Pacific Citizen June 3, 1983

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Pacific Citizen June 3, 1983 Founded Oct. 15. 1m June 3, 1983 Pacific Citizen I ·tpaldl The National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League ISSN : 0030-8579/ Whole No. 2,241 / 01. 96 No. 21 ~~20¢ ONPAGE JACLHeadlines ••• Prewar civil service worker FR,gNOCELDlRATES ... ANNIVERSARY U.S.-Japan link for 6. CHIARa;CUR(): Greg Marutaru/San Francisco donates to Chicago redress cmCAGO--A prewar state 21 st Century viewed SEN N9IIYAMA VISITS cmCAGO civil service worker in San 8. SAITO: An Ounce of Prevention Francisco who is receiving his Hal OLULU-The 21st centu­ ne man hinn Ho and grand ftrst paymmt of $1,2fi) in July r will be the centur of the tea master hoshitsuSen. from tile State of CaLifornia as Pacific, according to U.. Source of Stability NSA historian reveals 1941 Tokyo cables compensation for being dis­ Ambassador to Japan Mike Said Man field : "Our bila­ boasted 'utilization of our' Nisei-Issei missed fmn his job on account Mansfield. But before that teral relationship ~ with Ja­ of his race am the Evacuation prediction come true, Man - pan) i of importance not only No bearing on CWRIC finding, has pledged that stm as CO~ field said, the United States to our two natiol alone but tribution to the Qlicago JACL must de elop a better Wlder­ serves as a source of stabilit say JACL and CWRIC officials redress furrl, it was announced standing of the Asian coun­ for the entire region. this past week (May 13) by tries and their needs, Jay "For the U.S. Japan is a i­ SAN FRANCISCO-Before interning 120,000 Japanese, alien Jane Kaihatsu, presdent. Hartwell of the dvertiser ~velt tal market, taking more of ow' and. citizens alike, in 1942, President and his top 'I will pledge this amount to reported. adVISers may have seen Japanese diplomatic cables boasting the Chicago JACL since the J cr goods each year than an "The development of that other overseas customer ... the "utilization" of ethnic Japanese ("OlD" second generations panese American Citizem huge basin ... will depend and our resident nationals") for espionage, according to a for­ League has been foremost in In 1981, they purchased more upon the strength and durabi­ than $6.7 billion worth of mer U.S. intelligence officer, David Lowman. the various drives to rectify the lity of the Japanese American tagricultw'al ) goods, or 15 ~o National JACL reaction of surprise was immediate to the injustice of the evaruation," relationship, a relationship New York Times story of May 23 by Charles Mohr. Said John said the dooor, Artlt1r T. Mo­ of our total agricultural Art which must be based on mu- exports. Tateishi, national JACL redress director: rirnitsu, 70, lX"e5ident of the Jcr ~ ~ual tr~st "This is the fIrst I've heard of the cables. .. but I think this rit in which (gave)". His be- .. and understand­ "More investment dollars panese American Service lief in JACLon redre$ has "al- . mg, sald Mansfield, who de­ informatim has little, if any, bearing upon the injustices of the are also finding their way Committee. ways been strong , .. and this livered the commencement internment or the research of the U.S. Commission on Wartime The gererous contribUtion from Japan to the U ,S. In 1981, Relocation and Internment of Civilians. In fact, it leads me to gift is testimmy of his confi- address May 15 at the 72nd an­ Japan had $6.9 billion directly was not only acknowledged by dence " Kaihatsu corrunented. nual graduation ceremony question even more seriously, oome of the government's ac­ Invested in our country ... All the chapter but it IOOved the Mo;imitsu hopes this will from the Univ. of Hawaii at tions against Americans of Japanese ancestry ." Sansei chapter presdent to add of this means more jobs for help the Redress effort and Manoa. CODtiDUea 00 Page Z that she was rmved by the "spi- Americans, improved skills encourage others to remem- Mansfield received an ~?n­ and training." ber JACL's campaign in sim- orary doctor of humarutles It also meqns that some Controversy sryags Amache WRA memorial text ilar fashion. # degree, as did Honolulu busi- Americans are concerned DENvER, Colo.--<.:ommuru- Japanese ancestry. Various nada (Gra-nay'-da) from about Japan's effect on the cation continues to be ex- groups have raised up $20,000 February, 1942, to December, U.S. economy, Mansfield changed between t~ Amache to secure a suitable memorial 1945, housing approximately Nikkei charged with shipping said, and those people want Memorial Committee here atthe site. 7,500 to 8,000 Japanese and J a­ U.S. trade barriers against and the Granada City Council The text suggested from the panese Americans; that ap­ U.S. stolen cars to Japan Japanese goods. They also de­ over proper wording of a me- So. Calif. Amache Historical proximately 180 volunteers LOS ANGElES-The Federal Grand Jury here returned a 20- mand that Japan reduce its morial plaque scheduled for Society was found to be unac- served in the U.S. Army count indictrrent May 25 against a Japanese businessman, Koichi trade barriers for certain . dedication over the coming ceptable by the city council (during WW2) and 31 were Ishihara, on charges of foreign transportatioo of stolen autos. American goods . Labor Day holidays, accord- and what the city council pre- killed in action." An FBI and U.S. OJstoms SerVice lnvestigaIlon diSCTo.<m that. Some Trade Barriers Higb ing to Susumi Hidaka, AMC pared was unacceptable to Ishihara allegedly leased a large number of luxury autormbiles, Although, Mansfield said, chair. the California group Hidaka The only remaining struc­ defaulted in their payments am had them Slipped to Japan for the Japanese have reduced It is believed that Amache indicated at the Amache Pro­ ture at Arnache is a small resale. some trade barriers, the tar­ is the only one without a per- ject meeting here May 23. brick shrine built by inmates The vehicles involved include 17 Mercedes Benzes, two Cadil­ iffs on goods such as leather manent memorial of the 10 , The text now under study is a few yards from the grave­ lacs, a Rolls Royce am a BMW, with a total value in excess of and tobacco are still too high. yard at the camp's southwest $750,(XX). There may be over 100 automobiles involved in the case. wartime concentration succinct, stating a "War Re- '·Japgn ... has the most to camps detaining of location Camp existed in Gra- corner. # The investigation was initiated over a year ago after information ~ gain from the continuing . ---::'i"' . I was received by the Asian Task Force of the L.A. police depart­ existence of the (free trade) . ' ft .. ~;t ment from members of the local Japanese cooununity. (~s tory .r ;' ~wspapers system, and it is in her own ,. ;/ broke in the Tokyo May 13.) Operating between 1979 and 1981, Ishihara is thought to have obtained cars from U.S. car best interest to participate in " leasing firms by such means as fractional lease payments. It is the process of keeping the sys­ believed that he then had them transported to Japan as ifhe bought tem healthy by doing her part them from the leasing frrms. to see to it that residual pro­ Ishihara allegedly victimized auto leasing companies through­ tectionism in her own mar­ out the U.S., inclu~ lots in New York, New Jersey, Texas and kets does not become an ex- California. # COntinued on Next Page Nikkei from 13 nations due at PANA convention UMA, Peru - Representatives pear in tl1e Pacific Citizen next Saturdity (July 16) from 13 countries (Argentina, Bra­ week. Kubokawa, national JACL 1000 hs : Plenary II; 1.300: Lunch ; zil, Bolivia, Canada, Colombia, Chi­ v.p., is the voting U.S. delegate on 1500: Continuation of Simulta­ le, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, PANA's board.) neous Sessiorn; 1900 : Grand Bin­ Mexico, Paraguay, the host country The official program from Filial go/Artistic Smw. Peru, United States and Uruguay) Peru, hosts for the international Sunday (July 17) will convene here July 14-17 for the conference, is ~ follows : 1000 hs : Sporting Events; 1300: second Panamerican Nikkei Ass0- Thursday (July 14) Lunch ; 1500: Plenary III \Fi­ ciation Convention. 1900 bs: Dirmer~a in local Nik­ naleJ ; 1000: Reception, 30th PANA, promoting confraternity keihomes. Ann'y, La Asociacion E<;tadio La and service among the Nikkei in FrXlay (July 15) Union (Stadium Union Assn.) . North and South America, held its 1000 hs : Inaugural Plenary; 1300:· Registration Package flrst convention two years ago in Lunch--Alrnuerzo ; 1500: Simul· Up to June 15: US$90; After June Mexico City. Its new charter, which taneous sessions on (a) PANA, 15 : US $100. Includes city tours was drafted by the U.S. contingent (b) Nikkei Enterprises Confer­ (July 13 or 14) , 3 lunches, 3 dinners of JACLers, is expected to be rati­ ence, (c) College Student Ex­ and coffee b{eaks, transportation, fled here. (And Chuck Kubokawa's change; 1900: Recepfun, Japa­ bingo/artistic show, sport tourna­ long-aWaited presentation will ap- nese Embassy, Lima. ments. Official Convention Hotel Guayule rubber test plant to be built Lima Sheratm-Rafes $49.50 sgJ SACATON, Az.-The Gila River Iniian Community has awarded a rl or dbl, tax included; breakfast ex­ tra (U&$3.OO plux tax, Continental; million contract to Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. to develop, design and US$5.10 plus tax, American>. supervise building of a prototype guayule rubber processing plant on (Readers have a choice of travel George Lune Photo: 'Up the Creek' Denver tribal grounds, it was announced in early May. While Firestone expects to have a pilot plant running .in Akron in 1984, plans.
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