RE-designing Access to Cultural Heritage for a wider participation in preservation, (re-)use and management of European Culture This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 769827. Deliverable number D5.5 Title Small towns’ heritage pilot results Due date Month 36 Actual date of 9 February 2021 delivery to EC Project Coordinator: Coventry University Professor Neil Forbes Priority Street, Coventry CV1 5FB, United Kingdom +44(0)797 498 4084 E-mail:
[email protected] Project website address: Page 1 of 99 REACH Deliverable: D5.5 Title: Small towns’ heritage pilot results Context: Partner responsible for Univerzita Karlova/Charles University (CUNI) deliverable Deliverable author(s) Pilot Leader: Luďa Klusáková (Charles University) Authors: Jaroslav Ira, Jan Krajíček (Charles University), Friederike Berlekamp (Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz/Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation), Tim Hammerton (Coventry University) Contributions: Jiří Janáč, Zdeněk Uherek (Charles University) Deliverable version number 1.0 Dissemination Level Public History: Change log Version Date Author Reason for change Luďa Klusáková, Jaroslav Ira, Preliminary draft 13/01/2019 Jiří Janáč Jaroslav Ira, Jan Krajíček Restructured following feedback from 12/05/2020 COVUNI 06/09/2020 Jaroslav Ira Further content added and structure developed, feedback from COVUNI 27/10/2020 Jaroslav Ira Chapter 5 on results of the pilot enhanced 26/11/2020 Jaroslav Ira, Friederike Feedback following review by SPK, leading Berlekamp to improved structure of the deliverable, with new text added Jaroslav Ira, Friederike Further comments from SPK and COVUNI, 14/01/2021 Berlekamp, Zdeněk Uherek new content added, including conclusion.