Navigating from hippocampus to parietal cortex

Jonathan R. Whitlock*, Robert J. Sutherland*†, Menno P. Witter*, May-Britt Moser*, and Edvard I. Moser*‡ *Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 7489 Trondheim, Norway; and †Canadian Centre for Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Lethbridge, AB, Canada T1K 3M4

Edited by Jeremy Nathans, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, and approved July 17, 2008 (received for review May 29, 2008).

The navigational system of the mammalian cortex comprises a number of interacting brain regions. Grid cells in the medial entorhi- nal cortex and place cells in the hippocampus are thought to participate in the formation of a dynamic representation of the ani- mal’s current location, and these cells are presumably critical for storing the representation in memory. To traverse the environment, animals must be able to translate coordinate information from spatial maps in the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus into body- centered representations that can be used to direct locomotion. How this is done remains an enigma. We propose that the posterior parietal cortex is critical for this transformation.

entorhinal cortex ͉ grid cell ͉ place cell ͉ Path integration ͉ spatial memory

nimals have a number of strat- the cells were mostly silent. Subsequent The multiple firing fields of cells in this egies for optimizing movement work showed that neighboring hip- region of entorhinal cortex formed a toward goal locations. The rep- pocampal cells had nontopographically strikingly regular grid-like pattern com- ertoire of navigation strategies organized place fields such that the en- posed of equilateral triangles tessellating A the entire environment covered by the ranges from simple approach and avoid- tire surface of the environment could be ance, such as following odor trails and represented by a group of neurons in a animal (16; Fig. 1B). Based on the firing chemical gradients or moving toward local circuit (5). Cells with firing fields patterns of small numbers of grid cells, prominent visual beacons, to the use of in two environments fired at unrelated the position of a moving animal could complex representations, such as geo- locations in those environments (6). Fol- be reconstructed on a second-by-second metric maps based on perceived and lowing these observations, it was pro- basis (15), suggesting that self-position remembered spatial relationships be- posed that the concerted activity of was represented already in inputs to the tween distributed landmarks, and path place cells provides the physiological hippocampus. integration based on the continuous substrate for a ‘‘cognitive map,’’ where Grid cells in the entorhinal cortex are flow of motion-generated speed and di- cell populations throughout the hip- organized in a map-like manner accord- rection signals (1–3). In most species, pocampus maintain a coherent, up-to- ing to the basic parameters of the grid the mechanisms are complementary and date representation of allocentric space (15, 16). All grid fields display the same used in combination. Landmarks and and the animal’s location in that space iterative triangular geometry, but they geometrical relationships enable the ani- at any point in time (1). may differ in spacing (distance between mal to store maps and routes for indi- fields), orientation (the angle to which vidual environments, but on their own Grid Cells and the Spatial Map in the the maps are tilted), and phase (xy off- these cues provide limited information Medial Entorhinal Cortex set of the fields relative to an external about the direction and distance that Despite major advances in understand- reference). Grids of neighboring cells the animal has moved from a given ref- ing hippocampal spatial computation, have similar orientation and spacing, but erence position. Conversely, path inte- the neural mechanisms for computing a randomly shifted vertices, such that the gration can be used to build a metric dynamic representation of the animal’s fields of adjacent cells do not overlap representation of the animal’s position own location have remained elusive. The more than expected by chance. Collec- in the environment, but without regular large number of nonoverlapping spatial tively, grid cells with different spatial calibration against perceived or recalled representations stored in the hippocam- phase, orientation, and spacing provide unambiguous information about the ani- landmarks and geometric boundaries, pus (7, 8) pointed to an extrahippocam- mal’s current position (17). Grid cells errors will accumulate and the represen- pal location for general navigational are the predominant cell type of the me- tation will drift. The composite nature computations (5, 9, 10). This possibility dial entorhinal cortex (MEC), but in of navigation suggests that multiple was supported by the persistence of layers III–VI of this area they intermin- brain regions and mechanisms may place fields in CA1 in rats where intra- gle with head direction-responsive cells be involved. hippocampal connections were disrupted and cells with conjunctive grid and head but direct projections from the entorhi- direction properties (18). Place Cells in the Hippocampus nal cortex were spared (11, 12). For a Our understanding of the neural repre- long time, however, the possibility of an Path Integration and Entorhinal sentation of navigational space began extrahippocampal origin was neglected Grid Cells with the discovery of ‘‘place cells’’ by because neurons in the entorhinal cor- The expression of a strongly periodic O’Keefe and Dostrovsky in 1971 (4). By tex, from which the hippocampus re- spatial firing pattern in the presence of using microelectrodes chronically im- ceives most of its cortical inputs, showed planted in freely behaving rats, these only weak spatial modulation (13, 14). authors found that the firing of putative A closer look at the firing properties of Author contributions: J.R.W., R.J.S., M.P.W., M.-B.M., and pyramidal cells in the dorsal hippocam- entorhinal neurons finally revealed that E.I.M. wrote the paper. pus exhibited a striking behavioral mod- neurons in more dorsomedial parts of The authors declare no conflict of interest. ulation, where cells fired only when the structure, far more dorsal than This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. animals occupied particular locations, or where activity was recorded in the ear- ‡To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: ‘‘place fields,’’ in the recording environ- lier studies, exhibit fine spatial tuning [email protected]. ment (Fig. 1A). Outside of these fields, similar to that observed in CA1 (15). © 2008 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0804216105 PNAS ͉ September 30, 2008 ͉ vol. 105 ͉ no. 39 ͉ 14755–14762 Downloaded by guest on October 1, 2021 40Hz B 17Hz C 8Hz A max


1.0m 1.5m 0.6m

Fig. 1. Spatial firing properties of neurons in hippocampus (A; place cell), medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) (B; grid cell), and posterior parietal cortex (PPC) (C). In A and B, the rat runs freely in an open-field environment; in C, the rat traverses a complex maze with multiple segments and turns (Left, path of the animal; Center, rate map with lights on; Right, rate map in darkness). Firing rates are color-coded, with red showing maximal rate and blue minimum (scale bar to the right). Note that the parietal neuron fires at specific epochs along the trajectory and that firing is independent of visual inputs. [C is adapted with permission from ref. 66 (Copyright 2006, Neuron).]

constantly changing running speed and MEC and hippocampus should display In this task, the way back could only be running direction suggests that the grid navigational impairments. Several de- found by integrating self-movement on must rely on path integration computa- cades of research have indeed shown the outward journey. Whereas control tions (16, 19, 20), where changes in ve- that lesions of the hippocampus disrupt rats returned to the location that the locity and direction are integrated over the ability to navigate efficiently to the refuge had held at the beginning of the time to allow a constant representation goal location in various kinds of mazes trial, rats with lesions in the hippocam- of space (3, 19, 21). The relative invari- (see ref. 26) for a review). In the major- pus had long return paths with no ap- ance of the grid representation is consis- ity of these studies, the impairments in parent preference for the original start tent with this idea (22). Unlike place navigation can unfortunately not be dis- location. A similar impairment was ob- cells in the hippocampus, grid cells are tinguished from effects on memory. served after lesions of the entorhinal activated in a stereotypic manner across However, in one informative series of cortex (29; Fig. 2B). The conclusions environments, irrespective of the partic- studies, path integration was assessed from these studies are somewhat contra- ular landmarks of the environment. Two cells in different parts of MEC whose more directly by analyzing the trajecto- dicted by a study in which rats with par- grid fields are shifted and rotated 30° ries of animals that returned to a start- tial hippocampal lesions did return to relative to each other in one environ- ing refuge after searching for food on a the start position (30). The authors sug- ment will show the same relative shift slowly rotating arena (27, 28; Fig. 2A). gested that the hippocampal part of the and rotation in a different environment. The proposed dependence on path inte- gration is further supported by the fact that grid-like spacing is expressed imme- diately as an animal starts to explore an environment and that, like place fields, the grids persist after removal of exter- nal sensory cues (16). The continued firing of place cells and grid cells in the absence of environ- mental cues does not mean they are not normally anchored to extrinsic inputs. Spatial representations in both the hip- pocampus and MEC rotate in accor- dance with the displacement of distal visual cues (6, 7, 16), firing fields in both regions can be transformed by ex- tending or contracting the geometric boundaries of the recording enclosure (23, 24), and self-motion-driven firing patterns in the hippocampus can be overridden by input from external land- Fig. 2. Disrupted path integration in rats with lesions of hippocampus (A), entorhinal cortex, or PPC (B). marks (22, 25). These observations dem- The rats were trained to leave a starting refuge, enter a large circular open field, search for a large food onstrate that, although the discharge pellet, and bring the food pellet back to the refuge. The start box was placed beneath one of eight holes patterns of place cells and grid cells may along the periphery of the circle (small filled circle). In A, the arena was slowly rotated, at subvestibular be generated primarily by self-motion, speed, as the rat searched for food. Gray circles indicate position of the start box after rotation. In B, there the locations of firing must be influ- was no rotation. Outward paths are shown as solid lines in both A and B; return paths are shown as dashed lines (only from the food location to the first choice). Control animals generally chose the shortest path enced to a great extent by external back to the point where they started, whereas rats with lesions in hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, or PPC sensory cues. generally chose the wrong hole, indicating that path integration was disrupted. Note that, although the If grid cells and place cells are neces- lesioned rat in A ran directly to the novel target location, the dispersion of first choices was large in the sary for path integration-based spatial hippocampal group as a whole. [Adapted with permission from ref. 27 (Copyright 2004, Hippocampus) representation, animals with lesions in and ref. 29 (Copyright 2004, Experimental Brain Research).]

14756 ͉͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0804216105 Whitlock et al. Downloaded by guest on October 1, 2021 Fig. 3. Dorsal view of the right hemisphere of the rat brain showing the different delineations of the parietal cortex of the rat as reported by Krieg (100), in red; Palomero-Gallagher and Zilles (108), in yellow; Miller and Vogt (109), in magenta; and Burwell and Amaral (67), in blue. Whether or not to include parts of Oc2 in the PPC (i.e., the lateromedial extent of the PPC, or area 7) is still controversial. The figures are based on the original diagrams but have been redrawn onto a standard representation. (Scale bar, 1 mm.)

circuit is not necessary for path integra- by hand across the surface of the open table surface. Rats are uncommonly tion. Some details of the experimental field from the start location to the cen- good at tracking even subtle odors across procedure might weaken this conclusion, ter of the open field. This was done to the surface of an open field (31). With the however. In experiments conducted in lead the rat away from the start location uncertainty about the availability of odor near total darkness by using a circular, to the center. Although the experiment- trails in mind, we suggest that the study is open field, the control and hippocampal ers varied the route by which the cup not decisive in negating the hypothesis lesion rats were able to accurately re- moved from the start location to the that the hippocampus is essential to com- turn to the start location only in a con- center from trial to trial, this procedure plex path integration in the rat (but see dition in which a food cup was dragged may have provided useful cues on the note added in proof). The overall evidence thus implies an essential role for entorhinal and proba- Box 1: What Is (Posterior) Parietal Cortex? The parietal cortex is that part of the cortex that is covered bly hippocampal neurons in path inte- by the parietal bone. Defined in this way, the parietal cortex includes at least two functionally different gration-based spatial representation and regions, the somatosensory cortex and an area that is considered part of the multimodal association cortex navigation in rats. However, the entorhi- (99, 100). The latter region is referred to as PPC. The definition of this area is commonly based on a number nal-hippocampal circuit alone cannot be of criteria, such as topological relationships among cortical areas, as well as cytoarchitecture, myeloar- sufficient for implementing the full array chitecture, and expression patterns of different neuroactive substances and neurotransmitters. Combined of computations necessary for spatial with connectional criteria focusing on thalamocortical and/or corticocortical connectivity and functional behavior. In addition to possessing a (electrophysiological and behavioral) comparisons, it is apparent that a PPC can be defined in most if not all species. The PPC is located in between somatosensory cortex anteriorly and posteriorly (61, universal map of space, animals must 101). Ventrally, PPC is bordered by areas that belong to the temporal association cortex, whereas the also be able to convert the spatial infor- medial border abuts parts of the cingular domain. mation into goal-oriented motor output. Studies in various species report that the PPC is characterized by a connection with the higher-order Previous models have suggested that the associative posterior thalamus, but that it lacks either one of the unimodal visual or somatosensory parietal cortex mediates the translation thalamic inputs. In non-human primates, PPC is characterized by thalamic input from the posterior domain between external and first-person-based of the thalamus, in particular, the pulvinar. It lacks input from the ventral thalamic tier, which sends spatial representations, a process that projections to the somatosensory part of parietal cortex, and from the lateral geniculate nucleus, which may be instrumental in route planning almost exclusively targets unimodal visual domains (102, 103). In other mammals, including the rat, (32). We propose here that this transla- thalamic inputs to PPC arise predominantly from the lateral posterior nucleus and adjacent nuclei, including laterodorsal and posterior nuclei. These nuclei are considered to be comparable to the primate tion involves a transformation of output pulvinar and posterior thalamic domain. Similar to the primate, thalamic projections from the ventral from the MEC circuit into body-based nuclear complex and lateral geniculate in the rat do not seem to innervate the PPC (76, 104–107). This coordinates in parietal cortex, and that combination of thalamic inputs thus provides useful borders between PPC, somatosensory cortex, and this transformation, aided by strong con- visual cortex, respectively. These borders coincide with both cyto- and myeloarchitectonic criteria (76, 100, nections from parietal cortex to motor 108), as well as with changes in a number of other histochemical markers (108). and (33, 34), is neces- The PPC receives input from cortical areas representing all main sensory modalities and communicates sary for guiding locomotor output dur- back to these domains as well (33, 77, 78, 88, 109). Whether the somatosensory input includes vestibular ing goal-oriented navigation. and proprioceptive information has not been unequivocally established, but data in the monkey and the rat seem to support this idea (107, 110–112). The PPC is also strongly and reciprocally connected to almost Spatial Behavior and the PPC in Primates all of the other multimodal association cortices, such as (pre)frontal, temporal, and limbic association cortex (see main text for details). It further is connected with motor and premotor areas of the cortex (33, Parietal cortex is typically divided into 34, 76, 96). A final feature which helps to differentiate the PPC from the adjacent somatosensory cortex two regions, an anterior region with pri- is that only the former exhibits strong callosal connections (96, 113). marily somatosensory functions and a Notwithstanding the overall agreement that PPC is present in the rat, the definition of this area still more complex multisensory posterior generates some controversy about how to specifically delineate it and whether it can be subdivided in the region, the posterior parietal cortex same way as in the macaque monkey, where four areas—7a, b, m, and ip—are distinguished (99, 108, 113). (PPC) (Box 1 and Fig. 3). A large body It is likely that a more systematic study of the connectivity pattern, including the connections with the of work, involving rats, monkeys, and thalamus, will eventually enable us to clearly define the PPC of the rat. humans, has consistently supported the

Whitlock et al. PNAS ͉ September 30, 2008 ͉ vol. 105 ͉ no. 39 ͉ 14757 Downloaded by guest on October 1, 2021 conclusion that PPC is essential for key aspects of spatial representation (35). Through much of this work the empha- sis has been on sensory or perceptual functions of the PPC. For example, in the case of visual information, a distinc- tion has been made between dorsal and ventral visual streams (36). The ventral stream, which provides the major source of visual input to the , has been suggested to be critical in repre- senting features of objects enabling their identification or recognition. The dorsal stream, which provides the PPC with its visual input, has been described as being critical for spatial perception, enabling the representation of the locations of objects in space (36). This distinction fits well with symptoms of visual agno- sia, the inability to recognize objects, of- ten displayed by patients with temporal neocortical injury (37) and with the vari- ous forms of spatial disorientation shown by patients with PPC damage (35, 38). More recently however, the emphasis in work on the PPC in primates has shifted away from the idea that it con- structs an all-purpose framework for locating objects in space toward the no- tion that there are multiple spatial rep- resentations, each specialized to support a different action, such as eye move- ments, head movements, or grasping (39, 40). On this view, much of the in- Fig. 4. Predictive relationship between firing in monkey PPC and the next movement to be made in a formation processing in the PPC is di- choice task. The monkey was trained to indicate the location of a target on a screen by using either an eye rected toward putting visual and other movement (saccade, when the cue was red) or an arm movement (reach, when the cue was green). Firing sensory information into register with rates are shown for two cells as a function of time, including onset and offset of the cue and initiation of the response (Go). (Top) Raster plots; (Bottom) smoothed peristimulus time histograms. The cell in A is the different coordinate systems of the from the lateral intraparietal area; the cell in B is from the parietal reach region. When the cue was on, eye, head, and body axis to support ac- firing was similar in the two regions. When the cue was turned off, different patterns emerged. Saccades curate eye, head, limb, and whole body were preceded by preferential firing in the lateral intraparietal area; reaches were preceded by stronger movements to targets. This shift in em- firing in the parietal reach region. Thus, firing during the delay period depends on the motor output phasis from a general coding of spatial required to solve the task, suggesting that the PPC represents intended movements to specific locations. location to a more specialized role in [Reproduced with permission from ref. 49 (Copyright 2007, Neuron).] the coregistration of sensory and motor systems for planning specific actions was motivated in large part by data from respond to target locations within reti- delivery of a cue signaling that the spe- electrophysiological recordings from notopic coordinates, and their firing cific limb movement should be made PPC neurons in behaving monkeys (41– rates for a specific target location are and the opportunity to move the limb. If 43) and from finer-grained analyses of modulated by eye, head, and limb posi- a second cue is delivered during the de- deficits in cortically damaged humans tion. Frequently these neurons will fire lay interval signaling that an eye move- (44). These studies indicate that world- transiently in response to a target onset ment and not a limb movement should referenced and body-referenced signals and to a specific movement of the eyes be made then the cell stops firing, even come together in PPC neurons that re- or limb to the target (48, 49; Fig. 4). when the target location for the eye spond specifically to conjunctions of the Thus, the response characteristics are movement is the same as for the initial two types of input. Visual representa- determined by a complex coregistration limb movement (48, 49; Fig. 4). These tions of objects and scenes in PPC thus of target location, movement type, and data, along with others, have led to the contain spatial information that can be position of body parts. Andersen and idea that cells in the PPC form a distrib- used in accurately guiding specific ac- coworkers (50, 51) have analyzed the uted representation of movement plans tions, such as targeting and grasping. activity of PPC neurons during delay or intentions to make movements to Such a multiplicative mechanism is ex- periods between a cue signaling target specific goal locations (39). actly what is needed to translate the al- location and the launching of a target- Several unit recording experiments locentric entorhinal representation into directed eye or limb movement. Cells have extended the analysis of movement goal-directed movements. fire according to the properties of the planning by monkeys into the domain of Much of the single unit recording next movement to be made in this task. computer-based virtual navigation, experimentation with monkeys has mea- That is, if the cell prefers to fire when a where animals can plan and follow long sured activity during two types of move- limb movement is made to a specific paths despite the physical constraints of ments, saccadic eye movements and location, then it will increase its activity the experimental setting. In one such reaching (41–43, 45–47). PPC neurons during the delay interval between the study, 77% of neurons recorded from a

14758 ͉͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0804216105 Whitlock et al. Downloaded by guest on October 1, 2021 medial region of PPC responded to con- distal landmarks served as visual cues, example, requires animals to continu- junctions of specific movements and PPC damage consistently increased er- ously update their motor output and specific locations during virtual naviga- ror in initial heading as well as swim reorient their body axis relative to the tion (52). In another study, approxi- latencies to reach the platform (56–58). available cues to maintain a goal- mately one quarter of the PPC cells The errors in initial heading persisted oriented heading and reach the correct were spatially tuned to path direction in when the animals were given a proximal location. Impairments in transformation a computerized maze task (53). This but discontiguous visual landmark in the of self-location information to specific spatial tuning did not depend on sac- form of a cue card hung behind the hid- locomotor actions may therefore ac- cade directions or location of visual re- den platform on the wall of the water count for a wide spectrum of behavioral ceptive fields, but likely reflected the tank (57). In this version of the task, the deficits in rats with lesions in PPC. operation of a spatial cognitive process PPC-lesioned animals adopted a looping Whether they do remains open; at related to solving the maze that was not strategy along the wall of the water- present, the evidence is ambiguous. driven by concurrent movement or con- maze tank until they happened to find current changes in visual input. In hu- the platform, indicating that they had Spatial Representation in the Rat mans, activation of the PPC has been learned the objective of the task despite Posterior Parietal Cortex observed during spatial navigation along a presumptive failure to use strong spa- Single-unit recordings in freely behaving remembered routes. When participants tial information provided by nearby vi- rats have verified a role for the PPC in were asked to virtually navigate or imag- sual beacons. It was also found that rats representing position and motion rela- ine navigating along a route in a very with lesions of the PPC were particu- tive to the outside world. The majority familiar real-world environment, activity larly impaired at detecting changes in of the data in these studies was re- increased in the PPC, as well as the hip- the spatial arrangement of familiar ob- corded within the area targeted by the pocampus, parahippocampal regions, jects in an open field (59). The spatial lesion experiments (also see Box 1, Fig. and retrosplenial cortex (54, 55), sug- deficit is not confined to the visual do- 3). Initially, the firing properties of PPC gesting that the parietal cortex may pos- main, because rats with lesions of the cells were characterized in rats as they sibly be involved not only in targeting of PPC are also strongly impaired in path ran a radial-arm maze (63, 64). Consis- microscopic movements but also in plan- integration-based navigation under con- tent with more recent virtual-navigation ning of large-scale spatial trajectories. ditions where visual inputs are irrelevant data obtained from primates (52), it was or unavailable. For example, when such found that PPC cells represented con- Spatial Navigation and the Posterior animals leave a refuge to search for a junctions of movement and location. For Parietal Cortex in Rats randomly located food reward on a cir- example, a PPC cell would fire during Much of our knowledge regarding the cular arena surrounded by a curtain, forward motion, but only when the ani- functions performed by the PPC, such they are not able to return directly to mal was running outward from the cen- as sensorimotor transformations and the refuge based on their outbound ter of the maze, whereas another cell fine-tuned motor planning, is derived movements (29; Fig. 2B). Rats with PPC would fire exclusively during left turns from recordings carried out in head- lesions also fail to use self-motion infor- executed at the end of a maze arm (63). restrained monkeys and from work in mation to locate the escape platform in Subsequent work described head-direc- humans. While the functions described a water maze when tested in complete tion-selective cells in the PPC whose are likely indispensible to efficient spa- darkness (60). Given that visual discrim- firing rates showed additional modula- tial navigation, movement restrictions ination is apparently unaffected (56), a tion by different types of movement, inherent to the head-restrained system conventional interpretation of these such as right turns, left turns, or forward prevent an analysis of the specific con- studies might hold that the behavioral motion (65). PPC neurons in the rat tributions made by the PPC during free deficits stem from an inability to effec- thus express a multiplicative mechanism locomotion. Because of this limitation, tively construct a spatial map of the very similar to the gain fields of the most functional investigations of the environment based on visual and vestib- monkey PPC (43). As in nearly all stud- PPC in navigational tasks have used ular-kinesthetic sensory inputs (61, 62). ies with posterior parietal lesions, the freely behaving rats, with the most com- However, the full spectrum of behav- early recording studies were generally mon approach being to characterize be- ioral dysfunctions observed after PPC interpreted as showing integration of havioral performance after lesioning the damage cannot be attributed solely to visual and self-motion information at a PPC. Although an exact anatomical def- deficits in visuospatial perception. It is relatively early stage of perceptual pro- inition for the PPC in rodents remains a possible to argue that PPC is instead cessing, before the information reached subject of debate (Box 1, Fig. 3), most necessary for the ability to transform the memory systems in the hippocampus lesion studies have focused on an area the spatial information provided by sen- or the output systems in motor-planning extending Ϸ2–6 mm posterior to sory cues into body-based coordinates regions of the cortex. However, more bregma and 2–5 mm lateral to the mid- required to implement the sequence of recent work has suggested an alternative line, which includes most of the poste- actions to take the rat to the goal loca- interpretation. PPC cells have been rior neocortical area described as PPC. tion, in the same way that this area shown to encode sequences of behav- A growing body of such studies has translates spatial information into tar- iors, or navigational epochs, as rats run pointed to the PPC as a critical compo- geted eye and limb movements in head- along complex routes in irregular laby- nent of the rat’s navigational system. As restrained primates. Most behavioral rinth-style mazes (66; Fig. 1C). These in the primate literature, deficits after tasks used to assess navigational abilities cells faithfully tracked the rats’ progress lesions in PPC have traditionally been in rodents require the animals to con- through maze sequences irrespective of interpreted as perceptual impairments, tinuously coregister self-motion infor- spatial position or direction of motion, reflecting a proposed role for this brain mation (derived from somatosensory, both in darkness and light. The firing area in forming a spatial image based vestibular, and proprioceptive inputs) fields scaled with the size of the naviga- on visual and somatosensory inputs. with extrinsic information derived from tional segment, much like place cells in Some of the earliest evidence in support the environment to generate goal- the hippocampus (23) and grid cells in the of this view comes from studies report- oriented movements. Navigating to a MEC (24), but the scaling occurred even ing that, in a water-maze task in which platform in a cued water-maze task, for under conditions where the size of hip-

Whitlock et al. PNAS ͉ September 30, 2008 ͉ vol. 105 ͉ no. 39 ͉ 14759 Downloaded by guest on October 1, 2021 (79), the results of a large number of experiments have supported the con- clusion that hippocampal-prefrontal connections are important for certain spatial behaviors. However, with preoper- ative training or extended postoperative training, rats with medial prefrontal cortex damage are able to navigate di- rectly to a hidden goal (80). Rats with such lesions are also not impaired in using self-motion information to return to a home base in total darkness (81). These findings suggest that, in its sim- plest form, navigation in a direct path from start to goal does not require hippocampal-frontal connections. A final intermediate may be the retrosplenial cortex, which receives sig- nificant excitatory input from MEC, subiculum, and presubiculum (82–84) as well as inhibitory input from CA1 (85; see also ref. 86). In non-human pri- mates, retrosplenial and adjacent poste- Fig. 5. Dorsal and midsagittal view of the rat brain indicating the proposed routes by which information rior cingulate cortex project further to from the medial entorhinal grid cell area may reach PPC. The most likely route by way of the connections PPC (77, 87), although it is uncertain mediated by the postrhinal cortex is indicated (yellow and purple) as well as the multisynaptic routes using pathways through the lateral posterior complex of the thalamus (purple), and the retrosplenial cortex whether such direct retrosplenial-pari- (RSC) and dorsal portion of medial prefrontal cortex (PL and ACd) (yellow and blue). (Scale bar, 1 mm.) etal connections exist in the rat (82, 83, 88), but see refs. 76 and 89). In any case, signals from retrosplenial cortex pocampal place fields remained constant. A more substantial component of the are likely to reach PPC indirectly via This dissociation suggests that PPC neu- medial entorhinal output may reach the strong connections to the medial frontal rons do not express perceived space. In- PPC indirectly through the postrhinal, cortex, in particular, the anterior dorsal stead, the observations point to a possible retrosplenial, and prefrontal cortices cingulate cortex (90), which projects in role for PPC neurons in planning and exe- (Fig. 5). The shortest and densest pro- turn to the PPC (57, 76). The potential cution of navigational behaviors. jection is through the postrhinal cortex significance of these pathways is under- (67, 68). The contribution of this path- scored by the observation that, unlike Output Pathways from Medial Entorhinal way is uncertain because animals can postrhinal and prefrontal lesions, dam- to Posterior Parietal Cortex still learn a simple water-maze task after age to the retrosplenial cortex causes We have argued that the mammalian relatively large lesions of the postrhinal strong and lasting disruption of spatial navigational system includes both the cortex (69, 70); however, no studies have navigation, both in the water maze (81, entorhinal-hippocampal circuit and the tested the involvement of postrhinal 91–93) and in a path-integration task PPC and we hypothesized that path in- cortex in path integration tasks where testing the ability to return directly to a tegrator outputs from MEC and hip- position can only be estimated from the home base in darkness (28). The path pocampus are used by neurons in PPC animal’s own motion (as in ref. 27). The integration impairment is as severe as and downstream motor and premotor spatial modulation of postrhinal neurons after hippocampal damage (27). cortices to plan the sequence of move- is weak and unstable (15, 71), but this Thus, a number of hippocampal-ento- ments needed to bring the animal to the also does not rule out a function for rhinal output pathways could be in- goal location. If this is true, there are the postrhinal cortex in relaying output volved in transferring information about several pathways that could pass outputs from MEC to PPC, as the signal may the animal’s current location to the PPC from hippocampus and MEC to PPC. be transformed to a nonallocentric code and further on to the motor-planning There are no direct connections to already in postrhinal cortex. system (94, 95), using connections from PPC from the dentate gyrus, hippocam- An alternative set of pathways passes PPC to premotor and motor domains pus, or subiculum, but the dorsal part of through the medial prefrontal cortex. (33, 34, 76, 96). The relative contribu- the lateral band of the MEC, adjacent There are significant direct connections tions of the various pathways remain to the postrhinal cortex, has a direct to locations in this area from the ento- uncertain. We are just beginning to PPC projection (Fig. 5; ref. 67, figure 4 rhinal and postrhinal cortices, posterior scratch the surface of this multitude in ref. 68). This connection is relatively CA1, and adjacent subiculum. Projec- of navigational control pathways. weak, and it is uncertain whether it is tions target the orbitofrontal cortex, the able to convey location information to prelimbic/infralimbic domain, and the Conclusion possible action-preparing systems in dorsally adjacent part of the anterior The data collected from the PPC of rats PPC. In principle, position can be re- cingulate cortex (68, 72–75). These re- during navigation are generally support- constructed from the spike patterns of a gions have strong connections with the ive of the idea that the PPC could be very low number of grid cells (15, 17), PPC in both rats and primates (33, 57, central to selection of trajectories in a but it has not been determined whether 76–78). Since the initial report showing manner that is similar to the planning the medial entorhinal outputs target impaired initial acquisition of place nav- of eye or limb movements by primates. those PPC neurons that are involved in igation in a water- maze after aspiration Specifically, the experiments with rats action preparation. lesions of the medial prefrontal cortex have demonstrated that firing of poste-

14760 ͉͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0804216105 Whitlock et al. Downloaded by guest on October 1, 2021 rior parietal cells is often determined be interpreted as representing information Note added in proof. A recent study of am- by conjunctions of body position or that could be useful in constructing spatial nesic patients suggests that simple path inte- orientation, positions in a path, and maps in entorhinal and hippocampal re- gration operations can be performed in the concurrent movement type (i.e., turns gions. However, in light of the foregoing absence of hippocampus and entorhinal cor- tex in humans (114). These findings do not or forward locomotion), as would be functional considerations, there is clearly rule out a primary role for hippocampus and expected for a system that combines another interpretation. We hypothesize entorhinal cortex in path integration but sug- world-centered and body-centered refer- that the essential contribution of the PPC gest that, when the path integration problem ence frames. Both entorhinal and parietal is the translation of the animal’s position is simple, processing in other areas in the hu- cells encode location as animals traverse from a world-centered coordinate system man brain can support similar behavior, using segments of repetitive mazes (14, 97, 98), generated by place cells and grid cells into different neural computations. The lack of impairment in the human patients contrasts suggesting that the two cortical areas may the body-based coordinates of locomotor with the severe deficits in path integration work in concert during the performance actions. This translation is necessary for observed after specific lesions of the hip- of navigational tasks. The spatial firing planning the next movement in a naviga- pocampus and entorhinal cortex in rats (Fig. correlates of parietal neurons might thus tional sequence. 2; 27–29).

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