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K HERALD, MONDAY, S]EPTKMBER 20, 1875-Tkli'le SHEET NEW YOR:K HERALD, MONDAY, S]EPTKMBER 20, 1875-TKli'LE SHEET. J2 . pikfoskh. 1 1 PVR BAT.*-, «]iu let PO» ttgnreaa FIBVISUEU IIOOMS A.ITD AFARTBIXTI ANV8F.nK.VTK. AMUaKMKXTS. ABlDSBSMKWTfc. CITl REAL ESTATE _ ~ " to LJBT. *_ ^ -SPLENDID LOPTH, WITH STEAM POWER; sit BKOAOWAY S ML'SEl'M. WOOD'S TLCBTBOPOXJTAN CMtMl. front to for a term ('OMloi'K, YVOOD THEATRE. 6*7 BROADWAY. A also 2<*> fort water let of year* or TO Mr. JOSII IIAKT »» . Tina iVl M 165 PRIVATE FAMILY DESIRE RENT A PARLOR TMRATKE Proprietor STARTLING! SALE an elegant ii.rsale. JOSEPH KOKULEK, Chatham equate, V and Bedroom or lurge square Room to or TIIK HOMB OK ORIGINALITY EVENING AT H, I AFTERNOON AT I, SEPT 4 oreat BARGAIN-FoR near t>auk gentlemen MONDAY. 30. J\ lour brown .tone House. Forty si Uh etreet building. young couple, neer the Windsor; 82l> to $3.1, according to OPENING OK KALL AND W1NTEU SEASON. H. C. FRANCE I JENNIE MORTON Eugugeraent at the enormous salary of #3,000 par weak, la utory SA.ulEL ELLA', apartments. Befereuoes. Address box lXi Hernia GKKAT GAKNKLLAH, In I in of 1'itth avenue. 2.'>x>j*ix 1<J0, poaMMiou. A STORE NEAR NEW POET OPPIt'K To ALSO L'ptuwn DEAD TO THE AVENGER. GOLD, '2 Park r LET; Brunch allies. who perform the wonderful fe»t. WORLD NEOTA, THE THE ORIGINAL (JKKCIAN TROUPE OF Rio |»ie< ,'Y three story brown atone liouee near the park, fOO. doutde somerset from shoulder to shoulder. NOW O.N EXHIBITION, I' T. BAU.N'UM'S KA EAST to Mr. Fraukiort corner Frankfort and LIEDAOYNAL A FIRST CLASS BROWN STONE HOl'SE.114 5iiii'ly SMITH, House, WELL KEPT, FCRNISHED SECOND These great Artists were WaiK*» ElVINli WHOSE VIVID TABLEAUX and dRACEKUL ('.ROUP- finished in cabinet, frescoed anil \V illiaoi streets. or iu to first introdueed to the New York public BABY ll U'POrOTAMCB. ING uo trua lover of art / »A. Hcrrniy tniirth street, nESIRABLR,Floor, wholly part, let, without board, to IN KIT should uerlnet seeing. They era maimed throughout, will bo euid I No. Hi West Tenth street, between Firth gentlemen.und five veitrs ago, by Mr. JOSH HAi'.T MONDAY. SEPTEMBER i!7, F. K. I'llANFRAH Poetic, Beautiful, Artistic mid Classical. cL«a^ mature unjhe BAKERY TO LET IN 302 EAST Sixth avenues. I.IKE BCHOoLCKAKT, GEO. COBS, Second weak of UANEMENTEleventh street, near Second avenue, oven in good WALTERS and MORTON, Miss 1.11 U DKLMAY, I) AKK theatre, MADAME RENT/, .X KEMAI.R «i ou the MTNSTEEL9 a VERY HANDSOME FULL-SIZED HOUSE.ON Euuiiire premises. coulitioo. ECBNT8HED ROOMS TO LET.SELECT EDNA MAHKLEY, Mr JOHN ALLEN, J. Bru.tdw.ty .ml T»ruty **<-un<l .treat In their beautiful Musical Entertainment. Fifty firat street, near Fifth avenue, for sale or to lean; PfLBUANTLYi neighborhood; references required. 217 East Twelfth LITTLE MAC, LARKY TOOLEY, Au e.tabllHlieil HUt'cena. WAYNE and I.O\KI,Y, tit" Song anil Ounce Monarch!. immediate puneiaiuB i or will eirhanirr for larger Houao, on T LET.AT LOW RENT, UNTIL MAY NEXT, THE street HOANLON and CRONIN "BY A LARGE MAJORITY." W. H. COLLINS anil MISS SEAHKOOK, avenue. RAJ. LYNCH A WOOD. 11 Pine street. FO Whole or Part of second floor, suitable for business or Great succrss of the ustoiiishiuK, bewildering, comical, tlmt til' In the Powerful Drama, J'lUii esidence, at 166 Fifth avenue. Inquire on premises. PARLORS AND OTHER ROOMS, KIR ecstatic, funoiful, glecsoiue, humorous, dellghiiul. the florences THE PIRATE CAPTAINt CORNER PROPERTY (OVER FIVE JRUKUJITj nished to suit the occupants to let, to gentlemen only; jovial, killing, laughable, mimical, uonseiisieal,Incmupurahie, the florences OR,THE WHITE SLAVE OK ill ADALOUPE. Intel on Fifth avenue lor aale.Suitable for Orel class frO LET.WITH STEAM POWER, LA ROE BUILDING house and neighborhood first class; terms low 37 Last pleasing, quissical refulgent, satirical, thrilling,opportune, the florences MATINEE To MtlKitoW, TUESDAY. AbPLEXDID<>r French house, tlie finest cur- jI or any Part at McCLAVE'S, street and Twentieth unique, the florences Secure ynur seals during the rltib hnuee hotel apartment i Twenty-second street, near Broadway. visionary, wonderful, excelling, youth inspiring, tlaj pel on the avenue for immediate improvement. Jeveutb avenue. Travesty, eutitled scatprovoking the florences M A J. LYNCH A WOOD, 11 Pine street. THE i i It K V T HIIT.R KIIIUlTIVll M lTl'11 the florences "OOOTH'S THEATRE no LOFTS OF tfcrnished ROOMS to let.withopt board. the SPECIAL. LET-SECOND, THIRD AND FOURTH J near Filth avenue and Broadway. Apply at No, IS between the picked teams of tile florences HALE..1 OFFER MY RESIDENCE. ON SIXTY- 1I building No. lilBarday street; suitable fur any light West Twenty-fifth street. MULLIGAN and SKIDMOKE GUARDS, in B. K Wolf* liiinioriiua n.tire, -. For the KLYINO SCUD the door* will he opened ut INoR-rcottci street, near Park avenue, fur sale. Perecus n at present fitted up for the manufacture ol'clothing,bustess; which for the past two weeks ban delighted thousands, and mighty dollar w a. itthinff tc nurchabe a first claws bouse cheap tuaj apply for 'ith cutting boards. Ay in order, which will be let with the AND rXKl IN DE unhesitatingly pronounced the event of the season, and mighty dollar. (even, and the curtaiu will he raised at o'clockhalfpa-t 1< ifts if un second loft. RNlSHED KOOM&. mighty eight permits to the owner. at 336 Bowery, up stairs^ desired. Inquire IjTl'RNISHEDsirable locations, ftt minterute rents. with peals of Joyous laughter and unqualified praise,rueeived dollar. HOLM KB 46 East street. having been newly recruited for this occasion. MIGHTY DOLLAR. precisely. Holder* of coupon* are respectfully asked to occupy foB SALE.Til E HANDBOOK THREE STORY BROWN f]PO LET OR LEASE.A LIQUOR AND OYSTER BROTHERS, Twenty-third Reappearance ol the world reDowued Ethiopian 0 .median mighty dollar. J sloue House 13!) East Fifty second street, near Lexing- J loou on one ol the leuding streets in Brooklyn; StockSAL T7IURNI8HED NEATLY A LARUE FRONT ROO.M, and Cotuique favorite, every night their seat* in good season, as the iuterest of the story tun aTen ue; immeiliaie poseession; cheap to a prompt par- and Fixtures tor sale. Apply at 207 and 200 Myrtle avenue. r with all convenience* for with large Med* J J W W MR. JOHN WILD and >n housekeeping, O 0 I I SATURDAY MATINEE with the Hist scene. chaser Apply premises. Z room connecting, gas and hath, rent $7; also a large back MR. JOHN WILD of the play begins HO RENT room, $4 oO. 776 Greenwich street. H L II L MR. JOHN WILD until rurtner notice. VoR BALK.NEW <35 FKETi FOUR STORY HIGH 1I The Building on the south side of Twenty-sixth street, N D N D MR. JOHN WILD Bouts secured ten days in uilvuuce. THEATRE. GEORGE BELMORE. r stoop brown stone Dwelling, 649 Madison avenue, near extending from Fifth avenue to Broadway, rooms for Mr. WILD will appear in his new interlude, vis. Order curri*#** «t 10:tfO. J^OOTIPS Sixtieth street, with full view of Park; the cars throuun Elf- c< Nos. 212 and 214 Fifth avenue and and gentlemen, ** month; MV WIVK AND MOTHER For accommodation ot strangers good Heats retaiued. PALMER to announce a ^uprising 1,134 Furnishedlarge Room for housekeeping or gentlemen, |20 month; IN LAW JARKKTT A Leg brief ti ninth street. crossing all other Unea, make the location 1,136 Broadway, bath. Real Estate 17 AN ENTIRE NEW OLIO, with engagement convenient. elias G. from 1876 on a gas, office, Ahinfrdon square, Eighth all TOUm TIIKATKK, i ITH AND9TH AV. most brown, owner, May 1, long lease ueiwoen meeexer ami rwetitu streets. Introducing the Mammoth Company in all 09SBBT MR. GKOROE 20 Na»«au street or No. fl West Kitty sixth street. The owner can he seen at Laidlaw A Co. a. 12 Pine street, avenue, ENTERTAINMENT OK UNl J the renowned English character actor,BF.I.MORE,who will o SUAl. MERIT, OFKKA nppear lily persous who may desire to occupy the building HALL 60 presenting new Acts, Songs, Sayings, Sketches. Ac., and all FRENCH BOtFKE. EVERY NIGHT AND AT THE SATURDAY MATINEE, paljs-a four story high stoop new m need apply. tliemslves ROOMS, f2 AND fa WEEKLY; the novelty ul' the day. in Dion Boucicault's Sensatlnual Drama nf four acts, brown stone House; cabinet trimmed; extra ~ tU'BN'ISHEDSleeping Rooms $1, $1 St); quiet private house; bath, THE GREAT Last week of Mm# L'AROJITDUC. THE FLYING For plummet!; Ac fine location. No. 100 East Fifteenth street, threw OARNBLLAS. Last week of Mine. SCUD, fifty thirtl street, near Broadway a bargain. ifl -BROADWAY FLOORS AND PART FLOORS doors tVoiu Union Hotel. the premier gymnasts, in their graceful and artistic L'ARCHIDUC. assuming his unrivalled part of Old J W. STEVENS, Broadway and 51st street. «j| ' to let for bnelnese and dwelling; fhruished and Square performance. NAT GOSLING, Houses, near Fifth avenue; Houses for sale cheap.tmimished MISS LULU DELMAY, LAST SIX NIGHTS and MATINEE of Mine. L'ARCHIDUC, a character imporaonated ly him with unvarying, T.H HOUSE SALE.AT A BARGAIN. IN ROOMS ON SECOND AND THIRD the beautiful Serio in new success Ureal RNIS11ED FOR O'DWYER, 1,256 Broadway. floors for families and at No. 22 (Tootle, songs. throughout Britain and Ireland immensefor J? Ninth street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues..four = IjHJJUWHHD single gentlemen Ml una makkley, TIIK BEST OF OFFENBACH'S WORKS, Mine.
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