NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. SUNDAY. rorrTCAIBKK 9. Iwo 5 jSTTSS^ nonar. VO MEXICAX UKVOLT. Support of Colonel W. C. Greene Discredits He- * * Morton*Wnrkiw forf JtnU Ticket. ports of Insurrection. 1. Altmatt Sc (to. Colonel William C. Greene, Administration,-.,.,« them to increase tne president of the «• try her* Green* Consolidated Copper Company, said ynttr- Ostrns^T ,H^i|Utu.J I4» «•««" that all th* reports of than- ,„„,,..,. .re —IM<\u25a0\u25a0 day of a revolutionary move- „,..,* ••pJHrt-- in Mexico, •10,, of IBSS <\u25a0* \u25a0*\u25a0• ment intended to develop Into a genuine • tick*, Insurrection, were They being STORE WILL BE CLOSED DURING THE MONTH th( company TW>*'\u25a0VJJJTIn a." armed false. were OF SEP- . Btetftr«tlon * spread, he Mid. by the * some persona there who appar- TEMBER AT 12 O'CLOCK ON ;/tTr«..vUt m— it-**** ently were trying to discourage Investors Intending NOON SATURDAYS lltWf, d to send capital to Mexico, and frighten those who AND AT 5 P. M. ON OTHER weilknow* n«t of ro!iryholder«. Newest Fall Styles WEEK DAYS. *•»**"£ already were interested in Mexican development ** project*. ,!v:nr r lr-.trurtion. to plar. TV- la the laM few days lrnuuinnrjuir -Ln.rLnj-u-u-u-u-Lnj-i ni-u-u-j-.-.-.- .r r-rrj-_-, ruvtjiji. f,n-ha« Si ,Ttr.cti~U Colonel Greene has -uir -.n_ru-_i-Lrij-ij-i,«*.^..«-« «•-£;%* ""^ nought esperty ry many been •npsrj railroad n.en and nine with hanking interests, who Clothing. to desired opinion on iiiBoys' '«\u25a0"• MJa«i Parker* rn*T that the situation In Mexico. This he aye yestriday as follows: EARLY AUTUMN All Mdl report* are absolutely vow APPAREL hive Uil>_ ,»\u25a0• aC truth I i.J^r.. Pl Information from El &*o •' :~: ~ offer a choice selection TAILOR SUITS. CLOAKS AND H»*re. m n ltuerUt£i We ACCESSORIES up reports aa 7. ,hi at different thn boundaryM«iar> Un«.line. iarlargec movement «t ?« and Youths' Apparel fortifying o'fr^oi^. 1to of Hoys' ARE Asua PrietH. ""the" rustom° hou4 ™t111! , FALL STYLES SHOWN IN WOMEN'S TAILOR SUITS. Kog^Ko^n3 1 n -ton^ou?, designed expressly for Fall and CLOAKS. JACKETS. HATS AND OTHER ARTICLES OF «m- Pojfilfts APPAREL FIRST REQUIRED FOR THE AUTUMN , cannot win now." Im pen at under the United t c \u0084oik-vr,oiier. law. on ihe sn.und that they States emUrattonue/l--,bie '"^°/ "tW v« a say« Mr werV'an ur Winter Wear. SEASON. GARMENTS ilruA n% f;'pjv^tton ticket. clcmcnj. The press ..f this1 olty puh!i-I,M FOR TRAVELING. Mp M h< '..i,,. I \ dut Tv *VVh, .W>n that ••man-BeinenW from x A,i2 8tilM,BB ;' ft *oi .: h r'h^r; or' one rTrovino. who drained WALKING. DRIVING AND GENERAL >>\u25a0•«• ! mining had hew at a camp near NogMle. was found a letter from one MaS dated SERVICE ARE INCLUDED. he was instruct,oon. Toronto fanaialn" •rfaicfc at .onn .ouUi\u0084.Ufr. t.,i.-.- aVba Topcoats. a surtloi. Nt and of armed to us- Suits «d men. attack the mvade Me.Wo This w,fr „. » nto. <"ana la written t* ALSO APPROPRIATE STYLES IN MOUSQUETAIRE A!«»> mil*.away%n£r£u,£ to hay« r.f^n t»7 Displaying the newest mate- SHORT LENGTH GLOVES. BOOTS. OSTRICH. MARABOU foundatMn r«r?E reporti of armed in- ? !R TUNNEL MEASUREMENTS. vision AND COQUE STOLES. AND - This man Uasoen at one time published in si HAND-EMBROIDERED l^ouls a rfvoluiionnry pl.eet known ai""The Re rials and modes and many distinct 1 1 lliCh hatl *""'»-! TRIMMED NECKPIECES. IMPORTED NOVELTIES IN FINE "Ont ofLine," En- j •»nai< nutfl?!11-"r,lliI-"r, ! TsbfjI**Than an Inch ami discontented political'ircu^tion^monßworkers from are LEATHER BELTS AND VARIOUS OTHER REQUISITES fincers Say. fW orhnilMl weaves, the patterns of which \u25a0 Hud- ' iP*r. and M.goon , Kailro.d tubf* under the t£a£ -Vo prowK-utlon: Fro, FOR TAILOR COSTUMES. Tr# ron:»vlv»r.!» !!.«»; i,ii-,nn S, • on. Inch -out of Use. To . r m-ritlng ftti«- most .\ rn\A .™ «re less than exclusive. Rim - \u25a0 of an toe* off line '" \u25a0 « ,4 T*Z£> «:»v are \ 3 M""° "6"6 to ama of ct an inch off erade. That U ; iroV^ndrnTwhMever 0 '"< ' " S/SiS«tfc«J^Trnpin^r, di^ov.r.-.l as a result of the l.Tdi"?," an ;i l »Pl»«red in one of the **at ;t J R'-m^^y Imported making garment*, f,, wrrt- stopped , papjr. mm a "orre.pondent In fabrics for the el •otoma including .." .ki,.^" T srsldi oif-ration* Fl Paso Tm ''• h th*' pinion when the eartbound . Apuirro expressed hy Skilfully that ilaurli^jl i^frr' was tailored «o- Ttot neani h snen r-romlr.enc c. and extensive shipments of •hS iM«MJ of .ithcr tube meet, the }?^,y «J««*««i"ti« w-cre •de from his remark. fra imttosad l \u25a0•.. it w.u <** I^n »HI «t toKeth. r so Af!Ui" known character, for a r!rC« of Q» BsteC | 7n^l^t y aif! \.ha" h^!1 *.H1 be «H ,* !n Arizona and New DRESS AND rlo.-r!y that the between them M^ioo h "xploitM the famous Santa TerVs«'» 4ly MM''* who Tested I<>an claimed to from Fabrics. h»r£ M«lf r< d '' in \u2666-jj-wrs did n«t keep fl*5 ln,.tll«' 1- Valley, in Arizona. ct this Sid'- of the riate.i^ fc .\u25a0in* r.ght. Parisian models for vt$l''H \u25a0*«•* another. FYosa : * *' Ar.Jirre is a mnn dressmakers in their tha coming Mattrv ahead, and from the. coJUtry and!rc llh r morally or tocially. in either 23d Street, frett* r.orth tube «« ; 60-62 West the fouth tuhe. ft. that row t!.- cat. " tp! " '^v *Mr is t. is I "«rar (ran Oners! Lull E. Special has been gives to the selection the »hW4s of the couth tube on Tor^V^f'*^^Torres, of date September In which *Ay«: attention of «Ii» which iJiwn river ai.d the pap in the ; «. he t!:- '\u25a0.-.!-.,.> of t!'f \u25a0-'\u25a0 to--iay at KSCo. Douglas Ajrua iSTf ;, suie of ih« mi.lo.le. m^V? 'T* and are pure dye and of good wearing qualibeii SU on the other ,v I*********is ou«et. The few -» verify tnetr calraiations the engineers ) havinp interest*, directly mTwHJI ae!iOlte mat!:eT:iailr^l lnHrur.ientF. , 1 dI t!. 'n Mexico. »rd nr» evidently In- importations of dress materials inblack and colors comprise doth y,!}!lacoba. chief enrt»aer of tlie Ter.n- ; «.p!re