Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

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Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Local History & Genealogy Division 115 South Avenue Rochester, New York 14604

Reference Book Not for Circulation Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

INTESTATES OF MONROE COUNTY, NEW YORK 1863 - 1874- Inclusive Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

INTESTATES OF MONROE COUNTY, N. Y. 1863-1874 Inclusive

Abbott, Mary C. Rochester, died July 20, IS69 Caroline M. Sanborn apt. Adraist. She left no husband, parent or child. A brother of half blood, by name of Campbell, of Wabeeha, Minn. Acer, John S. Rochester, died Dec.21, I863, Father, Ezra W. Acer. Achard, Charles L. Scottsvilie, died Jan. 22, 1873, Wife, Matilda A. Achard. Children, all minors, viz. Charles S. ae. 18, Nellie Louisa, ae. 15, Elizabeth J. ' » 13, Emma J. "11, Paul E. "9, Celia, H 7. Matilda A. Achard apt. adm. Jan. 30, I873. Adams, Caleb K. Ogden, died May 2^, I869 Wife, Laura Adams, apt. Adm. June 25, I869. dau. Gertrude E. Ogden. full age. H Martha V. • " H son, John D. "a minor, dau. Lucia E. " " son, Freddie K. " " Adams, Daniel A. Clarkson, died Nov. 10, 1865, Wife, Dorcas A. Adams, Son, Samuel A. Adams, a minor, dau. Fatherine E. Adams, " In final settlement, the daughter called Elizabeth C. Adam8. Agate, Stephen; Pittsford, died Sept. 23, 1870, Sister, Sarah F. Agate, Pittsford, apt. Adm. Apr.10,1871. Bro. Winchester Agate, Victor, N. Y. Slst. Ann E. Agate, Pittsford, Bro. Reuben S. Agate, All full age. Ainsworth, Walter G. Albion, N. Y. died in Ft. Forest, Can. Sep. 10,1871. Son Perley Ainsworth, Rochester, Adm. dau. Fanny Ireland, Mt. Forest, Canada. both full age. Ainsworth, William W. Hamlin, died in Charlestown, S.C. Nov. 186*1 Father, Luther Ainsworth, apt. Adm. No widow or children. Aldridee Albert; Rochester, died Sept. 9, 1864, ' Wife,'Sarah Ann Aldrldge, and children viz. 5- Adfla Aldridge' ar S,°! IT.il'/iltt Za^l„„* » " li " Dec.IS, 1S6J. Brother of Sarah Ann, Fredas, zk W. Lay, Greece. 1*5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates. 186S-187<*„

A14rich,Renry L. Fittsford, died Nov.50,187k;, (NOT.30.) Brother, Gilbert J.Aldrlch. Victor. Jaases O.Aldrleh, ifceCoaib Co.wich. Sister, Jtme G.Brl»ee, Pittsford, Celestla J.Hoot, rf:lmlrfi, .Y. 'live B.Bullls, rerintnn, K.Y. fcsry B.Baker, " " Kleee, Harths J. Scrambling, Victor, Surety, Christopher Erlzee, Nethsn C.baker, ALdridge, Jtihn 0. Webster, died July 26,187k:. (187k) «ife,Jeenette A.Aldrldge. Ada. Dau.isther A.F.Clover, Flint tfieh. Mary J.Manahesu, *enfleld. Sen, CasaiuE Aldrldgs, ftebster, i>eu. Hllen M.Hilar, bprlnglake, Mich. Son, Elmer L.Aldrldge. fbster, minor, n John B.'ldrldF.e, (had died before i-eb.1-7' Joseph H.Ketcham, Adm. t*Cn.erlep H. Rochester, died Dec.5flB7i2, life, Martha A. Allen, Ada. son. Durweod T. / Hen, Chas.K.?llen, er, lid, ? ssos.of age, unnnsai/ Allen,^avid ;. Rochester, 'led S>ej,t#3,1873, d*u. Jually K.^albfleiseh. Adm. \ John*H.»*lbflelach a Allen»^l«n; Hochester, died *4sr.3,lv» , I»u. fcary Allen, a minor, Maurice Lllllss, Adm. ' nd gup. n.i.Rn of -pry. Allft^ir^a V. lenfleld, died Sept.6,18*5, 11 f e, >*ia r the : ton, -James, ne.i-3, t.he 8th (torn off.) * Charles, (torn11 *sy B,lt65. • Olvln H. ee. 18, July :<, 1867. ' fretor A. lb, 3&er.31, 1863, £fe. brrah S. 1^ , Apr. 8, 1863, *n, Howe H. 10, ue>'- , 1%?, 6s. ttarths A. H 4, May b, 1865. *llen,«4in, r-.ochester, dler* in *e* Orleans,Feb.3f 1865. *H,Caroline Allen, Adrn. L»au Kliss J. «n infant. Allen,Klk; Webster, died Dec.a,1870. Pa the A Mat hi as .lien, J»vs,*.Y. Ulonzo • Her.; surety, iienry h.I'mlnnoll, All»>> ^oaas; Hoc neater, died Mig.30,1868, $n, llliam Allen, Adm. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestate Kstates, 1863-.

Anderson, uicy, Ogden. diod Sept.v4,lR70, Mother, Funics N.(or ft.)Goodrldge, (or Goodrich) Adm. Heir. *»ancy Stone, Ogden. " Henry Anderaon, H Eunice Anderson, r' ireddie Anderson, a minor,,Eunice (Joodrldge,a;u^T>dian, Surety, Albert Goodridge, John H. nderson. Andrews,ftilllam D. Hochester, died ^ee.l£,lw74, Mfe, Acure 2*1. Andrews, Adm. dau. Rertha A.Andrews, ee.8, on I>ec.l7,1874. hat tie K.Andrews, " 3, " K «illlam Lovecraft, surety, azrB H.-ndrews, " Joseph Lovecrrft, " Angell,Stejhen; Ogden. died Jan.19,1869. i ife, Sarah L.Angell. Wtaer, Stephen 'ngell. ^xd.-r.. Angle,Siron V. Hochester. died *4ar.lO,lR73, ife, Louise ».Angle, ae.4'/, l>eu. Sarah Ella An

Apell,9ustave; Roche." er, died *8r.l2f1874, Father, John .v. pell. Sister, hum a Apell : lnal settlement, Jany.1875, «-ives heirs (.? »eleher Abe 11, father,of Germany, and the n*mes are *bell. Archambault, Ruclld; died in Mary land, Kov. 11,186ft, Ko parents or children. Heir, Tancred Archambault, Rochester, tetit ion«---r. Slyran (?) aatr.lsr. Louis, " Carrie, H Azrtin (?) p Adeline Forest, " Lids t-orr*st, Canada. Archer,John; Chili, died June 1,1873. fflfe.R'llsrbeth Archer. Son.John ,. rcher, Rochester, (die'1 bee.17,1897) Robert A. "rcher, " Adm.(died 1>ec.ii6,1873) " (Jeora-e &• Archer, ( ae.60 In 1898. Dau. Elisabeth T.i>edrlck, *eedville, Pa. ( ae.69 In 1898) " tirrv A.Copelnnd, Rochester, ( ae.5P In 1898) " J«ne Cochrane, Corning,N.Y. ( ae.56 In 1898) g.dpu. M.HHa A rcher, ( ae.:*7 In 1898) • " Jennie A.Clark,( ae.36 In 1898) Emma L.Ulliams, relict of wr Id Robert S.Archer. Mary A.Archer, wldo* of John .Archer. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestate Estates, 4863-1876. •' 4

Archibald,James; Rush, die'3 Oct.16,1870. ilfe,Ellss Arcnibrid. Son. fciHiam. a minor. " James, " • dan. Alice, " " Armstrong,Arc lbald, *herlgnton, died Jan.27,lG€7. *lfe,Almlra Armstrong. Adm. with Laf yette Bottome. Brother, J«mes B.Armstrong. La Forte,Ind. Sister, Alvlrs fSriton(Y) Belolt,%ls. " Alvina Pottorn, K.Y. n Emily N.Chllds, La Forte,Ind. Arrowsmith,Margaret; Wheatland, died Dec.9,1872. Hushand, **elson Arrowsmlth. lAimford, K.Y.Married Oct.2,1832. Son, irenk Arrowsmith, torn Dec.30,1844. L ou i s D. Boyc e, Su re ty • K.E.Schem'ierhora " Later; Zimri Vldener, apt. Adm. E. R.Harmon, Surety, Peter Vfldener, " Ashley,Mary B. Rochester, died Jan.7, 1871. husband, John H.Ashley, Son, villlam H.Ashley, Rochester. w George *•-shley, Iowa. Leu. aary J.fost, ^ochenter. " Louesa ^rantsyn, Surety, K«S. )rentsyn. M As-tin,John; Roc-ester, dlert Apr.14,1868. Heirs are brothers and children of a d ed ?ister. Hrotner, ^cor^e .skin, Chill. " Yhomap Askln, Warsaw, Sister, Ann,wife of Lillians Leaj,, wh' left a dau. Clarlss* A.'ftalt, i.owell, Mich. " •-- - .dams. brother, Richard /skin. Ann Askln,wife of «illi*ir. *»««]:,moved to Sharon Wich. in 1834, where she died June, 1835, leavlnr two ch'.Idran.viz. Clarissa amd trances C. Francis was 14 months older th< • Clarissa, "nfl soon died. Clarissa married Ssnford iit, Mar.31,1853. She was born at Sh*ron,Mlch. June 19,1834, Clarissa had an uncle,BenJ.B.Leap,of Rochester. Heir. Catherine Black, Koreat Hill. Ind. Mary laylor, Mlddleport, K.Y. 9 Francis S.Hulburt, Olrard, Pa. " Martha E.Rlshop, Le hoy,1.Y. " J.H.Adams, Palermo, N.Y. •' llsabeth Stevenson, Chester, * .Y. " John and Rlch« rd Askln, forest Hill, Ind. M Tfcomas and George Askln, ' Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Inteststes, 1863-1875. * 5.

*smuth,Catherine; Rochester, died ^eb.k.6,1870. Husband, Philip Assmuth. Son, Louis* shton,Harriet £. fPMM, died Apr.£<.,1870. husband, Samuel shton, son, Charles S.Ashton Psrma. 9 uaow9 h. shton, Rochester. M J«mes v.Ashton, i-rraa, d«*u. Harriet A.Brrdshew, " Susa H.Hooper, Greece, son, Joseph S.Ashton, isrma. -tviell, aory; Hochester, Med ^ug.23,1871. Sister, ;nn Arcner, Chili. surety, illlam Archer, Sllliam illlams. s.uat ;rber§er,Elisebeth; Rochester, Jied Oct.14,1864, • u/ *»ary A. wife of Jonathan KInnal, Chill. g.son, Ueorire Lambert, 'arlck, N.Y. son, John Lambert, deceased, left *>idow,*«r0,aret. heir, *llllam i-ambert, -eneea Co.?*.Y. ieuhen ^pmbert, x^evi Lembert, w xary, wife of *-evl Swab. F>necr Co.N.Y. Caroline,wife of Jacob Baehman^ -ripr«?:aret Lambert, ^enecs Co.N.Y. lisabeth,wlfe of ;,evi loser, ^rlngville. Pa son, "«wson Lambert , ho left minor children,vis. ;jenry C.Lambert •

abcoek,; Hochester, died Mr.9,1871. .^on, lUism babcock, Jersey City, N.J. Joseph Abcock, " " dau. Hary Swan, .suspension fridge, <.Y. son, David Babcock, New York City. dau. Catherine Tlce, Rochester. Elizabeth SlmmoM, Charlotte,N.Y. son, John Babcock, «ew York City, Joshua babcock, Ststen Ialand. .Y. HPU, rrudence llaon, "ew York City, Adm. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1875. # 6.

pbcock,J«hn H. Rochester, died Kov.1,1865. ife,Louisa Babcock, Adm. son, Judaon Babeoek, Hilladal*,Mlch. John H.Babcock, Rochester. both fill age. Babcock,Lorenso D. Clnrkson. died Apr.4,1871. ife,Louis* v.Babcock. Son. Lorenso D. Babcock. Clarkson. James I. Babcock, H mlror. " tfeerge Babcock. " u W.K.Lewis, Bondsman. Babcock,'Vllllam. Rochester, died May >i0,1869. .Son, -Ulilam Babcock, a miner. Jeorge *•Parsons, Adm. and «ru«rdlan of William. abcoek, illlam A. Hors, ochester. >race A.Badger, " :«reh I.Padger " son, * rank A.Badger, supposed d ad In the *ar. dan, tfary £, Badger, Rochester, son, Jerome badger, d^u. Aat* It. Badger, ;:usie A.Padger, Anna E.Bqdger, a riror. son, Robert A.Badger, lisa i.Badge*, -*endon, die'-' , PInghampton,v .Y. " Mary .*:. Oaviaon, ^endon, d ce«sed, who left,vis. ugenla B.Davison, Hendon. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection inteatstea. 18u3-187b. ?•

Baer,Theresa; Hochester, died June 21,186:;. Huabrnd, Seligraan ^BT, Son, Louis, ae.10, Joseph, " 8. Allx, " 6, nenry, • 3, Solomon, " 4 weeks. hr*B in June, 1868. taker,Asa; Henrietta, died Sept.1,1866, i'Ife, Phoebe oaker, aon, Justus, *t Morris, NiY. " Horace, Hock Island, 111. " Marcus, Melbourne, ^ust^alia. " Mlland, laaraew, K.Y. " William, Rochester. " George, Henrietta. Baker,Erasmus D. Ogden. died Aug.li. ,186?. »lfe, i*arah Baker, son, Charles H.Buker, '' «eor.;e > .Baker, dru. Louis? J.baKer, 1 Mary i.Paker, " Agnes N.taker, c raker,Lo;isa *. hichroond, Va. died June l*,l 74, husband, *yron Epker, Mchmond,Ve. dru. **elxie F.Laker, Sweden, a minor. Ed*ar A.Spring, Cltrkson, a au rty. John D.Sprlng, ~edlna,' .Y. a sur ty. Brker,Mary Augusta; Brlrhton, died Jar.IP, 1865. dau. dsry Augusta L>nrorm Brighton, ^dm. son, Charier Ambrose Baker, a minor. rim. ranny Josephine Bpker, •! Emily Ad line baker, ' sen, 0e4r^e Frederick Baker. " By 1868, *ery Augusta, was wife of Charles k.coothe,I rondoquoit Amtroae w s In Chicago. i-rences J. and Emily were in Irondoqu'it. Frederick in Hochester with E.E,Booths. Baker,Richard; hochester. died fek.7, 187i;. Mfe, kellie baker, son, John baker, d^u.*ery Baker, both minors, of Hochester.

Baldwin,/bel; Clarkson, died June L,l;fc4. Dau. Laura A. *lfe of nenry R.Solden. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates, 1865-1875.

Baldwin,Timotr.y G. ChUi, ^ied Feb.El,1875«- . A.H.Klna, apt. /dm. son, George h.Baldwin, Chill. * Eliard beIdwin, Kingman or Kingman, vis. dau. Kllss Townssnd, ,: !i find Abb son, Chsuncey H.Baldwin, ielmad^e, 8ien. dpu. Luretta C.^-r*Inard, Attica, K.Y. •• nd Alexander, son, Amos R.B- ldvfin, Chili. The second residence? are at fin'1 Baldwin, Mlllam; Pittsford, died BoV.24,1870. 'fife, Cetherine Bj idtin. d?>u. Elizabeth loylson. Flttsford. son, 61111am H.Baldwin, '' Joseph E.^aldtfin, a minor. Be Hard, Nathan; fcebst r, died May I4,187i. .Ife, Rachel Balls-rd. Adm. W>ir. Kbeneser Ballard, Hardin, la. " Lucy Stoddp.rd, .efcster, Kency Hosg, Jamestown,N.Y. Albert Mallard, harmony, Chaut.Co.r".Y. iisryette Sherman, Sodus, *.Y. '•' Hiram Ballard, debater, Zerviah .-Idred, " Ellen Butman, fcilllarason,M.Y. " Hosee Ball rd, Kebster, '' E reason t P* Hard, »? ry Be \ \ pd, Administrator with widow, Chp^les S.bright. Surety, fcdward Turrill. BrUing,Cecelia A. Irondoquolt. '-led Oct.14,1^-7^. mother, *ary Ann Balling. Adm. brother,Joseph B lling, John Balling. sister, Jeannie Billing. " Carrie B? llln.5, all minora of Koch 'ster. Bangs,Augusta, Chili, died Apr.16,1871. dau. Amelia 1 ddock of Seward, Peb. Adm. S.Dwlght Paddock, Adm. Balllntlns,*llllam. Chill, died ssr.11,1871. ife, Sussm /.callintine, *di . son, Thomas M.BaHintine,Frineeton, Ky. James S.Balllntine, "'elbourne, -ustrslla. rteu. liary A.Brlllntlne. Chili. aon, John C.bsllintlne, " • ftilson h.Bslllntlne, Adm. d*u. Elinor Severance, scottsvllle, v.v. Mary Jane Balllntine, Omaha, *eb. floor-re how, Chill. surety. Robert 8arson, her,tland, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection


Banning,Albert T. Rochester, died Apr.9,1872. • ife, Ch' rl tte b nr.ing, son," v. 11 lism A.Banning, Hochester, Albert noland Banning, " a minor. Barbersslsaac E. Jr. Rochester, died Aug. 12,1864. Father, Isaac E.Barber, Adm. Sister,fcaacy C.Barber* (insane,) Brother, Albert L.Barber, Rochester. Barnes,Isaac; Sweden, died Cct.7,1871. v.ife, i*ydis G.B'rnes, son, ftilliam A.Barnes, Canton,111. George L.Barnes, Sweden. dau. k&ris Marion, Canton,111. Ch; rlotte /..Barnes, Swa en. son, Isaac ^ernes,Jr. pll full pre. L.T.Underhill, surety. Angus G.Poyd, " Barnes, John; Hochester, died Sept.7,1870. tife, Silsa fi mes, Adm. sen, John E.Barnes Joseph H.Barnes, d*u. Eliza .Br-rnea, Srrah H. Barnes, " Amy T.Barnes, son, Charles Albert Lprnes. all minors. Barney,Calvin; *erinton, die^ Aug.11,1875. son, illlam L.Barney, Cgd n. ae.18 on />ug.l9,1876. " Wallace Barney, ae.9. dau. Cynthia Ann Barney," B. These last ares given,Apr. 1 Bprnum,1 lchard; Brighton, ^led Apr. 1864. i-on, John £ .Be mum, 'dm. Brighton. Apt./ dm. Nov. 1. , Frederick F.Barnum, Wilson, ayne Co.K.Y. David L.Esrnum, g.son, »lllie Be mum se.12, Brighton. g.dau. Addle Barnum, ' 9, Bi ron,Louls; No d ath date. Bond dated June 29,1868. Vary /..Crittenden, Adm. Lorenzo eyburn, Surety. J*-roes E.Lee. Earrow5,.».nrvin R. Clerkson, died In Andersonvills,Ga.Aug Ife, f rla S.Barrows, only child, *ary Louise Barrows, /dm. Charles D.ibCuean, ^evl Berrowsf Surety, berry,Thomas P. Rochester, died Nov.3,1864. iife, Ann Barry, Jon, Thomas F.Barry, Rochester. Dau. Kittle harry, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1875,

Barthollck,Horace; Rochester, died Kov.19,1866. Slater, Johnnne T.Barthollck, All.Co. la. Harriet ^crbeau. Rochester. Bartlett,Melissa; Parma, died Nov.10,1870. Mother, Arvilla ^artlett, Parma. sister, Mr ry Cole, Famelis Hooper, deceased,who left; Adalbert Hooper, Greece. kephew, Francis Bartlett, Greece. Niece, J«arv i»cutt, Karelia. c 'Idren of n lds\scutt, " a Nephew, Alvln Seutt, B d-sd sister. Beteman,Adam; Greece, died frov.4,1874, Dau. Pllra Bernard, Greece, mry Ann Clery, Clarendon, Mich. Son, Samuel Bateman, Owasso, KIch. i'au. Sancy, married name unknown, >hitu -;ock, !*ich. Paumer,Clementine, *erlnton, die; Sept.^6,186b, •usband, Si-on baumer, brother, Emanuel Kreushaar, r: Samuel Sister, Elizabeth Kewhart, all Jfonroe Co. Baumer,Geor-e S. Rochester, died Jan.l'7,l{h v, Son, Simon Baumer, Bloomfield. Vl John Baumer, *' " Georre Br-umer, Rochester. Deu. Clara,wife of John Lawrence, Rochestyr. Baurastark,Joseph, Rochester, died «.ug.£7,1873, Mother, Kunigundp ^aumpLnrk, ©rot er, Thomas " (««e * 1°») Paumstock,' enjatrin, Rochester, died Sept.10,1870. Mfe, Kunigunr!a Baumstock, Son, Joseph " Thomas A. " both minors.

Beadle,John; Rochester, died Apr.7,18s7, ftife, S^ rah Beadle, Dau. Cera beadle, Kiagara rplls, N.Y. Son, William Beadle, Roia ester. " Edg'r ^eadle, DPU. Ida Beadle, Beeman,Joshua;-^'te«\ died 1^0.^9,1870. V>ife, Eliza seaman, L»eu. Hannah Aetster, Chill. Marie nErt, Hartford, Mich. Elisa J.hart, Gates. Martha ^rown, Chili. Son. Alonzo n , Aurora, Is. Andrew Beaman, Ogden., A«>. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates,1863-187b. > 11

Beaner,Charles; aabster, §ed '-ov.lk.,187i?. $lfe, Abigail Beaner, Dau. Isabella w <= minor. * Elizabeth ,: " Anna Son, Augustus ,J DPU. Julia ,; Gustav Beaner, surety, Albert herrick, ! P^»»ty, Margaret: Rochester, die^ Oct.16,1867. Son, Charles A. ae.9 in 1869. .*Illi«m Crlppin, Guardian. Packet,J^mes; Rochester, died *eb.P?,1874, Sife, Dibble docket, Adm. Son, Charles Pecket, a minor. dau. Eva Becket, " Ee.ll,Geor«~e; Push, died June 8,1863, ife, Nancy Ball. Reir, Rebecca,wife of James lV-reen, Push. " Irs Pell, Adm. Rush. alUlem B.Bell, v, ife not rent lone- in finr.l settlement, Eept.Si8,1868.

Bell,Robert; irondoc; >rit, die- Sept. 10f 1868. ife, Catherine Bell. Adm. A mother,name not known 0gd< nsfcurg, Can. Brothers, names " eenish,.dward H. Rochester, died July SO,1874. Mother, Ann Twamley, Rochester, Adm. Sister, Mary Knowles, " Elisabeth Hlllyard, resid nre unknown. ""Tnrr irett, Oat tie ^reeV, Mich. Battle Risley, Rochester. **ephew, illle Gonter, (Ch.of de'-d sist.) Rochester. Samuel Flemish, Buffalo, ch.of Richard, s dead troth Piece, Caroline Perish, Rachel ^emish, " hrencic ^emish, Brother, John terr. ish, deceased, who left; vie. Robert, Kdv^rd, hebecea, Rachel, -^ry, aH oche Sister, Ann hob^nson, deceased, who left; viz. ^eMnald, £nnn, harrold. 1 rue 11la Lamson, surety, Deddem^na (hajin. " Pender,Anthony, Hochester, died July 17,1866? ife, Kllsabeth lender, dr. son, *-enry Bender, Rochester. " Philip Bender, " dau. Catnerin^ hartzlsnrer, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1875. 1

Eender,Elisabeth, hochester, filed Mar.P,1868. Son, Philip Bender, Hochester, " Henry Fender, ' DRU. Catherine Hersbergerf. '" Adm. Benedict,Alva; Henrietta, die-- Oct.11,1871. *ife, Chloe Benedict, so.64. Adm. Son, Errstus S.Benedict, ee.*6. Homer Benedict, " 38, Oliver Eenedict, » 29, All ages given, in 187 Eroy D.Hilmpn Surety, cenj.H.Kllrofn • Benedict,Levi, tendon, dl©^ in Galesburr,Ill. Dec.7,1866. \.Y. " £5. Benton,Samuel;.Chi!I, died tfpfae 187?, (June 1 Brother, ftllllam Benton, «*efi rsor Co, Mich. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1875, 13.

Berg,Elizabeth; Roc ester, died Dec.26,1867. Hushand. Jecol Berg. aon. Jacob, a minor. " George, * t» Freddie, W Charles, dau. Elisabeth, son, Andrew,

Bergman,Anne- K. hochester, die : *eb.6,1868. Children. Elizabeth Passener, Hungary, William Bergman, Cohocton,K.Y. Elizabeth Eunolb, Brooklyn,K.Y. Sophif Hess, hochester. ierg«-ret Young, '' J ohn lm Be rgns n, ,r Elisabeth '• £oung '•• " Christian Bergman, resid nee unk-o^n. Hannah Ditcher, «hc left c ildren, not.m.mod. Benjamin, Laura; ~©ndon, die'* May 15,1871, T*«u. Mary /. wife of fcllliem Lockwood, *dm. Lima, K.Y. Bettridge,J«-mes, Riga, r'ie-"4 Jan.lB,18S5. *ife, Jane Bettridge. Son, Walter Robert Bettridge, Dau, Grace L.Bettrldge, Family al.i in Ann Arbor,.'.Ich. by July 18,1867. u< te of It In? 1 Settlement. Eevlns,* 1111am, Henrietta, died tfov.7,1869. wife, Julia Eevlns, afterward Julia '. ard. Son, Egbert, •• e.b mos. Bevins,^illlsffi« Rochester. Petition rirte^ uf.^4,ltJ7p. ft ife, Jul la '.. who married and was Julia >,. ard, by 187c. and was livlnr at Avon.v.Y. Son, Egbe rt ».Pevins. •argeret backett, surety, A.L.Van Ness.

Bldwell,Jeannettej Rochester, died uct.3,1864. Husband, William J.Bid-ell. i>on, Charles K. se.lP on 0ct*1864. Dau. Lula J. ' 15 mos. Billings, Erne line, Clarkson, ^le Kev.2* ,1860. Husband, Amos h.Pl)lings, apt.Adm. May 3,1873. Son, Penny Adalbert El Mings, *-ai»W!a.'?rrmd Mplris, Mich. " Thomf e »-a r i en L 111 in**: s, Dau. KB«:H ^stella Billings, Jprms, a minor. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1- b. $ 14.

Theresia Birkle, Hochester, died -ug.9,1874. Dau. Christina,vire of George J. «ies,ter, die- Jan.?7,1868. dau. Delia M.jjeake, Adm. Richard fceake, surety. Blackball,George; Rochester, Petition d ted Apr.8S,1873. Mother, Pleckhall, *erth, Canada, )dm. Bleckman* John G. Wheatland, died Jan.5,1865, %ife, Charlotte rlsekmar. Adm. Dqu. -a rah A.Blackmar. a minor. Julia E.Blsckmar. * full are. Father, Jirsh Blackmtr, Adm. Bleekmer,John J. heetland, died Jan.5,1865. ife, Charlotte Plackmer. .-dm. dau. Julia A. Plackmer, full age. Sarah E. Blackraer. a minor. (There were these two records mede, notice thi t the name is spelled differently and tne fcihdle initials of S*rah and Julie are transposed. Doubtless the same John Plackmerlmar) Bleekmer,Charlotte; ^hartlsnd, d?ed 0ct.l6,lR7k;. dau.Julia Adelle Babcock, " Sarah Ella Plackmer,(se.J/O,In 1873) Donald ""eftpyghton, .'.dm. (This record proves the ones before.) Bleekmer, phralm; Wheatland, died Dec.V.3,1872. Brother, Newton Blackmer. Ahe* tl^nd. dau. Sarah Blackraer, " ,! Minorve Plackmer, * Thankful Plackmer, " son, Ami Bleekmer, ,( " «ifthew hleckmer, ( In a claim mad by rtand'-lph P< Hard, »»ewton -lackmer is called IB aon of Ephralm.} Blake,Julius J. CI rkson, died Kov.l5,lt:73/ Only heir,i>enF Blake, an infant. fell liar. Bradford, Uusrdlan and adm. .llllnir Stanley, surety, George T.Cornes, " Blanchard,Josiah A. irondoq olt, died war.£9,1670. aiff, Eliza T. Blanch-rd, Dau. Ada B.Blanehard, a minor. *. H. Duke sure ty , 1.B.Campbell," Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates 1863-1R75. P IS.

Bleuw,Hippolith; Rochester, die'4 Aug.10,1870. wife, Ernestine Blauw. and tie follow In* children.viz; Mathilda, born Dec. 1,0,1864, Kmelle, H Jan.l4,18;7. Frederick, • Kay 5,1859. Charles, B Nov.16,i860. August, " July 10,1863. M111am and Amanda, b.»ar.P7,1866. Bliss,John F. Hlga. died ^ec.11,1873. %ife,Annt< Elizabeth Bliss, /idro. Nephew, Silllam ¥aleott, Owego,*i.Y. Ira M.Randall, Adm. Gecrre LoverecVe, surety, Savill Red fern, n iron. final settlement. Joel Telcott, Owego. Brother, %Illiam Bliss. Hoses F.Bliss, ^e.neseo, 111. Abb; -".young, Genevr 0. Rachel B.Jones, Hebron,Ct. Isaac fe.Bliss, ^ertranto^n, Yenn. n brc, of Rosea Bliss. 11 be in*? nephews *nd nieces or 0.*ephs. Plood,Nathaniel; Perlnton, died Nov.25,1871. he left a widow, not named,who since died. Son, Thomas J.Blood, 'enfield. Deu. Mary M.Smith, " AJUCY W.osborn. Bloss,Reuben; Rochester, petit'on d*ted Mar.19,1873. «Ife, alary A.Bloss, Dau. Mary J. wife of Solomon 0.Phillips, Rochester. Carlos Dutton, surety, Elon Billings, " Board, Robert; CI rkson, died Se^t.16,1873, ^ife, Ann Boprd. Adm. dau. Marls Writer, Cl*=rkson. son, *rnkft .B o rd, " " >reem

Booth,Alfred; Brighton, ditid May k;9,1864. Brother, Hiram Booth, Brighton. Adm. B Henry Booth, Canada. Andrew J,Booth,Prirrton. Mortimer E.Booth, Henrietta, s minor. Sister, Emily J.Booth, Rochester, " Clarisss C.Otis, Battle breek, 5*ich. " Julia Scudder, Brighton. Luther Eaton, Adm. Booth,George W. Brighton, died In Virginia, .ug.1,1864. Family as above. Hiram Booth and Luther Eaton, Adms. Bort,Mary J. H*mlln, died Mar.7,1874. Husband, James Bort, Adm. Son, Nicholas Bort, " sillard R.Port , s minor. Dau. Cora D.Port, ,r 8 James i^.Bort. " Bortle,Francls{ ierlnton. died Nov.4,1871 Oldest brother, Philip Bortle, Perinton. " Jacob Bortle, Spring Mills, Mich. Kendall Bortle, AlMon, &lch. Sister, Elizabeth L*ne, Hillsdale,Mich. brother, Morris Bortle, Rochester, sister, Caroline Loud, Ierlnton, brother, Samuel Bortle, Lenawee Co. ich. ,; Crrin Bortle, Hudson, niece, Martha Bortle, Victor, N.Y. " Eveline Aldrich, *erinton, child of s broth*. neph w, Charles Bortle, Adrian v'ich. ' Boschert,Au«rust; Rocnaater, died Uet.fe3,1867. *lfe, Anna Mary Poschert. with the follo*inc' children. John, ae.ll, EllzPbeth, ae.8, Ares In Nov.1867. Joseph, ae.6, Ma ry, a e . 4 , i«uisB| ae.lf yr. Adm. Bernard Klem. Bosley,John G. Rochester, died May 17.1864. ftIfe,Esther Bosley. son, Edward G.Bosley, Chicago, 111. " Alonso B.Bosley, Rochester. Dau. , married name Illegible, Gates. Son, Henry C,Bosley. Rochester. " Daniel ^ehster Bosley, " dau/ Harriet E.Bosley, " a minor. Bourhton,LouiB,Pegsippi,fAi8. die-1 In *arylpnd,July 4,1863. Sister, Emily E.Colt, Pagslppi, is. Adm, Bro. L.fc.Boughton, Sister, Khodf Nye, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection intestrtes, 1863-1875. # 17.

Bovee,Abram; Riga, died Jan.9,1861. * i fe,6 * the rlne Bov ee; Son, Jacob, Riga, full age. ares a;iven Francis,• ae.17, as of dau. J lis, " ae.i;<, June 6,1«67. " REtelle," ae.10, " Hattie, " ae.8. Bowen,John; Charlotte, Chautauqua Co.K.Y. died Dec.£3,186?. Mother, Hulda Bowen, living in Chaut.Co. sister, Caroline E.Bowen, " ^nn H. wife f Monroe Young, " Cl^ri^sa A.Bowen, brother, Erastue Bowen, Ivornss Bowen, Charlotte,Chaut.Co. * .Y. Bowman,David A. Hochester, die'3 ^ec.30,186P. Son, Alexander Bowman, Rochester, Adm. d?u. nachel L.Bowmen, " " Bowmen,Qeorre, Rochester, died Oct.16,1864. 'ife, C*»tnerlne Bowman, dau. Catherine, a minor, Hannah, son, George, John, John Bowman, Adm. Boyce, Everett, Rochester, died *ar.l6,1870. s»« Ife, I sat rile Boyce, deu.'-ve ^avinis Kswlend, K.Y.CIty. son, George E.Boyce, Rochester. " Louis D. Boyce, Boyd,^ary, Sweden, no d< ta. Son,Andr w ' oyd, old si aon. Other children,not n rod. Brace,Cynthia, Rochester, die May 20,1865, Nephew, *oses Clifford, Adm. Bradford,Eli, Greece, dleh Oct.27,1873, Wife, Julia M.Bradford, Adm. Dau. Ch'-rl'tte wilder, Parma* ae.V7. In lp73. son, Ellphalet Bradford, Greece, ee.21,,r Bradley,THomas, Rochester, die ftug.25,1866. ?ife, Anna G.Bradley, Adm. heir, Marion O.Bradley, Rochester. ,: wllllam O.R.Bradley, " Bradah8»,J*ne P. Seneca, Ontario Co.K.Y. died Sept.15,1871. Husband.Jacob H.Bradshaw, of i>eneea,v.Y. Son, Alfred Christie Bradshrw, J| d»u. Ida L.Bredshaw, • D.Carrie ^rrdshaw, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates, 1863-1875. i- 18.

Bredstrest,Marietta S. Irondoquoit, died Nov.11,1873. Son, Cleveland ^radBtreet, " H Ranaford, residence mknown. • . Foster Kearney Junction, Nob. • William • George e minor. w Thome s " David • Jacob, Sillerstowh, Pa. dau/ Harriet Hoffman, henry * Riser , suriey, *sthiss Hoffmmn " (Hoffman) surety, BraIthwaite,Mary L. Rochester, die^ Bet.25 ,1873, Father, otert ^raltPiwaite, hochester. sister, Charlotte BraIthwaite, v Braman,Isaac; *enfield, died Apr.10,1864. wife, Zervlah ^raman, Son, Dudley Braman, California. B »illiam ^raman, Sturgls,MIch. dau. Lucy Braman son, Jonathan Lraman, dau. Cynthia Braman, '' Harriet Braman, son, -^ernison ^rr-mnn, dau. Eunlee trsnsn, son, Jfmes H.Braman. all full afe. Brant I g* n,iAen rie t ta : Rochester, died Dec. 23,1872, son, Gustave ^rantlran, hochester, (old st son.) dau. Theresa Prantigan, " Ida Brentigan, " a minor. Brey,Ebeneser; Rochester, died *>ec.30,1865, In Philadelphia, Mother, widow of Dr.*-ray, middle field, K.Y. Brother, v.ashington Pray, feashington,D.C. The motter *^a s* id to have m rrled arain, name not given. B-ehm,Carl. Rochester, died *pr.11,1872. *LIfe,Anna Brehm. dsu. Elisabeth Brehm. Br»nnan,*erk; Rochester, die- In Peris,111.Way 16,1870. Mother, 6srah ^rennan. Sister, &ate brennan, Hochester. • ; sreh Brennan, Mary Brennan, " " Eliza Brennan, " Madge Brennan, " trother,John Brennan, Paris, 111. all of full are. Be rna rd 0' Be11ley, Pinal settlement in Jan.1874, gives <=>s follows; Kate P.s*c6racken, Hocherter. helr,Hose Curry, Ogdensburg, . .Y. (could she be a niece.* Madge Irvine, Rocheste r, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates, 1863-1875. * 19.

Bremen,Martin; Hochester, die' Sej:t.9,1869. *lfe, Emily Brennan, dau. Marian, a minor. Brew,Jane; Riga, died Mar.11,1870. Daniel McMaster, apt. dm. heir, James brew, Beverly, Canada, a minor. R Duncan Brew, Riga, " * John Prew, Bergen,K.Y. " Duncan Brew guardian of the above children. Brewer,Mich sel, fenfleld. died vct.S,1866. Son, Sylvester M.Brewer, renfield. Samuel S.Brewer, ,! William H.Brewer, " dau. Matilda J.Duncan, ,! a minor. son, George E.Brewer, " dau. Ellen A.Brewer, " Brlckler,Jacob; Rochester, died middle of *ey,18c5. ; elr, Caroline Prickler, a minor. r' Josephine -rlckler, Joseph ^riekler, petitioner, a creditor, no relationship given. ^ridgeman,Guy C. Hamlin, died Apr.26,lP7i;. Son, ti«or"e C. Bridge man. Adm. dau. Helen C.Amsdon. Hardin. • Caroline E.Hathaway, " Sarah h.Brldgemen, " " Martha R.firldgeman " a xinor, Katie ^rid^--man. *' 11 Hetta Bridge man, son, Freddie ^rid^eman, James H.Redman, Adm. rInel settlement, 1873,gives weor^e C. in Rochester. Hannah &msdell In fcerdr11,',Y. Martha R. in Parma, Mary E. In Greece, Loretta in Kendall, and Frederick in Cl< rkson. Bridgeman,Levi; Greece, die Oct.6,1864. 'ife, olive hridgeman. Heir, Frederick Brldroman, Leavenworth, hrn. " George R. fcast **aginaw, aieh. w Emily Purnham, Mich. " Jennette A.Brldgeraan, fireece, B Rrrriet H.Brldg men, w LucylTrld >erf-n, Brigrs,Martha E. hochester, died Nov.11,1872. liustand, John T.Brlg* s, Adm. no children. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1875. # 20.

Brlggs,William. Perlnton, died Aug.29,lR70. fcife, Althea ~rig^a, Adm. Apt.Sept.8,1870. Son, Arthur H.Briggs, Perlnton, ae.M. dau. Her tense H.Brigjcs, ae.3< . • M. llssbeth —ter, H ae,37. (May be Belter ?) son,Clarence H.Briggs, Elkham, fcls. ae.40. " Lyman *.Brlggs,R.Y.City, ae.30. " Ira G.Erig^a, Sacramento, C-lif, a<*.27, Brlon,Mary; Rochester, died Jan.6,1868. Son, Ma this s BVock, dau.? Charlotte Lutz, *rrn;lln,Is. Briatol,Albert G. Rochester, die- Jan.l,lP73. ft Ife, Mtry G.Bristol heir, .^ry Bristol. • ¥ nny Bristol. !i Albert G.Bristol, '' Mary Thomas, Bristom,harry T. Rochester, died Sept.16,1873. IIfe,Anna Bristow, Adm. Son, Ailliam A.Bristow. By 1894, the widow is /nnie sh, end in Englan Son, llliam is 21 and in hochester. Viilliam Prlstow, Surety. Brlsee,Juliette; Pittsford, no death d ta. Patrer,iUnls Brlsee, apt.Adm. 0«t.l2,1872. he signed the petition Oct.10,187^. Bromley,}liny; Roc ester, died Oct.4,1874, wife,--lien E.rromley, son,Charles 1.Bromley, hochester, Ad&. William C.-owley, surety, Efniel .Bromley, Brougham,Bridget; Rochester, died />.ug.31,lP68.lPromham \ ) Dau. \nn>. ieagher, lairff-ne, Ta. " itarstaret brougham, hochester. son, John • ifcomas " a minor. w Kichael, " " Bronner,«oses; Rochester, died reb.28,1872. V-ife, Caroline Bronner, son, ^enry hocheater, a minor. " Israel Charles * Edwa rd r Morris M dau. Fanny Brock,rtuth; Rochester, died har.17,1872. Mathlas 4-rock, hochester, Adm. only heir. Prookman,John; Rochester, die- Sept.11,1868. r 0 iaih.r. R3.tofJI» IW^taift-i-untl«y ^ove, 111 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intastates,1863-1875,4

Brookman, John; Rochester, di e^ Sej t.11,1868. Wife, Margaret Brookman, Adm. brother, Christopher Brookman, Huntley Grove, 111. Brooks,Alvin; Rochester, died :4ar. 1865. ^ife, Martha brooks, Adm. dru. Adelia Brooks, Rochester, a minor. " Emily ^rooks, " son, Geor e A.Prooks, H Broker,Nicholas; Rochester, died Nov,8,1868. Heph. John Brower, Adm. (John Jr.) Brother, John Brower, Irondoq oit.

1 Brown,Alice; ogd<>n. die- Oct.8,1865, 6on, Esekiel Brown, Parma. dau/ Jane,wife of John Bennett, Sweden. Son, Horace O.Brown, Isaac Prown, dau. Sally,wife of James F.Rpker, Eagle, rich. son,Nathaniel ^>rown, Ogden. fdm. g.dau. Alice !feirphy, dau.of Harlan Raker,decasaed, a the teatator. Alice Murphy, a minor. Brown,Daniel; iarma. died Mer.2,1864. «ife, Catherine v.Brown. Son, Charles L.Brown, a minor. Brown,Daniel G. Rochester, died Apr.8,1867. A ife, Ann Maria Brown. son, yrank D.Prown, a minor. Erown,Dlantha H. Ogden. died Feb.£7,1866. Sister, ijydie ftright, Vernon,K.Y. B Maria Fish, brother, George Fish. Step-son, J?-mes I .Brown, Adm. Brown,Pdwin T. Sweden, died Nov.1,1870. Mfe, Adeline J.Brown. Adm. son, Daniel J.Brown, a minor. " Jay H.Brown, dau/ Mary C.Brown, Brown,George; Clarkson, died Sept.30.1864, ife, Mary Prown. Adm. no c:. lidr^n. Brown,Georre a. Fenfield, died fipr,30,1871. Alfe, Susan Brown, son, Millard v..Prown, a minor. dau. Bella L.Brown, H...Brown, aurety, Evan J.Beauroont. Brown, Col.Hamilton; Perms, died Feb.11,187?. Father, Jesse Brown,only heir. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1675. ¥ 22.

Brown,Henry; Hochester. died in Georgia,Oct.9,1»64. Viife, Louise ^rown, Adm. dau.Elisabeth Prown, ae.6. Brown,John; Parma, died July 1?,1871. Ko descendants or parents, One brother and two sisters in England. Not mamed. Brown,Lydie; Rochester, 'Med Aug.14,1871. Son, ^illiarr Brown, Rochester. p Kirem ^rown, " Adm. Brown,,iathis8? Rochester, died May 18,1864 at telle Mein,Ve 'AIfe, Elisabeth Pro^n. Adm aon, Lawrence ^rown, a minor. ^f'U. Louisa ^rown, fillliarc. Gairlngt,?) apt.Co--dm. Brown,Msthies; ochester, died *.ay 18,186* as above. Brown,Oscar.t. Hochester, died Sept.1,1873, ae.52. ^Ife, Bridget ^rown, died Aug.9,1899, -e.71. dau/ S' rah J. wife of Hm.H.Supner, littsford, («e.^c.) Marian E. wife of Chas.6t.John, hochester,(ae.43.) " Ellen brennan, och-ater, ae.4l. Children's apes as of lp94. Brown,Theodore, ioch»ster, died Oct.21,1866, Slater; Henrietta A.Barnard, Hartford, C t. " Caroline .Smith, Hoch«8tt»r. Blizpbeth f.viould. w Brown,'!111am; tendon, died J^n.2,1864. son, La Dreu ^rown. his only heir. Brown,'-"•i.illam; Rochester, died June 7,1873, wife, Augusta, prown. son, Julius Brown, Rochester. full ego. " rilllam trown, " " r'fu.iipry Prown ae 18. Bryan,Horace C, Rochester, die Oct.1,1869. wife, Caroline Bryan, Adm. aon, Borneo S.Bryan, Rochester. Bryce,J naee; Greece, died Jpn.9,1 71. ;

Bubbyear, Jr mes; Rochester, die^ Jrr,.1873. wife, Marge ret Bubbyepr Adm. Children; all minors, vis. Bougies; Edward; Edith; knrga ret; Buckland,David; Brighton, died Oct.11,1864. wife, Fllsp Buckland. son, Abner, dau.Fenny L. son,ueor*re E. d^u. Amelia fe. all minors. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1875. r- 23.

Buctley,Erastus P. Chili, died . pr.£8,1866. Rife, Elfrede S.or J.Buckley, Adm. dau. Carrie Z.Buckley, a minor. son, *rank " dau. Mary u " Joel Puckley, surety. Philander H.Buckley, au**«ty. Buckley,George A. Chili, died Oct.29,(y7) 1865. *ife, Anna R.Buckley, of Bristol,\.Y. in 187k:. son, Fhil&nder Buckley, Hamlin. dru. Zemantha Goodale, Bristol,K.Y. son, OllverC?) Buckley, Cansndnlgue,K.Y. " John H. Buckley, B Joel L.Puckley, Chill. Erestua l.Buckley, deceased, with wife,Elfrena(V) & eh, liJary, Frank, Carrie Z. Buckley,aicheel, Rochester, died In Virginia,June 4,1864. Sister, • nnp C.Buckley, Hochester, ae.l? In 1864. K Nora ft.Buckley, ' ae.'<-4 brotP.er,Daniel F.Buckley, " ae.lc, ' Budd^ry,William; Greece, died at Cold ^arhor,Vp. .---y 3,1864. Mother; Ann,wife of Jacob Bee, Greece. sister, Mary Ann Stall, Greece, ne.19, *fth Edgar Bee, ee.6, son of Ann ,hls mother. John pee, ae.l, " " " Buell,Rodolphus; Ogden. died <4ey. 18,186? . ¥ilfe,Mcry Buell, died Aug.8,1864,ae.64. D

Buelte,Ignatius; Rochester, died Mpr.29,1873. ftife-, Magd lens, Children,ell minors; Amelia, * reddle, Mary, Barney. Buff .Barbara, Rochester, died Oct. 10,18674 Father, Michael Buff, Rochester, Adm. Buhl,Simon, Rochester, died Dec.?, 1864. wife, M*ry Buhl. bro. Michael, G*tea, N.v. " John, *' Morris, Germany. Sist.Barbara Keeler, Grtes. Eva Frederick, Adra. Buhr,Theodora,Rochester, died May c ,1471. Hustand, Freda ick Buhr. Son, aenry, an infant. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates, 1863-1875. (j 24.

Bullard,Fisher, Rochester, died Nov. 1868. life, Betsey Bullard, dau. Julia,wife of George J.Whitney, ' Frances C.Smith, George J.Whitney apt.Adm.Kov.28,1868. Bunker,laslah; Rochester, died Dec.18,1871. wife* Mareraret Bunker, Sister, Mary Bunker, Roche?, ter. " Ann Bunker, r' Catherine Bunker, " " Poslne Green, M«ce-'on,V.Y. brother,William K.Bunker, Cinclnnr.ti.o. " Robert Bunker, Rochester. Burch,William; Hamlin, died in Army near latere-burg,Jan.1866. ho parents,widow or descendants, but Brothers and sisters Abel Burch. Harelin, Adm. Robert Burch, Clarkson. Elijah Burch, Sweden. Freeman Burch, Bamlln. Henry Burch, Kent,Putnam Co. P.Y. aaomi Hogers, CD rkson, Susc-n Burch, **ent, Putnam Co. Margaret Burch, s Jane Loomis, Sweden, Burdoe,-ose, died Dec.28,1867, Father, Joseph Burdoe. Burgdorf,Barbara; Rochester, died Mrr«20*1872°. Dau. 6'-rah i'arks, Hochester, Adm. son, «eorr,e Burgdorf, *est Amfcoy, N.Y. " Alexander,Burgdorf, " *' • dau. Catherine Wallace, Spencerport. V: " Bets y Baylor, resld nee unknown. son, Jerome Burgdorf, 111 Henry larks, Surety. A.Mandeville, " Burgeleln,^nrbr-ra, Rochester, die' Oct.11,1874. son,John , Sen *r8nclsco,Cfil. dau.Mary v.ltsell, Rochester, both fill mtfe. Augustus Rltsell, Adm. Abrrm Cushman, Surety, Pred.J.Mauder, BurR;elein,heInhfirdt; Greece, died J«ny.2c,l864. Brotner, John Burgelein, Rochester, ^dm. Sister, Mary '/.itsel, Cincinnati, 0. Mother, Johanna Burgelein, Oermany. brother!, Chas. -.ouis and Julius, aerirany. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1875. i 26.

William Burgess; Rochester, died Aug.17,1858. William Burgess apt.Adm.Dec.2? ,1869. Sonj William Burgess, Rochester, " Robert Burgess, London,Sng. James Burgess, deceased,who left children,viz. hilliam Burgees, Chicago,111. James K.Burgess, Rocheater, Jme Ann Burgess, " Robert C.Burgess, " dru. Ann Boyd, d ceesed,*ho left children,vis. Ann Boyd, Rochester, Jane Boyd, Henrietta. Burke,Jennie L. Rochester, died Dec.22,1874, Brother, Patrick Burke, sister, Mary Burke, /'dm. " Ellen Burke, " Julia Burke, " Elisabeth Burke, Nephew, EdwKrd Burke, minor, el ild of a deed brother. • Prank Burke, " -iece, llellle Burke, Burke,John K. Rochester, died Jan.10,1872. 6lfe,Ellen C.Burke, son, Edward, re,IE, dau. Nellie, " 7, son, Frank H. " 5, brother, Patrick Burke, Burke,John M. Rochester, died Apr.4,1869 Brother,fa trick Burke, Wellington,111. Burke,klcheel; Ogden. died June 18,1874. Ife, Mary Burke, son, John Burke, Hisgars Co.N.Y. w Patrick Burke, ^t.Vernon,C. dau/ Ellen Tye, Ogden. ' Bridget Burke, " son, fillliam Burke, Pefiance, C. • Timothy, Buffalo, r.Y. Burling,James; Greece, died reb.1,18-69. wife, Susan Burling, Adm. dau. Mary Ann, ae.28, Aces at administration, son, George, " 26, Peb.17,1869, .-.--lne, " ?4, ..... c Jnmes, " 22, Libhie, ae.6, Alfred, " 20, John, 4, dsu. Sarah. ' 17, Carrie, 2. " Hebecca, " 15, " Alice, ' 12, w Ellse, " 9, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates; 1863-1875. # 26.

Burnett,Susan; "Sebster, died Jan.9,1869. Brother, Benjamin Burnett, debater, "- James " Murray, B.Y. H Joel ° Webster, Sister, Onice ^oodhull, " Nephew, Benjamin *oodhull, " 1 John Burnett, " p John Soodhull, M Cumming u H.Y.CIty, " fcilllar; M. " Douglass, Mich. v Robert " ' " Niece, Jt>ella Burnett, VveBster, • Susan " " Burrows,Edward J. Rochester, died <*tar.27,1868. Mother, Margaret J.Glover, Adm. Sister, EmmF J.Burrows, Rochester, " Phoebe ft, » • Brother, George -t^sidence unknown. Burton,Ass; M*ndon. died Mar.20,1871. "Widow, Klaie Burton, Adm. Son, Leonard Burton, Mendon, Asabel Burton, ,; dau. **ariette Burton,Kellogg, " • Louise Burton: " son, Parley Burton, M B Winfield 6.Burton, " Ueorge Burton, a minor. dau. Elvira S.Clifford, Union, Mich. Delora benford, Union Springs, K.Y. All of full age save «eor^.. Burton,Edward; tenfleld, died sometime In 1869. John Mott of ^erinton,apt.Adm May i4,1671. The deceased enlisted in the U.S.Army In 1862,<>nd had not been he^rd from directly slnee Sept.l86S , when > was said to be sick and taken to some unnamed Hospital Nothing more had been he*rd. Mother, Ann Burton, In England. brothers end sisters, all in England, viz. Thomas, John, Elisabeth , Jpne. Burton,Patrick; Rochester, die'* July El,1866. Father,James Burton, Adm. slater,X-ary Burton, Rochester, ae. ca.30. " Joanna Cro*ley, ae.25. brother, James Burton, " 28, Burwell.Ch rles A. Batavla, 111. die-' ChleasMUgU*, Sept. 20,186.% risll pister, hllen A. wife of Albert J.Fenner, CHltenp.ngo, • Mary Ann Burwell, Korway,werklme^ Co.N.Y. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates,1863-1875

Bush,Anthon; Rochester, died Sept.1,1867. Son, Cherles Bush. R,d*&rd Bush, and one other son,unnamed. Three dru^r ters, unnnmed, all full a^e. Finfl i^ettlement, gave as follows; Chrrles Bush, Litchfield, 111. Edward Bash, Rochester, K.Y. Stolene *Jroep, Buffalo, .Y. Katrine Bush, B-den, Germany. Do isft Bush, " Sendeline rusj, " " Bush,Ros*ell; Rochester, '"led Dec.9,1872, fife, r. len Bush, Washington, B.C. son, iheodcre Bush, Ststen Island, K.Y. dau. Sllss *ege, Rochester, /dm. Bushman,Daniel; Pittsford, died \pr.l7,1873. wife, Ad lis Bushman, son, Charles h.Bushman, ae.16 June 2,1873. Bushman,John; Henrietta, died J«n£ 0,1866. Ife, Elisabeth Pushrcrtln, Henrietta. " Nancy Diver, Henrietta. Ko, Alabama. " Hachel -atzell, Rush, heir, George R.Rockwell, Porter, Mich. " Frances v;v ,J " John 1 . " (' Edson • . " ConMtantine, Mich. ( a min< Butler,Meguile; Rochester, die'* July 28.1870. '> Ife, Louesa Butie r, Loueep J^utl a minor, dau. »r* Alice E. n son, Benjarr in II u dpu. Julia n son, Charles 1 f dau. •4a ry 1! a hose II V Butler,Charles; Parma, died Apr.9,1867. Uncle, William Smith. No wife or ch'ldr n. Button,Gardner; Ogden. died Dec.28,1864. Wife, Lydia Button, dau. Mary,wlfeof Charles Benedict, Somerset, ,Y. fe.46, Thures,wife of John Arnold, Peru, K.Y. ae.44, son, mold Button, Boyalton,'.Y. ae.4?, " Elishs Button, Kalamasoo, Mich, ae.<0. Lyman Button, Greece,K.Y, ae.36. ««i«. u «, dau. J. Clr-rk.who left Ellen, »e.9,end Silns B. a< sSn Olln Buttoii/Jgden. «•• SO. d-u. Elisabeth Button," *S. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1875. # 28.

Butts,Mary Ann; Irondoquoit/ dier" Jan.27,1873. Brother, Isaac Butts, Adm. • Jonathan Butts, Irondoquoit, heir,(prob.sister) Sarah White, Lske, Wis. Byeroft,Joseph; "Henrietta, ded Dee.25,1867, Wife, Mary A. Bye roft, Brother, Thomas Eycroft, went to California In 1863,and has never been heard from. No relatives In this country.

Cady,Jeffersonj Ogden. died J-n.29,1873. AIfe, Esther Cody. Ada. heir, George W.Cady, Garden. Adm. " Benjarln T.Cady, " * * Marsha A.Cady, H M UPry A.Crowfoot, Lewiston, Fa. Cain,Jghn H, Rochester, died Laneaster,Rage Co.K.Y.Jan.^5,187* £lfe, Marie gr^nces Cein. Adm. Father, Michael Cain. Caldwell,Charles 5111s; Rochester, died Dec.31,1865. Father, John S.Caldwell, Rochester, Adm. Ca 11 Imghem,Margaret; Rochester, died Sept.30,1869.(Calllghan^ husband, Timothy Calllngham. dau. Elisa Delaney, Rochester, a minor. Mary E. " " " •" Jane " ' " Callahan,Margaret, Rochester, died Mar.11,1867. Sister, Catherine Lynch,(wife of Timothy,) «dm. * Betsey, wife of Owen Lynch. Ealrport. Cslllhan,Mary, Brighton, died Apr.1,1873. Husband, Owen Calllhan, Adm. dau. Ellen Callihsn, Rochester. Hannah • Brighton. •• Kittle B w son, Eugene " " « minor, dau. Agnes r " • Lissle " Downeyvilie, Canada. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestatea,1863-1874. * 29.

Callahe.n,Mary, (called Kelly) Rochester, died Aug.10,1872. Son, Michael Kaylor, hochester, Adm. " Ty,OmFB H M Martin ,! • dau. Mary hov-rd, " son, John Callahan, Washington,] .C. Patrick ,; Rochester. dau. Maggie ' son, Daniel " " All cf full age. Campbell,Barbara: Rochester, die Apr.4,1870. husband, *engur Crmpbell, Adrs. sUk-** t'-'-i'/'/ffl •** ^ 'ft ? H Camp* ell,George '. Rom ester, 4-BH-U f^a-e^i4-f-o4*I« re**Ogti7. lj^j,tl). Father, Cornelius B.Bpmpbell. Petition states that Geo.K. went to Calif some 1C years ago, and has not been heard from since 1861. Capithorne, Richard; Rochester, die'' Apr.17,1869. Sister, lice Cepltnorne, Rochester, minor, over 1:, bro. William Cejlthorne, " ' 6. sister, Jessie 6e;_Itrorne, '' 1^, Msry E.Havens, Mindora, wis, P.S.Wilson, dro. end Ou«rd,of Jessie and v° illiam. S.B.Lord,of Phelps, guard, of lice. Cerne,meander; *er!nton. •"'led t5ec.EO,lD6S. I Ife, Serge ret Cprne^, Adm. aon, Volnoy Crrney, 'erinton. " John " '' Adm. J- ines ' " George ' " dr-u. Bridget " Cellr Hunt, " aon, Adelbert tint, Rochester. 1 Charlie :unt, ^enrlsttn, dau. Slier Hunt, ierinton. Carpenter,benjamin B. Scottsvllle, died ^ee.2o,1872. *ife, Cnrolln^ Cr.rpenter, Adr.. son, Herbert '-ar^enter, s-rie, JH. • William " ;cottaville. Burr " Asa dau. ''race All minors except ^erbert. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intertates, 1863-1874. # 30.

Carpenter,Cyril; Rochester, d ed Jan.20,1872. "Son, iienry F. Brooklyn,1 .Y. Sllsha M. N.Y.Cltv, w Elbert D. * " Clifton C. Rochester, d*-u. Marian C.Dunn, Stamford, Ct. J 11' C.Odeli, Toronto, Canada. Corr C.Graves, K.Y.Clty, saphella C.Hicks, Rochester, £mlly,wife of Ira Godderd, who is d ad,^nd left,viz. Georre M.Oodd rd, Brooklyn, Clare L. " " Carpenter,^eorge; "raece, died ay 7,1864. Rife, Susan Cr.rpenter, Bethel, Xctee Co. .Y. Abdiel Carpenter, Greece, Adit. Final settlement, mentions as h^lrs and next of kin, no rel tlonshic given, viz. • • Idow, Susan Carpenter, Benton,vates Co.' .Y. A.5•C r rpen ter, '»reece, ]'••> ncy Sutherland of Atlanta Co. .J. Jrmoa H.C^rpenter, Litchfield, Dhio. 1111am A.Carpenter, Ions Co. Mich. Amende ^ed^on, '4ary *•".reenter, York, Mich. Hannah 6? -renter, ' 1 rum an Carpenter, Carpentsr, SStry., Rochester, died Mar.2,1666 Dau. Mrs.Lucy *.S.Gaylord, Chicago,111, ae.50. &rs.iiary R.Lucr, Rocheste •, 4t. son, Cyril D.Carpenter, Chlcgo,lll ; 42. Giiorpe . -.Csrpenter, Bochepter, ' Sr.4. Carroll,Phoete; ftebster, died Aug.14,1864. hen David Carroll, Duplsin, Mich. ''.Hilar. '' residence unkrc*. 14 Charlea nar prisoner in S.C. 9 Frank debater, e minor,whose guardian Id K.H.rebster. Later; Charles Carroll was Adm. Carroll,*illi»»» Buffalo,N.Y. die- June 8,1864. 'Ife, Laura A.Carroll, h3wstesd, N.Y. A&z- h.''.. Schermerhorn, Surety, Donald Mchaug^ton. " .K.renner, u Carson,Uilliam; hochester, died MPr.', °',l 72. fife, Mary A.Carson. Son, J-.^mes D.Carson, Rochester. William " dau. Margaret K.Carson, * aon, Chas,henry Carson, " George H.Carson, w , _ Sureties; Gilbert ^rady; D.Copeland,Jr. Chas.h.Vathhurn. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1874. i 31.

Carter,Joseph T. Rochester* died Oct.f.6,1871. V.ife, »Brtha A.6Prter, Adr,. "dau. Martha >V..C rter, a minor, only child. Carte-,lstrick; Rochester, died Mov.6,1870. Mother, Catherine Carter, Adm. sister, »ary *cGlenn, i-rnia. ° Bridget Holland, Koch jter. Caae,Hancy; Rochester, died Oct.4,1868. Ho husband or children, but the following brothers and slst. John J.rorthrop. Batavia,?,Y. Betsey Velden, Kew Lnven, K.Y. Abigail v.llcoz, Scriba, Oswego Co. .Y. Adeline Clapp. j/renton,Oneida Co.N.Y. Henrietta ViOlcott, ! " Nellie Clark, Hochester, 6e«e, Orestus; Marvin, la. died pr.16,1^71. Son, David iu.Cnse, Penfleld, <*• u. Lr-uir** Hardiek, <tle C.Cr,se, ' a minor. (ae.l in 1-9) Surety, Norman GIfford, '' Zins GIfford. Csse.L.Vclney; renfield, died Hov.6,1863. Ko widow; children; g.c lldren or father. brother, Orestes 0 se, Adm. lenfield. sister, ^i-ry E.Slade, Holly, Mich. bother, Ann Case. sister, Catherine Ilder, deceased,whc left,viz. aJartha Batteraon, Hunda,f ,Y, henry ..lidor, Adrian, leh. Final settlement,1870 rives, .--dward D.^ase and Edgar D.^asef livin? ab Grand BlarkC?) Mlch,wibh their mother, in-^rva oese. (f rob^blv c 'ldr-o of 'restes C

Intestates, 1863-1871. i. 32.

Cate,AlbeTt; Chill, died Mar.13,1869. Wife, Esther A.Cate, Adm. dau. Cora B.C^te, ee.lo, Aug.1869. Chadwick,Sophronia: Rochester, died Dec.12,1871. Husband, David I.Chadvick. deu. Ellsa Lyddon, Hochester. son, Franklin A.ChFdwiek, B a minor. dnu. Clr-r? I. Chad wick, p " Surety, Lyman Johnson, " J.B.Mnrkley, Chambers, Inerva; Rochester, died Hov.27,1873. husband, Samuel D.Chambers, Father, Benjamin Banker, surety, Samuel Sloan, Mlllam H.Amos. Chapln,Hnnry s1. Rochester, died .ftu*r. 1858. *ife, Margaret D.Chajln, I dead by June 5,1869) dau. Ellsa Jvn« Chap in, /-dm. ae £4 after June 5,1869. aon, henry Chap In, dcd by 18o<°., (wmli be fe6,If living.) Charier Gordon Chspin, ae.19 by June 5,1869. Chapsisn,Ansel; Ogden. died Oct,6,1849. lepers taken out,June SSi,1870. VBU. Catherine treat Chapman aon, John C.Chapman, Oc;den. Russell * " !; Timothy " Rochester. dau. Jennie C.Mills, Ogden. Chapman,Charity; Chill, died nct.li-,1863. Bustand, Israel Chejman, Adm, dau. Ada B.Chapman, son, Bradford 6.Chapman, 9 James Chapman, »- Plerpnnt Chapman, " Oliver Chapman, dau. Julia,wife of Alden B.Drake, • Mery,*ife of O.H.Hall. Chapman,Charles H. Henrietta, died Apr.KB,1866. wife, Adeline Chapman, Adm. dau. Ade B.Chapman, Henrietta, son, nddison H Frederick Hi.Chapsisn," all children miners. Surety, Bradley J .Chi pman. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. j 33.

Chapman, Franc Is S, Rochester, ('^v* Apr. ?, 1870. Brother, John C,Chapmen, Rochester, Timothy Chapman, " (oldest bro.) sister, Catherine treat Chapman, Cgdon. brother, Russell Chapman, " aister, Jennie C.Mills, Gr©aCe. Chapman,^ewis D. Clarkson, die- *et.9,1871. fcife, Almira Chapman, d^u. Bdna E, ecver, Clarkson. son, Adcl bort I .Chapmen '•' Charles r.Chapmsn, " a minor. Byron B.Chapman, B Herbert L.Chapmen, g.son,t illis C.Steckler, Murray,K.Y. son of a dead daughter. t, .L. Rockwell, surety, Asa £• Johnson, Chtrters,Hobert R. Rochester, died hov."L'7,l; 7^:. ife, Sar&h Charters, dau. *s ry <3; n« Charters, h'lise ^.Charters, " Sarah Cht'rt.t>rs, rina.l ee ttlenent,.,nne,l'?74 , rives: dau. Mary J.Rdson, '•' Sarah is called Annie Ch<-rt rp, Chase,George S. Rochester, died June 27,1871 at Wev Bedford, Mass. fcife, Olivia C.Chase, Adm, son, George Carlos Chase, ae.'J, ' Penjerln Brown Chrse, ^e.4. Chase,Harvey J. Rochester, died Oct.81,1866 at Cincinnati,0. vdfe, Delia h."..Chase, Rochester, -rtmx. d

Intestetes, 1863-1874. # 34,

Cheney,Ira; Farms, died Jan.31,1874. ' ife, Pelisse Cheney, son, . Delos Cheney, iarme, Saxton M.Cheney, Tuanesbury, KY. Mortimer S.Cheney, Farma. " Kelson Cheney, if dau, Almlrs Thomas,6>-tcmora,LaFeer Co. Mich. Bliss hoskins, '/an Beuren,Mich. Gertrude Gheney, Fame, a minor. Russell C.P-s-tes, .dm. Jrmes *elch, surety, J a Re s .'.. T omp k 1ns,''' Cheney,Joseph; henfield, died June 85,1R6B. • -.Ife, Sunico, heir, Jerome B.Cheney, 'enfleld. Petitioner. " Jane Rooden, lerinton. Permclia Glffcrd, Fsnfield. 9 Cells ftorden. Lafayette Bettis, Ontario, ! ,Y. Orsevilla fhaeher, Hillsdale, fetch, " Amerllla Wilson, Cheney,Melissa, of freedom, K.Y. died June "26,1871. Husband, '-alter Cheney, freedom, N.Y. bother, Ssaaa havington, Henrietta. sister, Sarah A.Remington, Ads. Mary J.Cheney, Ontario,; .Y. Chllds, Jonathan; Bocherter, die- Oct.29,1864, son, Jonathan K.Chi 16a, Hoc:.ester, dau. Slary L.Gibbons, Emily Mchols, Buffalo,?.Y. **evi A.V.erd, Adm. Christ,Henry; 'ocheste , dlec Aug.19,1866. Dau. Mary Ann Christ, Rochester. son, Jacob Christ, Cleveland. C. ' Henry Chicago,! 11, Martin ^rirrs, ..6r<;, Hamlet arigge, surety, / .J.i^urner, Only Mary Ann stent! ned in final i*et. 1875, Christ,John. Rochester, die' Jnn.: G,1H7C. son, George Christ, hocBoater, re. cs.BC. " l 4S« iienry brighten, ' 42. " John 3C?« Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates,1863-1874, h 35.

Christian,Feter; Rochester, died Nov.;:4t18l2. («72) Wife, Anne Christian. son, William, born Nov.24,1866, dau. Mary, H Oct.1,1864. aon, Bernhard Peter, born Feb.1,1868, He was later exiled Belnap Christian, in finel settlement. Christy,John, Wheatland, ded Mar.26,1866. Father, Hugh Christy, Alexander Chrlatie ,surety, Menry D.McNaughton. " Church,Amanda 'a. Rochester, died Nov.12,1869. Son, Joseph W.Church, Bast Troy,vis. Adm. dau.Battle C. wife of J.P.McDonald, 0 Helen C.Hrrmon, 9 Kate G.Grey,(or Gray,) Church,"enry, Rochester, died Oct.15,1868. fcife, Amanda Church. Son, Joseph Church, East troy, Wis. dau. Kate,wife of Giles H.Gray, San Francisco, Cel. " Helen,wife of henry Harmon, B Hattie,wife of John H.McDonald, Rochester. Church,J^-mes; died In Cleveland, Feb.25,1864. •wife,Betsey Church, renounced *dm, June 10,1864. John Vogb, (Vogt) appointed Adm. children, vis. Adella J. Sarah 6. All minors. Kmily h. JrmeB £. Claghorn,henry Dwlght; Rochester, died Msr.26,1864. i a therm James «• Claghorn, North Evans, K.Y. Adm. Clsrk,Asa £. Rochester, died Nov.1,1863. Dau. Louisa Clark, a minor, son, V; ill lam Clark, v Henry Clark, 9 Charles Clark, 9 Alfred Clark, " Frederick Clark, a minor. Caroline B.Oviatt apt. Adm. Clerk,Oeorge; Rochester, died Feb.16,1864. wife, Hlllicent Clark, Adm. dau. Sarah H.Clark, minor, over 14, " Maria G.Clark, f 11 age. H Mary H.Clark, minor under 14, Chrrlea Mills, surety, Maria Oifford, " Ovid A.Hyde, Isaac Butts, Kmmett H.HollIster " Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. # 36.

Clark,Hughj aheatland, died Apr.20,1870. • Ife, Elisabeth Clark. Brother, James Clark, fthertland. Barnard Clark, Oil City, Pa. Thomas Clark, Ireland. Nephew, John Clark, Ind. " Patrick Clerk, w Niece, Mary Ann Noonan, Scottaville, Nephew, James Cl^rk, LeHoy, K.Y. " Lawrence Cla^k, Ind. Mece, Margaret Clark, " *' Susan Clark • " Llbbie ClPrk, " Mephew, Fhilip Clark, fi Clark,Ira C. Bociiester, died Apr.8,1865, aftother, Elects Clark, Adm. Sister, Char lotte m.Crandall, Hoeheater, 'Iheodora '.Clark, ' B Elite Clark, Clark,Mary H. Rochester, died tug*8,1867, Mother,Millleent Clark, Adm, Sister, Maria Clark, 'ochester, *' Sarah Clark, " Harriet L.Mills, s: • Ann B.Clark, "( Heir, William 0.Chapman. Clark,Phoebe; Keetfifld, ?«.J. died June 29,1865 Son, Lewis Clsrk, Conesus, .Y. ,! John B.Clark, Scotch Plains, N.J. g.dau. — Clark, (Child of a daughter,) Name not riven, Sister, &ary Frayer or Fraser, who left unnrmed children. Clark,. 1111am H. Hochester, died Nov.19,1865. Mother, Rebecca Clark. Adm. Cla'eraent, tills; Rochester, died Apr.7,1869. Son, illlls Clement, a minor, dau. Klnore Clesient, Rochester. " Anna Clement, Sullivan,Ohio. Lewis Clement, Adm.end Huerdian of Willis,Jr. CIayton,Mary Ann, Irondoquolt, died Sept.80,1869. "Father, William West. brother,James West. Adm. brp-In-l«w, 'J "borne s haytor or Ray ton, Adm. Clute,Peter H. Hochester, died Kar.5,1866. Mfe, Amanda, it.Clute, dau. Elisabeth Flint, Rochester, aon, henry F.Clute, Chicago,111. dau. Catherine M.Efner, hochester. In final settlement, 18( 7, Catherine is Oth.Cassldy, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1-74. 0 37.

Cobb,Gideon; Brighton, died Aug.4,1864. Wife, Roxanna Cobb, had died in 1863. Son, James D.Cobb, Brighton, Adm. " . William H.Cobfc, ~ " DcU. Luc ins B.Hagaman, Irondoquoit, Margaret S.Adams, Roch. (John '".Adams, Adm.) (Marfaret's middle name,Shirrill,) " Maria Hall, Rochester. Frances A.Cole, Gpmd Raplda, Mich. James D.Cobb mar.hlls.Hamlin,and died 1900, no helm Margaret Cobb Ad*ms died 1867, no children. ftilllam H.Cobb mar.Sdna C.Buckland ,and had ch. viz. a. Villa rd Cobt,*ho d,Lecl,17,1927 pnd left, Mabel Cobt niekham. b. Lottie Cobb Hungerford, who died 19F4, c. Rllla Cobb Lynn. (living,1830) Lucinp B.Cobb mar.Howland S.Ha^aman. died 1914, left,viz a. Dibble Bagaman rloreey, b. Bred C.Hagaman, c. John G.Hagarsn d. Helen Shirrill Begaman Bvershed, r.o left,viz. Jamea Evershed/ Maria Cobb Hall, died 1919 nd left,viz. s. Aynonr Ball Cresger, b. harry S.Hall. Frances A.Cobb Cole, died 191? and left,viz. a. Jennie Cole Sherman. Cody,John, Rochester, died July 5,1865. Klfe, Jane Cody. no parents. heir, Catherine hurphy, hochester. Mr.ry Doyle, Buffalo, Coe,Amos; Parma, die Dec: 4,1870. fcife, Effa Coe. bro. Nelson Coe, Murray, Ex.(or Adm.) son, Albert Coe, Grand *.edge,Xich. r Amos Coe, Parma. deu. Almlra Coe, " " Martha .ellman, Ogden. John ellman, surety. Coffey,J"mesJ Henrietta, died Feb.6,186£,(explosion of the"Essex") Brother, Timothy, wh died 1664, Sister, Mary,wife of William Doyle, *est Brighton, K.Y. " Margaret CoffeJ, a minor. • Elite Coffey, lrelrnd. Colby,Abraham, Ogd n. died Feb.4,1864. aon, James C<->iby, Colby,Ruth; Roc ester, died Feb.28,1868. Son, John I.Colby, Florida. " Edward F.Colby, K.Y.City. LPU. Charlotte S.Colby, Patterson, F*• Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1874. <• 36.

Cole,Amelia S. Rochester, died Dec. 1870. Dau. Mary SeAlrlne Cole, Rochester, a minor. Son, Frank C.Cole, " *' George A.Wilkin, Guardian of Mary and Frank. James M,Casey, surety, Jrmes Madden. " Final Settlement, May 3,1875, Frank O.Cole, ae.lP he la only heir end Gu^rd.is John McMannis. Cole,Mary M. Rochester, died 1873, Fetlt'on, Oct.7,187?. Brother, -trank C.Cole, a minor, with Guardian, J.MeMann Coleman, 1111am; Rochester, died Aug.v*, 1871. v. ife, Hosetts Coleman, Adm. son, »illlam Coleman, ae.16, dau. Anna Coleman, K 11, Bertha Coleman, n 7. Coligan,Denial; Rochester, died July 3,1872. Mother, Isabella Coligan, Adm. Brother, William Coligan, P minoe. sis tor, Lillie Coligan. " Collett,C5«or«re H. Pittsford, die ug.!4,18b5. Mfe, Mary Collett. Fethr, all Ham Collett, England. Collins, Albert; Benfleld, oied Mar.11,1874. *lfe, Phoebe P.Collins, Adm. dau. Mfttie n.Collins, " son, William Collins, *e.9. Collins,Harskaline; Jerinton, died My 11.1872, .ife, Martha Co 11 ins, Adm. Son, Guy C.Collins, lerinton, Adm. " Seymour Collins, Irondoq olt, * Albe t O.Co 11ns, lerinton. Colvin,Merrill; Rochester, died M« r,31,1871. V>ife, Chloe Co.vin, ao,70, dpu. Olive Goodrich, ae.47, Adm. Hochester. " Laura M.Colvin, " 43, Convery,Bdreund; Hochester, died Feb.1,1867. alfe, Bliss Ann Convery, Adm. aon, Edmund Convery, a minor. Combs,Joseph; Brighton, d&K* NOV.8,1867. hlfe. a>ry J.Combs, Adm. son, William Albert Combs, ae.16, Edr

Intestates,1863-1874. # 39.

Conkey,Bleazer; Rochester, died Apr.5,1865 V'ife, S*rah Ann Conkey, Dau. Eunice Louise Conkey, ae.i.8, Catherine Almeda Conkey, ae.21, • Elisabeth S.Conkey, ae.12, Connal, Robert H. Rochester, died July 4,1«72. Wife, Eliza J.Connal. dau. Ann J.Connal, Rochester. " Mary C. ' n " Margaret E." ,r son, Robert M. " H minor. dpu. Marv • Euphemle " " Amelia son, Michael M, " N p " Francis B. " . Connor, llliam; Rodheeter, die- Jjly 26,1871, Son, ..illlam Connor, K.Y.City, ,; John Connor, dau. fcrr^aret Cabbie, burrr,Ingham, >a. Cook,Ad*m; Rochester, d ed Msr.7,1861. Martha C.Bone,( late Cook) apt.Adm. "Nov.15,1866. ftldow, M? rthe C.Done, Son, kenry S.Cook, & minor, " Ailliam C.Cook, Cooke,Amy M. hoc ester, die Aug.30,18 <. husband, Abi&l L.Cooke, Adr. Son, Georre B.Cooke, *e.lb, dau.'.lice A.Cook, 7. Cook,David J. Rochester, e'ied Dec.18,1867. •ftIfe, Jrre J.Cook. aon, Charles -..Cook, a minor. !-re^ft.C ook , Cook,i*ary; Hochester, died Way 2,1873. son, John C.Cook, • Joseph Cook, Adm. dau. Emms A.Cook, All of Rochester. Cook,Seymour L. CI rkson, died Nov.7,1865. wife, Klit'beth P.Cook. son, Freston v..Cook, a minor. Cooklnrham,v llliam; noneoya Bells, »Y. died Oct. 13,1873. >lfe, *evi Ida Cooklngh«m. son, Alfred H.Cooklnghrir, /'vcn. Adm. d'u. Sssma ffte*>d, Macedon, .Y. 9 Caroline Mead,dec&*aed,w! c left children,viz. Charles E.Maad, Bochestor, mlr< r, of are, willlam H.Mead, Hush. IK if e , Mav I Ida ,d led Kov. 11,1885. Joseph A,Dana and rred.B.Fieraon, sureties. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1663-1874- 4 40.

Cooper,John F. No depth d-te, Petition drted Sept. li:, 1874. Fetit'Loner,Sarah A.Cooper, Harrison C.Otis, surety, Thomas beutford. ,; Copeland,Garry S. Rochester, died Dec.l0,lP73. *lfe, M*rie T.Copeland, dcU. KKOTP M Copeland, ae.PO In 187?. ?¥ Called a minor at fin*l settlement, 1877. ?? Copeland,John; terms, died «*ept.20, 1864. Son, Joseph Copelnnd, e minor. Brother, William Copeland, apt.Adm. Dec.5,1864.

Corlett,Margaret; Rocheste-, died Aug.3,1864. Husband, Henry Corlett, Adn,

Cornelia,Marthe; Rochester, died Jpn.?;,lh V. (Formerly De Vlegria 1) Husband, Abraham Cornells, Adm. A. J. -lout'- eiler, surety, John Peffer, " (or Pepper) Cornell,Alanson P. Rochester, d ed Sept.12,1864, Son, Henry A.Cornell, Adm. " Charles E.Cornell, a minor. Cornell,Mortimer; Greece, died Nov. 1866. Brother, Quincy D.G.Cornell, de«d by 1871, *urt, Arvilla Bsrtlett, r»-rma, spt.Adm. June 29,1871. Alvirs r-.. Turner, Cornell, uincy D.O. Parma, died 1865 in U.S.Army. Aunt, Arviila Br rtlett, Parma. * Alvlre B.Turner, Isaac Chase, surety, Allen Srrith, " Cornwell,Ambrose ; Henrietta, died in Bristol Tp. K.Y.Oct.14,1866, • ife, Grace T.Cornwell. Adm. with Lyman hi.Otis. Heir, lllett Cornwell, Hochester, Minn. 9 Albert P.Cornwell, Bithole,(V) Pa. Moses H.Cornwell, »'inona, ttlnn. i: Amende M.Otis, Henrietta. all of fill age. " Ansel F.Cornwell ae.19, enrietta. ': Mary J.Gprdnerm Henrietta, ae.20, Jan.8,1865. Final settlement of 1868 gives, J•Belated Cornwell, Bpttlecreek,Mich. Aillsrd Cornwell, Rochester, "h.Y. Albert P.Cornwell Flthole, la. Mary J.Gardner, Rochester, jsoses H.Cornw'11, vinons, Minn. Ansel F.Cornwell, ?1 illegible. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, # 41

Cornwell, Amos; Rochester, died Apr. 18c8. Wife, Elizabeth Cornwell. son, John Cornwell, Rochester, Gecrre Cornwell, Adm. " dau. Isabella *erklne, deceased who left,viz. Sophie,wifeof Homer Squires, Waterloo, /•lice B.Perkins, Catherine W.rerklns, minor, " John T.Perkins, Cornwell,Catherine; Galena Mich, died £ug.1,1868. Sister, Nency Creque, Lodi, Oh'.o. Ellen Howland, Pawpaw,Mich. Lrother, later Vandeveer, Le

Cornwell,Lucy B. (Lucy B.) Rochester, died Kov,12,18t9, husband, Cornelius B.Cornwell. derd by July 3( ,187 Son, Samuel D,Cornwell, Rochester. CorrIs,Daniel; Rochester, dlert Nov,11.1866. -illiam Corrls, Rochester, a brother, -dm. Brother,John Corrls, "Newport, 111. sister, M«ry A.Matthews, Hochester, Catherine E.Buck, Kankakee, 111. Cosgrove,rlize; Greec , died June 25,1873. Brother, John Cosgrove, Hochester, " Timothy Cosgrove, Adm. heir, Margaret Corrers, Greece, (trob.slst.^ " Bridget aicMan. Gates, Costello, James, Hochester, died Nov.16,1868. wife, Juuia Costello. dau. Mury Fptterson, Rochester. • Ann' Minniman, Fittsford. " Bridget Moore, Fairport, son, John Costello, Rochester, dau. Catherine Bailey, Mich. " Ellen Costello, Horn ester. " Klisa Costello, Mich. son, Michael Costello, Calif. Cotrell,Klisa; Ogden. died Nov.B7,1870. Dau. Deli* A,Ball, Araphoe, Colo. " Mary E. Stone, Chief go. 111. Son, Janes r.Cotrell, Lake *rovldence, La. " Millar?! 0.Cotrell, heir, Joseph Medbury, Rochester. John Borst; Joslah hich; »a.Bernard/ sureties. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. t 42.

Cotter,John; Sweden, died In Buffalo,K.Y. May 23,1871. Father, Juries Cotter, Sweden, Mother, Ann Cotter, " brother, James, " 9 Thomas ,; " • Henry " 9 9 Bdwsrd ' " sister, Jane Rowland, Clarkson. Daniel Cotter, surety, James Colton, a.L.Rockwell. " Coughlin,Marie; Riga. died J«-n.7,1870. Husband, Timothy Coughlin, Adm. dru. Anna Coughlin, hips. 9 Blisabeth Coughlin," son, William Coughlin, " Covey,Isaac B. rtnfield, died 'ug.25, 18?SC O i dau. Louisa Couc lin, ° wife, Catherine .Covey, son, Gillian". Henry Covey, ? minor. dau. Mary Si lome Covey, aon, James F.Covey, ^idow asks th*t David Filer he spt.Adm. Coveny,Hopey(?) S-eden. died July 27,1865. Heir, John L.Coveny, Fenfleld, " Mary A.Coveny, Sweden. " Celia Pattern, 9 Charles Coveny, " Covert*Joshua; Greece, died June 16,1869. Ife, Ellss Covert, son, ftillla» R.Covert, Greece, (old st child.) • S'-auel F.Covert, Lodi,K.Y. dau. Cornelia .i.Brokau. wife of George R.Brokau. Cowles,Anna B.E. Rochester, died »ar.l?,1870 hustand, Charles Cowles, Sister, C; rr.line Louis? ^ryer, IrondocAjolt, step-son, John C.Cowles, Adm. Cowles,Charles; Rochester, died Sept.8,1871. Dau. Crtherlne Buchan, Oswego,Km. son, John C.Cowles, ".ochester. dfu. Mary J.Cowles, son, Klillam H.Cowles, 3rle,Ps. Charles h. deceased,who left,vis. a son,Charles Cowles, Cleveland, 0. Final settlement,J-n. 1875,mentions *> ry J.Hampton, Rock ford, Til. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, f 4;

Craddock, J>ne; Rocher.te.--, led Feb.23,1864. wife, kary A.Craddock, Adrc. don, Mlliaas Craddock, only child, a minor. Craft,Isaac, *endon, rtlnv Jpr.4,1874. *ife, Ad^li^ J.Craft, son, fcallf-ce J.Craft, ae.4,ir. Jen.1874. George aulek, Adm. Jacob Burner, surety, Arnold ,.r.lker, '' Cre 1shton,David; Newton,Con, Ralph •••• • Crsmpton, Hannibal,Mo, dau. Caroline K.wlfeof Robe t bellow,, ••dm. Alvaline S.GIlling, Rochester. eon, Bred ft.Crampton, Adm. heir, hor'ce C.hrewster, a minor.

Crerarin,Cornelius: Gree'-e, died 0et,5,l8i,4, v.ife, Catherine, no c; ildr n. Crane,rjnma; hochester, died *ry 7,1870, Sister, ^elsey Bullard, brcthier, Asa Crane, &prcy,>i.Y. Zlnp Crane, deceased, wh- l^ft,vlz. Cornells hycoff, One Ida,K.Y. Br^ncea Cr.»ne, " " Hmma Crane, r.dvt*^ Brane Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, * 44.

Crane,Joseph W. died June 12,1873, Rochester, *ife, Charity Crane, Adm. dfiu. Manda M.Crane, Hochester, aon, Ml Hem B.Crane, " Adm. " Ellas Crane, " dau.fierttia C>ana , w aon,Alonso Crane, Ft.wayne, Ind. dau. Kmma S.phlllipa, St Catherines, Md. son,Frank C^gn^ Rochester, Crandall,Bradford F. Rochester, died Dec.31,1867. flife,Bllen 6rsndall, aon, John S.Crandall, dau. Theresa Blmlre Batchelder, " Mary J.Crandall, son, Abner Cr nd*ll, B Bradford E.Crandall, a minor, v Joseph Vincent Crandall, ae.7, " John Crandall, BQ,A, In 1868, the widow h-»d died and there were but the the first five children mentioned. Crawford, Ma rthe; Rochester, died Mar.12,1873, brother, Isaac Crawford, ^estarlo, 1 .Y. sister, Maria Slade, Berne, Albany Co.K.Y. r Louise Hempstead,' rf " Harriot Lofedell, Rochester, brother, * likens Crawford, deceased, who left children names and residences unkr.awn. Crittenden,Charles G« sob star, died Aug.29,1871. Brother, Sherman C.Crittenden, Rochester, v John L. " Higa, Petitioner, Adeline M.Crittenden, relationship not stated, probably ,wife, Cronk,Gerry B. Ferma, died Feb.11,1874. Mfe, eRoy, 111. " Jane Cook, Rochester, IY, " helen Anfev'ne, R son, Jair.es J.crouch, " Thomas B.Crouch, g.ch. John Henry Ashton, Boch, ch.of dead daughter, Mary Vlck A shton, All* of full -re. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates 1863-1874. * 45.

Crumble, humps; died Syree«se,K.Y. May 18,1873. (K.R.Colision,) lather, Charles -rumble, Mother, Margaret Cvumhie, Bdwurc G*Neil, surety, Andrew acDade, " Culhene,Bliss; Rochester, died Ieb.18,1866. husband, Thomas Culhsne, Ada. dau. Helen Culhane, a minor, of Bff» by 1871. Margaret R. " " H Eliza Prances " ,j Cullen,Martin; Rochester, died Feb.Wi,1873. Wife, fcar^aret Cullen, Adm, son, John Henry Cullen, a minor. dau. Agnes ' son, Jares nilliam " '' 9 Martin Raymond " " Cullan,&ary; Hochester, died Nov,B4,1873. Husband, Jm.es Cullen, i,on, Patrick ' a minrr, dau. 'Bos anna ' " eon, James dau. aiary Jane*' " " Katie " " John >..Cullen, aurety, Thomer Stetson, " Culsoe,John; Brighton, die Kov.£,187£. daughter, Sophia Hcca, Brlf^ston, ,: M* ry Hagrejp, aon, John Culsoe, r Culverm John; Brighton, died Aug.2B,1870. >ife, C lindc Culver, son, fcervin A.Culver, Brighton, Adm. Nathaniel C.Culver, Stockton, Calif. BW H.Grant Culver, Dartford, Wis. dru. J-lie C.Barnum, Brighton. Cummlng8,*d line; irondoquoit, died No d tea or papers/ sister, Hannah F.Cummlngs, irondoquoit, brother,George a.Cummings, sister, Harriet M.^avla, Ferry, K.Y. Mery B.Cumr.lngs, Irondoquoit. Cunningham,John; hochester, died Apr.f1,1865. Mfe, hosanna Cunningham. dau. Klisa A. B minor. II Margaret (called Jennie/ son, Thomas w Edward dru. Mary Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1663-1874. *< 46.

Cunningham,kary, hochester, died Jan,27,1873. Niece, Bllen McConvllle, Chill. Adm. " Margaret fchelen, Harlin, *ephew,Henry Mc-enan, Monroeville,Kan. Kiece, Catherine Van Horen. Pontiac, Mich. Cunts,George M. Greece, died June £5,1868. son, George Cunts, Greece. dau. Catherine McDonell, Greece. son, Adam Cunts, deceased, who left children,viz. John, Caroline, Katie, all minors. Curren,5feargprot; ftocheatfir, died Sar.10,1868. Husband, John Curren, Ads. No other relatives. Curtis,Albert; Rochester, died Oct.24,1866. Mother, Orille Curtis, aon, Nsthan fa,Curtis, a minor,(£0 vrs.4 mos.) " Ellas Curtis, ' (17 yrs.) Final settlement, Oct.1-70, naya; persons interested: Nrthan S.Curtis, Saline, Kan. Kliar Curtis Drills Curtle, Waine, Broome Co.K.Y. Fleets C.lrerser, htookbridge,*psr. Samuel "raves, ^rockport, K.Y. (to relationships glen) Curtice, Elisabeth, Hochester, ^etitl'Ti, Feb.£5,1869. brother, Philip H.Curtice, Bochester, Adm. Chsriea B.Curtice, Cgden. * wiiliara Rochester. Lewis " sister, Almlra a4c«horter, Sarah A.Sharp. Victor. Curtis,Joseph, Hamlin, died Sept.£4.1866. &Ife,Johanna Curtis, son, Ben Jar. In Curtis, Ypsilantl, Mich. " fcoah Curtis, Clio, " dau. Phoebe Doreraus, Patterson,N.J. 9 L.Caroline ^raham, Hamlin. heir, Joseph Hive11, Ypsilantl, Mich. r: George " '' " Ad-lie 9 Phodr " " n Curtis,Leon*rd, Parma, died July £7,1871. fife, wary F.Curtis, dau. Blisa M./alker, L»nsing,Mich. " Electa Amills Sir ons, Hamlin. • Lois J.Van Akin, son, Chauncey f.Curtle, larma. (Cheuncey F.) " Artemas D.Curtis, dau. Qrphe Almeda Bush " son, Alison Adgate Curtis, '' aright Barton, surety. Richard Sands, " Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. # 47.

Curtis,Mrry B.F. hochester, died Aug.S,1873. Hustand, Joseph Curtis,Adm. Dau/ Msry B.Curtis, s minor. " Catherine F.Curtis, " son, Wend-11 J.Curtis, Curtis,Buthj Brighton, died Sept.16,1865 Mother, Aseneth Curtis, t-rlrhton, dead by Dae •2.4,1870 Brother, Gilbert Curtis, sister, Elect* Curtis, w 9 Sarah L.Bnrnum, /.dm. brother, Charles Ixidley Curtis, Syracuse, John B.Bemum, surety. Cushman, William 1. hochester, died 0ct.£l,186P. Brother, Abram H.Cushman, Roche*.t« r, Robert ?. Pittstovn,K.Y. John B. fc'rights Corners, K.Y. Sister, Br.rthena Hoag, Somerset, K.Y. ^rother, Joseph M.Cushmon, flttstown, N.Y. Sister, Caroline a.Humphrey, 9 Amr Peckham, /.lbion, Mich. niece, Catherine Carr, K.Y. Citya child of deed brother. Abigail Norton, Pittatown, '

Daka,Cheuncey M. Hochester, died July 15,187£. Wife, Eliza B.Dnke, Adm. son, Duisont C.Dske, Chic go. 111. full "=ge, Daly,Margaret; Rochester, died Aug.14,1870. Hueband, Thomas Daly, Children all minors; Thomps A. Mary A. Marwaret, Eliza J.

Dana,Francis; Hochester. died May 9,187£. ftife, Amy Dana. Heir, Charlotte A. <°yers, Buffalo. 9 Charles Dana, Hochester, « John H.Dana, Apt.Adm.Dec.5,1874. Oeorge S.D*;na, San *rancisco.Calif• " Martin V.B. Dana, Hochester, " Jeannette McKlbben, " Dolly F.Thorn, Buffalo, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1874, # 48.

Dannala,John; Rochester, died J' n. 10,1858 Son, De.-ltt C.Dann&ls, Adm. Apt.Apr.£9,1864. • " Klcherd k.Dannels, ^ " Charles Vi.Dennels, ^?* dau.Maria Bost*ick, ^, " Margaret Koble, c^ Tersey Dunham No residences given. %^. c -, r£ DarlIng,Anna; hochester, died *>ec.P4, 1870. Deu. Laur? M.Darling, Rochester, eg son, Daniel Dr rling, Cold aster, Ich. dru. Ann Sinatona, hochester, •eg son, WilliaLuc indm E ^prlingK.Harris, , aebsterHavana, N.Y. ^ c/2 dpu. Also,cnildrelermelia Darlingn of a ,decease Rochesterd brother. , viz. -p David Darling, Flint fe-iich. f^ Mary Jane Gary, -^ Norman Darling, r sidence unknown. Hliza Birdf-all, Cold v.f-.ter, Mich. Mary Dgniin*, r. sid nee unknown. Darling,Marvin H. Penfleld, of Rochester, died f ov. 186.*. U. rrot er, horman Darling, sister, Mrs.H.H.Cery, *°enfleld, • Mrs.F.Blrdsall, Robert Staring apt.Adm. Sept.l' ,1865. Marvin Dnrling w s a U.S.Soldier, Dsrrow,Lucina; Greece, died Sept.l3,187£. Dau. Ducina J.McKay, Rochester, son, McDone11 Dr-rrow, " Wm•F•Ads ms, su re ty, Jons? Jones, " Davis,Bliahs P. Riga, cled Sept.19,1873. Son, Oeoree T.Mavis, Adm. Hochester, Wife, lanny D*via, Riga. dpu. irisclila C.Ayers, Rochester, " Ann M.Gage, Bergen. Davla,J.O. (Jay G.) S* den. died >y 11,1864. • ife, Amende k.Davis, Adm. son, (Jeorge F.Davis a minor under 14. Davis,John fc°. Hochester, dier Dec.21,1870. Adm. Sarah Davis, (Probably his wife. son, John B.Davis, Hochester, " James E.Davia. dau. Klisa A.Davis, " Hannah D.Davis " Llla L.Davis son, villIs a.Davis surety, J.B.Davis, * ' James B.Doud. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1974. i 49.

Davie, LOT ice G. Chili, died Oct.£9,1871. Husband, Henry ivrvle, son, ae 6 weeks, not nsmed, Davia,Lewis B. Rochester, died Sept.3,1872. V.ife, Julia A.Davis, Adm. Father* Joel G.Davis " son, Willie Davis, Lewis 9 Ifheeler " dau. Mrry ell c.inors. Da vis Bue11,Lucretie S. now Davis, Gates, died Mar.5,1673, husband, '..IIHSBI B.Davis, Adm. Father, Adial S.Buell, Sreece. Davl£,Mary; *endon, died Aug. 1371. Son, John T.Davis, Adm. Hthan B'avls,der.eesed,h?.B Interest in real estste. Davis,Sophronip; Bochetser, died July £9,186£. Husband , Hohn Davis, apt.Adm. Aug.£4,1868. son, William H.D*vls, P miner, dau. Sophronie Davis, " Jane T.Davis, '' son, Frederick G.Davis, '* Da v 18 , Thome s J. Greece, led Mar.15,1870 /.ife, 1 oily Drtvis, son, benjamin Davis, Hochester, " vIlllem V.Davis, riattaville, is. dau. Ruth Chase, Henrietta. son, Chauncey D.vls, Greece. Joseph Kl.Davis d8U. ftsellne Davis, all full age.

Dawson,"llliam, Hochester, died June 2,1867, v.ife, Sarah Dawson, Adm. Beu. Sophronie Dawson, " Catherine Ann Fenton, son, Km. Henry Davson, " Thomas Frederick Dawson, all of Hochester. Day,John; Rochester, died Aug,£5,1873. rife, Henrietta Day, bro. Frederick Day, Murray,I..Y. sis. Strah Bates, Buffalo,K.Y. " &ary hnt) Day, Sealine McDowell, Orleans Co.,Kend<11,N.Y. by 1874. bro. James &ey Rochester, r sis. Elisabeth Jones, residence unknown. Fenns, trends j>ny, bro. Iss-c "ay. Holly,K.Y. all fuJl sge. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Inteat,ates,18b3-1874. f 50.

Dey,Judson; Mendon, died Apr.SO,1868. Klfe, "Nancy S.Day, Adm. Mother, Sally Day, sis.. kery hllsbv, Gasport,>J.Y, 9 Sr rah Day, tendon. bro. Charles Day, Gasport, Adm. Milton Strong, surety, David Bckler, " In final settlement, live follo^inr children of deed brother and sister ere mentioned. Charles ^ey, Gaaport,! . T. Dudley Ley, »innebago,Ill. Herriet Squires, 111. Dean,Henry S. Hods eater, died Lee,29,1871. wife, its rgs. ret F,Dean, Adm. Father, henry h.Dean. " Deleney, Ferry; Hamlin, died Sept.17,1873. *ife, Lucind' ^elaney, bro. Jackson ^elsney, Jonathan Delf-ney, sis. Mre.Lutes, no residences given. Delitz,!-rederlck; Irondoquoit, died Feb.£7,1367. He left f widow,but she had died by Oct.31,IS Son, Berah? r d t, ml n o r, u n6 a r 1A • John, dau. Elisabeth, " Johanna, " ?Arine 1 Ouardisn, Methlaa heisigm^n. Demare?t,uenry B. Hamlin, died Mar.7,1870. •tife, JUIIE Demarest, dau. Brmina minor, son, Homer H. dau. Althea " n

DeNlve,Jacob; Brighton, died /ug.k8,l871. >ife, J'ne ^6 1 lve, sons; Jacob, Isaac, 'rank, 'nthony, Feter, Minors.

Dennis on, ^yd.lc K. Rochester, died ,.u.*;.£,1864. Bushand, Lorenzo ^ennlson. Dantlnger,Fmnk 2. Irondoquoit, '.led Sept.4,187£. wife, *8gdalana Cant Inge r, Adm. son, Frank i>entin^er, Irondoquoit, dau/ Hargaretfca " Xagdalona Gluck, 9 aarlanna Dantinger, son, Lewis residence unknown, a minor. d«u. Ca herlne ' Irondoquoit, Caroline son, Xavler Ch. Marieva; Bllsabeth; Joseph, all minors. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. a 51.

Denton,Josiah; Farms. die* Apr.3Q,187Q. Dau. Bebeee* J.Baker, Favllng, N.Y, dm. only heir. Derby,Atwater; Rochester, died ndersonville,Ga. Dec.10,1864. wife, «.«»len Derby, Adm. dru. Msry J«ne, ae.5, r helen Louise, £, Deverell, Joseph; Rochester, died Feb.c,lB70. Alfa, Elizabeth, Adm. son, Killiam aenry, «e.4,Mjry 14,1869. Joseph Tarleton " 2, June 18,1°.'9. i: Bobert '-.Infred " 1 mo. Feb.4,1870. Dewey,Charles •-. Ogden. died Oct.15,1873. ae.*7, wife, Frances H.Dewey, died Jen,£3,1866, (Adm) dau. Sarah L.^ewey, ae.19, Spencerport,(Ogden) n Bra nces A. ' ie, , " •* Jessie J. ' 16, son, Charles «. * l£. After derstb of widow,H.H,Goff, apt.Adm. June £6,1886. Ihen, Sarah L, we Sarah Bill, Buff-lo, *r»nces «• s *ranees Kremers* Rochet er. Devltt,Abraham; Hochester, died Juno 1R,1^64, riot'er, MBry °/?-n denburg, only heir. Dewitt, Betsey &• hoc ester, d od «B r>.°"-, V-7;. . Sen, Oeorsre W, Dewitt, Adm. '•'. llcott,' '.Y. u ' Samuel Hillsd' le,'dlch. dau. Carrie Ross, Rochester. son, i>*vl<*, fc.Dewitt, " d*u. Cl-rissa Heed, Owasco,' .Y. son, Season Dewitt, Bsrvalk,0. d> u/ od-'lla Vn? rhill, ©Chester. son, J.Bevler i/e^itt, dau. Blisebeth Kanyon, Kendall,K.Y. 9 '-lien Rice, Hamlin. " Fallot, dec<- ped, left children,viz. Bortense Elliott. Hrmlln, a minor. Ml on f-enysn, Alvin heny^n "'"Imer Kenyan Final settlement,1873, giv-a the following eh.of a dead son. vis. Cdolphia Johnson, Ottawa Sake, ttieh. Nathan ^ewltt, Oh'o. Levi Dewitt, Sitch. hdith Dewitt, Fillsdel0,Mlch. Dorr Dewitt, " minor. Alms Dewitt, • " Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. ? 52.

Dickinson, Eli E. Rochester, died Aug.£5,1874. Brother, "ff 11 lard v-.Dickinson, Adm. sister, Delia A.Steernes, Chicago. 111. Dietrick^IlliBK J. Chili, died Jan.6,l87£, "ife, S- rah J.DietSick. son, John, Chili. drvu. &?ry, " p Martha, :' all minor?. Dillon,Timothy; Grtes, d'.ed Sept,2,1873, bister, Ksry ! ieksrd, Adm, Robert RIckard, surety. Dixon,hezekieh, Jr. -.or.terter, oiad in i»ew Grleena,Apr,£$,1864. i * thcr, Bezeklr.h Dixon, Adm, Dodge, hrlly F. Washington,D,C. died i»ec.S,18t>7 Bust and, Bethsniei Uodge,

Int.states, 1663-1S74. ^53.

Donner, Sophia; Rochester, died Jan.8,1869. >etitioner, :- lorence Buck, Son, William, a minor, dau. Flora, " mlly laabells died Dee.£5,1871. see estates of Bernard Donner and Isabella Donner, Donovan, John, Hochester. died at at,Korrls,*i.Y.ffttl,10,1867, Brother, Paul Donov-n, Hochester, Cornelius Donovan, Kt.Morris, K.Y. John Mc ConvllI, surety. Dopking,n^rriet; Gains, died Oct.' 7,1 '7C. di:u. Cornells Beker, Hacedon,t.'.Y« Sarah E.Brown, Gains, Hle"h. g.dau. ::im< J, Tread's ell, Ovid Blch. g.s n, • rederiek Taylor, Chains, ' i'hBse being children of a deceased daughter, Dorian,John; Greece, died May 6,1'<64 at battle of the 'Ildernes brother, J mes Dorian, Greece, sister, Mary,-ife of John Tuckerr (Tucker) Canada test, '•' Cicily, vlfv of J':-.** Smith. • C< th*rlne,wlfe of James feher, left children,viz, Jr-mes Meher, Anthony " Ellen •* Margaret : Catherine '' Dormsn,Thomas; Hamlin, died Dec.£l,18t>5. • Ife, Sfary Dorman, d«u. ~B ry A.Dprman, a minor, " Catherine M " Dorsey, S^rr>h; Rochester, died Jrn.1,1871. brother, 2 r.trick i-orsey, Adn. Charity Sawain (?) surety. Charity A.Savain" " Doty, Ellas; Rochester, died K-y.£4,1871. dau. Euniceft. Smith, Farmington, K.Y. wife, M«ry S.Doty, son, ileor-"^ .Doty, Rochester, • Rilliam •.Dot-, Chicago,111. LavId R. N.Y.Clty, Komer Jacobs, surety for 4ery S.Doty. Mark Moulton, " " " David A.Dot", ,: Bunice Smith, f/. II ton .Dot;;, George » . •

Intestrtes, 186?.-1874. * 54.

Dovd,Michael: Brighton, tiled before I ec.S>,1872. -nllsted in U.S.Army,1^63, 21st,*.Y.Car. S- id to h^va deserted before the close of the t.ar. Can not be fcund. kother, Margaret Deep), Brighton. Downey, J ne ; Rochester, ("A&A Sept.£2,1866. Fa thera »11liam Ad > ms, Adm. Children; ail miners, Margaret; Joseph; William. having for gunrdian, IlUnm Adrms. Doyl£»,John D. Rochester, died Dec.B s,1870, lather, Bobert Doyle, Mother, Rosanne Doyle. brothers snd sisters, viz. Elisabeth; Richard; Francis, Roeanna, Frederick; «eor^. ; Maria. N.G.Hawley, surety, S.8,Fvlllipa,

Doyle,< illisrr;; Rochester, die Nov, 13,1866, Sister1, .-.«• ry Doyle, Rochester, Homer! V ) Murphy, Greece • Dransfield, Robert; Rochester, died in Montreal,Jul,£,l 68. "Ife, Susan 1. Pre nof I e Id . di... d au/ Ms ry D. "i rans f ie Id , e m i nor, brother, Thomas Dransfield, Adm, In final settlement the widow signs horself. Susan ^.Learned, formerly 1 rrnsfieldl Draper,Sarah P. -ochester, died Feb,18,1855, Son, Cleorge P.Draper, only son and heir. Ada Dryar,Oeorge ?.. died Nov.5,1871. Brother, Harrison Gray Dryer, N.Y.CIty, John ?.Dryar, Borneo, Mich, t( Albert F.Dryar, 11,»ras, nephew, Alf ed Dryar, Nebraska, niece, Sus?n Dryar, Lowell,:*rss, Harriet .-helps, Washington,D.C. '• Julls Dryar, Fits * 11 Ham, K.Fi. « Fanny Coles, Syracuse, child of n sister, " Georgia Simmons, Cleorgls, H Charlotte Smith, Syracuse, n nenhew. Charier Dryer, Lowell, rt»sr. child of a dead bro, niece, SuaEn Dryar, N*r>iiaw. hJdwar^ irertis?, Borneo, kiich. c ild of a 0 ad sister, niece, Her. rentiss, ( ( '' Cornells *ratt, Dubols.Charles: irondoo -it, rlen Fov. 1863, a soldier, !r. h' r, «:dward Dubois. Dudley,John .. died Sept.30,18o6, Roc es^er. Mfe, hetsey A.Dudley, d^u. /-.lice Dudley, Hochester, son, j.e meat ' " John *.. dau. Cf rrle " Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intent! tea,1863-1874, # 55.

Duerr,Souia Ch rles, Rochester, died Kar,£0,187£. V.ife, Delia S»Duerr, Adc•• Son, Louis Frederick Duerr, a minor.

Duffell,J*>mes, ailil*msto?'n, C^nMa, died 1866. Mother, aary -uffell, Rochester, Petitioner, Brother,KIIliRFj Duffell, Ripley, K.Y. Mother states that about lC've^rs ago,J.mes Duffell was pl«red in the ft-r-lly of one,Sempson, Sew London, Cmada, and v? by them adopted. ftfet since sh.e has not be:;r abje to learn any thing rone about him, Dumphy, F a t r 5 c k; Roc he s t e r, ci i s d Aug. 1C, 181; 4 , F re the r, U Ichr o 1 Duty hy . Dunham,Sahnr; Webster, r!le^ Cct.4,18c7,. (Sarah) Husband, Morgan Dunham. heir, Lydla A.Dryer, Aebster, helm. 9 Julia £•Strong, " Iretus B.Dryer, Fev? Jefferson, la. Roxylene Dry*,r, Flttsford, Dunn, Lawr nee; Roe?.ester, dieo Kov.£,18D8. wife, &"ary Dunn. Adm. dau. Bridget Dunn, a minor. eon, Michael 'unn, " Dusenbury,Joseph; G tes, died .»<-y 13,1864, Vi ife, Sa rah Du a e nbu >-y heir, Philip Dusenbury, Lodl,i .Y.

Dutton,Ber.aey fc. "*endon. died Feb.3,1868. Son, "Feorge R.Dutton, a miner, -:d«-u. Julif C.Button, ,: son, \Hilar. H.Dutton, !' Carlle Dutton, Levis f.'.Disbrov, Adm, and General (JuRrdipn.

Dyer,Hiram; Ogden. died Apr,l£, 1870, -Ife, ferry A.;"y^r, son, Berry S.Dyer, Ogden, '• Je,mes B.Dyer dfu. Mary b.Dyer, fill fill *g". Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1874. i- 56.

Early,Jpmes W. Chili, died June 7,1864. • ife, i^etsoy tLarly, dru'. l-.lis^ Ksrly,


Edgsrton,!> 1]h B. Rochester, died Dec.£,1867, • Ife, Octavie t.Kdgerton. Adr. Hiram H.Bdgerton, P. minor, J* no «nr Edgerten, Ehle,GeoT*«,£ P. dier Oct.: ,1 '-. Son, Eddie hie, »• n:in or in 1872. Michael 'hie, guardian of ddle.

Ellrldg ,Collins; Perlnton, died Mar.l3,18< v, ife, Harriet Bid rid*'-, ae.55 in 1869, No c *ldr

Intestates, 1863-1874. * 57.

Ellnger, Msry D. Rochester, hied July £1.186? Adm.Nov.?,1867. Husband, Henry C.Ellnger, Adm. Son, Henry, a minor. d>u. LOUISB, " son, Charles, " Elliott,wllllam H.B. hochester, died July 12,1871. *ife, Charlotte Elliott, son, George H.Elliott, ?.dm. H.M.HaatlngS, surety, L.D. t-Ii Llama, ,; Ellwpnf er, John £• *endon, died Sept.; ,1-7. fclfe, EliSfibfeth Kllv nger, Adm. dau. Ssreh K.F^rbery Hochester, Catherine Ellvanger, CornelIn e minor, eon, ^enjsrin " " George !

Jan.£,187£.Elter, John; Rochester, A J^0fi J Slfe, yipry C.Elter, dsu. Mary A. " ee 14, n Adeline '' 1> , son, Louis «' ' 11. >> John " 1 - , f: George A.'" " ?. dau. Emms " 4, son, Fred.B. It, Henry aeblng, Surety, George Bahn, ' ElvE-rd,J88ac; Rochester, died in Va. May ?,1865. Brother, George siward, h.Y.City, sister, Ellas Chapman, Syracuse,' .Y. F'rs ne 1 s K. Palmer, " Adelia Hadley, Karvslk,Ohlo. 11 Margaret A.E.v.ent, Binghamton,N,Y. brother, John tflward, Lire. Petitioner, handolph B>enamore, appointed Guardian. Emens, Amanda; I'S, died Bet.1,1866, Husband, Edwin Emens, Adm. heir, Grancis .mens.

Emens,Henry; Rigs, ^^ Hot.6,1870. 'Aife, AlvillP H.Bmens, $*!VL. Adelaide «. Emens, Riga. son, Oecrrcu II. * jrinor, d^u. Esther R.Emens, ( » Corp \. Ernerson,Jasamlah; Rochester, ried Jan.1,1871. -ife, Sarah A.Emerson, who died Oct.1876. dau. Mery E.Emerson, ae.50 in 1887. e^flfrftwrifiF»r)i.«meve,onFr»09,l873, 88ya,Mrry,aa.gb. f.m.K. se.5£. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intest tes, 1867-1874. * 5B.

Erdle,Feter A. Hochester, died in Bristol,K.Y.Nov.19,1870. brother, Jacob -rdle, bcuth urIstol,B.Y. Adm. Sister, deceased, not namsd, who,left, viz. Joseph Belchert. hochester, Feter .Heichert, " Valentine " Catherine " ,: *' hegens all fall ege. Estes,•Ibridgc M. Greece, died L^c.11,1864. Chrrleston,S.C. i father, James i:.-.stes, hreeee. Evans,-.dvrin J. Rochester, died in Lincoln, lews,Oct.£?,1-74. v-ife, Ad^ic . . Bvsns, Adm. Child, an infant,unnamed in petition. Evens,Bobert; died at Gettysburg, July 8,1863. brother, William -vnns, resid nee un newn. •' John " sister, f ranees,v,Ifeof Geo.G.Gibson, »t.Forest, Canada. :.:ilzsbeth,wlfe of BllU^m Curie, ,: n Mary Evans, residence unknown.. Swart,Mary F. Brighton, riIod Bee.£0,1865. Hush r nd, i ic h rd J, . f ws rt, son, Thomas vart, Charlotte, Chaut,C0. I ,Y. ae.^5, Jojne: A.Kw'rt, Lri^hton, se.£3, dru. Mary Jane int-art, Brigj ton, " 16, son, Charles .wort, ' 1'.

Swart, I* prd . Brighton, died ,r.r,i 3,187? . ''•Ife, Arnes Ewcrt, Adm. son, TFtomaa liwart, Ch" 11,over Xl by 1876, » James A. " ILansas, Cf Brighton,and ?1 by 187t d-u. • -y J.-wr-t, Brighton, ae.£6. by l"-76. son, Charles " r Adm. dead by NSar.lp76, Hiehrd J,S. wtrt, a minor, ae." by 1876, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. * 69.

Faas,Hary; Rochester, died Aug.£3,1864. mother, Cornelia k.Bass. dau. Maria Baaa, a minor. Fagen,Bernard; Bush, died Au«;.19,187£. »-Ife, Bridget ri.gan Adm." Son, John Fegsn, Bush. " Thorns s v H Jeraes " dsj. Margaret" " !t r Sarah B minor over 14. Fahey, Ma-tin; hochester, die J>-n.£l. 1864. brother, Michael fahey, Feofcla, ill. '' Fa trick ' J*mes Trey, K.Y. Thorn a Manchester, Bng. bryr-n p !' »"' sister, honors Cook, Ireland. " ary Holland, Fahy,Thomas; Hochester, Bo petition, Eond date' Nov.1866. ^lirr Fahy, .dr. .illl'-a xrfn, surety, '>-Hilar. Furcell, " Fairer I Id, Lode ma; r.oc heater, dia^ Aug. 19,18 68. husband, Adonljab B.lairc ild. Adm. dau. amily Simmons, Buffalo,N.Y. F>11, 'i illiam; Greece, died Mar. 15,1870. wife, Amandi Fall. Greece, Ad.;.. dau. Smms J.Sheldon, ogden. Burton ^.Sheldon, Adm. Feller,August; hochester, die Nov.8,1867. - i.J e, Bmily 3 'Her, heir, Emily hahrn, Tiffan, Chip, " Sit tony Fa liar, Fote says only collateral relatives, FVrgo, Phoehe; henrletta. died June lfc;,lKe9. brother, Jacob A.Fergc, Henrietta, eldest trotr-er. John Fargo, Brooklyn,B.Y. Calvin <• i rgo, Mo. sister, Laura. Doolittle, Clarendon,.'-idi . Leila a ton, Brighton. nephew, Jacob *argo, Pa. niece, Lucetta Stewart, Medina,K.Y. (dsu.of a. bro.) Mary : . el ton, " Mary Falser, Fenna. Beta..- y Hill, '•' Laura Safford, nephew, Barren Palmer, " henry iaimer, " OavJjsi^ M-4-* Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

lnteBUtee,18bS-i674. * 4Rr. (60{

Fargo, Fhoebe, continued. ilece, Huldah iaimer, lenra, . " Mary Culver, ^ockport, K.Y. dau.of Hiram rargo. nephew,John largo. Ogden. niece, Sus^n Baton, Brighton. &eph. Jeremiah Fargo, tf,rre,1 .Y. son of Hiram Fargo. " Almon " Clarendon,B.Y." " " Orange * ^rg<- , 111, niece, Laura hisey, b«rre,* ,Y. Amelia asttiaon, dau.of Hiram *'srgo. Antoinette K.Harvey, neph. Charles Loollttle, ion. son of plater -aura. John ' ' niece, imogene Lynch. Kalamazoo Co. Mich. dau. of Laura. Nancy irior, ldo of deceased brother, aarrlet Fnrgo. Parley, ^eme s; *endon, died «ay 11.1865. wife, Bridget, Adm. aon, Fatrlck Farley, Kalamazoo, *.lch. Janes dru/ Mary Irrley, Bloomfield, K.Y. Catherine Ash, Henrietta. Bos-- V iinegan, i.elwcrth. B.Y. Michael Ash, surety, Thomaa Lawton, Farr,Thomas S. Webster, tiled at Charlottsville, Va.Qct.6,186* father* ^enjsiain l.Farr, dr.. son, tidcle *»£•*>.>n farr, a minor. dau, liza Jane nrr, clled "Jennie, a minor. «1 ohn A. Sh r f f e r, /< d m • Farrall,Lennis, Hamlin, died Sept.17,1864, . ife, aurriet i,Farrall, .dm. Son, Fhller.on C, farrall. a mlno*-. George .... ,! Llewellyn J. James C. dau. Harriet ... *sy, Samuel M, -^sd^n, died Jan.£8,1864, * ife, 59rah M.rsy, son, -d ard H,i ay, d u. ••-: ily -.- t y, a minor. leeker, Charles; -reecs, died June £9,18651 jfather, Feter ifeeker, brother, Joseph Feeke.r, sister, uelen i'ath, Cnnendsiguaa&.Y. rennj Feekar, .kurora, 111. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1874. * 61

Fellows,Nancy; Chill, died June 15, 187£. son, oenjardn f ellows, Chill. " " William Cpladonia,' .Y. u Frederick « Ch'll. dau. Eunice Rogers, $heatl**nd, son, isdmund rellows, dvaaston, 111, Q. H. S. Bo^e y,s, suro ty , John Pierce, " Felschow,Louis; Rochester, died July £7,1872-, %>lfe, Emma Felschow, Adm. brother, henry felschow, Germany. Carroll Felslnger,Victoria? Hochester, die- Nov,7,1871. Mother, Agnes Felsinger, Adm. Father, Anthony *elsinger, other heirs, brcs.and sists. vtz F ra nk /.. residence unknown. xheresa hochester, ;varfpret ' " George Kent Ohio. Lena " hochester, Caroline John Fenn, Horatio :. Koeliestor, died Atr.lC,1871. wife, Henrietta I.Fern, Adm. son, •obert H.Fenn, Kochester, Snmuel I. 9 Fittaton,Pe. after, Rochester, Fanner,John; -oehe.et , i^ Kov.18,1870. v:lfe, France? Fenner, Adm. son, Qven Fenner, dau. Margaret f.wens Fenner, son, Crein Fenner, all of hochester, and f 11 age, Fertig, '-.lizabeth; Rochester, died let.3,1871. Bust hno, John lertlr, Adm. d?iu. Bllzabeth Freda ika Fertig, aa.20. son, Charles ft',Fertig, «e.4, Jecot i ox, surety, Si I aha J.Keeny, " Finel settlement, d* ted Rov.13,1893, aeya, lizabeth B.Bitter, ae. 4£. John Fertig, the huabandm died Aug.51,1897. Field,Slisabeth J. Gates, died Sept,11, 1864. dau. 1 ranees Ann Field, ( ae.£l,by Fab.l3,157£.> son, rienry Field, (dead by ) Aashington H.HIggIns, guardian, rielden,hllza; died Oct,£9,1870. Father, Armlstead Fielden. Sweden. sister, i?ry Fielden. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1«63-1874. * 6£.

Finch,Charier* H. "ochester, died Mov,l0,1870, wife, Martha A,Finch. Adm. Son, i r-n* Finch. nochastei, dr-u. Georgians Finch, " aon, Charles H.Finch, " Findley,John E. hochester, died May £6,1864. »other, Tolly Cornell. Flnr.icen,iargaret; .-.ochester, died Kov.6,1870. Son, Jar.es Flnnican, Rochester, dau. firis " T (Maria,) son, Thomas minor, " dau, Margaret " p M Ella !l Finnacane, inomaB; .ochester, died i-^ay 6,1869. ii e, Msr™a ret FInnac ane, son, J err as da.U. Marls son, Thomas " a minor, dau. his r«?a rejs Blls John A.Ahitbeck. Guardian of minors. Fish,welcome K. rtochester, died Ir Sodus, Nov.17,1869. Father, John X.Bieh Adm. only heir. Fisher,Berdo; Rochester, died tiept,£0., 1864, Mother, Margaret Fisher, 4ocheater, brother, Cornelius Fisher, Adm. filliam " '; heir, llendella " Lothae " ,; Isaiah 1 Ch« rlea Acolph CO ' \, llzabeth Fisher,tfeorge; Koch ester, died Juno 1£,18O8. son, John ! isher, t minor. d.vu. llsabetb * Llnfl !' " " Lmxa George Bastian, Adm. Fy 1671 John \lscher is of are,(Then so spelled.) Fisher, James 0, Hochester, died July 1,1866, Mother, 'liznb&th G.Fisher, dru. Slisabeth Fiaher, ee.7, Cyrus Sherman, Adm. Fitch,Margeret,(Alias Corcoran) Brockport, died Aug.9,1873. Tow slaters, unnamed, one In Canada, one In Ireland. K.B.Germain, a Creditor, ^dm. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, * 63

Flagg,Samuel; Ogden. died May.£1,1866. Son, iienry Flagg, Ogd n. Thorn, a C•" dnu. Hannah is.rar.lee, Hamlin. Sarah S.J Itchens, -Jteter,i!lch. son, Samuel F.rlagg, Sweden. dau. Annie D.Flagg, Crden. son, Francis Hadley, lch. a minor. dru. Nellie C. ' Offd n. " Lucy A. " * r' Fieiah,Anthony; Rochester, died Jrn.9,lc73. ife, Mary Flelsh, Adm. Lsu, Mary Flelsh, e minor. ' '-. Francis '. " Flalah,M»ry; Brighton, '-'i^d Dec. £b, 18 70.. Mother, Frances Lints, Adr. dau. Mary rlelah, e minor. Fleming,Lorenzo D, hochest --, died Aug. 17,1867. -ife, Ms rgar&t Flei Ins;, Son, ialter . Rochester, William L. dau. Lnuri Flint,Asa A. Sri -ton. died Oct.10,1868. Kife, Louisa C . f-1 int., Buffalo, dsu. *-rria F. iambi in, son, dlbur F.'Mint, honeoye irlls, F.Y. d^u. Bile L.P.Mch-rnnels, Buffalo, Flora, Maria; Rochester, died J/an.l6,l87£, 1 iece,':->S'vy I "itz, Buffalo. Adm. Alexander Flore., a creditor. Flynn, ilizebeth, formerly -liz.Cullen, heatland, d.Apr.li.,1 h usband, J are a Blynr., dau. -r-ry Elizabeth Flynn, ao.lo das. Folev,Timothy, Hochester, died Aug.30,1870. "brother*, fclchsel Foley, Geneve, .Y. Sisters, not named in Ireland, Foote,Alvin; Pittsford, Uittsford) oie Apr. 1 ,1870. Sen, Charles K.Foote, ae.4£, Cairo, 111. dau. Catherine Poote, p ??, littsford, son, nrecr?

Intestates, 1863-187/, t- 64,

Ford,Charlea; Rochester, die-1 0ct,7,lP74 \v 1 f e, Ann a r o rd, Adm.

Ford, SalIns; Chili, died Feb.10,1873. Brother, Hiram F. -hitford, Hochester. Adrc. sister, Antoinette Richardson, rtenriette. h^lf bro. Brfsrous B.Fiersons, Detroit, l&ieh. Adm. Lsvld H.T Ichardson, Forkel,Georr- C. Rochester, died May 18,1870. Wife, Kunigund? Borkel, Adm. die hoc.: 7,1881. son, Christian Forkel, Rochester. " i llliam B. " ' died Nov.S1890, 1 Christopher ." K.Y.CIty, d au • Ma ry Schle y r, Kobe at . Lizzie Forkel, r- miner, Forkel,John A. Rochester, petition d ted July £8,1871. Mo t he r, Kur 1 rund n Bo rke 1, - oci a a t ?. r. brother, Christian '" " ^llllrrr F . " Chr-stopher . r.Y.City, sister, Mary Sehleyer, Rochester. " Lizzie Forkel, fi minor. Forschler,Henry, Rochester*, died Mry.4,18t wife, Catherine rorechler. c son, henry, a e .13, May ',:d,l - t Frederic k," 10, 'r.10. d >-u. Georgia, " 8, Jul. :• i, son, Stephen, B 6, Sept.6, II August, ', Apr.l£, M v.i Hie, *' 1. Feb.£5, Forsyth,Margaret; Rochester, died Hiey £?, 1B73. Husband, Josejh Forsyth, Adm. Fosmlre, Lavid; F«>rnm, (larma,) die 1 ov.7,180S. fife, Fertile Fosraire, (Belrsmbros.-n* sist. ard their eh.) Johi•• Fosmi re, 111. He r ry " C1 a rk son, Sylv.sture ' ha.mlin, 1 razx'sri '" '''larks on, Eliza .^orohouse, Sweden. Sarah Mardoff, Hamlin, Caroline King, Martin Fosmire, Amsterdam. 3 .v. '/.illiam resid nca ur.knom. Merritt *' hrockport, Jacob Lynd, Orleans Co. '.Y. Louisa residence m^.nown. Sidney, ' Sylvestun? Burrlll surety, Alphonso AmIdon Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestetes,1863-1874. g 6S.

Foster,Ch* rles; Webster, died M«*r,14,lPfc,7. Mother, tulle Ann Foster, brother, J mes ft.Foster, " John .,. il sister, Minnie A.wife of Charles H.Strouger, M ^nns,wlfe of George -.rotb. all of Webster. Foster,Frances; Rochester, died 0ct«£6,1865. 1st cousin. Bor^iet Semis, Rochester. Fooler,Joshua; tendon, died Feb.11,1854, %ife, Jems Fouler, apt.Adz. Oct.14,1864. then of Farms. son, &I111am Fooler, " Vincent Bowler, 9 Chauncey Fo^l-r, 9 Jer»n-i«h Fowler, dau. Frances F.Kelfer, " ikpry F.^eatherwax, " Josephine Fowler Cronkhlte, 9 Elizabeth Forler Bye, " Jane !>asenbury, w LucInda,wifeof .>acofc Lida,whc died - rd left, viz. Jenora Lida Volney Lidr . Fowler,Norton; Rocb cater, disc Oct.£1,1873, Mother, bathaheba Fowler, Adm, Iddlebury,Ind, s i s tor , Mary h*e le r, Kllzaboth Smith, niiddiebury,Ind. ,! Dana Carpenter, Decatur,] 11, brother,Albert Fovler, hochester, ' Plijah Fowler, fceveda. Fowler,Mlllsm; Pittsford, died Jan.3, 1 70. *lfe, ttrrit L.Fo*l*r, dau. Julia ft.Fowler, Rochester, ''• Sarah v,ln^ns, Avon,- .v. son, iviliia.m F.Fowler, hochester, dau. Ksry L.Fowler, ilttsford, a minor. son, rred•H•Bowler, F'.S.B.ee, surety, B.F.Froaman, : (B.F.) Fox,Louis,B*chester, died bee.4,1866. wife, Va^y Fox. son, Jacob Box. a rc4nor, dau. >4sry Fox,

Frank,Mich-si; Rochester.died Feb.£b,l<-73. wife, B- rbrr--' Brahk, Adm. son, Banrv Frank, ae.l^, dau. *argaret,wifeof John heeler, so .Ml, '• Mary Frank, ae.18, " Catherine Frank, ae.lb, aon,Louis Frank, se.ll, All of Hochester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. ? 66

Frasler,'''llss; Henrietta. - i--3 Bov.' '.,1 v., Slfe, . llzabeth ?Tf «ier, IV u. Carr,'; L. <•* csin^r. LIbble B. * Ch a an c e y C h B p m r p., ;> d * . Freser,~^ry B. T.fce'tland, riled Oct.£3,186?-'. Brother, 'h- rler Freaer, ae.BO Nov,186\J Alexander Fraser, vork, dm and gurrdlan, Frederick,Fhilij Jacob; Rochester, ^X-f. Jan.?1,1871. Cstherine Fred-rick, Adm. (tre wife,) sen, Fhili| Jacob Frederick, Holland, Volentlna Buf j'-lo, ,Y. dau/ '.imr-onghafer, '' Christina &tzj Adm. r Fhilander Ly is C, "a minor. ye:r''- • .Fr-e^an, - appelle 111, Job fheips, ieraisl(S) ; son of yron ;help8. 9 ht rrlet " d u. i in- 1 aettler*@nt of J^r.. " • ,l"-hh glv«s, Lanl>:l i'roaj n, C2-okson. *eo. . - h ''•-lin*, v < . I h * 1 a r:f r ' I l^newe 11, teieh, Lydia C. wife of Jv-Fosmire, (John! Hamlin, Harriet ,wif« of Josejh Flowera, spells, 111, minor. Jot fhelps, minor, with his f t er feyron Fhelps, One Ids, Kr.ox Co• 111 • Freeman,.>4ilvIn; F-arlln. st4ed July 10,1870. [>au. Ca rlnc F**efiir'-n, Hamlin. -''dr.. karths *r emei , *• Jane, wife of John .Koyt, Kamlim, sen ,Iiomor rreaman, !L at Caledonia, norCarlton, N.Y. ,! John C,Freeman Jamestown, &ieh. dau. Ch riot:.; tis, decayed,who left chlldren,via, Llizsheth filler, «*lss. Charlea ( tia, Mich, Leone r' -tis, Corillne ' tia, h-rlin. Hubert ctis. Jay Otis, ARtle »-tls and atsry (.tis, minors,Hamlin. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Int-states,1863-1874, * 67. \ Freiburghaus, Magdalene; Henrietta, died Sept.23,1868 Mother, Lllzebeth. - reiburghaus, heir, i-iudolph 1 rolt irghaus, Randolph, K.Y. 9 Benedict t! " 9 9 HIcholaa Mich. Marear-t Rochester. Ellaabyth Scheich, Brighton. " Mary Reiser, Rochester. all full a French, Crightcn E. Hochester, died Fet.l- ,l-7c. ife, Jane French. son, Alvah French. N.Y,City," Benrv, Hochester. t> minor. Joseph dcu. Care lne ' mother, guprd. son, Fordyce H. Thorn- s S.Lynn, mi* rd.. cf -;<.-rry •• nd Joseph. Robert D.Sro* Sprowll, surety, James Campbell, B.h.CIfrk, French,*ark; Sweden, died Aug.'"?, 1^73. Ife, AnnIs ..Irench. Adm. dau. &ary A.C.French., ^rockpor-t. Frey,Catherlne; Hochester, died *eb.3,l?73. dau. ale ry ianke , --.od', e a te r, *dm • ri Carciine Gprter, * Kate Clsen "' Suss Hie hard. Frey,Frederlka; fie &ag,4,16c9. a rear , hu at a nd , John i rsy. eon, Julius irzy, a minor, Greece, dau. : mms eon, ueorge ti. dau . Loue&f- F . '' John .'111' r.s, suraty, ftnd-e* Kagel. Froy.Mary; Ferlnton, die- -py ^P,1869. Children, i-.ll minors, with -ernhard Hiesz, guardian. Julia; Ldward M; tery C, BIJ Fer'nton. Frisbee, James 0. Greece, die- Aj r.iT ,1'-71. &Ife, Adelaide Frlebee, Adm. Bon, Frank James ^risbee, a miner. Janes G.Frisbee, surety, Jose, h orthroj . rriedenburg. rlter; Hamlin, died rah.17,1868. Hlfe, Mary Ann, and 7 children,viz. a* 11 lie m Salinn, Georgu Dewitt, MarySilas, , NellieCora. , Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestetes, 1863-1874. f 68.

Frisch,Barbara ; Hochester, died Cot. £,1867. Husband,Mathiaa 4rlaeh. Adm. dau. i-usan *rlach, sons, Feter.,John all Kochester, Fritz,Feter; hochester, died Jen.19,1^73, f.ife, Catherine Frits, dau. Louis-- , Mary, minor, " Rather lna, " son, Feter, ,; Martin ,; Frost,Joseph; Brighton, died Aug. 10,1^70. wife, Catherine Frost. Adm. son. Charier J.Frost, mendon. dau. Caroline A.rhite, Lrighton. Amy H.Crittenden, Hoeheater, son, Arthur A.Frost, Brighton, p minor. dau. duba ' .i mat, ,! r.arren -hite, Surety. Frost,Joseph; Kochester, died -t St.Louis,*c."ert,£6,186b, rife. Harriet J,Frost. son, Albert J.; r:. at ami nor. dau. Cornelia. *rcst. son, Joseph Frost, Frost, Fry or; Henrietta, died Sov.3,ir-'."4. -Ife, wiilieent B.Frost, *dm. son, Jrmes d.ircst. a minor, hohert Martin, surety. F rec1. . rfi Hows , Fryers, <'nn; Fiochestar, died *ar.£6,l 7*. Husband, hich? d rryors, John H. Ml son, surety, i-...... She rmerhorn, ' Fuller, John; hochester, died at Fhlladelphla , Mig,b,l*64. Father, »ilabald Fuller, Fuller,Maria; Liwedtsn. oieo Jan.3c , 18.71, dau. Sarah J.rfi^e. H.n.Fage, surety, .ffi.t-ewitt rare,9 Furtherer,Elizabeth; Hocheste«, died Msr.££,l868, Son, Joseph Furtherer, tochestar, Adm. d• u* Lou i s a re aid * nee J nkr. own. " tAnry fiKirrsy, Roches tar, son, liliar Furtherer, Dunde:-, Canada "est. austhlas Roche at r, " Benedict " *rank dau. Soph la I: Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

In estates, 1863-1874. #' 69,

Osbel,ChRrlotte; Rochester, died Mar,'^£,1875. Jacob G?-bel, Adm, Four other bros.amd slat.in Frussia, unnamed. Cage, Dexter; Henrietta, deed May 16, 1974, wife, Mary Gfige, Adm. son, John rrmklln Gage, e-*4aerT- Full age. Mlton henry a minor, all of Henrietta. 9 burton D. H B Final aettlemmt,May,l«75, Soes not mention Burton D. and ssys that •ilton Kenry is 11 and living with his mother in the Town of Gates. Gage, Ruth| Perlnton, died *ar.£8,l«71. dau. Catherine C.Geae, Fairport, 9 Zllle M.!>avls, ' ,: " Mary A.Pound, Inlpnd, la. son, Walter T.Gage, ie Inton. d'-u. Louisa C.Fermsn, Fenfield. or Furmsn. J.^.lurmen, surety, T.G.Jones, !* Gage,Sophronie; Chill, ded Kov.£5,1869. d«u. Adeline A.i.idener, Chill. Adm. 9 Angelina A.Goodwin, " eon, Newton Gage, su;rosed tc be In so. g.dau. Eliza A.Gpre, Chili. " Carrie " Michigan, ae.14. Grille,Charlotte M.S. Rochester, died July 14,187.'. dau. ^ucy C.Gallie, a minor. son, Charles R, " " Cornelia C.Carmich el, Is general Gu< rdian. Boch. F.B.^agle, Cswego, Adm. Gallory,Martin; Greece, ded Mar.19,1873. Father, Michael Gallery, Grand father, Francis B.Gallery, Adm. Galushe,Blon A. Hochester, died July £7,l-t5. wife, Free love K.Galusha, Ad, dau. Myra E, Galushe, ae.6, eon, Martin J, " 3, dau. Brrrlet E. " " 18 mos. John Van Voorhls Jr. Adm. Galushe,Martin; Rochester, died Feb.l9,186P *lfe, Almifca Galusha, died Bee. 1£, 1894.no,June I4,lt;9?, son, Korrcen K.Galusha, (died I»ec.l£,l894) dau. l-rances A.Van Voorhles, Hochester. g.ch. yre, Harriet, Martin, (children of Blor Galusha, dau. Cornelia J.Kelly, deceased, who left a son,viz. Morgan G.Kelly, tanning, Cslif. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. # 70.

Gardiner,Klise A. Rochester, died Mayl7,1866. Father, Nicholas Grrdlner, Adm. only heir. Geremmash,Caroline; Rochester, died L«c.16,1868. son, Louis, ae.7f in Lee.1868. d*u. Mary, "10. Oarmo,Bllzsbeth; Rochester, riled *ay 15,1873. (De Garsso,*) Husband, Peter G. rmo. Adm, H^lrs, minor c ildr-n of a deceaaed daughter, vis. John Swager»s Mary Swager, Eliza Swager, George Swager, Joseph Swsger, Gebbard,Catherine,Rochester;died Mar,4,1871, Husband, Frank Gebbard, Adm. Heir, Bvs be11Inger, Rochester. Gatherine Gebbard, " • Mary Gabb'-rd, Margarets Gebbard, George a.Bellinger, surety, a.'welgel. Oolveiler,Michael; Riga, died Hov.24,lH7£. Rife, Margaretta, Adm. dau. dpry Ann, son, John * George, dau. i-ena. ell minor cr ildren. Gentle,V alter; Greece, died Get,16,1865. .Ife, J^ne Gentle, ( fterw* rd,Jane -"ee.) son, writer William ^entle, a minor. Gerry,Bllzabeth K. Brighton, died Apr.9,1874, husband, hufus P.Gerry. Son, Frederick a,Lewis, se,19,Msy £3,1873. dau. Anna Lewis " 18,Feb.9,1874. son, Griffith Lewis, " M,Aug.5,1873. Edmund Kelly, Adm. H.B.Stanley, Fenfleld, Petitioner and Guardian of Ch,

Gibbs,MP.ry, Hochester, died in Geneva, Oct.1870. son,* Charles Gibbs, a minor. Azel backus, Adm. and guardian. Gler,George v.. Rochester, died July £4,1870. v.lfe, b* rah Gier, married 18o8. Henrietta Gier,claimed to be his widow and w-^r riven Administration papers. Sarah Gler petitioned Feo.4,1871 to have her removed. ner petition was sjproved. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

\ Intestates, 18 3-1874, * 71.

Glides,John; Whe*tl*nd, died Pt N.Y.Clty, Sept.1,1864. Father, Byron Gildea. Gllkerson,Ann; Rochester, died Jan.£0,1804. son, henjamin F.Fllkerson. Hochester, Adm. dau. Esther Hogelend,(?) son, Andre*, dece sed, who left children,unnamed. 9 Jackson, 5 9 « » Glllett,Frances M. Perlnton, died Oct.£1,1863. KusbBnd, Charlea K.Oillett, Adm. Glllett,*llliam F. tendon, died Aug. 1* , 1871. sister. Bllza Sheldon, deceased, who left,viz. Judson F.Sheldon, "H&nricn. Raneom T.Sheldon, ,! Horace ft,Sheldon, Louesa B.Carter, Betroit, filch. Luclnn M.Potter, dedina, N'.Y. brother,Charles k.Glllett, dece<-sed, whc left; viz. Solomon B.Gillett, Coldwater, Mich, Jason COillett, Ypailanti, Mary A.Foote, " Leborah rhilllps Mies, Mich. Harriet ! lrrick, Ypsllantt. brother,Philander Hllett, daceaaed, wlo left; viz. Harrison Glllett, Chicero. ILL George Glllett, Morris sister, Folly ihelps, deceased,who left; viz. Eliza *eck, Sodus,T-.Y. Harvey Fhelps, Allegan, I Ich. Ann Leliea, Rochester, Elisabeth Boughton, Webster, CI? risss Phelps, Hush. Oilman,HIram; F^rma, died June 25,1868. wife, Melisse Oilman, son, hdward A.Gilman, ^elevan, Kir. dau. Arissa H.schooncver, Hpmllh, (Hamlin) " Virginia a.KnOwles, " son, hiram ^.Oilman Detroit,Kleh. dau. Vendalie A.Swan, allddleburg, N'.v. a minor. aon, Charles ^.Oilman, Parma, S. .Schoonov^r, surety, viles 'hite, In final settlement, 1873, V-nri«-lla Swan Is I Aifllnirton, la. ar.d Chas M. and Blram in .*hit Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. I 1c.

Oilman,Nancy; Rochester, died Feb.£8,1868, Son, Alpha Oilman, ae.50, Rocheater. tt- Albert Oilman. * 49, Buffalo. N.Y. dau. Hannah D.Lagge, u 43, Hochester. w Nancy M.Roman, " 41, son, John A. Oilman, deceased, who left,viz. Lffie J.Oilman, ae.l£_, with mother,&ary J.Oilman. Edwrrd Lagre, Surety. in hochesti Glaaeon, Harriet Ella; Rochester, ded Sept.14,18c . ae.ll-yrs. Father, John Glaseon, Rochester, Mother, Martha " sister, Eliza Jane Glaseon, a minor, brother,Georg- Renry " Gnaedinger, John, Rochester, die'5 ior.17,1 73. wife, I*ullne Gneedinger, Adm. son, John, horn July £6.1867,

Goetsman,Jacob, Rochester, died July ?,1^7£. wife, Elizabeth, son, Frederick, ae.3, dau. Anna, ae £ weeks.

Goldsmith,Magdalene, Rochester, died July 30, 1870, Son, John F. Rush, no, Rochester. dau. Catherine Rapolds, Troy, ~hlo. ' Loiiar Beal, Syracuse,B.Y. aon, Chrrlea, Chippewa Falls, -Is, d u. apry Goldsmith, Rochester. James Khite, aur b , C Frenk, Goor'el, William, of Lincoln, Berien Co. ? died Sept.15,1867, Be left personal property In Monroe Co. N.Y. Dau. Ellen J.Brown, Rochester, ' Mary L.Goodel, Goodridpe,benjamin; Sweden, dis Apr. 19,1864. wife, Elizabeth K.Goodrldre, -Adm. dau. Doala ae.l3,May 1,1864. son, Benjamin Lelos, ee.ll,^ct.ll,r 63. Dwlght H, " 3,Jrn.8,lR64. All Sweden. In final settlement,the name in Goodrich. Goodrich,Sally F. -ochester, die' Nov.£,1874. Bus snd, i-re^ariek Goodrich. Adm. died May B,1877. Frederick A.Orlswold aaks Adm. as he Is one of the Kxs. of the will of Frederick Goodrich. Goold,John H. Swe en. ril«rf Q«t,19,lB69. rife, oydia Goold, son, henry R.Goold, g.son, Charier Goold, ae.7, living with .ydia Goold. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1 74, a 73.

Gordon,Klisa J. Rig*, died ah.lb,186B. Husband, w'illinm H.Gordon, dau. Ads Hsrkness, Riga, Adm, Mar#ie Edwards, H son, Charles Gordon, " a minor, H allliam Gordon, ' H • M.R.Lole, Adm. Gormly,John; Rochester, died June 14,1868. fife, Hannah M.Gormly, ( ^ot BB*nti~ned In final Set.l8*:9 dau, Jane M*rlah Gormly, ae.£6, Mary Ann,wife of obert I.Sprowell, e.£4, (Sproull) son, S-muel J.Gormly, ae.£l. V.illism R. " " 81. d*u. Hannah ftnrla Gormly, ae.lt, son, John Gormly, " 14, Oormley,Samuel; Rocheater, died Mar.££,1871 Aife, Margaret, a lunatic, with Guard. James ^?mpbell. d u. Maggie Gormley, Rochester, aon, Thomas A. *' a minor, ' Gillian M. " Rochester, *dm. James Campbell, Surety, J.B.Edmunds, Gott,Emma E. Ogden. died Sept.5,1874. Father, Ssmuel Gott, Ogden. Renry Gott, surety, i rederick Gott.' Gouch,Frederick; hochester, died feb.5,1867, «lfe, PhillipIna Gouch. son, Frederick " a minor. dau. ilizabeth " " Aug.l8t)S,ir petition for fin^l set. Fhlllljins Lutt applies. Gow,'vedder B. Rochester, died Aug.6,1878, alfe, Cl*ra M.Gow. d< u. Cornelia Oow, a minor. son, Madison " " d<-u. Anna Johin Keeler, surety, Jacob Bana. r Grsb,«eorge, webster, died Mar.87,1878. -ife, Margaret Grab. Adm. eon, Gaorge R. " du. Mary -nr " Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1874. * 74.

Grabs,Catherine, Rochester, died Mr-r.17,1866. husband, Michael Grebe. d u. Barbara, Catherine, botFi minors. Graham,John; Rochester, died Lee,7,1868. *ife, Rose Ann ^raham; and the following ch'ldren. Catherine T.Graham, Rochester, Mary L.O'brien, Lockport, ti.Y. John Graham, Son Franclaco, Calif. Susan e minor, hochester, George, '' " Rosa^ " Grata,Maria; Benfleld, ded Apr.£0,1869. Husband, * ranees G.Gretz, son, Julius F.Oratz, N.Y.Clty, dau. Louisa H. t; Benfleld, * Emma ' 9 Laura " ,; son, Albert " all minors. Gray,Clark; Benfleld, die- Sept.85,1865, Rife, Atlanta Grey, son, Lavic b.Gray, Adm. Benfleld. dau. Sarah A.Spear, Mary J.Gray, Cells her self May,at settlement, r" Harriet B.Gray, son, Cl^rk Gray Jr. alary J. is May J.Walker of ¥< ay land, Mich, it 187£. Gray,Edward; Roche ter, died July 17,1873. Wife, Catherine Bray, «dm. son, Robert F.Gray, Cleveland.C df-u. Catherine H.Badger, Rochester, ' Margaret E.Johnston, Adm. son, John K.Gray. all full age.

Graves,S*rah; Chili, died L«e.t,1873. Buatand,George C.Graves, Adm. Heir, B*reh Morrison, Rochester. Cliva fte GasmirlT) " (may be ^e Gsrmo) 9 **enry ft.Graves, ^etrol£, Mich. •' George C.craves, Jr. Chili. • Battle Graves, Ovid,Mich. Greely,Amos C. Rochester, die^ June 85,1873. .if©, Lillis ^reely, Adm. aon, hir«m M.Greely. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1874. $ 7s,

Green,Hester A. Rush, die Apr.£0,1861. Husband, Ira 'A,Green. Apt,Adm, J«-n.£7f 1- 7£, Son, H.Lelos Green. dau. H-ttle M. " aon, Myron >. sll minors at settlement, Jan.1874. Green,John; Rush, died Mar.19,1878. Son, James A.Green, Rush. Adm. no others mentioned. Greensgle,M8rtIn; Hochester, died May.1,1867. v-lfe, Mary Ann Greenagle, who died before 0et.ll,18tr 7, Brother, Frederick Greenagle, Lyons, K»Y. se.bo. • Henry " " 9 " 54. sister, Elizabeth Birkel, " 48. bro. George Lireenagle, H 45, Michael Rochester, " 3C Greenagle, Mary A. Rochester, died Aug.£5,l«67, (widow of fcartln' (Fiusbend, Martin Greenagle, deceased,1 Father, John Ryan, sister, Catherine Bamher, (Bamber)Rochester. brother, Blchprd Byan, re aid nee unknown. Green,Mary; (Bolly) ftheetlsnd, died Sept.29,1864. Son, Lewis ureen, Wheatland. dau. Harriet Mailory, 9 Mary Miller, " " Zllpah Greenough," g.son, Le^ls Wilson, ( son of a dead daugi tor) dau. Anteellne Cook, deceased, who left heirs, viz. Usry Francie, Emma Cook, Walter Cook , Green,Nathan; Rush, filed Aug.'r6,lc74. ftife, Rachel B.Green, Adm. son, Jonathan H.Greer, ^iain, Mich. " Irn »• Green, Thj.sh. " Theodore D.Green," ,! Myron a. >reen, Tecumseh, Mich. Horace M.Green, hush. dau. FClla G.Barohn, Charier A.Green surety. Green, Royal; Rush, dl**'1 Mar.£6,187£. v Ife, Me ry J • G fee n, son, Jacob C.Green, hush. dpu. bp.reh .dell Green, ,! a minor. " ftnry Smily Green, James R.Green, surety, Jacob C.Green Greennan or Greenman, harriet, died Sept.2,1864, K-miin. rather, Arthur Greenman. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. f 76.

Gretton,Cornelius; Rochester, died 1862. Wife, Ellen Gret ton apt. dm. F-ov.E3,l '74. Son, Thomes Gretton, dau. Maggie Gretton. Gridley, Sarah; Cgd-n. disd May, 1870. dfu. iSunice,wife of Benry rlagg, Ogden, (Bunice K.) dru. Julia A.Gridley, Ogden. dau.Sprah M. arretsey, Ogden dau. Ann B.nheeler, Kocherter. Henry Flag? apt.Adm. Sept.£0,1870. Gridley,William K. Ord^n. died Dec.££,1868. bother, sarsl: Gridley, Ogden. sister, Eunice K. wife of Renry Flagg, Ogd n. Merlah S.G'-rretsey, C^den. Julie h.Gridley, " Ann a ^heeler, Rochester. Griffin,Bbeneser; Rochester, died Feb.££,1861. Admlnlstr tion rrarted to Barrlet «riffln and Chas.K.smith both dead, and now, Feb.£0,1866, Vincent M.Smith,a rranc son, asks papers. Daughter. Janet M. Sit 1th, Rochester. Griffin,Michael; -ochester. died *ay 3,1^71. No relations save In Ireland, Ihese not nrmed.

Srlger,Rachel; *Q>inton, died Aug.6,1870. Son, James Grlger, ^erinton. Oriswold,Julian; Farms, died Sept.£7,l«7ir. •ife, Jane ^riswold. Adm. Orolling,"enryj Homester, died July 18,1870. •Ife, Joanna Grolllng. son, Barney Rochester. vmilam " M dau. Joanna trolling, son, Henry her^an I! All there art rlnora. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates, 1883- 1874. € 77.

Heap,Catherine Babette; Rochester, died Mer.£0, 1871, Sister, Anna Asten only heir In America. Adm. Father, Fillip Heap, Germany, Mother, Margaret Ha pp. " (This name may be Haass or Hoop ) Hagadorn, David D. 'Aest Webster, died Dec.£,1873. life, Caroline M,hagadorn. Adm. Dau. Charllssia Foster, Webster, son, Cassius a.Hagadorn. Walworth, K.Y. • Georsre H. " a minor. Willie n ,! dPu. Lilile " " Felix Brake, Adm. Hair,James; Rochester, died Bob.b,1864. Mfe, Mary E.Hair, and follo-ing children. IsaacC.Hair, ae.16,July 15,1863. Charlea B. ' 10,Oct.4,1863, Florence R, " " 8,Feb. 1,1864 . Jares R, M "6, Dec.8£, 1863, Hele,Frederick R. New Orleans, La. died there,July. 1868. v»lfe, Louian M.Rele, Rochester, apt,Adm,0ct,£6,le70, Mother, Catherine Hale, Greece, brother, Benjamin B,Hala, Albion,K.Y. " Alfred F.Hale, katerdord, Minn. sister, Kllze B.Mills, Forest, 111. Phillnda Lpker, Lockport,B.Y. Mary A.Beardsley, Leonle,Mlch, Hpnnah Moulton, Memphis, Tenn. Candace Gorton, Columbus, &y. brother, George Hale, residence unknown. ,r Eliphalet Hale, Nashville, 111. Franklin Hale, Half Moon B^y, Calif. Julius Rale, Shell Rock, la. sister, Miller, Greece, who left miner ch'ldr-n, viz. Henry Miller, ^T&QCQ, Rosette felller, " Anna Miller, " Hale,George B. Chico,Calif, died Feb.13,1 71. ho widow, but brothers and sisters, end their ch. Benjamin B.Hale, Carlton, K.Y. Adm. SJf! 5*MJller' Loc*POI,t» HI. (Other paper c-lls her Mills Fhlllnds Baker, " Alfred Hale, ?*sterford, Minn. Mary Ann Beardsley, Leonia,Mich. Hannah Moulton,*emphis,lenn. Candace Gorton, Columbus, Ky. Frederick Kale, Kew Brleana, (?)( ther paper s-vs,dead.) Kllphalet hale, NPah* lie, 111. * Franklin Hale, Half «oon Bay, Calif. Julius Hele, Shell Rock, la. iienry; Bosetta; and Anna Miller, children of dead sister. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestatea,1863-1874. *78.

Haley,Ellen; Rochester, die- M8r.l£,l°64. Husband, Daniel Haley, Adm. ho e lldr n. Ball,Albert G. Brighton, died Sept.10,1871. Wife, Kmily Hall, Adm. dau. Srrah E.Whitney or Whiting, Walnut Creek, Calif, ae.40 Knar* Louise Harris, Brighton, se. ce,33, g.dau. Sarah Hall, Lyons, K.Y. Hdward Harris, surety, Thomas Hprris fl Hell,Charles idwin ; Rochester, died t)ec.?,18t7. at VIcksburg. Father, Ch=rles F.fiall. Adm. only heir. Hall,Harriet; brighten, died May 31,1868. Son, Joseph F.H-11, Brighton, Adm. dau. Harriet i. wife of *r»ncls (?.Glen, Ont-rlo,B.Y. R-Ugenp Glen, Adn. Hcllinam,Joseph; Roch ster>, died F\est. He had a sister, -leaner, a Rinor. Hammond,LouISP; Rush, d ed Dec.£3,1867. Husband, Caleb H.Hammond. Son. ?

Intestates, I863-IS74. #79

Hanford, Stephen; Rochester, died Jan. 31, 1869. Wife, Maria Hanford, Adm. dau. Mary Elizabeth Hanford. Hanna, William; Rochester, died Feb. 12, 1871 Wife, Elizabeth Hanna, Adm. and children, all minora William R. Hanna, Elizabeth C. M James P. " Sarah " Charles " Mary » Emma J. Dwlght Gibbons, surety, Lyman L. Stone. Hanvey, Edward A.; Rochester, died Nov. k, 1272. Wife, Elsie J. Hanvey, Adm. son, Franklin E. Hanvey, a minor, dau. Georgia Irene H " Lodewick F. Relyea Adm. John E. Relyea surety Geo. H. Thompson, H Hanvey, Walter; Rochester, died Apr. 3, 1871 Wife, Martha J. Hanvey, Adm. dau. Mary J. Hanvey, eon, Robert J. Hanvey, Adm. dau. Margaret Hanvey, a minor. eon, William Hanvey, William B. Oeddes, surety, Robert Sterrltt, Harder, Henry; Rochester, died May 15, IS70. Wife, Sarah R. Harder, Adm. dau. Carrie B. Harder, a miner. Fardman, Wright; Riga, died July 1&73- Father, Wright Hardman, Adm. sister, Christina Hardman. Hardwlg, Edward; Rochester, died Apr. 22, lg73 son, Edward Hardwlg, ae. 7 yre, 6 mos. August Wltzel, Adm. Harmon, Edgar F.; Wheatland, died in Nebraska, Dec. S, 1£6^. Mother, Lucretia Harmon, Wheatland. brother, Austin Harmon, South Haven, Mich. " Ransom Harmon, Mariposa, Calif. sister, Ann Warren, Placervllle, " M Lydla Watts, Chico, " brother, Guilford L. Harmon, residence unknown. sister, Cornelia Knowles, Riga, N. Y. » Louise and Kate Harmon, Wheatland, M Alice Harmon, Riga, " Alta Harmon, Wheatland. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intest tes, 1863-18 4, + 80.

Harmon,Eliaha; wheatlpnd, died near t^lnsville, 0. J-n.1864. Wife, Rutn R.Harmon, dau. Mrs.Prances '*>elch, Wheatland, son, Mllford Barmon, itft.?*oi-rls, N.Y. dau. Mrs Kflsaa B.Folsom, Buffalo,K.Y. • Helen Harmon, Wheatland, a minor, son, Homer Harmon, ' f' Harper,Jane; hochester, died Nov.7,186-. Son, Joseph Harper, Rochester, Adm. ^SM. Earths H.Lyall, Adm. Sarah A.Harper, ail full age, h'rrlman,John; Chill, died June £,187£. Son, henry Herrlman, Chili. Petitioner, " Brands B. " Grand Rapids, Mich. dau. Harriet Simons, " " " ,! frilly Bmens, Ogden. " Thankful 'obinson," 9 aary Brltch^rd, Booh eater. K'rrlngton,Joseph D. die-: In retina, June 1,1865, *Ife,S*reh J.Hprrlnr.ton, pfter^ard Sarah J. estate, d*u, Celesti» A.Harrington, ee.15 in 1874, V'•>.rehnm,k-ss. " Minnie B.Bprrlns'ten, ae/10, ,: Record says children with mother In East -areham,Mass. 1874 Hsrvin S.Otis, ~o,6ri. Herris,Alrheus S. Greece, died Sept.SS, 1864. wife, Frances F.Harris, Adm. sister, Mary, wife of Orlando Mellory, Rochester. Harrison, Joslah; Sweden, died Sept.l£,l"7£. «-ife, Ad lis F.Hsrrison, son, Edwin HarrlBon, Sweden. deu. Mary J.Chamber IF in, Lucy 1.Parsons, TO son, henry Harrison, s m' r, dau. Susan h» rrlson, Adm. Ira d.Harrison, sur 1 J» Leyton S. fccrgsn, Harrison T.Chamberlnin,' Harroun,Marietta, ^gden. died June 10,1864. HusbRnd, lr& L.Harroun, brother, Joseph S.Harris, Kocherter. John C.Herri8, Ugden. sister, An*della Harris, a minor. Hsrt, Elijah R. Ontes, died Oct.4,1867. Wife, Eliza J.uert, Adm, dau. Hose Harf;, Opbes, s minor. son, James Lsrt, p dau. Ida Bart, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestptes, 1863-1874, S 81.

Hart,Nancy; Rush, died June 8,1869. Mother, Bsther Hart, Hush. Brother, Andrew K.HRrt, Rush. Henry nsrt, Jr. " " John B.Eart, " nephew, John Smith, ae.BB, Caledonia, N.Y. Daniel Smith, em.PS ' " niece, Ceroline (Knirht) aorse, ^e.£l, Fhlladelj.hIa.Fa. Esther Xnl-ht a'e.lF, " Abigail Feck, Greenville, Mich. Mary Me Mai, "rockport, B.Y. These bain; children of one brother and k. sisters. Hartmsn,Hsrry; Rochester, died fi^r,20,l^&b. ife, Caroline M.Hartmnn. dau. Mary F.H«rtman, e minor, irther of wife, Frederick Schpffner, B8rtm8n,Scnfordj Rochester, died Nov.17,1864. Brother, Fassett Hartman, Boonvllle,' .Y. ae.bt, In 1866. sister, llaabeth Collins, Jpnesville, Wis. ne/54 ' Lydir Ann,wife of David Bercy, Rochester, ae.50, Catherine H.Phillips, V' lmyra,; .Y. «e.48. Brfither, Jacob hartnan, Alexandria, K.Y. se.4ftdm. 46, Adm. Sister, Bleenor Gould, Canada, ae,44, brother, Bevld Hartman, Alexandria,N.Y. pe. V heir, Emelia Giles, rrownsvMle, Jeff .Co.' .Y. Hanr.eh Hartman hartwell,DwIgB.t; Sweden, died Feb.14,1865. Mfe, Catherine R.Hart* 11. Adm. dau. Nellie E.Hartwell, e minor. HRskin,Henry E. hochester, Hied Lee.£0,18^9. Father, Ire Haskin, *dr. Kc wide*- or children. H8BS,Barbprp; Rochester, died May 187i;. Leu. Mary A.Haas, r minor, ,; Josephine H- ss, sen, John P.Hass, " August Bott, Adm. Hatch,Julie A. Rochester, dlod «ay.?£,lR68. Mother, Julia .Hatch, Rochester, brother,> red P,Hatch, " Adm. Charles J.H-tch, ureer bay, Mich. H< theway,LouISB; Rochester, died Jan.13,1864. Sister, Anne M.He theway, Adm. ae.33. Hochester. brother, .illiam Hathaway, 31, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. * 8£.

Hause,Martin; Rochester, died Sept. 186P Wife, Cornelia Hause, Adm. Ko parents or heir. Petition d-te. Feb.3,1874. Hpd land in Dunkirk, K.Y. (Might find settlement of esUte In Mayvllle, Chaut.Co.K.Y.) Hawksworth. Joaeph; Rofaeste^, died Oct.£7,1-74. Sister, Ann? Br&dbary, >rcrce?ter, feiass. Bliss hswkswcrth, Koslev, Ensland. M Bessie Barker, " ' " brother, Charles Hawksworth, 'I n Lev id R Richard c Th earns

• Hswthorn,George, Greace, died Lee.£7,1865. "-> Mother,Jane Hswt-orn, ftdm. no other heir. <$c % Hayes,Honorla; Rodaepter, died Kov,£S,l8c9, Daughter, Margaret,wide of James Leonard, Hochostor, Ce herine Gunning, Rochester. Ann, wife of Gilbert Levis or Dsvin, Bstavia,N.Y. son, BR trick Hayes, Chicago, 111 Reyes,James; Rochester, died *,eb,3,l:;73. Kife, Deli? B.Hfeyes, end children, viz. Kate M. ae.lo, James '!'• ' 1£, Bernard Cnelley, surety. Elisabeth," 10, Thomas Boran. Msry, 9 8, J ohn, 5 • Edward, " 3. Hayford, John H. Parma, die-5 June 1, 1859. aether, Solomon Hayford, apt.Adm. Sept.6,1866.

Heaney, ^?ry, Rochester, died Sept.14,1868, Father, James ^eeney, Mother Rose Heaney, Brother, John a minor. '' Ha rr.fird " slat. Margaret" bro. Jrmes " " Sist^. Elizabeth Heavyy, CecMia; -ochester, died Oct.16,1973. husband, Michael heavey, d*-u-hter, Anna McGarry, -ochester. a^ minor. son, Denial F.McGsrry, " " °' Edward *e Garry, " full afe. Patrick ^uinn, grandfather of Ann. end Daniel and their Guardian. Patrick &iinn is Adn. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. * 83.

Heberling,David; Rch&sterm died Sept,£4,1868. •ife, Justine Heberling, Adm. dau, Mary A, heberllng, after w> rd Mary Bauman, son, William Beberling, Hoch«ftf»'*, dau. Elisabeth Heberllng, • afterward. Blis.Keenser. aon, Thomas Heberllng, " George " a minor, " Henry, " * " Joseph « 9 Heblng,John Mllismj hochester, died June 3,1"66. %lfe, Gertrude ^bing, heir, Katrena Salter,*ifeof Lawrence »»lter, 9 -IIlism hebing, w Mary Mensey ('s} .widow of Theodore *ensey{?) " ttanry Flebln*, Ant ony Hebing, ell of Rochester and full age. Heberllng, Justine, Roche; ter, died fc'e>e».&,1873. Deu. Mary Ann Sowmr.n, Adm. ~ son, William, dau. jslisabeth, son, Thome s Geor,-. " Henry 9 Joseph, a minor. Hedges,velt, Homester, died L«c.£7,1867, 11867) fcife, Eleanor hedges, Adm, d.eu. Amanda J.hedged, Hochester. Blizrbeth B.hedges, " Jacob Mdner, Adm, Hefferning,John; Rom ester, died Apr.1,1864. 'Aife, Catherine Hefferning. dau. lien laylor, Montgomery, ^la. " M-rgaret Boniface, N.Y.City, B Catherine Hefferning. '' Held,Mary; Rochester, died Oct. £,1867, Husband, Jacob Held. Adm. no children. Hemlerlck,John; Homester, died Mar.9,1874. Wife, Elisabeth , d, c 'ldren, all minors, viz. John, MA gg le, Lillie. Hemp,John; Rochester, died Oct.19,1873. fclfe, Sophia Hemp. dau. Sophie Hemp, a minor, Mine Herman apt. dm. relationship not given. Hendrlx,Anne C. hodi ester, died July 10, 187£. dau. Sarah M.lngraham, Adm. Hob ester. son, Francis ^endrlx, Syracuse,!..Y. allllam L.lngraham, surety. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestatea, 1863-1874. # 84.

Henkel,John; Hochester, died Oct.13,1-73. *lfe, Phllllppina Henkel. Adm. Children,all minors. John, Mr ry, Ther«se, Ann. Henne? n,Jrmes; Rooest r, died Mar.1,1871. '»Ife, Mary Hennegan. LEU. Lestlva xiennegan, Bochester. a6n, J-^es Cedar Haplds, &ich. r. 11 Ham ' Tann. 9 Bid-, arc Chicago, Robert ' Hochester, a minor. 9 George h n " dau. Mary ,! ,; K Catherine Carter, surety. Frankft, Ward Hennessy,Mchael; Hochester, died key £,1870. "* I f e, Ca the r ine Bo nne s sy, ae • 50 d^u. Catherine oennesy, Albion, { .Y. doad by 1882, son, Michael Henneasy, hochester, ae,33 in 1882. dau. Julia Her.nessy, Manchester,B.H. d ad by 188£. Magr.le Rochester, ee.£7 by 188£, " Annie " £B son, 'MlHam " " £3 John ° " :' 19 Henry,Janes; Rochester, die- J n,19,1873, Jrmes -.Casey, apt.Adm. Bo heirs or next of kin. Henry,Joseph D. Rochester, died Feb,13,1871, Son, George W.Henry, Robe star, minor. Lav*He F.aenry, JoBm Ireland, surety, wm.H.H.Ireland Pinal Set. Feb.£0,1872. shows ~aville P.living at I-alatlne Bridge, i .Y. with Josiah Snell. Henterkercher,John; Irondoquoit, died Apr.5,1864. Father, Jacob nenterkercher, Adm. Children,nil minors, vi: Jertrud , Ma ry, be rthe, John. Herbst,Anthony, Bob ester, died L«c.4,lt:7£. Mother, Mary Ranlbach. Adm. sister, Av.r-i Herbst, Ro

Intestate8,1863-1874. k 8b,

Hernsn,Peter; Penfield, died July £0,1864. brother, Paul Herman, Benfleld. siste , Joanna Herman, Rochester. Hiram Sampson, surety, Abijeh HIgbie ,; Herrimann,George; Rochester, died Nov.£3,1871. fcife, Caroline Herrimenn. Adr. son, John Berrimann, minor, " Charles * r Frank '•' H II r- ftORS M Hie dau. Josephine '' *' son, Frederick ' '"' John Dietrich, Surety, Christopher Roper. Hertiriek,Kenry; Hocester, died Oct.£6, 186K8. (1868) Father, Henry Hertwick, .'St.Louis, Mo. Hers,Julla; Rochester, died June 6,1868, son, Charles Hers, Ad»r. Rochester, " Henry i*erz, " dau. Theresa :.erz, aon, Jscob Hers, dau. Jul Is Kerz, " Heslor,burkhart; r.ochest&r, died July ''1,1' 7£. .lfc, Catherine fi sler. Brother, not named In Calif, Hetherington,Joseph; Rochester, died Feb.1864. Bon, Millar: a minor. 9 Joseph, " '' Charles, fcilllam .. ld.cowson apt.Adm.and guardian of children, Williamft'lddowson, Rochester. Hettler,Jacob; aebeter, died Lec.19,1872, Father, John D.Hettler, Adm. no other heirs. Hewes,(or Hughes) Roswell B, /airport, died Aug.4,1868. v-'ife, Lucy B.Hewas. Adr.. dru. Sarah, wife of Owen Mlcox, Palrport, V.Y. son, Charles B.Hewes, Perlnton, B.Larwln Hewee, deceased at Columbia, Mo, who left Charlie and Mllie ;eies, minors. Haves,Erssmus D, died at Memphis,Tenn, Oct.l ,18b6. *ife, Louise A.Bewea, son, Charles D.hugnes, undwr 14 yrs. Mil lam S.Hughes (Notice change of spelling on same paper,) Jprnes h.iAerlett, surety, John L.Budlong, B Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874.

Hicks, Lo bra lne C. Hochester, dle<* spr.88, 1D73. Daugher, Rattle H.Ollbert, Adm. only child.

Hlcka,Lydla A. debater, died Apr.l£,187£, Son, Alonso Blcks, webster, dau, Harriet A.Holley. Adm. William Holley, aur ty. Kicks,kadeline; Cincinnati,*:., died Aug.£3,1865, R\i8Br-nd, George ".Hicks, son, »les?e L.Blcks, Baltimore, Md. a minor. HIckox,Bcrah ; Boeh:ster, dler1 pt Adrian,Men.Aug. 1 Mother, Lucy F.Hickox, Rochester, Sister, Amelia (.Clay, Adrian, Mch. brother. Burton H.Hickox, Hlett,S*muel B. Sates, died June 19,1871, Mother, Jane Hiett, Adm, Rochester. Bister, assry hiett, Rochester. Smma " a minor, ,: Fanny " " brother, Selden' Ogd*?n. sister, IsabMls'r Rush broth r, Charles '' Rochester,' sister Caroline" HIgglns,Catherine; Irondoquoit, died May H,1P74. •Son, Timothy Hi*ains, I rondo; 'it, " ' John Higgins, Kllsabath, »,J. Michael KIggina, K.V.Clty, Thomas BisrgJns, df>ce- sad, who left,viz. .<-<•-. ry fenns B logins, feest Aroy, N.Y. Hill,Charles J. Rochester, di«d July £4,1870. Ife, i^eler: Sill, Rochester, Adm. heir, iaarths C.blll, a minor, prob. a chl * (t n " ' "• Ma rv * ,. n n u " " Ca ' Berlne " 17 Charles J." 9 ^eorft ... ' Hill, Burene A. Per'nton, died Feb,l5,186r, hlfe, ;.me line > .Hill. Adm. dau. Inez Hill, ae.f;, ' Mary " " b, Hill. John; Robester, dier* *"ec.£7,186F>. Brother, Secrge Hill, Rochester. *' Janes Hill, Kingston, Cana'a eBt. '' Alexander HI13 sister, Jf ne :/.aglin('0 '' ''-pry .-."ley brotnor, lllinm Hill, resld nee unknown. Snmuel Giles, spt.Adm. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Inteatates, 1863-1874. ? 87.

Hlllgry, Janes; Ramsey Co. Minn, ded J n.17,1870 Brother, Michael Hillary, only heir. Hillock,Millem; Rohester, di*-: Oct.£8,1874. Father, V Hilar Hillock, £ rook sbo rough, Ireland. Fetltloner, Thomas Hillocks-apt,Adm. Brob,brother. brother, Robert Hillock, Ir land. alater, Jane " n mother, Jane Hillock, ,: sister, Slisabeth 1reckleton, Bochester. " Mary Rogers, " V llliam Freckleton, sur-ty, Ueorgt; £.Rogers, Hincher, Jiillette; Greece, died June 5,1871. Mother, Lucy Hincher, brotner, Bhe.Her Hincher, Greece, Adm. sister, Adelaide ;risfeee, brother, Irving Eincher, 9 Fa rank i'lncher, all full s^a. (V) Eincher, illiam; C-reece, Her Jan.8,1868. '.' if e, Luc y Bine he r, eon, .he e 1 o r ": lne ho r, Irving Kincher, dnu. Ad If Id- xrlsboe, all fall age. Julia .Hincher, se.£0, Jan.£3,18£37, son, Frank hincher, 15, Feb.10,l3"7. H lne hey, illiam; died July *,lc,e~. rife, firi^gef kinchey, "'dr.. Joseph ae 17, jRir.es " 16, retit'on dated Dec. 18b Ellliam "; " 9* Mary . . 5.

Hinckley, Me-nor C. Bocherter, died May i£-,l>7*. daughter, File C.Buell, Adm. dau. uard, ''ere sad,who left a son,viz. Barry Ou^rd. Sister, ? who left daughterslvis. Trances Larrdon,snd Fllen Sjaulding. illIan K.Puell, sur-ty. Hlnkley, '.D. Ogden. ''I £ay 3,1868, • if-, U-ini g A.Hliiklu^ , aon, i':vor--- f. Hinnlay, go.; n. Hiram Hir.Kley, " M.L.kinxley, ec tur, MIeh. ae.19, Bofikor riinklay, Oft&sn, se.13, Afes as of -Tune, 1868. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1853-1874, / Lw,

Lines,&sraar%t|(or hynes> Koch ester, died . uy,*i,l«-rv, Buabanm , t'Maun B.Bices, Ada. und c~ildren,vlz. Idt SI.Lines, ae.l?,, **ry i. t! 1-j, Julia ::. » 5. Hipp,Leonard; Penfield. no death date, Adm.apt.Bee.£8,1665. son, William J.KIpp, ienfield, ae.40 In 1857. d>=u. Matilda Jane Carter, se.30, Partington, Wlch. son, George (V) Hipp, Irondoqa olt, se.£6, Harrison Hip>p, Kendall, K.Y, ee.£g, dau, Esther Msllnde Maddock, ae R£ (?) Canada, (ages: ss of 1867) (reported to be dead.) Hiscock,Ajrics C, Greece, died «uly 16,187£. Irnu. E.Louisa ^inlth, Adm, n Mary ^.fullis, lows. •' Elisabeth Bcofct, Kslamasoo, Ich. son, James O.Klscock, .}T»-:>ce, dau. Cordelia Mils, Fembroke, .Y. eon Ada is on T. ('()Hiscock. ' " d'u. Julia L&glejr, Farms. son, Amos L.iilscock, somewhere In le. B*-* *M1 ago. h • 1\. ism 1 th, su re t y. A. B. Baldwin. ,!. Hittel,Lar:r nee; -.ochester, died Gct.2,187? Wife, Sophia Blttel. Adm, Children, fill Mnors. Cl*re Hlttel, Ml 11 em Anne Sophia Bertha " :%mily John Hobbs, illlam. Kochest^r, died hec.£8,186*. fco krown relatives In the.? country/ 71111am F.rJOUglss. .^.dn. led June £0, 1866. no feildren. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874.

Hodges,Mary; Henrietta, died Oct.6,1870, Son, Chrrlea HOdges, Henrietta. . Erners n ;.eshingten,P.C, J-mes L. Little Bock, Ark. Adm. " George M. " Rochester, dau. Elisabeth S.Lavy, r J • j.-. •Davy, ru r a ty • Hodges,Robert J. Rochester, died Sept,II,(14) 187?., Dau, Mercis Hodges, Adm,(Fame may be Series^ Hoffman,Andrew; Hochester, died HOT,£,1872. Wife, Mary knn? Hoffman, /dm. and ttese children, a Joseph Hoffman And rev K Maggie f! Mary " Lena Lizzie r Bella Hohiaan,Bllzabeth A. Rochester, died Apr.£7,1874. Husb a nd, Kle hola= Hohman dau. Catherine Slerrb, Rochester, Veronica ,v-ife of Joseph Hoffman, a dau. dau. Cell? Hullar, Roch.ec ter, Slstlne Hohman, syne Co.! ,Y. 9 ttr.vy Smith, Joseph Hoffman, Adm. Holcomb,Nelson H. Sweden, died Sept,15,187£. Mfe, liancy Holcomb, Adm. dau. Luelle Holcomb, son, Arthur A.Holcomb. both minors. t final settlement,Sept.£,1873, both minors. holdon,Lavid. Greece, died May 2,1866. Brother, OilesC? )M.(H) Holden, Sreece, Sister, Adeline Clark, Niagara Wlls, fi.Y. Kapha*, tranklln B.holden. Adm 1rom Final settlement, 1808. Harriet Sedgewlck, Bochester, Ad line Sedgewlck " Mary Oreerf Charlotte, .v. Sarah •

Intestates, 1863-1874, + 90.

Holden,Jacob, Adm. appointed, Bept.17,1868. . »ife,(*0 Elisabeth D,Holden, by 1871, lizabeth Farnell. Son, John Henry nolden, ae.££ by 1871. dau. trances *a tilde. Holder., ae.16, age by 1871 9 Ida Elisabeth holden, r 9, " " son, Curtis Jacob holden, p 18, n 9 Osmer Hulbert, apt.Adm. Holder,John B. Ch'11, Hied Mar.£1,18x7. Mfe, Baws Holden, Adm. dau. Florence Holden, n--.3, son, Edwsrc Holden, 4> 7 mos. Holley, Augusta, Mendon, died Oct,6,1-74, Bust end. Robert D.Holly, Bo c'ldr.n. Holll8ter,Krnnett K. Hochester, clod *:ry It,1871. ife, £• r< h B.Hollister, son, Granger Hollieter, e.lo, in 1SH. George C. r i] 14, n George '-.Jennings, sur ty, Jsrvis Bord. Holmes,Bliss B. Brockport, (''-e'er' die' Aug.£S,1866. ft i f e , «a. r I a L • H o lme s , dau. Mary B.Stevens, Brockport, son, irs Holmes, Chicago, 111. Sdgsr Holmes, Brockport, Adm. Holmes,James F. Peterborough, Canada, died Mov.1,1866. ife , Ma ry Holme r , -.dm. d-u. Anns Holmes, Focherter, a minor. " Emma Holmes, A.nn Johnson, suroty, B. ..Schemerhom, " Holsen, Anna Maria, homester, died Dec.3l,l"°7£. (Holser ) Heir. Edwin A.Holzer, Rochester, ae.41, 8 Hargeret* Thiem, ' 35, ,! Barbara Steihlor, " •"'-- , " jtarrrreta **uster, f'£8, " Mary ..Beck, " r 23, 9 Bred; rick Holser " £1. Edwin B.Beck, Adm. Holt, llllem; nebster, died Sept.8,1872. dau. Sophronla,wife of dwerd B.Collins, son,Wilson Bolt, is. 9 Bliss CKolt, Bon- ington, Wyoming Co.fc.Y, • Spencer K.Holt, Bnrry,Tll. " Silliam B.Holt, Chelsea, •'ich. g.son, Oscar .Priest, abater, all full age. Edward 5,Collins, dm. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Int-states, 1863-1874, § 91

Holylsnd,James; htochester, died Aug.l£, 1868. Sife, Lovena Holyland, d'U. Carrie L. ae.l0lrO Prances Mary, eM. Hemes, Marlaj Boon e^ter, died Dec,25,l87£. dau. Lucy Bomes, B Bertha Homes Boyd, son, Martin Bomes, Hiladale, Mich. Hone,Ellen Agnes; Rochester, died *eb,21,1868. Husband, Alexander P.Hone, Adr. aon, Alex.F.Hcne, hochester. " rt Francis J." ,! dau. Filer. " son, Charles H ' Hood,Thomas J Sweden, died Apr.19,1865. fcife, Abigail Hood, Byron, B.Y. son, Henry J.Hood, Sweden, (oldest son) heir, Lydia L.Hood, Medina, Mch. Hozea M.Hood, Hartland Center, Ohio. 9 Edwin T.Hood, ' 9 Alvin J.hood, Korwalk,Chlo, • Marie Hussell, holly,' .Y. " Mary Banda 11, Bergen, N,Y, , Dorothy Spieer, (" Matllda(?)Harrington, Hartland Center, Chic. (" Alice S.Hood, hartland Center, 0, •{* Emily Hood, (^ Horace E.Rood, {t Josephine Hood, r " * These we^e evidently entitled to one share. Hooper,Franc is; --heatland, ietltion d- ted July £,1?7£. heir, John Hooper, Burlington, la. " KMe Hooper, hose E.Colwell, Scottsville, K.Y. * Jennie .-.Hooper, " Henry F.Colwell, Petitioner, Whitman O.Ashby, surety. Hoover,Mary; hochester. died hec.££, 186B.( lso called Bube-, Heir, Joseph Hoover, Hochester, minor, " Ma.ry Hoover* » Michael Hoover, " " Miliar. H.Hoover, Inflnsl settlement, 1869, Mary Is Wary MeCsrthy, William Marts, Adm. Horan,Patrick; Rochester, died in hosjltsl st Davids Island, Mother, Mary Koran, Adm. June £5,18bt. Brothers, James; Chomas; Martin; all Rochester. all of full age. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1874, & 9k;.

Hornbeek,Blake W. Rochester, died July £6,1874. Mfe, Mary E.Hornbeek, reeid nee unknown,(K.Y.or Ohio,) dcu. Merv Bell, Hannibal,tfo. 9 Ida Miller, George BorneraRn, Ad^. Horsfetner,Andrew; Panfleld, died Oct.5,1871. Wife, Anna horsfether, children,a 11 minors, vis. Josephine, Helens, Charles. Korton,Gabriel; Chili, died ^.ar.16,1-74. Wife, Sarah Morton, son, Alfred Morton, Adm. Chili. Henry Borton, " dau. Fermellr *ellows, " Frederick bellows, surety, Henry Morton. Hotchkiss,Emily F. nobester, ded JMy £5,lfl7£. Son, John Hotchkiss, Adm. (only child.) Houser,*ary Ann, died Dec.£4,(no, £1) 1869, Husband, Charles houser; Children, all minors. Charles, Gottfried, Hosarma houser, C a I he r lne , " Maggie " ell of Rochester. Howe,Benjar in; Fenfleld, died Kay 10,1869, fife, Eliza Howe, eon, Geurdon Howe, Fenfleld. H Byron Howe ll " George Howe, Oil City, la. dau. Laura Bote, benfleld, Birdie Howe, " a ait nor. James Smith, Adm. J.A.- a s tman, surety• H,Gallagher, " Howes,J«mes; hochester, died July £1,1874, Hannah K.Howes,wifeIwho -PS married June 7,ll 66)Adm. Son, James .-..Howes, • Carlos L.Howes, dau. Helen i4.Knickerbocker, Emma h.Jreland, All of hochester, and full a Villiam H.H.Ireland, Adm. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intest< tes, 1863-1874. * 93.

Howes,John C. Sweden. died Cct.3,187£. Mfe, Mary Howes, Eroekport, deu. Helen nenion, Brockport. Elisa L.Gardner, Swed n. Abty S.Howes, c minor, Hmndall S.Butc insor was sj.t.Adjn. but died soon and Hufus M,Palmer, a friend, »as apt.Nov,10,1873. Adm. Luther Gordon, surety. Howes, Samuel, late of Guelph. Canada, died Bee.11,1864 In Vs. Enlistee In U.S.Army from Rochester, Father, Andrew Howes, Mnto, Canads, brother,Edward Howes, '' c Joshua no*'es, " John Bowes, fl " sister, Mary Bowes, * p minor. Hachel Bowes " " Hubbard, Emery ^» waive,111. died Oct,P., 1865. Son, Hiram 1.Hubbard., ae.?. Guardian, fcamuel B.Hubbsrd, r-alva, Tli. Emily F.Hubberd mentioned, relation not given. Hubbell,Ames; 8Achest«r, died Oct,25,1864. Mfe, Mary A.Hubbell, (died In Lowell,MaBs.Jan.1881) brotFier, holmes Hubbell, who died 1878, ae,36, Ephreim Hubbell, Sherman, Ct. & ed Apr,188£,ae,80, sister, .lice L.Whit© Hatch, died holly,",Y. July,lc70. Sarah Ann noolsey, Sherman, wt. died 188£, ae.7£. Harriet Stewart, who died before 1 -64 and loft,viz. a,Sarah Oilman, Eotehaater, se.t7 In 188£, b,John Stewart, who died 1S66 and had wife, Isabella,and 7 children, vis. John J. M.Josephine, Emms; John A. A.remando, Abraham; Miliar >., CAbiga.il Scott, Greece, died 188£, ae.- . Bister, Catherine ftuiaod, whe die'- bafore 1864 and left,viz. Amos .-0,1 land, 'Miller, Hiland, Lucy A,8uland Black, Huck,Leonard; Hochester, dieJ "ug.14,1866. Mfe, J He huck, Heir, Sophia Bonner, ( Bernard Donner, surety,) ' Louise rraley, Hochester, l! Erilv V.agman, M^ry Ann Buck, hsvid; Thomas; Julia; John L .and " Joseph Buck, Mary J.Atofreth O) (Frobably children and a group of grandchildren) Buck,William; Rochertar, died Aug.££,l°7£. Mfe, Hachel Buck, and rinor children, viz. Mary; Mllie; Charles; Mlhelr.ina ; Laura; Florence. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestate?,1863-1874, # 94,

Huff,Nicholas; Chili, died Aug.£4,1864. Mfe, Margaret rmff. Adm, Son, Ellsar Huff, Mch. **' Alexander Huff, 1; George uuff, Arn:-~ce Huff 3n t©s, John Huff, Chill. Burkley Huff, LavId Huff, " Adm. Jerome Vinton Kalamazoo Co. Mich. Nicholas V i; >' Killlam Huff, Australia B Hushes,Bridget; Rochester, died Aug.£1,1873. Slater, ^nry Hughes, Hochester, Adm. Catherine mston, Long Island, K.Y. brother, J-mer Hughes, residence unknown. Joseph Farley Jr. Adm. Hurhes,Matthew; Hochester. died Aug.1?,1864, Da ugh t e r , Ma ry, wife of Pr. trick 0 * Be II ly, Le Hoy, K. Y. Elisabeth,wife of rotor BeLnancy, BuffMo, Ann,wife of henry Costello, Rochester. Margaret,wife of Dennis Hughes, hochester, Adr.. v Catherine Bu hes, Hoehestir, s on, Ji me s Hu rhe s, in D. S»A rry • Hulae,Alonzc . Hochester. died Lee.£6,1868. Mfe, Bliz£ Hulse, Adm. Childr n, all minors, viz. Miliar, Hulse, It's rren r' Slizs Mettle Charles Laughter,unnamed, ? weeks old. Bultenschmidt, Augustus F. Fochostar. die- June 1£,1869. Wife, Chris i>in&. Adm. Bather, Csrl Hultenachaidt, Sr. Carolina Lngelhardt, surety, f'eter Hamiaes ' Hume, John; v. he at land, died Feb. 7,186C, Mother, < rr Hume, v«heMland, sister, Ann Hume r " Mary Scofield,11 Ears Scofield, Adm. Ann Hume was Anna Blckford,by 1877. Bumb rlghsusen, F reder ick; Roche a to r , d lad at \nd era onv 1 i le , Sep. £, * 64. Uncle, Christian Kramer, Adr. No realtIves in this country. Bungerfcrd,Austin L. Rochester, died Nov.£3,1872. 'Mfe, Scrah P.Hungerford, son, Harry B.Hungerford, Hocheater, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, & 95,

Hunt,Harriet S. Hamlin, died Sept.£b,187k. Brother, George **. storer, Hamlin. John H. storer, B " Henry F. " Hastlngs,B.Y- " allliam " Kendall, t ,Y. • Allen B Hamlin. sister, Mary J.Bort, " nephew. Smith Storer, Chicago, son of e dead brother, George H.Ostrom, Hamlin, son of a dead slstor, niece, Mary Morey, n dau. v " " In final set. 1874, James Bort represents a dead slst. Hunt,Samuel a. Gates, died June £3,18o5. Wife, Lucy B.Hunt, dau. Leiis L.Hunt, is. son, -kelson L.hunt, Gates. dau. Betsey Jane Hoyce, Rochester. heir Manlsy hetmore, Gates, relati n not stated, ,: trlow aetmore, " " • • Hunt,Mlllam; i»rlrhton. died Oct.IS,1869. Mfe, Julia Hunt, Adr. heir, Thomas Hunt, Chicago, " Michael Hunt,Brighton. " Elizabeth Hunt ' minor. William Julia " ,: Kobert " 9 Catherine " " Addle F. p " Henry Bryan Lonnelly, aurety, tstrick Hayes, " Sunt,William C. iarma, ded In Baltimore, Sept,17,lBo4. ife, Mary J.hunt, dau. Sarah M.Hunt, a minor in 1865. aon, William F.Hunt, In 1874, Sarah is Sarah M.Coats of Sweden. 9 " Mlilac f/ le of fill age, " " The widow is not mentioned. Hunt,Miliar H. Hochester, died Jan.££,1871. Mdow, Lizsle Freston, Apt.Adm. Dec.£l,1874. *on, Mlliem L.Hunt, onlv ehlld, s minor. Huntlnffton,LucIs A. Roto ester, died Kov.18,1870. Mother, Betsey L.Huntington. Adm. brother,Samuel L.Huntington, Jeffarson, Mich. " Benjamin Huntington, deceased,who left,voz. George M.Huntington, ae.8, benfleld. Hurley,John, Horn ester, died Oct.13,1872. 'Mfe, M^ry Hurley, Adm. with rinor e) ildrxm. viz. Susan Hurley, Hochester, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, # 96.

Hurry,Thomas; Chill, died Sept.1,1866. Mfe, Mary Hurry, son. Miliar Hurry, full age. 11 John Hurry, a Mnor, • JPres " dau. S^rah J," aon, Thomas " " • Francis • • Hussey,Ld^erd; Rochester, died Mow,g£,1869. Father, Thomaa Hussey, brother, John Bloomfield, K.Y. • Thomas * • n 9 Robert 9 " " Sister, mentioned, not named. James Baker, surety, Richard K.Case, B Huston,Alonso; Kochster, died Oct.1£,1870, Mfe, Louesa Huston. dau. Battle Huston, Mary A.Huston, Webster, a minor, • Lydis Huston, Fenfleld, *' cr^d ltor, William Huston, Ontario,' .Y, Guardian for minors, Francis E.Glow, Fenfleld. Hutchings,KRria; Rochester, died May 19,1870. Dau. Frank M.Bennett, Rochester, a minor. son, Frederick A.Hutchings," deu. Mary L.HutchIngs, Richard Bennett guardian of Frank L. George Clark, " B *red.and Mary. Hutchinson,Kendall, Sweden, died Oct.19,1^73. Mdow, Margaret Hutchinaon, with minor children, viz. Mary, Maggie, Edith, Donald, Adm. Gifford Hutchinson, s brother. Hutchinson,Robert; Hochester, died Nov.£?,1878, (1873) Mfe, Mary Ann Hutchinson, Adro. dau. Agnes Hutchinson, ae.16, only child. Hutchinson,William; died Oct.13,1871. Father, Robert Hutchinson, Adm Ko wife or chlldr n. Msry Ann Mutchinson, surety, John Cline Reuben E>.Jones, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1874. # 97.

Inrarsoll,John; Rochester, died l>ec.l9,lB73. Wife, Alicia Ingersoll. Adm, son, Jared B.lngersoi, Rodi eater, dsu. Harriet Ann Ingersol " son, Mlliem Ingersol, Canada. In final Settlement,June 3,1875,ell of age but Miliar

Jackson,Andrew; Henrietta, Mar 13,1870. son, Calvin C.Jackson, Henrietta, a minor. dsu. Minerva S.Jackson, " " son, Isaac H.J«ckson, " " Morris S.Jackson, Adm. and Guardian. Isaac Jackson, surety, Harvey Jackson. n Jackson,Joel C. Hochester, died May 11,1868 Son, Fidward H.Jackson, a minor. Chester A.Kellogg, Adm. Frederick J.Jackson,Danbury, Ct. Guardian of -dward. F"Insl settlement,Mar,IB, 1874, Edward of ege. Jager,Nicholas; Rocheater, died 0ct.l6,187£. dau. Mary Jager, Adm. aon, John Jsger, Rochester. • Mlcholas Jpger, a minor. Jacoba,Lodema; Fenfleld, died Sept .20, 1867, Brother, William R,Jacobs, a minor. John M.Knapp, petitioner and gu rdian. JaneB, George H. died Mar,1,1869. Mfe, Abby N.Janes, d^u. Mary S.Janes, Rocheater. a minor. son, Wilbur H.Janes " Edmund Barker, surety, Samuel M.Luckey, Jarvis,Isaac; Boh ester, died Aug.9,1867, Mfe, Klisabeth J*rvls, Mm. son, Robert v..Jarvis, a minor, " Hiram A.Jarvis " Final settlement, M^r.1870, gives as heirs,John •..Jarvis and Ida May Jarvis, ihe widow signs as Elis.Hollls. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-lp74- | 98.

Jarvis,John J. Rochester, died at Niagara F 11a, July 14,18.8. Wife, Luclna Jarvis, Adm. brother, Mlliem F.Jarvis, Palmyra,!?.Y. Albert H.Jarvis, Xlsi . (Mich,) Alexander Jarvis, residence unknown. Jennings,John; Sweden, died Dec,16,1867, 'Mfe, Mary Jennings, dau, F;lea»or J.Miller, Sweden, ,! Elisabeth Jennings, * 8on, John W,Jennings, Murray, K.Y. dpu. Msry S.Gleason, Bergen. ". .Y. B.J.Cook, a friend, Adm. Jennings,Thomas, Rochester, died Jan,15,1865. Mfe, Harriet Mannings, son, Gilbert, in U.S.Army. Thomas J.Jennings, Seneca Palls, N.Y. 8 Mlllam H,Jennings, Rochester. * John S.Jennings, Philadelphia. Fe. dau. Bather A,Hills, v,est Brighton,N»Y. g.son, Charles H.Jennings, son of a d-ad son. Mlo Center,?.Y. g.dau. Harriet keigs, East Chester,> .Y. dau.of a ci&^-fl dau. Jewett,Volney; late of Saginaw,Mich, died there,Lee.9,1869. Mfe, Klizabeth Jewett. dau. Nellie F.Jfc ett, ee,4,J&n»6,187£. " Jessie V.Jewett, K g,May £3,187£. Feb,5,1875,the widow Is Ells»Je»ett Hall. Horace V. .Jewett, surety. Emo ryB.Cha.se, '' John8on,Courtney; Fe lnton. died Mar.31,1864. sister, Mary Johnson, lerlnton. petitioner. " Gertrude Johnson, " brother. Ire Johnson,deceased, who left children,wis. uen ry v,, John s on, Hudson Johnson. Johnson,Frank; Rooh e?ter, died Nov.l£,lc73. son, John Johnson, born Sept.£7,1873. dau. Bmms Johnson, " Jan.£,1873. Eva Kober, Adm. Johnson,John R. Rigs, died Jan,?,1871, son, Spencer Johnson, Ri^a. " Rufus Johnson deu. Asubuth Starr, " after called Asuba. aon, Ira Johnson, 9 Horace " u 1 d»u. Jane Spencer, Gret ot, Mich. n Lucy Collister, Blue Rapids, Hensra. " Lucinda Coy, Holly, N.Y. g.dau.Swr.a *ernham, i* Roy, K.Y.under 14, ch.of ^e^ oa DaviLawrencd MeMastere S.Croaby, surety. (Crosby., ) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, * 99.

Johnson,William, left Greece Nov.17,1853,where he had lived for 13 years. Went to California, to be gone three years'. believed to have died Apr.£B,lR64. He left an Infant eon, who has since died. Brother, Patrick Johnson. Jones,Abram;H. Rochester, died Apr.11,1870. Mfe, Julia, ae.57. dau. Marenda Jones, Rochester, as.26, Anne,wife of Chandler F.Graves, ae.3£, Brooklyn,?.Y. 9 Elizabeth Jones, Rochester. se.£6, son, Frank Jones, Brooklyn," .Y. ae.<-'3, John Cline, surety, John Quinn, " Jones, Abraham L.Rochester, died *eb.£C,187B, (187£) John B.Jones, heir, Adm. Syracuse, Mlliem E.Jones, ,; Cedar Rapids, la. Jones,Chester; Webster,, died Aug.8,1867, Mfe, Hannah Jones, Adm. aon, Zardus Jones, y-etster, dau. Callsta Wagner, n son, Jerom= Jones, B Stephen Jones, B Allen Jones, 9 Francis Jones, " dau. Lauriett Jones, " son, Harvey Jones, Ontario,? .Y. dau. Cordelia hood, 2 aon, Kdvin Jones, " dau. Nancy Lnvis Iowa, aon, William Jones, Mlllamsport, Fa. Jones, Harriet; Hochester, died Nov.4,1873. Husband, Jemea B.Jones, Adm. dau. Lilly Jones, Rochester. Jones,James; Rochester, died Jan.2£,187£. Mfe, Klisa J.Jones, son, James K.L.Jones, Rochester, a minor. George Darling, Adm. a friend. Jones,Polly, Hochester, died Aug.£0,187g, Dau. Mary S.Dykeman, Homester, Adm. M Bliss Thompson, Residence unknown. * Pauline Fare, all full a e. M Harriet Boyd, M" vis. son, FhlletJS Jones, Hopewell, }.Y. " Albert Jones, Canandslgue, K.Y. final aettlement, Feb.3,1874, gives dau. Susan Jones Brown, Rochester. g.son, Page, of Sprlngwat- r, N.Y. g.dauBllze. BrrnklTvhmpsone V.Jones, Canandr.lgua, Detroit* a ,d^u Mich. . Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, # 100.

Jones, Sarah L.C. Sweden, died May 18,1873. Mother, Sarah A.Jones. Sweden. brother, Harrison Jones, Adm. Jones, Susan M. Perlnton, died Sow.£3,1874. Mother, Misabeth Jones, Perlnton. brother,Thompson G.Jones, " Adm. Joseph T.Jones, Branch Co. Mich.(Qulneey, Mich.) -.—— deceased, who left children, viz. J.Ferris Jones, Penfleld, Crissa Jones, Clifton Springs, a minor. Elizabeth Jones, Newark,B.J. Final Settlement glvee Joshua F.Jones,fenfleld, Meph. Jordan,Ann Klisa; Rochester, died Oct.£0,1873. son, Irving H.Jordan, Rochestar. " Eurene A.Jorden, v " James A.Jordan, *' dru. Ida L.Jordan, a minor. Jordan,Henry; Rochester, died Aug.30,1866. Wife, Ann Eliza Jordan, Adm. son, Irving H.Jordan, a minor, R Arlstl (?) G.Jordan, " (see above,) 8 James A,Jordan, " dsu. Ida L.Jordan H Jordan,ueorg*- ft. Rochester, died Oct. 1867. Wife, spreh R.Jordan, Brighton, (after*? rd Sarah Gsakin) sister, Lucy Jordan, Rochester,(afterward, Lucy Boy.) brother, Peter Jordan, Blnghampton, H.Y. " Elijah Jordan, Rochester. " John A.Jordan, " " 'MilIsm L.Jordan, " Charles H.Jordan, " sister, Harriet Moves, 9 Clarinda Skinner, Final settlement, 1875, gives , Christopher Jordan, no relationship stated. brother, Elijah Jordan, deceased, who left ch Mdren,viz. Martha. Helnold, T- ranees Jordan, a minor. Corn Jordan, " Elijah Jordan, " Minnie Jordan " all of M-nroe Co. brother, Henry Hordan, deceased, left children, vis. Irving H.Jordan, James A.Jordan, Ida Jordan, a minor, all Monroe Co. Brother,Peter Jordan is of Taylor, Cortland Co.! .Y. sister, Lucy Roy ' I N.Y.City. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. # 101.

Juett,John Jr. Rochester, died Aug.l£,1865. Father, John «.Juett, Adm. Nc wifeor child. Justice, Edward. Rochester, died In Hospital,N,J. Dec.19,1864, Father, Robert Justice, Mm. (not married.) Justus, Charles; Wheatland, died Mar.31,1*73. Mfe,An?eline Justus, Adm, aon, William C.Justus, &heMland. dau. Clarissa A.Merrill, Hartford, F.Y, Helen C.Bulifson, "'heatiand. Frances C.BIce, Sodus, K.Y. ell full are.

Karnes,Martha J. Rochester, died Jan.5,18»J7. Husband,Abram K>mes, Adm. d*=u, Catherine S.Karnes fill age. ,( infant, not named. Kane,Catherlne, Parma, died Jen,'<:6,187£. Husband, John Ksne. son, George A.Kane, ae.£, Apr,l871. K*ne,Elizabeth died at Brighton, June 6,1R74. ho heirs at lew,or next of kin. KancHonoraCO Rochester, died Feb.ll,lp>€7. Husband, John Ksne, dsu. There sa( ? )hene, a minor, 9 Kmma C.K«ne, " 9 Angela Ksne, Michael Lawton, surety. John Hetsel, " Kane,James; Hochester. Med Aug.l£,lB6C. In Montezuma. Sister, Bridget «tulnr. wife of hotert Quinn,who Is Adm. Kane,John; Rochester, died Decl6,l"74. Mfe, Anna Kane, Adm. son, Franc Is Sane, a minor. d*"U. Rosa Kane Kane/Hlomas; Rochester, died In aashington,D.C. Kow.£9,186£. Junes Kens, Petitioner. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1874, # 10£,

K«plein,Fhillp; Rochester, died Aug.l5,1855.(£spleln,) Heir, Jacob B.tspleln, Rochester. FJllip '•' " Barb era " 9 a minor, John Mary • t*G$r Syracuse,?' .Y. Kavanaurh,Joseph; Homester, died Dec.8,186F. d-ughter, Catherine Kavaneugh, Rochester. son, John L. * Thomas K. " 9 9 Joseph B. ' B ae.lP In 1872. dau. Mary A. ' " ae.14, " M LizMe A. !i a minor. Kearney,Ann, Rooh eater, died Aug,19,1867, Husband, Patrick Kearney. Adr, Son, John Kearney, Hoc; eater. dau. Alice i: " n Mary H f' Son, Frtrick r • " Thomas " Keaney,Gatherlne A. Hochester, died Dec.1,1864. Sister, Elian A.Hone, Rochester, /-dm. (Old st sister.) brother. Miliar. McCarthey, a minor. Thomes sister, Alice " " brother, Lenris " ,! Kearney,Thomes, Booh aster, dle^ July 1*1 187 Alexander B.Hone, Adm. . . Mfe, Blizabeth Kearney, Adm. don, Chfrle? Kearney, a minor. d^u. Minnie ^eranay, Kedsie, R.Morgan; Rochester, die--" at Angola,*••Y.Dec, 18,1867 Father, John Kedzie, Adm. In a railroad accident. Kiefe,Michael; Rochester, dl ed Apr. 16,1873. Father, Patrick Kiefe, Adm. Rochester. Keegan,Mlchael; Hochester. died Oct.83,1873. "'Mfe, Bridget Keegan, Adm. and children, all Rochester, viz, Arthur ^eegan, Margaret Keegan. Anna ^ee an, Jeanie Kee«ran, James Keegen. Keeler, Marasret; Rochester, died Sept,£8,1865. Son, James A-eeler, Rochester, (eldest sen,) dau. Ann Bale, hochester. son, John Keeler, Lisbon, Ohio/ Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, A 103.

Keenan, Thomas 0. died at Mumford,Au£.17,187£. Father, Fetrick Keenan, Ireland. brother, John Keenan, Koch ester. sister, Mrs.Bridget Boyland. Mxxmf^rd. Kellogg,Elisabeth A. if Vlneland,K.J. died Apr. 1,1867. Mother, Lunice **ellogg, since dad. (by June 7, 1870 ) Brother, Lorenzo D.Kellogg, Oil City, Pa. Q-eo.B.Kellogg, deceased,of Vlneland,!?. J. left.viz. Grace; Charles; Eunice M; George K.and Blvira Kelloeg,8nd Marie L.Young,, all full age save Charles, all of Vlnel>nd, N.J Lea M.Kellogg, widow of George B.Kellogg. Klece, Alice G. IlkInson, Rohester.

Kellogg,Eunice, Roc ester, died Apr.17,1869. Son, Lorenzo L.Kellogg, Oil City, Pa. George Kellogg, Vlneland,B.J. deceased,who left,viz. Mfe, *>ea K,Kellogg, end children, viz. urace; Charles; Funics; George K. and Blvira 1.Kellogg, and *arla L.Young, all of Vlneland. g.d^u. Alice E. ilkinson, a Mnor, Rochester. Kelly,Catherine; Rochester, died Kov,£9,l86fe, Son, John Kelly, Sweden. Adr.. Charlea fcelly, residence, unknown. ^elly, Cornelia J. Rochester, died Sept. 1870. in Vermont. Brother, Korman H.Galusha, Adm.and guardian. aon, Nathaniel Kelly, ae. 8, in Lee. 1871. (ae.5) Final settlement,1887, Nathaniel Morgan ^elly, lives In Minneajolls, Minn,

a^elly. Franc is J. nochester, died Jan.26,1871, Father, James H.Kelly, Adm. Helen A.Kelly, surety. Howard L.Kelly. Kelly,Horace H. Sweden, died Jan.££,1864. Mfe, Mary Kelly, no descendants. Bro. Alexander Kelly, Oawego Co.N.Y. slst. rmlly Koor, Bennington, Vt. Kelly.^edediah; died at CanandMgua,'.Y.July 16,lho4. Mfe, Joanne Kelly, end c.hlldr* n.vis. Hmme L. se.16, Charles K. ee.ll, KMle A, ea.tr, Klizebeth C,ae,£, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, # 104.

Kelly,Me than; death dMe not given, Bond signed, Nov, 5,18ti6. Abigail Kelly, Adm. Otis C.Seymour, surety. Carrie Seymour. " Kellf ,PMrlck; Rochester, died Nov.9,1865. Mfe, Mary Kelly, end following minor children. Richard, MlHara, Catherine, Margaret, Mary A. Thomas. Kelly,Timothy F. Rochester, died June 18,1870. No wife or next of kin. John COSBrlen, ndm. Kelly,Mlliem; hochester. died Sept. 10,1*73. Mfe, Elisabeth Kelly, Adm. son, John Kelly, ae.16 mos. Kemp shall, Henry; Rochester, died t.ay 10,1868. Mster, Susa F.Kempshall, Rochester, Adm. brother,Basrard Kemp shall, Hisaboth,! . J. Kennell,Jonathan; Chili, died Sept.7,1869. Son, John L.Kemmell, Adm. Chili, (oldest son) " Gecrgf V-. ' B Lawson " Fayette,! .Y. " €haries K," Chili. d*u. Mary A.«enges, ' '• Klisa J,Buckley." Kernan,Thomas; Greece, died Deo.11,1867. Mfe, Mary Ann Kernan. dpu. Mary Ann heliy, Chicago.111. aon, John Kernan, Greece, mfcnor. 9 Francis ' f' '' dau. a rgp.ret' son, Patrick • Keyes,Harriet K. Rochester, died Mow.16,1872. Husband, Silas L.Keyes, Adm. son, Mlliem J.D.Keyes, a minor. Keyes,Perry I. Henrietta, died July ife,1674. Mfe, Lilly v.. Keyes, Mother, Jerusha Keyes, Henrietta. sister, Ann K. Smith. Jerome ^yes, Adm. George .' .Lord, surety. Kershaw,seth; Rochester, died Oet.5,1874. Mfe, Frances Maris x^ershaw. dead bv Jan. 10,1876. dau. Carrie M.Bishop, Syracuse, N.Y. " Julia Fish, hochester, Joshua P.Bishop, Adm. Lstham Gardner and Geo.Arnold, Sureties. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1974, M05.

Kershaw,Seth; Rochester, died 0ct.5,l°>74. Mfe, Maria, Ad». dau. Carrie M.Bishop. Syracuse, r..Y. " Julia Fish, Rochester. Joshua F.Bishop, *dn.. Kiess,Philip; Homester, died Aug.16,I860. Mfe, Marie Klesz, Ada. dau. . nna Marie Heine, Rochester. son, Fh lip Bless, Rochester, a miner. " LadMck '• Buffalo, K.Y. n dsu. Charlotte,'7 .Rochester, '' Caroline, ' Sa rsh Killip,J'me£ S. Rochester, died July 7,187£. wife, Louise J.KIHIp. son, Nicholas T.Killlp, a minor. dau. Jennie L.KIHIp. N.Tealingson, surety, S.Stettheimer, " King,Elisabeth, Flttsford, died leb.6,1860, ([1863) Mother, Bliepbeth King, heir, John King, Lowell, Mich. i! Dennis r.ing, Mttsford, «• v Ann MeVean, Rochester. »atine (?) King, Pittsford, Paul Kfnf, '' a minor. 9 Michael King, " ,: " Margaret Mng, " •» Peter MeVean, Adm. Klng,Mchelas; Rochester, died in Georgia, Sept,30,1864, Fethor, John King. Ralph Sues(0 surety, B.G.baloney, (i-.G.) Kingsley,Henry; Wheatland, died in hochester, Sept.£0,1865. Mother, Julia *nn Kingsley, Adm. Father,not named, died in 1854. Brother, ^rrln Mngsley, Kalamazoo, Mich, ae.:?, In 1869. " Marvin Kingsley, " " 21, in Oct. George £reeerick " Brother, her tland, " 19,Aug.l8o8 sister, Julia Kingsley, -heatland, " 15, July,' Kingsbury,Hiram; hochester, died bec.13,1874. Father, John Kingsbury, Camden. Canada. brot'er, George Kingsbury. Adm.'1 " Kbenezer Kingsbury, Percy, " " Joseph Mnfsbury, Nevada, Calif. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1874, / 106.

Kingsley,J^mes; Homester, Paper." ^ranted,Apr.£4,1864, Mfe, Deborah ^.Kinpsley, children all minors, viz. Henrietta D.Klngsley, Charles D. a-ry w. •• George &• " James A. S1 John C.Va.n Kps, apt. Adm. Henry HIbbard apt.guardian of childrm. Kirby,Thomas; Fenfleld, died J«n.i: ,1867. Two brothers llvlne, not named, resld nces unknown. Nephew, Henry Kirby, Freeraont, Meh. niece, Kmellne Rowet, " " 9 Minerva Smith, 9 ,! • Mertha Powell, St.Paul, Minn. neph«w, John Kirby, Fentonville, Meh. niece, Jane --.filler, Laura Miller, Charlotte,K.Y. Lucy K.eeks, Freemont, Minn, ae.16, (June,1867 Nephew, Miliar! -..kirby, " ae.18, Final settlement gives In addlti'-n,vlz; g.dau. Mar?y ilemira Kirby, Chicago,111, ae.l^., ( In Apr,18 Kirk,Margaret; Greece, died *tay 3,187£, Husband,John M.Kirk. son, Myron B.Kirk, Greece, B Mlliam T." Parma, J.F. Kirk, Greece, " Frank hirk, " a minor, dsu. Ettle L.Klrk, " " K. 5.Benedict, surety, J.A. estmen, " Kirley,John; Greece, died July £,1871. Mfe, Bllen Kirley, no children. brother, Peter Kirly, lows. brother and sisters In Cleveland, not named. James Murphy, von, «dm. creditor. Kllnck,John G. Brighton, died Dec.5,1 73. Hfe, Laurp B.M.Kllnck, Adm. dau. irencea A.Minck, Brignton. full aire. " Martha L. % 9 LlHle " se.15 wOW.6,1873. hdmund Qcumpaua;h, Adtr. Knsjp,Henry B. Rochester, died Feb.-6,1873 Mfa, Jane L.Knaip, Adm. dsu. Sarsh K.K.Mitchell, Rochest«r. Georre N.Mitchell, Adm, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestate, 1863-1874, i 107,

Knight,Anna M('<). Ionia, Mch. died Sept. 1865. Huaband, /lexander A.Knight, Son, Abram Knight, Mch. brother, George V8n Alstyne, Ger,ev8,!.Y. Adm. Huaband asks that Geo.Van A. be appointed, Knight,Theodore, Ogden. died Get.15,1865, wife, ^ermella Knight, son, Alvln J.Knight, a minor. dru. aiam.fi Knight, Knipper,Dorathea; Rochester, died a* r.l7,lh73. Husband, John Knipper, son, Peter ,! a minor, dau. Barbara'* 2 !i Anna feral" " 9 fcary ?t • Knowles,James P. Riga, die^ 0ct.7,187£. Wife, Cornelia L.KroMes, Adit. son, Edgar, se.ll, Baul, q 9. Volney 1. Brown, r'-.dm. Lanlel L.T.Brown, surety, Charles Brown, Koch,Jpcobj (celled Cook,) Rochester, died Dec. 1£, 1866. Mother, Catherine hoch, Adm. heir, Christine Mat the 3, Rochester. Konlg,William; Rochester, die* Aug.18,1874. Ko relation In this country, Pensioner, Kraeht,Maria; Rochester, died June 29,1873. husband, Charles ^racht. dau. bertha, an Infant, d ad byftug.21 ,1873 .

Kras,Blyth, Rochester, died Jiov.£9,1863. husband, Fred Krass. A-rsuse,Frank J. Rochester, died ±>ec6,1873. Mfe, *ery hrsuse, Adm. Father, Nicholas t-rause. Krencsr/lhom s, Rochester, died *ay ..7,186:".. brother, hlboriua Krenzer, Chili. Adm. dau. hose Krencer, a miner. <>. Ma ry n Josephine son, Thomas S. " Krupfer,John Daniel; itochoater, died in **. *«y 17,1 64 Mother, aargaretha Krupfer. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, ** 108.

Kuttcruff ,Mlliam; Rochester, died ^ec.4,1867. Father, Alois Kuttcruff, Adm. no widow or children,

Kuntz, cBrolIne; «reec -, died Apr.9,1868, Husband, Michael Kuntz, brother, George heisheim.

Labsr,Joseph; Hochester, died Mar.13,1864. Mfe, Sophia, dau. Mary, ae.3, Bejt.6,1-63. son, Ell, f! 1, Oct. 17,1863. afichael «ewhnrt, surety, Augustus Bu"rough, " Lacey,Franci8;G. Wheatland; ho papers save bond and Inventory. Inventory, dated »' y 29,1*66. 4^ fU *>+****•&.•**** iteirs In *he«tlsnd sr-6 Castile. William G.^acy, surety, Marvin C.Lacy, La Croix,Bdraund F. hochester, died in Slnainawa, Ms.Sep.11,1874 Mfe, an^ellna Sonhis La Croix, Adm* dau. Caroline i*s Croix, " Marie L. " Bu ge n I e " Katie sll of Rochester. B•0.Bailey, suro ty, John C.h'Btien. " L*dd,John; Henrietta, died ftay 7,1865. Mfe, Jullannr ~vdo. Adm. (hied Uec.1865. ) Son, Carlos K.Ledd, Henrietta, se.4h, in 18o5. James Franklin ^add, Rush, ' 36, ( dau. Caroline C. hltbeck, iendon," 44 Lydia fchltbeck *1» son, Chauncoj i*«dd, *='# Ladd, Julianns,(widow of John Henrietta, died -ec. 1865. Left n^ husband or children, but broe.and slsts.vlz. Luther fanner, South Adams, ^ass. Dorcas Pratt, Aurora,* .Y. Patience holden, Johnstown, Pa. Russell Tpnner, hew Mllford, Pe; Anr '-Hen fessenden, Mchenry Co. 111. Joseph Tanner, South Adams, *ass. Fllena lanner, mrtn* fthlpple, Kent Co.Mch. heir, Samuel J.Banner, South Adams, Mass. B Jerome MHIam P. H.Ben Win m d Ann B. Tanner, all of South Adams, Mass. ' Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1874, * 109.

Laich,Gottlieb; Rochester, died Lec,£3,1866, in Penna. Fat- or, Jacob Laich, Adwi. Hochester. brother,Jacob I*Mch, Clyd , N.Y. sister? Catnerine Verth, Hochester. all full aae, Lalng,Mery J. Hochester, died June £. ,1P7£. Husband Eugene Lalng. Adr.;. Mother, Susan ftamble, Rochester. sister, Lizzie Hock, v Carmi Ramble, " a minor, brother, Ml Ham hamble, " Jawes Lalng, surety, Rev,F.ft.Raikes, y' Lane,Mary K. Rochester, died Sept.9,1870. Mother, Kency F.Taylor, fiolyoke, Mass. slater, Julie R.BeGraff, B.V.DeGraff, surety, Francis L,Taylor, ' Lang,John; Rochester, died Jan.£7,1864, M fe, Anna La no;. son, John Lang. " Caltealn (V)Lang, dsu. Xsr}? Lang. sen, Abrem **an.g. Lambert, berah K. Hochester, died Feb.7,1868, Husband, Wilson **ambert« son, Menry H.Lsrcb-^rt, Theodore R.Lambert, (died Ma? £1,1868, a widow Charlp;-- V.Jeffreys, Adm. Lamson,Joseph F. Rochester, died Jsn.£c,1670. ••Ife, Drue 11 If ^8 ma,on. Adm, sen, 'Millar. J. uamson, ae.10, dau. Mary Elisabeth Lamson, ae.3, Landbeck,^enry; Rochester, died Aug.9,1867. Mfe, Catherine Landbeck, ae.44, In *eb.l86B, brother, Lewis Landbeck, Ch'll, S,A, »• Carl rermany, Langmann,5- rederlek; Irondoquf it, died Oct.£3,1865. Mfe, Minnie uangmann. alworth,V.Y. son, Max, ae.l? in Ker,187fc, Barney, 9, -apham,Content; Ferinton, died Mar.26,1864. husband, Fayette ^a}ham. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1874, # 110.

Lapham,Fayette,Berinton, ded May 1.187k. Mfe, Tamme L.Lapham. Adm. aon, Samuel L.Leph»m, Saginaw, Mch. Adm. dau. Lucy A.Bortle, Perlnton. son, Fa than i-spham, deceased, who left, vis. g«ch Lucy Carlisle, Mewark,tf,J, Zachariah ^apham, Saginaw, Mch. " Loren© *ratt, '' " Josephine Uapham, Newark,? .J. Laura Lsphem, Saginaw, ^ich. Pluneket i .Loud, surety, John h. Sr lne rt on, (i Lard,Charles; Hochester, died July 30,1864, Petersburg, Va. Brother, Thomas P.Lard, Rochester, ae.19, slater, »i*>ry Ann Lard, " brot; er, Samuel P.i*prd, Indianapolis, Ind. ae.17, with guardian,MHot Preston. Klisa C.O'Orr-dy, Adm. She is wife of Jeremiah 0'0rady,and guardian of 'Fionas and *-ary Ann. (Could that name have been haird '» ) Lethrop,Albert; Rochester, died July £4,1866. crot.:.er, Arunah Lpthrop, Sylvonla, Lucas Co. Ohio. ,; Luc r ('. ) B. ha th rop, ,; " Pliny Lathrop, Laynd,Hlchard; hw? en. dBLe^ Aug.£7,1868. d--u. Agnes," ife of Mlliam Bee ley, Sweden. Adms. son, Mlliam haynd, England. Leshey,James; Greece, died 0ct.£5,l 74. Mother, not n^-med, In IrMand. Terry 3urns, Adm. Le8ry,Biennis K. hochester, died July, 1867. a ife, Minnie «eary, who die- soon and left two children,viz. dau. Minnie i^eary, aon, Daniel ^eary. who died In Fall of 1867 William v.ankle,uncia of the children Apt.Adm. Minnie Leary petitioned for removal of -ankle,the guardian, claiming cruelty and Insufficient food and Clothing. anlel Leary found Minnie,*eb.lP77,and took her' home and crred for her. Lanlel j^eary is uncle Leary,Owen; Prl-hton, died Aug.6,1866. v Ife, Mary ^eery, dau. :'•'•• rraret ^eary, *est Bush, petitioner, Mary rtelch, Jerlnton. sen, Robert Leary, residence unknown. MIch«el -eary, Buffalo,K.Y. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, * 111.

Lee, Harriet N. Rochester, died Mar.£,1865. No parents, only Bros.and Mat- re and their children. i.liaha S.Lee, Rochester*. Horace C.Lee, Hudson, Me. Mary S.Anderson, Chicago, Hi. Caroline ..oberts, Met*. Caroline ^ee, Brooklyn, o minor. *!rs.Joseph, i-ee, Sarah A.Thompson, Hochester. Lee,Horace C. Hudson, Ms. dle< in Baltimore,Mar.£8,1867. Hisha S.Lee, Adm, Petition gives no names of hairs. ^ee,Mshitsbel; Rochester, died Feb.14,1865, Ko husband, but folloMng children and g.children. Bllsha S.Lets, hochester. Hcrece C.Lee, Hudson, Ms. iiary S.Anderson, Chicago, 111. Caroline Hoberts, Medina,Mch. c;a rah A. Thompson, Roches ter. Carrie fc«G, Brooklyn,! .Y. ^-efebre, Abraham, Irondoquoit, died &&y 9,1;74. (or l^efeber,) Son, Abraham ~efeber, Irondc-.-iolt. dau. Sarah -efebar Cameron, Auburn,* .Y. sen, Joslas Lefebor, hand station, Ind. dau. Aary L.Luneman, Irondoquoit. Lefeber,St

Intestates,1863-1874. $ 11£.

Lemon,Kargaret; Rochester, died Mar.£,1871, Son, Millar-' Lemon, rvochester, adr.. dau, Sus? n *eho, Bochwst*.?'. son, Adem Lemon, Cpnndd. (Ceneda) dau, Jane **roen, Ottawa ,Canada, Leonprd,Ichabodj Fenfleld, dad feb.8,1^67. Son, Charles Y.Leonard, Ienfield. " ;>eorg H, Leonard, d^u. Sarah h.Leonard, ell full awe. Lester,Sabina; Sweden, died Oefc,£3, 1871. Husband, Joseph -ester, Adm. dau. SsTtin? tester, a minor, Liszle " " Mary ,- ,! Flora " " Julia r Joseph Stalknlcht, surety, Luella HesalinKer, Levi,Samuel; Roch-ster, died ^pr,1,1864. Wife, Lena Levi, Adrn. dau. fcsary Levi, K.Y.City, ft Mlna Stein, hochester, son, Hollf Levi, Buff Mo, K.Y. dau. hose Mle, Rochester. Lewis,Althea S. Matthews Co, Va. late of Hochester, died uct.l£j'67. Son, George h.LeMs, dau. Althea D,Cutter, (See Oeorsre Lewis) son, Susan bourse, Lewis,Benjamin; Perinton, died Sept.18,1^68. Wife, Cyntnia *-ewis, Adm. heir, i.arah M.bernhardt* Perlnton. probably Louisa -ewis, -'•'roy, K.Y. c ildr

Intestates,1863-1874, # 113.

Lewis ZacFiariah; Lrixhton. died Lec.£5,lPB7. «ife, Siva **ewls. and heirs, probably children. kelson LeMs, Greece • Laura Brit ton, ' Kara. LeMs, " Clarissa V,ortFiley, Chicgo.il. Bennett Lewis, Greece, Alvirs I ish, Brighton. Emily L.Lewis, (la ter,'Jtarkweatf er) *mande LeMs, " —•*. Final settlement, May, 1868,gives r?* Otis '-orthley with h. ortthley r ?. guardian, and ^ Lmlly L. Starkweather, c» : Lockwood,CordeliaCarolin ;,<•e G.MlderCharlotte,, &l>:<-' Ray 31,187k;. ^ C& Dauson., WhartoFrancens P.LavertyJ. Lock wood, ,Charlotte , ae.58! £5,, rn ^ Ira Miner, Adm. <£\ jfesry Mlder, surety, »^ee a$ of 1874. CP t\, * llder, c? Lockwood, George . Perlnton, died Aug.£5,1873. ^ "Mfe, Mary D.Lockwood, Adm. c/, dau. Inez G.uockwood, ae•13, cj? son, Miliar. A.Lockwood,"' 9, ^ fcilllam K.Goodrich, Perlnton, Adm, 7-^ Lockwood, Wary; -*endon, died Lee. 19,1865. dau. Sophia,wife of Lerkimer B.Minor, Mendon, ;' Anna,Mfe of Henry -ork, *endon, g.ch. William Lockwood, tendon, Kmlly,wife of Chauncey -My, Grass lake, Mch. " Adella,wife of aenry scofield, Chic go. " Augustus ^ockwood, 01lea,Mich• n Cat erine :,ock*ood, Mend on, e minor. 9 Luclnd- ,wife of Georg>-. Gravis, Utica,Mich. 9 Mary Ann Gla. sby , (GMisple ?) " Mice S.Feer, later Alice S.Aatters, 9 James Parish, a minor. Lockwood,'MlHam A. Perlnton, died Oct.30,1864. Mfe, Folly Lockwood, (married in 1831) Son, Geo r g a ' . 3 e r i n t on, d»u. Cordelia A,Harallton,.wife of Bruce, Perlnton. g.dau, Inez 3.Lockwood, dau.of George »•• g.son, 1111am A. son Loe-en,*lch*elj Rochester, die Sept.£6,1872. sister, Bridget Smith, Rochester. brother,John Logar, w peter Logan, residence unknown. sister. Mary Logan, Rochester. • Catherine Korthrop. Is Csth.Lanfer by 0ct.rf0,lh,7S. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. # 114.

Lombard,Kate; Rochester, died in Lowell,Mass.Sept.6,1873. Cousin, Honors Brennau apt. Adm. (Brennan) Sister, Margaret Likely, Cleveland,0. 9 Mary Lombard Sulry, Ireland, brothers, John and Michael Lombard," an Mlliam, sisters, Ellen and Joanna Lombard, " Longleey. Joseph; Sullivan,Jefferson Co. Ms.dado Apr.5,1670. d»u. Charlotte i^ckmar, *heatl nd, Adm. son, Ivory Loagley, Sullivan, vis. barren Longley, r-aukeshe, R 9 Hamilton,Longley, Sullivan,' dau. Clarissa Longley, Jefferson Co. Ms. son, Austin Longley, isnego, Kan. g.deu. Mary Adell Collier, ae.13, dnu.of s dead dru, son, EdaoD Longley, resldenoe unknown. Julia Sdell Babcock, surety, (Mrs.F.A.) Bona Id Mctfaughton, n Loomer,Rebecca; Pittsford, die4 ^ey.4,1-74. ( Brother, Josiah Wright, Janesvllle, Ma. Daniel J. right, Brooklyn,Mich. niece, Lydia /..Carter, hochester. Adm. Dae id K.Carter, heir, Martha aright, Fenfleld. John T.bright, Chic-go,111. " Arabella Bubbard, ^shorte, In^. Anxt Jannett Manwering, Mlshwarkle, Ind. Agnes M.hrlght, Independence, leva. * Lydia davenport, Mahewaukie, Ind. '• John v«flght " " all full age, Lots,John; 'enfiedl, died Apr.£1,1874. 'Mfe, s£a.ry atargaret Lots. son,henry Lotz, Adm. Benfleld. Mlliem Lots, «'olworth,h.Y. dau. Catherine -elker*,'' son, John Lotz, Fenfleld, a minor. dau. Mary Lotz, Jacob Vielker, olworth, surety, r.enry Hulburt, renfleld. Love,Andrew; Rochester, die" Jan.?0.1872. Leu. *ary J.Love, only heir. E. J. B.eoney, su n@ ty , Chauncey Perry. " Love, Charles '.. hochester, died Nov.17,1867. ae,ca,£9, father, Andrew Love, fdm, sister, Mary J.Love. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestrtes, 1863-1874. jfe H5.

Loveeraft,Aaron, Roch^ater, died Cecil,1870. Wife, Althea Lovec aft ,Adm. dau. Martha,wife of Luther A.Ch-se, Buffalo, ee.£4, aon, Frederick 0.Loveeraft, ae.£0. Florence V.Loveeraft, ae.9, dau, ----- deceased,wife of Andrew L.rivers, who left,viz. g.son, George Francis heyers ae.5. Love tt.FJme line; Fenfleld, died Lee.10,1871. Husband, Jrmes Lovett, Adm, dau. Agnes 'Iruet, Biles, Mich. " Lliza.beth Lovett," n 9 Bliss Lovett, h.Y.City, 9 Isabel Lovett, Rochester, Lydia Mann Church, Bkeaneatles, »-;.Y. Rebecca Jordan, lenfield. istelle hurlburt, " all full age. James hhite, surety, B.B.3chme rb a rn " Lowden,Jene; Greece, died Jan.£,1873. Son, Jemes M.Lowd n. Parse, Adm. (oldest aon,) 9 Mllllam H.LOTTO n, ttreece, " John M.Lowden, 9 d*u. F'lora B.Butts, " a minor, Simon Butts,guardlan of Flore. Lowenatein,Catherine; Bennington, Wyo.Co.K.Y, died June IB,1-64, Brother, Bbert Lorenateln, Rochester. Adm. slater, Elizabeth " Buffalo, but believed dead. Lowenstein,hlizabeth, hochester, died «iey 20,1863. Brother, Bbert LowersteIn, apt.Adm. Lourette, Jonas. Rochester. Adm.apt. Aur.lt., 1869. daughter, Nellie Lourette, hochester. a minor. son, Ab'*sm " 9 " John 9 n " " Cornelius Shu lick, Adm. Luckey,Samuel; Hochester. died Oct.11 ,1869. Mfe, aarla Luckey, son, Freeborn G-rrison Luckey, Newark,B.J. " Samuel M.Luckey, dau. Caroline A.Lord. eon, Joseph L.Luckey, Adm. Rochester, end Iowa. g.son, Melville Arnold, K.Y.City, ell full *ge. Final settlement,Apt.1871,gives Ada and Elisabeth Arnold,children of a dece .sed grandson,llvinrr with their grandfather,Bdward C.Griffith,Youngstown, Ohio. Ludwig,?illiam; Rochester, die Jan.£4,1870. Mother, Christine Ludwig, deug ter, Bofe Ludwig, " Kike Ludwig, a minor. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Inteatates ,18 63-1*74. a 116, LvsH Luskj (or Lush) Salvia; Ogden. died July 17,1866.( Sellns ?) Son, Mllia.m F.Lusk. Hochester. Adm. John Frederick Lusk, Pothwell,Canada, * nd »ardsvllle,C^n, Charles B.busk, Ogden. dau. Saline h. Lush, " " Ellsra tf.Lusk, Mrtilda L.Lusk, Rochester. all full age. Lultwelller,J^cob; Rochester, died Kev.11,1867. "Mfe, Margaret Lultwelller. and six children,viz. Sophia. Elizabeth Lultwelller, ae»F. , John Jacob " ,; 21, Margaret *: :* 18, Frederick Lewis " 16, Menry I llliem '' " 10, Charlotte " " 8, Lyday,Cstherine; Bush, died July £4,1866, dau. »aney Lydey, ae.66, nonv Haney Bftll. (BEU.) son, John Lyday, 6<, " Henry Lyday, * 5--, George Lyd^y, * 60, r Andrew Lyday, " 49, Adm. Jacob Lyday, "41, Ml of Rush. " LevId Lyday, " 53, Henrietta. dpu. Rebecca Ferry (?) St.Joseph Co. Hah. heir, Mlliem ^artin, " Hirem(? )Mrrtin, " Mary »arfcin, all f .11 • re. Lyon,J°mee; Irondoquoit, died Sept.1,1872. * ife, Jane M•Lyon• heir, M111am A.Lyon, Irondoquoit. * Cells v. .Mlson, Brighton. " Mary Vhltlock, Palmyra. 1.7. Henry B.lc "onegal, surety, Seorge E, ScGonegal, " LyonfThomas; Rochester, died Jan.7,1865. Lyons. Mfe, M«rgt»ret Lyons, "dn. dau. Sarah A. Lyons, ae.£4, Nov.lB,1864. aon, John Lyons, M 18, June 1£,1864. " Jrr.es Lyons, " 1', July 25,1; 64, dau. Wary if.Lyons, " 11, July £0,1864. Jane Lyons, '' S, 'ug.17,1 A. Lynch, nuar^sret; hochester, died May 21,1865. Slater, Julia F rke, siarw Lynch, P minor, probably c th* rlne Lynch, chMdren. i*s rg a re t Ly nc h, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates, 1863-1-74, '# 117.

Meckle, Mlliam S. So papers found,but Bond date, ',ur.£, 1866. Adm. Jane C.<*ackle. 9 Henry S..tackle. Robert Syme, surety, I se be 1 Syme, ' Chauncey *erry, ' Bond,*140,000. Abrarc a.- rnes, " shce,Lorenzo A. Hochester, Petition date, J n.l8c9. Mfe, Harriet C.fHece, son, Theodore *ace, hochester. Mc-chiea. Alexander, Irondoq loit, deld Oct.hi,1871. (Machlea.) Wife, hmily Machlea. dau. Julia,wife of Maftin Sherer, Rochester. &nily,#4ct.l86.'*.leevinr a wlfe,Mlza, now in the flnited States, no child^e* Meln,Mery A. died Mar.18,1873. Rochester. Daughter, Louisa H.Maln, Adm. " ;liza /.Main, " ranny S.Main, all full aire of Rochester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, £ 118,

Malflne,Thomas; Rochester, died June 4,187£. Mfe, Anna tfalone. Adr:.. dau. Katie, ae.lt., 9 »*rth«, R 10, aon, ydwrrd!, " 6, dru. Agnes, w 8, Agec as of June £0,1872. Matlsahn,Frederick C. Rochester, died May 16,1866. Mfe, Bertha, after ^erthe Sees. d*u. Louisa , bom June 16,1862, (Fame ffaltzahn) aon, Frederick, " Oct.16,1863. Manderville,{le«ton; Rochester, died Feb,1871, Mfe, Llbble Menderville. Adr.. aon, Franklin, a minor, Franklin Mtter, suraty, Charles S.Campbell, " Manley, James; Hamlin, died ca.last of June, 1864. Mfe, Mary ^pnly, Adr. son, Frank Alonzo Manley, under £1. Hamlin, 9 Edwin Smith Manley, " Betavia, N.Y. 9 James Frederick, " ' Residences as of 1867, Then ell minors. Mann,Mary Ann; Fenfleld. died Sept.30,1865. Leu. Charlotte J. Mfe of Ira L.Otis, hochester. son, George r. Raymond, Ch rlea C. " These children of former " J .R.T. " marriage. Ira L.Otis, Adr.. Mansfield,Calvin; Hereon, died Feb.£8,1873. Ife, Cornells Maesfleld. son, aeorw

Marcotte,Klzear{ Rochester,died Aug,5,1874, (Bleazar ?) Mfe, p;ilzabeth Marcotte, Ad, children, ell minors, viz. Lizzie V. Francis, Joseph, M. Edgar, surety, *«ry, T.w.S.Bplne, w Daniel. Mars,Robert; Perlnton. Killed by trMn, fl'te not given. Wife, Anna Mars. Adm. Apt.l*ec,££, 1873, dau. Zllpha J.Mars, F'eirport, a.e.ll, RMtle S.Mars, Perlnton, B 5. Marshall,Peter; Charlotte, died Apr.28,1867, No heirs. Martin,Gatherlne; Webster, died Jan.18,1871. Son, Abram Wartln, Chicago, 111. * William Martin, barre, Mich. dau. Agnes,wife of *artln Eldrldge, Angola, Ind. Phoebe,Mfe of Jacob whiting, Webster, Sally A. wife of Albert Whiting, Rochester. 9 Elvira Flumley, deceased, who left,viz. Elliott Flumley, Mch. son, Orre Martin, deceased,who left children,viz, Mary *artin, ae.16 (Or agea Abigail atprtln,1' 12, reversed,) Both of Brighton,K.Y. Martin, Catherine, Rochester, died Jan.5,1858. Husband, Leonard M> rtin, Bo helra. Joseph Mutm, surety, A.Klemrc, Martin,Christian; Henrietta, died Feb.£5,1870. Brother, John B.Martin, Rush. sister, Catherine Mook, Alabama, N.Y. " Magdalene heff, Geneseo. niece, b*rah E.Taylor, Oakfleld, K.Y. neph. Ab'-am H.Norrls, Alabama, N.Y. John C. " Chauncey " BMtle Creek, Mch. » 'Zzrn " San Francisco, Calif. niece, fileanor Howe,(nee Horrls) St.Johns, Mich. sister, Elizabeth H.Martin, Hush. Lavlnia Martin, niece, Miriam *artin, " Clive Forrls, » Mercy Norrls, nephew, Martin Norrls, " niece, Catherine Norrls, battle Creek, Mich. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates, I6t3-1874. g 120.

Mart In, Franc Is; Greece, died Feb.;',1874. Mother, Catn rine *artin. Greece, brother, John C.Martin, Thomas Martin, Kansas City, Mo. * Arthur *a <*tln, Greece, slater, Catherine Martin, Nova Scotia, Jennie »artin, Greece, brother, Hugh Martin, a minor. till in Martin, " " Martin,Harriet; Rush, died Nov.16,1867. Husband, Mathew Martin. heir, John S.Martin, Rochester, over 21. " David Martin, Rush, " " Hoeea Martin, " 9 u p f I' " Hattie Martin, will be £1 in MPY,1«68, " Francis B, " 9 9 " 16 " " " M Kmms 0. • " « 13, ' 9 Mary C. 9 9 " p ©, n Elnors " " " " 7 " " '' Martin,Janes; Pittsford, died June 15,1864. Mfe, Mary Martin, Adm. brother, Thome a Martin, Pittsford. MartIn,Louisa; Rochester, died Sept,7,1873, daughter, Hannah ftenver, Bay, Mch. Adr., " Louisa Strible, Bochsater, " son, Henry Martin, " Georsrf: Mpi-tln, Sast Dayton,Mich, heir, Godfrey, Bay City, Mich. * Harriet Yeoman, Rochester, Martin, Mathew C, Rush, died Apr.16,1873 Mfe, Lydia A,Martin, Adm. son, Francis K,Martin," dau. Emma L.Martin, minor, * M«ry C,Martin " " Alnora Martin, ,1 Martln,0hlllp: Clarkson, died In Rochester, Aug.l,lr70. Mother, not named In England. brother, John Martin, Cornwall, Eng. Joseph Martin, hew London, Ont. sisters, Rot named in Ontario. Martin,Samuel; Rush died June £1,1868. dau. Ella. Marten, Rush, a minor. son, Frank martin, M both live with guardian,Morrison Jeffords,Adm. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection v IntostMes, 186. -1874. i- LI

Mart In,William; Rochester, died feb.lb,l«r:9. Mfe, aaney Martin, Adr?. son, **eonrrd fc.Martin , Hochester, of Fulton City,111.in 1870/ John L.Martin, Durharcville, K.Y. Oswego,K.Y. " Jackson F.Martin, PMton City, 111. g.dau. ftelen A.Mlley, fenfleld, d^u.of a *e*$ dau. heir, Mlliem B.Barkman, Rochester, a minor. Martin,ailllam M. Rush, died in Kansas,Sept.13,1867. Father* David Martin, Rush. sister, Phileta.Mfe of Charles Sylvester, HillsdMe Co.Mich. bro. Mathew C.Martin, Rush. Morris ^*rtin, Henrietta. • David K.Martin, Mch. Bethuel Wortln, JoneavUle, Hillsdale Co. Mich. Abrem *art4n, Oallnls (?) Kalamazoo Co. Mch. Mervin,George; Pittsford, died Apr.l£,1869. Nephew, George C.^srvin, PuffMo.r.Y. Maasner.Ann; Fenfleld, died Mar,30, 1868, Husband, Joseph Messner, Maatoaon,Frederick; Rochester, died Oct,£8,1874, Mfe, Nellie Hastoson, (Mast'raon ') dru. Lulu Mastoson, Rochester, Mathers, Ed* a. rd C. Pittsford, di^d Mar.2- ,1871. Mfe, Charlotte B.Mathews, Adm. children,Ml p-'rors. viz. r,rcher B.G.Mathewsf Lewellyn Mathews, MathewspJohn; hheatlsnd, died Apr.i,1868. Wife, Mancy G.Mathews, dau. Myra, ae,l3, " Jennie," 9. Msthewa,Moses M, Rochester, died In Philadelphia,Nov,£3,1^?'7, Mfe, Catherine K.Mathews, Adr. heir, Henry v,,*athevs, Rodi ester. Elizabeth G.Mathers, " both full rre. Mcttern,Jacob; Avon,*.Y. die Nov.24,1869, Property in Monroe to. Mfe, Theresa Mat tern, and children, viz. Katie Mat tern, ne.*, TUlle ae,4, Frank re ,3, Brother In law, Ch rlea Bsttero, Adm. with wife. Mattlson,Bossell, Rochester, die- Nov.£,1864. Rife, Susan L.Mattison, Adm. and children, viz. Susan J.Mattison, Rochester. Geor-' S. viattlson, Mary * ttison, " a minor. M.J. Monroe, surety, R.E.Schermerhorn, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, § 12£.

Maxflaid,John; Henrietta, died Jan.19,1866. Mfe, Harriet fcaxfleld, aon, Herbert A. ae,6 in 1869. Mayo,Josiah; ferlnton; died Aue;.£7,1868. Wife, *ery J.Mayo. Two children,names unkrown to the widow, They live in *alne. McCabe, Ann? brighten, died Jan.£5,1871, Huaband, Owen McCsbe, Adm. and two eh'ldren,vlz, Mary, ae,l5, Rochester, Rleherd,ae.l3, McCaffey,Annp B, Perlnton, died Aug,6,1865. Husband, Philip McCaffey, Adm, McCarty,JereMah; Hochester, died Oct.26,1867, Mfe, Margaret McCariy. chiildren,vlz. James, Rocheater. Beatrice, a minor, Georre, '' Minnie, " (Later called Iftpry*' Jeraldlne, *' (later called Ssncta,) *.J.Rogers, surety, James Cochrane, " H.Hyland. r McCrehon,Alexander; Hochester. died Nov.1,18 { . Mfe, Bridget Maerahon. Ch'ldr n,vlz. Edward McCrahon, Rochester, Alexander, " resid nee unknown. John " Hochester, Joanna, McT>erinott,'ugene; Hochester, died Peb,16,187£, Luke McDermott, Fetitloner, Andrew McLermott, son of Luke. !-o rel< tlonshij given. McDonMd, Daniel; Pittsford. died In Virginia,Aug.15,l.r *>4 . Father, Rannald McDonald, Frince Bdward Co. Canada. McDonald,Sarah, hochester, died ^ee.4,1871. No heirs. McDowell,Mary; Rochester, died i>ec.16,1869. brother, Huph McDowell. Adm. " John " belfndt. Ireland. sister, Susannah ^atson, Rochester. " Jane McDowell, " " Maggie '' Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

IntestMas,1863-1874, p- 1L-7.

MeGeary,Daniel; Rochester, died Nov,in,V 65. Mfe, Caroline MeGeary, hdm. children,all minors, viz. Edward; Ann J. Daniel P. McGee,Franc Is; Greece, died by Feb.14,1872, mo further data. Mc^ee,Margeret,Greece, died Aug.11,1869. no heirs. McGinnes,Betsey; Clarkson, died May 1,1873. Son, John McGinnes, Clarkson. 9 Thomas " 9 dau. Alma ,! * John F.Bice, Adm.and guardian of the minors. p dam Moa r, sure ty, W,L. Rockwell, ''«• McGulre,Michael; Rochester, died June 1,1870. Mfe, Maria McGulre, no ch ldrm. Bertholemew Murphy, Adm. Millar Mllett, surety, Charles King, B McGonegal,Margery; Irondequolt, died Kov,£9,1864. Son, Henry E.McQonegel, Irondequolt, 9 Soorge E. " " McGorry, Ja.ties; Rochester, died June 28,1864. Mfe, Mary McGorry, Adm. heir, Helen McGorry, a minor, no relation given. McGowan,James; Rochester, died July 29,18r9. Mfe, Agnes McGowan. Adm. children, minors, viz. halter McOowan, Celie F. " McGrath,Bridget; Hochester, died Aug.10,1874, Husband, Michael MeGrath. no children. McGrath,James: Rochester, died $|eb.l,18o9, brother, Patrick McGr^fch, "dr.. ae.? , sister, Mary Dal ton, behest r. Kliza Conway, " Catherine Kelly, " Mclntyre,«g le, Rochester, died Apr.15,1874. Father, Patrick Itfclntyre, Adm, VcKeo,.Tames G. Rochester, died at tt.Rochester, *ex. Bml871 brother-ln-1' ",tU-s h'-.H-ipio,, (Jamea h.Haljln,) Adm. He hd married sister of ames Mckey,a aurgeon In U.S.Army, In 1860. She had died 186i cr 1867. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. * 1-4.

McK&y,L&«r»^co, Rochester, died A,.r,l,lo?l, MX*, Alvira McMsy, Adm. and following children. Thomas McKay, Ovid, N.Y. Lllsabeth " "all llvlna with their William guardian James r'Conncr. Frances p " The widow, Alvira h^d died by Kov,20,1873,when Thorn a Welly wag appointed Adm, McKlnney,John A, Rochester, dlei reb,13,lB65, Mfe, Mary A,McKinney, no children, brother, J^raes McKinney, Adm, Hochester, sister, «ary Ann,wife of Thomas £.Jenkins, '*eneva,'.v. McLaughlin,trtrick; hochester, died Nov.7,1873, 'Mfe, Mary Ann McLaughlin, Adm. dru. Olive Jane McLaughlin, ae.5,Feb.lt,lr74. son, uenry ^eorge " ae.3, Kov.'^, ,187;J. Mother, Jane MeLauRhlln, Rochester, brother, Ml Ham • " " Hugh " " " Charles " Toronto,Can. n Thomas, residenee unknown. sister, Jane E. Rochester. Winifred •* " *» Mar-.' ret " all ur.c rrled. McLean,Amende M. Rochester, died Aug.411874. Father, **euben Rowley, Adm. George E.Ripson, surety, Jarues C.Cochrane. '' McMshon.i-atrlck; Rochester, died *ar,P5,1873. a I f e, Ma ry A. Mc .*«ahon, brother, Philip «c*ahon, *ass. other broa and slstera in Ireland. William J.Sheridrn, Rochester. Adw. McMennus, Rochester, died Pec.?,lR70. brother, Mlliair. McMannus, Hochester. sister, Alice,wife of Arthur Muldoon, Mch. H Ann,wife of Timothy O'Connor. Calif. Hirer: L.Rp.ker, surety, G.A.Barthollck, • Crrin barker, " McMannus,Fa trick; Rochester, died Mar.19,1871. Mother, Mary *csSar,nus, Adm. ir. Patrick * Rochester. 1! John " n n James ii P Michael, IT n Andre-* " rr C.. a•Ovist , aurety. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. # 1£5,

Mc Ma nu a, Richard; Rochester, died Sept. hi ,1873, Widow, Sarah M.McManus, and children,viz. Emms McManus, a minor, Willie McManus, ,f Patrick Walsh, surety, James Nye, " McMaster,James G. Sweden, died Sept.4,1867. brother, Reynolds McMaster, Sweden. sister, Jane McMaster, " brother, Robert McMaster, Sloansvllle, F.Y. heir, Robert A.Wilson, Lemopolis, Ala. Catherine Ketcham, Orangeville, Canada,w. a minor. • Elizabeth • " n Oliver " • " •' '• Eliza Fuller, Florid ,K.Y. Mary bailey, Amsterdam,N.Y. and Springfield, Mc. H Rensaelaier Schuyler," " " " B Ma. Ma Green, Gowanda,N.Y. 9 William G.McMaster, •' " " Wallace Mc Master, " " • Ira McMaster, " " • Martreret Monaster, " ° " Adelaide *• ft, " " Lucian McMaster, St.Thomas, Canada. Emily ^arnsworth, 9 Eliza McMillan, Iowa *slls, la. " Al] honso McMaster, Albion,Mch. " Ml Ham McMaster, " " Reynolds McMaster,£d. Fort Rowen, Canada. Msrcella Vorce, .^ston Rapids, Mch. Clementine Springstead. In Missouri. ( Heirs,brothers and sisters end their children,) Jennet McMillan, Rochester, died June 30,1869. Son, Thomas *cMlllen, ^au. Anne D.McMillan, McKall,James; Rochester, died Sept.13,1873. Mfe, Mary McNeil, Son, John McNeil, Rochr?ater, ae..^5, • James McNail, H ae.£7, Adm. " William McNeil, Mich. ae.33, McNeil,Alexander, Henrietta., died 0ct.l2,187£. Mfe, Folly McNeil, Michigan, aon, Ira McNall, Henrietta. Adm. dau. Cordelia Miller, Cettersugus, N.Y. " Pollv MslpusC?) Mich. son, Henry McNall. Henrietta. heir, Henrietta b«ker, res id nee unknown. 9 Alna V no dMa. " Polly,wife of John Justice, dau.Alexander sncNall.Ruah. MeNaughton,leter, Scottsville, died July £9,l8i>4. Mfe, Jane MeNaughton, Adm. dau. Kate MeNaughton, ae.£l, r' Sarah Mc Naught one. 19, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, # l£6,

McVesn, Archibald, Kheatland, died Apr.£l,18§£. Mother, Christy McVean, Wheatland, ae.6b in 1864. heir, Alexander McVosn, Adm. ae.33 In 1864. • Charles McVean, -heatland. • B.Julian McVean, (J.J.)'' ae.40 9 Malcolm *£c*ean, SFheatland,ae.36,n Margaret E.Cameron, Caledonia, ae.37, In 1864. Charles A.McCall, Wheatland, se.10, Dougald D.McCall, father of Charles A. McVean, Catherine, alias Streeter,Rochester, died Feb.19,1864. Son, Alexan e McVean, Mich. dau. Janet Nldner, " aon, Peter McVean, Rochester, Adm. dsu. Isabel McVean, Genesee Co.N.Y. 9 M*;ry Vsalsh, Rochester, Adm. B M^rgeret Andrus or Andrews, Chill. McVean,Charles; fthe«=tland. die^ Sept.12,1864. Mother, Cherisfry,(Christy) McVean, fcheMland. brothWr, J.Jullen Mcvean, Adm. • Malcolm " Scottsville, 9 Alexander r Rochester, sister, Margaret B.Cameron, Caledonia,N.Y. heir, Charles A.McCall, Scottsville, a minor. J.Jullen " McVean,John; Wheatland, died Mar.10,1870. Mfe, Abby McVean, son, Cameron McVean, Wheatland, Adm. dau. Mary M.Eraser, McMlllams, Mary; Rochester, died Aug.3,187£. dau. Catherine Mc illiams, Rochester. Cells " " 9 Hose B.O'Reilly, surety, Andrew McLedem " Meech,Helen; Rochester, died Mar.25,1864. Huaband, 'Wellington Meech. Adm. Meier,John Andrew; Rochester, died Dae.9,1872. Mfe, Magdelena Meier. dau. Magdelena Seitz, hochester. son, George *eier, Seneca Falls, •* Andrew Meier, Chicago, 111. « Bernard C.Meier, hochester. dau. Christina Meier, " • Mary Ann ;' „ • ™l™r* Loueaa / !• " "all of a*e b% 1880. 9 Susan C. Melsmer, Mary; ^tes, died June £0,1869. Mother, C&tharine Melsmer, sister, Theresa Bott, Rochester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. # l£7.

Meintel,Agnes; Rochester, died Oct.18,1865. Husband, Felix Meintel, Adm. son, John P.MeIntel, a minor. Melius,Jeremiah; Rochester, died Oct.l£,1872. Mfe, Catherine Melius, son, Charles Melius, Greenbush, N.Y. dau. Cornelia Feckman, Hoche<-ter. 11 Emma "*ellus, " J.E.Watters, surety, S.Kershaw, * Mellor,'Miliam; Rochester, died July £5,1873. Father, William Mellor, liamworth, Staffordshire, Eng. brother, James "'•ellor, Lerbyshire, En*. sister, Mary,wife of Mlliem lallett/ Rochester. Adm. Meng,Jacob M. Rochester, died &et.30,1871, father* Charles B.»©ng. ienzie,Robert L. Riga, died Jan.7,1864. Wife, *artha J. *e.49 in 1882. son, John C.Menzie, ae.£7, n Caledonia, " Duncan " ae.£5, " Riga. 9 Alexander r' ae.£3, " " Monroe • ae.£0, » B Mercer,Moaea; Hochester, die Dec.31,1870. Fa therm John Mercsr, Rochester, no other heirs. P.L.Durand, surety, h. £. Scheme rhorn," Meriam,Charles; Sweden. died 0ct.5,lR6". Wife, Theresa A.Meriam. d^u. Delphine C.Meriam, a minor. Merrltt,.8enjar.ln C. *enfleld, died Sept.16,1870. Mfe, Elizabeth kerrltt, sister, Mary Hulett, Westchester, N.Y. brother, David Merritt. " both full a*e. Merritt,Prudence; Ckarkson, died Nov.15,1870. Elizabeth Taylor,Jerusalem,!'.Y. (ReIrs uephe*? and Niece Rhode A.Sogers, Luclnda ^apalee, Torrey, K.Y.Yates Co. Mlllam K.Ketchum, Ehrrington, " N.Y. Adm. Levi Eetchum, Stilo, K.Y. Louis " Chenango, N.Y. Egbert " Jill I. Georffe 9 * >:;e . Mvin " Calif. Esther, * Ms. all these of f Hi Amanda Lsbeock, Mllo,K.Y. a minor. Byron ' Barring ton, h.Y. " MarSusak n anHenrLongd Johy, **eMn BabcocksBradford.K.Y and ,Joh Yaten Cwenshir-s. Co." , Sureties'. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. a 128,

Merrltt,Mercy A. Rochester, died Sept.28,1874. Son, John A.Merrltt, * Philander G.Merrltt, Mlllsm Merrltt, r' James B. Merrltt, George Merrltt, dsu. Mfiry J.Thurston, " Mercy A.Jeffrey, /dm. Roswell Jeffrey, surety, Merrltt,Stephen,Parma, died June t>,107C, son, Lesley S.Merrltt, 'arms. d^u. Phoebe J.Stewart, Clsrkson. Mlzabeth H.Prentis, Jprma. Josephine S,henry, Clarkson. In 1874,called Josle Stokes, John G.henry, surety, George 0.Stewart,'' *.E.Prentiss, henry F., Moo re, " Edward ^avis. t: Merrltt,Sarah; Rochester, died "ec.7,lP71. Son, Henry J.Merrltt, Rochester, Aduj, Calvin C.Merrltt, Wheatland. dSu. Marlon E.Campbell, Pittsford, .Sarah L. Merrltt, Hochester. a minor. Meyer,George; Rochester, died Feb.16,1871. Mfe, ~erge. >-et *eyer, Adm. dau. Mary Meyer, Rochester, a minor. Anna " n M son, George " " " Nicholas Prayer, surety, John Meier, 9 Meyer,Philip; Rochester, died Apr.16,1867, Mfe, Sophia *eyer, son, Louis Meyer, dau. Catherine " son, George " Meyering,Rennah; Hocnester, died V Petition, June 17,1864, Husband, Bernard Meyerlng, Adm. son, not named, a minor. Meyerlng,Reinrich, Rochester, died Mar. 1866. Son, John Meyering, Adm. Hochester, ae.41, '' Herman " ae.50, Rochester. 9 Frederick'' ae.44, " dau. Henrietta,wife of John Miller, South Ambcy,?;.J. se.43. " Zetta,Mfe of hurnet Florack , N.Y.City, son, Bernard Meyering, se.37, *>,Y.City. f! Albert Meyering, ae.35, " dau. Clementina,wife of Frederick Ostendorf, N.Y.City. son, Frank Mete lng, ae.£8, t-avellna; In China, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates, 1863-1874, $ l£9,

Mlchelson,Margaret; Rocheater, died Oct,31,1871, husband, Fred F..A.K. MIchelson, Adm. dau, Dorotha MchelMon, Rochester, a minor. Christina " " " Decree of Mar.20,188,£.,gives Christine White. Samuel Hasenblatt, surety. Abraham Stern, " Miller, Ann H. Rochester, died Feb.2,1*73, Son, Earl P.Miller, dau. Cythrea A.Porter, Adm. Rochester. 9 Msry J.Mason, " son, Allen P.Miller, Chicago, 111, g,son, xrank R.Miller, " " a minor. Miller,David; Chill, died Apr.2,1870. Mfe, Frances Miller, Father, William Miller, Chili. John Striker, surety, George Aakin, " Miller, Franz A. Ogden. died «ar,£0,1870. 'Mfe, Monica Miller, Adrt. son, Joseph Miller, Allegan Co. Mich. p Adam i; ' " " B Jacob " " ' " M Miliar: !1 Ogden. * Theobald e minor. dau. Mary A. Folic Idas, * " 9 Annri ijert'*iidr hi Her, Rochester, a minor, in 1875. 9 Sarah * Ogdon, " " Caroline " " " Mary John legman «fr. surety, Jacob hecklnger, " R.J.Bushnell, '[ R.E.Sehersiarhern. " Killer,Henry; Rochester, died 0ct,30,1870. son, Jacob Miller, Adm. ' henry Mller, " Miller, J.Newton; Wheatland, died Nov,17,1868, son, Arden Miller, (Arden F.) under 14. Miller,Nancy; Clarkson, Petition, Nov.££,l«64. Ho heirs or next of kin. Mlller,Ruth, Wheatland, died Mar.2,1862...... , ,„ .-* aon, John N.Miller, Scottsville, ee.ca..33idled Nov.l/,18c6) 1 Myron Mller, 11 Romanta T, Ml Her, " " 27. John K.Miller left eon /.rden Miller, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, * 130.

Miller,Timothy; Rochester, died June 1,1863. Mfe, Dorcas Miller, son, Alexander I*.Miller, Rochester. d«u. Susan r,. wife of Charles H. Illlams. Rochester. Juliette Mller, a minor, Roch. aon, Augustus M.Miller, Chicago,111. Miller,Mary; Rochester, died Amg.1870 aon, George Miller, Albanyj, K.Y. Mills,Mary Ann; Farms, died May 16,187*. Oldest brother, Mfred Millard, Adm. brother, ^rsor T.Millard, Holly,>. .Y. sister, -"Rebecca, Bryan, I.S.Bennett, surety, Jo seph :. •Bryan• " Miner,Abigail; Rochester, died flug.10,1874. Ho heir or kin. Minges,Henry; Rochester, died Jen. 1866. Mfe, Elisabeth Mngea, dead by Mer.lR7C. son, Michael ee.ll, *ar.lR70. dau. Elizabeth." 8, " brother, Valentine hinges, father-in-law, Nicholas Mprtin, mother-in-law, Catherine *artin. Mitchell,George G. Hochester, died *ar.£7,187£. son, "eorge S.Htchell, Rochester. Charier- B. M bath, N.Y. dau. Margeret E.Mitchell, Detroit,Mich. H.B.Knapp, surety, A.L.Mabbett, H Monaghan,Ca heMne; Kalamazoo, Mich, dief June 19,1873. James honaghan, reMd nee unknown.husband. dau. Theresa V.Fox, Hochester. aon, David D. *ona*drian, Jackson, .Mch. Adr:. r* Edward Monnghan, Kalamazoo, Mch. " James C.Monaghan, hochester. Montgomery, i>svld S. Hoc .ester, died June 1,1872. brother, John F.Montgomery, Adr. Mother, J^ne Montgomery, alstor, ---- Lynn, deceased, who left children,viz. James L.Lynn, Rochester. Lizzie ' Mlliem • Elsie Julia " Montgomery,Elihu,S. Rochester, died Sept.14,1867. Mother, Sylvia Montgomery. Brothers." William H. and Abel S. Montgomery, sister" , CarolinAnn Jane ev,,**eary Diamond, . rll full age. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates,1863-1874, * 131.

Montgomery,Joslah; Rochester, died Aug.9,186b. Mfe, Sarah Montgomery. dau. Frances 0. wife of /'brem K.Cushman, ae.'.-5,Aug.P,l-h,L. iielen ^arla Montgomery, ae. ££,Jan,£4,186h, Roaabell,Hfe of t-dgar E.Copelnnd, ae.2l,July 25,1665. Emma Louis Montgomery, a-e,l£, i>ept. 10,1865. All Koch. Mooney,Alexsndr; Mch. Med Jan.2£,1864. Mother, Mary Mooney, Adm. wolford, Canada. Uncle Alexander aic^enna, p Mooney,Catherine »all; hochester, died *ar.l3,1874. Husband, Peter Mooney, Adm. no c ildren. Mother, not named. Moore,Caleb; Brighton, died *ar,7,lR6S. Sister, *ary Moore, Attica,N.Y. ae.?9, Amy fe.MckeB, ae 45, wife of oev.John. brother, Isaac Moore, ^riehtcn, ae.37, Ages as of Feb. 187£.

Moore,Chester C. Rochester, died Jan.30,1874. Mother, &ary L.Moore, Fenfleld. sister, h> rrlet L.Henderson " brother, «iartln V.B.^oore, Rochester. Sister, Mary E.Fetresa, decease ,*ho left a son,viz. Samuel L.Petress, ^ew Haven.Ct. brother, ApolloB Moore, deceased, who left, viz. Apollos Moore, Albany, and Am Mbson H Moore,Lavld; CL rkson, died Nov.£1,186-. •ife, Elizabeth Moore, Adm, d^u, Mary C.Moore, " Martha S.Garrison, son, Jacob B.Moore, Adm. ell full age. dau. Sarah L.Moore, son, William H.Moore, dau. Kllzateth A.Moore, all minors, with their siother. Moore,David A. Brighten, died F'eb.£8,18G6. Brother, Henry B.Morse, Lincoln, 111. Mother, Permelin Moore, Rochest«>. sister, Serfth Pettit, Grumby, Canada West. " Kixon, deceased, who left children,viz. i'rank Mxon, Grumby, Canada e.^t. Charles " " " Fed slater, Martha K.Shepard, Rochester. Moore,Merrltt; Riga, die^ Sept.5,1871. Mfe, t^ttry Moore, Adm. g.dpu. Julia K.Richmond, a minor, guardian,Zoph^r miHard. Moore,Samuel fc.D. Rochester, died Apr,3,1870. Son, J.Gilbert Moore, Rochester. brother, ailllam H.Moore, Adm. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates, 1863-1874, * 13£.

Moran,John; Rochester, died Sept.15,1866. Mother, Mary Morsn, Adm. brother, James Moran, Rochester, Elisa Moran, Sister, " a minor. Morehouse,Johns Rochester, died Sept.9,1^64. Mfe, Jane Morehouse, son, J*mes ".Morehouse, Flmira, N.Y. Adm. * Alexander J.M «edina, N.Y. dau. Mate,wife of Harlan P.Wheeler, Rochester. Morley,Parker R. Rochester, died May £5,1870. Mfe, "ebecca Morley, Rochester. Adm. son, Robert, *' " a minor. dau. *ary L. 9 « " Morrison,Samuel; Fenfleld, died Junr 10,1868. Son, Arthur Moaslson, Penfield, Ad?r. Jonathan Morrison, Coldrater, Mch. dau. Elizabeth Morrison, " " Mvlra Morrison, place not given. brother, -—- deceased, who left children,viz. bamuel Morrison, *enfield, Alexander Morrison, ' *oree,^rrln,Roche?tor, died Ssr.17.,1872. Wife, Charlotte M.Morse, son, Charles R.Morse, Rochester, ae,3l, , in 1°7£. Mott,Isaac H. hebstor, died Oct.£0,1866. Mfe, Mary Ann Mott, dru. Rhode Antls, Webster, son, Emanuel Mctt, " dau. Mary A,Mott, p a miner. Mott,Mary Ann; Webster, hied ja-ar.6,1874. Mother, Mary /..Mott, Adm. brother, Emanuel Mott, Webster, sister, Rhode Mott Antes, Webster, C , A. rrIght, su re ty. Moul,Jacob; *arma. enlisted In TJ.S.Army, 1849, »ent to Governor's Island,and heard from there In 1850.last. Sister, **elen,wlfe of Jacob E.Simmons in 1857, but Is now, Aug.28,1872, wife of %rrIson Otis. sister, Charlotte Foose, *f;c died 1803 and left a son, Ch rles Fooae. Moulton,Lewis J. lste of Floyd,N.v. died in Rochester,June,lhtO. Mfe, Ellrsbetb *• Mil made, June £6,1' . 0. Son, Albert D,Moulton, R minor. deu. Charlotte '.Moulton, James Upton, Greece, Adm. Lavid Moulton, a creditor. Mountfort,Charles, Rochester, died May 15,1874, wife, *ary E.Mountfort, Adm. and minor children,viz. Aalter; Charles; '"ary. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. * 13

Mudge,Alfred G. Rochester, died Jan.22,1874, Wife, Clara A.Mudge. dau. Nellie C.Mudge, a minor. LeRoy Satterlee, aurety, yV Adalbert w.Mudge. tt 9(C- Muller,Mathlas; Rochester, died in Va. 1863, ^2h Sister, Crescentla duller, \/\ Murphy,Kate; Rochester, died Aug,£8,1874, Mother, unknown, in Ireland, uf>4h % Murray,Gould; Rochester. dl«d June 5,1871. '<£/ Mfe, Susan H.Murray, Adm. < n dau. Zetta H. Murray, uty James falling, aurety. XA Sarah E.Dutton, " ' Murray,Joseph; Rochester, died July £7,186©, (1869) Mfe, Catherine Murray, Adm. aon, Kd*srd Murray, ae.S, dau. *ary " ae.S, son, Thomas ae.l. Myers,Ellen M. Rochester, died Oet.4,1874. dau. Mary J.Morton, Brooklyn, R.Y. oe.3.', inDee.1876. son, Henry H.Meyers, f' " ae.40, " Myer, Mary; died in Rochester, Feb.£P,T 64. Husband, John Myer, Adm. Myers,*1111am H. Hush, died Apr.1874. Son, Drvid Henry Myers, Troy,N.Y. 9 Anson Myers, " " dau. Margaret A.Pell, Rush. Ira bell, Adm. henry Flshell, surety, Michael A.Verhoeven. p < Myhsn,Catherine; Rochester, died Oct.l£,1867. Son, Lazarus Myhan, Adm. Rochester. " James Myhan l! 9 John Myhan " Mylacralne,William; Rochester, died J ly 1.1860. Mfe, Catherine, who died In Rochester, June,1871. dau. Mary M.wlfe of Thomas Skill le area, aon, Mlliem Mylacraine, dau. Elizabeth M.wlfe of David brooks, t; Catherine Mylacraine, aon, John Mvlacralne, Adm. 9 Robert P. " dru. Sarah J. " " Linda C. " Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. *' 134.

Safe,Henry; Rochester, died June 4,1*74. Wife, Elizabeth hefe, and infant children,viz. Clara M.*£sfe, ae.18, Anne L.Nafe, ae.8. Maracon,William H. sarua, died Dec.30,1871. Wife, Villona Naracon, Adm, dau. Ellen L.Baker, Parma. " Julia A.Na.racon, B a minor. * Eva R. " » " • Carrie H. " " " Meylor,Robert; Rochester, died May 13,1871. Mfe, Margaret Nayior, dau. Elen Eliza haylor, *-e,4 weeks. James MeGuekln, surety. Joseph Ferrtn, " Hellin,Cetherine, Rochester, D.MeNaughton,Adm. asks order,Mar.17,1873,for publishing claims, saying that more than 6 months have pes'-ed,since he was apt. Amir.. Kewton, Thomaa; Menrletta. died Oct.in,187?. Mfe, Elizabeth Newton, Adm. children,viz. Thornss Kewton,Jr. Mlllam Ne«ton. Nichols,Amarilla, called Whipple, Rochester, Med June l1 ,1 "0. brother, Eliaha Whipple, kelson,N.Y. sister, Hannah Boast, Rochester. brother,— deceased, who left; viz. Charles J.Whipple,Zambrota, Minn. Henry B. Whipple, Rochester, (Henry D,) Emma A.F.ylle, " Quincey V.hipple, Zambrota, Minn. K 1111am M.Whipple, kelson, K.Y. Dewitt C.vhij] le, *a ry Mb 1 pj le, Fenn e r, N. Y. John Mhlppla, " Ezra Whipple, Peterborough, K.Y. Harriet Whipple, no address, Amerille Whipple, ' sister, Anna Ballard, de eased, who left; viz. Abram ballard, lenner, K.Y. Anna fe-Hard, 9 Sarah,wife of Lesley Toogood, *enner, John; Ezra and Harriet fchippla are In an orphan asylum by Rev,29,1873, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, # 135,

Hichols, Elijah, Perlnton, died Aug,£,1864. Mfe, Louisa Nichols, son, John Nichols, *ewark,N.Y. Adm. • Elijah Nichols, Perlnton. William Nichols, Lima, Ind. " Trowbridge, Nichols, Mich. Robert Nichols, Perlnton. dau. Betsey , Warlisle, Mch. M Polly Mitchell, Sodus, V.Y. 9 Jane Whitney, Perlnton, " Sareh riermence, Mich. 'MlHam Whitney, Adia. Nichols,Elijah E. Henrietta, died Mar.7,1874. Wife, Lois C.Pichols, Adr. d*u. Ellen F.Corbln, Rochester, aon, Almon F.Nichols, Henrietta, fidrc. dau. Mary A.Martin, " son, Marion Arthur Nichols, " a minor. dau. Florence K.Nichols, ri H.M.Webster, surety, harren Caswell, * Nichols,Orson K.Nichols, Pittsford, die:? Kov.£7,1874. Mfe, Viola J.Nichols, Adm. son, Albert G.Nichols, ae.S, George Arnold, surety, L.L.Nichols, " Nichols,Saroh; Ogden. bond filed,Sept.10,1870. Son, Lewis A.Nichols, Ogden. dau. Mary Hulburt, Parma, eon, William P.Nichols, Randolph,N.Y. Nichols,Sarah, aa above, continued, son, Fdwin D.Nichols, 0gd< n. a minor. " Ambrose E.Nichols, Spencerport, N.Y. a minor. g.son, Ad-lbert Palmer, Brockport, N.Y. J] g.dau. Mellie Fa laser, Francla Palmer, guardian of Ad lbert and Nellie. Niese,bernard; llttsford, died July 11,1871. 'Mfe, Julia Anr. Kiese, dau, Eveline Meoe Caroline Niese, M Ida S.Niese, a minor, aon, George '.Hose, all of Pittsford. ^cov.~.e P •' esterman, surety, John Burger, JJ »aorge Maurer, Nlppert,:h! Mp; Rochester, died Feb.'£?, 1874. Wife, *ary NIppert, Adm. children, all minors, Louisa K.Nippert, Frederick C. Mary M. Oeorge A. Philip.'L. Lewis, Charles H. " Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestate-, 1863-1874, ¥ 13h.

Roakes,George; Pittsford, h"ied May £;4,187£. Mfe, Mary $oekes, Mother, Elizabeth Noeke?, Sussex Co. Eng. brother, Robert, EnMand. " John, " 9 henry, residence unknown. sister, Clara Johnsen. England. Mary deceased, with children,viz. CharlotMeHarrls, residence unknown. Harriet Vidder, !1 • Noble,James; hochester, died Apr.1,1868. Mfe, Anna I.Noble. dsu. *ary G.Noble, a minor over 14 in 1874. Northrop,Ira; Rochester, died Oct.£3,1871. Mfe, Florence A.'!orthrop. mother, Petty Cellnds Culver, Rochester. Mstar, Harriet L ne, p Hpttle R.Gilbert, * Nuper,Matthew; Rochester, Med Dec.18,1874. Wife, Anna C.Nuper, dr.. heirs, relationship unknown. J.George -up.tr, ;:uroje. Anne B.Spahn, Rochester, Anns Nuper, *: 8 minor, Callle Pfelffer, " ' Charles " " Anna "

Oakley,Joseph; Rochester, died Jan.$t,1870. Mfe, Mary Oakley, -dm. Children, all minora. crrbKPfl -akley, Julia Joseph * Charles teary S^-ah H Katie '* Clara Mmlly gdrhle " Ml of Rochester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1865-1874. t 177.

O'Lrien,Georgians; Rochester, died Aug.8,1867. Husband, Terence 0«Prien, end following children. Georglrna Ke arcs*., Mfe of John; Rochest""1. Adr. Margaret O'Brien, sll fill age. Adm. Caroline 0* Brier., Rochester, a minose.14, John " " * • 9. CfBrian,John; Gates, died In Chicamaugui Cwamp, June ££,186£. Uncle, Thorn? s O'Brien, Adr*. heir, James 0*Brian, letters for purpose of bounty and back pay. O'Brien,Patrick; Rochester, die^ ^ec.13,1873. Mfe, M?ry O'hrlrr, dtu. Ellen 0*Brian, ae.£, D/C.Feely, axirety, R • S • Sc - & TYRO rho rr ,!' O'Brlan,Timothy, Rochester, died .'.pr.ir-,1856. .?ife, Bridget r,,Erlnn, children,all minors. Martin, Timothy, John, M?ry Ann, Daniel, Margaret, OdenwaId,henry; Rochester, died Sept.5,1864. Mfe, Barb««r Odenwald, dau. Cella ftolf, Adm. O'Lauphlin,Lawrence, Rochester, died *pr.g9,18»4, (1874) Mfe, *ary O'Paughlln, children ; »ary CLaughlln, Michael " Joseph Knox, surety, Patrick '' Andrew S^rvln. : Thorns s *rsnk 9 r 11 of Rochect< r. C'^au^hlin,Serranoa; Rochester, died July 31,1869. ^lfe, Mien O'Laurhlln, rod child.-vn.viz. flchaol, ?e.l£, '•wary Ann, ' 10, Agnes, p» Coleman, " 3, Thomas h. ' 9 mos. C»Nlel,Elizabeth; Rochester, died Aug.29,1870, Attg.EO, husband, IHlam 0»Kicl, dru. gne? O'Kiel, Rochester, Adm. aon, 'Ml Ham • F rod'.rich all f 11 ape. C'Reilley, Bernard. 7. Rochester, <*led lev.14,1870. Mother,ftr.r 0»RrIlley, Rochast< r. brother, ^obert, sister, Ch-rlotte Conner, &U t;H -©a. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

latest* t«u», lLw3-,37l. tJ 138,

CniD,rhoeh«, Brockport, die Nov.lh,lc74, brother, Frede ick burnham. sioily, *.Y. fe minor. aiatwr, Emmn oronson, 9 Adm. itoi#h«K, rt*.ur iMo*icrd, son of a dead slater. Klrsm h.Rronson,guardian of rroderlck t-urnh^m. -er-JLy L.^nrague, guardian of arthur BIckford, Charles berry ,surety with the last two,

Crtman,John; Gates, died Kov. 3,18**7. Mfe, Mizaboth Ortman, aon, Charles urtman, a minor. LoMs ft«borne,Abner G. fenfleld, Med Apr.£4,1 74. Mfe, a* ry J.Osborne, 'dr.. Children,viz. Alice S.Osborne, ne1soy L,Osborne, Csrrie B. sborne, all minors at final set, *©r,l'7^.

P*lmer,Ansonj died at Norfolk,»a, July 6,1871, Ife, Fanny PMmer, heir, «arla D,Pitcher, Ms, Ko-atio n.hrliaor, Chicago, 9 Annie S.Todd, Chnutruqua,v.Y. or Chitrngo,' .Y. 9 Seth fc.Palmer, Oberly, Ho. Ed --« vd k. Spauld lng, sure ty, B,is,ArMland, Palmer, Klectr; Riga, died Sept.28,1866. dau, Sarah M.Tergee, Rochester. son, Cyrus ».Palmer, Riga. ' Dudley D.Palmer, hochester. g.son,Franklin Baldwin, Mgn, son or a dead dau. g.dau.Frances Bobbins, dau. • " Henrietta Mttle, v " " Pelmer,Gerttude; Rochester, died Aug.15,1864. Brother, Lwlght raimer, Adm. Rochester, a#»29,Jan.1866, 9 George jaimer, LeRoy,h.Y. ae,10, half bro. Charles Palror,Rochester, ae.7, ( sister, Louise Palmer, ao.25 0 Mary A.James, LeRoy, K.Y. ae.27, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. # 139,

Palmer,Henry; Sweden, died Aug. 1873. Mfe, Ann Felisor, son, Rumphrey Palmer, a miner, dau. Georgette Palmer, " M111am Bradford. Adm, Palmer,James H, Rochester, died Sept.£0,1868. Wife, Julie S.Palmer, dau. Julia Margaret, »e,4 in 1868. aon, Jaaiee Ear.ry, ae.16 mos. B Palmer,Joshua G. Farms, died at Gettysburg* July 10,1863. Father, isajmiel B.Palmsr, Farms, adm. Perks,Joseph; hochester, die* Wov.18,1871. Wife, Eliza Parks, -dm. dau. Emma Parks Smith; Bognor, Essex, Sng. son, Roland Parks, Rochester. dau. Clara P.Collyer, son, Franklin R,Parka, Lenver, Colo. dau. Lydia A.Parks, Soehetser, t-e.lR in 1874. William Downey, Adm, Ho re,co Me '.hi 1 re, su rr ty, Thomas J.Jeffords, •' Perks,Simon; Rochester, dl-sd Apr,£5,l869, Mfe, Elisabeth Parks, Adm, with minor ch' ldren,vlz. Isabella Parks, Lizzie ifirke, both Rochester, Parmelee,ratty; Ogden. Me- Sept.30,1P73. Son, George v-.Parmelee, ^gden, " Amos Clsrkaon, " Che-las R. '"' 0gd--n. dau. tetsey . .Cone, Parsons, ealthy; Rochester, died May 9,1^74. Husband, Chsuncey Parsons, Adm. George v,, Tarsons, surety, J.H. McGulre, " Patchen,?heddeus H, Brighton, diied Ajr.£,187C. Mfe, Hllza * Mchen, Adm. son, Clinton Patchen; Calif. • William " Roche Mer, Glrnrd dau. Ann Fowl, 8ome, K.Y. Mary Lrembly, Union Springs, N.Y. Imogene Patchen, Rochester. all full rpa. * son, Frank Hughes, Battle fereek, Mich. **dau. Julia Hughes, Rochester, minors *nd children o' a deceased daughter. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1Q74. § 140,

Peterson,John E. Parma, died *4ar,17,lRVo. aife, Nancy C.Patterson, brother, Thoa&s J.Patterson, Rochester. George W.ratterson, Parma. Frederick V.-.Patterson, Buffalo,K.Y. sister, .Sophia GIbbs, deceased, who left, viz, George Gitt-s, Chic ago, ILL. Sister, holly Stanley, decease-?, who left, viz. Clarissa Limes, l^entonvllle, Mich. Eliza ao>-eton, La Grange, Ind. Harriet Clark, Par**, Chrries Stanley, hensomvllle, McP:. Hoxanna ^a;tes, Perm*., Thomas Stanley, Ransomvilie/,Mich. Lucy Stanley, " " Sister, u&rrlet Sheldon, deceased, who left, viz. J&nies Sheldon, Alb Ion,Mich. Frederick Sheldon, " M Luther Sheldon, Kalamazoo," Louisa Angevlne, Albion, " Kate Gilleland, Chic go. 111. Patteraon,Ire; Ogden. died Hov.7,1870, Mfe, Amanda S.ratteraon. aon, hgbert H.ratterfcon, hochester. dau. Elizabeth B.Sorvoaa, Lincoln, fceb. hlvlre C.Brlggs, Kings *erry. K.Y, Pease,Henry; Sweden, died *ay iiu,1874. Mfe, Cornelia &,Pease, d?u, Ida i.Clerk, Adm. Sweden, ae,£l in 1874. ,! Annette Atkins, Maine, ' £f Charles K.Jennor, surety,^rock£ort, Samuel flosbet " iiamlln, Lewie reek, Sweden. Peabody,«Illlam; wheatland, died ^ec.21, 1867. » ife, ha nnah * eebody, dau, Lepsa A, wife oJ Angus «ta.nn, Oswego, K.Y, • Hester P.Spicer, ^onoall, K.Y. ae,h4, " Elisabeth A. wife oi ^ev.henry F.H111, Llndley,;.v. •on, Sylvanus fwabotiy, Ro»and, ^aton Co. Mch. dau. Eliza C, wife of Rev.S.L.Mroonds, ae,51,(ages of T g.son, Gh/srlea £>plcer, 9 William h.Hlll, " Charles P.Hlxl, g.d u, SlisatetPi Mix, g.son, Mlliam ireabody, sister, hepsa Jsrkham, dacasaed, *ho left, viz. e grsnfl son James Louglas Frown. Peaao,Chandler; Rochester, died Apr.1,1865. Mfe, Mary A. Passe, Adm. dau. hmma h,Pease, hocheatar, a minor. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, # 141.

Feckhax.John A. F>rraa, died Aug.11,1870. Mfe, j*ary C.Peckhsm, son, John W.Faokhsm, died 1881, ae.£l,unmarried, H Charles Z.Peokham ae. £6 In 189£ dau. Mary L. PGckham, *e.2£ v 9 son, Miliar J.Peckhnra,Re,.'a4 " 9 Mlliair.- Trlrrmer, surety, 7.iriRW.-^r_, " P, E.Barnes, Feeling,Robert: Rochester, died Nov.18,1^74. Son, George Peeling, Rochester, kcir:., " John Peeling, " " Hob -M Pooling, a minor, dau. Isabella E,Peeling, v 9 Elizabeth Peeling, f' u-enry n. ha Gone gal, surety, John Smylas, " 0*> o r K o E. r&c 0 one sra I, " Feer,Denzalo J. Rochester, died Hov.£1,1873. Mfe, Amelit? Peer, (£nd.Mfe,) e#*erw*rd-e»iled-**»ry-J. aon, Frederick I.Peer, R minor, d> u. 'ny Peer, ! (afterward called ^ary J.) iia rr le t Rush, " inc inna tl, 0. gua rd I a n of ehi Id ran. She W2« e«lled the mother of children in June,1877 Frederick Peer was 4 L#c.£7,1860 Ma.ry J.Peer,(or Amy) wss 3, "ar.1,1661. Harriet "T.?e^r we« mother of these ehildren,havln been married Oct, 14,1855. She left Lenslov Peer by reason of cruel treatment, George V.fver, Adrn. P.P.Peer, surety, F.S.Peer " Peer, John; Mendon, died Lee.£.7 ,1865. Son, George S.Peer, Victor, N.Y. dau. Amarette Ingersol, mendon after,'Jurys, H.Y, son, *rank Peer, Pellett,Samuel S. Rochester, died Augtl£,1869, Mfe, Amy Pellett, Adm. -*eu. Sllzaheth P. Pellett, Rochester, e minor. Felling,Ruphemie ; Irondoquoit, died r>ec,£0,1873. Husband, Robert PeUlng, Adm. Son, John Felling, dau. Mfiry S,Felling, son, Robert Celling, dru. Elizabeth Felling, all Irondoquoit. son, George Polling, residence unknown. Felling,Mlliem; Rocnester, died ^ar.£0,1864. Mfe, Ksther Felling, Adr;. dau. Sarah Felling, nochest*,r, son, William telling, all full age. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. ? 143.

Penny,Hwryj Rochester, died In Mobile, Ala, June 5,1865. Wife, Catherine H.Penny. Adr, heir. Jpraon Fenny, Rondout. K.Y, Catherine .Murray, Brooklyn,K.Y. Thoman C.Burns, N.Y.CItv, Ben«y Penny. Handout, Ulster Co.K.Y, " Thorn-r « • • H William ' " " « Penny,John? Rochester, died Oct.6,1863. Retecra ferry, Adm. (probably wife.) dru. Agnea J. Mfe of Thomar O'Brien, Sarah T. ^ite of Thorn-a BurchMl, Margaret A. Mf* of Henry 54a cumber, " Prudence Z.Penny, Seorglana *anny, rinor, under 14, son, James O.Penny, John Fen'-", minor, t?rtde^ 14, Peocock,George; Rochester, died at Ohancellorsville, Va. * a ^rother, Charlesfc. Peocock, Adn. Rochester, Lester Peocock M sister, Felon Augusta KMly, Frances Eliza Young, Canad-. "pet, PeSMna,Georao; Porlnton, dia^ June 1,1866. Mfe, Cecelia Marchant, late Perkins, now in Sngland. dru. *ary Perkins, Perlnton. son, WlHlnrr Pervina, Worcester, tfnss. Perkins,.vlary; Kocboater, died JMy ?l,lh64. Son, J.H.Perkins, Ada:, Ho other heir. Ferry,.Al] r:onso,Clarkson. died July 11,1870. Mfe, marietta Perry. son, Miliar* H. Jersey City, N.J. 9 Charier A.Ferry, ?w?HGr. dau. Martha A.Related. son, Oliver H.Perry, Je^nev City, '.J. dau. &«ry #»rick»an, ' !l Helen U.Perry, Clarkson, " Anr-MIna Perr?, ' son, Fr«iblp, " Cat! arlne Ffeifer, brother, Jon*»r:h Link, (*;) slstc-r, Fllzabeth Link, . Last four probably in Germany/ Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1874, # 144.

Phelps,Rebecca; died Nov.£7,lh?£. Eenfield. Brother, Charles M.Phelps, /dm. Penfield, sister, Laura Phelps, " Lanlel Fuller, aurety, Howard Mien, f' Fhllipson,William; Rochester, died Aug.£7,186b. Mfe, Lode ma Philip son, Fierce,Cath*rine, *endon; died Feb.11,1865, unmarried. Sister, Mary ttcKay, Mencon ,(only living sister.) ee.78 Elijah Harrington, Canandaiarua, Adm. The following frcm final settlement, 1871,viz. niece, &pry Harrington, C8nandaIgue,N.Y. Molvina Harrington, i'Mrtort, " .Y. nephew, Levi Pierce, Perry, h.Y. niece, Maria Foster, Fulton,N.Y. neph. Abraham JbC&sy, ' p Carlos McKay', n ' niece, Caroline M.Swan, " *' 9 Ha nnah E • Jenk ina , " r " Esther i&.Mlcox, " T] 9 Hannah ^oach, Hooalc,N.Y. * Sarah Fierce, " v niece, Mary Alexander, 1 nephew" , LorenzAmandao DouglassHarrington,', Hannah S.Coon, Genoa, ne phe », > 11 Hem *»cx *a y, La Peer, Mch. " Meivin Rock Island,* (Melvln) " Charles • Norwich, ct. niece, Margaret i.Buftl. Canada '-est. (Bull,) Hannah Milner, B Elizsb«fch ia rsons, Caroline K.ftp.tson. Pier,James; Persia, died Feb. 12,1373. Mfe, l»anc;,' Pier, and minor children, viz. Carrie Pier, (by War. 1860,wlf:> of James ttendsrshot, ) Lpniel Plsr, (by " B Lanlel Is dead.) Flora Pier, Puss-11 C.Bates,(a friend) Adm, Pierce,Jopeph D. Rochester, dier Mar.£,1873. Mother, Huldah Fierce, brother, hzra Clark Pla^co, Frutus, N.Y.* «aedsport, . tt Melancthom V,. " ' m * Elbridge, H.Y. sister. Sarah A.Mason, hochester. after of thrown *oln.,, Svlvester fi.Kason, Crown Point, Adm. Millar ft.Fierce, surety, Sarah Mason, Crown Point, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Int^stMes, 1863-1874, # 145,

Pierce,Thomas H. Hochester, died Poonville, R.Y.Jul.£7,1873. Carrie £.Fierce claims tr> be lawful wife, Son, John R.Pierce, a minor. Guardian, h.K. aetcott, ,Msc Adm. Final Set. Aug.1874, John H, a minor,of Holly, K.Y. Flereon,Joseph; Rush, died Feb.6,1868. Son, Charier S.PI«rson, Rush. Petitioner, dau. Delia T.Cprbln, Plain-oil, Men. aon, Rdgar M.PIerscn, w * Oscar T.Pierson, Rush, after of Romeo. Mich. • Albertus. Fie-son, " v • " • d^u. Adeline A.Sibley, Anna da, MeComb Co. Mich. Pillow, Catherine; Rochester, di*d Helena, Ark,Nov,16,1866. Son, Rdward F.Pillow, se,£. In 1867. he was with Mrs.horers, a distant relative, in Helena, brother, Philip. F.eeroer, Rochester, Jacob Koerner H apt. go a rd Ian of Edward F. " Charles Koerner, " •Pike,John E, Rochost*r, died *ay 4,laen. "Mfe, *ary K.Plko, Adm. no c Jldrsn. Pond,George M. Rochester, died June I8,18b6. Father, Ellas Pond, Rochester, Adm. Charles Ford, " # Popp,GeorgeJ Rochester, died Jan.5,1869. children, viz. Michael Popp. Sebestirr Popp. John Popp. John George Popp. Eva Popp. #Pond, Semantha C, "eehesto^, died June 17,1874. (Pond.) husband, Anson v. .Pond, Adr. Porter,Albert ?i. Fenfleld, died *sr. 1,1867. Mfe, Marsha Porter, dau. Mary E.Hyo, Brighton, (oldeM child.) son, William. Parker Porter, tenfield. dau. Lucy Spink, Penfield. • Martha Lockwood, >»8lworth,N.Y. son, Chnrlos TJo:-t->T, Rochester, Mnn. a minor. 9 Perry Porter, Penfield, dau. Louisa- Porter, In final Sot. 18< 9, Pa**ry porter not mentioned,but Gil son P.Porter, instead. (Gllson lerry V) Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates, 18t>?-lh74. # 146.

Porter, Til Ham; Chili, cllaA Oct.5,1865. Mfe, Elizabeth Porter, dau. Mars A.Kingsbury, ChHI, ae.£5 by Apr. 1867. son, Samuel C.Porter, " ae.l" ,! •" " William n.I'ortar, " ae.l£,p " " dau. Hannah L.Pcrter, '' re.10," " " Potter,Charles R. Ch51I. died Feb.1,1866. Wife, Adelio Potter, dau. Florence P.Potter, living Mth Odell Potter, Chili,1870 sister,Cynthit F'arwell, Chili. bro. Lemuel Potter, Chill Station, Mich. mother,Strab hotter., ChHI. heir, hood.ruff Potter, is. 9 Rufus Potter, 111. * Eenry Potter, .Men.. " Louisa Applagate, Abigail Blackburn, 'Ms. Pratt,Asahel; Gates, die'1 up.£4,1873. Mfe, Charlotte h.Pratt^ Adm. son, Henry Fratt, Gates, dau. Eva Pratt, n a ml.nor.M^ter,Mary E.Hagor,by lc?7^. Final settlement, Dee.1874. (1874) Pride,Altle C. Mendon, died Au*.15,li Husband, Asa Prid , aon, Guy R,Pride, Mark Shannon, in tv Jamas S.Mlen, \lvin T.Smith, David Y,Smith,

Frindle,Caroline; Rocnestc •, died uprll, lu73. dau. Sarah Hur.gerfcrd, Rochester, " Herrlet feck, (Peck) " Ma^" Stm-ons, " Prlndle/Mlliarr C. Rochester, -Hod *a.r.£5,1864. Mother, Caroline Prindle,(widow of Harvy Prlndle,)died apr. sister, Sarah Rungerford, 1''/. . " Marietta Sfirnr-ons, 9 Harriet reck, Rochostor, petitioner, Frora other material In papers, viz. Harvey irlndla died In hochester, July 19,1859, Wife, Caroline prlndle, and children, Mlliam C. Harriet, Harsh, ^arietta, Caroline hrindle, widow od ^arvey died Apr.1873. A later Petition gives, viz. Caroline S.havens ie u g.dnu.of Harvey end s-arclin€ Proctor, John ft. nochester, died Sept.£4,1870. Mfe, Tilda Proctor, aon, Charles «.froctor, dau. Infant not named. Dor; Kuhn, surety, R.h.Scher, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, 0 147, Pron^ay.Petor; Irondoqi.lt, dJi. 1 JMT . K-i,lR7£, Berne, Switzerland Mfe, Maria Prongey, Ad»r. son, Peter F'rank Prongay, (i*ey be two parsons,) JO r 9ph r ?Afis; a yf 9 Alfred Prongay, all Irondoquoit. Prosser,Phoebe; Ci&rkson, died ~ept.16,1873. Lau. Pauline P.herring, hodman,R.Y. Adr.. • Louisa It.Holmes, Wilson Co, K.rn, son, Hiss Froser, Clarkson, Cicero Proser, " C.Kar&cn, surety, L.C.Smith, " Futman,«Hliam Henry; Rochester, died July £3,1871, Sister, C& horlne r,Pratt, heir, Warren W.Futnan, Lrockport, N.Y, 9 Mary Xer Slyck, (Van s:iyclc) Charier P.archlllus, sur ty, £»B.Jennings, tf

Ramea,George Adam; Henrietta, dlad Sept.: 8,1868. (also Retranei Wife, Elizabeth !.'sines, Adrr.(si»-ns in German script.) son, John hemes, " Georg-; flames, d au • **a ry H ame s, Soj hla Varans, .; 11 mi:' ors. Ran,Peter, died Jan.8,1871. Rochester. a ife, liertrude ...T. dau. Anne,bom hopt.lc.lf* .-' , son, Sdvrrd Sov.£5,1860. Randall,Lee; frrw. , died Ja.n.£1,1870. Mfe, Ch rlotte Ldb, son, bertle ftoe, 8 minor. " hdMn Leo, r. Hilar Lee, r Ranney,Horace; Fenfleld, died Rov.24,1867. Mfe, laity P.Kanrey, dau. Mary R.hanney, Fenfleld, " Charlotte A.Ranney, " aon, Horace "anney, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intest tea,1863-1874, # 1

Rathburn, John C. Greece, *le<* Kov.l?,1866, Mfe, Eliza J.hathborn, Dau. Mary Bowen, Can da, " Margaret BMer, ^Ich, * Nancy MeOonnel, Sodus, K.Y. son, Ethan RMhburn, ,1 " a minor, 6f age,by 1871 Rauach,Harmon; RochG.«t>r, died ~hc.l£,18fT. Mfe, Mary i. .• ausch, Rayner, J< irss; Rochester, di*d ~ui;t.W,l804. Prother, J-h.n Hayner, ^d;,, only surviving heir. Raymond,Rd^ard ".',. &rl ton. died May 12,1873. 'Mfe, hu~< r.tfi C.ur.'nnond., chlldr n, all minors. P.dward L. ee.lS-h in *ay, 187:.. Robe re T, aa.17, Arthur W. ae.16, " Edith E. ae.lC, F-ul, ft-.7, hrnert A. S9,C, " Mill-v.rc F.Cogawall, surety, fievl A.Vard, " Read,Henry; Rochester, dtod Oct.11,1874. son, Thomas *.heed, Adm. 0«3aha,>eb. dru. Lizzie StMey, *>*».£«, nocheater. .Omaha,^et. (£5) 9 Ellen tf.Head, ae.20, " Laura A."»e«d, ae.14, " son, Henry head, ee.12, "- Iohn : '-9 a d , su ra ty, Jarea Vlck, " Reed,Js^es, Rochester, died Apr.£6,1874. Mfe, Mary .^esd, d^u. Mary Re^d, Rochester, 11 Rli?a~?5urrcvrs, Can«*sera£r., W.Y. Jr ne Kab ae, Ru f f a 1 o, '•'. Y. " Belly 5e*rw, n -jrnr "sv' He , P.Y.(HornellV) " Catherine r^e«d, Rochester, "!1 f 11 a^e. siirrr*R also spelled hood. Reche,Ch

Intestftes, 1863-1874, * 1*9.

Reed,Lanlel; Rochester, died Apr.4,1867. Mfe, Rosanna i*eed, son, John need, Sanduskyfhhlo. dau. Elizabeth: Brown, *endon(H " Caroline Ross, Mendon, p Harriet Rmerson, Mch. Reed,Seneca; Greece, died Oct.23, 1863. Mfe, Harriet Reed, Adm. dru. Luey Murray,(?) Greece, Then,two names quite illegible. Mlllam Murray, aurety, Samuel toymen, " Reea,John; Rochester, died Aug.8,lR69. Amos begley, Rochester, Adr, son, Lev id w.Rees, Port M»cou, 1*C19, James C.hees, Rochester, a.e.19, 9 George H.Hees, " ne.lfc, • Holland M.Kees, * ee.10, apes as of Nov Reese,S.Louise; RocheatHr, hied Apr.5,187?. Husband, John F.Reese, Adm. dau. Ida Louise neese, only child. Rehm, John; Rochester, die Apr.18,1869. Mfe, Elizabeth Hehm. Holland, Joseph; hochester. died E)ec. 18,1873, son, Christian -ell-nd. Rochester, dau. *ery Schwab, France s Sch?.-»b, a Margaret Holland, " aon, Geor^a Re Hand, H dau. Barbara**Marnige, " Reinhardt,George ; Rochester, died in Vs. Lec.£*,18bk. Mfe, Cavherine Aeinhardt, son, John C.Helnhardt, ae.fi, Mot er, ° therlne. *rank ffelnhardt* aa.16, by former wife. nemarque,Elizabeth Delles; Rochester, died Apr.£l,18t . brother, Peter Delles, Adit.. Rochester. dau. Mary ttemsrque, rtinor, Roche?ter. f Elizabeth Rem»rque," » Hose Remarque, Renner,Andrew; Rochester, died Mar.£9,1 73. hephow, John Leffler, Adm. Monroe Co. slater, Wary Renner, ae.18, * rusMa. Henry tester, surety, C.Siebensselsser, '* Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates, 1863-1874, -•'

Renner, Martin; Rochester, died Cec.l,18i>9. Wolfgang Stager, Adm. Apt.Jan.15,1866. aon, Jacob **ennor, ae.£S, w George tenner, ae.£6, dau. *ary,wife of Anthony Donner, aon, Christopher Renner, ae.£0, dau. Eve tenner, ae.19, son, Herman Renner, ae.16, dau. Mary Ann Renner,ae,14, Requa,Jcmes; Rochester, died Mar.10,1^70. Mfe, Laura Re qua , Adrc. dau. Safeah Sloyan, GMeaburg, Wis. Charlotte,Mfe of Luke Hart, Rocheater. son, Jo8ephus Requa, M.D.Rochester. dau, *fcary,wlfe of George Tuttle, Rochester.

Reynolds,William; hochester, died Jan.l£, 187k.. Brother, Mortimer F.-eynolds, Rochester. father, Abelard Reynolds, " wotr.er, Lydia Reynolds, " Rice, Coraline S. Henrietta, dler* Dec.£4,lP73. killed by F'ather, Morris S.Jackson, Adr.. Rich,Jacob; Rochester, died Jan.16,1868. Mfe, Anna M.h'Ich, Adm. (or neich^ children, all minors Charles; Jacob; Julia; Caroline; Mlliem; ^ary; Gertrude, all Rochester. Rich,Joseph; Penfield, died Dec.5,1866. Wife, Barbr-r© Rich. son, Charlea E.Rich. Buffalo,K.Y. dau. Kllzabeth E.Otis, Brighton, Jane C.hegll.(Riegll) Oswego, 1.Y. son, John S. 'Mch, *enfield. " Ji-seph E.Rich, a minor. deu. Emma It,Rich, 9 Helen A. lch, " Richmond,Jerome; Sweden, died Kov.3,1871. Son, fpy C.Richmond, dau. Rubp A. wife of uenry J.Way, 9 Emma Richmond, son, Van R.hichmond, a minor. Henry J. ay, suraty, Harvey *«ay, " George H.ivay, Richtbergfhebry; Rochester, died Dec.30,1869. Dau. Eliza Anna, born Dec.11,1867, aothor, C» therine Hlchtterg. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Int states, 1863-1874, ^ 151

Rickard,Harvey J, Rochester, died Sept.9,1869, Mfe,Frances E.Mckard, dau. Minnie L.Rickard, ae.6, Oct.18,1869. " Frances E.Rickard, Final settlement, 1901 says, Frances E. Rickard Is 64 yrs. Minnie Rickard is 37, Frances B. ae 31. Harvey J. Rickard and l ranees were married Jan.lb,1863,at Masaens, St.Jurm.Co. K.Y. Rider,George \\. Hamlin; died Dec. 14,1871. Frther, Job Rider, Adm. Hamlin. Ridar,Hlra.m; Riga, died Lec.l9,187£. Wife, Abla- II A.Rider, Son, Henry s.Mder, L©Roy,H.Y. dau. Emerette L.Smith, Churchville, ! .Y. Rigney,John A. Rochester, died In San *ranelsco, Sept,7,l874, Caroline Rigney, Adm. relationshli not given. Riley,Ann, Rochester, died Sept.19,1873, Leu. Sarah A.Kills, Rochester, Adm. "1 Mary J.BeMsh, " wt Fanny Southard, ,;r son? Thorn a Riley, Toledo,Ohio. Reuben Hills, Jr. aurety, Jaraes T• Sou tha rd. '' Riley,Anthony; Rochester, ded Feb.£4,1870. "Mfe, Eliza Riley, and eblldren,voz. John Riley, a minot. TSom^s " " C» he ine( " Ellen Ma ry ,f Riley,Charles D. Brighton, died Apr.4,1864. Motner, AbigMl Riley, Adm. heir, Sarah Ann Carnlre(V) Brighton, • Betsey Ann Lryer, Bllssfleld, Mch. • Lovlna W.'Aare, l,incoln, 111. Augusts Ann Fits Simons, Brighton. 9 Mlliem L.Riley, " Mary L.Mley, Brighton. Filey,Hen^ S. Rochester, died Utlca,W.Y.Oct.24,1865. Wife, Electa J,Riley, Adm. ae.4l Rn upwards, son, Alvin Riley, Rochester, ae.£l and upwards, George A.Riley, Chill, ne.16 " dau. Harriet A.Riley,featavla,N.Y. fle.15, * Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, * 15£.

Riley,Mary; Rochester, died Feb,£7,1870. Mary Gannon, apt.Adm. and guardian of the mir^r children,viz John Riley, James Riley, Anna Riley, *pry E,Riley, Michael Riley, Martin Riley, Riley,Patrick Jr. Rochester, died July 3,1855. *at-er,*atrlck Riley, Orion, Mich. Millars H.Creagh, Lockport, K.Y. apt.Adm. «ey £,164.

Riley,Mlliam; Rochester, died Hov.7,1869. 'Mfe, Eliza Riley, son, Edward T.Riley, N.Y.City, Thorn*;'.s Riley, Lockport, K.Y. " John Riley, a.Y.City, dau. Mary Skelley, Toronto,Can. " Sar^h J. Riley, hocest-r, Elizabeth Riley, a minor. g.ch. MRry Dugsn, " child of -lien Dugan. 'Mlliam a.Dugam " v " son? Bernard Riley, Milwaukee, Ms. Ring,Levy, Rochester, dle<* ? dates not: given. Mdow, Slate or Slate 'lng, Adr. dau. Frances : osenbaum, Rochester. Rose Hosenbaun, " r ±*ena Ring, werm ny. son, Slgismond Ring, ' Samuel Mng, ae.5- yrs. Rochester. A.Levey, sur ty, Abraham Shelnkop. surety, RIt»,ueorge; Rochester, hie-* Aug, 15,1864, **rother, Augustus Rltz, Robinson,Rebecca; Rigs, died *kar.l7,1871. Rust and, Aaron Robinson, son, Mllard Robinson, Ogden, dau. Catherine E.Prower, ,! Zophar Mllard, signer of Petition, Robinson,S-rah E. Rochester, Ma-' June B,1872. Husband, Ben.lasi'n P.Rot ?pson,married Oct.1,1835, brother, Humphrey V.Sherman, Rochester. " Sarauel A.Sherman, " « Nathaniel .Sherman, Marshall, Mch. sister, Julia k.BIckford, • Cy&LLla M.*roe, Wllliamston, RoLLnacn,'Miiiasi L. Locne8t«r, al»o Jsn.lh,loo7. Mfe, b«ir*h L,Robinson,

Intestates, 1863-1874, A 153.

Robertsp*artin; ttenriet-a, died J&n,lC,lL7£, wile, PrunoAG Roberta, Ada, son, M.H«*nr? Roberta, RanrieLta, " jiOi-».« ii/c.ivoberta. " d*u. Helen M.F wife of *alon D.Phillips,(dead by 1874) Stephen fieggett, Adm. D.H.Richardson, surety, A.K.hare, " Robertson,John; Rochester, died Oct.£4,1872. Pater, {father) Robert Robertson, ChrMottenburg, Canada, Brother, Miliar Robertson, Lancaster, Ont. 6anada, Mlliam Mass, Adm. Roby,Charlotte; ^rockport, died Feb,25,187£, Brother, Joseph Roby, deceased, nephew, Sidney E.Roby, Adm. son of Joseph, sister, hliza Partridge, brother, Thomas R.Roby, deceased, who left,viz. James Roby, Kdward Roby, M.Henrietta Helmer, CI rs Hoby, Elizabeth Doyle, Helen hoby, Adm. Rockett,Thomas; Rochester, died Feb.16,1870, vife ,Ellen Rockett, Adm. and c !ldren,viz. James Rockett, Rochester, Michael Rockett, Mary Rockett, Ellen Rockett, Thomas Rockett, " 8 minor. Roc king, Dorothea; Rochester, died Jan.£0, 1868, Leugi ter, Louisa Rodeamulr, with guardian,"enry Flneke. Rockwell,Evert; Rochester, die^ Aug,26,186«, Brother, Charles J.Rockwell, Ulster Co.1 .Y. " ? residence unknown. No other relatives, Trial Eagley, sister-In law, Adm. Rodenbu8h,John; Henrietta, died Nov.28,1867. Mfe, Sarah Rodenbush, brother, Mlliam Rodenbush, Lansville,* .Y. M Lavid " Rush, " Peter " B* slater, Hannah fearla, • Sister, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates, 1863-1874, # 154.

Rodgers,John; Rochester, died Sept,1871, Mfe, Rose Rodge *s, Adm. heir, Sarah Rodders, Rochester, minor, n John Rodgers 9 Patrick James Rodgers, * iienry Rodger8, Rochester, Adm, Roe,Lydle; (Sates, died Aug,31,1865. Husband, Thomas Roe, Adm, son, Joseph Henry Roe, ae,£4, dau. Ann Maria Roe, ae.££, son, Thorns s Edwin hoe, ae,15, dau. George efoses Roe, ae.ll, Harriet Elizs Roe, ae.6, Roeder,William; Rochester, died Jan.4,1870. Wife, Fanny Roeder, Adm. dau. Louisa Roed-r, a minor. Rogers,Mlliam C. died June 20,1873. Mfe, Mary C.Rogers, Adm. dru. Minnie G.Rogers, ae.£ yrs 4 mos,Jul.18,1873. C.D.ftaffney, Adm. (Gaffney,) Cwen Gaffney, aurety, st.A.Curran p Rohr,John U. Rochester, died Jan.£C,lR74. dau. fea ry Rohr, Rochester. aon, John Rohr, Adm. dau. Frances Rohr, " " Ann Rohr, " " Susan Rohr, 9 9 Elizabeth Rohr',' " Ann Eliza Rohr', Rood,Fanny J. Perlnton, died *«y 30, 1871. Husband, Morp>n L.Rood, Adm. Lau. Louisa D.*rost, deceased, who left,vis.(child- Rose Frost, Rochester, minor Minnie Frost, " son, ±*ewls Rood, Perlnton. Root,Reuben; Sweden. died Apr.8,1864. brother, Relson M.Root, Murray, Adm. Son, Titus Root, Rose,Ori; Greece, died Beaufort, S.C.June £8, 1864. Half-sister. Julie Rose, Perlnton, Adm. RosMter,John; walworth,»ayne Co. N.Y. died Moy.19,1872. Mfe, Ellen Rosslter, *nd following da Ildren,viz. George, Rosslter, Walworth, Michael " Palmyra, a minor, Mrry Ann " Walworth, " John Thorn s &lene Ida J. " H p Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates,1863-1874^ # 15}

Ross,Eliza; Rochester, died ker. 15,18&4. Husband, Donels Ross, Adm. Rothfrltz,Ignetz, Rochester, died Nov.16,1868. Wife, aery I.Rothfrltz, (insane,) heir, Mary Pllger, Rochester, ^ranees Schreler, " ,f Louisa Rothfrltz, " Ellen Ernering, " Sophia Rothfrltz, " g.dau. Catherine Rothfrltz,' ae.13, Rowland, Houston; Webster, died in Beorgia,Jan.ll,18C7, Father, Smith* Rowland, Adm. Roycroft, Joseph; Chill. died Feb.£l,l"74. Mfe, * ranees Roycroft, dau. Mary A.Courser, Mnn. " Katie A.Earnes, * Lydia /.Roycroft, Chili. Cynthia Roycroft, M 9 France? Crowell, " son, Samuel Roycroft, " all full ege. Royston,Martha; Riga, died ,ay 19,180^, Thorns a Royston, Adm. Rullson,Chari s; ierinton, died Mar.£7,1869. Mfe, Permelia Rulison, Adm.(later iermella Holdrldge,) aau. Ellen C.Hull or ^11, Perlnton, 9 Martha L.Morris, Edgar Holdrldge, Surety, Rumsey,iartha; Rigs, died Oct.9,1873. brother, Eli rotter, terpen. K.Y. sister, Anna Robinson, Riga, Adm. " Jane Potter, " " Lucy Sperry, Chill. John Robertson, surety, Thorn - a Robertson, " Rundel,Calvin; Penfield, died May 11,4867. Ife, Lmellne Rundel, d'U. Fermella Rundel, *enfield. son, Myron Runde.1, dau. Jane Leebee* Emily Smith, Central City, Colo. son, Pyron Rundel, Webster, Jerome Rundel, Penfledl,(lenfield,) " George Rundel, " d>m. S«rsh .Rundel, "minor, (of age In 1870,) son, 'rank Rundel, " i 18 yrs ' ") Rusa, Cn herlne; Greece, died 1864. Husband ,Joseph Rues, apt.Adm, Oct.31,1864. no children. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, h 156.

Russ, £heeler;S. Perlnton, died Jan.£,1873. Mfe, Kate Russ, dau. Catherine Russ, a minor, son, Harvey w.Russ, M Harvey ft.Rrown, Adm, C.F.Smith, surety, Q.H.Perkins, " Russell,Alexus; ^ebster, died Apr.4,1867. Wife, Electa J.RussMl, dau. Frances L.Cory, Webster, 9 Ellen s.Russell, " minor, Carrie h. ussell, r " Cora E.-ussell, " Russell,Edwin D* Rochester, died Jan.1,1873, Mfe, Caroline Russell, Adm. and children, all minora1, Nellie V.Russell, Mellle V.McGregor by 1874. Carrie Russell, »Inor in 1^74, Edwin D.Russell, " Russell,Lucy G. Rochester, diad June, 1868. dru. *a^ Russell, hochester. Caroline Welch, Chicago. aon, halter Russell, Fensauke, Mis. dau. hvelya Russell, Rochester, a minor. son, Robert Russell, " Richard H.Lansing, Adm. James Angle surety, J.h. McGulre, Russell,Mary L. Rochester, died Sept.£1,1-73. dau. kary Frances Putnam, wife of Joslah Putnam, Rochester. Rysn,Matllda; Rochester, dle^ Aug.£0,1870. Uncle, John Frldlor, Bedford, Pa. Adm. Ryan,Michael; Rochester, die-4 July 12,1867, Mfe, Margaret Ryan, Adr. children ,all minors. j*sry Ryan, Rochester. James Ryan, Margaret Ryan, " Edward Ryan, " Rvder.Ann Eliza; Gates, no data, undertaker's bill,Sept.£1,1' Notes of 1872 Indicated minor children, no papers. Ryder,Mleon; ^ates, died Aug,16,18c8. Wife, Ann S.Ryder, (she died Sept.J 1,1869) dau. Tassaa *nr Slwsons, wife of Lavid p.Simmons, • Emily R. Mfe of ^enry M.Pratt, (Petltl oner) Tamme Ann Simmons, WSE de«d by Sept. and left;ch.viz. Mary E.Simmons, ae.10, ages a? Emily L.Simmons,ae.7, of Jannie F.Slnmons,ae.4, Sept.1869. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates, 1863-1874, # 157.

Sahlberg, Frederlka; Rochester, died Oct.l£,1869, Husband, Gustavo Sahlberg, Adm. Mother, Catherine Lryer, Salter,Ell; Rochester, died June 1,1866. Mfe, Elizabeth Salter, Adn. and ch ldren, minors,viz. Ell H.Salter, Elisabeth H.Salter, George H.HE Iter, Adm. Saaain,LRniel; Greece, die1 Rov.13,1867, Mfe, Charity Sanain, Adm. children ell live with mohtor, Mary Jane SaraAMn, (Samaln) ae.£3, Charity Samaln, ae.£0, S- ra.h Ann Samaln, ae.17, Ellas Samaln, *e,13, Helen S^mMn, ae.9, Emily Sana.in, ae.6, Ml children of Daniel and Ch- rity. Sampson,*arla; Rochester, died in Fenfleld, tar,£6,1869. Son, J.Frank Bryan, *enfleld, Adm. oldest son, James ».Fellows, *enfield, Henry P.Pryan, " relation not st< ted, g.son, Horace L.^ryan, Rochester, ae. about 14. Sender,v>endHln, Rochester, died Aug.£1,1873. Fathar, Vpientlne Sander, Adr. SrndeMg,r rede rick; Rochester, dle-^ June 26,1865. Mfe, Mary SandeMg, Adr., and heirs, prob.ch'ldr n. Mlhelmlna Sendewig, Rochester, Caroline Smith, tenfleld. Louise Falk, Chicago,111. Frederick Sand a wig, Rochester, a rinor, Wllligis SandeMg, " *ary Sendewig, " " SandssiJames; Rochester, n'nrt July 8,1864. i"sLher, James Sands, Seuer,Lavid; Rochester, die'- Sept.30,181*,. Mfe, Katrlna Sauer, dau. Bertha Sauer, a ,1.*, Sauer,Klnora; Irondequolt, died July 16,1«69. Son, Sebastian Saurs, Adm. (note s at and,) 9 Mllia.m Sauers, Rattberry Ridge, Mich. 9 Mungus Sauer a, " " • Joseph -fluers, Grand traverse ^fj, Mich. " Fre erick Seuers, Guelph, Canada. " John Sauers, Montgomery Co. Mo. d'U. *ary Selfred, Guelph, Canada. 9 Melana, wife of John Ha^er, v.ebster, 9 Harriet ftebur, IrondoquMt. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Int*st- tes, 1863-1874. # 158,

Sauerbaum.Joseph Michael; Rochester, die'' Sept,£5,1873, Wife, *ary Sauerbaum, /"dm. son, Joseph Sauerbaum, Rochester. dau. «srie Klein, Rochester, * Barbara ka/uerbaum, " " Anna "auerbaum, w Scanlin,Jane; Rochester, died Jan,6,l871, Husband, John Scanlin, dau, Elizabeth Scanlin, a minor, Lanlel Scanlin, surety, Jeremiah Scfnlln, " Schalck,Henry H. Rochester, died Aug.9,1873. Father* -surence Schalck, Adm. C.D.Scheick, suroty, J.Sauer, ' Schslber,LeMa; Rochester, died Sett.10,1870. brother, Jacob Schalber, Adm. Mother, Charlotte Schalber, bro. Augustus " Rochester. " John * Toledo, Ohio, minor. aist. Charlotte " Rochester, Schaeff r,Christian; Rochester, died Apr.19,1866. Mfe, *red*>rlka, whc died before July £4,1^83. son, Christian J.schaeffer, Rochester. d-u. Caroline St. son, Charles T. dau. Sophia C. Charlotte " son, George J. ee.'^.O in 1883. dau. i-rederika S. " ae.18. Another paper on this estate, gives,; John Schaeffer, Apt.Adm, July 29,1874. In this, Caroline M. is called Mary, Others,same, Louis v-ehn, surety, Joseph Sayer. M Schenek,Joseph ( . Rochester, die 0et.»,187£, Mfe, Mary Jane Schenek, son, Josejb C.Schenek, Rochester, dau, Anna E. Schenek, son, Rullff Schenek, Schenk,Margaret; formerly Margaret Klein, Fairport. died June,1861 Husband, Philip Schenk. Adm. dau. Margaret Schenk, ae.16 yra, mos. Rochester, son, John Philip Schenk, ae.10, * airport. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, & 159.

Schlrck,Joseph; Rochester, died Aug.5,lP73. Mfe, *$>ry Ann, (married Apr.28,1872) Adm. son, Joseph P..Schlrck, ae. 8 mos. Aug. 11,1873. ilexender Schlrck, surety, Richard Collins, " Joseph Smith, * Margaret Sehirck, a creditor. Sehlelmer, Alois, Rochester, died Feb,3,1864, Mfe, Eddie Sehlelmer, (Edith ?) children, minors, viz. Alois, Joseph 9 La rnha rd. t, " Schneider,John; Rochester, died Feb.7,1871. Mfe, Agnes Schneider, dau. *ary, ae.17, Margaret, a© .9, Papers dated, July 8,1 7£. Schnieder,Joseph, Rochester, died July 26,18C5. Ho d ta. Schnepf, ueorge; Rochester, die-1 h9c,6, 1874, Son, Charles, Rochester. r' Laurence v a minor, dau. Mary " " son, Ctebnge, ,: ' (George,) Sehoemann, * red rick, Rochester, died Junr.1864, In tl Father, Jacob Sehoemann, se.6£, Rochester. brother, John re.:57, sister. Mary krm '^eis, ae.38, Brighton, Mary Splelman, ae.35, " Elizabeth lost, ae.£6, *enfield. Schoen, John;C. Rochester, died June ^,1864. Father** Frederick Schoen, Atlanta, Ga. brother, Frederick K,K. " Rochester, peti t loner, sister, M,!*Mary? Youn?Young,. & " n Carolinueronne "? IJ.KilkleI , Syracuse, N.Y. brother, George Schoen, Atlanta, ha. 9 Jacob * Philip Scrlbner,Abigail; °gd n. died Aug.26,1867, brother, Joseph Fedrick, Mlmot, N.H. heir, Jane Pulton, « Malvina Hazeltftne, Lawrence, Mass. 9 Sarah Coffren, " »4 Joseph L.Frown, Charles City, la. * Lester .*.Brown, heatfledd, Ms. UeatfJeld.) H Louisa K.Frown, South Lanbury, N.H. all full pge. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, § 160.

Schroth,George; Rochester, ded Sept.11,1866. brother, Jacob Schroth, Roches ter, Adm. " 01rich " 9 heir, Jacob F.Schroth, Victor,K.Y. Barbara Sehrothi, Walworth, N.Y. Gottlieb Schroth, Philadelphia,Fa ¥ Catherine Schroth, Mich. Schroth,Jacob, Rochester, died June £0,1867. wife, Anna M.Schroth, son, John V.. Schroth, Rochester. n minor, S Algbc Schroth, s B son, Jacob F.Schroth, " Schroth, Glrlch, Rochester, died June 25,1887, Mfe,**arv Schroth, children, all minors, viz. Ulrich,' Bertha," Frederick • Schubert^Fhillp; Rochester, died Oct.10,1874, Mfe, Dorothea Schubert*- Adm. dau. *»arle, wife of John Mck, Rochester, ae,£4. 9 Catherine Schubert*. " as .21, aon, Frederick Schubert, ae,19, dau. Philippine Schubert, ae.15, " Hannah Schubert* ee,13, Schwendler,Christian; ^le^. *»ept.2,1^72. Mfe, Elizabeth Schwendler, aon, Jacob, dau. Kittle a minor, son, Mlliam Albert Scott,Jacob; *endon, died July 4,1871, Mfe, Frlscilla Scott, son, Jacob Scott, ^endon. dau. Pulah ^redshew, '' son, Samuel Scott, Bristol, Ms. deu. Phoebe Smith, Leplaln, Mich. p Barbara Shaw, son, Mlliem Scott, " dau. Prise ills Hicks, Hulberton, Mich. " Ann Thomas, lalo, Mch. Scott,John; Perlnton, died Aug.15,1869. Son, Mlliam C.Scott, *erlnton, ae.61, dau. Elizabeth Scott, ae.50, son, S.A.Scott, " aa.35. ,; John Scott, aa.40, dau. Mary Scott, '' ee.RO, Susan Scott, se.2.5. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, 0 161.

Scott,Milo; Clarkson, died Oct.1,1864. Wife, Ann E.Scott, dau. Georgiana Oriswold, Kendall,K.Y, Kllle .Scott, " a minor, * M»ry R.seott, 9 B aon, Clayton Seott, * " Seaman,Jacamlah; Perlnton, died *ar.8,1866. brother, Mlliam, Fenfleld, Adm, heir, Hannah Seaman, 0 ( May be wife,) lerinton, " Amy Purmsn, Perlnton, * Rachel Coe, York, Mich. Daniel teaman, Macedon, N.Y. Catherine Furraan or Freeman,? Macedon, 9 Iaaac n » * Fenfleld, " Jacamlah f< " " Macedon, all full age. Search,Richard ¥,. Rochester, died Dec.1,1873. Mother, Elizabeth M.Seerch, Adm. (Search) brother, Charles tf.Search, Rochester. Sears,Catherine; Rochester*, die' Pea* 16,1872, Dau. Ma ry Au ge, Roc he a ter, H Mar^a^et iaughman, w B Sarah Servey, Utica,'.Y. g.dau. Lucy Hoffman, Henrietta, " B Emma Filkins, "eneseo, » .v. a minor. g.son, George Filkins, dau. Charlotte,';.Griff In, Adm. Sea ton,Mlliem; Clarkson, died Feb.£8,1 74. son, James S«aton, Clarkson, * Ad*m Sea ton, " dau. Mary Moray, Rochester, 9 Jane Sea ton, " V..L. Rockwell, Adm. Seb&stlan,hmanuelj Rochester, died Nov.8,IPCS, 'Mfe, Barbara Sebaatian, Adm. son, Jacob Sebastian, Rocheater, 9 John Sebastian, residence unknown. • Fred rick (V)Sebastian, St.Louis, Mo. Sedrewick,Henry M. Rochester, died June 8,1809. Bister, Emma,wife of Mlliem P.Arnold, Ogden. Seeley,Samuel L. Henrietta, died July 13,1865. Mfe, Msrv J. Seeley, aon, John L.Seeley, Henrietta, a minor. Samuel Seeley, J (Seml.L.) 9 Isaac J.Seeley, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates, IS63-I874. #162 Segar, Nicholas; Ogden. died July IS, 1871. Wife, Elizabeth Segar, Adm. brother, Michael Segar, Two Rivers, Minn. " Matthew Segar, Luxemburg, Germany Bister, Elizabeth " « married name unknown " Catherine " » » » » Seller, William; Gates, died Mar. 2 4, 1871 Wife, Paulina Seller, Adm. son, William Seller, Rochester, a minor, " Edward Seller, )' " v Valentine Gerling, surety, John J. Shaffer, " Sem, Jacob; Irondequolt, died Kay 23, 1870 Wife, Dora Sem. dau. Margaret Farber, Irondequolt, eon, Charles Sem, " dau. Barbara Legler, Rochester, (Legser,) son, George Sem, Irondequolt, a minor, " Francis Sem, M * dau. Elizabeth Sem, " " son, Mathlns Sem, " H Semple, Andrus; Rochester, died May 2, I863 Wife, Ann Semple, and following children. Christine, Semple Catherine A. Semple Andrus Semple, Seppel, George, Rochester, died May 18, 1874 Wife, Martha Seppel, Adm. brother, Adam Seppel, Penfield. Rudolph Axt, Johnn Oetzel. Setz, Barbara; Riga, died Sept. 29, IS70 John Setz, Husband, Adm. Children, viz. Caroline Setz, Barbara Setz, John Setz, Freltz Setz, Frederick Setz, Henry Setz, George Setz, Louis Setz, Felix Setz, Seymour, Jane H. Rochester, died 18, 1868 Husband, Charles Seymour, apt. Adm. Dec. 1, 1868. Mother, Lydia F. Hastings, Rochester brother, Albert M. Hastings, «' » Thomas E. Hastings, 3rooklyn, N. Y. » Parson C. Hastings, " " " Shadbolt, Samuel; died Nov. 12, 1866, plaoe not given. Wife, Sally Shadbolt, ae. 68. and 7 children, viz. Albert Shadbolt, ae. 46, Thomas Shadbolt, ae. 44, Darius Shadbolt, ae. 40, HenrGeorgNathayen ShadboltShadbolt,, aeae.32. 3437.,, no more children named. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, #163

Shaffer, Norman D. Rochester, died Mar. 17, 1869 Wife, Mary Shaffer, Adm. dau. Mary L. Shaffer, ae. 10 son, Geo. B. McC.Shaffer, ae. 8 " Charles N. Shaffer, ae. 2 Shanklin, Samuel; Rochester, died June 17, I873. Wife, Jane R. Shanklin, Adm. son, James W. Shanklin, full age George Rumble, surety B. McFarlin, H Sharp. Pamelia; Webster, died Feb. 9, I87O Husband, Merrit Sharp. son, Philip Brundage, Ontario, N.Y. dau. Maria Sutton, Shaugnassey, Lawrence; Rochester, died Sept. 5, 1866 Wife, Margaret Shaugnassey, son, James W. Rochester, a minor Shaw, Mary; Rochester, died May 6, 1872 Had no relative in the Country. Sheehan, David; Rochester, died Oct.16,1867,ae.6 yrs.,7 mos. 20 d, Father, Patrick Sheehan. Sheffer, William K. Rochester, died Oct.27, 1872 Father, John A- Sheffer, Thomas Drainsfield, surety De Lancy Crittenden Sheler, John; Rochester, died Dec.31,1870 Wife, Christina Sheler, Adm. nephew, Anthony Sheler, (son of a deceased sister,)full age. Sheldon, Gilbert L. Parma, died Aug.15, 1864 Wife, Nellie B. Sheldon, Adm. son, Luther J. W. Sheldon, a minor, with mother. Sheldon, Norman; Chili, died Nov. l4, 1862 Wife, Clarissa Sheldon, Adm. with Freeman E. Root, Adm. son, Edwin D. Sheldon, « Ralph Sheldon, 11 Oscar Sheldon, 11 Homer Sheldon, • Albert C. Sheldon, dau. Eleanor E. Sheldon, son, David C. Sheldon, all full age. but Eleanor Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, * 164. Shelmire,Johnj Brighton, died fan.15,1873. Wife, Rather Ann Shelmlre, H6irs,probably childre . heir, Kittle L.Shelmlre McCall, Ms. Milllam F.Shelmlre, »ater Station, Kan. James D.Shelmlre, Brighton, Adm, Lewis J.Shelmlre, n a minor. Shelmire,Mf>rle; Rochester, died Apr.ll.,18^5. son, Grover S.C.Sheamire, deu. Marie Olivia Rosrdman, Rochester. • *>rtha A.Smith. Sher id m, Other lne; Rochester, dleh Newport, R.I.May 30,1864. Brother, John Sheriden, ( No parents,sisters or children,) Sherwood,Susi?n; Fenfleld, died Apr.15,1871. Brother, Amos Tlhbltta, Adm. Henrietta. sister, Catherine Sherweod, Minn, of Madison,Ms. in 187i; Wary Ch*isew Rochester, Jennett Iyer, Fenfleld, niece, Anns Tlbtltts, Pittsford, n Mary Tibbltts, " " MnrthR Rurllngsme, " she c< lied Busley in 1872. Sheuberger, Jacob; Rush, Med Nov.8,1872. Mfe, Elizabeth, dau. Catherine Sheiibersrer, a minor. son, Jacob Ship ley. OrMn F. Rochester, died Sept.4,1867. Mfe, Kete Shit ley, Oldest brother, Milium P. Shipley, Rochester. Sister, Lucy F.Hilton, ho other brother mentioned. *>y Apr. 1874,the widow,Arte was h>te Cook, Adr;;. Franklin C.Cook, surety, ¥.d»er<3 eebster, " Shoudler,Andrew, Metansps, Cubs, died Aug.11,1864. ^roth^r, Jacob Shoudler, ee.48, sister, Elesnor Mchherson, sa.42. brother, John Shoudler, ee/40. sister, bllsabeth ^»cy, deceased, who left e d u. Elisabeth J*«ey, ae,19. *. G.Ashley, Surety. Shumway,Hosen; Sweden, hied Feb.8,1870. Laughter, Sary Hutchison, Swe en. 9 Lucindf. hemned, Mfe of John I.Sweden. • Sarah Burch, Sweden. son, Solomon Shumway, f< minor. dru. Adds Shumwpy, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863M874, * 165.

Shulters, Pet r V. Para* . died Feb.l7,l8fc9. wife, Sarah M.Shulters, dru. Elisabeth J.Coburn, i«elevan, Ms. 9 Catherine &.Cole, Ferraa. iioah H.Cole, surety.

Slbson,MEry 8. Rochester, died Kov.28,1872. Husband, Frederick SIbson, Syracuse, dau. Fesr SIbson, (of full age by 1889,) (It might be possible that this name Is Gibson, though it was in the S.box,) Silence, Vprls; Rochester, died Dec.1867. -^fcughter, Martha Silence apt.Adm. Oct.11,1873. * Mary Silence, " Julia Shove, Son, Edward Silence, " Frederick Silence, r George Silence, all full age,of Rocheste Slllisian,Charles; Clarkson, died June 16,187k;. "Mfe, Laura A.SilHemRn, Adn>. aon, Mills A.hllllman, Si mons,JfiCob B. Hamlin, died ? ^e left home,Jan.1,IP and went to CMifomia. his last letter was from hevada Citj, in Oct.or aov.1858. Kothinr he^rd since Mfe, Helen Chitons, brockport, Son, Adelbert Sirarons, 9 apt.Adm. J« n,£8,lR7<; Simmons,John; Hamlin, died Aug.25,1872. V, Ife, Marapret, Son, Atram Slirjaons, i-Mrport. dr-u. Eveline Lambert, hsmlin. " Sarah Simeons, " George Crlppen, Adm. K.C.Crippen, surety, Jos ;ufi Tripp. • SiJinons,John R. iipencerport, died Dec.25,1862. Mfe, RosMie Simmons, Adm. deu. Jane Griswold, 8pencerport,! .Y. • Emily b-11, Clayton,111. son, John £.Simmons, " " all full age. Simmons,Sftrsh, Rochester, died fan.30,1867, Husband, Joshub Simeons, ThAddeus S.Newell, surety, Abraham Mle, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intostrtes, 1863M874, f- 166,

Simmons,Seth: Rochester, 'hied Feb.11,1865. Wife, Knncy Sirarrons, Son, Charles £,Simmons, Rochester, dau, Mary A.Harris, Klisp H.C '{ ^ewburyport, *»RSS, son, Christopher A.Simsons, Buffalo,K.Y, J ernes Harris, Surety, (Try for a Mil of Msney Hmreons,for name of her daughter, 81isa H,) Simpson,Elizabeth; Rochester, died June 18,1864, Husband, John B.Simpson , Adm. There were 4 ei lldren,over 21 yrs. not nsmed. Simpson,Rlisabeth; Rochester, died Ottawa,Can.Lee.1870. Brother, H.C.Rose, Adm. son, *-enJamln Simpson, Ottawa, ten. " Joseph Simpson, Ottawa, 111. Robert Simpson, residence unknown. Simpson,Richard; Mendon, died Dec.2,1867. *•• living -relatives. Simpson,Sarahs Rochester, died Oct.18,1870. Son, Morris Simpson, Adm. d-u. Sarah /..Fuller, Rochester, ' Simpson,Mlliem; Rochester, died Jiily 23,1872. Mfe, Mary Ann Simpson, Adm. son, benjamin P.Simpson, Rochester. Robert Simpson, Cincinnati, 0. dau* Mary Jsne Scott, Foe hasten. son, William T.Simpson, 9 & 9 Joseph M.Simpson, w dau. Marriat M.Hutchinson, " Simpson,Mlliem E. Rochester, d5.»d Sept.30,1868, ife, Jenett Simpson, Adm. ^su. Isabella h^ke, Rochester. son, Henry Simpson, 9 d»-u. Mary Dolbler, hehoy, 3 .Y. son, John Simpson, Roch star, minor, d-u. Jessie Simpson, Final settlement,hec.20,1869 calls daughter,^essie, Janet Lean, £0 ye»rs of age. Mtvr children,same ns s»ove. ElnclMr,John B. Rochester, died Lec.25,1869. Brother, Robert Sinclair, brighten, *asB. onl^ heir. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intest tes, 1863M874, # 167.

Sines,John; Mendon, died Sept.10,1865. Son, Kara N.Sines, Mendon, Adm. Dau.('O *eIvIna K•Brown, • Harriet fc.hay, Amelia si.C^so, ail f 11 a*»e. g.son, Edwin Ostrander, " !! 9 9 Stacy Rnowles, " " James Cay, surety. Skidmore,*-etilda; Penfleld, died Apr.6,1865. Husband, Smith Skidmore. Skidmore,3ynthls; Adm. appointed, nug.26,1868. Timothy Rowland, A din. *-rs hing, surety, John ^ancker, n Skinner,Admiral; Henrietta, died Jan.18,1865. U.S.-*.rmy. Mfe, Hmeline Skinner, Adir. son, Frenklin Jerome Skinner, ae.ll, Frederick Admiral Skinner, se.5, Cato sdmlr.l .skinner, m*? be ftt.^r cf the deceased. Kotos pre vague. Skinner, Adonlj^h; Ogden, died Au,g.£S,lBL7. Lon, Benjamin n.Skinner, wgden. " John Skinner, Akron, h.X. dau. *h>-riotte A. Skinner, Rochester. Sereh J.Strong, " AbigMI Crandall, San irenclsco. CM. " Eveline ^randall, Dayton,Ohio. aon, Nathan A.Skinner, Chlergo. Charles K.Skinner, "eavenworth, Kan. " George Skinner, Elba,K.Y, g.son, Rlch:rd Moul, son of P de^d daughter. tleter,J°mesj «reece, .led Aug.30,1871. wife,Ann Sister, deu. Mary Slater, re.lC, She Is ±*sry Sister Rigne? In son, John Sister, *e/;4. 1•/ • " Thorn?s Slator,^e.ll, dau. Ann Elisabeth Sifter, «e.9, " Josephine Catherine Slater, se.7, son, Milliam Jemo* SlPter, pe,5, " Francia SlMer, so. 6 mos. Thomrs tthelehnr, surety, Patrick Mlliam " Smplley,rireck; Bates, died "ct.7,1864. Mfe, Aurella M.Smalley, Adm. (To collect soldier's tack sen, Hd*srd SmMley, V"?> d u. S^rah Pearson, Caroline SmMley, " Hellen SmMley. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, 0 168.

Srae»r,FhHlp; diad Rov.2,1866, (celled Smeeh) Rochester. Sen, Bernard Smeer, petitioner, dsu. Catherine Smeer, g.son, Jecob Smear, Rochester, a. minor, g.d-u. Lane Smith, " " Smith,Alson; Ogden, died #ftr.l4,lft69. Mfe, Serah Smith, dau. Christy (or '-eiestia) Young, feellerne, Md, Martha Smith, Camden,N.Y. " Almeda Smith, ' " " Lsur' Fierce, Niagara ihHls, K.Y. son, Lumsn Smith, Ogd-n, dru. Julit> Todd, GM.es. SiMth,^enjerain 9. t*Mes, died Kov.l4,166c. deu. Emma S.Smith, a minor, Ellen H. B son, William C.'" ' The guprdim of the ch'ldren is *prren Spencer, of Pike, K.Y, who Is grandfather of the children. Smith,Betsey Slizabeth; Wheatland, died Sept.£8,1871, Son, Senford A,Smith, ,! Rawaon Smith, ! John M.Smlth, " Daniel Smith, d u. Nancy F.Mosier, deceased, who left ch'ldren,vlz. Charles H.Mosier, Merthy H.Mosier, G.H.F.hogers, Adm. Smith,Chsrles K. Rochester, died Hov.8,1865, rather, Aretus G.Smith, Hewbury, Ohio, Mother, K'-tur« Smith, They ask that Zenr. s W.Smith be mode Adm, Smith,HE!nnah; Rochester, died Jan.10,1867, dau. iiam& Smith, Or tea, ae.S, lives with John Snow, brother, John Snow, apt.Adm. Smith,Jemes? xenfleld, die-' J-n.10,1'64. Smith, PenJaMn P. apt.Adm. an heir, Mfe, Abi^Ml Smith, renfield, heir, S lly Gifford, 11 Harriet Perkins, cold^M-er, Mich. •' Phoebe *fl*lr KMth, who had child ren,vis. S'llv A,Moulton, Hinn, a*llw3a(?)Knlght, " Elijah KMth, M Prenklin Keith, " all known le*H heirs. Papers state that sMd deceased, Jemes Smith, h» d by one children,visLydia Horton,unde. AscenatJamer sa clipT.Smithhfcelen Hillm o,f, f*nmarriage,th'enfleldwhdo Charieleft,viz.Continued r efHKill .followin l p-pe, .Mnors . g . Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates, 1863-1^74, A' leg.

Smith, Jeraea, Penfield, continued. Children of Jpmes snd LydlR Hortonj Lydia Ann Aardell, dereRsed, who left,viz. Abigril F»rdMl, e Mnor, fcebstsr, Papers furtherstete that at the time of the ss id claimed marriage cf •'s.mes and Lydif horton, said Lydir as the petit! ner Is Informed, hnd r husband, *»achsrieh horton,then living? to whom she w. s lawfully married. Smith,John T. hochester, died Jan.7,1873. Brother, J*mes Smith, Apt.Adr.. Fenfleld, Mother, Elefthcr $mith, «r§sr,?, heir, H

Intestates,1863-1874, * 170.

Smith,Semuel; Penfleld, died Sept..3,1865, Son, Reuben Smith, Brighton, " Moses Smith, " Adm. " Icabod Smith, Fenfleld, " Hudson Smith, ,? Smith,Susrnnah; Rochester, died Jan.17,1868. Husband, John M.Smith, pnd minor children,viz. biery E. Lawrence 'A. Robert, These h«ve as Guard. John ftdaras, George, Rochester, ^avid, Susannah, Jennett, Smith,Tunis; V«ebster, dl-M Jan.22,1867. brother, John S:.rlth, " David Smith, Macedon, Petitioner, 9 Jacob Smith, Webster, Adrc. sister, Klisa MndenC?) Npssun, hensslp.er Co. N.Y. Polly Smith, " " Catherine Van der flam (?) deceased,who left, John *ander&em( '<) Hebron,Til. Smith Vender Karn Franklin K.Clark, surety, Smith,'Mlliam; Clprkaon, died. Aug.3, IV Q. Mfe, Martha C.Smith, son, Jonsthan P.Smith, &prr*,h.Y. '• Mlliem H.Smith, Richfield, Mch. dau. Abbie A.Smith, fchite Plains, F.Y. Snyd* r, Jon?then A. Perm*, died In Gates, July 15,1865. • Mfe, *a*"y Snyder, heir, Hsry A,Ruber, se.'M, Parma, B AlMro Snvder, over 21, B MpriP Snyder, " " n Watrous Snyder, ee.l(», • Susan Snyder, ee/16, " area *a of *ug.'65. Solonion,Robert; Rochester, Med July 7,1876,(1870) Mfe, Klisa Solomon, Adm. . dpu. Clare Solomon, a minor, " Grace Soloron, Somera,Mary; Henrietta, died J*n.2,1872. Brother, Charles D.Tltus, Perlnton, " Benjamin P. Mtus, Lane Co. Ms. nephew, fcmnjemin F.Titus, Henrietta,(son of desd bro.) " Semuel L.Titus, " ^ niece, Sempntha Jones, ^6u» nephev, hdgar Mtus, Cblcpgo, niecenephew,, LnviEleanoStephed rC.Somersn Hallhalley, j,Cor Joh'oodburya nPa B.teartln. ,(Corry Ct. ,, ia.tsureties) . Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

IntestRtes, 1863-1874, ¥ 171.

Sours,Fred; Guelph,Canada, died i>ec. 15,1870, Mfe, Jane Sours, Irondoqiolt, dru. Bs-rah A.Sours, " (Sprph) son, Fred J.Sours, " Mlliam H. Sours, '" a minor, " Albert F.Sours, B " dsu. *prv J.Sours, " " son, Henry L.Sours, " dau. Elmlra(V) SI.Sours," i! Kenrj &a.ls*»r, surety, John Kaiser, r South,Mary Ann; Rochester, died *pr,F6,1873. Husband, Seerge South, Mm, dau. JlarT Ann South, R minor, B Jul is Clara South, AVR.Frltch ard, surety, John Fernar, " Jespe Southworth; Fenfleld, died tov.5,1872. ^RU. Annr. A.Southworth, Henrietta, Adm. only child, Spencer,Labsn; Rochester, died Feb ,S?6,187*2, brother, hided Spencer, Silvan, Mch. " Carloa Spencer, Sheron, " nephew, John Spencer, S?»n Francisco, ch.of R dead bro, 51 Forbes Spenosr, *»-ent Co. Mch. B 9 James Spencer, Dexter,Mich. " niece, Sllen Kimball, Jackson, S>lch. " 9 Florg Bates, Silvan, H Cllve Stull, Sharon, " ,! ita^y Reed, Oea Koins, la. ch.of a dead sister, nephew, Thorns Lowrey, Calif, *' S| snc e' Lowrey, • niece, Dolphin* Hall, *nn irbor, Mch,ch.of a df»ad sist r. ( Dolphins net sister of the Lowrey brothers,) {The nemo.-s cf d mcIs; irondoquoit, died Apr.^',l87S. Son, Jacob Spiegel, ftdm. only heir. Spillard,John; Roches ter, died in V*. .1ft,1864. 'Mfe, Susan Spill ard, Adm. no ch Id ran.

3 j rague, >:s the r; Roche a ta r, died Jan. 13,1868. Husband, APB Sp-rague, no children. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1-7<, ? 17k.

Sprague,Isaac; Rochester, died Aug.85,1870. Wife, Ann MBy»l& Spragua, aon, Isaac Sprague, » minor, d'u. Rebecca Spr^gue, " Phoebe li. Spr$gue, '* Sathftniel Sp-rague, Rochester, guardian. Sprague,Lawrence, Soche.?t«r, died Sept. 1872. P"oster Sprague, Adm. e creditor, to whom a pension claim wes assigned, William R, Mudge, surety* Qulncy Van Voorhia, M SpraauejTrlphena; Webster, died *eb. 1863. son, Jrmes Sprngue, Rochester, Adm. eppt,Apr,9,l8e8, " barren Sprague, " J on P t OH n Sp r a gu e , * a b s t e r, Mlliam Spregue, desd by 186°,who left chtldr n,viz. Ells*,wife of Henry Hopkins, Ont- rlo, N.Y. August?! Sprague, Palmyra, r.Y. d'u. Elise ,Mf<* of Pater Jackson, Mch. 9 M^ry,Mfe of Henry Fowler, Mch. " h- rrlet,Mfe of Jepthr Reed, 0h-o. ''' Selly Ann,Mfe of Them- s hudd, Webster, son, Chauneey Spr^gua, r.tario. Sprague,Mniam; Rochester, died Kov.8,186£ (?) (March ?) Wife, Hannah Sprrgua, Adm, j-pt,July 23,1866. 8on, Rich- r<^ h* r gua, ae.S,

Spring,J-'.mes ». Hamlin, died 0ct.S,lG8. (1868) Wife, hiten J.Spring, son, Frank D.Spring, Kamlln, e Finer, dpu. f»ellle V. " v 9 9 Ktsme L. ,J Carrie L. " f " 8 on, Je me s ft. Finel *»et. <*< r. 1870, *he Mdov la hllen J,Pice, "pmlin. Springer,Leah; Hochester, died Sept,16,1^64. K u s bs nd, •': 1111 r. m Sj p Inger, aon, Rich' re Springer, • e.6, Squpres,Humphrey P. Chill, died s*«n..6, 1871. Ife, Abigail Squires, Adm. d»u. hlizrbeth !•• Squares, Chill, * Jennie Boyce, son, <• 1 1 iiap F. Dquar*. a*, *dm. John 80s well, Surety, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates, 1863-1874, # 173,

Stace,"Mlliam H. Rochester, died Nov.6,1874. Mfe, Kebeccs St«»ce, son, William A.Stace, hochester. dau. Jsne A.Kenning, 1i " Idb Stace, " Clars Staee, a minor. Albert Hastings, surety, h.M.Jones, Charles U.Kenny, * $.A.Stace, " Stahlbrodt,hdn-Rrd, Hochester, died ?-'ov.8, 1'70. Mfe, Minn*- Stahlhrodt, deu. Minna, ae.3, s on, Ad olph, a a • 4, iAen ry, & e • 0, dpu. Julia, ea»S, son, Edward ae.ir, (probably e mistake for lii) " *sul, as.15, Stanley, Clsra T.or F, Rochester, dl'-d *rr,J?l, 1-70. son, Willard Stanley, " Cler^nc* Stanley, ' 1 'AiHis £.Stanley, all m!nor3, F.L. hobbina, hochester, Adm. Stanley, Mills A. hoc .ester, h!<:d aar.1'4,1870 son, Ml lard 3. Rochester, e islncr, !; i:L"es''^ G. dau. Kittle h. henry &.Stanley, general Guardian of fch. Statins rd,*srla; Rochester, died Hov, lie, 1870. Husband, Chi- rle.« ".. St? nnpi vd.. Starka,P:ilsabeth; -he tl^nd, died Hay 19,1861, Husband, ?• S ilifir. H. Sta rks, heir, *rry B.Stsrks, se,4C, 9 Clarissa LeMtt, «e.;lB, Kent,Ohio. i: Sarah »,Starks, ae,30, Staud,CathcrIne, Pochester. died Pet,8,l«74. Husband, Ch s rle ? F>, .c; taud, * dir * ch" Id ran, all Mr -rs George Staud, Charles J. Louis Joseph " Cecelia Catherine A.' Had olph Vay, surety, Steprns,^ry5 Fenfleld, died 1840. letltiohcr, -'elson Steams, webster, heir, . Merthe Stearns, Sterling ton, Vt. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, r 174.

Stebbins,Oeor tor, died Oct,7,1869, i: 1 fa, Aro-- Ste ; 1. Adm, son, Samel Steel, Sochefiter, (Samuel C.) 1 Sficrse ft.Steel, -ctpvif., R.Y. •' Aaron J.Steel, fet .Louis, So. SteIn,Feter; Rochester, died June 18,1868, Mfe, U'nn h Stein, dau. Katharine Stein, Rochester, l/orot..y Stein, aon, Ootlieb stain, aa,&0, • Philip Stein, ae.13, dsu. Karga at Stein, ae.10, Steintfatt, Frederick, Rl?s, Med Sept.1,1864. Wife, EHSF Stalnfatt, deu. iUTie Stelnfstt, e.e.7 yrs.6 mos, aon, Preriei Ick ' se.ft " Stelnk*mr-,Caspar; Grtes, fi's-^ «er.l,187£. Brother, Ml Ham Stclnkrmp, Adm, Ortes. " Henry Stelnksmp, 9 rmar.y. * Hermann ' distor, Hary " j) Louisa Isabel " " Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

intestates,1863-1874. f 17S.

Sterling,Samuel F. Mendon, died — 187?. Sylvester Mlcox, Apt.Adm, Oct.H, 1872. gufirdlsn, dsu. Mnt». Sterling, n miner, se.20, Oet.19,1872, son, Lowell, fl " 15, June 27,1^72, Stevens,Aurelia 8. Rochest >r, d'&c* Jan.10,1^74. husbend, hllr.de Stevens, Adr. Stevens,Charles; Sweden, died Salisbury, M.C. Lee.6,1865, teotner, Lllssbeth LovMpce, Monroe, Ken. brother, Prank istevens, Sweden. Stevens,barry; Parma, died *«>y 14,1874. Mfe, Ann T.Stevens, died July 23,1884. deu. Anr J^ne boo*T, Parma, dh.-d Aug.10,1883. son, Thompson H. Stevens, Sm lr«nciseo, CM. *h. L. Roekwe 11, A dm. Stevenson,John; Rochester, hied Kov.'/iC,lH-»"y, brother, Joseph Stevenson , Hochester. sister. ElIBS hteon, Hartford. Ct. Ste wa rt, ^e rr le t *. Hoc he s te r, d led * eb. lb ,186 9. Jessie H.F.Stewart, ae.2, «hMy 18^8.daughter, Julia Scnford, Adm. r-nd gw rd'pfen of Jessie. Stewart,Walter, ienfleld, died ^-ec. 187c. I.E. Stewart, Adr:. Son, *athanlel Stewart, ^rtertowh, 1 .Y. ' top. Iter Stewart, ^orraine, N.Y, &B\I. Ksry Caulklns, Fenfleld. ' Luserne Stewart, Lorraine, K.Y. Abigail Phillips, rtfcefsed, who left heirs. George h.Leonard, surety, Jacob ifieicher, Stllea,hlljah, Perlnton, died **ar.6,1862. heir, *6rtin J.Stiles, Adm. Kara Stlles; Skaneateles, i-.Y. / - " Seth G.Stiles, Aditl?) DMla* Co. la, " Sarah Stiles, residence unknown, In the -est. Stiles,bathen J. Rochester, died *ug.21,1861 aon, Smith L.stiles, Auburn,K.Y. Adm. apt.June 17,i8t4. Ma than J.Stiles, Victory,v. Y. 9 aenry P.Stiles, Claopntre, Mo. " George s.stiles, Buckeye, la. Stlllwell, Lyman D. >ebetor, died -an.4,1874. Mother, Louisa Stlllweli, sister, Jennie Stlllwell, Ohio. brother, Kddle F.Stlllwell, .abater, » minor, sister, silnnie Stlllwell, Alfred Curtice, mtrdty, John C.Howell, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates, 1863-1874. ? 176,

Stone,Sber; Pittsford,died Sept.11,1864. hMr, *renkltn a,Stone, Httsford, Iaabslls l.^or-i, afcndon, (one place called Anna,} SamuH d.Hone, Mttsford, Petitioner, htone, Franklin; Henrietta, died Jan.3,1869. 'Mfe, Betsey Stone, Adm, dru. Caroline c-'.snford, I ivoMs,«•-*'• nebwoC' w-.*«r , OHopga, 111. Amanda h'hlfcehe: d, hand a, * . I. son, Henry Stone, Coi;es'as, .Y» dfiu. Josephine Crittenden, Henrietta, Sstella Stone, residence unknown. Stone,harriet L. Greece, died Nov.28,1807. Son, George P.Stone, Gr*»*~3, *father, "Darius;- * vie, FR ther- in-lr> w, J • 3. 6tone, dm. Stone, Seymour J Piitafcrd, Med p-r.2'h,1868# M f a,fclanna h c. S t one, dau. Annie B.Stone, Pittsford, a minor. son, Hugeno atone, " " Prank a.Stone, " In 190G, the widow h*i: remarried and Is hennah Cwlfe of Julian Geare, Pittsford, i'au. nni- la wife of James >s.Sheerer, Cannndaipue, son,Frank Is f 11 a*re and of T»o^ City, $a (Iowa,) Eu;;ene I. " Periston, la. Stoneman,Mlliam; iarma. die' a\ar,23,1864, Mfe, ii/.liy tftonoman, Adm. heir, Jllsabeih . toneman, a ninor, living wltl wife, Kila Stoneman, Storey,CrMl M, jiocheator, died Jan,12,18»-;7 % ife, Caro 1 ine S . Storey, r\pa. Emma Storey, a tclnor. of acre by Lec,1870, srn, J£d r. r& S tor-ay, William Storey, Newton £.Storey, of ar,e by Doc,1870. Storrs,7.i 111am C. Kocneatar, dU-d July 14,1873. Mfe, Louisa P.Storrs, Adm. dau. Louis* S.Storrs, ' iiary C.Storrs, n minor, Clariscfc Stone, surety, S.A. - ' rd., Stottlo,George; Riga, died Aug.1,1873. Son, Peter U.Stottle, Adm, wife, Catherine stottle, Mlliam wud^e, surety, h, A • Sche rme rhorn, Stowell,Zeleh; Gates, died Juno 18,1874, ft.A.Phelps, suret Mfe, harriet stowell, • l.Caatney, son. Prank Stowell, hatnvle, ".v. Geo,K.Curtis, " Kdwln Stowoll, ii»tes. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, * 177.

Strau8chen,0ottfreund; Rochester, died Apr.8,1873. Mfe, Ellsrbeth, Pether, John Strauschen, Striker, Peter; Chill, died Sept.18,1866. Mfe, Elizabeth .striker, son, John Striker, dau. Nancy Srunendyke, Salem,I11. g.ch. Ellen Caman, Auburn, Ind. h

Intestates, 1863-1874, P 178,

Stuve,Fred; Rochester, died Aug,9,1-73, I ife, Mary Stuve, Adm, aon, Charles Stuve, s minor, John Stuve, '

Sugrett ,Charles L, Rochester, died Feb,«,1856, ae,4 yrsf* mos Mother, Julia K.Suggett, apt,'dm, June lb,1868, Suhm,Cptherlne; Rochestor, died Mar,16,1874, Hustand, John Suhm. Adm, child** n, viz. Sa ry Suhrr; U. r r•• •• e re t S uhr; John Suhm; *r*--nk Suhm; Jacob Suhm; Georre Suhm; Barbara Suhm. Klizebeth Suhm, Sulliven,Cornelius; Rochester, die-4 Oct,20,1867 Mfe, Emma Sullivan, no c ildren, Lpvid trlmrer, surety, Ell D.Olds, Sullivan, sjor Jerry A. Rochestor, killed in battle,*p-r.l0,»64 lather, Lpniel C.Sullivan, Hochester, Nc wife or ch'ldren, Sunnay,Hizebeth; Rochester, died Sept,14,1868, ae.16, rather, latrlck Sunnay, Hochester. Mother, Anr, Sunnay, brother, Patrick, a Mnor. sister, »ary, * Annie, "' brother, Mlliam, Sutphen,Peter; Sweden, died Nov.1,1865. Ife, *P rthp Sut}hen, du. Cornelia S.White, Brooklyn,K.Y. ae.47 in 1865, aon, Ten Eycke Sutphen, flew Brunswick, ! .Y. sonMnMsw, Chauncey S, hlte, "dm. diod *ar. 11,1880, Swagerf 1illam; Rochester, died Sept,30,1865, - Ife, Ann Smagerm Adm, aon, SIron Swsgerf a ir.lnor, dpu. Elizabeth Swager, * Mine awpger, * Mary "wsrer, " Swan,Julia; N.Y.City, died Apr.lb,1861. nelen Lovecrpft, *t.*ernon,N.Y. Adir.. a creditor,

Sweet,*erren, Greece, died Dec.3,1869. Mfe, hlan? Sweet, ee.3« , dau. hester U. ae.13 yrs,c TPOS. Emma h. ae.ll 8 son, .Mlton R. ae. 2 8 deu.Jilia H. ae, 11 mos. Simeon Hut! s, surety, I>anlel Budd, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intes tester, 1863-1874, * 179.

Sheeting,John »', Rochester*, died July 7,1 64. Mfe, Mnry K*Sweeting, died Aug.20, 18 2. brother, Barnarr' Sweating, Rochester. John Swe --ting, r sister, Johanna Sweating, Parma, brother, Cornelius Swe ting, Greece, dief 188< . Prank Swe • ting, els ter, sister, Hannah Sweating, Greece, brother, Gerrett J»Swe< ting, Holland, The citptlon nsmes si BO, Florence snd ^es.Me, daus.of Cornelius. John P. Sweeting, hochester, John U.Sweetlng, larma, Johanna *rlmrner, larr.p., itarthp /ndrus, Cas.tile, t-i.Y, The widow, Mary E. remarried to jeter Vsn Stalls She left E son by a former marriage to Jech Van ner. The name Swe-ting Is InMlsh for Swytlnk. Swinerton,*ndrev; Perrlnton, died Mar,1,1868. Mfe, Eunice L.Swlnerton, son, Algernon Swinerton, Corry, L*. d^u. Klenet IHlair.s, Vic tor,N.Y. Antoinette • .hsintridge, Kendon, son, J.M.Swinerton, Perlnton, Swinerton, unlce, Roc hast* •*, died heb.ll ,1873, in Victor, Son, John M.Swinerton, Ada.. dru. -lenette Mlliams, Victor, *.v. Antoinette ft.Palnbrldre, Fer Inter., N.Y, son, -— s, Swinerton, Lewis Mlyn, surety, Chauneey Wash. Syme,hobertf hochester, died Sept,19,1868, Mfe, Isabel Syme, dsu, *srlon,Mfe of fatrlck McDonnell, N.Y.City, Isabel Syme, Roche &ter, Margaret Syme, *' Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

IntestFt es, 1863-1874, f 180

Talt,JptDes; Rochester, died Mpy 1.1864, A physician, Father, James tait, Adm. no wife or children. Talcott,Klijah H. Sweden, died bov.11,1866. Mfe, Elisabeth Telcott, Adn. son, hlljah Horptio fftit a minor, Morris H.Tslcott, *" Pinal settlement gives the sons in Talcottville,Ct, and Horace ft.Talcott, guardian, T8nn,Mlliam; Rochester, dleh «ay 3,1865. Mfe, Clsrisss Torn, Adr.. heir, »1 111am Tann, somewhere in Mch. Harriet Parker, Hochester. Thorn*s J.Tann, GrMiot (?)Co. Mich. aH fl. R e. Lewis F.Kyne, Adrr. Tanner,George; Rochester, died Kov,19,1871, Mfe, Catherine Tanner, eon, Mllion Tenner, Adm, hochester, dsu. Jene Love, " son, Richard Tanner, " P,d*erd Tanner, dau. Klizpbeth Tenner, ' all f 11 nge, Tste,Sarah; Hochester, died July 11,1869. Dau. Rebeccs Penny, Rochester. Isabella i^esch, Seneep Pells, P.Y, son, George Tste, Rochester. dau. Margaret T.Mc&ee, " ' Sprah ftalte, " Tpylor,Louie F. Rochester, died Nov, 1873. BG.C yrr>. Father, Kdvln Taylor, Mother, Clarissr. tpylor, Adm. F.*. Taylor, surety. Templar.JajsesO. Rochester, died Memphis,Terr . '-o! .'4,1 th. Mother, Juliette Temjler, dm. brother, Lester Templar, sister, Jennie Templpr, both und-r Pi, All Rochester. Teroler,Louis I. Rochester, died Lee.18, 18t9, \ ife, Mery K.Teroler, and minor children,vis, George, John, Armond, hnrbarp, *e ry 1. lessen,Henry; Rochester, died Apr.r,1^70. Mfe, ttins '^erssn. son, Charles, born June 28,1867, dru. Mlns, July ;4,186°. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestetes,1863-1874. * 181.

Thayer,Gideon; Penfleld, died Sept,19,187P. Mfe, Anna Thayer, Adm. with David fteardsley, son, Andrew J.Thpyer, Correllls, Ore. dau. Merbleh ^eardsley, Penfleld, a-n, Edwin Thsyor, Buffalo, U.Y. feallece W.Thayer, Portland, Ore. d*u. Amelia A.Dowd, fenfleld. sen, Chandler Thayer, deceased,who left children,viz. Catherine bailey, near Rochester, la. Jennie &elley, Luclndr lllard, Mttsford, son, Julius Theyer, deceesed, who left children.viz. Solon Thayer, Manchester, K.Y, Viola Thayer, Emma Thayer, Clare Thayer, Pidwin C.Thayer, Their mother is Melissa Thayer. K.O.Dowd, durety, barren F.Beerdsley, surety, Thayer, Julius, Penfleld, died May 11,1865, Mfe, Mary •A.Thsyer, 'dm, son, John L.Thayer, a minor. d-u. Viols S,Thayer, Thein,Fsrbar-; Rochester, died Nov.10,1868. Son, George jr.Thein, Buffalo,K.Y. Theobald,Joseph, Rochester, died 0ct,23,l87P, Mfe, Mary Theobald, and ailnor children,viz. Rose; and Mine. Peter Gruber, Adm, Thiele,pobertf Rochester, died Nov.8,1870. Mfe, **ertha Thlelo, (she WPS Perthp Stoejel by IB 1) son, Julius Thlele, a minor,(full sgn by 1881) F.H.Edward ' (balled t pul toermenEdward, ) Tholens,Jacob; Rochester, died Nov*27,1' 63. Mfe, Josephine Tholens, Adm. no ehildr n. Thomps,Harriet K, Swed n. died Dac.15,1873, husband, iisnsorc Thomas, hdv*. brother, Marcus Noble, Somerset, Niagara Co.N.Y. Horace J.Thomas, aurety, Thomas,Moses; Brighton, died July 15,1867. Sister, Anns W.Judson, Brighton. bro. George '-.Thomas, Mi Mam C.Thomas, a minor. sister, Sarah J.Judpon, ** Kancy .-.^at hews «' Josejhlne .Thomas. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, § 18S,

Thomas,Mancy B. Rush, Med July 13,1867, Hatner, Twvld (.Thomas, Rev.John C.Thomas, surety, John Gslentlne, ' Thomj:son,Chorles; Rochester, death drte rot given. Father, Charier; Serrre Thompson, ae.SS, London,Eng. Mlliem B.-Uevet apt.'dm. to procure back pay as a sailor in U.S.Levy, and prize money due him from *led hiver Expedition,and bounty. Thompson,Isar-c 0. Hamlin, died Oct.31,1870. Wife, Adeline H.Thompson, son,Thcron ft.Thompson, hamlln, Adr. r Jamos i.Thompson, " Thorn; son,John; Rochester, died Sept.16,1870. Son, Mlliam Thompaon, Rochester. Ka than le 1 T> i or.; s on, '"dr.. deu. Marie Copeland, Brighton, ( G.S.Copeland,auret 11 Mary "llison, Rochester. (W. P. VIM son, ftdm.) M.Filon, dm. Thrall,Mills? Ogden. dl< : ^ct.16,186! alfe, Sarah Ji.Thrrll, i-?:r.. sonBVII ,f —^eorg WVi *-•&e IIUK..J.ThraH, r.iae.l. ,AI.? | d»u. Mnnle Threll, ae.ll, Alice Thrall, *e,7, Charlotte Thrall, 5, ch unnamed, ao.l, -etltloner, Sarah I..Co'11ns, I prop, rr"< Irving J,Collins, Tiet^nburg,Caroline U. Rochester, died Lee.28,1871, Son, trade rick Tietenburg, dau. Emms Klldovr, z1-me He hrlsch, son, Charles Tietenburr, In O.S.prmy, Kmll " a minor, guardian,Joseph Shafer, " Kobert dau. Ida son, Louis dau. Pertha Christian Mldow, suroty, Joseph Shafer, Tlllottson, Richard T. Httsford, ^ie^\ Oct.30,1^74. brother, Morrltt P.Tlllottson, Adm. only heir. Jamec • . IltMe, surety, 'Mrt Mathews, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 18o3-1874, S 18%

Titus,siaria A. henrietta, died Pov,f4,186P. Husband, Penjarin P.Titus, Adm. children sll minor Franklin O.Titus, George A, &fery K, Mill© B. Jennie M, Clara L. Toplin,John; Rochester, died Jan.f£', 1868, (lu64) Mfe, jwary Toplin, =-*.r. dau. Ellen Toplin, Several sons and daughters not n?

Intestates, 1863-1874, < 184.

Trlmraerman,Sprah A. hamlftn formerly Sprah A. JohnsonC-) Husband, Mbert Trinmermsn, Adm. died Aug.PO,187b son, Elmer J,firlmmerman, a minor. Tripp,Mlliam; Sweden, died Get.PS,1871. daughter, Sarah Flagg, Elisabeth hunt, ^rockport. TruesdHe,James; Greece, died Jan.1871. son, Mlliem E.TruesdMe, Greece, f Samuel Truesdelo, g.son, beymour Truesdnle, a minor, Ohio. 9,i Jerome Truesdple, *"' Preddle Truesdale, g.dau.Celia True ad Me, full e^e, * Trumpp,hrnst; Rochester, died' In U.S.Array, 1864. Pather, ftenry Trumpi , Kdm. Rochester. Tuttle,Mlliam; Hochester, died M«r.5,lP74. Mfe, idaroaret Tuttle, eon, Charles P.Tuttle, full pge. George K .Tuttle, surety, L.A.Pratt,

Ode,hllz«beth; Rochester, died Jan.4,1874. Must and, August Ode, Adm. Father, George Mller, Rochester. Uffelmann,George; Rochester, deld 1R73, Adm.Oct.13,1873. aon, uenry, ae.7,Feb.l2,1878. George,ae.5," bernhard Hoag, reneral guardian. Uranch,hernard; Rochester, di*d Oct.3,1868. Mfe, Elisabeth Urench, dau. ti&ry, aon, John, Martin Vogt, Adm, nrwlller.Rosa; Rochester, died Rpr.J?9,1870. Brother, Charier *radorlck Urwlllar, Adm. Rochester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1874, $ 18S.

Valll,Charles; Rochester, died May 15,1873. Son, Edward K.VM11, brooklyn,K.Y. Adm. Charles K.Valll, Humboltaurety,, Mch. FredK, f,. ^eL.Marshs no, su re "ty , Van Alstyne,Msrtln; Webster, died April. 1861. George Van Mstyne, Geneve,h.Y. oldest brother, kejhew, Abram Knight, Ionia,Mch£son of d*ad sister.) John G.KHnck, surety, A.Mandeville, Vcn Mstyne,Thaddeus; $et?ter, died Mar.4,lc8. Mfe, ttary J.Van ftlstyne, Adr. end rlnor ehildron,viz. Leslie, Webster, Stella, Clarence, Me ry 5, '' Brwin T. * Van df,r beck,Daniel; Hochester, died Oct.18,1 t4. Mfe, Susan Vpn d r leek, Adr:. d^u. Louisa Van d r beck, Hochester, Julia, r Emms, '' a miner. Van der Beak,James K. Fnruap, died July £8,1865. 'Mfe, Frances K. dru. Juliette, ae.^, Van ri^r broecke, Rochester, ried fcow.£7,18f;= (V)(?) Mfe, &ergpret f • aprMdm. Lee.8,1864. son, Adrian \>. ee.3. Vend* rveer,John, Ogden. died Apr.14,186°, Wife, Slvira fi.Vanderveer, heir, Peter Vand©rveer, Lod.l, Ohio, " Ellen Howland, Pawpaw. Mch. v Nancy Crique, Lodi, Ohio. Catherine Cornwell, Galen, Mch.(dr-ed by LH.) 9 William Vandorveer, Pawpaw, Mich. •lihu Vanderve^r, ' Oscar Venderveer, ^gden. i£ery E.FaldwIn, Chill. Van Poorn,Frederick; Hochester, dl" ' Aug.J?0,1874. Son, Frpnk Van Loom, Adrr,. Rochester, George F.Vsn Locrn, vro-klyn, K,Y, dau. Slary Frasee, " a*11 f u prf# A.S.Mabbett, surety, A.M. Mchean, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestnt.es, 1863-1874, ' 186.

Van Lorn,Jesse; brockport,(Sweden) died Aug.24,18^4. Mfe, Mary R.Van Porn Adm, d u. Mary P.wife of Don A.Levis, Brockiort, K.Y. Julia A. wife of Albert J.Perry, «rsnd Rapids,Mch, son, Georgeft. Van Lorn, Hamlin, dau. Sarah S. wife of Alonso Bishop, iates, tf.X. Harriet Irelpnd, e wirier, brockport, Laura Miller, decersed. who left,vis. Slmer Miller, an Infant. Mahals H. wife of Kelson ".Mller, Kendall,V.Y. Van tten,James; Rochester, dle^ Apr.15,1874, Mfe, Caroline Stow© Vpn Etten, hear, Catherine Patterron, Ithaca,N.Y. " Ja^ies Ver Etten, Greece. Ellen Morrison, Rochester. Miliar* Vpn Stten, it:.ace , - ,Y. Daniel Van Kttar,, Richmond, Tnd. al3 full age. Van liousen.Jpne; ienfleld. died Mar.3,1868. Heirs, Mephews and Rleees, viz. George H.helden, Shelby,K.Y{ the oldest,) Newton Welden, Cold^ater, Mich. Air-pde vielden, " v- il Mar F.'.N'or, Rochester. CprMine Southworth, EHEP Lultweiler, Mpry Thompson, Mlllamson,N.Y. !*eriri'n,Ct.In 1869, Elisabeth Rogers, Chenango I lis, K.Y, Adam Lultweiler, 'dr. Van Lone,L.Pyron; ebster, die Mpr.10,1'7?. i* ether, John J.Van Lone, Adr:. Mother, Jpne V«n Loan (Lena) bro. John FranMin Van hone, Charles " Harrison ** sist, J)orn Pinkie, Marietta Van Lone, all of Monroe Co, Charier- Goetyman, surety. Webster, John Henry Shltlock, r '' Van Hess,Renry; Perlnton, died Nov.3,1873, Son, Mbert R.Van fcesp, *dm. Van SIvke,Abraham; Rochester, died June 7,187c, Brother,John B.Van Slyke, PJuffMo, Van Tand,Medore; Hochester, died July SO,1866. Rust and, Martin Van Tend. Adr. aon, Matthew Van Tend, Hochester. dpu. Margaret Vpn Tpnd, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestate , 1863-1874, # 187.

Van Vslkenburg, Mlbury; Mendon, died Sept.5,186P. Mfe, Dorcas Vpn Vplkenburg. son, Volney Van Valkenburg. Rochester. dsu. Lucelip ' Mendon, ae.18, g.son, J.Mllbury Vpn Velkenburg, pe.5, g.d^u. Cora *v ae.3, These lpst,being chlldr n of a deceased son,who h^-ve as guprdten,Seymour Boughton. Pittsford. Van Valkenburg, Pllace 8. Pittsford, died May 1.1869. ife, Mary Anna Van Valkenburg, Adm. son, John M.Vnn Velkenburg, a minor, dsu. Cors ' • » Father,tilbury Vpn Valkenburg, Mpendon. Adr.. Van Zandt,Gecrf?e L. Rochester, died Oct,kb, 1864, Mfe, Margaret A.Van Zandt, Adm. aon, iheodore F, a minor, dru. Mary G, l! Vary,Jeffrey •'••. Rochester, died &ar.8,1873. - ife, Mien C.Vary. son, Luther J,?,Vsry, Chicago, 111, a©.30, *p.r,187?, Vincent M.SMth, .^r.. K• • mrwin Srrlth, sure ty, Vedder,Frederick H. died Nov.11,1866. Mfe, Frances A.Vedder, son, Frank * .*'e(*?\er, P minor, J ohn S. V e d d e r , >• d n . Ver Valln,Henry L. Rochester, die* Apr,20,1867, Mfe, Julie M.Ver Valln. no chlldr n. feather, Isa^c R.Ver Valln, Missouri. Mother,Lien? ver Valln. Also,three (S)brotners and two (J ) sisters, not nr-r.ed. Ailllaai s.hoynolds, surety, Esre M.PwrsonR, Mminr^ Lyons, Francis Gorton, Vinton,Joseph; Irondoquoit, die- Dec.31,1863. Mfe, Mary C.Vinton. dsu. ,*ary,wife of Janes S.Lockwood, rob star, Fhoebo J. wife of Charier, K.Fiah, Ohio. s-^n, Horr.ce A.Vinton, Irondoouolt,ae,16 on War.^«,lHo.

Voe*ele,Xavler; Rochester, ^U^. >ar.7,1870. brother, Michael Voe^ele, dr.. sister, Melanle Stein, Joseph voegele, brother, sister, Theresis SMmmernarc, all of Rochester, f-; I pge. Vogt,George, Rochester, died O©t.P7,1870, Brother, Stephen Vogt, Brighton, dn. Augustine Vogt, Germany. sister, Msry Llsbeth Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, < 188.

Volts,Predrlca; Rochester, die^5 June 18,1865. Husband,FredericJ J.Volts, dau. Barbara Volts, ae.SO, sept,8,1864 Si Theresa ae.16, Dec.10,1064 aon, Joseph ae,14, Sep,10,1864 * Frederick dau. Sophia ae.ll, Nov.£6,1864 aon. Valentine ae. 9, Lee.2b,1864 dru. Mary Ann ae. 7, 1864 ao. 4, Feb,26,1864 Vols,Jacob; v.hestlend, die" May 5,187P. Dau. Barbara McKenny, Hochester, -dr.. C s the r lne v, h 11e, Mary Vols, '- he p t la nd, son, Peter Vols, Phelps, N.Y. dsu. Lene Vol?., Sheatlend, son, Methew VoIs, Roc ester. dnu. lisabeth Vols, son, Jacob Vols, s minor, John Vols, George »olz, Voorhees,watnda; Webster, di^d Nov,19,186h, Father, Mlliem Voorhees, Adre.

Vosburg,Freeman; v.ebster, died Kay 13,1870, Mfe, Ruth K,Vosburg. d-u. Sarah A, Whit lng, Lansville, Mch. Mary E, hitbeck, Webster, " Vletta V.Twitchell, Vosburg,Mlliam R. hochester, died Peb,£1,1873. Father, Mlliam J.Vosburg, Adr.. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestate8,1863-1874, # 189. wagner,Karl; Rochester, dleo Feb.El,1872. Wife, Rosena ftagner, Ads*. brother, Joseph &sgner, Hochester. nephew, Charles Wagner, a minor, niece, U&ry *»egrer, ,: " Wagner, Lavld; Rochester, died Sept.3,1^89. wmfe • Susannah Wpgner, dau. Catherine Meyer, Rochester. Wagner,George; Rochester, died Apr.17,1 74. Wife, Anne ^agner, dau. Anna C.^agner, a minor, Sophia Wagner, 1r Father, Peter *hegn©r, ftdm. haide,Osial; Mendon, died Mar.18,1867, V*. ife, Cyn th 1 a ^s rie 'v. P id , son, Henry O.ftalde, Mendon, Aristo Waide, d' u. Ellen *helde, " all foil sge, »elte,George fe. Chill, died Jan.2,1867. Path-.-.r, Joseph ft'site, Toronto, Can, brother, knsign Walte, residence unknown, sister, Euretta k'etcalf, w Adells sscFee, Chill. Sylvesture K.Nurse, Adm. Oerrlt ilcox, surety, Timothy Foster, v alker,Georg« «5. Hamlin, died Jpn.5,1870 Wife, Jsne g.lalker, Adm. Fether, »mase D.Walker, Rsmlln. ?.a Ike r, Henry; Chill, died Mar. 6, If 72. Wife, Helen L.Walker, dau. Kdns F. ae.8 In Mar.l87£. aon, H.Poorest,ae.5, ** " talker,Mprla; Rochester, died Dec.?2,1870. Husband, Levi calker, Lau. Klisa Mils, Rochester, Adm. * SerePi Brookman, Oil City, Pa. C.V.N.Mills, surety, FlAsl Set. gives grpnd children, Mlliam,Edmund pnd Ida Besdle, children of SarRh Brookmsn, do eared, "alker,MRry K. Genesee, died sometime In 18h8. Brother, Erastus ^slker, apt. /sdm.*ov.l8,1871.of Or , " Millar; Walker, Wallace R.Walker. all full Bg»». Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Ill testate s, 1863-1874, * 190.

W«lkon,Dorrls,(formerly,Rode) Hochester, died Apr.15,1871, Hlsbend, John ftelkon, Adm. sole heir. *all,Kbeneeer; Webster, died Apr,2,1^65. Wife, Hannah Well. son, Lyman Sail, Web?ter, Adm, Samuel Well, (Not found in final set.1872) Oeorsre Curtice", surety, H.K.Curtice, • Wpll,Samuel; Webster, died in Color-do,June 1,1869. (Last heard from In 1862) Mother,Hannah Wall, Webster, brother, Symen Kail, " Mlliam Corning, surety, J.M.Ketchnm, n WpHace,Thomas; SocheEtbr, died Sept.5,18 8. Mfe, Jene »ip.llace, (died Ji=n,6,lh71) son, 'Millar: «all??cc, e minor, (ae.fl In 1882) Thomas TophPsBi, Adm. *alsh,John; Rochester, died Dee.5,186h. Mfe, Catherine Kalsh, f-dr. dsu. story %alsh, Re.14, ' Cptherine' ee.8, Welther,henriette; Hochester, died Sept.10,1873. Husband, Earnest '^either. Brother, --- in (Jorm-ny, name unknown. Neither,Henry Sr. Rochester, died Nov.9.9,1873, Mfe, Ann? S a 1 the r, sen, Henry Neither, Rochester, Adir, " George A.fcaltner, " Martla Vogt, sur ty, (Martin,) Ernst Walther, " Wamsley,Krama 8. Rochester, died June 7,1863. HupbRnd, Thomas Aarosley, dm. (mar be Warnsley,) aon, William HM1 Kerns ley, Joseph itcC. • Kdward T. " all under a'*e. V.emsley,Msrgaret; Ogden. Med Bar,24,1868, Thomas Samsley, Hochester, petitioner, fedwr.rd Warnsley, James smsley, Cgd-n. John Warnsley, " Robert »arasley, N.Y.City. Margaret %amsley, Brooklyn,N.Y. Blisa Taylor, " Joseph Wamsley, who died before his mother, pnd. loft; Mlliem E. and Joseph amsley, both under 1 . The only mention of relati nshij was Joseph,above. Probably the whole list are children of Margaret. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. a 191.

Ward,James B. Rochester, died Nov.S,18^0. ae.atout 12 yrs. sister, Wary O.Ward, ee.17, Caty C.Vierd, ae.9, Maternal Aunt, Mrs.Spmuel W.Stevens, Samuel W.Stevens, Rochester, Adm.and guardian. with whom deceased had lived for sevsrM years. fcprd,hachel; fclsrkscn, died Mar.5,1865. Son, John A.hartley, Lockport, R.Y. d*m, Harriet h.Preezee, Clarkson, Msry E.Crippen, George Crlppen, Adm. g.son,Lorenzo C.Bartley, Sweden. g.dau.Mary L.Hartley, Clarkson. The above eh Idren of deceased chlldr- n. harden.Charles; Rochester, died at Taylor,Mch.Jul.14,1868. idow,s ?Collins,(so written In petition,Oct.17,1868) brother, Zeal V,arden. Ms. sister, Jene Ganyerd, Cftspvllle, Ms. Sally Clark, /-lbs, K.Y, Anne Rogers, Sturgls, Mch, and children of Clark Woodworth,-'names unknown. Flnel 8ettlement,.hune 3,1870 gives nemo of widow, as Mary C.DoLong of Taylor, Mch. *arren,Benj?:Mn C. Hush. died July 15,18C9. Wife, Ssrah J fine barren. dau. feary Kllen, ae.8,(July F9» 1869,) he feon, Stephen J. ae.S, ' Stejhen J.A.Maxwell, surety, Rarren, Jacob Bushmen, " barren,Stephen, Rush. died Jan.17,1873. Mfe, Suspn barren. aon, James S.Warren, Rush. Adm. Joseph v;. prren,Climax,••• lch. (Cpnsn^Mgiu ,by 1K74.) Kdson Warren, La Forte, Colo. d^u. Luia H.Meldrum. Lara ale City, *'yo, " Susanna Aeldrum, -u»a Porte, Colo. g.dfu. Klla barren Rush,(ch.of s deed son,) s minor-. • T Stephen barren," Si " n Their mother Is Sarah J,Warren. Newman Warren, surety, benjamin Fellows, ,! Watson.MHiam K. Remlin, died Msr.l,187U Mfe, Charlotte B.'Aatson. dpu. Battle L.Parks. Remlin, Ella B.Watson, a minor. •' Ida ft*toon, Mary F. atson, r Charlotte A. hats on,' ,'.. J. handaH, surety, L.V.Conkllng. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-187*, $ 19k,

WattersjWI.HinB! p. Grwce, died Mar.1,1873, Mfe, Mpry R.flatters, son, Kmery D.Yip.tte"r, P're nk '; ^orge ill miners. „ Willie et final Set. May, Mortimer ' 1874# John John B.Wstters, surety, J&mas McManus, " ftattle,John; Rochester, died Oct.20,1867, Mfe, Mcrls «ettle, apt.Adm. Sept.30,1866. dau. Catherine Rattle, Rochester. son, Mlliem battle, " " Valentine Wattle, dpu/ Mery Settle, " ? Mardlln aattle, " deu. Caroline battle, " Barber? Rattle, * Sophia *attle, " LibMe Settle, " Rosa Battle, *' ayte,KdMn; Hochester, died Oct.lb, 187.'. Mfe, Lelip E.Wayte, ae.47f Adr. son, William Sdwln Wr.yte, se.P5,((Jers3entown,Pa.by 1881) dru. Mary Rllen Wayte, ae.?3 ''; Jennie F.fcayte, se.fl, Kveline L,vayte, ae.PO, son, Alfred E.Wayte, ee.lS, (Lenver,Cold.by 1881) d*u. Carrie J.Vryte, ee.13, Annie C.i-'syte, ee,10, son, Thomps H.Wsyte, ae.6, (den'' by 1881) Chsrles F.^pyte, ee.4, James O.fetMngill, surety, Alfred k*eyte, ,! Ages es of Apr,23,1873. Weaver,John; benfleld, died Nov,90,1870. Mfe, Sally Denver, Son, Krastus K.Weaver, Blmira,* .Y. d u. Mary C.Ooss, Auburn,h.Y. son, J.r>ewltt esver, Penfleld. f Robert K.Weaver, Hochester. Cherles F.Weaver, " febstor,Amelia H. Pannp. died June 28,1870. Mother, Leurn B.Webater, /dm. brother, Frank M.vebst--r, Greece, sistor, Lucretia Lankton, Olive, Mch. Elenno»* A.Tabor, Parma, • Louisp L.Dyer, Cpd^n. brother, George K.Webster, Farms. Mlliam P.hehster, a rclnor. Crrln H.hebster, Papers contain a dlschprre es gup.rdi»>n of Phlletus debater to xmella H.Webstar. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, # 193,

Webster.Horace; Pittsford. died Nov.20,1871. Wife, Lydlp Webstor, adm. Mother, Tursey Sargent, «endon. brother,Mrrtln Webster, Albion,Mich. sister, Mary Ann Austin, Marengo,Mich. " Harriet Styles, Middlebury, K.Y. brother, Seth Webster, f " alater, Elisabeth *robst. iendcn. Frederick Probst, surety, Harrison Olney, henry Brewster, " Further papers,deted Mar.9,1906, Marshall,Mich.glve: heir. Martin iebster, Martha A.Houck, * Albert w.austin. Core Austin, r' henry S.Austin, Homer -"ewis, Edgar Lewie, And in 1906, in Monroe Co.N.Y. heirs rr glv*n:vlz. These agree bo the Adm.by Elisabeth K.S.Probst, r J a ne Loud, " Kettle Webster, Pred P.Webster, Ellery C.Webster, Florence W.Herman. ' Martin S.Webster, Webster,Jeises S, Farms.. died Jan.6,1866. Mfe, Laura E.^ebster, /dm. Mth Horatio Webster, Ogden. son, Frank Webster, ureece, dru. Luc re tie Lane ton, Parma. Eleanor Tabor, *' Louisa Webster, H son, henry webster, " Fred rick Webster, * Crrin Webster, d»u. Amelia Webster, ' (died Juno F8,1870) r- ich r Henry Webster, surety, see. Philetus debater, • Horatio Webster, " Adm.(signs Pond.) Webster,Sarah; Henrietta, died Feb.9,1866. Son, Harry D.Webster, *Jfites. Alonso D.Wohster, Henrietta, Adm. Russell B.Webster, Edwin A.iebster, Hochester. 1 Adnll B.Webster, hush, all full age. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, # 194,

Waddle,Klecta L. Rochester, died Jen.14,1867. Dsu. Mary Jpne Waddle, son, William r*ronlo* Meddle, Fred.Strong Meddle, all itinera. ?ro.Mn-Is*.Thorn* B S."addle, Poughkoepsie,h.Y. guardian. In fin 1 settlement, Apr.9,1369: Marj Jane 'fcertMe Lawrence,ae.?l, Yonkera, R.Y. Mlliam end Fred ere of Poughkeepsie,and minors. Weigel,Michael; Hochester. died June 13.187S. Wife, Caroline E. elgel, Son, Edwin M.Welgel, Hchestor, Md. Francis H, " hochester, a miner. * Lewis A. !l ,: * 9 Chsrles £, " 9 " •oenry S. e « dru. n.l6,1864. I ife, * Barber' fro Is. d^u. Gertrude, 9 Margaret, son, Rudolph, ' Jacob, all minora. *el8sg8rbe-,Sprah! Rochester, died Aug.1,1873. son, *-*eora* welasgrrber, Rochester. Philip f' Detroit, Mch. g.ch. Margaret Triickon, H.Y.City, John Weir,John, ebst r, died Aug.£8,1869. Sister, Ann Borden. Penfleld. heir, James Weir, " Eddie velr, ae.lb, Sister, Mery Smith, Webster, " Elizpbeth Runt, Chicago. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, # 19S.

Welr,Sp*ah J. Rochester, dler* Lee.8,1873, Sistsr, Margaret *eir, Rochester. John D.>alsh, surety, Csthenlne beahan, • *elch,Kittle; Riga, died in Clinton,111,Aug.31,1870. Sister, Nora nelch, Riga, Joanna Wright, Sweden. Mary A.Moore, Miner,(?) Mch. Mother, "ridget bright, Riga, Welch,Maurice, Riga, died at Gettysburg,Fa.July 3,1863, 'Wife, Ann JC.relch, aon, Charles P.Welch. ae.5 on Aug.?,1865. WeIcher,Spencer; Penfleld. died Mer.5,1872, Wife, Harriet 'elcher, Adm. dau. Viols Damari8 M.Starring, Chicago. aon, Edson Z.heicher, benfleld. Clin P.belcher, * " Elmore '.'elcher, " a manor. dau. Alts L.L. elcher, 9 E,L.Dayton, surety. 1. J. 'elcher, " sellman,Timothy D. Sweden, died May 5,1866. Pathsr, Jedediah bellman, Adm, Veils,James; Rochester, died Jan,?3,1873, dau. Cells E. Mfe of Llndley H,Rates, Rochester, Adm. Llndley B.Estes, V-ells, Julia; Rochester, died In Orange Co.b,Y.Apr.P0,1868, Dau, Lucy A.G>-rnger, Adm, heir, Sarah J.Randall, thrsnge Co.K.Y. ( Prob.^'u.) Mary Mazo, Michigan City, Ind. Honzo Blackman, residence urknom. Henry T.Pleckman, sll adults. ?>elsenbach,P>orothea; Rochester, ded Fob. 1,1872. Son, John Wolsonbaeh, Adm. Rochester. Welsher,&ezlah; Wabstar, died Feb.25,1865. Heir, Jacob a'elsher, Hartland, K.Y. petitioner, " Sham(f)Welsher, Decatur,Mich. * Maris Sanford, Ms. • William T'elsher, V>obster, " John Kelshor, Decrtur,Mich. 1 Sally Devereux, benfleld, Ohio. Harriet Lang, " David ttalahar, Hartlsnd, K.Y. Charles Aelsher, aich. Joseph H.'-elsher, Webster, Harvey Welsher, iiarcilton, Canpds, Welphena Aelsher, Wis. « minor. Eleanors Welsher, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, $ 196. fternette,Joseph; Rochester, died May 4,1867, Mfe, Anna '^ernette, Son, Edward L. "amette, Rochester,and Mecosta Co,Mich, 'J ho widow «as sftorvard \nna F.Ortwein and lived In Mecosta Co.Mch.in 1888. West,Catherine; Irondoquoit, died Oct. 187?. Son, Jr-^mep heat, Adm. with Thos.h&yton. dau. Elizabeth Rayton,wife of Thomas Rayton,IrondoquMt. vest,Sophia; Irondoquoit, died Lee.28,1866. Husband, Jfames 8est. Adm. fcestcott,Eleazer; Hamlin, died *eb.9,1863. Wife, Dorcas ftestcott, son, Kleaser .e.tcott, Hamlin. g.son, Kapoleon Burrows, Pontlac, Mch. dau. AAgellan(?)Wrlght, deceased,who- left children,viz. Freelove f:right, Ml of Silas -'rlnht, Mich, then Jay ?rl'rht, said to have Gustavua ri~ht, gone to Pomsroy bright, Texas. fcestersmn,Jacob; Perlnton, died Apr.3,1867, Father, Fred rick Westerman, Adm, John v.'estarmaji, surety, 'Jeorge F. estermen,'' Vestfell.Mary; Greece, died Feb.13,1870. Son, Sasaiel -estfsll, Belleville,Mch, " Joseph ''-astf"11, Greece, dau. Kancv VEostfall, Hudsoh, Mch. son, Lonry Wastfall, Lyons, R.Y. dau. Lydia,wife of henry Earaek, Lyons, K.Y. son, Georgefcestf; 11, Hilladr le,Mch, g. dau. Florenco Van Auken, Hudson, Mch. g.son, Henry J. * " Charles • ' •* ' Spencer, These children of Hulbert Van <\uken. Wastorfiold,Abramj Chili, died IStec.11,1863. Mfe, Hannah Jd.Westerfield, Adm. dru. Helen A. .ostorfield, ae.hO, P©b.l7,186c. Catherine ¥,. r r*a,18, Nov.4,1863. aon, Mlo E. ae.16, Nov.12, 186?. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intostatea, 1863-1874, * 197.

*etmore,Fhillp; Perlnton, deo Apr.l2,lR65. Mother, Eliza A.booster, Adm. sister, Elizabeth fehittsmar. South Hand, Ind. Jane Rooster, Sprlngvater, N.Y. Almlra(t) Schenek, Cleveland, Lulu Stum or Stern, Cleveland. brother, Albert Wetmore, Rochester, a minor. Sidney tfotmore, Cleveland, " Kelson feetmore, Mt.Oilead, Ohio. Whelen,Julia; Rochester, died star.11,1867, Son, Richard Khalen, Rochester, Adm. John Whalers, Jefferron, vis, Louis •'hp.ien, Roche a ter. H Illegible, (net in final i»et.) * Timothy,Whalen, d<~u. Margaret M,Williamson, hochester, all full s£e, thalen,Sergt,Lennis, U.S.Ship,Cyane,' died Jan.15,1869, Sister, Ellen terriPFsy, Rochester, brother, John Whaler., Wheeler,Lavid h. Parrre, died Dec,h4,1868, Mfe, Caroline \.'.'heeler, aon, Elmer J,^heeler, ae.8, dau, Minnie K."heeler, ae.8, **heeler,Ouy; Parma. died Nov.27,1866. Mfe, Minna hheeler, Adm, eith Jacob A.Wheeler, heir, Benjamin ftheMer, Parma. Amarilla Munroe, H " Minna Barton, " v Rachel A.Cox, K " Jacob S.Wheeler, ' * Edward A.Vheeler, Hamlin, v EdMn P.Whoeler, Parma, later of Mch. All fill age, probably chlldr n. Wheeler,Joseph 0, Brighton, died July 20,1874. Sen, Jsred P.Wheeler, Brighton. dau. Frances J. heeler, heeler, Mary: Pittsford, died heb.7,1^2. Husband, Aaron C.-Lv-ior, k&iu aon, Charles L.Wheeler, Hochester. " Kdrard ^heeler, Pittsford. r Oeorfy f>. • hee 1 a r, ae.19. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestatea, 1863-1874, h 198,

Wheeler,Thomas C, Greece, died Nov,25,1863. Sarah Wheeler, Greece, Fetltioner, Elisabeth A.Wheeler, Form Yen. K.Y. Lany C.Baxter, Greece, Lorlnda Pushes, *! Oeorre Henry, Kalamazoo, Mich. Mlliam C.'SheMer, Greece, Hinira Crook, • ( Later,1868.called *ary.) Fllsa J.Shoeler, v e-n4aerv Elijah A. Alienor, ' e minor, James F. heeler, *• Alfred W, heeler, ! * Others in Final Set. 1868. viz. Eliza J.vhes-ler, Greece, Sarah Bushnell, (Can that be same as Bushrw ?) Carlton Wheeler, Mich. Alfred Kheeler, * Free1and Whea le r, " Wheeler,William; Hochester, died Aug.30, 1870. Wife, Margaret Hheeler, fdm. sister, Eliza Ann ^heeler, England. John C.C'Prion, apt.Adm, %hicher,feary A. Sweden. & e* Feb.f-1,1874, Husband, Calvin J.fthlchor, 'o children, Josish R.Randolph, surMy, James Montgomery, '^hi^;. le,James; Hamlin, died Kov.::2,lS6S. VIfe, Zeoline hippie, dau. Mia K. ae«9, Cor? , ae.4, So i oma n T i same rmr n, a u re ty • as*. Johnson, S'hAjile,Jonathan; Henrietta, died Juna 29,1859. Martin Roberts, apt.Adm. kpr.b,iS6b. Lau. Frances A,Roberts, Henrietta, son, Henry 0.Whipple, Oaloy, Henry Co. Ill, g.ch, France8 Hoffman, Hartland, r<.Y. " George H.Whipplo, m * Amelia C.Foot, " " " Lau. C.Klisabeth Collins, Henrietta. fchitb«ek,Lewrcnce;F. Pittsford, died Sept.11,1866. Lau. Sarah Jane Whltbeck, Pittsford. * U»ry Elizabeth Whltheek, p son, Leaitt C.fihitbeck, Mortimer H.Whitbaek, 1 let«r F>."-hItbeck, dau. Ellen C.Whitbeck, r ^elen Catalina ahitbeek, ' all full e?.e. " Margaret Amandr. Shitbeek, a minor,over 14, son, John h.-hitbeck, *a Franklin C.end ieor^e V, hltbeck, Moors over 14. • J^fam ^rhltherr^^i»-34Qa^i«'*u4»»«aAr- Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates,1863-1874, * 199.

Whitbeck,Lawrence P. Pittsford, Continued. Charles L. hltbeck, c trhnor under 14, John F.Vhitbeck wt,s guardian for the minor boys. Whitchair,John; Rochester, died Apr.21,1867. Mfe, J.Anns "ahltchair, Adm, dau. Johanna,Mfe of Krnst Uslar, Rochester. Caroline,Mfe oflsadore Ilarschar, Pittaford. White,Edmund J. Sweden, died Nov.17,1371. Mfe, Sarah J.VShite, son, Charles J.*hite, full a^s, fl Henry h.White, e minor. Samuel Pi.tiavls, Swed£-n« surety, Eli she .uocke, " White,Elijah; Hochester, died Ju^y 23,lcl73, Father, John B.fthite, ?.. P, £la ckmoro , sure ty, John Hey, 9 White,Mary; Rochester, died July 28,1«68. Dau. Mary hhite, 'djt. Whiting,Edward J. Rochester, die- Apr.28,1874, brother, Addison Ih,W'hlting, Rochester, Adr. heir, Sarah ferltlng, Larien, N.Y. " Josephus -hiting, " '' Prank Wpilting, Greece. * Cerrie "hiting, " Jennie hi ting, * Esther Whiting, Boston, Mass. Whiting,henry s. Rochester, died Feb.28,1867. Eilery S.Trent, Adr.. Samuel Scofield, Fetltloner, There werf: no heirs or next of kin. Whit tier,hichard; Ogden. died July 24. 1874. Mfe, Harriet hit tier, d^u. Martha E. wife of Charles Church. Cgden. w Irrneea A. wife of Stephen fla?..r, sen, Kdmund Whlttier, Flint, Mch. g.d au• '? ra.nc an Ba 11, ue ona rd Burr i11, Adr:. Charles Achilles, surety, henry Webster, Whittler,Rufus K. Parmn, died Apr.1,1873. Mfe, Elizabeth '.Littler, Adrr. dau. Ada finlttier, 1 Carrie rthlttler, s minor, son, Edgar L.Whlttier, Perms. d^u. Mr.ttie E.'/hlttier, M Nettle hhlttler, ' Continued for data In 1890. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intent-tes, 1863-1874, f 200.

Whlttier, Rufus, Parma, continued. ftnotoer Petition,of Feb.7,1890,gives as follows; t»au. Ado Sburgea. ae.33, Eingsvillo, H.Y. Carrie Ccx, ae.34, farms, Martha Cox, ae.30, " Nettle Shittier, au.17, " * Edgar L. hit tier, 1lck,Kuniruhd&, Rochester, dior July 23,1870. Husband, Velt Mch, Deu. Isabella Llsatmann, Rochester. :; Kargartr t II of, aon, Michnel Mck, Ithaca. P'.Y. d u. Caroline Stober, and Calif. aon, Conrad Mck, Rochester. dau. Kunlgunda cowman, son, Frederick Mck, ; 9 Henry 'Mck, V Christa Mck, Buffalo, N.Y. sons, John; George; Charles, all Rochester. Widdowson, HHian; Roehosfc&r, 'hied ^'ec.20,l'-74. Son, Samuel Mddowscn, Winnebago,111. dau. Sophia Stevendon, Stafford, K.Y, * fcatHda Storms, Buffalo,P.Y. son, Henryftidho'arssn, Rochester , Albert Widdowson, sll full age. William H.Marson, Ada:. Alonzc Hathatt, surety, henry ?ray, f Widenor,Mills; Riga, died 0ec,17,1872, Wife, Catherine Mdener, heir, Aronl (?)*. idener, a minor. Victor J.Mdener, Mlbur,Eliza; Rochester, died Lee.17,1873. Husband, Charles C.Wilbur, en, Charles Chatton Mlbur, a minor, Mrs.k.&.Chafcterton, surety. Wlllcocks,Edward; Colli. died Jan.7,1873, 'Mfe, Mary IHcocks, Adm. Wheatland, dau. Florence ..iilcocks, heatland. a miner. son, James -IHcocks, p dau. siary *»on Mllcocka, Mleox,Fenny; Kondon. died Sept. 18? 5, brother, Otis N.Mleox, Brighton. sister, hannah Hubbell, tfondon. bro. Moxanci-r Mleox, Karahall, Mch. sis. Lorlnda Aendall, Rochester, r Mary Rich, tendon, bro. Samuel Mlcox, ' Sylvester llcox,' •' William Mlcox, Pen'-a. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. j* 201.

Wilcox,Mlton P. Perrinton, died Jen.18,1864. ft I f e , Ma rgt> re t v 3 le ox, heir, Catherine MAC ox, Perrinton, 9 Omar Mleos, " Louisa 9llcox, " Elisabeth MIcox, 9 Martin Wilcox. Alanson Mi cox, H.Y.City, ** Laura MIcox, Perlnton. Mlder,henry C. Greece, died in Salsbure;, i;.C. Jan.9,18u5. Father, Alamada Mlder, Adm. *'lderjLeman 0. brockport, died Oct,27,1873, Mfe, Ann h.Mlder, Adm. aon, Charles K,Mlder, dau. Helen E.Mlder Steele, a miner. son, Willltm H.Wilder, Mlklnson,hlv5ra; Rochester, died Jan.1,1870. Hush and, Alvin •Ilhinfccn. dau. Alice J.'Mlklnson, a minor, P. P. Rule t, .Ad;.-.. llklnson,henry P. Rochester, died in hatavla,E»Y.June 1,1871., Lau , KB ry S . Go thou t, P dr.. Wlllard,Edward C, Sweden. died May 10,1869. Mfe, Catherine Mllard, snd following children. Ch: rles, re.IP, ^ary, ae.16, Martha, ee,13, Morrla, ne.9, Catherine,ae,7, William, ae,6, Alexander Mller, sus*ety. Mllsrd,Emory, aebster, died Feb,10,1872. heir, henry Mllard, Aurellus, Cayuga Co,N.Y. V Samuel D.MHard, Geneva,ft.Y, n Emery CWIllard, "' Jerome Ml lard, Mahitabel Strong, * Prances «'an buaen, Mn»y Mllard, Wllley,Hebron; Rochest* r, died 1864, "ar. In U.S.Army, end not heard f -orc for 8 years. Mfe, Wary Mile?, Adm. son, Mlliam P.. I Hey, Williams,Issbolln,aials Hays, Rochester, died Apr.l6,18tS. Amos Williams, dm. So heirs Mven, Mentions fl7b in Rochester Savings tank. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestates, 1«.63-1«74, * 202,

Williams, Jor-eph F. Rochester, died in **eRoy,T* .Y.Sep.27,1869. «argai»et Miliums, Adm. (Probably Mfe,) d-u. ae 2 yrs, ! mos. not naraod. A claim against Kris R.R, for hla d ath. Ml Hams, Alfred; Henrietta, died Jan.13,1872, Mfe, faaria »-illl«uas, dle^ Feb,7,1882. aon, Judson E.MIliams, Henrietta, died July, 1881. dau. Emily Olivia Hulkley, TFcrwp.lk, Ct. Mary A.Lincoln, henrletta. Frances ;. fill ems, '' P minor. g.d u. -ihdiy Baxter, Iroy, Pa. d-u.of Almira Budd,deces i ed; g.son, f-rank Budd, Kansas, son * " v Judsor- n«ed '-odd,0 ' " B " Lyman K.Otis, aurety, tt.£.Ne«ley, i rom Final Settlement In 1882, vis. The Mfe of Judson F.Mlllams was Jeanette. Mary A.Lincoln wea so.38 in 1882. Emily 0.Puckley ' ae«46, ' 9 Emily Baxter " se.31, Prank Buo^ " ae.30, ' J.heed budd '' ae.B8, ' v d*u. trances R.Porter, ae.28, ' " Williams,Marvin, brlghton, died Aug.11,1870, Mfe, Catherine Ml llama, son, Daniel Miliars, Rornollsvi31o,^.Y, Sylvester R.Mllians, Adm. Mention made of tension due the rif-ce aed. Mlliams, Olive, Rochester, dle^ *ug.£4,1867. Husband, Jo>u-> WlHiars, Adm. son, Kdwerd ft .MIHam?. fteorge P.' illiams, " Whitney Mlllsms. Williams,ywen; Perlnton, dleh 0ct,lC,186S. Father, Samuel Ml Mima, no other heir:-. Willis,Ira; Gate?, ^Aed J\nv 12,1871. Erother, W1Hl°r H .Mills, Gates. " J»merr F .Mills, Sister, Harriet Streeter, Seenlth Cummlngs, nie*an,Mleh,( Ascenath,) '' An.srellne Russell, Jackson Co.Mich, Clarissa \ ilsor, <•* Betsey Au^hton, " ,! Lode ma Chapman, - ert Cap, *•' helen ^eorge, 111. ' iboete Cooper, oeceared, who left c lldren not named. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, 4 203,

Mills,Richard B. Rochester, died Sej t.PI,1869. Wife, Louise B.Mills, son, Henry W.Mllis, a minor. J.C.Cochrane, surety, Philip H.Curtis, " Wills,Phoebe; Rochertor, died Feb.2c,1873. Lau. Alice Wills Palmer, Pittsburg,Fa. Cora Wills, Rochester, Ida J.Mils, Elmira. These were all und-r 14 In 1873. The above r sid-nces and names rere of Feb. 1885. George Underbill, Adm. Ira B.Dickinson, surety, Jacob Fonda, " Wlllsey,Solomon; Rochester, die" Mar.19,1870, Lau. Sylvia C.Wllleey, Adm. with Wellington Frosser, Wilson,Collin; Rochester, died Mar.13,1870. Mfe, Amanda C.Mlson, Adm. dau. Euphemia C.Cushman, Hochester. Charlotte A.Cushman, Virginia L.Daniels, " son, Byron D.Mlson, ' all full sg8. Ml8on,Mary; Rochester, Adm.apj olnted,^up;.S, 186'h. Sister, Hannah Prown, Utica,K.Y. heir, Charles Csborn, hochester. Cheuneey Nash, Adm. Wiltsie,.Tohn T. Perlnton, died Oct.19,1867. Wife, uaura J.Mltsie, son, J.Frank Mltsie, a minor. James E. Mltsie, 9 Burton N.'Mltsie, " James M.Mltsie, Fltssford, Adm. Mltsie,Thornss; Perlnton, died Sept.6,1873. Son, James M.Mltsie, Pittsford. Adm.(called oldest,and heir, Nancy Brooks, Penfleld. only son. ) Marcis 'Mltsie, Ferinton. (Probably Herriet Mllard, Dorchester. Md. these pre m Rachel Covey, Penfleld, all " Mery Mltsie, PeMnton. Children.) 9 Fr^nk Mltsie, a minor, Eddie 'Mltsie, " " B Burton Wiltsle, " " (Sea John T. Iltsie,) Laura ft.Mltsie, guardian of minors. Patrick Ma lone, surety, Jeffrey N.Blrdsall, " , V.ing,James; Rochester, died Apr.28,186- at 8eneva,> .Y. Sister, Elizabeth 0.Hoot, Geneva,N.Y. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874. § 204.

Wlnslow,Rebecca C. Bontletta, died Fob.22,1873. Husband, Francis E.MnsjLow ,A& . son, Marvin F.Mnslow, Henrietta, only son. Mnstein,Perltz; Rochester, died Nov.7,1873, Wife, "enrietta Inate In, Ad». son, Victor, ae,20, dau. Rosa, se.17, Janet, ae.lS, ell of Rochester, Mth mother, *olcott,Caroline K. Rochester, died Oct,7,1871, Husband, George F.fcolcott, son, Henry E.iolcott, Pairport, N.Y. J ernes E.Wolcott, hochester. Franklin A.Wolcott, dau. Elisabeth ff.Wolcott,(by 1877,she id Klls.0,Merrl«n, Franklin and Elizabeth J,were minors. John C.Moore, surety, Anson F.Wolcott, Wolf, Anthony Rochester, die- Jan.16,1866. dau. Catherine Wolf, (Children all minors,at the death.) son, John &olf, dau, Caroline fcolf, son, Anthony -df, ( ae.lS at final Set,aug, 1880^ J • Wood,Abigail; Hochester, died !^ec.7, 1873. Sister, Luclnda Poster, Rochester, dm. 9 Charlotte Moon, Gates. ^T ^ood,Penjamin, Parma, died Mar,20,1870, Wife, Nancy Wood, Adm. ^ son, Oscar B.hood, a minor. Yh. Kood,Csrmi; Mendon, died Mar.31,1871. %. Mfe, SarRh P.Wood, dsu. Caroline Porter, tendon. Julia A.Slckner, 9 Emms hood, g.dau. Kllzabeth A.Paddock, minor, 111. ch.of a dead dru. Wood,Isabella J Wheatland, died Feb.9,1865. Son, Samuel Wood. No husband,fat-er or mother. Thomas Burr© 11, Adm. a friend. Wood,John; Henrietta, died Jan.7,1868. Mfe, Jerushe Vtood, who died at Henrietta,Aug.4,1882, Son, Alonso Wood, hast *«ev Market, Md. Giles ood, herlnton. dau. ( therlne M.Wood, henrietta. Mary K.ftaw, som, John B.ftood, died u«m rrled,M«-r.30,1877. aood,Joshua E. Rochester, dleh Nov.27,1869. William Cannnby, krtm. relati n not given. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1863-1874, f 205,

Wood,Newton; Riga, died June 3,1864. Father, Nathaniel &ood, Riga. fcood,Saaaiel S. Rochester,no data, Pond 8lrned,Mny 14,1870. Mfe, Marls L.l ood. son, John C.Wood, F.Y.City, aon, Mary B.Backus, Rochester. dau. Emma S.Ferris, N.Y,City, aon, Mlbur F.Tood, Rochester, a minor. dsu. Adelaide L.Wood, Albert Packus, Adm. Wood,Sarah; Rochester, died Oct.4,1864, (No, Aug.4,1864) Husband, James H.Wood, Adm, dau. Mary E.wifeof Darrien Stickner, Sweden, Catherine R, wife of John W.fchlte, Rochester. son, Ferdinand M.Wood, hochester. ae.17. Saruel S.Wood, Insane,in asylum er Utica,*:.Y. a Woodruff,Ann F. Hush; died Apr.13,1871, son, Cyrus C.'-teed, Rush, Adm. oldert son. " Oliver Woodruff,' Altle Woodruff," Frederick ft,?»oodruff,Rush , dau, Almella Woodruff, aon, Theodore T., oodruff, dau. Theodlcifi Woodruff, Hochester. son, Edgar 6.-'oodruff, Rush. a minor. i&oolston,

Intestates, 1863-1874, 206

•right, Jesse; Parma. die-1 Lee. 10,1872. Son, Horace fcright,Farms , Alonzo bright,Homer,Mch. Francis iftri^ht, Albion,Mch. Hiram Wright, Mich. Louis Wright, Utlce Mich. Cheuncey Wright, Calif. Jacob Wright, Farms. g.dau. Elisabeth Chat tin ^r*ves, HenMetta. * Julia Chattln Beverly, " " Prances Smith, Parma. p " Flora right, Hamlin, G aon,Cheuncey Chattln, Parma, a minor, " Mlliam Chattln, " Emmett Chattln, '' * * ^rville Chattln, ! » * Jesse Chattln, " g.dau. KfMe Chattln, *• " • Edna Chattln, '' * dou. Mnnie RandMl, ¥f>rvm. Jane Ann Rright, B v.rlght,Margaretho, Rochester, oieh May 30, 1867, dau, Msrfraretha Oesell, Hochester, Frederlka Wright. Jane Khltaker, «aria right, ell full are. Wright,Moses; Hamlin, die before Dec.14,18: 6. Mfe, Sarah C. later, Sarah C.Kenyon, A children unnamed. Ralph Thacher, brockport, Adm. died May,1872, having rendered no accounting. henry P.Norton, surety, Feb.20,1873. John A.Latta, a a a Oeorre ftenson r R " *' Ralph Thacher apt./dm. Dec.8,1866. There were 3 children all under 10 yrs. The wife later married Horace E«nyon.( ois fror snother paper ) Wright,Nathan) Hamlin. died Jan.3,1868. Mfe, Augusta bright, Adm, with her brother,Ben.5.Perkins. aon, Levid Wright, Hamlin, dau. Elizebeth Lighter,'1 aon, Sylvester fcrlght, " ,: Nathan rlgbit, d^u. Mary tthltbeck, sen, Benjamin right, Hastings, Mich. df-u. Asseoth Smith, Pawpaw, Mich. flllce he burrey, " ? M C Hamlin, Illegible. Wright,Walter,Mfed'uaon,., CharleHarrieLucLaury a Prrea, brighttsA .Rrlght right ,died Hochester, AdmanSart.7,1dresi , son,Geor^d .ne e70. unknown, re a.. unknown. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intestates, 1 63-1874, § 207.

Wright,Zenas) Hamlin, died Aug.1,1868. Wife, Lydia Wright, Adr-. heir, John "Aright, Kamlln, Arm A.' right, ae.14,July 23,1868, Charles B.bright,ae.8, 8ov,2P,18o8, Klley fright, surety, Hansford Wright, " Wunter,Conr-d; Rochester, died Mar.19,1872. Brother, Math las 'Aunter, Adm. George v-vmter, Canada. Jacob Wuntor, Rochester. sister, Magdelena Purkhardt, 9 father, Mathlas Wunter, Germany, all fill ag'

Yakey,Jacob; Rochester, died Apr.6,1807. WIfe , P re<^e rlka Yakey, heir, Charles ifakey, * Charlotte Yakey, Christian vakey,(a surety,) Margaret ? '- narrled name Illegible, Eugnen h.'"olcott, surety. Yatman,John G. Rochester, died 1"»c.4,186? ife, Margaret Yatman, (Petition, July ..f,l'6 J. dau. Jane 0. wife of Amos White, Milwaukee, is. H.Sargent, surety, G.'- .Plackmore," Yatman,hargpret, Hochester, died Sert.11,1869. Jane G.vhlte, Milwaukee, Adm. Years,Renry; Rochester, died ^oc.26,1873. Wiftf,Elizabeth Years. Adm. ehildren all minors. Smil, &ary, Johanna, Sophia, All of Hochester. ji^ena, Seorge, Libblo, Henry, Yorky,Louisa; Rochester, died June 4,1866. aon,Charles Vim.Yorky, ee.Syra 6 mos. Geo.Henry Yorky, ae. 1 yr. mos. dated June 11,18 husband, Mlliam H.Yorky. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection

Intents tea,1863-1874, 808.

2arnow,John; Plttsf