Ennett Tin, Hollow and Sheet Iron Ware. 'Aromatic Sm/Jf
PiT6 rs*r^ ksesss* W'i ~ " ':k:> -'" -.V;: '^"\ • >1: 66 vol.. XIII. TUESDAV, FEBfJ i830» NEW SERIFS—NO HO. PUBLISHED WEEKIA AT NORWALK, CONN. S. V^KEDICT, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Important to School Commit- Vieady ,M<\de CAotWiwg- THE LOT, LEVlER STORE. CHEAP, CHEAP CHEAP I tees, Teachers, «nd others. HE Subscriber lias on hand an assortment At ELY occupied by Dr. J. Mjhias HviVbeW, HE subscriber has just received from New J Hollow iVare. T1of Ready Made Clothing, manufactured is* ^#§8 JU KNIGHT, deceased. For WHOLLHe & RETAIL DEALER T York per Sloop Citizen, a large and pen I RON Pots from half Gallon to 5 Gallons the country which will 'ie sold 25 per cent less ' ?-3^I«SBS terms apply to C BISSE.1.1., Esq. or era' assortment of GROCERIES, which heoffrs OLN iOY'S in leatfyvkall articles in that line, S Dish Kettles from 1 quart to 4 Galtons han the shop work New-York ELI RKED. to the subscriber in New-Haven. to his Customers and the public at his stoic a Bake Pans Large and small J. KNIGHT. NFORiA'Jtftubijtk that he has constantly few rods East of the Bridge on die most reason Spiders with covers, SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY. on hanjav. Ware-house, about half a very convenient Cotton Yarn, Candlewick, &i\ Norwalk Oct. 21. 1820- t>6tf I able terms, the following comprises a part of Spiders without covers, "small and lar°-e PRACTICAL Sysl'.m of Modern Geo- mile Nortfc |tb\.*1(ige on (|le [),anbury road, a his assortment: graphy; or a view of the present State general aWra^f Sole Leather, of tlie first Fire Dogs, Fancy and plain.
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