(Iowa City, Iowa), 1952-07-11
~, I The ~ , Partly d ....' wi~ .eal Serving the Stat. t(red thUD........... in University of Iowa the extre_ ...Ute .. l. Parily elolllb, ........- Campus and what ~okt' Sa.... " Wrb &oclay, H; low, n. Iowa City Ui6h Tbunla." "; low. at owan 57. Eat. 1868 - AP Leased WiIe - Five Cent.l Iowa City, Iowa. Friday, July II, 1952 - VoL 86 No, 197 ------------------~------------. c e an I a es ace Taft, Ike Agree InterluCi. with Interlandi 'South Suffers Speeches Bring Vice~President By New Rules Wild Ovations, Delay Sessi~n Spot Still Open Of Convention CONVENTION HALL, CHI CAGO (,4» - (FRIDAY) The CmCAGO (IP) - The Republi mCAGO (IP) - The Republi c n convention Thursday ap GOP put In nomination fol' the can vice-pl'csidential nomination presidency Thursday night the race remained wide open Thurs proved new rules dccreaslng the names tSt the men who have sput relative power of southern states day. It into bl~terly warring factlons It Is thought the No. 2 spot on On the Republican nation3l com Sen. Robert A. Tart and Gen: Ihe ticket will be filled at the di mittee and po sibil' in futurc GOP Dwight D, Eisenhower. rection of the presidential nomi nlltion:l1 conventions. Gov. Earl Warren of Callfornla, nee. Sen. Rob rt A. Taft has lona former Gov. Harold E. Stas~en of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower nnd hod mil h str nith nmong GOP Minnesota and Gen. Douglas Mac Sen. Hobcrt A. Taft of Ohio, lead organizations In the south, W d Ar~hur were nOmilUlted, too, at ing rivals for the top spot, made It nesdny night, however, the na a Republican national conv~ntion clear through their supporters tion I convention overturned de that 13lted into today's earl,y th at they hoven't cven begun to Cisions ot the Taft-dominated na morning hours.
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