Ifbanefield & Co.

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Ifbanefield & Co. WEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1005. 9 NOT WASH SALKS THEY SAY s.lir.l) LIFE WITH TEETH. TO SAVE CITY $1,000,000. BY MUXROBS. Women on hunaway Airship Bit Six Cent Verdict for Man Whose I & CO. STATEMENT\u25a0 FBANEFIELD :.r__ Hole in Balloon. Property Was Damaged by Rain. IMPORTERS. JEWELERS. IBV TKLKGRAPH ' - Bought TO THE TBIBL'N'E.] Tlie Corporation 'oun \u25a0< i are now I'>i"atr<l $c (la, to •Ssn Francisco. Offset the Loxcmoh Scare, Feb. IS.—With broken cables days' trial, obtained .1 vprdicl ywsterdaj which will 1. Altmatt dans;";;;i(: and r.ith Mis. <;r Helton, in ilnirbuilding, 1 v Oi8 W. wife save tho city ov«»r The was Ks Inventor, f1.W0.000. actioo They Declare. of as Its freisht. the airship California brought by Henry Bundhelmer to recover dfti Messenger suddenly sprang upward f,,, 1 ST., two thousand from tlip.i|;v InjuricK Ii \u25a0 it 38 34TU Tr« f'ft done nn.ii.ru WEST stn-k brokerage firm of klunroe & Uunroe ovft- Idord Turk- 'iMs'-aftornbbn;' There M«med i»;Ptli-st.. in the rainstorm Augu I 19 I. when who came Into \v*]| no hop. of between lii'th Aye. an<l Herald Square Street promlnet-Cce about' two for its .K-rnpsnt. >but the woman Hi-- In 'I'h. Bninx wo I" , the gas Millbrook sewer unable months as<r when !»r>*ciilatlve movement in bit a bole in the bag and the machine plunged carry orf thr- water, and Bundhfimer'f pr< >Tc»r.tr-*l an.l Boston Ptock collapsed, and whore earthward, to hud lightly in Host Berkley. Mrs. w re flooded. It was contended by Bundh»-iiin»r lh:ii and invite the public the ronstructed. .-onnf-rtion with that «ji»»oulatir>n was extensively Heaton ascended In the Messenger a short distance Millbrook s«ewer was Improperlj .[._ PARIS LINGERIE in new designs. ; f Inquired into in the bankruptcy above, T^stlmonj wa plven thai four lik-Ih to inspect their new establishment. proceedings, which tdora Park to allow taking of some photo i>ll In nn hour. Phe lury awarde»l Snndhelnn \u25a0*.»-*\u25a0 discontinued a- few. days ago. the petition In graphs. l/ight ropes held the" machine, but hardly cents damages. There are heveral lum..li.•! -.-k- ptpj against the Bra] being dismissed, yes- had it ris«»n Rlinv. ii. tree tops Jh'en the strain suits of th, same • ; UToay;. i«s\leij long gi\-fng sij« proved great statement their too ami the >'nbW parted. L3k« a ECENT Importations of in n- \u25a0» of :heca?e. The in Hand-midc Undergarments com- statement part follows: rocket the machine *rta're (iup ttnr» tlir. >»ky. Sud- CURE YOUR RHEIMATISM. * *• denly IIOKE SMITH REPLIES. (jriHirh's( Ouaiac, Stillinqia. In the «tn«-n: just made with our it foetticd to stop ami then cam« down part onipounri % ivture of Ftr- Hinahons of Hand Embroidery and Re ai Valenciennes. Irish «• voluntarily purrendered creditors way a flash, = our interest in and 1,1 'ike then it descended slowly. 5 Crochet, Cluny, Laces, in*IJontreal and Boston Consolidated Mining and After the accident Mrs. H»at*>n said: Chantifly «nd Maline have teen Smelting- Company to secure the payment of Says Secretary I <r<-<Jitors claim? and th» "As soon as. 1 realized thr ropes had parted. I Hitchcock's Remarks received, or balance dii« to tho < 2 among which are new models in Night Robes with low necks v»n<s«-r? ft the nror-riie* rombmed in tb^ rojisoli- SAW- >i-v O ! <n S^.,1 l>;l>; in going toward the bay I I silo:. >'.\ V 44 . Such sums of cash hay* been At I.ipp'lied th- ere i as Included orcc ruddei and steered her about. Groundless. W >. sleeve?, It this F-ttlemont have been by* persons £ and short and Petticoats of attractive design. advanced Iwas poms upward friend'y to us and by, ourselves, and not by new But 'all the time at a terrible Washington, Feb. is. In an niuthQi'lzotl - • • z >--.. •• statt-n^ent T 3 3 interests. rate. Iclimbed on my and bit a holn in given to-night, > ol a. r, pas \u25a0 the out link'- Smith. 8< rrt»r> This settlement, in all 'essential particulars; is h.i%. Tills tear split about a foot, and gas Complete Trousseaux are shown, and Matinees and Peignoirs of the fame as that verbally ptnpo*e«l by -us to -our rushed out. Th« machine turned downward and th< Interior! replying to .1 statement issued by Em- .realtors on th* evening of December S. save an.l dropped straißht for about eipht hundred feet., 8 cretarj Hitchcock regarding th«" »ci >i Mr. IIn- "Old !(.\u25a0!. )lili-:iil»ni:il-Ki-mnl.i for nHEUMA- Muslim, •'EC^ptlng that where, under the original Ihad pros, hut - Tl-M. SKI \. M IATM A, «.'»l T broidered and Printed Irish Lace and Voile Ninon. proposi- of mind enough to stick to my scat. Smith in approving an oil and gas !•...• 1 made with RAl.fi!• tion «C« held ourselves liable for the payment of Then she righted. an ,] 1 simply steered till 1 n.i LUMBAGO. her indians, 1896, r. P -This in In by th» prin- \u25a0II claims in full within a limited period, offering found a good place to land." the Osag< in severely arraigns Seer* • mixture carried stork ' • (mpmi winii.,:.-:\ 1.1: »t in Hi* irnlted Pt«te« 1 •Montreal and' Boston stock as collateral" security, ••••\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 • tary making charge. r>ru<c* Cresb, Monograms under th« present -arrangement -v.' . -. Hitchcock as "a baseless V .1,11 us -.. P. <>. Card for 11*1 ft namn and d«Bcrh>tlv« and Initials embroidered. -creditor*- accept . to matter). We will-tin. ih» LARGE SIZE * the Montreal and Boston stock allotted them Mr. Smith arrived In Washington tn-ilay <x- Inclufllnc to in Hf.iilp if <>ur Mimaiß l.inim<-nt t.. any pnint In th» full payment, releasing us absolutely from further 'JERSEY- BOUNDARY PACT. amihe the records. Before leaving Georgia he <\u25a0!>\u25a0»- S., Kxprpiw PREPAID, receipt of money by V. i-harßcn on liability,and binding themselves an option to graphed a friend in this pity to* make a 'search of order for y_".:.v "a. syndi<--at«" for six months to accept cash in <,i;iii;in •> PRESC RimOX PHARMACY, exchange therefor "at the settlement price. the re«-0ri1.«. .<ml the result of thai search ;was <;: riiir.i \\.-.. « or. nth >».. n>w York. A EUUetncfit has recently been made in which it Commissioners Reach a Secret Agree- placed before him to-day <>n his arrlviil. Mr" Smith *r.a* paid that "apparently" we "had no assets." said necessary to go to *T!«J that the proceedings were instituted to compel to-night he had not found it r*Ettvjtto». a*«et.s that;. had,. h«:eu, ment with the Indian Office or Interior Department iirpersbn. the or 1 .secreted Delaware. CASE. »o<i disposed of." On the evening bf the" day of 1Ii-statement follows: ACT IX MARRIAGE nor sttsr*pnsloh.-«t a -"meetine of the creditors,' we IST TKLEGRATH TO THK TBIBt'XK.J. FINE LACES and LACE ROBES. j mads a statement, in which we said: "Inthe mean Philadelphia, 18.—After many The statement furnished tin- press by Secretary "\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0!•, way Feb. years* efforts. Hitchcock, «iii"!: the negotiations arr. under lookinjr toward corr-missioners -Jersey Delaware, In hi- criticises administration• the purchase of a large block of the stock by cer- of New and moot- of the Interior Department for approving mi •i1ami Patrolmen Accused Performing •a r. strong Interests. and it does not seenY ini- Ins: In this city this afternoon, finally agreed on a gas lease made by the Osagi Indian: In 1*96, i- of least; :i|>- rrr»r'al»le that this o>al willbe closed up within the form of compact for the of con- misleading and deceptive. When lh« was \u25a0 \u25a0next few in event settlement 'the Texas, and not a Mock Ceremony in Court. Lace and Embroidered Robes (unmade), and Waist Patterns, days, which brokers and others troversy over the boundary between proved no oil had been found In of irrterssted will-probably make a profit out of what the two States great deal in Kansas. There was scum hope i"en- \u25a0e«ms a "n«F.** The commissions, headed by Governor Stokes of courage tin- expense of boring wells in tin- Osajfc Patrolmen George Tubin and George Wltzel, at- foreign production, are displayed in a discovered, The real obieet of subsequent proceedings was New-Jersey and Governor Jjoa of Delaware, met in country. Even Ifoil could !><• the prob- tached to the \u25a0\u25a0.in Tilst-st. station, brought to not to compel restitution of assets thus openly the Walton, lem of transportation was then mo I serious. the* Tombs police co'.irt yesterday on number of exclusive design?, also Edges, Galoons and Rrknowledged to be In our possession, but by Hotel anil went over the case care- A lease was applied for by I-'. B. K«>st. r I"i>r.«s- summonses extra-•' i; ii-<1 by Magistrate Stcinert it the request of judicial Bind ex parte proceedings to oorripM the. fully,., reviewing; .the suits now pending In the pect and bora fo! oil and j;.-is. Tin property i>e All-overs of Spanish Blonde, Pompadour, Irish, Point Gaze and f-ibi-titution of cash which we did not have, and Supreme Court of the United States, and finally longed to the tribe.
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