FAA Noise Hearing
J _- ?l-o/ ' / __:r_ EPA 550/9-76-012 1976 REASSESSMENT OF NOISE CONCERNS OF OTHER NATIONS VOLUME- II COUNTRY-BY-COUNTRY REVIEWS AUGUST 1976 U.S.EnvironmentalProtectionAgency Washington,D.C. 20460 TECHNICAL REPORT DATA (Pleasere#dI_tzr_etlonson there_enebe[orecompletlnFJ 1,REPORTNO, 2. 3. RECIPIENT'SACCESSION'NO. 4,TITLE ANDSUBTITLE 5. REPORTDA E 1976 REASSESSMENT OF NOISE CONCERNS OF August _976 OTHER NATIONS 5. PERFORMINGOROANIZAT4DNCODE VOLUME II -- COUNTRY-BY-COUNTRY REVIEWS I, AUTHORiSI _, PERFORMING OROANIZATION REPORT NO Carl tvtodig, GhDiib Khouri, John Stapanchuk, George Cer_iy I, PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT NO, lnformatice Inc. 6000 Executive Blvd. 11,CONTRACTIGRANTNO. Rockville, MD 20852 68-01-3115 12. SPONSORI NO AGENCY NAME AND ADDRESS 13. TyPE OF REPORT AND PERIOD COVERED Office of Noise .Abatement and Control 14, SPONSORING AGENCY CODE Environmental ]Protection Agency Washington, DC 20460 1E, SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Supplements: "An Assessment of Noise Concerns of Other Nations" 1971 NTZS NoR: PB-206721, PB-Z06712. 1E. AESTRACT A review of noise abatement programs around the world (except the U.S.) including laws, regulations, g_ide[ines, criteria, governmental organizations, plans, reeearc_ etc., with bibliography and contact addresses to facilitate further inquiry. Volume 15 contains country reviews of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Sweden. Canadi, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Finland, France, Switzerland, West German)., Nether- lands, Unltedl_iagdom, Israel, Italy, Japan, Norway, Potand, Soviet Union; Latin American Countries, South Africa, and Spain. (Vol. I contains a summary" and a toplc-by-toplc review.) Each country review is structured around anoutIine: (I) nationai laws, regulations and guidelines (occupational. emissions limits, zoning, other), (2) provincial and local tags[ framework, (3) enforcement and institutional data.
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