CEU eTD Collection T HE C FROM ETHNICTOCIVIC the degree of Master of Arts in Political Science Political in ofArts of Master the degree Supervisor: Professor NenadDimitrijevic Professor Supervisor: ASE In Partial fulfillment of the requirements for requirements ofthe fulfillment In Partial OF Department of Political Science Political of Department Central European University European Central THE C Alexandru Krasznay ATALONIA Budapest, Hungary Budapest, A Submitted to Submitted UTONOMOUS 2010 By , S PAIN C OMMUNITY OF CEU eTD Collection attitudes towards nationalismcivic towards attitudes nationalism. to from community moved autonomous the of that reflectethnic findings successfully All policy. media and legislation justice transitional in implementing government regional the pastthe 23 years in Catalonia, as well establishingas levelsthe ofinclusiveness and openness of employs both quantitative and qualitative ininterpreting analyses over opinion conducted polls paper in the examineCatalonia, development nationalism to the Inorder various aspects. provingat that policies is: question The research controversial. isstill extremely nationalism state of current the where Spain, of in case Catalonia, applies the two types ofnationalism, andcivic. ethnic previously Unlike his theoreticalthought, model also the between Smith D. Anthony by made differentiation classic the explore to out sets thesis This Abstract , are Catalans still characterized by sentiments ?of Catalan people experienced a transition from ethnic to in nationalism civic to from atransition ethnic people experienced Catalan As reflected in opinion polls and different governmentalreflected inopinionpollsanddifferent As 2 The research aims CEU eTD Collection professionalism, andassistance patience past twoyears. during the Science andtheCentral staff,European faculty,University, for colleagues their and Political of Department the to grateful am I least, not but Last identity. national constructing communication andstudies enablingme developto an understanding of rolethe of mediathe in outcome. I am also extremely thankful to Professor Kate Coyer for guiding my interestin given hisand support encouraged me initial from the of phases projectthe until final the has wholeheartedly who Dimitrijevic, Nenad Professor for consideration my highest express substantially contributed to my work with their dedication and constant guidance. I wouldlike to have people helpthat the with important of was possible some research This two–year Acknowledgments 3 CEU eTD Collection racsig...... 44 ...... Broadcasting Chapter 3 – In–Depth CaseStudy: Expressions ofNationalism Catalanin Public iidWrs...... 63 Citied Works...... 58 Conclusions...... 27 Chapter 2 – Explaining theTransition Process from Ethnic toCivic Nationalism...... 12 ...... Chapter 1–Nationalism and ItsFacets 6 ...... Introduction 5 ...... of Figures Table 4 Table ofContents...... 3 ...... Acknowledgments 2 Abstract...... Catalan Broadcasting is Moving 53 3.2. Forward...... Som Catalans, no som 48 3.1. espanyoles!...... Qualitative Analysis of Catalan 38 Transitional 2.2. Justice...... Quantitative Analysis of Catalan Nationalism from 1984 2.1. 27 to 2007...... 2. The Origins of 23 Nationalism ...... in 1. Catalonia 1. From Individual to 12 Collective 1. Identity...... Attitudes towards 35 2.1.5. immigration...... Self–identification as Catalan 33 vs...... 2.1.4. Spanish Satisfaction with the level 32 of 2.1.3. ...... Nationalist 30 2.1.2. sentiment...... Self–Identification with Catalonia 29 or ...... 2.1.1. Elsewhere Table ofContents 4 CEU eTD Collection Table 5:Attitudes towards immigration Table 4:Self–identification asCatalan vs.Spanish Table 3:Satisfaction withthe oflevel autonomy Table 2:Nationalist sentiment Table 1:Self–Identification with Cataloniaor Elsewhere ...... 31 Table of Figures ...... 36 5 ...... 32 ...... 34 ...... 30 CEU eTD Collection considerable powertoautonomous regional institutions givingofficial all to recognition in the case of ethnic minorities. The new constitutional monarchy, on the other side, granted been by tackled meansofassimilationthe whichhave policies, infringed to proved upon universal has regime,problem this Franco the During areCatalans. people of wherethe majority Catalonia, is in reversed independence. this relationship autonomy even However, or tendencies towards constant displayed that Catalonia like regions minority strong the and – Castilians as perceived Historically speaking, the has Spanishnation by been torn betweenconflicts majority the – butalsoregime (1939–1975), organization the thebroadcastingof services. Francoist the of victims the concerning legislation regional their sentiments, nationalist Catalans’ the on study longitudinal basis of a the of state nationalism, on and current thepast examining to interest its limit will thesis The broadcasting. service public the as well as policies, justice regional identity definesCatalonia,that thein livingin asreflected people transitional surveys, communities rather than autonomous their own loyalty towards of share attitudes to seem regions these scope, Spain as a and whole.intensity its in both time over varied has Thus, activism political their Although the1975. in monarchy main focus the of (re)instauration the of after and this before sentiments nationalistic thesis constant shown have regions is rather on the different history,comprises that communities same 17autonomous underthe monarchy. constitutional a Having differentAfter 40years of Kingdom the (or dictatorship, Spain isof today Spain) a multicultural language,Introduction but somewhat similar political aims, three of these 17 6 CEU eTD Collection critique butexplain from civic transitional ethnic the progress to nationalism in Catalonia. formulate and isnot concepts my Following only and a developeffect. thisprinciple, purpose to links between cause better topics, determining views overtheir complex everon morerely than now can scholars fashion, inan interdisciplinary research academic of emergence the Witnessing nationalism. in ethnic originates nationalism civic Catalan that my claim for example whatis called civic nationalism. In fact, the autonomous region of Catalonia, Spain, stands as an ethnic nationalism bringing historical evidence, andhow itmore evolved into positive forms of all across . This thesis will develop on how Western countries, such as Spain, experienced between two the types ofnationalism made byAntony D. Smith is(1986; 1991) actually visible classic differentiation the that rightly argue others However, literature. inthe nationalism nationalism”. The first chapter will extensively explore the differences between differences the explore extensively will chapter first The nationalism”. “civic with identifiable is nationalism Western while nationalism”, “ethnic to corresponds nationalism Eastern that many scholars argue is that research present the triggered What Catalan. and Spanish identities, national two the between distinction nationalism. as communities and 1994,20).Similarly,(Maxwell Spiegel here nationalistlabeled the discourse, and andneeds press on demandspower of the between Spanishstate autonomous the that the mediate must in Madrid government national the context, this In nationalities. diverse of nation Today,becomehave all 17 regions Therefore, communities. autonomous isseenasa Spain 1979, andits regional increased steadily power since.ever (Nuñez 2001, 722–729) 18, December community on ofautonomous status the granted was Catalonia fact, ethnicities. In nationalism The tension between these two different political identities led to a clearer ledto identities political different two between these Thetension , can be differentiated between (mainstream) between , canbedifferentiated 7 ethnic nationalism ethnic and and civic civic CEU eTD Collection more inclusive and open towards accepting non–Catalan elements. Taken into consideration the consideration into Taken elements. non–Catalan accepting towards open and inclusive more they whether its conclude are community,of status and autonomous Catalonia had achieved after consolidation, democratic yearsof the during acts modifications inlegislative important media. andjustice legislations:broadcasting Iwill transitional selected anumbercompare of Secondly, Iwill developa qualitative analysis based on the peculiarities displayed by each of the nationalism. of in development trend the existenceof a certain possible from the 4 differentin the same region – Cataloniayears – with a similar representative sample of the region. Sothe results Center, can Research Sociological Spanish be the institute, compared research same the by time every developed and,was it because based valuable also is study empirical The society. in the on changes possible them,about the thesis will results canyieldvalid andcomparable butalso another one the 10yearsbetween data, because establish the 2002, and 2007 on the topic nationalof identity.years The were selected based on availability of employed forFirstly, each type. resultsthe interpret Iwill of fourfrom opinion polls 1984, 1993, different governmental policies different question: The research change overtime. theirdiscussing The current state of nationalism inCatalonia will be assessed by using opinion andpolls Due to the use of both Due tothe use of interests of others. and identity the national Catalan the representing between the balance maintain successfully to itsresources dedicated regional government present in–depththe case Catalan of the public broadcasting which aims atproving thatthe will chapter last theThe thesis. throughout explained causes a number of dueto nationalism nationalism? I hypothesize that the Catalan people experienced a transition from from tocivic experienced Catalanethnic atransition that the Ihypothesize people quantitative , and are Catalansstill characterized by sentiments ofethnic qualitative 8 analyses, two different methodologies will be As reflected inopinionpolls and As reflected CEU eTD Collection theoretically oriented approach of this theme, I will employ the nationalism. Due to the immense literature in the field, this part of the thesis is structured asa is inof field, structured thesis the part this the immenseliterature Due tothe nationalism. The first chapter policy. media and begins inspecific yearsCatalonia during the justice areas: of democratic consolidation transitional two with of community autonomous the by passed legislation the examine will I an hand, other the On overview nationalism. of Catalan nature in of is the change a pattern there and data see whether empirical of analyze will I hand, one the theOn qualitatively. and quantitatively both studied be will most that aspects importantof Catalan nationalism authors based state the about of conclusions Instead drawing nationalism couldof today. status on that the portray one piece of evidence,in the thethesisThe presentthe originality liesthesis its comprehensive with of of analysis diverse the aspects gathersfield a relevant number of of result into the same outcome or different (amended hypothesis) outcomes. could that paths possiblecausal investigating alternative and also allowsmethod discovering Catalan people experienced atransition fromethnic tocivicnationalism that myhypothesis seenamely nationalism,disprove will if outcome the had towards Catalans that theattitudes on concentrate I will of transformation, process Tracing this further. and consolidation democratic of times the to change, regime the after from times the government and Bennett 2005, 206). In my inquiry, Iwill follow the policies adopted by the Catalan regional variables andthemechanisms –between explanatory of variable” outcome (George response the chainidentify –andinterveningcausal process “to tracing causal the asanattempt the SocialSciences Development inthe explain this micro–historical phenomenon. In their methodology book , Alexander L. George and Andrewdescribe and Bennett Alexander L.George process , 9 process–tracing Case StudiesandTheory . The process–tracing method to the CEU eTD Collection relation between Catalonia and Spain. Catalonia between relation Civil War, especially in Catalonia where thisidentity has been systematically suppressed, in the the of victims with dealing of importance the by is explained choice particular This policies. justice transitional analysis of the to isdedicated chapter second of the part last The forms. civic to ethnic in changefrom fact, not, did did or nationalism whether prove arelikely to indicators Spanish orCatalan, both, andfinally or his/her personal immigration. towards attitudes These as self–identification Catalonia, in autonomy of level the with satisfaction his/her sentiment, nationalist his/her of level the belongs, participant the where location the with identification self– are: indicators five The development. nationalism this testing for selected were indicators from and literature the the positioning of selfthe within his/her own collective identity,five showingcould that apattern accountfor thetransition from ethnic civic to nationalism. Deriving virtually nationalism, of development inthe linearity detect to possibility is the this for reason for 23yearsSpanish every The one of history, yearsthroughout decade. recent four scattered of study with anempirical starts the It thesis. analysis of core the represents The secondchapter fascistregime. Spanish this ends chapter history with a brief nationalismof Catalan its from origins end until ofthe the in Catalonia, nationalism emerged whyethnic clarify the reasons to nationalism.of order civic In case the in forms of ownhistory nationalism its ethnic residing Catalonia, changed gradually to in that argues thesis present the negligible, is sometimes them between differences range and the common agreat have nationalism of types all that Acknowledging nationalism. civic and liberal as as well nationalism, ethnic and traditional are: were considered that nationalism of varieties four–type by paired analysis, due two interdependency to their two four Thus,and the overlap. 10 CEU eTD Collection changes in the nature of of nationalism. inthenature changes the reflect policies media its that is claim my asCatalans, such groups ethnic different the at integrity create abinding, same the but of state, the timerespecting 1975was after unitary to mediarespectingmonarchy. pluralism the and Spain’s Considering main Spanish that purpose therefore interest, balance and Spanish its won managedto mainstream the successfully goals its media legislation through Catalan government see the whether Finally, Iwill policies. with issues,how ethniccommunity–based andsee they oriented vs.civic are intheirpublic the words, chapter will insightful provide an broadcastingprofile of Catalan the publicdeal that transition to and the Constitution of 1978, which reestablished the monarchy. In other the throughout continuing death, Franco’s before even changed have might they that way the willanalyzingmission at theirandimpact today, I look of developmentthe mediathese policies, Before Franco’s regime. lastin decadeof butonly the oppression theirconstant despite heritage weremaintainingmedia specificlanguages independentand cultural the structures As Iwill inargue thelast chapter of under–developed thesis,the the butalready–existent 11 CEU eTD Collection Italy Italy in 1861,Germany in 1871, Serbia Montenegroand in 1878. 1 Autonomous Region of Catalonia, Spain. on focus the with a special in literature the as developed they concepts theoretical relevant most establishing the working definitions of the term Before going into the core of the thesis,– NationalismandIts Chapter 1 Facets this chapter will limit the span of my argument by considered asanation–state considered iswhile state narrative(Calhoun generally and1997, 232), themodern historical speakthe same andshare inhabitlanguage, same sameterritory, the any the of that people group for characteristics general most the are a nation to belonging of sense the and identity National otherness (Allport 1987). Attachment of group members toward their country bya membersisof their expressed 1987). Attachmenttoward group country otherness (Allport because the senseauthors most oftake a dialectical , approach becauseidentity “[t]here is no adhesion a to group discussing without exclusion”,When simply nationalism. of form the in cannot bonds emotional or loyalties be conceived outside 1983). Anation views atleast asitself special or with aunique, an entity culture, sharing a direct opposition from groupsby other ofits virtue the members to the sense of The The term is used starting with the 19 1. From Individual to Collective Identity Collective to Individual From 1 . According to a well–known interpretation, a nation is set apart isset anation interpretation, a well–known to . According th century to denote the first modern states: in1830, Belgium in 1831, 12 nationalism imagining . In doing so, Iwill briefly review the themselves as a nation (Anderson, nation a as themselves CEU eTD Collection not a unitary phenomenon. Rather, itis more suitable to discuss different that thesis, in present the andreinforced in literature, the is accepted It generally inCatalonia. observations consisting of specific measurable aspects with their will deal part following level,the atheoretical on strictly willbeexamined theconcepts Chapter this of purposes the for Although nationalism. ethnic concept, complementary its and nationalism (conservative) traditional and nationalism, civic concept, twin its and nationalism liberal to refer Thus, Iwill context. in theEuropean especially literature inthe most discussed the also are that nationalism, of types different four on focus will I Instead, analysis. this from excluded There are numerous classifications and typologies of nationalism and most of them will be and duetothe across (SmithWestern Europe 1991, 96). nation–states consequencesModernity andreligion,of on emergence with the of the that the present thesis willcommunist countries, only like Hungary, with less experiencelimit in constitutional democracy. its However, discussion liberal in asin democracy, Kingdom, such United the Spain,inScotland, or Catalonia, andpost– to nationalism in with peopletradition countries from understanding hasattracted a political doctrine Its as as an . Acknowledging phenomenon. ideological and a social as its appearance after years hundred moretwo than even Nationalism continues to be today“belong” anation to 2004,(Heywood 127). one of the most controversialfeeling of conceptsallegiance However,in I agree with Heywoodpolitical that thisto emotional bonda is not a sinenation; qua non condition of the science, even senselove,belonging, of loyalty, and land group the and caretoward pride, (Bar–Tal 1997, 246). people who do not feel national pride may admit they collective identity represents the foundation of nationalism, this appeared followingthe this appeared of nationalism, thefoundation represents 13 kinds of nationalism, of nationalism is CEU eTD Collection contradict each other. contradict than complete rather thesedefinitions itsfor members. Of all course, of responsibilities memory,territory, common myths, publicculture, economy, common common equal rights and most complete promote A.D. 14) probablytheir the Smith and common will to(1991, state. own provides (4) definitionin thefuture, tolive andhope interests together current common heritage, (3) common cultural of nationalismare by anidealiving sharedby whonationalism united (2) as (1) sameterritory, the on people referring is future describing nation, and of 15) with more the (self–)preservation concerned the to (1972, samereligion. Shafer tothe evenadhering andsometimes sametradition, practicing the a given population aspirations, nation’s thatexpressesthe has aculture language, acommon region, speaks sharing of character afeelingnationalism by sharedlivesas a group that inawell–defined geographical a commonSimilarly,i) Snyder (1969, is arguesthatnationalism aframe ofmind emphasizing the emotional of organization, values thesource and andnationalism as cultural prosperity. economic form astheideal political of the Kohn acknowledges society. the members of loyaltythe between of attitude the basedon a population, of majority large the permeating Nationalism”, Kohn Hans (1967,16) definesnationalism of asastate mindincreasingly definitions by field.in main hisgiven thetheorists “The the seminalwork In Ideaof In order to grasp the content of term the of grasp content the to In order perspective. Anthony D. Smith’s distinction between distinction Smith’s D. Anthony of depending perspective isthe on analysis. Inthe caseof basedon theclassification this thesis civic nationalism 14 and ethnic nationalism comprehensively, I will review the review will I comprehensively, from a historical a from CEU eTD Collection following axioms: following emotions and landscapes) symbols, monuments, milestones, historical heroes, national as (such life day ismergerbetween a complex nationalism an ideology, as Seen doctrine. systematic of a part being necessarily without discourses, nationalistic different in explicitly or implicitly befound may which values, and norms prescriptive and accepted commonly most society’s tothe here ideology refers term the Gellner (1997), According to individuals collectiveunites take same innation istheircommon ideology.to the decisions didvote)(e.g. will not onthemby accept the decisions imposed what active members. So the in participate members who didnot process political community passiveof the second, the the and society, own their advance to interest common a have that citizens by collectively made sake of the nation’s well–being. This membership has two facets. First, the political decisions are legitimizes politicalthe powerandmobilizes individualsthe toparticipate in lifepublic for the identity collective This belonging. national or , of in terms articulated community, of sense or sharing, of sense a have a society in individuals that implies representation political of principle The nationalism? and representation political between connection the is exactly what But by people. of majority chosen the made by they were representatives because citizens forbinding all become madebystate decisions the words in other of representation; political idea the from its drives state the that means This unity. national and political between intersection the at situated principle political a is nationalism 9), (1997, Gellner Ernest For (1) individuality; The isworld composed out of nations,its eachhaving own destiny, history, specific and , aspirations. Gellner rightfully summarizes the core of the nationalistic ideology inthe ideology nationalistic the of core the summarizes rightfully Gellner aspirations. , 15 cognitive elements expressed in every– CEU eTD Collection discusses the consensus between the between discusses consensus individual the andtheform choice whichof isgovernment, of Mill Stuart John self–determination. national and self–determination individual of principles The challenge ofliberal nationalism is apparentthe contradictory betweenrelationship the several peoples having a common scope, higher than one nation acting for its own sake. of purpose incipientthe illustrates thesis this it phasenationalism as engaging a sense of the for is relevant view Mazzini’s Monarchy. Habsburg the counterbalance to purpose intended an international the “Youngendeavor, formed Europe”, by11independentnations with the internationalist” ideal. His domestic program, militating primarily for the unification of Italy, had political movementwas founded and by guided ’s (1805–1872)“humanistic Italia) Giovine (La Italy” “Young the when Enlightenment, in the originates nationalism Liberal them.between exist liberal and traditional of kinds nationalism, due too, to multiplethe associations inseparable that the discuss marginally will I nationalism, of types ethnic and civic the explore widely will thesis four most discussed most four the Nevertheless, contexts. historical from different the emerge will assumptions more relative nationalistic rhetoric,Although is this a very wide definition referringto mostthe general behindassumptions the it will be narrowed subsequently in the analysis on Catalonia, when the (4) (3) (2) world. in canbe areensuredthe if Nations andpeace everywhere free safe only justice and and personaldepends development ontheidentification with nation;the toany prior individual obligation; is loyalty national the therefore power, political and social of source is the nation The are: liberal, traditional, civic, and ethnic. Although the Although ethnic. and civic, traditional, liberal, are: nationalism of 16 CEU eTD Collection was threatening thehistorical continuity evolution.of Edmund Burkeand Joseph de Maistre that rigidthe andto (1789–1799) French the to areaction appeared as Traditional or conservative nationalism was inspired by the cultural themes of , and valuesaccepted thatcan never bequestioned. (Tamir6–14, 33) 1993, commonly aresome there wouldthat claim nationalist person while a convictions anytime, their reconsider to free are people that believe always will spirit liberal A anybody. for points reference necessarily absolute not become forthey butdo some, are extremely important that sentiments nationalist certain are Indeed, there andsolidarity. loyalty attachment, the emphasizes individual of choice,with focuses respectnationalistthe autonomy and onthe tradition, which that even determine ones, personal the to superior ones), national (the values other are there time, samethem. at the that, Yael Tamir proposes haveindividualsistheir it values choose hardly therightand attachments, own to acceptable a reconciliationbased of the onliberal assumptions tradition,In words, the 138). other betweenindividualconnection is andthe national self–determination that which are different individualthe within thenational outside reside context,norcanhe/she nation. the (Beram 1987, for the person and the collectivity. If one agrees that its relation to individualits establish relation liberal Inessence, notnationalism to does options. the in superiorregarding place nation as the collectivewithout takes self–determination individual to from transition the how mention not does it as incomplete, be to seems explanation this However, self–determination. national to right the have nations constitute that groups therefore self–determination; alsoto havetheright groups the personal Consequently, self–determination. Harry Beram, structure the of syllogismthe is thefollowing:“Individuals have therightto individual self–determination to the upperlevel national and justifying For self–determination. naturebe andcollectiveby decided needsto governedtransferringthe (Mill1861,9),thus the 17 locus of CEU eTD Collection abstract deontological laws. (Rorty 1989) 2 options individual for abasis as criteria and scopes some establish to intention the is exactly share projects nationalistic What priorities. validatein establish their choose traditiontheir which the wayand cannot people preferences afeasible constitute cannot but fordaily carrying criterion andinfallible out life. Furthermore, necessities Tradition past behavioral maybe than inrather events. useful defining certain types, current from force nationalism its should derive ofview, point from cultural especially the is essential context social the that While Iagree times. thepresent of priorities the ignoring too strong emphasis on the past, tradition has a differentiated significance for the individual, thus particular a for with project social as any other Just project. collective abstract an of affirmation the tradition objective: employs nation the while identities, constituting in factor important an represents Tradition terms. very two distinct are nationalism and tradition associated, Although of nations. role in essential emergence the Of great importance oflanguage,mythology”. cultural nation the andFichte, of“purity popular wastheexpression was “corpus of citizens with equal rights”. Initsthe variant, German under influence the of Herder and reinforcementmere toa organic opposed community, an of expression superior asa considered nation the of old customs and , which played an ix). Many scholars argued,in accordance with the above distinction, that as a result of the lack of and on otherthe hand abackward whose nationalism East barbarism borders (Auer 2004,viii– liberal advancing naturally more towards as progressive, and civilized democracy, something divisionthe into, on of Europe onethe hand,whose nationalismWest, acivilized wasregarded with worked often politics culture and European its and nationalism roleinEastern Studies on See ’s idea of modern anti–fundationalism, whichclaims that practical judgments cannot rely on 2 . 18 CEU eTD Collection sacred. Another important elementis the associated with territory.the Thus,nations own a well–defined territory, whichis historical and historicalmodel civic orcultural. ForAnthonyD.Smith, is nation the of the predominantly institutions thattie the members of community the atypearound of authority from different political and laws rules, of set a implies This community”. “political so–called a of existence the sense, (conservative) traditional its in nationalism, of understanding common the beyond moreconfer this nationalism in (and literature popularity of asittype suggests, superiority) the single voice and political will expressing common goals and political interests. The political The interests. political and goals common expressing will political and voice single national self–determination andindividual self–determination. Thedenominator of principles the combine to tries it as nationalism, liberal with associated is nationalism Civic its own history characterized by non–liberal (Auerregimes 2004,viii–ix). in a region trapped about narratives arebased on Europe embrace Eastern to countries Western Kundera agreements)(Yalta (e.g. In this 2000). presentstereotypes context,the of and reluctance an event historical unfavorable identity due to only nations real of their robbed European Eastern the myth"about conviction widespread –the nationalist a"new of emerges There their . arepart values liberal and democratic that Westbyprotesting tothe alleged) allegiance (actual or their stress They Balkans). the recently and Russia, modern Stalinism, Russian by symbolized European nations,many of which often try to distance themselves from the "barbaric" East (often even by has been toEurope”. Eastern “return Ironically,the accepted stamina division this to and the liberal install order a stable, democratic chanceto (Linz the 1996) and andStepan democracy jeopardize to thisnationalism processthe both of type wouldof transition seriously was thought that extremist1992, SchöpflinIt nationalism (Greenfeld 2000,52). "by definition" in areespecially democratic Europe strong traditions, people inclinedtowhatisEastern fatherland 19 , a community of laws and institutions with a civic seems to CEU eTD Collection already formed in already 18 the In Kohn’s vision, ideology the behind civicnationalism is productthe of a dominantmiddle class 2004, 134). nationalismpoint, themechanics of provides achieving a (Heywood peaceful, stable worldorder of From nations. of conceptabovethe vantage this andsupports all equality of another those is clear by now that this brand of nationalism does not attemptIt to put nationalism. the interestsliberal of aforementioned one the nationwith replaceable iseasily nationalism civic Therefore, enemy. real or imaginary any of existence the by be strengthened to need not does that the national nationalism to community (Michnikand asapositive relation sawcivic 1993,151) from is of perspective nationalism civic the nation notidealized, the butcritically evaluated (Druckman Michnikargues that groups other correspondinghostility without the 1994). toward group own toone’s loyalty attachments and as strong nationalism civic characterizes Druckman an original territory, ora region unjustly lostin the past. territorial disputes are still current, there is a different type nationalismof which usually reclaims would tothe national where need of correspond from In countries unity., England ,and and for which onlyproblemthe ideology was creating acommon that typenationalism of developed especiallyin countries with relatively stable like territories, This culture. a civic plus equality, judicial and political community, certain a territory, historical the are nation a of concept Western the of elements standard the Smith, A.D. to according aspirations, sentimentsThe ultimate and ideas expression that hold of society. the rights andeconomic judicial civic equality, of substance the community represents peopleof this togethercommunity on isa historicala set of values territory. and common Therefore, cultural traditions, th century century expressing anideal of civic politics merging individual 20 CEU eTD Collection “them” and sometimes this split is carried to the extreme as “they” are the foes that need to be to need that foes the are “they” extreme as the to is carried split this sometimes and “them” and “us” between division sharp is a There . and to legitimacy of a semblance leastgiving at thereby promoting or athreat, andstrangersperceiving as immigrants leadto also this idea insist on needthe maintaining of cultural purity and traditions, something whichmay one’s and groups owngroup disliking certain (Druckman Theother pursuersof 1994, 63–64). Ethnicnationalism andbecan dangerously misinterpreted attitudes encourage involving liking compare. glorious pastwiththepresent cannot which for thesakeof a national theneedaffirmation it of in capitalizes and sense this rich impressively anonymous balladshistorical about heroes saving thecountry isappeared. The ideology and myths national for fascination the ishow This nation. the called community” “imagined an formation to the of whichcontributed customs, and model, traditions vernacular popular cultures rhetoric moral and role (Gellner1969,330).Also, idea the equality is of by replaced the a hasboth mobilization popular therefore people”, of “will the by functionsthe state laws, the of institutions 2000).Instead of of 1991,Horovitz set common and ethnic community (Smith the idea centers nationalism thisbrandof thus family, seenasalarge nation the of characteristic essential is the descend common the Here, born. was he/she where community tothe connected Regardless of is culture. lives, he/she and inescapably individual the where organically native the and community (natal) birth the emphasizes strongly nationalism ethnic contrast, In past(Kohnattachments tothe 329–331). 1967, effort tocreatea nation “political of out andrealities any presentstruggles without sentimental “rational ”with (seeConversi 1997,3).Thisconceptemerged from the 21 CEU eTD Collection moderate, and Eastern being more ethnic and bellicose, this thesis argues that Catalan that argues thesis this bellicose, and more ethnic being andEastern moderate, and civic more being Western nationalism, Eastern and Western between differentiation Kohn’s is nationalism of classifications influential most the of one though Even interesting. particularly nationalism. However, their specific articulation in the Autonomous Region of Catalonia is four types of of these overlapping aspects numerous restate are there that to is it important Now, instances. their collective Middle Ages,hence the essentialist nationalist rhetoric in individualswhich identified only with universalism longerthe forof a inthe abstract remained time Eastern anchored Europe turn, In secularization. and rationalism , specific their with Reformation the undergo experience these nordidthey did not the Renaissance, countries Europe, Unlike inWestern unity be hadamission that couldunderstoodonlyby that Kohn intellectuals (see the 1955). response uneasy Probably tothe iswhythenationpresent. this wasconceived asan organic had by tobe determined that culture an underdeveloped substituted mythshistorical asa Theculture found inWestern hardshipeconomic andEurope. in social Europe Eastern modernity “rational” the and to elites’ response cultural asthe nationalism”, as“cultural regarded nationalism Thisis 330). isoften why ethnic 1967, soon had become reality apolitical to (Kohn dreams ideal an myths andnational from created historical the intellectuals seize nationalist The wished it. but to nationalism was the creation of the elitesAs Kohn in argues, Central and Eastern Europe, where there areis nosignificantmiddle class, or groups of intellectuals that had no access to power and are theidentities experienced 2004, with moreintensity 138). (Heywood “us” isstrengthened about awareness the identified, “they” areclearly ridiculed. Once or hated fatherland powerfully linked powerfully and pastthe to marginally tothepresent, which 22 CEU eTD Collection centuries the Castilian Empire took over the entire peninsula, Cataloniamanaged tokeep its own violentthrough revolutions butthrough Although peaceful consensus. the following during imposed not was in 1350s, the already system, representative the Interestingly, region. the today including territories,Sardinia Sicily, other and becamein and thelargest prosperous most than larger whichwasmuch state, Catalan–Aragonese the Soon, Sea. Mediterranean at the power The Catalan state was formed between 12 the between wasformed state The Catalan called aso– enforcing theopposite, butquite andanti–, separatism lineof continue onthe differentfrom Catalonia’s own story, the Basque which Country,unlike for example didnot were historiesthe regions of these However, 1994). immigration (Beltran and industrialization inmovements also erupted endof Catalonia nineteenthcentury the atthe due to greatly nationalist ethnic Country, Basque the Valencia, Andalucía, with Along centuries. eighteenth and seventeenth, sixteenth, the from domination Castilian the during extinct go not did that language nationalism isbecause ithas an extremely andlong eventful history, unique culture, and despite insightful Kohn’svery So for classification, why ethnic Cataloniacase study a represents Chapter. this of part last the in briefly review will I that history region’s in the lie nationalism ethnic benationalism essentially usedto it graduallyethnic but civic. into transformed The origins of 1. 2. The Origins of Nationalism in 2. of Catalonia The Origins Nationalism 1. policy of consensus policy of and economic prosperity, asIwill show throughout the thesis. th 23 and the 14 and the th centuries as a powerful economic asapowerful centuries CEU eTD Collection landscape by landscape of beginning the 20 the Catalan andimmigration the changed power with economic together nationalism of The revival progressive Cataloniawouldlead that Spain. 1999,319–322) (Edles, federal a democratic which proposed andsecular nationalism,modern a and symbols of the Church. inspired structure by traditional the state hierarchical recreate the MiddleAgesand tryingthe to The second source ofby in legitimizedpopularity its is tradition Catholic Thefirstsource theconservative nationalism. nationalism at this namely independence (Kaplan 1992). Edles identifies twodifferentsources stage for firstthe revival of finds its origins Catalan the wasenhanced byrapidandfavorableculture growth context, historical economic in the mid Between auspices Institute. Catalan the Studies of 19 publishedby Fabrathe book under Pompeu and Grammar newspaper, first Catalan the first The standardization languageCatalan of in started 19 the been independentand Spanish the under occupation intermittently. 1996) (Balcells has Catalonia level. finances early ataregional the Sincethen and until administration 1800s, managed to stop the strikes and overmanyEventually, take region, the restoreafter scandals Parliament andattempts to Catalan the equilibrium and peace. However, the consequence autonomy from Spain. (Smith 1996, 179) was its and weakened system Catalonia of political the powerfully unbalanced that Barcelona itsurprisingiscontext workers’ betweennumerous in not strikes1919 and1923 that erupted insuchasocial Of course, class. working the and society bourgeoisie Catalan the between struggle”, “class warwasthe second The one. elitist arather from Madrid, power centralist “nationalist was firstinthis struggle” happeningwar against the the The Catalonia. time at th century. As Angel Smith argues, there were two “wars” two were there Smith Angel argues, As century. 24 th th century century and renaissance 1936,the of century with the foundation of the of foundation the with century CEU eTD Collection the fascist government, as well as in other regions of Spain. Although they were generally were they Although Spain. of regions other in as well as government, fascist the impressive volume. Eventually, onehourof school instruction indaily Catalan by was accepted a rather reached soon they so home, at language their use to the able of were region majority the of the inhabitants since and, more, once blossomed activities cultural Catalan totalitarian, then rather authoritarian, more was regime Francoist the that fact tothe Due tooccur. started revival Catalan 1950s, asecond restrictions during the of with government relaxation the However, the total weight of the Catalan economy as part of Spain as a whole. (Payne 1971, 32) to proportionate werenot because its resources weak increasingly finance hasbecome Catalan many Catalans to seek solutions outside their region. Unlike very few times in its history, compete with modernizingthe Spanish forcefully economy implemented in Catalonia, obliging Spanish–Speaking one. Additionally, small–scale the Catalan businessestraditional could hardly in work homogenize factories,Catalan in to the order Catalan–speaking population with the industry from 1950s,alargethe numberof workers especially from Andalucía werebrought to “language of the Empire”. speak in everywherethe to encouraging people bigcities introduced the big were placards Even more profoundly, dueas almost all Catalan public, cultural, and educational institutions were made strictly illegal and to the new boom of the Catalan Catalonia followingIn theperiod severe civilwar the cultural suffered repression, (1936–1939), textile in schools, and Catalonia altogether continued toexpand until 1936. (Payne 1971,24) mandatory be studied to language official declared was of Catalan statute autonomy, granted the the first president of the Catalan regional government, thebecame Marcià Francesc colonel army former The 1931. April in elections the won eventually republicanistthat nationalistsand Catalan more groups more became and powerful and 25 Generalitat . In 1932 Catalonia was . In1932 CEU eTD Collection political after political monarchy stage of reestablishment in the the 1975. the cameto that generation by democratic be the left solved were to that spiritual problems and moral aggravated and crises identity sharpened have century twentieth the of half second the of changes social and cultural the Rather, amplification. its to contributed that variable only the not is it nationalism, Catalan for impulse an represented development economic Although nationalism. Scottish or nationalism Flemish hence vicinity, in their situated identities national especially who smallerfeelwithin groups ethnic endangered somewhat bythemore powerful Such nationalistmovements nations, and in visible European other occurred they too, are nationalism remained rooted in Catalonia and survived until the end of the Fascist regime. ethnic whatsoever, incentives state no with conditions these under Even Country. Basque Catalan language, own institutions,Franco’s policies chose to dismiss the need for at leastpublications, cultural autonomy (referring to seemedbethe to favorable Spain to itsespecially minority usedue to in afterposition 1945, Europe of etc.) for Catalonia, Althoughexist. odds all to still neversized movement Catalan the andstill, were often arrested, as well as Galicia and leaders andtheir the inCatalonia were organized parties regionalist and factions numerous Other inexile” established (Payne1971, 33–37) Paris. the Catalan National Council in Mexico City in parallel with the with parallel in City in Mexico Council National Catalan the of maintain that such “headquarters” they managedto to an extent the have themselves organized home and outside at both opposition political in the active the remained movements region, nationalist regional repressed, in the countries where they were sent into exile. Such dissidents 26 Generalitat ’s “government–in– ’s CEU eTD Collection communities from making Spain, to study mysingle choice possible.Catalonia Thestudy I will its high institutional of autonomy.addition, degree 17autonomous research encompasses In all a ensuring Parliament, the not and Cabinet, Prime–Minister’s the from directly comes funding remodeled in 1977 during the manytransition, and haswon sociological awards ever since.Its reliabilitybeyond is for question The several Centerwas reasons. established 1963and Its identity. national of theme the on centered a survey conducting regularly 1984, since de Investigaciones orCIS–Centro is,The Sociological Spanish Research Center Sociológicas Quantitative Analysis of Catalan Nationalism from 1984 to 2007 2.1. identity. national preserve to goals important more its fit better Catalonia shifted its oneof most enduringpolicies, related totransitional in justice, to order democracy, Here, Iwill years within that, to of show transition Spanish government. the examining the underlyingmechanisms institutions autonomous the of and their relation with the is qualitative, analysis following The statistics. descriptive on based results isof survey one, Catalan people using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Thefirst analysis, the empirical part of identifying thesisthe at aims in mainexpressionsthe nationalism of the consciousness of second the nationalism, of concepts for the definitions working the set chapter previous If the Nationalism Civic – ExplainingtheTransitionChapter 2 fromEthnicto Process 27 CEU eTD Collection Archivos/Marginales/2660_2679/2667/e266701.html to civic ornot. is rejected establishpower myto from nationalism whether hypothesis of formsCatalan developing ethnic study longitudinal based years almostandon descriptivedataover has 25 enough explanatory finally is2007 themostyear recent issued whenCIS results on topic.this Therefore this panel year,a decade isafter second and the selected 2002 almost noteworthy, thisseems assumption of validity the testing I and in Catalonia sentiments nationalist the enhance possibly could which survey iswas performed byCIS,1993 theyear the Olympic after Games were held inBarcelona, of type yearthis when firstis the 1984 as follows. are were chosen years these particularly 2002, and why 1984, 1993, 2007. The reasons yearsare line selected the thisresearch. Thus, of with started CIS in since every decade ofthe indicators developingtrend atthe look civic, Iwill In order to reach the conclusion whether Catalan nationalism has, indeed, changed from ethnic to individuals ageof representative overthe sampleof 18. and interviews yearssize inthe 3,213 interviewsin2002 in2007,3,192 two asimilar ona other own point of reference, which is,in this case, the Catalan society. The opinion poll was based on his/her with in relation self the of self–identification of items represent They in. live they society of identification the expressaspects certain with of choice totheindividual indicators these feelings nationalistin the approximating secondcriterion The Catalonia. was thepotential of for tools empirical fairly accurate as they represent literature, the from their emergence was indicators these forselecting criterion first The previously. discussed of nationalism aspects 3 in called refer to, “National Spain” Identity Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS), La identidad nacional en España 3 uses 5 indicators that are expected to reflect all 28 : http://www.cis.es/cis/opencms/– CEU eTD Collection which 0meansyoufeel“notatall” identified and 10 meansthatyou feel “much identified” Which environmentmore youidentify with? Inyouranswer, please use ascale 1to10, from in withwheretied thelocation we live,butsomefeel more related toacertainplacethan another. The question from the survey where thisindicator was extracted from is: nationalism. civic towards inclined more the thus is, person the in them living people and territories other of inclusive more the location, geographical acertain with identifies individual an less The present. are feelings than rather nationalism ethnic that infer can one a whole, as Spain than Catalonia with more identifies individual the If nationalism. discussing when criterion relevant a very region, a certain geographical to attachment lies theperson’s with relevance Its whole. the place where the individual lives currently, either the country or the region, orthe world as a The first employed indicator is the self–identification with orElsewhere Catalonia 2.1.1. Self–Identificationwith a certain territory, the birth place, or fillingat this gap. andexplain cannot feeling the nationalist in Catalonia (seeHjerm 2003) andis this study aimed meaning could be.Unfortunately, in previous the thefieldresearch isinsufficiently developed of this analysis purpose main the context, historical specific in their origin isindicators’ the to explaining than Rather see if there is any pattern in their evolution over the years and what the 29 We all feel more or less . CEU eTD Collection bond is much more powerful, thus more inclined towards ethnic nationalism. The less the less The nationalism. ethnic towards inclined more thus powerful, more much is bond emotional the or loyalty the that infer can one then nationalist, very himself/herself considers more or less nationalist, but referring to their attachment toCatalonia and not Spain.as If the person respondent the of self–perception the defines sentiment”, “nationalist indicator, second The sentiment 2.1.2. Nationalist territories: or to theWorld. Spain,Europe, other to than land own their to attached more been always have Catalans that conclude inthen 2007. Judgingby relatively the higher in averages upperpartthe of table,the can one also consolidation democratic of times the during more Catalonia with themselves identified Catalans that indicator itisfrom this However, inclear 6.2 2002). decreaseto with exceptional an identification evolvedwith onethe Europe 10by from inscale 0 to 6.8 in1984 to 0.5 (6.3 2007, Latin America),humanity (including their self– as a andtheSpanish–Speakingterritories whole, motherland nowadays.Although then people hadroughly the samethe attitudes towards As inshown in felt Table 1, 1984 Catalans approximately one scalelessattached totheir 1:Self–IdentificationTable withCatalonia or Elsewhere Humanity as a whole Spanish–Speaking territories Europe Spain Catalan–speaking territories Autonomous community The city/village where you live Locations Averages of self – identification 30 6.9 5.0 6.3 6.7 8.86 8.9 8.60 9.45 8.72 9.2 1984 199320022007 6.8 5.24 5.1 6.77 6.2 6.9 8.55 8.3 7.0 7.1 7.0 7.18 5.45 6.8 7.12 7.12 8.20 CEU eTD Collection were neither extreme, nor minimal, but rather moderate in their feelings of nationalism. nationalists, proving that as much as one third of the Catalans in 2007 with nationalist sentiments extreme as Catalans qualifies that field ifthe literature the of some contradicts finding respondents, 27.4%–33.2%, whoplaced in themselves middlethe of 0–10scale.the This forms toamilder is nature ethnic large of alsonoteworthy of percentage nationalism.the civic It With 2002 beingan exception, general the clearly trend shows that nationalism changed from its Catalans who qualified themselves as “maximal nationalists” in 1984 toless then a fifth in 2007). of the a quarter almost (from analysis of years 23 the over decreased steadily nationalism ininmaximal 15.2% increasedfrom with of2002,11.6% 2007, while 1984 to exception the nationalism, minimal that is observation first the 2, in Table displayed results the to According Table 2:Nationalist sentiment “minimal nationalism”and 10 means “maximal nationalism” nationalist sentiment(Catalan), please place yourself 0to onascalefrom 10, where 0means is:from The tothis indicator question original survey referring the bemorenationalist. liableto civic thus national the context, respondent himself/herself perceives likely nationalist, morethe as person’s the outsideopenness Total No answer DK Maximal 19.3 19.9 nationalism 22.8 (7–8) 24.3 (9–10) (4–6) (2–3) Minimal nationalism (0–1) Scales of Nationalism 31 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.7 3.2 23.021.5 27.1 25.6 38.133.2 27.4 28.9 5.7 9.2 11.6 12.7 1984 199320022007 Percentages of Respondents Percentages 0.6 3.5 5.9 . 0.8 3.6 5.4 0.9 3.6 6.3 15.2 In relation withIn relation the CEU eTD Collection Table 3:Satisfaction with the level ofautonomy these formulations/statements. forms of territorialthe Spanishstate. organization Please of withexpress agreementyour oneof The question inasked survey the yielding is: thisindicator civic. than rather nationalism, ethnic the supporting arguments of is part separation territorial then independence, even autonomy level or increasedor an claiming thus territorial organization, current notneeddo independence from ifSpain.turn, In individualsthe express dissatisfaction with the and perceivemulticultural meaning the inside thattherespondents theirenvironment community necessary, are autonomy increase to steps further no then autonomy, of level the with satisfied the current territorial wellasto as inSpain, enjoys of Catalonia autonomy status that tothe refers indicator The third organization ofautonomy thelevel 2.1.3. Satisfactionwith of the Spanish state. If, on average, the individual is fairly Total No answer DK the possibility to become independent. A state inwhich the autonomous communities would have today. A state of autonomous regions withmore powerthan today. like regions of autonomous state A regions. autonomous A state with aunique central government without autonomy of Levels 32 1984 1993 1984 2007 2002 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 2.1 26.8 43.6 21.3 5.2 I will I now some present alternative Percentages of respondents Percentages 1.8 2.9 22.8 25.3 38.2 36 27.4 27.1 6.9 1.4 2.7 7.5 1.4 2.8 8.7 22.5 35,1 29.5 CEU eTD Collection analysis. The having possibility of dualidentity has been discussed butwidely in literature the my in indicators important most the of one probably is ethnicity the with self–identification The vs. Spanish 2.1.4. Self–identificationasCatalan independence. not and autonomy, level of an increased want continuously Catalans agree that is it to safe Instead, status of their region vs.within outside Spain, supporting trend the myhypothesis is visible. still an Catalans’unequivocal conclusion about inclusiveness vs. with exclusiveness regard tothe thispercentageindependent, was higherin4.3% Although is figure1984. this toosmall draw to respondents in astate in2007 wanted which Cataloniahave wouldbecome the possibility to the morethan 20% of Interestingly enough, powerof central the although government. decreasing thus more power, for theirwill expressing autonomy region’s the dissatisfaction with percentage its their showed ofCatalans significant Nevertheless, thirdto one population. a of during the 9years between its1984 and1993Catalonia level increased autonomy at a acceptable 27.4% into stayed sameuntil the percentage the 1993 and meansthat approximately This today. satisfaction with the state of autonomous region on the date of the interview,from 21.3% in 1984 discussedin 1984itisthan today. Thisfinding isconfirmed by dramaticthe change of satisfying more andmore citizens, and second, that questionthe of autonomy was much more time over autonomy its increased Catalonia that First, trend. this of explanations possible are two There had time. it atthe than havepower more Catalonia to of wanted 43.6% them than shows a numberwhen this clear decreasing 23 yearsago, trendtoday. from However, As Table 3 shows, a bit over one third of Catalans would like their region to have more power 33 CEU eTD Collection comparable with the high level of duality registered in Belgium and Canada, it seems that seems it Canada, and in Belgium registered duality of level high the with comparable 2007, showing identity improved that this dual years. overthe Although are not percentages the respondents whofeel andSpanish has from in Catalan risen equally 34.8% in1984 to40.9% of percentage the one canobserve that identity. Nevertheless, Catalans havingadualnational The in results grouped confirm a large 4seem Table expectationsthe about to numberof Table 4:Self–identification asCatalan vs. Spanish sentiments? illustratingThe is:question thisindicator andnot typical for exclusiveness ethnic the andcloseness nationalism. nationalism, civic of idea the reflect they then Spanish, and Catalans both themselves consider feel equally Canadian and Quebecois2002). It (Mendehlson is clear bynow if that Catalans as much Likewise, asBelgian as Flemish. 79% of Quebecois considerthemselves the ethnics According Belgian the to approximately General Electoral (1995), Study Flemish 85% of the Belgian. and Flemish both themselves consider people Flemish which to degree the not still is it high, quite is Spanish and asCatalans both feeling Catalans of likelihood the that agree 2001,MorenoWhile 1995, Miley I poorly side (McRoberts empirically 2007). proved on either Total No answer above. ofthe None I consider myself only Catalan. Spanish. than Catalan more feel I equally. Catalan and Spanish feel I I feel Spanish more than Catalan. I consider myself only Spanish. Identities Which of the followingWhich statements of bestdescribesyour 34 100 100 100 100 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.5 2.9 3 3.4 14 16.2 14.8 19.5 26.6 27.7 27.5 29.2 40.9 38.6 37.3 34.8 5.7 7 7.6 7.4 7.6 6.9 1984 1993 2002 2007 Percentages of Respondents 9.5 7.5 3.1 CEU eTD Collection Catalans prove have positive attitude towards immigration, then this would be consistentwith the include in society. majority’swilling to If their onthe they them were born depends there, although become Catalans, to possibility immigrants’ Thusthe Africa). North America and Latin attracts that immigrants from both Spain (especially from Andalucía) and (especially worldwide relevance of this indicator lies with Catalonia’s majorimportance in Spain as an economic power The immigration. towards attitude Catalans’ is the analysis myempirical of indicator last The immigration 2.1.5. Attitudestowards is a clear sign of openness and inclusiveness. civicdouble identification from nationalism demonstrates that given trend the to ethnic indicator society happened between 1980sandthe 1990s.In the words,theethnicother self–identification is Catalan the deepestchange the that showing of with 2002, exception constant, the somewhat they remain which after 1993, 1984and between change adramatic experience percentages 9.5. Interestingly, 7.5 %in2007,againwith it anotable rose to exception when unusually all in to from 5.7% increased1985 Catalans and secondary Catalonia) of ethniccomposition to the a slightoscillation in 2002.Incontrast, people the feltwho primarily were less (whoSpanish due 26.6% in with 2007,although of total,the they to decreasedrepresented 29.2% 1984 when from steadily Spanish than more Catalan felt who respondents of number the Thus, secondary. as other the and asprimary identities of their rank one that percentages the concerns stressed population consider themselves only Another (Moreno1995). dimensionScottish shouldbe that Scottish the 37%of much as whereas GreatBritain, than the nationalist ismore civic Catalonia 35 CEU eTD Collection (moderately) disagreed with the statement that immigrants enrich their culture slightly decreased slightly their enrich culture immigrants that statement with the disagreed (moderately) attitudes immigration remainedtowards almost equal. numberof the who Catalans Similarly, gradually increased toovera third,while the number of whoCatalans had extremely positive years percentage later the 23 their culture, canenrich immigrants that believed Catalans acrescendo Ifintrend in immigrants. a of registered respondents accepting the quarter 1984 only Catalonia is disagree immigration with stillare fairly equal in andpercentages, 33.7% 29.1%,showing that a dividedstrongly agreeand (mildly) peoplewho the is that mainobservation 5. The inTable presented society within as interesting case, this kids areparticularly of between attitudes different the The contrasts regard to immigration. Nevertheless, it is clear that Table 5: Attitudes towards immigration the statement opinions whowith Pleaseregarding theimmigrants expressyouragreement liveinCatalonia. The is formulation questionnaire’s of indicator this following: the immigration, then their attitude would be more associated with ideas of ethnic nationalism. benarrative closed proveto supporting ornegative civic nationalism. towards If Catalans Total No answer DK Strongly disagree Disagree Don’t matter / indifferent Agree Strongly agree Scale of agreement 36 100 100 100 100 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.3 5 18.4 16 30.1 30 33.6 10.4 10.1 11.9 9.8 33.7 29.7 28.2 25.8 8.7 8.1 8.6 7.1 1984 1993 2002 2007 Percentages of Respondents 5.3 5.1 5.1 5.3 5.1 . 17.8 11.1 29.1 People express different People express CEU eTD Collection their most representative national symbols (see Anderson 1983, Helleiner 1998, Breakwell 1983, Helleiner Anderson 1998, national (see symbols mosttheir representative could feel a sudden opposition to the Euro and indicate more powerful emotions towards one of in impact identity the anditsstatus Austria,national on of citizens the towards Euro attitudes the socio–culturally.As Katja Meier–Pesti and Kirchler Erich (2003)rightfully arguein their study massin butalso only monetary in not 12countries their peoples 2002 affected economically, of currencythe The replacement in 2002. Euro with the of Spanish peseta replacementthe is the trend linear otherwise the in oscillation minor this for explanation a possible Shortly, hypothesis notapply.does by most percentages in but registered 2002still 2007, remains for year which exceptional the my civicinterrupted.ascending is Indeed, as trend nationalism trend towards continues, the proved mentioning that,in worth most year cases,the a of year2002 represents peculiar when this itis However, largerdifferences. the when register 1993 from indices the 1984 to especially inclusiveness is still very visible. implies This the society that Catalan changed years, overthe to exclusiveness from openness, to closeness from trend ascending an large, extremely not are spectacular thedifferences as arenot Although results the is civic confirmed. nationalism to It seemsfrom analysis 5–indicator inthis lines,that, general the pattern of from transition ethnic values. liberal and nationalism civic of forms into changed considerations ethnic–specific on based nationalism that 11.1%nowadays,in 1984,to which thefindingsreinforces reflected indicators byallthe other from 18.4% immigration significantly disagreementCatalans instrong with decreased were who of number the Moreover, nationalism. civic of forms inclusive more into developed nationalism over the 23 years of this longitudinal analysis, confirming that, to a certain extent, ethnic 37 CEU eTD Collection identity experienced such a successful revival during the transition to democracy democracy (1975–1978) to transition the during revival asuccessful identity such experienced of in membership chapter examines the part Catalan the political why the community. This common to related identity shared of sense strengthen a with them and replace conflict, of source the been have that identities people’s of aspects those weaken to and identities reshape to potential has the justice transitional is animosity where ethnic present, yearsand after) the regime Franco the during (especially as Catalonia in such societies some authors, to According without holdingSpanish state agrudge. Quite government. thecentral the opposite,with channels communication its harm Catalonianot did it as nationalism, chose civic totowards inclined look policies have to proved Catalonia intolegislation, such With regime. fascist the future for buildingemphasizing itsidentity, oppositionwith Spanish the seenasanenemyespecially the during its democracy as partjustice wasnotabsentbutpostponed for purpose the of strengthening identity Catalan without of thetransitional that prove will analysis this sense, this In policies. such of lack the rather or justice, I will of In this chapter, the part qualitatively examinetheCatalan policies regarding transitional Qualitative Analysis of Catalan Transitional Justice 2.2. nationalism. ethnic of feelings to turn slight unexpected their hence affected, analysis quite were based thatCatalans would ontheprevious identity, argue I national currency currency.1986): the impact found Although of in no authors the Euro the Austrian 38 CEU eTD Collection appeared as a legal concept in connection with precedents of abusive political regimes in of political in regimes abusive precedents with appeared asalegalconcept connection justice Transitional judicial proceedings. and transition between the and transition, and atrocities between the interval time the decreaseswith of in thedemand retribution intensity the that argues author the enough, Interestingly place. taken had another to regime political one from transition after the occur that andreparations cleansing proceedings, ofcriminal mainlyis composed and arguesthat transitional science.Jon Elster political TheNorwegian justicesociologist (2004) policy public law, criminal law, constitutional law, international ethics, between convergence at the situated science in social discipline challenging and new fairly is a justice Transitional normalcy. democratic victims of dictatorships, civil wars, suchimpunities and other in toforward order orreturn to failure of democracy,but a complex policy process through which a society tries todeal with the a nor services, suchaspublic virtue, a isneither justice it seems transitional that However, achieved creating without further between victims animosities andpolitical former adversaries. becannot andpunishment andbelieveOthers reconciliation defend and stability that peace on the one side argue that the right of victims to justicestep But intoissettling future. it without the future possible of to past? the the stories Scholars is fundamental and cannot be restricted. andmore peaceful better for a in exchange past the about forget to whether or consolidation, and still is It a justice consider transitional whetherto argued necessity. own its of question capital the is justice transitional of topic the to Central until strengtheningafter . postponed butrather absent, not justice was transitional where example negative be asomewhat experiencingwithout necessary the apparently justice. transitional Inthis sense, Catalonia would 39 conditio sinequanon conditio for democratic transition democratic for CEU eTD Collection 40). 4 institutions, Church, (Catholic life public the monopolized and Galician) Catalan, (Basque, languages forbademinority useof mass allowedthe of executions for rights, republicans, National forMovimiento excluded any partiesinfringed Falange, except the basicother human account of atrocities tragic the (2001) gives life. AndrewRigby and of social aspects consequences inall political years theRepublicansover Thefollowed during 40 civil war(1936–1939). the that haddeep between the Spanish people. Franco’s regime was established after the victory of the Nationalists its it isthan collective confronting past, understand fundamental the to origins of separation (Aguilarrather books” “closing 2001) the whySpainpreferred Before discussing reasons the compromise for maintaining the unity of the Spanish people, rather than dividing them. ispast was showits chapter a to Francoist so–calledamnesia regarding the that Spanish past. By analyzing the main mainly path and deal by adifferent abuses,experienced Spain characterized to with refusal the aspects of the Catalan wrongdoingsformal or acknowledgement andpunishing forformer their the perpetrators crimes transition, include democracy liberal the to regime general authoritarian one from transformations political most If purpose of this sub– anddemocracy. constitutionalism restore or was to establish endeavor term long– their but injustice, political of victims the honor to was goal immediate Their forgetting. memory,combine truth, cleaning, reparation, punishment, reconciliation, forgiveness, and alike thesecondundergovarious struggled halfofthe throughout twentieth ways century to to andEuropeans Asians Americans, Latin states, African world. of the corners all from countries approximately 1 millioncivilians were eitherkilled orsent into exile during the Spanishcivil war(Rigby 2001, 4 committed by the Francoists in the name of the fascist cause. The cause. fascist name the in of the Francoists by the committed 40 CEU eTD Collection build a favorable climate for cohabitation between andSpanish. Catalans between for cohabitation climate afavorable build andpunishingreparations offering perpetrators for Francoist the victims,the managingto thus undergo transitionwithoutargumentationestablishing how Catalonia managedto aims at My two. the between connection the make authors few very in Spain, justice transitional of lack the and identity national its to in relation problem” “Catalan the discusses vastly successful transition to democracy inthe democracy to transition successful during the Spanish democracy by arguingtransition to that Catalonia afairly experienced nationalism Catalan the between interplay the with deal will argument my Thus, institutions. own from restricted publicly using theirownlanguage, reading their and own authors, governingtheir were Catalans but people, Spanish the all like liberties civic their lost they have only Not Catalans. harsher on even was regime Franco’s that can realize one Catalonia, at looking When implemented, etc. massive were was purgedfrom judicial institutions, reformation state perpetrators public offices, Aguilar argues that this translated intorapid steps taken dismissto all Franco’s loyalists from their movewoulda pactforward. Spain that to allow to elite–ledbecausethe of transition pressure second, and ruling, his legitimize to needed he because first system institutional fascist former the of reformation immediate favored also king new The regime. brutal his of end the meant democratization ever since the leaders of the opposition realized that Franco’s expected death also Rigby,According framework institutional the wasfavorablebeginning 1970s. the to of to atthe looser becoming wasalready Franco’s regime that scholars by most isIt acknowledged as coroneted King of Spain, whichmarked the fulminant transition democracy.to universities, massmedia). days Only two Franco’s after death in 1975, JuanCarlos Iwas absence 41 of transitional justice. oftransitional literature Although the CEU eTD Collection level. Thus, in the absence of legislation package regarding transitional justice in the justice transitional regarding package legislation of in absence the level. Thus, a central itself establishedit lawsandat but the regulations should subject regarding to the past with regard to its own is Secondly, community eventhough Catalonia enjoysan autonomous alot of that privileges government, it is still impossiblethem. about to promulgate suchforgetting minority butrather towards groups, Franco’s attitudes thatcharacterized specificities an important law the live returning to in who Spain, without peoples all between the postnational) reconciliation Spanish identity. Forthis reason, andCatalonia Spain alike are promoting amulticultural (or exclusiverather identity and its memberswant donot beto included within anewly overarching a is Catalan that means this implication, By Spain. from distinct been always has and kingdom, used toenjoy own that their language speakingaromance population a completely different 9 the backto traces nationalism of all, Catalan First regime? Francoist of legacies the overcoming the identity without revivenational their managedto Catalans didhow the But separate nationalityseparate in Spain.With this being said, itis becoming clearer why Catalonia managed security, as a formal recognition as media, as well matters, educational fiscal and own domestic their over control institutions, government, regional a of formation as: such minority their for rights other obtaining madeinfavorof compromise” a“bargaining dueto Catalan agenda the of out left was justice transitional that argument my is It region. their for autonomy of level gain increased an to quite managing eventually programs, pro–Catalan transition the prioritized As elitesbefore,itsjustice whopacted arguedthe the established public purposefully agenda. is A third developed reason why Catalonia well democracy implementingto without transitional limitations. constitutional its within act to but option other no has still and had Catalonia 42 th century as Cortes , CEU eTD Collection behind or ita matterbehind or offuture agenda. successes far,so it raises the question whether the Spanish people really wanted to leave their past Recovery Memory inHistorical of wasestablished (ARMH) 2000 anddespite its modest of their relatives who disappeared in the years of the civil war. In this sense, the Associationbodies of the the of recovery the requesting by now louder becoming is it and before silent was society Drawing upon Sidney theory Tarrow’s on political Blakelyexplainsopportunities, whycivil towardsthisSpanish issue. discusses currentattitudes by the (2005)who Blakely Georgina demands including the restoration of their Francoist memory. In fact, my argument is reinforced in mainthe power With economic Catalonia Spain. more bargaining power, makenow new can for increasing agradual likely opted as of themselves reestablishing autonomy,process their and most Catalans the Spanish, the with conflict another risking of Instead resolve. to generations Lastly, this sub–chapter claims that transitional justice issues were rather postponed for the second before 1930s the plus additional benefits thatwouldincrease Catalanthe nationalist sentiments. already obtained their rights for retrieving negotiating preferred elites Catalan the reconciliation, achieveto its level of stability in a contextdiffused when instead for demanding for historical 43 CEU eTD Collection show, Catalan is has that a highly been by its language standardized guarded by speakers all from linguistically perception Spaniards.As will as culturally other the and distinct this chapter self– their constant dueto “separatist” them scholars call cease. Most to seem never and Country, and Galicia on the one side, and the rest of Spain Basque the Catalonia, regions: “separatist” so–called three the between existing tensions on the other side, are centuries–longThe identity. national its been always has Spain of Kingdom the about studies the to Central government’s openingnot just toward Spain, butalsoEurope. Catalan the showed this Ultimately, broadcasting. over share power media the to private through a new communication act, which broke the state monopoly and allowed move and to first forward enabled ServicesDirective of newAudiovisual Media the the the wereamong Catalans Additionally, nationalism. civic of characteristics strong demonstrating maintainand identity, national its preserve to mission its accomplished successfully has Catalonia a satisfactorytransition and consolidationfollowing democraticthe Franco’s at and policy–making regime, totalitarian throughout balance of media pluralism period is atthe paid Special in attention broadcasting. itsservice public identity articulation and untilbetween the presentrelationship between community andtheautonomous Spain national Cataloniaof with regard to day. The itsfindings The ownreflectpresent thatchaptergoals aims at examiningand thethe main aspects interests inCatalanNationalism PublicBroadcasting that characterize Chapter 3–In–DepthCase Study: of Expressions the evolutionof others,of the thus 44 CEU eTD Collection falls nationalboth of regional under directresponsibility (Ferrer the governments 2000, and exclusively by regionalthe Thegovernment. third level includes of areas makingdecision which level dotheareascontrolled second The corresponds by national exclusively government. the controlled areas the to corresponds level first The jurisdiction. of levels three between 148 and 149of and Constitution, the Ferran of their evolution over time,Ferrer distinguishes regional of asstipulated division the inarticles On basisof governmentthe Catalonia. power of central and the between lot relationship about athe reveals decentralization The level political of Rees 1996,313–114). 722–729; community and Docherty 1992, 154–157; Grant 18,1979(Nuñez2001, on December allofficial recognition to ethnicities. Catalonia Infact, of the achieved status autonomous constitutional monarchy granted considerable power to autonomous regional institutions giving new the of democracy, inand thereinstauration 1975 Franco’s death After assimilation policies. aggressivewhen Catalans the weresubjectedto (1939–1975), Franco’s republic Francisco with minority.culminates history The apersecuted weregenerally and Catalans downs, evolution mainly because of parallel the functioning of both Catalan and Spanish. With their ups and Isabella of Castile in 1469. Since itbecame part of Spain, Catalonia experienced an atypical (15 Americas the of colonization the of times the from known dynasty Spanish The kingdom. independent own their enjoyed 9 in the originates controversy linguistic contemporary Catalonia’s administration. and parliament own its obtained Catalonia which during period the on focus will I argumentation, my In autonomy. of level satisfactory and recognition official received it until policy, media including means, possible th century) resulted from the marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon from of Ferdinand marriage the resulted century) 45 after th century, when Catalans Franco’s dictatorship Franco’s CEU eTD Collection in terms of media level. regional in the of policy at terms of autonomy asit articulation focuseslatter, on the sphere tothe the of belongs question research finally, political –related economic tothefiscal –related totheir and, (de)centralization, historical past, own – relatedCatalonia had different discourses of patriotic affirmation: religious – related to Catholicism,to thestate territorial after bythe recognition official for were seeking that communities historical the to extend implications so many organization years further Its forces. all political between Constitution) (1978 a pact end of creation with the not of did transition the so repression. homogeneous, ethnically not is Spain andabove, mentioned as However, 1986). recognition After Preston werekeyactors 1993, of Indeed, Adolfo transition Suarez andhiscabinet the (Gunther Franco’sof their region.deathpolitical system (Linz andStepan 1996, 94–100). in My1975 but engaging in participate civilsociety membersof new the the for the to negotiations the democratic also before had role in Suarez asignificant Adolfo Additionally, itself.system and entire the authoritarian that, of dissolution the meantthe which Reform, Political pass thenewLawfor forto areferendum andcalled pluralist society, Spanish the recognition of formal democracy, the authors praise the reformist Adolfo Suarez Adolfo praise reformist the authors consensuallyimportant by Among otherpolitical politicalthe elites. pacted two leaders, the 5 named Linz andStepan process that fast transition a shape through between and to1978.Going 1975 ofCatalonia started The regional aspirations regulation. broadcasting in Catalan governments regional and national the between relationship the on light more shed will chapter present The investigation. further for need the generated puzzlewhich the creating complex level is most the Clearly, third 188). the Prime–ministerof Spain between1976 and 1981. 5 who proposed free elections as the essence of 46 reforma pactada – ruptura pactada Cortes (Parliament) , asitwas CEU eTD Collection move forward the Catalan national identity. national Catalan the forward move in not or successful is media Catalan authorities that exercise regulatory the and legislation Catalan audiovisual present the will more on I focus part, last the public mandate.directives, Finally which this are chaptermore and decrees, such legislation, sources as I will many primary inherently biased, employ views are reliable tries andto conclusiveestablish Catalan public broadcasting is almost exclusively byindigenousdiscussed andauthors their in whetherregard to themy researchfactthat the Dueto caseof Catalonia. the to research the narrow first I will terms, general question(s). In the before discussingin But societies” (2008). and inplural divided “Public broadcasting Service forPrice’s Loyalists” “Market as (2003)aswell on Sandra Basic–Hrvatin and MarkThompson’s media and the role of public broadcasting in pluralist societies. For this, Iwill draw upon Monroe mass– inthe identity national on considerations theoretical main the analyzing with start will I coexistence ofmajority and minority groups? positive of example a good Catalonia is finally, And media? the in representation their and rights minority between balance a maintaining toward extend jurisprudence constitutional Should of Catalonia? interests regional the media serve Catalan do questions: important three role inensuring language the preservation and my Catalan of identity.approach, In Iwill answer key a plays broadcasting, television particularly media, state–owned is that assumption Another understandingthorough inlanguage and policies usethe andsociety. Catalan education of of andbe160). Thus, media the Docherty (Grant analyzedculture” 1992, Catalan cannot outsidea benefitswhich language is forhas survival spin–off the Catalan the “automatic of used the to extent the is that argument my of assumption underlying main The autonomy. Catalonia’s aimsThis chapter themediaat examining if regulations and its effects, any,in strengthening maintaining 47 and increasing its legitimacy to protect and CEU eTD Collection 7 6 sevenshut newspapersin andoutlawed down daily Catalan anthem the also Franco etc. censorship, secularization, streets, the renaming system, school Catalan in the aslongFor as40yearsCatalonia underwentcultural includingassimilation dominance Castilian Madrid. to from Barcelona power of centralization rapid extremely witnessed an Catalans who which by forces was won led rebel the byGeneral Franco, situation the againstturned the After Civil War(1936–1939), the 157). regionaland Docherty 1992, administration (Grant the of by creation the emphasized SecondRepublicthe in 1930s,the which allowed for asignificantdegree of political autonomy system. fascist a Franco’s hit stronger measurespreviouseven punitive considering amuchlooser of regime during abuses by characterized is past its if powerful more be to affirmation cultural a I expect minority territorial Franco’s dictatorship(1939–1975). seeking repression during of history its recent due to analyze to interesting is particularly identity cultural Catalonia’s case. Catalan the to concepts its apply and media, the in representation its identity, national on literature briefly theexisting Iwill system, broadcastingreview Catalan the discussing Before Som Catalans, no som espanyoles! 3.1. consciousness at the onset of 20 the of onset atthe consciousness regional as gainedstrength survivedandperhaps languagethey andculture regenerated to be utilized universally exceptfor official functions. “In spite of repressive restrictions, Catalan Rees Catalan argues that and However, continued andmilitary 158–159). Docherty (Grant 1992, profound punishment wasbanning of the use inCatalan of publicadministration, schools, courts, The name of the autonomous government structure of Catalonia. structure government autonomous ofthe name The In Catalan: In We are Catalans, not Spaniards! th century” (Rees1996,314). Generalitat 48 7 , granted control , granted control of and educational policies, 6 Els Segadors . The most . The CEU eTD Collection of Catalan were successfully achieved. In his comparative study about education in education minority his study comparative about achieved. In of successfully Catalan were In broad terms, I believe the main objectives of the believe themainobjectives I In broad terms, detail. more in policy media the programsdiscussing when more pro–Catalan forthe evidence present Ishall one. interventionist in in rather a highly way,a natural necessarily come but not did renaissance” “Catalan measures 2000,192;Reesneed not 1996,315).Itdoes (Ferrer more clarification the that inmediain (TVand films anincrease many radio), dubbed Catalan, suchprescriptive and other by Lawfor Languagethe Catalanin Policy in language quotas 1998, whichcalled mass– the constitutionality and this politicaldebate, law wasonly passed in1994 beenand has reinforced itsconcerns However, dueto expensethe media about 1996,315). of at (Rees Spanish extending language presence and the in Catalan mass– the education of public administration, Generalitat sameyear, community the led autonomous During Catalonia. consolidation the the of to of 8 Catalans call the 1978 Constitution the they are essential country’s the to 187–188). cultural heritage For 2000, (Ferrer these reasons, the as andprotected berespected languagesmust 3.3all Article the According to become official. also communities in but autonomous languages spoken the other state languagethe official of isSpanish the further that provisions act constitutional The autonomy. fordemands regional finally the satisfy that communities namely autonomous the of state, the structure administrative alsothe Itconstitutes modern anddemocratic thestate. basis a for which establishes Española), King Juan Carlos a majorstep wasmade in the adopting 1978 Constitution (Constitución Under Catalans. million eight the for significantly improved things change, regime the After In Spanish: the constitution of the Catalans enacted the Linguistic Normalization Law with the purpose of encouraging and ofencouraging purpose the Lawwith Normalization Linguistic the enacted . constitucón delos catalanes constitucón 49 Generalitat deCatalunya 8 . By constitution 1983, the to promote the use to CEU eTD Collection identity identity survived thewaves of Interestingly acculturation. Spanish Anderson’senough, theory of Catalan the image that its powerful isit to due Moreover, community. destroy their manage to back to the 9 exposed, are extremely relevant and Ihave already showed why. Since Catalans trace themselves which they to are contents as the aswell audience, address the Catalan general to language used The communities”. “imagined create these to mass–media areresponsible the public, general themselves rather than rather themselves communities that out points rightly Anderson Benedict identities, national Regarding Catalan national pride andhints totheindependence of their cultural survival (Rees 1996,319). expression encouraging stay people to (Grant and Docherty 1992, 157).Thus, itcomes asno surprise the power, whichnot onlysustained throughout thepolicies theirimplementation butalsoprocess consequently very stable, and free of majorideological orpolitical shifts. powerin1980, when Catalonia held its first regional elections of the post–Franco era. The political climate is 9 stability wasits political renaissance” “Catalan advantaged the factor that important Another in hosted Barcelona. Games Olympic majorof two theadmission events: theEuropean into Spain of Union in 1986, and the1992 158). Catalonia’s1992, successeshave by alsobeenacknowledged worldthe occasion the with formal integration intoa fairly powerful state such as the Kingdom of Spain (Grant and Docherty despitetheir as aminority group” effective“safeguardsensured Catalan development to that have been successful over the long term in resisting hostile politicians, insisting that this was due Catalans that Docherty 189). Grantalso agree and 2000, instruction language use (Ferrer and in increasing regional hasbeenthe most successful concludes “Catalonia that Ferrer languages, Catalonia has beengoverned for20 years by the same president and centrist–nationalist coalitionthat came to Som Catalans,nosomEspanyoles th century, it is not surprising that Franco’s regime, however restrictive, did not did restrictive, however regime, thatFranco’s surprising is not it century, knowing their actual substance. Because of their mandate to address the address to mandate their Becauseof substance. their actual 9 (Hargreaves 2000,Ferrer 2000,190)and economic (We are Spanish, not Spaniards), (WeareSpanish, not the emphasizing 50 imagine CEU eTD Collection time. 10 isbody de Consell Catalonia the of broadcastingits regulatory presentautonomy, Granted the influence. greatest the and,consequently, haveloudest voices the structures power politics, the in real–life concludesthat himself The author principle. questionable this otherwise according to media facts, andthey basisregulate “true”the on and“historic” of identity anational creating the one side, on governments regional and national and the of consists which citizens, 2003), (Price loyalties” of “market on the other side.in one canconclude Spain therecomplementarity isakeen this, that Basedon (Solis 2004,91). Price suggests that by identities is characterized relationship between these governments are inimportantly,Most Galician.the such asCatalan, Basque,sphere (see 1996), or Habermas charge of public largestthe share of get the strive to inSpain, which identities collective emergence of the the is this of implication logical The images. own their convey to media the over fight nations most noteworthy aspect about Spain is its multiculturalism.the that argue I nation, Therefore, the of notimage one nationa certain butproject more to media the of role the with connection In Spain. of plurality cultural and linguistic of realm inthe identity Catalan the in defining feasible Maxwell is accommodated within2005), which isperfectly theoretical Anderson’s framework, idea of the later, prove asIwill Nevertheless, time. Franco’s of during community limitsCatalan both thesovereignty the especially and trespassed sovereign” (Anderson 1983).Contextualizing mustacknowledge definition, this thatSpain one and limited both as inherently “imagined nation definesthe as a community further nationalism Or ; idea according to which apolitical nation 51 can invoke more than one community at the same multiple nationalism competition , rather than , rather 10 (see CEU eTD Collection 11 (Basic–Hrvatin and Thompson 2008).Consideringpresently that can Catalans enjoy both control from any political and restrain mediapluralism, and preserve should assure governments broadcasting services should do is reflectto the complex image of thenation itself, and therefore what Thus, values. democratic cultural and political both promote and integrity, of level maintain the limit news, commercials, unbiased provide citizens, respective information the of it interests, both public andisbroadcastingraise serves to private supposed thelevel of service public Because the by government. the operated form fees, and of cases inthe countries, Spanish broadcasting Catalan) public (and isfunded service by money,inpublic most serve dominant the of national concept identity,as by likedefined Justin governments. most to authors other this, reinforce thepublic that service broadcasting ideally, should, and strengthen relation In societies. insingle broadcasting discusses primarily theory loyalties” of The “market Spanish and Catalan interests. Eventually, the question to be answered is: Who is the winner? butalsogroups, businesses.mass–media Thus, a are real battlefield for representingboth interest andpolitical by only not governments exploitation meansof the andhistory, represents somesupports and, groups Assertions disadvantages thus, ofnationalothers. identity, dreams loyalties for market the that now by be clear should It identity. mainstream the with compete limit that aretaken foreign industries. theseto measures Obviously, entertainment limit barriersinstance to European scale, the fornon–European Union –has trade – established larger Ona asCatalonia. regions ofsuchautonomous interests reflectthe to an effort represent The current views marketthe for on loyalties arechanging regional towards which policies, more insection. detail subsequent the l’Audiovisual de Catalunya http://www.cac.cat/ 11 (the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia), which I will discuss in discuss will I which Catalonia), of Council Audiovisual (the 52 CEU eTD Collection 13 12 Española Televisión communication. However, with the evolution of new digital technology the state had to accept had to state the technology new digital of evolution the with However, communication. coherentinformation was not with SpanishConstitution to article thethe right 20,regarding and service model state–owned the that alikerealized andjudges journalists, as soon as legislators, underlining more even the state’smonopoly in theareaofbroadcasting. The problems appeared private media beRadio underastrict system and should licensed that established Television by rigidity and interventionism,itis important toclarify already that in for 1980the Statute is characterized legal framework particularly audiovisual Spanish the idea Returning the to that identity. national Catalan maintainhasa highrepresentation achievedof the itspropel to goals and – broadcasting a Catalan the – satisfactory to isthat extent section this assumption of underlying authority,finally and perspectives some foroutline Catalan The audiovisual regulations. Consell de de l’Audiovisual Catalunya Audiovisual (the Council of Catalonia) asthe regulatory of media, functions the incurrentsituation sphere, legislation publicthe of the Catalan this the analyze will I so, doing In regulations. audiovisual regarding acts legislative primary on also Públic (Catalan forJournal PublicLaw) and policyother inpapers published but samethe year, Audiovisual forModel”inRegulatory theRevista inCatalonia, 2007 published deDret Catalana This section Catalan Broadcasting is Moving Forward 3.2. will draw mass–media. pluralist mainly upon thecriteria Catalan fulfils service the Iconclude for broadcasting that their languages, respective Joan Barta i Mir’s “Bibliographic Treatment of the http://www.ccrtv.cat http://www.rtve.es/ 12 (SpanishTelevision) Televisió and 53 de Catalunya 13 (Catalan Television) in Television) (Catalan CEU eTD Collection 14 publicity. will regarding measures disciplinary with that compliance the the guarantee authority regulatory independent an of establishment the 3) information, their for responsibility with article 20 from the Constitution, 2) the obligation of all media to reflect the truth and hold in lines communication of audiovisual liberalization actare:1)the audiovisual communication ourpurposes,themostFor elements important framework ofthenew established by 2005 the legal area. afragmented Atit same systematize chancewas the the time, to endeavor. wasan framework achievable general law between Catalan European andthe the correspondence the system,its so own broadcasting developing European was the directive, Catalonia directive and its own goals of national affirmation. Luckily, at the same time with European satisfy both the the acthadto audiovisual communication the newCatalan thispassage chapter, of structural discussedchanges previously.in Consequently, also of lightthe previousthe section of new tothe in framework Europe regulatory adapt the to aims (1989), Directive Frontiers Directive Media Services Audiovisual nationalfrom but Union. European one,the EUadopted Decemberthe In 2007, new the the from nor administration, regional the from neither came initiative This licenses. or permits media,owned and virtually authority private the allow broadcastingreconsideringto private via providedstate– both that communication on audiovisual a hybridadoptact had Catalonia to Inotherwords, a greatextent. to interact media andprivate service in public digital the era which Consequently, the audiovisual legal framework had to be redesigned to fit the new challenges of service mustlose its monopoly (Bayona 2007,18). public the therefore broadcast, means to only longer no the is spectrum electromagnetic the that http://eur–lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32007L0065:EN:NOT 14 which,abandoning without the old Television Without 54 CEU eTD Collection 15 acknowledgeversa), invicenot theimplicationsconfigured and aplural audience does of choice Spanish or Catalan secondarily themselves regard asprimarily and (peopleof Catalans who the nationalCatalan identity However, the(Solís 2004). authorseems todisregard dualidentity the danger in itthat erodingposed the andatrue public to nationalists Catalan sphere threat the of was The show a hugejust successin asin andscaredSpain, most skeptical the Catalonia, Spain, considering that it was aired on inTelevisión asking why interested identically were Catalan audiences Española and not on Televisióissue this Fernando tackles Solís León (2004) of nature. generalist contentan entertaining or people’s quality, necessarily abandonmentof this the leadingand contentdignity to without have plural been linked programming thatfar, respects to turns certain values,out, asit so which prioritizes butof a servicethat broadcast, society with providing in television content the private a question with competing not of Itis missions. therefore service fulfillingbeat public aimed must and television radio arguments,publicservice Hrvatin (2008) Returning andThompson to municipalitiesby themselves or up forconsortiums set thispurpose (Bayona 2007,21). by the latter the and Catalan) in CCMA or Media Audiovisual of Corporation Catalan (the Audiovisuals deMitjans Catalana by formermanaged Corporació the the must directly, be both act, the with accordance In bodies. local by owned media the other, the on and, government hasadual on audiovisual service one the composition: hand, mediaownedby the Catalan the of Catalan the structure media.The andprivate between publicly–owned competition necessary end insofar asit of establishes publicmonopoly the communication aregime audiovisual of over the to led has act communication audiovisual the Catalonia in mentioned, been already has it As Operación Tiunfo is the Spanish counterpart of the American Idol 55 show. Operación Tiunfo Operación 15 de Catalunya. de as the restof as the CEU eTD Collection the first case, given that the spectrum is limited, private communication remains subject to subject remains communication private limited, is spectrum the that given case, first the In isessential. technologies transmission which usesother and that spectrum electromagnetic the uses that communication audiovisual between private madeby act the differentiation the respect, This does not mean, however, that there are no conditions or limits to exercising this right. In this 2007). that the private nature of the operator appears withmore or less clarity and transparency (Bayona so authorization, outby means administrative is of local carried area or community autonomous in the activity private this actof Catalonia, communication audiovisual accordance the with in However, publicservice. foras astate–owned concession out is carried communication legislation, audiovisual from cable andwith andapartprivate television, state satellite accordance this In activity. out forcarrying conditions on the effect has an changeconceptual With regard toprivate audiovisualit communication,has already been implied that this by forming partof an them council advisory (Laguna dela Paz2007). participation of most social representative the and political inmanaging public the groups service management. The internal aspect of thisCatalunya pluralism in choosing the top executives for these bodies and the isguarantee of professionalismcomplemented de in l’Audiovisual de Consell the and with parliament of participation thethe terms, dutymanagement to ensure the among whichis recognitionthe executivethe of bodies’ independencefrom governmentthe in is by means, achievedviadifferentpluralism. asstated This guarantee article 29of act, the On hand,ensureof other servicethe involves establishment regime the a public needto the view. media context, nor does he focus enough on “audience ”, biasing the “media effects” 56 CEU eTD Collection they with. havethey been commissioned including media the private that outlets they are alwaysin line with publicservicethe missions Asminimumof in regulating level apossibletrust. quality Ipropose of content a solution, present only is self–regulation point, this At minors. namely audience, the of segment vulnerable most the on follow the correct implementation of the rules. This further leads to negative social consequences due to the great numbers of media outlets making it impossible for the regulatory bodies to specifically deteriorate to seems content the that realized above noted experts same the Lastly, yearly. a certain limitation inlicenses number Consequently, the awarded Ipropose media of content. the all assimilate to difficulty increased an creating absorb, to market the of capacity the than rightful many licenses, award too ismedia thenumber highertenders much of outlets arguably the Because disappear. might it that invisible is so market media Catalan the controlling hand” public sphere andits isopenness My somewhat overdone. argument hereis thisthat “invisible the of liberalization the all, of First dysfunctional. sometimes still is system the that evident itis in breakthe public managed to the Catalan monopoly audiovisual successfully sphere, newcommunicationsthe act la 2007)that Paz Laguna de (Ariño 2007, 2007, Bayona by experts noted been has it Although future. in the improved be can that aspects the underline and policy Before concluding this chapter, Iwill assessto tow key weaknesses of the present Catalan media Administration prior to starting. obtaining authorization while(license), the other is free,the only beingnotify obligation to the de jure and not necessarily reflected in real life, so it cannot be granted a high level ahigh be granted itin cannot life, so real necessarily reflected andnot 57 CEU eTD Collection displaying of attitudes civic nationalism. Europeans, whichimplies non–Catalan theirthat openness towards hasincreased,elements as self–identification Catalans’ inthe increase is a slight there However, today. land then native similar in all of the examined indicators. As it turns out, the Catalans feltless attached to their from inan opinion poll very in1984,1993,2002,and Catalonia run findings 2007. The are extracted indicators based on5different withanalysis an empirical started The second chapter regulations for maintaining andincreasing visibilitythe its of own culture. implementing in effective most the been has and autonomy its obtain to region Spanish first the democracy. Catalonia fact, transition duringto was “renaissance” the In even atrue experienced languagesuch asduring totalitarianFranco’s regime. survivedand andculture However, Catalan Catalan both Spanish paralleluseof incase isthe andCatalan times, andinbad good – times their own kingdom, and has always been 9 distinct from the Spanish Empire. Theback the it nationalism, to of ended tracing Catalan with origins chapter The first the examining anomaly of the chapters. study case analysis and the prefacing case, Catalan in the contextualized were civic and nationalism liberal as well as ethnic, in nationalism Thus, moreand context. conservative narrowly, historical discussed a certain be to needs it that broad so is nationalism of notion the that established was It analysis. intended for defining the identifying thatserved startedwith thesis The the key concepts andpresent Conclusions th century as a completely different population speaking a romance language that used toenjoy that language population speaking aromance as acompletely different century 58 CEU eTD Collection the third largest category represents thepeoplecategory whoareindifferentlargest the issue. tothis represents third positive towardsimmigration attitude is almostequal with who disagree ones the with it, while acceptimmigrantsto thenhowin they used to 1984, thepercentages haveof respondents who a Althoughstill a matter. society divided show results this peoplethe on that more open are today Catalonia is that immigration shows towards showing level of the indicator acceptance The last Catalonia. openness and inclusiveness, thus reconfirmingcivic that nationalism is nowmore prevailing in is of aclearsign double identification hasdecreased.Of Catalans course, themselves only consider who while people the hasincreased, andCatalan Spanish both consider themselves having adualidentity – Catalan and Spanish.Interestingly number enough, the of who Catalans has themselves Catalansmost perceive that thesis and of position the the literature confirms the indicator measuringThe forth the self–identification Catalans as Catalans, Spanish,orboth significantly less respondents who wantanindependent Catalonia thenin 1984. live Additionally,like therewould aresomewhat Catalonia. to inamore autonomous who those then level autonomy, of current the with are satisfied who more Catalans are there that The third indicator measuring thestrong feelings of nationalismCatalans’ towards their region. satisfactiondeveloped withto forms the of civiclevel nationalism with exception the of 2002. Thisimplies myhypothesis ethnic that ofabout nationalism having autonomy is correct, reinforces and that feelingstheir Catalansnationalism of in were higher 1984 and havenowadays gradually decreased until do not that shows have, nationalism of level self–perceived in Catalans’ the fact, measuring indicator second suchThe 59 CEU eTD Collection constitutional Thirdly,arrangements. importantly, most and probably Catalonia was more country’s the to impossible been have would still it justice, transitional regarding legislation have its own to wanted if Catalonia even Secondly, approach. a multicultural (postnational) maintain rather but community Spanish larger the of part become to intend not do thus minority, chapter contributes with four original Firstly,explanations. are Catalans anexclusive ethnic behind The this. determine thereasons to be and Itried successful to out itdemocracy,turned to transition ofCatalan mainaspects the reviewing after However, justice. transitional The last part of chapter two focuses on the consequences that Catalonia handled after renouncing transition, of which Spanish people are proud and wanted to maintain. literature shows thatreviving Spain is a unique theircasewell as material, rehabilitationand for their victims? I foundtherefore that Catalonia, just as Spain,nationalfocused on has come anddemandingformoral, Francoist the undergotransitionas punishment perpetrators without a paradigmidentity of a peacefulcleansing. rather then So comingthe emerging to terms secondary with the past.research In addition, question thewas: how did Catalonia mange to not experience thislegal not itproceeding justice asthemainsettleto key thestories of Although past. the includingSpain, did Catalonia, transitional defining with started chapter second the analysis, qualitative the to Complementary policy in broadcasting. and legislation justice transitional analyseson by qualitative the enforced findingsareempirical from civic transition yearsethnic to nationalism sincethe These consolidation. of democratic inclusiveness of civic it nationalism iselements, safe conclude to Catalonia that didexperience a In lines, general an although increasein numbersdonotshow the unusual openness and does have the historical origin necessary for such a such for necessary origin historical the have 60 CEU eTD Collection statutory framework in the 1980s, which was subsequently extended with the Statute of in 2006 wassubsequently Statute the extendedstatutory framework with 1980s,which the by provided action for the smallif margin into the very merit account even more take we has This communication. audiovisual for legislating in active particularly been has Catalonia of success 1996,319).From (Rees an objective andformalof view, point parliament the of be the key denied itcannot interventionist, theirwas that and activism beprescriptive even seen extremist and truly separatist (such in the Basque case, for instance). Although the legislation can then moderate and balanced wererather their policies that proved advocates Catalan However, culture when not by obstructed central the (Grant and government Docherty 1992, 160–161). Catalan example a provides experience good of survival the indeed and flourishing of a minority customers, but rather maintain alarge variety of programs from which they can choose. Thus, the without any that linguisticdoubts the preferences of regionsthe antagonizing arenot the Televisión Española by ensuretheplurality airing Spanish programs. Thissituation proves as such state–channels, other while language, in a greatextent Catalan to or exclusively broadcast networks TV Catalan Presently, odds. all against identity national Catalan the protect its to and purpose from system well beginning served iteffectively was established the ofmajority positiveminority Ihave coexistence and Catalan the broadcasting arguedthat groups. example of is agood establish whether Catalonia was to casein–depth study issue of The key and political stability and afriendly inrelation with governmentthe favoring Madrid, liberal values dealing until past with the they after have dealtwith their keep political to endeavors their case. Lastly,judgingis current by it developments, likelyvery the Catalans that postponed makeajustice–specific back, than autonomy rather its obtain transition determinedto during the 61 CEU eTD Collection successfully changed into civicnationalism. changed successfully nationalism thatethnic proves broadcasting, too, public Catalan of the “liberalization” deAutonomía(Estatuto deCataluña 2006).In conclusion, “Europeanization” the and 62 CEU eTD Collection Calhoun, Craig J.1997. Breakwell, 1986.Coping G.M. with threatened identities. London: Methuen; Democratization 12: 44–59; Blakeley, Georgina. 2005. Blakeley, Georgina. Beram,1987. H. lade 229-326; Modernización.Madrid: Iberoamericano: autonomas Beltran, Miguel. 1994. issue 29; Bayona, Antoni. legislation: 2007.Catalan audiovisual Quaderns presentand future. delCAC, Sarajevo; divided societies andMarkBasic-Hrvatin, Sandra 2008. Thompson. Nelson-Hall; Chicago: Bar-Tal,1997. Ervin and Daniel, (Eds.). 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