H. Doc. 108-222
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FIFTH CONGRESS MARCH 4, 1797, TO MARCH 3, 1799 FIRST SESSION—May 15, 1797, to July 10, 1797 SECOND SESSION—November 13, 1797, to July 16, 1798 THIRD SESSION—December 3, 1798, to March 3, 1799 SPECIAL SESSIONS OF THE SENATE—March 4, 1797, for one day only; July 17, 1798 to July 19, 1798 VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES—THOMAS JEFFERSON, of Virginia PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE SENATE—WILLIAM BRADFORD, 1 of Rhode Island; JACOB READ, 2 of South Carolina; THEODORE SEDGWICK, 3 of Massachusetts; JOHN LAURANCE, 4 of New York; JAMES ROSS, 5 of Pennsylvania SECRETARY OF THE SENATE—SAMUEL A. OTIS, of Massachusetts DOORKEEPER OF THE SENATE—JAMES MATHERS, of New York SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—JONATHAN DAYTON, 6 of New Jersey CLERK OF THE HOUSE—JOHN BECKLEY, of Virginia; JONATHAN W. CONDY, 7 of Pennsylvania SERGEANT AT ARMS OF THE HOUSE—JOSEPH WHEATON, of Rhode Island DOORKEEPER OF THE HOUSE—THOMAS CLAXTON CONNECTICUT Henry Latimer MARYLAND SENATORS REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE SENATORS 16 James Hillhouse James A. Bayard John Henry James Lloyd 17 Uriah Tracy GEORGIA John E. Howard REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES John Allen SENATORS George Baer, Jr. Joshua Coit 8 James Gunn William Craik Jonathan Brace 9 Josiah Tattnall John Dennis George Dent Samuel W. Dana REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Nathaniel Smith William Hindman Abraham Baldwin James Davenport 10 William Matthews John Milledge William Edmond 11 Samuel Smith Chauncey Goodrich Richard Sprigg, Jr. 12 KENTUCKY Roger Griswold MASSACHUSETTS SENATORS SENATORS John Brown DELAWARE Benjamin Goodhue Humphrey Marshall SENATORS Theodore Sedgwick John Vining 13 REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES Joshua Clayton 14 Thomas T. Davis Theophilus Bradbury 18 William H. Wells 15 John Fowler Bailey Bartlett 19 1 Elected July 6, 1797. 10 Died August 3, 1797. 16 Resigned December 10, 1797, having been elected gov- 2 Elected November 22, 1797. 11 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James Dav- ernor. 3 Elected June 27, 1798. enport, and took his seat November 13, 1797. 17 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John 4 Elected December 6, 1798. 12 Unsuccessful motion made to expel after his personal Henry, and took his seat January 11, 1798. 5 Elected March 1, 1799. encounter with Matthew Lyon, of Vermont, February 15, 18 Resigned July 24, 1797. 6 Reelected May 15, 1797; George Dent, of Maryland, 1798. 19 13 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of was elected Speaker pro tempore for April 20, 1798, and Resigned January 19, 1798. Theophilus Bradbury, and took his seat November 27, again for May 28, 1798. 14 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John 7 Elected May 15, 1797. Vining, and took his seat February 19, 1798; died August 1797. 8 Died September 5, 1798. 11, 1798. 9 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Joshua Coit, 15 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Joshua Clay- and took his seat December 3, 1798. ton, and took his seat February 4, 1799. [ 54 ] FIFTH CONGRESS 55 Stephen Bullock James Cochran RHODE ISLAND Dwight Foster Lucas C. Elmendorf SENATORS Nathaniel Freeman, Jr. Henry Glen Theodore Foster Samuel Lyman Jonathan N. Havens William Bradford 37 Harrison Gray Otis Hezekiah L. Hosmer Ray Greene 38 Edward Livingston Isaac Parker REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE John Reed John E. Van Alen Philip Van Cortlandt Christopher G. Champlin Samuel Sewall 39 John Williams Elisha R. Potter William Shepard Thomas Tillinghast 40 Thomson J. Skinner George Thacher NORTH CAROLINA SENATORS SOUTH CAROLINA Joseph Bradley Varnum SENATORS Peleg Wadsworth Alexander Martin Timothy Bloodworth Jacob Read John Hunter 41 REPRESENTATIVES NEW HAMPSHIRE Charles Pinckney 42 SENATORS Thomas Blount REPRESENTATIVES Nathan Bryan 29 John Langdon Lemuel Benton Samuel Livermore Richard Dobbs Spaight 30 Dempsey Burges Robert Goodloe Harper REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE James Gillespie John Rutledge, Jr. William L. Smith, 43 Charleston Abiel Foster William Barry Grove Jonathan Freeman district 44 Matthew Locke 45 William Gordon Nathaniel Macon Thomas Pinckney Jeremiah Smith 20 William Smith, Spartan Joseph McDowell 44 Peleg Sprague 21 Richard Stanford district Robert Williams Thomas Sumter NEW JERSEY TENNESSEE SENATORS PENNSYLVANIA SENATORS John Rutherfurd 22 SENATORS 46 23 William Blount Franklin Davenport James Ross 47 Richard Stockton William Bingham Joseph Anderson William Cocke 48 REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE REPRESENTATIVES Andrew Jackson 49 Jonathan Dayton David Bard Daniel Smith 50 31 James H. Imlay Samuel Sitgreaves REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE 24 Robert Brown 32 James Schureman William C. C. Claiborne 51 Thomas Sinnickson John Chapman Mark Thomson William Findley VERMONT Albert Gallatin SENATORS NEW YORK Andrew Gregg John A. Hanna Elijah Paine SENATORS 52 Thomas Hartley Isaac Tichenor 53 John Laurance 33 Nathaniel Chipman 25 George Ege Philip John Schuyler Joseph Hiester 34 REPRESENTATIVES 26 John Sloss Hobart John Wilkes Kittera Matthew Lyon 27 William North Blair McClenachan Lewis R. Morris 28 James Watson John Swanwick 35 REPRESENTATIVES Robert Waln 36 VIRGINIA David Brooks Richard Thomas SENATORS Henry Tazewell 54 20 Resigned July 26, 1797. 35 Died August 1, 1798. 47 Elected to fill vacancy caused by expulsion of William 21 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Jere- 36 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of John Blount, and took his seat November 22, 1797, for the miah Smith, and took his seat December 15, 1797. Swanwick, and took his seat December 3, 1798. term ending March 3, 1799. (See footnote 50.) 22 Resigned November 26, 1798. 37 Resigned in October 1797. 48 Appointed to fill vacancy in the term beginning March 23 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of 38 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- 4, 1797 (the legislature having failed to elect his suc- John Rutherfurd, and took his seat December 19, 1798. liam Bradford, and took his seat November 22, 1797. cessor), and took his seat May 15, 1797. 24 Elected on February 14, 1799, to fill vacancy in Senate 39 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Rep- 49 Elected to fill vacancy in the term beginning March caused by resignation of John Rutherfurd, but did not resentative-elect Benjamin Bourn in the preceding Con- 4, 1797, and took his seat November 22, 1797; resigned take his seat until the following Congress, finishing out gress; resigned in 1797. in April 1798. his term in the House. 40 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Elisha 50 Appointed to fill vacancy in the term beginning March 25 Resigned January 3, 1798. R. Potter, and took his seat November 13, 1797. 4, 1797, caused by the resignation of Andrew Jackson, 26 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Philip 41 Resigned November 26, 1798. and took his seat December 6, 1798; vacancy in this class Schuyler, and took his seat February 2, 1798; resigned 42 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John from April 1798, to October 5, 1798. Joseph Anderson April 16, 1798, having been appointed judge of the United Hunter, and took his seat February 16, 1799. was elected December 12, 1798, to fill vacancy in the States district court of New York. 43 Resigned July 10, 1797, having been appointed min- term beginning March 4, 1797, caused by resignation of 27 Appointed to fill vacancy caused by resignation of ister plenipotentiary to Portugal. Andrew Jackson, but did not present his credentials under John Sloss Hobart, and took his seat May 21, 1798. 44 Many biographical errors have resulted from the fact this election until the Sixth Congress, continuing to serve 28 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John that Smith of Charleston district and Smith of Spartan in the other class, and on December 31, 1798, obtained Sloss Hobart, and took his seat December 11, 1798. district both formerly were known as ‘‘William Smith.’’ leave of absence for Daniel Smith for the remainder of 29 Died June 4, 1798. It was about this time that Smith of Charleston district the session; technically, the term of Smith expired on the 30 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Nathan changed his name to ‘‘William Loughton Smith.’’ election of Anderson. Bryan, and took his seat December 10, 1798. 45 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- 51 Took his seat November 23, 1797. 31 Resigned in 1798, having been appointed commis- liam L. Smith, and took his seat November 23, 1797. 52 Resigned October 17, 1797, having been elected gov- sioner to Great Britain. 46 Expelled for ‘‘high misdemeanor’’ July 8, 1797. ernor. 32 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Sam- 53 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Isaac uel Sitgreaves, and took his seat December 4, 1798. Tichenor, and took his seat November 22, 1797. 33 Resigned in October 1797. 54 Died January 24, 1799. Letter from governor of Vir- 34 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of George ginia (Senate Journal, p. 584) stating appointment would Ege, and took his seat December 1, 1797. be deferred until legislature meets. 56 Biographical Directory VIRGINIA—Continued Matthew Clay James Machir John Clopton 57 SENATORS—Continued Daniel Morgan John Dawson Anthony New 55 Stevens T. Mason William B. Giles John Nicholas Joseph Eggleston 56 REPRESENTATIVES Thomas Evans Josiah Parker Richard Brent Carter B. Harrison Abram Trigg Samuel J. Cabell David Holmes John Trigg Thomas Claiborne Walter Jones Abraham B. Venable 55 Resigned October 2, 1798. 56 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Wil- 57 Election unsuccessfully contested by Robert Ruther- liam B. Giles, and took his seat December 3, 1798. ford..