(Iowa City, Iowa), 1952-07-11

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(Iowa City, Iowa), 1952-07-11 ~, I The ~ , Partly d ....' wi~ .eal­ Serving the Stat. t(red thUD........... in University of Iowa the extre_ ...Ute .. l. Parily elolllb, ........- Campus and what ~okt' Sa.... " Wrb &oclay, H; low, n. Iowa City Ui6h Tbunla." "; low. at owan 57. Eat. 1868 - AP Leased WiIe - Five Cent.l Iowa City, Iowa. Friday, July II, 1952 - VoL 86 No, 197 ------------------~------------. c e an I a es ace Taft, Ike Agree InterluCi. with Interlandi 'South Suffers Speeches Bring Vice~President By New Rules Wild Ovations, Delay Sessi~n Spot Still Open Of Convention CONVENTION HALL, CHI­ CAGO (,4» - (FRIDAY) The CmCAGO (IP) - The Republi­ mCAGO (IP) - The Republi­ c n convention Thursday ap­ GOP put In nomination fol' the can vice-pl'csidential nomination presidency Thursday night the race remained wide open Thurs­ proved new rules dccreaslng the names tSt the men who have sput relative power of southern states day. It into bl~terly warring factlons­ It Is thought the No. 2 spot on On the Republican nation3l com­ Sen. Robert A. Tart and Gen: Ihe ticket will be filled at the di­ mittee and po sibil' in futurc GOP Dwight D, Eisenhower. rection of the presidential nomi­ nlltion:l1 conventions. Gov. Earl Warren of Callfornla, nee. Sen. Rob rt A. Taft has lona former Gov. Harold E. Stas~en of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower nnd hod mil h str nith nmong GOP Minnesota and Gen. Douglas Mac­ Sen. Hobcrt A. Taft of Ohio, lead­ organizations In the south, W d­ Ar~hur were nOmilUlted, too, at ing rivals for the top spot, made It nesdny night, however, the na­ a Republican national conv~ntion clear through their supporters tion I convention overturned de­ that 13lted into today's earl,y th at they hoven't cven begun to Cisions ot the Taft-dominated na­ morning hours. get down to brass tacks on that tional committee nnd credentials First Sen. Everett M. Dickson secondary problem. committee and seated Georgia and of ot I111nol8 paraded to the speak­ Sen. Richard Nixon ot the Im­ Texas delegations largcly (avoring er's rostrum to present to the portant California delegation was Gcn. Dwight D. Eisenhower. COoll, IowOft P~olo) weary dereitates: "Mr. Intearity, being discussed by some Eisen­ Thursday the convention adopt­ Mr. Republican, Mr. Am~rican, hower supporters as a possible TIIERE WERE 8(0 CROWD I'a.thered arow 1 each of the fh-e Robert A. Tnft." ed a new rule giving an extra television sets at the l\femorlal UnJon Thursday nl,ht, watchlll&' &be thoice. Nixon has been regarded WIIS 40- scat on the national committee to panorama 01 the Republican national convention In ChlcllIO. hOWD That the slenal tor a as prO-Eisenhower, although he ony stotc which goes Republican minute uproar. is going down the line for Gov. I th.... therln« In the ~wO-8.l 10ul1&'e sollth ot the UnioD lobby, In in either a presidential or guber­ addition to tlte ollth lobby 101lllre, t!rere were two set opera iiII&' in Knvwlpd Pr.,..... Warren. Earl Warren of California as Ion II natorial eiection or which has a Another senator, Calilornla's as Warren has a chance. the main IOrulle and one In the north lobby TV room. The !lela have Republican majority In it con­ b.en busy ever sInce the national com'enlioD tarted last Monday. William E, Knowland proposed MI ..ht Ask. Warren gressional delegation. The extra Warren as a "candidate who can Before the Eisenhower camp seat would go to the party's state give the lendersllip tb.e nation now could approach Nixon, however, chairman. so desperately needs." Twenty It seemed likely that Warren him­ North, l\(ldwe t Gain Cartoon by Inter/andi more mrnut~ 01 bedram followed self might be offcred the second Knowiand's appearance. At prescnt the national commit­ place spot. He has said he . Then· Gov. Theodore McKeldin t e has two representatives tl'()m wouldn't take it, but he said the 01 Maryland, once Q favorite SOil each state, II man 'and a woman. TO 'be ~ Jame thing in J948 then changed Used Nationwide hopeful himself, put in nomina­ his mind. Since southern states cldom go A carloon by Frank Interlandi, , tion the nome 01 Eisenhower - Republican, the rule is expected Sen. WiUiam Knowland of A4, Elmhurst, Jll., has be n chosen Iowan since last fall. Three of the general wllo nevC)r before had California might give lhe Eisen­ to add to the relative power of the tried lor public office. for nationwide distribution dur­ his cartoons also were used as hower slate a friendly link with north and Republican midwest. ing National Newspaper Week, "He is a strong man," McKel­ the GOP elements behind Taft­ The convention also voted to re­ Oct. 1-8. cover pictures on the new campus din said, "the Hercules to sweep if Knowland could be Induced to duce the delegate strength in fu­ The cartoo, tilled "Not Too humor magazine, "Magazine X." tile stench and stigma from the take the second spo!. Knowland ture national conventions of Gtates Tight Please!" shows Ihe Staiue At the close of the spring sem­ Augean stables ol the WaShin{ton "I admire your convictions, but I've found that strict neutrality is the b st thut do not turn out II sizeable has worked hard to keep peace of Libcrty being squcezed by a ester, Interlandl collected 100 of lI(\mlnistr tion." between the Eisenhower and Taft on vote tor GOP pr\!sidentiol and ncwspapcr corset, thc strings of policy campus!" nis cons published during th\! ' )lolae, 'CoI.,-, (Joo( ...~ : factions. congressional candida tes. which are bl)Ing pulled by two With .balloOn!!, hanners, bands, Sen. H. Alexander Smith of Il approved a rule change pro­ honds representing censorship year, added 40 new one!', (t,nd flYin& paper saucers and state New Jersey, an Eisenhower sup­ viding for one district delegate to and controls. brought out a book titled "Inter- Standards, parti.ilns ctormed Into porter, suggested in a statement Visual-Aids in Learning British Technician ' futurc conventions tor each con­ Thc cartoon carrics out lhe lude With Intcrlandi" which . ~old the: aisles and paraded u best that the .. loser in thc Taft-Eisen­ gressional district casting 2,000 thcme for this year's N ation~ I 2,000 copies In local bOOk. slores. they could round this vast stock­ hower contest take No.2 place on or more votes for GOP presi­ Newspaper week, "Your Right To yards arenll, National Newspaper weelt Is Ihe ticket. Described to 'Educators , Gets Light Sentence dentlal or contressional candi­ Know ... a Constitutional Guar­ Even as the demonstration Neither Ca.mp Waala It datesin the election preceding the antee." sponsored by the Ne ,vsP'l per Since all education is a guided . whirled on, there were moments Neither cnmp seemed to be giv­ For Secrecy Leak convention. In April, one of Interlandi's Association Managers, InC. This ot indecision as to whether the process of- communication, leam- warned not to place too great a will ing this any consideration. Rille purs outh carloons was sent to papers be the fourth year that tile convention would go. on into a ing can be improved only by Im- burden on movies and television LONDON (JP) - Spindly, pasty- association has selected cartoons pre-dawn ballo! on nominees or Eisenhower's bllckers now be­ The old ru Ie gave congressional Ihroughout 10wl1 to promote the lieve they can win the nomination pro~lng. our methods or commun- in the teaching proceSS. laced WilUam Morshall, a foreign Cancer control month sponsored drawn by Daily Iowan artists tor hold off until IlJter In the morn­ icatmg Ideas. office radio operator who said dlsU'icts a delegate if they cast use during the week. ina. There had been some Indica­ without having to make any sort . Roger Albright, director or edu- as many as 1,000 GOP votes. It by the Iowa Division ot thc Amer­ of deal on the vice-presidency. In On the basis ot thiS conclus~on, cational services, Motion Pictul'e snubs of his countrymen turned Ican Cancer Society. The cartoons are made avail­ tions that a ballot mi(ht come be­ Godfrey Elliott, executivc vlce- Association or America Waslliog­ was construed as a spur to south­ the past, tha t plum often has gone his head toward Moscow, was An Interlandl cartOOn also won able to newspapers in mat form fore delecates cal ed it quits. p~esident of Young America too, D. C.. told the ;roup that ern states to get out the Republi­ .Rep. Joseph W. Martin Jr., the to the man able to swing an im­ sentenced Thursday to five years can vote. the 100 first prize in the cartoon tree ot charge by Printer's Port, portant bloc of votes to the win­ Films, Inc., New York descrl.bed during the past 100 years edd­ division o( a 1951 nationwide Inc., Omaha, Neb, convention .chairman, said speech­ in prison for jottiog down British ner at the right time. !hursday the role o( visual-aides cators have expected too much of The convention also adopted coUege newspaper contest for es and demonstrations were eat­ In learning to Iowa educators at- text books. "Now that audio-v is­ secrets and handing some to the rules aimed at averling in the fu­ highway safety campaigns spon­ In, up 10 much time the voting Given a free choice, Eisenhow­ tending the audio-visual work- ual materials have been devel­ er's camp would liI;e to have a Russians.
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