AMrSEWEIVTS. AmmEMESTS. AMrsKMKNTS. AMU8KMKNTS. AMTSEMEKTS. ANtKBMFATS. TftRATKK ENGLISH oPERA. LYMP1C THEATRE. BBOADWAV IARI8IAN VARIETUR, FTH AVENUE THEATM. ONY PASTOR'S .V 5,4 514 Kixieeath street *nd . ami Mr. AUGUSTIN DALY ?ONY PASTOR'S BOOTH'SJ AKRKTT PALMER lirH^i^und Mituueri 0 £ *.a Proprietor Maunger Y PASTOR'S TilK KK LLOUG GRAND ENGLISH OPERA. oOO L Y VMM MM PP'PP II CCO 514 314 Price, 35c .r* >c., $ I Boxe*. and 5 i1' Mr 1' D HESS .... V Y M M M M P 11 O 0 EVERY NIGHT AT TOAY PASTOR'S , UirMlor o o L F 8. TONY PASTOR'S ONLY TWELYK NIGHTS AM) I'WO MATINEES, o o L Y Y MM M M P P 11 <: 514 514 KVEXIN08, A O'CLOCK; rUKSDAY. THURSDAY AND BYRON'S COMEDY TONY PASTORS commencing on MONDAY EVENING, October 11, witb o o L Y Y MM MM P 1' II 0 514 SATURDAY M vTINEK>, 3 O'CUfX SENSATION, TONY PASTOR'S kAmbroioe Thomas' delightful romantic Opera. 0 o L YY M M M M PPPP II 511 514 Tl.MPLE OK SENSATIONAL ART O O 1, Y M M M M p II G UAI'KI CEDENTED SUCCESS AO 0 U RRtt BBB 00 Y Y BS ToNY PASTORS MJGNON, Mlii.NON, ami still. OU D R R HBOOYYSg TONY PASTOR'S the representative American Prima Donna, 0 O I. Y M MM M P II C All Frenchy, deligbilul O TONY PASTOR'S MISS (,'LAHA LOUISE O 0 L Y M X M P II 0 c 514 314 No vulgar hit*. So coarseness or offence*. 0 U CKR BBOOYY8 KELLOUU, 314 Tji our-! to the fascinate the TONY PASTOR'S in tln> title role. OOO LLLLL Y M V M P II ccc 514 BROADWAY. . , . pirns* fancy, will, 0 O U lT KKR BBB () () YY SB OOMIOl'R warm the senses K) D R R B 8 TONY PASTOR'S Mint ANNIE REAI MONT, Mr. WM. CASTLE. Mr. H. THEATRE the Imagination, captivate O O B O O Y II A TTTTT E TilKATBK CoMIQl K like a ever xeeu in New York » O U U R R BBOOY SK TONY PASTOR'S ITRAKKS, Mr Morgan. Mr Caylu in the cant, and, by special TTTTTT IT FEEEE RRR BBE COM Nothing OO UU R R BBB OO Y 88 <$> TONY PASTOR'S engagement, Mnie JULIE KOSEWAL1), ol Baltimore, will T 11 H K AA T It It E THEATRE iQUh METROPOLITAN TIIP.ATRK, appear as KKLINA, h role In which she hint recently T 11 II K A A T It It E fllKATKK lOMIQUE Now It* 300th night in METROPOLITAN THEATRE, achieved eminent success in California. T II HE A A T R K E Mr JosH It VRT Proprietor London:Approaching METROPOLITAN Til hATKK, Pi LI. CHoKOs AND GRAND ORCHESTRA. T n mi II EE EE A A T RRR KEEE COL. T. ALLSTuN BROWN Mauagor Now in I.IVE Ft POOL. METROPOLITAN THEATRE. Mr. 8. BE1IHENS Conductor "T h II E A A A A T K It E lieing acted METROPOLITAN T ii H E A A T It It E Theatre A- .A514 Dim boystti Now in lis third week in BOSTON. THEATRE, T n R 1 i 40 REAL STAR ARTISTS Now being acted In PHILADELPHIA. METROPOLITAN THEATRE, On TUESDAY EVENING-LKNANI, H E A A T It E COMIQUE. BROADWAY. <;KAXi>0l^o Now in it* fourth wMk at Uta HKTH METROPOLITAN THEATRE, will: the distinguished American Songstress, T H H EEEBB A A T R R EEEE COMIQUE. A j.g, New AVENUE THEATRE. 5*5 BROADWAY, 5H7 MMK JENNIE VAN ZVSDT as Elvira Programme commencing Monday, October 11, 585 BROADWAY. 687 WT'DNESDAY-JlOllliMlAN OIBL KELLOGG ^ KELLOGG T'e of tha lauohter incessant. 685 HROADWAY, 587 THURSDAY KAI >T H-M B HOAOWAY. A I n C:,amp:ou Gymnasts world, crowded. VAN /.ANDT Tlioatre A. ..A514 AnonnainyritoiTnIt f'jrraiaids. M ir ,< ii ,..« \r -i.. Rouses 685 BROADWAY. 587 KltlDAY.THE HUHCENOT8 ti.'l BROADWAY. I ME W 8CKNERY. NEW MUSIC. ELEGANT TOILETS. 585 BROADWAY. 687 SATU KDAY.11 It A N D KELLOGG MATINEE, 024 BROADWAY. T BROADWAY 685 587 BOHEMIAN GIRL. COMIQUE. 4>.' "A BROADWAY. Sir,ricb^^. BROADWAY. .VAN ZANDT Th« principal characters by Mr. JOHN GHAM, 685 BROADWAY, .'>87 8ATURDAY EVENING- ERA OIAVOLO... fl, Ir. CHARLES Mr. D. II BROJMr. MAU- 685 BROADWAY, 887 JOHN P. POOLE Manager n, Dan^^lVtUts. FISHER, HARKINS, Mhai 685 587 THE SALE OP RESERVED SEATS The strongest attract mi ever concentrated ^'m^b.e IJG'E HARKYMORE, and Miss JKFFRY8 LEWIS, BROADWAY, on aii v Parisian Mom Klati iAY Mrs. U. GILBERT and Mia* SIDNEY 885 687 now progressing. THE FAMILY THEATRE OF THE METROPOLIS stage, lowtkl't varieties NI'NEZ' 6. BROADWAY, OP THE evcrv act being artistic to the extreme and Parisian V A It I K I II i SCALE PRICES. FAMILY THEATRE OF THE METROPOLIS. Parisi an WELL, OPPOSITE THE METROPOLITAN HOTEL. Orchestra, orchestra circle and front balcony, S2; balcony, FREE FROM ALL VULGARITY, V Alt 11. I I KB "OUR BOV'H" MATINEE $1 >o dress eirrle. $1; family circle, hij cents. THE FAMILY TilEATItB OF THE METROPOLIS. totally eclipsing all previous efforts. Parisian with donees, marches, chorns, V tRII IKS OPPOSITE THE METROPOLITAN IIOTEL. GENERAL ADMISSION ONE DOLLAR THE FAMILY THEATRE OF THE METROPOLIS. Parisian music. VAHIBriM SATURDAY AT 1:30. UNSURPASSED ATTRACTH>N Parisian Mott beautiful Coryp!i«t» in V AKIE I'lKS In rehearsal. Benedict's n.era of EVERYTHING ENTIRELY NEW THIS WEEK. Complete Triumph. Parisian America. V ARILTI E8 BRILLIANT AND IMMEDIATE SUCCE8S Delighted Audiences. . ip I «,< Bants may ba reserved two week* ahead and THE LILY OK KILLAltNEY. everything Kvrnti ly new this week. JUBILEE CONTINUED. EVERY I'll I NO ENTIRELY NEW THIS WEEK. HAMLET IN A MAD HOUSE? THE ARTISTIC new THE GREAT COMEDIANS. An comic eketch. . Mr. DALY is to announce that Mr. EDWIN *,* October 25.An entirely Grand Holiday Panto* ETHIOPIAN irresistably gratified the unrivalled American cloML THE (BOOTHTH will shortly u ami due notice will be gi veu of CROWDED FROM FLOOR TO CEILING mime, with GREATEST ATTRACTIONS YET OFFEREB. entertainment. N. O. 8. N. Y. Cow Hell Eis OPENING sumu^pear CROWDED FROM FLOOR TO CEILING MR. G. L. POX. . Novel, varied and select J Recitations FROM FLOOR TO CKIL1NU T AN EXTRAORDINARY DISPLAY CROWDED LOBE THEATRE. UNMISTAKABLE MARKS OF APPRECIATIVE DE- Educated Doge. Y Arnold's Elephant. nCHCOCK'B WITH and 730 LIGHT. 6 NEW THIRD AVENUE THEATRE, FASHIONABLE AUDIENCE8, (s X 7t'S lireadway. prepare!? fur the patrons of this French Third avenue, between Thirtieth and tjret streets. TALLMADGE A SCOPIELD Proprietor* THE FAMILY I'll E AT RE OF THE METROPOLIS. Clou Dunces, Quadrille Thirty It W, B I'TLKR and C. IV. SHAKER.... Managers THE FAMILY THEATRE OF THE METROPOLIS. AN ENTIRE NEW OLIO. LOTS OF FUN-NO VULGARITY. THIS POPULAR RESORT POP. AMUSEMENT SEEKERS Beautiful Female Models in The Theatre which the New York Press, via.:.nerald. NEW ACTS, SONGS, DANCES, i POSE PLASTIQUK. ONLY MORAL, LIVELY AMUSEMENT. News, Sim, Tribune, Times, Kxpresi, Telegram, Star, World, FARCES, SKETCHES, AC TONY PASTOR'S f WILL Commercial A lvertiser, llomr Journal, Mercury, Sunday First ttins.An appropos sensational sk -tch. written ex¬ HOUSES FILLED NIGHTLY. COMPANY Times, Dispatch. Era, Arcadian, Stunts Zeitung, New Yorker Tlie great Novelty Troupe in a press,y tor the Parisian Varieties, entitled THE Pre?sc. Frank Leslie's, Wild data. Courier, Brooklyn Eagle, pleas lug and entertaining hill _. For the week commencing October 11, and SUCCESS ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, Brooklyn Sunday Sun and all the leading Journals pronounce FOIt MONDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1875, SATURDAY MATINEE. OF THE DAY. WITH A LARGE AND POWERFUL COMPANY, COM- the establishment giving and every evenln -during the week also Wednesday and POSED PRINCIPALLY OK STAR ARTISTS THE BEST ENTERTAINMENT YET PRESENTED. Satnrdav Matinee., at J o'clock. Grand Minstrel Quartet, A CONSTANT SUCCESSION OP TALENTED PER¬ THE MASTER NOVELTY THEATRE <«v' FOSTER, SINCLAIR AND HOWARD. FORM E its WILL UK ADDED PROM WEEK To WEEK OF THE WORLD. or. Reformers of the Period, with familiar characters, plea* CANNING, To MAINTAIN THE EPPIC1ENCY AND SUCCESS UP Introducing everything in a theatrical way. .ingscenes, naughty people, nice situations, liinnv episodea, <&-- THIS FAVORITE THEATRE. DRAMA. delightful immnrulitn -, emot lonal ilauvas and stirring liuale. THE FRENCH TWIN SISTERS. SPECIAL NOTICE.GLOBE THEATRE. FARCE, ORAND KEELS D'AMOUR. SONG. ARTISTS op acknowledged aVilitv wishing MINSTRELSY, Finale. French Quadrilles hy the handsomest Coryphees MTSS ROMAINE, THE QUEEN OF MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, ENGAGEMENTS WILL APPLY SONG AND In America. . First appearance of the unparalleled acrobats. IMMEDIATELY, STAT¬ THE R.AYNOR8. DANCE. The EMPIRE CHILDREN LIZZIE and PROFESSOR AND ING TERMS. QUALIFICATIONS, AC. Comicalities. .Token, Puns, Ac., t VIOLINISTS, LEON HIS THREE SONS, making one of the most sidesplitting V)AKK THEATRE MIGHTY DOLLAR. JOE, aged four and seven, the wonders ol the world, playing PROFESSOR LEON AND HIS THREE SONS, M THEATRE.. and entertainments JL Mi. M II ART is happy to chronicle .the uiost difficult music twiih grace and ease) on the violin. PROFESSOR LEON AND HIS THREE SONS, UIROFLKUIKOFLA pleasing FOR AND THREE SON'S, J^YCEI ever witnessed by the public. ANOTHER TRIUMPH THE NATIVE DRAMA PROFESSOR LEON HIS LAST WEEK BUT ONE.LAST WEEK BI T ONE, in the THE GREAT FRAI^K BELL, PROFESSOR LEON AND HIS THREE SONS, LAST WEEK BUT ONE-LAST ONE THE STAR COMBINATION OF THE WORLD. CONTINUED SUCCESS Ethiopian Comedian and Orator, EDWARD, ALFRED AND JOSEPH, WEEK BUT THE STAR of Woolfs EDWARD, ALFRED AND JOSEPH, COMBINATION OF THE WORLD. " OK THE MIGHTY DOLLAR, LEO, from FOLIE8 BEUGKKKS" Paris and Continuntal EVERYTHING, new. fresh and the Tumblomnicon. circuwn, whose FRENCH OPERA BOUFFE. AND ACROBATIC ACCOM¬ BRIMFUL. Mr. \T. J. FLORENCE as The lion. Bardwell Slota SUPERB GYMNASTIC MONDAY- TUESDAY.WEDNESDAY.'THURSDAY. Mrs. W. J. FLORENCE as Mr- General iiiltlory OEORUE WARREN, THE CHAMflON BANJOIST. PLISHMENTS Entertainment for YOUNG and which (now In its sixth weeki will he given are unequalled by any others. FRIDAY. OLD, REGAN BROTHERS, POSITIVELY LAST NIGHTS, MALE and FEMALE. EVERY NIGHT TILL Fl iU'HER NOTICE t the Irish Character Delineators. POSITIVELY LAST NIGHTS and at a MATINEE -SATURDAY, at 3. SATURDAY A PTE It NOON, OCTOBER 10, AT 1:30, TWO HOURS AND A HALF ofuniutaxruptcdw Mr STUA KT bees to iiiniimtco that he will shortly have .TONY I'ASTOR- AMI one all who have on LAST MATINEE OF SEMI.NT. the pririlegu of Introducing whom he and NOTICE..No liquor sold the premises, it be- .TONY PASTOK-- a the Western a LECOCQ'S CROWNING TRIUMPH IN OPERA BOUFFE, seen him deem most distinguished artist, LSPECIALg the intention of the proprietor to have first class eu .TONY PASTOK- THE LADIES DELIGHTED- Comedian, ftcituiiiuieut to delight his pulrons. .TONY PASTOR- THE MOST SUCCESSFUL OF ALL OPERAS. THE CHILDREN ARE PLEASED, JOHN DILLON, .TONY PASTOR- AG NO his in com Reserved seats; 50 cents; 2.r> cents: .TONY PASTOR- THE ED FEEL YOi AND LIVELY, who has most generously postponed engagement general admission, gal¬ OGGG II RRRR OUUO FFFF L EEEE while spending an evening at the sequence of the success of the lery, 15 cents; boxes, $4 and $3; seats in boxes, 75 cents uud .TONY PASTOK- unapproachableDOLLAR. Doors at 8 G G 11 It 11 O o F L E THEATRE COMIQUE, MIGHTY open 7; pertormance ut o'clock. .TONY PA8TOR- (¦ G 11 It It 0 o P L E 514 BROADWAY. -TON'Y PA8TOR- G 11 RRltlt o o PF I. EE THE NOVELTY THEATRE OF Grand Matinee SATURDAY at 2 P. M. -TONY I 'A STO It- "" AMERICA, TITALLAOK'S. Family every G GO II it It o o F L E a continuous carnival >» and Manager Mr. LESTER WALLACE will open a new portfolio of presenting Proprietor Specialty artists should address GEORGE WINSHIP, HIS LATEST SONGS. G G 11 It R 0 o F L E of Inn ami more real, genuine Doors open at 7 :30. Performance commences at 8 P. M. No. Third New York. Dates LATEST SONUS. GGUG 11 It 11 oooo F LLLL EEEE artist-, than any other house Btago Director. 448 avenue, HIS ever attempted to do. ' EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY MATINEE. .lways opeu to first class performers. GUS WILLIAMS «>. IN. GOOG II RRRR oooo FFFF L A (US WILLIAMS G G II It 11 0 O P L A A INDORSED BY THE ENTIRE PRESS. Mr. Tom Taylor's original Comedy Drama, in three acts, en¬ AKLING'S OPERA rouse. west tyvkntythird GUS WILLIAMS COMICAL G () SUSTAINED BY A KIND street, late BRYANT'S. OL'S WILLIAMS COLLECTION G II it it o F I. A A AND INDULGENT titled the D of G 11 ItllRIl 0 o FF L A A A GUS WILLIAMS G GG 11 It R o G F I. A A THE RAYNOBS' OVERLAND COTTON AND HEED'S MINSTRELS. GUS WILLIAMS HIS G G II It R o O F L A A ROUTE. The best Programme this week ever presented to the GUS WILLIAMS ORH.INAL Re.Eugene's Vocal Album, the Elopement, the Threepub GUS WILLIAMS DUTCH GOGG II It It OOOO F LLLL A A FIRST ^COMIQUE.^ DROLLERIES. "The performance is of the kind which has made this theatre plTuiirt, Old Uncle Eph., artistic Clog Exercises, Banjo GUS WILLIAMS PERFORMED 130 NIGHTS LAST REASON. famous. . . s Produced on a scale of JSolos, Cornet Solo, Plantation Pastimes and tho now Laugh- GUS WILLIAMS APPEARANCE IQUB. greater apleudoi table and Sketch of in the Kitchen." GUS WILLIAMS NOW MOST MAGNIFICENTLY PUT ON THE STAGE. t2H than over before,'.Now York Horuld. Amusing "Shakespeare Costumes. OPEN at half to Matinee New Scenery. New New Effect*. First time of an entirely now and'original local Drama, by every NIGHT, Evening H; Saturday Matinee at 2; price UL'S WILLIAMS <®>-8» Mile. GKOFFROYin her original rnlo, GIRUKLE GIROFLA. Mr. JOHN K. POOLE, entitled AT 7 P. M. "The general performance received with abundant and NN N EEEE W a W Y Y OO ERR K K CERTAIN rises8 P. M. continuous merriment. It is exquis.tely put ou the stago.". THEATRE, EIGHTH STREET, The Encored. CURTAIN rises 8 P. M. Now York World. rflVOLIX between Second and Third avenues. McKEE AND ROGERS In Principal Songs N N N E W W W Y Y O OR R K K FALK AND ROGERS their NEW Mons. ROGER, in bin ureal part Mol'RZOUK. N N N E W W W Y Y O OR R K K MATINEE commences 2 P. M. 3PAUL Proprietor McKEE Miles. DC PARC. HOSDEZ. KID; N N S KEE WWW YY O O RRR KK MATINEE e minence* 2 P. M. "An exceedingly well balanced play, showing to unusual This Is the ouly Theatre in America conducted ou the Lou- M K E E AND ROGERS SKETCH MM LUDOVIC, Dl'PLAN. VALUER, V Engagement for six with the the strength of Mr. VYallack's The stags Ron music hall system. Open all the year round. McKEE AND ROGERS CALLED N N N K W W Y O O R R K K nights only Humorist, advantage company. and in New York. SATURDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 10, N N N E W W Y 0 OR R K K Mr. ALF. BURNETT, attire is of surpassing beauty.".Now York Times. Best largest Variety Entertainment McKEE AND ROGERS MISCHIEF, first time in who will appear in ins most laughable character sketch, un¬ Grand triumphant success of the Bohemian Pallet Troupe. and in their grent itpeclntty, America, N NN EEEE V V Y 00 U It K K Ravel IN FAIRY LAND. LE CANARD A TRolS DECS, titled "The ship scene, showing the vessel from the stern. sni< Forty artists in Olio of Sensational Specialties, SCENES LB CANARD A Tltois TUF. PREACHER FROM HEPSIDAM1 rouuded tho ocean. Is lor its beauty and ao- E*untoin m e, Grand Orchestral Recitations, SCENES IN FAIRY LAND. BSCS, by extraordinary Bullet, popular FAIRY LAND. (THE WONTJEIIFUL DUCK UAYLIOHT, a backwoods itinerant, who gives a curacy, and the breaking up of the steamer is managed witb Farces, Sketches, Ac. SCENES IN PERFORMED 5O0 NIGHTS IN LONDON AND PARIS. WHANGDOODLE SERMON, telling skill.".New York Tribune. Eight new Stars added to our mammoth combination. Seats can now be secured. Text:."AND THEY SHALL GNAW A FILE." The entertainment will with the Grand Oriental SANFORI) AND WILSON . . . conclude GASLIGHTIASLIGHT and As given by Mr. Burnett in every large elty In the United "The scenery is very beautiful. The effect of sntv Uallot Pantomime, entitled SANFORD AND WILSON f MOONLIGHT, States and is unuaia KIM-KA. SANFORD AND WILSON OWKKY TIIEATHE, MONDAY. OOTOBKR 11, eighty consecutive performances at Egyptian set was truly delightful and realistic. The acting B engagement fur one week only ol'the .ritli J Hall, London. ally good.".VVllkos' Spirit. Grand Family Matinee for Ludiei and Children, Saturday, SANFORD AND WILSON Mr. Burnett is without doubt the most humorist E)ctuber Id. SANFORD AND WILSON groat sensation artist EVERY SCENE, APPOINTMENT AND EFFECT original of MR. JOHN THOMPSON, ENTIRELY NEW known since the days of the lamented 'Artemus Ward." "Tho play Is admirably mounted, and the breaking up os Sunday afternoon, Grand Musical Matinee. in their lunnient sketches. In Ilia successful Sensational His acting Illustrates the aesthetics His Is all tho most at 8 Grand Sacred fol¬ WAR IN THE KITCHEN. highly Drama, ON HAND. and mimicry art, ship realistic.".Arcadian. Sunday evening, o'clock. Concert, Revival of the favorite Farce, PREPARED EXPRESSLY FOR IT. sneli as drapes liis picture'witli ideality. There is nothing lowed with a Grand Variety Performance, commencing at WAR IN THE KITCHEN. is WAR IN THE KITCHEN MY FELLOW CLERK. whatever In lil.s language that gross, coarse, or even win. CARRIAGES MAY BE ORDERED FOR 10:30. one iniitut'> past twelve, not infringing ou the Sunday law. monplace. Ho has a fund ol rich natural humor, originality, Admihsiuu, -5 cent. WAR IN THE KITCHEN. and a WAR IN The KITCHEN. WOOD'S MUSEUM. WOOD'S. Reappearance of {ho groat Olympic favorites the faculty of mimicry in high degree Ho is the very QTEINWAY IIALL. TITIENS. V> MONDAY, Oct. 11, and iucuruutiou of fun, and has never been mm died in his line. 0 TOMORROW (MONDAVI, OCTOBER 11, 1875. JTKINWAY HALL. Limited engagement of tlie MOST VERSATILE ARTISTS LIVINO. BARNEY AND RICKEY FOl RTH AND I.A.ST BUT TWO 5 ANNUAL CONCERT OF THE SCHOLARS OF Dashing Equestrian Actress, JOHNSON AND BRUNO. in a new and funny Sketch, entitled GRAND T1TTESS CONCERT. PROFESSOR E. WALTER K LB1ST, KATE FISHER, JOHNSON AND BRUNO. HASH. iMllc. THERESI-l TITIENS TUESDAY, QCTOBEU 12, 1S75, and her trained Beappoarance of that laughable Teutonic Eccentric, will sing In which they perform Horse, w o JOHNSON AND BRUNO. a § SOLOS AND DUETS "WONDER." JOHNSON AND BRUNO. ps, a MIL D. L. MORRIS, Nnn mi ilir," Grand Aria Don Giovanni DRAMATIC NEWS. who will anoear JOHNSON AND BRUNO. f|= in his original Sketch, enaitled Duet, "Traviata," with Mr. Tom Karl. The brightest, the moat earnest, the best. on EVERY EVENING AND WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY 2 THE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. L'Ardita (by general desire) Arditi alHK Price 8ve cents. SEVERAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ¦y~J' JOHNSON AND BRUNO. SS-3J WITH SONUS, DANCES MATINEES, © 2 JOHNSON AND BRUNO. O O MR. JOHN WILD, Mine. AKAHKLL V UODDARI) will play in the great Ilippndnimsttc Spectacle, A JOHNSON AND BRUNO. ' in his laughable Sketch, entitled Transcription "Auf Elregeln dos Gesange".. Mendelssohn JTHIK DRAMATIC NEWS. and MA/.EPPA: A SCHOOL FOR HUSBANDS- Fautasie, Jules Chivre ou theme, "Star Spungled Banner.* The to state that have made ar PLANTATION MELODIES. JOHNSON AND BRUNO. J. publishers hog they Ob, THE WILD HORSE OF TARTARY. Particular attention is called to Mr. OUS BRUNO'S won¬ MISS LULU DELMAY. Mr. E. SAP K1-',T will play for a series of SCHOOLCRAFT CUES Air W and bv Vleuxtems rangements weekly miss katb fisher derful Rift us an artist of extraordinary attainments, ho AND Russes," by icniawski. "Revlrie," «- 2r*!r:'r-!Murcppn, I sinking correctly in the following different languages:. in an original Sketch, entitled Mr. TOM KARL and Slgnor OKLANDINI. CUIAKESPEARIAN CARTOONS &- The Wild Horse by..i "WONDER" French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Esquimaux, THE MUSICAL ACADEMY. G RA X D O RC11 EST It A. p by Drollnska A. H. Sheldon Irish and English. MR. JOHN ALLEN Conductor Mr. MAX MARETZE1 MATT. MORGAN, IN GEMS OF POPULAR MELODY. Olinska Louise Scandinavian, in his specialties. liauo Mr. GEORGE W. UOLB1 OF POPULAR MELODY, Sylvester Aecuuipauist GEMS Ahder Kuhn Harry Coltuu Reappearance of the very embodiment of fnn, the original The Dutch Combines. pilE DRAMATIC NEW#. GEMS OF POPULAR MELODY, MATBNEKS and only "Flewv" and inimitable Ethiopian Comedian, IIARRY WATSON AND LIZZIE SHERMAN, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY, L Brimful of information. by the gifted youug eantatrlee, MONDAY, TUESDAY. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. Mr. WM. COtRTBIGllf. Mr. WM. COURTRIGIIT. in their Original Sketch, untitled October IS and 15, Articles by the best writers. Miss JENNIE MORGAN. THE GREAT SENSATION. Mr. WM. COIRTRIOHT. Mr. WM. COURTRIGIIT. THE CHANGEABLE DUTCHMAN! THE TWO LAST CONCERTS OF Miss JENNIE MORGAN. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. Mr. WM. COURTIUOHT. Mr. WM. COURTRIGIIT. making one of the quickest changes ever known. Mile. TITIENS. LAYS OF LIFE AND LOVE IN IRELAND. MISS VIRGINIA October at 1 :30 P M UE DRAMATIC NEWS, FIVE CENTS, LOVE IN Uncle Tom Mr. W. A. ROUSE Mr. WM. COURTRIGIIT. Mr. WM. COUKTKIGUT. STICKNKY. SATURDAY. IB, ' out every Thursday. LAYS OK LIFE AND IRELAND, Eva (with Mis* ETTA LEWIS the beautiful and dashing Serlo-Comic Vocalist. LAST TITIENS MATINEE. T LAYS OF LIFE AND LOVE IN IRELAND, song) THE TITIENS. October 10 Sold by all news dealers. AND LOVE IN Topsey Miss THERESK WOOD Reappearance of the marvellous little Artists, AINSLKY8, Brooklyn Academy, LAYS OF LIFE IRELAND, Marks (the lawyer) A. II. SHELDON NED AND WILLIS, S. -. cur. latSteinwai !II. Ti-I an I Broadway. GREAT CARTOON ' THE in their own peculiar original Songs and Dances. J"KXT THE FlEEDINGS. JOHN AND MAGGIE. LOUISE SYLVESTER BABY GYMNASTS, MISS NELLY ST JOHN. IRVING SOPHIA FLORA IN THE DRAMATIC NEWS, JOHN AND MAUU1E. | HALL.MISS UEILBKOK "THE FREE LIST SUSPENDED.' THE FIELDINGtfc Harris HARRY COLTON Mnsters LEOTARD AND HARRY on MISS ADA OLIVER, I A the world renowned pianist. George CARLO, performing firtt appearance in America. A Serlo-Comic Vocalist I GRAND K. L. Mortimer HARRY STEWART a the most feats with nil tho popu¬ _ CONCERT, UY THE DRAMATIC NEWS. THE AUSTIN'S LIGHTNING ZOUAVE DRILL. Roonev IIARRY lofty trapexe extraordinary lar at the London Music Halls. On TUESDAY EVENING. October 12, 1875. at fl o'clock LIGHTNING ZOUAVE DRILL. F. CLIFTON skill, grace anil elegance of the most experienced gymnasts. The 13 The brightest of weeklies. THE AUSTIN'S Miss EMILY MAYNARD, Mrs. M. L. BERRKLL, NOTE.A strong net is spread beneath the daringy ouug performance concludes each evening, and Wednesday \ ocalists.Soprano. Mies MATILDA HOFFMANN com Ofilco 31 Union square. THE AUSTIN'S LIGHTNING ZOUAVE DRILL. O. W. WKSSELS, CHRISTIE MILLER, their wonderful and Saturday Matinee, with the laughable Local Drama, en¬ tralto, Mis* A. UEEKE baritone, Mignor G. TAGLI.v'l'IK KATE HaLPIN, NELLIE SANDFORD, gymnasts during performance. titled TRA; Violin. Mr. EDWIN MDLLfe.Nll AUKR; violoncello B. GOUGU. THE FREEMAN SISTERS MUSEUM DEPARTM ENT. THE FATTEST AND FUNNIEST OF COMEDIANS, MR. THE PICNIC; Mr. CHARLES VERNER: accompanists. flienor ALBITEH "JOHN in their beautiful (ketch called NOW ON BXHIUITION, FROM s A M. TO 0 P. M. OH. WHERE'S MY DOO. oignor A. TOMASI and Signor MODERATE Tickets $1 STEINWAY HALL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14. rLEASE LET M V BROTHER GO. ADMISSION, S3 CENTS JOHN HART. Bill Mawlcy, a itlnted Liuxer and discon¬ each. Reserved seats. 25c. entra. to lie hud of Messrs. Schist PLEASE LET MS' BROTHER GO. P. T. BAUNUM'S $20,000 solate dog fancier Mr. Sam Rickey nier, 701 Broadway; Schuherth. 23 Union srjasre; Pond, :« Entirely new Lecture "BLUNDEK8" PLEASE LET MY BROTHER GO. (LIVING) Harry Staiiion, an ex porter In luck Mr George .Maddux Union square; % II T MESSRS. HARPER AND STANSILL. ANOTHERa V r\T 11 I.' I> RIFI.E1 SHOOTING will bo Received each HARDING'S, 229 , opposite Prince street. COMEDY SENSATION. First time, a new and comical Mr. MATCH, Subscriptions Bend for R B K A A II 1> II T KUiiopiau Sketch, by to commence at the ( .unique at the Director's office at the Academy of Music daily froa stamp catalogue. RRRR KEEE AAA A II I> II T JJYRON'S Win Conrtright, called, Monday, October ir. U to 3 o'clock. I) T "whose FUNERAL IS IT? R R E A A l> II WEEK. Romeo Horseradish Mr. WM. COURTRIGIIT on which occasion THE THREE CRACKED TEAMS will Titiens Concerts the R R K A A II D II T compete for superiority. PRICES FOR SINGLE NIGHTS. s at regular price at TYSON'S New R EEEEE A A I)ODD II T ^TH Salamander Salad Mr. (i. W. GRIFFIN JEFF and $10. Theatre Office, Windsor Hotel. R Klill am fat Mr W. MARRIN Captain SAUNDERS. Commanding. Boxes, T2f>, $13 CROWDED I Christopher Master MARTIN General admission, $1. Mir II DRAMATIC Chips /MLMORE'S concert garden. Reserved seats. $1 and $2 extra. POPE, ART, ELOCUTION, AC. FOR THIS WEEK JJOUSES Samson Slips.... Mr. JOHN GILBERT 50 cents. Reserved seats, 50 cents. "» r . Actor anil PRACTICAL TO PROGRAMME A. Family Circle. do., INSTRUCTION rrofeiwi DTRINO Joe Corn...... Mr HKLLAMY THE HANDSOMEST AND MOST Tho list will bo closed on Octobet Elocutionist, LADIES OB GENTLEMEN, PRE- O-vertnre "AUK BOYS !" The acknowledged Champions on the Banjo, Messrs. subscription Wednesday. Address PARING FOR PRIVATE THEATRE The comical national Ethiopian sketch called BUCKLEY AND TURNER. DELIGHTFUL GARDEN IN THE WORLD. 13, and the sale of reserved seats for single nights will com THE BLACK MAIL CARRIER. UILMOKK'8 MAGNIFICENT BAND mcnoe Thursday, October 14, at tl o'clock A. M. LYRIC HALL, CAL8, PARLOR RECITATIONS OK THE BLACK MAIL CARRIER. BUCKLEY AND TURNER. of Sixth avenue. THE STAGE. LYRIC HALl., WITH Wilson TUB THE GREAT OLYMPIC COMPANY ! OYER ONE HUNDRED PERFORMERS Call at I or 7 P. m. FINE STAGE FOR PROPER RE¬ Sara Charity Messrs. JOHN HART, I'AT ROONKY, BLAND HOLT ^ AN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS, NEW HEARSALS. Oeorue Frank Oirard JS WM. EVERY NIGHT. s7AN FRANCISCO MINM'KELsJ OPER V IIOUSR, Clara .Miaa Sabrie Deshun WILLIAM B CAH ILL. COURTRIGIIT, JOHN NEW YORK'S GREATEST ATTRACTION. BROADWAY, CORNER TWENTY-NINTH STIIKKT. FUROR ENTIRE OH A NO E OK HILL TlilS WEEK. TJAN.IO..THE HANJO AND GUITAR TAUGHT IN A IRISH SONGS, DANCES AM) STORIES, XjtABHIONABLB THE GREAT LEVY, FIRST TIME OF Jj single course ol lessons; also all styles of danciug for IRISH BONUS, DANCES AND STORIES, OUR BOYS Lie minstrel and variety stage. WILLIAM CAKLETON. TN SEVEN CITIES, IN ONE OF HIS GRANDEST SOLOS OCR BOYS. HENRY C. DOBSON, 340 Bowery. TRY UNA EDWIN IDA GREENFIELD. ADDIE FAR- OUR BOYS. OF LIGHTNING ZOUAVE C WKI'l, JULIA R0BIN8ON. KITTIE PARKER, PEARL THE YOUNG APOLLO THE JpilE DIRECTORS THE DRILL, ROM LONDON TO CHICAGO I THORNTON. NELLIE CALVERT. Ac., Ac. CLUB, AFRICAN DWARF, J. NEW YORK CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC LIGHTNING ZOUAVK DRILL, "LI THE COLORED IIAMTOWN STUDENTS. <$> BROADWAY MILLINERS, (No. 5 East 14th near av.. AND CARRIE AUSTIN. a new of Iresh, Voices, and NIGHT. st., 5th next to Dellnonioo'l). CHARLES The with the new Local Drama organisation yonng RECEIVED WITH SCREAMS EVERY take pleasure In announcing that the first of a series oi' six performance concluding THE .HILL! EST ENTERTAINMENT IN THE CITY. Soirees of Chamber Music will be given at tony" PASTOR GEORGE VANDKN1IOFF, Mine. MARIE SALVOTTI, WANTED.2t*isniart to up button*. hooka ana been a of BY DAYLIGHT. GASLIGHT AND M00N- §uy» pick CHICKKKING'S new TONY PASTOR MR.having engaged by committee gentlemen, NEw'yORK * , hall, eyee every morning. friends with a few nonsensical will give hi* LAST KEAiH.Vd for the teuton, at ASSOCIA¬ LIGHT. the larorito SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 20. will entertain hi* Songs. a New York Soprano. scats secured. .Matinee Saturday at 2. A« these soirees are designed to cultivate and refine the TION HALL, on Thursday evening, October 14. Andy Flynn, representative ol and the The emotional sketch entitled Tickets, 50 cents; reserved teats, 7.» cents. For sale at newsboy, a smart specimen of that use¬ PROGRAMME. taste pupils public, the renowned NEW YORK and class Miss Adah Richmond THEATRE . OUARTEr, consisting of Messrs Edward M< lleuhaner G PLEASE LET MY BROTHER GO. Ourtoy't book store, Fourth avenue, corner of Twenty third ful enterprising PART I. GRAND opening night M. and f. LET MY BROTHER GO street; Hrantnno's, ."i9 Union square. Dunn Browne, an erratic character, author of 1. STADT llatxk i. Schwarts, Bergner. have been engaged PLEASE the grand tragedy in fourteen acts, "llio Ocertnre. "Kgmont"... Beethoven of Iran A ('hl.""la'« nnu will perform only classical music of the highest order Yonnir Willie German Mies SUSIE FREEMAN YEAR Mr. 2. Meditation, "Ave Maria" Gounod FRENCH OPERA BOI'FKE COMPANY, Assisted distinguished pianists and vocalists. Gorman, his sister Miss LIZZIE FREEMAN ELEVENTH Murderous Mutineer", Bland Holt 8, Grand introducing the gems of OCTOBI R I\ at « I' M liy Jennie E of the Sam Holmes, a Metropolitan policeman, oc¬ Selection, FRIDAY, The price for single tickets will be pi 50 John Goodheart FRANK UIltARD Brooklyn Conservatory of Mnsic, detailed for detective duty Mr. W. B. Cahitl 'Afrleaine," "II Proleta." "Dinorau," LA KILI.E DE MADAME AN (JOT, The price for the series of six concerts g ijO door casionally "L'Etnila du N'ord," "Robert ie Diablo," and with the same can as at the flieatre. of the are entitled to OF MELODY. lit) State street, second from Clinton. flunkey Muscle, an ambitious pugilist, looking "Les I.)yeutn Patrons Conservatory free admission A BOUQUET Now opeu. for his "first light" Mr. John liart Huguenots" Meyerbeer More partienlars in mommy papera. to these entertainments. A BOUQUET OF MELODY. ,1. W. Director. to firm PART II. Subscription books open daily from 0 A. M. to 9 P. M. Miss .1ENNIE MORGAN. GROSCHEL, William Forbes, bookkeeper the 4. Cornet Solo.Aria from "il Bravo" Mercsdaute of Bedford A Co...... Mr. G. W. II. Griffin Mr M. AKHl i'KLK AVEm'k AND THIRTIETH STREET. SINN'S , RROOKLYN. Harvey Todd, head clerk to the same firm, AKlSlVXTBH CROWNING IRII >1 I'll. W5NGLISH OPERA..EXCELLENT SEATS FOR ANY Comic Ethiopian Sketch, called I louses crowded to the roof fast and dishonest Mr. W. 5. Aria for Soprano."Hear ye, Israeli" from "Elijah" ANTE. mli performance of tbis week may be bad of Mr. GUERN¬ WAR IN IHi- KITCHEN. (10L. J fearfully dreadfully G. Reed Mendelssohn RKCHERi III SOIREE DANS . WAR IN THE KITCHEN. to see THE GREAT NOVELTY TROUPE. Cadger, a recent importation from the Mme. MARIE SALVOTTI. BEACTI I. dam CHARMING MUSIC SEY. Ne« Stars and a Now Hill this week, nightly. Mother Country, and a most "hun- lt\ COMMENCING AT 9 O'CLOCK, HANNAH CHARLES WILSON AND Wm. 6. "Rhapsodic llungroise," No 2 l.isit EVI NIGHT, JAMES SANPORD WEDNESDAY SATURDAY MATINEES. lucky cove" Mr. Conrtright Last of this nor the season. ENTRANCE ON HHRTIETH STREET TJOOTH'S THEATRE. KELLOGG, JOsIAII waiter at BierGarden Mr. Gus Bruno performance during present EVERY SATI RDAY V few choice reserved seats for the GRAND In tills will en various mush al instru¬ Ilans, Lager - a. and i from the revi- MATINEE MT'KUNOON, XJ ENG¬ sketch they perform 11 t «. t norus. ( "Ninety Nine,"u populai AT 3 TEINWAY ALL..VFIHTE CERVANTES Ramsey Fast clerks, ....Mr. John Gilbert »«i.t.i . Anecdotes, Lecture!, Ac. Lilly Coventry Mr J.LEVY. Street and Vanderbllt avenue, Tuesday evening, October 12, JOSEPH WHITE, Violinist; Becky artificial fiowcr builder. Miss Una Edwin PART III. 7 M. B-YGI R ORDER f'oR SEATS FOR WREST- beginning nt 1% o'clock. Reserved Chairs. 50 cents, can HIBERNIAN DUETS, YONM IO CERVANTES, Pianist. Sarah Smith I Working t Miss Addle Farwell 0. Grand from Oberun."Ocean, Thoti Mighty I J, ling tnateli is loat; box plau and sale of seata at Grand how be or of L. Decker A 154 Their first appearance In America, assisted by woll known Kate Jones I girls, i Miss Ida Greenfield Scena, ll. use Tuesday morning. M L. S. secured at Hie Palkce, Co., HIBERNIAN DUETS, male and Street Monster !" Weher Opera street. (he JOHN and MAOOIB Full particulars in future advertisements. Cltliens, female, Characters. Ac. in. No. 2- We tier pelitre ___ By FIELDINGS Selection, -"Lohengrin" SYNOPSIS OF SCENERY, INCIDENTS, AC. 11. Uraud March."Tsniihaiixur" Wagner VIOLIN, GUITAR, FLUTE, SINGING, fFEWEST AND BEST MUSIC-"ROSE MICHEL Original Comic Act, RAM ATIC EXPRESSION AND GRACEFUL GHS- Scene first.Gaslight.German Lager Beer Garden.The Choral."OLD HI NUKED " CTARP..PIANO.) Organ, private lessons only; circular* mailed free. GALOP," A. II. Pease, 40c,; "Polonaise Character- MISCHIEF. n ture taught to ladies, gentlemen and children for ama> Fast Clerk and his Friends.The Man of Genius.Ttie Theft. Piano Accompanist ...Signer E. MARZO ,1 JAY WATSON, Muaieal Director, 33 Eaav and 24 Weal t'»* a-.; Gavotte from "Don J nan," John, teurperformances, readings ami the stage: a first class The Arrest -Striking Tableau. Scene Second.Broadway .s) Fourteenth streets. que," Mouiussko, Mischief. on for and Admission, cents. Bovos, admitting four, fd. :., as played by Dr. Ilans Von BulOW, with fino portrait of AND reader rati bo engaged, moderate terms, parlor read¬ by Gaslight.The Newsboy Ills Savings.The Working uml New . a great artist; "Passing Bell" song, Tour#,406.; ".lolly SCENES IN FAIRY LAND. ings, choreh, societies. Ar; amateur rehearsals directed; In¬ t.lrls-tPi'lde Poverty.The Tragedy.Crushed lio," FRENi I! CLASSES TILL FEBKI AKY; ARONSON'S IMMENSELY POPULAR coMI'OSL Pgllows" waits. Strauss. 7uc. "The Nun and the Fountain, SCENES I.N FAIRY LAND. dian clubs. 275 West Twenty third street, 1(1 to 3 P. M. Hopes. Scene Third.Tho Bookkeeper's House by Candle >P&'J. speaking guaranteed; attendance free for a week; Kl'Ptions played by Thomas'. Uilmnrt'a, Gratulla'a, Down- Sherwood, $l "Hkldmore Guard, Braham, song, 40c.; BY McKEE AND ROGERS. MATCH. l.lght.The Evening Paper.Andy's Expectations.The Po¬ Literature and Sciences; private lessons Prof. DKVE2K, Itig'a, Bernstein's and Landei s hands and tbe principal the. "Galop. 30c.; 50c Conies mailed WILLIAM WRESTLING liceman's Visit.An Unwuleome Errand.The Warrant.Ar¬ of the Unirerslte dc France, HP West Thirtieth street. atre\ com erts, balls, Ac.."Our "La Co¬ "Quadrille," rjIHE rest of William Forbes.The Robbery.Emotional l.nvely Hudson," A. POND A CO., 547 Broadway; Branch store, 30 Union The sale of seats and boxes commence! at Grand charge. OF I» EAST quette." "l'res St tiervaia." welttea. each 7oc.; "Juat la THF, WONDERFUL ACROBATS, Opera Tableau.The Fast Clerk's Visit.An Insult.Andy In a Free R~THOMAS, TEACHER SINGING, Time'' ".Jockey," "Regatta," "La Fav» . Tableau, Scene Fourth.Local View . Twenty sixth street. 'AwfullyJolly," gquare PROFESSOR LEON AND HIS THREE SONS, House Tuesday morning, 9 o'clock. Fight.Exciting by rite," "Sleigh Ride galops, each 40e "Maiurka Melo¬ undermgnK.d desires to in- PROFESSOR LEON AM) Ills THREE Gaslight.Dun Browne's Trials.The Disappointed Pugilist. dious," tsv ; "L'Aulcu,'' -tuc ; Murom. hie. he has SONS, The Newsboy's Love Making.Progress of the Plot. t 'omits HE RTAiE..PROFESSOR FUlLIP LAWRENCE, mailed. DITSO.N Trinmphale," Sparking.theform his numerous friends and the public that EDWARD, ALFRED AND JOSEPH, OPEN. Scene Fifth.In the author of "Model "Lawrence Speaker. t urn- Copies A CO 711 Broadway. established his headquarters at John Wood's Gymnasium, In their unequalled gymnastic performance. Situation. Tombs by Daylight.The T Speaker," ladies ami in d East eighth where he will be rY FOURTH GRAND NATIONAL EXHIBITION Prisoner.The New Jailer.The Fast Clerk Pays a \ islt.At¬ stock's Elocution," do., instructs guntiemsn SOIREES DAXs ANTES,.IRVING II po. Twenty street, prepared Strike a vs. the order of the art. 46 East Tenth street. ALU to give instruction lu the manly art at hours to stdt the con¬ The performance mncltding with On* Williams' great of the tempt to Bargain.Liberty Honor.The Book¬ highest SAU8RSEVERY SATURDAY EVENING. AT H O'CLOCK. venience of pupil#. WILLIAM McLELLAN. Dialect Farce, entitled keeper Finds a Friend.A Ray of Light in the Gloom of the KLCiCUTIONTDRAMATIC ART. VOCAL MASONIC IIAI.L, TUESDAY. Ot ToBF.R 12. THE HAPPY FAMILY. AMERICAN INSTITUTE, Prison.'Touching Tableau. Scene Sixth.In the Streets- "/TmERICAN2V culture, ratorv, Ac., by special and experi¬ v COLLEGE OF KLOl TION AND ORATORY, « THE HAPPY FAMILY Moonlight Coming.Tho Prisoner's Daughter.The Lsst COLLEGE enced professors for each separate do| nrt- S ORAFl'I.LA'S Xr and sts. Lion In Love.The Holmes on t 1> . at the NEW YORK CONSERVATORY, TUB HAPPY FAMILY icond and Third avs. and Sixty-third Sixty-fourth liope.Tito Disguise.Sam the OF ment Connected with tbe GLAND ON- CI SEVEN 1II REGIMENT BAND. ¦> THE Right Track.Harvey Todd in the Snare. Scene Seventh. of Ml sic, 112 FIFTH K! AVENUK No Last 14th street, near 5th avenue,next to Delmonieo's. HAPPY F AM I TV.... York of ORATORY. sERVATOBT EAST TENTH ST RE IT, NEAR FOURTH The ABLEST PROFESSORS IN America are engaged. THE HAP'Y FAMILY. ONDERFUL MACHINES SPLENDID PRODUCTS! New by Moonlight.Exterior Osmlng House.Heavy AVKNI K, NEW YORK. THE HAPPY FAMILY. Losses.How tho Dctcctbcs Work.The Grip.Caught in VOCAL CLASSES JAKE ONDKRDONK QC8 WILLIAMS Admission, 50 cents; Children, 25 cents. His Own Trap.Arrost of Harvey Todd.The \V rong Righted GREAT WRESTLING HATCH at Last.The Prisoner Free.Desperation and Death of the 15REEof Hie "Orplieon Society" organise to morrow (Men- Mr. Meekly Frank Girard WILL Fast Clerk.Grand and rpilE will take evening LL day) evening, at H, at No. 7 West Eighteenth street, for Mrs. Meekly Miss Lissln Freeman I THEATRICAL MANAGER TAKE TWO Impressive Denouement. place Tuesday KIND Ikdnlts W BUTLER DUNCAN, I'resident. Kitty Mias Maggie Fielding II pupils and place in bis company, to start shortly. Ad- a! th o A JkitouK and Director. at once, MANAGER, station D. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AT 2. BRAND oi'ERA HOUSE. lloraivs. Secretary ess, MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AT 2. THE METROFOK So company. MATINEES TUE3)AY N ACTRESS AND DRAMATIC MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AT 2. ITlOlt THE MONTH OF OCTOBER.-GREAT AT- SIS Broadway. EL MONSTF.RV S SPARRING. FENCING. ROW- AND FRIDAY. ACCOMPLISHED I'OLONKl. MONSTF.KY'8 Gal¬ Intr and 019 Slxtlt avenue MATINEES TUESJAY AND FRIDAY. L reader teaches the art of elocution in one terra; In¬ MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AT 2. Jj traction safety shooting COLON Shooting Academy, Importer directs satisfaction OltJ Sixth avenue no vhargo for entrlei; valuable mHK seventh assume raucr tamhani gnd dealer !n Fencing Apparatus and Boxing Gloves. MATINEES TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. dicts amateurs and rehearsals; perfect lery, w.v --l i>v H.»u lor tliosuperior circn- <&- .arantoed. Address LADY TEAZLE, box 5,237 New Yorx Doors^jpen at 71^. Performance commences at 7^. prises gnen to the three best marksmen. 1 Hull Pfmoofntic CommtufcN. Agent Hydraulii Rowing Machine. Send tor - Morr.on iiH.litn NOTE 1IIB DAYS. ist office. Admission fat cents. K*muel 8. Cox, J. A Brail ami Reserved seats. $1. | Family circle 2f> cents. TEST OUT.."RAPID TRANSIT OA LOP" AND tVmt Fourth * " 1l**' 11 ' boidqtunors, n r :nvur l<> ...... LATE...... Privato boxes. aud "Around tbe World at the Academy of at 7 ..JO V. The ptlblir CONCERTS.-THE BEST SEATS FDR THE AND IFftlDAY. renuaaePENCKR'8 oonmnuCENTRAL PARK GARDEN, $10, #o, t) Walte,"¦ played "" X2% AJU» (fHTIENS fCRSJAY *0. Keats secured six In advance. Music and theatres composed by BatKartholdhi'" Meyer, but lata Mr .IUUN I. J* \lildCi. Cluumuu. J Titiens Concerts ran he had nt the regular price fit the MATINEES TIEhiAY AND FRIDAY. Thomas', In let tor halls, concerts, leotores, ApptJ friKiri days """ * u a i siirK.q lUJiJAAX * vn Fin t>av k YjYi.v >ua K JU \ psutre lickft R'NCsfa t'lAMU llt 'lli j 3U *19adBAj. (