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Greece--Selected Problems REPORT RESUMES ED 013 992 24 AA 000 260 GREECE -- SELECTED PROBLEMS. BY- MARTONFFY, ANDREA PONTECORVO AND OTHERS CHICAGO UNIV., ILL. REPORT NUMBER BR-62445...1 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.50HC-$4.60 113F. DESCRIPTORS- *CURRICULUM GUIDES, *GREEK CIVILIZATION, *CULTURE, CULTURAL INTERRELATIONSHIPS,*PROBLEM SETS, *SOCIAL STUDIES, ANCIENT HISTORY, HIGH SCHOOL CURRICULUM A CURRICULUM GUIDE IS PRESENTED FOR A 10-WEEK STUDYOF ANCIENT GREEK CIVILIZATION AT THE 10TH -GRADE LEVEL.TEACHING MATERIALS FOR THE UNIT INCLUDE (1) PRIMARY ANDSECONDARY SOURCES DEALING WITH THE PERIOD FROM THE BRONZE AGETHROUGH THE HELLENISTIC PERIOD,(2) GEOGRAPHY PROBLEMS, AND (3) CULTURAL MODEL PROBLEM EXERCISES. THOSE CONCEPTSWITH WHICH THE STUDENT SHOULD GAIN MOST FAMILIARITY INCLUDETHE EXISTENCE OF THE UNIVERSAL CATEGORIES OF CULTURE(ECONOMICS, SOCIAL ORGANIZATION, POLITICAL ORGANIZATION,RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, AND ARTS), THE INTERRELATEDNESS OF THESE CATEGORIES AT ANY GIVEN POINT IN TIME, AND THEINFLUENCE WHICH CHANGES IN ONE OF THESE MAY FLAY INPRECIPITATING LARGE -SCALE SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CHANGE. ANINTRODUCTION TO THE BIOLOGICAL DETERMINANTS (INDIVIDUAL GENETICCOMPOSITIONS) AND GEOGRAPHICAL DETERMINANTS (TOPOGRAPHY, CLIMATE,LOCATION, AND RESOURCES) OF GREEK CIVILIZATION IS PROVIDED.THE STUDENT IS ALSO INTRODUCED TO THE IDEA OF CULTURALDIFFUSION OR CULTURE BORROWING. (TC) .....Siiiir.i.......0.161,...4iliaalla.lilliW116,6".."`""_ GREECE:, SELEcT DPRO-BLES . Andrea POcorvoMartonffy& JOISApt, I. g ... EdgarBerwein, Geral Edi rs 4 CHICAGO SOCIALSTU i OJECT TRIAL EDITION Materials Developed by CHICAGO SOCIAL STUDIES PROJECT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Edgar Bernstein Director Philip Montag AMP Associate Director Andrea Pontecorvo Martonffy- Teacher and Curriculum Designer Jane Ashbrook -Teacherand Curriculum Designer Thomas Newman-Teacherand Curriculum Designer Joel Surgal -Teacherand Curriculum Designer Peggy Vecchione-Administrative Assistant The curriculum development reported herein was performed pur- suant to a contract with the United States Office of Education, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, under the provision of the Cooperative Research Program. Teacher Materials GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO GREEK UNIT Unit I in the sophomore World History sequence comprises approximately a ten-week study of ancient Greek civilization. The choice of content for this initial tenth grade unit was dictated in part by the students' study of pre-history and ancient Middle Eastern civilization at the Freshman level. The opportunity to draw on students' knowledge of pre-existent civilizations to elucidate certain social science concepts (i.e., the phenomenon of cultural diffusion between societies and cultures) and the traditional historical interpretation of Greek civilizationas the mafn contributor to all later Western Civilization both influenced this selection of Greek historical content. The teaching materials for the unit include: primary and secondary sources dealing with the period from the Bronze Age through the Hellenistic period (ca. 1800-)00 B.C.); geography problems; anda number of cultural model problem exercises. The teacher should note that, although the ma- terials may resemble those used in a traditional "primarysource document approach" to history, their intendeduse is only partly to illustrate that good history teaching involves immersing the student in the data of the past in order that he may formulate his own limited generalizations and inter- pretations. Additionally, the criterion for the inclusion of particular primary source materials (and the omission of other "classics")was their usefulness in pointing out certain concepts and perspectives from the social sciences which are to be expanded and reinforced throughout the Social Studies curriculum. Those concepts with which the student should gain most familiarity in the Greek unit include the existence of the universal categories of culture (Economics, Social Organization, Political Organization,Religion, Knowledge, Arts), the interrelatedness of these categories atany given point in time, and the influence which changes in one of these may play in precipitating large-scale social and cultural change.An introduction to the biological (individual genetic composition) and geographical (topography, climate, location, resources) determinants of Greek civilization is also intended. The student is also introduced to the idea of cultural diffusion or culture "borrowing." A cursory overview of the historical content presented in the unit is provided by the chart on the next page, which gives a description of the categories of culture at various points in Greek history. Due to the myriad of historical opinions regarding "the facts" of the Bronze Age, Homeric Greece, and pre-Classical Greece, the teacher is referred to this as a very general overview of the acknowledged factual framework in the unit. On completion of the ten-week study, students should be able to categorize this historical period in similar fashion. Historical Overview The following brief descriptions of developments during the periods of ancient Greek history may be useful to the teacher as background in- formation for these materials. 1 HELLADIC-3100-1200 B.C. HOMERIC - -ca. 8C0 B-C. ARCHAIC-750-500 B.C. CLASSICAL-500-300 B.C. Economics intensivegarden hoe use (wooden) of land; agriculture. grazing, moreiron extensiveplow agriculture. use of land. trade,zation industry,Athens(Athens, coloni- Sparta;grainconquest prototypic) production ofSparta neighboring extensivecontrolled import-exportuse(Athens) of land economy farming, herding. j introductionspecializationduction(650) of incc4r,tge pro- posesandterritories agricultural for landpur- middlemenspecializedcurrency widespreadand croppage services increase olive-vine;livestockagriculturegoats)hardier animals grazing speciaii-ed (sheep, of only olive-vine;livestockagriculturegoats)hardier animals grazing specialized (sheep, of only Organize-Politicaltion Confederacy.overrealm relatively of Monarchy under great Monarchyextending areas. with Oligarchy-AristocracyHereditaryCouncil of Nbnarchythe People Autocracy-TyrannyDevelorimmt--- tmilitaryof Polls oligarchy-- fromdemocratic"oligarchic oligarchic (after democracy") to 400tyrannical B.C. to Social Achean Clan Organization tribe, clan, phratry. slavery slaverypopulationcitizenship widespread of 1% of(90% Deniestribe,Polls dominantbecomeclan, andunits form phratry of control remain Organize-tion socialthatsocieties; found organization ini.e., other Dorian, similarAryan Aeolian, to someganization break-up of class or-. encompassedtotal population b y Sparta) of area phasisas basic than units earlier but withperiods. less em- womenslaveryoppressive.Ionian. enjoy in existencerather great b't freedom.not classsop-.tweenmerchantlittle growth strife--gulfrich political class, andof artisans,poor. butvoice. be- with "egalitarianism"citizens among femaleslaveryother rolecontemporary continues; still easy stillsocieties. vis-a-vis non-harsh. Knowledge military:technology:soldiers lightly Bronze cladAge foot military:technology:niquescavalry chariot Iron Agewarfare tech- military 650introductionof Phalanx military:technology:turalsome specializationimplements Phalanx Iron Age continues. of agricul- Religion Asianand trees.cults: worshipReligion of similar pillars to Olympiangods. deities; anthropomorphic Olympian deities, before sameemerging.cosmological as before; "science" rationalism Arts geometricthatin Canaan. practiced period. contemporaneously pottery (diverse forms from differ-Kouros sculpture not extant monumental and civic architecture. architecture: "beehive tombs" architectureentto thoseregions). of houseearlier plRns palaces similar at beginning"Greek style" of distinctive j funerealsculpture"naturalism". ornamentationattains fluidity and BardsomesculpturehaveTyrins tradition. painting.existed. and not Mycenae. extant, though may potterypigmentationremains)bas- reliefs, highly upon steles,advanced statuary friezes. and (fewcopied. ContactsOutsidewith Crete and Asitl_ and Egypt. Relative isolation. tradewestNarmoraBlack(some to contactSeacoastal andItaly, coast, North north areasSicily SeaAegean; toof of virtualterritorial isolation conquests. beyond someextensiveean.Southernsouthern inroads Italy,andcontact in eastern Black as with well SeaMediterran- most asand thoseof NaucratisFrancecolony). and (EgyptianSpain), in pre-classical-----. times. A. Helladic Period(3100-1100 B.C.): 1. Social System (economies, Little is definitelyknown regarding the"social" history of this pre-Homeric political organization,social organization) probably prevalent period. As previouslynoted, the chariot was awkwardness in Greektopog- in Greek warfare,despite its seeming "status symbol" raphy, suggestingthat it may have served as a Foot soldiers after its introductionby the conquering Aryans. the were lightlyclad and dependent on ashield which covered who wore metal entire body(contrasting with the later hoplites helmet, breastplate,and greaves). Gardenhoe agriculture wcs And probably the prevalentform of economic organization, with the politically despoticmonarchies were probably common, larger areas than realm of monarchyextending geographically over in the later city-stateperiod. 2. Cultural System the There is no evidenceof the worship ofOlympian deities during similar to those Helladic period. Religious cults in vogue were worship of current in Asia at thetime. There is evidence of the sites of main- pillars and trees.Beehive tombs are found on
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