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a • ■ ' B A T D K D A T , r E B R U A R T 2, ISHT | ^anrlf>0t^r Eoftting Averata Daily Clrodathm hr me Moatfe of Jaaaary. 184a logical that he Join the strongest A Windy D ay .................Hopkins Carol Cochran and moat powerful organization. Piano Pupils The, Doll's Ball . , . Martlir 9,030 Such an organisation Is strong About Town' Heard Along Main Street Emerise Petijean The Army and Novy Club a of the Aadit • and powerful through the number Across An Azure Sky .... Rungee of its membership. Give Recital of dronlatloBa |t«T. A !fn d tk wmuma. rector Nancy Walsh And on Some of Manchester*$ Side Streets, Too 'The American Legion is the The Captain's March .... Hopkins Incorporated 'Manchester—‘A City of Village Charm f at, M ary's Kplaoopal church, largest and strongest veterans' who has hsen eonflned to his home Lois Mikolcit group In the United States—pro l^arge Gathrriiig at St. My Doll's Lullaby ......... Hopkins fa r tbs past three weeks by tUneM, knows f'from Park street south to Forest Pete Condio, probably bably the largest such organiza Valerie Roberts VOL. L X V J N O . 106 (Clleaelied Advertislag on Page 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 1946 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS L'j has recovered sufflclently to take In street. Otis street has not been more about hunting conditions I tion In the world. Through its Mary^H Farikli Hall; Jingle Jangle ................. Hopkins aart In the services tomorrow at 11 the outskirts of the town than any accepted by the town so doesn't strength of membership the Le . w'eloek and aaridn In the evening Complete Program Carolyn Kittle hunter, because of the type of come under the sidewalk ordi gion is best fitted to help the vet . Dvorak f nance. "Now I can shovel the I.,argo............................ «t T o’dock. business he follow's. Pete has a erans of both World W ar 1 and 2. AJda ........................... .. Verdi BINGO snow at that lot when I get good Officials Protest UNO Site Choice bread rout^ and at all hours can Next in size and power is the Vet Pupils of Miss Gertrude Herr Norma Keith Sunset Rebekah liOdge will meet and ready,” says Francis be seen driving along lonely erans of Foreign Wars organiza mann gave a p'iano recital la.st The Cherry T ree ........... Hqpkins Bevin Cries ‘Lie’ Monday evening at 7 Every Sat. Night At 8:30 Sharp! roads delivering his products to tion. The difference between the right in St. Mary's Parish hall, The Happy Farmer . Schumann Effort to End Steel to allow for the public Military Reports are coming in to us the various farm houses. On two is that the V F W is-limited to before a large gathering of rela Bette Boglish W hist f«>Uowing at 8 o’^Jpck. under . V „nnnrtiin. I about a character who is roaming tives and friends. The children 4tyb direction of Noble Grend MUe these trips he hM am ^e oppori^^^ backyards lifting what food those who have seen service in any Waves of the Danube .. Ivanovlcl 21 Games Including Sweepstakes war the U. 8. has been In provid were all from Manchester, with the ' Lorraine Peterson arace Hatch. Prizes will be aw-ard- Ity to ob^rve the presen *■ i he can reclaim from garbage cans, exception of Carol Cochran who To Reds’ Charge sd and refreshments aened by aence of rabbiU or pheasant j seems to know the m a n - ed that service was on foreign Valse ................................... Chopin soil. The Legion is open to all lives in Hartford and Valerie Rob Margaret Korngiebel 7 DOOR PRIZES Mrs. Minnie Klssmann and her tracks. ! su elderly fellow who is oddly at- erts of Wethersfield. Among the Row Renewed Today; The Skater's Waltz ... Waldteufel committee. Pete, who U an enthU^uc ^ who saw service In either World War 1 or World War 2 regardless participants were one pair of Maude Wilson hunter In hla own right, p iw ic is Jacket. He carries a bag sue- twins, Carol and Connie Jarvis. EACH SATURDAY NIGHT The Toung People will take over more game this year than lit any of where that service was given. Ballet Music ................. Schubert On Grieece Issue pended under his arm and he goes Harriet Mqher / the entire Sunday morning worship year during the duration of the around picking scraps of food from Both are highly respected organ service tomorrow at the Center war. He also gives a reason. Here izations and have proved over the Rustle of Spring ............. Sindig the pails and putting them In the Polish Dance...............Schwerenka Oongregatlonal church. The names bag. Now and then he goes along years their great help to the Bowles Called Again It la: Thelma Dowling British Foreign L o O m of those participating will be found "During the war years. says veterans of the country's wars. munching on whatever scrap he Miss Mary Edmunds, Miss Irene on the church page of today’s .-ler- the local hunter, "this territory They have both been potent forces has found. Matchet and Miss Doris McFarland sld. Six Boy Scouts will serve as was covered by more hunters than for good government. W e don’t know just what the served as ushers during the eve Truman Holds Hurried ushers. Flowers w1H be fumlshed in any dozen years before. A t idea is— a man rating from garb W e respect the desire o f veter Vishinsky Challenges | TVOU? P r i m C ning. by the Quadrant. __ tracted here by war plant wages, age cans In these days of social ans to jo in , their individual His Friendliness To* | ly-Called Conference ' groups, but they can best serve Wat^rhury Brass hundreds of men from northern security and unemployment fees. D IA N A 'S Sunset Council, No. 45, Degree of New England, mostly hunters, .Some people who have seen the their own Interests by first join ward Russia; Denies! Naval Arm Today with Schwellen- Pocahontas, will Install Its 1946 came into this territory. But that man think that he is trying to ing the largest and strongest of FENDER AND Peace Is Endangered; bach and Murray; Nei offlcers at lU meeting Monday eve wasn't the worst of It. They work arouse sympathy. He makes fre the veterans organizations. PACKAGE STORE ning In the ZIpeer clubhouse. New ed In three shifts and the game quent repeat trips to the same ,BODY W O R K Navy Expressions Hint Plants Now Idle ther W ill Comment candidates will also be adopted. really had no chance to sleep. garbage cans. Whatever his pur That 'teen-age boy who was In I 3 6 V2 Center St. Tel. 3914 London, Feb. 4.— (A*)— The installation ceremony will be pose It stands to reason there Is volved in the stolen car episode SOLIMENB A FLAGG At Trend of Future After Leavinjv White in charge of Deputy Louise Wlnans Hunters were out In the woods at Open Monday Through Saturday Until 9 P. M. Foreign Secretary ^rnfst all hours and the slaughter was no need of it. N o person in these reported in yesterday's Herald INC. l " of Hartford and her staff. A social United States need be forced to proved himself a quick thinker, •84 Oeatot S t TW. S ltl Bevin of Britain cried’ "lie” Planning; May Be T « o of ‘B l, Three’ Com- \ ‘British Bridcs’ House; Price Adminis P time with refreshments will fol gi'eat. "A fte r the second year I notic eat garbage scraps. When the stolen car stalled at the today in the United Nations pames Shut Down as, trator to See President low. traffic light at the Center the Safe from A-Bqmhs ed few tracks across the roads or Security council to a charge young lad apotted the officer di ^ E C t A L : - along the aides. And then they al W s understand that some of the 12,000 Workers ^o Reach Gotliam; recting traffic nearby. He saw ALICE OOFBAN by Russian Foreign Vice By The Associated Press most disappeared. But now I am returned veterans who are claim Waahington, Feb. 4.—(A)— he was in a tpugh spot driving a (Knomi As Qaaso Alim) Commissar Andrei Vishin On Strike; Pay Issuel ’ beginning to see rabbiU and pheas ing unemployment fees are using Atomic warfare, if it ever comas, President Truman held a almost any kind of an excuse to stolen car ana when it stalled he Seventh Dsnghter nf a Seveatb Sea SHERRY, PORT sky that British "troops in ants again. It won’t ,be long now thought surely l|ie officer would Born With a VeB may find the submarine ranking Waterbury, Feb. 4.— (/P)— hurriedly-called conference LECLERC when local hunters will get a get out of doing work. Some of Greece were protecting the i Voyage Rough them won't even hang out the question him and would notice his Readlnga Dally, tnclodlng Sniitey, AND MUSCATEL with the carrier-borne airplane as with Secretary of Labor niNERAL HOME share of their own game." rightist forces there. Two of the "big three” com -; Monday wash on the subterfuge youth. 9 A. H to 9 P. M. Or By Appolat- Schwellenbach and CIO Pres Hot end Heavy Argument a prime Naval weapon. panics in this center of the j in Mato Street that they migtit be considered as The boy thought quickly.