British. Action in Palestine Lauded
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By Ff'edC'Tick Lionel FinJtcrotc, Editor~Lco J. LCZRCk, Adv. Mgr. By all means! But, alas, I get the impression n. M. Cohen, Business Manager - Phone 5<l 400 iliplomatic to retire to his home, anll have never seen before. LUDWiG LEWISOHN thai1 the Jewish students of Warsaw feel By ANITA ENGLE and again the :Mufti voiaed to th~ Pa-. frhe :Mufti, wily politician with the subscription $2.60 per yenr. for about six weeks previous to the 1 Entered as Second elnss Mail Matter at Ottawn. mands and threats of the Arab HIgher eyes o'f an intelligent child, demotl:'cl j . humiliated and that fills me with pain, , Oommittee, and that they were court debacl'e all operations had been. con· I ductecl 'from there with scientific pre the mayor of Jerusalem deporteel, Thursday, October 21, 1937 that fills me with grief ... I 'had hoped The stirring events in Palestine eously rec.eived and considered by the I. Vol. XIII-No. 42 of the past· few weeks following mSlOn. During the last month mem~ Al'ab notables arrestcd and deported that the size of the Jewish masses in Po High Commissioner. right and left, inch.(ling the head of University Ghetto the deportation of Arab Ieaael's Why! And how long! Bewildel'ed bors of the N ashashibi family fell, as i land and their loyalty to the being of the if struck by a plague, every day the Arab Banlt, the editor of the ono and the escape -of tho Grand M~ti J awry through aU the months of en Arab.English weekly journal (whose Jewish people had kept them free of that are here vividly described by M~SB ing news of the death of another In a foraed impotonay asked themselves acting editor is an Englishman) j and Is The Talmud Torah Free? ·HE general press has had little or worst disease of the "Galuth," the disease, Anita Engle, a former Oalgary gll'l differont part of tho country. \ these questions ovor and over again. nationalist groups of every sort made . nothing on the matter. Hence read namely, of our enemies' estimate of us now residing in Palestine. They askc(l them. of tho Palestine Ad Suddenly, the country was shocked The one heartening :(eature produced at T ers of this column who do not see Events leading up to this import by the assassination of Mr. L. Y. An· illegal. subtly tainting our consciousness ... As a ministration to01 but they were ne· And all Palestine left gasping with ant mOye on the part of Great Brit (hews, assistant district commISSIoner the annual meeting of the Talmud Torah the Yiddish papers may hardly be aware customed to the cleft side-hacking with surprise. A gasp which turned into a libertarian and a democrat and a member ain are brought to light by the of Galilee, and for twenty years an Monday night was the president's an of the fact that by actual decree of the of Western civilization, I should also, were which an answer was evaded. shout of joy, for during the three bours author and the events that fol., There was a glib explanation, how eal'nest worker in the interests of Pa nouncement th'at the institution is free of Polish ministry of education ghetto bench~s I a student in Warsaw, protest against the lestine . development, and a sincere it took to come from Haifa, tbe news ll lowed' carefully analyzed. The ar ever. wbicll was repeat eel 'by those in had alrca(ly been circulated, and Tel all mortgages. Normally this would ca: have been assigned to Jewish students m ghetto benches. But as a Jew and as a ticle written exclusively for The the IUlow, and those not in the know, friend of both the Jews and Arabs. With him was killed bis body g~ard, Aviv was merry as a bee-hive. It was for loud hosannahs but the good news IS the institutions of higher learning, prim human being I would be glad and proud to J ewi:'lh Post, arrived from Pa as t.o Wl1Y the A(lri1inistrntion beca~e as if n woight had been lifted from lestine by air mail.-The Editor. ana just escaping assassination was the overshadowed by the fact that there re arily in Warsaw, but also in other .Polish sit on them as a member of the Jewish morc maternaBy tolerant and forgiv the depressed spirit.s of a people who in.Q" 1l~,Ycry time the Mufti,:- figuratively A.D.O. of Safad. mains a net liability of more than $17,000 cities. These benches, on the left SIdes of people, happy and proud to be at one with • • • The reverberations in England were· for onc year and n. balf had bad no speaking aockerl n snook at them. Stop against the institution with little prospect the lecture halls, are marked and a penalt~ it physically and spiritually, never happier The fall of the Bastille during tho terrific for it brought home to the Brit ray of hope offered them_ A people anyone on - tho street nncl ask "Why ish more than the six who I1nd moved in a nightmare atmo of liquidating it. is set upon any infringement of the regula and never prouder than when the world F)'ouch Revolution could hardly have the g~vernmont I was Mufti allowed such free reign steady months of riot, murder and van sphCl'e of impotency foreed. on them uy . Then too the story of how the mortgage tion they represent. Bitterness and wrath seeks to probe the wounds of the "Galuth" been greeted with greater rejoicing to spl'eacl -incitin~ propaganda eluring an Aclministra tion which had seemed than was witnessed in .the streets of da.lism, and the ensuing months of ter was cleared and the debt reduced from the are naturally sweeping through Polish Jew and to bring discomfort to me by making the riot!=lt and why was he not cheake<1 . rorism, and certainly more than all the. to the Jews to be calmly standing hy staggering figure of $39,000 in 1934 to the ry; the students are ~efusing. to be segre me conspicuous as a Jew. For it cannot. Tel Aviv when the first rumOl' came at the (lnd of tho thst month, and the .Jewish memoranda, that tho Palestme while the fabria o,ut of whiah they gated and are standmg durmg lectures; of the fnll of the Mufti, Palestine Mos· six months of pi1lnge and murder pre A(lministration was indeed lacking in were 80 tortuously huilding their N a present figure is not a happy one. The en It fails utterly. It might have spared its vented?" And t,he answer WO\11c] come lems' religious hea(l and dictator. Re policy, shoakingly vac~llatin~, and tional Home was wilfuny torn to tire difference required to payoff the mort Polish Socialist and Liberal students are ~illy efforts. Nothing that makes me con lih:e an Acho: llThe Mufti is the Mosw shreds by a group of people made vi joicing that at last the suave, ruddy- quite incapable of dealIng WIth the g'age company and reduce the debt cam~ very properly and honorably announcing spicuous as· a Jew can bring me anything 10m religious head of Palestine, and situation for which they were respon aious by greed an(l rni~management. out of the pockets of a few individuals, their intention of not being separated from but joy,· but pride, but a deeper sense of . complexionec1, wily Arab who had Eng-lana must be very c1iplomntic and ai41.e through non-supl'ession of the played ducks and draltes with British treat all of his demamls' an<1 his nc There arc big things brewing in Pa-_ who at one time or another endorsed notes their Jewish' comrades and of sharing the devotion and consecration ... I wish that 19:16 riots in its first days. lestine politics, and it is rumored in pl'estigc ill Palestine for a year and a tions with great respect I or 'the entire On Friday morning, the bus on whkh for 'the institution. All these notes have ghetto benches with them. The anti-Semi I heard that voice, that spirit, that mean Moslem world. from India to Egypt, roliable quarters th~t the purge will half, wns brought to check hy the firm I was tra yelling from Haifa was he 1c1 now been redeemed and leaves the Talmud tic majority is rejoicing; the government ing from out of th'e turmoil and the tumult win be up in arm~." This was the oft not end with Arab Nationalist cire.les, and courageous, if somewhat deferred, up in front of n house near the fringe but, in one signal instance, even im· Torah with a Certificate of Title.