E. B. LAKE, Fbttfe*R Tban Witb' Mai Beard Him Speak the Name of God, Hat ^Ui Lad Dent Tewiik U He Frmt Takfo with , Bever La Prayer—Paly in Profanity

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E. B. LAKE, Fbttfe*R Tban Witb' Mai Beard Him Speak the Name of God, Hat ^Ui Lad Dent Tewiik U He Frmt Takfo with , Bever La Prayer—Paly in Profanity I »V ** T-i" LOTS OF BIO SAME IN OBEOQN. JOHN BROWERt „ . easts tool is SOBS tw _ man wax n orosea VOJOS ana tho* U tho Widding hoarr i po* grammar telling bow tba Lord bad aad tba neighbor* tn, and tbe pfamlsat * him from, a dissipated life, mad tram ta*- ibgdoor said ta hlm- A M WTCRV OF SEVERAt YEARS SEEMS ,y'ft**^y *'Why cannot I bnT« the Lard do tbe ItwoaW oayaome Jf3j^jf i tbe buita of tbo old bomatcwl, then « scene,of bard pf sport and equal to dasorfpttYe writ- vi t '.g for me)" and be pat his TO EE GLEARSO HP. tixnea, and scant bread and itre^Ja, tag of sporting matters eiUfce atonr •aiHtali ^«^.-*J bsn4e.all a-tremble, orer his bloutea facs ,,,,-rr- ,____ .— , Then tbe thiofci of afoWyBan with throBflb-thi Bjqonmtus md bUUi^of -VaVara aodsalil; "O God, I want that I I most EB—a»l IE Is a mean thing iis s bomaDnabamaaaatiat v gmb af suruhins aad Sittingsof dark MfflUiern CJregoa ana hear thestorJe* First Quality Hard Oil and h«Tetbatt" and God said, "Yonahaii *tiaft«|^ fif IBSi Jsqdwoaatf aqdfrasiflmB ar we eBO BOtpmlfSot praisedd fo forr stigdows aad vicbarftudei. iftArt aid of hautera who ars rcsidtnt»tbere: haTe U, and yon hare It now I" And Eba_ Varnishes. doing well, but-only eseortatcd w^ Tib la FfvtT- TBB elk are aot aoondan^ tfiongb some man same oat asd west hows acJianged tb^r do wrong. By diTina sirangHnont Then abe kaeeJkneela* down plowly, for, are foOBd to the taoBBtaini The pte- man, and tfanegh the chilaiffi at flat Bt> mwtm* Flf« Wi« Water tba pmtof tio familif i of tbe earth ar? many ytar- nnn'.BtijTened the jolnra*' iiy bKir ni«d to bo ther§ahon% U4 to •brant back and looked 6o tba mother Pr^or Fslsif-u si pq^je, and «n» mat of tbose onit^d tod the illneMHii of a lifetime have made Tbs PeacbbleW ?a« U ia this eily, a recMt f fail to Ompqeo I listens! to ud began to ay with fright they soon In mafriage IWTH fgr eacji other SBTpilj her I«a snppla Her prayer isapinore T^at is the f onUsS of so amatoar Sba= itdtalief old time atlfentBHs when tte Pure MetalliG Paints for Hr saw tost tha father was a ghanged maB- and affepdoo. Tb«y m*T baTfl oocaelooal of thauka for tsttaliiii'g grace daring all, lock EoJujra, wba set aboat tbailBeWB>' grisly ignted ass holy t«S3£.• Oat- Tbat homa has' turned from "Paradise and Shingle Roofs (and DI. d here and iher hs a season tbrae years, mid thanks Jts children good tioB ef the profoesd myrt«y laHonnd* ita'ry Was of IS ihstt psartd inte bfain Loit" to "W^Ue Begaioed." The gad Christian and kind, asd a prayer lag tbU «4ib»ted pttes ef porestoJafaf before he was efersiat Theqianafflsi o^tr ihpuU ba uied where of post, bat tbs vast majority of ibose wife singa all day loug allft-r work, for Iq tbs coujBfpii relation cbotfe tbe most for tbe wandering boy, whom ihe hopes whiuh 118,000 waa paidwbia it was fear Is yol ioBua* and the black be« if rain water Is caiigfct for family to ne oaqe home before her departur&ah Ia Is to happy, ud the children raih block- appropriate esMapanioBahlp aad are oQt into the ball at the flrat rattle of the said at aamloa ia thii dig BOSS eight oommoa. " , use), .„ » who bad ^JOT bappy In that relartoa Yea bear notb- Anrt then bsr tremblfng !ip*ipakof' yeaH8g& ildMeTer, it >wma apparent the land of reunion wUfiresheeipecta ie father'f key iu the doer latch to welcome Tha bear itsffls «a nei ftlwayf m r Ida piiwih oowded Fosrtwq tb ing of tbs qolftads and bapplBjaa of bisi With carecei and qnestioni of, from what tbls amateur,eeteotift b» eaeoBflter^ bnt partake of the All brands of Ready Mixed bring place, nnabte to gain sach borne*, thoBgh nothing bat death meet her le'rett osea already trauaiatad, dlseovcrtidihsi, while thpfrapaStocB- and after telling tae Lord Is T«y sJm= "What haTe yoa bronght mei" They tima. ^ 10 W Paints, l&toek for bto tabject "Tbs will them part. But oaasOBBd of mari- haTB family prayera. They am altogeth- bjaw Taae belongs to 1&, Bfaytoa ITB M pie langiMga how tameh she leva bis, had____^.^, . fhv text selected tal discord make! tba ears; sf a coutl- er en the road to heaven, and when the Window Glass of all kinds peat, aad pirhapiofa) hemisphere, alwt, and tna^i him, and hopes to *ee hint .ooiifli biaek bear who itood ap ^^i-.*^ «H, ii, "J gold ia my Journey of Ufa ii ertf thty will lire fflff- BtmVflTin* Wr, If« bimgdif to_itlli and patterns* Reference given. Tbs one letter that ought rater to Bon, I hear her prononnee the qniet looked at me awhlie when I was 1 VOL, OCEAN CITY, N, J*, THUHSDAY, FBBBUABY 7, 1805, "AiOCfl, " OBd abo rl«3 np—s tittla ajofH «ver Jn each other's eomaanionibipb mystified abqnt some things concerDing along among tba Bios men* bars U<m writ tea printed in a bewtp» Two of their darling children are then HTOBE OV ABBVBT AVI difBeaUiffatthaakBtgling dowB. And fains Bp Powder river, Tbe bear wai 1 par makes more talk than tba millions money wUb wbiaft m taaer »• M F gi, then aha poll btr bead on the pillow for already, waiting for father and mother Mr, Jrea did net pagr Tit,PO0 fer the fBrpriifd til eea me and eeeaiid to »ea» 6ft HQLME& oeretnonios woe rtlfiulllod and of letters that crowd the pertoffleiss itnd OCEAN OTV "Hi j. Physliianst Druggists, ODDS AND ENDS. meata, Tba drain grew too beafj at iae tbc human AK David the night, and the angeli of safety and to come up. What changed that man? Peachblcrv? vase, find jot Mr, Moes, der what I wM abgnt ifl bl« doalal^ Bolomn. A, great deal waa said of phi down tea mail sBrJa* with " length, aud Ue too* • aheapa Mag aad mtii f*Wfi*d waaa lw aald, "All peart stand sentinel absat toatesoob in What reeoBBtrBStid teal hose! What brother-in-law of Mr* Sliey Jane Mer- Tha niectiug waa gaits nat*p«ted oa Liicaa filed repeating a faaaafa from lmthropy. frtoadship abd lopUty, and Mscn asperfqnpB o£ an|at 1 m w j, Se WAGCONflR, Ttna aO tho people ajUd, Mt tbs •errant girl'a wage*. He mt- *! Bab." Be apoloaU" sod says tbe farmhoniei and her faw era and took that wife, who was a ilave of fear gaa and the esocntof of hm state^ aft my part as wall, fer I bad lert no 6^ GILBERT ft LAKE, blsswnpoenu, hu feltoa though ho won being roeeiTed largB and aajall, la dd QM of hoo3t lOTa. Tolstoi, the I la my heart (jQoe, time* wlahsd that he wenld tea* Uf tm W*» OMIBSI^ prorofcsd, s«d that ba aooa ebowB ilgss of dreams - kbont the and lirndgery, and made her a qoeea on firms (hat tbai enormoaa saa waa paid aad ha* ao especial dtsire te fka one, to the bow of commons there are tea imlM Kt the wUta pnTnj into ebqroh. Thin he was giveji tha atrlTal to bs tborfjf^ Buftfaa aothor, !• wrong wbia be leg fa order to get bMk MM sftbe ^Bp p II • ij vbm ba barled neb da iieaTen iha read ef before rctiriag. In a, throijs of affect ion? I hear a whisper- Into (be ertatafef the faM after the SBB- I bad not erea a gnn along to point at Fkyilelan and v Bewipsper men, six printers, fear toilers, BmUed »t ttu thlni they «sld, pawworda nod grip and BOOB after was aeltbor a raonent too soon npf; book for the depreciation el monBjJw had pst UtoasaUsst feenefltt,' BjaRiage, If yenr obewraUon baa pet tbe morning the day's work hag begsp ing all throflgh t hii assemblage. I know tioa sale. him; ft with a eessefveHvs tendenci, tnm and Sigi Miten, HO, 7*1 A61DRT AVBH0& tbrw Btstioaera, two bntehers, thnsj bo- Duodf TtM eeneroBli hoartf tho c-eptor of a crowd of men, roooiving To arrive, «aj, H t(ttl« hefore It i in hta only amiimea' what yon ore saying: 'TJiat'i reiijrion I Nobody can tell who if is tbat is ont I tarnefl SSEI WB far Jlwajj anfl »0t Dead! Tlmt genial wit Hi« abat and T«t were ipttglsd frith daily at a "qaartdr te S.o'ol JOB la an Bttltndoof deploration for lbs down, stairs* and ioatcd al tbe table the ! OCEAN CITY, N J, U\ keepen, dx farmera, one ftial mer- fldagratQlatitiiH and ilnps on tbe bask. rev •. pamfm/imi, Toes fs f u, that's r«ligisnS' My Lord and ay of poekit besnse of the aijitery sar. finding aay diitarbaaee nor bearing Opsn that BeMbj boot secret (jociety badgml, OTOwet and bat* boornssiiBd on a dinner ujfi remark is made, "Moths? unit ban .'••:.(.'•• chant anfl one cab driver* He pastwi fi dullghffol evening, Mulfl, sad never more than BttglagB iEato, one of i wa tfclfl^ W trat taie its aagw look. tons, Md howore thr»iOolotywatoh lept berHsIt!t And the grandehil- God, givi si aiofs of it! iing tba Psebblow, bat it to «r*snythtng coming took a ieekasiofat bat cigarn aud well told stories followed one —*M quite a prorliidal atf oo in regard to yOB, f ca haTO eltba Bern A London eoort recently practically Of Mm "y« Us sm obwmo oa his chain, ' ^;i«' nafoASBSto in }«f scqnnintanfegbip, dftt alio HotJee that graudmothor la ao- Why, my ticarersfrom all parti of the M«B that iaasbady tea re^a bat saw ae &aar, Birtpplog to take bfestb, 4§e West Avenue, legaUxed* cigarette smoking by women another rapidlfi and it waa after raid* liana laeabarraatiBg Ad __ y, aad beewBfl ieme bank era- known to bliflielf paid oot several thes< J noriced iesjy(binf Mask waddliBg .
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