ROSLYN UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT Meeting of the Board of Education

Thursday, February 2, 2012

8:30 p.m.

Roslyn High School – New Board Room


Meryl W. Ben-Levy, President Adam Haber Dani E. Kline David Bruce G. Valauri

ALSO PRESENT Dr. Dan Brenner Superintendent Joseph C. Dragone Assistant Superintendent for Business Carlos Perez Assistant to the Superintendent for Administration Nancy Carney Jones District Clerk Daniel Pollack Student Delegate

ABSENT Clifford Saffron, Vice President Stanley D. Stern Allison Brown Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction

7:30 p.m.-Executive Session

Pursuant to Public Officers Law, Section 105, it was duly moved, seconded and carried by a vote of 5-0 that the Board of Education adjourns to Executive Session at 7:30 p.m.

The Executive Session adjourned at 8:40 p.m. and the Board reconvened in Public Session in the New Board Room at 8:45 p.m.

8:30 p.m. - Board of Education Meeting

Preliminary Announcements Emergency Procedures Cell Phones

Pledge of Allegiance

February 2, 2012 Board of Education Meeting Minutes Roslyn Public Schools

Ms. Ben-Levy welcomed everyone to the New Board Room and commented that “the new room is the community’s room.”

BOARD RECOGNITION: The Board of Education recognized the Intel Semifinalists and WISE Financial Literacy Scholars.

Mr. Kevin Scanlon, High School Principal, introduced Dr. Allyson Wesley. Dr. Wesley presented our four Intel Semifinalists who explained their research projects. Our students were four out of 300 semifinalists in the country.

INTEL Science Semifinalists from Roslyn High School

1. Daniel Pollack 2. Evan Schneider 3. Daniel Sikavi 4. Alexander Wu

Ms. Carol Murphy, Assistant High School Principal, introduced Ms. DiPietro, a second year Business Teacher who is currently teaching the Career and Financial Management Class. Twenty-Eight (28) of her students participated in an online Financial Literacy Exam. Seven students were awarded Financial Literacy Scholar earning a score of 95 or above. For the second year in a row, Ms. DiPietro has been named a Gold Star Teacher of the Year and Roslyn High School named a Blue Star School.

Financial Literacy Scholar – Gold Medal Winners (scores of 95 and above)

1. William Landsman (perfect score of 100) 2. Robert Pearlmutter (perfect score of 100) 3. Eric Poshka (perfect score of 100) 4. Joseph Asero 5. Daniel Chaite 6. Adam Heitner 7. Joshua Werman

Recommendation to accept the minutes from the following meeting(s): January 5, 2012 (Advisory M1) and January 19, 2012 (Advisory M2)

Dr. Brenner asked to table the January 5, 2012 minutes.

Ms. Kline moved, seconded by Dr. Valauri. Carried by a vote of 5-0 (with Mr. Saffron and Mr. Stern absent) to table the January 5, 2012 minutes

Dr. Valauri moved, seconded by Mr. Seinfeld. Carried by a vote of 4-0 (with Mr. Saffron and Mr. Stern absent and Ms. Kline abstained) to accept the January 19th, 2012 minutes.

February 2, 2012 Board of Education Meeting Minutes Roslyn Public Schools

Mr. Seinfeld asked that the Dr. Brenner report back to the Board in reference to the conference Global Education Strategies U.S.-China School Exchanges Educator Conference held at Boston University in which Mr. Mandel, Dr. Brenner and Ms. Brown attended.

Board President’s Comments Ms. Ben-Levy commented on the pleasure of attending the Tri M Music Honor Society Induction Ceremony last evening. She stated the performances were fantastic and there was a performance by a new group called the Roslyn Ringers. This group performed with bells, percussion and the electric bass. Upcoming events are the Fashion Show, Varsity Teams, National Honor Society Induction and the Middle School performance of “Once on an Island”.

Superintendent’s Comments Dr. Brenner thanked Mr. Carpenter, Assistant to the Superintendent for Facilities, and his crew for the excellent job they did in transforming the Commons into the New Board Room. The new room reflects “the excellence that goes on in our classrooms.”

Student Delegate’s Comments Mr. Pollack updated the Board on: 1) His visit to the Middle School with Ms. Murphy, Mr. Scanlon, Ms. Cerrone, and Mr. Mandel to speak to the 8th grade students about their transition to the High School next year. 2) The Monthly Club Leadership Meeting attended by the presidents of all the clubs to share their upcoming events. Discussion followed about starting a club newsletter. 3) Upcoming Events: The Fashion Show, Environmental Club Coffee House, Valentine Chocolate Rose Sale, Benefit Talent Show and the Clash of the Classes.

Ms. Ben-Levy acknowledged the beautiful art work of our High School students adorning the walls of the New Board Room.

Discussion Item(s): (Advisory D.I.1) 1. 2012-2013 School Calendar

Dr. Brenner requested not to post the 2012-2013 School Calendar. The New York State Education Department has not set the end date of the school year. Currently, the school year ends the third week of June on a Friday. One of the new processes of evaluating teachers will be based on student performance on state exams. The new regulations require that teachers must be notified prior to the end of the school year of their evaluations. This means that the Regents exams, testing and grading must be completed by June 15. The school year would have to end at least one week early. The school year requires that we have 180 days, plus 2 professional development days and 2 snow days. As per Dr. Brenner, we are in a holding pattern with the State. Dr. Brenner

February 2, 2012 Board of Education Meeting Minutes Roslyn Public Schools asked the Board’s permission to post information on the school website explaining that this is not a Roslyn issue – it is a New York State issue.

All Board members agreed to put the calendar information on the web site and the in Roslyn News.

2. Budget Presentation a. May Referendum

Dr. Brenner presented the first draft of the 2012-2013 School Budget to the Board of Education. The PowerPoint presentation is to be posted on the District Website.

Some of the main points that Dr. Brenner outlined were: o The District’s philosophy is to monitor the staffing requirements closely. o The Board of Education’s Goal is to budget closer to actual expenditures. o The Budget to Budget increase is currently at 2.79%. o The new budget tax levy and the growth factor allow our budget increase to be 2.69%. Anything higher than 2.69% requires a 60% voter approval. o No referendum this year to spend Capital money. $512,000 is currently in the budget for Capital money. In next year’s budget we are asking to increase that amount to $535,000 to complete the last phase of the bathroom projects. o No class size increase. o APPR - This unfunded State mandate could cost as much as $100,000 or more in training costs. o Expanded Adult Education Program o Confucius Institute a possible addition to the Adult Education Program. o Summer program o Technology –Second phase of the new website o Security upgrades - possible cameras throughout the district, both exterior and interior o Guidance costs are higher - more students are going out for Occupational Education. o Request increased furniture budget line for chairs in the elementary schools.

A lengthy discussion followed in reference to: o The 2% Tax cap, the new tax levy, the tax rate and property tax bills. o The reasons why we are not asking for a Capital Money referendum o Issues if the budget fails for a second time o The increased cost of the budget vote due to new State mandates in using the new voting machines.

Mr. Dragone announced that on the District’s website there is a 300 page budget document with 11 different points of view showing the Superintendent’s Proposed Budget. There is also a report on the Capital Fund Budget.

February 2, 2012 Board of Education Meeting Minutes Roslyn Public Schools

PUBLIC COMMENT #1 Limited to Agenda Items ONLY (Will be limited to ½ hour, no more than 2 minutes per speaker) Though not required by law, the Roslyn Board of Education invites public comment during its meetings. Citizens will be recognized by the presiding officer. Please state your name and address before speaking and direct all comments to the Board. This is not a time for citizen to citizen exchanges. We ask that comments not include the names of students or staff members, and comments are not permitted with respect to confidential matters. Please also be reminded that Board meetings are designed by law to facilitate the school district’s business and provide for public Board deliberations. Thank you

Mr. David Dubner, Resident, – Question for Mr. Dragone on the retirement exclusions of the Levy necessary to pay for the additional pension cost due to the increase in the contribution rate of pension funds over 2%. Mr. Dragone explained that based on the formula, the exclusions would total between $45,000 or $50,000 for the pension increases.

Dr. Brenner stated that at the beginning of each subsequent Board Meeting there will be an announcement of all changes to the Budget.

Ms. Linda Miller, Resident, Past PTA President – Asked the Board to consider the effect that cutting half the police precincts in Nassau County would have on our schools. Ms. Ben-Levy thanked Ms. Miller and recommended that she bring this issue to the County Legislator Wayne Wink.

Dr. Brenner stated that he would bring this issue to the Superintendent’s Meeting to discuss how a lesser police presence would cause a slower response time and the effects on School District’s in the case of an emergency.

ACTION ITEMS Action may be taken for each individual resolution or by the titled subgroups. Bracketed information following resolutions is not part of the Board’s official action and does not become part of the official record.

Mr. Perez requested from the floor to add Addendum P.1 Items 18,19,20,21 and Addendum P.2 Items 2 and 3.


P.1. It is the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the Roslyn Board of Education approves the appointments, resignations, terminations, elimination of positions, transfers, and leaves of absence as detailed in the Personnel Action Reports attached as (Attachment P.1 Professional)

February 2, 2012 Board of Education Meeting Minutes Roslyn Public Schools

P.1 Professional Addendum

Item Name Action Position / Location From To Certification/ Location Class / Replacing Step/Salary

18 Andrea Retirement Elementary EH 7/1/12 Brenner Resignation

19 Rhonda Retirement Social Studies MS 7/1/12 Kanis Resignation

20 Milva Childcare Spanish HS 7/1/12 6/30/13 Franz Leave

21 Kimberly Childcare Computer EH 7/1/12 6/30/13 Murphy Leave Teacher

P.2. It is the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the Roslyn Board of Education approves the appointments, resignations, terminations, elimination of positions, transfers, and leaves of absence as detailed in the Personnel Action Reports attached as (Attachment P.2 Classified)

P.2 Classified Addendum

Item Name Action Civil Class Type Location From To Salary Service of Schedule Title App't Step & Rate 2 Wilhens Appointment Bus Non- p/t Bus 2/6/12 $19.00/hour Eliassaint Driver Comp Garage 3 Maryann Resignation Bus EH 7/9/12 Glorioso Driver/ Cleaner

Ms. Kline moved, seconded by Mr. Seinfeld carried by a vote of 5-0 (with Mr. Saffron and Mr. Stern absent) to approve Agenda Items numbered P.1, Addendum P.1, P.2 and Addendum P.2.


February 2, 2012 Board of Education Meeting Minutes Roslyn Public Schools

B.1. Recommendation to approve the following contracts and to authorize the Board of Education President to execute (those contracts marked with an asterisk have been prepared pursuant to a previous award of an RFP or bid).

(i) Contractor: Uniondale Union Free School District Services: Health & Welfare Services for 13 Roslyn residents attending private school in the Uniondale District for the 2010-2011 school year Fees: $616.31 per student Total estimated to be $ 8012.03

(ii)* Contractor: Arrow Steel Window Corp. Services: Replacement of Windows in the Administration Building Total estimated to be $223,975.00 Bid Awarded January 5, 2012

(iii)* Contractor: Fidele Construction Inc. Services: Interior Renovation of the Administration Building Total estimated to be $238,000.00 Bid Awarded January 5, 2012

B.2. Recommendation to approve a payment in the amount of $31,667.78 to Ingerman Smith, L.L.P. for legal services rendered to the district for the period ending 12/30/2011. (Advisory B2)

B.3. Recommendation to approve the following payments to Burton Behrendt Smith Architects for architectural services rendered to the district and reimbursable expenses pertaining to capital improvements at the locations indicated in the table below. [Funds will be deducted from the Capital Budget Codes indicated in the table below.]

PAYMENT PROJECT LOCATION BUDGET INVOICE #S 3R, 4, 5, 6, 7, $2039.51 ADA toilets at Heights H2110-245-06-1106 8, 9, 10R, 11 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 2039.52 ADA toilets at HH H2110-245-07-1107 10, 11, 12R, 13 3R, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2039.51 ADA toilets at EH H2110-245-04-1103 8, 9, 11, 12R 3R, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2039.51 ADA toilets at RMS H2110-245-09-1105 8, 9, 10R,11 3R, 4, 5, 5R, 6, 2098.37 ADA toilets at RHS H2110-245-08-1104 7, 8, 9, 10R, 11 2, 3, 4R, 5, 6R, 1575.20 RHS flood investigation H2110-245-08-1209 7R, 8, 9, 10R 2850.41 RHS Lecture Room B H2110-245-08-2805 1, 4R, 7R, 8 1709.54 District Admin Building H2110-245-03-1005 2, 9, 11R, 12

February 2, 2012 Board of Education Meeting Minutes Roslyn Public Schools

B.4. Recommendation to approve the following payments to Park East Construction Corporation for construction management services rendered to the district pertaining to the Bathroom Renovation Project at the locations indicated in the table below. [Funds will be deducted from the Capital Budget Codes indicated in the table below.] PAYMENT PROJECT LOCATION BUDGET PO #S $3000.00 Heights H2110-201-06-1210 H11-00038 1250.00 Harbor Hill H2110-201-07-1206 H11-00041 1750.00 East Hills H2110-201-04-1103 H11-00039 2500.00 Middle School H2110-201-09-1204 H11-00036 5300.00 High School H2110-201-08-1207 H11-00037

B.5. Recommendation to approve a budget appropriation transfer request in the amount of $100,000.00 from A2250-490-03-9000-307 (Special Ed BOCES – prior balance $100,000.00) to A2110-490-08-5400-308 (BOCES Occ Ed – available balance $0). [Transfer is needed to pay the total expenditure for BOCES Occ Ed.]

B.6. Recommendation to approve a budget appropriation transfer request in the amount of $70,000.00 from A9760-700-03-9000-303 (TAN Interest – prior balance $85,000.00) to A2110-432-08-2800-801 (AP Test Fees). [Transfer is needed to account for the fees paid to ETS for AP Examinations through the General Fund instead of the T & A fund. This expenditure will be offset by the fees we collect from AP students which will now be deposited into the General Fund as revenue.]

B.7. Recommendation to approve a budget appropriation transfer request in the amount of $15,000.00 from A1670-200-03-9000-311 (Central Printing Equipment - prior balance $47,909.83) to A2630-450-03-1100-311 (Computer Supplies DW - available balance $3,084.84). [Transfer is needed to cover the costs of computer supplies for district wide use.]

B.8. Recommendation to approve the following Actual Non-Resident Tuition Rates for the 2010-2011 school year as calculated by NYSED on 12/20/2011:

Regular Full-Time Students Grade K-6 $16,683 Grade 7-12 $21,838 Students with Disabilities Full-Time Grade K-6 $69,152 Grade 7-12 $74,307

B.9. Recommendation to approve the following Estimated Non-Resident Tuition Rates for the 2011-12 school year as calculated by NYSED on 12/20/2011:

Regular Full-Time Students Grade K-6 $16,397 Grade 7-12 $24,540 Students with Disabilities Full-Time Grade K-6 $78,258 Grade 7-12 $86,401

February 2, 2012 Board of Education Meeting Minutes Roslyn Public Schools

B.10. Recommendation to declare surplus and obsolete an old Hobart Slicer (asset identification number 20081082) in the Middle School kitchen. [According to the cook/manager, this slicer has been there at least 21 years. Hobart was brought in for a service call, and a repairman told the staff the slicer was unsafe to use and unable to be repaired.]

Mr. Haber moved, seconded by Dr. Valauri carried by a vote of 5-0 (with Mr. Saffron and Mr. Stern absent) to approve Agenda Items numbered B.1, B.2, B.3, B.4, B.5, B.6, B.7, B.8, B.9, and B.10

CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION C&I.1 Recommendation to accept the confidential stipulations of the CPSE for the dates listed below as well as the implementation plans for the corresponding special education programs, services and parent notification as previously approved by the Committee on December 22, 2011, January 5, 2012, January 12, 2012, January 13, 2012 and January 23, 2012. (Advisory C&I.1)

C&I.2 Recommendation to accept the confidential stipulations of the CSE for the dates listed below as well as the implementation plans for the corresponding special education programs, services and parent notification as previously approved by the Committee on January 5, 2012. (Advisory C&I.2)

C&I.3 Recommendation to approve 18 students and 3 chaperones to attend the DECA State Career Conference in Rochester, New York from March 6 through 9, 2012 at an estimated cost to the district of $9,178.50. [Total cost of trip: $18,357.00 – Fundraising $1,724.00 (9%); Student Contribution $7,454.50 (41%); District $9,178.50 (50%)]

C&I.4 Recommendation to approve Dawn Cerrone to attend the New York State Athletic Administrators Association 2012 Conference in Saratoga Springs, New York from March 13 through 16, 2012, at an estimated cost to the district of $949.83.

Dr. Valauri moved, seconded by Ms. Kline carried by a vote of 5-0 (with Mr. Saffron and Mr. Stern absent) to approve Agenda Items numbered C&I.1, C&I.2, C&I.3 and C&I.4

BOARD OF EDUCATION BOE.1 Recommendation to add the Long Island Chess Nuts to the list of approved non-profit facilities users in accordance with Policy 1500. (Attachment BOE.1) (Advisory BOE.1)

February 2, 2012 Board of Education Meeting Minutes Roslyn Public Schools

BOE.2 Recommendation to add the Long Island Chess Nuts as an approved distributer of fliers in accordance with Policy 1511. (Attachment BOE.2)

Dr. Valauri moved, seconded by Mr. Haber carried by a vote of 5-0 (with Mr. Saffron and Mr. Stern absent) to approve Agenda Items numbered BOE.1 and BOE.2.

Ms. Ben-Levy requested to table BOE.3

BOE.3 Recommendation that the Board of Education of the Roslyn Union Free School District hereby adopts Revised Policy #9170 and its accompanying Regulation #9170R – Meals and Refreshments. (Attachment BOE.3) (Tabled from 1/5/12 and 1/19/12)

Ms. Ben-Levy moved, seconded by Ms. Kline carried by a vote of 5-0 (with Mr. Saffron and Mr. Stern absent) to table Agenda Item numbered BOE.3

Public Comments #2

No public comment.


There being no further business to come before the Board of Education, Mr. Haber moved, seconded by Dr. Valauri and carried by a vote of 5-0 (with Mr. Saffron and Mr. Stern absent) to adjourn at 10:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Carney Jones

Nancy Carney Jones District Clerk

February 2, 2012 Board of Education Meeting Minutes Roslyn Public Schools