Decoration Day. I
I Railed from Oravotend 15'h AAelaM*. Howai, Col"uel "ar* them to command; Post Rankin. Vo. 10. O. A. I-ewig; Pout >®1 .-chr C'h'-rub, K.itclier, Uardluer lor New York, with Capetown: lfith, tlanslne, lor Charleston. men , wner-: tlerai udTtriuiru 6a® been in existence only rtven >eiirs. May 17. Arr.veu, Oazello, Bruno, lialtl- No. Post No. 84, J it th^W^litwVJ?,8 Cemetery, luiniier ti> I >< Ci eo.i . Losnjonuaaar, *'ratik lltd'l. 1(5; Malley, nave also charge of the , nioru. DECORATION DAY. I. Parley. At H\<t o'clock. Hunter, #x-Muyor 1,18 *r»ve« amid p,o- ?astor,tie I'assiouist Pattern ctir <: Koitero, I* letcher, Bordlngnam (or New York, N«« Mayor nun.t liie w ,u th<«ii county Almshouse and 1'enttentiary at snake Hill. io » I i.uuox. May ».Arrived, Mariana* III, Santoi. booth, I'revident James s. T. Strana mil, super- Ioanuluunu euenea® *rl! *£n.UPtUHobokeu Cem-terv wiili lumber J ri'ad. w At three o'clock iu the afternoon the ltisnop .chr I''111 r A Shut. Nutter. Bangor for New York, York. vl->or a. It. Imtcuer, John F. Henrv. Captain Tanner u"kl7ereii,'on?£ Licata, April SO.Arrived, 8 P Thurlow, Tabblttt, Me« l.° 10 St. iiridiret'-, church, oi whlcu thn with lumber to Simpson Jk Co. and l'r. Justin 1). la,ton iooi. their positions on ra'oVr'A-W' "y Mr- ->lu«t.enie. t tie proceeded New aiii i lau l lirll May 8 for N» w York).
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