Senate 19 5926
1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 19 5926. Also, petition of the New York State Congress of 5944. Also, petition of the Chamber of Commerce, Houston, Parents and Teachers, Inc., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., petitioning Tex., petitioning consideration of their resolution with ref consideration of their resolution with reference to war and erence to the F1ederal oil control; to the Committee on Inter peace; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. state and Foreign. Commerce. 5927. Also, petition of the Woman's Christian Temperance 5945. Also, petition of the American Petroleum Institute, Union, Pasadena, Calif., petitioning consideration of their New York, N. Y., petitioning consideration of their resolution resolution with reference to Senate bill280, the motion-picture with reference to House bill 7372, also the trade agreement bill; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. with Venezuela; to the Committee on Ways and Means. 5928. Also, petition of the Nebraska Federation of Women's 5946. Also, petition of the California State Industrial Union Clubs, Omaha, Nebr., petitioning consideration of their resolu Council, San Francisco, Calif., petitioning consideration of tion with reference to Senate bill 280, the motion-picture bill; their resolution with reference to expansion of United States to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Housing Program; to the Committee on Banking and Cur 5929. Also, petition of the Hilo Industrial Union Council, rency. 1383 Kamehameha Avenue, Hila, Hawaii, petitioning consid 5947. Also, petition of the California State Industrial Union eration of their resolution with reference· to any European or Council, San Francisco, Calif., petitioning consideration of Asiatic conflicts; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
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