Exhibit 9, Attachment F – Christine Rowe, June 25, 2020 Murray, Dillan From: Christine Rowe Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2020 3:37 AM To: Murray, Dillan Cc: Chris Rowe Subject: Re: Burro Flats Cultural District NRHP Nomination Attachments: Astronomy and Social Integration An Examination of Astronomy in a Hunter and Gatherer Society John Romani.pdf CAUTION: If this email looks suspicious, DO NOT click. Forward to
[email protected] Mr. Murray, I have not had the time to see the records that were submitted except the original application for the historic listing. I have done an internet search for Burro Flats. I have found numerous archaeological papers which are therefore public records. This is a link to comments to the Department of Energy regarding their portion of the SSFL: https://www.etec.energy.gov/Environmental_and_Health/Documents/Cultural/Cultur al_Resources_Comment_Plan_Comment_Responses.pdf The people commenting on this document are all licensed archaeologists. Please add to your documents these archaeological studies: "THREE CHUMASH-STYLE PICTOGRAPH SITES IN FERNANDEÑO TERRITORY" : https://scahome.org/publications/proceedings/Proceedings.26Knight.pdf This is the as a slideshow: Burro Flats Rocketdyne SSFL History: https://www.slideshare.net/ChatsworthHistory/burro-flats- rocketdyne-ssfl-history " The History of the West San Fernando Valley Limestone Industry and the People that Operated It": http://www.chatsworthhistory.com/Documents/Technical%20Pap ers/The%20West%20San%20Fernando%20Valley%20Lime%20In dustry%20etc%206-26-2017%20Albert%20Knight.pdf " Ethnographic Overview of the Native American Communities in the Simi Hills and Vicinity": https://ssfl.msfc.nasa.gov/files/documents/local/2017/SSFL_Ethn ographic_Overview_public.pdf 1 Exhibit 9, Attachment F – Christine Rowe, June 25, 2020 " Ethnohistoric Overview for the Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park Cultural Resources Inventory Project": http://www.parks.ca.gov/pages/21299/files/sspshp%20ethnohisto ry-complete.pdf I read this document years ago.