............. ■ ■ ' * ^ FRIDAY, DECEMBER t, U Manchester Stores Open Until Nine O dock Tonight ATtrag* Dally Net Freaa Ran Forecast atThe 0. WeatherB. Waatfeer BatOM For tha MoaUi ot Novambar, 1848 loereaetag elondiaeas this altar- Open Until aeon and toalght; set oa caM to­ Open Until 9,796 iiamMter ll^raln night: ' cloudy, enow and slowly Btember ot tha Anttt rising temperntores Sondny. Sanaa of arcolatloiiB Manehester^A City o f VtUage Charm * 9 P . M . i.i.' 1 III* 9 P . M. MANCHESTER, CONN.,SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10,1949 (FOURTEEN PAGiiS) PRICE FOUR CENTS VOL. LXIX., NO. 60 (CtaaaUked Advertlsiag oa rage 18) Saturday Saturday Labor Government Thomas Sentence Proof Found International Ruling "Wew-mp— Russians Got By Australia Vote Heavy Water n ::.. Of Jerusalem Voted Becomes Minority House Un-Ame^ipan Ac­ BEAUTIFUL tivities: Com m ittee Also Thinking of Ques­ In Face of Threats KNIT Liberal-Omntry Surprise tioning Canadian Soon Coalition Wins 64 Washington, Dec. 10—(P)— The United Nations Assem­ Seats in Lower House Twin Genu Budget W ill House Un-American Activities Coffee Prices bly Takes Decisive Ac­ RAYON Of 121 Voting Repre­ committee dug out today what it tion; Warned Cost in sentatives $ Defeat Not Balance considers proof that the Russians T o Stay H igh got 1,000 grams of heavy water- Blood May Be Heavy; GOWNS Conceded by Labor valuable for atomic experiments— in 1S43. Both Israel and Hash- Lawmakers Split on So** The committee also Is thinking Brazilian Reserve Sup­ By Iuxtt«, that will appeal to young Sydney, Sunday,. Dec. 11.— metite Jordan Assert and old. A choice of beautiful col­ luUon of Problem to of calling in the heed of a Cana­ ply Has Virtually Dis­ ors. White, yellow, blue, pink and (/!>—The Australian .peirale dian firm for questioning about Population Will Bat­ coral. Sizes 32 to 42. turned out their Jjabor ^ v - Be Faced by Congress 1,000 pounds of uranium com- appeared, Solons Told ernment in a general election 1. pounds the Soviets got In the tle Trusteeship Rule In January Session spring of ,1943. Washington, Dec. 10 —(P)— yesterday. The Liberal-Oun- I The heavy water was the fourth l « = r American housewives are likely to New York, Dec. 10.—<ff)— try party coalition, standing Washington, Dec. 10—(81—Law­ wartime atomic shipment to the wait a long time for any general I Soviets the committee believes It The United Nations Asseni- $2.95-$3.95 for a return to the free enter­ makers greeted without surprise return of coffee prices to Septem­ I lias nailed down. Additional ber levels. bly voted decisively last prise system as opposed to today the newq that President Tru­ Extra Sixes $3.50-93.95 , checks have shown that a report The reason for this was outlined night to set up an interna­ continued socialism, has won man won't submit a balanced bud' of a fifth—a shipment of uranium —or aa good as won—84 scats In for Congress yesterday by an j compound in mld-1944—was a dud. American diplomatic oflcial: Bra­ tional rule over Jerusalem in a lower house of 121 voting rep- get to Congress, but they split on the face of open threats rMcntatlves. what to do about it. Seta Og Fresh SpecdlatloB zilian reserves have virtually dis­ Scvea Seats la Doubt While the committee was trying appeared and unfavorable growing against it by the Arab and Representative Reed to find out just how much atomic conditions have wrecked any The ruling Labor party, which called the announcement by Budget Jewish occupying powers. has been in power eight years, material Russia got from this chances for a bumper crop nesA' The 1949 Assembly meets in Director Frank Paco “a bltur year. has won—or as good as won—50 Christmas present” for Americans country during the war—and how its final session today to debate ' seats. There la no reasonable it happened—a casual remark by 1 don’t think Brazil ever again what It wlU cost In cash. It was —“ although It Is not wholly un­ will be aa big a coffee producer as SNOW SUITS doiibt-about these results, al- expected” — and demanded a cut a former Pentagon official set off warned the cost in blood may also th ou ^ the final count in some of fresh speculation about where this she was,” Robert B. Elwood, sec­ be heavy,. ' them is not yet in. Seven seats re­ ^But^nator Thye (R-Mlnn) s^d counties A-Bombs are stored. ond secretary o f toe U. S. em­ Get them set for outdoors. Wool and I bassy at Rio de Janeiro, told a Sen­ Will Fight Trusteeahlp Bole satin twill jackets with wool slacks, de­ main in doubt. that-— while ............. he favors- i economy, he 1 r tn e n H whim (eewter), «anked by deputy V. ' ci^lt Mltchell-whJ^ Both Israel and Hashemite Jor­ (In London, the Australian News opposes the view of mMt of ^ nmnthals. leaves the U. 8. merahars office In Washington for removal. Curtis M l t c ^ who until a ate Agriculture subcommittee tachable hoods. Some with fur trim col­ investigating high coffee prices. dan, which now control separate lars. Red, green, brown and navy. Size and Informatimi bureau, an agency c i U ^ e s with whom he traveled ^ Federal prison at IMnbury. The New Jersey RepUbUenn was | a f toe P ™ ^ sections of the city under a mili­ 8 to 14. Of the Labor government, an­ to Europe that the cuts should to six to 18 naontfas la Jail and fined $10,000 for accepting , Takes Different Approach tary armistice, have said the pop­ nounced that Labor had conceded made In foreign recovery ^ | kickbacks from his office staff and padding bto payroll during his term “ that toe first aitacas Elwood was ordered home to ulation wui fight rule by a UJT, defeat. It quoted Radio AuS' I on this country In event of war testify before the conunittee. He trusteeship. Pace made his In Congress. (NEA telephoto). Film ac trees Denise Darcel wears tralla aa saying the oppoelUon bad the budget outlook yesterday a t l ------------------- probably would be aimed al “the took a somewhat different Israel said King Abdullah o f $13.98-$16.98 won at leaat 82 seats, and perhaps Key W est Fla., after a conference caves In the southwest where our proach to the coffee problem from the largest perfectly matched Hashemite Jordan had told bis 88.) with Mr. Truman. Pace said there bombs are stored." that of Chairman Gillette (D., pear-sh^ed diamonds la the Arab people the United Nations world, the Isdore twins, as she OIris Shop Second Floor Follows New Zealand is little probability of balancing Defense department officials de­ lows). Gillette declared: would rule the old walled part o f Thus, Austndis. foUowed New the Federal budget next year un­ Chinese Nationahsts clined comment. William Frye, It Is just sa apparent to this vlMto the United Hospital fund’s the Holy C^ty that he occupies it :i Congresa votes new taxes. director of public information, committee sa daylight that some­ ‘Court of Jewels” at Rockefeller only over my dead, body.’’ Iftat (Oonttmied oa Page Tea) Oppose Raising Taxes said: where along the line In October Center, New York. About $10,- quotation of the king came to the Congress members already have "I have no knowledge of the and November there were specul^ 000,600, worth of Jewels were Assembly from Israeli Foreign VELVET SKIRTS made It fairly plain that they Lose Added Ground basis of Mr. Mitchell’s remarks, tlve interests tost had such an shows ta tte exhibit. Minister Moshe Sharett BLOUSES don’t take kindly to the Idea of but I can say that at no time dur' effect on the coffee market as to Israel and Jordan are in tenta­ Coldest Day upping taxea. Reed said In his ing his service in the department practiesUy double the price o f cof tive agreement that they will keep Shirred yoke effect, full skirt of chiffon statement: did he have access to atomic ener­ fee to the American consumer." the respective parts of Jerusalem velvet. Sizes 24 to 28. Black. Dressy tissue faille, beaded design yoke. Nov^Hold Only Three. ^ Red Magazine Cap sleeve, pastel colors. Sizes 32 to 38. “On the eve of Chriatmaa the gy information.” He added there has been “a rig­ occupied by their forces kn a m t- R ecord Set ovei^taxed American , who is now Meager Fingertips in^NcWS T lO D llS Should Press Probe ging of the market and ws are slice lines.' . jtsying more than 25 per cent of As for-the ahlpmontu-to-Russia, trying to find out where it Is.* Being^ Pushed Sharett said the i^pulatlon of ’ APRONS hto Income to- b » gavetnoff -ls told China Proper;' Ready Called From (/P) Wirtp Lt. <3en. Leslie Groves, ,wfao head' Elwood told the committee there Jewish Jerusalem would give no $7.98 $5.98 Brainard Field Weather that he wItt Hava to dig deeper To Give Up Chengtii ed the wartime A-bomb project hss been an “unexpectedly heavy help to a U.N. conuniasioner. In HANDBAGS next year. and who testified before the House rate” o f coffee exports from BrS' committee debate, Israel had said A large assortment to fit the Station Warns of Slip­ “The people o f the nation have Lewis union prsdlcta nwre. oea) committee this week, said last zll since July 1, 1949. Soviet Embassy’s Publi­ the 100,000 Jews In Jerusalem most particular lady.
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