
The Building Blocks of Biomolecules are Organic

1. Molecules containing , , , and . 2. They make up living Examples: (CH4) (C6H12O6) are all organic molecules 3. Carbon is the central and will bond covalently because of the 4 valence electrons (outermost shell) total of 6 electrons. 4. CHONP Elements - Primarily C, H and some O

Carbohydrates – C, H, O in a 1:2:1 ratio

Proteins – C, H, O, N

Nucleic Acids – C, H, O, N, P Biomolecules

1. Basic : , (sugars), Lipids (), (DNA, RNA)

2. : Large molecules of the above that can be broken down. • Ex. into sugar / (starch) into (glucose) Biomolecules with Examples 1. : The smaller molecules that are the building blocks of macro molecules • – sugar or, monosaccharide ex.’ s - glucose, , – amino acids ex.’s – meat, poultry, eggs, beans, soy, nuts, – glycerol & 3 fatty acids ex.’s – fats, oils, waxes, Membranes • Nucleic acids – ex.’s – DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid, RNA = ribonucleic acid Monomers / continued 2) : a chain of monomers • Carbohydrate – starch, , / • Lipids – none • Proteins – protein / polypeptide chain • Nucleic Acid – DNA, RNA Carbohydrate • Simple vs. Complex sugars

• Simple sugars: - Monosaccharide: - “One” “Sugar” - We will focus on glucose: C6H1206 - The basic/main source of energy “quick energy” Simple Sugars:Carbohydrates • Simple Sugars: - - “Two” “Sugars”

- Examples: - Table sugar: sugars= Glucose + Fructose

- = Glucose + Glucose

- = Glucose + Galactose Complex Sugars: Polysaccharide • “many sugars” Complex Sugar.

• Functions: Cells use them for energy and cell wall structure  cellulose.

• They allow organisms to gradually use energy since it is stored in large chains. Complex Sugars: Polysaccharide - Starch : has thousands of (sugars) bonded together

………Thousands Complex Sugars: Polysaccharides • Cellulose: Makes up the walls of plant cells. Also made from glucose.

• Ruminants (cattle, sheep) can digest both cellulose and glucose.

• Humans can digest starch, but not cellulose WHY?????????? Polysaccharides

• Glycogen: Animals store carbohydrates (glucose) in the form of glycogen; similar in form to starch. Why????

• This is why… - This is our reserve energy - Stored in liver and muscles - We do not want to lose our carbs all at once!! Proteins

• Made of Chains

• Amino Acids are bonded through a bond Each ball is An Amino Acid. Bonded by Peptide Bonds

There are 20 Amino Acids There are 20 different occurring amino acids Protein

1. Building material: muscle, bones, hair, fingernails 2. Enzymes: Control rate of chemical reaction in the cells and body (catalyst) 3. Immunity: make up antibodies 4. Other specific functions such as : carry O2 in red blood cells 5. Regulate cell processes Examples of Protein Structures The shape of protein is important to its function.

Enzyme: Quaternary Structure Lipids (Fats)

• A common lipid is made of 3 fatty acids chains connected to a glycerol Lipids (Fats)

• Glycerol: a type of alcohol. The back bone of Fats. • 3 chains: Long chains of C & H - Saturated=as many C & H bonded as possible, single bond, (Solid at Room Temp.) - Unsaturated= C and C bonds, must have at least one (usually Liquid at Room Temp.) Generally good for you: fish oil, avocado, olive oil, red meat, HDL vs LDL Lipids (Fats) Functions

• The main energy storing molecule because of the high # of carbon to carbon bonds. Why are bonds important? • …because they Store chemical energy • Lipids store more energy than any other biomolecule - 9 Cal/gram = lipids - 4 Cal/gram = carbohydrates and proteins Lipids (Fats) Functions

• Insulate

• Main molecule of the

• Make up some (testosterone) ?Questions?

• What type of bond connects Amino Acids? • What are lipids composed of? • What are three of the of carbohydrates? What is the sugar subunit? • What are the four types of elements that make up biomolecules? Enzymes

All enzymes are proteins but… Enzymes act as a catalyst by speeding up chemical reactions. All enzymes are catalysts but… Enzymes

Enzymes – ase Specific and depend on temperature and pH to work efficiently…otherwise they will denature. Enzymes are protein catalysts that carry out the chemical reactions of . All chemical reactions require activation energy to break chemical bonds and begin the reaction. Enzymes lower the barriers that normally prevent chemical reactions from occurring by decreasing the required activation energy.