7390 the London Gazette, 14 November, 1933
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7390 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 14 NOVEMBER, 1933 and is hereby appointed liquidator for the pur- Meeting was resumed at 4 p.m., when the follow- pose of such winding-tip." ing Extraordinary Resolution was submitted and At a subsequent Meeting of creditors of the passed unanimously: — above named Company, duly convened, and held " That it has been proved to the satisfaction on the same day at 27, Portland Terrace, of this Meeting that the Company cannot, by Southampton, the creditors confirmed the appoint- reason of its liabilities continue its business, and ment of Mr. Edward Beal as Liquidator of the that it is advisable to wind up the same, and Company in the voluntary winding-up.—Dated accordingly that tihe Company be wound up the 8th day of November, 1933. voluntarily; and that Mr. Harry William Buck- (072) ERNEST T. SPENCE, Chairman. ingham and Mr. Alfred Charles Surrey, be and are hereby appointed Joint Liquidators for the purpose of such winding-up." (105) K. F. BRUMFIT, Chairman, LONDON PETROL CO. Ltd. T an Extraordinary General Meeting of the A Members of the above named Company, duly convened, and held at 39, Victoria Street, J. W. ROBINSON Limited. London, S.W.I, on Tuesday, the 7th November, The Companies Act, 1929. 1933, the following Extraordinary Resolution was T an Extraordinary General Meeting of the duly passed: — A Members of the above named Company, duly " That the Company cannot, by reason of its convened, and held at the offices of J. H. Milner liabilities, continue its business, and that it is & Son, Solicitors, Albion Walk Chambers, Leeds, advisable to wind up the same, and that the in the county of York, on the 8th day of Novem- Company be wound up voluntarily; and that Mr. ber, 1933, the following Extraordinary Resolution Archibald Richmond, of 39, Victoria Street, was duly passed : — London, S.W.I, be and he is hereby appointed " That the Company cannot, by reason of its Liquidator for the purpose of such winding-up." liabilities, continue to carry on business, and that (065) A. RICHMOND, Chairman. it be wound up voluntarily; and that Mr. Her- bert Reynolds, Incorporated Accountant, of 49. Bank Street, Bradford, be appointed Liquidator." At the Meeting of the creditors pursuant to CLEAR-RADIO Limited. section 238 of the -Companies Act, 1929, duly con- vened, and held on the 8th November, 1933, at The Companies Act, 1929. Albion Walk Chambers, Leeds, William Ewart T an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Storr, of Central Chambers, Manor Square, Otley, A Members of the above named Company, duly Incorporated Accountant, was appointed Joint convened, and held at Bush House, Aldwych, Liquidator with the said Herbert Reynolds. London, W.C.2, on the 31st day of October, 1933, (071) J. W. ROBINSON, Chairman. the following Special Resolution was duly passed: — " That it is desirable to reconstruct the Com- pany, and accordingly that the Company be LONDON MERCHANTS COMPANY. wound up voluntarily." (Members' Voluntary Winding-up.) (069) W. W. WAKEFIELD, Chairman. The Companies Act, 1929. T an Extraordinary General Meeting of the A above named Company, duly convened, and held at 22, Bishopsgate, London, E.C.2, on the The EASTON GAS & COKE COMPANY Limited. 7th day of November, 1933, the following Resolu- The Companies Act, 1929. tion was duly passed as a Special Resolution, T an Extraordinary General Meeting of the viz.: — A Members of the above named Company, duly " That the Company be wound up voluntarily, convened, and held at The Gas Works, Easton-on- and that Mr. Charles Wilfred Maude, be and he the-Hill, Northampton, on the sixth day of is hereby appointed Liquidator for the purposes November, 1933, the following Special Resolution of such winding-up." was duly passed: — Dated this 9th day of November, 1933. " That the Company be wound up voluntarily (199) CHAS. W. EVANS, Chairman. in accordance with the provisions of the Com- panies Act, 1929, and that Mr. Lewis Baxter, of Easton-on-the-Hill, be and he is hereby appointed Liquidator for the purposes of such winding-up." SYNOT Limited. (070) L. BAXTER, Chairman. The Companies Act, 1929. T an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the above named Company, duly convened, and held at 20-22, Wellington Street, WILLIAM FETTER Limited. Strand, W.C.2, on Thursday, 9th November, 1933, In the Matter of the Companies Act, 1929. the following Special Resolution was duly passed: " That the Company be wound up voluntarily, Extraordinary Resolution. and that Mr. Percy Jack Webb Straus, of Messrs. T an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Gundry, Cole, Bond, Straus & Manning, Char- A above named Company, duly convened, and tered Accountants, of 3, Great Winchester Street, held at 23. Union Street, Swansea, on the 2nd E.C.2, be and is hereby appointed Liquidator for day of November, 1933, the following Extra- the purposes of such winding-up." ordinary Resolution was duly passed: — "That the Company cannot, by reasons of its FRANK E. BLUFF, Chairman of the liabilities, continue its business, and that it is (200) Meeting. advisable to wind up the same, and that the Company be wound up voluntarily." Dated this 2nd day of November, 1933. ATTRUM Limited. (026) HUBERT JONES, Chairman. T an Extraordinary General Meeting of A Aurum Limited, held at the registered office of the Company, 411-419, Salisbury House, London Wall, E.C.2, on the 8th November, 1933, CARSTAIRS Limited. the following Resolution was passed as a Special N Extraordinary General Meeting of the Resolution: — A Members of the above Company was held " That the Company be wound up voluntarily, at 7 and 8, Poultry, London, E.G., on Tuesday, and that William Ros Sharp, of Trafalgar House, the 7th November, 1933, when the Resolutions on Waterloo Place, London, S.W., be and he is the notice of 27th October, 1933, were discussed, hereby appointed Liquidator for the purposes of and the Meeting adjourned until the conclusion of such winding-up." the creditors Meeting. The Extraordinary General (131) W. ;W. HALLIDAY, Chairman,.