Botryotinia Fuckeliana (De Bary) Whetzel Against Vinclozolin and the Phenylpyrrole CGA 173506
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Comparative studies on genetic variability and fungicide resistance in Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel against vinclozolin and the phenylpyrrole CGA 173506 Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung der Würde eines Doktors der Philosophie vorgelegt der Philosophisch- Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Basel von Urs Werner Hilber aus Degersheim- Magdenau SG Basel, 1992 n BASLER - SCHNELLDRUCK : ~ BERNHARD SCHLATTMANN ~@Jm:.t-;(.!:...JURASTAA.SSE 5-5 TElefON 081 35 37 37 40 5 3 8ASEL Comparative studies on genetic variability and fungicide resistance in Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel against vinclozolin and the phenylpyrrole CGA 173506 Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung der Würde eines Doktors der Philosophie vorgelegt der Philosophisch- Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Basel von Urs Werner Hilber aus Degersheim- Magdenau SG Basel, 1992 Genehmigt von der Philosophisch- Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät auf Antrag der Herren Professoren Dr. F.J. Schwinn und Dr. T. Boiler Basel, den 28. April 1992 Prof. Dr. J.-M. Le Tensorer (Dekan) Dedicated to MajaBodmer Contents Preface 1 Disease cyde 2 Structure formulae 3 General Introduction 4 1. Field study on the population dynamics of Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel resistant to dicarboximides 8 1.1 lntroduction 8 1.2 Materialsand Methods 8 1.3 Results 10 1.4 Discussion 12 2. Studies on the base~line sensitivity of Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel against CGA 173506 15 1.1 Introduction 15 1.2 Materialsand Methods 15 1.3 Results 18 1.4 Discussion 22 3. Stu.dies on the occurrence of laboratory resistance to vindozolin and CGA 173506 in Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel and its influence on fitness parameters 24 1.1 Introduction 24 1.2 Materialsand Methods 25 1.3 Results 31 1.4 Discussion 47 4. Studies on the inheritance of resistance to CGA 173506 and vinclo~ zolin and related fitness parameters in Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel 51 1.1 Introduction 51 1.2 Materialsand Methods 51 1.3 Results 54 1.4 Discussion 58 General Discussion 61 Summary 65 Zusammenfassung 67 Bibliography 69 Curriculum vitae 78 Preface The following studies were realized at the Swiss Federal Research Station at Wädenswil from 1989 to 1992. I like to thank all who helped me with their contributions to achieve the results presented in my PhD thesis. I am grateful to my teachers Prof. Dr. F.J. Schwinn and PD Dr. H. Schüepp who gave me the exceed ingly interesting topic and helped me at al1 times through their valuable scientific discussions. I am very grateful to PD Dr. H. Schüepp for promoting me at the Research Station and giving me the chance to cooperate with our guest scientists, Yufen Zhang from China and Prof. Dr. Robert N. Goodman from USA. I further thank Prof. Dr. Th. Holler for his mandate as a referee. Plant protection and fungicide resistance are topics of high socioeconomic interests. The present pro ject was most interesting as the constellation of a cooperation of academia (University of Basle), national au thorities (Swiss Federal Research Station) and industry (Ciba-Geigy Ltd.) gave promise of a weil balanced approach. In this context I express my thanks to Ciba-Geigy Ltd., Agricultural Division, for financial support and to its representatives Dr. Th. Staub, Dr. P. Urech, Dr. D. Sozzi and Dr. C. Nuninger for helpful discus sion of the project, and to the Director of the Swiss Federal Research Station at Wädenswil, Dr. W. Müller and his staff of administration for their hospitality. I thank, W. Siegfried and Dr. E. Bosshard who were excellent teachers in the field and our court photographer, K. Vogelsanger, for technical support. For making the SEM available to me and for technical assistance, I thank Prof. Dr. H. Hohl and U. Jauch from the University of Zürich. I also appreciate the help from my close friend Dr. M<Virus (Dr. Th. Hasler) whose useful advice helped me solve many computer problems. M. Buraglio and all the staff and apprentices of the department of plant pathology, I thank for having made me feel at home in this department. I highly appreciated the friendship and the open, happy characters of B. Buchmann and K. Langenegger who both assisted me in experiments and gave the psychological support which I found essential when working with Botryotiniafuckeliana ! For all their contributions I would like to express my special thanks. I further would like to thank all my friends and my parents for their great forbearance during my tem porary withdrawal from normal life and Jeff Smith for careful reading of this manuscript and for his adjust ments to the grammar. Last but not least I thank my girl friend Maja Bodmer to whom this thesis is dedicated. As she is an expert in Botryotinia fuckeliana our, sometimes contradictory, discussions were not always settled at the end of work time. I.thank her for all her efforts, the extra hours, her tremendous interest in my work and for all our fruitful discussions. 1 'Disease cyc{e of 'Botryotinia fuc,kgliana {ae 'Bary) Wfietze{ multinuclear conidiaA ascus and liberated ascospores single ascospore cultures multinuclear ascospores in ascus" ana, fud sclerotia and apothecia of Botryotinia fuckeliana inoperculate ascus with 8 ascospores apothecium, detail of disc centre0 develop multinuclea.r genn tubes,._ anastomoses, exchange of nuclei,._ conidiophore culture on pea agar medium norph of Botryotinia ;eliana (Botrytis cinerea) • sderotium0 microconidia,._ ,._HO Giemsa stain 0 SEM photographs technical assistance: U. Jauch ment of s!.3lked apothecia0 apothecia arising from sclerotium0 Structure formulae of compounds used in these studies Methylbenzimidazolcarbamate fungicides CO-NH-C4H9 1 ©(N>-NH-COOCH3 rir H benomyl carbendazim Dicarboximide fungicides 0 Cl 0 0 Cl 0 vinclozolin procyrnidone 0 0 l _,CH3 / - N-C-NH-CH 0 \J ~ 'CH, Cl 0 iprodione Phenylpyrrole fungicides 0 CN xo 0 0 CN 0 1/ ~ N 1/ ~ 1 N H fenpiclonil CGA 173506 h 3 General Introduction Tue genus Botrytis (ßcrtpu~"' a bunch of grapes) was culties of obtaining apothecia (Grindle, 1983). Even established by Micheli in 1729. lt was validated by though the procedure still remains laborious and time Persoon in 1801 and revalidated by Nocca and Bai- consuming, apothecia can now be readily induced in bis in 1821 and by Fries in 1832 (Gregory, 1949, Coley- vitro and the sexually produced ascospores are ac Smith, 1980). Although Fries described Botrytis ein- cessible for genetic analysis. erea under the rules of botanical nomenclature, Per- soon's description of B. cinerea is generally referred B. fuckeliana can infect an extremely wide range of to (Groves and Loveland, 1953). host plants including field and glasshouse vegetables, In 1866, de Bary reported for the first time Pe fruits, omamentals, bulb and com producing mono ziza Juckeliana to be the teleomorph of B. cinerea. Three cotyledons and forest tree seedlings. In addition this years later Fuckel established the new genus Sclero fungus can cause considerable damage to plants as tinia with Sclerotinia fuckeliana the second spedes well as plant products during Storage and transpor mentioned (Gregory 1949). The connection of B. cin tation (Coley-Smith, 1980, Jones and Sutton, 1984, erea and P. fuckeliana, or S. juckeliana, respectively, Rosenberger, 1990, Bulit and Dubos, 1988, Snowdon, was generally accepted until the beginning of this 1990, 1991). century but was then questioned because de Bary's Grey mould is the most widespread and im specimens and descriptions were lost. The situation portant disease of grapes, occurring wherever the was resolved, when in 1949, Gregory discovered de crop is grown (Snowdon, 1990). Quality as well as Bary's type specimens in the British Museum of Natu quantity of grapes can be drastically reduced by Bot ral History in London. He found a slide with sec ryotinia bunch rot Modified chemical composition tions of apothecia labelled P. fuckelüma in de Bary's in grape berries, conversion of simple sugars (glu handwriting. Whetzel established the genus Botryot cose and fructose) to glycerol and gluconic acid as inia and described the new combination Botryotinia weil as the production of enzymes catalyzing the oxi fuckeliana. Details on the history of the description dation of phenolic cornpounds are due to the infec of B. fuckeliana are summerized by Gregory (1949). tion of B. fuckeliana; this may lead to serious qualita tive damage in vine production (Bulit and Dubos, Groves and Drayton (1939) for the first time reported 1988). Vines produced frorn rotten grapes have off the production of apothecia of B. fuckeliana under flavors and are sensitive to oxidation and bacterial semi-controlled conditions. Besides this report, there contamination which makes them unsuitable for ag are only a few other reports published concerning ing. Even though in most cases B. Juckeliana causes the occurrence of B. juckeliana in vitro (Groves and severe damage it can be beneficial when occurring Loveland, 1953, Lorenz and Eichhorn, 1983) or in the shortly before harvest, causing a condition termed field (Kublitzkaya and Rjabtzeva, 1968, 1970, Polach noble rot. Due to damage of the cuticle by B. fuckeli and Abawi, 1974, 1975). Faretra and Antonacci (1987), ana , water evaporates from the grape berries. As a Faretra and Pollastro (1988) and Faretra et al. (1988) result, the concentration of sugar rises which leads investigated the production of apothecia of B. fuckeli to heavy sweet vines, as the Tokays of Hungary, the ana under fully controlled environmental conditions. Sauternes of France and Trockenbeerenauslese of They developed a reliable method for the produc Gennany. tion of apothecia in vitro which was also success fully used in the present study. The genetics of B. Chemical control of plant diseases and occurrence of juckeliana were hardly investigated due to the diffi- resistance problems are of a special socioeconomic 4 importance (Schwinn, 1982, Köller and Scheinpflug, does therefore not develop as quickly as in the pre 1987).