Arup in CBD

Revitalising the city skyline 3

lifestyles aswellthecity’s skyline. 24-hour urbanlife.InBeijing’s CBD,we areshapingurban attracts peopletostayandplay, bringingtheCBDwitha a setofnewconcepts-tocreatevibrantcommunitythat planning, wearedeliveringlocallandmarksimbuedwith Marrying ourtechnicalexcellencewithurbandesignand the qualityofurbanlivingandworkingenvironment. construction, wearehelpingredefineBeijing’s skylineand Zun,thecity’s futuretallestbuildingcurrently under From theworld-famousCCTV NewHeadquarterstowerto Arup isplayinganactiveroleinshapingtheurbanfabric. industrial premisesintoaforestofmoderntowers,and Over thepastdecade,CBDhasgrownfroman in thecity. the CBD.Itisalsohometoamajorityofforeignembassies overseas-funded companiesinBeijinghavetheiroffices More than100Fortune500businessesandover60%ofthe large-scale development. Core Area ofaround305hawhichiscurrentlyunder includes the30haexistingareaandaneastwardexpansion in ChaoyangDistrictontheeastsideofcity, theCBD centre offinance,mediaandbusinessservices.Located Beijing’s CBDisthe city’s largest andmostinternational work, liveandenjoythemselves. attractive andsustainableurbansettingsforpeopleto of Beijing’s CentralBusinessDistrict(CBD),shaping Arup isthedrivingforcebehindtransformation of anancientcity Driving thenewheart On thecover

Beijing CBDCore Area

Luneng SihuiProject CCTV Headquarters&ChinaWorld Trade Centre

©MADAspam ©Frank P Palmer CBD Z6Tower

©Foster + Partners Beijing Emperor Group Center

©Emperor Group Center

©Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates PC 4 5

Z seriesprojectscurrentlyunderconstruction. hotspot inthecapitalcity, where Arup iscontributingto8ofthe16 The emerging CBDCore Area isnodoubtthemostfeatured Shaping thenewCBDCore

©Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates PC Architects & Planning Consultants ©SAMOO Architects & Engineers ©Kohn Pederson Fox Associates PC with atotalGFA of120,000m². 200m tallgrade-A officetower Structural engineeringforthe as 30m. sharing a7-levelbasementasdeep space witha5-storeypodium building has57storeysofoffice headquarters. The 260m tall for Samsung’s newBeijing Geotechnical engineering stability atthebase. at thetopandprovidestructural assist inmaximisingthefloorarea tower’s smoothverticalcurvewill the Chineseritualvessel‘Zun’, in Beijingat528mtall.Inspiredby engineering forthetallestbuilding Structural, fireandsecurity total GFA of120,000m². with a5-levelbasementyielding services forthe200mhightower Structural andMEP engineering 7 5 3 1 Z5 Z3 Z2b Z15 (ChinaZun)

©Gensler ©Taikang Property Investment Co Ltd ©Foster + Partners structural andfireengineering. blossoming flower’. Arupprovided organic andfloral imageslike‘a curving mega-bracesthatevoke fully façadeintegrateddiagridwith and eachelevationcomprisesa curvilinear formisverydistinctive in Beijingat405mtall. The The secondtallestbuilding to theCCTV NewHeadquarters. building locateddirectlyadjacent for 99,000m²financialservices Structural andMEP engineering levels ofbasement. twin towerswithapodiumandsix Structural peerreviewforthe220m use. client needfortheirheadquarter flexible designschemetosuitthe been proposedtoresultahighly podium. An integratedsolutionhas office towerwithandretail been providedforthehigh-rise transport consultingserviceshave MEP, façade,firesafetyand 2 8 6 4 Z6 Z1a Z14 Z12 1


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Emperor Headquarters performance glazing. engineers helpedrealisetheunitisedcurtainwallsystemswithdark,high two blocksof150mhigh,offering officeandretailspaces. Arup The mixed-usedevelopmentcomprisestwoblocksof90mhighand Beijing IFC realise oneofthemostfastgrowingbusinesshubsinworld. array oficonicstructuresinBeijing’s currentCBD,helpingto Over thepastdecade, Arup hasdesignedanddeliveredawide A decadeinthemaking Fangcaodi Parkview Green Central Park Beijing IFC Prosper Centre Jianguomen OuterStreet Guanghua Road

Jianwai SOHO Chaoyang Road Chaoyang Centre Jingguang Trade Centre China World Centre Financial World

East 3rd Ring Road CBD Z5 CBD Z3 CBD Z2b CBD Z1a CCTV NewHeadquarters TVCC Centre Beijing International CBD Z6 China Zun ©Zhou Ruogu Architecture Photography thanks toan Arup-designed air‘buffer zone’. with variouszonesthatarerelativelyuniformandeasilycontrolled, and ETFEplasticglazed‘envelope’. The envelopecreatesamicroclimate office space,asix-starhotelandretailfacilities,allencasedinglass The LEED Parkview GreenFangcaodi CBD Z12 CBD Z14 Guanghua Road ® -CS platinumregisteredmixed-useplazahousesgrade-A Chaoyang Road Yaohui Development Luneng SihuiProject

©Integrated Design Associates Architects & Designers the tower. ‘composite steelplateshearwall’ atthebaseof Beijing’s currenttallestbuildingat330m - a We introducedanewstructuralsystemto China World Tower structure inthebuilding’s skin,creatinganexternalcontinuousbracedtubesystem. the challengingarchitecturalformandresistextremeseismicandwindeventswastoplace top andbottomtoformacontinuoustube. Arup’s teamdeterminedthattheonlywaytodeliver The award-winningstructurecomprisestwoleaningtowers234mand194mtall,bent90°atthe CCTV New Headquarters

©Frank P Palmer the clubhouse. unique designfeaturesincludingthe curvedbuildingenvelopeandthelongspanningrooffor providing luxurylivingandleisure spaces. Arup adoptedanintegratedapproach torealisesome The 440,000m²developmenthasbecame thecenterpieceofCBD’s residentialcommunity, Central Park Phase 2and3. design forPhase1andstructural Arup workedonthestructuralandmechanical a hotel,luxuryapartmentsandretailspace. The 800,000m Fortune Plaza 2 complexincludesofficespace,

©Zhou Ruogu Architecture Photography

©Martin Saunders Photography 8 w

Arup is the creative force at the heart of many of 05/2015 the world’s most prominent projects in the built environment and across industry.

We offer a broad range of professional services that combine to make a real difference to our clients and the communities in which we work.

We are truly global. From 92 offices in 40 countries, our 12,000 designers, engineers, planners and consultants deliver innovative projects across the world with creativity and passion.

Founded in 1946 with an enduring set of values, our unique trust ownership fosters a distinctive culture and an intellectual independence that encourage collaborative working. This is reflected in everything we do, allowing us to develop meaningful ideas, help shape agendas and deliver results that frequently surpass the expectations of our clients.

The people at Arup are driven to find a better way and to deliver better solutions for our clients.

Contact us Room 3008, 30/F , Hu Jia Lou Chaoyang District Beijing 100020 China t +86 10 5960 1188 f +86 10 5960 1111

[email protected]

We shape a better world | Photography ©Zhou Ruogu Architecture