Alex Groza. Both were All- back toe championship for my leagues, at their meeting here proposal to leave the subject for Another prisoner, former dep­ dent. Mrs. Alice Clampet, in the companiment. Four choin from bbm* with contempt, even if her Unless Pel to able to get hts Lnppen ...... 84 85 107—276 the North Methodist, Polish Na­ mother may seem to be wrong Dulon. ! g ...... 2 0-0 Americans with the University of country and Marcel Cerdan.” next week, are almost certain to Hamilton Leads a special session next year. It uty minister of social welfare ip Rublnow building. The Christmas troops away, a big battlje to ex­ Anderson ...... 96 08 92—281 champion. The winner* of the If Eddie Eagan chairman of th* Accoiintuiils Plan f^hristmas baskets and Christ­ swamped any suggestion to ad­ too Bulgarian state of Macedonia tional, St. Bridget’s and North sometimes or to he lacking Jn un­ New York, Dec. 10—(P) — With- Kentucky before turning pro this vote for such a step. mas dinner contributions for the party will follow at 6:80 In Mur­ pected, th* paper added. 14 Totals 15 9-13 5 ; Lsngc ...... 106 88 137—329 two divisions will meet for the New York State Athletic Com­ Ford Frick, president of the Na" journ , without a vote. And it Vassil Ivanovsky, .said he was phy’s restaurant. Congregational churches will eom- derstanding. the four-year professional football season. III Miami Open town’s needy are being nought by blns forces for the festivaL Tbe News o f Kumming’s defscUon—- Score at half time 16-12, S tlUe. mission, has hia way, Vlllemain tional' League, feels confident the swam)>ed opposition to toe original guilty of promoting ntoism Most mothers want ths best a political double cross for (%lang 389 344 428 1189 war over—a conflict that took Its . Bell, the NFL commisaioner, In 22 games with the Olympians, > Tax ConfertMicc Miss Jessie Rej-nolds of the pub­ proposal of Australia for supreme program will be amplified over a there is for their daughtenf. Often Augustines. Referte, Skiba. Beard has scored 312 points for will get the next shot at LaM,otta. move will get the support of the among tjie Macedonians through­ *The Manchester fire department Kai-Shsk—came almost sinwl- DrUl Presses (8) toll in dollars and teams—the 13 takes over that Job In the'new cir­ Before the fight, Eagan, a lic welfare department. Bach international rule. public, address system donated for what the mothere think to beet to an average of better than 14 per majority of the ciuba. Miami, Fla., Dec. 10— —Bob out Bulgaria. He said he spread answered a call yesterday after­ taneously from two sourct*: Th* Karlsen ...... 96 88 80—264 surviving organization* today cuit with the AACa chief execu­ fluent speaker of French, told toe The Connecticut Association of year there are many local families It approved El Salyaidor’s in­ the occasion by ths Manchester not what the daughters think they .‘‘ Jl Pro Basketball At A Glance I game. "W e have the proposal up for Hamilton, poker-faced prafesstOR- who, for reasons beyond their con­ propaganda in favor of toe Yugo­ noon at 428 North Main street to U. 8. consul in Kunming, and a Gibbon ...... 86 91 102—279 looked to solving toe problems of | tive, O. O. Kessing. bowing out of gladiators: Public Accountants will hold their corporated proposal that Jeru­ slav premier. Softbalir League. want He contributed 17 last night in consideration,” ha said, ’’along al of Landover, Md., held a two trol, would face a cheerless holiday extinguish a fire In a chimney. No Merz -aiso said that pupils from Pacific Overseas Ato oervlee tiens- b w t Night’s Resnlte Lambert ...... 108 104 83—295 a new league. the picture. Emil R. Fischer of "This Isn’t a championship with the plan to eliminate the' seventh annual income tax con­ salem and an area including Beth­ Following toe hearing of wit­ damage was rejiortcd. But at least glv# your mother the Green Bay Packers become? Indianapolis to help his team eke stroke lead today os Miami's ference at the Hotel Taft in New without the assistance and help toe seventh and eighth grades will port which was seized for a time . National Aeaoclatloa Donnelly ...... 128 118 89—833 Die combination of the venera­ fight. Whether there vilU be a re­ 12:60 a. m. curfew on night lehem be torn out of the Arab- nesses, the accu.sed are expected credit for trying. Aijd •when the ble National Football League and president of the National Division out a 78-75 decision over the Den­ $10,000 Open Golf Tournament Haven on Wednesday and Thurs­ of the townspeople. Many of these Jewi.sh parts of Palestine and hold their annual festival oh Mon­ by the deserters. Elevsn other Philadelphia 80 Chicago 77. ver Nuggets. Six-foot-seven Gro­ turn bout for to* ®(^* 0ep*ufie 00 games. I don’t believe, there will went Into the third round. families contain children who will to be pcipiiitted to make a final two/Of you aren’t In agreement 418 399 354 1171 the upstart All-America Ckinfer- and Daniel Sherby of the a e v c­ the outcome of this fight.” day, December 28th and 29th, with made what the proposal called In day evening, December 19. be ‘enough o f a lady to put ybur plahM also were seized at Kunming Indianapolis 78 Denver 75, za. the circult’B top scorer, regis­ be much opposition'to it. I cannot Hamilton, with an *ver-pr*e*nt have little unlens it is given by plea before the public prosecutor airport, but some later were per­ ence came with startling sudden­ land Browns head of the American And there’s no doubt that Eag­ at least six main lectures and Latin a "corpus separatum’’—sep­ Minor Collision case before her in as pleasant a tered one point more than Beard. see any reason why all games cigarette between his Ups. sank a ■ question snd answer periods. the generous donation of those sums up the state's case. After mitted to leave. ness In Philadelphia yesterday, division.. an feels thst a Frenchman should arate body. • V the summing up. the verdict will way as you can, liislsad of creat­ Die Immediate problems dfalt Suffering their 18tb defeat in 21 should not be completed except in curving 83-foot putt on the 18th Previous tax conferences of the more fortunate. after a 48-hour conference.' get the first chance becauae of the case of rain,” green for a birdie three to glv* him ■It voted Into the proposal a So­ be given. The maximum penalty On Main Street Coldest Moruing ing a ecene. D i« two luops merged into toe with these questions: What should games, the Nuggets lort out in the group have been for s one day pe­ Those who wish to contribute viet amendment that 33,000,000 be closing two and a half minutes Cerdan. At least five National League a five under par 86 and a 36-bel* should at once call Miss Reynolds for the charges under Bulgarian And while you are being support­ Katlonal-Amertcan Football Lea­ be done with the players on the closing It was from Cerdan that LaMot­ riod only but this year the Direc­ budgeted for the U. N. commis­ three teams liquidated by th e' after finishing the third quarter clubs and a couple of American toUl of 129. tors decided on a two day program. at the town welfare office and ad­ law is death by hanging. CTIarence J. Webster, 17, of 87 So Far in Town ed at home; try to have enough gue. Here la bow the new’ setup ta won the crown in Detroit laat The former PGA champion, who sioner and staff to rule the city. decency not to be contemptuous of will look: move? What about the college in a 69-69 He. Denver’s player- League clubs arc in favor of turn­ The committee In charge, appoint- vise her to the extent or amount Adams street, was arrested for vio­ Court Cases coach, Jim Darden, led both teams June. Cerdan was to have met toe ing on the lights in the event la all business on th* golf course, of the aid they will give. It approved the proposal that the way your home is furnished. L O W COST Fhiladelphi* players already chosen in the draft cd by President Max Raskin of lation of rules of the road follow­ stocky New Yorker for the title was 11 strokes imder par at to* the Trusteeship council get to Last night and early this morn­ Cleveland (combined with Buf­ W next season 7 with 19 points. darkness interrupts a day game. South Norwalk, has made elaborate Christinas Sing ing a minor collision yesterday at You’ll have your own home some George Glode, 44, of 1701 Tol­ Denver 1* a distant trailer In Dec. 2 but went to a tragic death halfway mark of th# 72-hole tour­ plans and has carefully selected work immediately to draft the set ing were reported as the coldest day. But you’re living In your falo) No sooner was the announce­ toe intersection of Middle Turn­ land turnpike, was fined 330 when ment made that there would be 13 the Westeto Dlvlalon. Indianapo­ in a plane crash while enrout* to nament which launches to# winter nationally known guest speakers. of rules that will try to run the pike and Main street. The charge so far this winter. Reports from mother’s home ndw. So don’t try to Los Angeles (Los Angeles Dons new international city. presented before Judge Wesley C teams, than rumors began clrcu- lis, making its season record .12 this country In October. plsv-for-pay circuit. He had tM- At Center Park was nolled when presented in various sections of Manchester run the show. Believe me, you’ll SERVICE snd Los Angeles Rams combined) His June flight was the last one lied a sizzling six imder par M wins against 10 setbacks, moved to Slightly Varying Vote* this morning claimed the mercury some day regret the unhappiness Gryk In Town CJourt this morning New York Gianto laUng that Houston, Tex., would Spurts Schedule Weddings Town Court this morning before on an intoxication charge. Assist­ obtain a franchise before long. within two and a half games of LaMotta had before yesterday. for low score on th* Opening rpund. By aonlyl slightly varying votes, Judge Wesley C. Gryk. Probation dropped to ' seven degrees below you are causing your mothsr now, New York Bulldogs (Six New Stab W ound all far over the two-thirds ma­ Several hundred persons are ex­ ant Prosecutor N. (Tharles Bog- York Yankee players go to toe As for the surplus players, both pacemaking Anderson In the $onie Jake showed the lack of work. Officer Harold Keating was ap­ zero. This was the lowest reported. (All rights reserved. NBA Service, b r a k e $ He was nisiy with his swings, Saturday, Dec. 10 jority needed for approval in the pected to congregate tomorrow glni stated that Glode was am st- 0 .9 5 Giants, remainder to toe Bulldogs) college and pro, they all will be division. _ Skinner-McGowan pointed guardian. At the Center, two below was re­ IncD Less than 1,800 fans saw the alow afoot and tired quickly. WllHe’a V*. Bullets, 7 p. m, — We*t Sid* Bmritog Stondta*. Assembly, it approved the Sections evening in Center Park at 7 ported, while a the North JEnd, It ed December 10 by Patrolman Baltimore. thrown Into a giant pool. ‘Diia W. L» Proves Fatal Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Mc- Patrolman Frederick Tedford, will Include the coUeglana already Olympians triumph. Rec. of the resolution. o’clock for the Tlilrd Annual who Investigated, reported that w4s zero. Theodore Fairbanks following' a San Francises Silk a t y VS. ,Eagles, 8:30—B*c. Paganl’s West Sid* . . . . . 30 • ^w an, of 13 Vine street, announce Unique Oast ReUnins Pittsburgh drafted by toe two loops. In the only other aasocletlon Clmreh Bowling Sharett greeted the result with Community Sing. The festival Webster was drirtng north on dlsturbsuice at the home ef the ac­ Sunday, Dec. 11 Biwad Street Motors . . . 28 I OeuttaMd from Page Oat toe marriage of ' their daughter. cused. (Yoor Choice ef Lining) Oilcago Bears Draft meetlhga of the two game played, the a statement that "this is a dark nlll be held near the Nativity Main street when he struck a dump New Auto Tire Has Springs Pollsh-Americans vs. Bristol, Diana’s ...... ** JJ Miss Beatrice Patricia McGowan, scene on the side of the hill near The actors In one Russian film Chicago Cardinals leagues have been called off. Die Warriors captured an 80-77 t e l l ­ ' StORdlnga to Duane L. Skinner, son of Mr. day for the United Nations. It truck driven by George Maneggla, consisted of puppets fsshloned of A speeding charge against er from toe (Silcago Staga Cen* Team w . L. 3:30—Rec. Pofft OfflC6 ,••••••#•••* outlawed their organisation hM no way of implementing its Main street, opposite Pearl street George Goldsblatt, 67, ef 198 All Work Guaranteed (Chicago Hornets sliminated) Rew circuit will hold a draft ses­ and Mrs. Eugene Skinner, of Lake 23, of Andover. Assistant Prose­ I-ondon—(iFi— A British tire firm wood, clay, cloth, and rubber. tral Division leaders. In th* St. Bridget’s No. 1 ...... 31 9 Monday, Dec. 12 Walnut St. Tavern...... 22 *4 1 issued warrants for police declsloji. Those who sponsored Fred Werner, director qf the cutor N. Charles Bogglnl told the Wethersfield avenue was oentln- Green Bay sion probably in January, to pluck street. South Coventry. The cere­ has developed a non-skid tiro with All their movement* were made Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth, Etc., the surplus players from a giant Quaker aty. . , , St. James’s No. 2 ...... * , 31 9 Wapping va. Bri-Mars, 7:15-rY. Pockett’s ...... 20 19 has of its headquarters. the resolution have charged them­ Beetjiuven Glee club will the court the accused stated the traf­ steel coll sprlMs in place of the ued to December 17. Detroit mony was performed in November by hand, and 25 expoeuris* were Washington pool. Joe Fulka rimmed 27 points for Temple Beth Sholom . . . 30 10 Tornadoes vs. V. F. W., 8:30— Koeeya ...... IT $9 (In London yesterday, Anthony selves with grave responsibility director and the Beethovens will fic light was yellow when he en­ usual tread. The springs are em­ Thoms* Merriaon, 82, of no ad­ square ty p e ...... $6.95 the victors while Max Zaslofaky, 25 15 Renn’s Tavern...... 16 32 ; Brooke, nephew of the laat white required to show on# puppet rais­ D ie msrger la more or less a vic­ Bert Bell, signed to a 10-year St. James’s No. 1 ...... Y. Hopidns"’ for the moral authority of the U. sing several selections. Walter tered the Intersection. The truck bedded In the tire during the vul­ dress. was sentence to 14 dava with 20, was high for the Stags. North Methodist No. 2 .. 24 16 Lee’s Esso $2 22 l^njah and until tbe cession heir to N." D'awley, well known organlid. will was westbqund on the Turnpike. ing It* arm. The cast consisted of tory for the NFL, which for sev­ contract as majofdomo of the TueiMlay, Dec. II *”’*'** graduated from canizing p|;pcess. In Jail for intoxication. Mo»rl*oi» Pontiace Oldsmobile, Buick, Etc., NAFU said that it would require Despite taking an 18-point ad North Methodist No. 1.. 24 16 Bullets v*. Etoglet, 7 p. m.—Rcc. McCann’s ...... 12 2S the Rejalidom, charged the Brit- Malik said afterward that the preside at the organ donated for Ths company, (Tryeooles, lAd.), 8000 puppet*. has a long iwcord of similar of eral year* has rffu»*<> Ha^y to «*c- MMChester High schooL in June ognlze the younger .circuit All approval of 11 of the 13 teams to vantage In the first quarter, the Onter Congregational . 25 H; Silk VS. WllUe’s. 8:30—Rec. Hartford Rood Tavern . . 8 gmrsmmsnt was using the at- and la employed as a typist by decision could be enforced 1(H) per the festival. - Mayor Harold A. First Native Born fense*.. long type ...... $9.95 aty calls the invention ”WyTe*ole*." members of ths NFL are. In the have a player traniferred to a Warriors were forced to drive St. J o h n 's...... 21 191 Friday, Dec. Indim 4 • • tpek on S tu a rt "to Justify their toe Connecticut General Life In- cent. He scoffed at fears' that Turklngton will dedicate the scene HoUow-Hcert Tieee from behind in the last period to 23, 18 Sir Patrick Hamilton, its chairman, Mrs. Anita N. Hansen, 38 Me new league. Only three teams of new club. JThls could lead to flre- Emanuel Lutheran...... 17 Danbury Guards vs. Nasslff ^-osm Ulegallttea and to abaolve surMce Company, Hartford. The disorders would occur in the Holy to the, theme, "Peace on Earth, Martin, Van Buren, eighth said engineers agreed, that for oafs win. Zaslofaky broke loose for 19 South Methodist No. 1.. ••« 16 24 son street, Etost Hartford, was the AAC—San Francisco.,■ Oevt- works among the owners...... — k.i# Arms, 9 p. m— Armory. PMt O0 M SovVttaff g^teaselVBa from responsibility for bridegroom is employed by the City, f Good Will Toward Men.” Ad­ president of the United Statea driving on wet roads to* film pt A tree with a hollow "heart” fined 32 for overtUne paiklng. It cost Ted Obllina owner of the )-of Ifla point* in the second hair, Second Congregational . IS 25 _sttnaUon they created. ' can live because transportation of land and Baltimore—survived. -American Screw (Company, WllH- A Hashemite Jordan representa­ jutant Richard Atwell of the Sal­ waa the first president born after water under the tire must be bhat- Judgment waa suapended on an Bulldogs, who bought out the Yan­ St. Marj-’s No. 1 ...... • 4 16 25 ~roo)(* since the cession maiitic. ’Die young couple will food material* takes place in the ■Die 13 teams will be forpied .n- 'I WilUe Anderson won three con­ *••«•«•••*••• tive had told both a subcommit­ vation Army will offer the opening adoption of. the Declaration of tered and diapersed quickl3'. The Intoxication charge against,.^ Wil­ iOLE to Amsrleian and NatWiml divi­ kees, 11,000,000, by his own admis­ The 1949 American League flog south Methodist Np. 2.. 14 26 Olt3^ScSiwmsFs > fight, so far unsucceMfi i^K6 their home for the present tee and a 59-nation Special Politi­ prayer aiid the benediction at tbe Independence and not born a Brit­ company elaims the springs do this Inner bark and the sapwood, Just lOTORS won by the New York YaJakera Zion Lutheran...... 14 26 secutive U. S. Open golf champ­ the trsMfer set aside). with the senior Skinners. liam H. Treet, 43. of UM Main sions, and by next year football sion. Hs had a losing team this ionships in 1903,1904 and 1906, a UyhB&riM ...... St' cal eommitoee tn preliminary de­ conclusion of the service. ish subject. efficientlv. beneath the outer bark. street. NUntIr. At Th# Colter Phone 41S4 Open Evenings year, and attendance sometimes was the 16th captured by tin St. Mary’a No. 2 ...... 9 10 30 will bar* what It lacked for toe mark n*ver 'jeqi(Ml*d- 9 m • i it f “tT past four seasons—a real, world’s dip^^ below 6,000. team. St. Bridget’s No. 2 , . . . . .9 • 8 32 i / 'J--. PAG! MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10,

MAMCHCSTCR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, SATURDAY, DECEBIBEK 10,1949 BY FONTAINH .Clulstinaa Jeys In the Austrian village of Hal uvn .. . leln on cnirlatmas Uve, 1816. the Sense a n d ' Nonsense Each year when ChtjsUnas colors acheolmaster, Franz Orubar, com- fat iialt 71 gleam, T h e PRE-CHRISTMAS OPBKINd OF THE BANK# Samcaa Offorad Ul Movlar—T racktof Ooff»~Btrtf»~l*#to 41 B o o so Im W G o e te ftl Busin### Location# for pffr—Brown CMiTM cover on 3-1041. BIG HOLSTTIiN cow due soon. Less than a week laUr Tandie elnerators cleenec. Sand, gravel 6 P, M. phone 6-6289. Hensoa for Salt 72 Telephone 863U. . a man’a reputation Is to elect him Borter stTMt Flndor contact LINCOLN 1947 4-door. Black. Lawrence Andreo, 429 Tolland was wearing the young banker’s Young Woman -^ M y husband Mother______— When____ that naughty Mowton T a«*arL '79 Woodland RANGE BURNERS and Heaters and cinders . Van service and to m publio office. travela so much that each time he boy threw stones at you, why didn’t y i ; ! Single owner car. This has five loeal moving. Phone H. M. Jonas. Turnpike. 58 SOUTH ALTON atreet— Six diamond. Her friend commented; Cleaned. R^alred and InstaUed. 43 ARyn 8L, Hartford 7S Friend—I though you said you'd oomes home he acema Uke. a per­ you come and tell me, instead of atzMt. Phone 6355. General "Dual 10” tires, over­ Guaranteed workmanship. H. 3-1863, 3-3073. rooma, 6 finished, 1 partly finish­ Lot# for Bale • Men—My wife la a whiz at re­ Buying prosants i# a job drive radio, dual heaters, excel­ Main Store, Waterbury ed, completely redecorate mod­ be deaf to any proposal from him T fect atranger. throwing them back at him? IjOST—PASS BOOK No. 62916. Nielsen, telephone 7373. Poultry Md SuppUe# 4S moving from my clothes. You n##d to gWo a thought to lent family car of dlstMetion. At $30 120 330 130 330 $30 130 $30 ern kitchen, oil beat, hatchway, LOTS FOR SALE at the following Tandie—Yes, I did, (looking at Her Friend—How thrilling! Junior—What good would that Notice la hereby given that Paaa EMPTY VANS to and from aU Friend—Grease spot*? But Dally DawdI# n«v#r $1,495 Cash It's a buy! Terms l in o l e u m — Asphalt Ule. wall states. Assured return load, atorm windows and screens, lot locaUona: Oxford street Henry bUn—No—five spots and ten the gorgeous diamond In the en­ do? You couldn’t hit the broad Book No. 6M16, laaued by The FOR SALE —■ Large roasting SIMMONS Studio Couch. Florence street Harvard road. Hemlock side of a barn. If desired. One other, dark covering- Done by reliable, well- ratea United, 133 West street chickens and pullets. Live weight 8V x ISO*. Immediate occupancy. spots. gagement ring). But I didn’t say Sue — Tve got a string tied thtoks— Savlnga Bank of Mancheeter haa combination oU and gas stova street Lakewood Circle, OorneU I'd he stone-deaf. around my finger and I can't re­ fUthoui^ sh# know# #h# ought blue, to choose from. You can't trained men. AU lobs guaranteed. Phone 6875. or dressed. CaU 3-0698. with cotla for hot water. Cooler- Price $9,600. Elva Tylu'i AgenL been loot and appltcaUon has Hall Linoleum Co., 33 Oak street 3-4409. street Porter street Oiarles member why I Eggs should be packed wltb the go wrong. Moriarty Brothers, 301- ator, 8 large wash tubs. Phone Naughty Blaat pointed end down becans* there’s to-. been made to aaV bank for ppy 315 Center street. Tel. 6135. Phone 3-4033. evenings 6166. FRESHLY KUled Turkeys for Lesperance. Telephone 8620. Everyone can give pleasure to Joe—I know why. You’ve tied so ment o f the amount of deposit. Phintint»Pap«rinK SI 8063. COOPER HILL STREET—3 tene­ Us likes to spent his time many strings around your fingers an air cell at the rounded end Cbriatmaa from 13 to 35 pounds. Beside the sea— . others. Some can achieve It by 1047 PONTIAC 8. streamliner ELECTRIC TRAINS and acces­ ment house, separate heating FOR SAI. Realtors, 49 Black. Custom interior. Very Ing. Com.ilete home and office Twin Bed Spring and Mattresa accounting and tax service. eral repairing. Sanding floors and tlquee, Trading Poet, 17 Maple OWNER MUST SELL Perkins street Tel 8‘JI5.' clean. Single ovmer. Excellent cleaning All kinds oi odd jobs ceilings painted. CaH after 4 Reasonable. Phone 4823. FOR HIS Christmas, give him a condition. Bargain at $595 cash. street 2-1089. Open noon Mon­ Phone 3-9087 or Manchester 3- m. Reasonable. 2-4291. days Tuesdays. All day Thura-| $1,400 down buys this five year Isa) Sunbeam, Remington or Schick Terms If wanted. A "perfect buy" A-1 BLACK Loam, 4 yards $is old 6-room Cape Cod with hot air 4340. day, Friday, Saturday. FOUR ROOM MODERN electric razor. > gift that will be for a smart buyer! Moriarty PAINTING, Paperhanging, ceU- Quarry wait atone, 4 yarda 320 heat oU burner, small F. H. A. HOUSE IN MANCHESTER Nice Going BY EDGAR MARTDI • remembered ever> day. Buy Brothers. 301-315 Center street tVEAVlNU of burns, moth holes Ings whitened, b o o n sanded and Flat 8eld stona 4 yarda 816 WE BUY and a 11 good used furni­ monthly payments. Quick occu­ BUGS BUNNY BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Tel. 5135. and torn dothing, noslery runs, Also Bolton building stone and BY HERSHBERGER r where you can get them serviced. reflnished. $16 wiU whiten one ture, combination ranges, gas pancy. Must be reasonably priced. FUNNT BUSINESS RACA DUAt HOO ttVKUfc. State Barber Shop, 10 Bisseli handbags repaired, sippet re­ ceiling and paper a 10 roU room flagstone. Bolton Notch Quarry MMCTHtN** 5CRCWV/ Yif TVkY. ,VU6 . V4WD3 ■ y o u c o o v o Y1I3AMCY. youR. 1949 FORD two-door six coupe, ranges and .leaters. Jones PHirnl. AU cash. No agents. HOW ABOUT 50MC BUPCK ICC ( OUM3 AUV BY 8KIMRD V40ULD WMWN'. \ street Phone 5056. placement. umbrellas repaired, with 50c a roil paper. Cill Oil Phone 8-06U. Stanley Patnode CREAM OCR DCftGeerT o n l y X AlNT SOLO A BIT H K y o u 6O03G t o OO * radio and heater. Cleaii, low mile­ ture Store, 36 Oak. Phone 2-1041. ARTHUR A. KNOFLA TNK\I^ yoUR. BMB>y MLW toWb MMK men's shirt collars .-eversed ana bert Fickett. 5433 or 6982! Box K, Herald TWtNTy CtNTB/ O 0> ICC ORCAM PER, PROSPEtrr H llX School, for age, one owner. Real buy at $1,- replaced. Marlow's Little Mending ROYAL CORONA PORTABLE— Realtor- 875 Main St. vi» Mo*a.y r r r — q>tVt\l3C> WORK. SYAVOOVlMl TIMR HOCSK'. r TAMhftM young children. Monday through 346. Moriarty Bros, 301-315 Cen­ Shop. Smith Corona Standard Type- n iO R GLAD Iron, alightly used, Phone 5440 Or 5938-B st. 1921 p c c s e ir r a u . n a y / . yOO UMHlADkiT ------J I— AMOUR Prlday, 9:00-11:45. Lela .Tyt>ur. ter street. Phone 5136. Repatrinir wrttera and Adding Machines $75. Phone 7888. Rome LUtlnga Wanted UONSIDERINU 8EUJNO TO Dk9WO 04 YH4R director. 4267. Used machines sold or rented YOUR PRtJPBRTYT FNHJTl GUARANTEED USED CARS BjildinR—f'ontrarting 14 UATTK^^SES Your old mat­ Repairs on all makes. Marlow's P R A C nC A L L f New Sllex com-| Without obligation to you. wa WHY WORRY about that Special tresa sterilized and remad* like blnation steam and dry Iron. Rea­ MOVE RIGHT ill. Be In your own will appraise or make vou a cash GlftT Phone now for details 1947 Pontiac Sedan—$1,195 TILE BLOCK ceilings. Average new. Call tones Furniture and XMAS TREES—Wreaths, sprays. sonable. Phone 2-2343. offer fOr property. So* us beforo rqom, $60. A. Loomis, contractor. 1,000 beautifully shaped balsam home by Cbrlslmaa. Owner of this about having a Spencer Support 1946 Plymouth Sedan—$995 Floot CMvering, 36 Oak. Tel. 2- cozy ybtt aell. ____ Tel. Hartford 33-0802. ' trees to choose from. For your attractive home transferred. designed espo.ially for the one 1946 Pontiac Tudor—$995 1041. Call 8009. H. R. Grady. Phone 7728 Or 8278 you love. She 1 enjoy true luxury convenience. Come In early. Pick Machinery and Tool# 521 BRAE-BITRN REALTY smd cemfort the year 'round. Call 1941 Pontiac Tudor—$545 BTULDING OF ALL kinds. Includ­ FURNITURE Repaired, reBnlsh- your tree out, we will hold and ing alterations. W. G. Holland. SNOW PLOWS, used crawler trac­ CHEAPER Than rent,. down pay­ 3-3775. 1940 Pontiac Sedan—t$475 ed. Clinira reaeeted. E. C. Nash. deliver the date wanted, any­ ment as low as $80o can be ar­ (F YUU Have a tingle or S-famlly Tele. 2-3336. tors with bulldozers. New and 1940 Chevrolet Tudor—$445 B r 88, 714 North Main street. where In town at ho extra charge. ranged. 6 roomt and bath, oil house to eeU call Hastings, Real WOMAN Desires transportation Knarf's Stand, opposite Manches­ used tractors, eqti.pmenta. Cement EataU Specialist, Odd Fcllowi 1939 Plymouth 'Tudor—$375 GENERAL CARPENTRY. Alters mixers. Gm'den Tractors IH to heat, cabinet kitchen, all utilities. Building, at 'th* Onter, i Ready to and from Hartford, working ter Green school. Immediate occupancy. Full price, hours 9 to 5. Phone 2-0450. 1938 Oldsmoblle Sedan—$295 tiona additions and new construe Fnvate Inal nirt inn# 28 5 H.P. Dublin Tractor Oo., WU- buyers with- cseh waiting.) tloa Donnera porches and ga $9,J00. Suburban Realty Oo., BY Y.T. HAMLIN Low Down Payments CHRISTMAS TREES Umanttc. Pbone 2068. Phone 2-1107. His Signature rages at ressonsbie pricea Work BALLARD'S Driving SrhooL take Realtors, 49 Perkins street. Phone MMM/ euAP] HOW ABOUT 60MC ALLEY OOP Balance Up To 34 Months manshlp guaranteed. Free eati advantage of out experience and (Wholesale) PEERLESS Snowplows for cars, 8215. P'VTACMIO, OUV'NORT^ aoBCv, aieus, no AotoRHibil## Pot dale 4 Fancy balsam and spruce that FIVE,OR SIX Room slngl# house. v oo matea R. M. Alexander. - Tel flne reputation A.A A certiflr'' trucks and tractors Inquire (?api' In desirable beatlon. No Agents. UKC S $ »C C IA L TOPlAY./ a u t o s c a p h s COLE MOTORS, 4169 8716. instructor, dual controlled cars, will sell on sight. All selected, rea­ FOUR R(X>M house for sale. w eV E JUST XMAS BUY sonably priced. Boughs,. wreaths, tol Equipment Co., 88 Main Write Box J, Heiald. TIME TO At' The Center Open Evenings license included. Phone 3-7245. street TeL 7958. . Hmkin oil burner, Venetian BEAUTIFY Your windows with etc. Write for pricea. ’ blinds, storm windows and dobra. FREE FREE MERCURY V8 convertible coupe Rude-bilt cornice and valance HUGHES FARM Bendix automatic washer. Imme- 1948. Beautiful cream color, red boards. Finished to suit your Musical—Oramatlc 29 Bernardston, Maas. Muairai Inntrummt# 53 dlat* occupancy. CaU 2-1659. leather, black top, A-1 shape all taste. Phone 3-8b24 or 2-9002 any- Eastern Schools or man’a Bulova or around. Radio, heater, ventilation tlma PIANO TUNING, repairs, recon­ MEN'S Rebuilt and relasted shoes' 27 HOMES for sale from $7,5(X) on Benriia wrist watch FREE with system, undercoating and other ditioning. etc John Oockerham, Good enough for dress or work GUITAR, Like T.ew. Also music up, and In aU sections of Man' Against TV Games ths fwrcliase of this Guaranteed acceasories. At $1,495. It's a CARPENTER Work and jobbing 28 Bigelow street Phone 4319. Reasonable prices. Sam Yulyes. stand. CaU 4644. Chester. Check with us before you UaedCar. "steal”. $500 down, balanca 24 of all klnda Also new construc­ Shoo repairer. 701 Main sLeet 8uy. T. J. Crockett Broker. tion Call Js for an estimate on UPRIGHT Plano for sale, plain months. Single owner. We know NEW. FIREPLACES, ping pong Phone 54KL this car to be "tops." Moriarty • any Inside or outside work. Fred help Wanted— i>einale 3.5 case, beautiful white keys, tuned New York. Dec. 10.—(ff)—The 1940 CHEV. 2-DOOR sets, paint also ice skates. Ba-- Brothers, 301-315 Center street. 'Inofla. 7704 to concert pitch, $75 for quick WEST SIDE— 2-faitaiy, 4 down, 6 Fsstern CtoUege Athletic Omfer- tt-i* 'I. ti.' SEDAN WANTED Woman to do general gains. The Woodshed, 11 Main sale. Phone 4029. ence today had taken the flrst Tel. 5185. cleaning, 9 to 4, one day a week. up. Ebccellent condition through Beater, mechanically excellent. FUR YOUR new onstructlon. re­ street. ou t oil steam-heat, newly paint­ steps In opposition to televising “Moot Mr. Chopstickski, my piano accompanist—or, that modeling or lepatr work lee Wm Call 3454. any of Its sports events next sea- 1947 MERCURY V-8 4-door, beau­ KEYSTONE, 18 M.M. projector ed 3-car garage, built 19Z3. Lot is. h# waa!” — 8526.00 — tiful dark green. Beautiful condi­ KanehL general building con­ Wearing Apparel— Fora 57 aon- WANTED — Coo’- for Bolton and screen. Good condition. Rea­ 53' X 239’. Upstairs available to BY DICK TURNER Our flrst free gift went to Mr. tion throughout. Radio, heater, tractor. Estimates given tree MAN'S OR Boy’s brown overcoat, buyer. Elva Tylei, Agent. Phone That body, which comprises 86 SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH CARNIVAL BY MERRILL C. .aiLOS6MI chool hot lunch. For information sonable. Phone 7487. colleges and unlveraltlea, recom­ FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS No. 1 Mystery B.’ U eO tn , 57 Main St. Manchea- etc. Single owner. Low mileage. Phone 7778. call 8115. size 38, good condition, $10. Phon* 3-4469. Only $1,145 cash or $385 down, mended yesterday that lU mem­ tar. CX)MPLETE Fireplace set $15; 2-3450. ^V/HAlfe tour FATMCr, ' It ou&hta be A, BOT ALL I KNOW. •'IjoNESTLy. SON. I HAVeHTT balimce 24 months. Here's a real 'ARPENTER Work of all klnda SHOW TIES., hosiery, lingerie, MANCHESTER Green. 6 rooms, bers make no video commitments KcMfa, sldlnga additions and ai- boy’s overcoat size 12, $5. Phone OOIH(» ■R) Give 8SU CONVERTIBLE/ POP WONT UT ME -ruE faintest idea what *Aak Tha Man WHO Buys Here” buy for a smart buyer! Moriarty dresses, shirts, for Christmas. 2-1895. fireplace, lavatory, tile bath, full for 1950. It termed the television PORGCTTING RIO OF THE WAY THEY TRIED M THE cellar.,AND I ' GOES ON .' Brothers, 301-315 Center street terationa Also new conatructldn Commission plus free bonus Wanted—To Boy insulation, garage, amesite drive. medium a "potential th r^ t to the THAT SNCXjetE TB8E? To BURN ME AT T'-- FUNNY NOISES GC».'E ^ TeL 6135. Steffert Ptanne 3-0358 dresses. 61 year old firm. Call BRAND NEW Ideal Portable all Shown by appriintment. (Tharles finandai structure o f IntercoUegl- FROM 80196 anytime after purpose electric arc welding ma­ BUYING Used furniture and Lesperance. Telephone 3620. ate athletics.” . AMAL6AMATFD household goods, any quantity 684 C«nter St. FORD V8 1947 Sedan coupe, blue- Florists—Narseiies 15 6. chine, $25. George’s Esso Station. The ECAC already la laying the $H£eT8#»TD8e gray, Plenty accessories includ­ Main and Bisseli streets. The Woodshed, 11 Main streeL DUPLEX 6-6 first time on market. groundwork for a strong fight on ’*1 Your Dodge and'Plymonth ing radio, heater, how mileage. CANADIAN BALSAM Christmas WANTFD—Girls or young women CaU 2-8154. Owner's side ho: oil hot water the subject at the Natlonu Col­ COMP. A-1 throughout $365 down, bal­ for bench work. Tober Baseball heat, continuous hot water, i-car legiate AthleUc Association's an­ Dealer trees, 75c each and up. Wreaths Diamond#— Watehea— ance up to 24 months. Priced low 50c and up. Sprays 3Sc and up. Manufacturing Company Office, Konmil^ Wiihitul Kioird garage, IV front Ebccellent condi­ nual meeting here Jan. 14. Tel. ,5101 to sell quick. Lucky party who Roping 3Bc yard. Cemete^ Elm street, Manchester. Jewelry 48 tion. Seen by appointment. Price It was known that athletic di­ gets this onb. Moriarty Brothers, baskets $1 each. Corsages 50c. NICELY Furnished double room $12,600. Elva Tyler, Agent. Man­ rectors of several major Eastern Opgn Evenings Till 9 P. M. 301-315 Center street. TeL 6135« Red Ruscus 25c bunch. Large as­ WANTED—(4) women to work 5 lJIONAKD W YOST, Jeweler Ke- for business couple. Full house­ chester 3-4469. schools felt that their football at­ hours per day. Will be kept after palra and adjusts watches expert- tendance was cut by tMevlsloo Saturday 5 P, M, sortment berries and cones. Me keeping privileges, modern home. BEAUTIFUL, Extra- large 5 room ConvUle's, Florist 302 Woodbridge Christmas If so desired—results ly at reasonable pricea Open Tel. 380Z this season. Aoto AcccMh^ c satisfactory. For appointment Thursday ^ evenings. 129 Spruce home, (1 unfinished). Large Uving B u b sO N "6 " 1941 Tudor black. Phone 5947. Open every evening room, spacious bedrooms, modern Good transportation at low price. Tire# 'til 9 until Christmas. write P. O. Box 557,.Middletown, street Phone 3-4387. COMFORTABLE Room, on bus Conn. Une, for quiet and refined lady or kitchen, fireplace, full Insulation, Be smsrt buy this at $445 cash. FOR The best 2 in 1 snow tire See BY AL VERMEBB Terms If wanted. Moriarty Broth gentleman. Private entrance, hot water oil heat copper plumb­ Last Night^s Fights PRISCILLA'S POP The Convtocer us at Mancheeter tire We give Roofing—Repairing. 16A SODA AND Luncheonette girl for Electrical Appliances— ing, storm windows and screens, ere, 301-315 Center street. Tel. you the deepest and widest tread semi-private bath. (?aU 2-1920 8135. modern fountain. Apply at Sheri­ Radio 49 after 5. amesite driveway, on bus line, In Manchester Manchester Tire FEATURING Guaranteed roofs dan Restaurant. quiet neighborhood. Occupancy By The Asaoclaled Preaa Recapping 295 Broad street TeL and expert repairs as well as FOR CHRISTMAS See Vlchl’s, 118 HEATED, Furnished room for 80 days. This home la not In a de- 2989 CHEVROLET coupe. Radio WANTED—P.B.X. operator, 19 New York—Robert . VUleraaln, ahd heater, good condition. Pri­ 2-4224. 24-how service. gutter and conductor work. lYy Main street for smjUl electrical working couple, or gentleman. velopment diaries Lesperance, days per month, 7 to 3. C?aU Miss appUancea Including flatirons, 162 1-4, Paris, France, outpointed vate owner. Call 6215. your "Local Roofer.” Call Oougb- Near bus. Five minutea to Depot Telephone 3620. Jake LaMotta, 165, New York, 10. tln 7707 Johnson, Manchester Memorial toasters, mixers, waffle Irons, etc. Square, 116 North School street GaraffCk—Service# Hospital. Also luggage anc bUlfoIds, $1 up. 96 ALTON STREET. Excellent (Non-title). 1940 BUICK 4-door sedan, Low. 6398. Johnson Oty, N. Y.—Billy mileage, excellent condition. No Storage 10 ROOFING — SpeclaUxmg In re­ custom-built pre-war five-room Dealers. T«L 80uS. pairing roota of Oil lUnda, alsd APPUCA'nONS being taken for NICELY Furnished single room. colonial. Attached garage. Fire­ Brown. 161, Hartford, Conn., out­ h*w roofs Gutter work Chim­ full time sales help for Christmas. Foel and Feed 49A Lady or gentleman. Vicinity of place. Open sUlrway, 3 large bed pointed Pete Zaduk, 160, Toronto, 1939 BUICK Special 4j-daired. 26 Apply at Counter 18‘. F. W, 10. ^ SEASONED Hardwood for fire­ (Theney's. Contlnuoua hot water, rooma. 'Tile i.atk OU hot water heater. Very clea; inside and out street. Phone 3777. years axpertence Free esU matea Woolworth Co. oil heat Phone 2-4443. heat Knotty pine recreation room Hollywood, Calif.—Ray Dloses, Mechanically perfect. Will sac- Call Howley Manchester 5361. place, furnace and range. Im­ 161; Los Angeles, stopped Jay mediate deUvery. B. J. Begin, Storm windows and screens, awn­ riflee. Phone 5919. p l e a s a n t Room for genUeman. ings. Corner lo t 168 f t front. Caldwell, 160, Los Angeles, 7. Motorcycle#— Bicycle# 11 Help W anted-Male 36 Glastonbury 3-2933. Grand Rapids, Mich—Joey Heating—Plombing 17 Next to bath. Continuous hot Trees. C3ose to pus, stores and FORD DELUXE tudor 1946 black, BOY'S COLUMBIA Bicycle. Ex­ AMBITIOUS, married man, with water. Quiet home, private en­ Maxim, 193, (Cleveland, outpoint­ good rubber. Engine rebuilt by schools. Reduced for quick sale, cellent condition. Call 7559 after CXJMPLETTE Plumbing and beat­ car. We have an excellent open­ Garden— F arm—Dairy trance. 2-9696. I, HUva Tyler. Phone 2-4469. ed Bill Peterson, 212, Portland, previous owner 1 year ago. Radio, 5 p. m. ing for the right man. Good hours Ore., 10. heater, exterior mirror. $945 cash ing Instsdlatlons. The House of Product# 50 and very good pay. Sales exper' LARGE Heated double room, near AUTUMN Street. 6 rooma com IndlanapoUs — Ronnie Harper, pr terms. High quality for little Heat 447 H Main street. CaU 2- bus Une. Private home. Gentle­ /J.-» BY MICHAEL O'MALLEY AND RALPH LAN* 3336. ience helpful but not necessary. GREEN Mountain potatoes, flrst plete. fireplace, oU heat Insula 137, Detroit, outpointed Gerald VIC FLINT Nick Is A Busy Man money. Moriarty Brothers. 301- HuNionw Service# Offered 12 man preferred. References requir­ Labroi, 137, Gary, IncL, 10. Phone 2-1166 foy appointment quaUty, vety mealy, $1.76 bushel tlon, copper plumbing, 30-day oc­ NO ANSWiR/ TME RAT/?T IgutMckf/SfWouro#i«tE.MOSua<,$OlOIN^ 316 Center street. TeL 5135. ed. Call 8183. cupancy. SmaU down payment re­ San Diego, Calif.—I r ^ Steen, M tV W O M iS VE.\ETIAN BUNDS All typea PLUMBING And Heating, special­ delivered. (Tall 2-1390. "In recognition o^ his l#v#l-h#ad#d csimn### during our MAT PUTS ME vuuteay SUIES MY PHONM. IM NOT SIlYMa VeUR ising in repairs, remodeling, cop­ quired. Charles Lesperance. 'Tele­ 150, San Diego, outpointed Milo *1 haven't seen anything hidden around yet—did we wait iViNONTHC ( OOME ON, HINT,4T, wiilt a ^ NA8H "600" 4-d('Or appealing tu- made to order, also reoondlUon- Sitoations Wanted— ■VERY CLEAN bedroom for re­ Savage, 152, Los Angeles, 10. rocont industrial oriaia, I move that w* vof# old J. B. horo tone gray. 194.. 4 brand new uig Best quality klndell Manu- per water piplng> coiurtruc liable gentleman or couple. Quiet phone 8620. too long to start b#ing good?" BOOKS/J WEVEGOTRIMAKEA T VAe|*oiul oonoRal .! Booaehold Good* 51 j CAUONMCKTUEBOOK. tiros, plus radio, heater, fogllght, fartiiring CD.. 481 Middle Turn­ Uon, estimates given, time pay­ Female 38 f. R case of honorary ulcara!" ments arranged. Edward Johnson. home. Phone 3-1330. TWO NEW 4-room houses, brick ■ THE SUPFEBWST BOOKr Caiiar. backup light, etc. Looks Ilk., new! pike Bast. Call 4865. USED (XIMBLYA'nON gas and Stan Smith oi the Minneapolis BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOPPLE Phone 6979 or 5044. YOUNG. Womiui desires work at TWO FURNISHED single rooms ] front oU not water heat full OUT OUR WAY Single owner. A-1 throughout, home. Preferably sewing. 850 oil ranges, gas ranges, electric and Mied doi'mer, open staircase, targe Millers of the U. S. Hockey League OH.No.GeRGEAKrr.' for $1,095 cash, how can you ALL APPLIANCES kervlced and gas refrigerators, new chromium In private home, near (Hieney'a mines black diamonds In the Cana­ T H ’ GuUKE WARPEN / NOW, s o r a M p o k n e w T K tMRTS TMa STRTOC EMERVBODV'S rcpaiit^. burners, refrigerators, BFFU3ENT Rumblng artd beat West Center street. TeL 3-9461. 224 Charter Oak street. Phone lot with abode treea lot fully ' GAME WARPBT WAS CAMPED X KNOIN HOOPLE — miss? 'Terms if wanted up to 24 Ing. Plugged drains machine breakfast Mts, electric ranges, gruled, $10,200. Charles Lesper­ dian Rockies near his home town TO L D M E HE O A U O H T ,TALKIN' A800T. MAYOR .* fT WAS PEC- ranges, washers, etc. All work 8368 afUr 5. NEAR HERE AN' SOU WANTED PETCA'tEO BY AN OLO vJiNDBAG HE CARVED THAT bontbs. Moriarty Brothers, 301- cleaned. Carl J. Nygren. 803 refrigerators, dining room, par­ ance. Phone 3620. of Coal Creek, British 0>lumbia, OUR COOK HUNTIN' FOR'THEr C^MIC ACTS 315 Center stree,. TeL 5135. guaranteed Metro Service Ca Dogs— Bird#—Pet# 41 WITH A LOADED RIFLE TO GET RID O' TH’COOK, NAM ED HOOPLEBELONeS TO Oakland, street Phone 6497. lor and bedroom furniture, large lucas PLEASANT room for re-| during the off-season. SO VOO WOULPNT HAVE c o n t e s t a n d SOLD Tel Manchester 2-0883. display of baby carriages, cribs EIGHT r o o m house, steam heat, AN NO HUNTIN' LICENSE' ■TrtAI OWLS CLUB THE MEISHSORS COCKERS for Cirlstmas. Beauti­ liable couple. Kitchen privllegea. H E HAD HAA O N H id t o HAUL. HAA BACKTOTHT 194L CHRYSLER, excellent condi­ PLUMBING, Heating. Repairs on and play-pens We Invite your bi' 2-car garage, extra large lot ARE ALVJAYS ASKING US ID RAID.' rr-1& TN6 PRETZEL tion. Reasonably priced. Call RADIO - Qectncal . Appliance old and new systems, oU burner, ful red and blond puppies, seven CaU 3-1454 afte 5 p. m. RACK H0S5 TAKIN' RANCH/ WHV! THAT CHINA­ p e o p l e / - ^ LEAVE­ Service, repairs picked up and ■pectlon of our salesroom.. You vacant Price reduced for quick MAN D ID N T EVEN kWOW — w a n t u s t o SLAP A ' 8298. water pump service. Prompt at­ weeks old. Howard C. Chase, HIM TO TOWN S ' IT ALONE — THAT delivered promptly 30 years' can save at -ihambera Warehouse ■ale. Charle* Lesperance. Tele­ Notice WHEN TH E Y HOW TO LOAD PiNCMON HIM?. tention. John H. Carlson. TeL Harmony HiU Farm, South Bol­ ^OB CINCHES TUE b a c k . experience. John Maloney Phone Sales, 501 Middle Turnpike, East Business Loeationa phone 8630. RASSED THAT RIFLE/ 7826. ton. Manchester 5427. ROOM. VOTE,' ^ 1934 D o d g e sedan, 8100. OUbert 3-1046. t Walnut street CaU 5187. Open daily from 8 to F or R ent ME.' 5 p. m., evenings 7 to S:d0. SEVEN R (X )k single. 4 up, On and after thic date I will not S tom . Phone Manchester 8769. BOSTON -Terrieri, Fox Terriers, down, modem conveniences, ga­ Cocker Spanieis, TOxers, cross REASONABLE lease, approxi­ be responsible for any bills con­ Millinery-Oreaoiaaliihg 19 HOME APPLIANCTE Oiristmas rage, building lot, near school, Dandy Gift BY LESLIE TUENBI iSio CHEVROLET tudor. $395, ASHES AND rubbish removed. bred puppies, 7 weeks old pigs. mately 2,000 square feet Indus-1 tracted by my wife, Lucetla Nellie WASH TUBBS gifta at savingsi (1 each) Laun- buses, ideal for large fam Martino. HUMl merVE BEEN , X MOPE you lo y s VWNAlHBf 1949 Chevrolet deluxe sedap,. fully TYuckIng. Phone 3-0828. Zimmerman's Kennels, Lake trial space. Truck doors, concrete THE TWINS NEVER THAT'S WHERE THEV ARE ' OH. g o s h ! HERE'S THOSE derkU automatic washing ma­ floor, heated o f unhsated. Paved ily. Appointment only.. Owner Joseph Martino. to r n aSTWEEN GET------i MAMUf yOUR m rn m m M equipped, $1,595. Very small down ALTERATIONS Done on women's street Phone 6287. LOST CONFlt>EUC_ NOWi.SWED OUT OF THER LITTLE PESTS AGAIU, LOOKING MNIDS AT IA 9 T1 •aOMOOM payment 36 months %o pay. 1948 SAWS Filed, kejs made, mowers and chUdren's clothes. CaU 2-4370. chine, $249.95, waa $399.95. Ea- street, water, power, sewers and 198 Eldridge. 2-3361. December 10, 1949. AUOWAMCE TO GET YOU fo r a FReSEMT FOR OAD/ , TaiG HIM A acOOTEC, aharpened. mitboarda and air ■tate oU-electrlc combination voiro BE FOUNa SOME $OXWG GLOVES 1WOOOHBOV Chevrolet, club coupe; 1946 Ford ENGLISH SETTER POTS—Eight water. CaU Suburban Realty Co., WaSH. TMiTVE EVEN ISONETHNhS ------cooled engmes repaired. Ckpltol BRIDAL GOB NS, attendant range $265, was $365. Easy Iron- (i A DUMP tr uck! o u m r a .# ^ club coupe, $890. Many others. weeks old, registered. Reason­ Realtors. 49 Perkins street TeL| BEEN SHORPWSfOR Equipment, 88 Main street dresses, formals, suits yuid able. Phone RockviUe 1647-J2. er $184.95, was $169.95. Universal Dqjiflas Motor Sates, 383 Main 8215. VOUR 04RISTM8S A / THBR n a : ^ straat Open every evening until blouses hand-taUored. For in' Daisy Coldwell, Tolland, Conn. Irene; $134.95; was $169.95 FRESEMT FOR LITTIE ANTIQUES Reflnished. Repairing formation or appointment caU 6-cubic foot Kelvlnator home ALMOST New store, size 16' a 56', T O BE SOLD NESST# 9. done on any furniture. Tlemann WEEKS Mrs. Maxine L. Blak*. 5848. TROPICAL AND GOLDFISH for freezer, 8199.95, was $289.95. Tap' Ideal location for a drug store. W* OM offertag for bamedlste wrie one of Bteaebeeter’a e«»- 189 South Main street Phone Christmas presents; use our lay FORD V8, 'Custom 1949 convert!- 6648. pan gas rang* $199.95, war Located at 679A Main street East | ■taadlng botaes located oa Perter Street This 7 room laach style bl* coupe. Blue. Loaded with all CUSTOM MADE CLOTHES to lit away plan. KeUeys Aquarium, $264.95. Tappan gas range Hartford, For particulars caU 39 Sunset street Open 'AU 9. h o m oflere all the coaveineaces of modera livlag—1st toor eon- eumeaeorlM. Priced low to move IndlviduaL WUl work from pat­ $149.95, waa $189.95. WaUins Manchester 8449, ■tste of Uvlag room, dining room Idtchea, Ipuadry and 8 bed- FURNACES and oU burners clean­ tern or win originate. Dresses, fast at $1,895 casb. or $685 down, ed. Repairs on all makes of burn­ GUARANTEED Singing canaries, Brothers, Inc.: 935 Main street reooM wltb bath. Two additional bedroons and 'bath on 2nd balance 24 months. Tip-top suits, coats, gowns, etc. Phone TeL 6171. ers. Refractories rebuilt CaH or 2-8909. Hendryx cages, dog and cat Xmas aoor. Two ear garagCL electric diabwasber aad dispoMi, veactlan throughout No better buy any­ wriU The House of Heat M7H bUads aad O. E. heatiag aysteai. Nicely bwdseaped grovadii *t " 2 stockings. Dog beds, dinettes. WBSTINGROUSE radio. Also rec­ where! Moriarty Brothei^ 801- Main street Phone 2-8836. Hamsters and Hamster cagea two aerce. laspecttoa ^ appolatment. SH Qsnter street TeL 6185. Moving—Tmeliiiigw ord player, whit* efloe skates, INSJLIRE Kennel Supply Shop, 995 Main dize 5. 183 Bast Center etreet JOSEPH McOOOE. Rerrigarator, Btoraga 20 street ROBERT J. SM ITH, Inc il-iP JW.wilU**^ 19tt DODGE 4-door s e d ^ Radio washer and appliance service (TaU 3-9170. McRINNEY BROTHERS _TME SUSPECT ahd heater, new battm^. Good Refrigerator refinlshing. PYee •68.MAIN STRISET UOHT t r u c k in g , half-ton pick­ BEAGLE Puppies, cross bred pup- RXAL ESTATE — INSURANCE running condition, $65.1 Phone astlmates. 2-0747 days, 3-2818 • plea, $6 up. Donald MUler. Boltop up truck. No ashes, no rubbish. BBLNDIX WASHER, two years 505 Main S t Tel. 6000 I "If you hitend- to Hvp on earth, own a ■Uoe' of It” .tv f . m. 837\^ IvsnJngs. PhoiM> 3-U75 os' 8298. Notch Pond. Phona 2-8439. old. Phone 8986. ■1- (' SATURDAY; DECBMBER 10,1940 ^

iUimrlfrjster lEotntas 1|rraUi The Weather I Dallr Nat Prsw Rm rsiasaat e« O. i . Weather shrine for folks In that neighbor­ Meath e« Nevember, INfi hood. Teaches in Burnside D.A.V., Auxiliary Manchester's Santa Claus Meetly eleady, wtady ■ A bout Town Tots starting for school would mild with oocaeieaal tala aft- Heard Along Main Street pause to study Its falling mercury, Install Tonight 9,796 eraooa aad toaighti shriek, ’’Gee, It’s cold outside," Ready for His ^49 Trip TlM Ol6M n * Oronp, W. 8> C. B. « afthe Aodlt Hoath' M«thodl«t church will meet And on Some of Mancheater't Side Streets^ Too shrug Into their overcoats and A Joint meeting of the Manches­ I of CIrealattoae Maneheiler -^ A City o f Village Charm scamper on. bad contributed Monday avanin* at 7:48 for their Men and women, bent with age, ter Chapter, No. 17 of the Dis­ The approaching holiday season ft manufacturers cawiatmaa party. Member* are abled American Veterans and Its means busy days and nights for when they heard what be w m iMnlnded to bring their ^ ft*. A local professional man has. Howard Murphy’s Restaurant for would stop there and exchange been bothered considerably by ; a ^ p of M fte^ views on this year’s cold or heat, Auxiliary will be held tonight at most of us but for Frank Cam- planning to do. Mr. CoinpancUl (UtaasUM A d w tW a g M rage U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEBIBER 12,1949 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTER HoBteaaee for the evening wrfll explained that the Joyous look* on over-Ume parking Uckets. It seems | Now, Howard had been «shlng compared to “the good old days." eight o’clock at the Silver Lane panelU, of 47 Waddell Road It VOL. LXDL, NO. 61 M n. Minnie WUion, Mr*. Gladye he Is busy with hla office practice : ort hot Java and sandwich^ to means that not only must he find the face* of the youngsters and Schubert. Mrs. AIK* Mwon. Mw. ’The old fhermompter .was reli­ Community House. The newly- and forget* that he has parked hie the flremei^ all night long. After able. It never varied from the time to shop for his own family their shining eyes when he a ^ ' Martha Vennart, Mrs. Mary Gill Andy and George had .partaken of elected officers of the chapter for but that all the toys that he has peered made him decide that It wid Mrs, Martha Custer. automobUe In a Umited Ume stall. right temperature and everybody Their Pint Real Chriatmaa When he goes out on business he their fill, Andy turned tp Howard swore by it. 1950 will be Intsalled by State De­ been accumulating throughout was a part of Christmas he could finds a police tag on his car. He and said, “Howard, It sure Is nice In later days, when reading partment Commander Russell Sul­ the year for the less fortunate not do without and would make It Mis. Thelma Regan, of 26 Foster of you to provide coffee and sand­ an annual affair. Last year he W ard, 19 Others Egan Opposes Plan has been greatly put out by the came over the radio, the old ther­ livan and his staff. children of Manchester qnd vicin­ street, was granted a divorce yes­ wiches for the boys. Now, George consistency with which he finds his mometer always checked. ’The Auailiarv officers will be In­ ity, must be ready for drilvery on visited about 76 homes on Christ­ terday from Roemond Regan, of and I feel we should at least pay mas eve, and an orphange and hos­ Bristol, on charges of cruelty. automobile tagged. He has even But a few days ago a local stalled by Mra Katherine O’Con­ the eve of the great day. attempted to have the police re­ for our own." This self-appointed Santa Claus pital on Christmas dpy. Inclden- .Howard said it wasn’t necessary bank took down the landmark nell, state president of the Auxil­ serve stalls for professional men and In its place erected an ornate iary, and her staff. started bis worthy work five years Ully, his own grandchildren (now Board Evacuation The Challoner Club will hold Its but the Commissipnera Insisted. numbering three) fell asleep wait­ annual Christmas party at Cavey'a who must be in and out of their affair. It la hand-lettered In gar­ All chapter and auxiliary mem­ ago. At that timef' the Red Crosa Control Turning to Hiiht, Ansaldl said. To offices frequently, often on emer­ ish colors. Floral designs border was so kind, thoughtful and effi­ ing for Santa, and had to be next Wednesday evening at eight How much Is coffee today any­ bers and their friends are Invited. roused when he finally made hla o’clock. Miss Mon* Toomey and gency. way, George?" George must do IL Plate glass encases It but— A dinner will be served following cient In managing the Journey of That is, all these things have his daughter-in-law, an Australian appearance at two a. m. Miss Charlotte Quirk are co-chair­ the shopping in his family because "the goldum machine don’t keep the Installation of officers. Through various channels peo­ Ship Off Tientsin men. All members wishing to ob­ bothemd the local man In the past, Ume” as a naUve expressed IL war bride, and her two children he came right out with, "Eighty- ple have become aware of the tain tickets for the party may cliltdren are faadaated by the window dIspUy of a toy shop In sidewalks within 24 hours of the hereafter send the order from the Chief Prosecutor F. Joseph Dono­ Frankfort. Member* of a generatloa thal has known nothing but war and Ita aftermstb of priva­ they'd better get started quickly. energy and atomic bomba. The reached her 85th milestone this Commissioners Andy Ansaldl end of a storm. a fine lack of any consideration by session later in the week. 20 REGULAR GAMES would "after St. Peter lets you hue promises to produce another Individual store* are setting powers in the program, came the lawyers Involved. Both In­ New York exchange office to In." tion, theae youngsters nnd thousands of German children like them are seeing mechanical toy* for next move will be for the State from the Bureau of ■ Employment week. Friends will be welcome to and George Hunt of the SJd.F.D. We have always felt that the or­ points abroad by air mail. ’This "myatery wltne##" before week Ip some peak skies records, but a department to take up the pro­ visit her tomorrow afternoon and were right on hand during the fire cidents occurred on mornings Flrat Freedom la IS Montlu out.. . . UN Security Council meets first time In their Uvm. Gemmiiy, once one of the worVl’s biggest producers of such toys, has been Security In Washington. dinance was unjust in some re­ when the court faced a heavy will greaUy hasten the delivery blight baa settled on others, push­ posals with congressional lead­ evening. Mrs. Schell is well and Tuesday night. After standing spects while quite justified in oth­ 5 SPEQALS, PLUS SWEEPSTAKES It wa* the first time In 18 to debate Dntch-lndoBeslaa peace exporting all post-war production up to this year. ______.______Mr. Egan termed It "unsound.” docket which had already beenlieid time. Postmaster Grant states. ing them far behind In the race ers. without "precedent In Federal interested In everything connected around watching and helping er cases. There are always exten­ month* Ward bad been able to oettlemeat which bae been attacked for Chriatmaa business. The proposed plan — which will with the town, in whclh she has whenever possible, they did get up well over the starUng time. move without an armed escort. law,” another assault on th* uating clrcumstnces. It is difficult Old fashioned "croup kettles” by Soviet bloc.. . New York Times Every year since 1938 there has apparently come to nothing unless lived for over forty years. pretty cold and decided to go Into One case Involved a lawyer who STORE ^ d M days ot that time he w m most of nation’s 400,000 soft ^P^C H thcr rights of the statM and a threat to legislate a person’s duties when can be dangerous, and we bear been an Increase In department Congress is prepared In some way to democracy. those duties are defined by and :lust arrived 20 minutes late. He in a Chinese Communist Jail, In cool miners may be out on new School Children Seen store sales and In total retail to authorize It—reportedly would apparently didn’t have the courtesy that this week one of them flg;ured n ota ry confinement. In Mukden. Under the present setup, eadi dependent on the weather. One in a situation in which a dead New, modern building be­ strike Jan. 1. sales. Last year was the all-time provide for continued concentra­ person will clean his sidewalk be. to telephone the prosecutor that On 24 of those days he was kept lecord. tion of atomic weapon manufac­ state Legislature has eetabUshsd man might have caused a fire. As ing built on Main Street, Pope Plus x n expresses hope Hits Country an unemployment program. The fore retiring and during the night; he would be late; he Just swept In­ la unheated, or underheated quar­ tbst 1650 Holy Tear will bring Lower Sales Expected ture in this country. It Is said to the prosecutor’s office and de­ we hear it, the deceased suffered near hospitaL Excellent lo­ ters In freexlng temperatures. ■ Future Mental Cases states Legislatures now deter­ fog coats the surface and freezes, from a chest congestion, and had back to Catholic church those who This year the general guess of to contemplate that British and or meling snow overflows walk and layed the opening of court another cation for drug store. He lost 25 pounds. C!anadian scientists would partici­ mine the persons eligible to re­ 10 or 16 minutes. just struck a match to light the Legionnaires! have been separated from It . . . experts is that sale* will be lower ceive Jobless benefits and how l% e Arm y and Nary later freezes. This can happen His Jail menu was six slices of Witness In treason trial of 11 for­ At Least 12 Killed — , , pate in the work. ’The other incident heated more "croup kettle”, he had used for re­ than last year—by a margin of much they will receive. while the person who has diligent­ lief from the congestion, when he bread daily . . . and hot water. mer Communist leaders in Sofia, Over Week-End b y U ingress Told Perh^aps Studout Held less than five per cent. Seek Wartime Records than one person’s blood. Every Cali 3963 "That’s not a very strengthen­ Bulgaria, testifies that "American Discussion of the three powers’ The Federal proposal would give ly cleaned the walk la in bed slum­ available seat In the courtroom was was taken with a fatal heart at­ Come and Bring Your Friends But Christmas is the big spend this power to the national govern­ bering peacefuUy. If someone tack. The burning match fell to ing or fattening diet,” he quipped. Imperialists" have Instigated ciun- Tornadoes, Blizzards i Three in Every Qass roles moved to the foreground, at a u b taken. People had already t*en Or Inquire At For an members of the party, Ing season. Some merchants have least temporarily, with the lull in ment. ’ comes along later and falls and the carpet where It caused a paign to join Bulgarian Macedonia been pulled out of the red at iireaks an arm on that sidewalk, waiting about three-quarters of an A Reminder of tHe' ** Including Mrs. Ward, aeveral with Yugoslavia. . . President Tru­ I Of 30 Will Become For Mui’der the congressioiuil atomic investiga­ "This propoMl," Mr. Egan said, hour. ’The court officer was ready small smudge fire which burned Hansen’s Milk Bar Christmas so many times they be­ tion. That Inquiry deals with how “ is the first time that the Federal how can the person who had out before causing much damage. women and some chlldrenr It was man is reported to be looking over By The Associated Press Patients in Hospitals to open the session, and so was the the first time they had not been lieve In Santa Claus. Russians were able to get atomic government has proposed to die- cleaned it be held to blame? Judge. big field of scientists and Indui- Rain, snow, sleet, fog and bitter Last year the unexpected hap­ tate how much .and "to whom the If the law were relaxed there under Red surveillance, since Nov. triallsts in his search for new materials from the U. S. during Our hero’s case had apparently The Futuramic Age Is here. You cold buffeted the nation today. i Washington, Dec. 12.— (/P) Co-Ed Found Strangled pened. . There . was a final rush state shall pay.” ' BINGO are plenty o f lasy persons who 20, 1648. On that date the Reds chairman of Atomic Energy com­ the war. Congressional probers have to be away ahead of today. Saturday Night Party Christmas week that kicked th* At present Oinnectlout pays $SS been granted a continuance or dis­ closed the consulate and clamped mission. The variety of severe weather Federal Security official In Rooming House Aft- sZid over the week-end they have would take advantage and simply posed of, but he wanted to speak We expect any minute now to read oaoia year to a record. It could happen tops for 26 weeks. The maximum voua such sscrscy on their movements conditions followed tornadoes. Congress members today asked for wartime records of the not keep their walks cleaned. So to the Judge. In view of the late a small item in the newspapers, niH oi Informed sources in London say again, analysts agree, but those Chemical Warfare service as a under the Federal proposal wotM there Is need for some sort of reg­ and fat* that even the U.8. State er Fraternity Dance Every Saturday Night hour and the many people waiting, like this-. Generalissimo Chlang Kai-Shek's blizzards and Ughtning which Uhat perhaps'three children dollars are going to have to roll possible clue. be $42 a week for 26 weeks. ulation. Main Hall - LEGION HOME department knew virtually noth­ Island fortress of Formosa is more the prosecutor asked this lawyer ‘"The Store of Tomorrow, which ing about them. even faster than they do now. Under the projected American-1 Substantial Change* Proposed Perhaps it was a mistake to yesterday was known as The Store likely to be seized by internal re­ wiS?-end!*“‘ average clMsroom . BoUeiinl The Federal Reserve reports de to see the Judge after court, Final Departure Delayed Brltlah-Canadian partnership in Substantial changes are also STARTING AT 8:T5 SHARP build modem sidewalks in the The prosecuten- ftaturally as­ of Today, will hereafter be known volt than by Red asaaUlt from Weather-related causes resulted j 3® pupils “are destined to Iowa a ty , ISL, De& 13—OF) psrtment stors dollar sales th* the future. Britain would abandon first place. It’s only since we Bvfu their final departure, un- Chinese mainland.. . UN Economic proposed in the quslificationa for sumed that the lawyer would com­ as The Store of the Week After TONIGHT In at least 35 deaths. {spend part of thfiir lives in a —A pretty Iowa co-ed who week ended Dee. 3 were eight per its plans for making A-bombOr as receiving Jobless benefits. started building permanent atone Next." M r Red deportation . orders . . .. on 1 mission to Middle East announoes met death at the "E m p ty cent under a* year ago. Dun and in fact it appears to have done al­ ply with the request but when the loy chtrgsi; Monday's weather map Showed | mental hospftaL It ie eetlmat- The Federal proposal |ntrodnrafi 220 REGULAR GAMES 3 SPECIALS or concrete walks that we’ve had court officer went to summon the A. NON. Mode Fnmighnl br TONY OBRIGHT was delayed by|in Cairo that it I* recommending central and western parts of th e| ej tjjgt 3,000,000 of the 30, Arms” rooming house was Bradstreet says total detail sales ready. Thus would end the threat this trouble. In the old days the tape. long-range plan to put 752,000 the "good personal reason” esusa Judge—yes, our hero had gotten country In the Icy grip of very 000,000 children now in school strangled with sueh force that for the week ended last Wednes­ of a future British claim to a for unemployment. Under this, a town sent a horse-drawn plow there first For some time today, only Ward Arab re^gees of Palestine war to cold temperatures. Denver had day were ,only one to five per cent larger share of the Belgian Congo was permitted to boaid ttUa ship. suffer from serious emotional and bones In her neck were brok­ person could collect Jobless bene­ around and made a path on all the The matter of a few minutes may Fill That Tank! work on "pilot” public projects. one below zero, Bismarck, N. D., en, the coroner disclosed to­ under a year ago. Another inde­ uranium—the greater part of streets. Now the onus Is on the Bsfore they would permit the behavior problems,” said John L. fits If he quit to go to school, or If seem unimportant but not to zero,' Flagstaff, Arlz., 12 below, Thurston, acting Federal security day. pendent survey IndlcatM retail which now comes to the United a wife quit to go with her husband occupant or property owner. Which people who are made to wait by 4 tT O CLASS Putting off that fuel order fWBMMMffKNUKWBHKffWBfWBfBMMIBMfaKBHIUiHliBMfllfWBff other 16 to come up the gangway, the Communists demanded the and Glasgow, Mont, 16 below. administrator. sales for the year will be off only StatM. outside her -present employment. does not seem quite fair. such antics. The majority of cases -MIRRORS may mean that you’ll be Fog Slows Transportation low* City, I*., Dec. 12—OP)—A two per cent. Several Advantages Connecticut’s law, on the other If a sidewalk has been properly eansul general oign a statement He was the first witness before Responsible authorities say presented in the local court Involve caught with an empty tank Fires Cause Mild weather and 'widespread a subcommittee of the Joint Con­ Beautiful University of Iowa co-ed Lower PrioM Biggest Fhetor hand, requires the job termination cleaned and a town or state high motor vehicle violations and "the that they boarded "safely and with­ there would be several advantage* in a sudden cold spelt out molestation.” showera moved from the midwest gressional Economic committee. found strangled in a men’s The biggMt factor In the de­ must be "employment connected.” vmy plow comes along and fills It common man," who. incidentally into the eastern third of the na­ cline Is lower pricM. They are off to this arrangement First, It The Connecticut Legislaturs ta- in again who Is to blame? Is not a criminaL ’The majority of Ward balked: He said he wouldn’t Loss of Life It Is investigating the problems rooming house yesterday and a would assure the western world a Polar aign until all members of his tion. Heavy fog slowed transpor­ an average of three to four per quirM that the unemployed work­ Grip of low income families. It Is old Roman conjecture to those people have to work for a WE HANDLE tation in New 'York city a second senior student who said he was in cent. That means the physical maximum of output of atomic er make a reasonable effort to ob­ "let the buyer beware” In a busi­ living, and the time they have to murty were brought onto the ship. Thurston urged approval of ad­ love with the girl is cliarged with bombs of the kind the United But they wer* held on the tug on successive day. volume of business is just about tain a Job. ness transaction. Why not ‘let the spend in court is money lost. On ATLANTIC More Than Score Vic Snow flurries and strong winds ministration programs for com­ murdering her. as good as last year, and people States Is able to make In the short­ Benefits would not b* paid pedestrian beware" on sidewalks? top of It all, they usually have to srbich they had been brought from pulsory national health Insurance, Robert Emil Bednasek, 24, was est possible time. Second, It would Tientsin. whistled through Minnesota, Wis­ are getting more for their money. strikers under the Federal law, but pay a fine. tims Over Federal aid to education, broad­ to be arraigned at 2 p. m. (c. s. t ) prevent dispersion of effort m be- they were locked out they would Tires Furnace Oil ' Finally, Ward signed and all 18 Week-End consin, and upper Michigan, tem­ The fundamental thing that This happened on Main street ’The barristers have no clock to peratures plunged Ih their wake. ened social security and grants- today on the charge. The co-ed makes this year different Is that tween this wuntry M d Britmn. ,je paid. The Connecticut Uw la punch and apparently aren’t too cam* aboard. Throughout Nation in-aid to states, and expansion of was Margaret Ann (Gee-Gee) Third, It would mean tte contlnu^ the same except It makes the qo the other day to an "absent-mind­ Capt. Paul Sexton of the Lake­ Sleet and snow extended from people are changing their buying ed professor", who boarded a bus dlstuibed by the Ume element. public health services to ease the Jackk>n, 20, of Burlington, Iowa. development of atomic plMta, in- tflgetlon that the lockout muw | Studded Tread land also was forced to sign north central Texas to southeast- eluding weapon* factories, m on which were a number of his The "criminals” , have a few less By The Associated Press plight of low Income families. Dr. George D. Callahan, Johnson (Uontianed on Pnge Four) suit from demands of the employer dollars to take home to the wife L. T . WOOD (^airman Sparkman (D., Ala.) county coroner, said after an placM remote from any possible | own High school studenU. He de­ Cenlei S t Pb»m- 5866 (Ooa tlaoed on Page Two) More than a score of Uv m were (Gontiniied on Page Four) upon the employes rather tb ia dn? Will Not Slip On Ice cided to change to another suit and kids. , said the subcommittee, opening 16 autopsy that death was "murder European war area. mands of the employee upon the snuffed out over the week-end In caused by strangulation.”[Ulatlon." w-v Britain and Canada, for their 1 that morning, and wasn’t he em' Store Frneta. Picture Framing a series of fires and explosions days of hearings, is seeking infor­ employer. READY To Put ON YOUR CAR Veaettaa Blinds CO. mation "for the good of the coun­ In his jail cell ^ part, would continue fully the kind Coverage under Jobleas f s y harassed on diving down Into his Potamaater H. Olln Grant has throughout the nation. I r ive r ersons __ basic pockets to find, he didn’t have new* of a departmental Improve­ Pnmiture Tepe 51 BisseU SL Phone 4496 try" and not for the purpose of sek denied to newsmen that he of experimental work In ’— ECA Officials One man burned to death and Slab Crushes murdered the girl. atomic research which they have 15 MINUTE SERVICE cent! ’The driver who gave him ment in service that will be of in- another was missing In a half- building political ammunitlcm for (Oenttaoed on Pag* Foar) the once over Realised who he was terest to an local people who have either party." Pacing nervously, he said: "She been doing. They would have far mllUon doUar fire which early to­ was completely In love with me, Die in Blast greater access to so-called atomic ■and where he was going. HI* face occasion to send international mon­ day dMtroyed a block-long amuse­ He and othe^ subcommittee was getting redder and redder Given Release! Four Persons members lashed out at reports— and I with her. I did not murder secrets than the United States has Act Now — Don't Be Sorry Later ey orders to friends or relatives in ment center at Union City, N. J. her. I have never been capable when the kindly, bus man said foreign landa. Previously such which were not identified specifi­ permitted them In recent year*. In Birmingham, Mich., creuies cally—that the hearings had a of murder.” Occurs While Fire In­ And apparently they would In "Forget It!” Our friend walks the money orders were transmitted to and buUdozers nosed through the The girl’s father, WilUam E. distance between his home and the international exchange office Two Emaciated Ameri­ 70-Ton Piece of Gran­ "politicar’ Implication. spector Trying to Lo­ emergency have demand rights charred ruins o f a three-story an­ "No member of the subcommit­ Jackson, an attorney and member against the atomic weapon stock- Flashes! school frequently, and has been On In New York, and from there were of the I w a Parole Board, denied the same bus since but haisn’t hap­ cans Freed After Com tique shop where at least five per­ ite Falls from Q iff tee has any political motive In pUe In this country. computed and sent by regular sons perished snd two others were his daughter was In love with Bed­ cate Source of Gas (Late BuUettns of the UP) Wlra) pened to see the same driver. He’d channels to the exchange offices WASTE PAPER finement for 81 Days Onto Picnic • Party these hearings,” Sparkman said. nasek. He said th* girl was in- However, th# arrangement would missing In a gas explosion and fire Seat Coyer like to have him know that he In­ Senator Flandeps (R., Vt.) who volrad In a "one-sided romance' Birmingham, Mich., Dec. 12—i/P) tends to pay him for his courtesy last night. . . I prdtwsed the Investigation, said he (Contlaued on Pag* Two) By WllUam R. Moore with Bednasek. —Five persona were Idlled last Admits October Slaylag the next Ume he runs across him. More Than 100 Tenahta Flee had perfect confidence” that Miss Jackson’s . Kappa Alpha Seout, Dec.. 12—{IP)— Two More than 100 tenants fled fire warning, a 70-ton gran-1 there was "no trace of political night In a 'violent blast that shat­ Duaklrk. N. Vn Dec. 12— You Want A Theta sorority sisters said she had tered an antique (hop while a fire Headquarters emaciated American officials In a five-story tenement house In He slab split from a cliff at Dead purpose as far as the subcommlt- Police said a bridegroom confessefi There has been considerable talk were back from North Korea to­ been "pinned” (engaged) to Bed­ inspector 'was secrching for the today that he killed a man Octohar amongst firemen who have oc­ White Side Wall Home That's Merry New York city’s lower Blast Side Man’s Mftnl and crashed onto tee la concerned nasek last spring but sent his fra­ K ills Family, COLLECTION day after 81 das'* confinement by hollda^fpicnic, crushing to death source of escaping gas. 29 and traded tbe victim's *«$*- casion to find their way through last night. A three-month-old baby Similar expressions came from ternity pin back to him last s ^ - Five other persons were injured. mobile on a new eenverttbl* t* Communists. died In the flamei, despite attempts four Arsons and critically Injur­ ReprraentativM Hubert (D., Ohio) 200e Sets In Stock all aorta of closed doors, about the mer. Since school started this One of them was blown 200 feet take a bride on a hoaeymooa tssw TIRES Thsy were returned yesterday. by her frantic mother to save her. ing two others. and Rich (R., Pa.). fall they had been dating often, Then Himself best way to get through one of MONDAY, DEC. 12 The Soviet-backed regime indicat- Only the chimney of the three- of tbe South. Edward F. Wette, If you Can’t find what you want look through these modem non - ehattersble A two-year-old Negro girl was Horrified children o f the victims Thurston’s testimony about but were not "$;olng steady,” the 25, was arrested this moralag at a You Want A *d It had given up on its apparent watched helplMSIy as the huge story bouse remained standing to­ our catalogue and order. .I to .*) daj's service. Plas­ glass doors that cost about 1200 klUed by smoke in a rooming sorority girl* raid. The girl had day. hotel In this western New T oik each and are much favored now- Recapped attempt to get some form of Unit­ house fire In Harlam last night rock fragment brought a swift, (OonUaned on Page Twelve) invited another man to her soror­ tic Universals on sale at $16..50. IN THE NORTHEAST SECTION ed States recognition in exchange The dead were: Wife and Three Qul community, where he and his wUb days by store* They are mip- Home That's Gay Four other children were hospi­ tragic climax to the outing of 18 ity dance Friday night. had checked In last algbt. WoUto In Our Electric Rubber for the Economic Cooperation ad- Mrs. Edith Jones. 76, co-owner p o ^ to be proof against sledge talised. friends on the edge of the Mojave Treasory Balance. However, Mrs. Olga Bednasek of the Mother and Son Antique dren Shot as They was charged with first degne mnn- hammer blow*. Welder mlntztratlon aides, who were de­ A 16-y*ar-old mother and her desert yesterday. The popular pic­ Said at Cedar Rapids her son and der In the death of Elmer J- PI2$* (' ■ Help the Hospital — Help Local Industry By Continuing livered to them by a mutinous shop, 720 North Wood-ward ave. Sleep in Florida Home ’This week one such door was three-year-old daughter burned to nic site,’ o'veriooking the desert, is Washington, Dec. 12—(IP)—The Miss Jackson planned to be -mar- Wilson Jones, 47, her parUaUy tengetl, 57. a boarder at WoV*** Fram Filters, Trico Windshield Motors, Rub* encountered by firemen during Leaves yonr white eide wall* You're Looking Far A ship’s crew. death In- a farmhouse b)aze near sheltered by the rocky promi­ position of the Treasury Decem­ ,rled "in about four years,” after home In WUUamsvUle, near BvBh- abeohitely wMte. no heat marks, • To Save Paper. The N e^ Has Not Diminished! Albert E. WlUls, 40, of Brook­ Bednasek completed graduate paralyzed son. Main street blaze. They got WellavUle, N. Y., yesterday. nence. ber 8; Lee Carroll, 44, Birmingham Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Dec. 12— lo. her for Trunks, Doors, Ventilators, etc., in* through by Jamming out the dcror- Memlsbes or dlsootoratlons. lyn, N. Y., and Alfred T. Meschter, Four soldiers apparently were Rescuers said the jutting rock Net budget receipts, $133,268,- work In psychology. UF)—A man deacribed by neighbors Home That's Right 28, of Klnderbook, N. Y., ohocked Mrs. Beld Germantown, Pa., and Mrs. Jessie Isom, 48, both of ger pistol yesterday. hanging—for Tralcho Koetov aad AUTO SERVICE a day and said it would take a lot Wilson’s b ^ y was not found his 10 eo-defendants la Bolgarla** We have heard of a way to break widower and his two sons were Upland, Calif., Harold Bovee, 40. until this morning. The others Rollce CaUef Roland KeUey said these doors ■without difficulty but Shop llliis Christmas I ’ o f home cooking to undo the dam- victims of a fire which dMtrdyed ITentura. CaUf., and Mrs. Frances Carl Amarella, S4-year-old inter­ Mg treason trial. Two prossentor* 29 BisseO SL TeL 5167 age. their home yesterday. Flames Americanism Not Quality were recovered while flames were spoke for three hours ngahist th* can’t vouch for effectiveness of Morris, 38, Pomona, Calif. stUl raging through the wreckage. ior decorator and upholsterer, -■7 " - v m*. OUR SPECIAL the method. A minimum of power "My heart sank when I saw kUled the father and one son be­ Two Critically Injured kUled hi. wile, Mime M ; their NOTICE him," oh* told m* today. "He fore firemen could reach them. The Wife la Serious OondItlOB is involved. We’ll tell the first Critically Injured were Mrs. The JARVIS Way! looked Bke a human akeleton. Why second son died of bums later. Only Americans Can Have Wilson’s wife, Florence, waa In children. Sandra. 6, lmi»rl*ll#m” and Premier Marshal ten firemen that inquire how It’s Frances Long, 85, Upland, and serious condition at St. Joseph Janet, one year old, ^hUe m#y Tugoalavl* a* the real maa- reportedly done. his clothes almost feU off of him. Eight ChUdrea Lose Uvea Clifford Morris, 38, husband of FOR T O D A Y ! ON AND AFTER DEC 12 He weighed 180 pounds when he At Cascade, Pa., near WlUlama- Meicy hospital in Pontiac. She slept and then took hi* ^ U«. ^ the accused In their alleged port, eight children and stepchil Mrs. Morris. Rescuers tunneled Hartford, Dec. 12—(JV-Gov.4ftV(ord—one be said was recognised I was found in a ravine 200 feet Amarella put two pl^Mtog against Bulgaria. For two grnerstions the big Specialist left Pusan. He must have lost for two hours to reach Mrs. Long, UtUe Janet’s head. Each of toe F* 8 * « »» VISIT OUR OFFICE THIS WEEK-END, 654 | 160 pounds.” dren of an unemployed laborer and Chester BowIm said today— that 'b y "the great majority of our from the house. Ft. Drop Cord with Shield thermometer on Main street near We specialize in Model WE WILL BE LOCATED AT who was resting on a cot when the people"—was this; Lass seriously hurt were four others waa shot only once, Kcord- Trial Middle turnpike, at Nick's Cob­ Twe BemwaMy his wife died In a fire which lev­ Americanism Is not a quality Airplane Motors and Planes CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER, FOR nt eled their two-stoiY cabin Satur­ ledge broke off. She and Moirts which only Americana may pos- “Americanism la a simple way others, Including two Birmingham tag to Roy May. c * * * ^ ^ * ^ ^ * ^ ' NiSv 12-(JV -V al*»- Regular $2.98— Below Cost *1.49 bler shop, has been a sort of Maechtsr said the two men were suffered Internal Injuries^ and face of the Broward county sherifrs Onbitchev. Soviet eaglaadt of Bummarising the manner of policemen. Race Cars, Boats and Tools. reasonably fit—especially oompar- day night. The couple and a 14- seas. 9B9 MAIN STREET BOTH NEW AND USED HOMES ! year-old son suffered critical and head cuts. Rather, he said. It is “a philos­ life which has been made - possible The blast shook this quiet and nee. hidlcted with Judith Coplaa, far- sd with th* week before when the Milbum Hlrschman, Pomona, fashionable suburb north of De­ Oommunists started feeding them bum*. ophy of living and a state of mind, under the constitution of our land. Note On 8 ^ 8**PV ^ Sier government girl. *a aa TOYS OVER MURPHY’S RESTAURANT Three men suffocated and rolled away as the rock fell. not a national emblem. The ac­ It Is a manner of life wherein men troit st 8 p. m. Flames leaped 100 He left a not* wrUUm on torra charge, today wa# deaM » well la pnparaUon for their re­ It’s a miracle that all of us different sale# sUp*. t e ^ g « * at- TrtsJ of tho eagrito Educational, Riding and turn. ‘rhsy wer* not physically fourth was seriously Injured when cident of birth alone can neither share in the direction of their feet In the air. Windows were brok­ OFFICE fire gutted their tw*-st£ry frame weren’t caught under It," he Said. confer Americanism upon a man government, each with an equal en over sn area of three square torney, G. H. Martin, how to dhH i2 ib e e * sot for Doe. 27. Vh4: New Tire$ — Batteries — Recaps Plastic. American Flyer mistreated, he said. rooming house in Rensselaer, N "I Just happened to glance up. It pose of everything and where to Involves aa allsgod The ' surrounding mountains nor deprive him of It." vote; wherein every Indl-vidual miles. Train and Asaessories. Y. didn’t noake a sound. I didn’t even In a statement Issued In recog­ without regard'to hi* color, race State police said Mrs. Bramson’s find hi# money and papers. transmit bristled wlthearthen emplace­ Near Spur, Tex., Mrs. John Phil' have time to yell before It fell." The not* began: “I am to n y It .ecreta to Buasla. -.t TO RENT ments of rival guards, Meschter nition of the fact that Connecticut or creed, is entitled to equal treat­ car waa parked outside the Ups, 24, perished in a- futile at­ When rescuers fitst arrived on ment from his neighbor and before wrecked store. She had taken her ended this way,” and concluded: * • • . t HOBBY SHOPPE said, but not a shot waa heard the scene, they - found the frantic and many other states have desig­ ...•V tempt to save her two small chil­ tbc law; wherein men and women husband. Roy, to tbe railroad sta­ "I guess tost Is all." It asked that tFphold* Bent Control Art JARVIS during the border negotiations plrknickers trying to dig under nated December “ Americanism 3 rofMRfi, Ifivmtory, dark dren from their burning farm as. little publicity as possibl* be Washington. Dset IS—t F S ^ THE JOHN HANCOCK ■ for the pair's release. He did hear month,” the go\-*rnor, a Democrat, are guaranteed the right to think, tion early in the evening and home. Trapped with her were the rock with stones and sticks. speak and- write freely, to live had stopped at the shop on the way given toe tragedy. HantemeHupteme oourto*« today Mhatf.. room, hot water, asphalt CLIFF'S TOY faint ahouts from one North Ko­ Some of them were hysterical. Mid* CAMPBELL Barbara Ann PhlUlps, six mouths, “Sometimes the word ’Ameri­ without fear of unjust oppression, home. Mr*.’ Amarella had taken th* !i 846 g g redoral rart central mA, tile floors, Venetian blinds. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. REALTY CO. rean caUing on members of the and Ronald Eugene Phillips, two. Coll for Bydraone Jacks rescue mission to foresake the canism’ baa been appropriqted by and to wossblp as they choose. Peace Together Story chUdren to see Santa Claus para­ niiiag orarturasd Near Center. SHOP In Oswego county, N. Y., a 52 Hlrschman drove 14 miles to chute to earth Saturday, then went Ihy IT. S. Otetrist 654 CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER ‘ South Korean republic and join Victorville fox help. A t flrat bigoted men for their own person-’ ■ "The human being who t From meqgef reports, police and AUTO SUPPLY sloth Sides of Griswold ’ year-eld man was trapped and theae freedoms wisely and who Is fireman pieced together this story home to flnleh toe family ironing. EHryn E. Shaw In the northern regime. burned to death when he ran' into heavy.truck with a cable and al use: and narrowed In meaning B18SELL ST. I PHONE 5167 Street at Center TeL Mfinchester 4112— TeL Hartford 2-4080 so aa to exclude all but those who willing to respect and protect of ths explosion: Fourteen clean, neatly pressed the act was lavaBd. Th* Call 6514 Phone 323S think life themaelvM.” these freedoms In the lives of oth- A rapoTt of a gas leakage was dresses hung In to* children’s eloa- d In B ■h s