

ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝ ΑΡΤΕΜΙΣ ΑΘΗΝΑ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΣ Roman name The of music, poetry, The of nature The goddess of , The god of and , and of the and the hunt the crafts, and military strategy and of the theater Olympian Son of by ΕΡΜΗΣ gods Twin children ΗΦΑΙΣΤΟΣ of Zeus by Zeus swallowed his first , born wife, , and as a on result Athena was born ΑΡΗΣ Hephaestos The of the gods, full-grown from and the god of boundaries Son of Zeus the head of Zeus. by , a The god of the forge who must spend daughter The god and of artisans part of each year in of of war the as the consort of ΑΙΔΗΣ ΖΕΥΣ ΕΣΤΙΑ ΔΗΜΗΤΗΡ Zeus ΗΡΑ ΠΟΣΕΙΔΩΝ Hades The , The goddess of The god of the the god of the The goddess The god of the , the hearth, underworld The goddess of and of of women “The -shaker” household, the harvest and marriage and state

ΑΦΡΟΔΙΤΗ Hekate The goddess First-generation Second- generation of magic ΡΕΑ ΚΡΟΝΟΣ Titans The goddess of MagnaRhea Mater love and beauty Kronos & Kronos cut off the genitals of his father and threw them into the sea, and Aphrodite arose from them. of Apollo ΟΥΡΑΝΟΣ Leto and Artemis Uranus The Prometheuswho made the ΤΑΡΤΑΡΟΣ first Ta r t a r o s The Under- ΕΡΩΣ ΓΗ or ΓΗΙΑ who married world or who married ErosLove Ge The earth Primordial Atlas ΕΡΕΒΟΣ gods Clymene ΧΑΟΣ Erebos FirstMetis wife of Zeus Darkness The sun The ΝΥΞ The Ancient The Greek Gods Night The day The