Aviation Where Career Opportunities Are Bright, Counselor's Guide
DOCUMBIIT NRSUM6 ED 026 481 VT 006 210 By Zaharevi tz, Walter; Marshall, Jane N. Aviation Where Career Opportunities are Bright, Counselor's Guide. National Aerospace Education Council, Washington, D.C. Pvb Date 68 Note-121p. Available from-National Aerospace Education Council, 616 Shoreham Buddin9.806 Fifteenth Street, NA. Washington, D.C. 20005 (document $3.00, record and filmstrip $10.00). EDRS Price MF-$0.50 HC Not Available from EDRS. Descriptors-*Aerospace Industry, Career Opportunities, Employment Oualifications,Filmstrips, Occupational Guidance, *Occupational Information, *Occupations, *Resovrce Guides,Technical Education, Wages, Work Environment Identifiers -*Aviation Industry This aviation occupations guide is designed for use as a unit aswell as in conjunction with an aviation careers package ofmaterial that contains a WI strip and recording. Chapter One contains the script of the film strip,AviationWhere Career Opportunities are Bright, and includes all photographs used inthe film strip plus numerous amplifying statements. Chapters Two throughNine joresent information on occupational clusterswithin aviation: Aircraft Manufacturing Occupations,Career Pilots and Flight Engineers, Aviation Mechanics (Including Repairmen),Airline Careers, Airline Stewardesses or Stewards, Aviation Careers inGovernment, Airport Careers, and Aviation Education and Other Aviation Related Careers.Each chapter includes general information about an occupational cluster,specific jobs within that cluster, description of the nature of work, working conditions, wagesand benefits, and identifies where the iobs are as well as the schools or sources of training.(CH) VTC0218 AVI 0 WHERE CAREER OPPORTUNITIES ARE BRIGHT COMMELOR'S GUIDE 1115111101491r MISIN apsawmiew IDISMASIE TAM 31) Ng SEW? MEW OFFML OM II MILOK, BY Wafter Zahareirtiz' and 3qm-timelemovace4 Education Council ifb:st Edition 1968 AflON COVSC D.C.
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