! FAKTAARK! Nasjonale!Og!Internasjonale!Stiftelser!Og!Foundations! Mai!2014!

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! FAKTAARK! Nasjonale!Og!Internasjonale!Stiftelser!Og!Foundations! Mai!2014! ! FAKTAARK! Nasjonale!og!internasjonale!stiftelser!og!foundations! Mai!2014! ! Oversikt!utarbeidet!på!oppdrag!fra!Gjensidige!Stiftelsen! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! FAKTAARK!H!Nasjonale!og!internasjonale!stiftelser!og!foundations! ! ! ©!Caroline!!D!DitlevHsimonsen! ! Mai!2014! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! BI!Norwegian!Business!School!NH0442!Oslo! Tel!46!41!00!00! www.bi.no! ! ! ! FAKTAARK! Nasjonale!og!internasjonale!stiftelser!og!foundations! Mai!2014! ! ! •! Bill!&!Melinda!Gates!Foundation!! •! California!Endowment!! •! Extra!Stiftelsen!! •! Ford!Foundation! •! Robert!Wood!Johnson!Foundation!! •! Robin!Hood!Foundation!! •! Rockefeller!Foundation!! •! Sparebankstiftelsen!DnB!! •! TrygFonden!! ! ! Utarbeidet!av!Caroline!D!DitlevHSimonsen!! på!oppdrag!fra!GjensidigeStiftelsen! ! ! ! ! ! FAKTAARK FOR STIFTELSER - EVALUERING Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation http://www.gatesfoundation.org/ Country Capital – size of the foundation Donations in 2012 USA $ 37 milliarder (ca 222 milliarder NOK) 23 milliarder NOK 1. THE FOUNDATION • Global Development Program; “Nearly 2.5 billion people worldwide live on less than US$ a Background day, and more than 1 billion suffer from chronic In 1997 “Bill and Melinda Gates read an article [ ] hunger. For these people, the basics of food, water, about millions of children in poor countries who die shelter, and sanitation are in short supply, and from diseases eliminated long ago in the U.S.” This healthcare and education can be unaffordable was the start of their foundation starting off with polo luxuries. Our Global Development Division aims to vaccine to kids in India. Other highlights are: The identify and fund high-impact solutions that can establishment of the Scholars Program increasing the help hundreds of millions of people lift themselves number of minority students graduating with advanced out of poverty and build better lives. We work degrees (1999), approaching the UN Millennium closely with our partners to support innovative Development Goals (eradicating extreme poverty, approaches and expand existing ones so they reach reducing child death, and fighting disease) (2000), the people who are mort in need.” opening a regional office in Washington D.C (2001), • Global Health Program; ”Our Global Health launch HIV/AIDS Prevention Branch in India (2003), Division aims to harness advances in science and restructuring the foundations three priorities to Global technology to save lives in developing countries. health, global development, and work in the U.S We work with partners to deliver proven tools – (2006), Warren Buffet Pledges over $30 billion the including vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics – as well Foundation, together with the Rockefeller Foundations, as discover pathbreaking new solutions that are launch Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa lead affordable and reliable. Equally important is by Kofi Annan (2006), Bill starts to work full-time in innovation in how we bring health interventions to the Foundations (2008), launch a program across the those who need them most. We invest heavily in U.S supporting bold, ambitious plans to transform the vaccines to prevent infectious diseases – including way schools recruit, develop, reward, and keep HIV, polio, and malaria – and support he teachers (2009), open London office, join The Giving development of integrated health solutions for Pledge, an effort to encourage America’s wealthiest family planning, nutrition, and material and child families to donate the majority of their wealth to good health.” causes (2010) and host the Family planning summit to • United States Program; “In the United States, our support and help women in the field of contraceptives. primary focus is on ensuring that all students graduate from high school prepared for college and Purpose – vision and values have an opportunity to earn a postsecondary degree “Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, with labor-market value. Our approach is to play a the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all catalytic role – to support the development of people lead healthy, productive lives. In developing innovative solutions in education that are unlikely countries, it focuses on improving people’s health and to be generated by institutions working alone and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger that can trigger change on a broader scale. We also and extreme poverty. In the United States, it seeks to work to address issues of social inequity and ensure that all people—especially those with the fewest poverty in Washington State, where the Gates resources—have access to the opportunities they need family has lived for generations and the foundation to succeed in school and life. Based in Seattle, makes its permanent home.” Washington, the foundation is led by CEO Jeff Raikes • Global policy & advocacy; “Because our resources and Co-chair William H. Gates Sr., under the direction alone are not enough to advance the causes we care of Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett.“ about, we engage in advocacy efforts to promote public policies that advance our work, build strategic alliances with governments and the public Key areas and private sectors, and foster greater public According to the Foundation Fact Sheet the Foundation awareness of urgent global issues.” has four grantmaking areas. Dette faktaark er utarbeidet av [email protected] for GjensidigeStiftelsen. FAKTAARK FOR STIFTELSER – EFFEKT EVALUERING 2. WHAT THE FOUNDATION SUPPORTS organization that has received funding. This is followed up and organization reports back on progress. Type of initiatives funded The following are programs that are funded in the Requirements for projects to be different areas. supported • Global Development Program; Agricultural What the foundations supports is based on the Development, Emergency Response, Family foundations’ strategy. This strategy is continuously Planning, Financial Services for the Poor, Global reviewed and changed. “The strategy lifecycle is a Libraries, Maternal, Neonatal & Child Health, framework that guides our work. We develop strategy, Nutrition, Polio, Vaccine Delivery, Water, allocate resources, make grants, capture and share data Sanitaion & Hygiene. on progress, reflect on lessons learned, and course- • Global Health Program Discovery & correct, as necessary. Essential to this process is Translational Sciences, Enteric and Diarrheal ongoing dialogue with our grantees and partners, early Diseases, HIV, Malaria, Neglected Infectious in the planning process and throughout the strategy Diseases, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis. lifecycle.” • United States Program; College-Ready Education, Postsecondary Success and Washington State. What is not supported • Global policy & advocacy; Tobacco Control. “The foundation is unable to make grants directly to individuals. The majority of our funding is proactive and made to U.S tax-exempt organizations that are Who decides what to support independently identified by our staff.” The process below is established to making a grant. It is the program officer who reviews the submitted The following are some examples of areas that are not materials. After a due diligence analysis, the final funded: decision is taken by a foundation executive. The higher the dollar value of the project, the greater number and • “Direct donations or grants to individuals level of reviews. • Projects addressing health problems in developed countries The process of making a grant is based on the • Political campaigns and legislative lobbying efforts following four phases:. • Building or capital campaigns • Projects that exclusively serve religious purposes” Stage 1: Concept Development “Program staff identify ideas and concepts in support of our strategic priorities. We shape these through conversation with How the support is reported foundation colleagues, practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and other resources in the field. When “At the end of the project, the funded organization will an idea or concept is sufficiently formed, a program typically submit a final report, summarizing the results officer begins outreach to potential applicants.” achieved and lessons learned.” Stage 2: Pre-Proposal A variety of means is used to explore and refine a concept, for example Direct 3. EFFECT EVALUATION solicitation (ask organizations to submit proposals), Discussion and dialog (invite organizations to discuss How does the foundation measure the the issues), Concept Memo (when several effect of the support? organizations are interested in following up the issue, “The Results Framework & Tracker is a new tool that ask them to submit a memo on their view of the), will help the prospective grantee or vendor identify Request for proposal (open invitation to submit how they will measure results (i.e. outcomes and proposal – from both private and public entities). outputs) and report on progress against them over the Stage 3: Investment Development Guidelines and course of the investment. This tool will be used during format for applications are developed and the the design and management phases of the investment.” Foundation cooperate with potential partners. Then the (information from 2012 – only one hit when searched applications are evaluated by the Foundation. The on Framework & Tracker) larger the project, the more encompassing the evaluation process. It is the Foundation executive who “We purposefully do not measure every result of a decided who is awarded the contract. strategy, a portfolio of investments, or an individual
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