Castro Agrees Tractors Swap

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Castro Agrees Tractors Swap ■ \, - N. FRTOAY, JUNE f , IM l Averege Deily Net Frees Run W' FAGB TWENTT-FOUR ver ttw W e^ b m m The Weether dlattrlfPBter !Et>raf|tg litra ld J nM t, ISSl ForMasI et O. 8. WeatlMr neime MoMly cloudy, warm. ‘kaaiMI, The Manrhaatar Junior Bqaara pmrt Nsfsni Bhlpbulldlag aad Dry* Mre. Barbara Xlato oC BeMM- psranee Vako wiU msst in ths 13,330 Earie A. Howard Jr„ sen of Mr. ln*^*toS^S afTe’dloek^ LT.WOODCO., •howera or HSraadorolioworli toalsht Dance will bold a daaea os the and Mrs. Karla A. Howard. 61 8. dock Oo., Newport NewK Vo. berg, aermany. is vMttog hsr aoa- South MstliodlM Chunfli at 1 i».m. MMHbar «f the . and Saaday. Low toalslit la SSik About Toivn Weat Bide Recraatkai tannla to-law and damfiitor, Mr.'and Mrs. night Thhi wtil be tho final aaat- B m w «f I oourta from 7:90 to 10 tanlibt. Adams Btn recently was promoted Hsnry Bsran, 193 Hhwthonia 8t, MMday toi tta ngulaf msottog. Ing for tha gimiMr. IC E P U N T Hlfh Snaday 75 to 80. Ito ^ card*, Klaga Dkustiten, Stan Best will be caller. In caae of to quartam snter second dase, Robert Whiter AaderaoB, son of aftor a Jst flight to this opontry. Members are asked to have thw Manch0Bter--—A City o f VilUme Charm aleet orioen at ita final meet- USN, while serving with the pre- Mr. and M n. Walter-A. Ajadwraon. flowera anrongad to oentainsrs for tain, the dance will take dh^e fibs plans .to remain hsre for a the annual flower mlaolon a t 3 Intermedlato Hoop 15, ftfl 81 B n n u . m u o n Imr the anaaon tmtil September in the recreation lobby. Uee Ptaa, commissioning detail of the nu­ 9b Avondale Rd., recently took three-montii visit. In tba FU knral^ Room at Center clear-powered fleet ballistic mis­ part to 8 spring oonoert Ira th* o’clock. Members wlahtog to aew aoouta. will hold a bake sale at T an IkMfi From MUa IS. ' . VOL. LXXX, NO. $18 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION^UBURBIA TODAY) MANCHESTER, CdNN., SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1981 (CZaaained Advertftlaf oa Ibaga 0) Paul Pratt, and Jcrim Wllllamaon Hale’8 Deportment Store temor- ' At Stole Thei^ PRICE F iv e CENTS OinUTUpHnMi Church Monday will alao alternate as callers for sile submarine, USS Sam Houston, l^as club of Bryant CoUsge, Provl- on stuff!ea at 9:80 a.m. Mbnday after tta ammal dinner at Cavey’a future dances every third Friday under construction at the New- Reetanrast nt d:30 pja. of each month. Tlw Man’a FeHowahip League of Ministers and lay delefatea of Trial Set the Sam tion Army will meet to­ South Mettiodist Church are at­ morrow at <:30 p.m. at the home tending the New Bnadand South­ SUPERVISED FREE PARKIN& REAR OF STORE of Thomaa Maxwell, 71 Llnnmore ern Annual Conference in Edgar- IlTn Ibr an outdoor meeting. In town, Maas. Those attendiiw are OnTower lo«w*^'Castro Agrees event of rain, members will meet the Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Al­ at the Salvation Army Tooth Cen­ mond, the Rev. Percy Spurrier. ter. Herbert J. McKinney and Mr. and Three Awaitmg Mrs. M. Philip Suing. D isaster Youth of the Tear Awards will Sentences for " for Flowers " be presented and new officers of HOUSE Washington, June 10 — Far All Occasions, Irt the Hi-League of Emanuel Luther­ Fake Accidents an Church will be installed at a The Air Force has ordered e Tractors Swap Youth Banquet tomorrow at 6:30 colonel to face a court martial Goba's Flowers p.m. in Luther Hall. The Rev. Paul in the collapse of a radar Hartford, June 10 (JP)— Gall PAUL BL'ETlTfEB C. Kaiser, pastor of Concordia Lu­ “Texas Tower” that dragged Three men are acheduled to be (Fennerly with Peattand’a) theran Church, will be guest speak­ 28 men to their death in the sentenced June 16 for being im BUKKSIDE AVE. er. HALE involved in a fake accident Atlantic Ocean. EAST HARTFORD. racket. Mrs. Alfred Sundquiat was elect­ MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER The offlcor, Col. Wiiliam M. Asks Trade OeBverles Daily la, Maeeheetet Banka, h u bom charged wlUi be­ Two of them—Stanley Plkul, 40, ed chairman of the Manchester Newington, and George Kania. 29, JA 8-SOas or MI S-S47C auxiliary of Children's Services of ing derelict In duty by failing to JANTZEN keep himaelf Informed. Hartford—were found guilty by a # • Connecticut recently at a luncheon superior court Jury yesterday. 'Die On Political meeting at her home, 50 Wyilys Eianka waa in command of tho Beaton Air Defenae Canter arid the Jmy deliberated for only 16 St. She succeeds Mrs. Philip Hol- tower was part of Ita radar net­ minutes. way. Other new officers are Mrs. work. PikuTs lawyer, who pictured P riso n ers Wbiripool WaslMrs, William Qlenney Jr., vice chair­ . The court martial waa 'ordered his client as "A rose in a bed o f man; Mrs. Robert Dennison, secre­ dandelions," argued against ..the yeaterday by the air defenae com­ By CARLOS M. OUTIEBSEZ Drftrt tary, and Mrs. Cleorge Walker, mander. Lt. Gen. Robert M. Lee. conviction and said an appeal will treasurer. Mri. Robert Alesbury The Air Force indicated the mili­ be filed with the State Supreme Havana, June 10 (^P)—Fidel PricM OS Low, was chairman of the nominating tary trial may > convene within a Court of Errors. Castro said early today he will Strvie* Thfirt's lttt* r committee. week. * Kania's lawyer aaid his client also may file an appeal. receive a 4-man bargainingr Vacation Bible School workers Charges against two other offl- The third man, Leroy Hendricks. team from the United States will Meet Monday at 10 a.m. at cera—Majs. William R. Sheppard 40. Hartford, pleaded guilty dur­ to work out details of swap­ Potterton's Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church. c- and Reginald L. Stark—were dla- ing the trial Thiirsday. IM Center St.~Oor. of Church mlsaed. Both had been serving un­ ping 1,200 captive Cuban reb­ der Bknka. Lee also dismias^ a After the Jury returned its ver­ els for BOO tractors. charge against Banks of culpable dict yesterday, Judge Thomas E. But the .bearded prim* minister negligence resulting in death. Troland said he would postpone raised anew his alternate proposal Banks la from Raleigh, W. Va. sentencing Pikul and Kania until to trade the rebel* captured to the ENJOY 'The tower, officially known as probation officials can complete a abortive April invasion for ’‘politi­ Correction No. 4 but unaffectionately known pre-sentencing Investigation. cal prisoners” held by the United by Its crow aa "Old Shaky," back­ Pikul and Kania face up to 15 States, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua and The item "Whole Chick™” was L I F E with lit and sank in an Atlantic gale years imprisonment for con.spirlng Guatemala. tneorrectJy advertised In yester­ Jan. 15. to obtain money by false pre­ Castro noUfied the U.S. Tractore- day’s Herald. The description MILLER HIGH LIFE Standing on three atllt-llke legs tenses. for-Freedom Committee that he should have read: In open sea. No. 4 had been bat­ Stale Police said the two were 'Would receive its technicians, pro­ tered and weakened by hurricanes passengers in a car driven by Mel­ vided they have full power to nu- in handy 6-paks Daisy and Donna, and It waa in­ vin Muravnick of Hartford which goUate the tractor-prisemer deal as clined to aw:ay and vibrate like a Jenny Lind for 1961 was rammed from the rear by a "spelled out” by the Cuban Prison­ 3 Lb. 6 Oz. Can tuning fork. C ard Raymond (right) 17-year-old Stratford girl, clutche.s tro­ truck in Hartford Sept. 28. The ers Mission sent to the United phy and bouquet after she was chosen last night for the role rf truck wa.s driven by Gillis Lenieux States to broach hU offer. "There were tlmea . when the Jenny Lind in Bridgeport’s 13th annual Barnum Festival eelebra- of Hartford, men lay In their bunks and practi­ Police said the mishap appeared The Freedom Committee an­ tion. With her is "Trudy Thaler of Fairfield, the 1960 winner, nounced in Detroit its bargaining 99e cally cried because the thing who next week begins advanced music study "iinder a Metropolitan to be an ordinary traffic accident swayed ao," the sister of one of until an investigation ordered by team will fly to Havana Monday. Opera Guild 4-Vear scholarship which may lead to a career for In his note to the freedom group, NOT t, 1 Lb. « Os. Cans the loet. crewmen has recalled. her in the Met. (AP Photofax). State’.s'Att.v. .John D. LaBelle dis­ The wife of another received a closed that the whole accident had Caatro said he would have prefer­ letter from her husband which been planned to collect Insurance red leading members of the com­ said: claims for injuries. mittee itself, Mrs. FranMto D. POPULAR "1 hope it (the tower) lasts long Lemieu.x and Muravnick im­ Roosevelt and Milton Eisenhower, :«nough to get home and see you mediately confessed and impli­ The powerful force of a tornado is shown in this photo of the church in Ravenna, Ky., where a ecore come to Havana, "But that U not and the kids again.’? V Truckers Angered cated the others. Stale Police of children were injured yesterdav afternoon. (AP Photofax). indispenaable." MARKET _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f>----------------------------------------- He Insisted, however, that the It didn’t.
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