Dunca, A.,M., the History of Hydraulic Structures Realized in Banat

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Dunca, A.,M., the History of Hydraulic Structures Realized in Banat Scientific Bulletin of Politehnica University of Timişoara Transactions on HYDROTECHNICS Volume 62(76), Issue 2, 2017 The history of hydraulic structures realized in Banat hydrographical area (Romania) Andreea-Mihaela Dunca1 Abstract: Banat hydrographical area is situated in the In Timișoara, the largest and the most important western and south-western part of Romania and city of this region there is a rather old tradition in the includes the hydrographical basins of the rivers: field of hydrotechnical works, for the reason that the Aranca, Bega Veche, Bega, Timiș, Bârzava, Moravița, city initially situated on a low and marshy terrain, Caraș, Nera, Cerna and other smaller Danube river’s had to conduct a steady and constant struggle in tributaries. The relief of this region is very diverse, with altitudes that decrease from east to west and fluctuate order to combat excess water (Dunca, 2017). between 70 m and 2291 m. The characteristics of the The Banat hydrographical area which overlaps a hydrographical network and of the surface, which have part of the Banat historical region, is situated in the a very low drainage slope in the plain area, sometimes western and south-western part o Romania, bounded nonexistent as well as the limited possibilities of surface north of the Mureș river, south of the Danube and water infiltration, due to the low soil permeability, have east of the Romaniaʼs border with Serbia. From an in the past led to the occurrence of unstable administrative point of view this area spreads in our watercourses, with many channels that were often lost country on the territory of five countries: Timiș, in the lowlands where they formed large flood plain Caraș-Severin, Arad, Mehedinți and Hunedoara. meadow and marshes. For the economic development 2 and the profitability of Banat region, an intensive water This region covers a surface of 18.320 km (7,7 management activity has been carried out, which % from the surface of Romania) and includes the targeted the design and execution of several hydraulic hydrographical basins of the rivers: Aranca, Bega structures through all known hydrotechnical Veche, Bega, Timiș, Bârzava, Moravița, Caraș, Nera, techniques, some of them unique in the Romanian space. Cerna and other smaller tributaries of the Danube Keywords: Banat hydrographical area, water resources river (Dunca, Bădăluță-Minda, 2017). management, hydraulic structures, non-permanent The relief of this region is very diverse, from storages, permanent storages east to west the forms of the relief are successively descending in altitude. Altimetric Banat runs between 1. INTRODUCTION the minimum value of 70 m altitude, recorded in the southern extremity, on the Danube, in Orșova and in Water resources management from Banat the western extremity, at the boundary of the area, hydrographical area has been a long-term activity, where the Tisa river is situated, and the maximum which resulted from the need to expand the value of 2291 m altitude, recorded in the eastern part, agriculture in order to ensure decent living in the Gugu Mountains of the Godeanu Mountains conditions of the population, which has imposed (Arba, 2015) (fig. 1). from the begenning, the execution of some large- From a climatic point of view, the Banat scale hydraulic structures for preventing and hydrographical area falls in the transition temperate eliminating the danger of floods and the excess continental climate, a climate present in all the humidity in the low areas. country, but with mediterranean influences, with the In order to ensure the economic development result of overlapping atlantic air circulation and and the profitability of the region, the drainage of the invasions of mediterranean air. This climate generates marshes, but also the transport of wood and a moderate character of the thermal regime, with agricultural products, in the year 1716, there was a periods of heating in winter and also of the request for the realization of a water resource pluviometric regime, the annual average of management activity in this hydrographical area, precipitations amount ranging from 600-1400 with the help of a sustained hydrotehnic control plan, mm/year (Dunca, Bădăluță-Minda, 2017). which has respected the principle of mastering and Because of to the suddenly decrease in altitude in multilateral use of water, of some hydraulic this area from the high relief, mountainous and hilly structures and of a more and more hydrotehnic highlands, located in the eastern, to lower relief, such control scheme (Dunca, 2017). as plains which are situated on the western side, also 1 West University of Timişoara, Faculty of Chemestry, Biology, Geography, Department of Geography, Vasile Pârvan Boulevard, no. 4, 300223, Timişoara, Romania, [email protected] 55 the abundant rainfall at certain times of the year and generally have a pronounced torrential character, at high altitudes, and the influence of the recording a rather large variation in discharges during Mediterranean climate experienced by the early one year. melting of snow in the high area, the watercourses Figure 1. Hypsometric map of Banat hydrographical area The rivers that collect the waters of this region Thanks to a long-term water resource have physical-geographic characteristics specific to management activity of about 300 years, Banat the southwestern part of the country, but at the same hydrographic area benefits from a very complex time they are individualized as river systems with hydrotechnic control scheme that includes all characteristics specific to each river basin (Dunca, hydrotechnical techniques, some of them unique in Bădăluță-Minda, 2017). Romania and several types of works hydrotechnics, The characteristics of the hydrographical network with a very important role in the formation and and of the surface, which have a very low drainage influence of leakage water processes (Dunca, 2017, slope in the plain area, sometimes nonexistent and the Munteanu, Harabagiu, 2001-2002). limited possibilities of surface water infiltration, due The water management activity of this region to the low soil permeability, had determined the began in the 18th century, when the first arrangements occurrence of unstable watercourses, with many were made for the transport of wood and when the channels that were often lost in the lowlands where first dams, landing lakes (länd-uri) and rakes were they formed large flood plain meadow and marshes. built (installations removing the logs from the water). The surfaces from Banat plain were in the past unsuitable for practicing intensive agriculture because 2. TYPES OF HYDRAULIC they were marshy, being subject to periodic floods STRUCTURES and deprived of drainage. These inconveniences led to the emergence and implementation of a The exploitation of the hydrotechnical potential hydrotehnic control plan, one of the largest and most of Banat mountains watercourses has undergone modern land improvement systems in Romania, with several main stages, as follows: the use of river bed the aim of protecting land from flooding and for wood transportation by floating, the production sanitation of the entire area. of the mechanical energy needed to train various Floods are extreme hydrological phenomena household installations (mills, joagăre), the that occur with a fairly high frequency in Banat. An production of electricity needed for the steel and analysis of these phenomena over the past three metallurgical industry, as well as household centuries reveals that the periodicity of the major consumption, regularization of course flows, storage floods is around thirty years, with some cases when of water resources and flood protection and they occurred at intervals of only a few years (1906 complementary activities (fishery funds, nautical și 1912, 1966 și 1970, 2000 și 2005) (Arba, 2010, sports, tourism etc.) (Sistemul Hidroenergetic Arba, 2013). 56 Complex Nera–Timiş Superior Bârzava Superioară. The Bega Channel is the first navigable canal in Elemente de Patrimoniu Industrial, 2006). Romania, built between Timisoara and Titel situated The hydraulic structures carried out in Banat in Serbia, with a total length of 114 km, of which 44 have focused on the largest rivers (Timiș and Bega) km in our country and 70 km in Serbian territory and on their main tributaries. The most important (Arba, 2016). types of works performed are: hydraulic structures Between 1728 and 1738, Claudius Florimund for the regulation of peak discharge and mitigation Mercy, realizing that effective provincial control of floods waves (damming works, permanent required primarily the development of infrastructure storages and non-permanent storages) for the and the recommendation of Prince Eugene de purpose of defending against floods and reducing the Savoya, implements the dewatering plan of Banat negative effects that these extreme hydrological muds, river training and channeling the Bega river, phenomena might have, and the regulation hydraulic which connected directly on the water way, the structures of some river beds and embankment of the capital of the province (Timişoara) to the imperial largest banks flowing waters in the perimeter of the capital (Viena). most important cities and rural areas (Arba, 2016). In November 1732, after the completion of these The regulation hydraulic structures hydraulic structures, the first ship to Pancevo Despite the huge economic potential of the (Serbia) navigated on this variant of the canal, but Banat's historical region, when Ottoman because of the difficulties
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    Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Geologia, 2008, 53 (2), 41 – 54 Thermo-mineral waters from the Cerna Valley Basin (Romania) Ioan POVARĂ1*, Georgel SIMION2† & Constantin MARIN1 1„Emil Racoviţă” Institute of Speleology, Frumoasă 31, 78114, Bucharest, Romania 2 S.C. Prospecţiuni SA, Caransebeş 1, 12271, Bucharest, Romania († deceased) Received: May 2008, accepted November 2008 Available online November 2008 ABSTRACT. In the Cerna Valley basin, located southwest of the Southern Carpathians and upstream from the confluence of Cerna with Belareca, an aquifer complex has developed. The basin is strongly influenced by hydrogeothermal phenomena, acting within two major geological structures, the Cerna Syncline and the Cerna Graben. The complex consists mainly of Jurassic and Cretaceous carbonate rocks, as well as the upper part of the Cerna Granite that is highly fractured, tectonically sunken into the graben. The geothermal investigations have shown the existence of some areas with values of the geothermal gradient falling into the 110-200ºC/km interval, and temperatures of 13.8-16ºC at the depth of 30 m. The zone with the maximal flux intensity is situated between the Băile Herculane railway station and the Crucea Ghizelei Well, an area where 24 sources (10 wells and 14 springs) are known. The geothermal anomaly is also extended to the south (Topleţ), north (Mehadia) and NE (Piatra Puşcată), a fact, which is stressed by the existence of hypothermal springs with low mineralization. The physical-chemical parameters of the sources show a strong N-S variability. At the entire thermo-mineral reservoir scale, the temperature of the water sources, the total mineralization, and the H2S quantity are increasing from the north to the south, and the pH and natural radioactivity are following the same trend.
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