



mmtttf states ealrnlrstr For the Year of our Lord

Being second after Bissextile, or Leap Tear, and Fifty-fourth of American Independence. CONTAINING Civil^ Judicial^ Ecclesiastical and Militcry Lists in

Associations, and Corporate Institutions For Literary, Agricultural, and Cliaritable Purposes. |^^ A List of Post-Towns in , with the Ij^r- names of the post-masters. }^ CITY OFFICERS IN . ALSO, CATALaJGUES of the Officers of the

Witli its several Departments and Establishments ; Times of the Sittings of the several Courts ;

Governors in each Stale ;

And a Variety of other Interesting Articles.


There will be six Eclipses this year, four of the Suif, and two of the Moon, in the following order, viz .• I. The first will be of the Sun, February 22d, llh. 52m. in the evening, of course invisible to us. II. The second will be of the Moon, March 9th, 8h. 47m. morning, invisible. III. The third will be of the Sun, March 24th, lOh. Om. morning, invisible. IV. The fourth will be of the Sun, August 18th, 7h. 9m. morning, invisible. V. The fifth will be of the Moon, the 2d day of Sep- tember, partly visible. Beginning 4h. Middle Moon rises totally eclipsed

End of total darkness . . End Digits eclipsed, 21o 40' on the Moon's S. Limb. VI. The sixth is of the Sun, Sept. Itith, 9h. 44m. evening, invisible. M i- i Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive

in 2009 witli funding from University of IVIassacliusetts, Boston

Iittp://www.arcliive.org/details/pocketalmanackfol830amer JANUARY, 1830, begins on Friday. FEBRUARY, 1830, begins on Monday.

Full ^loon, Ttli day, 2h. 58m. evening. Last Quarter, I5lli day, 7h. 44m. evening. New Moon, 22d day, lUi. 52m. evening.

MjWI Observable Days, tSi'c |r. © s. |r.®&. [F.Sea.

More 5 1 14 6 10 2j3 Purif. V. M. falling 4 2 18 7 6 3,4 (iveather* 3 3 19 8 a Y'd L. south 8h. 20. 2 4 17 8 57 Agate. Very o 5 9 9 51 67 Gov. Eustis died 1825. 58 5 55 10 42 Septuag. Sun. tides cold 57 ^rise 11 31 decrease. 56 6 18 morn. Rather more 55 7 16 19 pleasant 54 1 4 but cool. 53 46 Sat. sou. iih. 24m. >apo, 51 z6 Finer 6 50 7 Sexages. Sun. Valen. Day. 6 49 morn. 48 Low 8ets 10 45 Shro. Tues. Pretty ivinds. 6 381 11 43 AshW. St.M. Good 7 27 ev. 37 high > perig. 8 39 1 30 weather for the 9 52 2 23 tides. season II 3 3 16 I St Sund. in Lent. [6 29 morn. 4 9

VENUS will be evening star till March 7th—thence morning star to the 20th of December. —JUPITER will be morning star till July 5th— thence evening star.

MARCH, 183(4 begins on Monday.

First Quarter, 1st day, 3h. 18m. evening. Full Moon, 9tli day, Sh. 47m. morning. Last Quarter, 17th day, Oh. 52m. evening. New Moon, 24th day, lOh. Om. morning. First Quarter, 31st day, 2h. 14m. morning.

M|W| Observable Days, 55"^. |r.0s. ir.#s.lF.Sea

I C. P. Wore. David. 16 28 II 5 2 2 S. J. C. L. T. Bost. C. C.\6 27 1 15 5 55 3 Suddeji [North. & Greenf.jS 25 2 14 6 50 4 Not very high changesJ,6 24 3 08 7 50 5 Sirius south yh. 30m. j6 23 6| 3 55 8 34 6 tides. Fery 6 21 61 4 38 9 24 6' 7 2d. Sunday in Lent. 6 19 5 15 10 13 8 C.P.Concord. cool. 6 18 5 49 II o II 9 7*sset iih.52m. D ecl.inv.'6 16 6 #rise 44 lo Rain 676 morn.

) Low cr ]) apo. 61 8 3 a8 12 6 |Greg. 61 9 o 1 12 13 Planet Herchell disc. 1781.6 11 9 56 156 i4|C 3d Sun. in Lent. tides. !6 9 10 53 a 40 lap C. P. Ips. & Spring. Muc^\6 11 48 3 23 i6|3 C. C. Plymouth. Jiner, 6 morn 4 8 174 Boston eva. 1776. vntb 6 43 4 56 i8|5 bigb ivinds- 6 1 36.. 5 45.1 Saturn south g\\. a 6 19 6 25I 36J 20 Great fire in Boston, 1 760. 6 3 12 7 31 21 4th Sun. in L. M. L. Sun.;5 59 3 56: 8 a8 Changeable; 22 C. P. North. p^ bZ 23 C. C. Taun. & Wore. I5 56 b 14 24 Very with sno^M 0ecl. inv.J5 55 >sets 2.5 Anun.V. M. or rain. > per. 266 high Very 27 tides. 28 5th. Sun. in Lent. /;z^, 29 7*s set loh. 42m. though C. P. Greenfield. cool

morningJ ^ 1

APRIL, 1830, begins on Thursday.

Full Moon, 8th day, 2h. 45m. morning.

Last Quarter, 1 6th day, 2h. 5m. morning. New Moon, 22d day, 6h. 43m. evening. First Quarter, 29th day, 3h. 10m. evening.

MlWj Observable Days, iffc. r. s. r. Sea. | © | #s.lF.

1 Tides Frequent \5 43 2 39] 2 changes qvith 5 42 2 30 3 decreasing. 5 41 3 8 ipi 4 6th Sun. in L. P S. rain. 4 9 6 5 Gov. & Sen. ch. Mass. 5 3^^ 4 9 50 6 C. P. Bost. C. C. Springf. 5 36 5 10 34 7 7*8 set I oh. Cooler but 5 -^S 5 1 19 afne sun. ]) apo 5 34 9 rise morn. 9:6 Good Friday. Cloudy 5 32 7 58 o Mid with some 5 3» 8 56 o UC Easter DAY. tides, rain. 29 9 51 C.P.Ply. [C.C. Ips.&Barn.i5 z8 io 45 2 S.J.C.Worc. Cone. Gre'f.&U 27 7|ii 37 3 144 [Taunton. '5 25 7imorn. 3

^5s Frequent showers nuitR^ 24 7| 28" 4 166 Spica south iih. 35m. 3 23 7 5 '7 7 Dr. Frankl. died 1790. thun-\^ 21 7 6 18C 1st Sun. pastE. L. S. der.\^ 20 7 7 192 C. C. Nant. Bat. Lex. 75. 7 8 203 S.J.C.North'p. C.P.Barn. 7 9 21|4 Uncommonly [C. C. Ded. 7 10 225 Fine for ^ perig. 7 236 St. Geo. high the season. 7 7 43ev. 7*s set ph. tides. 7 8 56 o 2d Sund. past E. St. M. 7 10 4 C. P. Dedham. More 7 11 6 S. Ips. J. C. Sprin. & Barn. 7 signs of [C.C. Len, 7 rain. 7 Louis, ced. to U. S. 1 803 7

MAY, 1830, begins on Saturday.

JULY, 1S30, begins on Thursday.

Full Moon, 5th day, 9h. 40m. evening. Last Quarter, 12th day, lOh. 52m. evening. New Moon, 19th day, 7h. 30m. evening. First Quarter. 27th dav, 3h. 52m. evening.

Sea. M Wl Observable Days, \5fc r.Qs. |r.©s. F.

yerj warm and 28 8 1 39 8 o Visit. B. V. Mary. suUry. s8 8 a 3 8 47 [Ada. &Jef. di 1826. 29 8 9 36 4thSun. p.Tr. lND.de. '76. 3 ai 10 219 Jupiter sou. iih 56m. 30 8 ^lise 11 22 S. J.C.Nant. C.P.Bost. 30 8 7 51 morn. Not very high Fine, if 31 8 8 34 o 14 7*s rise ih. 5am. not 31 8 9 13 1 5 tides too dry. 3a 8| 9 50 I 55 Some 32 8^10 23 a 45 5th Sunday past Trinity. 33 810 56 3 34 this rain 33 8;ii 31 4 ^3 C. C. Salem, this > peri. 34 8morn. 5 15 o 6 10 month. 35 8J 9 Swit. time. 35 8 47 7 06 Good 36 8 1 31 8 3 hay 37 8 2 as 9 1 6th Sun. past Trin. 38 8| 3 17 10 o Geo. IV. crowned 18:11. 38 8 ) sets 10 57 Marg. (weather. Not 398, 7 47 11 49 so fine 40 8, 8 28 eve.39 Magd. for a day 41 8 9 a 0? two. 42 8, 34 2 9 2.4i7 Very Jup. sou. loh. aam. 43 8.10 4 2 5a 7th Sun. p. Tr. St. James. 44 810 31 33 262 St. Anne. Dog d. begin. 45 811 o 14 lovv^ Fine > apo. 46 811 29 57 284 7*s rise iih. 30m. 47 8 morn. 42 95 tides. to the end 48 8 o o 30 30 6 Wm, Penn died i 718 of 49 8 Z5 19 317 the month. 50 8 1 13 8 II AUGUST, 1830, begins on Sunday.

Full Moon, 4th day, 8h. 13in. morninge Last Quarter, 11th day, 3h. 24m. morning. New Moon, 18th day, 7h. 9m, morning. First Quarter, 26th day, 9h. 19m. morning.

M|W| Observable Days, Iffc. r.Qs. [r.^s-lF. Sea. 8th Sun. past T. L. D. 51 z o 2 o Changeable 4 52 2 50 10 3 C. Plym. for 4 53 3 46' ^^ 4 Tides some 54 • rise 1 51 7*sriseiih. days bS 7 48 morn. Transf. our Lord. Groivs 56 8 25 o 44 7 increasing. bl 9 1 35 8 9thSun. p. Trin. ^ner, 4 59 9 34 o 10 9 C. C. Plym. & Greenfield 5 o lo and D perig- 5 I 10 50 11 Com. Bur. & Uni. Colleges. 5 2 11 32 12 GeorgelV. b. 176Z. rather^ 3 morn 53 13 dry. 5 4 19 51 4 Jupiter south gh. eve. 5 6 1 12 49 15 loth Sun. past Trinity. 5 7 % 8 8 46 i6 C. P. North. Clouds 5 8 3 9 9 4a 17 Lafayette Ian. at N.Y.1824 10 4 II 10 zs i8 Com. Mid.&DarCol. j^ecl. 11 >sets 11 26 19 denote a [invisible. la 7 37 ev. 12 20 7*s rise loh. ev. storm. 13 8 o 55 21 Mid tides. Rain 15 8 35 37 22 ith. Sun, p. Trinity, zoith 16 9 5 18 23]» C. P. Springf. > apo. 17 9 34 o 24'3 St. Barth. thunder. 19 10 5 41 254 Com. Cam. & Amherst Col. 20 10 36 24 2615 Low tides. Unsettled 5 21 11 14 II 76 Dr. Herschel died 1822. 5 23 11 55 o 287 St. Aug, nveather. 5 24 morn. 52 29 c loth Sun. p. Trin. Becomes 5 25 43 46 302 C. P. Worcester. Very 5 27 1 36 8 42 313 fine. 5 28 7 2 36 9

SEPTEMBER, 1830, begins on Wednesday.

Full Moon, 2d day, 5h. 54m. evening. Last Quarter, 9th day, 9h. 14m. morning. New Moon, 16th day, 9h. 44m. evening. First Quarter, 25th day, 2h. 8m. morning.

MWj Observable Days, life. \t. s. Ir.Ss-lF.Sea Giles. Com.Wil. & Br. Col 3 40 10 36 Changeable > eel ^rise 11 32 Jupiter sou. 7h. 37m. with 7 3 morn Pretty rain. [Lafay. b. '57. 7 39 lb 13th Sun.p Tr. Dog d. end. 8 16 1 1 high [& Greenf. D peri. 8 36 2 II SJ.C.Spr.C.P.Bar.CC.Nor 9 37 3 Nat. V. M. Com.Yale Col 10 24 3 58 tides. A storm 11 15 4 52 morn. 5 48 Battle Lake. Cham. '14. 11 6 46 14th. Sun. past Trin. near> 1 10 7 4a C. P. Concord. 5 2 10 8 38 12 4 S.J.C. Len. & Greenf. C.C.5 ^, 3 9 27 5 Mid. Much [Wore. & Spr.|5 49 4 13 10 15 16 finer, Qecl. inv.j5 50 >sets 11 1 76 Lambert. cool 5 51 6 46 11 43 7 tides. nights. 52, 7 17 ev. 25 C 15th. Sun. past Trinity. 54 7 43 1 6 SJ.C.L.T.Len.C.P. ])apo 5^ 8 13 1 47 C. C.Con. [Nbpt.&Ded 57 8 45 i 30

Com. Am. Theo. In. Good 59 7| 9 ao 3 14 iveather for o 6,10 o 4 I 7*s rise 8h. the 2 6|io 43 4 5° Low tides. season 3 6'ii 33 5 4^ i6thSun. past Tr. [Edg 4 6 morn. 6 36 S.J.C. L.T.North'p. C. P, 6 a8 7 31 C.C. Taunton, Len.& Ded 7 1 30 8 26 St, Mich. Cod qvith 9 2 34 9 21 St. Jer. frequent dashes. 10 3 44 10 17 OCTOBER, 1830, begins on Friday.


NOVEMBER, 1830, begins on Monday.

Last Quarter, 7th day, 6h. 9m. morning. New Moon, 15th day, 9h. 11m. morning. First Quarter, 23d day, 7h. Om. morning. Full Moon, 29th day, lOh. 24m. evening.

M|W| Observable Days, \^c r.0 s. ]r.#s.|F.Sea All Saints. High. > per 54 morn, S.J. C.L. T. Ded. Grows 56 7 o 5o| tides this J%ner» bl 8 1 YM L. rises gh. 58 9 a Now 59 10 3 month. comes o 1 4 aad Sun. past Trin. a cold a morn. 5 C. P. Greenf. storm. 3 o 11 S.J.C. L. T. Salem. S.J.C 4 1 II C. C. Edg. More [N.Bedf. 5 2 9 St. Mark. moderate^ 7 3 8 7*s rise oh. 30m. but 8 4 4 9 Britius. nights cool. 9 5 2 10 23d Sun. past Tr. > apo 10 5 58 10 46 C.P. North. & Plym. Signs 11 >sets 11 28 S. J. C. Boston of a iz 6 4 even snow storm. 13 6 56 Great earthquake, 1755. 14 7 1 42 Coo/, 15 8 2 29 Mars south 8h. 6m. but 16 9 3 16 24th Sun. past Trinity. »7 o 5 Cecil. C.P. Spring, pleasant. 18 11 55 St. Clem. 19 morn 46 Stormy 20 18 38 Cath, Dr. Watts died 1748. 21 1 24 31 Tides high for 22 26 and uncomfortable^ 23 3 44 23 Advent Sun. for > perig. 24 4 58 21 the season. some 24 9 rise 22 Sti Andrev^r. days. 25 5 42 morn J

B DECEMBER, 1830, begins on Wednesday.

Last Quarter, 6th day, I Oh. 32m. evening. New Moon, 15th day, 3h. 35m. morning. First Quarter, 22d day, 5h. 58m. evening. Full Moon, 29th day, 9h. 18m. morning.

Observable Days, Is'c s. |F. Sea. M|Wj r. s. | r.# |

4 Emp. Alex, died '25, ag. 48. 26 6 40 25 5 7*s sou. iih. Mucb z6 7 42 1 23 3 Jiner- 27 8 47 a 20 47 Tides Sirius ris. 9h. a8 9 50 3 13 3C 2d. Sun. in Adv. A 28 10 S3 4 3 6 C. P. Wore. storm of 29 11 53 4 49 7 decreasing. snow or a9 morn. 5 35 Concep. V. Mary. rain 10 5a 6 ao Saturn south jh. lom. is 3i 1 50 7 5 near. 31 a 47 7 49 Changes 31 3 43 8 3al 3d. Sun. in Adv. to > apo 3a 4 39 9 16 C. P. Cam. & N. Bed. 32 5 35 10 3 Wash di.1799, ag.67. more 3a 6 29 10 47 comfortable 33 > sets II 33 Tea destr. in Boston, 1773. 33 6 1 eve 20 iPretty high Snow 33 6 57 1 7 I7*s sou. loh. or 33 7 55 1 55 4th. Sun. in Adv. rain. 33 8 55 a 43 C. P. Ips. & Ded. 33 9 58 3 31 St. Thos. tides. Fery fine 33 II 2 4 ao for the 33 morn. 5 10 Saturn so. 4h. 13m. season. 33 8 6 2 Peace signed atGhent, 18 14 33 1 16 6 55 Christmas. Cooler 33 2 »7 7 5 1st S.p.Chr. St.S. D peri. 33 3 36 8 49 St. John. Tides very with 33 4 47 9 49 Inno. C. C. Wore, some 33 5 56*0 50 high. snow. 3* ©rise 10 5a 7*s sou. 9h. Pleasant 32 6 I a morn. Silvester. for December. 7 32 7 17! o 5

THE f^nsutf^nsms ^tsism*


Governors of Plymouth^ chosen annually by the People. 1620 John Carver 1644 Edward Winslow l6ai William Bradford J645 William Bradford 1633 Edward Winslow 1657 Thomas Prince 1634. Thomas Prince 1673 Josias Winslow 163,5 William Bradford 1680 Thomas Hinckley, ty^o 1636 Edward Winslow held his place, except during 1637 Vl'^illiam Bradford the interruption by Andros, 1638 Thomas Prince till the junction with Massa* 1639 William Bradford chusetts in 1692.

Governors 0/ Massachusetts under the First Charter^ chosen annually by the People.* 1630 1645 1634 Thomas Dudley 1646 John Winthrop 1635 John Haynes 1649 John Endicott 1636 Henry Vane 1654 1637 John Winthrop 1655 John Endicott 1640 Thomas Dudley 1665 Richard Bellingham 1641 Richard Bellingham 1673 John Levereti 1642 John Winthrop 1679 1644 John Endicott

After the dissolution of the First Charter. 1686 Joseph Dudley, Prest the people, and Simon Brad- 1687 Sir Edmund Andros, street elected President, who Governor. in 1691 was chosen Gov- 1689 Sir Edmund deposed by ernor,

* In 1628, the Company in for settling Massachusetts Bay chose Matthew Cradock, Governor, and Thomas Goflfe, Governor, bm they never came to America. 16 Civil Government of Massachusetts.

Governors of Massachusetts under the Second Charter, appoint' ed by the King.

Governors* Lieutenant Governors* 1692 Sir William Phips. 1692 William Stoughton, i699&i7ooEarlofBellarnont. to r7o2. 1702 May. The Council. 1702 Thomas Povey. Joseph Dudley. 1714 Feb. The Council. 17 5 William Tailor. March. Joseph Dud- ley. 1716 Samuel Shute. 1723 . 1728 William Burnet. 1729 William Dummer, 1730 . 1730 William Tailor, 1740 . 1749 . 1753 William Shirley. 1756 Spencer Phips. ^7 57 April. The Council. Thomas Pownal. 1758 Thomas Hutchinson, 17^0 Francis Bernard. to 1770. 1770 Thomas Hutchinson. 1770 Andrew Oliver. 1774 . 1774 Thomas Oliver.

Since the Revolution, 1774 October. A Provincial Congress. 1775 July. The Council.

Under the Nezo Constitution, chosen annually by the People, Governors. Lieutenant Governors. 1780 , to 1785 1780 Thos.Cushing, toFeb.28,1788 1785 James Bowdoin, 1787 1788 , 1789 1787 John Hancock, Oct. 8, 1793 1789 , 1794 1794 Samuel Adams, 1797 1794 , May 20, 1800 1797 , June7, 1799 1801 Samuel Phillips, Feb.10,1802 1800 , 1807 1802 Edward H. Robbins, 1807 1807 James Sullivan, Dec. 10, 1808 1807 Levi Lincoln, 1809 1809 , 1810 1809 David Cobb, 1810 1810 , 1812 1810 William Gray, 1812 1812 Caleb Strong, 1816 1812 William Phillips, 1823 1816 John Brooks, 1823 1823 Levi Lincoln, Feb. 1824 1823 , Feb. 6, 1825 1824 , July, 182J

1825 Levi Lincoln. J 826 Thomas L. Winthrop.

2^o«e.—Those Lieutenant Governors whose names are in italicSf acted as Governors pro tern. Government of Massachusetts. 17

€ttJil 6cOiiernnirnt of smmmtixuBtttn For the Political Year, commencing May, 1829, and ending May, 1830.

His Excellency LEVI LINCOLN, ll. d. Governor. His Honor Thomas L. Winthrop, Esq. Lieutenant-Governor. COUNCIL. Hon. , Hon. James Savage, John Mason, Joseph E. Spiague. Bezaleel Taft, jr. Nathan Brooks, Samuel C. Allen, Henry A. S. Dearborn. George Hull, Secretary of the Commonwealth^ Edward D. Bangs, Esq^ Chief Clerk, Samuel Austin. Clerk, Edward M'Lane. Treasurer and Receiver General of the Commonwealth, J-3:i:?ii ^E-wAtL, Esq,

Joseph Foster, 1st Clerk. J. I, Linzee, 2d Clerk. Offices in New State- House.

SENATE. Hon. , President. Suffolk, Hon. , Jacob Hall, Nathan Hale, Charles Wells, Pliny Cutler, Daniel Baxter. Essex, Hon. Amos Spaulding, John Merrill, , James H. Duncan, . Middlesex, Hon. Benjamin F. Varnum, James Lewis, Charles Train, Francis Winship, Thomas L Goodwin. Plymouth, Hon. Seth Sprague, jr. Charles I. Holmes. Norfolk, Hon. Christopher Webb, Thomas French, Sherman Leland. Bristol, Hon. William Wood, Howard Lothrop, John A. Parker. Worcester, Hon. John W. Lincoln, Lovell Walker, Da- vid Wilder, Samuel Mixter, William S. Hastings. Hampshire, Hon. Philo Dickinson, Oliver Warner. Hampden^ Hon. James Fowler, Samuel Lathrop. •» Franklin, Hon. Elihu Hoyt, Sylvester Maxwell. 18 Representatives.... Suffolk.

Berkshire, Hon. Samuel M. M-Kay, Robert F. Barnard. Barnstable, Hon. Elisha Pope. JVantucket, Hon. BarkerBurnell. Paul Willard, Esq. Clerk. W. P. Gragg, Esq. Assistant Clerk. Rev. R. W. Emerson. Chaplain. William H. Cutting ^

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Hon. William B. Calhoun, Speaker. Pelham W. Warren, Clerk.

The first column denotes the year of IG" Incorporation ; the second the Census of IdlO, the third the Census of 1820. Figures at the end of lines, denote the distance of miles from Boston. Inc. 1643, May 10. SUFFOLK. Inc. Cen. Cen. Boston, Cyras Alger, Andrew J. 1630 1810 1820 Allen, Samuel Appleton, Samuel As- pinwali, Samuel Austin, jr. Benjamin 43298 Bangs, Levi Bartlett, Daniel Baxter,jr. Adam Bent, John P. Bieelow, George Slake, VViiiiHih W. ISlake, James Bow- doin, David L. Child, David W. Child, Daniel Denny, jr. Joseph H. Dorr, Ez- ra Dyer, Joseph Eveleth, Otis Everett, Henry Farnam, William Foster, John C. Gray, Lemuel P. Giosvenor, Pren- tiss Hobbs, Francis Jackson, Thomas K-endall, Edm. Kimball, Seth Knowles, William Lawrence, Winslow Lewis, Heman Lincoln, John Lowell, jr. Wil- iam P.Mason, Thomas Melvill, James C. Merrill, Thomas Minns, George Morey,jr. Henry J. Oliver, William F. Otis, Isaac Parker, Abner Phelps, Thomas W. Phillips, Benjamin T. Pickman, John P. Rice, Benjamin Rus- sell, , Robert G. Shaw, William Sturgis, Israel Thorndike, jr. Thomas W. Ward, John D. WUliams, Nathaniel L. Williams, Simon Wil- kinson, Edmund Wright, jr. 594 642 Chelsea, Joseph Stowers. Representatives. . . .Essex. 19

Inc. 1643, May 10. ESSEX. Inc. 1810. 1820. ;MUe9 from Boston. 1629 12613 12731 Salem, Gideon Barstcw, Benja- minCrowninshield, John Dike, Asahel Huntington, Elisha Mack, Warwick Palfrey, jr. Francis Peabody, David Putnam, Richard S. Rogers, Wil- Ropes, . 15 3569 2553 Ifisimch, Ebenezer Cogswell, Joseph Dennis, Stephen Pearson, jr. 27 5176 3671 iN'envhury, Moses Little, Silas Little, Silas Moody. 32 40S7 4515 Lynn^ Jacob Ingalls, Josiah Newhall. 9 39 5943 6384 G/owcfs/cr,EliasDdvison,Saml.Lane. 30 39 1682 1825 Ronvley:, Solomon Nelson, Samuel

Pickard. ^ 28 40 2047 2006 Salisbury, Daniel Blasdeli, Benjamin W. L6\vell. 40 43 554 572 Wejiham, Paul Porter. 21

45 J13 1201 Manchester , John Cheever, 2d. 20 45 2682 3070 Haverhill, William Bachelor, John Brickett, jr. Thomas Hai'ding. 30 46 5164 3889 ./^ntioTyer, Steph.Abbt)t,VVm.Johnson, Sam'l Ivi'erriH,Gayt^m P. Osgoed*^0 49 5900 5630 Marblehead, Joseph W. Green. l^ 50 815 866 Tofis/ield, Jacob Towne, jr. 21 68 1890 1956 Amesbury, Robert Patten, Patten Sargent, Stephen Sargent, jr. 40 68 4608 4283 Beverly^ HcnrvLarcom, Josi.Lovett, 2d. R"ob'tRantoul, Amos Sheldon. 17 75 1369 1600 Bradford^ Eliphalet Kimball, Geo. Savory. 28 85 880 906 Boocford, 24 1725 1181 1371 Mtthueiiy John Russ. 30 28 541 596 Middieton^ Pelatiah Wilkins. 28 57 3127 3646 Danversy Elias Putnam, Jona.Shove. 18 64 7634 6852 Newburyport, William S. Allen, Charles H. Balch, William Paris, Henry Frothingham, Stephen W. Marston, Abner Wood. 38 82 500 596 Lynnfield^ John Upton, jr. 12 93 780 802 Hamilton, Azor Brown. 23 Saugus, Abijah Cheever. 10 1819 1279 West JsPenubury^ Eliphalet Emery. 32 19 1107 EsaeXy Jonathan Story, 2d. 25 30 Representa,tives....Middlesex.

Inc. 1643, May 10. MIDDLESEX. Inc. Miles from Boeton. 1629 4954 6591 Charlestown, Leavitt Corbet, John Harris, Oliver Holden, Josiah S. Hurd, Leonard M. Parker, Benja- min Whipple. 1531 518 W^tt;d'rrow;2,CharlesBemisJno.Clark 7 1443 1474 Medford, Turell Tufts. 4 23i>3 3295 Cambridg'Cy , Royal Makepeace, , Ral|)h Smith, John Trowbridge, WiUi^m J. Whipple. 3 35 1633 1788 Co7icord, Reuben Brown, jr. Samuel Burr, 18 39 i28r 1417 Sudbury, Abel Wheeler. 20 4-2 1219 1549 IVobuni, Marshal Fowle, Jno.Wade. 10 44 2228 2797 Readiriif, Eliab Parker, jr. Warren Perkins. 14 49 1384 1731 Maiden, Ebenez. Nichols, Isaac Stiles. 4 55 1396 1535 Chelmsford, Joel Adams. 26 55 1289 1380 Biilcrica, Marshall Preston. 20 55 1886 1897 Groton, , William Livermore, 35 60 1574 1552 Mariboro\ Eli Rice, Dan'i. Stevens. 28 63 475 584 Dunstable, 37 74 770 811 Sherburne, 21 83 1273 1495 Stov) \:f BoxbQro\ Lyman B'glow, 30 91 1709 1850 N'eivtori, Wra.Jackson, John Kenrick. 9 iroo 1670 2037 Framingham, Luther Belknap. 21 1 1301 1407 Dracuty Coburn Blood, jr. Life Ham- blet. 30 12 1008 1041 Weston, Jonas Cutter. 15 12 1052 1200 Lexington, Satnuel Fisk. 10 15 773 955 Littleton, 28 15 1345 1655 //y/2A:m/ow, Thos.Bucklin, Matthew Metcalf. 32 24 989 1042 Holliston, 25 25 468 615 Sfo?7eham, Darius Stevens. 10 29 1330 1409 Westford, Abram Prescott. 28 29 592 648 Bedford, William Webber. 18 30 716 786 Wilmingtofi^ 16 32 1246 1482 Toivnsend, 45 34 943 1008 Tewksbury, Josiah Brown. 24 35 885 1047 Acton, Stevens Hayward. 24 37 1014 1677 WaUhanti Jonas Clarke 11 .

Representatives. . . .Hampshire 21

814 22 Representatives. . . .Plymouth. . . .Bristol.

Inc. 1685. PLYMOUTH. ^ Inc. 1810. 1820. Miles from Boston. 1620 4228 4384 Plymouth, 36 35 2382 2855 Hinghajn, Solomon Lincoln, jr. 14 36 2969 3505 Sciiuate^ Samuel ToIman,jr. John B, Turner. 17 sr 2201 2403 Duxhury^ George P. Richardson, Gershom B. Weston. 36

40 1364 1532 Marshfield, Asa Hewit, Edward P. . Little. 30 44 132 172 Hull, 9 56 1692 5670 Bridgeivatei\ Solomon Alden, jr. Natlian Lazell, jr. 24 1400 4687 Middleboru\ Jno. Benson, Seth Eaton, Zachariah Eddy, William Nelson, Oliver Pierce, Ephraim Ward. 34 2954 3034 Rochester, Wilson Barstow, Ebenez. Holmes, Geo. King, Joseph Meigs. 48 703 930 Flymjiton, Jonathan Parker. 32 2051 1297 Pembroke, Kilborn Whitman. 23 1704 1920 Abington, James Bates. 17 1137 1313 Kmgsion, Zephaniah Willis. 32 1171 1211 Hanover, William Morse. 22 900 749 Halifax, Zadock Thompson. 32 851 952 Wareham, Ichabod Leonard. 54 858 839 Carver, Benjamin Ellis. 38 917 Hanson, 24 1480 .¥or(h Bridgewater, Ephraim Cole, Abel Kingman. 20 1055 West Bridgenvater, Samuel Dunbar. 24

1435 East Bridgewater,1^7.YiiKmgm^v\,}T . 20 Inc. 1685. BRISTOL. 3907 4520 Taunton, , Jacob Chapin, Nathaniel Fates, Abiathar Leonard, Ichabod Lincoln, James Woodward. 32 4866 2740 Rehoboth, Samuel Bullock, , Joseph Nichols. 37 3219 3636 Dartmouth, Bradford Hnwland, Na- thaniel Hnwland, Jesse W. Nich- ols, Elihu Solcura. 62 1839 1933 S'luanzey, Luther Baker, Benajah Mason. 47 1878 1863 Freetown^ Thomas Bump, John T. Lawton, 40 Representatives. . . .Barnstable. 23

Inc. 1810. 1820. 1694 2716 1711 1598

12 1650

1557 1154 1014 1030 5651

87 2585

90 1199 1803 1296


12 1S28

1639 ,

24 Representatives. . . .. . . .Worcester.

Inc. 1695, Jane 20, NANTUCKET. Inc. 1810. 1820. Miles from Boston. 6807 7266 Nantucket, Hezekiah Barnard, Jared Coffin, George W. Gardner, James Mitchell, Seth Pinkham. 100

Inc. 1731, April 2. WORCESTER. 1694 1862 Lancaster^ Solon Whiting. 35 1819 2254 Mtndon, Aaron Burdon, Warren Rawson, Daniel Thurber. 32 2577 2962 Worcester, , Benja- min Chapin, William Eaton, Re- joice Newton, Fred. W. Paine, 40 1277 1562 Oxford^ Jonathan Davis, Richard Olney. 54 1181 1252 Leicester^ John Hobart. 46 1231 1262 Rutland, Robert Munroe. 56 2660 2056 Sutfon, JonasSibley, Danl.Tourtellot. 46 1048 1326 Westboro\ Charlt^s Parkman. 34 3170 2292 Brookfield, Simeon Draper, Alanson tiamilton, Ebenezer Merriam. 64 1404 1551 Uxbrid^e^ Daniel Carpenter, Joseph Thayer. 38 926 1030 Southboro\ Jonas Ball. 30 1210 1458 Shrewsbury 40 1371 1209 Lwienbui g, Daniel Putnam. 45

1226 1615 Dudley y John Brown, Wm» Winsor. 55 1481 1597 Harvard, 35 946 1154 Grafton, Many Wood, Saml. Wood. 40 995 1088 Ufiion, Ezra Wood. 38 1657 1836 Hardwick^ Samuel Billings, Ebene- zer Perry. 7(i 38 1037 1229 Bolton, Silas Holman. 33 38 1927 1633 Sturbridgey Penuel Belknap. 70 40 1072 1402 Holden, Silas Flagg. 51 40 1584 1790 Leominster^ Wilder Carter, Joel Crosby. 46 41 1014 1112 Western, Pardon Keyes. 65 46 1142 1375 Douglas, Amos Humes. 47 51 912 888 Ktiv Braintree, Philip Delano. 66 53 1453 1548 Sfiencer, Ruf. Adams, James Draper. 51 54 1490 1626 Petersham, Joseph Gallond, Mica- jah Reed. 66 54 2180 2134 Charlton, Join Hill, jr. Samuel D. Spurr. 6ft .

Representatives. . . .Berkshire 25

Inc. 1810. 1820. Miles from Boston. 1762 1205 1331 Temfileton, Leonard Stone. 60 62 1041 1211 Athol, Ebenezer Chaplin. 72 62 848 986 Oakham^ 62 64 1566 1736 Fitchburg^ Oliver Fox, Isa.Putnam. 42 64 1173 1263 Winchendcn^ 60 65 619 613 Paxton^ Tyler Goddard. 55 65 1415 1424 Royalston^ Rufus Bullock. 70

65 1036 1230 Ashburnham. Joseph Jevvett. - 55 66 794 1018 Korthborouglu Jonas Bartlett. 36 67 1227 1367 Hubbardston^ Henry Prentiss. 53 69 1419 1634 Westminstery Charles Hudson, Cyrus Wiiiship. 54 71 1063 1261 Princeton, Charles Russell. 46 72 713 905 Norihbridge^ Adolphus Spring. 45 74 1971 2077 Barre, Nathl. Jones, Charles Sibley. 58 78 540 608 Ward, Samuel Boyden. 50 80 971 1160 Milford, John Claflin, jr. 30 81 1472 1710 Sterlings Jac. Conant, Thos. Wright. 39 84 591 625 Berlin, 33 85 815 911 Gardner^ Smyrna Glazier, 58 86 800 902 Boy/ston, Ward Cotton. 45 86 916 Phillifiston, Joseph Knowlton. 1801 625 664 Dana, Nathaniel Williams. 65 8 632 886 West Boylston, Joseph Hinds. 45 2 1095 JVorth Brookjield, William Adams. 60 13 926 Millburu, Amos Hill, Aaron Pierce. 45 14 1066 Southbridge, John M'Kinstry. 58

1733 .

26 Representatives. . .Norfolk

1810. Miles fiom Boston* Mto Ashford, 121 WiUia7nstQwn, KeyesDanfortb ,Sam- uel Smith. 130 Becket, Benjaniin C. Perkins. 110 Richmond, Erastus Rowley. 13Q Lenox, Oliver Peck. 125 Windsor, Jephthah Whitman. 128 rem, David Tiittle. 118 Alford^ George C. Tickner. 125 oh*, Timothy Jones. 116 West Scockbr'idge, Martin Hendrix. 130 //a^coc/^, Caleb Eldrid2;e. ^30 Washington, Stephen W. Newton. 120 Lee, Riley Loomis, Wni.Porter, jr. 120 Adams^ Richmond Brown, Thomas Farnum, Edward Richmond. 120 Mount Washington, 130 Dalton, Grenvi'lie D. Weston. 120 Cheshire^ James Brown. 120 Savoy, Edward Babbit. 120 Clarksburg, 120 Hindsdale^ Ichabod Emmons. 125 Florida^ 130

Inc. 1793, March 26. NORFOLK. Dorchester^ Samuel P. Loud. 4 Roxbury, Isaac Davis, Samuel Guild, Elijah Lewis, Adam Smith, Ben- jamin P. Williams. 2 Weymouth^ Ebenezer Humphreys. 11 Deijham, Richard Ellis, . Braintree, Joseph Richards. Medjield Isf Dover, Representatives... .Franklin. 27

Inc. 28 Joint Standing Committees.

Inc. 1812, February 25. HAMPDEN. 1810. 1820. Miles from Boston. 1645 2767 3914 Springfield, William B.Calhoun, William H.Foster, Ithamar Good- man, Charles Howard, Jesse Pen- dleton, William Rice, Eleazer Williams. 97 69 2130 Westfield^ HenryDouglas, Jesse Far- num, Eli B. Hamilton. 105 1731 1325 Brimjieldy Oliver Blair, JohnWyles. 75 41 1615 Blandford^ Reuben Boies, jr. 116 52 1114 PalmeVy John Sedgwick. 82 54 1504 Granville^ James Cooley. 120 60 1674 Monson, Jonathan Torrey. 80 63 1776 Wilbraham^ Luther Brewer, Jacob B. Merrick. 89 65 1534 Chester, Isaac Whipple, 120 79 1229 Southwick, Joseph M. Forward, Gideon Stiles. 110 74 3109 West Sfiringfield, Reuben Champi- on, jr. Warren Chapin, Robert Ely, Spencer Flower. lOO 74 LudlonVy Alexander M'Lean, 90 Montgomery, Benjamin Phillips, jr. 110 Longmeadowy Seth Taylor. 97 Russell^ Reuben Palmer. 108 Wales and Holland^ John WalUs. 75 Tolland, Launcelot Granger. 125 Messenger to the General Courts Jacob Kuhn. Assistant Messengers, Elijah W. Cutting, Jacob Kuhn, jr. Page to the House^ Charles Pitts. Messenger to Governor and Council, Jonathan D. Robins. Watchman of the State House^ Thomas Aves.

JOINT STANDING COMMITTEES. 1829.....30. On Accounts. Of the Senate, Hon. Messrs. Hoyt, and Parker. Of the House, Messrs. Holman, of Bolton, Palfrey, of Salem, Norton, of Tisbury. On Roads and Bridges. Of the Senate, Hon. Messrs. Spaulding, and Winship. Of the House, Messrs. Bancroft, of Chesterfield, Brow- nell, of Westport, Boies, of Blandford. Joint Standing Committees. 29

On Railways and Canals. Of the Senate, Hon. Messrs. Lincoln, and Hale. Of the House, Messrs. Sedgwick, of Stockbridge, Mann. ofDedham, Hastings, of Heath. On Towns. Of the Senate, Hon. Messrs. Varnum, and Wilder. Of the House, Messrs. Lovering, of Medway, For- ward, of Belchertown, Mann, of Randolph. On Claims. Of the Senate, Hon. Messrs. Webb, and Goodwin. Of the House, Messrs. Parker, of Charlestown, Tol- nian, of Canton, Hobart, of Leicester. On the . Of the Senate, Hon. Messrs. M'Kav, and Mixter. Of the House, Messrs. Hall, of Sheffield, Wade, of Wo- burn, Hawes, of Walpole.

On Parishes and Religious Societies. Of the Senate, Hon. Messrs. Merrill, and French. Of the House, Messrs. Holden, of Charlestown, H. Wood, cf Grafton, Saxton, of Deerfield.

On Fisheries. Of tlie Senate, Hon. Messrs, Lewis, and Wood. Of the House, Messrs. Thiirber, of Mendon, Stiles, of Southwick, Towne, of Topsfield. On Banks and Banking. Of the Senate, Hon, Messrs. Fowler and Burnell. Of the House, Messrs. Sturgis, cf Boston, Thayer, of Uxbridge, Crowninshield, of Salem.

On Mercantile Affairs and Insurance. Of the Senate, Hon. Messrs. Thorndike, and Cutler. Of the House, Messrs. W^eston, of Duxbury, Ward, of Boston, Parir.enter, of Cambridge. On Public Lands. Of the Senate, Hon. Messrs. Hall, and Sprague. Of the H(,use, Messrs. D. L. Child, of Boston, Twining, of Sandisfield, Doane, of Yarmouth. 071 Manufactures. Of the Senate, Hon. Messrs. Hastings, and Train. Of the House, Messrs Lowell, of Boston, Whipple, of Charlestown, Starkweather, of Paw tucket. C* 30 Courts in Boston.

On the Library. Of the Senate, Hon. Messrs. Pickering, Leland, and Thorndike. Of the House, Messrs. Kimball, of Boston, Bascom, of Ashby, Robinson, of Lowell.

SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. Justices. Hon. Isaac Parker, LL.D. of Boston, Chief Justice. Hon. Samuel Putnam, LL.D, of Salem. Hon. Samuel Sumner Wilde, LL.D. of Newburyport. Hon. Marcus Morton, LL.D. of Taunton. Attorney General, Hon. , of Dorchester. Solicitor General, Hon. Daniel Davis, of Cambridge. Refiorter ofDecisions, Octavius Pickering, Esq. Boston. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Hon. , Chief Justice. Hon. , Leominster.) A^^pjafP Hon. John M. Williams, Taunton. > justi^^es Hon. David Cummins, Salem. )

MUNICIPAL COURT IN BOSTON. Hon. Peter O. Thacher, Judge. Joseph H. Pierce, Clerk. James T. Austin, Attornej'. Stephen Badlam, Crier. The Municipal Court is holden the first Monday|in each month. POLICE COURT IN BOSTON. Benjamin Whitman, ) William Simmons, / Justices* Henry Orne, ) Clerk, Thomas Power. Assistant Clerk, William Knapp. The Police Court sits every day, at 9 o'clock, A. m. and at 3 Po m. for the trials of criminal causes. The same is also a Justices Court for the trial of civil causes under 20 dollars, and is held every Wednesday and Saturday, at 9 o'clock, a. m. The Salaries of the Justices are 1500 dollars each. County Commissioners. 31 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS* The Courts of Sessions and Commissioners ofHigh- ivays are abolished, and County Commissioners ^ sub- stituted in their stead. ESSEX. Asa W. Wildes, Newburyport. Chairman, Stephen Barker, Andover, William B. Breed, Lynn, Joseph Winn, Salem. MIDDLESEX. Caleb Butler, Groton, Chairman. Benjamin F. Varnum, Dracut, Augustus Tower, Stow, David Townsend, Waltham. PLYBIOUTH. Thomas Weston, Middleborough, Chairman. Jared Whitman, Abington, John CoUamore, Scituate. Special Commissioners^ Daniel Mitchell, Bridgewater, William J. Ripley, Plymouth. HAMPSHIRE. Levi Lyman, Northampton, Chairman, Charles P. Phelps, Hadley, Alvan Rice, Chesterfield.

Sjiecial Commissioners » Oliver Smith, Hatfield, Ithamar Conkey, Amherst. BRISTOL. Rufus Bacon, Freetown, Chairman, Noah Claflin, Attleborough, Lem*l Tripp, Fairhaven, Sjiecial Commissioners^ Nathaniel Wheeler, Dighton, Abner B. Gilford, Westport. BARNSTABLE. Samuel P. Croswell, Falmouth, Chairman. Matthew Cobb, Barnstable, Obed Brooks, Harwich. Sfiecial Commissioners.^ Elisha Pope, Sandwich, Orren Howes, Dennis. DUKES ^COUNTY. Matthew Mayhew, Chi) mark, Chairman. William Davis, Tisbury, Ichabod Norton, Edgartown. Sfiecial Commissioners.^ John Hancock, Chilmark, Bar- nard Luce, Tisbury. NANTUCKET. William Coffin, Chaii'man, Josiah Hussey, Zacheus Hussey. WORCESTER. Jared Weed, Petersham, Chairman. Aaron Tufts, Dudley, Edmund Cushing, Lunenburg, William Eaton, Worcester. .

32 Supreme Judicial Courts.

BERKSHIRE. Luther Washburn, Pittsfield, Chairjnan. Peter Briggs, Adams, Lyman Brown, Sandisfield. S/iecial Commissioners, Edward Stevens, New Marl- borough, Levi Beldcn, Lenox. NORFOLK. Samuel P. Loud, Dorchester, C/joirman. William Ellis, Dedh.iiTi, Lewis Fisher, Franklin, Nathaniel Tucker, Milton. FRANKLIN. John Nevers, Northficld, Chairman, Thomas Longlej^ Hawley, John Arms, Conway. Sfiecial Co?n?nissioners^ Rufus Saxton, Deerfield, Thad- deus Coleman, Greenfield. HAMPDEN. Caleb Rice, West Springfield, Chairman. Joel Norcross, Monson, Reuben Boies, jr. Blandford. Sfiecial Commissioner, Robert Emery, Springfield.

Calendar of the Supreme Judicial Courts. LAW TERMS. Suffolk and Kanlucket. —Boston, 1st Tuesday in March. Rssex.—Salem, on the 6th Tuesday next after the 4th Tuesday in September. Middlesex —Cambridge, on the 3d Tuesday next after the 4th Tuesday in September. Bristol, Plymouth, Barnstable, and Dukes County.— Plymouth, and Taunton, alternately, on the 4tli Tues- day next after the 4ih Tuesday uf September. Worcester.—Worcester, on the first Tuesday next after the 4th Tuesday in September. Berkshire —Lenox, on the week following the 2d Tuesday in September. //or/bZ^.—Dedham, on the 5th Tuesday next after the 4th Tuesday of September. Hampshire, Hampden, and Franklin.—Northamp- ton, on the Monday next preceding the 4th Tuesday in September. NISI PRIUS TERMS. Suffolk and JVantucket.—Boston, 7th Tuesday next after the 4th Tuesday in September. At Nantucket, for the county of Nantucket, on the 1st Tuesday of July. ; .

Court of Common Pleas. 33

Essex.—At Ipswich, for Essex county, on the 8th Tuesday next after the 1st Tuesday in March. Worcester,—At Worcester, for Worcester county, 6th Tuesday next after the 1st Tuesday in March. Middlesex.—At Concord, on the 2d Tuesday in April. Aor/blk.—At Dedham, on the 3d Tues. in February. Berks/lire and Plymouth. —AtLenox,fron) Berkshire county, and at Plymouth, for Plymouth county, on the 10th Tuesday next after the 1st Tuesday in March also at Lenox, on the 2d Tuesday in September. Hamfishire.—At Northampton, on the 7th Tuesday next after the 1st Tuesday in March. Hamfideriy Barnstable and Dukes County. At Springfield, fox' Hampden county, and at Barnstable, for Barnstable and Dukes counties, on the 8th Tuesday next after the 1st Tuesday in March. Also in the county of Hampden, at Springfield, on the 1st Tuesday of September. Franklin and Bristol.-~-\t Greenfield, for Franklin county, and at Taunton, for Bristol county, on the 7th Tuesday next after the 1st Tuesday in March. At Greenfield also, for the county of Franklin, on the 2d Tuesday of September. At New-Bedford, for Bristol county, on the Tuesday next preceding the 3d Monday of November,

Calendar of Courts of Commoji Pleas. Suffolk.—Boston, first Tuesday in January, April, July and October. Essex.—Ipswich, on the 3d Monday of March, and 3d Monday of December.—Salem, 3d Monday of June. —Newburyport, 3d Monday of September. MzV/a?/esfx.—Concord, 2d Monday in September, 2d Monday in March, and 2d Monday of June.—Cam- bridge, 2d Monday in December. Harr.fishire.—Northampton, 4th Monday in March, 3d Monday in August, and 3d Monday in November. Plymouth.—Plymouth, 2d Monday in April, 2d Mon- day in August, and 3d Monday in November. Bristol.— At Taunton, on the 2d Monday of March and September, and at New Bedford, on the 2d Mon- day of June and December. Barnstable.— Barnstable, on the Tuesday next suc- ceeding the 3d Monday of April, and the first Tuesday in Septen)ber, 34 County Commissioners.

Dukes.—EcTgartown, on the 3d Monday of May, and the last Monday of September. JVantucket.—Nantucket, 4th Monday in May, and 1st Monday in October. Worcester.—Worcester, 1st Monday in March, 3d Monday in June, Monday next after the 4th Monday in August, and 1st Monday of December annually. Berkshire.—Lenox, 4di Monday of February, June, and October. ^ir/b/4.- Dedham. 4th Monday in April, 3d Mon- day in September, and 3d Monday in December. Franklin.—Greenheld, on the Tuesday of the next week after the 4lh Monday in March, 2d Monday in August, and 2d Monday in November. Hamfiden.—Springfield, 3d Monday in March, 4th Monday in August, and 4th Monday in November.

Meetings of the County Commissioners. Essex.—Ipswich, on the 2d Tuesday of April, and on Tuesday the 16th of January.—At Salem, on the 2d Tuesday of July ; and at Newburyport, on the 2d Tuesday of October, and on the 4th Tues. of Dec. Middlesex.—Cambridge, on the 1st Tuesday of Jan- uary, and at Concord, on the 2d Tuesday in May, and on the 3d Tuesday in September. Hampshire.—Northampton, on the 1st Tuesday in September, on the 1st Tuesday in March, and 1st Tues. of June and December. Plymouth.—Plymouth, on the 3d Tuesday ^n March, and on the 1st Tuesday in August, and on the 2d I'ues- day in December. Bristol. —Taunton, on the 4th Tuesday in March, and on the 4th Tuesday in September. Barnstable.—Barnstable, on the 2d Tuesday of April, and on the 2d Tuesday of October. Dukes County.—Edgarlown, on the Wednesday next after the 3d Monday in May, and on the Wednes- day next after the 2d Monday in November. J\''antucket. —Nantucket, 3d Monday of April, and 2d Monday of October. Worcester.—Worcester, the 4th Tuesdnv of March, the 2d Tuesday of September, and on the 3d Tuesday of June and 4th Tuesday of December. Berkshire.—Lenox, on the last Tuesday in April, and on the last Tuesday in September. ——

Probate Courts in Massachusetts. 35

Norfolk.—Uedham, on the 3d Tuesday of April, and on the 4th Tuesday in September. Franklin. —Greenfield, on the 1st Tuesday in March, on the l.st Tuesday in September, and on the 2d Tues, of June and December. A'aw/^(if72.~ Springfield, on the 4th Tues. of April, June, September and December.

Calendar of Probate Courts, SUFFOLK. At the Probate Office, in the County Court House, School Street, Boston, every Monday except the first Monday in each month. ESSEX. At the Probate Office in Ipswich, on the 1st Tues- day in February, March, May, June, August, Septem- ber, November, and December.—At Salem, first Tues- dny in January, April, July and October, and the third Tuesday in February, May, August, and November. At Newbnryport, oh the last Tuesday in March, June, September and December.—At Haverhill, on the 3d Tuesday in April and October.—At Gloucester, the 3d Tuesday in January and July.—At Marblehead, on the Wednesday following the first Tuesday in April and October, — At Lynn, on the Wednesday following the first Tuesday in January and July. MIDDLESEX. At Cambridge. 2d Tuesday in January, August, and November ; 1st Tues. in March ; 3d Tues. in May, and Tuesday next preceding 2d Monday in December.

In Concord, 2d Tuesday of February ; 2d Tuesday in April ; Tuesday next preceding 2d Monday in June and September ; and 3d Tuesday in Noveypber. In Groton, 1st Tues. in May, last Tuesday in September, and last Tuesday in December.— In Framingham, last Tues- day in June, and last in October.— In Charlestown, on the 3d Tuesday in February, and the 3d Tuesday in August.—In Woburn, on the 4th Tuesday in April. In Chelmsford, on the 1st Tuesday in October. HAMPSHIRE. At the Court House in Northampton, on the 1st Tues. of each month in the year, except July. —At Amherst, on the 2d Tuesday in April and October.—At Belcher- 36 Probate Courts in Massachusetts

ton, on the 2d Tuesday of February and August, at the house of J. H. Clapp. At Chesterfield, on the 2d Tues. in May and September, at the house of E. Clapp. PLYMOUTH. At Scituate, on the 1st Tuesday of March, June, and December, and last Tuesday of August.—At the Post- Office in Plymouth, the third Mondays of February, May, November, and December, and on the 2d Mon- days of April and August.—At East Bridgewater. on the first Tuesdays of April, July, and October.—At Middleborough, on the first Tuesdays of May, August and November.—At Rochester, on Wednesdays next after the first Tuesdays of May and November. BRISTOL. The first Tuesday in each month, as follows :—At Taunton, in January, March, and August ; at Norton, in July and Novem. ; at Dighlon, in June and December, and first Friday after first Tuesday in every month, ex- cept June and December ; at New- Bedford, in May and

October; at Freetown, in February ; at Seekonk, in September ; at Troy, the last Tuesday in June, and at Westport, the last Tuesday in July. BARNSTABLE. At the Probate Office in Barnstable, on the 2d Tues- day of January, February, March, June, and September. —At the house of Jabez How land, in West Barnstable, on the 2d Tuesday of July and December.—At the house of Joshua Hamblin, in Yarmouth, on the 2d Tuesday of August.—At the house of William Fessenden, in Sand- wich, on the 2d Tues. in November.— At the house of David Lewis, in Falmouth,on Wednesday next after the 2d Tuesday in November.—At the house of David Ken- drick, in Harwich, on the last Mondays of March and October.—At the house of Elisha Crocker, in Brewster, on Tuesday next after the last Monday of March and October. —At the house of Henry Knowles, in Orleans, on Wednes. next after the last Monday of March and October. —At the house of Joshua Y. Pierce, in Wel- fleet, on Thursday next after the last Monday of March and October.—At the house of Ezra Crocker, in Coa- luit village, on the 3d Tuesday of May. WORCESTER. At the Probate Office in the Court House in Worces- ter, on the 1st Tuesday in every month ; at the house of Justices in Massachusetts. 37

Mr. Wright, innholder in Templeton, on Thursday the next after the 3d Tuesday in May, and on the 3d Tues- day in October ; at the house of EHsha Hammond, inn- hoider, of West Brookneld, on the 2d Tuesday in April, and 4th in October ; at the house of Mr. Rand, jr. inn- holder in Lancaster, on the 3d Tuesday in May, and November; at the house of Mr. Moses Chapin, inn- holder in Uxbridge, 4th Tursday in May and Novem- ber ; at Barre, on the 3d I'uesday of August and Jan- uary ; and at Mendon, on the 4th Tuesday in May. BERKSHIRE. At the Probate Office in Lenox, on the 1st Tuesday in each month, except September, in which month the Court will be holden on the 1st Tuesday after the 1st Wednesday.—At Major Griswold's, in Great-Barring- ton, on the 2d Tuesday in February, May, August and November.—At Mr. 1 ower's, in Lanesborough, on the 2d Tuesday m January, April, July and October, NORFOLK. At Dedham, the 1st Tuesday in each month.—Quin- cy, 2d Tuesday in February, May, August, and No- vember.—Wrentham, 3d Tuesdays in February, May, August and November. FRANKLIN. At Greenfield, eight times a year; at Charlemont, Wendell and Conway, twice a year; at such times and places as the Judge shall appoint. HAMPDEN.

At Springfield, nine times ; at Westfield, twice; and at Monson, twice in each year, at such places and times in said terms as the Judge shall appoint.

JUSTICES throughout the Commonwealth, arranged according to the dates of their Commissions. Nathan Dane Beverly Daniel Davis Cambridge Edward H.Robbins Milton Harrison G. Otis Boston Beza Hayward Plymouth Daniel Kilham Wejiham Artemas Ward Boston Isaac Parker Boston Bezaleel Taft Uxbridge Wilham Prescott Boston Benjamin Pickman Salem Aaron Hill Cambridge Perez Morton Dorchester Oliver Fiske Worcester Nathl. Morton Taunton John Lowell Boston Jonathan Mason Boston Charles Turner Charlesto, D 38 Justices in Massachusetts.

John Davis Boston Thos. Weston Middleboro^ Grcton Nathan Chandler Lexingt. Cambridge David Cummins Salem George Blake Boston Jesse Putnam Boston Thomas B.Adams Quincy Marcus Morton Taunton E. Starkweather Worthing. Nathan Wiliis Pittsfield Ephr. Williams Deerjield Russel Freeman JV* Bed/, George Bliss S/iring/ield Stephen White Salem Boston do. £as! Jairus Ware Dedham Bridgewater James Fowler Westjield Saml.S. Wilde Newburyfi't. Stephen Barker Andover Samuel Putnam Solan Hezekiah Barnard JVantu. John Welles Boston Edniund Cushing Lunenb. Nathaniel Bow ditch do. Thos.L. Winthrop Boston John C. Williams Pittsjield Jacob Hall do. Peter C. Brooks Bostoji Hercules Cushman Mid- John T. Kirkland do. dltborough Samuel Crocker Taunton John Merrill JSTewbury John Pickering Boston John Endicott Dedham Samuel P. P. Fay Cambr. Aaron Hobart E. Bridgw, Silas Holman Bolton Ezra Mudge Lynn Richard Sullivan Brookline Joshua Danforth Pittsfield B.W. Crowninshield Sale??i Levi Lyman Northampton Thomas Greenleaf Quincy Cambridge Josiah Quincy Cambridge Mark Doolittle Belcheru Danl. Noble IVilliainstown John Mason Swansey William Reed Marblehead BezaleelTatt,jr. Uxbridge Samuel Porter Hadley Jonathan Phillips Boston Abrah. Holmes Rochester Saml. C. Allen Greenfield Joseph Locke Billerica George Hull Sandisjield Leominster James Savage Boston Wendell Davis Sandwich Joseph E. Sprague Salem Ebenezer Fisher Dedham Nathan Brooks Concord Wm. P. Walker Lenox Heniy A.S.Dearborn, /^o:c. SUFFOLK. Judge of Probate, Joseph Hall, Boston. Register of Prolate, John Heard, jr. do. Register of Deeds, Henry Alline, do. County Attorney, James T. Austin, do. County Treasurer, William Mackay, do. Clerks of S. J. Court, and Court of Common Pleas, John Callender, John Stickney, and Charles A. Parker, of Boston. Justices of the Peace in Boston. 39

JUSTICES OF THE PEACE AM) OF THE QUORUM IN BOSTON. William Wetmore Samuel H. Walley John T. Apthorp William Donnison Samuel J. Prescott Daniel Sargent Joseph May Joseph H. Pierce Edmund Dwight William Little Stephen Codman Edward Jones William Minot Andrew Brimmer William Spooner John Knapp Samuel D. Parker Israel Thorndike Loammi Baldwin Andrew Ritchie Alden Bradford Benja. Whitman Alexan. Townsend Thos. H. Perkins Gardiner Greene Benjamin Guild Benjamin Parsons William Parsons David Sears Wm. Stevenson John Parker Wm, Simmons William Sullivan Lemuel Shaw Henry Orne Samuel Hubbard Augustus Peabody John Callender Joseph Head Francis J. Oliver Tristram Barnard Thomas Perkins Joseph E. Smith Joseph Tilden Samuel Cobb Edward D. Bangs James Allen Timothy Williams Benjamin Russell Peter O. Thacher ThomasMelvill Joseph Hall Warren Dutton John Heard, jr. Thos. Welsh, jr. Wm. H Sumner Wm. D, Sohier Francis C. Gray James T. Austin APPOINTED TO QUALIFY CIVIL OFFICERS. William Donnison, Daniel Sargent, Alden Bradford, Edward D. Bangs, Samuel Austin. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN BOSTON. William Taylor Thomas Payson Samuel D. Ward Benjamin Welles Joseph Woodward Dav. S. Townsend Henry Cabot Nathan Hale Caleb Loring Jonathan Hastings Charles Bradbury Zebedee Cook Nathl. P. Russell John C. Warren William R. Gray Henry Codman James Jackson Richard D. Harris Z. G. Whitman George W. Coffin George Burroughs Redford Webster Francis Green Amos Binney Joseph Coolidge James Hall Joseph N. Howe Samuel Snelling Turner Phillips Edw. Tuckerman William Mackay Joseph Levering Saml. F. M'Cleary Phineas Blair Joseph W. Revere John Williams Josiah P. Cooke Francis Bassett Wm. C. Aylwin Abra. W. Fuller Samuel Swett Samuel Gore William Sturgis Thomas Dennie Benjamin Rand Charles P. Curtis Saml. K. Wilhams Elijah Morse Thomas Power James Phillips Henry Sargent George Gay Thomas Clark James C. Merrill J. W, Davis 40 Justices of the Peace in Boston.

William P. Mason Henderson Inches "William Barry i

Horatio M. Willis James Bovvdoin Josiah Gtuincy, jr. j William Parker Thos. W. Phillips Heman Lincoln Bryant P. Tilden Josiah Bradlee Charles Sprague ' Elisha Clap Edmund Kimball Isaac Stevens Geo. W. Brimmer John Hubbard John P. Boyd Charles Hayward Thaddeus Page Daniel Carney Nathl. G. Snelling William Tileston William Appleton Fbenezer Francis Thomas Wetmore Ebenezer R. Dorr Saml.Frothingham John G. Rogers Sidney Bartlett Isaac Winslow Thomas W. Ward George S. Bulfinch George E. Head Samuel Hammond Darius Boardman Charles G.Loring Elbridge Gerry John W. Quincy Benjamin Rich Samuel G. Perkins David Henshaw Francis Welch George Bond Thomas Kendall Samuel May Joseph Austin David L. Child Daniel Messinger Henry Bass William Ingalls John Tappan Gedney King Daniel Parkman George Ticknor Isaac P. Osgood Nathan Gurney, jr. Eliphalet Williams Wm. H. Eliot Prince Snow, jr. Samuel P. Gardner Wm. A. Warner Charles Wells Edward Cruft Lynde Walter Daniel Baxter Henry J. Oliver VVilliam Knapp Charles A. Parker George Morey John T. Winthrop Francis Brinley, jr. Henry H. Fuller Wxn, T. Andrews John C. Gray B. D. Greene John W. James Edward Brooks John B. Davis Augus.W. Roberts Franklin Dexter Ezra A. Bourne Wm. J. Hubbard Bradford Sumner John Boyle Joshua Blake Samuel A. Wells George A. Otis Samuel Perking Thomas Welsh John S. Lillie Francis H.Williams Francis Gardner Samuel Billings Caleb Eddy Richard Fletcher George Hallett Samuel T. Arm- Thos. J. Eckiey Chandler Robbins strong David W. Child Isaac Waters Samuel Tenny John Cotton Nathaniel Niles John F. Loring A. A. Dame Benj. R. Nichols Wm. Foster Otis Andrew Dunlap Wm. H. Gardiner Jonathan Porter J. R. Adan W.R.P.Washburn Thomas A. Dexter Theod. Lyman, jr. Ezra Davis Edward G. Loring Benj. T. Pickman Gerry Fairbanks Justin Field Henry Alline Ninian C. Betton Joseph T. Adams J. J. Loring Samuel E. Sewall John A. Lowell Samuel D. Harris Abraham Moore

JUSTICE OF THE PEACE IN CHELSEA, Joseph Stowcrs. Counsellors at Law in Boston. 41

NOTARIES PUBLIC IN BOSTON. William Stevenson Charles Hayvvard John W. Quincy Samuel J. Prescott John J. Loring Thomas A. Dexter Stephen Codman COUNSELLORS AT LA.W IN BOSTON. Rufus G. Amory Thomas Power Francis Gardner William Prescott Josiah P. Cooke Bradford Sumner

I George Blake Zach. G. Whitman Edmund Kimball Benjamin j Parsons Sherman Leland Thos. W. Phillips i William Sullivan Benjamin Rand James Bowdoin John Williams Abrah. W. Fuller Thomas Wetmore John Heard, jr. Henry Codman John G. Rogers Peter O. Thacher Elijah Morse Isaac P. Osgood Benjamin Gorham George Gay Jonathan Porter John Pickering Henry Orne Wm. T. Andrews James Allen Samuel D. Ward John P. Bigelow Warren Button David Townsend William H. Eliot John Knapp James C. Merrill John M. Fiske Samuel D.Parker Wm. A. Warner Thom.as Welsh Jr. Francis Basset John T. Winthrop William Austin David A. Simmons Ninian C. Betton Timothy Fuller Francis C. Gray William Page Lemuel Shaw William Gale Wm. H. Gardiner Daniel Webster Henry B. Smith W.R.P .Washburn Alexan. Townsend William P. Mason Samuel E. Sewall James T. Austin Horatio M. Willis John B. Davis William Minot Charles P. Curtis Sidney Bartlett James Savage William Parker George S. Bulfinch Samuel Hubbard Moses Draper Ebenezer R. Dorr Benj. R. Nichols Henry H. Fuller Francis Brinley, jr. Joseph E. Smith George E. Head Asa W. Paine Augustus Peabody Charles G. Loring John W. James Saml. F. M'Cleary George Morey Angus. W. Roberts Saml. K. Williams Richard Fletcher Wm. J. Hubbard Wm. C. Aylwin John C. Gray Joseph H. Prince Benjamin Guild Edward Brooks FrancisH. Williams Joseph Harrington Franklin Dexter Edward G. Loring Thompson Miller Willard Phillips William F. Otis William Simmons John R. Adan •Tosiah Quincy, jr. William D. Sohier Andrew Dunlap Norman Seaver Phineas Blair Abraham A. Dame Francis O. Watts Abraham Moore


John Elwyn NathJ. I, Bowditch David Lee Child Robert T. Paine Ed. Wiggleswortb HenryW. Kinsraaa D* 42 Justices of the Peace in Essex.

William B. Dorr Edward V. Child William E. Payne Ellis Gray Loring Edward Blake Elias H. Derby Edward J. Lowell John C. Park ATTORNEYS AT THE COMMON PLEAS IN BOSTON. George H.Snelling Wm. G. Stearns Alex. J. Hamilton Augustus H.Fiske Aurelius D. Parker H.B.Rogers , Wash'n. P. Gragg Calvin Tilden William Elliot, jr. Wm. Pratt, jr. Jona. Chapman, jr. Charles R. Lowell Michael Lovell JamesW. Andrews Saml. H.Walley,jr. John W. Whitman Joseph R. Otis Edward B.Emerson Arthur W, Austin Edward Pickering Charles F. Adams Edw. G. Prescott Richard Robins

Sheriff, Charles P. Sumner, of Boston.

Deputy Sheriff's, Luke Baldwin, James Dennie, Henry H. Huggeford, and Prince Snow, jr. Offices, Court Street. County Jailor, Stephen Badlam. CORONERS. Boston, Prince Snow, jr. Chelsea, David Floyd, Joseph Stowers. CZT For Additions or Collections, see Appendix. " ~ ESSEX. Judge of Probate^ Daniel A. White, of Salem. Register of Probate, Nathaniel Lord, jr. of Ipswich. Register of Deeds, Amos Choate, of Salem. County Treasurer, William F. Wade, of Ipswich. County Attorney^ Stephen Minot, of Haverhill. Clerk of the Courts, John Prince, jr. of Salem. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Andover John Kneeland Haverhill Israel Bartlett,^ Mark Newman, Hobart Stephen Minot, Joha Var- Clark, Samuel Farrar, num, M:>sqs. Wingate, Samuel Merrill, Nathaniel James H. Duncan Swift, Amos Spaulding I/iswich John Heard, Asa Beverly Joshua Fisher, Andrews, Nathl. Lord, jr. Robert Rantoul John Choate Boxford Thomas Perley Lynn James Gardner, Bradford Benjamin Parker Robert W. Trevett Danvers Gideon Foster, Lynnfield Asa T. Newhall Ralph H. French Marblehead, Nathan Bow- Gloucester Henry Phelps, en, John Prince William W. Parrot Methuen Benjamin Osgood Justices of the Peace in Essex. 43

Kewhury Jacob Gerrisb, A. White, Amos Choate, Willard Peele, D. L. Pick- J\re%vburyfiort William man, Amos Hovey, John Woart, Jonathan Gage, G. King, Joseph Winn, W. B. Banister, Ebenezer Elisha Mack, John Saun- Moseley, John Fitz ders, Jonathan P.Saunders, Salem Jacob Ashton, John Frederick Howes, John Punchard, Moses Town- Walsh send, John Piince, jr. Ich- Salisbury y Samuel Nye,Ja- abod Tucker, Ezekiel cob Brown, Edward Dorr Savage, Beiijamin Merrill, Tofisfidd Nehem. Cleave-

Leverett Sakonstall , Daniel land

Afifioijited to qualify Civil Officers, Nathan Dane, John Punchard, John Saunders, John Prince, Leverett Saltonstall, Ichabod Tucker, Daniel A. White, William Woart, Asa Andrews, Amos Choate, W. B. Banister, , Charles White, Henry Phelps, Nathaniel Lord, jr. Stephen Minot, William W. Parrott, Jabez Farley, Jeremiah Nelson, John Prince, jr. James H. Duncan. Justices of the Peace. Amesbury Robert Patten, Daniel Stickney, Jesse Christopher Sargent, John Kimball, Aaron Parker, Morse, Eliphalet Graves, Mo.ses Parker, Jonathan Lowell Bagley, Stephen Kimball, jr. Eliphalet Kim- Sargent, jr. Wiiham ball, Jeremiah Spofford Nichols, Robert Cross, Danvers Eleazer Put- Daniel Weed nam, Benjamin Crownin- Andovef- John L. Abbot, shield, Zerubbabel Por- , G.P. Osgood, ter, Andrew Nichols, Joseph Kitteridge,William George Osgood, John W, Johnson, jr. Elijah L. Her- Proctor, Nathaniel West, rick, Amos Blanchard William Sutton, EUas Put- Beverly Thomas Davis, nam, Daniel P. King, Jon- Jona. Smith, Abraham athan Shove Kilhara, Amos S.heldon, Essex Jonathan Story, William Thorndike John Dexter Boxford Stephen Peabody, Gloucester John Manning, Parker Spafford, Jonathan jr. Isaac Elwel!, William Foster, Moses Dornnan, Pearcejoseph B.Manning, George W. Sawyer, Sol- JamesGoss.William Whip- omon Low, AbijahNorthey ple, Ebenezer Pool, jr. Bradford William Green- Samuel Lane, William ough, Joseph Chadwick, Pearce, Jr. Aaron Gidding, 44 Justices of the Peace in Essex.

William Beachi Israel John Russ, Jonathan Cur- Trask, Samuel Worcester, rier, Joseph W. Carleton, Thomas Stephenson, Jo- Jdseph Griffin, jr. Stephen seph Stacy Gage, Stephen Barker, 2d. Hamilton Enos Faulkner, John Teuny Joshua Giddings, Matthew Middleton Daniel Fuller, Whipple, Azor Brown Ezra Nichols, Pelatiah Haver/iiU Leonard V\ hite, Wilkins James Ayer, Oliver Morse, JSfewbury Moses Little, Charles White, Nathaniel Silas Little, Josiah Little, Ladd, Isaac R. How, Daniel Hale,ThomasHale, Moses Merrill, Enoch Foot, Samuel Newman, Silas Nathaniel Hill, William Moody, Orlando B.Merrill, Bacheller, Barnard Brick- Moses Pettingell, Daniel ett, Warner Whittier, x\dams, 3d. Joseph Little David How JMeivburyftort Wiliam Ifisivich Asa Smith, Jabez Cross, William Banlet, Farley, Joseph Farley, Thomas M. Clark, Asa W. Thomas Manning.William Wildes, Andrew Frothing- Conant, jr. George W. ham, Stephen W.Marston, Heard, Timothy Appleton, Edward S. Rand, John Charles Kimball, Ammi Porter, SoiomonH.Currier, R. Smith John Cook, Caleb Lynn Elijah Downing, Cashing, George Titcomb Richard Hazeltine, John Rowley Benjamin Proctor, Lummus, Jacob Ingallsjr. Joshua Jewett, Benjamin Eleazer C Richardson, Little, Thomas Gage, Isaac Story, Isaac Gates, Solomon Nelson, Amns J. William B. Breed Tenney, Samuel Pickard L,ynnfield Daniel Need- Salem Henry El kins, G. ham, Bowman Viles,Josiah S.Johonnot, Samuel Ropes, Newhall Joseph Peabody, John Der- Manchester David Colby, by, I^arkin Thorndike, Jon- Dulcena L, Bingham athan Hodges, Theodore Marblehead Joshua Pren- Eames, Solomon S. Whip- tiss, Nathan B. Martin, ple, John Foster, William Asa Hooper, George Bar- Story, Pickering Dodge, ker, John G. Hooper, John W. Treadvvell, Robert Hooper, John Hoo- William Story, 2d. Gideon per, , John Barstow, Joseph G.Waters, Sparhawk, William B. David Putnam, WiUiam Adams, William Elliot, E. Fettyplace, Thomas Need- Hersey Derby, Nathaniel ham, Stephen C. Phillips, L. Hooper E. Shillaber, AsahelHunt- Methuen Stephen Barker, ington, John Russel, Hum- Counsellors and Attorneys in Essex. 45

phrey Devereux W.N. Cleaveland, Thomas Salisbury Samuel March, Perkins Samuel Walton, Ephraim We7iha7n ' Moses Foster, Morrill, Dudley Evans Nicholas Dodge, jr. Saugiis Jacob Eustis, West Keivbury Daniel George Makepeace Emery, Thomas Hills, Ed- Tops^eld Jacob Town, jr. mund Hills, Eliph. Emery

Notaries Public. ^ndover Nathaniel Swift en, William B. Adams Beverly Isaac Flagg A'ewbury^iort John Fitz, DanversloXiVx W. Proctor, John Porter, William Jonathan Shove Woart, Daniel Foster Gloucester William Per- Sakm Ichabod Tucker, son, Thomas Stephenson John Prince, jr. Ezekiel Haverhill Charles White Savage, John Punchard, Ifiswich Jabez Farley Jor,.P. Saunders, John Rus- Lynn James Gardiner, sell, John Walsh Benjamin Oliver Salisbury Samuel Nye, Marblehead Nathan Bow- Edward Dorr

Counsellors at Lanv. Amesbury Nathan Crosby, Methuen John Tenny Robert Cross JVewbury Jacob Gerrish Andover Hobart Clark, JVeivburyfiort Eben. Mose- Samuel Merrill, Amos ley,Stepb.W.Marston„Asa Spaulding, N. W. Hazen W.Wildes, Caleb Gushing Beverly Nathan Dane, Salem John Prince, jr. Thomas Stephens, Robert Leverett Saltonstall, Ben- Rantoul jamin Merrill, Joseph E. Danvers John W. Proctor Sprague, John G. King, Gloucester Joseph B. Frederick Howes, Larkin Manning, Thomas Steven- Thorndike, Theodore son Eames, Sol(^mon S. Whip- Haverhill John Varnum, ple, John Foster, Joseph James H.Duncan, Stephen G. Waters, John Walsh, Minot, Isaac R. How Asahel Huntington, Ebene- Ifiswich Asa Andrews zer Shillaber, David Lynn Robert W. Trevett, Mack, G. Wheatland, S. Isaac Gates S. Webb, D. Roberts, L. Marblehead E. Hersey S. Gushing, Abraham Ed- Derby, jr. wards, Rufus Choate

Attorneys at the Sufireme Judicial Court* JVewburyfiort Samuel Salem John P. Robinson, Phillips Samuel Parker 46 Sheriffs, Coroners, &c. in Essex.

Attorneys at the Common Pleas, Haverhill Gilman Parker Moses Parsons Parish Lynn J. C. Stickney Salem N. I. Lord, Robert JVewburyfi't Wm.SAllen, Rantoul, jr. Sheriff, , of Haverhill. De/iuty Sheriffs. Andover Moody Bridges, Lynn William Chadwell, Thomas C. Foster Josiah Osgood Beverly Benja. Lamson Marblehead Henry Rea Bradford John Merrill JVenvburyfiort Philip Bag- Danvers Stephen Upton ley, Gilman White Gloucester Elias Ciough, Salem William Mans- Joshua P. Trask field, Daniel Dutch Ipswich Theodore An- Salisbury John Colby drews, Michael Brown Prison Keepers. Ifiswich Michael Brown Bagley Nlewburyfiort Philip Salem Nehemiah Brown Coroners. Amesbury Ichabod B. Sar- Samuel Viall gent Lynnfield John Upton Andover John Adams, Marblehead Nathan Bowen Nathaniel Swift Methuen John Sargent, jr. Boxford Daniel Adams Amos Barker, Jonathan Bradford Jonathan Kim- Merrill, Benj. Osgood ball, jr. Amos Parker Newbury Orlando B. Mer- Danvers Jonathan Shove rill, Daniel Adams, 3d. Lssex Joshua Giddings, JVewburyport Gilman David Choate White, John Cook, jr. Gloucester Elias Ciough, John Moody James Goss West JVewbury William Haverhill Enos Bradley, Pilsbury Oliver Morse,Enoch Foote, Rowley Joseph Pike Nathaniel Hills, John Salem John Punchard, B. Marsh Blanchard, Thomas Ipsivich Michael Brown, Needham William F. Wade Salisbury Edward Dorr, Lynn William Rhodes, Jacob Brown, Elias French Eleazer C. Richardson, Topsfield J. Town, jr. MIDDLESEX.

Judge of Probate y Samuel P. P. Fay, of Cambridge. Register of Probate, Isaac Fiske, of Weston. Register of Deeds^ William F. Stone, of Cambridge. County Treasurer^ John Keyes, of Concord. ' Justices of the Peace in Middlesex. 47

County Attorney^ , of Cambridge. Clerk of the Courts^ Abraham Biglow, of do. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Ashhy John Locke Abner Bartlett Brighton Gorham Parsons JVewton John Richardson Cambridge Abraham Big- Pepfitrell John Walton low, Asahel Stearns, Abra- Readifig James Bancroft ham Hilliard, Joseph Shed She7'burne Calvin Sanger Charlesto%vn John Soley, South Reading John Hart William Austin, Rufus Stow Rufus Hosmer, Au- Wyman, L. M. Parker, gustus Tower John M. Fiske Tyngsboro' Daniel Rich- Chelmsford Joel Adams ardson Concord Abiel Heywood, Teivksbury Edward St. Joseph Barrett, Samuel Loe Livermore Hoar, jr. John Keyes, Waltham Theodore Ly- Nathan Brooks man, Luke Fiske East Sudbury Jacc)b WateTto%vn Levi Thaxter, Reeves Nathaniel Bemis, Tyler Framingham Jonathan Bigelow Maynard, Josiah Adams West Cambridge William Groton Luther Lawrence, Whittemore Amos Bancroft Westford John Abbot Lexington EUas Phinney Wilmingto7iW\\Y\^m Blan- Marlborough Samuel Gib- chard, Wm. Blanchard, jr. bons, Joel Cranston, Ben-' Weston Ebenezer Hobbs, jamin Rice, William Ura- Isaac Fiske per Woburn John Wade Medford Nathaniel Hall, Afifiointed to qualify Civil Officers. Abraham Bigelow, , Joseph Hurd, Joseph Barrett, Abiel Heywood, Joseph Locke, Rufus Wy- man, Amos Bancroft, Isaac Fiske, JosiahAdams, John Keyes, Cyrus Baldwin, Elias Phinney, John W^alton, Leonard M. Parker, I'imothyFuller, Saml. P. P. Fay. Justices of the Peace, Acton John Robbins, Ab- Billsrica Blaney Abbot, raham Conant, Francis John Parker, Samuel Tuttle, Simon Hosmer Whiting, Francis Faulk- Ashby Alexander T. Wil- ner, Marshall Preston, lard, Amos Willington, John Baldwin Stephen Wyman Boxboro' Oliver T. Davis, Bedford Amariah Preston, Samuel Hayward, Eph- Elijah Stearns, Thompson raim Whitcomb Bacon, William Webber Brighton Edward Spar- '

48 Justices of the Peace in Middlesex.

hawk, Francis Winshlp, East Sudbury . William Abraham Edwards Bridge, Othniel Tyler, Burlington Abiel Winn, WilUam Sherman, J. W. William Winn Hay ward, Pliineas Johnson, Cambridge Levi Hedge, Samuel H. Mann Edmund T. Dana, John Franiingh. Abner Whee- Williams, Richard H. ler, Luther Belknap, Eph- _ Dana, VVilliam Hilliard, raim Parkhurst, William William J, Whipple. Wil- Buckminster, Joseph. Bal- liam F. Stone, Newell lard, Warren Nixon, Jonas Bent, Levi Farwell, tLph- Clayes raim Buttrick, William Groton William Nutting, Hill, Luther S. Gushing, Joseph Mansfield, Caleb Charles Saunders, Theo- Butler, Stuart J. Park. dore Keating Noah Shattuck, Bnlkley Carlisle John Hcald, Ames, Abel Tarbell, Brad- Jona. Heald, John Nelson fordRussell,Calvin Bnynton Charlestown - Oliver Holliston John Mellen, Holden, Joseph Tufts, jr. John Fairbanks, Elihu Timothy Walker, Isaac Cutler, Nathaniel Johnson, Warren, Thomas Harris, Elias Bullard George Bartlett, James IC. Hojikinton Moses Cham- Frothingham,PaulWillar(l, berlain, Thomas Bucklin, William Gordon, Abraham Nathan Phipps, Samuel B. R. Thompson, Edward Walcutt, Joseph Valentine Everett, Henry Gardner, Lexington Joseph Fiske, jr. William Austin, Chester Jonas Bridge, John MuUi- Adams ken, Isaac^Hastings, John Chelmsford Wm. Adams, Muzzey Cyras "Baldwin, John R. Lincoln Samuel Hoar, Adams, Samuel Davis, Elijah Fiske, Charles Eiisha Ford, Caleb Abbot, Wheeler, Stephen Patch, Nathaniel Howard Joel Smith Concord Tilly Merrick, Littleton Jonath. Manning, Eiisha Wheeler, William Simon Hartweil, Benjamin Parkman, Eiisha Fuller, Dix, Jonathan Hartweil, Samuel Burr Ithamar Beard Dz^wsra^/t'JonathanBennet, Loweino\\n R.Adams, Eii- J. Cummins, James Swal- sha Glidden, Ithamar A. low, Temple Kendall, Beard Josiah Cummings Maiden Bernard Greene, Dracut Israel Hildreth, Benjamin Blaney, Charles James Varnum, Benjamin Lewis, William Barrett, F,Varnum,Israel Hildreth, Nathan Nichols, Ephraim jr. David Blood, jr. Life Buck, Edward Wade Hamblet Justices of the Peace in Middlesex. 49

Marlborough Richard Far- Thomas Stearns well, Martin L. Stow, Ttnuksbury Wm. Brown, Daniel Stevens, Levi Samuel Worcester, Josiah Bigelow Brown, William Rogers Medford Nathan Adams, Toivnsend Samuel Brooks, Dudley Hall, Turel Tufts, Aaron Warren, Samuel Jonathan Brooks Stone, jr. Aaron Keyes, A^atick , Wil- Paul Gerrish, Richard liam Goodenow, John At- Warner kins, William Farris 7]/72^56oro'Ebenezer Ban- Newton John Kendrick, croft, Robert Brinley, Josiah Bacon, Samuel Sam- Calvin Thomas, Josiah son, Ebenezer Starr, Amos Danforth, Joseph Butter- Allen, D. Jackson, William field, John Farwell, jr. Asa Jackson, Seth Davis Butterfield Pefifierell James Lewis, Waltham David Town- Abel Jewett send, Jonathan Coohdge, Reading John Weston, John Clark, John Bright, Daniel Flint, Timothy S. L. Dana, Isaac Bemis, jr. Wakefield, Edmund Par- Josiah Childs, Thomas ker, Daniel Chute, Joshua Sanderson Prescott, Joshua Putnam, Watcrtoivn Thomas Clark, Caleb Wakefield, George Jonas White, Moses Cool- Flint idge, Seth Bemis, Luke Sherburne Joseph Ware, Bemis, Amos Livermore, John Bullard, Isaac Whit- jr. Abij;ih White, Charles ney, Dalton Goulding Bemis, John Clark Shirley Thomas Whitney, West Cambridge Jeduthan Benjamin Hartwell, , Thomas Rus- Edgarton, James Parker, sell, Benj. Locke, James Stephen Longley, Nathan- Russell iel Holden, Adolphus ^(?5^rt/ThomasFle^cher, Whitcomb N. H. Groce, Jonathan South Reading Thaddeus Prescott, Joseph Keyes Spaulding, Burrage Yale, Weston x\lpheus Bigelow, Asa L. Boardman jr. Isaac Jones, Benjamin Stoneham Daniel Gould, James Peter Hay Wilmington Samuel Stonv Moses Whitney, Jaques, Samuel Earnes, Isaac W. Mulliken James Jaques SudburyYhGV\^z&v Plymp- Woburn Joseph Lawrence, ton, William Hunt, Abel Bill Russell Sylvanus Wheeler, Asher Goode- Plympton, Wyman Rich- now, Josiah H. Adams, ardson, Benjamin Wyman E 50 Counsellors and Attorneys in Middlesex.

JVotarles Public, Cambridge William J. Groton Caleb Butler Whipple, Luther S. Lowell John R. Adams Gushing Watertoivn Nathaniel Be- Charlestown John Soley rn is Concord Nathan Brooks Counsellors at Law, Ashby John Locke Samuel B. Walcutt Billerica Joseph Locke, Lowell John R. Adams, Marshall Preston Nathaniel Wright, Eiisha Brighton Abraham Ed- Glidden, Luke Eastman wards Maiden, Charles Lewis Cambridge Abraham Hil- Marlboro' WilliamDraper, liard, Timothy Fuller, Wil- Martin L. Stow liam J. Whipple, Asahel Medford Abner Bartlett Stearns, S. P. P. Fay, Newton Amos Allen Ephraim Buttrick, Luther Pefifierell James Lewis 3. Gushing, Daniel Davis, Reading Joshua Prescott Theodore Keating, John So. Reading Ephraim M. H. Ashmun Cunningham Charlestown William Aus- Stow Rufus Hosmer tin, Elias Phinney, Joseph Townsend John Preston, Tufts, jr. Leonard M. Aaron Keyes Parker, William Gordon, Tyngsbord' Daniel Rich- J. M. Fiske, Paul Willard ardson Chelmsford Joel Adams, Waltham Wm. K, Hedge, Concord Samuel Hoar, jr. Watertown Tyler Bigelow JohnKeves,Nathan Brooks, Levi Thaxter Eiisha Fuller Westford John Abbot E. Sudbury Othniel Tyler West Cambridge James Framingham Josiah Ad- Russell ams,»WiniamBackminster Weston IsaacFiske, Alphe- Groton James Prescott, us Bigelow, jr. Luther Lawrence, Caleb Woburn W^man Richard- Butler, Bradford Russell, son Attorneys at the Sufireme Judicial Court. East Sudbury Samuel H. Marlboro' Richard Farwell Mann Pefifierell Samuel Parker Lowell John P. Robinson Waltham Isaac Bemis Holliston Elias Bullard Attorneys at the Common Pleas, Cambridge Richard S.Fay, Austin Edward Mellen Framingham John M. Charlestown Arthur W. Cheney Sheriflfs and Coroners in Middlesex. 51

Groton Asa F. Lawrence Tyngshord* Charles But- J^ewton John H. Richard- terfield son Lowell Seth Ames

Sheriffs Nathaniel Austin, of Charlestown. Defiuty Sheriffs. Billerica Thomas Sumner Lowell Josiah B. French, Cambridge John Tarbell, John Kimball Levi Parker, David Austin Marlboro^ Sullivan Thayer Charlestoivn Joseph Hun- Stow Abraham Conant newell Reading John Emerson, jr. Chelmsford James Pitts rownse^zofQuincySylvester Concord Abel Moore Tyngsbora' Joseph Butter- E. Sudbury Micah M. field Rutter Woburn James Bridge i^ramm^^amRufusBrewer Weston Luther Harrington Groton Wm. Av Bancroft Crier of C. P. and Crier of S. J, C. Levi Parker, of Cambridge. Gaolers— Camb. David Austin Concord Abel Moore Coroners. Acton Luther Conant William A. Bancroft Ashby Alexander T, Wil- Holliston Loam mi Little- iard, Ezekiel Colman field Bedford Michael Crosby Hofikinton Nathan Phipps Cambridge E. W. Metcalf Lexington Daniel Chand- Carlisle Jonas Parker ler Charlestown Jotham. John- Littleton Jonathan Whet- son, Joseph Hunnewell comb Chelmsford Ebenezer Par- Loivell Luther Marshall ker, James Pitts Maiden Ebenezer Wade, Concord Jonas Buttrick, Theodore L. Stiles Abel Moore, Anthony Marlborough Isaac T. Wright Stevens, Levi L Whitmore Dracut David Blood, jr. Medford Nathan Wait Simon Coburn jYatick Abraham Bigelow Dunstable Edmund Page, Ntivton Joseph Jackson, James Swallow jr. Benjamin Fuller E. SudburyCdW'im Damon Pepfierell Abel Adams, Framingham Rufus Brew- Luther Tarbell, jr. er, Henry Richardson Reading John Temple, jr. Groton Abel Farnsworth, DanielFlint Benjamin Moors, David Sherburne Jeremiah But- Child, William F. Brazer, ler 52 Justices of the Peace in Hampshire.

South Reading Jeremiah Waltham John Clark Bryant West Cambridge Jeduthan Shirley Stephen Longley "Wellington -S^o-tyJohn Patch, Abraham Westford Levi Heywood, Con ant Weston Nathan 'Fiske, Teivksbury Thomas Clark Luther Harrint^ton Towwse/zcfQuincy Sylvester Wilmington Joel Jenkins, Tyngsboro^ Joseph F. Josiah Gillis Bancroft

HAMPSHIRE. -Judge of Probate^ Samuel Hinckley, of Northampton- Register of Probate^ Samuel F. Lyman, of do.

Register of Deeds y Levi Lyman, of do. County Treasurer^ Daniel Stebbins, of do. County Attorney, Charles E. Forbes, of do. Clerk of the Courts^ Solomon Stoddard, of do. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Amherst Samuel F. Dick- Northamfiton Saml. Hinck- inson ley, Lewis Strong, Solomon Belcherton Joseph Bridg- Stoddard, Isaac C. Bates, man Theodore Strong, Charles Hadley Charles P. Phelps A. Dewey Hatfield Benjamin Smith, Westhampton Sylvester Israel Billings Judd Afifiointed to qualify Civil Officers. Joseph Lyman, Levi Lyman, Rufus Graves, Solomon Stoddard, Samuel F. Dickinson, Mark Doolittle, Ferdinand H. Wright, Joseph Bridgman. Justices of the Peace. Amherst , , William , Hezekiah Bridgman, Justus D wight, W. Strong, Gideon Stet- Anson Moody, Jonathan son, John Strong, Rufas Olds Graves, Ithamar Conkey, Chesterfield Thaddeus

Timothy J. Gridley , Zebina Baker, A. Rice, Isaac Dickinson ,LuciusBoltwood, King, Dyer Bancroft, Isaac Robbins, Asahel Timothy A. Phelps Thayer,ChesterDickinson, Cummington Nehemiah Enos Dickinson, Richards, Ebenezer Snell, Belcherton Mason Shaw, Robert C. Robinson, Eli- Justus Forward, Philo phalet Packard, William Dickinson, Henry Mellen, Swan Justices of the Peace in Hampshire. 53

Easthamfiton Thaddeus Judd, Oliver Warner Clapp, John Ludden JVorwich John Ellis, Aa- Enfield Benjamin Har- ron Hall, S, Kirkland, vvGod, Elnathan Jones, George Dunlap Eliphaz Jones, Ephraim Pelham Henry Kingman, Richards, Epaphras Clark Isaac Abercrombie, John Goshen William White, Rankin, jr. Oliver Smith, jr. Jliver Taylor, John Wil- Ezra Brown, - iams, Timothy Lyman man Greenwich Thomas Pow- Plainfield James Richards, ers, Laban Marcy, Calvin John Hamlin, Iram Pack- Munn, Warren P. Wing, ard, Elijah Warner Fohn Warriner Prescott B. Brigham, Granby David Smith, Samuel Henry Gideon Moody, Levi Tay- South Hadley Elihu lor, jr. William Belcher Dwight, Joseph Strong, jr. iHadley Giles C. Kellogg, William Bowdoin, Josiah Moses Porter, William Bardwell, Daniel Warner, Shorter, Israel Scott Edward Hooker Hatfield Oliver Smith, Southa?n/itonAsahe\ Birge, Samuel Partridge, 2nd. Frederick Judd, Asahel Elijah Bordwell, Justin W. Chapman

: Clark, Austin Smith Ware , Wil- M2f/c?/e;?(?/6?MatthiasSmith, liam Bowdoin, Joseph t Cum- David Mack, Joshua Dick- mings, jr. Homer Bartlett, I [son, John Dickson, David Alpheus Demond, Aaron Mack, jr. Matthew Gould I Smith, jr. Westhamfiton JosephKins- Northampton Asahel Pom- ley, jr. William Hooker, eroy, Charles Starkweath- Sylvanus Clapp ler, John Taylor, Benjamin Williamsburg William Tappan, Ebenezer Hunt, Bodman, Elisha Hubbard, Daniel Stebbins, Ferdi- Joseph Bodman, Gross Inand H. Wright, Samuel Williams, Elisha Hub-

I Wells, jr. Rosweli Hub- bard, jr. Daniel Collins bard, C;E. Forbes, Tho- Worthington Jonathan mas Shepherd, Richard Brewster, Samuel Buf- Phillips, , fington, Dan Daniels, Jo- Samuel F. Lyman, William siah Mills, William Ward W. Thompson, John A. Notaries Public, Chesterfield Dyer Bancroft Belcherton Mark Doo- Northamfi* Daniel Stebbins little E» 54 Attorneys, Sheriffs, &c. in Hampshire.

Counsellors at Law, Amherst Samuel F. Dick- HatJ^eld Israel Billings, inson, Simeon Strong, Hez- Justin W. Clark ekiah W. Strong, Ithamar JStorthamfiton Samuel Conkey, Lucius Boltwcod, Hinckley, Isaac C. Bates, Osmvn Baker John Taylor,Lewis Strong, Delcherton Joseph Bridg- Charles A. L)ewey,Charles man, jr. Mark Doolittle, E. Forbes, Samuel Wells, Mdson Shaw, Myron Law- jr. Samuel F. Lyman Fence South Hadley William Chesterfield Dyer Ban- Bowdoin, jr. Edward F. croft Hooker Greenwich Laban Marcy Ware Homer Bartlett Hadley Giles C. Kellogg Worthington Elisha Mack Attorneys at the Supreme Judicial Court. Amherst Edward Dickin- Huntington son ^///m/nsAwr^ElishaHuh- Enfield Epaphrus Clark bard, jr. JVorthamfiton Charles P. Attorneys at the Common Pleas. Enfield Wm. M. Lathrop Ware Henry Starkweather Belchertown Edward E. Worthington Daniel Parish Clarke Sheriff] Joseph Lyman, of Northampton. Defiuty- Sheriffs. Amherst Zebina Dickin- Northamfiton Knstm Smith son South Hadley Joel Miller Belcherton Simeon D wight Plainfield Josiah Shaw, 2d. Chesterfield Asahel Bryant Worthington Daniel T. Enfield Rufns Powers Hewett Ware William Page (For Corrections, see Appendix.) Dejiuty Jailory Cephas Clapp, Northampton. Crier of Courts, William Bolter. Coroners. Amherst Solomon Keyes Wright, Abner Hunt, Eastman, Rufus Kellogg Austin Smith Belcherton Elihu Sandford Felham Isaac Abercrom- Chesterfield Francis Bur- bie, jr. Wells Southworth nell South Hadley Josiah Bard- Cmnmington Bela Norton well Enfield Rufus Powers, Southampton Asahel Alden Lathrop Chapman Goshen Ambrose Stone Worthington Josiah Mills, Northamfiton Thomas Elisha Brewster Justices of the Peace in Plymouth. 55 PLYMOUTH. Judge of Probate^ Wilkes Wood, of Middleborough. Register of Probate^ Beza Hayward, of Plymouth. Register of Deeds y Rosseter Cotton, of do. County Treasurer^ Rosseter Cotton, of do. County Attorney, Kilborn Wnitman, of Pembroke. Clerk of the Courts^ John B. Thomas, of Plymouth. Justices ofthe Peace and of the Quorum, Duxbury Seth Sprague, Howard, Howard Carey Judah Alden Pembroke Kilborn Whit- East Bridgewater Bar- man tholomew Brown Plymouth Zaccheus Bart- Hanover David Stock- lett, William Jackson, N. bridge M.Davis, John B! Thomas,

Hanson Calvin Tilden R. Cotton • Hingham Ebenezer Gay, Plymfiton Elijah Bisbee Jotham Lincoln, Samuel Rochester Charles J. Norton Holmes, Elisha Ruggles, Kingston John Thomas David Bacon Middlebo ro'' Wilkes Wood, Scituate Cushing Otis, Abifl Washburn, W. John Collamore Bourne West Bridgewater Daniel North Bridgewater Caleb Howard, A/ifiointed to qualify Civil Officers. Daniel Howard, Beza Hayward, Nahum Mitchell, Wilkes Wood, Abraham Holmes, Elisha Ruggles, Kilborn Whitman, Hector Orr, William Baylies, Nathaniel M. Davis, John B. Thomas, Ebenezer Gay, Thomas Loring, jr. Charles J. Holmes, Jesse Dunbar, Isaac Stevens. Justices of the Peace. AbingtGnV>Gv\]?imvcy):io\y2LY\.y Samuel A. Frazer, Isaiah Jared Whitman, Micah Alden, E. Weston, Seth Pool, John Cushing Sprague, jr. Bridgewater Solomon Al- East Bridgewater Hector den, jr. Nathan Mitchell, Orr, Ezra Kingman, Isaac Daniel Mitchell, Benjamin Alden, 3d. Sylvanus L. Pope, Nathan Lazell, jr. Mitchell, Wallace Rust Caleb F. Leonard, Arte- Halifax Obadiah Lyon, mas Hale, Avery Fobes Zebad Thompson, Dexter Carver Nehe. Cobb, Ben- C. Thompson jamin Ellis, John Savary Hanover Reuben Curtis, Duxbury , MelzarCurtis, Alex.Wood, 56 Justices, &c. in Plymouth.

Benjamin Mann, David Anthony Collamore, Tho- Prouty mas Turner Hanson Charles Gushing, P/z/woM^/^BamabasHedge, Ohver Whitten, Thomas Nathaniel Russell, Benja- Hobart, Isaac B. Barker, min M. Weston, John Jacob Beirce Thomas, Josiah Robbins, Hingham Solomon Jones, William Brown, William Martin Lincoln, Joseph P. Ripley, Pelham W. Wilder, jr. Edward Thax- Warren, William Thomas, ter, William Gordon, Joseph Bartlett, Jacob H. Solomon Lincohi, jr. Loud, William Davis, Hull Samuel Loring, jr. William Clark, William Kingston James Sever, Jackson Tliomas P. Real, Nathaniel PlymfiCon Isaac Wright Thomas, John Sever, Eli Zenas Bryant, jr. Pelham Cook, John Gray Holmes, Jonathan Parker Marshfield Elisha Phillips, Rochester George King, Joseph Clift, Constant F. James Ruggles, Gideon Oakman, John Thomas, Barstow, Caleb Briggs, Charles Macomber, John Elijah Willis, Thomas Ford, jr. Francis G. Ford Basset, Joseph Meigs, Jesse Middleboro' David Rich- Martin, Joseph Look, Phil- mond, Zechariah Eddy, ip Crandon, Lothrop Per- Martin Keith, Seth Miller, kins, Butler Wing, Will- William Canedy, Jacob iam Le Baron Bennet,ThoinasSturtevant, Scituate Edward F.Jacobs, Charles Hooper, Levi J. B. Turner, Samuel A. Pierce, Seth Eaton, Abner Turner, Anson Robbins, Clark, Abiel P. Booth, I. Samuel Tolman,jr. Jesse Stevens, William Nelson, Dunbar, jr. Ebenezer T. Oliver Pierce, Peter H. Fogg Pierce, Samuel Thompson, ^<3/-e/^awzBenjaminFearing, Paul Hathaway John Fearing, William JVorth Bridgeivater Gide- Fearing, B. Murdock, Seth on Howard, Abel King- Miller, jr. R. Leonard man, Jonathan Snow, Jo- West Bridgeivater Abiezer seph Sylvester, Eliab Alger, Jonathan Copeland, Whitman, Silas Packard, jr. John E.Howard, Samuel M. Packard, Eiiphalet Dunbar, Austin Packard,, Kingman, Linus Howard Zephaniah Howard Pembroke Alden Briggs, JVotaries Public. Plymouth John Thomas Rochester Elijah Willis Duxbury StudleySampson Wzre>4amBenjaminFearing, Hingham Jotham Lincoln Sylvanus Bourne Scituate J esse Dunbar, jr. Middleboro* Wilkes Wood ;

Counsellors, Attorneys, &c. in Plymouth. 57

Counsellors at Law. Abington Jared Whitman, JVbrth Bridgewater Eliab Benjamin Hobart Whitman East Bridgewater Aaron Pembroke Kilborn Whit- Hobart, Welcome Young, man Bartholomew Brown Plymouth Nat. M. Davis, Hanover Alexander Wood John Thomas, William Hingham Ebenezer Gay Thomas, Jaccb H. Loud Kingston Thomas P. Beal, Rochester Abrah. Holmes, Joseph Sampson Charles J. Holmes Middleboro' Wiikes Wood, Scituate Ebenezer T.Fogg Zechariah Eddy, Isaac West Bridgewater Wm. Stevens,HerculesCushman Baylies, Austin Packard

Attorneys at the Sufirem,e Judicial Court, Duxbury Samuel Stetson Wareham Seth Miller, jr. Hingham Solom.Lincoln,jr. Attorney at the Common Pleas.

South Bridgewater y Benjamin Willis. Sheriffs Nathan Hay ward, of Plymouth. Deputy -Sheriffs, E, Bridgewater Edward Middleboro' Lemuel Briggs, 'Vinton Joseph Jackson

\ Halifax Seth Allen JVorth Bridgewater Benja- Hanover Horatio Gushing min Kingman Hanson Nathaniel CoUa- Pem.broke David Oldham more Rochester Nathaniel Has- Hingham Elijah Lincoln kell Kingston SpencerCushman Scituate Nathaniel Clapp Crier of the Courts^ Nathaniel Wilder, of Middleboro*. Gaoler and Keefier of the House of Correction, Putnam Kimball. Commissioners of Wrecks, Paul Merritt, Scituate Samuel A. Frazer, of Duxbury. Coroners. Abington Lebbeus Gurney Halifax Cyrus Richmond Bridgewater Mitch. Keith Hanover Levi Curtis Carver Nelson Barrows Hanson Nathl. Collamore •Duxbury BenjaminAlden, Hingham Job* Loring, jr. Studley Sampson Samuel Hobart, James East Bridgewater Lot Stevenson 'Whitmarsh Ki72gston Jedidiah Holmes, 58 Justices, &c. in Bristol.

jr. John Gray ring, Peter Salraond, jr. Marshfield William Lewis, Plymouth Benjamin Drev James Dingley, Wales Plymfiton Thomas B. Har Tilden rub Middleboro* Samuel Rochester Nathaniel Has Thompson, Joseph Jack- kell, David Peckham, jt son, Ebenezer Stowbridge Scituate Elijah B. Turner JVorth Bridgewater Tho- Abiel Cudworth, Isaial mas Wales, jr. Alden Pembroke Nathaniel Lo- Wareham Perez F. Brigg BRISTOL.

Judge of Probate ^ Hodijah Baylies, of Dighton. Register of Probate, David G. W. Cobb, of Taunton. Register of Deeds^ Alfred Williams, of do. County Treasurer, James L. Hodges, of do. County Attorney^ Horatio L. Danforth, of do. Clerk of the Courts, James Sproat, of do. Justices of the Peace a?id of the Quorum. Attleborough Ebenezer Paivtucket Oliver Stark Daggett weather Dartmouth Elihu Slocum Taunton Jones Godfrey Dighton Hodijah Baylies, John M. Williams, Ase William Wood Danforth, Francis Baylies Easton Daniel Wheaton James Ellis, John W. Sea- Fairhaven Alden Spooner bury, D. G. W. Cobb Freetown Job Morton James L. Hodges, Jonathar Mansfield Solomon Ingell Pratt Troy Joseph E. Read. New- Bedford Lemuel Will- William B. Canedy iams, Apollos Tobey, Eli Wesifiort Abner Brownell, Haskell Abner B. Gilford, Anselm Raynham Seth Washburn Bassett Norton Ephraim Raymond Afifiointed to qualify Civil Officers. Nathaniel Morton, John W. Seabury, Joseph Tis- dale, John M. Williams, Asa Danforth, Lemuel Macomber, James Ellis, Samuel Crocker, James L. Hodges, Charles H. Warren, Russell Freeman, James Ford, Elijah Ingraham. Justices of the Peace. Attleborough Jacob Bolk- Seneca Sanford, Abijah M. com, Israel Hatch, Noah Ide Claflin,jr. Lemuel May, Berkley Simeon Chase, Justices of the Peace in Bristol. 59

Barzillai Crane, Adoni- C.H. Warren, KelleyEl- ram Crane, Barzillai dridge, Nathan Bates, Na- Hathaway, Jabez Fox thaniel Hathaway, TohnB. Dartmouth Abra'm Tuck- Smith, John A. Parker, er, Holder Slocum, Z. A. Richard Williams, Stephen Macomber,Joseph Gifford, Merrihew Thos.AlmyJeptha Ashley, JVorton William Burt, Laban Thacher, James T. Silas Cobb, Thomas Dan- Slocum, BradfordHowland, forth, 2d. Isaac Hodges, Henry H. Crapo Samuel Morey, Laban M. Dighion John Hathaway, Wheatcn, Lemuel Perry, Caleb Chase, Richard Jacob Shepard Wascoat, Thomas B. Rich- Pawtucket CoUinsDarling, mond, George Walker, Apollos Cushman, Moses Nathaniel Wheeler, Israel Sanford, Elijah Ingraham, Anthony, Thomas S, Bay- James C, Starkweather, lies, John Walker, Barnabas Ezra-W. Sampson Crane, Seth Williams Raynham Nathaniel Brit- Easton Elijah Howard, ton, , John JohnPool, ShepherdLeach, Gilmore, Nehemiah Jones, Calvin Brett, Roland How- Eliab B. Dean, Godfrey ard, David Manley, Joshua Robinson, Amos Hall, Gilmore, John Tisdale, Amyntas Shaw Cyrus Lathrop, Elijah Rehoboth Jos. Wheaton,2d. Howard, jr. Charles Lem'l. Macomber,jr. Ezra Hayden, John Steele, How- Bliss, Thos.Carpenter, 2d. ard Lothrop James Bliss, 2d. Samuel Fairhaven Nathaniel S. Bullock, 2d, Stephen Moul- Spooner,SJoseph Trip, An- ton, Lemuel Morse, James sel Gibbs, RounsevilSpoon- Blanding er, Levi Jenny, Asa Swift Stekonk Allen Hunt, Cal- Freetown Benj. Weaver, vin Martin, Elkanah Ebenezer Pierce, Earl French, EbenezerBucklin, Sampson,HezekiahMason, Samuel Allen, Peter B. Elnathan P. Hathaway, Hunt, Robert Dagget Benjamin Burt Somerset William Reed, Mansfield David Gilbert, David Anthony, David Rowland Green, Mason Gray, ElishaSlade, jr. Ha- Cobb, Benjamin Billings nan Wilbour, Wheaton JVew-Bedford William Luther, Edward Slade Rotch, Roger Haskell, Sivanzey James Luther, Abraham Barker, James Thomas Peck, Dan'l Hale, Howland, 2d. Samuel William Mason, Henry Rodman, Timothy G. Gardiner, John Winslow, Coffin, BenjaiTiin Lincoln, 60 Counsellors, Attorneys, &c. in Bristol.

Mason Barney, Benj. B. Russell, Ichabod Lincoln Sisson Troy James Ford, John C. Taunton Benja. Williams, Borden, Hezekiah Wilson, Joseph Tisdale, Alfred Benja. Anthony, Charles Williams, William Hodg- Pitman, HezekiahBattelle, es, John Reed, Nathaniel Joseph Gooding, Joseph Leoaard, Thomas Lincoln, Hathaway Charles Richmond, Abia- Westport William White, tharLeonard, JamesSproat, Sylvester Brownell, Na- William A. F. Sproat, than C. Brownell, Tilling- Jacob Chapin, John S. hastAlmy, JamesH. Handy

JVotaries Public. Dartmouth Zebedee A. Westfiort Abner Brownell Macomber Pawtucket ApoUos Cush- Dighton Tho. B. Richmond man Fairhaven Nathaniel S. Somerset David Gray Spooner, Levi Jenny Taunton Wm. A. F.Sproat Aew-5ef^/bm' Timothy G. Troy James Ford Coffin, John B. Smith Counsellors at Law* Easton Cyrus Lothrop, Pawtucket Apollos Cush- Daniel Wheaton man, Moses Sanford, Col- Fairhaven Nath.S.Spooner lins Darling, E.W.Sampson Freetown E. P. Hathaway Seekonk Peter B. Hunt Mansfidd David Gilbert Taunton Francis Baylies, New-Bedford Lemuel James Ellis, D. G. W. Williams, Charles H. Cobb, John Somers Rus- Warren, Timothy Ct. sell, William A. F, Sproat Coffin, Russel Freeman, Troy James Ford, Heze- William J. A. Bradford kiah Battelle Morton , Westfiort Anselm Bassett Laban M. Wheaton

Attorneys at the Sufireme Judicial Court. Dighton Eliab Williams Taunton Jacob Chapin, J^mw/freeEzra W.Sampson Andrew A. Locke

Attorneys at the Common Pleas. FairhavenGustiiVUsG'ilbert Taunton Sidney Williams, Mansjield Horatio Pratt Henry Williams, Horatio JVew-.Becf/b rrfEzraBassett L. Danforth, Theodore L, JVbrton Earl P. White Lincoln

I Sheriffs, Coroners, &.c. in Bristol. 61

Sheriffs Horatio Leonard, of Raynham. Deputy- Sheriffs. Attleborough Leprilete Mansfield Charles Day Sweet JVew- Bedford Thomas Berkley Dean Burt Pope, Edward Pope Dartmouth Samuel Bar- JVorton Timothy Smith ker, Daniel Howland Seekonk Church Gray Dighton Crocker Babbitt Raynham Samuel Wilbore Fairhaven Jonathan Wil- Taunton John Baylies bore, Benjamin S. Sisson Troy Harvey Harnden Freetown John T. Lawton Westfiort Adam Gilford For Corrections, see Appendix.

Gaoler^ Abiezer R, Dean, of Taunton. . Crier of the Courts^ Oliver Soper, of Taunton. Insfi. of Fire Arms^ Remember Carpente", Attleboro.* Commissioner of Wrecks^ l^c. Apollos Tobey, of New- Bedford. Coroners. Attleborough Peter Raynham Amyntas Shaw I'hacher, Samuel Tyler, Rehoboth Thos.Carpenter, Elisha May 2d. John Brown, Elijah A. Berkley Dean Burt Read, Israel Brown, Crom- Dartmouth HenryTucker, well Bliss, Joseph Smith jr. Samuel Barker Seeko?ik John Miller, Dighton William Wood, Caleb Carpenter, Ezra Crocker Babbitt French Easton Rowland Howard, Somerset Philip Bowers Daniel Macomber, Joshua Swanzey Benajah Mason, Britton David Chace, Israel Gard- Fairhaven Isaac Vincent ner, 2d. Freetown John Nichols, Taunton David Carver George Pickens, John P. Edward Grossman, Benja- Lawton min Ingell, James Wood- Mansfield Simeon Greene ward, Oliver Soper, jr. Norton Isaac Hodges Troy Sheffield Weaver, .A'. Bedford Nathan Bates, Harvey Harnden Ephraim Kempton, Wil- IVestfiort Jonathan Brow- liam Gordon nell, Peleg W. Peckham, Pawtucket John Medburv Frederick Brownell BARNSTABLE. Judge of Probate, Nymphas Marston, of Barnstable. Register of Probate, Abner Davis, of do. Register of Deeds, Lothrop Davis, of do.

County Treasurer y Ebenezer Bacon, of do. F 62 Justices of the Peace in Barnstable.

County Attorney y Nymphas Marston, of Barnstable. Clerk ofthe Courts^ Abner Davis, of do. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Barnstable Isaiah L. Brewster Elijah Cobb Greene, Samuel Savage, Chatham Richard Sears Abner Davis, Nymphas Orleans Benjamin Seabury Marston, Matthew Cobb Sandivich Elisha Pope Falmouth Sam.P.Croswell, Yarmouth Elisha Doane, Braddock Dimmick John Reed, James Crowell Afifiointed to qualify Civil Officers. Richard Sears, Wendell Davis, John Reed, John Sea- bury, Braddock Dimmick, EUjah Cobb, Nathaniel Lewis, Joseph Sampson, James Crowell, Elisha Pope, Samuel P. Croswell, Isaiah L. Green, Abner Davis. Justices of the Peace, Barnstable Rowland T, son, Sylvester Baker Crocker, Joseph Blish, jr. Harwich Isaiah Chase, Benjamin Hallct, Asa William Eldridge, Obed Young, Jabez Rowland, Brooks, Nathan Under- Freeman Marchant, Loth- wood, jr. James Long, Na- rop Davis, Timotby Phin- than Underwood, Elijah ney Chase Brewster Joseph Sampson, Marshfiee Gideon Hawley Jonathan Freeman,George Orleans Isaac Sparrow, Copeland, Benjamin Berry, William Myrick, John Jeremiah Mayo, Dean Kenrick, John Doane, Bangs Richard Sparrow Chatham Richard Sears,jr. Provincetonvn Asa S. Bow- John Seabury, Isaiah Nye, ley, Thomas Hillyard, Joseph Atwood Solomon Rich Dennis Stephen Homer, Sandwich Benjamin Bur- Nathan Stone, Jonathan gess, William Handy, Nickerson, Jona. Bangs, Thomas Swift, Melatiah Orren Howes Bourne, William Fessen- Eastham Samuel Free- den, Seth F. Nye, Zenas man, Elisha Mayo, Joshua Nye, Shadrach Freeman, P. Atwood Heman Tobey, Lemuel Falmouth Francis Weeks, Ewers, Henry Lawrence, Nathaniel Lewis, Thomas Joseph Hall, Benjamin Fish, Shubael Lawrence, Bourne Ebenezer Nye, Ward M. Truro A. Hinckley, James Parker, Richard S. Wood, Small John Jenkins, John Robin- Yarmouth Gorham Lovell, Sheriffs, Coroners, &c. in Barnstable. 63

Joseph Hawes, Henry Timothy Reed Thatcher, Isaiah Bray, Weljieei Josiah Whitman, Wilham Greene, Sylvester Reuben Arey, Timothy Baker, Joseph Eldridge, Reed JVotaries Public. Barnstable David Crocker William Greene Brewster Isaac Foster, jr. Provincetown Thomas Chatham Richard Searsjr. Lothrop Eastham Samuel Knowles Harwich Isaiah Chase Falmouth Samuel P.Cross- Sandwich Wm. H. Fessen- well den Yarmouth James Crowell, Welfleet Josiah Whitman Counsellors at Law- Barnstable Nymphas Seth F. Nye Marston Yarmouthiohn Reed,Tim- Brewster Geo. Copeland othy Reed Sandwich W endell Davis, Attorney at the Sufireme Judicial Court. Orleans John Doane. Attorney at the Common Pleas. Falmouth Zephaniah Bennet. Sheriffs David Crocker, of Barnstable. Defiuty- Sheriffs. Barnstable Ezra Crocker, Orleans William Myrick Luther Hinckley, Lot Sandwich Charles Nye Hinckley Yarmouth Charles Sears Brewster Benjamin Berry, Provincetown Thomas Benjamin Foster Hillyard Falmouth Davis Hatch

Crier ofthe Courts y George Blish, of Barnstable. Gaoler David P. of Barnstable. ., Lewis, Commissioners of Wrecks, is'c. Thomas Fish, Fal-

mouth ; Richard Sears, jr. Chatham ; Melatiah To-

bey, Sandwich ; Joshua Small, Truro ; Daniel Com-

ings, Orleans ; Obadiah Doane, Eastham ; Isaac Hardy, Chatham Coroners. Barnstable Asa Young i^a/mow^A Consider Hatch, Brewster Joseph Smith Samuel Bourne, jr. Seth Dennis JonathanNickerson Hamlin Eastham Timothy Cole Orleans Henry Knowles 64 Justices, &lc. in Dukes.

Sandwich Heman Tobey, Wdfieet Josiah Whitman, Lewin Pope Jeremiah Newcomb yrwro Levi Stevens, Jonas Yarmouth Joseph Hawes Stevens, James Small Overseers of the Marshfiee and Herringfiond Indians^ Nymphas Marston, Gideon Hawley, Kilborn Whitman


Judge of Probate ^ George Athearn, of Tisbury. Register of Probate^ Cornelius Marchant, Edgartown. Register of Deeds ^ Samuel Smith, of do. County Treasurer^ William Jernegan, of do. County Attorney^ Thomas Dunham, of Tisbury. Clerk ofthe Courts , CorneUus Marchant, Edgartown. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum, Chilmark Matthew May- Cooke, Daniel Fellows, jr. hew, Ebenezer Skiff' Tisbury John Davis, Geo.

Edgartown Wm Jernegan, Athearn . Cornelius Marchant, Thos. Afifiointed to qualify Civit Officers, George Athearn, of Tisbury, William Jernegan, Tho- mas Cooke, and Matthew Mayhew, of Chilmark. Justices of the Peace. Chilmark John Hancock, Mayhew, Elihu P. Norton Simon Mayhew, Harrison Tisbury ThomasDunham, P. Mayhew William Cottle, John P. Edgartown Theodore G. Norton Attorneys at the Court of Common Pleas. Edgartown Theodore G. T^zs^z^r^ Thomas Dunham Mayhew Chilmark Ebenezer Skiff" JVotaries Public. Chilmark Henry Allen Tisbury William Cottle, Edgartown Cornelius Thomas Dunham, John Marchant, William May- Holmes hew, James H. Beetle Sheriff, Isaiah D. Pease, of Edgartown. Deputy- Sheriffs. Chilmark Thomas H. gan Lumbert Tisbury Elijah Hillman Edgartown Nathan Jerne- Justices, Sheriflfs, &c. in Nantucket. 65

Commissioners of Wrecks, ^c. Ebenezer Skiff, of Tisbury, Thomas Mayhew, 2d. of Edgartown. Cororiers. Chilmark William May- ^(/g'ar^oww Peter Pease ,jr. hew Tisbury James Cottle

Guardian to the Indians of ChafiaquidiCy Daniel Fellows, jr.


Judge of Probate and County Attorney y Isaac Coffin. Register of Probate , Timothy Hussey. Register of Deeds , Latham Gardner. County Treasurer, Peleg S. Folger. Clerk of the Courts, Benjamin Gardner. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Isaac Coffin, Samuel Bigelow, Walter Folger, Josiah Hussey, Daniel Coffin, Isaac W. Whitman, WilHam Coffin, Zaccheus Hussey, Benjamin Gardner, Martin T. Morton, Peleg S. Folger, .

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Isaac Coffin, Zaccheus Hussey, Josiah Hussey. Justices of the Peace. George Cannon, David Allen, Charles Bunker, Timothy Hussey. JVotaries Public. Benjamin Gardner, Josiah Hussey, Charles Bunker, Zaccheus Hussey, Isaac W. Whitman.

Counsellors at Laiv. Josiah Hussey, Isaac W. Whitman, Charles Bunker. Attorneys at the Court of Common Pleas. Isaac Coffin, Walter Folger, William Coffin, 2d.

Sheriff, Uriah Gardner. Deputy- Sheriff, David Allen. Commissioners of Wrecks, A^a?2mc^e; George Myrick, Coffin George My rick, jr. Tris- Tuckanuck Island Andrew tram Barnard, Sylvanus Brock Coroner, Peleg S. Folger. 66 Justices of the Peace in Worcester. WORCESTER. Judge of Probate^ Nathaniel Paine, of Worcester. Register of Probate^ Theophilus Wheeler, of do. Register of Deed^, Arteinas Ward, of do. County Treasurer^ Samuel Alien, of do. County Attorney^ , of do. .Clerk of the Courts, , of do. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum, Ashbu7'nhamJ QscphJewett Bowman yJthol James Humphreys Oxford Jonathan Davis, Barre Nathaniel Jones, Sumner Barstow Eleazer James, Nathaniel Oakham Wm. Crawford,jr. Houghton Petersham Huichins ^o/^GTzStephenP. Gardner, Hapgood, Nathaniel Longley Rutland Rufus Pumam Brook/ield Elisha Ham- Sterling John Robbins, mond, Simeon Draper Thomas H. Blood Charlton Salem Town, Silencer James Draper John Spurr Sutton Dudley Aaron Tufls Uxbridge Benja. Adams Harvard Benja. Kimball Wesiborough Nahum Hubbardston Samuel Swan Harrington Lancaster Wm. Stedman IFeSt minster Michael Gill Leicester Nathl. P. Denny Worcester Nathaniel Paine, Xf?©7;2z«s/'6-/-Solom on Strong, Theophilus Wheeler, Isa- Joseph G. Kendall iah Thomas, Daniel Wal- Mendo7i , do, Abijah Bigelow, Rejoice Daniel Thurber Newton, Wm. E.Green, Milbury Aaron Peirce Wm. Eaton, Isaac Good- Milford Perley Hunt win, John Davis, Pliny JVorth- Brookfield Thomas Merrick, Samuel M. Hale Eurnside, Samuel Jennison, jYeiv Braintree Joseph Samuel Allen jlpfiointed to guaUfy Civil Officers. Nathaniel Paine, Oliver Eiske, Theophilus Wheeler, Jonathan Davis, , Seth Hastings, James Humphreys, Silas Holman, Theodore Jones, Edmund Gushing, Joseph G. Kendall, Nathaniel Houghton, , Warren Rawson, Na- thaniel Jones, Sumner Bastow. Justices of the Peace. Ashburnham Abraham Silas Willard, Henry Ad- Low, George R, Cushiiig, ams, Hosea Stone Justices of the Peace in Worcester. 67

Mhol Joseph Pierce, Eli- Jewett phalet Thorp, Theodore Grafi 071 William Lamb, Jones, Clough R. Mil' s Aui'asa Roberts, Jonathan Burre Seth Lee, S tniuel Wheeier, Harry Wood, Lee, jr. Ephraim Wilbon, Cyrus Ireland, Pardon George Fitts, Lyman Aldrich Sibley, Gardner Ruggles Hardwick Daniel Ruggies, Berlin Soiomon How, William Cutler, Jason Jonathan D, Merriam Mixter, Samuel F. Cutler, Bolton Jonalh. VVhitcomb, Samuel Billings, Joseph A mas Parker, Sampson Stone V. S. Wilder, Samuel S. Hai'vard Isaac Whitney, Hougiiton Jacob Haskell, Ephraim Boytslon James Longley, Hinds, John Park Aaron White, Samuel Holden William Drury, Brigham, Jotham Bush, Ethan Davis, Samuel Da- Matthew Davenport, Na- mon thaniel Davenport llubbardston D. Wood- Brookfield Seth Field, ward, Henry Prentiss, Aa- Jesse Bliss, Heman Steb- ron Gates bins, Skeltoa Felton, Nich- Lancaster Josiah Flagg, olas M'Ciure, Rutus Har- Jacob Fisher, Jonas Lane, rington, Ebenezer Mer- Levi Lewis, William riam Willard, Joseph Willard, Charlton William P. Rider, Nathaniel Chandler, Mo- Zephaniah Brown, John ses Smith Davis, Samuel Hail, Sime- Leicester A. Flint, John on Rich, 2d. Jonathan Kmg, Waldo Flint Winslow, Rufus Mixer Leominster John Gardner, Danq, Apollos Johnson, Joel Crosby, Bezaleel Stephen Johnson, Ephraim Lawrence, David Wilder, Whipple William Perry, Levi Douglas Benjamin Crag- Nichols gin, Amos Yates, Warren Lunenburg 'Esek Whiting, Humes, Robert P. Church Daniel Putnam, Wm. Dudley Jepthah Bacon, Harrington George A. Tufts, John Mendon Nathan Very, Brown, William Winsor Warren Rawson, Elijah Fitchburg Joseph Downe, Thayer, Esek Pitts, Ivers Jewett, Payson Daniel Thurber, Wiiliam Williams, Ebenezer Tor- S.Hastings, Abel Wilder, rey, David Brigham, Fran- Ahaz Allen, James S. cis Perkins Warner, Caleb Hayward Gardner Smyrna Glazier, Milbury Caleb Burbank, William Whitney, Clement Asa Waters, Amasa Bra- 68 Justices of the Peace in Worcester. man, Rufus Barton, Simon 5/^re7ys3wrt/SamuelHaven, Fai'nsworth Nymphas Pratt,Fortunatus Milford Adam Chapin, Harrington, Balch Dean John Claflen, jr. Gustavus Southborough Peter Fay, D. Peck Willard Newton, Jonas New'Braintreelienry Pen- Ball, Benjamin Champney, niman, Jonathan Nye, Jesse Draper, Perley Samuel Mixter Whipple Jforthboro' Stephen Wil- Southbridge Frederick W. liams, Phineas Davis, Bottom, Ebenezer D. Cyrus Gale, Joseph Davis Ammidon, Ohver Hooker. JVorthbridge PaulWhiting, Luther Ammidon, jr. Adolphus Spring, John Sfiencer Benjamin Drury, Fowler Jonas Bemis, Sardina Muz- JSforth-Brookfield Daniel zey, Frederick Howe, Gilbert, Eli Forbes, Wm. William Pope Adams, Nathaniel Dodge Sterling Moses Thomas, Oakham Washington Al- James Wilder, Samuel len, Joel Jones,James Allen Sawyer, Alexander Dustin, Oxford Abijah Davis, Jonathan Wilder Abishai Larned,IraBarton, Sturbridge , Stephen Davis Ephraim Morey, John Petersham Henry Ward, Holbrook, George Davis, William Parkhurst, Jared Jared Lamb, Edward Weed, Joel Bryant, Aaron Phillips, Roswell Warner, Brooks, jun. David Wright /*a:r/o«NathanielCrocker, Sutton Jonathan Leland, Jonathan Hubbard, Brad- Daniel Tourtellott, Jonas dyll Livermore, Jonathan L. Sibley, Daniel Tenney, P. Grosvenor, Nathaniel Samuel Taylor, Welcome Lakin Whipple Phillifiston Elijah Gould* Tenijileton Josiah Howe, Abel Piper,OliYer Powers, Ephraim Stone, Benjatnin James Stone, jr. John Brown, Lovell Walker, Doane Charles W. Wilder, Leon- Princeton William Dodds, ard Stone Jonas Brooks, Charles Ufiton Ezra Wood, Elisha Myrick, Charles Russell Bradish, Eli Warren, Royalston Stephen Batch- Daniel Fisk, jr. elder, jr. Salmon Godard, Uxbridge Samuel Read, Thomas J. Lee, Benoni Frederick Taft, Abiel Ja- Peck, Rufus Bullock, ques, Joseph Thayer, Jon- Franklin Gregory athan Gregory, Joseph Rutland Tilly Flint, Joel Adams Davis, Calvin Howe IVardJohxi Clark, Solomon .

Justices and Counsellors in Worcester. 69

Sibley, Thomas Drury, jr. Jos. Whitman Zebulon Carey Winchendon Enoch Kidder, Westborcugh Moses Grout, Daniel Henshaw, Ephraim Lovett Peters, Silas Wes- Murdock, Jacob Wales son, Charles Parkman, Worcester Nathaniel Nalium Fislier Macarty, James Wilson, IVest-Boylston Robert B. Samuel Brazer, William Thomas, Joseph Hinds, Jennison, John W. Stiles, Barnabas Davis Artemas Ward, Austin Western Jacob Mansfield, Denny, Charles Allen, John Harvey Sessions, Reuben W. Lincoln, Benjamin Cutler, Pardon Keyes, Chapin, Otis Corbett, Daniel Hodges, Daniel Daniel Stone, Alfred D. Hitchcock, Joseph Rams- Foster, , del, Isaac Patrick Isaac Davis, Wm. Lincoln, Westminster Abel Wood, Charles G. Prentiss, Jo- Jonas Whitney, Edward seph Stone, Thomas Kendall, Merari Spauld- Kinnicutt,JamesEstabrook ing, Simeon Sanderson, Notaries Public Brookjield Seth Field shaw Mendon William S. Hast- Orford Ira Barton ings Uxbridge Jonathan Greg- Za^zcQs^erNathlChandler, ory Joseph Willard Worcester Theo. Wheeler, Leicester Horatio G. Hen- Isaac Goodw^in Counsellors at Law. jishburnhamllenry Adams Denny, Waldo Flint jlt/iol Clough R. Miles Leominster William Perry, Barre Eleazer James,Seth Joseph G. Kendall Lee, Nathaniel Houghton Mendon Seth Hastings, Brookjield Elisha Ham- Warren Rawson, William mond, Jesse Bliss, Heman S. Hastings Stebbings Oxford Ira Barton Charlton John Davis Petersham Lewis Bige- Dudley George A. Tufts low, Jared Weed, Aaron Fitchburg David Brigham, Brooks, jr. Ebenezer Torrey Rutland Rufus Putnam Grafton Harry Wood Sterling Alexander Dustin Harvard Ephraim Hinds Southbridge Frederick W, Hubbardston Samuel Swan Bottom Lancaster Wm. Stedman, Sturbridge George Davis Jos. Willard, Moses Smith Sutton Jonas L. Sibley Leicester Nathaniel P. Temfileton Lovell Walker 70 Attorneys and Sheriffs in Worcester.

Uxbridge Benjamin Ad- William E. Green, Sam- ams, Bezaleel Taft, jr. uel M. Barn side. Rejoice Joseph Thayer Newton, John Davis, Aus- Westboro' Nah. Harring- tin Denny, Charles Allen, ton Piiuy Merrick, Isaac Western' Jacob Mansfield Goodwin, Alfred D. Fos- Westminster Simeon San« ter, Emory Washburn, derson Isaac Davis, William Winchendon Daniel Hen- Lincoln,Thomas Kinnicutt, shaw Charles G. Prentiss Worcester Nathl. Paine, Attorneys at the Sup.reme Judicial Court. Boylston Matthew Daven- Millbury George W.Liver- port more Douglas Joseph Prentis J^forth- Brookfield Daniel Dudley Thomas Pope Gilbert Fitchburg Nath'l. Wood ^^rces?^r Christopher C. Southbri'dge Linus Child Baldwin, Henry Paine, Mendon Samuel Allen William N. Green Attorneys at the Common Pleas. Bolton George R. M. Hastings Withington Shrewsbury Wm. Pratt Brookfield Amos Crosby Templeton Joseph W. Hardnvick Joseph Knox Newcomb Holden Jason B. Black- Westboro' Onslow Peters ington Worcester William M. Lancaster Solon Whiting Towne, Jubal Harrington Mendon Charles C. P. Sheriffs Calvin Willard, of Worcester. Deputy-Sheriffs. Ashbumham Charles Lancaster Lyman Moore Stearns Leominster Micah R. Ball Athol Abijah Hill Leicester Billings Hobart Barre Seth Holden, Wil- Mendon Seneca Hills liam Robinson Milford Clark Ellis Brookfield Daniel Newell Oxford Samuel Smith Fitchburg Samuel Davis Princeton John Whitney Grafton John Wheeler.jun. Petersham Cephas Willard Harvard Emory Barnard Rutland Asa Mathews Hubbardston Luther Clif- Shrewsbury Edward H. ford Hemmenway Hardivick Timothy Hath- Southbridge Lemuel Dun- away, jun. bar Coroners, &c. in Worcester. 71

SouthboroughFrRnc.B.Fay Fisher Sterimg- Samuel Houghton Westminster Henry Cool- iiuiion Edmund J. Mills idge, jun. Templeton Joseph Upham Western Joseph Field Uxbridge Royal Tiiayer, Windiendon Mark Whit- Asa Thayer comb Ufiton Wilson Rawson, 2d. Worcester Daniel Upham, Westborough Jabez G. Timothy W. Bancroft

Crier of the Courts ^ Silas Brooks, of Worcester. Keeper of the House of Correction^ John F. Clark- Overseers ofthe House of Correction^ Isaac Goodwin, Nathan Heard, Austin Denny. Gaol Keefier^ Asahel Bellows, Worcester. Coroners, Ashbumham Wm.Stearns, Andrew Penniman Samuel Woods Milford Clark Ellis Athol Joseph Pierce Mtllbury Reuben Barton Barre Seth Caldwell, Seth JVew-Braintree Jona. Barr Holden Oakham Fred. A. Presho Bolton Joseph Sawyer, jr. Oxford Rufus Harris Boylston Levi Pierce Petersham Eber Hapgood, Brookfield Simeon Dra- Cephas Willard per, John Muzzey, Alan- Princeton John Dodd, son Hamilton Moses G. Cheever Douglas Aaron A. Wallis Royalston Jonathan Pierce Dudley Jonathan Day Rutland Calvin Howe, Je- Fitchburg Oliver Fox duthun Green Ivers Jewett Southboro* Dexter Ball Gardner Moses Wood Southbridge Jeremiah Grafton A. Kimball, jr. Shumway, Lemuel Dunbar Isaac W. Wood Sfiencer Sardinia Muzzey, Harvard Aaron Whitney Walton Livermore Hardwick Lemuel Har- Sterling Moses Thomas, rington Ebenezer Pope Holden Henry Bullard, Sturb ridge Simeon Fiske, William Drury, jr. Edward Phillips Lancaster Richard Ha- Sutton Thomas Harbach ven, Nathaniel Rand Temfileton John E. New- Leominster Abel Carter, ton, Nathan Bryant, jr. Moses Bond Lunenburg Peter Brown, Ufiton Daniel Fiske, jr« Eli Page Uxbridge Phineas Chapin Mendon Caleb Thayer, 73 Justices of the Peace in Berkshire.

Ward John Rice, Alvah Winchendon Saml. Noyes, Drury Obadiah Walker, Mark Westboro^ Nahum Fisher Whitcomb iVester?i Josiah Putnam, Worcester William Eaton, Joseph Field Lewis Bigelow, Daniel Westminster Jonas Miles, Upham, Timothy W. Luke Bigelow Bancroft

BERKSHIRE. Judge of Probate, William P. Walker, of Lenox. Register of Probate^ Heniy W. , of do. County Attorney, John Whiting, of Great Barrington. Clerk of the Courts, Charles Sedgwick, of Lenox. County Treasurer, Joseph Tucker, of Lenox. Register of Deeds. South District, Moses Hopkins, of Great Barrington. Middle District, Joseph "l^icker, of Lenox. Northern District, George N. Briggs, of Lanesborough. Justices of the Peace and ofthe Quorum. Adams J. Q- Robinson jam in Sheldon, Benjamin Becket George Conant VVheeler.EdwardStephens Dalton John Chamberlain Pittsfield H. Hubbard, Egrcmont Alanson Nash Jonathan Allen Great- Barrington Moses Richmond Noah Rossetter Hopkins, John Whiting, Sayidi'^Jield Eliakim Hull David Leavenworth Sheffield ElishaLee,Robert Hinsdale Thomas Allen F. Barnard Lanesborough Wolcott Stcckb ridge Thaddeus Hubbell •Pomeroy, Samuel Jones, J^enox William Walker, Henry W. Dwight Joseph Tucker, Daniel West Stockbridge Robbins Williams, Caleb Hyde, Kellogg James W. Robbins, Wil- Williams town William liam P- Walker, Charles Starkweather, Douglas W, Sedgwick Sloane, Deodatus Noble J\!e%v-Marlboj'ough Ben- A/iJiointed to qualify Civil Officers. 'William Walker, Joshua Danforth, Moses Hopkins, Lyman Hall, William P. Walker, Joseph Tucker, Daniel Noble, Douglas W. Sloane, Ezra Kellogg, John Whiting, John C. Williams, S.Jones, R. Barnard, R. Ensign, T. Whitney, L. Washburn, George N. Briggs, Horatio Byington, Eliakim Hull, Jabez Bosworth. Justices of the Peace in Berkshire. 73

Justices ofthe Peace. ^idams James Cummings, William Lapham, Augus- Thomas Robinson, Nathan tus L. Smith Putnam, Isaac Brown, Hinsdale Nathl. Tracy, Jona. RicUardson, R. Artemas Thompson Brown, JeremiahColgrove, Lanesboro* Peter B. Cur- Wm. E. Brayton, Peter tis, Lyman Hall, Timothy Briggs, David Darling, Whitney, Calvin Hubbdl, Sam.Bowen, Thos.Farnum W' H. Tyler, S. C. Curtis, Alford Elihu Lester, Nor- TrumanTyrrelljr.George man Lester, Hugo Dewey N. Briggs, William C. Becket Benj. C. Perkins, Plunkett, Algernon S. Gaius Carter, Timo. Snow Hubbell Cheshire John Welles, Lee William Sturgis,James Warren Southworth, Dan- Whiton, Stephen Thacher, iel Brown, Ethan A. Rix, John B. Perry, Ahijah Moses Wolcott, Nathan Merrill, jr. Nathaniel Tre- Sayles, Russell Brown main, jr. William Porter, Clarksburg Silas Shippey jr. Gershom Bassett, Wal- Dalton Thomas Greene, terLaflii),CharlesM.Owen, Gideon Deming, David Hubbard Bartlett Carson, GrenviUe D. Lenox Charles Worthing- Weston ton, A. Sedgwick, Chas. F.grcmont Seneca Tuller, Mattoon. Henry W.Bishop, James Baldwin, Andrew Caleb Belden Bacon, Wilbur Curtis, John MoumWashington Charles HoUenbeck, Moses Loomis, Patterson, Merritt Smith Josiah Millard, Samuel JV. Ashford Keyler Kent, Newman Isaac Dean Florida Nathan Drury, .New Marlborough Isaac Zadock King Turner, Joseph Fitch, Ja- Great- Bar rington Miles son Warner, Ebenezer Avery, Ezra Kellogg, Hyde, Salmon Kasson, George Beckwith, Jacob Warren Wheeler, Levi H.Van Dusen, James A. L. Smith Hyde, Benjamin Rodgers, Otis Roderick Norton, I. L. V. Dusen, Ebenezer Lester Filley, Ardon Judd, Pope, Grotius Dewey, Samuel Pickett, Joseph William Dewey, Gilbert Hunt, Bavil Seymour Ford, Ralph Taylor, Peru Cyrus Stowell, Wm. Charles W. Hopkins Frizell, Thomas Frizell, Hancock Gideon Martin, Henry Peirce Rodman Hazard, Griffin Pittsfield JohnB.Root,Tho. Eldridge, John Gardner, B. Strong, Butler Good- G 74 Justices, &.C. in Berkshire. rich, Joseph Merrick, Ensign, Jeremiah Shears Thomas A. Gold, Calvin Stockbridge Elisha Brown, Martin, Daniel B. Bush, Elijah Brown, Joab Plumb, Phineas Allen, James D. Cyrus Williams, Samuel Colt, Lemuel Pomeroy, Cooper, David Goodrich, John Churchill, Luther , Isaac Washburn, Henry W. Curtis, jr. Horatio Bying- Childs, Samuel M. M'- ton, Alanson Bennett, The- Kay, Oliver D. Dickenson, odore S. Pomeroy Samuel Root, Ezekiel R. Tyringham Elnathan Colt, Matthias R. Lancton, Pratt, John Garfield, Tho- Edward A. Nev/ton, Vivus mas Garfield, Silas Rewee, Osborn John Langdon, Lawson D. Jiic/imond Xechariah Pier- Bidwell, Ezra Heath, son, John Bacon, William Egbert B. Garfield S. Leadbetter, N. Red- Washington William G. dington, N. Pierson, jr. Ballantine, Wm. Noble Linus Hall, Abel D. Clark, West Stockbridge Christo- Erastus Rowley pher French, Amasa Spen- Savoy Snellum Babbit, cer, Luther Plumb, Miles William Ingraham, Liber- Morgan, Melancton Lewis, ty Bowker, Edward Martin Hendrix Babbit Williamstoivn Reuben Sandisfirld John Canfield, Young, Nathan Rossetter, Erastus Beach, Wm. Bet- Daniel, Foster, Timothy tis, Daniel Sears, Lyman W^hitman, Luther Bartlett, Brown, Jabez Bosworth, John Mills, Keyes Dan- Thomas Twining, Uriel forth, Lyman Hubbell, Smith, Samuel Merrill Samuel Tyler, Gershom Sheffield Moses Hubbard, T. Bulkley, Stephen Hos- Silas Kellogg, Moses ford, Thomas Bingham, Stocking, Samuel Shears, Daniel N. Dewey, Audrus, Jared Smith, John Hickcox, Canfield, Azariah Root, John Waterman Minor O^Ven, William Windsor Robert Walker, Ashley, Elijah S. Deming, Asahel Wright, Noah Richard Brown, John Green, E. Baldwin, John Ward, Parker L. Hall, Fcbes, Arnasa Converse,jr. Ralph Little, Edward F. Asa H. Capen JVotariea Public. Great Barrington Thorn- Sandisjield Thos^ Twining as Hopkins Sheffield RobertF.Barnard Fittsjield James Buell, Stockbridge Horatio By- Amos T. Loomis ington Lenox Henry W. Bishop —

Counsellors, Attorneys, dz/C. in Berkshire. 75

Counsellors at Law* Adams Thomas Robinson, Pittsjield Thamas A.Gold, Nathan Putnam Calvin Martin, H. Hub- Dalton Henry Marsh bard, Luther Washburn, Egremont Lonson Nash Matthias R. Lancton Great- Barringion John Sandisjield Tnos. Twining Whiting, James A. Hyde, Sheffield Robert F. Bar- John C. Whiting nard, Edward F. Ensign, Hinsdale Thomas AU^n Parker L. Hall Lantsboro^ Calvin Hub- Stockbridge ^ Samuel Jones, bell, jr. N. Briggs t George Henry W. Dwight, Hora- \Lee William Porter, jr. tio Byington i Lenox William P. Walker, Tyringham L. D. Bidwell Henry W. Bishop West- Stockbridge Robbing A^'ew- Marlboro^ Benjamin Kellogg Shelden IVilUamstown Daniel No- Otis Lester Filley ble, Daniel N. Dewey Attorneys at the Sufireme Judicial Court. Great Barrington Incresise Hancock Silas Gardner Sumner Lenox George Tucker Attorneys at the Common Pleas. Lenox Joseph Tucker West- Stockbridge — J\/'ew Marlboro' Turner Kellogg

Sheriffy Henry C. Brown, of Pittsfield. Defiuty 'Sheriffs. Adamsy JVbrthvil.y'RQu.ben Adams Whitman Otis Elam P. Norton do. South ' Robert Pittsfield John Pomeroy R. Briggs Richmond Ebenezer Iv. Dalton George W. Board- Williams man Sandisfield Stephen Pal- Egremont John T; Van- mer deusen Sheffield Robert R. Root Great Barrington Miles Stockbridge Cratus \4n- Bartholomew, Isaac Avery deusen Hancock John Gorton, jr. Tyringham Barnabas Bid- HinsdalCy Riley Watkins well Lanesborough Jatez Hall West Stockbridge John Lenox Oliver Drury Kellogg Lee James Wakefield Willia7nstown -^lomcn JVew Marlborough, Uan Bulkley

Gaoler, Joseph Palmer, of Lenox, Justices of the Peace in Norfolk.

Crier ofthe Courts, Daniel Williams, of Lenox.' Coroners. jldams Jeremiah Coles- Powell, iVIark Pike grove, B. F. Robinson, Eli Otis Samuel Pickett, John North am Fay, jr. Cheshire Manning Brown Peru Eli Pierce Dalton Oliver Porter Pitufield John Pomeroy, Rgremont Elijah Willard Reuben Brocks Great Barrington Samuel Richmond Phineas Rich- Rossetter, Ezra Kellogg, ards Isaac Avery Sandisjield Erastus Rice Hancock John Gorton' Sheffield Andrew An- Hinsdale Walter Tracy drews, Norman Kellogg, Lanesborough Stoddard Robert Waterman Hubbeli Stockbridge David P. In- Lee Daniel Couch gersoll Lenox Alvah Morrell, tVest- Stockbridge Hiram Ashur Sedgwick, John C. Pomroy, John Kellogg Hunt Williamstown Solomon JST. Marlborough Stephen Bulkley

NORFOLK. Judge of Probate^ Edward H. Robbins, of Milton. Register of Probate, Samuel Haven, of Dedham. Register of Deeds, Enos Foord, of do. County Treasurer, John Bullard, of do. County Attorney^ , of do. Clerk of the Courts^ Jairus Ware, of do. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Bellinghaia Eliab Wight

Braintree ^ Minot Thayer Randolph Samuel Bass Cohasset 'Elisha Doane, Roxbury Joseph Har- Jamffs C. Doane rington, Joseph Heath, Dedham Samuel Hav6n, • ,Sherman James Richardson, Eras- Leland tus Worthington, William Sharon Benjamin Rey- Ellis nolds Dorchester Samuel P. Weymo%ith Eliphalet Loud, Loud,,Amasa Stetson Chrisl'pher Webb Medfield John Baxter, Wrentham Cornelius Kol- Daniel Adams lock. Josiah J. Fiske Milton Amos Holbrook, Justices of the Peace in Norfolk. 77

jififiointed to qualify Civil Officers ^ iEbenezer Fisher, Samuel Haven, Lewis Fisher, James Richardson, Jairus Ware, Joseph Harnngton» E. Worthington, Josiah J. Fiske, Justices of the Peace. Bellingham John Bates, Foxborough Seth Boyden, Stephen Metcalf, Elias Elias Nason, Abijah Pratt, Cook, Asa Hall, John C. Melatiah Everett, Joseph Scammell Warren, Braintree Daniel Fogg, Franklin Lewis Fisher, James Holbrook, Nathl. Elihu Pond, James Adams, Thayer, Solomon Ttiayer, J()S«{)h Bacon, William Stephen Thayer, Jonathan Makepeace, Wm. Make- Wild, jun. Asa French, Deace, jr. David Holbrook ^Medfield Moses B. Hard- \Brookline Joseph Goddard, ing, William Peters Oliver Wiiite, Charles Medivay Joseph L. Rich- Wild, Benjamin Goddard, ardson, Thaddeus Lever- Thomas Griggs, Charles ing, Seneca Barber, Lu- Wild ther Metcalf, Warren Lev- Canton William Dunbar, ering, Levi Adams Adam Kinsley, Thomas Milton Joseph Rowe, Tolman, Thomas French, Asaph Churchill, Jason Joseph Hodges Houghton, Francis Daven Cohasset Thomas Bourne, port, Nathaniel Tucker Henry J. Turner JVeedham Peter Lyon, Dedham Theron Metcalf, Benjamin Slack, Artemas GeorgeEllis, John W.Ames, Newell, Elisha Lyman, Calvin Whiting, Jona. H. Aaron Smith Cobb, JohnGuild, Jeremiah Quincy Edward Miller, Draper, J. B. Derby, Enos l^emuel Brackett, Daniel Foord, Timothy Gay, Hor- Spear, Noah Curtis, John ace Mann, Richard Ellis, Whitney John K. Briggs Randolph Seth Turner, Dorchester Thos, Tileston Micah White, John King, Thomas Mosely, James Js^ac Thayer, Joseph Humphrey, Benja. Fuller, I^ynnfield .JonathanWales, Abel Gushing, Mather jr. Benjamin Richards, Withington, Henry Gard- Aaron Prescott, Seth ner, Edward Sharp, N. Mann, Zenas French, C. Martin, John Bailey, RoyalTurner,SilasPaine,jr Moses Draper Roxbury Abijah Draper, Dover Hezekiah Allen, William Heath, Nathaniel Calvin Richards S. Prentiss,Samuel J. Gar- G* 78 Councilors and Attorneys in Norfolk. diner, Joseph Curtis, bury, Phineas Ellis, Jesse Charles Davis, Peter G. Boyden, Harvey Clapp, Robbins, John Bartleit, J. Samuel B. Wolcott S. Wilh'ams, D. S. Green- Weymouth Samuel Bailey, ough, Joshua Seaver, John Cottoa Tufts, Lemuel J. Clarke, Nathaniel Humphrey, Fisher A. Curtis K'i'g^bury Sharon Nathaniel Gould, IVrtntham David Hol- Enoch Hewins, Tisdaie hrook, Rufiis Mann, Sam- Drake uel Dnice, S. Bugbee, Eb- Sioughton Peter Adams, enezer Blake, Jolin Chee- Robert Swan, Elijah Ath- ver, Benj imin Snepherd, erton, Richard TalUpt, jr. Calvm Fisher, Lewis Jesse Pierce Harding, George E. Wilde Walfiole Daniel Kings-

A^otaries Public. Cohasset Thomas Bourne Martin Dedham Ebenezer Fisher, 7?oa:6z/rz/Sherman Leland, jr. Erastus Worthington D. A. Simmons Dorcfiester Nathan C. CounseUors at Law. ^ram^ree Ezra W. Samp- Medfield Daniel Adams son Medway Warren Lovering Canton William Dunbar, Milton Asa])h Churchill Thomas Tolman Quincy Edward Miller Dedham Saniuel Haven, Nando/ph John King James Richardson, Theron Roxbury Jose[.h Harring- Metcalf, Erastus Wor- ton, Samuel J. Gardner, thington, Jona. H.Cobb, D. S. Greenough, Sl^er- John B. Derby m.an Lei and Dorchester Samuel P. Wtymouth Christopher Loerd, Abel Cushing Webb Foxborough Melatiah Wreniham Jcslah J. Fiske Everett Attorneys at the Supreme Judicial Court. Dedham John W. Ames, IVrentham Geo.C. Wilde Horace Mann ^(?z/??zom/^/2 Fisher A.Kings- Kandollih Aaron Prescott bury Attorneys at the Common Pleas* Mec//?

Sheriff, Elijah Crane, Canton. Deputy'Sheriffs, Bellingham Elias Cook. Aledway James Fisher Braintree Asa Frencli Med/ield Enoch Bullard Canton Thomas Kollock JV(fedham John W. Slack Cohasset L iban Warrick Roxbury John Hovey Dedham John Baker, jr. i?a«(io//;/jThom'asHovvard Timothy P.. Whitney St oughton Lemuel Gay Dover John Williams Wrentham Harlus Whiting Dorchester Step. Robinson Walfiole Nathaniel Bird Coroners. Bellingham Calvin Fair- Zachariah Lovell, James banks, Horace Metcaif Fisher Braintree Asa French Milto7i Phineas Davenport, Canton Samuel Black- Samuel Mardin man, Joseph Downs JVeedham David Smith, Cohasset Thomas Bourne Daniel Ware, Rufus Mills Dedham John Baker, jr. Quincy Daniel Spear Mace Smith, William K. Roxbury Joshua Seaver, Gay Aaron Kingsbury Dorchester E. Withington, Sharon Elijah Hewins, jr. 3d. Oliver Biiliiigs Stoughton Luther Swan, Dover Jonathan Battle Lemuel Gay Foxboro' Shubael Pratt IVeyrnouth Silas Binney Franklin Preston Metcaif, JVrt'n[ha?n Paul Fisher, Eli M. Richardson James Whiting, Nathaniel Med/if.ld Henry Adams Ware, jun. David A. Medway Ralph Bullard, Fisher

FRANKLIN. Judge of JProbate, Richard K. Newcomb, Greenfield. 'Register of Froba'e^ Elijah Alvord, of do. "* County Treasurer and Register of Deeds^ Hooker Leavitt, of Greenfield. County Atiorney^ Richard E.Newcomb, of Greenfield. Clerk of the Courts^ Elijah Alvord, of do. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Ashfield Elijah Paine, Greenfield Jona. Leavitt, Ephraim Williams Jerome Ripley, Richard Bernardston Job Goodale E,. Newcomb, Elijah Al- Charlemont Sylvester Max- vord, Hooker Leavitt, well George Grennell, jr. Dan- Deerjield Elihu Hoyt iel Wells 80 Justices of the Peace in Franklin.

Haialey Edmund Longley, J^eiv- Salem William Whit- Thomas Longley aker J^orthjield Obadiah Dick- Wendell Joshua Green inson, John Nevers Afitiointed to qualify Civil Officers. John Leavitt, Richard E. Newcomb, Elijah Paine, Joshua Green, Samuel C. Allen, Elijah Alvord, Syl- vester Maxwell, William Whitaker, John Nevers. Justices of the Peace. Ashfield Levi Cook, Etios Elisha Root, Asaph Smead, Smith, Henry Bassett, Franklin Ripley, Samuel Thomas White, Dimock Pickett, Dav4d Willard, Ellis Thaddeus Coleman, Julia Bernardston John Hamil- Smead, H. G. Newcomb, ton, Polycarpus L. Cush- Ambrose Ames, Samuel man, Jonathan Allen, Caleb W. Willard C ha pin Hawley Hezekiah Warri- Buckland Samuel Taylor, ner, William Sanford, Ed- Japheth Chapin, Levi mund Longley, jr. John White, Joseph Griswold Tobey Charlemont. ConsiderScott, Heath Benjamin Maxwell, Geore;e Winslow, Asahei Roger Leavitt, Ephraim Judd"" Hastings, Ebenezer Tuck- Colraine John Drury, Dtn- er, Sylvanus Maxwell, iel Willis, Calvin Smith, Luther Gale ' Robert L. M'Lellan, Sam- Lenerett Roswell Field, uel Coolidge, George Eels, Erastus Field, Eliphalet Charles I'homson, Isaac S. DarHng B. Barber, Daniel Denni- Leyden Hezekiah New- son, jr. comb, Peleg Babcock, Conway John Arm?, John Elisha Chapin, George Williams, William Bil- Mowrey lings, Austin Rice, Chris- Montague Benjamin S. topherArms, AsaHowland, Weils, Jonathan Hart- Charles E. Billings well, Apollos Gunn Deerjjeld Pliny Arms, Asa Monroe Martin Ballou Stebbiiis, Ebenezer H. J^ew- Salem Nahum Bry- Williams, Elisha Bogue, ant, Horace Hunt Samuel E. Field, Stephen Mrthfield Medad Alex- Whitney, R. Saxton, Simon ander, Ehsha Lyman, De Wolf, Aaron Arms Asahei Sawyer Gill Seth S. Howland, Orange Josiah Cobb, Amos Joel Lyon, John Bates Woodward, Perley Bar- Greenfield Eliel Gilbert, ton, Thomas Cobb Attorneys and Sheriffs in Franklin. 81

Rowe John Cheney, Wil- Warwick Caleb Mayo, liam Taylor,SolomonRead, Jonathan Blake, ji\ Justus Ebenezer Merrill, Noah Russell, Henry Barnard,

' Wells /Vshbel Ward, Emory

i Shelburne Aaron Skinner, Gale Wm. Wells, U. Lon^, jr. Wendell Jonathan Whita- Shutesbury Abner Smith, ker Josiah Bearnan, jr. • Whately John White, Si- Sunderland Caleb Hub- las Frarv, Justice White, bard, Nathaniel Smith, Seth Smith., David Stcck- William Defano, Horace bi-idge, jr. Luke B. White W. Taft, Luther Root N'otariea Public. Gree72/?e/c?Geo.Grennell,jr. Deerfield Aaron Arms Counsellors at Law. Aslifield Elijah Paine Grennell, jun. Samuel C Ckarlemont ' Sylvester Allen, Daniel Wells, Jon- Maxwell athan Leavitt, H. G. New- Conway William Billings comb Deerfield Pliny i^rms A' Salem Norman Smith Greenfield R.E.Newcomb, J\''orthfield John Nevers Hooker Leavitt, George Attorneys at the Supreme Judicial Court, Deerfield Elijah Williams, Greenfield David Willard,

I 2nd. Henry Chapman Gill Benjamin Brainard Warwick Henry Barnard Attorneys at the Common Pleas. Colraine Isaac B. Barber, A/ow^a^we Jonathan Hart-

I John Drury well

\ Charlemont JosephP Allen Sunderland Horace W.

\ Deerfield Aaron Arms, Taft

'1 Jonathan A. Saxton Sheriffi Epaphrus Hoyt, of Greenfield. Defiuty-Shei'ijfs. Ashfield Seth Church crombie, jr. Bernardston Hatzel Pur- Montague Benj. S. Wells ple AeW'-Sa/ewLyman Sawyer Colraine Robert Riddle JVorthfield Richard Colton Conway Henry P. Billings Orange Abijah Hill Deerfield David Wright Sunderland Calvin Merrill

• Greenfield Isaac Aber- Warwick Abr.er Good ale Defiuty Gaoler, Isaac Abercnpmbie', jr. of Greenfield. Crier of the Courts^ David Wright, of Deerfield. 82 Justices of the Peace in Hampden,

Coroners. C/iarteowiConsiderScott, J^orthjield Richard Colton Hetzel Purple Orange David Cleaveland, Conwaz/Christopher Arms AbijahHill Colraine Daniel Donelson Sunderland William Greenfield Isaac Aber- Delano crombie, jr. Wendell Samuel Brewer Leverett Sylvanus Field Insfiector of Fire Armsy Roswell Field, of Leverett. HAMPDEN.

Judge of Probate y Oliver B. Morris, of Springfield. Register of Probate^ Justice VVillard, of do, Reg. of Deeds and C. Treas, Edward Pynchon, of do. County Attorney^ Oliver B. Morris, of do. Clerk oftfie Courts^ John Ingersoll, of do. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Blandford Alanson Knox Dwight, jr. Oliver B.Mor- Longmeadoiv Ethan Ely ris, Justice Willard, Israel Palmer Amos Hamilton, E. T\ask, Geo. Bliss, jr. James Stebbins West-Sfiringfield Samuel Southivick Enos Foote Lathrop, Hem an Day,

Sfiringfield , Chauncy Caleb Rice Brewer, John Ingersoll, WestfieId Elijah Bates Edward Pynchon, Jonathan Afifiointed to quaUfy Civil Officers. George Bliss, Samuel Lathrop, John Ingersoll, Elijah Bates, Jonathan Dwight, James Fowler, Oliver B. Morris. Justices of the Peace. Blandford David Boies, Hubbard, Lewis Collins Reuben Boies, jr. R. Blair, Granville Israel Parsons, Lyman Gibbs, Reuben J as. Cooley, Patrick Boies, Boies, Orren Sage, Enos James Barlow, Hezekiah Boies Robinson, Ehhu Stow, Asa Brimfield Philemon War- Seymour,Francis Stebbins, ren, John Wyles, John B. Charles F. Bates, Joel Ccoley, Francis B.Stebbins, Root Asa Lincoln, Lewis i7o//awrf David WalUs, Ez- Williams ra Webber, Luther Brown, Chester Asahel Wright, Elbridge G. Fuller Martin Phelps, Daniel Longmeadoiv Gad Col- Collins, Sam. Johnson, Asa' ton,' Joseph W. Cooley, Wilcox,Forbes KyIe,Edm. Seth Taylor, William Counsellors, &>c. in Hampden. 83

White, Joseph Ashley Pendleton Ludlow Benjamin Sikes, Tolland Abraham Gran- fo>iah Syms, Nathaniel ger, William Moore, Elea- ^'hapin zer Slocum, William Twi- Monson Jacob Thompson, ning, jr. Henry Hamilton, Eicle Wlutaker, Joel Nor- Henry Bliss :rGss, Rufus Flint, rimothy Wulcs James L. Wales, Packard,Jonathan Torrey, Bela Tiftary Erasmus Norcross.Reuben Westfield Jedediah Taylor, A.. Chapman Wiiiiam Blair,lsaacWells, Montgomery Edward Augustus Collins, W, At- Taylor watei-, E. B. Hamilton, Palmer VVillard Phillips Azariah Mosely, Jesse Russell Isaac Palmer,John Farnum Gould, Reuben Bradley W. Stiringfield Roland Bur- Soutfiwick Jos. Forward, bank, Charles Ball, Elias Saul Fowler, John Mills, Leonard, I'imothy Horton, Gideon Styles, Joseph M. Justin Ely, Amos Wor- Forward tliington, Theodore Ely, 8/irmgJield Joshua Frost, Solomon Lothrop, Luke Bezaieel Howard, Robert Pardons, Alfred Flower, Emery, Samuel Orne, John Henry Ely, Samuel Smith Howard, Joseph Pease, Wdbraham Abel Bliss, Daniel Lombard, John Robert Sessions, Walter Hooker, Solomon Hatch, Stebbins, Samuel F, Mer- William'B. Calhoun, James rick, William Knights, W. Crooks, David M. William Wood, •Calvin Bryant, William Bliss, Stebbins Richard D. Morris, Jesse Notaries Public. Wes(^eldChar\es Douglass S/iringfield John Howard, West Sfiringjield Justin Justice" Willard Ely Counsellors at Law. Blandford Alanson Knox Sj\ringfield George Bliss, Brimfield John B, Cooley, Jona. Dwight, jr. Oliver B. Francis B. Stebbins Morris, John Howard, Jus- Chester Asahel Wright, tice Willard,Samuel Orne, Sanmel Johnson Geo. Bliss, jr. William B. Granville Patrick Boies, Calhoun, John Hooker, James Cooley William Bliss, Richard D. MonsonErasmus Norcross, Morris, James W. Crooks, i Reuben h-. Chapman Geo. Ashmun Palmer James 'Stebbins Wilbraham Wm. Knight Southivkk John Mills Westfield Elijah Bates, .

84 Masters in Chancery in Massachusetts.

William Blair, Augustus Lathrop, Caleb Rice, Sol- Collins, Eli B. Ham'slton, omon Lathrop, Norman I James Fowler Leonard West Springfield Samuel Attorney at the Sufireme Judicial Court. Granville Charles F. Bates. Attorneys at the Common Pleas, Blandford Russell A. VVil- Bates son Sfiringfield^ William Westjield William Gelston Dwight Sheriffy John Phelps, of Granville. De/iuty- Sheriffs. Brimfield James Brown Foster Chester William Henry West Sfiringjield Rodney Granville EUab B. Phelps Day Monson Abel Caulkins Wesffield David H. Palmer Asa Ward Merwin Sfiringfield William H. Defiuty-Goakr^ Harvey Chapin, of Spvingfield. CrierofC. of Com. Pleas, Henry Brewer, of Springfield. Coroners. Blandford Rufus Blair S/iringJield John Bliss, Brimfield Daniel Burt, Ebenezer Russell, Harvey Alvin Janes Chapin Monsofi Joel Nbrcross Westfield Wareham l.ongmeadonv Alex. Field Shepherd Palmer John Frink W.S/iringJieldHema.nDay Southwick Gideon Styles Wilbraham William Clark Prover of Fire Arms, Thomas Warner, of Springfield. MASTERS IN CHANCERY. Suffolk and JN'antucket. William Minot, John Brazer Davis. Essex. Rufus Choate, of Salem Middlesex. Nathan Brooks, of Concord. Plymouth, Bristol, Barnstable 55" Dukes. Charles J. Holmes, of Rochester. Charles H. Warren, of New-Bedford. JSforfolk. Sherman Lelarid, of Roxbury. Post-OfEces in Massachusetts. 85

fVorcester. Joseph G. Kendall, of Leominster. Berkshire, Robert F. Barnard, of Sheffield.

Hamfishirey Hamfiden ilf Franklin. Justice Willard, of Springfield.

POST-OFFICES IN MASSACHUSETTS, WITH THE post-masters' NAMES. /ibington Elihu Hobart Boylston Eli B. Samson ddams Peter Briggs Bradford Benj. Parker dganvam Norman Warri- Breivster Joseph Sampson ler do. mills Mr. Bangs dmeabury Jonath. Morrill E. Bridgenvater S.L.Mitch- dmherst H. vV. Strong ell dndover Nathaniel Swift CS.fiarishJ Mitchell Keith dssoivamsett Daniel Smith Brighton Noah Worcester dshbumham Jos. Jewett Brimjitld Marq. Converse d8hby Alex. T. Willard Brookfield Abrah. Skinner dshfield Levi Cook Euckland Henry Taylor Assonet Robert Strobridge Burlmgton Jacob Kendall Athol Clough R. Miles Byefie'ld Benjamin Colman Attleboro* Milton Barrows Cambridge Joseph S. Read do, Korth Israel Hatch Cambridgefiort Luther S. do. East Saml.M.Holman Cushing Barnardston Gid'nRyther Canton Wm. Dunbar Barnstable Matthew Cobb Carver James Ellis W.Barnst.k\bQYt Howland do. A^orth Plummer Chase Barre Ezra Baker r^ar/emowrAnsonMayhew Belcberton Henry Mellen Charlestoivn Arthur W. Bellingham Wright Curtis Austin Berkley Asahel Hathaway Charlton Wm. jBL Rider Beverly I. Smith Chatham Josiah Mayhew Bellerica Wm. Richardson do. JVorth Isaiah Nye Blandford Orrin Sage do. West Levi Eldridge Bloody Brook Aaron Arms Chelmsford Joel Adams Bolton Amos Parker Cheshire Noble R.Wolcott Boston Nathaniel Greene Chester Samuel Henry, jr. Boxford Parker SpafFord Chesterfield DyerBancroft Boxboro* Lyman Bigeiow Chicoiiee Stephen C.Bemis Blackstone James S. War- Chilmark Matt. Mayhew ner Cohasset Joel Wilkut H 86 Post-Offices in Massachusetts.

Colraine S. Coolidge Fairhaven Joshua Drew Concord John Keyes Fall River Jas. G. Bowen Conway Christo, Arms Falmouth Richard S. Cotuet Rowl. T. Crocker Wood, Ward M. Parker Cragie's Mills C. Shaw jE. FalmouthJohn Robinson Cummington Robt. Dawes Falty^s village Cha. Collins Dana Justus Woods Feeding Hills Alt'. Flowers Dalton J. Chamberlain, jr. Fitchburg Pavid Brigham Dartmouth Abnr. Tucker Florida Luke Rice do.A^orth John Curnmings Foxboro* Daniel Everett Dedham Jer. Shuttleworth Frami?ighJ on^it. Maynard DeerfieId Seth Nims Franklin Davis Thayer CS. ParishJ Aaron Arms Freetown George Pickens Dennis Nathan Stone Gardner Clement Jewett do.( SouthJ M. Wheldeu (rill Benjamin Brainard Dighton John Hathaway, Gloucester Wm. Stevens Joseph Goodwin Goshen John Williams Dorchester J. Bradshaw Grafton William Lamb Douglas David Holman Granby David Smith Doughty^ Falls N. Hobbs G. Harrington M. Hopkins Dracut B. J, Farnum Greenfield Ambrose Ames Dudley Wm. Hancock Greenwich Amos Tenney Du:rl)ury Seth Spraguejr. 0^0. village W. P.' Wing Eastha7n Elisha Cobb Groton Caleb Cutler Easton Daniel Wheaton Hactlf.y Samuel D. Ward {do. turnpike) Israel Alger Halifax Obadiah Lyon East Beeket E. Kingsley Hamilton Israel Brown East Hamilton William B. Hancock Josiah Lapham Gillet Hanover Robert Eels East ^rd-ws^f^r G. W. Hig- Hanson Nathl. CoUamore gins Hardwick Saml. F. Cutler East Medxvay N. Jones //a rt;ar(af Jno. P. Whitcomb East Falmouth J.Robbins Harwich Obed Brooks E.ast Cam.hridge E.Hooper Hatjidd Daniel White East Gxanville Lyman Haverhill James Gale Root do. East John Johnson E.Sudbury Charles Heard Hav)ley Joshua Longley East Stought071 Darius Heath Sylvan us Maxwell Littlefield Hingham Thomas Loud Edgartown Timo. Coffin Hinsdale Munroe Emmons Egremont Josiah Webb Holden Benjamin Davis Enfield Eliphaz Jones Holland Luther Brown Erving^s Grant Fordyce Hollenbecks Jos. Benjamin Alexander Holliston Oliver Leland Essex John Choate,jr. Hohnea'HoleWiWmxiQoiiXe Post-Offices in Massachusetts. 87

Hyannis Fred. Scudder J\''cedham * Rufus Mills Tfiswich J. H. Kendall New-Bedford R. Williams Ireland Martin Chapin Kew-Braintree Amasa Kingston David Beal, jr. Bigelow Lancaster Nathl. Rand Newburyfiort Moses Lord Lanesdoro' Tim. Whitney New-Marlboro* E. C.Peete Lee Hubbard Bartlett JVeW'Ro-wley Benj. Little Leicester John Sargent New Sa/fwNahum Bryant Lenox Wm. P. Walker Newton Amos Allen Leajninster John Kendall (do.l Tpper Falls) O. Pettee tevereit Jonathan Conant N. Adams W. E. Bray ton Lexington Jno. P. Merriam Northamjit. F. H. Wright Lincoln David S. Jones Northbridge Cheney Taft Littleton Sam. M.Newhall N. Brookfield Jona. Cary LongMeadow Wm.White North Andover James Lowell William Wyman Stevens, 2d. Ludlow Benjamin Jencks Northjield John Nevers Lunenburg William Har- Northboro* Jos. Davis, jr. rfngton ;V. Middleboro'l^3.2iC Pratt' Lynn J. C. Stickney N. Bridgewat. N. H.Crop Maiden John Sargent Isaac Packard Manchester D. L. Bingham N Mar5A/?e/fi^Danl.Phillips Manfifield Solomon Pratt N P/,vw/2^onEben.LobdelI Marblehead Rich. Prince N.LeverettYAvA':^ Mignegory Marlboro' Sullivan Thayer A'; C'/^

Pittsfield Joshua Danforth Shelburne Walter Well? Plainjield John Mack Sherburne Calvin Sangei Plymouth William Brown Sheffield Edw. F. Ensigr Plymfiton Wm, H. Soul Shirley Thomas Whitney Prescott Barna. Brigham Shutesbiiry\i.(^.\mm\\%y^vc Princeton Charles Russell Somerset Isaac Pierce Provincetoivn E. C. Scott Southboro' Francis B. Fa> Quincy Samuel Savel Southbridge Cal. Ammidnr Pandolfih David Jacobs South /?ea3z'n§-BurrageYale Raynham Nehe. Jones S. Hadley David Chandlei Reading David Dunham So. H. Canal Wra.Bowdoir Rehoboth E. A. Sandford 5. Orange Thomas Cobb rfo. Cf«?r(?Jona.Wheaton,jr. \i\\. S.Wilbraham DudleyB.Post Pitcher, jr. Souihamfit. Jas. K.Sheldon Royalston Frank Gregory Sfiencer Isaac Jenks, jr. Rowe Samuel H. Read SfiringfieldhXheYt Morgan Rowley James Smith Sterling Thomas N. Blood Roxbury Charles Fox Stockbrid. Thad.Pomeroy do. {Jamaica Plains) Joshua Stoneham Reuben Gerry Seaver Stoughten Lemuel Gay Russell Titus Doolittle S. djc/ortf G.W.Kimball Rutland Rufus Putnam Stow Phiilfeas Conant Salem Ebenezer Putnam Sturbridge Da v. K. Porter Salisbury Seth Clark Sunderland Wm. Delano Sandisfield George Hull Sudbury Saml. Knight Sandwich W. H.Fessenden Sutton Nehemiah Chase do. East Joseph Hall do. West Eben. Caldwell do. West Benj. Burgess Swanzey John Ma.son do. South Lemuel Ewer Taunten Jos. L. Lord do. monument E. Perry do. East E. Washburn So.JVatick DexterWhitney Tcmfileton Lipha. French Sandy Bay Winthrop Pool Tewksbury Jacob Coggins Savoy Ira Bates Tisbury Wm. Luce Saxonville E. A. Bertoby Tolland Scituate Chandler Clapp 7^0/2 .9/ze/rfW.N.Cleaveland J^orthdo. S. P. Merrit Townsend Aaron Keys South do. John K. Nash 7roy Charles Pitman West do. Edw. F. Jacobs Truro Daniel Paine East do. G. W. Young Tyngsbo. Danl.Richardson Seekonk Allen Munroe Tyringham Asahel Miller do. Centre Church Gray do. JSi^orth Wm. Arnold SharonMt B. Reynolds Ufiton Eli Warren H Salaries of Officers in Massachusetts. 89

:bridge John W.Capron Wilson a//io/e David Morse, jr. West Harwich Elijah 3. Centre Hervey Ciap Chase s/zZ/amSamLTownsend Wesnninster Timo. Doty ard Zebulon Gary Weston Abrah'mHewes.jr. are Joseph CumiYiings West/iort Isaac Howland 'artham Benj. Fearing iV.S/iringfield'Ej.Wmzh^W "arwick Wm. Cobb, jr. IV. Stockbridge A.'&Y^^ncev iirer/oww Peter Cockram Weymouth Cotton Tufts ''' W^

Westford ,. John Abbot do. ftort Timothy Reed W.Falmouth S. Dillingham do. West Elnathan Lewis West Mendon Wiilard- Salary of the Post-Master in Boston, $2000.,

Salaries of sundry Officers in Massachusetts Government. Governor, ^3666,67 Lieutenant-Governor, 533,33 Chief Justice of the S.J. Court, ... 3500,00 Three other Justices of the S. J. Court, each, 3000,00 Attorney- General, 2000,00 Solicitor-General, 2000,00

Slecretary, - - - - - . " - 2000,00 Treasurer, -.-..,. 2000,00 Adjutant-General, ------1500,00

Reporterof Decisions in S.J. Court, - - 1000,00 Counsellors, Senators, and Representatives, two dollars each for each day's attendance, and two dollars for every ten miles travel. —President of the Senate and Speaker of the House, four dollars per day for eaoh liiiitiitiifMtofif 90 Massachusetts Militia.

MASSACHUSETTS JVftLITIA. [Revised by the Adjutant-General, Nov. 30, 1829 His Excellency, LEVI LINCOLN, COMMANDER IN CHIEF.

j9.ids de-Camp. Samuel M. M'Kay, of Pittsfield, Josiah Quincy, jr. c Boston, Pliny Merrick, of Worcester, and John B Davis, of Boston, Rank of Lieutenant Colonels. Adjutant- General^ and Acting Quarter-Master-General William H. Sumner, of Boston. Rank of Brigadier-General. Fitch Hall, Clerk^Adjutani-GeneraVs Department, William Tufts, do. Quarter Master GeneraVs do. Henry Sheafe, Military Store Keeper. Laboratory No. 1, Pleasant-Street. [The Adjutant and Acting Quarter-Master- General's Office is kept in the North- West corner of the State* House, and is open from 9 At M. to 1 P. M. and from S to 6 P. M. excepting Saturday afternoons.]

DIVISION AJVD DIVISIONARY STAFF OFFICERS. FIRST DIVISION— 5't#oZA; and Jforfolk. Major-General^ Aaron Capen, of Dorchester. Aid-de-Camp^ Aaron D. Capen, of Dorchester. Division-Inspector, John P. Bigelow, of Boston. Division-Quarter-Master, Judge-Advocate, Wilham F. Otis, of Boston. SECOND DIVISION.—Essex, Major-General, Benjamin Stickney, of Newbury, Aids-de-Camp, Nathan Brown, of Newburyport, William S.Allen, of Newburyport. Division-Inspector, John Rollins, of Newbury. Division- Quarter-Master^ Samuel Phillips, of Andover. Judge-Advocate, Caleb Cushing, of Newburyport, THIRD DIYISION.—Middlesex. • Major-General, Micah M. Rutter, of East-Sudbury. Aids.de- Camp, Micah M. Rutter, jr. Newton, Samuel H. Mann, of East-Sudbury. Division-Inspector, Joseph Butterfield, of Tyngsborough. Division- QuartcT'Master^ Samuel A. Coburn, of Lowell. Judge-AdvocatCi William Dranpr. Massachusetts Militia. 91 FOURTH DIVISION. Hampshire^ Hampden^ and Franklin, Major- General^ Thomas Sheldon, of Westfield. jiids-de-Campy Charles Ely, of West-Springfield, Wells Laflin, of Southwick. Division-Inspector^ David H. Merwin, of Westfield. Dimsion-Quarter-Master, , of Amherst. Judge-Advocate^ William Bliss, of Springfield. FIFTH DIVISION. Bristol^ Plymouth, Barnstable^ &c. Major-General, Shepherd Leach, of Easton. Aiis-de-Camp, Wm. ^, F. Sprout, of Taunton, and Phi- lander Washburn, of Middleboro'. Division-Inspector, Division-Quarter-Master, Judge-Advocate, Timothy G. Coffin, of New-Bedford. SIXTH DIVISION — ?Force^/er. Major- General, Franklin Gregory, of Royalston. Aids-de-Camp, Aaron Brooks, jr. of Petersham, Wm. C. Capron, of Uxbridge.

Division-Inspector, Artemas Stone, of Shrewsbury. I Division- Quarter Master^ Judge- Advocate, SEVENTH DIVISION.—J?erA:^/iz>e. Major-General, Jabez Hall, of Lanesborough. Aids-de-Camp, Franklin Weston, of Dalton, Henry Raymond, 2d. of Lenox. Division-Inspector, Ezekiel R, Colt, of Pittsfield. Division- Quarter-Master, Daniel B. Bush, of Pittsfield. Judge-Advocate, William Porter, jr. of Lee.

BRIGADIER AND STAFF OFFICERS. FIRST DIVISION. ^ C Brigadier-General, Thomas Taylor, of Quincy. ist. 1 Aid-de-Camp, Francis W. Davenport, Milton. Brig, j Brigade-Major, Bradford L. Wales, of Randolph. ( Brig.-Quar.-Master, Thomas Adams, jr. of Quincy. f Brigadier-General, Charles Rice, of Needham. 2d. J Aid-de-Camp, Nathan White, jr. of do. Brig.) Brigade-Major, Frederick W. Lincoln, of Canton, Brig. Quar. Master, Freeman Clark, of Walpole. 92 Massachusetts Militia.

r Brigadier-General, John T. Winthrop, of Boston. 3d. J Aid-de-Camp, Brig, i Brigade-Major, David L. Child, of Boston. (Brig. Quarter-Master.


(Brigadier-General, Josiah Newhall, ofLynnfield. Aid-de-Camp, Joseph B. Breed, of Lynn. Brigade-Major, Jabez W. Barton, of Salem, Brigade-Quarter-Master, Asahel Huntington, do. Brigadier-General, Solomon Low, of Boxford. Aid-de-Camp, Moses P. Parish, Newbur.jport. Brigade-Major, Joseph L. Low, of Andover. Brig. Quarter-Master, John Marland, of Andover.


r Brigadier-General, John Tarbell, of Cambridge. Ist. 1 Aid-de-Carap, Bushrod W.Young, of Charlestown, Brig, j Brigade-Major, Wyman Richardson, of Woburn. ( Brig. Quar. Master", Abraham Edwards, of Camb. Brig. General, George Green, of Townsend. Aid-de-Camp, Frederick F. Parker, of Pepperell. Brigade-Majbr, VVm. A. Bancroft, of Groton. Brigade-Quarter-Master, Israel Longley, Shirley. FOURTH DIVISION.

Brigadier-Gen. John Warner, of Greenwich. Aid-de-Camp, Wilham M, Lathrop, of Enfield. Brigade-Major, Joseph Root, of Westfield. Brig. Quar. Master, Plin Allen, of Greenwich. Brigadier-General, Charles Hc»oker, of Northamp. Aid-de-Camp, William H. Mosely, of do. Brigade-Major, Alanson Clark, of Greenfield. Brigade-Quarter-Master, FIFTH DIVISION.

C Brigadier-Gen. Benjamin King, of Abington. ^ 1st. ) Aid-de-Oamp, Brig, j Brigade-Major, Elisha Tucker, of Middleborough. ( Brig. Quarter-Master, f Brigadier-Gen. Cromwell Washburn, of Taunton. 2d. ) Aid-de-Camp, Elias Skinner, of do. Brig. 5 Brigade-Major, George B. Atwood, of do. Brig. Quar. Master, Samuel L. Crocker, of Norton^ . Field Officers of Infantry. 93

Brigadier-Gen. Eben. D. Winslow, of Brewster.

I Aid-de-Camp, Freeman Foster, jr. of do. Brigade-Major, Sylvanus Hatch, of Falmouth. Brig. Quarter-Master, Charles Nje, of Sandwich.

SIXTH DIVISION. Brigadier-Gen. Nathan Heard of Worcester. Aid-de-Camp, Terre Merritt, of Charlton.

( Brigade-Major, Emery H.Bowman, of N.Braintree. Brigade- Quarter-Master, Wm.S.Weld,of Charlton, Brigadier-General, Amory Holman,2d. of Bolton.

I Aid-de-Camp, William Pratt, of Shrewsbury.

I Brigade-Major, Otis Adams, of Grafton.

. Brigade-Quarter-Master, Alpheus Moore,of Bolton.

SEVENTH DIVISION. 'Brigadier- Gen. Timo.Wainwright, Gt. Barrington. ) Aid-de-Camp, Joel Kilbourn, of do. ^Brigade- Major, Parker L. Hall, of Sheffield. < Brig. Quar. Master, John A. Laflfargue, of Sheffield.

f Brigadier- General, Lyman Hall, jr. Lanesboro^gh. ) Aid-de-Camp, John Z. Goodrich, of Lenox. ) Brigade-Major, William C. Plunkett, of Lanesbc cBrig. Quar. Master, Lyman W. Hall, of do.

FIELD OFFICERS AJVD ADJUT^JYTS OF * THE INFANTRY. FIRST DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE. C Colonel, Wm. H. Spooner, of Roxbury. 1st. 1 Lieut. Colonel, John P. Clapp, of Dorchester. Reg. \ Major, Francis Holden, of Boston. ^ f Adjutant, Ebenezer W. Stone, of do. r Colonel, Laban Hearsey, of Hingham. 2d. 3 Lieut. Colonel, Abraham Thayer, of Weymouth. Reg. j Major, Charles Lane, of Hingham, ( Adjutant, Appleton Howe, Weymouth. ^Colonel, David Blanchard, of Randolph. 3d. ^ Lieut. Colonel, George Clark, of Boston. Reg. \ Major, Jarvis Burrill, of W. Bridge water. ( Adjutant, Francis D. Holbrook, of Randolph. 94 Field Officers of Infantry.

SECOND BRIGADE. Colonel, Richard Davis, of Dedham, « Lieut. Colonel, William Stow, of do. Major, Joseph W. Lyon, of Needham. Adjutant. Josiah N. Bird, of do. 'Colonel, Hervey Nash, of Canton.

) Lieut. Colonel, Charles Fuller, of do,

I Major. Elijah Tolman, of do. Adjutant, Stephen Westcoat, of Foxborough. Colonel, Nathan Cleaveland, of Franklin.

) Lieut. Colonel, Lucus Pond, of do,

I Major, Larnard Scott, of Wrentham.

. Adjutant, Stephen Sandford, of Medway. THIRD BRIGADE. Colonel, Thomas Davis, of Boston.

I Lieut. Colonel, Daniel D. Brodhead, of do'. Major, Peter Dunbar, of do. Adjutant, Sumner Crosby, of do. Colonel, Amasa G. iSmith, of do. Lieut. Colonel, Elias Kingsley, of do. Major, Adjutant, James L. Hewitt, of do. r Colonel, John S. Tyler, of do. 3d. ^ Lieut. Colonel, John F. Bannister, of do. Reg. ^ Major, Josiah L. C. Amee, of do. C Adjutant, Enoch Train, of do. SECOND DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE. r Colonel, Joshua Chase, of Salem. Ist. > Lieut. Colonel, William P. Endicott, of do. Reg. ^ Major, Nath'l. C. Laskey, of do. C Adjutant, f Colonel, 2d. ^ Lieut. Colonel, John Mason, jr. of Gloucester. Jleg.^ Major, William Pool, of do. C Adjutant, Daniel Rogers, jr. of do, (Colonel, Ezra Batchelder, of Beverly. 3d. J Lieut. Colonel, Israel F. Tappan, of Manchester. Reg. p Major, William Putnam, of Beverly. C Adjutant, William Dodge, 4th. of do. r Colonel, Daniel N. Breed, of Lynn. 4th. ^ Lieut. Colonel, Benjamin Selmen, of Marblehead, Reg, ^ Major, Timothy Munroe, jr. of Lynn. ( Adjutant. Andrew Mansfield, jr. of Lynnfield. Field Officers of Infantry. 95

r Colonel, David Upton, jr. of Danvers. »th. jLieut. Colonel, Nathan Tapley, of do, eg. ) Major, Andrew Lunt, of do. (Adjutant, Ebenezer Sutton, of do. SECOND BRIGADE. ("Colonel, Daniel Moulton of West Newbury. 1st, J Lieut. Colonel, Uriah Bailej, of do. eg. ^ Major, Samuel M. Noyes, of do, (Adjutant, Stephen Adams, jr. of Newbury. ( Colonel, Charles Kimball, of Ipswich. 2d. ^ Lieut. Colonel, Joshua Low, of Essex, eg. j Major, John Kimball, of Rowley. ' Adjutant, David Baker, of Ipswich. (Colonel, Timothy Poor, of Andover. 3d. J Lieut. Colonel, John Parker, of do, eg. "^ Major, Daniel B. Stickney, of Bradford. (Adjutant, William Brown, of do. (Colonel, Henry Morrill, jr. of Salisbury. th.N Lieut. Colonel, John Dow, of do. eg. '^ Major, Jacob Stevens, of do. ( Adjutant, Reuben Evans, of do. (Colonel, Jacob Howe, of Haverhill,* 5th. J Lieut. Colonel, Oilman Parker, of do. Reg. ^ Major, Samuel Carleton, of do. ( Adjutant, John Davis, of Methuen. BATTALION OF INFANTRY.

Bat, ( Lieut. Colonel, Abrah. Williams, of Newburyport. Infa. (Major, William B. Titcomb, of do.

THIRD DIVISION. . FIRST BRIGADE. r Colonel, Samuel Learned, of Watertown. 1st. J Lieut. Colonel, Elisha Stratton, of do. Reg. ^ Major, Ezra Stone, of Cambridge. C Adjutant, Ephraim Buttrick, of Cambridge, ( Colonel, William Winn, of Burlington. 2d. ^ Lieut. Colonel, Elbridge Gerry, of Stoneham. Reg. j Major, Daniel Flint, jr. of Reading. ( Adjutant, William Tidd, of Woburn. I Colonel, Samuel Chandler, of Lexington. 3d. 1 Lieut. Colonel, Calvin Weston, of Lincoln. Reg. ^ Major, Sherman Barrett, of Concord. ( Adjutant, Joseph Meriam, jr. of Lexingtoni 96 Field Officers of Infantry.

r Colonel, Nathan Adams, of Hopkinton, 4th. ^ Lieut. Colonel, Abijah Ellis, of do. Reg,^ Major, Dexter Drury, of Natick. C Adjutant, Homer Tilton, Framingham. C Colonel, John M. Fiske, of Charlestown. 5th. 1 Lieut. Colonel, Abijah Goodridge, of do. Reg. \ Major, Theodore L. Stiles, of Maiden. ( Adjutant, Guy C. Haynes, of Charlestown. SECOND BRIGADE.

r Colonel, Aaron Brigham, jr. of Marlborough. 1st. J Lieut. Colonel, Epnraim Howe, of do. Reg. ^ Major, Merrick Phelps, of do. ( Adjutant. Francis Conant, of Stow. r Colonel, Thomas Whitney, of Shirley. 2d. Vljieut. Colonel, Thomas A. Staples, of Groton, Reg. p Major, Nahum Harwood, of Littleton. C Adjutant, r Colonel, Coburn Blood, jr. of Dracut. 3d. J Lieut Colonel, Zacheus Fletcher, of Lowell, Reg. ^ Major, James Butterfield, jr. of Tyngsboro'. (Adjutant, Henry J. Baxter, of Lowell. FOURTH DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE. ^Colonel, David Wood, of Springfield, 1st. N Lieut. Colonel, Alpheus Nettleton, of do. Reg, ^ Major, Seth Lathrop, of Wilbraham /Adjutant, Samuel Reynolds, of Springfield,

y- Colonel, Silas Root, jr. of VVestfield. 2d. > Lieut. Colonel, Joseph Ely, of West SpringfieJd. Reg.") Major, Cotton Ely, of do. r Adjutant, Alvan Fowler, of Westfield, ^Colonel, Daniel Ford, of Enfield, 3d. N Lieut. Colonel, Cyrus Kingman, of Pelham. Major, Warren S. Howland, of Amherst. Reg. J (Adjutant, James B. Porter, of Hadley. r Colonel, Loring Lane, of Granville. 4th. 3 Lieut. Colonel, Lyman Root, of do. Reg. S Major, Artemas W. Lloyd, of Blandford. (Adjutant, William H. Squires, of Granville. ("Colonel, Samuel Phelps, of Ward. 5th. J Lieut. Colonel, Cyrus Knox, of Palmer. Reg. i Major, John C. Butterworth, of Holland, C Adjutant, Joseph H. Bowman, of Ware. Field Officers of Infantry. • 97

SECOBTD BRIGADE. • /-Colonel, William W^ Partridge, of Northampton. 1st. \ Lieut. Colonel, Caleb Crafts, Whately. leg, "N Major, Hervey Kirkland, of Norwich. (Adjutant, Jonathan H. Butler, of Northampton, /'Colonel, Joel AUis, of Shelburne. Sd.SLieut, Colonel, David Welle, of do. leg. "^ Major, Aaron Spaulding, of Greenfield. ^Adjutant, John J. Graves, of Greenfield. /"Colonel, Lemuel Wheelock, of Warwick. 3d, N Lieut. Colonel, John Powers, of Sbutesbury. leg.") Major, Cephas Lawrence, .of Montague. (Adjutant, AVilliam E. Russell, of Warwick, r Colonel, Milton Brewster, of Worthington. 4th. J Lieut. Colonel, Jason Richards, of Plainfield. [leg. ^ Major, John Kinnee, of Worthington. ( Adjutant, Horatio Ward, of do. (^ Colonel, Abel Williams, of Ashfield. 5th. ^ Lieut. Colonel, William Taylor, jr. of Rowe. Reg. ^ Major, Manning Shumway, of do. C Adjutant, Lucius Graham, of Buckland. FIFTH DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE.

A" Colonel, Benjamin Ward, of Carver. 1st. N Lieut. Colonel,^ John B, Bates, ofDedham. Reg. '^ Major, Leander Lovell, of Ply^mouth. (Adjutant, Rufus B. Bradford, of Kingston. r Colonel, John B. Turner, of Scituate. 2d. 3 Lieut. Colonel, Charles Hatch, jr. of Marshfield. • Reg. J Major, James Curtis, of Scituate. (.'\dju(ant, Horace Collamore, of Pembroke. ^Colonel, Abram Washburn, 2d. of Bridgewater. 3d.N Lieut. Colonel, Nathan Jones, of North do. Reg. ^ Major, John Torry, of Easton. (.Adjutant, Spencer Gloyd, of Abington, r Colonel, Darius Miller, of Middleborough. 4th. ^ Lieut. Colonel, Thomas Weston, jr. do. Reg. p Major, Oliver Eaton, of do. (Adjutant, Arad Thompson, of do. ( Colonel, 5th, ^ Lieut. Colonel, John H» Clark, of Rochester. Reg. \ Major, Stillman Shaw, of Carver. ( Adjutant, Thomas E. Gage, of Rochester. 98 . Field Officers of Infantry.


/"Colonel, William Peck, of Dighton. ^ Ist.jLifut. Colonel, Ljnaali Bowen, of Rehoboth. Reg. ^ Major, ^Adjutant, Henry Luth, of Swanzey. r Colonel, 2d. N Lieut. Colonel, Seth Cartee, t)f New-fiedford. Reg.^ Major, Jesse W. Nichols, of Dartmouth, (Adjutant, Asa Wood, of New-Bedford. (Colonel, Russell Wood, of Taunton. 3d. ; Lieut. Colonel, Warren Lincoln, of Rajnham. Reg. p Major, (Adjutant, George Danforth, of Taunton. r Colonel, Ira K. xVIiller, of Attleborough. 4th. 3 Lieut. Colonel, Mason Stone, of Norton. Reg. i Major, Wiilard Blackington, of Attleborough. (Adjutant, r Colonel, Ephraim Winslow, jr. Freetown. 5th. J Lieut. Colonel, Philip P. Hathaway, do. Reg, ^ Major, John Chase, of Dighton. (Adjutant, John T. Lawton, of Freetown. THIRD BRIGADE. r Colonel, Ebenezer Chamberlain, of Sandwich. 1st. J Lieut. Colonel, Sabine Smith, of do. Reg. ^ Major, Francis Nye, of Falmouth. (Adjutant, Theodore Kern, of Sandwich. / Colonel, Nehemiah Baker, of Dennis. 2d. N Lieut. Colortel, ^oratio Underwood, of Harwich. Reg. ^ Major, Darius Weekes, of do. (Adjutant, Obed Brooks, jr. of do. (Colonel, Joseph Holbrook, 3d. of Wellfleet. 5d. J Lieut. Colonel, Samuel Stinson, of Eastham. Reg. ^ Major, John C. Knowles, Truro. (Adjutant, Cornelius Hamblen, of Welfleet. SIXTH DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE. Colonel, Walter Sibley, of Leicester. Lieut. Colonel, Alvah Drury, of Ward. Major, Alonzo Temple, of Spencer. Adjutant, Ebenezer A. Howard, of Leicester. Colonel, Joseph Ray, of Mendon. Lieut. Colonel, Elijah Stoddard, of Upton. Major, Lewis Johnson, of Milford. Adjutant, Dan Hill, of Mendon. Field Officers of Infantry. 99

C Colonel, Asa Barr, of New-Braintree. 3d. 1 Lieut. Colonel, John M. Fiske, of Brookfield. leg. 1 Major, Hiram B. Clark, of do. ' Adjutant, Henry H. Penniman, of New-Braintree. r Colonel, Erasmus Holbrook, of Sturbridge. 4th. J Lieut. Colonel, Edmund Capen, of Charlton. leg. J Major, Samuel D. Spurr, of do. C Adjutant, Holmes Ammidown, of Southbridge. r Colonel, Reuben Waters, jr. of Sutton, 5th. J Lieut. Colonel, Jotham Gale, of Milburj. Leg. ^ Major, Charles G. Prentiss, of Oxford. C Adjutant, Ebenezer Cadwell, of Sutton. r Colonel, Artemas Drjden,.jr. of Holden. )th. jLieut. Colonel, Isaac Davis, of Worcester. Leg. ^ Major, Chenery Abbott, of Holden. C Adjutant, Phineas T. Bartlfett, do. SECOND BRIGADE. Colonel, John P. Whitcomb, of Harvard. Lieut. Colonel, Cheney Kilburn, of Sterling. Major, Joseph Meriam, of Princeton. • Adjutant, John G. Thurston, of Lancaster. Colonel, Lieut. Colonel, Timothy Wheelock, of Grafton. Major,*Wil]ard Day, of Worcester. Adjutant, Oliver Harrington, do. f Colonel, Rowland Woodward, of Hubbardstown. 3d. 3 Lieut. Colonel, Calvin G. Howe, of Rutland. Leg. J Major, Josiah White, of Petersham. ( Adjutant, Spencer fields, of Barre. C Colonel, Enoch Whitmore, of Ashburnham. 4th. JLieut. Colonel, Asa Longly, of Leominster, leg. ^ Major, Luke Lincoln, of do. Adjutant. Reuel Lawrence, of Ashburnham. Colonel, Elmer Newton, of Royalston. 5th. _^ Lieut. Colonel, Josiah Wheeler, of do. ,eg.^ Major, Gideon Sibley, of do. C Adjutant, George C. Richardson, do. SEVENTH DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE. Colonel, Ebenezer Chadwick, G. Barrington. Lieut. Colonel, Major, Oreb A. Thorp, of Sheffield. Adjutant, Edmund Bush, of Sheffield. 100 . Officers of Cavalry.

(Colonel, Melancton Lewis, of W. Stockbridge. 2d. J Lieut. Colonel, George Warner, of Stockbridge. Reg. ^ Major, Levi Crocker, of West do. C Adjutant, David P. Inger?ol, of Stockbridge. C Colonel, 3d. ) Lieut. Colonel, Daniel A. Garfield, of Tyringham. Reg. ^ Major, Albert Gleason, of N. Marlboro'. ( Adjutant, Timothy Jones, of Otis. SECOND BRIGADE. Colonel, Stoddard Hubbell, of Lanesborough. Lieut. Colonel, Samuel Mallery, of New Ashford, Major, Liberty Bartlett, of Williamstovs^n. Adjutant, Socrates Squire, of Lanesborough. rColonel, Lyman Judd, of Lenox. 2d. 3 Lieut. Colonel, George Briggs, of Lenox. Reg. y Major, Nelson Strong, ofPittsfield. LAdjutaut, Franklin Root, of do. (Colonel, Isaac Howland, of Adams. 3d. J Lieut. Colonel, Grenville D. Weston, of Dalton. Reg,, p Major, David Tuttle, of Peru. C Adjutant, Ambrose Nicholson, of Hinsdale.

OFFICERS OF CAVALRY. FIRST DIVISION. Second Brigade. 1 Company, Captain, Lewis Bullen, of Medway. Third Brigade. • 1 Company. Captain, Daniel F. Hunting, of Boston. SECOND DIVISION. First Brigade. 1 Battalion, Major, William Giddings, of Ipswich. Adjutant, Oliver Whipple, jr. of Hamilton. Captain, Thomas Raddin, jr. of Lynn. Captain, David H. Caldwell, of Ipswich.

Second Brigade. 1 Regiment. Colonel, Samuel Johnson, of Haverhill. Lieut. Colonel, Joseph Kimball, of Rowley. Major, Joseph B. Little, of West-Newbury. Adjutant, Charles P. Bailey, of Andover, Captain, Samuel P. Blunt, of Andover. Captain, Daniel N, Prime, of Rowley. Officers of Cavalry. 101

Captain, Robert Stuart, of Haverhill. Captain, Abel Chase, of West-Newburj. THIRD DIVISION.

First Brigade. 1 Company. Captain, Aaron Eames, of Hopkinton. Weston Indep* Light Infantry Company, Captain, Elmore Russell, of Lincoln.

Second Brigade. 2 Companies, Captain, Levi Warren, of Stow, Captain, Cephas Watkins, of Ashby. FOURTH DIVISION.

First Brigade. 1 Regiment, Colonel, Alanson Hubbard, of Tolland. Lieut. Colonel, Dauphin Brown, of Brimfield. Major, Dennis A. Parsons, of Granville. Adjutant, ChauncyR. Baldwin, of do. Captain, John Fenton, of Brimfield. Captain, Horace Stacy, of Belchertown. Captain, Waterman Carter, of Blandford. Captain, Luther Fox, of Amherst Captain, Captain,

Second Brigade. 1 Regiment, Colonel, Roderick B. Harwood, of Whately. Lieut. Colonel, David Wright, of Deerfield. Major, Joseph Smith, ofColraine. Adjutant, Joseph Tyler, of Greenfield. Captain, John W^are, of Conway. Captain, Theodore Bartlett, of Williamsburg. Captain, Horace P ackard, of Goshen. Captain, Francis Walkup, jr. of Wendell. Captain, Stephen Fellows, of Shelburne. FIFTH DIVISION.

First Brigade. 1 Company. Captain, Ira Clark, of Rochester. Second Brigade, 1 Company,

Captain, Ellis Fairbanks, of Mansfield. 1* 102 Officers of Artillery.

SIXTH DIVISION. First Brigade. 3 Gompanies, Captain, Avery P. Taylor, of Sturbridge. Captain, Warren Smith, of Hardwick. Captain, Second Brigade, 2 Companies. Captain, Thomas Ellinwood, of Athol. Captain, Seth Holden, of Barre. SEVENTH DIVISION.

First Brigade. 1 Battalion. Major, Alvin F. Baldwin, of Sandisfield. Adjutant, Edwin Bosworth, of do. Captain, Alonzo N. Dewey, of Becket. Captain, Captain,


First Brigade. 1 Battalion,

Major, Jonathan White, jr. Weymouth. Adjutant. Stephen Hall, of Dorchester, Captain, Thomas M. Field, of do. Captain, Joseph B. Towle, of Boston. Captain, James Hawes, of Weymouth.

Second Brigade. 1 Battalion. Major, Adjutant, Nathaniel Bird, of Walpole. Captain, Jabez Morse, of Walpole, Captain, Third Brigade. 1 Battalion. Major, Samuel Lynes, of Boston. Adjutant, William Chamberlain, of do. Captain, George VV. Saunders, of do. Captain, Charles Hersey, of do. Captain, William Cunningham, of do, Boston Sea Fencibles, Captain, William Austio, of Boston. Officers of Artillery. IQ3


First Brigade, 1 Reg. 1 JBatt. Colonel, John Nichols, of Lynn. Lieut. Colonel, Alvan Tapley, of Danvers, Major, Seth W. Williams, of Lynn. Adjutant, John Towne, of Salem. Captain, Jeremiah P. Fowler, of Danvera. Captain, David Taylor, of Lynn. Captain, Henry Haskell, of Gloucester. Captain, John K. Skinner, of Salem. Battalion. Major, Samuel Avery, of Marblehead, Adjutant, Joseph P. Turner, of do. Captain, Williaxn Haskell, of do. Captain, Timothy Brown, of do. Marblehead Light Infantry, Captain, Ezra F. Newhall, of Marblehead, Salem Cadets, Lieut. Stephen Osburn, of Salem. Second Brigade, 1 Battalion. Major, Ebenezer Bradbury, of Newburyport. Adjutant, William Flanders, of do. Captain, Enoch Pierce, of do. Captain, Reuben Fry, of Andover. Captain, Zebedee Morrill, of Salisbury. THIRD DIVISION. First Brigade, 1 Regiment. Colonel, Thomas Livermore, of Watertown. Lieut. Colonel, Abijah Thompson, of Woburn. Major, Simeon Southwick, of Cambridge. Adjutant, Josiah Clark, of Watertown. Captain, Philip Russell, of Lexington. Captain, Joshua Buttrick, of Concord. Captain, Joseph W. Goddard, of Newton, Captain, Charles Trowbridge, of Framingham. Captain,

Second Brigade, 2 Companies, Captain, John Boynton, of Groton. Captain, Asa Spaulding, of Billerica. 104 Officers of Artillery. FOURTH DIVISION. First Brigade. 1 Regiment, Colonel, Galen Ames, of Springfield. Lieut. Colonel, David Mosely, of Westfield. Major, Lewis Fowler, of do. Adjutant, Joseph B. Sheffield, of Springfield, Captain, GeTjrge Washburn, of Belchertown. Captain, David P. King, of Monson. Captain, Henry Dwight, of Springfield, Captain, Horace Noble, jr. of Westfield.

Second Brigade. 1 Reglinent. Colonel, Jonathan Belcher, of Northfield. Lieut. Colonel, Harry Torry, of Plainfield. Major, George Shepherd, of Northampton. Adjutant, Marshall S. Mead, of Northfield. Captain, Hubbard B. Bardwell, of Leyden. Captain, Jonathan P. Strong, of Northampton. Captain, Thomas W. White, of Ashfield. Captain, David R. Whiton, of Plainfield. Captain, FIFTH DIVISION.

First Brigade. 1 Battalion. Major, Elias W. Pratt, of ScTtuate. Adjutant, Samuel N. Dyer, of Abington. Captain, Nathaniel Shaw, of Abington. Captain, David Bradford, of Plymouth. Captain, W^illiam Morse, of Hanover.

Second Brigade. 1 Battalion. Major, Seneca Sanford, of Attleborough. Adjutant, Ephraim A. Raymond, of Norton. Captain, David Sylvester, of New-Bedford. Captain, Simeon Blanden, of Norton.

Third Brigade. 1 Battalion.

Major, Nathaniel Shiverick, jr. of Falmouth, Adjutant, Samuel Shiverick, jr. of do. Captain, Joshua Winslow, of Brewster. Captain. SIXTH DIVISION.

First Brigade, 1 Battalion,

Major, John Corbett, jr. of Milford. Adjutant, Isaac Bartlett, of Worcester, . Officers of Artillery. 105 Captain, Leonard W. Stowell, of Worcester. Captain, Moses Plympton, of Southbridge, Captain, Peter Corbett, of Milford.

Second Brigade. 1 Battalion, Major, Amos Hawes, of Leominster. Adjutant, Edmund H. Nichols, of Leominster. Captain, John Holland, of Barre. Captain, Seneca Colburn, of Leominster. Captain, George W. Houghton, of Lancaster. SEVENTH DIVISION. First Brigade. 1 Battalion. Major, Isaac M. Taylor, of Lee. Adjutant, Rodney Hill, of Lee, Captain, George Turner, of Great Barrington. Captain, Abraham Tobey, jr. of West Stockbridge Second Brigade. 1 Battalion, Major, Charles F. Allen, of Pittsfield. Adjutant, Captain, Barber C. Sheldon, of Dalton. Captain, Homer Tirrell, of Lanesborough. DIVISIONARY CORPS OF INDEPENDENT CADETS. 1st Division. CafitaiUy Lieut. Colonel Henry F. Baker. Lieutenanty Major Peter C. Brooks, jr.

Adjutant^ Captain Jonathan Amory, jr. Surgeon, John C. Warren, M. d. ANCIENt AND HONOURABLE ARTILLERY COMPANY. Incorporated 1638. Cafitain^ Col. Josiah Quincy, jr.

1st Lieutenant y Maj. Jonathan Amory. 2d Lieutenant, Maj. Alfred Allen. Adjutant, Col. William H. Spooner. Ist Sergeant, Capt. Charles Hubbard. 2d Sergeant, Capt. Marshall P. Wilder. 2d Sergeant, Major Thomas Davis. Ath Sergeant, Lieut. Francis Brinley, jr. Sth Sergeant, Capt William Carleton, jr. 6th Sergeant, Capt. George Page. Treasurer, Col. Benjamin Loring. Clerk, Lieut. Zach. G. Whitman. Armourers, David W. Bradlee, Esq. J. W. Homes, Esq. 106 in the . BISHOPS.

Protestant Efiiscofial Church in the United States. Date of Consecration. Residence. Feb. "4,1787. Right Rev. William White, D.D. of Pen;?.?. . Oct. 1827. Right Rev. Henry U. Onderdonk, D. D. Assistant Bishop for Diocese of Penns. May 29, 1811. Right Rev. John H. Hobart, D.D. of i^ew-ror^-, New Y. May 29, 1811. Right Rev. Alexander V. Griswold, D. D. of the Eastern Diocess, Salem^ Mass. May 18, 1811. Right Rev. Richard C. Moore, D. D. of VlTg. Richmond- Nov. 19, 1815. Right Rev. John Croes, D.D. of New Jersey, New Bruns* Oct. 8, 1818. Right Rev. Nath. Bowen, D.D. of 5. Carolina, Charleston* Feb. 11, 1819. Right Rev. Philander Chase, D.D. of , Worthington. Oct. 22, 1819. Right Rev. Thomas C. Brownell, D.D. LL.D. ConTi.Hartf. May 22, 1823. Right Rev. John S. Ravenscroft, D.D. of N. Car. Raleigh. Aug. 19, 1829. Right Rev. William Meade, D. D. Assistant Bishop for the Diocese of . In the British Colonies, Bight Rev. John Inglis, .... Halifax, Nova-Scotia, Methodist Bishofis. Right Rev. William M'Kendree, Right Rev. Robert R. Roberts, Right Rev. Joshua Soule, D. D. and Right Rev. Elijah Hedding, D. D.

Ro7nan Catholic Bisho/is in the United States. Most Rev. James Whitfield, Archbishop, ... . Right Rev. Benedict Joseph Flaget, - Bardstown, (.) Right Rev. John B. M. David, Coadjutor to Bishop Flaget, Vincennes. Right Rev. Edward Fenwick, .... Cincinnati, Ohio. Right Rev. Benedict Joseph Fenwick, .... Boston. Right Rev. Joseph Rosati, .------S'^ Louis. Right Rev. John Dubois, .-.-.- New-Orleans, Right Rev. Michael Porter, - - Mobile. In the British Colonies. Right Rev. Claud. B. Panet, Quebeck. Alexander McDowell, ...... Upper Canada. John Jarves Lartigue, .--..-.. Montreal. B. A. McEachern, .... Prince Edward's Island.

The Convention of the Congregational Ministers in the CommonweUlth of Massachusetts

Is a voluntary Association, embracing all the Congrega- tional Clergy of the Commonwealth, but vested with no particular authority or control over the churches. Their meeting is held in Boston, in the afternoon of the last Wednesday in May, or day of Election annually, at five, p. M. and the following day at eleven, a. m. After transacting the usual business of the Convention, a sermon is delivered in public before them, and a collection made for the charitable purpose of relieving the indigent Wid- ows of Congregational Clergymen. Conventions of Ministers. 107

Difficulties having often arisen in determining, what widows are the proper objects of the charity of this Con- vention, it was voted, June 1, 1815, That a Standing Com- mittee be appointed, five of whom shall be chosen cen- trally, and the remainder in different parts of the State. The five, with the Scribe and Treasurer, shall ^ct as a ^Reporting Committee, to receive from the other Membe'rs of the Committee, applications and statements of facts in behalf of persons who may be subjects of the charity of

the Convention ; and having considered the same, shall judge of the persons to be relieved, and the proportion to be given to each, and make report to the Convention, on

the first day of their meeting annually ; further, that the names of said Committee shall be asnually published in the Massacliusetts*Register. STANDING COMMITTEE. Rev. Eliphalet Porter, d. d. Rev. Abiel Holmes, d. d- Rev. John Pierce, d. d. Rev. Charles Lowell, d. d. Rev. John Codman, d. d. Rev. Nathaniel L. Frothingham, Rev. Samuel Gile, are the Reporting Committee. Suffolk. 108 General Association in Massachusetts.

5. What connexions has she, who are bound to afford I her assistance ? And in what way do they assist her ? 6. What is her income ? 7. What peculiar circumstances'render her an object of charity ; or make it desirable, that she should have aid tliis year ? The Standing Committee are also desired to give notice to the Scribe, whenever an alteration takes place in the circumstances of the widows, who are objects of charity. Rev. Nathaniel L. Frothingham, of Boston, Treasurer. Rev. John Codman, of Dorchester, Scribe of the Con- vention. Rev. Dr. Humphrey, first Preacher. Rev. Dr. Codman, second Preacher^ , The Convention earnestly recommend to all young gen- tlemen who design to devote themselves to the work of the ministry, to spend that portion of time in the study of divinity, which learned and judicious advisers shall think necessary to qualify them for public teachers.

Massachusetts Congregational Charitable Society. Annual meeting on the Monday preceding the General Election. [This Society was incorporated 24th of March, 1786; " for the humane and benevolent purpose of affording relief and support to the widows and children of deceased ministers. The members may not exceed thirty of the clergy, and laity in equal proportion."] President, Israel Thorndike, Esq. Secretary, Levi Hedge, t,l. d. Treasurer, Eliphalet Porter, d. d.

General Association in Massachusetts. This body was organized in June 1805. In 1814, it consisted of Delegates from 12 Associations in Massachu- setts Proper. Its members " admit as articles of faith, the doctrines of Christianity, as they are generally express- ed in the Assembly's Shorter Catechism," and consider these doctrines which have been generally embraced by the churches of New-England, as the " basis of their union." This body wholly disclaims ecclesiastical power or authority over the Churches, or the opinions of individ- uals. The essential objects, as expressed in their Consti- tution, are " to promote brotherly intercourse and harmo- ny, and their mutual animation, assistance, and usefulness as ministers 'of Christ." 07 Annual meetings last Tuesday in June. Churches and Ministers in Boston. 109


for N. B. C stands Congregationalist ; E for Episcopalian ; P for for Baptist Presbvtei-ian : B ; M for Methodist; F for Friends ; U for Universalist ; Uni. for Unitarian. Boston. SUFFOLK. First Church, Summer-Street, JVath'l. L. Frotkingham, C Second Church, Middle-Street, Henry Ware, > -, ' Ralph fT. Emerson, S First Baptist Church, Hanover-St. Cyrus P. Grosvenor^ B Old South Church, Washington-St. B. B. Wisner, d. d. C Kings Chapel, Common-St. James Freeman, d. d. ? tt • '^°*- F. W. P. Greenwood, \ Church in Brattle-Street, John Gorham Palfrey, - - C New North Church, Hanover-Street, Francis Parkman, C New South Church, Summer-St. Alexander Young, jr. C Christ Church, Salem-Street, William Croswell, - - E Church in Federal-Street, Wm.E. Channing, d. d, > p Ezra S. Gannett, ] ^ Church in Hollis-Street, John Pierpont, ----- C Trinity Church, Summer-St. John S.J. Gardiner, d. d. > « '^ George W. Doane, 5 West Church, Lynde-Street, Charles Lowell, d. d. - C Second Baptist Church, Salem-St. James D. Knntoles, B FirstUniversalistChurch, Hanover-St. Sebastian Streeter, U Church of the Holy Cross, Franklin-Street, Xji^•^•r Benedict Fenwick, Bishop ; Patrick Byrne, Curate, \ First Methodist Chapel, N. Bennet-St. Ephraim Wiley, M Free-will Baptist Church, Sea-St. Charles Morgridge, B African Baptist Society, Belknap-Street, , B Second Methodist Chapel, Bromfield-Street, Stephen Martindale, ------.. jyf Third Baptist Church, Charles-St. Daniel Sharp, d. d. B Church in Park-Street, Edicard Beecher, .... Q Second Universalist Church, School-St. Hosea Ballou, U Evangelical , South-Boston, Joy H. Fairchild, ...... Q St. Matthew's Chapel, South-Boston, J. L. Blake, - E Hawes Place Church, South Boston, Lemuel Ca.pen, C African Methodist, May-Street, Samuel Snowden, • M St. Augustine's Chapel, South-Boston, - - - - R. C. St. Paul's Church, Common-Street, Alonzo Potter, - E Grace Church, Piedmont Square, James Sabine, * - E Union Church in Essex- Street, Samuel Green, , - C Green-Street Church, WilUam Jenks, d. v. - - - C Iv 110 Churches and Ministers in Essex.

Central Universalist Church, Bulfinch-St. Paul Dean^ U Twelfth Cono:reirational Church, in Chamb*-Street, Samuel Harrett, C Hanover-Street Church, Lyman Beecher, d. D. - - C Purchase-Street Churrh, George Ripley, ... - C Federal-Street Church, Howard Malcom, - - - - B Salem-Street Church, .... C Pine-Street Church, John Brovm, n. d. C South Congregational, jWeZ/zVt /. J/o«c, C Bethel Church, Hanover Avenue, Edicard T. Taylor, M South Boston Baptist Church, Thomas Driver, - - B Chelsea, Horatio Alger, C M CHAPELS.

Mission House in Buttojph Street. Episcopal Missionary Chapel, No, 41 Washington-Street, Asa Eaton, d. d. Seamen's Meeting, Purchase-Street, Jonathan Greenleaf. Congregational Meeting in Wes^tern Avenue. Congregational Meeting, Sea-Street. Christ'ian Society, in Bedford Street, Elias Smith. Congre. Chapel in Friend-St. Joseph Tuckerman, d. d. New-Jeru.'saieni Church, Atheneum Lecture Room, Thomas Worcester.

MJnistPrs who officiate at ttie Pnb'ic Lecture in Boston, on Thursdays, at the first Church in Chauncy Place, arranged according to seniority. Dr. Porter Dr. Lowell Mr. Greenwood Mr. Young Dr. Harris Mr. Pierpont Mr. Walker Mr. Ernerson. Dr. Richmond Mr. Piirkman Mr. Palfrey Mr. Muite Dr. Gray Mr. Capen Mr. Flaers: ^'r- Hipley Dr. Pierce Mr. Froihingham Mr. Harrett Mr. Alger Dr. Tuckerman Mr, Ware Mr. Gannett

ESSEX. jlmesbtiry Benj. Sawyer C Bradford Ira Ingraham G Peter S. Eaton C Gardner B. Perry J »mes Barnaby B Beverly Divifl D tmon C jin^lovfr Bailey Loring C D;ivid Oliphant Milfon Ba''ger C Riclimoiid Taggart Theological S-m, C Boxford Is;iac Hriggs Samuel C. Jackson C Peter Euton, d. d. N. B. Spaulding M Danv^ Milton P. Braman C Churches and Ministers in Essex. Ill

George Cowles C Charles O. Kimball B B Middb'ton C Charles C. Sewall C jVeiv'^ury L. Withington C C J.mies Miltimore C Esaex Robert Crowell C Isaac R. Barbijur C Josliii B F Glouceaier Hos.Hildi-eth C Jotham Hor.on M C J\ewhiLryfi(jrt John Ezri Lf-nnard C Aridr. \vs, d. d. C Tiiomas J nes U James Morss, d. D. E David Jewitt C Luther F. Duiimick. C Reuben Curds B C. VV. Mdion C Wm. R. Stone M John Pr udfit P Sandy Bay B , d. d. P Hamilton Jo-eph B. Felt C B Haverhill DudleyPnelps C Darins Barker M Moses Welch' C West-Ntnvbury Henry C C. Wright C John H. Stephens C C A^ijah Cross C 2?07y/^yWi1lardHolbrook C George Keely B Isaac Braman C Asa Niles B Ezra Wdimarth B T. G. Fa rnsworth U 5a/fmJno,Prince,LL.i). ) ^ Henry Plnmer F. B. Charles W.UpHani S Ifisw. David r. Kimball C John Brazer C D'.t.ielFitz C Bishop Griswold E John J. Bliss M J hn P. Cleavtland C Lynn Oti- Kockwood C Brown Emerson C Dnvid H. Barlow C Jame-^ Flint, d. d. C E.Heddiiie, o. d. Bish. Luci'.is Bolles, i:i, n.'i „ D. Merrill A. M Rufus B tuc CK, ji. 5 J. A. Merrill M Henry Col man C B William Williams C F Lemuel Willis U Lynnfield C Abner Jones F. B. Warren Ennerson M F Manchest. S.\i. tLmerson C Jesse Fillmore M Afar6/r//(°ac^S-amuelDana C St. Mar\ 's Church p ^ John Bartlett C John Mahony ^•^• E R. E. Paitison B Samuel Adlam B C Nathan Paine M Salisbury David Damon C AfeMwe/iSpencerF.Beard C C James Barnaby B 112 Churches and Ministers in Middlesex.

M Tofisfield G Saugu9 C Wenham Ebenezer P. Ephraim K. Avery M Sperry C MIDDLESEX. Acton Marshall Shedd C Concord Ezra Rip]y,i).D. C U Danl. S. Southmayd C jishby EzekielL.BascomC Dracut Joseph Merrill C Albert B.Camp C Sylvester G. Pierce P M B Bedford Samuel Stearns C Dunstable C Biilerica Nathaniel B Whitman C -E.5Mf/3wrz/JohnB.Wight C B Levi Smith C C M Bojcboro* James R. Framingham David Gushing C Kellogg, D. D. G M Charles Train B Brighton Daniel Austin C C Blagden Geo. W. C Grorow Dl.Chaplin,DD. \ p Burlington Saml.Sewall C John Todd S Cambridge C Charles Robinson G Thos. W. Coit E Holliaton Charles Fitch G Thomas B. Gannett C /fo/i/rm^onNathl. Howe C () C E Bela Jacobs B M Thomas Whittemore U Lexington Chas. Briggs G Chauncy Richardson M Lincoln Elijah Demond C John E. Weston B Littleton Wm. H.White G C Amasa Sanderson B David Perry C Lowell I'heodore Edson E Carlisle C Enoch W. Freeman B Charlrstonvn Warren Ainos Blanchard G Fay, D. D. C Aaron D. Sargent M Henry Jackson B Eliphalet Casejr. U Shipley W. Wilson M G Ch. in Gorham-street B Maiden U Lynus S. Everett U Avery Briggs B C J. F. Burrill M R C Ezra Sprague M C/;

Isaac Jennison M 5/ow Jonathan Newell ) ^ Mtdford Caleb Stetson C John L. Sibley \ Actron Warner C M M Sudbury Rufus Hurlbut C JSTatick Martin Moore C M C Teivksburylacob Coggin C Newton Jonathan Ho- ) TownaendDavid^nlmitr C mer, d.d. > C B James B.ites ) Tyngsboro*'S .Lawrence C William Cireenough ) ^ B Lyman Gilbert > Waltham Samuel Ripley C Joseph Grafion B Barnard Whitman C A. L. Baury E Sf wall H irdiiig C C A. B. Kinsmati M Ppfifierdl Ja m es H D\v e C Water/. Con vers Francis C Rtadin^ J. W. Eastman C Russell Streeter \J Jareci Keid C West Cambridge F. K. B Hedge C J. W. Eastman C Ebenezer Nelson B Sherburne C Westford Ephraim Shirley' C Randall C U Leonard Luce C c Weston Joseph Fielci C Shakers Joseph Sneiling M South' Reading" Reuben B Emerson C Wilmington F. Reynolds C Joseph A. Warne B iVoburn Joseph Bennett C Stoneham C Benj. C. Wade B Joseph Searle C HAMPSHIRE. Amherst Roy. Washburn C Asa Todd B Nathan Perkins, jr. C Cummington Roswell Hawkes Q Wm. W. Hunt C David Wright B College Church, He- E. Hawfiton P. Williston C manHumphrey,D.D. C Enfield J oshu a C rosby > ^ Belchertoiun Lyman Sumner G. Clapp \ Coleman C Goshen C Henry Archibald B B B Granby Elijah Gridley C M Chester Chapin C C^M^er/JcWIsa. Waters C M B Gr^^nwiVA Jos. Blodge C 114 Churches and Ministers in Plymouth.

Hadleyt John Wood- Plainfield MosesHallock C bridge, D. D. C Prescor/EbenezerBrown C Hatfield C Southamp. Vinson Gould C Middlefield Jona. Nash C South- Hadley Artemas Erasius Andi ews B Boies C B John F. Griswold C ^orMa;72/?.S.WiHiams > p Ware Augustus B. Read C Ichabod S Spencer J Parsons Cooke C BenjaiTiin Willyrd B B Edward B. Hall C M Joseph Muenscher E TVesf-Hamfiton'Enoch ") M Hale ^ C JVorwich B. Woodbridge C Horace B. Chapin j PtUiam C Williamsburg Hen. Lord C C J'For^/^n^/. J.L.Pomeroy C PLYMOUTH. ^3me-/on WilliamShedd C B Samuel W. Colburn C U Daniel Thomas C ^/w§-/;awJos.Richardson C B Nicholas B. Whitney C Bridgeitxig.R. M.Hodges C Charles Brooks C Ebenezer Gay C Seiah Stocking M E U Carver Plummer Chase C B B Hull M M Kingstsn Jonathan Cole C Duxbury l.Mlyn.B.jy.y q John Allen B Benjamin Kent > John W.Salter C Enoch Mudge M M Calvin Gardner U Mnrshfiddy[2iY\.va. Parris C £J3ridgeiviCerE\\^hB\tt Benj. Putnam B P. Crafts C Elijah Leonard C Baahs Sanford C B Richmond C E Halifax Abel M M U Middleborough William Hanover Ethan Smith C Eaton C B John Shaw C Calvin Wolcott E Philip Colby C M Jeremiah Kelly B Hanson Freeman P. William Hubbard B Howland C Nicholas Medbery B Ministers and Churches in Bristol. 115

Ebenezer Briggs B RcchesterL^TtiMQl Le- f M Barron > C KBridg. Dl. Huntington C Asahel Cobb J John Goldsbury C Oliver Cobb C M Jona. Bigelow C Pembroke Morrill Allen C Ichabod Piaistead C F Eleazer Savage B Aaron Lummus M E. C, Scott M Plymouth James Scituate Sdmuel Deane C Kendall, dd. Nehemiah Thomas C Joshua Barrett Benjamin Whittemore U Frederick. Freeman B Benja. VVhitmore Paul Jewett C Ben Keath 7^ James H. Bugbee William Ramsdell 5 ^ Plymjiton Elijah Dexter C Wareham Samuel Nott C W, Bndgw. J. Reed. d.d. C B BRISTOL. Jittleboro* C. J. Warren C Francis Dana M John Ferguson C A^. Bedford Sylv.Holmes C B Orville Dewey C U Gideon B. Perry B C B R.C. Asa Kent Timothy Merritt JM F Mrton Pitt Clarke C Fawtucket Danl. Green B Ray Potter B Asa T. Hopkins C i?a^7z/iamEnochSanfordB&UC C Rehoboth Thos. Vernon C B B B Seekonk JamesO .Barney C Benj. C. Grafton B Somerset B B Robert Goold M 116 Churches in Barnst. Dukes, & Nantu.

Sivanzey C Silas Hall B

Benjamin Taylor B B \ LutUer Baker B M ' M Troy Job Bnrden B Taunton Luth.Hamiiton C Thomas M. Smith C Erastus Maltby C E')enezer Blake M John West E Westfiort C Alvan Cobb C BARNSTABLE. Barnstable Henry Le Roy Sunderland M Hersey C Harwich C Enoch Pratt C William Bowen B Joseph Ballard B M C Marshhee^ Phineas Fish C Hector Brownson M M Brewster Zu\\x\ Simpkins C Orleans Turner Charles Spear Winthrop Morse Samuel Heath Provinc. Nathl. Stone Chatham Epliraim Kibby Sandwich David L.Hunn C William Barstow Ezra S. Goodwin Uavid Lothrop _ DennisYidimeX M.Stearn C Frederick Upham John Sanford C Truro Stephen Bailey U Abraham Hoiioway M Weljieet Timothy Davis C Eastham PhilanderShawC Benjamin F. LombardM U Yarmouth Nathaniel Joel Steel M Cogswell C Falmouth F Simeon Crowell B Benjamin Woodbury C Hector Brownson M DUKES. Chilmark M Fred. Baylies, Missi. C Joshua P. Payson C Tisbury Heze.Thacher M Edgar t. Thos C. Pierce M M Job H. Martin C Jesse Pease B B NANTUCKET. Nantucket C Daniel Webb M Seth F. Swift C Friends (2 churches) William Morse U Churches and Ministers in Worcester. 117 WORCESTER. Ashburnh, Geo. Perkins C John M. Merrick C Enoch Bradley M Ebenezer Burt B Athol Joseph Estabrook C M Isa?x Brij^gs B U Barre James Thompson C //ari;.IraH;i\BlanchardC John Storrs C George Fisher C B Abisha Samson B U Shakers. Berlin C M Bolton Isaac Allen C U F ^o/aVnHoratioBardwell C C John Walker B M Hubbardston Saml. Gay C Boy1ston Samuel Russell C Abner D. Jones C Henry Archibald B U Brookfield Joseph I. Zawca.s^^rN.Thayer,D.D.C Foot C Leicester John Nelson C George R. Noyes C Laban Jones E John Chase B B. N. Harris B U F Micah Stone C B Erastus Otis M Leominster Abel Conant C Charlton John Wilder,jr. C Phillips Payson C C B James Boomer B Lunenburg Ebenezer M Hubbard C U Henry Mayo M Edward Turner C Mendon Simeon Doggett C Dana C Nathaniel Barker C B M Douglas David Holman C F John Yates B F Dudley Abiel Williams C C Hubbel Loomis B Milbury Joseph Goffe C i^/;c>^6^.Rutus A.Putnam C E Calvin Lincoln, jr. C ,P B B M Milford David Long C Garr/werSumnerLincoln C Charles Virgin M Grafton Moses C.Searle C Adin Ballou U Otis Converse B Samuel Everett B Jiardwick Martin NenvBraintree JohnFiskeC Tupper C M)rthboro* Joseph Allen C C

118 Churches and Ministers in Berkshire.

B Moses Harrington B

Nvrthbridece J.Crane,D.D. C JbB. Biomer ^ B

Joseph Iresnn M Danif 1 L B. Gof>dvvin E F TemJiUton C WL-Uiniiton C JV. Brookficld Thomas Elishd Andrews B Sr.ell, D. D. C M Oakham As;i H-xon, jr. C U/iton Benjamin Wood C Or/orf/Ebenez.Newhal! C Dexier B. Bullard B U U Paxton Gains Corant C Uxbridge Saml. Judson C PtUrsh 'Lw\\\itv VVilUon C F Thonn;^s Marshall B Ward Miner G. Pratt C Phitlfist.io^ Chickering John Paine B Prince ton Saml. Cldik C' ^e.s7/^o.Elisha Rockwood C Al nzo PhlHips P Dexter Bullard B Elias Joh son B Wtat-Boyhion John Royahton Eben. Perkins C Boi? dman C Asaph Meniam B Abiel Fisher, jp. B Purland Jnsiah Clark C Western Oren Catlin C Shreivsb. George Allen C B B U Jacob Wood U Westminster CyrusMann C Southbo 'o'Jerobo.ParkerC Charles Hudson U Jonathan E. Forbush R M M Wincheyid EbcrL.Clark C Southbridge Jason Park C Samuel Sinionds B Addison Parker B M S/itnctr Levi Packard C Worcester Rodney A. B Miller Sterling Peter Osgood C AaionBincroft.D.D StU' bridge Alvan Bond C Alonzo Hill Zenas L. Leonard MB Jonathan Going Sutton John Multby C BERKSHIRE. jidams Charles B. Keyes B Cheshire Elnathan Sweet B John W. Yeomans C N. Y. Bushnell B M Dalfn Ebenez. Jennings C ^Iford C M M ^^rew.GardnerHayden C Becket Joseph L. Mills C B Enos M Marshall MB Ministers and Churches in Norfolk. 119

G.Barri.So^o. Blakcsley E 120 Ministers and Churches in FrankUn.

John Codman, d. d. C David Brigham C Edw. Richmond, d. d. C Samuel Glover B Rufus Spaulding M Amos Lefavour B C Roxbury E.Porter, D.D. C Dover Ralph Sang^er C John Flagej C Foxboro* Willard Pierce C Thonnas Gray, d d. C B William Leverett B ifrfl72^/.N.Emmons,DD. > q Rosea Ballou, 2d. U Smalley Sharon 'Elam J C Medfield C Jonathan Curtis C James A. Boswell B B C Stough ton W. L.Stearns C Medway Luther Bailey C Calvin Park, d.d. C Jacob Ide C M U Walfiole John P.B. Storer C Milton Samuel Gile C Asahel Bigelow C C Weymouth Josiah Bent C Keedham Wm. Ritchie C William Tyler C Thomas Nnyes C I'homas W. Tucker M Daniel Fillmore M Wrentham Elisha Fiske C Quincy Peter Whitney C Moses Thacher C Benjamin C. Cutler E B i?c;zrfo//2ACal.Hitchcock C FRANKLIN. Ashjield Thos. Shepard C Gill C E M Enos Smith B Gr .Bifrnan/s^oTiT.F.Rogers C Winthrop Bailey C B Titus Strong E John Brooks U M Buckland Benj. F. Clark C Hawley C B C CZ/ar/em. Wales TilestonC Heath Mosps Miller C C Arad Hall B B M Colraine AremasLoomis C Leyden B Edward Davenport B Leverett Jonas Coburn C Lynus Austin B U Conivay Daniel Crosby C Elias Megregory B David Pease B Montague Moses B. Deerfield C Bradford C Tertius S. Clark C Churches and Ministers in Hampden. 121

JSfenv-Salem A. Harding C Shutesb. Aaron Burbank B Levi French C C Thomas Rand B Sunderland Jas. Taylor C J^ortfifield Thos. Mason C Elijah Montaj^ue B Warwick Pres. Smith, jr. C Eli Moody C B Orange C M Humphrey Harris M C Bowe Preserved Smith C Weyidell John Duncklee C B Shelburne Theophilus ^ David Goddard Packard, d. d. > C Whately Rufus Wells") ^p Theo. Packard, jr. j L. P. Bates J David Long B John R. Goodnough 3 HAMPDEN. B/a72c?/brrf Dorus Clark C B E E B M ' Brimfield Joseph Vaill C S/iringf. Sam.Osgood,DD.C

\ Chester B Alexander Phoenix C C Wm. B. O. Peabody C Silas Kingsley B Nicholas Branch B Grawi;///(?Tim.M.Cooley C B Joel Baker C U Silas Root B Orange Scott M John Nixon M Tolland C Holland iJf Wales C B Lon^meadow Baxter Westfield Isaac Knapp C Dickinson C Isaac Child B C M B W. Sfirinpjield C Ludlow Eben. B.Wright C Reuben S. Hazen C Aaron Wait M Thomas Barrett B Monson Alfred Ely C B Alvan Bennett B S. Hays C Montgomery C M B Wilbraham C Palmer Joseph K. Ware C Ehenezer Brown C Russell C Alvin Bennett B Amasa Clark B Willbur Fiske,D.D. 7 m,

Wales Elijah Codding 3 John Foster . S Southmck Calvin Foot C 132 University at Cambridge.

VmVERSITY AT CAMBRIDGE OR HAR- VARD COLLEGE. Inducted presidents. Died or Resigned. 1640 Rev. Henry Dunstar, 1G54 1654 Rev. Ch.-irles Chauncy, s. t. b. 1672 1672 Rev. , m. d. 1675 1675 Rev. Uriah Oakes, a. m. 1681 1682 Doct. John Rogers, a. m. 1684 1685 Rev. , d. d. 1701 1701 Rev. , a. m. Vice Pres. 1707 1708 Hon. , a. m. f. r. s. 1724 1725 Rev. Benjamin Wailsvvorth, A. M. 1737 1737 Rev. , a. m. 1769 1770 Rev. , d. d. 1773 1774 Rev. Samuel Langdon, d. d. 1780 1781 Rev. Joseph Willard, d. d. ll. d. 1804 1806 Rev. , D.u. 3810 1810 Rev. John T. Kirkland, d. d. ll. d. 1828 1829 Hon. Josiah Quincy, ll. v. BOARD OF OVERSEERS.

His Excellency the Governor. His Honor the Lieut. Governor. The Members of the Council, and of the Senate. The Speaker of the House of Representatives. The President of the University, ex ojiciis ; together with the follovi^ing persons, elected for the purpose, (ex- cepting those who were ministers of the six neighbouring towns in ihe year 1810) vacancies among whom are filled by the Board. Hon. William Spooner, m.d. Rev.Abiel Holmes, d.d.ll.d. Thomas L. Winthrop. ThaddeupM.Harris,D.n. John Davis, ll. d. Thomas Gray, d. d. John Welles. John Pierce, d. d. Seo ' Arteraas Ward. retary of the Board. Isaac Parker, ll. d. Wrn. E. Channing, d.ds. John Pickering, LL. d. Charles Lowell, d. d.

] Samuel I*. P Fay. John Codman, d. d, Richard Sullivan. Francis Parkman. Daniel Webster, ll. d. Thomas B Gannett. James T. Austin. Nath'l. L. Frolhinghani Levi Lincoln, LL. D. Henry Ware, jr. Marcus Morton. John Brazer. . James Walker. Rev. Eliphalet Porter, d.d. John G. Palfrey. University at Cambridge. 123

CORPORATION. President, Hon. Josiah Q,uincy, ll. d. FeUoiDS. Rev. Eliphalei Porter, d. d. Hon. Charles Jackson, ll. d. Hon. Nathaniel Bowditch, ll. d. Hon. Joseph Story, ll. d. Hon. Francis C. Gray, a. m. TREASURER. Ebenezer Francis, Esq. PROFESSORS, TUTORS, &C. Hon. Josiah Quincy, ll. d. President. Massachusetts Professor of JYatural History. Rev. Henry Ware, d. d. Hoilis Professor of Divinity. Levi Hedge, ll. d. Alford Professor of Natural Religion^ Moral Phiiosophy, and Civil Polity. Rev. John S. Popkin, d. d. Eliot Professor of Greek Lit- erature. Francis Sales, Esq. Instructcr in French and Spanish. James Jackson, m. n. Hersey Professor of the Theory and Practice of Physic. John C. Warren, m. d. Hersey Professor of Anatomy and Surgery. Hon. Joseph Story, ll. d. Dane Professor of Law. Sidney Willard, a. m. Hancock Professor of Hebrew and other Oriental Languages., and Professor of Latin. Benjamin Peirce, a. m. Librarian. John Farrar, a. m. Hoilis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Andrews Norton, a.m. Dexter Professor of Sacred Lit- erature. Jacvob Bii^elow, m. d. Professor of Materia Medica. Thomas Nuttall, a. m. Lecturer on Botany and Zoology^ and Curator of the Botanical Garden. George Ticknor, a. m. Smith Professor of the French and Spanish Languages and Literature, and Professor of Belles Lettres. Rumford Professor. Walter Channing, m. D. Professor of Obstetrics and Medi- cal Jurisprudence. Edward 'V. Channing, a. m. Boylston Professor of Rheto- ric and Oratory. John W^. VVebster, m. d. Erving Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy. Rev. Henry Ware, jr., a. m. Professor of Pulpit Eloquence and Pastoral Care. Pietro Bachi, a. m. j. u. d. Jnstructer in Italian and f;

124 University at Cambridge.

Charles Follen, j. u. d. Instructer in the German Language in Ethics, and in Civil and Ecclesiastical History. John Hooker Ashmun, a. m. Royal Professor of Law. Francis M. J. Surault, Instructer in French. Benjamin Brigham, a. m. Proctor. Allen Putnam, a. m. Proctor. Alanson Brigham, a, m. Proctor. George W. Hosmer, a. m. Proctor. Cornelius C. Felton, a. b. Tutor in Greek and Latin. Seth Sweetser, a. b. Tutor in Mathematics and J{atural Philosophy. Benjamin R. Curtis, a. b. Proctor. Charles Saunders, a. m. Steward and Patron.

The College Library contains about 30,000 volumes. The Boylston Medical Library, exceeding 1000 volumes, is distinct from the public Library of the University. The stated time for Examination for the Freshman Class is the Monday of Commencement week. The time of residence of undergraduates at the Univer- sity, excepting for those who enter at an advanced stand- ing, is four years. The Medical Lectures commence in Boston on the 3d Wednesday in October. A course is given at the College between the first of April and the last of July. The Law Institution of this Seminary is now opened for the reception of students. The immediate superintend- ence and direction of the School will be by Mr. Ashmun, Royal Professor of Law in the University, who will occa- sionally deliver lectures, and make examinations of the students. Mr. Justice Story, Dane Professor of Law in the University, will reside in Cambridge, and during the intervals of his judicial duties will also assist in the super- intendence of the School. He will deliver lectures upon all the branches of law belonging to his Professorship viz. upon the Law of Nature and Nations, and upon Maritime, Commercial, Equity, and Constitutional Law.

Vacations. There are three Vacations : the First of two weeks from the Wednesday preceding the 25th day

of December ; the Second of two weeks from the first Wednesday in April; and the Third of six weeks, next preceding Commencement. The Public Exhibitions are on the third Tuesday of October, and on the second Tuesday and the last Monday of the third Term. Commencement is on the last Wednesday in August, . 125

Society for promoting Theological Education in Cam- bridge. President, Hon. Richard Sullivan, of Brookline. Secretary, Rev. John G. Palfrey, of Boston. Treasurer, George Bond, Esq. of Boston. Directors, Hon. Stephen Hif?ginson, jr Esq. of Cam- bridge, Rev. James Walker, Hon. Leverett Saltonstall, Rev. Francis Parkman, Rev. F. W. P. Greenwood.

PHI BETA KAPPA. Alpha of Massachusetts. Anniversary at Cambridge, day after Commencement. President, Hon. Edward Everett. Vice-President, Rev. James Walker. Corresp. S^ Rec. Sec'ry, Charles Folsom.

Williams College. Incorporated June 22, 1793. Afifiointed presidents. Died or Resigned, 1793 Ebenezer Fitch, d. d. 1815 1815 Z"ph mi^h Swift Monre, d. d. 1821 1821 Edward Dorr (iriffin, d. d. Treasurer, Hon. Daniel Nx'ble, Esq. Secretary^ D miel N. Dewey, Esq. Professor of Divinity, Edward D. Griffin, n. d. Professor of Mathematics, and Natural Philosojihy^ Albert Hopkins, a. m Professor of Moral Philosofihy and Rhetorick, Rev. William A P'^rter, a. m. Professor of Languages, Ebenezer Kellogg, a. m. Lecturer on Chemistry, Ebenezer Emmons, a.m. m.d. Tutors, Albert Hopkins, a. b. Oscar Harris, a, b. Edward Lazell, a. b. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. ^ Rev. Edward D. Griffin, d. d. Rev. Al van Hyde, d.d. Rev. Samuel Shephard, d. d. Hon. Daniel Noble, Rev. Timothy M. Cooley, Hon. Joseph Lvman, Rev. Ezra Fiske, i). d. Hon. William P. Walker, Charles A. Dewey, Esq, Rev. Nathaniel S. Prime. Hon. James McKown, Rev. John Nelson, Hon. Mi!o L. Bennet, Edward A. Newton, Esq. Rev. Ralph W. Gridley, Hon. Henry W. Dwight, Hon. David Buel. L* 1^6 ,

Vacations. Firsty 4 weeks from Commencement, Second^ 6 weeks froni the Wednesday succeeding the 4th Wednesday in December. Third, 3 weeks from the third Wednesday in May. Commencement, first Wednesday in September.

Amherst College,

Incorporated February, 1825. jififiointed. presidents. Died, 1821 Kev. , d.d. s.t.p. 1823 1823 Rev. Heman Humphrey, s.t.d. Professor of Moral and Mental Philosophy^ Rev. He- man Humphrey, s.t.d. Professor of Chemistry and J^atural Hiatdry^ Rev. , a. m. Professor of the Grtek Language and Literature^ and

. Prof, of Belles Lettres^ Rev, Nathan W. Fiske, A.M. Professor of the Hebrenv and Latin Languages^ and Literature^ Rev. Solomon Feck, a.m.

Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory y Samuel M. Wor- cester, A. M. Professor of Mathematics and Mitural Philosophy^ Sylvester Hovey, a.m.

Associate Professor of Mathematics y and Mitural Phi- losofihy and Librarian, Ebenezer S. Snell, a. m. Teacher of the French and Sfianish Languages^ and Literaturcy Ernest Rovel, a. m. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Rev. Heman Humphrey, s. t. d. Hon. Marcus Morton, ll. d. Rev. Joshua Crosby, Rev. Jonathan Going, Rev. James Taylor, Israel E. Trask, Esq. Rev. Alfred Ely, S. V, S. Wilder, Esq. Rev. Joseph Vaill, Hon. Lewis Strong, Hon, James Fowler, Hon. SaiTiftel C. Allen, Nathaniel Smith, Esq. Hon. Samuel Lathrop, Hon. William B. Calhoun, Rev. Joha Fiske, Eliphalet Williams, Esq.

Commencement 4th Wednesday in August.

Vacations. Firsty Four weeks from the fourth Wednesday of August. Secondy six weeks from the fourth Wednesday of December. Third^ three weeks from the second Wednesday of May. J

Bowdoin and Waterville Colleges. 127

Bowdoin College^ at Brunswick, fMaine. Incorporated June 24, 1794. Inducted. presidents. Died.

. 1802 Rev. Joseph M'Keen, D. D. 1807 1807 Rev. Jesse Appleton, d. d. 1819 Rev. , d, d. I 1820

Professor of Chemistry y Mineralogy, and Katural Phi- losofihy^ Parker Cleaveland, a. m. Lecturer on the Theory and Practice of Physic, John Delamater, m. d. Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, and Lecturer on Civil Polity and Political Economy, Samuel P. Newman, a. m. Professor of Languages and Classical Literature^ Alpheus S. Packard, A. m. Professor ofAnatomy and Surgery ^Zohx\ D.Wells, m.d. Lecturer on Midwifery^ James M'Keen, m. d. Professor of Metafihysics and Ethics, Lecturer on Biblical Literature^ and Instructer in the Hebrew Language, Thomas C. Upham, a. m. Professor of Mathematics, William Smyth, A. m. Professor of the Modern Languages, Henry W". Longfellow, a. m. Jnstructer in French, James Furbish, a.m. Librarian, John Abbot, A. m. Vacations. First, 4 weeks from Commencement. Second, 6 weeks from the first Wednesday in January. 7"hird, 3 weeks from the first Wednesday after the third Monday of May,

Commencement is on the 1st Wednesday in September.

Waterville College, f . J President, Rev. Jeremiah Chaplin, d. d. Professor of Mathematicks and J^atural Philosofihy, George W. Keely, a. m. Professor ofLanguages, Thomas J. Conant, a. m. Tutor, John O. B. Chaplin.

Faculty of the Columbian College y Washington City^ President, Rev. Stephen Chapin, d. d. Professor of Mathematicks and J^atural Philosophy^ William Ruggles, a. m» 128 .

Professffr ofAnatomy and Physiology^ Thomas. Sew- all, M. D. Professor of Chemistry and Geology^ James M. Sbughton, M. D.

Brown University^ at Providence^ R. I. Founded iw charter, 1764, and called " College or University ." Oiijanized at Warren, 1765. First Com mencemt-nt (at Warren) 1769. Removed to Providence, 1770. Occupied as a hospital from 1776 to 1782. Received its present designaiien, 1804. Med- ical School coinmenced, 1810. Hope College built 1820.

A/ifi ointed. presidents. Died o r Resigned. 1765 Rev. , d. d. 1791 1792 Rev. , d. d. 1802 1802 Rev. Asa Messer, s. t. d. ll. d. 1826 1827 Rev. Francis Way land, jr. d. d. The Corporation is composeil of 12 Fellows, and 36 Trustees. The former have exclusively the power of conferring degrees. In all othex' acts, the two bodies have concurrent jurisdiction. FELLOWS. Solomon Drown, m. d. Robert Rogers, Esq. James Brown, Esq. Rev. H^nry Wight, d. d. Simuel Eddy, LL. D. Rev. Mathan B. Crocker, d. d. Rev. Henry Edes, D. D. Nathaniel Sear^e, ll. d. Rev. Lucius Bolles, D. D. Rev. Francis W^ayland, jr. d. d. Hon. Nicholas Brown, Esq. Rev. Daniel Sharp, d. d. PROFESSORS. Prof, of Materia Medica ^ Botany, Solomon Drown,M.D. Prqf. ofTh-^ory l^f Practice of Med. Levi Wheaton, m. d. Prof, of Oratory and Belles Lettres^ Hon. Tristam Burges, ll. d. Isf Prof, of Anatomy Surgery .^ Usher Parsons, M. d. Prof, of JsTatural History and Librarian, Horatio Gates Bo wen, a. m. Prof, of Mathematics and Natural Philosofihy^ , A. M.

^ ''?/"• ?/ Moral Philosofihy and Metaphysics ^ William G. Goddard, a. m. Prof, of Linguagesy Rev. Romeo Elton, A. M. Prof, of Chnnisi'ry, John D'Wolf, A. M. a. b. Tutors J John Wayland, a. b. John H. Weeden, . 129

Commencement is on the 1st Wednesday in Sept. Medical Lectures commence on the 3d Wednesday f November. Vacati oNS. Firsts 4 weeks from Commencement. iecondf 6 weeks from the last Friday in Decern' ler. Thirds 3 weeks from the 2d Friday in May,

Tale College^ at J^etv- Haven, Founded A. D. irOO. Ififiointsd. PR E siDENTS. Died or Resigned, 1701 Rev. Abraham Pearson. 1707 1719 Rev. , D. D. 1722 1727 Rev. EHsha Williams. 1739 1739 Rev. . 1766 1766 Rev. NaphtaU Dagget, d. d. 1777 1777 Rev. Ezra Styles, d. d. ll. d. 1795 1795 Rev. Timothy Dwight, d. d. ll. d, 1817 1817 Rev. , d. d. ll. d. PROFESSORS. Prof, ofSurgery and 065/erzc/i«,ThomasHubbard,M.D,

Prof, of Chemistry, Pharmacy ^ Mineralogy y and Ge-

\ ology^ , m. d. ll. d. Prof, of the Hebrew^ Greeky and Latin Languages, I

! James L. Kingsley, a. m. Prof, of Materia Medica and Botany, Wm. Tully, m.d.

! Dwight Professor of Didactic Theology^ Rev. Nathan- iel W. Taylor, s.T. d.

Prof Anatomy and Physiology ^ Jona. Knight, m. d. I of

; Professor of Mathematicks and Natural Philosophy, Denison Olmsted, A. m.

Prof of Divinity y Rev. Eleazer T. Fitch, a. m. s. t. d. Prof, of Rhetoric and Oratory^ Rev. Chauncey A. Goodrich, a. m. Prof of Theory Ijf Practice of Physic^ Eli Ives, M, d, .professor of Laiu, Hon. David Daggett, ll. d. Prof of Sacred Literature., Josiah W. Gibbs, A. m. Assistant to the Professor of Chemistry, Charles Up- ham Shepard, A. b. Instructer in French, Charles A. Coulomb. " Sfiani^h, Jose Antonio Pizarro. Tutors, George Jones, a. m. Amos Pettingell, a. m. David L. Seymour, a. m. William Larned, a. m. ^ A. Sidney L. Johnson, a. b. Horace Bushnell, a. b. Henry Durant, a. b. Robert M'Ewen, a, b. t .

130 Washington and Columbia Colleges.

Treasurer^ Hon. , ll. d. Steward, Stephen Twining, Esq. The Library contains about 8500 volumes. Vacations. Firnt, 6 weeks from Commencement .S^cowc/, 2 weeks from the 2d Weelnesday in Jatmary Third, from the 1st Wednesday in May, 4 weeks. Commencement is on the 2d Wednesday in Sep' tember.

PHI BETA KAPPA. Alfiha of , President, Hon. David Dngt^ett, ll. d. Vice President, Denison Olmstead. Corresfioiidtng Sec'ry, J. H. Townsend. 7V6'as2/rer, Charles Honker, m. d.

Washington College, at Hartford. President, The Rt Rev. Thomas C. Brownell, d.d ll.d Prrf. of Chemistry kJf Mineralogy., John S. Rogets,M d Prof of Agriculture and Political Economy.^ Horatic Hickock, A. M. P^^f' of Botany, George Sumner, m. d. Prof of Ancient Languages, Rev. Hector Humphrey, A. M. and Rev. Nt>rman Pinnev, a. m. Professor of Law, William VV. Ellsworth, E^^q. Prof of Mith. and jYat. Phil. Rev. H )raiio Potter. Prof of Oriental Languages 'Cf Literature^ Rev. Sam- uel F. Jarvis, d. d. Tutor^ Rev. Siuiuel Fuller, jr. a. m.

Commenceme It, 1st Thursday in August.

Columbia College, in A^ew-York City.

Apfiointed. PR es i d k n s Died or Resigned* 1754! Rev. Samuel Johnson, s. t.p. 1763 1763 Rev. Mvles Cooper, ll. D. 1775 1775 Rev. Beniamin Moore. 1776 William Johnson, 1787 Samuel LL.D. 1800 ; 1801 Rev. Cliarles Wharton, s t d. 1801 j 1801 Rig'it Rev. Heojimin Moore, s.T.D* 1811'

1811 Rev. William Harris, s.T.D 1829 '| TRUSTEES. ' Richard Harrison, Right Rev. John Henry Hobart.D.D. Clement C. Moore, David B. Ogden, William Johnson, .

' . 131

''Edward W.Laight, John R. Murray, Wric;ht Post, m.d. i ieverlv Robinson, Thomas L Ogd^n, Nicholas Fibh, fohn T. Irving, David S. Jones, Peter A. Jay, John i Daer, Rev.Benjamin T.Onderdonk, d.d. Lynde Critlin,

^ ^.Gv. Jonathan M. Wainwright, d.d. Philip Hone, John

T vVatts, Charles King, Rev. James M. Mathews, d.d.

': 5amuel Boyd. PROFESSORS. ''Professor of Moral Plulosofihy^ Rhetoric, and Belles i Ltttres, Rev. John M'Vickar, d.d. Pro/tssor of the Greek and Latin Languages, Nath'l. F. Mnore, ll. d. Adjunct Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages, Charles Anthon, a. m. Professor of JVamral and Exfierimcntal Philosophy and Chen.istry, James Renwick. a. m. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy^ Henry J Anderson, m. d.

Commencement on the first Tuesday in August.

Dartmouth CoUege^ at Hanover^ N. H. Founded in 1769. Afipointed. pr esid e n ts. Died or Resigned* 1769 Rev. Eleazer Wheelock, d.d. 1779 1779 Hon. , ll. d. 1815 1815 Rev Francis Brown, D.D. 1820 1820 Rev. Daniel Dana, d.d. 1821 1822 Rev. , D.D. 1828 1828 Rev. , d.d. PROFESSORS.

Prof of Mathematics and JVatural Philosophy y Ebene- zer Adams, a. m. Phillip.s Prof of Theology, Rev. George Howe, a. m. Proff'ssor cf Anatomy, Surgery and Obstetricks, Reu- ben D. Mnzzey, M. d. Prof, of Phy.^iology, Theory and Practice of Physic, JVlaieria Medica^and Intellectual Philosophy^ Daniel Oliver, M. D. Professor of Moral Philosofihy and Political Economy, Rev. Rosweli Shurtleff, a. m. Prffessor of Chemistry and Mineralogy., Benjamin Hale, A. M. Prof. q/Rhet.ljf Oratory, Rev.Chas.B.Hadduck, a.m. *' 132 Universities.

Prof, of the Latin and Greek LaJiguageSf and Litera- ture, Willijim Chamberlain, a. m.

Tutor ^ Alpheus Crosby, a. b. Frecefitor of Moore's School^ Osgood Johnson, a. b. Commencement is on the Wednesday preceding the last Wednesday in August. Vacations. Firsts 4 weeks from Commencement. Second^ from the last Monday in Dect-mber, 6| weeks. Thirds from the Thursday next preceding the last Wednesday in May, two and a half weeks.

University of Vermont. Established at Burlington, 1791. Jlpfiointed. presidents. Died or Resigned, 1800 Rev. Daniel C. Sanders, D.D. 1814 1816 Rev. Samuel Austin, D.D. 1821 1822 Rev. Daniel Haskell, d.d. 1824 1825 Rev. Willard Preston. 1826 1826 Rev. James Marsh. PROFESSORS. Prof ofLearned Languages^ Rev. Joseph Torrey. Lecturer on Surgery^ and Theory and Prac ofPhysic^

and Professor ofAnatomy and Physiology ^ Benjamin Lincoln,' m. d. Prof of Chemi^tnj and Pharmacy^ Geo. W.Benedict. Prof of Botany isf Materia Medica^ Dr. Sweetser. Prof of Math, and Xatii. PhiU George W. Benedict. Medical Professors^ Drs. Lincoln, Benedict, and Sweetser. Tutors^ George R. Huntington, Mathematics. George Allen, Languages. Commencement, -2d Wednesday in August.

Middlebury College, (Vermont.) Inc. Nov. 1, 1800. President^ Rev. Joshua Bates, s. t. d. Prof of Math, and JVat. Phil. Edward Turner. Prof, of Learned Languages^ Rev. John Hough, a, m» Lfcturer on Chemistry.^ Jonathan A, Allen, m. d. Tutor and Librarian, John Stevens, a. m. Vacations. First, 4 weeks from Commencement. Second, 7 weeks from the 1st Wednesday in January. Third, 2 weeks from the 3d Wednesday in May.

Commencement is on the 3d Wednesday in August. N. Jersey, S. Carolina, and N. York Colleges. 133

JSTew-Jersey College at Princeton,

Founded, a. d. 1738, and called Nassau-Hall, Inducted. presidents. Died or Resigned* 1746 Rev. Jonathan Dickinson, a.m. 1747 1748 Rev. Aaron Burr, a.m. 1757

1757 Rev. Jonathan Edwards, A. m. 1758 . 1759 Rev. Samuel Davies, a. m. 1761 1761 Rev. Samuel Finley, D.D. 1766 1768 Rev. , D.D. LL. D. 1795 1795 Rev. Saml. Stanhope Smith, D.D.LL.D. 1812 1812 Rev. Ashbel Green, d. d. ll. d. 1822 1823 Rev. James Carnahan, d. d. Prof, of Languages and Belles Lettres, Robert B* Patton, A. M. Prof, of Mathematics^ John M'Lean, a. m. Prof, of Chemistry^ JExfierimental Philosofihy and JVatural History^ Rev. Luther Halsey, a. m. The Commencement is on the last Wednesday in September. Vacations. From Commencement six weeks, and in the spring, four weeks, immediately preceding the eleventh of May.

South Carolina Collegey at Columbia, President, Thomas Cooper, m. d. Prof, of Languages, Thomas Park, ll. d. Prof of Logic and Moral Philosofihy, Rev. Benjamin R, Montgomery.

Hamilton College, Clinton^ Oneida County, {IV. Y.) Founded, 1812. President, Rev Henry Davis, d, d. Prof, of Math, and Mit. Phil, John H. Lothrop, a. m. Prof of Languages, Simeon North, a. m. Pr^f- ^f Chemistry and Mineralogy, Josiah Noyes, m.d. Tutor, Orlando L. Kirtland, a. m. Commencement, 4th Wednesday in August.

Umo7i College, Schenectady, (A. F.) President, EHphalet Noit, d.d. ll. d. Prof, of Languatresi, Robert Proudfit, d d. Prof of Math, arid JVat. Phi. Benj. F. Joslin, m D. and Mineralogy Joel B. Nott, A. m. Prof, of Chemistry M ^ J

134 Theological Institution, Andover.

Prof, of Oriental Literature, John A. Yates. Tutors^ Isaac W. Jackson, Thomas C. Reed. Commencement 4t[i Wednesday in July. Vacations. Firfit, 7 weeks from Commencement. Second, 3 weeks in Decern. Thirds 3 weeks in April.

Phi Beta Kafifia. 1827. President., Hon John W. T ivlnr, a. m. Vice-President, Hon. , ll.d. Corresfionding Sec'ry^ Joel B. Nott, a. m. Recording SecVy, Benj. F. Joslin, a. m. Rrgisierl Rev. Er-^kine Mas n, a. m.

Theological Institution, Andover. Founded, a.d. IfciOr. board of trustees. President, Hon. Samuel Hubbard. Rev. Daniel Dana, d. d. Rev. Abiel Holmes, d. d. John Adams, a. m, Samuel H. Walley, Esq. Hon, Sam- uel Hubbard, Hon. Jonathan Phillips, Rev. Justin Ed- wards, D.D. Rev. Benj. B. Wisner, D.D.John H. Church, D. D. Hon. Wm. B. Banister, Jeremiah Evarts, Esq. Clerk, Mark Newman, Esq. Treasurer, Samuel Farrar, Esq. BOARD OF VISITORS. president, William Bartlett, Esq. Srcrctary, Rev. Caivm Chapin, d.d. William 'Bartlett, Esq. Rev. Calvin Chapin, d. d. Rev. Jeremiah Day, d. d. ll. d. Hen. William Reed. PROFESSORS. Bartlet Prof, of Sac. Rhetoric, Rev. Eben. Porter, d d. Abbot Prof C/h-istiari Theolo. Rev. Leonard Woods. d.d. Associate L^rof Sacred Luerature, Rev. Moses Stuart, Brown Prof of Ecclesiast. His. Rev. Raljsh Emerson. Vacations, First, 5 weeks from the last Wed- nesday in April. Second, 3 weeks from the 4th. Thursday in September.

Theological Se?ninary, JVcwton, CMass. Founded, 1825. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. President, Rev. Joseph Grafton. Rev. Lucius BoUes, d.d. Daniel Sharp, d.d. Jonathan Going, Bela Jacobs, Ebenezer Nelson, Henry Jackson, Academies in Massachusetts. 135

Francis Wayland, jr. D.D. James D. Knowles, Cyrus P. Grosvenor, Hcnvard Malcom, Hon. Nicholas Brown, Jonathan Bachellor, Esq. Ensign Lincoln, Nathaniel R. Cobb, Thonnas Kendall, John B. Jones, Elijah Corey, Michael Shepard. Treasurer, Levi Farwell, Esq. Secretary^ Rev. James D. Knowles. PROFESSORS. Prof, of BibUcal Theology, Rev. Ira Chase. Prof of B'lbHcU Literature and Pastoral Duties^ Rev.Henry J. Ripley. Vacatioxs. Firsf^ 6 weeks from the Friday after the Second Wednesday in September. Second, 6 weeks from the Thursday after the third Wednesday in April. Time of entrance, end of the first vacation.


Phillijis Academy^ ai Andover. Incor. Oct. 4, 1780. TRUSTEES. President, Hon. Samuel Hnbbard.

Rev. Dani 1 Dana, d. d Newbu'vport ; Rev. Abi^

Holmes., D. D. Cambridge ; Johr; Adams, a. m. Ando- ver; Simuel H. VVallev, Esq. Boston ; Jonathan Phil- lips, Esq. Boston; Hon. Samuel Hubbard, Boston;

Rev. Jusiin Edwaids, Boston ; Rev. B. ;:j B.Wisiier,D.D.

Boston ; Rev. John H. Church, b d. Fclham ; Hon. Wm. B. Banister, Ne\vbur\port; Jeremiih Evarts,Esq. Clerk, Mark Newman, E'-q. of Andover. Treasurer^ Samuel Farrar, Esq. Andover. INSTRUCTERS.

Princifia^ John Adams, a. m. Permment A'^sistant, Mr. Jo'^nsnn. Teacher ^f Penwanship, William Jones. Teacher of Sacred Musk, Eber Child. Dummer Acadrmy, at JSTewbury.—Preceptor, Nehe- miah Cleaveland, a. m.

Mount Pleasant Classical Institution at Amherst* Principals^ Chauncey Colton, Francis Fellows. 136 Academies in Massachusetts.

Bradford Academy. Precefitor^ Benjamin Greenleaf, a. m. PrectfitreaSj Abigail C. Hassehine. Merrimack Academy at Bradford. Precefitor^ Sylvanus Morse, Amherst Academy. Associate Princijials^ Wm. Thompson, G. D. Abbott, Hofikins, at Hartley, Timothy D wight, Preceptor. Charles D. Strong, a. b. Assistant. Emily Williams, Preceptress. Westfieldy Rev. Emerson Davis, a. m. Principal. Lucius F. Clark, a. b. Assistant Preceptor. Miss Harriet J. Messer, Preceptress. Uxbridge^ W. H. Williams, Preceptor. Marbleheady Francis Cogswell, Preceptor. Henrietta Dana, Preceptress. Woburn^ Alfred W. Pike, Preceptor. Lexington, Marshall S. Hagar, Preceptor.

Tofisfield Academ.y, Inc. June 12, 1828^ Vrecefitor^ Francis Vose, a. m. Preceptress, Miss Ann Cofran. Sandwich Academy, Precefitor^ Mr. Harper. Chatham, Joseph W. Cross, Preceptor. Taunton., J. L. Watson, Preceptor. Miss Scott, Preceptress. Pittsfield, Henry W. Strong, Esq. Preceptor. New- Salem Academy, Precefitor^ Allen Gannet. Preceptress^ Dolly Blake. Framingham Academy. Incorporated in 1799. Funds, §7,000. President, Rev. Rutus Hurlbut. Wesleyan Academy^ Wilbrakam^ {Mass.) Incorporated 1824. TRUSTEES. President, Amos Binney, Esq. Secretary, Abel Bliss, Esq. Treasurer, Rev. Willbur Fiske, d. d. Academies in Massachusetts. 137

Rev. Timothy Merritt, Rev. John Lindsay, Mr. William Rice, Kev. John W. Hardy, Rev. Joshua Crowell, Rev. Calvin Brewer, Rev. Joseph A. Merrill, Mr. Abraham Avery. Instructers. Rev. Willbur Fisk, d, d. Principal. William Magoun, a.m. Teacher of Languages. Rev. John Foster, Assistant Teacher. William G. 31itcliell, Instructer in Book-keeping and Penmanship.

Derby Acacle7ny at Hingham.

Incorporated Nov. 1 1, 1784. Funds, S25,000. Precefifor, Mr. Increase S. Smith. PrcceptrcfiH.^ Miss Susan Waterman. Asaintant Prccrfitress, Miss Elizabeth Norton. Tuition 75 cents per quarter, for boys, do. 50 '' " girls. Ijtfiwich Female Academy. PrincifiaU Miss Z. P. Grant. Teachers., Miss Mary Lyon, Miss Hannah White, Miis Francis E. Knowiton. Weymouth and Braintree Academy. Incorporated Feb. 28, 1828. President., Dr. Noah Fifield. Secretary, Fisher A. Kingsbury. 7reosMr(7r, Asa Webb. Precejitcr^ Mr. Erasmas D. Eldridge. Deerjield Academy, Preceptor, Joseph .Anderson, a.b. Precefitress, Ch;ulotte Catlin. PUtsfirld Female Academy. Incorporated 1806. Funds g4G00. President, Eiiakim Phelps. Brook/ifId Female Academy, Precefitor, Rev. Bancroit Fowler. Prece/itress., Lucy A. Grosvenor. Haverhill Academy, Precefitor, Oliver Cariton. Precefiireas, Miss Hall. South Reading Academy. Inc. 1828. Preceptors^ John Stevens, A. m. William Heath, a.m. M* 138 Historical Societies,

N'antucket Lancasterian School, Precefitor^ William Coffin, jr. Precefitress, Almira Meech. Concord Academy, Preceptor^ Phineas Allen. Greenjifld High School for Young Ladies* Princi/iaL Rev. Henry Jones, a. m. Asdstants, Nancy Kciiogg, tSusanS. Pearce, Marga- rett H. Bradley. Northjitid Academy, Prece/itor^ Omen S. Kieth.

American Academy ofArts and Sciences. Incorporated May 5, 1780. Yearly meeting for choice of Officers, 4ih Tues. in May. President, Nathaniel Bowditch, ll, d. Vice-Fre.ndent^ John Farrar.

Recording Secretary , Nathan Hale. Corresponding Secretary, Jacob Bigelow, M. d. Treasurer^ Hon. Thomas L. Winthrop. Vice-Treasurer, Rufus Wyman, m. d. Librarian kj" Cabinet Keefiery Seth Bass, m. d.

Massachusetts Historical Society. Instituted at Boston, Jan. 1791. Incorp. Feb. 19, 1794. Statute meetings, last Thursday ot January, April, and October, and the day before Commencement. President^ Hon. John Davis, ll.d. Recording Secretary, Rev. Charles Low^ell, d.d. Corresponding Sec^ry, Rev. Abiel Holmes, d.d. Treasurer, James Savage, Esq. Librarian, Rev. William Jeiiks, d. d. Cabinet Keefier, Redford Webster, Esq. CommitteeJot preparing and publishing 2d volume, Sd Series^ John Pickering, James C. Merrill, Benjamin Nichols, and James Bowdoin, Esqrs. Standing Committee, Thomas L. Winthrop, Esq. Rev. John Pierce, d.d. Francis C. Gray, Esq. Nathan Hale, Esq. James Bowdoin, Esq. Essex Historical Society, President, Benjamin Pickman, Esq. Vice-President, Ichabod Tucker, Esq. American Antiquarian Society, 139

Corresfionding Sec'nj, Hon. John G. King. Recording Sec'ry^ Joseph G. Waters, Esq. Treasurer, Hon. Stephen White, Esq. Librarian isf Cabinet Kee^ier^ Pickering Dodge, jr. Trusteesi^ Hon. Daniel A. White, H)i». Nathaniel Silsbee, Hon. Leverett Saltonstal!, Frederick Howes, Esq. Wilham (iibbs, Esq. George Cleaveland, Esq, CUarles C Clark, Esq. Publishing CommiUee^ Leverett Saltonstall, Ichabod Tucker, William Gibbs, A. L. Pearson, Joseph G. Waters. JVew-Hamfishire Historical Society. Incorporated June 13, 1823. President^ Hon. , Portsmouth. 1st Vice- Presidents Hon. Salma Hale, Keene. 2d do. do. Hon. Matthew Harvey, Hopkinton. Recording Secretary^ John Kelly, Esq. Northwood.

Corresfionding Secretary , John Farmer,Esq. Concord. Librarian, Jacob B. Moore, Esq. Concord.

American Antiquarian Society, Incorporated Oct. 24, 1812. Yearly meeting for the choice of Officers, &c. 23d of October, {the day on which Columbus first discovered America) and when the same shall fall on Sunday, then on the Monday following. President, Isaiah Thomas, ll. d. Worcester. First Vice-President, Rev. Aaron Bancroft, d. d. Second do. His Honor Thos. L. Winthrop, of Boston. Counsellors, Hon. Edward H. Robbins, Benjamin Russell, Rev. Wm. Jenks.o.D. Rev.CharlesLowell.D.o. His Excellency Levi Lincoln, ll. d. Samuel M. Bura- side, Hon. John Davis, of Worcester, Isaac Goodwin, James C. Merrill, Samuel Jennison, Esqrs. Recording Secretary, Rejoice Newton, Esq. Worces. Assistant do, James bowdoin, Esq. of Boston, Corresfionding Sec'^ry^ Rev.ThaddeusM. Harris, d.d. Assistant do. William Lincoln, Esq. Worcester. Treasurer, Samuel Jennison, Esq. Worcester. Assistant Treasurer, Edward D. Bangs, Esq. Boston. Librarian and Cabinet Keefier, C. C' Baldwin, Esq. of Worcester. Committee offiublicaiions. Rev. Aaron Bancroft, d.d. Rev. William Jenks, d.d. S. M. Burnside, Samuel Jen» nison, William Lincoln, Esqrs. 140 Marine Societies.

Boston Debating Society. President, William Hayden.

Vice- President y Samuel Ellis. Secretary, Francis C, VVliiston. Treasur'ir^ Lewis G. Pi ay. Franklin Debating Society. President^ li. H. Hiieg-rturd. Vicr-Frenidtuty Francis Biinley,jr. Secretary, Ellis (TiMy Loting. Treasurer, Eiius B. TDiiyer.

Boston Marine Society.

Instituted 1742. Incorporated 1754. Officers elected on the 1st Tues. of November, 1829. President, Nathaniel Curtis. Vice-Presid'nt. William binder. Treasurer, Thomas B. Wales. Secretary, Thomas English. Trustees, Nehemiah Persons, Winslovv Lewis, John Sate;-, Joseph W. Lewis, John Cruft, B-njamin Smith, Dixey Wild, Charles Tracy, Daniel C. Bacon, Caleb Cu:tis. Commictee of Relief, Charles T. Parsons, Thomas B. C'urtis, Arthur French, John Hodgkins, George G. T'^nes. Port Wardens, Benjamin Smith, John Cruft, Charles Tracy. Committee of Observation, Samuel Quincy, Francis Davis, A'thur French. C>mmittei' of Accounts, Josiah Bradlee, Francis W- Ich, Tltomas L imb. Wardens llf Ste%vai-ds, George Hallet, Ozias Good- will, Arthur French. Salem Marine Society. Instituted March 25, 1766. Incorporated In 1771. Officers elected on the last Thursday in October. Mister, Wiilard Peele. Trea>^urer, Gideon 'Tucker. Clerk, Nathaniel Knight.

Salem East India Marine Society, Instituted in November, 1799. Incor. March 3, 1801. Officers elected on the 1st Wednesday in January. Bible Society. 141

President t George Cleaveland. Insfiector of the Journals^ William Ashton. Recording Secretary, Henry Ropes.

Treasurert Wslli.im FeUy place. Corresfionding Secretary, Ctiarles Lawrence. Sufieritaendent of the Museum^ Doctor M. A. Ward. Distributor ofJournals^ Henry Elkins. Salem Charitable Marine Society,

President ^ John C. Very. East India Marine Hall Corporation^ Salem* Incorporated June 7, 1824. President, George Cleaveland. Treasurer^ William Fettyplace. Clerk, Henry Ropes. Directors^ Francis Boardman, Holton J. Breed, John B. Osgood.

American Bible Society, President, Richard Varick, Esq. Secretary, Rev. J. C. Brigham. Treasurer^ John Adams, Esq.

Massachusetts Bible Society. Instituted July, 1809, President,^ Rev. John Pierce, d. d. Vice-President, Rev. Henry Ware, d. d. Corresponding Secretary, Rev. Francis Parkman. Recording Secretary, Rev. Daniel Sharp, d. d« Treasurer, John Tappan. Assistant Treasurer, William Ropes. Trustees, Rev. Dr. Freeman, Rev. Dr. Lowell, Rev. Dr. Porter, Deac. , Rev. Dr, Holmes, Chief Justice Parker, Nathaniel P. Russell, Esq. Hon. Peter C. Brooks, Rev. Dr. Jenks, Hon. Jonathan Phillips, Joseph May, Esq. Deac. Samuel May, Rev. Dr. Codman, Rev. C. P. Grosvenor, Rev. Dr. VVisner, Joseph Hurd, Esq. Hon. Charles Jackson, Edward Tuckerman, Esq. Executive Committee, to whom applications are to be made for Bibles, Rev. Henry Ware, jr. Rev. Benja- min B. Wisner, d,d. William Ropes, Esq. Annual meeting, the Monday before General Elec- tion when addresses are made, and a collection taken to aid the objects of the Society. 142 Bible Societies.

Marine Bible Society of Boston and vicinity. President. Ebenezer Parker, Esq. Vice-Predde7its^}(iv.2i\.\i2in Amory, Esq. Hon. Samuel Hubbard. Treasnrer^ Benjamin Hownrd. Corrcsfiondivg Secretary, Rev. William Jenks, d.d. Recording Secretary^ Jacob Stone, jr.

Salem Bible Translation and Foreign Mission Society.

Instituted 1812. Presidnit., Rev. Lucius Bolles, d.d.

Fiist Vice-President ^ Rev. R. Bjii:)Cock, jr. Second do. do. Rev. J. B>rnabv. 7'hird do. do. Rev. C. O. Kimball. Treasurer^ John Mnriartv, Esq. Recording Sec^ry, Michael VVehb, jr. Corresponding Sec'ry, Rev. R. E. Pattison.

Marine Bible Society for the District of Salem and Beverly. Instituted Sept. 1820. President, Rev. Brown Emersnn. Vice- President., Rev. David Oliphant. Treasurer, Michael Shepard. Secretary^ Henry Whipple.

Franklin County Bible Society, President, Rev. Thomas Shepherd, Vice-President, Hon. Thomas Longley. Secretary, Maj. Alanson Ciark. Treasurer, Jerome Ripley, Esq.

Society for firofiagn ting the Gospel ainong the Indians and others in JVorih America, Incorporated Nov. 16, 1787. Yearly choice of Officers, day after General Election. President., Hon. Jonathan Phillips. Vice- Presidt^nt., Rev. E*iphalet Porter, d. d. Secrrtary, Alden Bradford, K^q. Assistant Srcretary^ Rev. J. Pierce, d, d. Treasurer, Hon. Ashbel Stearns. Select Committee., Hon. John Davis, Rev. T. M.Har- ris, D. D. Rev. Francis Parkman, Hon, Richard Sullivan. Rev, Henry Ware, r>. d. Missionary Societies. 143

^^merican Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Incorporated Feb. 1812. President, Hon. John Cotton Siinth, ll. d. Vice-President, Hon. Steplx-^n Van Rensselaer, ll.d. Corresponding Secretary, Jeremiah Evarts, Esq. A-^sisiant Secretaries^ Rev. Rufus Anderson, Mr. Da- vid Greene. Recording Secretary, Rev. Calvin Chapin, d.d. Treasurer,^ Henry Hill, E'^q. Auditors, John Tapp in, Esq. Mr. Charles Stoddard. Prudtntial Cominiitee^ Hod. VViHiiai Reed, Rev. Leonard Woods, d. d. Jeremiah Evarts, Esq. Sounuel Hubbard, ll. D.Rev. Warren Fay, d.d. Rev. Benjamia B. Wisner, d.d.

Board of Comnv.ssioners of the Society in Scotland for promoting Chrisiian KnoivUdge, Formed 1787. President, John Tappan, Esq. Fice-Presids7it, A.h\t\\lf^i\\\ts., d.d. Treasurer, Jeremiah Ev',rts, Esq, -Secrerorz/, Rev. John Codman, d.d. ' Assistant Secretary^ Rev. Warren Fay, d. d.

Evangelical Missionary Society in Massachusetts. President,) Hon. Peter O. Thacher. Vice- President, Rev. Nath;.niel Thayer, d. d. Secretary,, Rev. (-George Riplev. Treasurer^ Benjamin Guild, Esq.

Massachusetts Efiiscnpal Missionary Society,^ Isf Trus- tecs of the Mussachusetts Efiiscofiai Prayer Book and rract Society. Presidnit, R g'u Rev. Bishop Griswokl, ex officio. First Vice-Presvieni, Rev. Asu Eaton, d. d. Trea-.urer, Benjimin Howard Corrtshonding Sec'ry, Rev. George W. Doane. Massachusetts Society for firomoting Christian Knovoledge.

Instituted Sept. 1803. Incorporated Feb. 20, IBOr, President, Rev. Abiel Hnlnnes, d.d. Vice-President, Samuel H. Wallev, Esq. Treasurer, Deac. James Meiledge. Secretary, Rev. WiUiam Jenks, p. b-. Clerkf Rev. Samuel Green. 144 Missionary Societies.

Librarian, Ssimuel T. Armstrong, Esq. Directors^ Rev. Samuel Gile, Rev. Daniel Hunting- ton, Rev. Benjamin B. Wisner, d.d. Rev. William Cogs- well, Dea. William HiliiHrfl. y^

Society for promoting Christian Knotvledge Piety and Charity. Established May 29, 1805. Annual meeting t!ie day before General Election. Presidt^nt^ Rliphalet Porter, d. d. Vice-President^ Aaron Bancroft, d. d. Stcretary, Rev. F. W. P. Greenwood. ^. Treasurer., Elisha Clap, a. m. T^-Boaton Society auxiliary to the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions. President, Rev. D^iniel Sharp, d. d. Vice-President, Rev. Cyrus P. Grosvenor. Corresfionding Secretary, Rev. James D. Knowles. Recording Secretary, William Manning, jr.

Treasurer^ James Loring. >v Auxiliary Foreign Mission Society of Boston and vicinity. President, Hon. Samuel Hubbard. Vice-President, Hon. John Tappan. Secretary, William J. Hubbard. Treasurer^ Charles Stoddard. / Board of Managers of the Baptist (General Convention, President, Rev. William Stoiighton, d. d. Vice-President, Rev. Daniel Sharp, d. d. Corresponding Sec^ry, Rev. Lucius Bolles, d. d. Treasurer, Hton. Heman Lincoln. With three other Vice-Presidents, and thirty Managers. Baptist Missionary Society of Massachusetts. Instituted May 26, 1802. Incorporated Feb. 28, 1808. Yearly choice of Officers, last Wednesday in May. President., Rev. Joseph Grafton. Vice-President, Rev. Charles Train. Secretary, Rev. Howard Malcom. Treasurer., Ensign Lincrln. Trustees, Rev. E. Williams, L. Bolles, d. d, Bela Jacobs, JSustavus F. Dnvis, C. O Kimball, E. Nelson, Cyrus Pitt Grosvenor, William Leverett, Heman Lin- coln, Levi Farwell, James D. Knowles, Dea. James Fosdlck, Daniel Sharp, ii,D, Rufus Babcock, jr. - Education Societies. 145

Methodist Missionary Society. President^ Rev. Elijah Hedding, d. d. Treasurer, Rev. N. Bangs, d. d.

Massachusetts Missionary Society, Instituted May 28, 1799. Incorporated Feb. 9. 1808. Yearly choice of Officers, last Tuesday in May.

President y Rev. Leonard Woods, d. d. Vice-Presidents^ Rev. John Codman, d. d. Rev. Brown Emerson, Rev. Alvan Hyde, d. d. Rev. Elisha Fiske, Rev. Theophilus Packard, d. d. Rev. Heman Humphrey, d. d. Henry Gray, Esq. Hon. Isaac C. Bates.

Secretary y Rev. Richard S. Storrs, of Braintree. Treasurer^ John Punchard, Esq. of Salem. Assistant Treasurer^ Dea. James Clap, of Boston. Executive Committee^ Rev. John Codman, D. B. Rev. Richard S. Storrs, John Punchard, Esq. Rev. Warren Fay, d. d. Rev. Lyman Beecher, d. d. Rev.^ Brown Emerson, Dea. James Clapp. Boston Bafitist Evangelical Society. Chairman, Ensign Lincoln. Secretary, Benjamin Spaulding. Treasurer, Ichabod Macomber. Committee, Gideon Vinal, Joseph Converse, Samuel Hill, Benjamin Converse, Joseph Urann, Benjamin Smith, Stillman Lathrop, Jacob Flinn, S. G. Shipley.

American Education Society. "^^ Instituted August 29, 1815. Incorporated 1816. Rooms of the Society, at No. 52 Washington-St. Boston. President, Hon. Samuel Hubbard, ll. d. Vice- President^ William Bartlett, Esq. Secretary, Rev. Elias Cornelius, d. d. Assistant Secretary, Mr. Bela B. Edwards. Treasurer^ (Office temporarily vacant ; but an Agent is always to be found at the Society's Rooms.) Auditor^ Pliny Cutler, Esq. Directors, Rev. Abiel Holmes, d. d. Rev. Ebenczer Porter, d. d. Rev. Leonard Woods, d. d. Rev. Warren Fay, D. D. Rev. Richard Storrs, Rev. Benjamin B. Wisner, d.d. Rev. Elias Cornelius, d. d. JohnTappan, Esq. Hon. John Cotton Smith, Rev. Gardiner Spring.D.D. Arthur Tappan, Esq. The members of this Society amount to about 4;00, N ;

146 Education Societies. reside in 20 different States, and belong to seven denom- inations of Christians. The Board of Directors, who are chosen annually, meet quarterly on the second Wednesday of January, April, July, and October, and oftener if necessary. A Committee of the Board meet the day previous, at 3 p. m. at the Rooms of the Society, to examine and recommend candidates for patronage —besides whom, there are 41 Examining Committees in different parts of the United States. There are six Branch Societies connected with the Parent Society. Nearly One thousand young men have been assisted, in a greater or less degree, by the funds. Not far from 400 are now under patronage at more than 60 Institutions. Those who have been aided by the Soci- ety belong to seven denominations of Christians—they are natives of almost every State and Territory of the Union, and have pursued studies at Ten Theological Seminaries, Tiventy three Colleges, and seventy^ seven Academies—Total 110 Institutions. All monies are appropriated in the form of advantageous loans, and not as a charity. One thousand dollars constitutes a

Permanent Scholarship ; and seventy-live dollars a year, for seven years, constitutes' a Temporary Scholarship. All communications to the Secretary or Treasurer, to be sent to the " Rooms of the American Education Society," No. 52 Washington-Street, Boston.-

Massachusetts Bajitist Education Society. Instituted Sept. 22, 1814. Chairman^ Rev. Lucius Bolles, d. d. Secretary, Rev. Henry Jackson. Treasurer^ John B. Jones. Executive Committee^ Rev. Daniel Sharp, d. d. Bela Jacobs, E. Nelson, James D. Knowles, Lucius Bolles, Cyrus Pitt Grosvenor, Howard Malcom. Auxiliary Education Society of Young Men of Boston. President, Thomas W. Phillips. Vice-President, William T. Eustis* Secretary, James S. Allen.

Young Men's Auxiliary Baptist Education Society. President, Rev. James D. Knowles. Vice-President, John A. W. Lamb. Secretary, John Putnam.

Treasurer t Henry P. Freeman. Sabbath-School Societies. 14T

jimerican Su7iday School Union. President^ Alexander Henry, Philadelphia, Vice-Presidents, Hon. William Reed, Marblehead, Hon. Heman Lincoln, Boston, and 26 others. Treasurer^ Paul Beck, jr. Philadelphia. Corresjionding Secretary^ Frederick VV. Porter. Recording Secretary, Frederick A. Packard. *4t* Belonging to this Union are 5,901 Schools; 52,663 Teachers ; 349,202 Scholars. The whole num- ber of Sunday-School Scholars in Christendom is esti- mated at 1,567,000.

Massachusetts Sabbath School Ufiion, auxiliary to the American Sunday School Union^ at Philadelfihia. President, Hon. William Reed, of Marblehead. Vice President Sy Rev. Daniel Sharp, d.d. Boston. Rev. Warren Fay, d. d. of Charlestown, Rev. Ed- ward T. Taylor, Boston. Secretary^ Mr. Artemas BuUard, of Boston. Treasurer^ Nathaniel R. Cobb, of do. The depository for Sabbath School Books, for the supply of schools, is kept by Mr. Christopher C. Dean, in Market Street,

Boston Sunday School Society. Officers elected on the 28th of November. President^ Hon. Jonathan Phillips. Vice-President, Rev. Joseph Tuckerman, d. d. Corresfionding Secretary^ JosiahF. Flagg, m. d. Recording Secretary, Frederick T. Gray. Treasurer^ David Lane.

General Union for Promoting the Observance of the Christian Sabbath. President^ Hon. . Recording Secretary, John Stearns, m. d. Treasurer^ Arthur Tappan, Esq, With 28 Vice-Presidents, and 35 Directors.

American Unitarian Association. 'President, Rev. Aaron Bancroft, d.d. / Vice-Presidents^ Hon. Joseph Story, of Mass. Hon. Joseph Lyman, Mass. Hon. Charles H. Atherton, N.H. Hon. Stephen Longfellow, Maine, Henry Wheaton, Esq. N. Y. Rev, James Taylor, Penn. Henry Payson, Esq. Md. Hon. William Cranch, D. C. Martin L. 148 Tract Societies.

Huribut, Esq. S. C. Hon. Samuel S. Wilde, Mass. Hon. Samuel Hoar, jr. Mass. Directors, Rev. Francis Parkman, Rev. James Walker, Rev. Samuel Barrett. Treasurer, Henry Rice, Esq. Foreign Secretary, Rev. Henry Ware, jr. Domestic Secretary^ Rev. Ezra S. Gannett.

Massachusetts Bafitist Convention. President^ Rev. Daniel Sharp, d. d. Vice-President, Rev. Abisha Sampson. Corres. isf Rec Sec. Rev. Jona. Going. Treasurer, Dea. Nathaniel Stowell.

Evangelical Tract Society, Instituted May, 1812. President, Rev. Daniel Sharp, d. d. Secretary, Ensign Lincoln.

Treasurer f Nathaniel R. Cobb.

Boston Juvenile Tract Society. Secretary, Henry P. Chamberlain. Treasurer, Samuel F. Stevens., Directors, Asahel Upham, John S. Kimball, Henry Morrill. American Tract Society. / Instituted May, 1814. ^Annual meeting in Boston, day of General Election. President, Hon. William Reed, of Marblehead. Vice-President, Rev. Moses Stuart, Tlieological Seminary, Andover. Corresfionding Secretary, William A. Hallock. Secretary, James L. Kimball. Treasurer, John Tappan, Esq. Auditor, Dea. Eliphalet Kimball. Executive Committee, Rev. Warren Fay, d. d. Charlestown, Rev. Samuel Green, John Tappan, Wil- liam Ropes, Esq. Rev. John Brown, d. d.

Massachusetts Peace Society. President, Rev. Charles Lowell. Vice-President, Rev. William Jenks, d, d. Treasurer, David Reed. Recording Secretary, John Baker. Corresponding Secretary, J. P. Blanchard. Charitable Societies. 149

Hingham Peace Society, President^ Rev. Charles Brooks. Secretary^ Joseph Wilder, jr. Esq.

Old Colony Peace Society. Established Nov. 10, 1828.

President f Rev. John AUyne, d. d.

Corresponding Secretary ^ Rev. Charles Brooks. Treasurer^ Cyrus Morton, m. d^

Hovjard Benevolent Society, President^ John C Warren, m. d. Treasurer^ Deac. Moses Grant. Secretary^ Ebenezer G. Parker. Standing Committee, John Mead, No. 1, Charter-St. Benjamin Smith, DextrSc Smith's Wharf, Ann-Street, Lewis Jones, No. 29, Union-St. Theophilus R. Marvin, No. 32, Congress-Street, Isaac Means, Lynde-Street, Joseph Tuckerman, d. d. No. 4, Buttolph- Street, Jonas H. Lane, m. d.No. 10, Hanover Street, George Vinton, No. 43, Kilby-Street, John Gair, Pearl-Street, Daniel T. Coit, M.D.Kingston-Street, Charles T. Hildreth,M.D. Orange- Place, Benj. Bennett, No. 40, Myrtle-Street. Simon (i. Shipley, No. 1, North Federal-Court, Tho- mas W. Haskins, No. 17, Dock-Square, George W. Llovd, No. 45, Milk-St. Artemas Simonds, South Boston. Auditors, (iideon F. Thayer, Levi Bartlett. Massachusetts Humane Society. Incorporated Feb. 23, 1791. Officers chosen 2d Tues- day in May. President, Bejijamin Rich, Esq. \st Vice-President, Rev. Charles Lowell, d.d. 2d do. do. J. C. Warren, M. D. Treasurer, Henderson Inches. Trustees, Rev. Francis Parkman, Joseph Coolidge, Robert G. Shaw, Daniel P.Parker, George Hayward, M. D. Edward H. Robbins, jr. Massachusetts Charitable Society. Founded September 6, 1672. Incorp. March 15, 1780. Annual meeting for choice of Officers, the first Monday in September. President, Thomas Melvill, Esq. Vice-Preaidemt, George Hallet, Esq. Secretary^ Joseph W. Homer. N* 150 Charitable Societies.

Treasurer^ Samuel Hewes, of Roxbury- Trustees, George Homer, William C. Hunneman Samuel A. Shed, James Ridgway, Samuel A. Wells\ Joseph N. Howe. Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society. Incorporated June 25, 1794. Annual meeting, second Friday in October. Semi-annual meeting, 2d Friday In April. President, Thomas K. Jones, Esq. Vice-President, John Heard, jr. Esq. Corresfionding Secretary, Lynde VV^ alter, Esq. Recording Secretary^ James W. Burdit^. Treasurer, Francis J. Oliver, Esq. Trustees, James Phillips, Joseph Coolidge, Samuel Perkins, Gedney King, Saml. F. M'Cieary, Charles H. Jones, Joseph Lovering, Wm. C. Aylwin, Esqrs.

Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic ^dssociation^ in Boston.

Instituted March 15, 1795. Incorp. March 8, 1806. Officers elected first Thursday in January. President, Samuel T, Armstrong. Vice- Presidcjit, George W. Otis. Secretary, Joseph Lewis. Treasurer, John Cotton. 7VMs/'

Rev. Samuel Green, Henry Holmes, Col. Joseph Jen- kins, Dea. Eliphalet Kimball, Dea» John C. Proctor, Rev. Dr. Wisner.

Fatherless and Widows* Society. Instituted in Boston, January, 1817. President, Mrs. A. McLean, Beacon-st. Fice- President, Miss L. Clouston, Atkinson st. Sec. is" Treas. Mrs. E. T. Larkin, Pleasant -st. jissistant Secretary^ Miss R, A. E. Hope, Pleasant-st. Collectors, Mrs. H. L. Pierce, Derne-st. Mrs. J. Hayt, Blossom-st. Mrs. M. Lamson, Orange Court. Boston Female Asylum, Instituted Sept. 25, 1800. Incorporated Feb. 26, 1803.

Officers chnsen on the last Tuesday in October. First Directress, Mrs. S. Parkman. Second do. Mrs. Prescott. Recording Sec^ry, Miss Abby L. Frothingham. Collecting do. Miss P. L. Frothingham.

•JT^ The Asylum is kept in Essex-street.

Boston Asyluinfor Boys. Incorporated Feb. 24, 1814. President, Gardiner Greene. Vice-President, Joseph Austin. Secretary., Jonathan Chaj)man, jr. Treasurer, William J. Loring. Managers., William Appleton, James Bowdoin, Thos. B. Curtis, Benj. D. Greene, James C. Merrill, Abbot Lawrence, Edvv. Reynolds, jr. Edw. H. Robbins, Rev. Francis Parkman. The Board meet the 1st Monday in every month.

C:3- Asylum corner of Salem and Charter streets. Penitent Females Refuge. President, Hon. Samuel H. Hubbard. Vice- Preddtnt., John Tappan, Esq. Treasurer, Joseph Ballister. Corresfion ding Secretary., Rev, Cyrus P. Grosvenor.

Recording Secretary , George Denny, Esq. Directors, Henry Homer, Esq. Dr. C. H. Snow, Charles Cleaveland, Esq. Dr. Enoch Hale, jr. C. P. Grosvenor, Esq. Rev. Asa Rand, James C.Dunn, Esq. Benjamin Perkins, Esq. 153 Charitable Societies.

Society of the Cincinnati of Massachusetts. Founded A. D. 1783. Incorporated A. D. 1805. Officers elected July 4th annually. President, Judah Alden, Esq. Vice-President^ Francis Green. Secretary, John Callender, Esq. Assistant Secretary, Thomas Jackson. Treasurer, Capt. Robert Willianrjs. Assistant Treasurer^ Robert G. Shaw.

American Society for the firomotion of Temperance* President, Hon. Marcus Morton. Vice-President, Hon. Samuel Hubbard. Treasurer^ William Ropes, Esq. Auditors, John Tappan, Esq. Mass, Society for the Suppression of Intemperance* liistituted February, 1813. Preside?it, John C. Warren, m. d. Vice-Presidents, Rev. Eliphalet Porter, d.d. Rev. William Jenks, d. d. , Esq. Secretary, Jushua B. Flint, m. d. Treasurer, Levi Bartlett, Esq. Counsellors, Hon. Nathan Dane, Rev. Henry Ware, jr. Rev. Ezra S. Gannett, , Stephen Fairbanks, Abel Adams, Dr. J. F. Flagg, Dr. John Ware. Boston Scamans" Friend Society. President, William Ropes, Esq. Vice-President, Tobias Lord, Esq. Treasurer^ William Worthington, Esq. Secretary, Norman Seaver, Esq. Prison Discipline Society. President, Hon. George Bliss—With 21 Vice-Presi- dents, and 12 Managers. Treasurer, Charles Cleveland, Esq. Secretary^ Rev. Louis D wight. Board of Trustees of Donations to the Protestant Episcopal Church. Incorporated by the State of Massachusetts, 1810. President^ His Honor Thomas L. Winthrop. Vice-Presidents, Hon. Joseph Tilden, Anson T. Sperry, Thomas L. Halsey, Nathaniel Adams. Treasurer, James Bowdoin.

Vice-Treasurer i Gardiner Greene. Institution for Savings. 153

Correafionding Secretary, James C. Merrill. Recording Secretary^ Rev, Asa Eaton, d,d. Managers^ Rev, Dr. Gardiner, Joseph Head, Lynde Walter, George Brinley, John Odin.

Provident Institutionfor Savings in the City of Boston. Incorporated December 13, 1816. Office in ScoUay's Buildings. Open only every Wed- nesday fronn 9 to 1 o'clock. President^ Gardiner Greene. Vice-Presidents, Redford Webster, Joseph Coolidge, Thomas L. Winthrop, Joseph Head, Joseph Tilden, Samuel H. Walley, Jesse Putnam, John D. Williams, Andrew Ritchie, Jonathan Phillips, Edward Tucker- man, Thomas W. Ward. Trustees^ Samuel Snelling, John Dorr, Gideon Snow, Samuel May, Gedney King, WiUiam Ropes, James Savage, , James T. Austin, Amos Lawrence, Abiel Chandler, Robert Waterston, Benja- min Guild, Peter O. Thacher, James Bowdoin, Otis Everett, Samuel Hubbard, John A. Lowell, Nathaniel G. Snelling, Edward Brooks, Samuel Dorr, John C. Gray, Daniel P. Parker, George Hallett. Treasurevy James Savage. SecVy, James Bowdoin. Salem Institution for Savings. Open every Wednes. from 12 to 1 o'clock, p. m. President^ Secretary^ John W. Treadwell. Treasurer^ Daniel Bray.

Institution for Savings, JSTenvburyfiort. Open every Wednesday from 11 to 12 o'clock. President, William B. Banister. Hon. Treasurer ., Jeremiah Nelson. Secretary, John Harrod.

Massachusetts General Hosfiital CGrp.oration. Incorporated Feb. 25, 1811. Annual meeting of the Corporation, 3d Tuesday in Jan. Visitors. The Governor, Lieut. Governor, Presi- dent of the Senate, Speaker of the House of Represen- tatives, with the Chaplains of both Houses for the time being. 154 General Hospital.

OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION. President, Hon. John Lowell. Vice-President, Gardiner Greene, Esq. Secretary, Nathaniel I. Bowditch, Esq. Treasurer, Nathaniel P. Russell, Esq. Trustees^ Henry Codman, Joseph Coolidge, Eben Francis, Wm. H. Gardiner, Francis C. Gray, Gardinei Greene, Benjamin Guild, Amos Lawrence, Jonathar Phillips, E. H. Robbinsjr. George Ticknor, Edward Tuckerman. TWO DEPARTMENTS. MC. LEAN ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE IN CHARLES- TOWN.

Physician and Sufterintendenty Rufus Wyman, m. d. Medical Student, William Hatch. Supervisor, Oliver B. Bond. Clerk, James S. Russell. A committee of the Trustees visit the Asylum every T'uesday, P. M. (formerly Monday) to admit and dis- charge Boarders and inspect the establishment. If necessary. Boarders may be admitted or discharged at other times and by any Trustee. Every application for admission must be in writing, and accompanied with 1. A certificate that the candidate is insane, and free from contagious disease. 2. A certificate of his or her property, and of any friends fiable for his or her maintainance. 3. A certificate of the ability of the persons proposed as principal and surety in the obligation for payment of board. 4. A history of the case from its commencement, and the medical treatment. No visitors are admitted on any part of the Lord's day. No boarders can be visited except by near rela- tives, or by others at their request in writing. See printed rules and regulations. THE HOSPITAL IN BOSTON. Acting Surgeon, John C.Warren, m. d. Assistant Surgeon, George W. Otis, m. d. Acting Physician, James Jackson, m. d. ; Eye and Ear Infirmary. 155

Assista7it Physicians-, Walter Channing, m. d. John Ware, m. d. Sufierinteyident, Mathan Gurney, Esq. House Physician^ Francis Dana, jr. House Surgeon^ Lucian W. Caryl. Afiothecary, William F. Brooks. N. B. Applications for admission to the Hospital are to be made between 8 and 9 o'clock, a. m. every day, except Sunday, at the Hospital in North Allen street. Visitors are admitted on Tuesdays, Wednesdays,

Fridays and Saturdays, from 12 to 1 o'clock. A committee of the Trustees visit the Hospital every Friday, P. M. (formerly Thursday.)

United States Marine Hosfiital For the temporary relief of sick and disabled seamen into which all mariners who iiave paid Hospital money are admitted, except those who are afflicted with con- tagious or incurable diseases, or insane persons. The Hospital is situated at Chelsea. Agent, Hon. David Henshaw, Esq. Physician^ Charles H. Stedman, m. d. Steward, Charles Turner, Esq.

Massachusetts Charitable Rye and Ear Infirmary, Incorporated Feb. 1827. Managers^ Edward Tuckerman, Edward H. Rob- bins, jr. Robert G. Shaw, Richard D. Tucker, Henry Rice, , Benjamin D. Greene, Ebene- zer Chadwicke, William T. Andrews, Edward Rey- nolds, jr. John Jeftries, William B. Reynolds. IVeasurer, William T. Andrews.

Secretary y William B. Reynolds. Surgeons^ John Jeffries, im. d. Edward ReynoldSjM.D. The Infirnnary is open for the treatment of poor pa- tients, from 12 until 1 o'clock every Monday, Wednes- day, and Friday, at the Infirmary Rooms', Corner of Court and Common Streets.

Boston Medical Dispensary. Instituted October, 1796. Incorporated Feb. 26, 1801. Officers elected on the 2d Thursday in October. Chairman, Samuel Snelling, Esq. Secretary, George H. Snelling, Esq. Treasurer, Gideon Snow, Esq. Ware Massachusetts Medical Society. 157

Censorsfor the third Medical District. Drs. Elihu Dwight, Joseph H. Flint, Daniel Collins, Elisha Mather, Job Clark. Censors for thefourth Medical District. Drs. Alfred Perry, Wm. H. Tyler, Lyndon A» Smith, Hubbard Bartlett, Orren Wright. The Censors for the Society at large, and for the first Medical District, meet in the city of Boston, for the examination of candidates for the practice of medi- cine, surgery, and midwifery, on the Thursday next preceding the annual meeting of the Fellows of the Society, as provided in the Act of Incorporation ; and on the last Wednesdays of January and July. Those for the second Medical District, in Worcester, on the Wednesday following the third Monday in June. Those for the third Medical District, in Northampton, on the Wednesday following the third Tuesday in Sep- tember. Those for the fourth Medical District, in Lenox, on the Wednesday following the second Tues- day in September annually. By an Act of the Legislature of this Commonwealth, passed February 10, 1819, it is provided. That no per- son entering upon the practice of Physic or Surgerj', after the first day of July, 1819, shall be entitled to the benefit of law, for the recovery of any debt or fee ac- cruing from his professional services, unless he shall, previously to rendering those services, have been li- censed by one of the foregoing Boards of Censors, or shall have been graduated a Doctor of Medicine in Harvard University. Counsellors of the Society, Suffolk. Drs. Wm. Ingalls, John Dixwell, James Jackson, Benj. Shurtleff, John C. Warren, John Randall, Geo. C. Shattuck, John B. Brown, Walter Channing, Jacob Bigelow,Geo. Hayward, Enoch Hale, jr. Solomon D. Townsend, John Ware, Zabdiel B. Adams, David Osgood, Edward Reynolds. Essex. Drs. Benj. L. Oliver, James Gardner, Richard Hazeltine, Abel L. Pierson, Andrew Nichols, Thomas Mauring, Samuel Johnson, Joseph Torrey, Joseph Kittredge, Jeremiah Spofford, Richard S. Spoffard. Middlesex. Drs. Amos Bancroft, Calvin Thomas, Abiel Heywood, Rufus Wyman, Thomas Bucklin, 158 Medical School in Boston.

John Walton, Abraham R. Thompson, Zadock Howe, William J. Walker. Worcester. Drs. Stephen Batchelder, jr. John Green, Daniel Thurber, Charles W, Wilder, Benj. F. Heywood, Amos Parker, Edward Flint, Gustavus D, Peck. Hamfifihire. Drs. Elihu D wight, Joseph H. Flint, Joshua Frost, Alpheus F. Stone, Stephen W. Williams, Reuben Champion, jr. Berkshire. Drs. Henry H. Childs, Robert Worth- ington, William H. Tyler, Charles Worthington, Royal Fowler, Benjamin Rogers. JVorfolk, Drs. Amos Holbrook, Nathaniel Miller, John Bartlett, Robert Thaxter, Samuel Bugbee, Jeremy Stimpson, Ebenezer Aiden. Plymouth. Drs. Nathan Hayward, Hector Orr, Cushing Otis, Andrew Mackie, Ezekiel Thaxter. Bristol. Drs. Benj. Billings, Alexander Reed. Barnstable. Drs. Joseph Samson, Aaron Cornish.

Medical School in Boston. The Massachusetts Medical College, an edifice be- longing to Harvard University, was erected in Boston in 1815 ; and is situated in Mason Street, near the Bos- ton Common and Mall. In this building are contained the cabinet of anatomi- cal preparations, consisting of more than a thousand valuable specimens; the chemical apparatus, which is complete and costly ; the apparatus and specimens used in the lectures on midwifery, and materia medica, and a medical hbrary. The Medical Lectures of Harvard University begin in this building annually, 3d Wednesday in October, and continue three months. The students attending the liCCtures are admitted to the Medical & Surgical prac- tice of the Massachusetts General Hospital, and to Clinical Lectures by the Professors of Surgery, and Theory and Practice of Physic, without fee. Board in the city can be obtained at g3, per week. The fee for a whole course of Lectures is %70. The students have opportunities for practical Anatomy,

Anatomy and Surgery y John C. Warren, m. d. Chemistry^ John W. Webster, m. d. Midwifery isf Medical Jur. Pru. Walter Channing,M.D. Materia Medica^ Jacob Bigelow, m. d. Theory and Practice of PhysiCi James Jackson, m.d. Boston Mechanics Institution. 159

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, President^ Terence Wakefeild. Vice-President^ Thomas Farrington. Treasurer, Ephraim L. Eliot. Secretary^ James Fowle. TRUSTEES. John I. Brown, Sampson Reed, Daniel Noyes, Charles White, Ebenezer Wight, Joseph Kidder.

Boston Mechanics Institution, Preddent^ Daniel Treadvvell. Fice-Presidenty David Moody, Charles Wells, Alex- ander Parris. Recordinrr Secretary, Francis C, Whiston. Correspohciing Sc-cretary, George B. Emerson. Treasurer, Stephen Fairbanks.

Cabinet Keeper ^ Seth Bass, m. d. Directors, Ebenezer Bailey, Alpheus Carey, Timo- thy Claxton, John Cotton, George Darracott, Henry A. S. Dearborn, Phineas Dow, James K. Frothingham, Gerry Fairbanks, Isaac Harris, Benjamin Loring, John Ware, John Dagget, Gedney King, Ephraim Marsh, John Pierpont, John P. Thorndike. Lecturers, Hon. Joseph Story, Warren Colburn, Esq. Professor Farrar, Hon. William Sullivan, Dr. John Ware, Dr. J. W. Webster.

The Boston Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knoivledge. President, Hon. Daniel Webster. Vice-Presidents, Hon. John Pickering, Hon. Nathan Hale. Corresponding Secretary, Jacob Bigelow, m. d. Recording Secretary, Horatio Robinson, m.d. Treasurer, Henry F. Baker, Esq. Directors, Rev. William E. Channing, Samuel T. Armstrong, Esq. John Park, m. d. Charles C. Nichols, Esq. John P. Thorndike, Esq. Abbott Lawrence, Esq. Charles G. Loring, Esq. William T. Loring, Esq. Thomas B. Curtis, Esq. Chandler Robbins, m. d. Lecturers for the present Season, Hon. Daniel Webster, Hon. Edward Everett, Hon. Alexander H. Everett, Walter Channing, m. d. Francis Lieber, p. d. Rev. Alonzo Potter, John Park, m. d. Chandler Rob- bins, M. D. Hon. William Sullivan, Hon. John Pickering. 160 Boston and Middlesex Lyceums.

Boston Lyceum. President, Col. Joseph Jenkins. Vice-'Presidents, Rev. Asa Rand, Ebenezer Bailey.

Secretary y . Treasurer, Theophilus R. Marvin. Curators, George E. Head, Esq. Josiah Holbrook, Thomas A. Davis, Timothy Claxton. The Curators and the other Officers constitute a Board of Managers. Middlesex County Lyceum.

President f Hon. Edward Everett. Fice- Presidents, Hon. Samuel Hoar, jr. Dr. A. R. Thompson. Recording Secretary., Lemuel Sh-^ttuck^ jlilsq. Corresfionding Secretary, Dr. . Curators, Rev. James Walker, of Charlestown, Warren Colburn, Esq. of Lowell, Rev. Daniel S. Southmayd, of Concord, Rev. Mr. White, of Littleton, and Dr. Samuel S. Dana, of Waltham.

NewEngland Society for the firamotion of Manufac- tures and the Mechanic jirts. President., His Excellency Levi Lincoln. Vice-Presidents, Nathan Appleton, Esq. Hon. Henry A. S. Dearborn, Hon. Bezaleel Taft, jun. Hon. Aaron Tufts. Treasurer., Benjamin T. Pickman, Esq. Secretary, J. T, Winthrop, Esq. Directors, Patrick T. Jackson, Jonas B. Brown, William Lawrence, John Bumstead, Hon. John R. Adan, Isaac Parker, Isaac C. Pray, Thomas Searle, William Shimmin, John A. Lowell, Abbott Lawrence, Benjamin T. Pickman, John T. Winthrop, Esquires.

Massachusetts Society for promoting Agriculture, Incorporated March 7, 1T92. Annual meeting 2d Wednesday in June. President^ Hon. Thomas L. Winthrop. First Vice-President., Hon. John Wells. Second do. Hon. Peter C. Brooks. Corresfionding Sec^ry, Hon. John Lowell. Recording Secretary, Gorham Parsons, Esq. Assistant Rec. Sec. Benjamin Guild, Esq. Treasurer^ John Heard, jr. Esq. Bunker-Hill Monument Association. 161

Trustees, Hon. Richard Sullivan, William Prescott, E. Hersey Derby, John C. Gray, James Jackson, Israel Thorndike, Esqrs. Worcester County Agricultural Society.

President y Hon, Levi Lincoln, ll.d. Vice-Presidents, Hon. Aaron Tufts, Hon. William Stedman. Corresfionding Sec^ry, Hon. Oliver Fiske. Recording Sec'ry^ \Villiam D. Wheeler. Treasurer, Theophilus Wheeler.

Massachusetts Horticultural Society. President, Henry A. S. Dearborn, Roxbury. Vice-Presidents, Zebedee Cook,jr. Dorchester, John C. Gray, Boston, and Enoch Bartlett, Roxbury. Treasurer, Cheever Newhall, Boston. Corresfionding Sec\ry, Jacob Bigelow, m. d. Boston. Recording Sec'^ry, Robert L. Emmons, Boston. Professor of Botany and Vegetable Physiology, Malthus A. Ward, m. d. Professor ofEntomology , T. W. Harris, m.d. Professor of Horticultural Chemistry, J. W. Webster, m.d.

Pilgrim Society, Incorporated January 24, 1820. Officers elected on the last Monday in May, annually. President, Alden Bradford, Esq.' Vice-President, Zaccheus Bartlett, Esq. Recording Secretary, B. M. Watson, Esq. Corresfiondijig Secretary, Samuel Davis, Esq. Librarian and Cabinet Keeper, James Thacher,Esq. Celebration of the landing of the Pilgrims, at Ply- mouth, December 22d. Association. President, Hon. Levi Lincoln. Vice-Presidents, Dr. J. C. Warren, Amos Lawrence, Secretary, Henry A. S. Dearborn. Treasurer, Nathaniel P. Russell. Building Committee, George Blake, H. A. S. Dear- born, Amos Lawrence, William Sullivan, Thomas H» Perkins. Sufierintendent and Architect, Solomon Willard. O* J

162 Boston and Salem Atheneums.

Handel and Haydn Society in Boston* Instituted April, 1815. Incorporated 1816. The periodical meetings of the Society are monthly. President, Lowell Mason. Vice-President, Samuel Richardson. Secretary, Joseph Lewis. Treasurer, William Coffin. Trustees, James Sharp, Matthew S. Parker, Increase S. Withington, Bela Hunting, Samuel H. Jenks, James Clark, John H. Pray, Jabal Howe, Geo. VV. Edmands.

Boston Atheneum. Incorporated Feb. 13, 180r. Annual meeting for choice of Officers, 1st Mon. in Jan. President, Vice-President, Francis C. Gray, Esq. Secretary, Jnsiah Quincy, jr. Treasurer, Thomas VV. Ward. Librarian^ Seth Bass, m. D, With 9 Trustees.

Salem Atheneum^ (Profinetora of the)

Yearly choice of Officers last Wed. but one in May. President, Hon. Benj. Pickman. Clerk, John Glen King. Treasurer^ George Peabody. Librarian, Stephen Webb, 3d. Trustees, Beuj.iVIerrill, Esq. Frederick Howes, Esq. Charles C. Clark, Hon. Daniel A. White, Hon. Ben- jamin Pickman, Ichabod Tucker, George Cleaveland, Hon. Joseph Story, ll. d. Dr. M. A. Ward, George Peabody, Esq.

Boston Library. CFranklin Place. Incorporated June 17, 1794.

Yearly meeting for choice of Officers, 2d Friday in June. Librarian, John Lee. Secretary, William T. Andrews. Treasurer, Charles Hammatt Trustees, Francis J. Oliver, Esq. William Minot, Esq. Lemuel Shaw, Esq. John Park, Esq. Rev. John Pierpont, Benjamin Guild, Esq. James Savage, Aaron Baldwin, Francis C. Gray, Esqrs. Corporation, 163

Social Law Library, Yearly meeting for choice of Officers, 3d Wednesday in October. President, Williann Sullivan. Secretary isf Treasurer, Edward Blake. Trustees^ JLemuel Shaw, VVil!i?im Minot, Benjamin Rand, George Morey, jr. Samuel Hubbai d. Mercantile Library. Directors^ Henry N. Rogers, Geo. B. Ingersoll, David Nevens, George Bond, Robert R. Howard, E. Jenks Coatfcs, R. Henry Manning. Treasurer^ Francis C Manning. Seerttary, William Richardson.

Boston and Roxbury Mill Corfioration.

Sec'ry, Trtas. S^ Sufierintendent ^ Saml. Nicholson. Directors, Francis C. Gray, Charles Bradbury, Lemuel Pope, Abraham W. Fuller, John C. Gray, Thomas B. Wales, Patrick T. Jackson, Wm. Law- rence, John F. Loring, Ralph Huntington, Wm. Apple- ton, Eben. T. Andrews. Middlesex Canal Corfioration. President, Benjamin Guild. Directors^ Joseph CooUdge, William Sullivan, Eben. T. Andrews, Peter O. Thacher, Ebenezer Chadwick, Dudley Hall, James F. Baldwin, Thomas W. Phillips, William Appleton, George Hallet. Superintendent, Treasurer and Clerk, Caleb Eddy.

Blackfttone Canalfrom Worcester to Providence, Capital $500,000, divided into shares of $100 each. President, Gen. Carrington. Commissioners^ John Davis, John W. Lincoln, Sylva- nus Holbrook, Gen. Carrington, Mr. Ives. Treasurer, Thomas Burgess. Sec'ry, George Curtis.

Boston Aqueduct Corfioration. Incorp. Feb. 27, 1795. President, William Pratt. Sec. b* Trtas. Henry Ccdman. Agent's Shop, Front-St.

Salem Turnpike and Chelsea Bridge Corfioration. President^ Nathan Dane. Directors, Jacob Ashton, Benjamin Pickman, John 164 State Prison at Charlestown.

Derby, William Mansfield, Ezekiel H. Derby, Rober Rantoul, Frederick Howes, Benjamin W. Crownin shield. Treasurer^ John Moriarty. Clerky Ichabod Tucker. Agent ofthe Directors^ E. Hersey Derby. Salem Mill Dam Corjioration. President, Philip Chase. Secretary^ John Russeil. Treasurer, John Russell. Directors, Nathl. L. Rogers, Stephen White, Stephen C. PhiUips, Larkin Thorndike, Perley Putnam, Benj. Hawkes, Charles Lawrence, Joseph S. Cabot.

State Prison at Charlestown. Inspectors, Francis C. Gray, Sherman Leland, Seth Knowles. fVarden, William Austin, Esq. Salary 1500 dolls, per annum. De/iuty Warden^ Charles Lincoln, jr. §800, do. Chaplain^ Rev. Jared Curtis, §500, do. Physic, iff Surg. Wm, J. Walker, m. d. §250, do. OUver H. Bryant, Clerk, §800. Wm.Going, Keefier,$500.

Presidents andCashiers of the Branches ofU. States Banks- Philadelphia, Nicholas Biddle, President.—W. Mcllvaine, Cashier. John Andrews, 1st Assistant Cashier. Jos.Cowperthwait, 2d do. Herman Cope, 3d do. Alexamder I. Miller, Transfer Department. Por^jmou^A, Jeremiah Mason, President.Eben.Wentworth, Cashiev. Boston, Gardiner Greene, « Samuel Frothingham, " Porf/«n£/, Joshua Wingate, jr. " Scott Greene, " Providence, Philip Allen, " Nathan Waterman, jr. " Hartford, Enoch Parsons, " J. P. Burnham, '* X(?w2'orA:, Isaac Lawrence, " M.Robinson, " Baltimore, William Patterson," John White, " JVashington, Saml. H. Smith, " Richard Smith, " Richmond, M. C. Nichols, " James Robertson, *' Norfolk, George Newton, " Joseph L. Roberts, '* Charleston, Joseph Johnson, " Peter Bacot, " ^ar^cnna/i, John Gumming, " James Hunter, " Fayetteville, John Huske, " J. W. Sandford, * 2^ew-0r/eanj, Beverly Chew, " SamuelJaudon, " Louisville, S. Orrasby, " Edward Shippen, " CAz7i«-of^e,WilliamCreiehton,jr." A. G. Claypole, " Pittsburg, A. Tannehill, " James Correy, ** Lexington, John Tilford, " J. Harper, " Mo6e7e, Philip McLoskey, " GeorgePoe, jr. *• ** Nashville, Josiah Nichof, '* John Somerrille, *» St. Louit, J. O. Fallon, « Henry S. Coxe, * Buffalo^ W. B. Rochester, « J. R. Carpenter, Acts of the Commonwealth of Mass. 165


By a Law of the Commonwealth, passed June 19, 1819, vhen any Bill drawn or endorsed within the State, paya- )Ie at any place without the State and within the United States or Territories, being duly presented, shall not be iccepted or paid according to its terms, and shall be reg- ilarly protested, every Drawer or Endorser, within the Dommonwealth, liable by law, shall in addition to the jontents, costs and lawful interest, pay damages as fol- ows, viz.—Upon all Bills payable within either of the Wew-England States, or New-York, three per cent, on the amount,—within New-Jersey, , Delaware, , Virginia, or District of Columbia, five per cent. —within North or or Georgia, six per cent.—within any other State or Territory, nine per cent. *And when any such Bill for $100 or upwards, payable at any place within the State, distant 75 miles or more, from the place of drawing or endorsing, shall be reg^ilarly pro- tested, every Drawer or Endorser, liable by law, shall pay one per cent, on the amount, in addition to contents, costs, and lawful interest.

— ~ « --

AN ACT to allow grace on Bills of Exchange and Notes, according to the custom of Merchants.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa' lives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That on all Bills of Exchange made, after the first day of June next, and expressed to be payable at sight, or payable at a future day certain within this Com- monwealth, and on all promissory negotiable notes, orders and drafts made after the first day of June next, payable at a future day certain within this Commonwealth, in which there is not an express stipulation ta the contrary, grace shall be allowed in the same manner as it is by the custom of merchants allowed on foreign Bills of Exchange payable at the expiration of a certain period from date or sight. Provided that the provisions of this act shall not extend to any Bill of Exchange, note, order or draft paya- ble on demand. \ Approved by the Lieut. Governor, Feb. 26, 1825. 166 Banks. BANKS IN BOSTON. American Bank, No. 70, State street. Capital, g750,000.

George Odiorne, President. ( John S. Wright, Cashier. Directors^ Levi Brigham, Silas Bullard, Benjamir Fiske, Arthur French, William H. Gardiner, B. B. Grant John A. Haven, George Odiorne, Luther Parks, Gilmar Prichard, Wm. Whitney. Teller, Lowell Mason. Book-Keeper, Thomas B. Fearing.

j Discount Clerk, William H. Odiorne. Messengery Thomas J. Bayley.

Atlantic Bank, No. 61, State street. Capital, 8500,000.

John Pickens, President. | Benjamin Dodd, Cashier. Directors^ Henry F. Baker, Lorenzo Draper, Jeremiah Hill, George G. Jones, William G. Lambert, William F. Otis, Edward D. Peters, James Pickens, John Pickens,

Samuel Philbrick, William Rollins, Thomas Lamb. -^ Teller^ Richard Ward. Book-Keeper, Thomas Drown. Messenger, James Adams.

Branch of the United States Bank. Gardiner Greene, Pres. Samuel Frothingham, Cashier. | Directors^ Samuel Appleton, John Borland, George Blake, Ebenezer Chadwick, Gardiner Greene, Samuel Hammond, George Hallet, Israel Munson, John Parker, Thos. H. Perkins, J.W. Paige, Nath'l Silsbee, John Wells. First Teller, Thomas Wiley. Second Teller, John Fuller. First Book-Keeper., John Tucker. Second Book-Keeper, Charles Bartlett. Discount Clerk, Charles Harris. Assistant Jo. Thomas Waterman. Collector., G. L. Chandler, jr. Messenger, W. L. Cazneau. Porter, Wyman Osborn. Discount every day. Loan Office. 7Van*/er, John J. Loring. Interest, O. W. Champney. Pension, John S. Lilley. Solicitor, George Blake, Banks in Boston. 167

' Boston Bank. No. 46, State street.

Incorporated June 23, 1812. Charter to continue till the first Monday in October, 1831. Officers elected on the first Monday in October. Capital, g900,000.

'hineas Upham, President. | Jos. Chapman, Cashier. Directors^ Nathan Appleton, Daniel C. Bacon, Josh- a Blake, Josiah Bradlee, Thomas B. Curtis, Samuel ;jabot, Joshua Clapp, William T. Loring, Robert G. Jhaw, Wm. Sullivan, Richard D. Tucker. Teller., Robert Lash. Book-Keeper^ James C. Wild. Discount-Clerk, Ephraim L. Froth ingham.

Messenger S/" Porter., Alexander Bowers. Solicitor, William Sullivan. Discount Days, Tuesday and Friday.

City Bank. No. 61, State street. Uncorporated Feb. 23, 1822. Charter to continue to the first Monday in October, 1831. Capital, 81,000,000.

George Brinley, President, j E. Williams, Cashier. Directors, Samuel D. Bradford, Geo. Brinley, Isaac Bangs, Martin Brimmer, Thomas Cordis, Pliny Cutler, Luther Faulkner, Phineas Foster, James Parker, Jesse Putnam, Charles Thatcher, S. K. Williams. Teller., Francis Everett. Book-Keeper, Charles W. Taylor. Discount- Clerk., John S. Larkin. Messenger, Andrew Johonnot. Porter.^ Elbrid§:e Harris. Discount every day.

Columbian Bank. No. 54, State street. Capital, $500,000. Joseph Tilden, President. William Coffin, jr. Cashier. |

• Directors., Wm. Appleton, Ebenezer Appleton, P. T.

I Jackson, Amos Lawrence, C. G. Loring, F. C. Lowell, G. W. Lyman, Thomas Motley, Eben. Rollins, Wm. Sturgis, Joseph Tilden, J. G. Torrey. Teller., Thomas Swan. Book-Keeper., George Cushing. Messenger^ James Keen. Discount Days, Tuesday and Friday. 108 Banks in Boston.

Commonwealth Bank. No. 47, State street. ' -^ Capital, gSOO.OOO.

John Btiffington, President. | Charles Hood, Cashier, i

Directors, D. Baxter, jr. Adams Bailey, J. Buffington '

Andrew Dunlap, Wm. Freeman, J. Henshaw, Hall J. How, S. S. Lewis, Elisha Parks, Wm. Parmenter, Johr K, Simpson, Charles Hood. Teller^ William Blaney. Book-Keeper., Duncan McB. Thaxter. Messenger, Ezra Fuller. Discount Days, Monday and Thursday.

Eagle Bank. No. 19, State street. Capital, 8500,000.

Titus Welles, President. | John J. Fisk, Cashier Directors.^ C W. Cartwright, B. French, Wm. Goddard, John Kendrick, Elijah Loring, John Skinner, Wm. B Swett, Benj. Thompson, Lyman Tiffany, Isaac P. Town- send, Titus Welles, John Williams. Teller, Samuel O. Mead. Book-Keeper, Joshua P. Blanchard. Messenger^ Thomas L. Hutchinson. Discount Days, Wednesday and Saturday.

Franklin Bank, at South Boston. Capital, $100,000.

, President, j Marcus Whiting, Cashier Directors, Edward Crehore, VVm. H. Delano, Benj. Freeman, Paul Farnura, Samuel Goodridge, Wm. Graves, Ebenezer Hayward, Charles Henshaw, James How, Phineas Sprague, T. M. Vinson, Thomas J. Whittemore. Discount Days, Tuesday and Friday,

Globe Bank. No- 40, State street. Capital, $1,000,000.

Isaac C. Pray, President. | Charles Sprague, Cashier. Directors, Abel Adams, David Dudley, Stephen Fair- banks, John Lamson, David Low, Isaac Parker, J. C. Pray, J. F. Priest, lames Read, Benjamin Seaver, Enoch , Silsby, Francis Watts. Paying-Teller, Franklin Haven. Receiving-Teller^ First Book-Keeper, John Capen. Second do. Oliver Cole. Discount- Clerk, Edward S. Erving. Messenger^ James Foster. Discount Days, Monday and Thursday. Banks in Boston. 169

Massachusetts Bank. No. 64, State street. Capital, §800,000. Incorporated June 23, 1812, to continue till Oct. 1831. Officers elected on the first Wednesday in January.

William Parsons, President. ) Samuel Payson, Cashier. Directors, Abiel Chandler, John L. Gardner, Joseph Head, John Parker, jr. William Parsons, Jonathan Phillips, William D. Sohier, Samuel Torrey, Edward Tuckerman, Isaac Winslow. Teller, Edward Sharp. Book Keeper, James Dodd. Discount Clerk, John H. Bowes. Messenger, Thomas Hooper. Discount Days— Monday and Thursday.

Manufacturers and Mechanicks Bank. No. 41^ State street. Capital, g750,000.

Henry Jaques. President, j James Dalton, Cashier. Directors^ Eben. T. Andrews, S. T. Armstrong, Caleb Curtis, Jdseph Eveleth, Henry H. Fuller, David R. Grigffs, Henry Jaques, John F. Lorine;, Levi Meriam, Benj; T. Reed, Isaac Stevens, Gill Whe^elock. Teller, John W. Rand. Book -Keeper, Messenger and Porter, Charles Stearns, jr. Discount every day.

North Bank. No. 45, North Market street. Capital, §750,000. John Binney, President. Gurdon Steele, Cashier. | Directors., John Binney, J. B. Brown, Jesse Bird, N. R. Cobb, Isaac Danforth, James Davis, Daniel Denny, Oliver ElHridire, Nathaniel Faxon, Gedney King, Henry Orne. J. W. Trull. Teller, P. H White. Book-Keeper, Charles Emerson, Messenger and Porter, Wm. M. Pray. Discount Days,. Monday and Thursday.

New-England Bank. No. 67, State street. Capital, §1,000.000.

Samuel Dorr, President. | Philip Marett, Cashier. P 170 Banks in Boston.

Directors^ Samuel Dorr, Otis Everett, Henry Gassett, N. Goddard, George Howe, Benj. Humphrey, Robert Rogerson, Lemuel Shaw, Mace Ti?dale, John D. Wil- liams, Wm. Worlhington, Thomas Gray. Paying-Teller^ Charles Nichols, Receiving-Teller^ Franklin Greene, jr. Book-Keeper, John Nazro. Discount Clerk, Elijah P. Clark.

/• Porter and Messenger, Charles Barry. Discount every day.

Suffolk Bank. No. 65, State street. Capital, S750;000. Incorporated Feb. 10, 1818.

Henry B. Stone, President. | Matthew S. Parker, Cash. Directors^ Joseph Baker, George Bond, Ebenezer Breed, Ebenezer Francis, Samuel Hubbard, Wm. Law- rence, John A. Lowell, James Means, Benj. R Nichols, Jeffrey Richardson, Nath'l P. Russell, H. B. Stone. Paying Teller, James Burroughs. Receiving Teller^ Stephen Morse, jun. Discount Clerk, Willard Williams. Assistant Clerk^ Edward P. Meriam. Book-Keeper, Isaac C. Brewer. Fortign Money Clerks, William Grubb, jr. D. H. Belknap, W. H. Hay ward, W. Wyman, J. Grubb. Porter^ Rand Lord. Solicitor, B. R. Nichols. Discount Days, Wednesday and Saturday.

State Bank. No. 53, State street. Capital, ^1,800,000. Incor. June 27, 1811, Charter to continue 20 years. Officers elected on the 1st Monday in October.

E. A. Bourne, President. | George Homer, Cashier. Directors, E. A. Bourne, Samuel Austin, jr. Benjamin Bangs, Levi Bartlett, Charles J. Cazenove, John B. Davis, Samuel C. Gray, Tacob Hall, William Shimmin, Thomas K. Thomas, Thornas Thacher, David Ellis. Paying Teller, John Dall. Receiving Teller.^ Calvin Whiting. First Book-Keeper^ William E. Vinceat. Second do. Joseph White. Banks in Massachusetts. 171

Discount Clerk^ Jonathan Call. Messenger, Eben. O. Fifield. Porter,^3ohn White. Solicitor, John B. Davis, Discount Days—Monday and Thursday.

Union Bank. No. 40, State street. Incorporated June 23, 1812, to continue till Oct. 1831. Capital, $800,000. Directors elected on the 1st Monday in October. Cashier. Thomas L. Winthrop, Pres | Chester Adams, Directors^ Luke Carter, Wm. Dehon, Samuel Fales, Jeremiah Fitch, Ozias Goodwin, Giles Lodge, Thaddeus Nichols, jr. EbenV Parker, John Stearns, T. B. Wales, Moses Wheeler, T. L. Winthrop. Paying and Receiving Teller^ Samuel Parker. Book-Keeper, Nathaniel Emmons. Discount-Clerk, William Furness. Messenger^ Jonathan Trott. Porter^ Oliver Jaquith. Discount every day.

Washington Bank. No. 412 Washington street. Capital. $500,000. Aaron Baldwin, President. D. A. Sigourney, Cashier. | Directors^ Aaron Baldwin, Samuel Bradlee, Thomas Brewer, Josiah P. Cooke, Charles Davis, Winsor Fay, Oliver Fisher, B.T. Loring, Josiah Stedman, John Thomp- son, Daniel Weld, Moses Williams, Teller, J. J. Soren. Book-Keeper, Joshua Child. Messenger and Porter, Jeremy Drake. Solicitor, J. P. Cook. BANKS IN MASSACHUSETTS. Bunker Hill Bank, at Charlestown, Capital, $150,000. Timothy Walker, President. Thomas Marshall, Cashier. | Assistant Clerk, Timothy Bryant. Directors, David Devens, Thomas J. Goodwin, Jotham Johnson, Thatcher Magoun, Isaac Mead, Elias Phinney, Nathan Tufts, Isaac Warren. Discount Days, Tuesday and Friday. For accommodation, the Boston depositing and col- lecting business will be transacted at the Eagle Bank. 173 Banks in Massachusetts.

Andover Bank. Capital, $100,000.

Samuel Farrar, President. | Amos Blanchard, Cashier. Directors^ Samuel Farrar, Joseph Kittridge, Amos Spaulding. Nath'l Stevens, Hobart Clark, Stephen Abbot, Francis Kidder, Amos Abbot, Benjamin W, Punchard.

Meckanicks Bank at JVewhuryport. Capital, g200,000. E. S. Rand, President. | John R. Hudson, Cashier. Phainix Bank, JVantucket. Capital, $200,000.

Joseph Chase, President, j Philip H. Folger, Cashier.

JVantucket Pacific Bank. Capital, $200,000.

Aaron Mitchell, President. | James Athearn, Cashier.

Manufacturers and Meckanicks Bank of Nantucket. Capital, SlOO.OOO.

Daniel Jones, President, j Barker Burnell, Cashier.

Newhurxfport Bank. Capital, $210,000.

William Bartlet, President. | Samuel Mulliken, Cashier.

Salem Bank. Capital, $250,000. Officers elected on the 1st Monday in October.

Joseph Peabody, President. | John Moriarty, Cashier. Directors^ John Derby, Benjamin Merrill, Thomas P. Bancroft, George Peabody, Daniel A. White, Francis Peabody. Discount Days, Monday and Thursday.

Merchants Bank, at Salem. Capital, $400,000. Incorporated June 1811. Charter to continue 20 years from the first Monday in October, 1811- Officers elected first Monday in October, annually.

Joseph Story, President. ( J. VV, Tread well. Cashier. Directors., Joseph Winn, William Silsbee, Michael Shepard, Abraham Kilham, David Cummins, Stephen C. Phillips, Benjamin Cox, Nathaniel Silsbee, jr. Discount Days, Tuesday and Friday.

Commercial Bank, at Salem. Capital, $300,000.

Willard Peele, President. ( E. H. Payson, Cashier. Directors, , John Stone, John W. Rogers, Nathaniel Putnam, Leverett Saltonstall, Henry King, Philip Chase, Isaac Bassett. Discount Days, Monday and Thursday. Banks in Massachusetts. 173

Exchange Bank, at Salem. Capital, S300,000. Incorporated January 1823, to continue till 1st Monday in October, 1831. Officers elected on the 1st Monday in Oct. annually.

Gideon Tucker, President. I John Chadvvick, Cashier. Directors, George Cleaveland, Robert Upton, William E. Hacker, Frederick Howes, Nathaniel Saltonstall, John G. King. Discount Days, Tuesday and Friday.

Asiatic Bank, at Salem. Capital, g350,000. Incorporated June 11, 1824. Officers elected on the 4th of October.

Jos. S. Cabot, President. | Wra. H. Foster, Cashier. Directors, Robert Stone, Nathan W. Neal, Robert Brookhouse, Pickering Dodge, David Moore, John B. Osgood, Thomas P. Pingree.

Mercantile Bank, at Salem. Capital, g200,000. David Putnam, President. John A. Southwick, | Cashier. Directors, John Winn. jr. Stephen W.Shepard, David Pingree, Stephen Fogg, Peter E. Webster, Wm. P. Endi- cott, Larkin Thorndike, Jotl Bowker.

Gloucester (Cape Ann) Bank. Capital, S120,000. William W. Parrott, President. Henry Smith, | Cashier.

Beverly Bank. Capital, glOO,000.

Joshua Fisher, President. | A. Thorndike, Cashier.

Bedford Commercial Bank, at JVeio-Bedford. Capital, S250,000.

Geo. Howland, President. | Joseph Ricketson, Cashier.

Phjmouth Bank. Capital, glO0,O0O.

Barnabas Hedge, President j Nathaniel Goodwin, Cash.

Worcester Bank. Capital, $200,000.

Daniel Waldo, Presidents | Samuel Jennison, Cashier.

Central Bank, at Worcester. Inc. March 12, 1828. Capital, glOO,000. Discount Day, Monday. Benj. Butman, President. I Geo. A. Trumbull, Cashier. P* 174 Banks in Massachusetts.

Barnstable Bank, at Yarmouth. Capital S 100,000. David Crocker, President. | Timothj Reed, Cashier. Mendon Bank. Capital, $100,000.

Seth Hastings, President. ) £. W. Hay ward, Cashier. Milbury Bank. Capital, $100,000.

Simon Farnsworth, President, j Lewis Mills, Cashier. Blackstone Bank, at Uxbridge. Capital, $100,000.

BezaleelTaft, jr. President. | Jonathan Gregory, Cashier. Brighton Bank, at Brighton. Capital. Sl50,000.

Ralph Huntington, President. | Life Baldwin, Cashier. Sunderland Bank. Capital, $100,000.

Nathaniel Smith, President, j Luther Root, Cashier. Hampshire Manufacturers Bank, at Ware. Capital, S100,000.

Elnathan Jones, President, j Homer Bartlett, Cashier. Hampden Bank, at Westjield. Capital, $100,000.

James Fowler, President, j JS'athl. A. Bacon, Cashier. Taunton Bank, at Taunton. Capital, ^175,000.

Samuel Crocker, President. | Samuel B. King, Cashier.

Marblehead Bank. Capital, gl20,000.

John Hooper, President. | Samuel S. Trefry, Cashier.

Hampshire Bank, at Northampton.

Incorporated June 16, 1813.

Joseph Lyman, President. | Wm. H. iMoseley, Cashier,

Dedham Bank. Capital, glOO,000.

Willard Gay, President. Ebenezer Fisher, jr. Cashier. J Discount Day, Friday.

Cambridge Bank. Capital, gl50,000.

Levi Farwell, President. | Martin Lane, Cashier. Directors., Newell Bent, Josiah Bangs, Charles Everett, Levi Farwell, William Fisk, Thomas Foster, S. P. P. Faj, "William Hilliard, John Trowbridge. Discount Day, Tuesday and Friday.

Farmers Bank, at Belchertown. Jonathao Dwight, Cashier. President. | T. D. Lyman, Banks in MassachusetU. 175

Lowell Bank.

Nathaniel Wright, President, j James G. Carney, Cash.

Oxford Bank. Capital, glOO,000.

onath. Davis, President. | bumner Baatow, Cashier.

Leicester Bank. Capital, jglOO,000.

ohn Clapp, President. | H. G. Henshaw, Cashier.

Lynn Meckanicks Bank. Capital, $100,000.

onathau Batcheller, Pres. | Isaac Story, Cashier.

Springfield Bank. Capital, JS150,000.

.Agricultural Bank, at Pittsfield. Capital. 8100,000.

i. A. Newton, President. | Ezekiel R. Colt, Cashier,

Housatonick Bank, at Stockbridge. Capital, g 100,000.

|r)yrus Williams, President. | E. Burrill, Cashier.

Franklin Bank at Greenfield.

.yman Kendall, President. | Franklui Ripley, Cashier.

Pawtucket Bank. Capital, $100,000. liver Starkweather, Pres. Amos A. Tillinghast, Cash. J

Merrimack Bank, at Haverhill. Capital, $150,000. Hills, White, Cashier. athaniei Pret,ident. | L.

Falmouth Bank. Capital, $100,000. lijah President. bamuel P. Croswell, Cashier. Swift, |

Merchants Bank, at New-Bedford. Capital, ^250,000. President. James B. Cougdon, Cushier. 3hn A. Piirker, |

Sutton Bank. Capital, §100,000

.ezekiah Howe, President. { vVliliam Hovey, Cashier.

Danvers Bank. Capital, $100,000.

V'illiam Sutton, President, j Jos. G. Sprague, Cashier.

Norfolk Bank.

3hn Bartlett, President. | Charles Hickling, Cashier.

Fall River Bankj at Troy. David Anthony, President. | M. C. Durfee, Cashier. 176 Insurance Companies in Boston. INSURANCE OFFICES IN BOSTON.

^tlas Insurance Company, Corner of State and Congress streets. Capital, S300,00( Insures on Fire and Marine Risks.

Incorporated February 6, 1824.

Samuel A. Wells, President. | Andrew C. Dorr, jr. Sec Directors^ R. D, Shepherd, Charles Tracy, John Boi land, Richard Devens, Edward Cruft, Benjamin Bang John Harris, Stephen White, of Salem, William V Parrott, of Gloucester, Phineas Sprague, of Duxbur Elisha Hathaway. Messenger^ William Woodbury.

•American Insurance Company. No. 58, State street. Capital, ^300,000. Insures oh Marine risks only. Incorporated June 13, 1818.

Francis J. Oliver, President. | Charles Stimpson, Seer Directors, Nathan Appleton, David W. Child, Jo! Heard, jr. Caleb Loring, Samuel May, William \ Wheelwright, Paschal P. Pope, Benjamin Rich, Robe G. Shaw, Isaac Winslow, Lot Wheelwright, Samu Appleton.

Boston Marine Insurance Company. No. 52, State street. Capital, g300,000. Incorporated Feb. 13, 1799, and to continue 40 yea Officers elected on the 1st Monday in January. Daniel Sargent, President, Joseph May, Secretai j Directors, H. F. Baker, Thomas B. Curtis, E. Franc Francis Lee, Thomas Parsons, Benjamin T. Pickme Daniel Sargent, Wm. Sturgis, Thomas W. War Thomas Wigglesworth, Timothy Williams, John Gardner. Messenger, George Breckenridge.

Boston Insurance Company. No. 48, State street. Capital, §300,000. Insures on Marine risks only. Incorporated February 11, 1823. Sc Lemuel Pope, President, j George W. Armstrong, Insurance Companies in Boston. 177

Directors, Giles Lodge, John Pratt, Nathaniel God- iard, John Bellows, John Brjant, John F. Loring, Moses Wheeler, William Lawrence, Willard Sayles.

Boylston Fire and Marine Insurance Company,

412 Washington street.

Capital, gSOO.OOO.

\aron Baldwin, President. | C. E. Habicht, Secretary. Directors, Charles Davis, J. P. Cooke, Windsor Faj, Benjamin V. French, Josiah Stedman, John Thompson, Solomon Towne, Daniel Weld, Moses Williams, Thomaa Brewer, J. P. Townsend.

Columbian Insurance Company.

No. 43, State street. Capital, §300,000.

lusures on Marine risks only.

Incorporated Feb. 22, 1820.

Charles Bradbury, President, | J. P. Tappan, Sec'ry. Directors, Charles Bradbury, Henry Sigourney. Daniel ?. Parker, Ebenezer Appleton, Ebenezer R jllins, Thomas B. Wales, William Sawyer, Charles Brown, Benjamin T. Eleed, jr.

Commonwealth Insurance Company.

No. 63, Slate street. Capital, g300,000.

Insures on Fire and Marine risks.

Incorporated February 20, 1824.

Fonathan BufEngton, President. | E. S. Coffin, Secretary. Directors, Charles Brown, Andrew Dunlap, William ^reeman. David Henshaw, Nestor Houghton, Hall J. iow, William Lyman, John Rayner, David Rice, Ben- aniin F. Copeland, John K. Simpson, Charles Hood, ienry Orne, Adams Bailey, Larra Crane, Martin Bates, Nathaniel Faxon, Samuel S. Lewis, Scotto Clark, Will- iam Parmenter, Charles Henshaw, Daniel D.Broadhead. .

178 Insurance Companies in Boston.

Franklin Insurance Company. No. 44, State street. Capital, §300,000. Insures on Fire and Marine risks. Incorporated February 10, 1823.

Francis Welch, President. I Joseph Ward, Secretary Watts, Solicitor. S. G. Rogers, jr. Francis O. | Clerk Directors^ Samuel L. Abbot, Lemuel Crackbon William Dehon, John Lamson, James Reed, Willian Shimmin, Francis Welch, Francis Watts, Eliphale Williams.

Globe. Fire and Marine Insurance Company. No. 36, State street. Capital, g225,000.

Incorporated February 9, 1824.

William Hales, President, j James H. Lunt, Secretary

Directors ^ Abel Adams, William Goddard, Samuel C Gray, William Hales, Henry Lunt, Enoch Silsby William B. Swett, Atkins Adams, Francis Fisher-

Massachusetts Fire and Marine Insurance Campany. No. 45, State street. Capital, g400,000. Insures on Marine risks only.

Incorporated (originally, June 25, 1795) Feb. 13^, 1799 Officers elected on the last Wednesday in August.

Nathaniel G. Snelling, Pres. ( Jacob Rust, Secretary Directors, Benjamin Bussey, David Ellis, Joseph Head, Samuel Hammond, Jonathai Mason, Harrison G.Otis, John Welles, Daniel Webster William B. Mason, John Odin, Edward Blanchard James Savage. Messenger, Ebenezer Kenfield.

Massachusetts Mutual Fire Insurance Company.

No. 60, State street, Up stairs. Funds, §300,000. Officers elected on the 1st Tuesday in June.

Incorporated March 1, 1798.

Turner Phillips, President. ( William Tufts, Secretary: Insurance Companies in Boston. 179

Directors^ William Appleton, Ebenezer T. Andrews, G^eorge Bartlett, Edward Brooks, Charles P. Curtis, ebenezer Francis, John A. Lowell, William Lawrence, roseph Lovering, Charles Wells, John D. Williams. Messenger, George Humphrey.

Merchants Insurance Company. No. 38, State street. Capital, g300,000. Insures on Fire and Marine risks.

Incorporated December 5, 1816 ; for 20 years.

oseph Balch, President. I Saml. W. Swett, Secretary. iam'l.Tenney, Assist. Pres. Samuel Beals, Clerk. | Directors, Henry Hall, Benjamin Thompson, Tasker i. Swett, Josiah Marshall, Elijah Loring, Arthur French, ohn Williams, Abbot Lawrence, William Rollins, Josh- la Blake, Samuel Whitwell, John Belknap, Messeno;er, Samuel H. Pinks.

Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company.

•^0. 50, State st. Capital, g500,000. Inc. Feb. 24, 1818. William Prescott, President.

Icfuary, Nath'l. Bowditch. j Secretary, Moses L. Hale. Vice-Presidents., Samuel Appleton, Peter C. Brooks, 'oseph Head, Charles Jackson, John Lowell, Harrison J. Otis, John Parker, Joseph Peabody, Thomas H. Per- cins, William Pratt, Josiah Quincy, David Sears, Na- haniel Silsbee, Israel Thorndike, Joseph Tilden. Directors, Nathan Appleton, Joseph Balch, Nathaniel Jowditch, John Bryant, Ebenezer Francis, John C. Gray, lardiner Greene, Samuel Hubbard, Patrick T. Jackson, ^mos Lawrence, Thomas Motley, Daniel P.Parker, Jeorge Ticknor. Messenger., James Scotchler.

Manufacturers Insurance Company. No. 59, State street. Capital, §300,000. Insures on Fire and Marine risks. Incorporated February 23, 1822. Officers elected on the 2d Tuesday in January,

^hailes W. Cartwright, Pres. j Samuel Hunt, Secretary. j

180 Insurance Companies in Boston.

Directors^ Charles W. Cartwright, Amos Binney, William Shimmin, John Bumstead, EbenezerT. Andrews, Edmund Munroe, George Pratt, George G. Jones, Wil- liam Parker, Supply C. Thwing, Joseph Whitney.

Mercantile Marine Insurance Company. No. 68, State street. Capital, gSOO.OOO. Incorporated Feb. 11, 1823.

Joseph Baker, President, j Nathaniel Meriam, Secretary Directors, Samuel Fales, Jeremiah Fitch, Jamei John.«ion, Charles T. Parsons, David Low, Thomas Cor dis, Peter R. Dalton, Dixey Wildes.

JSTew-England Marine Insurance Company. No. 34, State street. Capital, §300,000.

Incorporated March 5, 1803; charter renewed.

James Hall, President. | John Waters, Secretary Directors, James Hall, Peter C. Brooks, Josiah Brad- lee. Richard D. Tucker, Joseph Tilden, Thomas L Winthrop, Joseph SaunJers, Ignatius bargent, Ozia; Goodwin, Williara Appleton, Andrew Cunningham, jr. Messenger, George Golding.

Suffolk Insurance Company, No. 37, State street. Capital, §300,000. Insures on Marine risks only. Incorporated 1803, for 20 years; charter renewed, 18181

S. G. Perkins, President. | Benjamin Balch, Secretary

j Directors, Samuel Cabot, Henry Lunt, Henry Hub bard, Charles C. Parsons, George Searle, Charles Thacher George W. Lyman, Samuel G. Perkins, William Landelj Benjamin C. Clark, Charles J. Cazenove.

United States Insurance Company. No. 95, State street. Capita], §200,000. Pierce, Parker H. President. | Archibald Foster, Sec'ry Directors, Parker H. Pierce, Benjamin Fiske, Benj Humphrey, John J Valentine, Thomas Winsor, Johi Binney, Ezra Weston, Newton Willey, Joseph Ballister Alfred Richardson, Isaiah Bangs, A. C. Lombard. , Insurance Companies in Massachusetts. 181

\ Washington Fire and Marine Insurance Company. No. 42, State street. Capital $200,000. Incorporated Feb. 7, 1824. Thomas Lamb, President. James S. Barbour, Secretary. | Directors, Thomas La^jb, Tobias Lord, Henry Gray, Benjamin Sewall, Caleb Curtis, John Skinner, Daniel C. Bacon, William B. Reynolds, Otis Everett.

INSURANCE OFFICES IN MASSACHUSETTS. Salem Marine Insurance Company. Capital, g200,000. Incorporated June 9, 1800.

Jacob Ashton, President. | William Ashton, Secretary.

Union Marine Insurance Company^ at Salem. Capita], $200,000. Incorp. Feb. 24, 1804. Moses Townsend, President, Sage, Secretary. j William

Commercial Insurance Company^ at Salem. Capital, g200,000. Incorporated June 12, 1818. George Cleaveland, Presi. | Joseph Andrews, Secretary.

Oriental Insurance Company^ at Salem. Capital, !g200,000. Incorp. Feb. 24, 1820, for 20 years.

William Fettyplace, Presi. | Nathan Peirce, jr. Sec'ry.

Merchant -i Insurance Company, at Salem. Capital, $150,000. Incorporated February 10, 1823.

Peter Lander, President, j Peter Lander, jr. Sec'ry.

Mercantile Insurance Company.^ at Salem. Capital, S 150,000. Incorp. Feb. 8, 1825. John Winn, jr. President. Whipple, Sec'ry. | Augustus

Essex Mutual Fire Insurance Company.^ at Salem. Incorp. 1829. Office in Federal street. Ebenezer Seccomb, Pre=. Geo. S. Johonnot, [ Treasurer

Secretary f Ebenezer Seccomb, jr. Worcester County Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Capital, $200,000. Incorp. Feb. 11, 1823; for 28 years. Office at Worcester.

Rejoice Newton, President. | Isaac Goodwin, SecVy. Rejoice Newton, Treasurer. Marblehead Insurance Company. Incorporated March 8, 1803,

Nathaniel L. Hooper, Pres. | Samuel S. Trefry, Sec'ry. 182 Table of Foreign Coins.

Middlesex Mutual Fire Insurance Company, at Concorde

Incorporated March 3, 1826.

Abiel Heywood, Presi. j Nathan Brooks, Sec.&Treas,

Gloucester Marine Insurance Company. Incorporated June 22, 1803.

William Pearce, President. | Wm. Saville, Secretary

Bedford Commercial Insurance Company^ at Neio- Bedford. Capital, §100,000. Arnold, President. John B. Smith, Secretary. James J Merchants Insurance Company, at New-Bedford. Capital, S 100,000.

'Stephen Merrihew, Presi. | William C Nye, Secretary.

Union Marine Insurance Company, at Nantucket. Capital, §100,000. Incorp. June 21, 1804.

William Coffin, President. | John Oartwright, SecVy.

Ph(Bnix Insurance Company^ at Nantucket. Capital, gl 00,000.

Hezekiah Barnard, Presid. | Timothy Hussey, Sec'ry. Franklin Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Capital, glOO.OOO. Incor. Feb. 11, 1828, for 20 years. Office at Greenfield.

Elijah Aivord, President, j Alanson Clark, Sec. & Treas. Danvers Mutual Fire Insurance Company.

Eben. Shillaber, President. | Joseph G. Sprague, Sec'ry.

TABLE OF FOREIGN COINS. Jg cts m % cts m Re.il plate of , - - 10 9 The Tale of , - - 148 An English Sixpence, - - 111 The Pagoda of India, - - 1 66 7 TheLivreTounioisofFmnce,0 18 5 A French Pistole, - - - 3 66 7 The Fianc of , - -0187 A Spanish Pistole, - - - 3773 An English Shilling, - - 22 2 The Pound of Ireland, - 4 10 TheMarkBanco,Haraburgh,0 33 3 The Pound Sterling of ") ^ ^. ^^ or Guelder "^ ^^ The Florin of 7 40 Great-Britain, $ the United , 5 ^ A French Guinea, - - . 4 60 The Rupee of Bengal, - 50 An English Guinea, - - 4 65 7 The Rix-Dollar ofDenmark, 1 00 A Moidore, 6 00 8 TheRix-Dollar of , 1 00 Half Johannes, - - - - 8 00 The Rouble of , - 20 A Doubloon, - - - - 14 93 4 Tke Milrea of Portugal, - 125 A Johannes, 16 00 Manufactories in Massachusetts. 183

MANUFACTORIES IN MASSACHUSETTS. Names. 184 Manufactories in Massachusetts.

Names. Location. Haverhill Cotton & Woollen, Hin^ham Woollen, Holhston Cotton & Woollen, HoUiston Cloth James' River Cotton & Wool, Hampshire Lead, Linura and Duck, Lynn Wire, Mansfield Cotton, Mansfield Cotton & Woollen, New Market Iron, & Cot. Cloth, Monson Woollen, Northborough Woollen & Cotton, Northbridge Cotton, " Cloth, Oakham Village Cotton & Woollen, Palmer's River, " " Pavvtueket, « « Pembroke Cotton & Woollen, Second Pembroke, " " Phillipston Cotton, « ** Plyrapton Wool, Royalston Cotton & Wool, Spring-field, " '• Steep Brook Cotton & Woollen, Stockbridge Cotton " "' and Woollen, Stony Brook, " " Stoughton Woollen & Cotton, Stow Cotton. Stratton Cotton, Sturbridge Cotton & Woollen, Svvanzey Union, Troy Cotton & Woollen, Union " " Village, " « Walomopogge, " " Walpole, " « Waltham Cotton & Wool, Watertown V/oollen, Welfleet Woollen & Cotton, Wellington Cotton, Westport Cotton, Wrentham Cotton & Woollen, Atherton Cotton & Woollen, Attleborough City Cotton Yarn, Cummington Cotton, « Woollen, Dudley Cotton, Douglas, " Eagle, " Ludlow Glass, Oxford Cotton, Patent Pin, Middleborough Cotton, North Brookfield Woollen, Rivulet Woollen, Southbridge, " Western Cotton, Suffolk Cotton, Silk & Linen, Ashburnhara Leather, Boston Soap SConcj Manufactories in Massachusetts. 185

Names. Location. Fall River Cotton, Wolcott Wolleu, Dimon Cotton, Lancaster Cotton, Pittsfield Woollen & Cotton, Plymouth Woollen & Cotton, Amherst Cotton, Rock-bottom Cotton & Wool, Monsonand Brimfield, Merrimack Printing Cotton Goods, Salt, Boston Iron, City Cotton, Woollen, Dover Iron & Nails, Dighton Cotton, Boston Cordage, Boston and Springfield, Salisbury Woollen, Taunton, Iron, !k Woollen, Northampton Iron & Wool, Westport Cotton Yarn & Cloth, Belvidere Cotton & Woollen, Braintree Iron & Machine, West Boylston Cotton, Elliot Cotton, Canal Cotton, Iron, Leicester Woollen, Boston Copper, Saxon Wool, Norfolk Cotton, New-England Crown Glass, Middlesex Iron Founding, Boston & Ipswich Lace, South Boston Crown Glass, Dudley Woollen, Salem Lead, Plymouth Cordage, Boston & Canton, Cotton &; Wool, Danvers Cotton, Hamilton Cotton & Woollen, Plympton Iron, Annawan Cotton & Woollen, Saxon & Leicester Wool & Cotton; Hinghara Umbrella, Fall River Iron Works, Boston Copper & Brass, Williamsburg Wooll.,Cott. & Linen, South Boston Flint Glass Works, Newburyport Hosiery, Eastern Lead and Silver Mining, Bridgewater Iron, Bolivar Cotton and Wool, N. E. Cotton, Woollen & Linen, Green River Cotton & Wool, Swift River Cotton & Wool, Columbian Cotton & Woollen, Mount Pleasant " " Three River « »* Bridgewater Coiton Gin, Boston Type & Sterotype Foimdry, S-pringfield Card, 1S6 Manufactories in Massachusetts.

Location. Glass Bottle, Enfield Cotton & Woollen Yarn, Lynn Printing, Dying, &c. Wareham Cotton, Boston Sandwich Glass, Roxbury Colour & C4iymical, Pontosack Woollen, Pawtucket Calico, Qujnnabaug; Cotton & Woollen, Worcestei&Bmokfield IronFoundi y. Winchendon Woollen, Boston Glass Bottle, Boston Brewery, New-England Lace, Chatham & Harwich Cot. & Wool. Springfield Ames Paper, Bottom ly Cotton & Woollen, Berais Cotton & Woollen, South Boston Iron, Tufts Wool, & Cot. Yarn & Cloth, Wolf Hill Lead Mine, Hadley Falls Cotton & WoolIen,&c. East Medway, Uxbridge Woollen, Saugus River Bleaching, Boston & Stoneham Marble, Wareham Iron, Boston Beer Williamstown Cotton & Wool, Neponset Cotton, Middlesex Union Cotton & Woollen, Appleton Cotton & Woollen, Lowell Cotton & Woollen, Douglas Cotton & "VVooUen, Boston Chemical, East Bridgcwater Cotton, Oxford Woollen & Cotton, Orr Cotton, Ltrwell Brewery, Kingston Cotton, Chelmsford Glass, Swanzey Paper, Ipswich Cotton & Woollen, Boston Cordage, Lead Pipe, N. E. Soap Stone, Revere Copper, Salem Brewery, N. E. Painted Floor Cloth, Woodbridge Yarn and Cloth, WiUiraansettEdge Tool, ike. Wales Woollen, Newburyport Hosiery, Massic Falls Cotton and Woollen, Hampshire Cotton and Woollen, North Adams Cotton and Machine, Greenfield Cotton and Wool, Boston and Gloucester Granite, Diamond Cotton and Woollen, Boston & LowellWoollen & Cotton, Boston Lead, Saxon Cotton and Woollen, Canton Cotton and Woollen, X

i^ational Register,

GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. , (Ten.) President. JOHN C. CALHOUN, ll.d. (S.C.) Vice-President.


SENATE. (48.) Terms expire. Terms expire. Maine, John Holmes, 1833 *Peleg Sprague, 1835 K. Hamp. , 31 Samuel Bell, 35 Vermont, , 31 Horatio Seymour, 33 Massach. Daniel Webster, 33 Nathaniel Silsbee, 35 Rh. Island, Asher Robbins, 33 NehemiahR. Knight, 35 Co/i?iec^ia

Georgia, tJohn Forsyth, 31 t George M. Troup, 35 Kentuchij, John Rowan, 31 tGeorge M. Bibb, 35 Tennessee, "Felix Grundy, 33 Hugh L. White, 35 Ohio, Jacob Burnett, 31 Benjamin Ruggles, 33- Louisia. Josiah S.Johnston, 31 *, 35 /7irfia?ia,WilliamHendricks, 31 James Noble, 33 Mississippi, PovvhatanEllis, 33 35 Illinois, Elias K. Kane, 31 tJohn M'Lean, 35 Alabama, John M'Kinley, 31 William R. King, 35 Missouri, David Barton, 31 Thomas H. Benton, 33 Walter Lowrie, Secretary. President's Salary, $25,000. Vice-President's, $5,000.

t By the Constitution, the Vice-President, is President of the Senate, but has no voice, unless the Senate is equally divided. Each State is allowed the same number of Electors of President and Vice-President, as their whole number of Senators and Representatives in Congress. • New Members. t Members formerly. 188 Twenty-first Congress.

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. (213.) , of Virginia, Speaker. MAINE seiTHs 7. John Anderson Rufus M-Intire Jos. F. Wingate Samuel Butman James W. Ripley (1 vacancy.) *George Evans


*John Brodhead '' Joseph Hammons * *Thomas Chandler Jonathan Harvey *John W. Weeks

VERMONT 5. *William Cahoon Jonathan Hunt *Horace Everett Rollin C. Mallary

MASSACHUSETTS 13. John Bailey Edward Everett ^Joseph G. Kendal Isaac C. Bates Benj. Gorliam John Reed BWCrowiiinshield *Geo. Grennell,jr. Joseph Richardson John Davis James L. Hodges John Varnum Henry W. Dwight RHODE ISLAi^D 2. Tristam Barges Dutee J. Pearce

CONNECTICUT 6 Noyes Barber *J. VV. Huntington *Wm. L. Storrs *Wm.W.Ellsvvorth Ralph J. Ingersoll *Ebenezer Young

NEW-YORK 34. fWm. G. Angell Jonas Earll, jr. tRobert Mo\*ell *Benedict Arnold *Isaac Finch *Eben F. Norton ^Thomas Beekman *George Fisher *Gershom Powers * •^Jehiel H. Halsey tRobert S. Rose *Peter I. Borst *Joseph Hawkins ^Ambrose Spencer C. C. Cambreleng Michael Hoffman Henry II. vStorrs ^Timothy Childs * Perkins King James Strong *Henry B. Cowles *James Lent John W. Taylor tHector Craig John Magee Phineas L. Tracy *Jacob Crocheron H. C. Martindale GulianC.Verplancfe *Chas. G. DeWitt ^-Thomas Maxwell ^Campbell P.White John D,, Dickinson NEW JERSEY 6. Lewis Condict *Thos. H. Hughes James F. Randoli **Rich'd. M. Cooper Isaac Pierson Samuel Swan

• New Members. t Members of a previous Gongreis, but not of the last. Twenty-first Congress. 189-

PENNSYLVANIA 26. Fames Buchanan tJoseph Hemphill William Ramsay lichard Coultor *Peter Ihrie *John Scott Thos.H.Crawford "Thomas Irwin tThomas H. Sill Joshua Evans Adam King *Samuel A. Smith James Ford *Geo. G. Leiper *Phi]anderStephens Jhauncey Forward ^Wm. M'Creery John B. Sterigere f^oseph Fry, jr. *Alex. Marr Joel B. Sutherland John Gilmore Daniel H. Miller (1 vacancy) nnes Green *H.A. Muhlenburg

DELAWARE 1. Kenscy Johns, jr.

MARYLAND 9. Elias Brown tGeo. E. Mitchell Michael C. Sprigg element Dorsey *BenedictI.Semmes Geo. C.Washington Benj.C. Howard *Richard Spencer Ephraim K.Wilson

VIRGINIA 22. ^ark Alexander *Richard Coke, jr. Charles F. Mercer Robert Allen *Robert Craig Thomas Newton iVra. S. Archer ThoraasDavenport John Roane iVm. Armstrong *Philip Doddridge Alexander Smith Tohn S. Barbour *Wm. F. Gordon Andrew Stevenson i^hilip P. Barbour William M'Coy John Taliaferro •Thos. T. Bouldin Lewis Maxwell Vathl.H.Claiborne

NORTH CAROLINA 13. WiUi$ Alston ^Edward B.Dudley*Wm. B. Shepard 3aniel L.Barringer Thomas H.Hall Augus.H. Shepperd Samuel P. Carson *Robert Potter *Jesse Speight

Senry W. Conner " AbrahamRencher '

SOUTH CAROLINA 9. 'Robt. W.Barnwell Warren R. Davis Wm. D. Martin James Blair William Drayton Wm. T. Nuckolls 'John Campbell George M-Duffie Starling Tucker

GEORGIA 7. Thos. F. Foster Wilson Lumpkin *James M. Wayne Chas. E. Haynes Wiley Thompson Richard H. Wilde Henry G. Lamar KENTUCKY 12. *Nathan Gaithcr Robt. P. Letcher fames Clarke tRichd.M.Johnson I'N. D. Coleman *John Kincaird CharlesA.Wickliffe JHenry Daniel Joel Yancy 190 Secretaries of Departments.

TENNESSEE 9. John Bell Robert Desha Pryor Lea John Blair Jacob C. Isacks James K. Polk David Crockett *Cave Johnson tJames Standifer OHIO 14. Mordecai Bartley *William W. Irvin *John Thompson *Joseph H. Crane *William Kennon Joseph Vance Wm. Creighton, jr. William Russell Samuel F. Vinton James Findlay *James Shields Elisha Whittlesey *JohnM.GoodenowWilliam Stanberry

LOUISIANA 3. Henry H. Gurley *Walter H. Overton *Edward D. White INDIANA 3. tRatcliffe Boone Jonathan Jennings tJohn Test

MISSISSIPPI 1. Thomas Hinds.

ILLINOIS 1. Joseph Duncan.

ALABAMA 3. *R. E. B. Baylor *C. C. Clay *Dixon H. Lewis

MISSOURI 1. *Spencer Pettis. DELEGATES. TERRITORY. *John Biddle. " Ambrosc H. Sevier. FLORIDA " Joseph M. White. SECRETARIES OF DEPARTMENTS. State, , (N. Y.) .Salary, $6000 Chief Clerk, Daniel Brent, (Virg.) 2000 Treasurij, Samuel D. Ingham, (Penn.) 6000 Chief Clerk, Asbury Dickens, (N. C) 2000 War, John H. Eaton, (Ten.) 6000 Chief Clerk, P. G. Randolph, (Vir.) 2000 JYavij, John Branch, (N. C.) 6000 Chief Clerk, John Boyle. 2000 treasury officers. First Comptroller, , (Ten.) 3500 Second do. , (N. H.) 3000 First Jluditor, Richard Harrison, (Virg.) " Second do. "William B. Lewis, (Ten.) " Third do. Peter Hagner, (Penn.) " Fourth do, Amos Kendall, (Ken.) '' " Fifth do. Stephen Pleasonton, (Del.) Treasurer, John Campbell, (Va.) " Register, T. H. Smith, (N. Y.) " Commissioner of Land Office, Geo. Graham, (Virg.) " District Officers. 191

GENERAL POST OFFICE. Post Master Gen. William T. Barry, (Ken.) 6000 Assistant do. Charles K. Gardiner, (N.Y.) 2500 do. do. SelahR. Hobbie, (N.Y.) 2500 MINT. Director, Samuel Moore, (Penn.) 2000 Treasurer, James Rush, (Penn.) 1200

JUDICIARY. SUPREME COURT. John Marshall, (Virg.) Chief Justice. Salary, §5000. Jlssociate Judges. Salary, §4500 each.

William Johnson, 5. Caro. Smith Thompson, JV*. York.

Gabriel Duval! , Maryland. John M'Lean, Ohio. JosephStory^ Massachusetts. Attorney General, John M. Berrien, of Georgia. Salary, §3500. Reporter of Decisions, Richard Peters. Clerk of the Court, William T. Carroll. Marshal, Tench Ringgold. DISTRICT OFFICERS. Maine, Asher Ware, Judge. , Attorney. Benjamin Green, Marshal. Meic Hampshire, John S. Sherburne, Judge. , Attorney. Pearson Cogswell, Marshal. Massachusetts, John Davis, Judge. Andrew Dunlap, Attorney. Samuel D. Harris, Marshal. Horatio Bass, Deputy Marshal.— Marshal's Office, Old Court House, Court Street. John W. Davis, District Clerk. Office Old Court House, Court Street. Connecticut, William Bristol, Judge. Asa Child, Attor- ney. James Mitchell, Marshal. Rhode Island, John Pitman, Judge. Rich'd W. Greene, Attorney. Burrington Anthony, Marshal. Vermont, Elijah Paine, Judge. Daniel Kellog, Attor- ney. Hcman Lowry, Marshal. JYeio York, (Northern District) Alfred Conkling, Judge. Samuel Beardsley, Attorney. John W. Livingston, Mar- shal. (Southern District) Sam'l R. Betts, Judge. James A. Hamilton, Attorney. Thomas Morris, Marshal. JYew Jersey, William Rossell, Judge. Garnet D. Wall, Attorney. Zephaniah Drake, Marshal. 193 District Officers.

Pennsylvania, (Eastern District) Judge. George M. Dallas, Attorney. John Conard Marshal. -(Western District) William Wilkins, Judge Alex. Brackenridge, Attorney. John M. Davis, Marsha! Delaware, Willard Hall, Judge. George Read, jr. At torney. James Brobson, Marshal. Ma7-yland, Elias Glenn, Judge. [Nathaniel Williams Attorney. Thomas Finley, Marshal. Virginia, (Eastern District) George Hay, Judge. Rob' Stannard, Attorney. , Marshal. (West ern District) Alexander Caldwell, Judge. Wm. A. Har rison, Attorney. Benjamin Reeder, Marshal. JVorth Carolina, H. Potter, Judge. Thos. P. Devereaux Attorney. Beverley Daniel, Marshal. South Carolina, Thomas Lee, Judge. John Gadsden Attorney. Morton A. Waring, Marshal. Georgia, Jeremiah Cuyler, Judge. Matthew Kali M' Allister, Attorney. John H. Morel, Marshal. Alabama, (Southern District) WilliamfCrawford, Judge Henry Hitchcock, Attorney. Frank W. ^Armstrong Marshal. (Northern District) William Crawford, Judge Joseph Scott, Attorney. Frank W. Armstrong, Marshal Mississippi, Peter Randolph, Judge. Felix Honston Attorney. John H. Norton, Marshal. Louisiana, (Eastern District) Samuel H. Harper, Judge John Slidell, Attorney. John Nicholson, Marshal. (Western District) Samuel H. Harper, Judge. Benj. F Linton, Attorney. Frederick H. Duperier, Marshal. Tennessee, (Eastern District) John McNairy, Judge John A. M'Kinney, Attorney. Wm. Lyon, Marshal. (Western District) John McNairy, Judge. James Col lingsworth, Attorney. Robert Purdy, Marshal. Kentucky, John Boyle, Judge. John S. Smith, Attor ney. John M. M'Calla, Marshal. Ohio, John W. Campbell, Judge. Samuel Herrick, At torney. John Patterson, Marshal. Indiana, Benj. Parke, Judge. Samuel Judah, Attorney Wm. Marshall, Marshal. Illinois, Nathaniel Pope, Judge. Samuel M'Roberts Attorney. Charles Slade, Marshal. Missouri, James H. Peck, Judge. George Shannon Attorney. Augustus Jenks, Marshal. Arkansas, Benjamin Johnson, Thomas P. Eskridge William Trimble, James W. Bates, Judges. Samuel C Roane, Attorney. George W. Scott, Marshal. Michigan, Wm. Woodbridge, Henry Chipman, James ;

Sittings of the Federal Courts. 193

D. Doty, Judges. Daniel Le Roy, Attorney. Thomas Rowland, Marshal. East Florida, Joseph L. Smith, Judge. Thomas Doug- lass, Attorney. Waters Smith, Marshal. Middle Flor- ida, Thomas Randall, Judge. James G. Ringgold, Attor- ney, Alexander Adair, Marshal. West Florida, H. M. Brackenridge, Judge. Benjamin D. Wright, Attorney. James W. Euxum, Marshal. Southern Florida, James Webb, Judge. John G. Stower, Attorney. John Dean, Marshal. District of Columbia, William Cranch, Chief Judge. , James S. Morsel, Assistant Judges. Thomas Swann, Attorney. Tench Ringgold, Marshal. William Brent, Edmund I. Lee, Clerks. Orphan's Courts, , Judge Orphan's Court, County of Washington, Henry C. Neale, Register. Christopher Neale, Judge Orphan's Court, Alexandria, Alexander Moore, Register.

Sittings of the Federal Courts.

SUPREME COURT. At the seat of Government, the second Monday in Jan- nary, annually.

When any of the following days happen on Sunday, the Court is to be holden on the Monday following. FIRST CIRCUIT. In JYeW' Hampshire, at Portsmouth, on the 8th of May ; and at Exeter, on the 8th of October. In Rhode Island, at Providence, on the 15th day of No- vember } and at Newport, on the 15th day of June. In Massachusetts, at Boston, May 15, and October 15. In Maine, at Portland, 1st of May; and at Wiscasset, 1st of October. SECOND CIRCUIT. In Connecticut, at New-Haven, on the 13th day of April and at Hartford, on the 17th of September. at In Vermont, Windsor, on the 21st day of May ; and at Rutland, on the 3d of October. In JVeioYork, at New-York, April 1, and Sept. 1.

DISTRICT COURTS. In Maine, at Portland, the 1st Tuesday in June, and the 1st Tuesday in December; and at Wiscasset, the last Tuesday in February, and 2d Tuesday in September. R ^ 194 Counsellors in Circuit Court.

In New-Hampshire, at Portsmouth, 3d Tues. in March and Sept. ; and at Exeter, 3d in June and December. In Vermont, at Windsor and Rutland, October 6, and May 24. In Massachusetts, at Boston, 3d Tuesday in March, and 4th in June, 2d in September, and 1st in December. In Rhode Island, at Newport and Providence, 1st Mon- day in February and August, and 1st Monday in May and November. In Connecticut, at New-Haven, 3d Tuesday in Febru- ary and August ; at Hartford, 3d Tuesday in May and November. Exclusive of the above mentioned stated Courts, the District Judges have power to hold Special Courts, in their respective Districts, at their discretion.

Counsellors and Attorneys in the Circuit Court Massachusetts District. Rufus G. Amory Benjamin Guild James C. Merrill E. S. Livermore Saml. K. Williams Thomas Power Harrison G. Otis Phineas Blair Cyrus Alden William Prescott Benja. Gorham Charles G. Loring: George Blake Alex. Townsend Zechariah Eddy Benja. Whitman Leveret Saltonstall Samuel J. Gardner Josiah (iuincy Josiah P. Cooke Russell Jarvis Samuel Haven William Minot W.R.P.Washburn Joseph Rowe John Knapp Franklin Dexter Ebenezer Gay Ebenezer John R. Adan William Sullivan William Austin Wm. A. Warner John Heard, jr. Elijah Morse Bradford Sumner Peter O. Thacher Sherman Leland John B. Davis Warren Dutton Henry Orne E. Richie Dorr Samuel D. Parker Samuel D. Ward Jos. Harrington Thos. Welch, jr. Octavius Pickering Waldo Flint James T. Austin William Gale John T. Winthrop Wm. C. Aylwin Francis Basset James Bowdoin Saml. F. M'Cleary Wm. P. Mason Ninian C. Betton Joseph E. Smith Dav. A. Simmons Wm. H. Gardiner Samuel Hubbard Kilborn Whitman Abraham A. Dame Lemuel Shaw William Parker Willard Philhjjs Joseph E. Sprague Elijah F. Wallace Henry W. Dwight Augustus Peabody John Pickering Abrah. W. Fuller David Cummins Benj. R. Nichols George Gay Wm. D. Sohier Wm. Simmons Thos. W. Phillips John Stuart Charles P. Curtis Theron Metcalf D. S. Greenough Francis C. Gray Abraham Moore Custom House Officers. 195

Richard Fletcher John H. Ashmun Samuel E. Sewall Henry W.Kinsman Francis O. Watts Sidney Barllett Francis Brinleyjr. Henry W. Dwight WilliamJ.HubbardTheophilusParsons Timothy G. Coffin Isaac P. Osgood EbenezerShillaber Benjamin L. Oliver Henry H. Fuller Andrew Dunlap Joseph G. Waters

CUSTOM HOUSE OFFICERS For the District of Boston and Charlestown.

The Custom House opens in the Summer season at 9 o'clock, A. M. and shuts at 2 o'clock, p. m. In the Winter it opens at 10 o'clock, a. m. and shuts at 2-o'clock, p. m.

Collector and Naval 's Department. David Henshaw, Collector. John P. Boyd, Naval Officer. William Little, jr. Deputy Naval Officer. William Palfrey, jr. Clerk. John Bingham, Bond Accountant. Samuel Parker, Debenture Clerk. Gustavus Horton, do. do.

Deputy Collector's Department. *Adams Bailey, Deputy Collector. Benjamin Brown, Cash Clerk and Book-Keeper. Samuel Eveleth, B. Clerk, and S. Book-Keeper. S. T. Prince, Import Clerk. Rufus M. Gay, Impost Book-Keeper.

Coastioise and Clearance Department. William A. Wellman, Chief Clerk. William Rowson, S. Whitcomb, jr. Clerks. Surveyor, Elbridge Gerry. Deputy, Robert Farley. G. R. A. Rickets, Clerk.

Inspectors in Boston and Charlestoion. Joseph W. Homer James Gooch Nahum Ball Darius Boardman Thomas Pitts John D. Dyer R. B. Hewes Joseph H. Prince Ebenezer Stevens Francis G. Deblois Lewis Lerow Joseph Snow Joseph Stevens Josiah Newhall E. M. Cunningham Joshua Seaver Benjamin Whipple John Banchor John Muzzy Samuel Jones John Lane, Hingham. L. Souther, Cohasset. 196 Custom House Officers.

Weighers and Gangers, Boston and Charlestown. Joseph Loring Nathaniel Tracy A. H. Ward John Champney J. M. Fiske Theodore Dexter Thos. M. Vinson Marker of Teas and Prover of Spirits, Samuel Draper, George Kuhn.

Public Appraisers' Office. L. R. Lincoln, Isaac Waters, Appraisers. William Story, Secretary.

Public Store-Keeper, J. P. Robinson.

E. L. Penniman, Measurer, Joseph Brodhead, Assistant do.

Measurers of Salt and Coal, Thaddeus Page Joseph N. Howe W. P. Loring Joseph Grafton Andrew Green

Boarding Officer of the Customs, Joseph W. Homer. Office at the end of Long Wharf. Wardens of the Port, and Surveyors of the Damage on Vessels and Cargoes, John Cruft, Benjamin Smith, Charles Tracy. Keeper ^f the Custom House, Nathaniel Paine. Commander of the Revenue Cutter, Saml. R.Trevett. 1st Lieutenant, Lewis Girdler. 2d do. Penn Townsend. Pilots for Outward Division, Port and Harbour of Boston, Josiah Ayres, Lemuel Ayres, John Sargent, Matt. Hunt. Inward Division, R. Coombs, John Wilson, Robert Knox.

COLLECTORS OF THE CUSTOMS IN OTHER PLACES. Salem Barnahas PaXmer Kennebunk B. Crowninshield Marbleh. StephenThacher Passamaq. William Beach Gloucester Daniel Lane Belfast Isaiah L. Green Barnstable Joshua Carpenter Penobscot William King Bath SchuylerSampson Plymouth Thomas Cooke Edgartown John Chandler Portland E.S.Jarvis Frenchman'sBay John F. Scammon Saco Timothy Southey Ipswich Denny M'Cobb Waldoboro' Joseph Storer Kennebunk Thos. M' Crate Wiscasset Martin T. Morton JVantucket Mark Dennet York LemuelWilliams K.Bedford Samuel A. Morse Machias Samuel Phillips Newburyp. William Wood Dighton Governors in the several States. 197

Naval Officers.

John SwazeyjSalem <^ Beverly, Daniel Foster,Neioburyp.

Surveyors and Inspectors. John Saunders Salem and Hezekiah Prince ThomasVn Beverly Isaac Carter Augusta Joshua Prentis Marhlehead Thos. Pitts Cambridgeport William Cross JYeioburyport Cummings Jenkins Scituate Samuel Agar Eastport Laban Souther Cohasset Ebenezer Dale Gloucester


Gloucester , William Sayward.


198 Ministers, Consuls, Agents, &c. INTERCOURSE WITH FOREIGN NATIONS.


Ministers Plenipotentiary ^ ^9000. Secretaries, $2000. G. Britain, Louis McLane, Del. Washing.Irving.N.Y. ^ ' France^ William C. Rives, Vir. Charles C. Harper. Russia, Henry Middleton, S. C. B. T. Watts, S. C. Spain, Cornelius P. Van Ness. CharlesS,Walsh,Md. Mexico, Anthony Butler, Miss. John Mason, jr. D.C. Colombia, Thomas P. Moore. James C. Pickett. Netherlands, Wm.P. Preble, Me. A. Devezac. Charge d' Jffaires, §4,500. Sweden, John James Appleton, Ms. Portugal, Thomas L. L. Brent, Va. Buenos Ayres, John M. Forbes, N. Y. Denmark, Henry Wheaton, N. Y. Chile, Samuel Larned, R. I. Peru^ Emanuel J. West. Consuls and Commercial Agents of the United States. Great Britain, Ireland, ^c. Thos. Aspinvvall, Agt. and Consul, London. Francis B. Ogden, Consul, Liverpool. " Herman Visgar, Bristol. Robert W. Fox, Falmouth. Thomas W. Fox, " Plymouth. Albert Davy, " Kingston upon H. Robert R. Hunter, Cowes, I. of W. Joel Hart, '' Leith, Scotland. .David Walker, Glasgow. • , Dublin, Ireland. Reuben Harvey, *« Cork. " Samuel Luke, Belfast. Bernard Henry, *' Gibraltar. Thomas Wynns, *• Turks' Island. Wm. R. Higinbotham, Com. Agent, Bermuda. " John Storr, Nassau, N. P. Ralph Higinbotham, " St.Christ.&Antig. Edmund Roberts, Consul, Demerara. Peter Lanman, " Kingston,Jamaica. Charles L. Bartlett, Com. Agent, I. of Trinidad. John M. Kankey, " Barbadoes. John Pulls, Consul, Island of Malta, Consuls, Agents, &c. 199

France. Isaac Cox Barnett, Agt.&c. and Con. Paris. 200 Consuls, Agents, &c.

Thomas Trask, Louis Paimboeuf, John Shillaber, Louis Mark, Jehu HolUngsworth,

David Erskine, C. A. Murray, Helmich Jan son, Robert M. Harrison, Consuls, Agents, &lc. 201

Barbary Powers. ?nry Lee, Consul General, Algiers, muel D. Heap, Consul, Tunis, laiies D. Coxe, *' Tripoli, hn Mullowny, " Tangier, Morocco. United Mexican States. mes S. Willocks, Consul, Mexico. ;orge R. Robertson, Tampico. lomas Reiley, Aguatulco. arvey Gregg, Acapulco. 'illiam Taylor, V.C'z&Alverado. aniel W. Smith, Refugio onRioG'e. tin Ward, Chihuahua. s. VV. McGoffin, Saltillo. enry Perrine, Campeche. s. Lenox Kennedy, Mazatlan. seph VV. E. Wallace, SanAntonio, Mex. ihn M. Bowyer, Guazacualco. Republic of Columbia. •hn M. Macpherson, Consul, Carthagena. ihn G. A. VVilliamson, *' La Guayra. " William J. Seaver, Santa Martha, braham B. Nones, '* Maracaybo. ranklin Litchfield, " Porto Cabello. las K. Everett, " Panama. Brazil. /illiam H. D. C. Wright, Consul, , ^oodbridge Odlin, *' San Salvador, ihn T. Mansfield, " Pernambuco. has. B. Allen, " Para. )shua Bond, " Montevideo, eonard Corning, *' L of Maranhaam. aac A. Hayes, *' Rio Grande. Refiublic of Central America. harles Savage, Consul, Guatemala. Republic of Buenos Ayres. eorge W. Slacum, Consul, Buenos Ayres. Chile. Lichael Hogan, Consul, Valparaiso, aniel Wynne, *' St. Jago de Chile. Republic of Peru, Im. Flemming Taylor, Consul, Quilca and Arica. Worthington, '• Lima. J

203 Foreign Ministers in the United States.

Hayti, C^t- Domingo. Francis M. Dimond, Com. Agent. Port Au Prince. Joshua Webb, " Aux Cayes. " Samuel Israel, Cape Hatien. Sandwich Islands, John C. Jones, jr. Com, Agent. China. John H. Grosvenor, Consul, Canton. MINISTERS, CONSULS, AND COMMISSARIli OF FOREIGN POWERS, RESIDENT IN THE UNITED STATES.

From France. Count de Menou, Charge d' Affaires. M. de Sontag, Secretary of Legation. M. Durant de St. Andre, Consul-General, New-Vork M. E. Hersant, Vice-Consul, attached to the Consi late General. M. Furcy Piequet, Vice-Consul, Boston, M. J. G. S. A. Dannery, Consul, Philadelphia. M. Henri, Consular Agent, Baltimore. Marquis de Fougeres, Consul, Charleston. M. Deseze, Vice-Consul, Norfolk. M, Thomasson, Vice-Consul, Savannah. M. Batre, Consular Agent, Mobile, M. Albin Michel, Consul, ad int. New-Orleans. From Great Britain. Rt. Hon. Charles R. Vaughan, Envoy Extraordinai and Minister Plenipotentiary. Charles Bankhead, Esq. Secretary of Legation. Donald M'Intosh, Esq. Consul, Portsmouth, N. H. Robert Charles Manners, Esq. Vice-Consul, for Mas Boston. George Manners, Esq. Consul, Boston, for Mass. John Barnard Gilpin, Esq. Consul, Newport, R. I. James Stewart, Esq. Consul, New-London, Conn. James C Buchanan, Esq. Vice-Consul for the Stat and City of New-York. , Esq. Consul, for New-Y6rk Stati and City. Gilbert Robertson, Esq, Consul, Philadelphia. John Crawford, Esq. Consul, Baltimore. William Gray, Esq. Consul for Virginia, Norfolk. Foreign Ministers in the United States. 203

has J. Peshall, Esq. Consul, Wilmington, N. C. enry NeAvman, Esq. Consul, Charleston, eorge Salkeld, Esq. Consul for Louisiana, nthony L. Molineaux, Esq. Consul for Georgia, .mes Baker, Esq. Consul for Florida and Alabama. From Russia. iron de Krudener, Envoy Extraordinary and Minis- ter Plenipotentiary.

. Krehmer, Secretary of Legation, r. Eustaphieve, Consul General, at New-Yorkij G. Bogert, Vice-Consul, New-York, iward Hollander, Vice-Consul, New-Orleans, homas Deas, Agent, Charleston, hn Prince, Agent, Salem, jenezer Mayo, Agent, Portland. )rtescue Wittle, Agent, Norfolk. From Spain. on Francisco Tacon, Envoy Extraordinary and Min- ister Plenipotentiary. on Francisco de Paula Cuadrado, Sec'ry of Legation, on Miguel Tacon, attached to the Legation, on Juan B. Bernabeu, Consul General, Philadelphia, on Raymundo Chacon, Consul, Boston, on Francisco Stoughton, Consul, New-York, on Pablo Chacon, Consul, Norfolk, on Antonio Argote Villa4obos, Consul, New-Orleans, hn Notlit, Vice-Consul, Key West, harles Hayward, Agent, Boston. From Portugal. ommandeur Torlade d'Azambuja, Charge d'Affaires, ardozo de Preitas, attached to the Legation, /alter De Lacy, Vice-Consul, Norfolk, Virginia. )hn S. M'Kim, Vice-Consul, Baltimore, hilip Marett, Vice-Consul, New-England, hristopher Neale, Vice-Consul, Alexandria, D. C. lias Reed, Vice-Consul, Savannah, ihn P. Calhorda, Vice-Consul, Wilmington, N. C. ene Godard, Vice-Consul, Charleston, S. C. enry Hutton, Vice-Consul, New-Orleans.

From ./Austria. aron de Lederer, Consul, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, 8c Virginia. From Frussia. lieur de Niederstetter, Charge d'Affaires, at Phil. 204 Foreign Ministers in the United States.

J. W. Schmidt, Consul, New -York. Vincent Nolte, Consul, New-Orleans. Jacob Sperry, Consul, Philadelphia. Louis Ti'apman, Consul, Charleston. Thomas Searle, Consul, Boston. From Hamburg. Charles N. Buck, Consul General, Philadelphia. Vincent Nolte, Consul, New-Orleans. Frederick Christian Graf, Vice-Consul, Baltimore. Anthony C. Cazenove, Vice-Consul, Alexandria. Jacob WulfF, Vice-Consul, Charleston. Jotin W. Schmidt, Vice-Consul, New-York. From Denmark. Chevalier Pedersen, Minister Resident, and Con General at Philadelphia. John Bohlen, acting Vice-Consul, Philadelphia. E. E. Peterson, Vice-Consul, ad interim^ New-York, William Ritchie, Vice-Consul, Boston. Lewis Brantz, Vice-Consul, Baltimore. Frederick Myers, Vice- Consul, Norfolk. Piatt K. Dickinson, Vice-Consul, Wilmington, N. C. W.Scarborough, Vice-Consul, Savannah. Pierre E. Sorbe, Vice-Consul, New-Orleans. James H. Ladson, Vice-Consul, Charleston. From Sweden. The Baron Stackelberg, Charge d'Affaires, Washini John Vaughan, Vice-Consul, Philadelphia. Charles Hayward, Consul for Mass. N, H. and Mair Joseph A. Winthrop, Vice-Consul, Charleston. John A. Merle, Consul, New-Orleans. Christopher Neale, Vice-Consul, Alexandria. J. F. Breite, Vice-Consul, Norfolk. Andrew Foster, Vice-Consul, Savannah. Stephen Lawton, Vice-Consul, Baltimore. John J. Boyd, Vice-Consul, New-York. From the JSfetherlands. The Chev. C. D. E. J. Bangeman Huygens, Envoy E traordinary and Minister Plen. Godfrey Barnsley, Vice-Consul, ad int. Moses Myers, Consul, Norfolk. Samuel Wright, Consul, Savannah. J. C. Zimmerman, Consul, New- York. P. G. Lechleitner, Consul, Annapolis. J. J. HoogewerfF, Consul, Baltimore. Foreign Ministers in the United States. 205

Peter Laidlaw, Consul /New-Orleans. Thomas Thaxter, Vice-Consul, Salem. Charles J. Cazenove, Consul, Boston. Bohl Bohlen, Consul, Philadelphia. From Sardbiia. Major Ignazio Vincenzo Caravadossy, Consul General, Philadelphia. Seignor Ange Garibakly, Vice-Consul, Philadelphia. S.V. Bouland, do. New-York. Giulio Florentine Brette, do. Norfolk. Emanuel Valdor, do. Baltimore. Joseph Auze, do. at Savannah. Achille Felix George, Esq. do. at Mobile. Charles J. Cazenove, do. Boston. Y. V. Viel, Consul, Charleston, S. C. P. F. Dubourg, Consul, New-Orleans. From Mexico. Don Jose Montoya, Charge d'Affaires. .Don Jose Toulon, Consul, Philadelphia. Ventura Obregon, Consul, New-York. Luke Tiernan, Consul, Baltimore. Charles Tierman, Vice-Consul, Baltimore. Yldcfonzo Delgado, Vice-Consul, Boston. Richard W. Cogdell, Vice-Consul, Charleston, S. C. James W. Breedlove, Vice-Consul, New-Orleans. Achille Murat, Vice-Consul, Florida. From Columbia. Francisco X. de Medino, Consul General, New-York. James Andrews, Vice-Consul> No. 8, Central Wharf, Boston. Telesforo Orea, Vice-Consul, Philadelphia. Isaac N. Coxe, Provis.Com. Agent, St. Augustine. Peter Gallineaux, Commercial Agent for Connecticut and Rhode Island. Thomas Middleton, Vice-Consul, Charleston. Richard W.Gill, 206 Foreign Ministers in the United States.

Samuel Snow, Vice-Consul, Providence, R. I. C. Griffin, do. New-London. Herman Bruen, do. New-York. John Vaughan, do. Philadelphia. Edward J. Coale, do. Baltimore. Charles J. Cazenove, do, Alexandria. Frederick Myers, do. Norfolk. John P. Calhorda, do. Wilmington, N. C. Samuel Chad wick, do. Charleston. John W. Anderson, doi Savannah. [Ala. James W. Zacharie, do. N.Orleans, (for Lou. 6c Archibald Foster, do. Boston, for Massachu- setts, New-Hampshire and Maine. Francisco Joachim De Lima, Consul General-for the United States. From Pofie Leo I2th. Giovanni B. Sartori. Consul General, Trenton, N. J. Martin Mantin, Vice-Consul, New-York. Charles Picot, ;

Rates of Postage. 207

Lewis Trapman, Consul, Charleston, S. C. Frederick Frey, Consul, New-Orleans. Anthony C. Cazenove, Consul, District of Columbia. From Saxe Weimar, and Oldenburg. Frederick Augustus Mensch, Consul, New- York. From Saxony. Charles Augustus Davis, Coiisul General. Fred. Augustus Mensch, Consul, New-York. Robert Raiston, jr. Consul, Philadelphia. R. H. Douglass, Consul, Baltimore. From Tuscany. George C. Peterson, Vice-Consul, New- York.

RATES OF POSTAGE. For every letter of a single sheet, conveyed not over

30 miles, 6 cents ; over 30 and not exceeding 80, 10 cents over and not 80 exceeding 150, 12f cents ; over 150 and not exceeding 400, 18| cents ; over 400, 25 cents. Letters composed of two pieces of paper should be charged with double postage ; three pieces with triple, and four pieces with quadruple. Packets composed of one or more pieces of paper, ov one ornnore other articles,, and weighing one ounce avoir- dupois, quadruple those rates, and in proportion for all greater weight. The postage marked on any letter or packet, and charged in the post Bill which may accompany the same, shall be conclusive evidence in favour of the postmaster who delivers the same, of the lawful postage thereon unless, such letter or packet shall be opened in the pres- ence of the postmaster, or his clerk, then the overcharged to be refunded. Every article sent in the mail, which is not either a newspaper, magazine, pamphlet, or legislative journal, is subject to letter postage, excepting printer's Bills to their subscribers, which may be sent in a newspaper, magazine, &c. &c. Every ship letter, originally received at an office for delivery, C cents, and if forwarded by post, with the addi- tion of two cents to the ordinary rates of postage. Any letters to be sent to a sea-port by post, and thence by ship to any foreign place, the inland postage must be paid from where the letter is originally deposited to the sea-port from whence it is to go, otherwise not to be for- warded. 208 Stations of U. S. Vessels.

Letters by Steam Boats are subject to postage as if carried all the way by land. Newspapers, not over 100 miles, 1 cent} over 100 miles, 1| cents ; to any distance in the State where printed, 1 cent. Magazines and Pamphlets, not over 100 miles, 4 cents per sheet, that is, 4 cents for every 4 pages folio, 8 quarto, 16 octavo, or 24 duodecimo, or of a smaller size; over 100 miles, 6 cents. But if published periodically^ the postage is, not over 100 miles, 1^ cents, over 100 miles, 2i cents. Magazines or pamphlets must have the number of sheets they contain, printed on one of the outer pages, and if not truly stated, double postage shall be charged.

Stations of United States JVavy Vessels. Mediterranean Statio?i. —Delaware, 74, Commodore W. M. Crane. Java, 44, CaplJain John Downes. Con- stellation, 36, Captain A. S. Wadsworth. Fairfield, 18, Master Commandant F. A. Parker. Lexington, 18, Master Commandant W. M. Hunter. Warren, 18, Master Commandant C. W. Skinner. Ontario, 18, Captain T. H. Stevens. Pacific Station. —Guerriere, 44, Commodore C. C. B, Thompson. St. Louis, 18, Master Commandant J.D. Sloate. Vincennes, 18, Captain Finch. Dolphin, 12, Lieut. J. P. Zantzinger. West India Station.—Falmouth, 18, Commodore Jesse D. Elliott. Erie, 18, Master Commandant Daniel Turner. Peacock, 18, Master Commandant E. R. McCall. Hornet, 18, Master Command't Otho Norris. Natches, 18, Master Commandant Alexander Claxton. Shark, 12, Lieut. Thomas T. Webb. Grampus, 12, Lieut. W. K. Latimer. Brazil Station. —EM^^oWy 44, Commodore Stephen

Cassin . Vandalia, 18, Master Comm't John Gallagher.

The Russian price for Peace. According to the treat}'-, Turkey is to pay Russia, for cost and charges of the war 10,000,000 ducats of Holland. Some query has arisen as to the value of the ducat. According' to the Atlas, the ducat of Holland, as Computed by Dr. Kelley, is 9s. Ad. ster- ling. At this rate the amount to be paid by Turkey, is about £5,000,000 sterling, in addition to 1,500^000 ducats more, to be paid the Russian merchants for. spoliations on their commerce, making together about g24,000»000. Naval Officers. 209

Corrected at the Navy Department, Washington City.

NAVY BOARD. John Rogers, President. Lewis WarringtoNj Daniel T. Patterson, CommissWs. Salary, §3500.

C. W. GoLDSBOROUGH, Secretary. Salary, g2000.

CAPTAINS. John Rodgers Chas. G. Ridgely George C. Read James Barron Danl.T.Patterson Henry £. Ballard Wm. Bainbridge Melan.T.Woolsey David Deacon Charles Stewart John O.Creighton Saml.Woodhoiise Isaac Hull John Downes Jose|>li J. Nicholson Isaac Chauncey John D. Henley Wolcott Chauncey Ja'cob Jones Jesse D. Elliott Edm. P. Kennedy Charles Morris Stephen Cassin Alex. J. Dallas Arthur Sinclair James Renshaw John B. Nicolson LewisWarrington C.C.B.Thompson B. V. Hoffman Wm. M. Crane A. S. Wadsworth Jesse Wilkinson JaniesT. Leonard Geo.W. Rodgers T. A. C. Jones James Biddle MASTERS COMMANDANT. John Porter Thos. H. Stevens Beverly Kennon Wm. B. Finch Wm. M. Hunter Edw.R. Shubrick W^m. B. Shubrick John D, Sloat F. H, Gregory Alex. Claxton Math. C. Perry John H. Clack Chas.W^. Morgan Chas.W. Skinner P. F. Voorhees LawrenceKearny Otho Norris Benjamin Cooper" FoxhallA.Parker John T. Newton Wm. L. Gordon EdwardR.M'Call Joseph Smith Saml. W. Adams Daniel Turner Lawr, Rousseau Silas Duncan David Conner Geo. W. Storer James Ramage John Gallagher Robt. M. Rose David Geisinger 210 Naval Officers. . James P. Oellers Uriah P. Levy Frank Ellery

Rob. F. Stockton Charles Boarman Fred. Varnum . Isaac M'Keever French Forrest Joseph R. Jarvis J. P. Zantzinger Wm.E.M'KenneyThos.W. Freelon Chas. E. Crowley VVm. J. Belt James Williams Wm. D. Salter Chas. H.Caldwell S.W. Le Compte Ohas.S.M'Cauley Wm. Jamesson Charles T. Piatt John H. Bell Wm. Boerum W.M. Armstrong Thos. M. Newell Chs.L. WilliamsonWm.F. Shields Elie A. F. Valette Charles Gauntt G. J. Pendergrast Wm. A. Spencer Wm.W. Ramsay Wm. C.'Nicholson Thos. T. Webb Ralph Voorhees James B. Cooper John Percival Henry Henry Daniel H. Mackey JohnH. Aulick Saml.W.Downing E. W. Carpender Wm. V. Taylor Wm. Pottenger John L. Saunders Mervin P. Mix HenryW. Ogden Joseph B. Hull Bladen Uulany Alex. Eskridge Jott Stone Paine SilasH.Stringham Eben'r.Ride,eway John E. Prentiss W.A.C. Farragut Thos. A. Conover John M. Sullivan Steph. Champlin Arch. S.Campbell Joseph Morehead Isaac Mayo -Wm. Taylor Thomas Pettigru Wni. K. Latimer John C. Long John S. ChaunccY"

Wm. Mervine John H. Graham Irvine Shubrick , Thomas Crabb John H. Lee Charles Ellery Edward B. BabbitJas. M. M'Tntosh Thomas R.Gerry ThomasPaine, jr. Jo&iah Tattnall John Kelley James Armstrong Wm. T. Temple Edmund Byrne Joseph Smoot ' Hugh N. Page EdwardS.Johnson Robt.B. Randolph John A. Cook Wm.H,Gardner Samuel L. Breese William Inman DavidG. Farragut John Evans Joel Abbot Rich'd.S.Pinckney Benj. Page, jr. Lewis E. Simonds Stephen B.Wilson John T. Ritchie John M. Dale Edw.C. Rutledge John A. Wish H. H. Cocke Wm. S. Harris John Gwinn Wm. J.M'Cluney Thomas Dornin Thos.W.Wyman E. D. Whitlock R. B.Cunningham AndrewFitzhugh James Goodrum James Glynn John K. Carter J. B.Montgomery Joseph Myers Joseph Cross HoraceB. Sawyer Wm.C. Wetmore Abr'm.S.TenEickC K. Stribling Thos. R. Gedney Tho.S.Hamersley Joshua R. Sands JohnBubier John White ' John J. Young Victr.M.Randolph Hiram Paulding Charles H. Bell Joseph Cutts, jf. Jona.D.WillianfisoiiAbra'm Bigelow J. Crowninshield Naval Officers. 211

Frederick Engle John R. Coxe, jr. Joseph R. Blake A. J. D. Browne William Seton John Hamilton Jesse Smith Theo. Bailey, jr. H. J. Auchmuty

John H. Smith John M. Rinker S . M.Breckenridge FrancisSanderson A. M. Hull E. B. Boutwell John Rudd H. y. Purviance John E. Bispham Russell Baldwin John A. Carr E. O. Blanchard Jona.W.SherburneThosJ. Manning John Cassin Robert Ritchie Wm. Pearson F. B. Ellison David R. Stewart Wm. L. Howard John Graham Wm.W.M'Kean Wm. P. Piercy P. H. Hayne Ben.TallmadgeJr.Richard A. Jones JamesT. Homans Frankl.Buchanan John Swartwout Wm. F. Lynch Hub. M. Hobbs Thomas J. Leib Sidney Smith Lee Samuel Mercer Wm. G.Woolsey R. H. Morris Charles Lowndes Wm. H. Kennon R. R. M'Mullin L. M. Goldsboro. Arthur Lewis John Manning GeorgeN. Hollins John W. West H. W. Morris D. N. Ingraham T. O. Selfridge F. A. Neville John Marston, jr. R. R. Pinkham I^loyd B. Newell Henry Bruce Henry Eagle, jr. Wm. S. Ogden Wm.D.Newman A. K. Long Cadw'r Ringgold Henry A. Adams G. J. Van Brunt John G. Rodgers Alex.B^Pinkham Henry Pinkney Edm. M. Russell Wm. H. Homer Wm. M. Glendy J. S. Sterett James D. Knight John H, tittle J. Stallings Joseph Mattison George P.Upshur R. D. Thorburn Wm. S. Walker Samuel B. Cocke Elias C. Taylor Alexander SlidelfGeorge S. Blake Wm. C. Whittle JamesC.Boughan Z. F. Johnston Hampt. Westcott GeorgeF. Pearson William Green George Adams James T. Gerry Samuel Barron Cad. Golden John S. Nicholas George Izard, jr. John H. Marshall ISaml. F. Dupont Timo.G.Benham Thomp. D. Shaw Wm. L. Hudson Robert W, Jones Robt.D.Thorburn Wm.H.Campbell Alex'rG. Gordon SamuelLockwood Jos. M. Nicholson A. G. Slaughter H. H. Rhodes James P. Wilson A. E. Downes CaryH. Hansford Geo. A. Magruder Oscar Bullus John W. Mooers J. Edw. Calhoun John L. Thomas T.M*K.Buchanan John Pope S. Humphreys Elisha Peck Henry D. Scott John Marshall And. A.Harwood Levin M. Powjell CharlesHJacksonCharlesWilkes,jr. 212 Naval Officers. SURGEONS. Lewis Heeraiann Leonard Osborne John Haslett jGnathanCowderyThos.Williamson Edm.L. Dubarry Wm. P.C.Barton Geo. S, Sproston Henry W. Bassett Thomas- Harris Benajah Ticknor James Page William Turk MordecaiMorgan Waters Smith Hyde Ray Thomas J. Boyd Benj. F. Bache Gerard Dayers Wm. Birchmore Aug. A.'Adee John A. Kearney James Cornick Thos. Dillard BaileyWashingtonCharles Chase Augustin P. Beers Wm. Swift D. S. Edwards John R. Chandler Thomas B. Salter Isaac Hulse R. P. Macomber Peter Christie John S. Wiley Stephen Rapalje SamuelJackson George Terrill Benj. R- Tinslar Andrew B, Cooke SURGEON'S MATES. Cornelius Moore berger William Whelan John H. Imlay Sam'l B. Malone And. E. Kennedy^ Richard Kennon Sam'i W. Ruff Jacob Jimeson James M.Greene Wm. C. M'Call Lewis B. Hunter GideonWhite, jr. Mifflin Coulter George Blacknell Wm Plumstead William Johnson ¥j. H. Freeland Geo.W. Cod wise Samuel Mosely Fred.Wessels John F. Brooke Wm. F. Patton John C. Spencer Henry S.Coulter Geo. W. Palmer H. N. Glentworth, G. R. B. Horner Sam'l Bari;inglon Richd. K. H. Sims Robert J. Dodd Wm. Milnor W.A. W. Spots- William Seal Thos. L. Smith wood W.S.W.Ruschen PURSERS. Isaac Garretson William Sinclair W. P. Zantzinger Clem.ent S. Huntt John N. Todd D. M*F.Thornton Gwinn Harris Timothy Winn Jnsiah Colston John H. Carr Wm. M. Sands Robert Pottenger Saml. Hambleton Joseph H. Terry Dudley Walker Thomas J. Chew Thomas Breese M*KeanBuchanan Fran. A.Thornton John De Bree Henry Etting James M. Halsey Chas. O. Handy James Brooks Edw. Fitzgerald Silas Butler -Grenv. C. Cooper Alex. P. Darrah Edward N. Cox Fran.B. Stockton Wm. S. Rogers Nath'l H.Perry F. G. M'Cauley ' Samuel P. Todd JohnN.HambletonWm. A. Slacum George Be ale Joseph Watson Nath'l Wilson James H. Clark Wm. M'Murtrie Joseph Wilson Garret R. Barry Naval Officers. 213 CHAPLAINS. James Everett, Constellation, Mediterranean. Addison Searle, Leave of absence. John W. Grier, Delaware 74, Mediterranean. Hervey H.. Hayes, Java, Mediterranean. John P. Fenner, Navy Yard, Charlestown. G. W. Ridgeley, - Navy Yard, Philadelphia. Charles S. Stewart, Guerriere, Pacific Ocean. William Ryland, Timothy J. Harrison, John N. Maffit, NAVY AGENTS. James K, Paulding, New York. George Harrison, - - - Philadelphia. James Ridcjje, . - _ New Castle, Dela. fohn P. Henry, - - . Savannah. Elichard D. Harris, Boston. Andrew Armstrong, Lima. Michael Hogan, . - - Valparaiso. Richard M'Call, - Gibralter. Baring, Brothers, 6c Co. London. Isaac Phillips, - - _ Baltimore. Nash Legrand, - - - Norfolk. J. T. Robertson, - - - Charleston. W. L. Robeson, - - - New-Orleans. Charles P. Tutt, - Pensacola. Jo.hn Leighton, - - - Portsmouth. NAVAL STORE KEEPERS. George Bates, Boston. Tunis Craven, New York. Robert Kennedy, - Philadelphia, Gabriel Gait, Norfolk. Gary Selden, - - - Washington. Richard Derby, Pensacola. Richard H. Ayer, - Portsmouth. Robert Joyner, Pensacola. NAVAL CONSTRUCTORS. Samuel Humphreys, Chief Naval Constructor.

John Floyd, - . - . Portsmouth, N. H. Josiah Barker, - - - Boston. Samuel Hartt, - ^ - New York. 214 Naval Officers.

William Doughty, - - - Washington. Francis Grice, - - . Norfolk. Charles D. Brodie, - - Pensacola. James Keen, - _ - Philadelphia. COMMANDANTS OF NAVY YARDS.

Capt. John D. Henley, - - Portsmouth, " Charles Morris, - - Charlestown, ** Isaac Chauncey, - - Brooklyn, N. " WiUiam Bainbridge, - Philadelphia.

" Isaac Hull, - - - Washington. '* James Barron, - - Norfolk. " M. T. Woolsey, - - Pensacola. Vessels of War of the U. States Navy. 215

George W. Walker A. N. Brevoorte Charles Grymes Andrew Ross Ward Marston William A. Bloodgood^ Charles C. Tupper Richard Douglas A. A. Nicholson Job G. Williams James M'Cawley C. F. Spering Benjamin Macomber Alvan Ed son SECOND LIEUTENANTS. Horatio N. Crabb Constantine Smith Henry B. Tyler Francis S. Neville

Joseph L. C. Hardy . Thomas L. C. Watkins George F. Lindsay Thomas Lee Landon N. Carter F. N. Armistead John G. Reynolds Theod. Bainbridge Henry W. Fowler Alex. C. M'Lean Francis C. Hall J. W/Shaumburg

VESSELS OF WAR OF THE U. STATES. SHIPS OF THE LINE. S LOOPS OF WAR. Guns. John Adams - - - 24 Independence - - - 74 Cyane ----- 24 Franklin - - ~ - 74 Hornet 18 Washington - - - 74 Erie ------18 Columbus - . - - 74 Ontario ----- 18 Ohio 74 Peacock - - - - 18 - - 74 Boston 18 Delaware - - - - 74 Lexington - - - - 18 — Vincennes - - - - 18 FRIGATES, TiR ST CLASS. Warren - - -« - 18 United States - - - 44 Natches - - - - 18 Constitution - - - 44 Falmouth - - - - 18 Guerriere -* - - - 44 Fairfield - - - - 18 Java ------44 Vandalia - - - - 18 Potomac - - - - 44 St. Louis - - - - is Brandywine - - - 44 Concord - - - - i8 Hudson 44 schooners, &c. — Dolphin - - - - 12 FRIGATES, sec'd. CLASS. Grampus - - - - 12 Congress - - - - 36 Porpoise - - . - 12 Constellation - - - 36 Shark ----- 12 Macedonian - - - 36 Fox - ^ - - - _ 3 — Alert, (store ship) Fulton (Steam ship) - 30 Sea Gull, (galliot) 316 Army Officers.

Corrected at the War Department, City of Washington.

GENERAL STAFF. Alexander Macomb, Major-General. Edmund P. Gaines, Brig. Gen. Major General brevet. , do. do. Roger Jones, Adjutant-General, Colonel. Thomas S. Jesup, Brig. Gen. Quarter-Master-General, Wm. Linnard, Quarter-Master, Major, Lieut. Col. br. Henry Stanton, Quarter-Master, Major. George Bender, do. do. Trueman Cross, do. do. John E. Wool, Inspector-General, Col. Brig. Gen. br. George Croghan, Inspector-General, Colonel. Geo. Gibson, Colonel, Com. Gen. of Sub. Brig, Gen. br. PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. Callender Irvine, Com. Gen. of Purchases. PAY DEPARTMENT. Nathan Towson, Paymaster-General, Colonel. Thomas Wright, Paymaster. Asher Philips, do. Alphonso Wetmore, do. Benjamin F. Lamed, do. David Gwynne, da David S. Townsend, do. Charts B. Tallmadge, do. Daniel Randall, do. Charles H. Smith, do. Thomas Biddle, do. A. A. Massias, do. T. P. Andrews, do. Kirby, da Edmund ; L.G.DeRussey, do. • | MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. j, Surgeon-General^ Joseph Lovell. SurgeonSfThom&s Lawson, Thomas G.Mower, B.lll Harney,W. V. Wheaton, John Gale, Josiah Everet' J. P. C. Macmahon, William Beaumont. Army of the United States 217

Assistant Surgeons. James H. Sargent Benjamin King Alf. W. Elwes William Turner Prestley H.Craig Robert C. Wood Foster Swift John Jackson Lawr. Sprague T. I. C. Monroe John A. Brereton Joel Martin Samuel B. Smith Henry Stevenson Thos. S. Bryant James Mann Mordecai Hale Philip Minis Sylvester Day Rich. S- Satterlee Henry Stinnecke Joseph Eaton Robert Archer Joseph P. Russell Robert M'Millan 'i'homas Linirjg Rich. Weightman Edwin James Lucius Abbott Wm. H. Nicoil E. Macomb W. L. Wharton Robert French Sam.G.I.DeCamp James B. Sullivan Lyman Foot John W. Baylor Samuel W. Dalton C. A. Finley Hamil. S.Hawkins Eph- M. Blaine R, M. Coleman John Thurston ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Corps of Engineers, Charles Gratiot, Chief Engineer, Brig Gen br Lieutenant- Colonel, Joseph G. Totten, Col br Majors. Samuel Babcock, Syivanus Thayer, Lieut Col br Captains. R. E. De Russey, Maj br T. W. Maurice, do. John L. Smith, George Blaney, William H. Chase, Richard Delafield, First Lieutenants^ Thomas L Leslie, Paymaster, Andrew Talcott, William A. Eliason, Cornelius A. Og- den, Henry Brewerton, Stephen Tuttle.

Secotid Lieutenants t George Dutton, Joseph Mans- field, Alf. Mordecai, Dennis H. Mahan, Alex D. Bache, Alexander H. Bowman, Thompson S. Brown, William H. C. Bartlett, br Charles Mason, br Robert E. Lee, br. Assistant Engineer^ Gen. Simon Bernard. TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGINEERS. Majors, John Anderson, Lt Col br John J. Albert, do. James Kearney, do. Stephen H. Long, do. P. H. Per- rault, do. Wm. Tell Poussin, do. ASSISTANT TOP. ENGINEERS. Cafitains, John L. Conte, maj br Hartman Bache, do. W. G. M'Neill, James D. Graham. T 218 Army of the United States.

FIRST REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY^ Colonely James House. Lieutenant Colonel, G. Bomford. Col brevet.

Majory John B. Walbach, Colonel brevet. Captains, A. S. Brooks, lieut col br S. Churchill, maj br W. J. Worth, lieut col br Milo Mason, maj br Henry Whiting, maj br A Q M, F. Whiting, R. L. Baker, maj br H. Saunders, R. M. Kirby, br N. G. Dana. First Lieutenants^ Timothy Green, capt br Henry W. Griswold, adj capt br W. Smith, J. Simonson, John Symington, M. A. Patrick, Giles Porter, George Webb, A C S, John Howard, do. D. Van Ness, Justin Dimick, Daniel Tvler, W. H. Swift, Lemuel Gates, U. D. Tompkins, G. D. Ramsay, Jonathan Prescott, Charles Dimmock. Second Lieutenants, Washington Wheelwright, J. H. Cooke, Isaac Trimble, L. B. Webster, George Nauman, Andrew Kinnard, John Farley, J. N. Dillahunty, S. V. R. Ryan, Francis Taylor, A. D. Mackay, J. R. Irwin, John M'Clellan, John Williamson. John H. Winder, Ebenezer S. Sibley, Wm. Maynadipr, Lucian J. Bibb, Richard C. Tilghman, br Edmund French, br William Palmer, br Miner Knowlton, br John F. Kennedy, br. SECOND REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. Colonel^ Lieut. Colonel^ William Mac Rea, Colonel br.

Majory Roger Jones, A G Colonel br. Captains, William Gates, maj br A. C.W. Fanning, lieut col br J. F. Heileman> maj br George Talcott, do. Frs.S. Belton, Rd. A. Zantzinger, maj br J. Mountfort, maj br Thomas C. Legate, N. Baden, br Joseph P. Taylor, com. First Lieutenants, Richard Bache, br aid to Gen Scott, Gustavus S. Drane, Capt br A C S, G. W. Gard- iner, do. C. S. Merchant, capt br, Charles Mellon, capt br Allen Lowd, capt br ACS, H. W. Fitzhugh, capt br James S. Abeel, capt br Robert L. Armstrong, capt br H. S.Mallory, W. Wells, F. L. Griffith, Samuel M'Kenzie, Edward Harding, James Green, adj Abra- ham C. Fowler, Martin Thomas, G. W. Whistler. Second Lieutenants.^ James A. Dumest, Thomas P. Ridgeley, Wm. C. De Hart, James A. Chambers, 9

Army of the United States. 21

Joshua Barney, Thomas Burke, J. A. d'Lagtiel, J. M. W. Picton, C. F.Smith, Francis L.Dancy, Michael M. Clarke, John B. Grayson, W. E. Aisquith, Hugh W. Mercer, Joseph L. Locke, Thomas B. Adams, jr. John Mackay, John C. Casey, Q. M'K. Mitchell, br. THIRD REGIMEFT OF ARTILLERY.

Colonely Walker K. Armistead, Brig Gen br Lieuteiiant Colonel William Lindsay, Col br MajoTy James Bankhead, Lt Col br Cafitainsy Henry K. Craig, maj br M. P. Lomax, do. Felix Ansart, .Eneas Mackay, A Q M W. L. M'Clin- tock, Thomas Childs, C. M. Thruston, Elijah Lyon, br U. S. Frazer, Thomas W. Lendrum. First Lieutenants^ James D. Graham, J. R. Vinton, R. B. Lee, Samuel Ringgold, George W. Corprew, W. S. Newton, ACS, W. B. Davidson, D. H. Vinton, ACS, Z. L D. Kinsley, John L'Engle, A Q M, A. Brockenbrough, A C S, H. Garner, adj F. N. Barbarin, ACS, Martin Burk, R. D. A. Wade, Campbell Graham, W. S. Maitland, G. S. Green. Second Lieutenants, R. P. Parrott, N. B. Bennett, Benjamin Huger, J. VV. Harris, ACS, R. Anderson, Wm. Bryant, Bennett H. Henderson, Edward B. White, Daniel S. Herring, Theophilus B. Brown, Augustus J. Pleasonton, John Childs, James A. J. Bradford, N. B. Buford, George Fetterman, Albert E. Church, Robert E. Temple, George E. Chase, Joseph A. Smith, br Catharinus P. Buckingham, br Charles W. Hackley, br Wm. R. M'Kee, br Gustavus brown, br FOURTH REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY.

Colonely J. R. Fenwick, Brig Gen br Lieutenant-Colonely Abraham Eustis, Col br Major f Ichabod B. Crane, lieut col br Cafitains, B. K. Peirce, maj br M. M. Payne, do. William Wade, do. John Erving, do. L. Whiting I. L. Gardner, A Q M, John Munroe, Jacob Schmuck* J. W. Ripley, Patrick H. Gait. First Lieutenants^ , ACS, Charles Despenville, I. M. Washington, Harvey Brown, Samuel Cooper, aid to General Macomb, Charles Ward, Henry A. Thompson, adjutant, William 220 Army of the United States.

Turnbull, W. W. Morris, William H. Bell, E. G. W. Butler, aid to Gen Gaines, S. B. Dasenbury, ACS, William W. Wells, Edward C. Ross, John B. Scott, ACS, Horace Bliss, William Cook, Walter Gwynn. Second LieuUnants, Augustas Canfield, John Pick- ell, A. Beckley, F. Searle, F. L. Jones, G. W. Lon^, J. M. Fessenden, W. P. Bainbridge, ACS, H. A. WiU son, R. C. Smead, W. F. Hopkins, W. A. Thornton, F Norcum, Thomas J. Cram, M. C. Ewing, D. H. Tufts, Charles O. Collins, John F. Lane, J. Barnes, br Joseph B. Smith, br Joseph E. Johnston, br Charles Petigru, br Franklin E. Hunt, br. FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY.

Colonel, John M'Neal, jr. Brig Gen br Lieutenant- Colonel, Z. Taylor. Major, D. E. Twiggs, brevet. Cafitains^ James H. Gale, T. J. Beall, maj br G. Loomis, T. F. Smith, R. B. Mason, George C. Spencer, E. A. Hitchcock, William S. Harney, W. R. Jouett, Thomas Barker. I^irst Lieutenants y S. Shannon, A Q M, R. Lowndes, aid to Gen Gaines, Samuel M'Ree, William Day, Thomas P. Gwynne, ACS, Jefferson Vail, W.M.Boyce, J. J. Abercrombie, W. Reynolds, A. S. Miller. Second Lieutenants^ J. W. Kingsbury, ACS, W. L. Harris, Electus Backus, O. Cross, A C S, George W. Garey, Thomas B. W. Stockton, Joseph H. Lamotte, Levin Gale, J. I^. Greenough, E. G. Mitchell, Jefferson Davis, br J. R. B. Gardenier, br Sidney Burbank, br Seth Eastman, br Thomas A. Davies, br Joseph H. Pawling, br Geo. R. Sullivan, br Edw. R. Williams, br» SECOND REGIMENT OF INFANTRY.

Colonel, Hugh Brady, Brig Gen br

Lieutenant- Colonely Alexander Cummings. Major, William Whistler, br Cafttains, Alexander R. Thompson, maj br Newman S. Clark, do. E. Boardman, do. W. V. Cobbs, W. Hoffman, G. Dearborn, T. Staniford, B. A. Boynton, Owen Ransom, James Young, br. First Lieutenants, C. F. Morton, Seth Johnson, ACS, Jeshua B. Brant, A Q M, capt br John Glitz, adj E. K. Army of the United States. 221

Barnum, John Bradley, A Q M, Edwin V. Sumner, ACS Samuel L. Russell, ACS, Carlos A. Waite, AQM, J. B. Pendleton. Second Lieutenants^ J. S.Gallagher, ACS, Thomas Morris, J. J. B. Kingsbury, j. R. Smith, H. Day, W. Bloodgood, S. P. Heintzelman, Amos B. Eaton, Silas Casey, Abner R. Hetzell, Isaac P. Simonton, br A. Van Buren, br, aid to Gen Macomb, James F. Izard, br W. L. E. Morrison, br J. W. Penrose, br Antes Snyder, br Edwin R. Long, br Richard B. Screven, br. THIRD REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonely H. Leavenworth, Brig Gen br Lieutenant- Colonely Willoughby Morgan, col br Major, S. W. Kearney, br Cafitainsy John Bliss, maj br John Green, maj br J. Garland, maj br J. S. Nelson, br S. H. Webb, W. G. Belknap, John B. Clark, Andrew Lewis, T. J. Harrison, James Dean. First Lieutenants^ Henry H. Loring, Benjamin Walk- er, ACS, L. N. Morris, A C S, Otis Wheeler, Henry Bainbridge, George Wright, J. W. Cotton, E. B. Alex- ander, E. B. Birdsall, ACS, N. S. Harris, adj Second Lieutenants, Joseph Bonnell, W. R. Mont- gomery, John Archer, Edwin B. Babbitt, Richard W. Colcock, Charles L. C. Minor, Nathaniel C. Macrae, Alexander G. Baldwin, Jefferson Van Home, William S. Stillwell, Tiiomas Cutts, br Sam- uel K. Cobb, br L. P. Lupton, br x\. G. Blanchard, br W. H. Warfield, br B. W. Brice, br. FOURTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY- ColoneU 1^- L. Clinch. Lieutenant-Colonel G. M. Brooke, Brig Gen, Col br Major, William S. Foster, Lieut col br

Cafitains, James H. Hook, maj br J. S. M'Intosh, do. James S. Glassell, maj br Francis L, Dade, do. Philip Wager, do. Kenry Wilson, R. M. Sands, F. W- Brady, WiUiam Lear, G. W. Allen, br First Lieutenants^ J. Page, ACS Capt br William M. Graham, Jos. B. Shaw, A C S A. W. Thornton, ACS William Martin, P. Morrison, ACS, W. Lacey, Eustace Treiior, George A. M'Cali, L. Thomas, Second Lieutenants, R. D. C. Collins, E. Phillips, Governeur Morris, F. D. Newcomb, A C Sr Timothr T* 222 Avmy of the United States.

Page, James J. Anderson, Joseph Clay, SamM R. AUston, Washington Hood, Nelson N. Clark, William H. Baker, br Samuel Torrence, br VV. H. Harford, br Thomas Swords, br C S. Howe, br James Clark, br R. W. Burnet, br. FIFTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel^ William Lawrence, br Lieutenant-Colonel, E. Cutler. Major, J. H. Vose, br

Cafitains, G. Bender, maj br J. Fowle, maj br T. F. Hunt, J. Plympton, D. Wilcox, Robert A. M'Cabe, Na- than Clarke, T. Hunt, C G S, Martin Scott, Gideon Lowe> First Lieutenants, J. B. F. Russell, A Q M, Joseph M. Baxley, W. E.Cruger, adj W. Alexander, St. Clair Denny, ACS, David Hunter, Henry Clark, Anthony Drane, A QM, Alexander Johnston, W. B.Thompson. Second Lieutenants^ Lewis T.Jamison, ACS, James Engle, John M. Berrien, Moses E. Merrill, ACS, Eph. K. Smith, John G. Furman, Alex. S. Hoce, David Perkins, Alexander I. Center, Edgar M. Lacy, Isaac Lynde, br Robert E. Clary, br James L. Thompson, br Amos Foster, br Caleb Sibley, br James Allen, br. SIXTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY.

Colonel^ Henry Atkinson, Brigadier-General br. Lieutenant- Colonel, D. Baker, br. Major, W. Davenport, br. Cafitains, Bennet Riley, maj br J. Clark, jr. AQM, Jacob Brown, AQM, Zalmon C. Palmer, William N. Wickliffe, Henry Smith, AQM, Thomas Noel, Jos. Pentland, Jason Rogers, G. C Hutter. First Lieutenants, Cilfton Wharton, A Q M, Reuben Holmes, ACS, G. W. Waters, Levi M. Nute, M. W. Batman, George Andrews, Asa Richardson, John Nichols, Geo. H. Crosman, A C S, J. Van Swearengen. Second Lieutenants, Joseph S. Worth, J. S. Thomp- son, Gustavus Dorr, Albert S. Johnston, adj Jos. D Searight, F. J. Brooke, , Philip St. George Cooke, N. J. Eaton, Robert Sevier, Gustave S. Ros- seau, br T. Drayton, br William Hoffman, br Alber- marle Cady, br J. H. Wright, br Jonathan Freeman, br Charles May, br. Population of the Globe. 22^

SEVENTH REGIBIENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel^ Matthew Arbuckle. L.ieutenant- Colonel^ ^- B- Many.

Major^ Sullivan Burbank, Lieut Col br. Cafitains, George Birch, maj br R. B. Hyde, maj br Nathaniel Young, ir.aj br Truennan Cross, Q M, Dan- Daniel E. Birch, A Q M, H. Berryman, N. G. Wilkin- son, B. L. E. Bonneville, John Stuart, E. S. Hawkins. First Lieut's, Chas, Thomas, A Q M, Jas. L. Dawson, A Q M, Al. H. Morton, A C S, Francis Lee, A Q M, J. H. Stephenson, ACS, Thomas Johnson, ACS, Thomas M'Namara, Joseph A, Phillips, adj J. E.Newell, Jasper Macomb. Second Lituienants, Nicholas Tillinghast, W. G. Williams, Joseph Cadle, Dixon S. Miles, W. Seawall, L. F. Carter, Frederick Thonias, Gabriel J. Rains, S. W. Moore, William W. Mather, Benjamin W. Kins- man, br Thomas C. Brockway, br G. A. Sterling, br J. P. Davis, br T. H. Holmes, br.


Estimate according to Religion. Pagan nations - 657,000,000 Mahommedan nations 140,000,000' Christian nations - - 200,000,000

Estimate in reference to the fiofiulation subject to Christian Governments,

Protcitant States, Great Britain 150,000,000 United States of America 11,000,000 Russia, Sweden, 8cc. 29,000,000—190,000,000 Greek Church.^ Russia, See, 60,000,000 Roman Catholic States 135,000,000

385,000,000 Maho^^medan States 90,000,000 Heathen States, Chinese Empire, Japan, &c. 270.000,000 Other Heathens 200,000,000—470,000,000

Total, 945,000,000 R24 Population of United States. POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES FOR 1790, 1800, 1810, and 1820.

states. 1790. 1800. Maine, 96,540 151,719 N. Hampshire, 141,885 Vermont, 85,539 Massachusetts, 378,787 Rhode Island, 68,825 Connecticut, 237,946 NewYork, 340,120 New Jersey, 184,139 Pennsylvania, 434,373 Delaware, 59,094 Maryland, 319,728 Virginia, 747,610 N.Carolina, 393,751 S. Carolina, 249,073 Georgia, 82,548 Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, 35,691 Kentucky, 73,677 Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan Ter. Arkansaw do. District of Columbia, Florida, Total, 3,929,3 Population of Cities. •225

CENSUS OF TOWNS AND CITIES. City of Boston Incorporated Feb. 23, 1822.

CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, Hon. HARRISON GRAY OTIS. Office, County Court-House. ALDERMEN.

Henry J. Oliver Winslow Lewis John F. Loring Charles Wells Samuel T. Armstrong Moses Williams Benjamin Russell John B. M'Cleary COMMON COUNCIL. Ward No. 1. Ninian C. Betton, Eleazer Pratt Christopher Gore, Simon W. Robinson.* No. 2. John W. James, Samuel Ellis, Daniel Bal- lard, John Wells. No. 3. Levi R. Lincoln, Thomas Gould, Larn Crane,* Michael Lovell.* No. 4. John Rayner, Quincy Tufts, Samuel D Torrey, WaslVington P. Gragg.* No.' 5. Joseph Eveleth, Winslow Wright,* Lev Haskell,* Charles Leighton.* No. 6. Isaac Waters, Jared Lincoln, Samuel Thax- ter,* Joshua Seaver, jr.* No. 7. Benj. T. Pickman, Isaac Danforth,* Thomas Wetmore, Elias H. Derby.* No. 8. John P. Bigelow, Jacob Amee, Levi Brig- ham, Edward G. Prescott,* No. 9. James B. Richardson, Thomas Minns, Jo- seph R. Newell,* Leach Harris.* No. 10. Samuel L. Abbot, John Lowell, jr. Levi Bliss,* John P. Rice.* No. 11. Otis Everett, Perez Gill, Jabez Ellis,* Joseph Hay.* No. 12. Aaron Willard, jr. Henry Hatch,* Thomas M. Vinson,* .* Samuel F. M'Cieary, City Clerk. Thomas Clark, Clerk of the Common Council') and\ Assistant City Clerk.

• Not of the last Council. City Officers in Boston. 237

William Mackay, City Treasurer. Benjamin Pollard, City Marshal. William Hayden, jr. Auditor of Accounts. Johnson Colby, Messenger. HEALTH OFFICERS. Benjamin Pollard, Internal Health Commissioner. Samuel H. Hewes, Sufierintendent of the Burial Grounds. Jerome V. C. Smith, m. d. Resident Physician^ Rains- ford Island. [Offices, County Court-House.] Consulting Physicians, Drs. Thomas Welsh, John C. Warren, Benjamin Shurtleff, George Hayward, John Randall. Rufus K. Reed, Boatman. John Oliver, Keefier of Ruinsford Island. OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. Ward 1. Joseph Woodcock 7. Rev. J. Tuckerman 2. Joseph Lewis 8. James H. Foster 3. Jonathan logalls 9. Aaion P. Cleaveland 4. Abel Adams 10. Moses Wheeler 5. Daniel Henchman 11. Richards Child 6. Billings Briggs 12. Artemas Simonds The Board hold a meeting on the afternoon of the first Wednesday of every month, at their office, Fa- neuil Hall. The Overseers of the Poor are likewise ir.corporated as a Board of Trustees, of John Boylston's and other charitable funds, left for the assistance of persons of good character, an^l.; advanced age, *' who have been reduced by misfortune to indigence and want." Treasurer and Clerk to the Corfiorations., James H. Foster, Esq. The meetings of the Board of Trustees are held in April and October. OVERSEERS OF THE HOUSE OF CORRECTION. Moses Grant, Levi Bardett, Edmund Parsons. SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Ward 1. Caleb G. Lorng 7. Dr. J. G. Stevenson 2. Rev. Sebastian Streeter 8. Rev. E. S. Gannett 4 3. Simon G, Shipley 9. Dr. Zabdiel B. Adams 4. Rev. R. W. Emerson 10. James Savage 5. Rev. Samuel Barrett 11. Lemuel Shaw 6. John B. Davis 12. James Hall 228 City Officers in Boston.

FIRE DEPARTMENT. Thomas C. Amory, Chief Engineer. Engineers. Benjamin Smith Benjamin M. Nevers William Barnicoat Joseph D, Annable James Weld Ebenezer O. Hawes Benjamin Yeaton James Barry, jr. Thomas Havilaiid Charles Brintnall John S. Tyler Jaccb C. Flint

Master City Officers in Boston. 229

No. 5. John S. Perkins, IVarden.^-Ephraim L. Snow, Clerk, InsfiectorSy Aaron Stevens, William Denton, George W. Edmands, James Marsh, Ezra Hawkes.

No. 6. George W. Bazm, IVarden.— Cha's Trowbridge, Clerk. Inspectors^ Stephen Titcomb, Willard N. Fisher, James Harrod, Walter Janes, Jos. W. Homer, jr.

No. 7. Samuel H. Foster, Warden.—Jona, Chapman, jr. Clerk. Inspectors, Charles Lane, Samuel H. Foster, jr. Au- gustus H. Fiske, Kilby Page, Alfred H. Bridge.

No. 8. Isaac P. Davis, Warden.—Edward V. Child, Clerk. Inspectors, Jonathan A. Newel!, Thomas Tileston, John H. Eastburn, Jamtes F. Howe, J. VV. Whitman, jr.

No. 9. Jabez C. Howe, Waj'den.—George Adams, Clerk. Inspectors, Henry Sargent, Thomas J. Shelton, Sam- uel Harris, Samuel Parsons, Joseph B. Smith.

No. 10. Moses Wheeler, Warden.—Francis Brinley, jr. Clerk. I?ispectors, Thoma.^ K. Dascomb, John Rupp, Abra- ham Mitchell, George M. Gibbens, Edward Haynes, jr.

No. 11. Richards Child, Warden.—Charles Upham, Clerk. Inspectors, VVilliam Willet, Calvin Bullard, William W. Blake, Joseph Curtis, Granville Ellis.

No. 12. Benjamin Stevens, Warden.—Calvin Tilden, Clerk. Inspectors, John Green, jr. James Dall, George Savage, Jacob Flinn, George Page. Caleb Hayward, Clerk ofFaneuil Hall Market. Flavel Case, Captain of the Watc/i, and Superin- tendent of Lamps. City Crier James Wilson, .^ Hay Weighers., Samuel Phillips, John R. Bradford. Sealers of Weights and Measures., Samuel Deals, and James Hendley. Sealer of Boats and Lighters^ Caleb Loring, jr* U 230 City Officers in Boston.

Surveyors of Boards and other Lumber. Wm. Ames Oliver Mills Thomas Barry William Mills Henry Blake Eliakim Richards Warren Bowker Amasa G. Smith Nathaniel Bradlee Richard Thayer William Clouston Seth Thaxter Noah Doggett Samuel Waldron Moses Eayrs Jonathan Loring Samuel Ellison William Fisk William Green David Gnrney Josiah Haskell Peres Loring Rolun Hartshorn Edmund Parsons Eleazer Homer Aaron Wallis Fence Fieweis. Nathaniel Bradlee Rolun Hartshorn Romanus Emerson Abel Hewins

Cullers oy Dry Fish. Nathaniel Howe Benjamin Luckis Benjamin Clark Charles L. Pook Cullers of Hoops and Staves* Benjamin Clark Charles L Pook Nathaniel Howe James Brown Insficctors of Lime. Francis James Samuel Sprague Assay Masters. John Wells Lewis A. Lauriit

Hogreeves^ Hayivardsy and Field Drivers. James EUenwood Bement Ford William Andrews Jacob Herrick Surveyors of Hemp. Samuel Emmons Benjamin Rich Measurers of Wood. William Shattuck Samuel Phillips Moses Hadiey William Fisk James Wilson Pound Keepers. Samuel Phillips Wm. Andrews Bement Ford City Officers in Boston. 231

ASSESSORS. Samuel Norwood Henry Bass Thos. Jackson Assistant Assessors. Ward No. 1. Simon Wilkinson, Zephaniah Samson. No. 2. Benjamin Clark, Ephraim Milton. No. 3. Warren Bowker, Philip Adams. No. 4. Lorenzo Draper, Reuben Reed. No. 5. Mark Healey, Nath'l Hammond. No. 6. Billings Briggs, George A. Hodges. No. 7. Reuben Richards, jr. Jos. S. Hastings. No. 8. Silas BuUard, Henrv Lee. No. 9. Josiah Bradlee, Jeffrey Richardson. No. 10. Prentiss Hobbs, John Thompson. No. 11. John P. Thorndike, John Thompson. No. 12; John Griggs, George Page. Undertakers. , - - - - 4 Lynn street. James Hutchinson, - - 151 Washington street. Martin Smith, - - - - Prospect street. Ebenezer Claflen, - - - - Beach street. Josepli Wilcut, ----- Sea street. Comfort Claflen, - - • Dorchester Point. Thomas Murray, - - - - Theatre Alley. Thomas Leeds, ----- Lynn street. Benjamin Beckford, - - - - Cornhill. John Deluce, ----- South Boston. Oliver B. Alexander, - Rear St. Paul's Church. Cyrus Babbit, - - - - Atkinson street. Calvin Lane, - - - 547 Washington street, John Mahy, - - - - 23 Eliot street. Henry Davis, ----- Hanover street. Thomas Haskell, Ann street, corner North square. Constables afifiointedfor one year., to July 1830. Elisha Copeland, Pleas-st. Asa Prouty, Brighton- st, James Perkins,Hanover-st. Mitchell Lincoln, Salem-st. Jona. Prescott, Spring-st. Michael Riley, Poplar-st. Thos. Holden, Brighton-st. John Henry, Salem-st. George Reed, Pond-st. Solo. B. Morse, Camb*d-st. JosiahBaldwin, Pleasant-st. Wm. Dinsmore, Poplar-st. Horatio Bass, S. Bennett-st. Abra. Lansing, Gouch-st. Eh. Trescott, Purchase-st. Edm. Chisole, Fnl.Hl.Mkt. Elis.V. Glover, Southacct. Geo. Jones, 613 Wash.-st. Ebenezer Shute, Ann-st. W. Clough, Lowell place. George Robinson, Salem-st. Derastus Clapp, Essex-st. James Pierce, Poplar-st. Wm. Andrews, So. Boston. 232 Physicians and Surgeons in Boston.

Auctioneers, licensed to July, 1830 Eben. Alexander Sam'l G. Drake T.^^ Mackay Wm. Andrews Alfred Dorr C.E.H. Richardson James M. Allen Saml. Eveleth Frink Stratton George Bond Stephen Eddy Benj. Seaver Saral, F. Barry Horatio G. Snow James Bourguin Daniel Hersey Thos. R. Sewall T. M. Baker Edward F. Hall John I. Spear Stephen Brown Jabez Hatch, jr. Geo. Sanderson Chas. C. Beaman Nestor Houghton John H. Schaflfer Abner Bourne Adin Hall John "Tyler Geo. G. Channing Elisha Haskell Geo. P. Thomas Saml. F. Coolidge Thos. K. Jones Richard Warren Chas. D. Coolidge Samuel Jones S. Whitwell, jr. J, L. Cunningham James Lee Ferdi. E. White Jos. P. Callender B. L. Levin Prentiss Whitney James E, Cooley Thos. B.Park Wm. B. White Wm. Dehon Daniel Parker Henry Waitt George L.Deblois


^Thomas Welsh, 20 Hancock street. William Spooner, Corner of Bowdoin-st. and Somer- set Place. *Wi!liam Ingalls, 2 Hamilton Place. *John Dixwell, 5 Somerset Place. *James Jackson, 26 Summer street. Benjamin ShurtlefF, 52 Hanover street. *John C. Warren, 2 Park street. *|ohn Randall, 5 Winter Street. *George C Shattuck, Staniford street. *John B. Brown, Sumner street. *)acob Bigelow, 27 Summer street, Walter Channing, Tremont, Corner School street. George Hay ward, St. Paul's Row, . , 2 Cambridge street. * Abner Phelps, Congress street. *Zabdiel B. Adams, Pearl street. Solomon D. Townsend, Somerset street. John Ware, 22 Howard street. *David Osgood, 32 High street. Samuel A. Shurtleff, Pemberton Hill. Enoch Hale, 14 West street. Physicians and Surgeons in Boston. 233

Samuel Adams, 13 School street. *Edward Reynolds, jr. 12 Winter street. *Woodbridge Strong, 4 Winter street. *John Jeffries, 15 Franklin street. Thomas W. Parsons, 17 Winter street. *Josiah F, Flagg, 11 Winter street. *George B. Doane, 68 Court street. Chandler Robbins, jr. Franklin st. corner of Hawley st. John P. Spooner, Somerset Place. Caleb H. Snow, 98 Court street. Jerome V. C. Smith, Health Office, Quarantine Phy- sician of the Port. George W. Otis, jr. 11 School street. Edwin Adams, 13 School street. Samuel Morrill, Sullivan Place, Federal street. Winslow Lewis, jr. La Grange Place, opposite the VA'ashington Bank. Joshua H. Hayward, 3 Hamilton Place. *Hezekiah Eldridge, Corner of Washington and Sum- mer streets. Charles T. Hildreth, Orange Place. D. Humphreys Storer, 298 Washington street. Joshua B. Flint, 16 Green street. Horatio Ro'jinson, Montgomery Place, Charles W. Windship, Milk street. J. Greely Stevenson, School, corner of Tremont st. John Flint, Tremont street. Jonas H. Lane, 10 Hanover street. Joseph Palmer, Milk street. Edward G. Davis, 101 Washington street. Joseph W. McKean, Hanover street. Martin Gay, 48 Milk street. Alexander Thomas, Tremont street. John D, Fisher, Hayward Place. Nathan C. Keep, 24 School street. Frederick A. Sumner, jr. Corner Federal street, Sullivan Place. John B. Stebbins, South Boston. Walker Booth, 17 Hanover street. Joseph Clark, South Boston. Charles Choate, 114 Hanover street. John O. Fay, Winter street. William Grigg, 30 Atkinson street. George Stearns, Milk street, corner of Federal. Charles Walker, corner of Hancock and Cambridge sts. U* 234 Physicians and Surgeons in Boston.

Benj. T. Prescott, Cross street. Charles G. Greene, Bulfinch street. John H. Richards, Tremont street. *Nathaniel Peabody, Tremont Place. Francis J. Higginson, 287 Washington street. John C. Howard, Tremont Place. Diniel T. Coit, Kingston street. Thomas Gray, jr. Belknap street. *John flomans, Tremont street. Edward J. Davenport, Summer street. Henry Dyer, 51 Court street.

[The above are members of the Boston Medical Association arranged according to the time of their admittance. Those marked thus * are Fellows of the Massachusetts Medical Society.] Ebenezer Stevens, member of the New-York and New- Hampshire Medical Societies, South-Boston. John Dwight, 33 Court street. Surgeons Dentist. W. P. Greenwood, 24 Portland street. Thomas W. Parsons, 17 Winter street. Thomas Barnes, 58 Hanover street. Moses F. Randall, 32 Summer street. Richard R. Smith, 50 Orange place. Nehemiah Baker, 119 Washington street. N. C. Keep, School street. Samuel A. Bemis, 12 School street. •: Isaac H. Appleton, 11 School street. Daniel Harwood, West street.

RATES OF WHARFAGE. Anchors - - - - 50 cents per ton. Anvils ----- 2 each Barrels, except Flour which is 2, 4 Half barrels, kegs, firkins 2 Bags of Hops - - - 10 Bags of Coffee, Cocoa, Pimenta, Sugar, Pepper, &c. - - 2 Bales of Cotton - - - 10 Bales of Goods - - - 12 1-2 I Boards, Staves, and Hoops - 25 per m | Boxes Cigars - - - - i | Boxes of Chocolate, Candles, Lem- . ^ ons, Glass, and Soap - - 2 each Rates of Wharfage. 235

Bugsof Havana Sugar - 2 Chests of Bohea Tea 12 1-2 Boxes of Brazil Sugar 30 per ton Boxes of Raisins - - - 1 each Boxes of Cards 5 Boxes of Pipes _ _ - 2 Boxes of Wine and Cider 2 per dozen Boxes and Packages of Goods - 12 1-2 each Bundles of Siiovels and Pans - 4 per dozen Bricks - - - - - 25 per m Coffee in Bulk 30 per ton " Mocha in sacks 6 Chests of Tea - 3 Crates - - - - - 10 Cases, and Trunks - - - 12 1^2 Coals ----.. 30 per chaldron Cordage and Hemp 40 per ton Clapboards - - - _ 20 per m Cambooses and Stoves 10 each Casks of Nails .. _ _ 3 Chests of Oil - . - - 2 Cannons - - - - - 25 each Chairs - _ - - - 1 Duck, (Russia) . - - 1 per bolt *' (Ravens) - - - 1-2 Flour - - - - - 2 Fish . - - - - 2 per quintal Grain of all kinds - - - 1 per bushel Hampers of Bottles 7 each Hogsheads and Pipes 10 Hides - - - - - 1 Hay 10 per bundle - Hoops - - " 25 per m Hemp 30 per ton Jars of Oil, Olives, and Raisins 1 each Iron and Iron Hoops 30 per ton Kegs of Crackers, small - 1 each Laths - - - - - 6 1-4 Lead and Shot - _ . 30 per ton Mahogany - - - - 30 per ton 480 feet Nankins - - - _ 4 & 2 per bale Onions - - - - - 4 per 100 bun. Plaster of Paris and Stone 25 per ton Packages of Goods - 12 1-2 Reams of Wrapping Paper - 1-2 236 Rates of Wharfage.

Sacks of Almonds and Feathers 4 to 10 each Staves ----- 25 per m Shocks, (hhd. and pipe) - - 2 each Skins, (goat) - - - - 10 per 100 skins Salt 6 1-4 per hhd. Shingles - - - _ 6 1-4 per m Tierces ----- 7 each Trunks of Goods - - - 12 1-2 Timber - - - - - 25 per ton •' (ranging) - - - 25 per 100 feet Wood and Bark - - - 25 per cord Empty Casks _ - . half price

3:7* Wharf.ige of all shipped by, or _ The Goods con- signed to, people residing out of the City, is to be paid by the master or owner of the vessel receiving or land- ing such goods. Goods if taken away any time short of a month, pay the same rate of storage, as for an entire month. Goods brought on the wharf, by trucks, or other- wise, for public sale, to pay the same wharfage as if landed thereon. Goods put into a store for public sale, to pay one month's storage. Goodij taken by one vessel from another, to pay half the wharfage that the same would have paid had they been landed or shipped from the wharf; the wharfage to be paid by the vessel nearest the wliarf. Goods received from, or loaded on board coasters, to be paid for by the masters of the coasters ; unless the same are shipped, or received, by persons belonging to Boston, and a return thereof to be made by the master of the coaster to the wharfinger. The wharfage of gOvods landed, other than from coasters, to be paid by the seller, or person landing them, except lumber, the wharfage on which is to be paid by the purchaser. The wharfage of Goods, shipped off the wharf, to be paid by the vessel that receives them on board, or the person who ships them. All merchandize shipped off the wharf to pay the same rates of wharfage as for landing, when the prop- erty may have been sold or otherwise disposed of, flour excepted, the wharfage of which will be charged in all cases, whether shipped by the importer or other person.. Rates of Wharfage. 237

Mahogany, dye woods, and lumber, landed on the wharf, to be immediatel)' taken away, or piled up by .he wharfinger at the expense of the owner or consignee. Vessels will be charged dockage for the day of their irrival, but not for the day of their departure. Vessels lying at the wharf, are to remove at the re- quest of the wharfinger, and if not done at his request, :he vessel will be removed by the wharfinger, at the risk and expense of the owner. Vessels hauling to the wharf, are expected to have :heir jib and spanker booms, and sprit-sail yards, rigged in, and to accommodate other vessels as much as pos- sible. Vessels being loaded, and coming from, or going to- other wharves, to pay double rates of dockage, to re-, move when directed by the wharfinger, and not to remain at the wharf, except with his permission. No vessel with unslacked lime, will be allowed to lie at the wharf, except with the particular permission of the wharfinger. No fire will be permitted on the wharf, nor any tar or pitch to be heated on board any vessel lying at the wharf, excepting when such vessel may be afloat, or a special permission be obtained from the wharfinger. No sand, gravel, or other ballast, to be landed on the wharf, unless with the approbation and under the in- spection of the wharfinger ; nor are the dirt, sweepings of the hold, or other articles, under any pretence what- ever to be thrown into the dock. No boats are to be put on the wharf, except in the winter season, and then only with the consent of the wharfinger. No articles of any kind whatever, put upon the wharf are to be considered as entitled to remain there any longer time than the wharfinger shall consent to, and always subject to be removed at the expense of the owners.


Albany mail, through Greenfield, leaves Brigham's, 42 Hanover-street, Mo Wed and Fri at 1 p m, and arrives in Boston Tu Th and Sat 8 p m. Albany, through Northampton, leaves Earl's & Suffolk Hotel, every day except Sun. 2 am, arrives every day except Sun. 8 pm. Albany, through Springfield, leaves Earl's, 36 Hanover at. every day except Sun 2 am, arrives every day except Sun 8 pm. 238 Stages from Boston.

Albany mail, through Brattleboro', leaves Brigham's, 42Hanorer>t. Mon Wed and Fri 1 p in, arrives Tues Thur and Sat. Andover, leaves Wildes', 45 Ann st. every day except Sun 3 pm, arri, every day except Sun JO a m. Amherst, Mass. through Enfield, leaves Earl's, 36 Hanover st. Tu Th and Sat 2 am, arrives Mon Wed and Fri 7 pm. Amherst, N. H. leaves Doolittle's City Tavern, Mon Wed and Fri 7 a ru, arrives Tues Thurs and Sat 4 pm. Andover & Haverhill Accommodation, leaves Wildes', 11 Elm st. Tue; Thur and Sat at 2 1-2 p m, arrives Mon Wed and Fri 11 a m.—Distance 30 miles,—fare %\ 50. Bridgewater & Randolph, leaves Shepard's, Bromfield st. Tues Thui and Sat 12 m, arrives Mon Wed and Fri 12 m. Brighton & Newton, leaves Suffolk Hotel, Elm st. every dayexcep* Sun 4 p m, arrives every day except Sun 10 a m. Burlington, through Amherst, Windsor & Woodstock, leaves Doolittle'f City Tavern, Mon Wed and Fri 7 am, arrives Tu Thur and Sat 4pm Burlington, though Concord & Hanover, leaves Barnard's, 9 Elm st every day 7 am, arrives every day 7 pm. Beverly, leaves Doolittle's City Tavern, evei-y day except Sun 4 p m, arrives every day except Sunday 10 a m. Bolton, Lancaster,Sterling and Barre, leaves Brigham's, 42 Hanover st Tues Thur and Sat Gam, arrives Mon Wed and Fri 3 p ra. Concord, IMass. leaves Brigham's, 42 Hanover st. Tues Thur and Sat 11 a m, arrives Mon Wed and Fri 5 pm. Chelmsford Accommodation, leaves Thompson's, 9 Elm st. every day except Sun 7 a m, arrives every day except Sun 1pm. Cambridge, leaves Brattle st. every day 12 n and 6 pm, arrives every day except Sun Sam and 3 pm. Canton, leaves 9 Elm st. Mon Tues Thur and Sat 3 pm, arrives Mon Tues Thur and Sat 10 a m. Concord, N. H. through Lowell, from Barnard's, 9 Elm st. Tues Thui and Sat 7 a m, arrives Mon Wed and Fri 7 p m. Concord, through Londonderry, leaves Barnard's, 9 Elm st. every day 7 am, arrives every day 7 pm. Concord, through Bedford and Nashua, leaves Marlboro' Hotel, Moll Wed and Fri 7 am, arrives Tues Thur and Sat 7 p m. Concord,N. H. through Haverhill and Chester, leaves Wildes', (formerly Patterson's) 9 Elm st. Mon Wed and Fri 7 a m, arrives Tues Thur and Sat.—Distance 68 miles, Fare S2. Dorchester and Milton, leaves S. Wildes', Elm st. every day except Sun 4 pm, arrives every day except Sun 9 1-2 a m. Dedham, leaves Thompson's, 9 Elm st. every day 4 Summer 3 Winter, arrives every day except Sun 9 a ra. Eastern mail, leaves Wildes', 45 Ann st. every day 7 pm, arrives every day 9 p m. Gloucester mail, leaves City Hotel, Elm st. every day except Sun 11 1-2 a m, arrives every day except Sun 12 1-2. Hartford Accommodation, leaves Earl's, 36 Hanover st. Tues Thur and Sat 10 a m, arrives Mon Wed and Fri 2 pm. Hartford & New Haven, through Dedham and Pomfret, leaves Earl's, 36 Hanover st. Men Wed and Fri 5 am, arrives Tues Thur & Sat 5 pm. Haverhill, Exeter and Dover, leaves Wildes', 45 Ann st. Mon Wed and Fri 8 a m, arrives Tues Thur and Sat 6 pm. leaves Barnard's, 9 st. Haverhill and Concord, Elm Mon Wed and j Fri 7 am, arrives Tues Thur and Sat 5 p m.

Haverhill, through Bradford, leaves S. Wildes', Elm st. Tues Thur 1 and Sat 10 a m, arrives Mon Wed and Fri 2 p m.

1 laverhill, Exeter, Dover and Portland, leaves Wildes', 11 Elm st. every 1 day except Sun 7 1-2 a m, arrives every day 5 pm. ' Hingham, leaves Thompson's,9 Elm st. every day, 3 Winter 4 Summer, arrives every day except Sun and Fri 10 a m. Keene, Walpole, Windsor and Hanover, leaves Brigbams 42 Hanover erery day 4 am, arrives Tues Thur and Sat 7 pm. Stages from Boston. 239

Lowell, through Medford,Wobum and Billerica, leaves S. Wildes', 45 ;iin St. every day except Sun 3 p m, arrives same days. Lexington, leaves S. Wilds', Elm st. Tues Thur and Sat 2 1-2, arrives 'ues Thur and Sat. Medford mail, leaves S. Wildes', Elm st. eveiy day except Sunday 2 and 6 pm, arrives every day except Sun. Marblehead, leaves Doolittle's City Tavern, every day except Sunday 1-2 p m, arrives every day except Sun 9 1-2 a m. Medway & Dover, Mass. leaves Wildes' Moud "Wed and Sat 3 pm, rrives every day 9 am. New-York mail, through Worcester, leaves Earl's 36 Hanover st. every veiling at 10, arrives every day 6 p m. New-York Mail-Pilot, leaves Earl's, 36 Hanover st. every day 1pm, irives every day 8 pm. Newburyport, Exeter & Dover, leaves Wildes', 45 Ann st. every day iccept Sun 7 1-2 a m, ai-rives every day except Sun 6 pm. Newburyport, through Amesbury, leaves Wildes', 45 Ann st. every day tcept Sun 12 n, arrives every day except Sun 1pm. Newport by Taunton and Fall River, leaves Shepard's, Bromfield st. very day except Sun Sam, arrives every day except Sun 5 pm. New-Bedford through Taunton, leaves Shepard's, Bromfield st. Mon Ved and Fri 5 am, arrives Tues Thurs and Sat 6 pm. New-Bedford through Abington, from Doolittle's City Tavern every ay except Sun 7 1-2 a m, arrives same afternoon. Newton, leaves Hastings', Elm st. every day 4 pm, arrive every ay 8 p m. Portsmouth Accommodation, leaves Wildes', 45 Ann st. every day xcept Sun 8 a m, arrives every day except Sun 6 pm. Providence Commercial, leaves Brigham's, 42 Hanover St. every day 'am, arrives every day 1 p m. Providence Citizens Coach, leaves Marlboro' Hotel, every day 7 a m, irrives every day. Providence, through Walpole &Wrentham, leaves Marlboro' Hotel, ;very day except Sun 12 n, arrives every day except Sun 6 pm. Plymouth, leaves Doolittle's City Tavern Mon Wed and Fri 7 am, irrives Tues Thur and Sat 5 pm. Plymouth, leaves Doolittle's City Tavern Tues Thur and Sat 10 a m, irrives Mon Wed and Fri n, Plymouth, Bamstable and Falmouth leaves Doolittle's City Tavern Tues Thur and Sat 4 am, arrives Mon Wed and Fri 5p m. Quincy, leaves Thompson's 9 Elm st. every day except Sun 4 p m, irrives every day except Sun 10 a m. Salem, leaves Doolittle's City Tavern six times a day, arrives six times i day. South Reading and Maiden, leaves Thompson's 9 Elm st. Mon Wed »nd Sat 4 p m, arrives Mon "Wed and Sat 10 a m. Taunton, leaves Shepard's, Bromfield st. every day except Sun 2 p m, irrives every dav except Sun 11am. Uxbridge, Mehdon and Milford, leaves S. Wildes', Elm st. Tues Thur ind Sat 12 n, arrives Mon Wed and Fri 12 n. Worcester, old road thi'ough Marlboro', leaves Earl's, 36 Hanover st. Mon Wed and Fri 10 a m, arrives Tues Thur and Sat 2 pm. Worcester, through Framingham, leaves Earl's, 36 Hanover st. Tues Thur and Sat, 10 a m, arrives Mon Wed and Fri 2 pm. "Waltham & Watertown, leaves S. Wildes', Elmst. every day 4 pm, irrives every day except Sun 9 am. Weymouth, leaves S. Wildes', Elm st. Mon Wed and Sat 4 p m, arrives Mou Wed and Sat. HOURLY STAGES.

Charlestown, leaves Richard's Hotel, Charlestown, at 7 am, and 45 , Boston, at 8 a m, and continues to leave each place every hour through the day. 240 Mortality of Boston.

Cambridgeport, leaves Stage Office, No. 45 Brattle-street, at 8, 9, 10. 11 and 12, am, andl, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 p m. ' ' i Dorchester and Boston, South leaves Post Office Dorchester at 7 and IC a ni, and at 2 and 5 p m— leaves Marlboro' Hotel at 9 and 12 am, and 3 and 6 pm. Roxbury, leaves Roxbury Hill and Marlboro' Hotel every half hour in the day. South Boston, Washington Hotel—Brookline, Marlboro' Hotel. BAGGAGE WAGGONS. Andover, arrives Mon Wed and Fri, and leaves Tues Thur and Sat. Order box at Tliompson's, 9 Elm street. Bristol and Newport, arrives every Wed and Sat in the moining, anc leaves in the afternoon of the same days. Order box at Doolittle's Citj Tavern. Canal Packet boat to Chelmsford, leaves Charlestown, lues Thur anc Sat, and returns Mon Wed and Fri. Passengers and light freight are forwarded from Tliompson's, 9 Elm St. at 7 am, and returned at 4 p m. Haverhill, Andover and Boston Baggage Waggon, arrives Tues and Fri and leaves the same day. Order box, at Hosmer's, 84 Ann street.

Lowell, arrives Mon and Fri, and leaves Tues and Sat. Order box ai I Bradley's, Salem street. I New Bedford, arrives every Thur and leaves every Fri. Order box at Doolittle's City Tavern. New Bedford Accommodation, arrives Wed and Fri, and leaves Thui and Sat. Order box at Suffolk Hotel, Elm street. Providence, arrives Tues and Fri, and leaves Wed and Sat. Order boji at Doolittle's City Tavern. Salem, arrives and leaves every day, (Sunday excepted.) Order box at Hosmer's, 84 Ann street, and Doolittles City Tavern. Salem and Marblehead, arrives and leaves every day, also leaves for New buryport, Wed and Sat. Order box at Hosmer's, 84 Ann street. Taunton, arrives Wed and Sat, and returns the same day. Order box at Doolittle's City Tavern.

The Deaths in Boston, from January 1, 1828, to January 1, 1829, were

1233. There died under 1 year of age, 245 ; from 1 to 2, 106 ; from 2 to

5, 60; from 5 to 10, 42 ; from 10 to 20, 58; from 20 to 30, 181 ; from 3o

to 40, 160 ; from 40 to 50, 98 ; from 50 to 60, 78 ; from 60 to 70, 52 ; from

70 to 80, 37; from BO to 90, 23 ; from 90 to 100, 4 ; Unknown, 15 ; Still

bom, 74. There died cf Apoplexy, 18; Burns, 9 ; Bleeding at the stomach,!; Consumption, 217; Croup, 25; Canker, 13; Cho'era Mor-

bus, 7 ; Cancer,4; Dysentery, 29 ; Dropsy, 20; Dropsy of the Brain, 38

Drowned, 16; Drinking Cold Water, 2 ; Erysipelas, 3 ; of Fevers, 156:

Diseases of Heart, 6 ; Hooping Cough, 40; of Inflammations, 49; InfaU'

tile Diseases, 55; Intemperance, 34; Liver Complaint, 10; Mortifica-|

tion, 11 ; Old Age, 54; Poison, 2 ; Palsy, 10 ; Suicide, 9 ; Small Pox, 2. ( — I

American Standard of Money, approved by Act of Congress, April -10, 1806. GOLD---Eagle, valued at ten dollars, must weigh 11 penny- weights, 6 grains. Half Eagle, at five dollars, 5 do. 15 do. Quarter Ea- gle, at 2 dollars and 50 cts. 2 do. 19 1-2 do.-— SILVER—Dollar must weigh 17 pennyweights, 7 grains. Half Dollar, 8 do. 16 do. Quarter do. Dollar, 4 do. 4 do. French Crown, at 1 dollar and 10 cts. 18 do. 17 CONTAINING ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS.

Page. 15. Alter the dates of the following Governors under the

first Charter : 1649 John Endicott ; 1650 Thomas

Dudley ; 1G51 John Endicott. 16. Spencer Phips, was appointed Lieut. Governor in the year 1733. 37. Insert Charles Turner, Justice throughout the Com- monwealth, at Chelsea. 46. Insert Matthew Metcalf, as Justice of the Peace, at Hopkinton. 51. Insert T. O. Brackett, Deputy Sheriff, Maiden. 55. Insert Welcome Young, Justice of the Peace, East Bridgewater. 61. Insert Joseph W. Dean, Keeper of the Gaol in Taun- ton, and William Read, do. in New-Bedford. 61. Insert the following as Deputy Sheriffs for Bristol

County : Attlehoro' Leprilete Sweet JVeic-BedfordTkomasFoipe, Berkley Dean Burt William Gordon, jr. Dartmouth Samuel Barker, Sicanzey AlexanderP.Slade Daniel Howlaud Seekonk Church Gray Dighton Crocker Babbitt Raynham Samuel Wilbore jFaiVAat'e?i JonathanWilbore Taunton James Woodward, Freetoicn John T. Lawton John Baylies Mansfield Charles Day Troy Harvey Harnden Xorton Timothy Smith Wcstport Adam GifFord


On the Jud'ciary. Messrs. Saltonstall, of »Sa/fm,L. Shaw, oi Boaton^ Mann of Dedhcnn, Newton, of Woi'cester^ and Ashmun, of J^^orthamfiton. Probate and Chancery. Me-^srs. G. Blake, of Boston^ Lawrence, of Groton^ \\\\\o\i\i, oi Cambridge, Eddy, of Middleborough^ and Biil.ngs, of Hatfield. Education. Messrs. Huntington, oi. Salem, Greene, of A^cw Bedford^ Brooks, of Barnardston., Ellis, of Dcdham^ and Wor- cester, of Amherst.W ^

242 Officers of the Third Brigade.


Messrs. Wheeler, of Sudbury y Whitaker, of JST. Salem, Pendleton, of Sfiringjield, Ball, of Southboroughy and Eaton, of Middleborough, On Finance. Messrs. Rantoul, of Beverly, Phelps, of Hadley, Gray, of Boston^ Freeman, of JVeiv Bedford., and Draper, of Sfiencer, Elections. Messrs. Merrill, of J5os?on, Hubbard, of Williamsburg Burr, of Concord^ Lincoln, of Hingham, and Osgood, of Andover. Bills in Third Reading. Messrs. Mason, of Boston^ Mack, of Salem, Porter, of Leey Ensign, of Sheffield., and Allen, of Worcester,

Engrossed Bills. Messrs. Bigelow, of Boston., Russell, of Princetovjn, Allen, of JVewburyfiort., Cooley, of Granville, and Chapin,of Taunton. On County Estimates. Messrs. Adams, of Chelmsford^ Farnum, of Westfield, and Williams, of Roxbury. Pay Roll. Messrs. Jackson, of Boston^ Lincoln, of Taunton^ and Howard, of Sfiringfield. Change of Names. Messrs. Preston, of Billerica^ Knowlton, of Lowelly and Thompson, of .A'*. Hamfiton.

OFFICERS IN THE THIRD BRIGADE, FIRST DIVI- SION, (including Boston and Chelsea,) in commission, October, 1829.

Brigadier- General, John Temple Winthrop. Md-de-Camp, Brigade-Major and Inspector, Brigade- Quarter-Master, David Lee Child. LIGHT DRAGOONS. Captain. Lieutenants. Cornet.

Daniel F, Hunting ^^^^1^^:^/^ ^^^^^^ ^' ^''^^ Officers of the Third Brigade. 243

BATTALION OF ARTILLERY. Major Samuel Lynes Qr. Master, Aaron Andrew J Adjut. William Chamberlain Surgeon, David Osgood

Captains. \st Lieutenants. 2d Lieutenants. Geo. W. Saunders Ebenez. Tasker G. W. Johnson Charles Hersey Thomas Goodwin John Wilson John G. Woods Wm. Cunningham Wm. Thomas SEA FENCIBLES. Captain. Lieutenants. Ensigns.

FIRST REGIMENT. Colonel, Thomas Davis. Lieutenant- Colonel, Daniel D. Brodhead. Major, Peter Dunbar.

Adjutant, Sumner Crosby Surgeon, S. A. ShurtlefF Qr. Master, Giles T.Crockett Surgeon's Mate, George Pay-Master, Elijah Stearns Stearns Chaplain, Sebastian Streeter

Captains. Lieutenants. Ensigns. David Pratt Robert White Antony Chapouil, jr Ezekiel Higgins Elisha Ellis Bradford Jones Joseph N. Bates Josiah M. Harding Thomas Manly John Kendall Joseph L. Ross Edmund D. Cassell William Palfrey N. Colesworthy John Eaton Edw. W. Baxter Eben. N. Hunting Edwin Brown Joseph Hastings William Atwood Throop Lyman Goodnow Eben, Stevens (vacant.) Amos S. Allen Clark Smith James Kerr Alvah Wetherby Lewis Dennis Samuel Stearns Kimball

SECOND REGIMENT. Colonel, Amasa G, Smith. Lieutenant- Colonel, Elias Kingsley. Major, Adjutant, Chaplain, Qr. Master, S, Davis Levens Surgeon, Winslow Lewis, jr. Pay-Master, J. G.Wyman Surg. Mate, 244 Officers of the Third Bridade.

Captains. Lieutenants. Ensigns. John Day William Rider Samuel Ward George Jones John C. Cook George Davis Russell Sturgis Edward Blake Chas J. VVintlirop John Davis William W. Allen (vacant.) John Elms Wm. Easterbrook Hiram Harris Jos. W. Homer, jr. Horatio N. Crane Nath. Trumbull, jr. William Carleton Henry F. M'Gee Eben. N. Stratton Edw. G. Loring Henry B. Rogers Jos. L. Stackpole Charles Hubbard John Ladd (vacant.) Stephen Titcomb Joshua Seaver, jr. Silas Johnson

THIRD REGIMENT. Colonel, John S. Tyler. Lieutenant- Colonel, John F. Bannister. Major, Josiah L. C. Amee. Adjutant, Enoch Train Chaplain, John Pierpont Qr. Master, Wm. C. Tyler Surgeon, Joshua B. Flint Pay-Master, John F. Trull Surg. Mate, John C. Howard

Captains. Lieutenants. - Ensigns. Gillam B.Wheeler Francis Allen Thomas Haviland Saml. S. Perkins (vacant.) Joseph H. Center Joshua Gould Edm. D. Griffiths Joseph Converse Caleb Parker, jr. William Hayden Daniel Tisdale Fran. H. P. Homer (vacant.) Isaac Winslow, jr. Samuel H. Rich Charles Cook Aug. H. Newman H. W. Kinsman John C. Park Ira Gibbs Daniel Webber Joel Powers George Page Lowell Pratt John C. Mann Jona. Chapman, jr. FrancisBrinley, jr. Charles R. Lowell R. G. Norris Amos Kimball, jr. (vacant.) (vacant.) George W. Cram John Y. Champney

SOUL OF SOLDIERY Instituted J 805. Captain, William R Stacy. 1st Lieutenant, David Low. 2d Lieutenant, Erastus Young. Adjutant, William T. Thayer.

BOSTON BRIGADE BAND. Leader, Asa Fillebrown. Clerk, George W. Foster. Privates, Abel F. Knight, Anthony Rieff, Robert Beat- ty, Thomas Bond, James Delano, Francis W. Muriroe, Army Force of the United States. 245 Lorenzo White, John Bartlett, Azell White, Lemuel Clark, Samuel Ames, Isaac Delano, William Crombie, Isaac Gary, Henry Niebuhr, Gilbert Cutting, Francis L. Raymond, William A. Field. BOSTON BAND. Director^ James Kendall. Leader, Joel R. Mann. Clerk, Moses Mann. Privates, M. F. -Myers, David Boyd, Charles Bradlee, Thomas Beales, William W. Mann, Loring White, Ed- ward Kendall, Daniel Kyburz, L. Brooks, William Reed, A. KnuebJe, H. Sibley, L. A. Denzi, J. Downs, S. Pearce, James Clark, John Candy, John Roessle.

The Aumy.—It appears from the official report of Gen. Macomb to the Secretary of War, that the numerical force of the army under its present organization, is as fol- lows : —1 Major General, 2 Brigadier Generals, 1 Adju- tant General, 2 Inspector Generals, I Quartermaster General, 4 (Quartermasters, 1 Commissary General of Sub- sistence, 2 Commissaries, 1 Surgeon General, 8 Surgeons, 45 Assistant Surgeons, 1 Paymaster General, 14 Paymas- ters, 1 Commissary General of Purchases, 1 Assistant En- gineer, 2 Military Storekeepers, 12 Colonels, 12 Lieuten- ant Colonels, 19 Majors, 120 Captains, 148 First Lieuten- ants, 148 Second Lieutenants, 11 Sergeant Majors, 11 Quartermaster Sergeants, 354 Sergeants, 424 Corporals, 14 principal Musicians, 212 Musicians, 108 Artificers, 56 Enlisted Men for Ordnance, 4452 Privates, 546 Commis- sioned Officers. The Eastern Department consists of 53 companies, 233 commissioned officers, and 2,662 non-commissioned offi- cers and privates. The Western Department consists of 53 companies, 178 commissioned officers, and 2,285 non-commissioned offi- cers and privates. INDIANS IN IHE UNITED STATES. Within the states of Maine, Massaahusetts, R. I. Connecticut and Virginia, 2,573 ; in New-York, 4,820: in Pennsylvania, 300; in North

Carolina, 3,100 ; in South Carolina, 300 ; in Georgia, 5,000 ; in Tennessee,

1,000 ; in Ohio, 1,877 ; in Mississippi, 23,400 ; in Alabama, 19^00 ; in

Louisana, 939 ; in Indiana, 4,050; in Illinois, 5,900 ; in Missouri, 5,631; in Michigan, 9,340 ; in Arkansas, 7,200 ; in Florida, 4,000; within the country east of the R. Mississippi, north of Illinois, and west of the three upper lakes, 20,200 ; west ofthe Mississippi, east of the Rocky Mountains, and not included in the states of Louisiana or Missouri, or the territory of Arkansas, 94,300 ; within the Rocky Mountains, 20,000; west oftha Rocky Mountaiiu» betweenw* latitaae 449 and 490, 80(0«0. Total 81i|U0« 246 Courts and Judges of the State of Maine,

SITTINGS OF THE COURTS IN MAINE. Supreme Judicial Court, LKVi TERMS. At York, on the last Tuesday in April.—Portland, on the 1st Tues. in May.— Paris on the 3d Tues. ia May. Wiscasset, on the 4th Tues. in May.— Augusta, on the 1st Tues. next after the 4th Tues. in May.—Norridge- wock on the 2(1 Tues. next after the 4th Tues. in May. Bangor, on the 3d Tues. next after the 4th Tues. in May.—Castine, on the 4th Tues. next after the 4th Tues, in May.—West-Machias, on the 5th Tues. next after the 4th I'ues. in May. —At Belfast (in new county of Waldo,) on 7th Tues. after the 3d Tues. in May. NISI PRIUS TERMS. At Alfred, on the 3d Tues. in Sept. —Portland, on the 1st Tues. in Nov.—Paris, on the 2d Tues. in October. Wiscasset, on the 3d Tues. in Sept.— Augusta, on the 1st Tues. in Oct.—Bangor, on the 4th Tues. in October. —At Norridgevvock, on the last Tues. in Sept. Court of Common Pleas* At York, last I'ues. in May.— Alfred, 2d Tuesday in Feb. and 3d Tues. in Oct.— Portland, 1st Tues. in March, 3d Tues. in June, and 1st Tues. in Oct.—Wis- casset, 4th Tues. in Dec.—Topsham, 4th Tues. in Aug.—Warren, 4th Tues in April.— Augusta, 2d Tues. in April, 2d Tues. in August, and 2d Tues. in Dec. Norridgewock, 2d Tues. in March, last Tues. in June, and 1st Tues. in Nov. —Castine, 4th Tues. in April, 2d Tues. in July, and 3d Tues. in October—Machias, 1st Tues. in March, and 3d Tues. in Sept.—Paris, 2d Tues. in June, and 4th Tues. in Sept. and 4th Tues. in Jan.—Bangor, 1st Tues. in Jan. June and October. Belfast, (county of Waldo,} on the 4th Tues. in March, July and November.

JUDGES OF THE COURTS IN MAINE. Supreme Judicial Court. Hon. Prentiss Mellen, ll.d. of Portland, ChiefJustice, Hon. Albion K. Parris, of Portland, Justice, Hon. Nathan Weston, jr. of Augusta, do. Court of Common Pleas, Hon. , of Portland, Chief Justice, Hon Samuel E. Smith, of Wiscasset, Justiee,

Hen. DBV'd Pe'.him, ^t Brewer. da. Knights Templars. 247 MASONIC SOCIETIES.

General Grand Encamfiment of Knights Temfilars in the United States. Rev. Jonathan Nye, Claremont, N. H. G. G. Master. Next Triennial meeting of the G. G. Encampment will be held in the city of Baltimore, Sept. 1832.

Grand Encampment of Massachusetts and Rhode- Island. Meet annually.

John J. Lorlng, Esq. Boston, G. Master, Joseph Whitaker, Esq. Providence, D. G, Master. Robert Lash, Boston, G. Generalissimo. Jacob Amee, of Boston, G. Cafit. General. Rev. John L. B'ake, of Boston, Grand Prelate. Thomas Power, E.^q. of Boston, G. S. Warden* Edward A. Raymond, of Boston, G. J. Warden. Moses Richardson, of Providence, G. Treas. Samuel Howe, of Boston, G. Recorder. A. A. Dame, Esq. of Boston, G. Warder, Daniel Tenney, of Sutton, G. Standard Bearer. Joseph Young, of Newburyport, G. Sword Bearer.

General Grand Royal Arch Chafiter of the United States. Edward Livingston, of New-York, G. G. High Priest* Hon. Joel R. Poinsett, S. C. D. G, G. H. P. Edward K. Stapleton, of Baltimore, G. G. Scribe. Rev. Paul Dean, of Boston, G. G. King. Peter Grinnell, Providence, R. I. G. G. Treasurer, Lebbeus Chapman, of New-York, G. G. Sec'ry. Rev. Jonathan Nye, Claremont, N. H. G. G. Chafdain, Amos Nourse, of Maine, G. Marshal, Next meeting in Baltimore, September, 1832.

Grand Royal Arch Chafiter of Massachusetts. Stated Meetings in June, September and December. Officers elected in September. Rev. Samuel Clark, of Princeton, Grand High Priest, Robert Lash, of Boston, De/iuty Grand High Priest, 248 Masonic Societies.

Rev, Charles Train, of Framinghani, G. King. Charles Wells, G. Scribe. Abmham A. Dame, G. Treasurer* Samuel Howe, G. Secretary. Rev. Sebastian Sireeter, i

Rev . Samatil Barrett, > G Cha/ilains. Rev. Seth Alden, j John R. Bradford, G. MarshaU

Most Worshififul Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Quarterly conmmnications held on the 2d Wednesday in December, March, June, and September. Joseph Jenkins, Esq. of Boston, G, Master, Elijah Morse, Esq. of Boston, Defi. G. Master. Abraham A. Dame, Esq. of Boston, Stnior.Gr.Warden. William J Whij>ple,Esq. of Cambridge, Jun. Grand do. John J. Loring, Esq. of Boston, Grand treasurer. Thomas Power, Esq. of Boston, Rec Gr. Sec'ry. Rev. Asa Eaton, of Boston, Cor. Gr. Sec'ry. John P. Big°lnw, Esq. of Boston, Grand Marshal. "* Rev. James Sabine, of Boston, Rev. Beiij. C. Cutler, of Qaincy, Rev. Samuel Barrett, of Boston, Rev. Charles Train, of Framingham, Rev. Samuel Osgood, d. n. of Springfield, G. Chaplains. Rev. James Morss, d. d. of N v/buryport, Rev. Benjamin Wiilard. of Northampton, Rev. Titus Strong, of Greenfield, Rev. Benjamin Putnam, of Randolph, Rev. J. W. Eastman, of Reading, Elias Haskell, of Bostnn, Sr^nior Gr. beacon. David Parker, of Boston, Junior Gr. Deacon' George G. Smith, ot Boston, \

Metcalf, Esq. of f , Eliab N. Camb. ^ , ^^""^ Stewards.e, Thos. W. Phillips, Esq. of Boston, \ Horatio M. Willis, Esq. of Boston. ) Hon. Thomas J. Goodwin, Charlestown, G. Sword B.

Henry H. Barton, of Boston, • , 7 r^ Pursuivants.d Isaac Livermore, of Cambridge, S^"^'

The following Right Worshipful Brethren are Dep- uty Grand Masters, for the several districts of the Com- roonwealth, and styled District Deputy Grand Masters. Masonic Societies. 249

Joseph Eve leth, of Boston, 1st Dist. 2d do. Jacob H Loud, Esq. Plymouth, 5d do. Thomas S. Mann, Wrentham, 4th do. Lemuel Shattuck, Esq. Concord, 5th do. 6th do. 7th do. Daniel N. Dewey, Esq. Williamstown, 8 th do. William Hilliard, Esq. Cambridge, 9th do. lOfh do. Sylvester Baker, Esq. Barnstable, 11th do. Rev. William Morse, Nantucket, 12th do. Rev. Luther Hamilton, Taunton, 13th do.

Grand Council of Royal and Select Mastersfor the Cotnmonivealth of Massachusetts* Abraham A. Dame, Esq. Boston, M. I. G. M.

TABLES of the Value of the Gold Coins of Great- Britain, and France, according to the Act of Congress of April 29, 1816. GREAT BRITAIN AND PORTUGAL.

cf §'r ct divt. value 1 9 17 1 2 18 2 3 19 3 4 12 44 20 4 5 13,48 21 5 6 14|51 22j8i 6 7 15 55 2385 7 8 16159 250 Interest Table.

A TABLE of SIMPLE INTEREST, at Six per Cent.

princi- 1 i pal. fd. INDEX.

Academy of Arts and Sciences 138 Divisionary Staff Officers - - 90 Academies in Massachusetts - 135 Duke's County Justices, &c - 64 Additions and Corrections - 241 Eclipses ------2 Agricultural Societies - - 160 Education Societies - - - 145 American Education Society 145 Essex Justices, &c. - - - - 42 Amherst College 126 Eye & Ear Infirmary - - - 155 Antiquarian Society - - - 139 Federal Courts, Sittings of - 193 Andover Institution - - - 134 Field Officers of Infantry - - 93 Aqueduct Coi-poration - - - 163 Fatherless & Widows' Society 151 Army of the United States - 216 Foreign Coins - - 182, 249 Artillery of Massachusetts - 102 Fire Society - - - . - 150 Asylums ---.---- 151 Fire Department - - - - Assessors --.----231 Franklin Justices, 8<:c. - - 79 Atheneums ..----- 162 General Court . - . . 17 Attorneys in Boston - - - . 41 Governors of Massachusetts 15,16 Attorneys, Cir. Court, U. S. - 194 " of the several States 197 Auctioneers in Boston - r - 232 Hamilton College - - - 133 Banks in Massachusetts - - 166 Hampden Justices, &c. 82 Barnstable Justices, &c. - - 6l Hampshire Justices, &c. - 52 Berkshire Justices, &c. - - 72 Handel and Haydn Society 162 Bible SoQJeties ----- 141 Harvard University - - 122 Bishops in America - . . 106 Health Commissioners, Boston 227 Blackstone Canal - - - - 163 Hibernian Relief Society 150 - - - - 127 Historical Societies - - - 138 Branches U. S. Bank - - - 164 Horticultural Society - - 161 Brigade in Boston, 3d - . - 242 Hospital Corporation - - 153 Bristol Justices, &c. - - - 58 Howard Benevolent Society 149 Brown Univei-sity - - - - 128 Humane Societies - - - 149 Bunker Hill Monument - - 161 Inland Bills of Exchange 165 Churches and Ministers - - 109 Insane Hospital - - - - 154 Charitable Societies - - - 149 Instructers in Public Schools 228 Cincinnati of Massachusetts - 152 Infantry, Field Officers of 93 City Officers in Boston - - . 226 Insurance Companies - - 176 Columbia College ... - 130 Judiciary of Massachusetts 30 Collectors of the Customs - 196 Judiciary of United States 191 Columbian College - - - - 127 Justices in Boston - - - 39 Common Coiincil - - - - 226 Justices through the State 37 Constables in Boston - - - 231 Judges in Mass. - - . 30 Congress, 21st 187 Library Societies - - . 162 Consuls, American - - - - 198 Lyceums ----.. 160 " foreign in U. S. - - 202 Marine Societies - . . - 140 Cong. Charitable Society - 108 Masonic Societies - • - 247 Convention Cong. Ministers - 106 Manufactories in Mass. 183 Counsellors, &c. in Boston - 41 Marine Hospital ... 155 Council, Massachusetts - - 17 Masters in Chancery - - 84 . Courts in Maine ----- 246 Mechanic Association . . 150 County Commissioners - - 31 Mechanics' Institution 159 Court, Counsellors, Cir. U. S. 194 Medical Society of Mass. - " 156 S. J. Massachusetts, -. 30 Medical Dispensary - - - " 155 S. J. Calendar of - - 32 Medical School .... 158 " Common Pleas - - - 30 Middlesex Justices, - " &:c. 46 C. P. Calendar of - - 33 Middlesex Canal - - - . " 163 Probate 35 Militia of Massachusetts - " 90 of United States - - 191 Mill Corporation - - - - 163 Custom House Officers - - 195 Ministers and Churches for the Dartmouth College - - - - 131 several Counties 109 Deaths in Boston .... 240 Missionary Societies 142 Debating - - - . Societies 140 Municipal Court ... 30 Dispensary,' Medical, - - - 155 Nantucket Justices, &c. 65 District Officers - - of U. S. I9l Naval Force of United States 215 252 Index.

Naval Agents, Jkc 213 Sheriffs in Boston .... 42 Navy of United States - - - 209 '' Essex --..-. 46 New-England Society - - . 160 " Middlesex .... $1 Newton Institution - - - - 134 " Hampshire - - . - 54 Norfolk Justices, &c. - - - 76 '• Plymouth- - - - . 57 Notaries Public in Boston - 41 " Bristol 241 " in Essex 45 " Barnstable - - - . 6; '« in Middlesex - - - - 50 " Dukes 6a " in Hampshire - - - 53 " Nantucket ... - 6i '• in Plymouth - - - 56 " Worcester - ... - 7( « in Bristol 60 " Berkshire ..... 7- « in Barnstable - - - 63 " Norfolk 7< « in Dukes 64 " Franklin 8 " in Nantucket - - - 65 " Hampden 8- « in Woi-c;ster - - - 69 Society for Diffusion of Useful " in Berkshire - - - - 74 Knowledge ----- 15c « in Norfolk ... - 78 Solicitor General of Mass. - 3i »' in Franklin - - . - 81 South Carolina College - . 13; " in Hampden - . - - 83 Standing Committees of House 24: Overseers of Poor, Boston - 227 Joint do. do. 2> Peace Societies ----- 148 Stations of U. S. Vessels - - 20f Penitent Female Refuge - - 151 Stages from Boston - - - . 23' Physicians in Boston - - - 232 State Prison, Officers of - . 16. Pilgrim Society 161 Suffolk Justices, &e. . - - 3: Plymouth Co, Justices, &c. . 53 Supreme Court, Mass. - . - 3i Police Court in Boston - - 30 " " of U. S. - - 19 Population of United States - 224 Temperance Societies • . - 15: " of Towns and Cities - 225 Third Brigade, 1st Division - 24 Postage 207 Tract SocietifS 14 Post lowns & Post Masters - 85 'J'wenty first Congress - - - 18 Princeton College, N. J. - - 133 Undertakers in Boston - - 23 Prison Discipline Society - - 152 Union College 13 Probate Courts 35 Unitarian Association ... 14' Rates of Wharfage . - - - 234 - . - 21 Representati^"es of Mass. . . 18 United States Calendar - • 18 " of United States - - 188 Univrsities -----. 12 Sabbath School Societies - - 147 Useful Knowledge Society - 15 Salaries 89,190 Vermont Colleges - - - - 13 Savings Bank in Boston . - 153 Votes for Governor - - - . Schools Public, Boston . - 228 Ward Officers 22 13i School Committee - . - . 227 Washington College . . . Seaman's F riond Society - - 152 Waterville College - - - - 12 Secretaries of Departments . 190 Williams College - - . . 12 Senate of Massachusetts - - 17 Worcester Co. Justices, &c. • 6' « of United States. - - 187 Yale College U

(vj* The Publishers of the Register gratefully acknowledg" their obligations to their friend and correspondent, John Bailey Esq. Member of Congress, for much valuable and correct informatiol furnished by him. Other gentlemen, who have also contributed th means of correcting its pages, are also tendered most cordial thanki Articles for this Register, intended as corrections, muist be forwarde early in October.
