Washington). DC 20523
I , 1 DEPA~T OF 5!~TE jGENCl FOR INTERNATIONAL rEVELOPMENT' Washington). D.C. 20523 Proposal and P..ecommendat ions For the Review ot the Development Loan Committee EGYPT - Alexandria Sewage AID-DLC/P-2258 EGYPT: ALEXANDRIA SHIAGE Errata Sheet No. 2 Page 25, Table VI-2: CDE CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS, Chanqe from "Total" to "Ift!o Service ChClrqe" EGYPT - Alexand.r:1a SE.wage frrata Page Hi, pangraph 4.17, line 5: Change "t:onjucntion" to "conjunction" Page 16, tc?,bIC IV-l, line 8: Delete "G~~" Page lG, pa,'grilph 4.23, lin2 13: Chc,ngc "(C01-1)" to "(CDI~)". Page 2G, rari:gr",ph G.13, 1 inc "/ from tor of Ikge: Change "r",.;sib"c. Forgoing" to "possiblE', keeping" Page~ ;~J z1tld ;:3: Reverse pa~le order Page. 29, pLlrC:,jl'?p!: 6.17, line, 3: Chanqr "ration" to "ratioll Page 30, par6!]t'llpll O.O~, lint' 7: Chan~jr. "right-of-\'lilY" to "t'i~ ht'.)·-of-\~ay" Page 30, rara'Jrup/1 8.05, lint: f!: Change "gneeration" to "gener2tion ll Pag~ 33, paragrl!ph 8.16~ 1 ill,' 1,1: Ch(II1~r; "s(ll'laruge" to "sc'.'W1"fl90" Page 3/j., poY'(lgrc.r 1/1 1\:19, line: l~: Change "professional" to "pl'ofe5 s i CJJ1c.l s" Page 37, parasrClph 10.01 ~ lines 3-4:' Change "and inspection" to "inspection und" Page 39, paragraph 10.11, line,7: Delete "As USAID has indicated" and capitalize "This" Page 43, paragt'uph 11.04, Section 2(a), lines 2-4: Delete lIincluding He cost of the rrogram and its effect on th(~ envi ronmeilt II Page 44, pa.ragrarh 11.05, Section (d), line 8: Change IITariffli to "tariff" Annex 0, page 3, Scctio~ 2(a), lines 2-3: Delete lIinch/d'ing the cost of the program and its effect on the envircnment lf • •• EGYPT - Ii] cxt:lndt'i i.l.
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