House Dresses

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House Dresses L'iJA1 HJ - r a ,iwfw; . t. ,. mmmmmmmtms ' i ,1 ""."' . .,1.., j rtriiMn lis .u'.. 77ie Stere C7e5 Mjm .isriwww V7'v.tiiiz T Daily at 5 k M. Extra Trousers, $9.75 CLOTHIER double anniversary price. Smi STRAWBR1DGE & Werth this w will be the first day of our summer Suits of fine-twi- ll serge, with two pairs of roey shopping schedule. Beginning And until further notice the Stere will open at 9.00 M. and will close 6 P. M. dally. Sale A. at Anniversary years special at $1.25. H Incidentally the morning hours are the best Strawbrldee fc Clothier Second Floer, Filbert Street, Eatt K for' shopping, as they are the coolest. Thursday i: Announcements for Tomorrow w MBM m ' ' New Summer Frecks Much Wi These Wonder-Value-s in Women's. Coats and Capes Under Price in the Sale Canten Crepe Frecks, $32.50 Draped, plaited and straight-lin- e models, $15.00 $18.00 beaded and embroidered. Navy blue, black, Serges and wool veleurs. Tan Belivia weaves, wool veleurs beaver, gray, rust and white. and medium blue in Coats; tan, and tan cloaking, in loose-lin- e navy blue and black in Capes. Ceat3.. Capes of wool velour Fine Cotten Frecks, $17.50 Beautifully tailored and lined and twills nearly all lined Embroidered Dotted Swiss in navy blue, throughout. throughout. Copenhagen blue, brown, orchid and green. Im- 3& Strawbrldte Clothier Second Floer. Centre ported ginghams in blue, red, green and orchid trimmed in white. Dimities and Ginghams, $15 Dimity and fine ginghams, in tangerine, black, Misses' Dresses Under Price lavender and green. Fine Linen and Voile Dimities and Voiles, $1350 ! Checked and striped tissues and dimities, in Frecks, Special at $15.00 lovely light shades, and in many styles. Including the Medel Sketched Ginghams and Voiles, $12.50 Smart tailored linens in the style sketched;' Fine Gingham Frecks, in regular sizes; and geld, white, Copenhagen blue and rose, with the Dark Voile Frecks with white dots or figures, fashionable cress-stitc- h embroidery in color with in extra-siz- e models. a geed bit of black for effective contrast. Alse in this group, cool dotted Voile Frecks in navy Voiles and Tissues, $9.75 Iff Striped Plaid Dotted Cheeked Checked r Plaid Striped Striped blue and brown trimmed with pretty lace edging; One Medel Sketched Gingham Gingham Voile Gingham Gingham ' Gingham , Gingham Madras hemstitched white voile cellar and cuffs. Sizes '" White dotted voile, striped and checked tissues 14 18 years. $2.S5 $2.85 $2.85 $1.85 $1.85 $l'.85 m $1.85 $1.85 te in light colorings, and fine dark voiles one of the latter sketched. H The Loveliest New Summer. y -- - Strawbrldee & Clothier Second Floer. Market Street 11 Silk Frecks at $16.50 3600 "Queen Make" Belted straight-lin-e Dresses of figured crepe Bqjbies' Cellar and Cuff de chine the latest fashion in Silk Frecks; in Nainsoek rose, green, red and heliotrope; made in the easy Sets of Eyeletr kimono-sleev- e style, with cool-lookin- g cellar and Dresses at $L45 1 -- Embroidery, 50c cuffs of white crepe de chine stitched in color. TV Leng Dresses for babes and w A "TV a-- K They out almost as fast Sizes 14 to 18 years. HOUSE short Frecks for wee lelk of re DRESSES they 6 months te 2 years. Dainty as are received in stock, Gingham and new, fashioned of nainsoek for these Sets arc among the MissetfJSmart most becoming I and made with yoke op plain, smartest and Dresses, $5.00 te $15.00 $1.85, $2.85, - $3.85, $4.85 some lace-trimme- d. A notable of Neckwear. Designs are Lew-waiste- under-pric- e lovely, are several d sash Dresses and tailored belted models, of checked jrreup at $1.45. and there m gingham in red, brown, green, blue and black; organdie cellar and fWmLJV Babies' Nainsoek Slips from which te cheese. Flat vestee, or white pique cellar and cuffs. Sizes 14 te 18 years. Cellars with Cuffs te match, at - Unusual, 50c and 75c one-thir- d $f-- Strawbrlde & Clothier Second Floer, Market Street Savings Average a saving of mere than Mothers will be delighted at 50c. x the saving en these dainty lit- m- ONE-THIR- D tle Bishop Slips, edged with Net Vestees, Special, 75c U shade, These Toilet Valenciennes Lace narrow lace or embroidery. In a soft creamy 31 Fine Cotten Blankets daintily trimmed with lace. 12 Vds., 3 i8nffi?i?l "" Medels Cellars are in Tuxedo or Peter Preparations Edging, 50c it ""i in the Sale, 95c a pair Pan style. Of Gingham in plaids, checks, stripes and two-ton- e Birid'8-ey- e One-thir-d Cotten Organdie Sasfjes, A Saving of checks; Plain Chambray, Dotted Voile, Madras, Tissue 45c Diapers, $1Jj te $3.50 Reman-stripe- in the Sale Dainty patterns in round and Gingham, White Barred Dimity and White Dotted Swiss. Fibre Silk d square mesh. a dozen Scarfs, $lJjt) , great many Supply your QUEEN MAKE, and that tells the story, for Queen Slightly imperl'ect These and a needs at Anniversary Sale Make Morning Dresses ere always out of the ordinary in in weave, Aisle II, Centre, and Market WTVeet some 12-ya- half price, rd se the price is much less ethers some savings pieces, EOc. style and making. Such values are rare indeed, for there than one-thir- d values worthy regular, less design trimming theugh'they will wear of the Anniversary Sale: Ecru Venise Lace Edging are smart, distinctive touches in and just as well. White Dress; Linen rarely found en Dresses at these prices. Sashes and TJhtrd Floer. West S. & C Peroxide Seap,, "e a About Half Price belts, decorative pockets, piping, embroidery lace edgings, Away Under Price cake, or 76c a dozen. " 33c Egyptian Talcum, 16c a can. Yard Checked Tissue White Barred vests and decorative effects that are unusually pretty. The most wanted weaves Garwood's Toilet Water 46c. Beautiful imported trimming Gingham Dimity greens, pink, Tennis Backets and weights at .Anniversary Laces, effective As for colorings, there are blues, red, Sale savings. White Lilac Toilet Water in designs. $3.85 $4.85 brown, black and lavender effects, and two of the daintiest Andmearly every 65c. $3.00 and $3.50 woman is making p. hand-hemstitch- Save One-ha-lf models in plain white. Vlvaudeu'8 Naemi Perfume Nearly en CLOSE TO HALF linen dress just new. 60c Cambric Edgings at 12c REGULAR PRICES Save en the material for' Im- (a small vial, well-balanc- yours. h' Tekanettes A wide variety of patterns ed "extract) 26c. A choice of 200 ported in trimming widths, 12c a yard. Rackets, with reinforced A medium weight, Strawbrldee ft Clothier Aisles 0 and A! lie 13, 72? & St'. Centra shrunken fi 10. Centre: Market Cress Aisle Regular Sizes in the Greup shoulders, and some with lTh Irtish, 38 and Extra cedar handles $3.00 inches wide. The assortment is varied, but we advise early selection, for this is one of the and $3.50. Belgian Round-thre- ad .! Striped Tissue Plain ,yj whitP Linen, soft, mel- events of the Anniversary Sale, and such Dresses at such a saving will net remain Gingham Chambray Complete Term is Outfits low finish, 45 inches, wide. Silverware at Notably in stock long. - Strawbrldge Clothier Third Floer, Filbert Street, W'eit $2.85 $2.85 for 4 PI ayers $27.00 Qnc Oyster White Suiting Consisting of set of tapes, illih Linen, ramie weave, 36 net, 4 rackets, pair of poles, inches wide. guy ropes, Lew Anniversary Prices pegs and two balls. R9 SO Suiting Linen, 90- - Very much less STERLING SILVER HOLLOW-WAR- E, at one-four- th te than usual inch width, shrunk less than regular prices: 27.00. ready te cut. A weave that Strawbrldee Clothier will net crush. Baskets $16.00 Sugar and Cream Sets $15 Iiasemnt. West Aisle 12. Centra Mayonnaise ffewls $6.00 Vase8$6.00 te $38.00 Bread Trays $14.00 te $34.00 Pitchers $39.00 te $67.00 Competes $15.00 te $40.00 Candlesticks $10 and $12 pair Geld Jewelry Benben Dishes $5.50 te $U Picture Frames $4.00 te $27.00 in the My Strawbrldee & Clothier Aisle 10. Market Street A wide assortment of SILVER-PLATE- D WARE, all plated Sale at Half Price en less regular prices. Typical values: nickel silver base, at than Special purchases of samples and surplus stocks from some of Vegetable Dishes $6.00, $7.00 Sandwich Trays $2.00 te $3.50 our best suppliers, give us a remarkable assortment of fine Geld Well and Tree $13.50 Fruit Bowls $4.50 te $8.50 Platters Jewelry te sell at about one-ha- lf the usual prices. Pitchers $0.00 Bread Trays $2.00 and $2.50. Instances Gefd Rell Tray 8 $3.00 Competes $6.00 Cuff Links $3.00, $4.00 Geld Belt Buckles St. 50 and $5-0- fr y Strawbrldee & Clothier Market Street Crois Altle Ceral Cameo Breeches $12.00 Geld Scarf Pins $1.50 te $10 te $15.00 Geld Breeches $1.50 te $S0.00. Geld liar Pins$,.50 te $16.00 Printed Voiles at 32c .'ft Strawbrldee Clothier Aisle y. Market Street Five thousand yards a new shipment of an Anniversary Sale purchase of exceedingly .fine Voiles, in navy blue, Copenhagen blue, brown and black with neat foulard patterns in white enough said te insure an early morning rush. 3r--- Strawbrldee A Clothier Altle B, Centre Striped Cheeked Checked Tissue Checked White Striped Checked Voile Gingham Gingham Gingham Gingham Dotted Swiss Tissue Tissue $3.85 $4.85 $4.85 $3.85 $3.85 $4.85 $3.85 $4.85 ' Shepherd Checks Men's Men's Mercerized m Suits With Extra "Onyx" n Fancy Mehairs y Trousers Socks 4 OL ZSi Sale I d in the Black, white, cordovan, navy Serges r, i Striped Of blue and gray.
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