Buildings, People and Resources in Zeus

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Buildings, People and Resources in Zeus Food Production Culture once trained, culture workers Buildings, People and Resources in Zeus Resources proceed to the appropriate venue Food urchins urchin urchins gatherer only common houses need Urchin Quay urchins water from a fountain fish pork philosopher Philosopher water bearer cheese College Podium Fountain carrots offers lectures onions fish fishing wheat boat Fishery fish athletes from the Gymnasium make sure citizens are in good shape provides healthcare Raw Materials wood healer wild athlete bronze boar hunter Gymnasium marble Boar Hunter’s Lodge pork Infirmary grapes olives fleece goats goatherd reduces unrest cheese Finished Goods Dairy armor actor actor watchman Watchpost sculpture olive oil Drama School Houses wine Theater shows plays All foods, raw materials and carrots peddlers finished goods can be imported Carrot Farm deliver food or exported if a trade partner competitors from the and goods maintains buildings exists Gymnasium perform at the to houses competitor Superintendent stadium competitor Maintenance Office onions Stadium Onion Farm only one per city; hosts taxes collected from housing competitions and City Games Tax Office food wheat Military a food vendor from the Agora procures food from a Granary Drachmas Wheat Farm silver silver Granary Agora Mint miner ore horses goods vendors procure fleece, a horse vendor procures olive oil, wine horses and armor from Industry horses from Horse Ranch Storehouse Horse Ranch Storage and Distribution Palace needed to collect taxes and raise military forces trees lumberjack Timber Mill wood Trireme Wharf trireme with marines Pier trade ship Storehouse goods copper copper Foundry bronze armor ore miner Armory Goods For Housing Sculpture Studio sculpture caravan Grapevine grapes wine Exportable materials in a Winery sculpture, marble Trading Post trading facility cannot be and wood needed used by the city. grower for construction Growers’ Lodge quarry stonecutter marble Masonry Shop Each Pier and Trading Olive Tree Post is dedicated to a olives olive oil single trade partner. Olive Press artisan sheep shepherd Fleece Sanctuary Artisans’ Guild Carding Shed Sanctuaries Construction 7111720 Sanctuaries Geography of the Zeus’ Stronghold Promontory of Poseidon Colchis Benefits: Benefits: The Kraken defends Gates of Hades Oracle; protection Benefits: from invading gods; opinion of city; Fisheries and Urchin Quays Cerberus defends city; Greek World more productive. deposits of silver ore. you in Greece improves. Buildings Sanctified: Buildings Sanctified: Any sanc- Buildings Sanctified: Urchin Tax Office, Quay, Fishery, Horse Ranch. Mint, Foundry. Odessos tifiable building. Blessing: Blessing: Zeus can perform any Blessing: Poseidon gives city Hades donates money to city. blessing. See other gods. food. Amphipolis Bistonia Garden of Demeter Arbor of Athena Artemis’ Menagerie Thasus Benefits: surrounded by mead- Benefits: a grove of olive trees; Benefits: Amazon soldiers; pro- Cadmus ow. Stronger soldiers; protection tection from predators. Ascania Buildings Sanctified: Meadow from invaders. Buildings Sanctified: Buildings Sanctified: Hunters’ Farms. Olive Press, Lodge. Carding Shed. Blessing: Demeter gives city Blessing: Artemis gives city Lemnos Troy Themiscyra food. Blessing: Athena provides olive food. Tenedos Oracle of Apollo oil and olives. Taras Forge of Hephaestus Mt. Pelion Lyrnessus Benefits: Oracle; better chance Ares’ Fortress of winning Games; protection Benefits: deposits of copper ore; Corcyra Ithome Benefits: Ares warriors; Dragon no risk of fire. Iolcus from monsters. kills invader, wolf and predator Pholoe Buildings Sanctified: Podium, Buildings Sanctified: Sculpture boar. Studio, Armory. Hattusas Gymnasium, Stadium, Theater. Buildings Sanctified: None. Blessing: Apollo cures plague Blessing: Talos appears to Blessing: Ares accompanies city’s defend city. Pergamum and improves city hygiene. soldiers in battles abroad. Aphrodite’s Haven Benefits: no emigration; appeal Hermes’ Refuge Grove of Dionysus Thermopylai Benefits: Cyme of city increases; protection deliverymen, trade Benefits: a grove of grapevines; from Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes, ships and caravans move faster; no unrest in city. Orchomenos Sardis and Dionysus. trade partners visit more fre- Buildings Sanctified: Winery. Ithaca Calydon Thebes Eretria Buildings Sanctified: Housing. quently. Blessing: Satyrs give city wine. Aulis Blessing: Aphrodite increases Buildings Sanctified: None. Plataia population. Blessing: Hermes fulfills out- Eleusis standing request. Mt. Marathon Mt. Erymanthus Corinth Cithaeron Elis Athens Salamis Ephesus Cilicia Stymphalus Player Actions Map Legend Nemea Mycenae Olympia Laurion Make Request. Click this Argos Tiryns Your Parent City Your Soldiers Lerna button to request food, Troezan goods, defensive aid or Delos Miletos A Colony Your Triremes Sparta an offensive strike from anoth- Ethiopia Thrinacia er city. Potential Colony Site Naxos A Greek Army Fulfill Request. Click A Greek City this button to dispatch A Persian Army Erythia requested goods or sol- A Persian City diers to another city. A Centaur Army Taenarum Mt. Malea Give Gift. Click this but- A Centaur City AN Amazon Army ton to give a gift to An Amazon City another city. Cities A Trojan Army Cydonia appreciate most the goods that A Trojan City they need. Knossos Ruins Enemy Warships Mt. Ida Raid. Click this but- Libya ton to raid another An Enchanted Place A Distant City Phoenecia city for supplies. Your Current City A Rebelling Subject Land Trade Attack. Click this Route Cyprus Your Other Cities button to try to Military Strength Sea Trade Egypt conquer another city. Route Your Ally Economic Strength.
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