Spring 2009 General Issue
Journal of the Short Story in English Les Cahiers de la nouvelle 52 | Spring 2009 General issue Index Nominorum, Issues 41-51 Electronic version URL: http://journals.openedition.org/jsse/960 ISSN: 1969-6108 Publisher Presses universitaires de Rennes Printed version Date of publication: 1 June 2009 ISSN: 0294-04442 Electronic reference « Index Nominorum, Issues 41-51 », Journal of the Short Story in English [Online], 52 | Spring 2009, Online since 01 December 2010, connection on 03 December 2020. URL : http:// journals.openedition.org/jsse/960 This text was automatically generated on 3 December 2020. © All rights reserved Index Nominorum, Issues 41-51 1 Index Nominorum, Issues 41-51 1 Achebe, Chinua, XLVII 177-191; Arrow of God, XLVII 180; Girls at War and Other Stories, XLVII 177-191; No Longer at Ease, XLVII 179; Things Fall Apart, XLVII 179; “Akueke”, XLVII 186; “Girls at War”, XLVII 180; “The Madman”, XLVII 186; “The Sacrificial Egg”, XLVII 180-183, 186; “Uncle Ben’s Choice”, XLVII 180-184 2 Ackroyd, Peter, XL 29-30, 33-34, 37, 40, 43; Albion: The Origins of the English Imagination, XL 43; London: The Biography, XL 43; “London Luminaries and Cockney Visionaries”, XL 43 3 Adams, Henry, XLIX 33, 42; Education, XLIX 42 4 Adorno, Theodor, XLIX 191, 198, L 13, 36, 41, 45; Aesthetic Theory, XLIX 198 5 Aeschylus, XL 86 6 Aesop, XL 38, XLV 15; Fables, XLI 358; “The Viper and the File”, XLV 15 7 Alberti, Leon Battista, L 193 8 Alcott, Louisa May, Little Women, XLI 360 9 Alexie, Sherman, XLI 110-112, 115, XLV 123-134; Indian Killer, XLV 129;
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