Observer's Handbook 1983
EDITOR: ROY L. BISHOP THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF CANADA CONTRIBUTORS AND ADVISORS A l a n H. B a t t e n , Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria, BC, Canada V8X 3X3 (The Nearest Stars). R o y L. B is h o p , Department of Physics, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS, Canada B0P 1X0 (Editor). Terence Dickinson, R.R. 3, Odessa, ON, Canada K0H 2H0, (The Planets). D a v id W. D u n h a m , International Occultation Timing Association, P.O. Box 7488, Silver Spring, MD 20907, U.S.A. (Planetary Appulses and Occultations). Alan Dyer, Queen Elizabeth Planetarium, 10004-104 Ave., Edmonton, AB, Canada T5J 0K1 (Messier Catalogue, Deep-Sky Objects). M arie Fidler, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 124 Merton St., Toronto, ON, Canada M4S 2Z2 (Observatories and Planetaria). Victor Gaizauskas, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0R6 (Solar Activity). J o h n A. G a l t , Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, Penticton, BC, Canada V2A 6K3 (Radio Sources). Ian H alliday, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0R6 (Miscellaneous Astronomical Data). H e l e n S. H o g g , David Dunlap Observatory, University of Toronto, Richmond Hill, ON, Canada L4C 4Y6 (Foreword). Yoshio Kubo, International Lunar Occultation Centre, Astronomical Division, Hydrographic Department, Tsukiji-5, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104 Japan (Total and Grazing Lunar Occultations). D o n a ld A. M a c R a e , David Dunlap Observatory, University of Toronto, Richmond Hill, ON, Canada L4C 4Y6 (The Brightest Stars).
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