
4 The Ambiguous Muse

1 However, Proust’s sexuality is still under debate. Although he has long been viewed as homosexual, there is some evidence that he also enjoyed sexual relations with women. See Rivers, Chapter 2 ‘The Private Life of a Genius’, for an extended review of the biographical evidence pertaining to Proust’s sexual history.

5 The ‘Poe-etics’ of Decomposition: ‘The Cabinet of Edgar Allan Poe’ and the Reading-Effect

1 Carter quipped that in the light of Poe’s enthusiasm for dead and dying women his essay should ‘by rights, be retitled “The Philosophy of Decomposition”’, in ‘Through a Text Backwards’ 487.

6 Musing on Baudelaire: ‘Black Venus’ and the Poet as Dead Beloved

1 In her interview with Kerryn Goldsworthy, Carter said: ‘Whereas Jeanne Duval [...] didn’t want to be a muse; as far as one can tell, she had a per- fectly horrid time being a muse. She felt that she should take Baudelaire for as much as she could get. He treated her, as they say, Quite Well, except that he appears not to have taken her in any degree seriously as a human being. I mean you can’t take a Muse seriously as a human being, or else they stop being a Muse; they start being something that hasn’t come to you to inspire you, but a being with all these problems. Towards the end all Baudelaire’s letters are worrying about her health, and her teeth; but by this time she’d of course stopped being a Muse. You can’t take people seriously and regard them as divine – as something other than human’ (Goldsworthy 11–12). 2 ‘All in all, I believe my life has been damned since the beginning, and that it will always be so.’ (Translation my own) 3 ‘I have seen few possessions so complete, so rapid, so absolute.’ (Translation my own) 4 ‘Hmmph! They accuse me, me, of imitating Edgar Poe! Do you know why I translated Poe so patiently? Because he resembles me.’ (Translation my own) 5 Translated by Walter Martin as: ‘From here on in, I must submit / And take delight in Fate’s commands, / For lovesick martyrdom demands / A victim,


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once the fire is lit’ (‘Le Léthé’, trans. Walter Martin, Charles Baudelaire: Complete Poems, Manchester: Carcanet, 1997).

8 Dialectical Dames: Thesis and Antithesis in The Sadeian Woman

1 See: Altevers; Henstra; Keenan; Makinen, ‘Sexual and Textual Aggression’; Rubinson. 2 S.C.U.M. is an acronym for The Society for Cutting up Men. The author of the manifesto, Valerie Solanas, gained worldwide notoriety for shooting Andy Warhol.

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Abrams, M.H., 100 Bellmer, Hans, 29 Adorno, Theodor, 197 Benjamin, Walter agalmatophilia, 29 The Arcades Project, 15 Albertine, see Proust Charles Baudelaire, 14, 115, 186, Albertine strategy, 79–81 196, 197, 200 Alcoff, Linda, 162 see also dialectical image allegory, 4, 18, 93 Berger, John, Ways of Seeing, 187 Allen, Virginia, 176–7 Bergner, Gwen and Nicole Plett, 49 Altevers, Nanette, 204n Berman, Marshall, 115 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 159, 160 Bernheimer, Charles, 142 Appignanesi, Lisa, 75 Blake, William, 65, 192 Apter, Emily, 12, 13, 23 Blood, Susan, 117 Arcana, Judith, 161 Bluebeard, 52 archetypes, 156, 171–2 Bonaparte, Marie, The Life and Works Armitt, Lucie, 29, 51 of Edgar Allan Poe, 92–108 Atwood, Margaret, 169 Bonca, Cornel, 66–7 Austen, Jane, 16 Bourget, Paul, 5 automata, 26–51 Braar, S., 27 Bray, Abigail, 112 Bachofen, Johann Jakob, Das Bristow, Joseph and Trev Lynn Mutterrecht, 166 Broughton, The Infernal Desires bad faith, 120–4 of Angela Carter, 170 Bade, Patrick, 142 Britzolakis, Christina, 2–5, 8, 11, 16, Balanchine, George, 50 22, 112, 171, 180, 184, 200 ballet, 47–50 Bronfen, Elisabeth Bandy, W.T., 119 ‘Femme Fatale’, 191, 195 Barthes, Roland, 67, 113, 197, 201 Over Her Dead Body, 58, 62–3, Baudelaire, Charles, 4, 27–8, 109–35, 67–9, 90 140, 141, 179 Brontë, Charlotte, Jane Eyre, 52 ‘Advice to Young Men of Letters’, Brooks, Louise, 136–40 117 Brooks, Peter, 88 ‘Une Charogne’, 130, 133 Brownmiller, Susan, 163 ‘Edgar Allan Poe: His Life and Buck-Morss, Susan, 14, 186 Works’, 117, 118 Bunbury, Stephanie, 32 Intimate Journals, 115 Butler, Judith, 170–1 ‘The Painter of Modern Life’, 116, Byron, Lord, 62, 89 184, 195 ‘Salon of 1846’, 4 The Cabinet of Dr Caligari (film), 100 ‘Sed non satiata’, 124, 133, 134 cabinet fiction, 100 Baudrillard, Jean, 1 Cagney Watts, Helen, 69


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Callen, Anthea, 109 Coppélia (ballet), 28, 32, 47–50 Carlyle, Thomas, Sartor Resartus, 176 Corelli, Marie, The Soul of Lilith, 176 Carter, Angela Courbet, Gustave, 109 ‘Afterword’, Fireworks, 28, 99, 198 Cowie, Elizabeth, 150 ‘Black Venus’, 109–35 Cox, Kenyon, Lilith, 176 The Bloody Chamber, 2 Craciun, Adriana, 148, 195 ‘The Cabinet of Edgar Allan Poe’, Crevel, René, 80 91–108 Croce, Arlene, 55, 64, 90 ‘Femmes Fatales’, 137–40, 194 Crofts, Charlotte, 48, 132 The Infernal Desire Machines of Culler, Jonathan, 17–18, 19 Doctor Hoffman, 26, 28, 65–90 ‘The Language of Sisterhood’, Daly, Mary, 161, 164, 165–8, 192 162–3 Dante, 60, 63 ‘Louise Brooks’, 136–40, 190 Day, Aidan, 51, 164, 172, 187–8 Love, 51 death of the author, 113 ‘The Loves of Lady Purple’, 51 Decadence, 2–6, 11, 20, 22, 25, 27, Lulu, 136, 138 114, 116, 134, 135, 140, 143, The Magic Toyshop, 18, 26–51 144, 152, 153, 186, 198, 199, Nights at the Circus, 114, 190 202 ‘Notes from the Front Line’, 15, De Jonge, Alex, 111 112, 155, 164, 170, 171, 197 De Lauretis, Teresa, 67–8, 78 Nothing Sacred, 66 Délibes, Léo, see Coppélia The Passion of New Eve, 140–1, demythologizing, 171 152–3, 155, 170–96 Derrida, Jacques, 201 ‘Poor Butterfly’, 32 Descartes, René, 29–30 The Sadeian Woman, 6–7, 136, desire, 84–8 140–1, 147, 152–3, 154–69, 171 detailism, 3–6 , 51 dialectical image, 14–15, 54, 200 , 51 Didion, Joan, 157 ‘The Snow Pavilion’, 32 Dijkstra, Bram, 64, 177 ‘Through a Text Backwards: The Diner, Helen, 167 Resurrection of the House of Di Pesa, Pamela, 57 Usher’, 98–9, 103 Djian, Philippe, 89 ‘The Tiger’s Bride’, 32 Doane, Mary Ann, 150, 172–3 , 54, 190 dolls, women as, 26–54 Carter, A.E., 111 Drattell, Deborah, Lilith, 177 castration, 12–13, 42–5 Duncker, Patricia, 2 Chadourne, Marc, Dieu créa d’abord Duval, Jeanne, 109–35 Lilith, 176 Dworkin, Andrea, 7, 13, 16, 155, Christensen, Peter, 27, 28 163 Clapp, Susannah, 136 Clarke, Robert, 2, 7–8, 155 Echols, Alice, 161 class difference, 35–40, 52–4 Eliot, George, Middlemarch, 53 Cohen, John, 30 Eliot, T.S., 115 Collier, Peter, 71 Ellmann, Mary, Thinking About Compagnon, Antoine, 71–2 Women, 16

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Felman, Shoshana, 91–2, 99 Gamman, Lorraine and Merja Felski, Rita Makinen, Female Fetishism: Beyond Feminist Aesthetics, 10 A New Look, 13–14, 190 The Gender of Modernity, 147–8, Gasiorek, Andrzej, 26, 66, 172 195 German Romanticism, 29 feminism ghost plot, 35, 43 and aesthetics, 3–11 Gide, André, 80 cultural feminism, 161–9, 198, Gilbert, Sandra M. and Susan Gubar, 200, 201 177 and fetishism, 12–25 Gilda (film), 149, 170, 172–3, 195 and irony, 15–25 Godard, Jean-Luc, 197 and postmodernism, 8–11 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, femme fatale, 32, 136–96 Faust, 29, 176 Ferreira, Maria Aline Seabra, 171 Goldsworthy, Kerryn, 15, 24, 56 Ferrell, Robyn, 29, 43, 46–7 Gothic, 33–7, 52–4, 100–2 fetishism, 1–6, 12–25 Gourmont, Remy de, Lilith, 176 commodity fetishism, 12, 14, 22, Graves, Robert, The White Goddess, 23, 29, 190 62, 88 Freud’s theory of, 12–14 Greenblatt, Stephen, 103 and irony, 15–25 Griffin, Susan, 161 fiction as literary criticism, 24–5 Grosz, Elizabeth, 13 Fiedler, Leslie, 100 guignon, 112–27 figurative language, 2–3 film noir, 141, 149–53, 191 Haffenden, John, 3, 8, 18, 24, 165, Flaubert, Gustave, 20–1, 141, 144 170, 198 Fokkema, Aleid Haraway, Donna, 20 ‘The Author as Character’, Hayward, Susan, 149 111–12, 113, 116 Hegel, G.W.F., 3–4 Postmodern Characters, 185 Hesiod, Theogony, 57–8 Foucault, Michel, 145, 197, 200 Hoffmann, E.T.A.,‘The Sandman’, France, Anatole, ‘La Fille de Lilith’, 26–50 176, 180, 196 Homer, 57 French, Marilyn, The Women’s Huas, Jeanine, 80 Room, 8 Hugo, Victor, La Fin de Satan, 176 Freud, Sigmund Hutcheon, Linda ‘Fetishism’, 12–13 Irony’s Edge, 24–5, 108 ‘Foreword’, in Bonaparte’s Edgar Poetics of Postmodernism, 113 Allan Poe, 94 Politics of Postmodernism, 111, 201 ‘The Uncanny’, 26, 31–2, 33, 40, Huysman, J.K., À Rebours, 143, 181 41–4 Huyssen, Andreas ‘Mapping the Postmodern’, 10 Gamble, Sarah, 33 ‘The Vamp and the Machine’, Angela Carter: A Literary Life, 36 31–2 The Fiction of Angela Carter, 36, 154, 197 Ingham, Patricia, 35 ‘Something Sacred’, 66 irony, 15–25, 159

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James, Henry in nineteenth-century Western ‘The Altar of the Dead’, 63 art, 197 ‘Maud-Evelyn’, 63 Lindsay, Jack, 109 Jameson, Fredric, 9 Lloyd, Rosemary, 27 Jennings, Michael, 14 Loos, Adolf, ‘Ornament and Jordan, Elaine Crime’, 6 ‘Afterword’, 16 Lukács, Georg, Studies in European ‘Enthralment’, 65, 66 Realism, 4 Jung, Carl, 165–8, 192–3 Lulu, 136–40

Kappeler, Suzanne, 7, 16, 155 Maitland, Sara, 155 Katsavos, Anna, 154 Makinen, Merja, 168–9 Keats, John, ‘Lamia’, 176 Manlove, Colin, 65 Keenan, Sally, 155 Marx, Karl, Das Kapital, 14 Kirkland, Gelsey, Dancing on My maternity, 160–1 Grave, 49–50 Matus, Jill, 110–11 Kleist, Heinrich von, ‘On the McGillis, Roderick, 176 Marionette Theatre’, 29 Mikkonen, Kai, 28, 65 Krauss, Rosalind, 201 Miller Frank, Felicia, 180–1 Kristeva, Julia, 93, 130, 146 Minta, Stephen, 61 mirror, 186–90 La belle au bois dormant, 52 Moi, Toril La Belle, Jenijoy, Herself Beheld, Feminist Theory and Simone de 189–90 Beauvoir, 19 La Boutique fantasque (ballet), 49 Sexual/Textual Politics, 9, 16, Lacan, Jacques, 92, 197 198 Ladenson, Elizabeth, 81 Simone de Beauvoir: The Making of La Mettrie, Julien Offray de, an Intellectual Woman, 121 L’Homme-machine, 30 Monroe, Marilyn, 158 Lathers, Marie, 180 Morgan, Robin, 163 Lederer, Wolfgang, 106 Mortimer, John, 113 Lee, Alison, Angela Carter, 65, 183 Mother Leeming, David and Jake Page, 175 Great Mother, 171, 192 L’Eve future, see Villiers de Phallic Mother, 171 L’Isle-Adam Mulvey, Laura, 149–50, 187, 195 Levinson, André, 49 Munford, Rebecca, 110–12, 114, Lewallen, Avis, 2–3 184 Lilith, 171 muse, 55–135 in Faust, 176 myth, 155, 171 feminist appropriation of, 177–8 in Genesis, 174–5 necrophilia, 95–9, 106–7 in Gentile culture, 176–8 Neumann, Erich, The Great Mother, history of archetype, 173–8 192–4 in Jewish tradition, 174–6 New Woman, 176–7 Leilah as manifestation of, Novalis, 63 179–200 Nutcracker, The, 28

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O’Brien, Edna, 157 The Guermantes Way, 77, 79 O’Brien, Justin, 80–1 In the Shadow of Young Girls in Oedipus, 67–8 Flower, 77 Oelsner, H., 135 Sodom and Gomorrah, 78, 80 Offenbach, Jacques, Les Contes Punter, David, 66, 172, 195 d’Hoffmann/Tales of Hoffmann, 28, 32, 47, 199 Rachilde, 147–8 ornament, 3, 4–6, 179–80, 184 Raymond, Janice, 161 Read, Herbert, 59 Pabst, G.W., 136–40 RealDoll, 29 Palmer, Pauline, 29, 50–1, 67, 86–7 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 3–4 parody, 100 Rhys, Jean, 157 Pasquet, Fabienne, L’Ombre de Rich, Adrienne, 161, 163 Baudelaire, 109 Richardson, Joanna, 111, 135 Patai, Raphael, The Hebrew Goddess, Ridge, George Ross, 144–5 174–6 Rivers, J.E., 74, 80, 81 Peng, Emma Pi-tai, 171 Robinson, Sally, 67–8 Petipa, Marius, see Nutcracker, The Rose, Louis, 190 Petrarch, 60–2, 63, 76, 107 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 176–7 Phallic Mother, 171 Rubenstein, Roberta, 172, 187 Pidduck, Julianne, 152 Rubinson, Gregory J., 172 Pierrot, Jean, 141–2 Pietz, William, 12 Sade, Marquis de, 101, 147–8, 157, Place, Janey, 150–1 158–60, 193 Plaskow, Judith, ‘The Coming of Sage, Lorna Lilith’, 177 Angela Carter, 34, 65, 66 Plato, Ion, 58–9 ‘Death of the Author’, 7, 16 Poe, Edgar Allan, 30, 34, 63, 64, Saint-Léon, Arthur, see Coppélia 91–108, 117–20, 126 Salome, 142–3 ‘Annabel Lee’, 106 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 116 ‘Berenice’, 105, 106 Baudelaire, 120–2, 126, 129–31 ‘The Man of the Crowd’, 97 Being and Nothingness, 120 ‘The Oval Portrait’, 108 Schaafsma, Karen, 193 ‘The Philosophy of Composition’, Schmidt, Ricarda, 66, 172 63, 91 Scholes, Robert and Robert Kellogg, pornography, 2, 154–6, 179 183 postmodernism, 9–11 Schor, Naomi and authorship, 113 Breaking the Chain, 181 Praz, Mario, The Romantic Agony, ‘Fetishism’, 13 134–5, 141–4, 182, 184 ‘Fetishism and Its Ironies’, 20 Preminger, Alex, Frank J. Warnke Reading in Detail, 3, 4–5, 6 and O.B. Hardison, 60 Schumann, Robert, Kreisleriana, 28 Proust, Marcel, 34 Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky, 70, 78 À la recherche du temps perdu, Shaw, G.B., Back to Methuselah, 176 69–90 Shelley, Mary, Frankenstein, 29 Finding Time Again, 75, 76, 81 Smith, Anne, 114, 131

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Socrates, see Plato transposition theory, 80–1 Solanas, Valerie, S.C.U.M. manifesto, Trevenna, Joanne, 170–1 161 Sophia, myth of, 192–4 uncanny, the, 26–7, 32, 33, 41–8, Spacks, Patricia Meyer, 16 54 Spender, Dale, 161, 164 Stables, Kate, 141, 151–2 vagina dentata, 105–6 Stallybrass, Peter and Allon White, Veblen, Thorstein, 14 39 Vickers, Nancy J., 62 Starhawk, 168 Vigneron, Robert, 80 Stoller, Robert, 1, 25 Villiers de L’Isle-Adam, Auguste, 27, Stott, Rebecca, 145–6 32, 153, 180–96 Straayer, Chris, 149 Voltaire, 24 Suleiman, Susan Rubin ‘The Fate of the Surrealist Warning, Rainer, 21–4, 88 Imagination’, 66, 72 Waugh, Patricia, 10–11 Subversive Intent, 16 Wedekind, Franz, 136–40, 194 ‘The Surrealist Imagination in Weir, David, 116, 130 Postmodernist Fiction’, 72 Wetherill, David, 119 surrealism, 197 White, Edmund, 81 Swift, Jonathan, 24 Wood, Gaby, 30–1 Symons, Julian, 97–8 Woolf, Virginia, 9 ‘Modern Fiction’, 73 Tadié, Jean-Yves, 75 ‘Mr Bennett and Mrs Brown’, 73 Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich, see Wright, Elisabeth, 92, 97 Nutcracker, The Wyatt, Jean, 51 Tillotson, Victoria, 111 Tishby, Isaiah, 176 Zahavi, Helen, 169 Todd, Jane Marie, 44–5 Zohar, the, 175, 176, 179

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