Arup in Greater

Bringing a global vision to local needs ©John Nye We shape a better world

Arup is the creative force at the heart Founded in 1946 with an enduring set of many of the world’s most prominent of values, our unique trust ownership projects in the built environment and fosters a distinctive culture and across industry. an intellectual independence that encourages collaborative working. We offer a broad range of professional This is reflected in everything we do, services that combine to make a allowing us to develop meaningful real difference to our clients and the ideas, help shape agendas and deliver communities in which we work. results that frequently surpass the expectations of our clients. We are truly global. From 91 offices in 39 countries our 11,000 designers, The people at Arup are driven to find engineers, planners and consultants a better way and to deliver better deliver innovative projects across the solutions for our clients. We shape a world with creativity and passion. better world.

On the cover CBD: China Central Television (CCTV) Headquarters, and China World Tower On this page Stonecutters Bridge, Kong

3 Over 35 years in Greater China

Drawing upon global expertise, we help local and international clients meet their business needs by adding value through technical excellence, efficient organisation and professional service.

Arup has more than 35 years of experience Arup has worked on many of the most iconic in Greater China. The office was structures in the Greater China region including established in 1976 as the firm’s East Asia Beijing Olympic venues, Expo headquarters, and since then we have opened pavilions, Canton Tower, Stonecutters Bridge, offices in Beijing, , , International Commerce Centre and , Shanghai, , Taipei, and Performing Arts Center. Wuhan in the region. We are also taking a major role in delivering We undertake projects of all types and any size, mega cross-boundary projects that ensure providing a full range of designing, engineering, the long-term prosperity of the region. These consulting, planning and specialist technical include planning and engineering study on services across building, consulting, and Lok Ma Chau Loop, Hong Kong--Macao infrastructure sectors. Bridge and Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link Hong Kong section.

Image Canton Tower, Guangzhou

4 ©Zhou Ruogu Photography 6

Nokia ChinaCampus, Beijing Bottom Shenzhen Energy Mansion Top service toourclients. an integrateddesign which enablesustooffer approach We adoptaholistic

approach Integrated

to anyproject,

engineering andotherspecialist skills. architecture tobuildingdesign incorporatingstructural,civil,MEP We arerenownedforourmultidisciplinaryskills fromplanningand aspects areconsideredthoroughlyandintegratedintoawhole. engineering disciplinesinthedesignprocess,whichall concept requirestheinvolvementofallprofessionaldesign and Introduced byourfounder, SirOve Arup, theintegrateddesign

©Jerry Lee ©BIG Architects Lok MaChauLoop,HongKong Bottom BMW 5Sshowroom, Beijing Right resources. consumption ofnatural social benefits,andefficient maximise economicand environmental impact, seeking tominimise a driverinallourdesigns, We identify to sustainability Commitment

sustainability as

and certificationbyusingLEED We areexperiencedinconductingsustainabilityassessment job forcurrentandfuturegenerations. environment, carrieswithitaresponsibilitytodothebestpossible subsequent generations. This power, todesignandinfluencethebuilt Arup’s workinthebuiltenvironmentleavesasignificantlegacyto manage naturalresourcesefficiently. integrated resourcemanagementandecologicalfootprintingto Project Appraisal Routine).Our‘sustainabilitytoolkit’ alsoincludes Environmental Design)and Arup’s in-houseSPeAR™(Sustainable ® (LeadershipinEnergy and

©PlanD / CEDD / SZMUPLRC ©Kristopher Grunert 7 8

Xinzhuang TODTOWN, Shanghai Bottom Guangzhou IFC Top design Quality

©Zhou Ruogu Architecture Photography needs willbemet. developed toprovideclientswithconfidencethattheir subject toregularthirdpartyauditshasalsobeen quality ofproductthattheyrequire. A qualitysystem which webelieveisessentialtooffer ourclientsthe Arup hasestablishedaneffective management system, Olympics. engineering thestunningvenuesfor2008Beijing of theiconicSydneyOperaHousein1960s,or of Arup’s work,whetheritbethestructuraldesign Since itsbeginning,qualityhasbecomeahallmark beginning. has beentherefromthevery commitment toexcellence quality design:andour Arup hasareputationfor

©Ronald Lu & Partners (HK) Ltd tools andapplications. number ofuniquedesign has led Arup todevelopa find innovativemethods research andthedesireto A strongtraditionof Headquarters, Beijing China CentralTelevision (CCTV) Bottom Polytechnic University Innovation Tower, theHongKong Top

technology Innovative

Headquarters in Beijing. use andadvancedseismicanalyses oftheNationalStadiumandCCTV a rigorousfireengineeringapproach toenhancesafetyofthebuildingin including theuseofhigh-strength concreteinHongKong’s tallbuildings, We areresponsible formanytechnologicalfirstsintheregionandworld, are alwaysabletoworkwithintheparametersofanygiven project. skills andconsideringthelatestinmaterialsconstruction systems,we modelling andmaterialapplications. Taking advantageofourcomputational sustainable designs.Intechnology, wefocusonstate-of-the-artcomputer Arup isthecreativeforcebehindmanyofworld’s mostinnovativeand

©Cheung Tsun 9 Contributing to society

We have applied this to everything that we do. We put society and Our commitment to environment at our core, and focus on how our expertise and skills can community lies in our bring about positive changes in the communities we work and live. unique culture and our Arup engineers have taken part in field assignments to provide help at the scene of disasters such as the Sichuan earthquake, Japan earthquake founder’s vision: and tsunami, and hurricanes Gustav and Ike in the US. We are also doing pro bono works for a range of charities and NGOs including the we shape a better world. Crossroads, Wu Zhi Qiao Charitable Foundation and Sowers Action.

Top Arup x WZQ Bridge, Yunnan Province Bottom Motianling Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province

10 and managementskills. engineering disciplines applied scienceand in awiderangeof first-class qualifications Our employeeshave The NationalAquaticCenter(Water Cube),Beijing The NationalStadium(Bird’ Bottom Parkview Green FangCaoDi,Beijing Right team Winning

s Nest) and s Nest)and

help torealiseit. Clients trust Arup’s peopletoquestionavisionaswell other andgenerouslysharingtheirknowledgeideas. from manycultures,workingtogether, learningfromeach Arup hasamixofpeoplewithdifferent perspectivesand other firmcouldhavedelivered. allow Arup totakeoncomplex, strategicprojectsthatno The depthofexpertiseandthesheernumbersspecialists and withcomplementaryskills,onauniquelyglobalscale. Arup bringstogetherprofessionalsfromdiversedisciplines cost-effective andreliabledeliveries. This enablesustomaintainourreputationforimaginative,

©Ben McMillan ©Zhou Ruogu Architecture Photography 11 Skills and services

Acoustic consulting Geographic information systems Smart cities

Advanced technology and research Geotechnics Structural engineering

Airport planning Hydrogeology Sustainability consulting

Architecture Infrastructure design Sustainable buildings design

Audio visual and multimedia Integrated planning Sustainable infrastructure design

Bridge engineering Intelligent transport solution Theatre consulting

Building design IT and communications systems Transaction advice

Building Information Modelling (BIM) Industrial engineering Transit oriented development

Building physics Landscape architecture Transport consulting

Building retrofit Lighting design Tunnel design

Building services engineering Management consulting Vertical transportation design

Carbon management Maritime engineering Vehicle design

Civil engineering Materials Water engineering

Commission and building performance Mechanical engineering Wind engineering evaluation Microgrids Due diligence Operations consulting Electrical engineering Programme and project management Energy strategy Public health engineering Environmental consulting Rail engineering Façade engineering Renewable energy Facilities management Resilience, security and risk Fire Seismic design Flood risk management Site development Fluid dynamics

12 Arup has an honest and open proactive culture, working to achieve the best total solution for our clients. Our range of skills and capabilities frequently go beyond the direct needs of an individual project but benefit all through the understanding and abilities they provide.

13 14 acoustics anddaylightingstudies vertical transportation,façade, airport systems,fire engineering, building physics,IT/communications, Structural engineering,MEP Arup services: NACO Foster +Partners Arup Design consortium: Airport Beijing CapitalInternational Project owner/client: efficiency. standards forpassengerexperienceandoperational and lightthebuilding. The terminalalsosets new in winter, allowingminimalenergy usetoheat,cool the roofcapturenaturaldaylightandsun’s heat Beijing’s coldwintersandhotsummers.Skylightsin airport terminalbuildingsdesignedtocopewith Terminal 3isoneoftheworld’s mostsustainable Terminal 3 Beijing CapitalInternational Airport

©PID Canton Tower, Guangzhou waist ofonlyabout22m. graceful –featuringatwistandnarrowingelliptical the towerisdesignedtobesmooth,curvedand thatareoftenangular, heavyandclumsy, towers –soaring600minheight.Unliketraditional cultural activities,itisoneoftheworld’s tallest Embracing amixofsightseeing,entertainmentand wind engineeringandseismic structural engineering,MEP Architecture, masterplanning, Arup services: Guangzhou DesignInstitute JV partner: Information BasedArchitecture Architect: Guangzhou NewTVTower ConstructionCoLtd Project owner/client:

©Zhou Ruogu Architecture Photography security andMEPengineering seismic engineering,wind fire engineering, lightingdesign, Structural engineering,geotechnics, Arup services: OMA StedebouwBV Ole Scheeren andRemKoolhaas, Architects: China CentralTelevision Project owner/client: analysis. buildable throughinnovativeengineeringdesignand made thisgravity-defyingstructureeconomicaland process, includinganumberoflarge studios. We designed tohousetheentiretelevision-making continuous tube. The buildingwasspecifically towers, bent90ºatthetopandbottomtoforma dimensional crankedloop’ formedbytwoleaning The unconventionalskyscraperisa234mtall‘three Headquarters, Beijing China Central Television (CCTV)

©Zhou Ruogu Architecture Photography China Zun,Beijing security consultancy Structural, fire engineeringand Arup services: Kohn PedersenFoxAssociates Architect: CITIC HEYEInvestmentCoLtd Project owner/client: size andincreaseusablefloorarea. also extensivelyusedtominimisestructuralmember a concretecore.Compositesteel-concretematerialis resistance composedofafullybracedmegaframeand a highlyefficientdualsystemforlateralforce traditional ChinesewatervesselZun. Arup introduced a heightof528m. The designwasinspired bythe China ZunwillbecomeBeijing’s tallestbuildingwith

©Kohn Pederson Fox Associates PC 15 16 renewable technology environmental consulting,transportconsultingand MEP, geotechnics,civilengineering, Green buildingdesign,structuralengineering, Arup services: Ronald LuandPartners Architect/client: Hong KongConstructionIndustryCouncil Project owner: materials. energy intheconstructionprocessandstructural the excessisexportedtogridoffset embodied energy thanrequiredforitsownoperationneeds,and definition ofzerocarbon.Itgeneratesmorerenewable strategies. The buildinggoesbeyondthetraditional zero carbonthroughmorethan90environmental specially addresseslocalchallengesinachieving first zero-carbonbuildinginHongKong. Thedesign Arup hasadoptedanintegratedapproachtodesignthe Hong Kong CIC ZeroCarbonBuilding,

Dachong CRCRebuilt,Shenzhen Structural engineering and geotechnics Structural engineeringandgeotechnics Arup services: RTKL Foster +Partners Architects: China Resources Holdings Project owner/client: benchmark forfutureurbanregenerationinChina. engineering servicesforthefourofficetowerstoset a self-contained community. We areprovidingstructural podium anda3-levelbasementcarpark,creating and servicedapartmenttowerswitha7-levelretail in China,theprojectcomprisessevenoffice,hotel One ofthelargest urbanregenerationdevelopments

©Foster + Partners Line 2 and 3 TOD studies Goldin Finance 117, Tianjin

This landmark project with more than 104km of Goldin Finance 117 is a mixed-use development railway and 52 stations aims to forge stronger links named after the tower’s 117 floors. The diamond- between Foshan and the Greater Delta shaped glazed top is the centrepiece of this spectacular Region. The study covers a wide scope ranging from design. Given the overwhelming height of this city planning, site selection, land value optimisation, , Arup conducted rigorous testing and property market research and finance modelling on analysis to demonstrate to the national expert panel land and property investment. that the 597m tall tower is structurally adequate and efficient.

Project owner/client: Project owner/client: Foshan Railway Investment Construction Group Co Ltd Goldin Properties Holdings Limited

Arup services: Architects: Masterplanning and operation consultancy Palmer & Turner Consultants (Shanghai) Ltd East China Architectural Design & Research Institute Co Ltd

Arup services: Structural engineering, façade engineering geotechnics and wind engineering

17 Guangzhou CTF Finance Center Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong (East Tower) Express Rail Link

The 530m tower is one of the tallest in the world. The Express Rail Link will provide high-speed Despite its extreme height, the structure of the tower rail transport between Hong Kong, Shenzhen and comprises only eight mega columns at the tower Guangzhou. The Hong Kong section is 26km long, all perimeter, a central core and four levels of outriggers of which is in underground tunnels, and connects the acting in conjunction with the core and megacolumns. boundary at Huanggang to the new terminus at West The outrigger design was a first in China and a . Arup carried out the feasibility design, the seismically active zone. preliminary design of the tunnel section, and detailed design for all of the northern contracts. Complex ground conditions demanded innovative, safe and cost-effective design, given the sensitive residential areas in close proximity to the proposed tunnel alignment.

Client: Project owner/client: New World Development Co Ltd MTR Corporation Ltd

Project owner: Key collaborators: Chow Tai Fook Enterprise Atkins China Ltd Terry Farrell and Partners Architect: Davis Langdon & Seah Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates Arup services: Arup services: Architecture, geotechnics, civil and structural engineering, Structural engineering, geotechnics, MEP engineering, fire engineering, route alignment, fire engineering, resilience, security and risk landscaping, security, quantity surveying, transport consulting, demand forecasting and other specialist support

18 Structural andfaçadeengineeringlightingdesign Arup services: UN Studio Architect: Wanda DonghuCommercial Property Co Ltd Project owner/client: colourful screen. an LEDlightturningthesteelskinintoadynamic over 42,000stainlesssteelorbseachembeddedwith of thismegashoppingmall. The façadeis clad with a funnel-shapedatriawhichbecamethesignature We successfullydeliveredasophisticatedfaçadeand world-class boutiques,cateringoutletsandcinemas. central Chinahousinginternationalbrandstores, This is Wanda Group’s landmarkretailpropertyin Hanjie WandaSquare, Wuhan

©Zhou Ruogu Architecture Photography (HATS) Stage2A,HongKong Scheme Treatment Harbour Area future HATS Stage2B. treatment worksoperation,andprovisionsforthe challenging interfaceswithotherprojects,existing andtheSCITSW, as wellasundertakingthe Preliminary Treatment Works alongHongKong treatment anddisinfection. Arup isupgradingeight Works (SCISTW) for chemically-enhanced primary area toStonecuttersIslandSewage Treatment divert allremainingsewagefrom Victoria Harbour The projectwillprovideadditionalfacilitiesto MEP engineeringandcontrols engineering programme andproject management, Water engineering,civil Arup services: The GovermentofHongKongSAR Drainage ServicesDepartment, Project owner/client:

19 20 and sustainabilityconsulting transport consulting aviation planning,materialsscience, environmental consulting,management civil engineering,maritime Bridge engineering,geotechnics, Arup services: Shanghai Tunnel EngineeringandRailTraffic DesignandResearch Institute The FirstHarbourEngineeringInvestigationandDesignInstitute COWI Highway andPlanningDesignInstitute Arup Design consortium: LiaisonOffice Hong Kong-Zhuhai-MacauGovernment Project owner/client: Crossing Facilities. and reclamationworksoftheHongKongBoundary works, reviewandassessontheartificialislands . Arup isresponsiblefordesigningthebridge 80m and110m, a6km tunnelandtwoartificial ranging from280mto460m,viaductsspanning work includingthreecable-stayedbridgeswithspans section inZhuhaiwaterscomprises22.8kmofbridge sea-crossing projectinChina. The 29.6kmmain This isthefirstmajorcombinedbridgeandtunnel Hong Kong-Zhuhai-MacaoBridge

Hong Kong HSBC ShekMunBackupDataCentre, The buildingcomprisesapproximately5,500m HSBC’s existingdatacentreat Tseung KwanO. This newfacilityactsasaback-upcentreto and acousticconsultancy security andrisk,transport IT andcommunicationssystems,resilience, Programme andproject management, Arup services: The HongKongandShanghaiBankingCorporationLimited Project owner/client: of aLEED achieve lowcarbonemissionsleadingtoachievement advanced technologieswereadoptedinorderto resilience serviceandfutureusagecapacity. Several large printingcentres,allconfiguredtoprovide high computer equipmentrooms,operationcommandand manner. ® Platinumratinginacost-effective


©Kenny Ip International Commerce Centre, International Trade and Commerce Hong Kong Center, Chongqing

The tallest building in Hong Kong boasts cutting- A centrepiece of Chongqing Tiandi development, edge geotechnical and tall buildings design, the complex comprises three towers and a retail with stunning 360° views of Victoria Harbour. podium with grade-A offices and a five-star hotel. Facing the challenging ground conditions, Arup The tallest tower will rise 468m, becoming the engineers conducted a series of detailed studies tallest building in West China upon completion. and comparison of various foundation types, and Arup married tall building expertise with sustainable finally chose shaft grouted friction barrettes as the green building design considerations from concept foundation system for its satisfactory load carrying to implementation to target LEED®-CS Gold capacity and settlement performance. certification.

Project owner/client: Project owner/client: Sun Hung Kai Properties Chongqing Shui On Tiandi Property Development Co Ltd

Architects: Architect: Wong & Ouyang (HK) Ltd Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates Arup services: Arup services: Structural engineering, geotechnics, Civil engineering, structural engineering MEP engineering, fire engineering, and geotechnics building physics and sustainability consulting, acoustic consulting and rail engineering

21 22 and windengineering Building physics;façade,fire, structural Arup services: Terry Farrell &Partners Architect/client: Kingkey Group Project owner: minimising potentialsolarheatgain. to maintainanoptimuminteriorenvironmentwhilst sophisticated environmentalskinallowsthetower the windandseismicconditionsofShenzhen. A the tower’s slendersilhouettethatisresilientunder design helpedthearchitectandprojectownerrealise integrated designapproachandperformance-based to Caiwuwei,LuohuDistrictinShenzhen. Arup’s building inShenzhen,andaniconiclandmarkaddition At 442mtall,Kingkey100iscurrentlythetallest Kingkey 100,Shenzhen

©Jonathan Leijonhufvud Service Center Kaohsiung Port Terminal andCruise streamlined façadetoencouragestackedventilation. design solutionsincludingaseawatercoolingsystemand developed awiderangeofpassiveandactivesustainable dynamic iconforthecity. Arup andthedesignteamhave the conventionallinearformofports,andaimstocreatea to driveeconomicdevelopment.It’s designdisregards The centreispartofKaohsiung’s strategicinfrastructure fire engineering andtransportconsulting MEP engineering,sustainablebuildingdesign, Arup services: Fei &ChengAssociates reiser +umemoto Architect/client: Kaohsiung HarbourBureau Project owner:

Masterplanning andfire engineering Arup services: Beijing InstituteofArchitectural Design&Research Skidmore Owings&MerrillLLP Architects: Civil Aviation AdministrationofChina Project owner/client: the terminal. performance-based fireengineeringdesignfor After theschematicdesign, Arup alsoprovided reflecting therichcultureof Yunnan Province. operations andauniquearchitecturalform transportation strategy, efficientlandandairside integrates thetopographyofsitewith in Chinawhencompleted. The terminaldesign and terminalbuildingwhich – the fourthlargest competition formasterplanningthenewairport The Arup teamwontheinternationaldesign Airport Kunming ChangshuiInternational

©Zhou Ruogu Architecture Photography Lok MaChauLoop,HongKong and buildingphysics environmental engineering,geotechnics traffic consulting,civilengineering, public engagement,economics, Urban planning,urbandesign, Arup services: Boundary DistrictDevelopment Hong Kong-ShenzhenJointTask Force on Project owner: ofHongKongSAR the government Development Department, Planning Department,andCivilEngineering Client: community. friendly, sustainableandpeople-oriented engagement feedbackandanenvironmentally and infrastructure,takingintoconsiderationpublic and implementationofalowcarbonmasterplan formulate acomprehensiveplanfordevelopment and preliminarydesignstudy. The studywill leading thishighprofilestrategicplanningstudy Hong KongandShenzhengovernments. Arup is in SouthChinatobejointlydevelopedbythe The Loopisthefirstlow-carbondevelopment

©PlanD/ CEDD/ SZMUPLRC 23 24 Economic planningandtransportconsulting Arup services: Transportation InfrastructureofMacauSAR Office,TheGovernment Project owner/client: associated socialandeconomicbenefits. models tofinancetherailprojectsandensure team alsoadvisedon‘Rail+Property’ development of appropriateroutes.Oureconomicsandplanning travel patternandpassengervolumefortheselection model andcomprehensiveLRT modeltoforecastthe consulting teamconstructedacross-regionaltransport and improvethetrafficcondition. Aruptransport Taipa Islandviareclaimedlandtoeasecongestion The EastLinewillconnecttheMacauPeninsulaand Macau LRT EastLine

©GIT give unitytothebuildingsandasenseofvolume. Chinese garden. The A-frame timberroofstructures a seriesofsixinter-connected pavilionswithina services onapro-bonobasis. The centrecomprises environment. Arup providedmultidisciplinary one basisoutsideofthenormal‘sterile’ hospital to peoplediagnosedwithcanceronaone-to- outside oftheUKoffers counsellingservices The firstMaggie’s CancerCaringCentre and MEPengineering civil engineering,façadeengineering,geotechnics S Arup services: Ronald Lu&Partners Frank GehryPartnership Architects: Maggie’ sCentre HongKong Project owner/client: Hong Kong Maggie’s CancerCaringCentre, tructural engineering,

acoustic consulting, acoustic consulting,

©Kalson Ho P&G Taicang Manufacturing Campus Parkview Green FangCaoDi, Beijing

This mega manufacturing campus built to LEED® Parkview Green is a LEED®-CS registered mixed- certification standards was developed from a use plaza with grade-A office space, a six-star hotel vast Greenfield site of 700,000m² in the and retail facilities, encased in a glass and ETFE River Delta. It’s a vivid illustration of Arup’s total plastic glazed ‘envelope’. The envelope creates a design solutions from site selection due diligence, microclimate with various zones that are relatively engineering design, to commissioning and delivery. uniform and easily controlled, thanks to an Arup- We designed a series of sustainable systems to designed air ‘buffer zone’. Arup’s integrated energy ensure low carbon manufacturing operations. From strategy will keep the building’s energy bills to a inception to completion, it took only 18 months – minimum for its lifetime. unprecedented for a project of this scale.

Project owner/client: Project owner: Procter & Gamble The Hong Kong Parkview Group

Sub-consultants: Architect/client: William McDonough & Partners Integrated Design Associates Design & Research Institute Arup services: Structural engineering, building physics, Arup services: MEP engineering, façade engineering, Site due diligence, masterplanning, programme fire engineering, geotechnics, and project management, geotechnics, structural transport consulting, green building certification engineering, civil engineering, MEP engineering, and commissioning services building sustainability, landscape design and commissioning

25 26 information systemandlandscapedesign geotechnics, railway, maritime,geographical economics, transportconsulting, Urban planning,infrastructure consultancy, Arup services: Corporation EngineeringConsulting China International Key collaborator: ManagementAuthority Project owner: Investment HoldingCoLtd Shenzhen QianhaiDevelopment& Client: Qianhai buildupitsinternationalbrand. global expertiseandfullskillset,wearehelping infrastructure planningconsultancy. Leveragingour Corporation wasappointedtoundertakethe with ChinaInternationalEngineeringConsulting As partoftheambitiousplan, Arup inaconsortium long-term prosperityofHongKongandShenzhen. economic andsocialdevelopmentsupportthe designated strategicareastodrivethenation’s Qianhai isoneoftheChinesegovernment’s Shenzhen Qianhai infrastructureconsultancy,

With a GFA ofover1,100,000m sustainability consulting seismic design,fire engineering,windengineeringand Structural engineering,civilgeotechnics, Arup services: Moshe Safdie&AssociatesLtd Architect/client: CapitaLand (China)InvestmentCoLtd Project owner: Raffles City, Chongqing centre. tribute toChongqing’s noblepastasatrading great Chinesesailingvesselsontheriver, paying The designwasinspiredbythehistoricimagesof office, hotel,servicedapartmentandretailspace. connected witha3-floorhanginggardenoffering development containseightsuperhigh-risetowers

2 , thishugescale

©Safdie Architect wind engineeringandfaçade Structural engineering,geotechnics, Arup services: Arquitectonica Architect: CITIC PacificGroup Project owner: Shanghai RuimingRealProperty CoLtd Client: efficiency isachieved. By minimisingcolumnsections,ahigherfloor are introducedinthelowersectionoftwotowers. at thecurvedelevationsandsteelreinforcedcolumns structural featuressuchasinclinedcolumnsareused with façadesthatcurvetowardseachother. Special project iscomposedofapairslendertowers Sitting ontheedgeofHuangpuRiver, thisiconic Rivera TwinStar, Shanghai

©Kingkay Architectural Photography Terminal Shanghai InternationalCruise parking lotbeneathalandscapeddeck. underground shoppingarcade,andtwo-storey designed concurrently, andbothfeatureaone-level River. Phase1and2oftheterminalwere cooling conceptofheatrejectionintotheHuangpu development inShanghaitoemploythedistrict liners simultaneously. Itisthefirstcommercial can berththreeinternationalstandardcruise consultant forthis900mlongterminalthat Arup isthemultidisciplinaryengineering consulting, geotechnicsandcommunications fire engineering, civilengineering,transport Structural engineering,MEP Arup services: Alsop Architects Ltd Frank RepasArchitect PLLC Architects: Development CoLtd CruiseTerminalShanghai PortInternational Project owner/client:

27 28 Platinum projectoutsideofNorth America. and sustainabilityconsulting masterplanning, mechanicalengineering Building physics,environmental consulting, Arup services: Shanghai World Expo(Group) CoLtd Project owner/client: become thefirstLEED framework fortheentireredevelopment.Ithas eco-design guidelinesanddevisedanimplementation development strategiesprovidinglowcarbonand We establishedanintegratedsetofsustainable carbon andeco-friendlyculturaldevelopment. developed intoaworldleadingshowcaseoflow The 15haformerShanghaiExpositeisbeing Shanghai ExpoUBPA redevelopment

® NeighbourhoodDevelopment

©Kingkay Architectural Photography Shanghai Jing’anKerryCentre IT/communications Structural engineering,geotechnicsand Arup services: Wong &Ouyang(HK)Ltd Kohn PedersenFoxAssociates Architects: Kerry Properties Ltd Project owner: Shanghai JiXiangProperties CoLtd Client: the tower’s design,toatighttimeframe. entire internalstructurewithoutchanginganyof changing market,wesuccessfullyredesignedthe foundation loadandexcavation.Inresponsetothe swapping thetwotowersinordertoreduce in relationtothenearbymetrolines,wesuggested client’s exposuretocostlyyetunclearrequirements as delicateheritagebuildings. To minimisethe ground conditionsandvarioussiteconstraintssuch of Shanghai’s businessareawithcomplicated The twin-towerdevelopmentislocatedattheheart

©Zhou Ruogu Architecture Photography Environmental impactassessment Arup services: MTR CorporationLtd Project owner/client: on streams. adjustment ofverticalalignmenttominimseimpacts aesthetic designofbuildingfabricstationsand sizes ofabove-gradestructures,usegreenroof, barriers alongnewtracksections,rationalising and initiativesintothedesign. These include noise and operatortointegrateenvironmentalmeasures close liaisonwasmadewiththerailwaydesigner the environmentalimpactsasmuchpracticable, assessment studyforthisnewraillink. To minimise Arup carriedoutanenvironmentalimpact Impact Assessment, HongKong toCentralLinkEnvironmental Shatin

Shenzhen MetroLine4Phase2 transport consultingandurbanplanning MEP engineering,railwaysystem, architecture, fire engineering, alignment &trackwork,structuralengineering, Project management,civilengineering, Arup services: MTR Corporation(Shenzhen)Limited Project owner/client: trackwork andrailwaysystems. underground section,elevatedtrain depot, provided servicesforallaspectsoftheextension– and a10kmelevatedsectionwitheightstations. Arup underground sectionwithtwounderground stations, China,theextensioncomprisesa6km The first‘build-operate-transfer’ railwayprojectin

©Kenny Ip 29 30 vertical transportationandlightingdesign fire engineering, buildingintelligence engineering, MEP Structural engineering,geotechnics,façade Arup services: OMA StedebouwBV Architect: Shenzhen StockExchange Project owner/client: Green BuildingCodeinChina. buildings inChinatoachieveathree-starratingbythe Upon completion,thebuildingwillbeoneoffirst tests andcapableofwithstandingtyphoonwindloads. structural designisrobust,passingstringentseismic houses thetradingfloorandclearinghouses. The encompasses athree-storeycantileveredpodiumthat The unconventionalstructuraldesignofthistower Shenzhen StockExchange

©Marcel Lam Photography Sludge Treatment Facility, HongKong for theprocessbuildings. stringent buildingandfireservicesrequirements for aniconicarchitecturaldesignwhilstmeeting fuel ashlagoon,andachievedtheclient’s desire challenge ofconstructingonapreviouspulverised grid. Arup, togetherwiththeJV, overcamethe power willbeexportedtotheregionalelectricity be recoveredforpowergenerationandsurplus sustaining: heatgeneratedintheincineratorswill incinerator intheworld. The facilityisself- and uponcommissioningwillbethelargest sludge This isthefirstfacilityofitskindinHongKong energy strategyandtransportconsulting fire engineering, landfillgasassessment, mechanical engineeringforpipeandductwork, HV electricalengineering, structural engineering,MEP, Civil engineering,geotechnics, Arup services: Veolia-Leighton-John HollandJV Key collaborator/client: ofHongKongSAR The Government Environmental Protection Department, Project owner:

©Marcel Lam Photography Stonecutters Bridge, Hong Kong Taipei Performing Arts Center

With a highly distinctive form, the bridge’s key Inspired by the traditional Chinese wooden block, the design features include a 1,018m-long steel main Taipei Performing Arts Center is a feat of structural span supported by stay cables anchored on two engineering. The superstructure consists of a central 290m-tall mono-towers with lower concrete section cube, housing the backstage facilities, surrounded by and upper composite section with stainless steel skin. three projecting auditoria. Arup’s engineers placed Arup worked on the bridge from feasibility study braces around the perimeter of the Cube to provide a to managing the competition design; and as lead strong stability system whilst freeing up the interior consultant from concept to detailed design with an for the theatre spaces. They also base isolated the on-site team providing construction supervision. structure from its foundations, significantly reducing the earthquake forces that the building in the highly seismic city will experience.

Project owner/client: Project owner/client: Highways Department, Department of Cultural Affairs, The Government of Hong Kong SAR Taipei City Government

Arup services: Architect: Civil engineering, structural engineering, OMA geotechnics, wind engineering, maritime engineering, MEP engineering, Arup services: construction supervision, Structural engineering, MEP engineering, durability detailed engineering design, fire engineering and building physics lighting design and transport consulting

31 32 theatre consulting. leading theprojectdevelopmentwithacousticsand full engineeringservicestotheprojectandwillbe Drawing uponitsglobalexpertise, Arup isproviding a cable-netLEDcanopythatprovidesshadingoptions. that offers performancespacesinvarious formats and Amphitheater. The starfeatureisa‘mobiletheatre’ Main ConcertHall,theHallofFameandOutdoor The complexcomprisesthreemajorzones–the Taipei PopMusicCenter acoustics, lightingdesignandtheatre consulting Structural engineering,MEP Arup services: reiser +umemoto Architect/client: Taipei CityGovernment Department ofCulturalAffairs, Project owner:

mobility. development’ concepttointegratelandusewithgreen research andexperience,the‘air-rail synergised we developedfor Asian citiesthroughyearsof integrating conceptsof‘smart,greenandresilient’ information. Itisdesignedtobeafuturemodelcity system thatenergises theflowsofpeople,capitaland provides acomprehensivespatialandmobility the internationallogisticsnetworks, Aerotropolis Leveraging on Taoyuan Airport’s nexuspositionat Taoyuan Aerotropolis public engagement and financialadvice,transportconsulting landscape andenvironmental planning,economic Masterplanning andurbandesign,sustainability, Arup services: Rural DevelopmentBureau Taoyuan Urban& CountyGovernment Project owner/client:

©Urban and Rural Development Bureau, Taoyuan County Government Urban strategies for WEF Champion West Kowloon Culture District, Cities Hong Kong

Arup has been a project champion for the World Located at the southern tip of the West Kowloon Economic Forum’s Future of Urban Development Reclamation Area, the 40ha West Kowloon Cultural Initiative since 2012 to develop strategies for District will be developed into an integrated arts and urban development of Chinese cities. Working cultural hub with world-class facilities and iconic with multiple stakeholders, we identified specific architecture for residents and tourists. Arup has challenges and provided practical solutions for the been involved in the project since its very inception, Champion Cities: Tianjin, Dalian and Zhangjiakou. providing a wide range of engineering services from Our findings and recommendations will provide the conceptual plan to the district-wide extra low Chinese cities with a handy reference for similar voltage systems, district cooling system and the iconic urban issues. M+ museum.

Client: Project owner/client: World Economic Forum West Kowloon Cultural District Authority

Key collaborator: Key collaborators: Accenture Foster + Partners TFP Farrells Arup services: Herzog & de Meuron Economics, planning and transport consulting Arup services: Civil engineering, environmental consultancy, MEP engineering, building physics, sustainability consulting, geotechnics, structural engineering, IT and communications and landscape design

33 34 The firstLEED MEP engineeringandsustainabilityconsulting Arup services: Shui OnLand Project owner/client: vision andobjectives. green buildingdesignprinciplestorealisetheproject approach basedonsmartgrowth,newurbanismand sustainability consultant, Arup adoptedaholistic occupying aGFA of1,500,000m². As theleading hotels, offices,residencesandpublicamenities development inChinawithretailoutlets,restaurants, Wuhan Tiandi ® –ND PilotGoldcertificated

© Shui On Land Yujiapu Traffic Hub, Tianjin this groundbreakingarchitecturalconcept. used itsexperienceoflong-spanroofdesigntorealise which isthelargest single-layerroofinChina. Arup challenging areasofthisprojectisitsiconicroof downtown Tianjin. Oneofthemosttechnically for threeunderground linesconnectingBinhai to Beijing-Tianjin highspeedrailwayandaninterchange Yujiapu traffichubwillserveasaterminalforthe and acoustic consulting and acousticconsulting façade, buildingphysics,MEPengineering, Structural engineering,architecture, Arup services: The 3rd RailwaySurveyandDesignInstitutionGroup Corporation Project owner/client:


Contact us

Hong Kong Chongqing Tianjin (Regional headquarters) Room 1, 47/F, Yingli IFC, Room 2805, 28 Minquan Road, Jiefangbei, The Exchange Tower 2, Level 5, Festival Walk, Yuzhong District, 189 , 80 Tat Chee Avenue, Chongqing 400010, China Heping District, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Tianjin 300051, China Hong Kong t +86 23 8988 8288 t +86 22 6028 0558 t +852 2528 3031 f +86 23 8988 8299 f +86 22 8319 5115 f +852 2865 6493

Shanghai Guangzhou Wuhan

39/F-41/F, Huaihai Plaza, Room 1301, Tower A, Room 2215, 22/F, Tower I, 1045 Huaihai Road (M), Center Plaza, New World International Trade Centre, Xuhui District, 161 Linhexi Road, 568 Jianshe Avenue, Shanghai 200031, China , Jianghan District, Guangzhou 510620, China Wuhan 430022, China t +86 21 3118 8888 f +86 21 3118 8882 t +86 20 3718 9900 t +86 27 8575 3388 f +86 20 3831 0799 f +86 27 8555 8177

Beijing Macau

Room 3008, 30/F, Avenida Dr. Mario Soares, , Hu Jia Lou, Finance and IT Center of Macau, Chaoyang District, 10-C&D, Macau Beijing 100020, China t +853 8506 5800 t +86 10 5960 1188 f +853 2875 5477 f +86 10 5960 1111

Shenzhen Taipei

6/F, Duty Free Building, 9/F, No. 65, Sec. 2, No 6 Fuhua Yi Road, Tun-Hua S. Road, Futian CBD, Taipei 106, Taiwan Shenzhen 518048, China t +886 2 2706 3113 t +86 755 2388 9000 f +886 2 2706 3133 f +86 755 8203 1518 We shape abetterworld|

©Kohn Pederson Fox Associates PC 12/2014