That's All Folks!

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That's All Folks! That’s All Folks! That’s right, folks – ALL BINGOS STARTING with EACH LETTER of the ALPHABET. compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club All 7s Starting S- SABATON AABNOST piece of armor for foot [n -S] SABAYON AABNOSY sauce of whipped egg yolks, sugar, and wine [n -S] SABBATH AABBHST sabbat (assembly of demons and witches) [n -S] SABBATS AABBSST SABBAT, assembly of demons and witches [n] SABBING ABBGINS SAB, to sob (to cry with convulsive catching of breath) [v] SABEING ABEGINS SABE, to savvy (to understand (to grasp mentally)) [v] SABERED ABDEERS SABER, to strike with saber (type of sword) [v] SABICUS ABCISSU SABICU, Caribbean tree [n] SABINES ABEINSS SABINE, savin (evergreen shrub) [n] SABKHAS AABHKSS SABKHA, coastal, flat, periodically flooded area in northern Africa [n] SABLEST ABELSST SABLE, dark, gloomy [adj] SABOTED ABDEOST SABOT, wooden shoe [adj] SABRING ABGINRS SABRE, to saber (to strike with saber (type of sword)) [v] SACATON AACNOST perennial grass [n -S] SACBUTS ABCSSTU SACBUT, sackbut (medieval trombone) [n] SACCADE AACCDES rapid, jerky movement of eye [n -S] SACCATE AACCEST having sac (pouch-shaped structure in animal or plant) [adj] SACCULE ACCELSU small sac [n -S] SACCULI ACCILSU SACCULUS, saccule (small sac) [n] SACHEMS ACEHMSS SACHEM, Native American chief [n] SACHETS ACEHSST SACHET, small bag containing perfumed powder [n] SACKBUT ABCKSTU medieval trombone [n -S] SACKERS ACEKRSS SACKER, one that sacks (to put into sack (large bag)) [n] SACKFUL ACFKLSU as much as sack can hold [n -S, -KSFUL] SACKING ACGIKNS material for making sacks [n -S] / SACK, to put into sack (large bag) [v] SACLIKE ACEIKLS resembling sac (pouch-shaped structure in animal or plant) [adj] SACQUES ACEQSSU SACQUE, loose-fitting dress [n] SACRALS AACLRSS SACRAL, vertebra or nerve situated near sacrum [n] SACRING ACGINRS consecration of bread and wine of Eucharist [n -S] SACRIST ACIRSST person in charge of sacristy [n -S] SACRUMS ACMRSSU SACRUM, bone of pelvis [n] SADDENS ADDENSS SADDEN, to make sad [v] SADDEST ADDESST SAD, unhappy (marked by joy) [adj] SADDHUS ADDHSSU SADDHU, sadhu (Hindu holy man) [n] SADDISH ADDHISS somewhat sad [adj] SADDLED ADDDELS SADDLE, to put saddle (leather seat for rider) on [v] SADDLER ADDELRS one that makes, repairs, or sells saddles [n -S] SADDLES ADDELSS SADDLE, to put saddle (leather seat for rider) on [v] SADIRON ADINORS heavy flatiron [n -S] SADISMS ADIMSSS SADISM, tendency to take delight in inflicting pain [n] SADISTS ADISSST SADIST, one marked by sadism [n] SADNESS ADENSSS state of being sad (unhappy (not happy (marked by joy))) [n -ES] SAFARIS AAFIRSS SAFARI, to go on hunting expedition [v] SAFFRON AFFNORS flowering plant [n -S] SAFROLE AEFLORS poisonous liquid [n -S] That’s All Folks! That’s right, folks – ALL BINGOS STARTING with EACH LETTER of the ALPHABET. compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club SAFROLS AFLORSS SAFROL, safrole (poisonous liquid) [n] SAGAMAN AAAGMNS writer of sagas [n -MEN] SAGAMEN AAEGMNS SAGAMAN, writer of sagas [n] SAGBUTS ABGSSTU SAGBUT, sackbut (medieval trombone) [n] SAGGARD AADGGRS saggar [n -S] SAGGARS AAGGRSS SAGGAR, to bake in saggar (protective clay casing) [v] SAGGERS AEGGRSS SAGGER, to saggar (to bake in saggar (protective clay casing)) [v] SAGGIER AEGGIRS SAGGY, characterized by sagging [adj] SAGGING AGGGINS SAG, to bend or sink downward from weight or pressure [v] SAGIEST AEGISST SAGY, flavored with sage [adj] SAGUARO AAGORSU tall cactus [n -S] SAHIWAL AAHILSW any of breed of humped dairy cattle [n -S] SAHUARO AAHORSU saguaro (tall cactus) [n -S] SAILERS AEILRSS SAILER, vessel that sails [n] SAILING AGIILNS act of one that sails [n -S] / SAIL, to move across surface of water by action of wind [v] SAILORS AILORSS SAILOR, member of ship's crew [n] SAIMINS AIIMNSS SAIMIN, Hawaiian noodle soup [n] SAINING AGIINNS SAIN, to make sign of cross on [v] SAINTED ADEINST SAINT, to declare to be saint (person of exceptional holiness) [v] SAINTLY AILNSTY of or befitting saint [adj -LIER, -LIEST] SAIYIDS ADIISSY SAIYID, sayyid (lord; sir -- used as title of respect for Muslim dignitary) [n] SALAAMS AAALMSS SALAAM, to greet with low bow [v] SALABLE AABELLS capable of being or fit to be sold [adj] SALABLY AABLLSY SALABLE, capable of being or fit to be sold [adv] SALAMIS AAILMSS SALAMI, seasoned sausage [n] SALCHOW ACHLOSW figure-skating jump [n -S] SALICIN ACIILNS chemical compound [n -S] SALIENT AEILNST part of fortification projecting closest to enemy [n -S] SALINAS AAILNSS SALINA, pond, marsh, or lake containing salt water [n] SALINES AEILNSS SALINE, salt solution [n] SALIVAS AAILSSV SALIVA, fluid secreted by glands of mouth [n] SALLETS AELLSST SALLET, light medieval helmet [n] SALLIED ADEILLS SALLY, to rush out suddenly [v] SALLIER AEILLRS one that sallies (to rush out suddenly) [n -S] SALLIES AEILLSS SALLY, to rush out suddenly [v] SALLOWS ALLOSSW SALLOW, to make sallow [v] SALLOWY ALLOSWY abounding in willow trees [adj] SALMONS ALMNOSS SALMON, food fish [n] SALMONY ALMNOSY resembling salmon (food fish) [adj] SALOONS ALNOOSS SALOON, tavern (place where liquor is sold to be drunk on premises) [n] SALOOPS ALOOPSS SALOOP, hot drink made from infusion of aromatic herbs [n] SALPIAN AAILNPS salpa (free-swimming tunicate) [n -S] SALPIDS ADILPSS SALPID, salpa (free-swimming tunicate) [n] SALPINX AILNPSX anatomical tube [n -S] SALSIFY AFILSSY European herb [n -S] SALTANT AALNSTT jumping or dancing [adj] That’s All Folks! That’s right, folks – ALL BINGOS STARTING with EACH LETTER of the ALPHABET. compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club SALTBOX ABLOSTX type of house [n -ES] SALTERN AELNRST place where salt is produced [n -S] SALTERS AELRSST SALTER, one that salts (to treat with salt (crystalline compound used as seasoning and preservative)) [n] SALTERY AELRSTY factory where fish is salted for storage [n -RIES] SALTEST AELSSTT SALT, salty (tasting of or containing salt) [adj] SALTIER AEILRST saltire (heraldic design) [n -S] / SALTY, tasting of or containing salt [adj] SALTIES AEILSST SALTIE, deep-sea vessel sailing Great Lakes [n] SALTILY AILLSTY in salty (tasting of or containing salt) manner [adv] SALTINE AEILNST salted cracker [n -S] SALTING AGILNST land regularly flooded by tides [n -S] / SALT, to treat with salt (crystalline compound used as seasoning and preservative) [v] SALTIRE AEILRST heraldic design [n -S] SALTISH AHILSST somewhat salty [adj] SALTPAN AALNPST large pan for making salt by evaporation [n -S] SALUKIS AIKLSSU SALUKI, tall, slender dog [n] SALUTED ADELSTU SALUTE, to greet with sign of welcome or respect [v] SALUTER AELRSTU one that salutes (to greet with sign of welcome or respect) [n -S] SALUTES AELSSTU SALUTE, to greet with sign of welcome or respect [v] SALVAGE AAEGLSV to save from loss or destruction [v -D, -GING, -S] SALVERS AELRSSV SALVER, tray or serving platter [n] SALVIAS AAILSSV SALVIA, flowering plant [n] SALVING AGILNSV SALVE, to soothe (to restore to quiet or normal state) [v] SALVOED ADELOSV SALVO, to discharge firearms simultaneously [v] SALVOES AELOSSV SALVO, to discharge firearms simultaneously [v] SALVORS ALORSSV SALVOR, salvager (one that salvages (to save from loss or destruction)) [n] SALWARS AALRSSW SALWAR, shalwar (pair of loose trousers worn by some women of India) [n] SAMADHI AADHIMS state of concentration in yoga [n -S] SAMARAS AAAMRSS SAMARA, dry, one-seeded fruit [n] SAMBAED AABDEMS SAMBA, to perform Brazilian dance [v] SAMBALS AABLMSS SAMBAL, spicy condiment [n] SAMBARS AABMRSS SAMBAR, large Asian deer [n] SAMBHAR AABHMRS sambar (large Asian deer) [n -S] SAMBHUR ABHMRSU sambar (large Asian deer) [n -S] SAMBOES ABEMOSS SAMBO, Latin American of mixed black and Indian ancestry [n] SAMBUCA AABCMSU ancient stringed instrument [n -S] SAMBUKE ABEKMSU sambuca (ancient stringed instrument) [n -S] SAMBURS ABMRSSU SAMBUR, sambar (large Asian deer) [n] SAMECHS ACEHMSS SAMECH, samek (Hebrew letter) [n] SAMEKHS AEHKMSS SAMEKH, samek (Hebrew letter) [n] SAMIELS AEILMSS SAMIEL, simoom (hot, dry desert wind) [n] SAMIEST AEIMSST SAMEY, lacking variety [adj] SAMISEN AEIMNSS Japanese stringed instrument [n -S] SAMITES AEIMSST SAMITE, silk fabric [n] SAMLETS AELMSST SAMLET, young salmon [n] SAMOSAS AAMOSSS SAMOSA, filled pastry turnover [n] SAMOVAR AAMORSV metal urn for heating water [n -S] SAMOYED ADEMOSY any of Siberian breed of medium-sized white or cream-colored sled dogs [n -S] That’s All Folks! That’s right, folks – ALL BINGOS STARTING with EACH LETTER of the ALPHABET. compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club SAMPANS AAMNPSS SAMPAN, flat-bottomed Chinese skiff [n] SAMPLED ADELMPS SAMPLE, to test representative portion of whole [v] SAMPLER AELMPRS one that samples (to test representative portion of whole) [n -S] SAMPLES AELMPSS SAMPLE, to test representative portion of whole [v] SAMSARA AAAMRSS cycle of birth, death, and rebirth in Buddhism [n -S] SAMSHUS AHMSSSU SAMSHU, Chinese liquor [n] SAMURAI AAIMRSU Japanese warrior [n -S] SANCTUM ACMNSTU sacred place [n -TA, -S] SANDALS AADLNSS SANDAL, to provide with sandals (light, open shoes) [v] SANDBAG AABDGNS to surround with bags of sand (loose granular rock material) [v -GGED, -GGING, -S] SANDBAR AABDNRS ridge of sand formed in river or sea [n -S] SANDBOX ABDNOSX box containing sand for children to play in [n -ES] SANDBUR ABDNRSU annual herb [n -S] SANDDAB AABDDNS small flatfish [n -S] SANDERS ADENRSS SANDER, one that sands (to smooth by rubbing with abrasive) [n] SANDFLY ADFLNSY biting fly [n -LIES] SANDHIS ADHINSS SANDHI, process of phonetic modification [n] SANDHOG
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