Cuantas Palabras Necesitas Para Hablar Inglés? 4 Palabras the You and It 14%
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! ¿Cuantas palabras necesitas para hablar inglés? 4 palabras the you and it 14% 12 palabras 30% to a of not that they we in 23 palabras he so this but on I for have is there will 40% 42 she what just has well one oh with if at all palabras 50% about or as would then because right can 77 no up them out my thing yes do when an really me are your palabras now want some good know from time say people like very 60% yeah two here which could more who other where something how back year look think by make any am see lot way her down come sort use these three 155 go our much their actually those need his him kind tell only should over little day into bit was palabras try why okay us off first than had too five call four last start take went quite still find did 70% probably even gonna might through cos anything laughter week before again been were problem never same big feel question also different sure work long always took school happen course having another nice mean hundred leave get many after thank give saw being meet stuff end number made hear next six pay money place remember maybe going old test home change though house new live part kid interest around write most move done every got today twenty else anyway child buy fact play great job seem knew man night away pound issue own area half bad round gave eight help ten 357 whole everything minute seen may whether student guess whatever car sit bring book name laugh run show word suppose morning must understand month palabras both talk idea seven pretty somebody able item hour side enough ever important late turn between keep thousand few term life nine believe let far sorry set thirty nothing case real second mind woman guy each meeting hard couple love speak group together high friend build family watch country plan fifty send 80% obviously reason yet walk either wait already person open once deal report cannot stop hand alright example cause information please exactly ask ago room answer spend stay rather certainly breath while everybody clear eat perhaps early care pick type matter such until read hope level small line close phone least under someone system cost state sometimes paper top concern since true true order government sound tomorrow its service wrong lose easy anon water program parent break agree interesting business within door drive sense means stand basically process hold cut moment girl known past without learn young anybody teacher become member does train class forty company begin fine support head world nineteen dad view decide finish expect particular wanted percent shop situation involve check along full form sell story certain local ring figure twelve wonder boy usually public less worry later funny yesterday doing road discussion front record across absolutely short policy difficult teach mine piece provide comment cover mother almost seeing list difference ninety against forget page light happy yourself myself dollar cough tape mum allow wear forward follow experience clock listen reading decision mention somewhere eighty bloody age outside letter during language card large stick base picture table enjoy party continue pass add sixty often fall grow general drink carry response price include bed position soon suggest office possible fifteen sign face draw low although dog present amount market sing save game lovely fuck choice ready food die health color community mathematics miss address town win foot raise discuss committee pull box dear consider rest increase nobody computer budget fun depend particularly study tonight everyone afternoon 1056 notice interested baby chance standard especially middle press till million seventy city realize score third weekend black lead result fit getting staff control definitely conversation further straight free shall meant develop college opportunity near ought bear comes date offer grade toward war throw major charge rate individual music doctor husband force load effect wish team eleven worth brief law unless future behind site white special main trouble project father quality themselves sleep share available hit knowing fair news bottom strong note step subject clean wife machine cool drop land period bother development detail marry power tax knows benefit cold imagine vote hang education anyone national fire council instead bill catch tend account statement board summer text brother didn't fairly holiday dinner fund sister noise push bye accept police kill travel explain movie building hair specific tea hate palabras putting center looks degree choose research body rule produce size ahead fill extra value bag stage eye window park hot document relate evening itself several product wonderful calculator relationship floor hospital plus quick lady mile aware contact single copy training towards aye effort review trade sale totally therefore air church visit hell awful action completely affect cheap receive require street red focus surprise apply correct wanna gotta needs various bet normally purpose bus create eighteen ground cook clearly indeed structure touch actual prepare space section design flat simply agreement department inside wash manage quarter material credit chair measure key event earlier wall social breathe contract fish lunch paint son fast district tree approach message bank drug personal programme fight exist field political act cat singing balance film practice private double beautiful organization authority shout expensive green range role economic store apparently likely leg throat normal quickly trip limit feeling daughter mark colour anywhere basis coffee separate thought wan fourteen join return data otherwise sixteen blue argument assume yours birthday unit except simple university trying 90% nearly works necessarily beginning basic respect ball square history poor common dress security longer total onto direction fly manager pressure complete glass mom lift crime similar recognize nurse station video union society equal garden serious lie activity breathing meaning encourage possibly plant bar assessment schedule final proposal describe model understanding wow industry gosh recently serve background option himself block solve reach exam refer appropriate customer regard insurance sheet cross favorite finally arm busy interview handle tire however access thirteen link officer condition excuse cent count television roll centre terrible sentence quid file dead extend shut fix club voice generally attention conference knowledge match huge cup goal topic smoke ooh datum feed apart blow gives represent administration bottle weather exercise human post weight afford court rid stupid responsibility skill gas knock management clothes gun none weird lipsmack corner amaze briefing hopefully odd recommendation traffic god compare improve instance heart useful direct multiple content upon horse nature lay sick fourth appear shit treat function death pack property shoot liked positive debate jump reckon speech cell current resource application indicate aspect bedroom hurt whereas income leader release dry ticket radio warm context kitchen tie camp region wind necessary telephone motion storey beyond claim mix zero county glad inaudible identify respond rain heavy shoe ability passage patient waste twice print doubt quiet ride football bloke careful rent progress evidence welcome eventually forth propose oppose faculty military average due excellent strange procedure slightly economy honest newspaper strike math character environment ourselves beat reduce difficulty horrible regular challenge risk excite achieve above argue classroom seat target collect wine additional spell recommend safe art hey minus heat advance pair boat milk track extent afraid operation switch kick scale organize technology flight left reasonable oil agenda housing anymore medium remain occur possibility sample session draft mess wide introduce attack hole meal dark invite task cry opinion pub campaign factor mostly quote burn proper properly lucky player upstairs financial ours animal seventeen express sigh testing brilliant international smell accident trust stock bore teaching worker science song appreciate pool magazine capital amazing unfortunately sees chicken taxi lad shape relation graduate mummy somehow performance sport suggestion element north remind original shouting joke reform yard mate bread lock population advertise whisper blah dance firm protect technical framework safety scheme professional supply reference client election specifically paragraph wake arrive establish neat stress pattern slow wood article thinks reflect eighth prefer restaurant operate foreign appointment comfortable pop chapter deep library cake winter tool male advice swim thinking chocolate commit engineer favor advantage helpful folk blood shopping impact solution settlement commitment south easily attitude damage suit official alone influence personally mistake silly construct taste sad willing sweet race facility mail cream grant likes bike define principle investment 2278 medical independent extremely negative sex instruction ship daddy plate circumstance objective hotel demand colleague afterward lesson whispering treatment finger sir pain package peace sector request requirement throughout flower cash overall memory rich determine village tough culture immediately resolution confuse farm female speed tired length upset deliver directly neighbor afterwards shift egg mouth reaction rise suddenly fail natural strategy significant version photograph wed energy attempt previous spot plenty provision ice cheese federal central chip coat responsible variety everywhere whenever judge intend