j A BKIN or nEftUTv m ft joy TOHtVEH SEVEN JUDGES IN STRONG SHOULD HELP WEAK I'! STRICKEN ITALY WOMAN IN Dr. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S OVER A CENTURY 'Oriental Cream1 t nlled Stairs .Imfer fur 4hr District OR of 171)1 tn Dn(e. BAD CONDITION From MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER from Rule Holds in Churches As in Earliest History It Has rumotM Tn, Plmrlia, Tim death of Judge James L. Martin r'mcklaa. Moth Pttrbtt, JU.liinclPkln 011 tho fourteenth Instnnt calls to mind Individuals. Suffered from Quakes. inrl cvry bletnl.hIni,fan that, since tho organization of our State beifcu'y, ftod rieflti COLOR printing! Restored To Health by Lydia It li s b utood In 17!M thorn havn beon but seven federal or 118 IhKte't run, and Judges (luring ed Vegeta- UnohtrmlMi wautt the period of almost E. Pinkham's to l a K"t It In pro twenty-fou- r years. It Acetptna and Tho rhf Hcv. Vrnrer Mptr.Rcr nnd It. C. tirrek riiltonophern tin Unrly tut 400 R, counterfeitPrlmd. of iimilu average tenure of these Judges luut been ble Compound. L rintefC moth- luvriitlgatcil Cnimr of tmoe. Or. A.Brr a little over seventeen years The long- Address First Church f. Disturbance tld to ft Udr of th p;, ' flt-on- I.NNt J hinttnn putumt): est term was that of Judge Elijah Paine, Ir but must be used with care and judgment. erhood, HimliirMft Montpolicr, "Wo have great rent Shock, In IDO.N, I)rstro-e- .l .(, una I'ollnnlnc Vt "An you Udln will forty-on- o who served for years, nnd tho u-- .p faith in your remedies. I waa very Ir Messina 711,000 I, en. Don't all colors in the rainbow on one job. Meeting nml Turkey Dinner. nml Took It 'Gournud'n Crem shortest that of Judgo Chlpman, who the Printer! regular and waa (tth imit harmful ef HI the fk'n r"Pftloni." t 1 scrvcl for two years and a half. mutter spJished with brijtht reds, oranges, blues and tired and sleepy all At Unite'. an Dfpurtmf nt tnr Ferd.T.Hoplcins & San, Prapt., 37 G.eatJones StN.Y.t The first of thn district Judges wan greens is sure to be seen, but people of taste feel that the time, would havo Nathaniel Chlpman of Tlnmouth, who cold chills, and my is something cir- The annual meeting of the Brother- tt Is iwsslble thnt pome other section of served from March 4, 1701, to September there wiong about it. The catalogue or hands and feet would the Then for fifty years Italy hnd peace, 3, 1733. Ho was hood of tho Church was held Fri- earth's surface, such oh Japan, Peru born at Salisbury, Conn., cular print et.' in quiet . colors does not First but In 173, by ruin harmonious suffer day In tho parish house with n bloat. My stomach or the Islands of the South Pacific, may Messina was visited November IS, 17T.2, nnd died at Tlnmouth, nlcht almost as found her morn i'rom its sobriety, hut carries with it an impression of re- large The program con- bothered me, I had have suffered more- than Italy from complete as February 13, 1S43, at tho ago of ninety-on- e attendance. than a years later, and many sisted of a business meeting In the pain in my side and volcanoes and nuthquakes, but no other hundred years. He was a graduate of Yaln served dignity, of good taste, character and reliability. thousands were dead. Sunday school room, followed by a fine a bad headacho most land whose history Is ns well known over found and a lieutenant In tho Revolutionary rhis is the kind of Color Printing we can do for you turkey dinner upstairs, served by the of tho time. Lydia a great a period of Umn can show army; ho fought at Monmouth and en- ladles. Tho speakers after dinner E. Pinkham's Vege- 11 record of disaster at all comparable Foil MEN AND WOMEN. dured tho suffotings of Valley Forge. wern the Itev. Vrnser Metzgor of Ran- table Compound has vtlth that of the peninsula and the Backache? Feel tired? Not so spry as Ho studied law at Salisbury, Conn., and dolph and the Hev. Itufus C. Klugg. done me lots of good Island of Sicily. vou used to be? Getting old? Many per- wa admitted to tho bar of that State In IMning-to- Lying It 1773. In April year Tho retiring president, C. P and I now feel fine. I am regular, my .is doe within one of the sons mistake kidney tioublo for advanc- of that hn renched two great earthquake ing nge. you his father's In be- presided. stomach is better and my pains have all zones of the earth, Kidneys out of order makn homo Tlnmouth and Free Press Printing Co Itul.Vs at- feel old Kidney gun the practice of his profession. At the business meeting the reports me. You can use my name if you uueiisv surface attracted the before your time Foley At secretary and were left tention of tin Greek philosophers ns Pills tone up Invigorate tho kidneys, the superior court held in Rutland in if the tieasurer like. proud of what your reme- far and lead, followed by report of I am b.nk as ton B. C Aristotle made a careful banish backache, rid your blood of acids June, 1773, ho was appointed as attorney the the Mrs. Maky nominating committee. dies havo dono for me." Mudv of Italian earthquake) phenomena, and polson-t- . Sold by J. W. O'Sulllvnn. nt law and sworn nnd licensed tn idea' BURLINGTON VERMONT Tho nominations for officers fur the Gautiiier, 21 Ridgo St., Montpelier.Vt and reaclud the conclusion that their (Adv.) nt tho bar In tho Stnto court. Hn repre- rnsulnjg year were as follows: in, in... .iiki iiuti-ini- ) ere uue 10 trie un-- j sented Tinmouth In the 1cglslntur.J of An Honest Dependable Med Iclno 1784-f- President, Henry Todd; secretary, It. usual number and size of the earth ca.v-er- was elected assistant Judge of tin fair-minde- d, ONE LIMB PARALYZED. K. TUloy, treasurer, finrdncr Hrewer; It must bo admitted by every In Southern Italy, within which, hn superior court in "17M and was the firs' membership committee, It S. Howard, intelligent person, that a medi- thought, nlr disturbances such lawyer to be placed on the bench In Ver- attained Vine K. K. Allen, K. ,. Hand: Hlble class cine could not live and grow in popularity magnitude as to burst through the earth's Veni old llur nt I'sicv .Innctlnn mont. In 1701 he was appointed, with LouIh committee, C U. I'urlngton, V. J. Van for nearly forty years, and to-d- hold crut and thtow the entire region tern- - tins PolloniyeltlN. R. Morris, commissioner to attend Con- Patten, J V.. Colburn; missions com- n record for thousands upon thousands pornrlly out of balance. j A hrw cji.e of iMillomvellth: In thlsi gress and to negntiatn for the admission county court were not as a rule lawyers tola the ciimmts-do- that r mittee, AV. n. Howe. F. V. Nulr, It. of actual cures, as has Lydia E. Pink-ham- 's The earliest reporter of an earthquake State has come to light, Donald Tea-"hou- t. of the Stat.o Into thn Union. Immediately This system wo so changed that the from the study of statistic s . e In Italy ld Washington ap- P. Howe; Sunday evening com- when Lucretius Epicurean, the n n of Mts. afterwards President - service Vegetable Compound, without the son chief Judge of the county should be one tin- trans' ontlii' ntal l.i,n h n mittee, C. I.. Smith, S. I,. I'liitka. AV. possessing great virtue and actual who lived from !C to fi H. C. His account' Hugh Tivai'he.ut of Junction, hav- pointed him an United States Judgo for ' Escx of the Judges of the supreme court the i.'lvs,m'e of .1 federal ti C Irish, It. D. Lewis, of the quake, however, concern- - en- - ing the district of Vermont, which posit. on i ttohrrt Uorbos. worth. Such medicines must be looked Itself been taken with the much dreaded When the act went Into effect he was would deiie-iu- erme tr. llrely resigned In 1733. 1730 'n Tho report was adopted and with the disturbance and Its effect! disease, fl (lavs' course he In he was elect- Cm . , - the upon and termed both standard anil which after a 0 again eleetc-- lodge and thii time accept- States per nt I do r it ti- k nominees elected. upon his own mental equilibrium, ed chief Judge of the Supreme Court of dependable by every thinking person. nnd has resulted In paralyzing one limb. ed, holding until ivj'i, when he was made said, "It will mor. tla sx tn utterly - Vermont and In 1737 United senator r' cmmoiffis SHOUT,!) UKI.I' KACII omits fuch details as the number Tlilc an exceptional case, owing to States chief. This place he held but on vear. to put the hulk uf fils cr a' you ,of dead and Injured and piope-rlv- the f.-- In to succeed Tichenor, in which ca- OTHF.H. If havo the slightest doubt the that poliomyelitis this State 7iac for In lWl he was elected United States Idlers to v ork With pi o'er vernr.,, jd.imaoe .! more prevalent Urn or pacity be served fcr flvo years when he Tho Hev. that Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegeta- during month' and In lOI, resign- emp1r".. ire icy wurk (b ise w Fraser Metrtr'r spoke of j s senalor but a' The flist enrthquaKe In Italy August arid September Is an almost returned to Vermont, risumed practice tho duty of the stronger church to- ble Compound will help you, write nnd ed In 142 upon being appointed district want t'i v r.rl li the hRrvesr fleMs 11 the ChrlstlnM era In unheard year. and again representeil Tlnmouth In the wards tho weaker In Vermont. In the to Co. occurred the of disease at this time of judge, a position which he ndnrned until LydiaK.I'inkham Medicine neighbo' hi.oil s 'VI. The 111 17 Legislature from 1&"! to 1811. In l'U. ho - course of his lie of in the yi ar boy was sllghtlv JJan. but his decease. nf nnd trars- orted to the'r rq.M remarks said one Lynn, Mass., ad- temple, cen- (confidential) for The or Jupiter Monday was elected one of the council of w-.- ' must begin at the beginning at Pompeii was morning went to school tus usual David A. Pmalley f Burlington wns hire n the regular and ask thrown down, It sors, a body once In seven years what a church wns. That defined, it vice. Your letter will he opened, nnd considerable loss of as was not known that he was af- cioen thn firth district Judge. Ho served from life anil property occurred. earth- flicted 21 to review the constitution and recommend was well to ask what was a strong read and answered by a woman, Thl with Infantile paralysis. The February 3. 1T.7 until Ills death. March At)Vi:RTI.RD I.BTTCItS, quake was the subject n In- In amendments. Hn was chosen chief Judge church and was a ana conlldence. of careful children the grade which he attends 10, 1S77. Judge Smalley was at Mld- what weak church. held in strict 1M.1 born List of unclaimed In Hi vestigation by P'in.v the Elder, who an- were therefore Is sup-peis- again In and continued ns such until lrttors thn A church is an ad- exposed to what dlebury, April PI, I WO and died Bur- Institution for the I'll,". year was at llngton pnstofflce f r thn endl nounced that he agreed with Aristotle to be a communicable disease. Dr. In the latter he appointed l vancement of Christ's gospel on earth. lington. March 10, I'.TT. He .studied law-Il- C3, 1315 that Its cause was an nlr In E. S. Towne, carry re- profetor of law of Mlddlebury College January Tho strong church Is not one of great lug else can. One thing that .xhould not. disturbance who Is to on the the office of Smalley Adams nt St. vast caverns beneath the city H A and held this place until hln death. WOMF.N'S LIST. numbers or wealth, necessarily, but b.' done Is the patronage, if the weak search work with Dr. L. moss of Albans and was admitted to the bar In GREAT the Rockefeller Ver- During this time he was president of the M - - M one which Is strong In spiritual power. church hv the strong. The speaker ERUPTION OF VESUVIUS. Institute under the Franklin county, In Apiil IS.11. He first Miss John Adeltnnr BueV mont board of trustees of that Institution. He C Ho knew of a llttlo church of 4f mem- liovrl limv patronage of the State, thu In A. D. 7r hnweer occuirci the great State board of health at tho settled In Jericho where he practiced his Mrs. John i'iti' ' M In the College of Mrilieine, went outlived nenrlv one-ha- lf of his successors Alible V. Chnpm.iu T- r bers In an Isolated country commun- municipality, the church nr of mm per-su- n eruption ,,f Vesuvius, which was accom- profession and at the same time acted '' Friday t Kssei and with Dr. J. A. In the legal profession nnd spent the Mrs I: i 1 ity which answered the description of by another tends to devitalize that panied by violent earthquake shocks ex- as postmaster from KT2 to KM In the Isadora Porter Anhambniill and Dr. M. ex- Inst ten years of hU life In seclusion and (iermaln. 1.1 s . ' a strong church. The personality of which Is patronized. Tho State patron- tending over the whole southern end of ''. Ferrln latter' yiar lie moved to Lowell, Mass., Mis. in amined child of thai grade. No study at his home In Tlnmouth. His Isabel',,. L,,.n,.'.. I one Christian woman who was always ized hv ileh nun might tend, after a the peninsula. Some Vii people lost their each but did not long remain. On n turning to Mrs. trace of the disease found, but ten library was n wonder to the people of the Moroy, Miss Anile H V f present at rvcr service seemed to In- time, to plaer. the people where they lives, among them Pliny the Elder hlm-wl- f. Vermont after a few mouth he located of the 24 children were found to have neighborhood, and when it was produced oein 1'ecK. .Mrs. sufficient to give the church the would not want to pay taxes and would and the cities of Pompeii and m - in Burlington, which was hl home iiiiu' '7 catarrh, enlarged tonsils adenoids. So for appraisal It measured exactls- ono P.lvers, Mrs - T M strength it ought to have. Mr. Mctz-ge- r give the State to the power of plutocracy. were burled beneath the ashes or thereafter. He tool: a leading place In Sarah little of the nature of poliomyelitis Is cord. It was eight feet long, four feet said although thce-- e Heavily endowed of the eruption. Inter- that present ehtirehes would tend his profession and alsi ' known, however, that it Is difficult to w ide and four feet high. . Clara Vlens, Mrs. C W ' M might not agree with him. It was his to promote the spirit among the mem- The peninsula wn comparutivelv quiet ested in political faith of Andrew-Jackson- ascertain the of the exposure. The second district Judge was Samuet tho Isaac Paker opinion, resulting from personal ob- bers of the congregation to depend upon after this dNaster until Ml. when a i;re;it results He was a delegate to the Walker The entire leg of the Tcchoitt bov Hitchcock of Burllnctnn nnd Vergennes servation, that If n weak church in an interest on money invested in order to earthquake shock was felt from Sicily democratic conventions In Ml. "Is '."2 and MUX'S I.TST Is He , over-church- not paralyzed, but the extensor mus- was born at Brlmfield, Mass March commtinltv was ob- pay the expenses of running the church. to the Alps nnd caused mauv people to 'M. In the lattci year he :is made n --'3, 17".o, 1777. cles In the lower part paralyzed to and graduated at Harvard In -- Tln-m- ,. served it should be lot alone. It And, as a closing thought. Mr. Metzger believe that the end of the was ale of Unrm. Cnpln. world at such drags He studied law Brookfleld. and member the national committee and itt air extent that his foot when at - , , - would be better If such a church said let not the members of tho strong bund. Another period of n venrs, nnd Jlw, chosen to th.- chair. He .1 warm 1.. 1: i 'V. he walks. A peculiar circumstance wn.s probably admitted to practice In wis .'.I'll aiilvi'Jil. ceased to e.vist. If a w .ik church Congregational Church assKt tho weak then, in Mil. occurrnl an cuithqimke felt it friend and supporter of Stephen A. IC. Chatfee, M Dorsey, Edyam Haln the fact that In the year 1W0 two of hH Worcester. Tn 176 he removed to Bur- existed In an uiider-clnirche- .l commun- church because the weal; chinch was a al in France and Southern Geimnny. Douglas. He wns one of the originators J. O. Hlldobrnnd, Rev. F Jajvl brothers, then 10 and 12 year's of age, lington where ho began the practice of ity that church needed the help of the Congregational Church. The ultimate re- but tnnt severe In Italy, where many Burlington and Rutland railroad were afflicted with the disease and both his profession. He represented Burling- of the strong church. The speaker defined the sult of mission of th.; Christian church hundreds of lives were lost and for several year controlled the cor- bgs of each bov havn never regained ton In the Legislature In 17S3, 1730-3- 1 various means by which assistance could doea not depend upon the carrying out In the year 11.77 the city of Catania, in poration. 1W, to IS." he was col- their since. The boys havo Ho was a member of the Convention of From bo given. One was by aiouslm' the com- of denominational ideas. Sicily, at the foot of Mount Etnn. felt tn... of customs. President ten- been able to got about only by the tiso Delegates of thn People of the State of lector lierco munity interest, the. strong church aid- hand of destruction since has smit- of I . I.. oiiiiii l .UVUHV. CHITTENDEN' COUNTY CONGREGA- that 1731 dered him the appointments minister .iin.uillli ing by of splints, braces and crutches.. The dis- Vermont, held at Bennington In to the weak assisting It as a mem- TIONAL CHURCHES. ten her again The entire town was laid to Russia, Spain and Austria, and the - ease did not s'how itself in Essex Junc- ratify the constitution of the United ber of the community to whi- h both be- in ruins, and It was istlmated that If... solicitor-shi- of successive- tion from 1M until 1'iH, (luring which States, which had been submitted hv an the treasure, longed. Another way was by confer- The It, v. Itufus i'. Flagg gave some 01O persons were burled bineiith tho ly, but he declined these offers. The ap- studio, John l.ulover, It. D II. vear there were live cases In the village, act of the Vermont Legislature, passed t! I. (..(.1 .. . t (('(III ...... r ences between churches. i,uh getting the tlgures to show the relation of the wrick.ige of their homes. pointment as judge came to hhn from In coun- resulting In one death. In October, 1730. Ho Is credited with be- benefit of the other's ideas and perhaps Churches Chittenden ThI- - tinie there was onb .111 Interval President Buc hanan. ing the of the the I.' n ,u T 11 . n material assistance, one from the ty as regards membership, population of of flftv venr before the next blow author charter of ..i... i,. This University of Vermont. Ho wnn one of Hoyt II. Wheeler of Jamaica and other. Still another means is by co- the towns in which the chinches arc time it fell upon Calabria, wb-- i, more APPRECIA IT.n IN VnANOE. WINOOKM 1 IS't the first trustees of that Institution and Hrattleboro the sixth federal judge operation. Let the pastor of the weak and tile diffciences of wealth. His Ilvis to the mile been sacri- The Le Rlpollr building, on l.VlltV, lr.l,, u have situated a tlve His tirni of office continued Majch r'leele,. f',,.. tlgures illustrated conclusively Bur- ft cnntlnueil ns trustee remainder of church come to the strong church and that ficed to the earthquake god than anv oth- wharf beside the Seine river, I', 1(5, M7. to (1( tober 13, Y.'i. Judge Wheel- Full- : A (".. Sheras -- I1I3 life. appointed get the Inspiration of largo lington is thn strong part of the f'ongn er legion of France, was recently roofed with our He was the first the latter's even Italy. county er wns lorn nt Chesterfield. N. H. Aug- congregation gatlonal Church in county. Comno-rubbe- r State's attorney of CThlttendcn and let the pastor of the this There Most of the loss of life on this oc- roofing. Samples fre. IS". 1V-- ISrattleboro, and served as such from 17Y7 to itso. Hn ust and dld at PRINCIPAL PRODUCTS. strong church address the congregation are 1,702 members of Congregational casion was due to a tidal wave ft Strong ilardwaro Co., Burlington, Vt. inn the was elected attorney general of Vermont November T. V"X He removed with his He Churches In the county and considerable . , of the weaker. also pointed out the Adriatic, which overwhelmed ono entire Newfnne in 1S43; he graduated v.,v..,t in nun Rurling-ton- . under the net of 1730. He was presiden- father to dutios of the lavnvn, showing the value more than W per cent, live in city beneath ll. di owning nenrlv 1SW, for, Rninrson? :Vifi SNEAK THIEVES AT WORK. tial ele'Ctnr In the second presidential at the Chesterfield Academy in of the. personal Th. sfiength Contracting the grand llstr, of Bur- people tn 'Ml -- M.-i cp 7 n a nrtcips filiation. Washington studied law with Charles K. Tle.ld at Ilrfunt P"c w'"U; - lington with the combined grand ",. 110... election and voted for and of personality Inspiration as noth- lists ll Dee lust lis till people of New fane and was admitted to the bar of nil the other towns, nhow s Htirllngton Naples nml IIiik Adams one of the committee of re- were Stirling In flu morn- Puric "nnlclHTH linrrntlni; In Windham in P.".o He located to he the superior In over vision of our he assisted In the iount much wealth ing, the ground luneath their teet was Again In lliirllnulim. esonted in the nil old compilation of 1737. Ills appointment as at Jamaica which he Tho New England stoek hns suddenly shaken '"like the waves of tho sen- I Purse and bag snatchers seem to be legislature ill U'" and war r'tate VrtJtVlVWJU WjiiJ, i;t;. gradually diminished In quantity as well sea", says, district Judge came through President the chronicler the buildings lvis-- 0 ere nrorap'ly relieved with Inexpensive home treatment. operating again in Burlington. During September 3, 1733, nnd hn ator from Windham county In abKCUfciftli' remoea tho piln, fwelltnu, tiredDess d as quality, yet there has been a gnln fell, and It after another shock the sea rose Saturday evening there wero reported to supreme court Judge from lv'.3-7- resign- fllseae i.II jartfrulftr' on rrrttptot stamp. In church membership In the outside continued to hold the office until tho For Infants and Children nr r, v 1) Tcmpleflt., Springfield, Mass, Int.. the str ets submerging half the city, tho police two In VI' r 3j9 towns despite attempts this line, both Judlelnrv act was repealed. The ing to become district ludge under nil the adverse conditions. so that i' p( rsons perished there. j flrt unsuccessful The first case was on marriage recorded in Burlington Is appointment by President Hayes. He re- in uver Mr Flagg said he sometimes wished The pmpi, of Naples no warning that use tor ou ica took North Wlnooskl avenue, just off North of Judge Hitchcock to Lucy Al signed shorth fore his decease on ax I there might br . Caroline Always bears consecrated automobiles. however, and tv was rebuilt again stonoi;-graphe- r CLUBBING LIST. ihdr Union street. Miss Mollie Miller, len. May 2 1783. Sho was thn second count of 111 hi alth and was succeeded b If were possible, to carry 1 eatu-troph- the that members when, on the h of July. the c for State's Attorney Hopkins whew life from the stronger con- daughter of Ethan Allen. For a hnlf Judge Martin, the notice of Signature churches to the was repeated on a still larger vis on her way home and had Just fully :ipi.ared in The Free I'renn and Otbrr rorloillcaU gregations of give dozen years after his marriage he re- and career has already other churches and wale. The entire countryside was laid j point . t Low natea to One reached the mentioned when a mained In Burlington, then moved to tho Free Press and other State p.nei-s- Addre. them the benefit of their presence. The waste, no less than thirty towns and man came, up behind and grabbed for Wec!-.- her Vergennes until 1") when he FRANK L. FISH The FREE PRESS can be speaker cited some of tho serious condi- villages being wiped out of existence, hag returned her mesh The act resulted In the to Burlington, where he died November Vergennes, Vt., January IB. 191f- In combination with other leadlnG tions In the country communities detri- nnd at least 7"i' lives paid the cost. hag being torn from Miss . Miller's wrist ,",0. 1S13. periodic t at low rates. To prevent mental to the growth of th.. church, and This, Incidentally, Is a record of slaugh but thn cord broke and tho bag was correapondono- - wo The third of the federal Jelges was PHovns will state deplored the fact that there was a de. ter matched only once In history by the dropped In the snow. The man evidently rivn tiixTs it. 9T IS nubacrlplo:i has Elijah Paine of Willlamstown, who wan A out this ad en- that after the betrun crease in the attachment for tho church terrible dav of Messina and Calabria, In became frightened suddenly for without Cenerotis Offer Cut notice of a change of address, or any- born nt Brooklvn, N. Y., January 2, L'57, f, cents to Foley A-- Co., Chica- that was oneo existed nnd a lower tone ID'i!, when 7il."i'o met their deaths. stopping to pick up the property he was close with thing concerning tho receipt of tho other among young studied at Hnrva'd for a months, cr, go, 111., and receive a fre" trial package of morals Its people. Both Twelve year- - later, on March 27. 1CK, attempting to steal he dashed across the !(' periodicals, should bo sent directly to Metzge.r tered the Revoluti omrv army and Bflrr-ward- s containing Foley's Honey and Tar Com- Mr Mr. Flagg agreed 11 PATHETIC . and that ''alabrla was snilttc aga'.n On tbW road nnd out of sight. It was all done the office of that perlo-llcal- returned to cn' icre wher'' he grnn-uate- d pound coughs, cold", croup, bron- the problem of giving assistance to tho occasion the disaster was so widespread so quickly thnt no good description of for The Weekly FREJ3 PRESS and any ona In 17S1 After scrre'yng law ho chial and lagrippe coughs. Foley Kid- to see hew hnrd lomfl churches which seemed to need It wan that not a single historian fo far as the man could be obtained. This hap- of tho following periodicals will bo sent not came to Vermont and located at Wind- ney Pills and Foley Cathnrtl" Tablets. one which did Inspire riadv solu known, makes any real attempt to es- - pened about half past six o'clock. men will nrp j with an to nny one address In tho United States sor, Some time later be left thn latter In your town by J. W. O'Sulll-va- tion tlmato the bis- - of life, but It Is The second attempt at robbery was re For salo nger t to old insurar e for one year at thn prices annexed: known place and located In WilllanvU wn nnd (Adv.) ai to have run up In the ported from Huoll street. Miss Saylcs American Magazine thousands began the settlement In tho midst of a It reminds us of oir $2.10 "For tho land's sake use Rowker's Not In Italy proper, but across the who lives at Irt South Wlllard street was American Boy j 75 wilderness. Hero he 'stablldiel a mill castor oil davb Wa of Fertilizers. They enrich the earth and Adriatic In the ancient Italian and now on her way from downtown about ten THE KNELL OF THE HOBO. Hoys' Magazine 1,75 for the manufacture of oro.ide.oih which fer you that which f thosu who till It. (Adv.) Delmatlon city of Ragusa, the next blow o'clock when three men made an attempt Breeders' Gazette 2.00 get employed two hundred workmen. He for -- our best Intoreets fell, on April fi, 17, laying the city to her bag and bundle. Thoy wore Caledonian (St. Jolirusbury) 2.00 flat erected the first saw and grist mill Belief Thnt the Trrapam Act Insurance Mayweser'o and taking tj.Offl lives. also soiree! away before they got posses- Catholic News (Nut York) 1,91) PASSED $2,000,000 MARK. In the vicinity nnd built a turnpike, from Would the Trnmp to Work. you 7 The seventeenth century was n mem sion of the articles. I'orce Coimopolltan 2.20 Is Brookfleld to Montpeller at an oxpense orable one for Italy, as far u earth- It known that a number of strangers It begins to look as though the travel Conftrosatlonallst n.! Christian -- of $10,0oo, which he presented to the State. Wlnmiskl NihIiirh Hunk linlneil Ifrm quakes go, for only five years after tho nrn in the city, a condition produced by days of the original "See America First" World 3.90 tho lack of work in cities, At one time he was the owner of fifteen entury Magazine lly In DetKiNlts I.nst Year. destruction of Ragusa. Rlmlnt met thn uthor and thn tourist the tramp now are numbered 4,40 wollld-b- n robbers are not supposed to b" thousand Merino sheep together with police, sheriffs, constables, Country In Thn membiTH of thn Wlnooskl Saving same fate lii an earthquake that rang- Chiefs of Llfo America 4,60 residents of Burlington many high grnde horses, cattle and agents of Bank corporation held their I'.th annual ed nln nearly the whole length of thn town marshals, chief special The T. S. Delineator ;,10 swine. In 17M he wns a member of the peace Peck mex-tln- yi peninsula, fury railways and other olllcers of the Poultry Weekly 1.S0 January and tho but concentrated Its on convention to revls.i the State constitu- following that cltv, where 1,500 were Dcnu's Itheunintln Pills for Rheu- country, iprick in recognizing the effect- Insurance Agency Field and Stieam 2.00 officers. President, Ormond killed tion. He represented Willlamstown In Colo; Catania was destroyed for matism and Nouralgla, Entirely vege- - iveness of the proposed federal tres- Krultman and Gardener 1 1,43 Emory C. Mower; the second thn Legislature 1717 1731 rwsURA.vcn table Safe. ' from to and wns pass law iiB a crime dlminlsher. are Mii.tunRs Garden Mucazlno 2,10 treasurer, H. E. Gray; Ormond Cole, lime). In a more terrible dlsaste.r than tho - a Judge of the superior court after lt- bending efforts to get Congress to Good Iloiitek&iiilnir 2.10 Emory C Mower, O. 11. Shlpman, R. J. first In September of the following year, their ISS CnllcRp Street ISa organization until 1794. when he was elect- pass the measure at the present session. Harper' Tiazar 2.3) White, C. R. Catlln, 1 E. Blgwood, 1tM. Of thn city Its lS.Wi and Inhabit POOR COST $16,G0fi. ed United States senator to succeed At bust, these men declare, thero has Harper's Slniruzlne 4.45 H K. Gray and Guy W, Bailey, trustees. It Is recorded, so ants. not much as a Stephen R. Bradley He declined a sec- been discovered the real solution of th1' Harper's Weekly 4.45 The bank has had ono of Its most pros- traco remained when tho earth had quiet- ond election because of his nppolntment hobo problem The trespass net as out- "Phon BSX Hearst'.i Magazine 2.20 perous years, having deposits of ed tho Oirrerr Delnny Makes Report on n and sea had receded from Its ns district Judgo. March 3. ISfll. This lined Is n federal measure, carrying a Hoard's Dairyman 1.85 a surplus of rj),06l.!. which Is fury. was Year's Charities. Nor this disaster confined to place hn held for over forty years, nnd Is to keep tramps Ladles' Wcrrld 1,65 over ten per cemt. deposits, penalty that calculated of thn and Catania, for the wholn Hlcillar const felt Thn annual report of tho overseer of tho Until a few weeks of 2S, right Livestock Journal (2 years) 1,75 his death April and all other undesirables off the assets of $0,2.'7.KlD.fi2. Thn deposits have Its weight Probably in thn magnitude poor, T. A. Delany, has Just been com- 1S42. University - Uni- Mcthodlat Recorder J.44 Tho of Vermont and Hnr- of way of railways throughout the Increased in the past year Jlfi9,.12!.19 and of destruction and possibly In tho loss of pleted and filed with the city clerk. vard University McCluro's Magazine 2.15 each conferred on him ted States. The agitation of the federal Active Brains the surplus has increased $ir,,H5.?3 after life, this was the. greatest and most ter- The total receipts of tho poor depart-men- t degreo re- Metropolitan Magazine 2.10 the of Doctor of Laws. At the trespass law is the outcome of the arc made more active hv orlun paying In depositors J79,V..'.?j, which Is rible earthquake In tho history of tho for tho year were J17.06C.13. gov- Mirror and Farmer l.K latter Institution hn delivered thn first cent conference of the United States at the rate of four and h per world. More fifty town nnd villages Tho total dlsburcments arn: In tional development at the Modern Prlacllla 1,75 than oration before the Phi Beta Kappa ernment's Industrial commission held cent, per annum for the whole year 1911. were In Almshouse $ l,4G0.r.S --, ,' I t Munsey's Magazine 2.4i thrown ruin". nnd was elected its president In 17K). Kansas City. Among the men Invited v III h urn Thn bank hn also paid taxes to ttio Tho new century brought no nor Charities 0,71(5.77 National Mngazlne 1.95 rest Ho was n member of several learned so to appear before this commission State of Vermont of $14,12!i.4t. and has peace to Italy, 1703, General 2.12U.C2 street. New York World (3 times n week),. 1,75 for In on February cieties for tho advancement of tho arts Al. C. Hay, chief special ngent of the Cfm7ira suhtalned no loss upon any Investment 2, al England Homestead Aqulla was laid waste by earthquake and sciences. Hn had four sons, Martin, drent Northern railway, St. Paul, who "-""t- 1)111 llllli III New l.s duHng the past year. Total paid 6,aK.77 Outlook 3.U and fire, and 5,'io lives wern lost, more an eminent physician, EHJnh, a Judge of City treasurer 449.42 417.0S6.19 Popul Electricity and Tho World's than half the estimated population of the supreme court of Now York, Ooorgn, The total expense of running the poor Advance 2.00 IlltlTIMI PRECAUTIONS AGAINST tho town. n prominent lawyer, nnd Charles, who farm was H.iW $235,11 received for Dairyman (Now York) 1,76 Tho lops of life In mediaeval times, less was 1M1-- Practical INVASION. produce and reeolpts of You 1.3S It mlKht he well to explain here, was miscellaneous of Montpeller was Would Have Your Letters Poultry Husbandry London (by moll) A $155.33. tho secret order from y Tho total exponse of was Review of Reviews 3.0Q undoubte-dl- larger In propoilon tn tho charities fourth district Judge. He served from tho war officii to all farmers along thu t9,71!.77, less $fei.G3 other actual physical magnitude rf the up- received from April S, 1S42, to February 3, 1V.7. Judge Rural New Yorker east coast Indicates that Rrltish towns. expense city physician, American t.73 heaval, due to the methods of building. The of Prentiss was bom at Btonlnglnn, Impress First Glance Scientific are not taking lightly the overseer, etc., was Conn., a Man at 3.75 Italian towns In those days were built probate court, burials, March 21, 17S.t and died Hcrtbner's possibilities of a German Invasion In Hip 41.761.64. at Montpeller, Ht. Nicholas 3.M on the hlnh IiIIIh or In narrow pases, January 1G, ifCT. ltls boyhood was pass- spring, Th. order prohibits sowing of Tho department same as as WORTH READING7 Would you have thorn at sight gain Tdlk 1.93 walled In and huddled closely about tlm cost about the ed at Northfleld, Mass., where ho acquir- Tublo any corn crops this spring and sowing it did the year repairs the close attention that i. necessary for GETTING THE Home Companion 'i.21 citadel for protection against roving before and Included ed a common school education iVoman's of any other crop the mature hflffht of to tho poor farm, expense fitting up and after- They be World's Work S.7S bands. Tile streets were far narrower, of the studied law nt place BUSINESS? can .nade to do it but something more which exceeds one foot above tho sur- uddltlun to the wards that nnd nt We no publiciitlon except In and huuses IVefe high. As a same and the purchase of was a well written communication is The paper on furnish face. Already entrenchments of formid-abl- e the utohn BrattUbora nnd admitted to the bar than required. a horse and other things d :onnectlon with u subscription to Urn proportions stretch along virtually result, the chances of any evv&x In 1S02. a year nttd-war- he opened an which it is written must be i pood quality, but far more than I. Ill H PRESS. the whole const from Dover to Edin- of the people escaping from the orflcu In Montpeller which was hln home this your LETTER HEADING ,nust be neat and in good taste, clubbing Include:) papers was small. l.irn l.VSCTIAACE HEFISEU. durlnjr tilt, 1S22 Our list all burgh overthrow of their luuni" rest of ltls Hie, In he wm and WELL PRINi"ED. The cerotype process of and magazines published. Only tl.osu In close succession after the destruc- Ever notice how closely llfo Insurance elected a Judge of the (supreme court but attractive most frequently asked are printed in Aqullu, came inrthquako of printing offers an economical solution of problem of of. for ITS MEANING. tion of the examiners look for symptoms of kldnoy duilned the position on account of the the 17'(S, , uur list, but othcra may bn bad on arp"' the Ahrlizzl, on the 2d of November, diseases'1 Thcv .,i so In-- mis. weakened Inndequarv of the salary nnd the de- fective stationery. Ask us to show you samples. Kathnilnn Art long ny you ir,,00n cation. us )m with thn loll of llvos; tho almost kldnevs lend In runny forms of dreadful mands of his growing family. He repro-wilte- d Subscribers may have mora than on understand the language of the flownrs, complete ruin of Palermo, at a cost of afflictions If you have Montpeller In the Legislature In eloes 17I.r; 1S24-- paver from this clubbing list. Always what this hunch of Amnrican 6,000 killed, on tho 1st of Hcrrtembor, nny symptoms like pain In the back, fro. 5 and was the originator of thn The Free Press Company asking Beauty act Printing send a stamp for reply when rosos say? and another visitation upon Napton In quent, antv or painful action, tlrod In thn Intter year which made thq Im- about as we do work at no profit Kidder That fool hlfi money 17IC, 5,100 were up ie Kid-t- e Burlington, Vt. ' this this a and whru swallowed 'eellng, ehes and pulns, get Foley portant change In the Supreme court I'n to accommodate our subscribers. are soon nailed Hrooklyn Citizen. the ruins Pills to-d- a J w O'Pulllvan.-Ad- v, til that time the three Judges of the