Exploitation from Malicious Pci Express
EXPLOITATION FROM MALICIOUSPCIEXPRESS PERIPHERALS Colin Lewis Rothwell Churchill College September 2017 This dissertation is submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. This thesis is set in the serif Crimson and sans-serif Linux Biolinum, both open source. It was produced using the LuaTeX engine for LATEX, and the memoir document class. As much as possible, I have tried to follow the rules given in Robert Bringhurt’s The Elements of Typographic Style, which is also my source for the first of the following quotes. – A true revelation, it seems to me, will emerge only from stubborn concentration on a solitary problem. I am not in league with inventors or adventurers, nor with travellers to exotic destinations. The surest – also the quickest – way to awake the sense of wonder in ourselves is to look intently, undeterred, at a single object. Suddenly, miraculously, it will reveal itself as something we have never seen before. – Cesare Pavese – polonius What do you read, my lord? hamlet Words, words, words. (Shakespeare, Hamlet,Act2,Scene 2) EXPLOITATION FROM MALICIOUS PCI EXPRESS PERIPHERALS Colin Lewis Rothwell The thesis of this dissertation is that, despite widespread belief in the security community, systems are still vulnerable to attacks from malicious peripherals de- livered over the pci Express (pcie) protocol. Malicious peripherals can be plugged directly into internal pcie slots, or connected via an external Thunderbolt con- nection. To prove this thesis, we designed and built a new pcie attack platform. We discovered that a simple platform was insufficient to carry out complex attacks, so created the first pcie attack platform that runs a full, conventional os.
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