Exhibit 9, Attachment F – Christine Rowe, June 25, 2020

Murray, Dillan

From: Christine Rowe Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2020 3:37 AM To: Murray, Dillan Cc: Chris Rowe Subject: Re: Burro Flats Cultural District NRHP Nomination Attachments: Astronomy and Social Integration An Examination of Astronomy in a Hunter and Gatherer Society John Romani.pdf

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Mr. Murray, I have not had the time to see the records that were submitted except the original application for the historic listing. I have done an internet search for Burro Flats. I have found numerous archaeological papers which are therefore public records. This is a link to comments to the Department of Energy regarding their portion of the SSFL: https://www.etec.energy.gov/Environmental_and_Health/Documents/Cultural/Cultur al_Resources_Comment_Plan_Comment_Responses.pdf The people commenting on this document are all licensed archaeologists. Please add to your documents these archaeological studies: "THREE CHUMASH-STYLE PICTOGRAPH SITES IN FERNANDEÑO TERRITORY" : https://scahome.org/publications/proceedings/Proceedings.26Knight.pdf This is the as a slideshow:

Burro Flats Rocketdyne SSFL History: https://www.slideshare.net/ChatsworthHistory/burro-flats- rocketdyne-ssfl-history " The History of the West San Fernando Valley Limestone Industry and the People that Operated It": http://www.chatsworthhistory.com/Documents/Technical%20Pap ers/The%20West%20San%20Fernando%20Valley%20Lime%20In dustry%20etc%206-26-2017%20Albert%20Knight.pdf " Ethnographic Overview of the Native American Communities in the Simi Hills and Vicinity": https://ssfl.msfc.nasa.gov/files/documents/local/2017/SSFL_Ethn ographic_Overview_public.pdf

1 Exhibit 9, Attachment F – Christine Rowe, June 25, 2020 " Ethnohistoric Overview for the Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park Cultural Resources Inventory Project": http://www.parks.ca.gov/pages/21299/files/sspshp%20ethnohisto ry-complete.pdf I read this document years ago. It is related to my side of the hill - the area of West Hills and Bell Canyon. Bell Canyon is due south of the SSFL site. It references Huwam which I told you was where part of West Hills is located today. And it also references Bell Canyon in its historic sense. This document appears to be the cultural resource study done by the lead agency for the SSFL cleanup - the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC): "Native American Histories and Perspectives"" https://www.dtsc- ssfl.com/files/lib_doe_area_iv/DraftEISRemAIV_NBuffZone/Volu me1%E2%80%93Chap1- 14/Chapter_09_Native_American_Histories_and_Perspectives.pd f I have attached a paper that did not have a link. It is a paper by archaeologist John Romani who was the first, to the best of my understanding, to study the Burro Flats site and to understand the significance of this site to the Winter Solstice. Mr. Romani is referenced in numerous other papers related to the Burro Flats site. This is a DOE report relative to its portion of cleanup responsibility at the SSFL lab and cultural resources: " FINAL REPORT CULTURAL RESOURCE COMPLIANCE AND MONITORING RESULTS FOR USEPA’S RADIOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE SANTA SUSANA FIELD LABORATORY AREA IV AND NORTHERN BUFFER ZONE": https://www.etec.energy.gov/Library/Cleanup_and_Characterizati on/Soil/Co-

2 Exhibit 9, Attachment F – Christine Rowe, June 25, 2020 Located/Final%20Report%20Cultural%20Resource%20Complianc e.pdf " Draft comments by Chester King concerning Draft Cultural Resources Study for Environmental Cleanup and Demolition at Santa Susana Field Laboratory, NASA Areas I and II, Ventura County, California ": https://foia.msfc.nasa.gov/sites/foia.msfc.nasa.gov/files/FOIA%20 Docs/40/61.pdf " Draft Ethnographic Overview of the Native American Communities in the Simi Hills and Vicinity ": https://ssfl.msfc.nasa.gov/files/documents/local/2017/SSFL_Ethn ographic_Overview_public.pdf "IMAGES OF ROCK ART SITES IN CALIFORNIA: BURRO FLATS (CHUMASH TERRITORY)":http://www.californiaprehistory.com/reports02/rep0037.html I am a former member of the West Hills Neighborhood Council. Neighborhood Councils in the City of fall under the City Charter and they are considered Elected Officials subject to the Brown Act, the California Ethics Code, etc. I worked as a Neighborhood Councilmember on many land use projects in and around West Hills. I had the opportunity to work with the City of Los Angeles Office of Historic Preservation on a couple of projects. Do you have qualified people within your agency to read the above referenced documents in addition to the documents that have been submitted by NASA and other interested parties who are knowledgeable about the Historic Preservation Laws, Native American Consultation, and Section 106? I just went to the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) website, and I just became aware of this document:

"Executive Order N-54-20: Extension of AB 52 Tribal Consultation Timelines": http://nahc.ca.gov/2020/04/executive-order-n-54-20-extension- of-ab-52-tribal-consultation-timelines/ "Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-54-20 to extend tribal consultation timelines under AB 52. 3 Exhibit 9, Attachment F – Christine Rowe, June 25, 2020

The Executive Order suspends the timeframes within which a California Native American tribe must request consultation and the lead agency must begin the consultation process for a period of 60 days, effective April 22, 2020, in consideration that tribal capacity to engage in or request consultation may be limited at this time.

In addition, the order will allow certain posting, filing and notice requirements under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to be satisfied through electronic means to allow public access and involvement consistent with COVID-19 public health concerns."

CA City and County Planning Agencies • Archaeological Terms • California Indian History • County Coroner List Is your Board aware of which tribal leaders need to be consulted for this project (Burro Flats) and the requirement due to COVID - 19 to give them time to comment - 60 days? This link is to the NAHC Laws, Local Ordinances and Codes: http://nahc.ca.gov/codes/ Contact Us California Native American Heritage Commission 1550 Harbor Blvd, Suite 100 West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 373-3710 • Fax: (916) 373-5471 [email protected] As we discussed, please communicate with the NAHC. Please ask them for a Consultation List for Ventura and Los Angeles County Native American advisors. That list would include the most closest known descendents of this project site.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine L. Rowe

West Hills, CA

On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 2:05 AM Christine Rowe wrote: Mr. Murray,

4 Exhibit 9, Attachment F – Christine Rowe, June 25, 2020 Do you think you could send me what you wrote down so that I can clarify anything that did not get across accurately to you - please? I made numerous calls on this issue today to the Santa Ynez Band, to the local Most Likely Descendent (MLD) - a technical term. http://nahc.ca.gov/wp- content/uploads/2015/04/MLD_Policy.pdf I left messages for NASA and the DOE - I am a Section 106 Consulting Party for both of those agencies in regards to the Historic Properties and the Cultural Resources at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. I also tried to contact archaeologists who are involved with this project. I wish there was a way to postpone this agenda item because I do not believe that the involved parties - local Native American tribes, archaeologists and other anthropologists, as well as the Section 106 parties were noticed. Does your Board not have any responsibility in this area other than just posting an agenda - I am talking about tribal outreach? If you research the Burro Flats site, you would find that it was initially registered on the National Historic Register by the Fernandeno Tribal Leader Rudy Ortega Senior. I met Mr. Ortega at the Los Angeles City Council one year when he and other Native Americans were recognized at a luncheon with former LA Mayor Villaraigosa. I was invited to that luncheon as a friend of the Native American Community. I believe that the Ventura County Cultural Heritage Commission should understand the overlapping complexity of this site which is bound by arbitrary County boundaries and does not recognize the Native American overlapping areas. I believe that you should be reaching out to Rudy Ortega Jr. the son of Rudy Ortega Sr. He is a former Chairman of the Los Angeles City / County Native American Commission: https://lanaic.lacounty.gov/mp_staff/rudy-ortega-jr/

5 Exhibit 9, Attachment F – Christine Rowe, June 25, 2020 According to this document, he is the Tribal President of the Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians. https://www.tataviam-nsn.us/tribal-government/executive-branch/ Rudy Ortega Jr. - Tribal President :[email protected] The tribes should have an opportunity to weigh in. I will try to create a document for public comment to be submitted to the Board. There are just so many documents attached to that file, that it limits my time to review and to respond to them. I have attached the Federal EPA's comments to NASA SSFL that they submitted for NASA's Draft Environmental Impact Statement. If you do a keyword search for the word cultural, you will find reference to the need for NASA to work with the local Native American groups to determine how to best approach this culturally sensitive site. It is considered Sacred Lands by the Chumash in its entirety. I am sending a link to an important power point that explains the history of the SSFL site going back before it was acquired by North American Aviation: http://www.chatsworthhistory.com/Program%20Downloads/Burr o%20Flats%20Rocketdyne%20SSFL%20History.pdf - "The History of Burro Flats, Rocketdyne and the SSFL"

Respectfully submitted, Chris Rowe West Hills resident of 42 years B.S. in Health Education Archaeological Site Stewardship Trained - California State Parks Section 106 Consulting Party NASA and DOE SSFL

On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 12:03 PM Murray, Dillan wrote:

Thank you for your input on this item. I have reached out to the bodies you noted below informing them of the upcoming meeting of the Ventura County Cultural Heritage Board, as well as ways to provide any comment, if interested.

6 Exhibit 9, Attachment F – Christine Rowe, June 25, 2020

As mentioned on our call, I will read a synopsis of your comments provided to me on our phone conversation into the record at the CHB’s hearing on this item. Additionally, instructions on attending the meeting are included in our posted agenda, if interested.

Thank you,

Dillan Murray | Assistant Planner

Planning Programs Section [email protected]

Ventura County Resource Management Agency | Planning Division

P. 805.654.5042 | F. 805.654.2509

Additional Planning Division information is available at vcrma.org/divisions/planning

For online permits and property information, visit VC Citizen Access

Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, emails retained by the County of Ventura may constitute public records subject to public disclosure.

From: Christine Rowe Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 9:44 AM To: Murray, Dillan Subject: Burro Flats Cultural District NRHP Nomination

7 Exhibit 9, Attachment F – Christine Rowe, June 25, 2020

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Mr. Murray,

Please contact the Native American Heritage Commission - see


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8 Exhibit 9, Attachment F – Christine Rowe, June 25, 2020

Commissioner Reginald Pagaling, NAHC Vice Chairperson

Tribal Elder, Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians Tribal Affiliation: Chumash

Commissioner Pagaling is an enrolled member of the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians and a tribal elder. He has devoted his time to re-establishing the traditional maritime culture of the Tribe since 1996, and has also served as chairman of the Indian Gaming Local Community Benefit Committee of Santa Barbara County since 2010. Pagaling was tribal education program coordinator for the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians from 1993 to 1996. He was public relations manager for the Chumash Casino Resort from 1991 to 1993 and was cultural resources coordinator and Native American monitor at the Tribal Elders Council of Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians from 1988 to 1990. Pagaling built the Tomol “Muptami of Kalawashaq,” a traditional Chumash plank canoe, and co- organizes the annual Tomol crossing from Channel Islands Harbor to . Pagaling is a member of the Chumash Maritime Association.

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. appointed Commissioner Pagaling to the Native American Heritage Commission on March 28, 2013.

Commissioner Julie Tumamait-Stenslie, NAHC Commissioner

Chairperson, Barbareno/Ventureno Band of Mission Indians (Ojai) Tribal Affiliation: Chumash

9 Exhibit 9, Attachment F – Christine Rowe, June 25, 2020

Commissioner Tumamait-Stenslie has traced her family lineage from her father Vincent Tumamait to at least 11 known Chumash villages and as far back as the mid-18th Century. She is currently the Tribal Chair of the Barbareño/Ventureño Band of Mission Indians (Chumash) and a member of the Board of Trustees for the Ojai Valley Historical Society, the Board of Trustees and California Indian Advisory Committee for the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, and the University of California at Santa Barbara’s Committee on the “repatriation” of Native American ceremonial artifacts.

Ms. Tumamait-Stenslie has worked as a cultural resources consultant from Malibu to Santa Barbara to the Channel Islands, providing guidance for private groups and state, county and city regulatory agencies, including the Ventura and Santa Barbara County District Attorney’s offices. She is well known throughout Ventura County and beyond for her Chumash cultural education programs and also performs ceremonies according to her native ways, such as weddings, burials, naming ceremonies and blessings. She continues to act as the Spiritual Advisor for the California State University at Channel Islands where she was asked to present the benediction for the first graduation commencement in 2004.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed Commissioner Tumamait-Stenslie to the Native American Heritage Commission on November 14, 2007.

Please contact the Chumash Indian Museum in Thousand Oaks Board for comments.

Chris Rowe

-- Chris

-- Chris