No. 156 Dec. 2020 1 Editor’s Note Bro Nevez 156 You will probably notice that this issue of Bro Nevez is a little shorter than past issues. With the Coronavirus December 2020 raging throughout the United States, more and more people are counting on the postal service (and other delivery services) to deliver mail and packages during ISSN 0895 3074 this holiday season. In the interest of getting Bro Nevez to those who receive it by the postal service before New Year’s, I wanted to get it completed and in the EDITOR’S ADRESS & E-MAIL mail earlier in December. This means a little less preparation time! Lois Kuter, Editor I hope you will find the content interesting even if there Bro Nevez isn’t quite as much of it as usual. 605 Montgomery Road Ambler, PA 19002 U.S.A. Lois Kuter 215 886-6361 On the Cover
[email protected] These strange objects are not so strange to any of us – face masks! But, these are designed with a Breton U.S. ICDBL website: theme. They are available from Coop Breizh: Coop- You will also hear about face masks in Jean Pierre Le Mat’s “Deep Inside a Breton Skull” article The U.S. Branch of the International Committee for the which discusses Smells. Defense of the Breton Language (U.S. ICDBL) was incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation on October 20, Holiday Greetings in Breton 1981. Bro Nevez (“new country” in the Breton language) is the newsletter produced by the U.S.