INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH-ENERGY PHYSICS CERN COURIER VOLUME 43 NUMBER 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2003 Bright prospects for Tevatron Run II JLAB Virginia laboratory delivers terahertz light p6 ^^^J Modular and expandable power supplies WÊ H Communications via TCP/IP içert. n_.___910S.CAEN '^^^*aBOKS^^^^ • ÊÊÊ WÊÊÊSêSê É TÏSjj à OPC Server to ease integration in DCS J Directly interfaced to JCOP Framework p " j^pj ^ ^^^^ Wa9neticFie,dand^ ^^HTJHj^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^E' ' tfHl far IM Éfefi-*il * CAEN: your largest choice of HV & LV )^ H MULTICHANNEL POWER SUPPLIES CONTENTS Covering current developments in high- energy physics and related fields worldwide CERN Courier (ISSN 0304-288X) is distributed to member state governments, institutes and laboratories affiliated with CERN, and to their personnel. It is published monthly, except for January and August, in English and French editions. The views expressed are CERN not necessarily those of the CERN management. Editors James Gillies and Christine Sutton CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Email
[email protected] Fax+41 (22) 782 1906 Web COURIER Advisory Board R Landua (Chairman), F Close, E Lillest0l, VOLUME 43 NUMBER 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2003 H Hoffmann, C Johnson, K Potter, P Sphicas Laboratory correspondents: Argonne National Laboratory (US): D Ayres Brookhaven, National Laboratory (US): PYamin Cornell University (US): D G Cassel DESY Laboratory (Germany): Ilka Flegel, P Waloschek Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (US): Judy Jackson GSI Darmstadt (Germany): G Siegert INFN