NEW YOR:K HERALD, MONDAY, S]EPTKMBER 20, 1875-TKli'LE SHEET. J2 . pikfoskh. 1 1 PVR BAT.*-, «]iu let PO» ttgnreaa FIBVISUEU IIOOMS A.ITD AFARTBIXTI ANV8F.nK.VTK. AMUaKMKXTS. . ABlDSBSMKWTfc. CITl REAL ESTATE _ ~ " to LJBT. *_ ^ -SPLENDID LOPTH, WITH STEAM POWER; sit BKOAOWAY S ML'SEl'M. WOOD'S TLCBTBOPOXJTAN CMtMl. front to for a term ('OMloi'K, YVOOD THEATRE. 6*7 . A also 2<*> fort water let of year* or TO Mr. JOSII IIAKT »» . Tina iVl M 165 PRIVATE FAMILY DESIRE RENT A PARLOR TMRATKE Proprietor STARTLING! SALE an elegant ii.rsale. JOSEPH KOKULEK, Chatham equate, V and Bedroom or lurge square Room to or TIIK HOMB OK ORIGINALITY EVENING AT H, I AFTERNOON AT I, SEPT 4 oreat BARGAIN-FoR near t>auk gentlemen MONDAY. 30. J\ lour brown .tone House. Forty si Uh etreet building. young couple, neer the Windsor; 82l> to $3.1, according to OPENING OK KALL AND W1NTEU SEASON. H. C. FRANCE I JENNIE MORTON Eugugeraent at the enormous salary of #3,000 par weak, la utory SA.ulEL ELLA', apartments. Befereuoes. Address box lXi Hernia GKKAT GAKNKLLAH, In I in of 1'itth avenue. 2.'>x>j*ix 1r French house, tlie finest cur- jI or any Part at McCLAVE'S, street and Twentieth unique, the florences Secure ynur seals during the rltib hnuee hotel apartment i Twenty-second street, near Broadway. visionary, wonderful, excelling, youth inspiring, tlaj pel on the avenue for immediate improvement. Jeveutb avenue. Travesty, eutitled scatprovoking the florences M A J. LYNCH A WOOD, 11 Pine street. THE i i It K V T HIIT.R KIIIUlTIVll M lTl'11 the florences "OOOTH'S THEATRE no LOFTS OF tfcrnished ROOMS to let.withopt board. the SPECIAL. LET-SECOND, THIRD AND FOURTH J near Filth avenue and Broadway. Apply at No, IS between the picked teams of tile florences HALE..1 OFFER MY RESIDENCE. ON SIXTY- 1I building No. lilBarday street; suitable fur any light West Twenty-fifth street. MULLIGAN and SKIDMOKE GUARDS, in B. K Wolf* liiinioriiua n.tire, -. For the KLYINO SCUD the door* will he opened ut INoR-rcottci street, near Park avenue, fur sale. Perecus n at present fitted up for the manufacture ol'clothing,bustess; which for the past two weeks ban delighted thousands, and mighty dollar w a. itthinff tc nurchabe a first claws bouse cheap tuaj apply for 'ith cutting boards. Ay in order, which will be let with the AND rXKl IN DE unhesitatingly pronounced the event of the season, and mighty dollar. (even, and the curtaiu will he raised at o'clockhalfpa-t 1< ifts if un second loft. RNlSHED KOOM&. mighty eight permits to the owner. at 336 , up stairs^ desired. Inquire IjTl'RNISHEDsirable locations, ftt minterute rents. with peals of Joyous laughter and unqualified praise,rueeived dollar. HOLM KB 46 East street. having been newly recruited for this occasion. MIGHTY DOLLAR. precisely. Holder* of coupon* are respectfully asked to occupy foB SALE.Til E HANDBOOK THREE STORY BROWN f]PO LET OR LEASE.A LIQUOR AND OYSTER BROTHERS, Twenty-third Reappearance ol the world reDowued Ethiopian 0 .median mighty dollar. J sloue House 13!) East Fifty second street, near Lexing- J loou on one ol the leuding streets in Brooklyn; StockSAL T7IURNI8HED NEATLY A LARUE FRONT ROO.M, and Cotuique favorite, every night their seat* in good season, as the iuterest of the story tun aTen ue; immeiliaie poseession; cheap to a prompt par- and Fixtures tor sale. Apply at 207 and 200 Myrtle avenue. r with all convenience* for with large Med* J J W W MR. JOHN WILD and >n housekeeping, O 0 I I SATURDAY MATINEE with the Hist scene. chaser Apply premises. Z room connecting, gas and hath, rent $7; also a large back MR. JOHN WILD of the play begins HO RENT room, $4 oO. 776 . H L II L MR. JOHN WILD until rurtner notice. VoR BALK.NEW <35 FKETi FOUR STORY HIGH 1I The Building on the south side of Twenty-sixth street, N D N D MR. JOHN WILD Bouts secured ten days in uilvuuce. THEATRE. GEORGE BELMORE. r stoop brown stone Dwelling, 649 Madison avenue, near extending from Fifth avenue to Broadway, rooms for Mr. WILD will appear in his new interlude, vis. Order curri*#** «t 10:tfO. J^OOTIPS Sixtieth street, with full view of Park; the cars throuun Elf- c< Nos. 212 and 214 Fifth avenue and and gentlemen, ** month; MV WIVK AND MOTHER For accommodation ot strangers good Heats retaiued. PALMER to announce a ^uprising 1,134 Furnishedlarge Room for housekeeping or gentlemen, |20 month; IN LAW JARKKTT A Leg brief ti ninth street. crossing all other Unea, make the location 1,136 Broadway, bath. Real Estate 17 AN ENTIRE NEW OLIO, with engagement convenient. elias G. from 1876 on a gas, office, Ahinfrdon square, Eighth all TOUm TIIKATKK, i ITH AND9TH AV. most brown, owner, May 1, long lease ueiwoen meeexer ami rwetitu streets. Introducing the Mammoth Company in all 09SBBT MR. GKOROE 20 Na»«au street or No. fl West Kitty sixth street. The owner can he seen at Laidlaw A Co. a. 12 Pine street, avenue, ENTERTAINMENT OK UNl J the renowned English character actor,BF.I.MORE,who will o SUAl. MERIT, OFKKA nppear lily persous who may desire to occupy the building HALL 60 presenting new Acts, Songs, Sayings, Sketches. Ac., and all FRENCH BOtFKE. EVERY NIGHT AND AT THE SATURDAY MATINEE, paljs-a four story high stoop new m need apply. tliemslves ROOMS, f2 AND fa WEEKLY; the novelty ul' the day. in Dion Boucicault's Sensatlnual Drama nf four acts, brown stone House; cabinet trimmed; extra ~ tU'BN'ISHEDSleeping Rooms $1, $1 St); quiet private house; bath, THE GREAT Last week of Mm# L'AROJITDUC. THE FLYING For plummet!; Ac fine location. No. 100 East Fifteenth street, threw OARNBLLAS. Last week of Mine. SCUD, fifty thirtl street, near Broadway a bargain. ifl -BROADWAY FLOORS AND PART FLOORS doors tVoiu Union Hotel. the premier gymnasts, in their graceful and artistic L'ARCHIDUC. assuming his unrivalled part of Old J W. STEVENS, Broadway and 51st street. «j| ' to let for bnelnese and dwelling; fhruished and Square performance. NAT GOSLING, Houses, near Fifth avenue; Houses for sale cheap.tmimished MISS LULU DELMAY, LAST SIX NIGHTS and MATINEE of Mine. L'ARCHIDUC, a character imporaonated ly him with unvarying, T.H HOUSE SALE.AT A BARGAIN. IN ROOMS ON SECOND AND THIRD the beautiful Serio in new success Ureal RNIS11ED FOR O'DWYER, 1,256 Broadway. floors for families and at No. 22 (Tootle, songs. throughout Britain and Ireland immensefor J? Ninth street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues..four = IjHJJUWHHD single gentlemen Ml una makkley, TIIK BEST OF OFFENBACH'S WORKS, Mine. L'ARCU nearly 1,000 times. ,atory brown stnue trout House, with all the modern place. Waverleythe pleasing Vocal. rst appearance here. DUO. can now he at a decided and on 8CIU/ ltAHT AND Every eventntr this week and Saturday Matlneo. Tho to he attention to purchased bargainimprovements;__ OOES, piece produced with marked eaey terms; possession October I if reunired. for (till AND COMMODIOUS ROOM ON FIRST FLOOR, in their Ethiopian Uoiuicalities. Positively last performances of of detail, the FurnLgbed. IARGEJ also desirable Rooms for two or more gentletncu. 68 Mme. Mine. completeness inquire of F. COETON, 53 East Thirteenth street,particulars West flrst WALIEKS AND MORTON L'ARCHIDUC, L'ARCHIDUC, SCENERY ALL NEW. near Broadway. Twenty street. in new Songa and Dances. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL OF ALL OFFENBACH E I COSTUMES ALL NEW, \ N ADMIRABLY PLANNED FINISHED AND THE GREAT KIELE SHOOTING MATCH, WORKS, CAST POWERFUL, AND EFFECTS NOVEL AND fur sale at great sacrifices-par- cated, very handsomely furnished, medium sized, fourLOA. fklter, of 230 west thirty-eighth between the picked teams of the famous military companies. produced on a mint complete aeale, and with the moat per STRIKING. jlore high stoop (tone Dwelling, Forty filth street Just west Mrs.street, offers for the winter a back Parlor and Bedroom; The teams rect caat of any Opera Bouffe ever In the public. Housesties must have money; near Central Park; alao Houses f Sixth location a month to THE have received additional presented to rent at reduced rates, and Parts and Flats. Apply to avenue; desirable; only $21'I also a second story back Room and hall Room and whole of K tueinM 1UO artists engaged irt the representation. On this occasion the company will he strengthened bv the JOHN FETTRETCH, l,2t)0 Broadway rivate family. Offices 11 Pine street and 33 East Third Floor, en suite or singly; references. U K bers to their ranks for this week. The rifle addition ot Mis* Rosa Band, Miss Blauchu Grey, Mrs £ street. V K STEVENSON,MeveurcnthJr. L I Mile. CORAL)E OEOFFROV. Williams, .Mis* Agnes Michell and Mr. W. H. Bukee,Frederick AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. BILES, "^"ICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, ON THE FrRST L AND D practice and the shooting is expected to Miles DUI'ARC, NAKDYNN, U1IKRZY, wlio make their tlrst appearance here. * MODERN BUILT, FINELY LOCATED, SUPERBLY it floor, to let, suitable for two or gentleman MM. HOG Kit. CASTEL, PLANSCirculars and every kind of Printing furnished at the / V finished and furnished full sire four gentlemen, M sur1 DEQUEKC, DUPLAN, DAHCY, METROPOLITAN PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, 218 story high stoop and wife; also single Rooms; location flrst class; terms O O pass all furmer efforts, as the new members VALTER, LUDOVIC, BENEDICK, DAVOLIO. NAT (JO LING, a Jockey of tlie past generation, ° ruwn stone Dwelling, Thirty-seventh street, Just out of Fifth quiet bouse. No. 80 Lexington avenue. A R who mrlis anil advertises In Bell's I.ife Broadway. venue, to let low. 11 Pine street and 83 F.ast moderate, "tip*" Offices, NE are reported to be crnck shot). THE GRAND MILITARY REVIEW under til* name uf "Old Hunts" Mr. GEORGE HELMORB I >APID TRANSIT, BOAT, CARS. ALL NEAR SELL 2eventeenth street. Y. K. STEVENSON, Jr. let.FURNISHED ROOMS IN A PRIVATE guards. THE SENSATION OF THE DAY. II or rent new brown stone Houses. 131st TO at No. 30 West Thirty-fifth etreet, between KAMlly,Fifth Chorus of 50; Orchestru of 25, under direction of Van Ghel SYNQPSI8 OK SCENERY, AO. cheap, street, DESIRABLE THREE BTORY AND a Fifth and Sixth avenue. Terms, premises, or BIRD, owner, ami Sixth avenues; references. THE MULLIGAN AND SK1DMORE TEAMS Next week.Revival, for lew nights oulv, of Act I..LOVE LANK Nut's Cottage. The Human 137 Broadway, VVERYbasement high stoop House to let, furnished; rent will practise at the LA FILLE DE MADAME AN GOT. THE GATES OF NOBBLKY PARK Lord WoodQuadruped. || i.iderate; Immediate possession; 409 West Thirty-fourth LRT.NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH THEATRE COMIQUE pin Makes an Oiler FLVINO SOLO'S STABLE. A treet- Apply on premises. TO kitchen attached for light housekeeping; also Parlor and at OF MUSIC. THE LI BRA It Y IN NOBBLEY HALL. The East Sitle. 08 East Twelfth every evening y^OADEMY Discovery. Floor, unfurnished. street, hotweuu WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY , Four-leuged Fortune. Good(*c's Re venue 4 .FIFTH avenue, near TWENTY FIRST and Foqrth avenue. Broadway MATINEE MATINEE, A1 * THEODORE WACHTEL. FOUR STORY FRAME AND BRICK CORNER. uA . street .Four story- high stoop brown stone Dwelling, MATINEE EVERY Act II..HYOK PARK The Favorite for the Derby. A First avenue. Harlem; rented to a first class druggist, 3UxlOi and extension; lot 100 feet; handsomely and LET.TWO NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, IN WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, KU ROME'S GREATEST TENOR. ROOMS IN PICADILLY. Julia Betrayed.MULLIGAN'S ((1,520; only $11,000. M. E. CUASTO A SON, p furnished ; to let for the winter; location particularlycoiiiiletclyTOprivate houso No. 221 West Twenty-filth street; AT 2 1'. M. NAT'S LODGING. Ilnw Nat sold the Key of tlm Stable. 2,281 Third avenue, corner 123d street. dlesirable. Offices, 11 Pine street and 33 East Seventeenth required, references will shortly return to America lor a THE 1'IG SKIN CLUB AT LEATIJERHEAD. CHORUS *treet. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr. aud JOCKEY HORNPIPE. A THIRD AVENUE CORNER AND WIDE STREET djion A MONTH FOR THREE NICELY FURNISHED £JTU AVENUE THEATRE. GRAND OPERATIC TOURNHK * V. three story frame. full lot, Harlem, only $13,501). a N ELEGANT FOUR STORY IIIOH STOOP BROWN O' ' ' Rooms, with bath, suitable for light housekeeping; Act III..THE FORGERY. HYDE PARK. Julia'* U u CBICTO OOill 'CUi.l ...... I -I'JJ .* EVERY NIOHT AT 8, l\. stone corner Dwelling, cabinet finished and beautifully good location references. 207 East Thirty-ninth street. through the United States In which he will lie assisted by a Scheme. Wormwood Scrub. The Meeting and How It urnished. on Lexington avenue; first class location; only O O U U RR R newly orguniaed and most powerful Turned Out. SALE.THREE STORY BROWS STONE HOUSE 452.HOO per year, a bargain. Offices 11 Pine street and 33 QQ WEST TWENTY FOURTH STREET..ELEGANTLY O O U V II R tjlORin iirv-t class order; frescoed throughout; occupied by 1East Seventeenth street. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr. OO furnished Rooms to let, to gentlemen, including I'urlor O O U U R n COMBINATION OF ARTISTS, Act IV..THE STRAW YARD. Thimble Rigging. The owner. who will show premises,228 Esst Forty-eighth street, Floor, en suite or siiigly; in small private family. O O U U RR R Fanner and Ills Man to Fix Flying Scud'* Plate*. in the forenoon. Terms liberal. 4 WELL FURNISHED FOUR STORY HOUSE. O O U U R R selected from the leading THE DERBY I) VY AT EPSOM. A West Thirty-eighth street, $175 month; winter or EAST FOURTH STREET.FURNISHED ROOMS Fifth OQ O O U V R R The Betting Ring A .locked Wanted. How Nat Wsi be sold, on account ok heirs, a kive jongrr; unfurnished. Forty-eighth street, $250; by 00 to let, without board, to gentlemeu only; reference O O UU K R OPERA HOUSES OF EUROPE. Driven to do What "He liadn t Done for Forty Yearal" Muststory tenement House, 2.r>xHO, lot 73 feet; terms to u Nineteenth and Thirty fifth streets; also Madison avelue.required. THE RACE! i i suit the buyer Inquire at 21 Frankfort St. U. S. VATH i I'OOLKY A CO., 1.226 Broadway. avoine. The inauguration night ot the 1 oo EAST FORTY FOURTH STREET, NEAR GRAND BB B O O Y Y SS8 GRAND WACHTEL OPERA SEASON from 8 M. 4 FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET. at tiie New \* The Bo* office open evory day A. M. to 10 P. N ELEGANTLY J nit' Central Depot .Rooms, furnished complete for BBOOYY8 8 York Academy of Music will be Teat* may be secured. EVENINO TELEGRAM a V newly painted and carpeted, to a private, responsible housekeeping, for small families or single gentlemen ; rents B 8 O O Y Y 8 Monday, October is, 1H75. THE moIIT tr month. 311 west Musical Director and Odhduotor ..All. CONTAINS EVERY smily; price $390 per Thirty-fourth from $5 to $8 per weex. Apply ou the premises or to W. 8. BBB 0 O YY 888 Further NKUENDORFF Monday, October 11, moke LOCAL, GENERAL AND « treet. Block from Broadway. GAVEY, 48 Bleecker street. B B O O Y S particulars in later advertisements. THE KELLOGG ENGLISH OPERA TROUPE. TELEGRAI'HI C NEWS B B O O Y 8 8 AND HAS A LARGER CIRCULATION 1BURNISHED HOUSES TO RENT.23D ST., NEAR 1 QQ WEST TENTH STREET -HANDSOMELY FUR BB B 0 0 Y 888 «> THEATRE. (EM . THAN ALL THE OTHER EVENING PAPERS JU 5th Av Hotel. $250 per month; West 25th st., $Ri3 _l»/0 ulshed Parlor and other Rooms on flrst, second and OLYMPIC^ ....A »i T THE FAMILY THEATRE. JJOOTH'H IN THE CITY COMBINED. per month; West 25th st, $21 per month West 23d st $175 third floors; hot and cold water, bath, Ac.; terms moderate HENRY J. BYRON'S greatest success, now approaching J EXTRAORDINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. ermonth; West 21st st., $163 per month; West 41st St., its ,'iOOth in London. Characters Missus 175 month: West 50th st $175 innnth West56th niglit by Mr. JOHN F. POOLE r West Side. per per 977 WEST FOURTH STREET, NEAR ELEVENTH.. JEFFREYS LEWIS, SIDNEY COWELL.DAVENPORT,Mrs. O. Manage] Having concluded an agreement with Mr. C. D. HESS, t., $175 month; West 48th st $116 per month; 5th _w per av., i i A widow lady, occupying her own house, would like H. GILBERT, Mr. CHARLES FISHER, Mr. VV II. First of the and director of the KELLOGG GKANI) ENGLISH OPERA story brown stone 1,0011 per month East 31st st.. $60(1 per month East 53th some gentlemen to assist her a furnished Mr. MAURICE BAKKYMORE and Mr. JAMES appearance popular accomplished vocal Meiers. J A It II ETC A PALMER take extreme four dwelling, ft., $200 East 23d st., $108 month. JAMES elderly by taking HARKINS, ists and burlesque artistes, COMPANY. Anewcabinet finish, corner Sixty-second street, 230 feet west ? per month; per Room. Call for two days. LEWIS. THE WORRELL pleasure in announcing that the of Broadway. Wei West *t. EDWARDS, 108 West Twenty-third street. SISTERS. ifcU.UUO: Fifty-eighth street, $33,OIJO. WEST TWENTY FIFTH THE WORRELL SISTERS. VM. BEDELL, 080 Eighth avenue. '"1 O/iA STREET .TO LET, "OUR' BOYS" MATINEE SATURDAY, 1:30. THE MARVELOUS CARLO OPERA SEASON OF 1875-6 ET YOUR PRINTING DONE AT THE O'Mf handsomely furnished Rooms, suitable for light V Seats may be secured ten days ahead. FAMILY, ^ TAN PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, 218 Broadway, also Rooms for THE MARVELOUS CARLO FAMILY, will bo at their and Miscellaneous. 3 'ou will find it METROPOLIJThousekeeping; single gentlemen, THE MARVELOUS CARLO FAMILY, inaugurated popular elegant theatre oa advantageous. theatre. THE REST MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 11. OT NEAR Mr. J. W. MEATH Manners GYMNASTS ON KARTn In the season he i 1 NINTH STREET, SECOND AVENUE.. Bowery THE BEST enn*ei|iience of other engagement* will T.VOR SALE-PRICE ONLY $12.000..A THREE STORY rroiJHE TO LET.ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, NO. OL.L Furnished Room and Bedroom to a GYMNASTS ON EARTH MOST POSITIVELY LIMITED TO TWO WEEKS I also a near respectable MONDAY", September 20. engagement oftlie popular actor, Nothing haa ever been seen to euuat X 20 foot brown stone House: four story, park, JLI 584 Fifth avenue, opposite Windsor Hotel; possession fur also a furnished front Mr. C T. in Ilia local »en-.ation their marvelous per Mr. 11 BUS announces the STRONGEST ENSEMBLE OF this is down. B33 av. couple housekeeping: married NICIIllLS, itartliug Uru'iiu, fortuauces. The audience wild with excitement. art (22,000. away CRAWFORD, Third sen October I For terras or permit to examine house suitable for a physician ; private house. taken from re nl life and founded on facts, entitled They DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS which it ha* ever beeu lilt to W. H. 43 Elm near Worth. basement, the topic of conversation all over the STILES, street, aply SHARKEY; OR. THE SHADOW DETECTIVE. Mr WILLIAM city. pleasure to present. I'. EAST 112TH STREET..HANDSOME Revival of the beautiful l'OUAHONTAS. CARLO. Mr GEORGE CARLO, Mr. The representative American Prima Denna. BROUKLV3 PROPERTY FOR SAL , hill, thirty-fifth near £9(1 burles 4 .<» THE YANKEE CASTLE, MA AS, CARLETON. CONLY, by beautifully expensively surrounded}'urnitnre all new; made to order by Hertert pictures, floor a 4 SHOOTELEEKS. . third for lu rout AROUND Eourth week and HAMILTON, PEAKES, Ac., Ac., meuied grounds, filled with fruit and (lowers and having ex- rem lor not less than light housekeeping private family; $3 Jerry Gild-your-sleeve Mr, William West tensive conservatories, stables and carriage house to let ironies, ornaments, Ac.; $350 monthly per week. unpreAROUND John lullerton Mr John will be comprised in the company, and will have the support >ue year to private family only. AROUND cedented success of Quucu of to an acceptable family or tor sale on reasonable andfurnished W. J A 229 the Joe Huatline Muster Martin easy terms. Offices IX Pine street and 33 East Seventeenth FULLER, Broadway. AROUND Jim Gale ..Mr. EXCELLENT CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA. LIVFUKMINIIED ROOMS A.\D AROUND greatest Pictorial Gus Kruno Mr. S. BEI1RENS Conductor street. Y. K. STEVENSON, Jr. rDO LET.ELEGANTLY AND COMPLETELY TO Kol>4'akiu Mr. Juntos Johnson will varied and LET. APAIITMENT8 RoTHE Char Coalman Mr. John Gilbert THE REPERTOIRE ho effective, very nished. a four story brown stone House, 25 by 50FUR1feet, THE malice of the modern stage, ing SEVERAL NOVELTIES NOT PREVIOUSLY sale a bargain-a genteel cot- itnated on the west side of Madison avenue, the t -TO NICK FLOORS IN PRIVATE SYNOPSIS! this embracj tape. 7 rooms; choice location, about 18 minutes from overlooking LET, THE View of tho Lower York by company PRESENTED For 'il'ty ninth street entrance to Central Park; rent $450 per ings, 30x22, Betltune street; also high stoopDWELLA>brick THE A genuine of Buy.New Harbbi.Forts PRICES WILL HE MODERATE, ferries price. $3,30tJ; terms to suit. Address T., box 183 , nne rent H[ oi t.naries triumph lltou, Lafayette and Island, the Ham; Herald olbce. uonth. Apply to the owner, .'>9 Liberty street, room 8. Mouse, id oruer; jresj. apply street. druWOHLD.erotic Wudsworth.Coney DemoI Further particular* in next Sunday's papers. t. cudmikth. WORLD. scenic and Loin; Brunch.A waiting the Arrival of the American LET.IN FORTY SECOND STREET, matic, Team The Steamer City ot Merlin in Sight.Grand Salute CONCERT descriptive pamphlets of property. ioal art, witnessed medianWORLD.and in from the Korts in the Harbor.Arrival auit LandiiiK of thu GARDEN, rO Reservoir Park, a four story brown stone House, -parlor and rahkment floor, southeast WORLD. dorsed over s GIILMORE'S T late Hippodrome. and . OVERLOOKing by 'venty-five Yankee Maps,Circulars, Catalogues every kind of Printing ' all modern corner of Twentieth street and Ninth Shooteleers.Song and Chorus.Glorious Welcome. to real estate dealers tigli stoop, fully aud handsomely furnished; V avenue, WORLD. thousand spectators. A Grand 1'. S. GILMORKDirector adapted promptlv. carefully and to rent it unfurnished or college grounds; contains 10 rooms, Illustration of How the Victory Mas Won.The THE DELIGHTFUL CONCERT cheaply done at the METROPOLITAN PRINTING ESsTAB- willing furtiished, improvements; range, bathroom,overlooking4 .& <*>. 4 American Team Always Victorious.Tableau. MOST GARDEN AND in the Herald vould sell the Furniture at a great sacrifice. Terms $2,800, dumb waiter, seven closets, and replete with every Intense furore created the MUSICAL RESORT IN THE WORLD. LttHMENT, Building. J infttrnished; $3,300 t«rni*lie copy m firwt d»si» (unlimited House in Brooklyn and rn /V WEST FIFTY NINTH STREET.-THAT 10 elegant and MR. WILLIAM COURTRIGHT. 6. from "Mlgnon" Gounod board the owner for the rent. Address S., box 220 Herald let. flats, rooms, POCKET GYMNASTS. Mr. Courtrjght will appear in his famous original Polonaise, ofliie I"' perb Honse to rent partly furnished; aim No. SH.124 A.tospacious; steam and hot water supplied equal to Fifth THESEE THE 1 ITTLE WONDERS, THE SMALL CARLOS, entitled M MIS. CARRIE BROOKS UU LAGER. 5a*t Forty first street, unfurnished, both of which arc for avenue nothing finer in the city; rent, $7u and $90. AT OLYMPIC THEATRE, 62* BROADWAY. KLEWY FLEWY1 comicality,7. Aria for baritone, "Stella Confidents." ale. SIDNEY WHITTEMUKE, 71 Broadway. FRANCIS CRAWFORD, 933 Third avenue. Sung by SIG TAGLIAPIETRA, ME8TCHESTER COISTV PROPERTY The great Olympic Company :. late of the Grand Italian Opera. Paris. VfEWEST AND BEST MUSIC..C. D BLAKE'S MR. JOHN HART. Piano FOR 8ALE A.YD TO REST. nfurniall TAIRST FLATS. SIX ROOMS $30; SEVEN ROOMS, Songs, "Mother, is the Old Home BEAUtit'uiand MR GEORGE S accompanist. Sig E. MAltZO. T ed. 1? $70, fti5; six $55; Third Fist, six rooms, Lonely?" KNIGHT, 8. Cornet »olo, "Levy Atlian Polka" Levy Rooms, $20; "LittleDarling,Do You iMiss Me," 40cents each; "Dreaming MISS ADAil RICHMOND, MR. J. LEVY. YU.N KERS.ON woodworth avenue. near K .24 VND 28 WEST FIFTY SIXTH STREET; Fourth Flat, five rooms. $23. WALTER W. MONTAUL'E, Under the Elms," characteristic tnorceau for the piano, with MESSRS. JOHNSON A KRUNO, depot, $50 per month, a French roof with Eighth avenue and Twenty first street. steel 50 cents: "The Blue 0. Overture, "Nacbtlager" Kretitzer AT only lluusc, \ . in nt new four story hitch stoop brown stone MAG. elegant engraving Phelpe, and Mr. John (Jueen, Mr. W'illium West, 10. from "II modern improvements. furnished $75 per muutb. Apply to \ an 23x65 and the and Hart's last song, 10 cents; "8. O. Mr. Bland Mr. James Scena, Trovatore" Verdi JAMES Yuukers. dining room extensions, superblyDwellng TRENCH FLATS-VERY CHOICE; PRICES FROM Gray," Hurrlgan Holt, , Vincent, 11. March nillitaire "Fete de l'Armee" Hart TUrSASS, Agent, uili anu arranged rent very low permits at 11 Pine street $60 March Comique, Hrahani. played by Gilniore'a Hand, 40 Mr. W. B. Cohill, Mr. E. 1>. Gooding, National *ind 3.1 East .seventeenth street. 5 K. JR. J to $S0 per month. Apply to the janitor or Janitraas, at cents. Copies mailed. WM. A. POND A CO.. 547 Mr. Wash Mr. O. W. Xir, ESTATE STEVENSON, 74 West between Fifth and Sixth avenues. Norton, Keed, TIIK STAR-SPANU LEU BANNER. TT10R SALE.THE OF THE LATE WILLIAM Fifty-third street, branch store, 30 Union square, Mr. John Gilbert , Mr. S. eitueted east Broadway; *" Iloidsworth, MATINEE ON 2 P. M. Serenade Band. X Hope. deceased, immediately upon the * FOCR STORY HIGH STOOP BROWN STONE Mr. G. W. H. Gri Mr W SATURDAY, one A Marrin, Admission 50 cents bark of the Hudson, mile south of Tarrytown depot, with ii. Honse, on street, refitted for the owner, will BENCH FLATS TO LET, AT 7H WEST Muster Martin, Mr. A. a large frontage on the river and to Forty-fifth has all modern FURNITURE. Bellamy, Boxes, admitting fwr $3 extending Broadway, i,« or a FT street; improvements. Inquire ^ Miss Una Edwin Miss let sold; bargain. Apply to E. A. DAILEY, 58b Sixth FORTYeigbtb Jnlia Coventry, and season at reduced al.out 75 acres of beautiful with first class of Package * tickets rates to be bud at containing land, ..venue, j janitor Miss Ida Greenfield, Miss Addio Karwell, the box office. improvements: a large, never failing brook runa through the Miss Kitty I'arker, Miss Pearl Thornton, . cent re ol the property; fine fruit and shade trees in * TRENCH FLATS, 888 NINTH AVENUE, NEAR Air ~~. .Miss Madge Miss Nellie VERY FINE HOl'SE TO . Hubert*, Calvert. house run tains all the modern thia LET.I'NFVRN1SHED; street..$33 to $50 seven rooms; none * ERMANIA THEATRE FOURTEENTH STREET improvements;abundance;IX Nineteenth street, between Filth and Sixth avenues; I each, FIFTYseventh THE COLORED JIAMTOW.N STUDENTS. AO. valuable property is offered at a great bargain on eaay terms , dark neighborhood fine. Apply to janitor or UEOitOE E. MATINEES WEDNESDAY CII NKUENIiORFK Director aud wilt hree story high stoop; 28 leet wide; complete repair; also t»T AND SATURDAY AT 2. MONDAY. September immediate possession. Inquire of ALEX AN DER A ,,ther desirable both furnished anil unfurnished. JAKDINE, 1,297 Broadway. 4 MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AT 2. 20, liREEN 12<> or at the Houses, .a in live Sardou. Broadway, New York, First National OGDEN A CLARK. Broadway, corner Seventeenth St. 4 RABAOA8, Comedy, acts, by Bank. N. Y. _ Box office open daily from 9 till 4 o'clock. Tarrytown, second floor, with bay window; T GREAT BARGAINS[4 «>r OPERA HOUSE LET-ON THIRD AT A Handsomeall modern improvements; 149 East Twenty-second (late West street. AVENUE, HARLEM, LOW street, in private house, with small IN DARLING'SBryant'sj, Twenty-third FRANCISCO MINSTRELS'! NEW PROPERTY OUT OF TIIK ( IT Y FOR rO reui. a House, three story, store and basement cau be family FINE FURNITURE. COTTON A KEED MINSTRELS. AN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS' .OPERA SALE OR TO sed an a bakery; or the Store and Basement alone. For THE BEST "COMEDIANS." SAN | HOUSE, REYT. artirulars at 3 part of private house to let. 4 THE BEST "SONG AND DANCE ARTISTS" Broadway, corner Twenty-ninth street. inquire the store, No. Delancey street, near J Parlor floor and 4 -4 Delightful Solo and Part T PLAIN FIELD..HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED ^lowery. Iower basement, newly painted. 228 East THE BEST "VOCALISTS AND MUSICIANS." Singing by \ " Thirteenth street, close to Broadway and Union square. 4 4. THE BEST WAMBOLD, RUDOLPH,WA RUE,BARNEY and PELHAM. A or unfurnished. Address EVAN JONES, Plaiufield, 4> "BANJO PLAYER." GOV. ADD KYMAN ON THE FINANCIAL CRISIS. .r r LET.A BROWN STONE ENGLISH BASEMENT J , THE BEST "PRIMA DONNA." N. 4 4 COME AND TFE GREAT R1CARD0. rO House; all improvements; also a Stable, with rooms, to rent.ladies desiring studios Every dqjeription of Furniture at cost and less than cost. SEE FOB YOURSELF. BILLY CARTER IN ALL SORTS OF NONSENSE. GARDEN t 1TY. ADJOINING A. T. STEWARTS 1 nquire at 220 East Thirty-fifth street, Studioscan he accommodated with pleasant Rooms, in building Also a full line ofVurtains EvoningatS. Saturday Matinee at 2. Half price to matinee. be JOHNSON ami POWERS' inimitable SUNOS and DANCES, AT great enterprise, where the improvements are going on to occupied by Young Ladies' Christian Association, No. 7 and everything pertaining to and tie famous "Sons or Momus," so rapidly, from lo to 50 acres for sale at per acre, worth LEASE OR SELL (HEAP-ONE NEW FOl'B East Fifteenth street. Apply at R4 Irving place. theatre.eighth street, between BILLY It RCII and CHARLEY BACKUS. MOO. but must be told. Apply at 1.2B0 Broadway. .1. F. ru story brown stone front House, cabinet finish, with UPHOLSTERY TivoliSecond and Third aveiiuca. THE RIVAL TRAGEDIANS. ^ and croquet ground, 171 St. Mark's avenue, nearexension LET-TWO FIRST CLASS DESIRABLE FLATS: paul kalk Proprietor in ^ ^ Great Attractions this week. OUR COLLEGE BOYS. arlton. of G. W. K1DD A 21 excellent convenience. at at FARM FOR SAI-E AT A SACRIFICE TO CLOSE AN Brooklyn. Inquire CO., T10 condition; every Apply unusually attractive prices, to close out our entire retail 41) Everytuing uew, froab and sparkling. I; interest.HI acres, at N. near JYhitehall street, New York. Worrell's new buildiugs, office 473 Fourth avenue, near business to removal about 1. FIRST CLASS SPECIALTY artists. Morriatown, J., city ;" previous .January Seats secured. Matinee, at 2. limit*. House. and fence!*; street. G. L. KKLTY A 1*4 Fifth avenue, The only place in New York where four hours' aelect Saturday, food outbuilding* flowing spring, Thirty-second CO., can he fruit, ac. Apply to W. IRVING CLARK, 212 Pearl street. I'NFl RNIK1IED HOUSES TO RENT-EAST 1BTH ST., near Twenty third aliwl. enjoyed. entertainment VARIETIES, U near Broadway, $2.hi»); West 20th St., near Htb av LET.FIRST FLOOR IN BROWN STONE STONE A Programme consisting of Sketches, Songs, Comedy, SALE.At N EASY TERMS.BUILDING SITES *11,400; West 14th St., near 5th av $.'i.6t©; West 22d St., TO house 422 West Nineteenth street, containing all A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CARPETS Dances ami Pantomime. J>ARISIAN West 2.ld St.. West 23d FURNITURE, Admission, 26c. 25c. Sixteenth street and Broadway. IJAORand Water Front* for factories on .Steinway A Hon#' ^d.400; $2,i«S); St., $2,500; West improvements.J.a. and Bedding at greatly reduced prices at B. M. Admission, property. Astoria; alto Lots at and and finished 13d St.. $1,200; West 25th St., $1,200; West 26th St., two A CO. S extensive warerooms, Not. 155COWPERTHWAITand EVERY EVENING AT 8 O'CLOCK. ' louses, $2,75