
Unit 1 (9A, 9C) Review

1. What are the four biomolecules and their main functions? – building muscles, catalyze (speed up) reactions – to provide quick (immediate) energy – store energy, provide insulation nucleic acids – store genetic material

2. What are the for each biomolecule? Give one example. proteins – amino acids carbohydrates – & (sugars) ex: , lipids – fatty acids & glycerols nucleic acids –

3. What are the for each biomolecule? Give one example. proteins – polypeptides ex: carbohydrates – ex: lipids – & triglicerides nucleic acids – DNA & RNA

4. What are the elements in each of the biomolecules? proteins – CHON & a few S carbohydrates – CHO lipids – CH & a few O nucleic acids – CHONP

5. Draw a concept map including the information from #1-4.

6. What is the process of making a big by joining together small monomers? Is water used or formed during this process? Draw an example. Dehydration synthesis. Water is formed or taken away in the reaction.

7. What is the process of breaking apart a big polymer into small monomers? Is water used or formed during this process? Draw an example. Hydrolysis. Water is added or used in the reaction.

8. An is which biomolecule?

9. What is the of an enzyme? To speed up (catalyze) reactions

10. Draw and label an enzyme and substrate binding together. Include: enzyme, substrate, active site, product

11. Does a reaction need more or less energy with an enzyme? less

12. What effect does temperature have on a reaction rate? Draw an example of a graph. Initially, as temperature increases, reaction rate increases. Once the temperature heats to a certain point, the enzymes are denatured, the shape is changed, and the reaction rate slows down

13. What effect does pH have on a reaction rate? Draw an example of a graph. The enzyme only works within a certain pH range. If the pH is too acidic or too alkaline the reaction will slow down.

14. What effect does enzyme concentration have on a reaction rate? Draw an example of a graph. As more enzyme is added, the reaction rate increases.

15. What effect does substrate concentration have on a reaction rate? Draw an example of a graph. As more substrate is added, initially, the reaction rate will increase. Eventually the reaction rate will level off.